Transcripts For MSNBCW The Last Word With Lawrence ODonnell

Transcripts For MSNBCW The Last Word With Lawrence ODonnell 20170813 00:00:00

your time. >> thank you, joy. >> you can catch me tomorrow. in the meantime, keep it right here on msnbc. >> joy, thanks very much. we're going to continue our coverage right here on msnbc through the next hour keeping everybody up to speed on the violence that happened in charlottesville today and we continue with the breaking news coverage and there have been three deaths that happened today all caused by the white nationalist in charlottesville, virginia. the governor, terry mccaauliffe said that a 32-year-old female was killed by police -- killed -- excuse me. by the driver of that car. police are calling this a criminal homicide investigation. a male driver plowed into this group of counterprotesters. they were targeted.
nine others were injured. the hospital says five in critical condition and four in serious condition. police tell nbc news that the driver of the vehicle that caused the woman's death then fled the scene but is now in custody. as you see with this video, the car without braking mowed down counterprotesters with bodies flying into the air upon contact. the driver backing up and then injuring others as he escaped. shortly before 5:00 p.m., a virginia state police helicopter crashed and killed two officers who had been patrolling the white nationalist rally. the crash marked a very long day. violent clashes on the ground. white nationalists clashed with police. tear gas was released into the crowd. a witness says that the white nationalists committed an act of terrorism. >> what happens, when
pedestrians get plowed into by an automobile, is called a terrorist attack. this should be called what it was. somebody has died for the white nationalist cause on american soil. >> shortly after the incident, president trump spoke. >> we condemn in the strongest possible terms this egregious display of hatred, bigotry and violence on many sides. it's been going on for a long time in our country. not barack obama, not barack obama. it's been going on for a long, long time. there's no place in america. what is vital now is a swift restoration of law & order and the protection of innocent lives. no citizen should ever fear for their safety and security in our
society, no matter our color, creed, religion or political party we are all americans first. >> but the president is taking some heat for not condemning the white nationalists by name and governor terry mcauliffe a while ago did that. taking on the white supremacist and nazis. >> i have a message for the white supremacist and nazis that came into charlottesville. go home. you are not wanted in this great commonwealth. shame on you. >> so strong words there. we're trying to get new information about the helicopter crash that happened just before 5:00 p.m. when we learned about that happening just southwest of the city of charlottesville. two troopers lost their lives in that. so i want to get you back to the
scene. joining me is tom costello. i know you've had ran opportunity to speak with some eyewitnesss and this has been a hellacious day for people in charlottesville and for people in the police community having to deal with the clashes and then the loss of life of one person and now two troopers. >> reporter: that's right. this has been a horrific day of racist rhetoric, of who would have imagined that in 2017 we're talking about one of the biggest gatherings of white nationalists, of kkks, of neo-nazis and of this alt-right white nationalist movement in decades. behind me, we're at the scene where that car, according to the police, intentionally mowed down counterprotesters, killing at least one woman and just seconds before you came here, they brought in the state police crime investigation, forensics trucks. so this looks to be like this will be part of the
two state troopers killed in that. so all of this comes together to create one of the most horrific days in charlottesville, at least in recent memory and history. all of that you'll recall is the statue of the confederate war general robert e. lee which charlottesville's city council voted to remove from the middle of the town and that sparked this outrage from the white nationalists, from the alt-right movement, who thought that in fact he should -- that that statue should not be taken down and it represents, in their view, an attack on white nationalism, on their religion, and in the view of some that we talked to, the white man in the south. so that created the tension. it boiled over last night in really an eerie scene at nightfall we saw many of the white nationalists coming through the streets of charlottesville carrying torches
and it was reminiscent of those scenes that we saw in nazi, germany, in the '30s in which you saw people coming with torches through kristallnacht. it was really very eerie. these people say they were here to defend their culture that is being sabotaged by the ruling class and ruling party and they think an attitude in the country of political correctness. that fed into the boiling point that we saw today and it was a horrific day. one last thought. police are everywhere in this town of charlottesville. the largest deployment of virginia state troopers in decades. they are everywhere in this town. the county police are everywhere. they are determined not to have a repeat of this and they have essentially declared all of this an unlawful gathering.
the question is, will they come back? back to you. >> the governor in his statement was pretty determined in saying, go home, get out, there's really no place for you here, especially with these types of views. tom, when it comes to the crash site, i know that's some distance outside of charlottesville, but have police said or any investigators given any intelligence as to the cause of this crash? i know that it was an aircraft that was being used to monitor the white nationalist rally. >> it was a bell helicopter. i apologize. i don't have the model in front of me. it was a bell and state trooper helicopter. there's no indication that that was brought down by fire. in other words, by somebody firing on the chopper. we believe preliminarily that this is unrelated to the
incident insofar as why it went down. >> and it is a question to ask about why it had come under some kind of an attack because of the confirmation from so many eyewitnesss of carrying firearms, open firearms -- >> reporter: yes. but i do need to stress this, because it crashed several miles away from charlottesville and from where we are. i have nothing from anybody to suggest that that may have been a factor. we'll continue to ask the questions. >> great, tom. thank you very much. the police chief, too, they did not give much insight. terry mcauliffe, about details of the two troopers. >> careful about the conjecture. >> absolutely. our tom costello on the scene there for us. i want to bring in now karen wood. she was very close to the site
where that driver, the man now in custody, used his vehicle to ram into a crowd of counterprotesters today. can you hear me? >> yes. >> how close were you do the scene? >> i don't know. probably a hundred yards. i saw a vehicle that sped into people. we were just there and suddenly people were screaming and we saw someone running back and then suddenly the vehicle reversed and sped back in reverse. and it was dragging its back bumper.
>> were you aware of the events that happened between the counterprotesters and the people there for the unite the right rally? >> i was there on july 7th for the early kkk rally and then for the whole thing and then today i was just there to support a friend who was alone. i didn't want her to be by herself. >> she was a unite the right -- >> no, she was a counterproteste counterprotesters. >> did you realize at the time what had happened or were you just kind of in shock of what you were seeing? >> we were all kind of in shock. we thought, was there a bomb going off? was it dragging a person? we didn't know.
i'm an american indian. to see this happen in my town, i have a lot of history. it's not okay what's happening right now. >> karenne, your reaction, did you have a chance to see the governor speak and his message? >> not yet. >> he was saying that for people that have this view of the white supremacy, to go home. there's no place for it here. do you agree with that statement? >> absolutely. what they're saying is that they are the indigenous people of america and it's so wrong. >> that's true. >> so far from the truth. >> the governor brought that up as well, saying that unless you're a native american, you are an immigrant and you are related genetically to an immigrant of this country. thank you for your time. i'm glad you're okay. joining me right now for more on
this is shawn henry and president of crowd strike services. also with me retired nypd lieutenant as well as terrorism analyst and senior partner at flash point evan coleman. good to have you with me. evan, the fact that this is what many people -- and we've heard from our elected leaders and other people in trying to classify this as an act of terrorism. is it fair to call it that? >> we don't know the identity of the person who carried this out or his exact motivation. it does appear to be an intentional act. based on the video, it's hard to imagine how this could have been an accident. we have to be careful. we can't get ahead of what the authorities are going to say. you look at this and i think the natural inclination is to compare this to what happened in nice and a variety of other incidents where people have used
vehicles like this. should we be reacting to this like it was isis or anyone else who decided to murder people. we want to see what law enforcement says but it's very disturbing and does appear to be an act of domestic terrorism and may not have been planned out well but this person murdered someone and it should be treated exactly as such. >> when we see home-grown terrorism immediately and we have them identified, looked at their social media footprint that may give credence to this act of violence that they've been perpetrated, certainly we've done that internationally as well. we don't have the identity as of yet for the suspect driver in this. but for the police, as they had said for charlottesville, they had anticipated and prepped for incidents, scenarios.
did they show enough force between these clashes? there was only one person retained leading up to this event. >> it presents an acrimonious environment and there are clashes between both groups. one of the things that the police department needs to focus on is the separation of those groups. as our counterpart mentioned, you used an example of what happened in nice. vehicle attacks are more and more prevalent. it's a teachable moment for law enforcement because whenever we have these types of asemblances, we need to keep the vehicle traffic away. case in point, in a place like new york city, whenever we have demonstrations, one of the first orders of business is to ensure that there are no vehicles aligning the pedestrian route.
here, this is a small town. unfortunately, they don't experience demonstrations of the magnitude of new york city or los angeles. this is a teachable moment to ensure that the combination of both the local police department and the state police department are able to coalesce and come up with a strategy that is prudent moving forward to ensure that these things happen moving forward. >> for the incident with the helicopter crash, there are fbi representatives on the scene for this investigation and certainly most likely there would be coordination from the fbi and what took place with one woman killed in this crash earlier today. where does the fbi go in trying to build a case of connective intelligence if the person behind the wheel of this car is representative of some of the people there, as the police chief called it, premeditated violence of the unite the right rally? >> i think evan did a good job
of describing this domestic terrorism issue. there are a lot of facts that have to be collected. i think if in fact this is somebody associated with this group, it meets the definition of domestic terrorism. using the threat of violence, it matches very clearly that definition. the fbi will be working collectively with the fbi and charlottesville police. if in fact they work this as a terrorism matter, they will be working in a very collaborative way. i'll be very shocked if that -- if the residents in the vehicle of the person who committed this act has not already been searched. they certainly will be looking at the full digital footprint connectivity and any statements he may have made, associations or affiliations with others who
may have made a violent statement or implied acts of violence either in the past and conducted and participated or talking about doing that in the future. so there is a lot of evidence to be collected but the bureau has resources in terms of analytical support, et cetera. this will be a very collaborative close-knit perspective. >> if the president doesn't make a definitive statement in terms of it being a home-grown terrorist attack, does he lose potential footing of not having lone wolves or other people being inspired by this type of behavior? >> their ideology is a secondary issue. it's nothing to do with their a actual acts.
it's domestic terrorism, period. it's completely wrong and undermines our essential values as americans. somebody like this should be treated as a traitor to the united states and exactly what they are, a murderer. >> evan, darren, thank you. sean henry, thank you as well. more reaction of this violence that happened from charlottesville. so much of it has come very swiftly from elected officials, both sides of the aisle. but some are questioning how president trump characterized his reaction to this. some think it didn't go far enough to condemn the groups involved today and also did he show enough compassion to the lives that were lost. that angle when our breaking news continues right here on msnbc. stay with us. whoooo.
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we condemn in the strongest possible terms this egregious display of hatred and bigotry and violence on many sides. on many sides. it's been going on for a long time in our country. not donald trump, not barack obama. it's been going on for a long, long time. there is no place in america. what is vital now is a swift restoration of law & order and the protection of innocent lives. >> hatred, bigotry and violence on many sides. there we have the words of president trump earlier today talking about the incidents in charlottesville, virginia. this is a new lightning rod of a rash sh
racial angering moment. the president faced outrage from critics both for what he said and didn't say. former vice president al gore chastised the president late today as the net roots nation conference in atlanta was taking place. take a look. >> i would urge you to give more thought to what it means to have a resurgence of the ku klux klan and nazi movement creating this kind of hatefulness. >> with me now, joe watkins, white house aide to the first president bush and political analyst joel benneson for hillary clinton's 2016 campaign and nbc white house reporter ali vitali. ali, i was fascinated by your note before, just to give us that friendly gentle reminder of what we all lived through in the primary and general election of
the president's inclination to have tweeted or instagrammed or represented, as he said, maybe not intentionally, racist or anti-semitic statements before and this is a statement tonight from him about charlottesville where he did not come down on white supremacist or nazis. >> i think that's exactly right. i think tonight's -- or today's lack of direct condemnation of white supremacist is an established pattern that we've seen from donald trump when the issue comes up. it dogged him throughout the campaign and off the top of my head, we saw this with his initial nondisavow of david duke's endorsement and several times he retweeted white nationalists twitter accounts
and that's nothing to say that his son posted instagram with a white nationalist symbol with peppy the frog and the role he played in the birther movement. it's his lack of direct con testimony nation that makes his statement so start telliling an you think of donald trump, he's always talked about the need to call out threats by name. he does it often with radical islamist terrorism and in order to solve a problem, you have to call it by his name. when you look at him not calling out the alt-right and white supremacist, it really makes you question why is he so reluctant to go after these groups and to call them out by name when he's been willing to do it with radical islamic tyranny.
he goes after these parties by name so when you don't see him going after the white supremacist and the alt-right, it's a little confusing. >> when we think about this, joe, and what ali brings up when it comes to david duke, david duke came out with a statement earlier today saying this was before the accident happened and not an accident but the death -- the homicide of a young woman by the vehicle saying that donald trump is helping them realize their american again and later tweeted about you need to look in the mirror, mr. president, because the white americans are the ones that got you elected. how much of a hair-pulling moment is this for republicans who want this president to have a better grasp of what it means to witness the type of racial divide that we saw come to such a forefront today in charlottesville? >> republicans want the president to speak out against racism and to call it for what
it is and they want them to rebuke david duke and to say that his understanding is the wrong understanding of what donald trump meant during his campaign, republicans want him to just do the right thing. i think all americans do, whether you're black or white or republican or democrat, male or female, you want the president of the united states to do the right thing and so i think this presents a real opportunity for him. he's proven that he's somebody that doesn't really care what people think and he's willing to speak out against the dictator of north korea, against the dictator of venezuela and against members of the party, of the republican party that displease him. now is the time to do the same thing with these folks to come out and speak out against racism and domestic terrorism and call it out for what it is, that he stands out against it in the strongest terms. not to give a politically correct statement, one that is vague, but a very strong donald
trump-like statement that says in the strongest possible terms that he's against racism, that he stands firmly against people who are racist in this country and against people who are domestic terrorists. >> we were just showing three tweets by people he defeated in the primary on the gop side with jeb bush. he used the term white supremacist. john kasich also saying that there's no place for the kkk and marco rubio saying that he would prefer to hear from a president calling out white supremacy by its name and to hear that it's a terror attack. i want to play more from what the president's remarks were from bedminister about the attack. take a look. >> we want to get the situation straightened out in charlottesville and we want to study it and we want to see what
we're doing wrong as a country where things like this can happen. >> so joel, he wants to study it. what is there to study? >> i don't think he knows what he's talking about. today was the significant moral test that he's had in his presidency in the first seven months and he's failed it completely and everybody is talking about the false equivalency. and when you don't call out by names neo-nazis and white supremacists, if you have any doubt about that, go to "the daily stormer" where they're calling trump's comments good, saying that there was no condemnation at all. god bless him. this is horrifying. what you're going to start to see, republicans like senator orrin hatch who lost a brother fighting the nazis in world war ii and john mccain calling evil out by its name and we have a president who runs away from
this. when it's white supremacist, he denounces them by name and republicans are going to speak out more and more day by day here until this -- we see something different come in from this guy who was failing the moral test of leadership we expect in a president. >> you make a remark about john mccain, just part of his statement from earlier this evening. mccain said nothing less is at stake on the streets of charlottesville, virginia, where a violent attack has taken one american life and injured many others between our better angels and our worst demons. white supremacist and neo-nazis are opposed to the american patrioti patriotism. we expect the president to do the right thing and do the right thing bench mark is not the same thing for all people, apparently. joel, great to have you with me and to see you in person, ali,
thank you, as always. a reminder, earlier today. we had moments with the former president barack obama tweeting a statement from nelson mandela. no one is born hating a person because of the color of his skin or background or religion. people can learn to hate and if they can learn to hate, they can be taught to love. coming up next, we head back to the horrific scene that took place in virginia. ♪ (boy) and these are the lungs. (class) ewwww! (boy) sorry. (dad) don't worry about it. (mom) honey, honey, honey, honey! (vo) at our house, we need things that are built to last. that's why we got a subaru. (avo) love. it's what makes a subaru, a subaru. get 0% apr financing for 63 months on all new 2017 subaru legacy models.
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more now on our breaking news, the state of emergency in charlottesville, virginia. this is drone video of the intersection at fourth and water street. the original image that you see is the red minivan being pushed into the intersection. now you're seeing what happened after the chain reaction of the gray car that sped down plowing into a group of counterprotesters hitting the white car that you see behind, that bumped it into the caravan, the red car, the maroon car that you see there in the intersection. this is the after imagery. there you see, from the contact of the gray car, what it did, pushing that other vehicle into the intersection. so this is just the scene from above so you can get an idea of
how many people were on site when this happened. one woman was confirmed to be killed after this and we know that others were taken to the uva medical center. they confirmed 20 patients are being treated and their conditions are all varying. we know this horrific scene unfolded at the unite the right rally supported by white nationalists on the scene who got in these violent clashes with counterprotesters who showed up to express a different point of view. "new york times" reporter joining us now from charlottesville on the ground covering this story. cheryl, what can you tell us about what you witnessed on the ground today and was it just tension in almost a powder keg of anxiety or energy surrounding these differing groups? >> reporter: it was very chaotic here in charlottesville. i have to say, i went to school here. i'm a university of virginia
graduate. charlottesville at its heart is a peaceful, tranquil town. aside from the horrific town behind here on water street with the cars over at a park called emancipation park, formerly lee park, we saw people massing there well confederate flags and shouting slogans like "you will not replace us," jew will not replace us. no sooner have they converged on the park and then counterprotesters, black lives matter groups, the anti-fascist groups surrounded the park and things got chaotic and violent very quickly. people were being clubbed in the streets. there was pepper spray thrown. there was even -- it sounds awful and it was awful, urine thrown and before long, the police basically retreated to
let riot police come in but by this time, all hell had broken loose. >> and meanwhile, the main point here is people showing up because the statue of lee was voted by the city council to be removed earlier this year in a 3-2 vote. as you point out, you spent time there for college at uva. has this monument or this statue always been a major point of contention? do you remember that from your time there? >> reporter: i don't remember that. cha charlottesville's university campus is not that close to where i am in downtown. so most students would stay con faned fconfined and it was not a flas point when i was here. but as we know, in the years since the terrible massacre in south carolina, the
african-american church, there's been a movement across the country to remove confederate monuments and the debate over the lee statue flows out of that. >> nikki haley was successful in doing that, having the confederate flag removed. the mood on the streets, is it quiet there and mainly police presence or something else? >> i would say the mood is quiet but tense. nobody really knows what is going to happen. i think there's a small vigil going on at the university of virginia campus. and there are concerns that white nationalists could come out again like they did last night carrying torches to the university campus. nobody knows where they are going to show up. for now, everyothing is quiet.
>> cheryl, thank you very much. if you're just joining us, we've been covering for the afternoon and into the early evening now what is the totality of a hellacious day in charlottesville, virginia. one woman at the rally being killed by a man in his car causing a chain reaction of chaos injuring dozens of other people. she lost her life and then later just before 5:00 p.m., a virginia helicopter, police helicopter crashed and two troopers were killed in that crash. this was an aircraft being used to police the white nationalist rally above. the nazis that showed up today.
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the gray, has been taken into custody. 20 people are being treated at uva hospital. many people involved in this accident, their conditions are from critical to severe. then we had the chopper crash of a virginia police helicopter crashing just outside of charlottesville, killing two troopers. this was an aircraft that had been used for the day in policing the white nationalist rally and we've seen these images all day of the clashes that happened with the white nationalists that showed up in the counterprotesters and the fights that ensued out of all of this. joining me is a congressman whose district is east of charlottesville, dave brat. this runs counter to the gospel and rule of law in our country and is to be condemned. sir, thank you for joining us. i know you are away on vacation
and weren't nearby in the state today but explain what it means for you as an elected leader and as a resident of virginia and of a community nearby to see what took place in charlottesville today in knowing that there are three families who don't have their loved one returning home tonight because of a white nationalist rally. >> prayers go out to the families and those injured by the groups that have hate in their hearts. i condemn them all across the board and it's important to name names. the nazi groups -- it's important that some of our kids out there aren't be educated about who these groups are. the neo-nazis, hitler, he claimed to be the third holy roman empire and third coming
and represents jesus christ and then fashist movements and the antithesis and went to princeton semiary. if you quote st. paul, there's no female nor male or black nor white. that's the tradition that led to inalienable rights. we condemn violence across the board and each of these separate movements and i don't even know who they are.
and we stand for the exact opposite of that. >> sir, when it comes to that and you're saying that you're not familiar with who these alt-right people are, david duke spoke out saying that it's the white americans that got you elected. steve bannon, who is strongly connected with breitbart and has a white house ethics waiver to continue working with that alt-right website is in the west wing. so if you aren't familiar with them, you should be more familiar with them and what they represent because the president today did not use the strong language that you have just now and do you think he should? are you disappointed in president trump about that? >> i think he should come out in the strongest terms. this is taking on nazis and kkk
and fascist movements who want the exact opposite of what we want. i have never run into ever -- i have 8,000 constituents and you are scour my facebook and if you look at my facebook right now, there's hatred coming and incoming after i make very clear statements, as clear as i can be, and i'm the guy who's never run a negative ad. i've never said an ill word about anybody. i have hatred coming in against me personally. i don't understand that. so we all need to unify around civility and start teaching ethics and because it's gone. we've been relying on this reservoir of goodwill which made our country great, the judeo christian and has lifted us out
of poverty and now this civil discourse and irrationality was about one thing. human reason. and i got a ph.d. in economics. i taught for 20 years. i taught college kids and theology for 20 years. i want the president to use strong, moral language extendsing each one of these groups and make it very clear, because he may assume, he's got the stropg guest jewish community behind him and they are all very supportive of president trump and he needs to make it clear and be explicit. >> a lot of gop-elected leaders are kind of in unison with your tone right there saying that they wish they could hear more.
congressman brat, we'll let you know. thank you for making time this evening. thank you, sir. >> joining us right now is a reverend who led last night's interfaith service in charlottesville. sir, good to have you with me. what a difference 24 hours can make. the congressman was talking about the importance of moral language how do you feel now that charlottesville is challenged with three fatalities after the clashes today and helicopter crash how do you feel it can enhance your community. >> thank you for having me. we have a lot of shock and drama and long work ahead to dismantle and overcome white supremacy.
i'm proud of the clergy that heard our call to come from around the country to charlottesville to stand and bear witness against the violent of white supremacy and we're going to continue that work and we will not rest until this violent ideology is crushed. and that is not what america is about. >> when we think about the violence that we witnessed today but also the fact that there were clergy members there, seeing one wisped off the air, do you feel unsafe through what you're trying to do and through what you're trying to do leading by example and the words and actions that you're trying to utilize there in charlottesville? >> sure.
today we prepared for, it was always going to be unsafe and dangerous. in my own faith tradition, ordained in the church of christ, we follow jesus and jesus spoke up. >> when the sun comes up tomorrow, what is the first act that you want to do for this community? >> charlottesville has a lot of healing that it needs to do and it needs to have long and hard conversations. i want to disagree -- i'm going to disagree with congressman brat who said that this is the antithesis. thomas jefferson is the godfather of white supremacy. and spoke about the inherent infear yor tea of our african
brothers and sisters to white people and knew towards the end of his life that god was going to judge the original sin. we are still needing to reconcile with that and until we do, rallies like today and the vie lance that was visited in charlottesville is not going to stop. >> reverend, thank you, sir, for joining us. i appreciate it. we know tomorrow is going to be a new day of hard work for everybody there and especially for those three family who is have lost a loved one after today. thank you very much. >> absolutely. our prayers go with them. >> and three people having lost their lives today, dozens more injured after these clashes and crashes in charlottesville. so the chopper crash that happened, we have a virginia state police helicopter that crashed near the protest area. it was patrolling and had been in service to monitor the white nationalist rally. that loss of life came after a
car was utilized by a man behind the wheel to plow into a group of protesters. police saying that the driver of that crash is now in custody and witnesses have described just the chaos of the day. >> i mean, it's not a proud day for virginia to see two opposing groups who have sides. they have freedom of speech but to turn to violence. >> i'm amazed that they have thrown things at them. >> the president later tried to calm the nation with these words. >> we must remember this truth. no matter our color, creed, religion, political party, we are all americans first. >> now, the president did not
use language which could directly confront white nationalists as the virginia governor tear remcauliffe did in a statement that he gave earlier. >> so please, go home and never come back. take your hatred and bigotry. there's no place. >> also, violence hits close to home for the mayor. >> what happened in charlottesville doesn't represent the charlottesville that i know and love. it doesn't represent the virginia i know and love and that kind of hate and bigotry brought to our town has to be condemned in the strongest possible way. >> that is the former mayor of charlottesville right there. we can report that the city council has given the police chief the right to have a curfew this evening. i'm thomas roberts. stay with us for more throughout the evening.

Related Keywords

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Charlottesville , City , Information , People , Opportunity , Eyewitnesss , Police Community , Tom Costello , Ran , One , Person , Reporter , Life , Racist , Thats Right , Loss , Who , Rhetoric , 2017 , Neo Nazis , White Nationalists , Gatherings , Alt Right White Nationalist Movement , Kkks , State Police , Part , Crime Investigation , Forensics Trucks , All , History , State Troopers , Memory , Statue , Town , City Council , Outrage , Alt Right Movement , Middle , Confederate War General Roberte Lee , Fact , Man , View , Some , Attack , Nationalism , Streets , Many , Tension , Torches , Nightfall , South , Scenes , Kristallnacht , Germany , 30 , Republican Party , Culture , Attitude , The Ruling Class , Everywhere , Boiling Point , Correctness , Fed , County Police , Gathering , Deployment , Repeat , Statement , Question , Saying , Governor , Get Out , Investigators , Types , Views , Crash Site , Intelligence , Cause , Distance , Rally , Aircraft , Model , Bell Helicopter , Front , Chopper , Indication , State Trooper Helicopter , Bell , Somebody Firing , Down By Fire , Kind , Open Firearms , Carrying Firearms , Confirmation , Yes , Nothing , Police Chief , Anybody , Factor , Questions , Details , Insight , Site , Conjecture , Karen Wood , Ram , I Dont Know , Yards , A Hundred , Someone , Running Back , Reverse , Back Bumper , Thing , Events , July 7th , 7 , Friend , Shock , Right , Unite , Bomb , Lot , Reaction , Karenne , Chance , American Indian , Home , Truth , Well , Native American , Immigrant , President , Senior Partner , Crowd Strike Services , Terrorism Analyst , Lieutenant , Shawn Henry , Nypd , Leaders , Flash Point Evan Coleman , Accident , Identity , Motivation , Incidents , Inclination , Authorities , Variety , Law Enforcement , Vehicles , Anyone Else , Isis , Social Media Footprint , Credence , Prepped , Force , Groups , Things , Audi Sales Event , Separation , Environment , Police Department Needs To Focus On , Example , Counterpart , Vehicle Attacks , Teachable Moment , Nice , Case , Point , Demonstrations , Orders , Asemblances , Business , New York City , Traffic , Pedestrian Route , Both , Estate Police Department , Police Department , Magnitude , Combination , Los Angeles , Fbi , Strategy , Connective Intelligence , Representatives , Coordination , Wheel , It , Representative , Job , Issue , Definition , Facts , Domestic Terrorism , Threat , Police , Way , Terrorism Matter , Residents , Statements , Footprint , Connectivity , Affiliations , Associations , Acts , Bureau , Evidence , Resources , Support , Et Cetera , Doesn T , Perspective , Footing , Wolves , Ideology , Type , Behavior , Essential Values , Traitor , Aisle , Officials , Sean Henry , Murderer , Darren , Questioning , Compassion , Didnt Go , Breaking News , Msnbc , Stay , Whoooo , Sleep Number , Bed , Move , Sensing , Let , 360 , Store , Virginia , Lightning Rod , Sh , Al Gore , Conference , Net Roots Nation , Critics , Takea Look , Didnt Say , Atlanta , Resurgence , Ali Vitali , Campaign , Joel Benneson , Hatefulness , White House , President Bush , Nbc , Joe Watkins , Hillary Clinton , 2016 , Reminder , Election , Note , Instagrammed , Condemnation , Lack , Pattern , Top , David Duke , Head , Endorsement , Nondisavow , Times , Nationalist , Direct Con Testimony Nation , Son , Birther Movement , Role , Symbol , Instagram , Peppy The Frog , Order , Threats , Problem , Tyranny , Islamic , Parties , Confusing , Mr , Ones , Mirror , Racism , Grasp , Forefront Today In Charlottesville , Divide , Understanding , Democrat , Dictator , Members , Folks , Venezuela , North Korea , Terrorists , Tweets , Three , Side , Primary , Marco , Rubio , John Kasich , Supremacy , Terror Attack , Situation , Bedminister , Remarks , Everybody , Test , Presidency , Call Out , False Equivalency , Seven , Daily Stormer , Supremacists , Comments , God , Doubt , Orrin Hatch , Calling Evil , Brother Fighting The Nazis In World War Ii , John Mccain , Something , Day By , Evening , Guy , Leadership , Stake , Remark , Demons , Angels , Bench Mark , Patrioti Patriotism , No One , Skin , Nelson Mandela , Love , Hate , Background , Boy , Class , Dad , Lungs , Honey , Models , House , Apr Financing , Vo , Mom , Avo , Subaru Legacy , Subaru , 0 , 63 , August 31st , 31 , Clean , Body Cleanser , Just Add Water , Duo , Close , Use , Ivory , Bodywash Aisle , Touchably , Olay , Old Spice , Insurance Company , Quarters , Spain , Totanobody , Hurt , Car , Car Replacement , Wheels , Value , Liberty Mutual , Smart , State Of Emergency , Intersection , Chain Reaction , Drone Video , Image , Red , Minivan , Water Street , Down Plowing , Imagery , Red Car , Caravan , Idea , Conditions , Patients , Uva Medical Center , 20 , Cheryl , New York Times , Powder Keg , Point Of View , Story , Energy , University Of Virginia , Anxiety , Emancipation Park , Heart , Peaceful , Graduate , Cars , Tranquil Town , Formerly Lee Park , Flags , Slogans , Jew , The Park , Urine , Pepper Spray , Riot Police , Hell , Loose , Monument , College , Vote , 2 , 3 , Scha Charlottesville , Contention , University Campus , Downtown , Iflas , Students , Massacre , Faned Fconfined , South Carolina , Movement , Lee Statue , Monuments , Debate , African American Church , Nikki Haley , Mood , Presence , Flag , Campus , Nobody , Vigil , Concerns , Everyothing , Last Night Carrying Torches , Totality , Afternoon , Chaos , Dozens , Police Helicopter , Virginia Helicopter , Mayor , Allergy Pills , Next , Allergy , Mist , Substances , Flonase Sensimist , 6 , Progress , Summer , Month , Lease Payment , Audi , Family , Vegetables , Happy T , Price , Meals , Ahh , Birds Eye Voila , 15 , On Choicehotels Com , Badda Book , Badda , Boom , Grandma S , Aunt Stacy S , Qunol Coq10 With 3x Better Absorption , Cardiologist , Ykeep You Sidelined Ng , Coq10 , Form , Heart Health , Reasons , 1 , Strength , Protein , Vitamins , Minerals , 9 , 26 , News , Fatalities , Welcome Back , Being , Weapon , Chopper Crash , Gray , Suva Hospital , Images , Virginia Police Helicopter , Congressman , Fights , Sir , Rule Of Law , District , East , Gospel , Vacation , Dave Brat , State , Community , Leader , Resident , Weren T , Families , Don T , Names , Board , Prayers , Hearts , Aren T , Hitler , Kids , Holy Roman Empire , Movements , Jesus Christ , Antithesis , Princeton Semiary , Tradition , White , Black , Led , Paul , Quote St , Rights , Each , Alt , Opposite , Steve Bannon , Ethics , Waiver , Breitbart , Language , Website , West Wing , Facebook , Constituents , 8000 , Negative Ad , Need , Word , Civility , Start Teaching Ethics , Reservoir , Goodwill , Judeo Christian , Human Reason , Discourse , Irrationality , Poverty , Phd In Economics , Theology , College Kids , Stropg Guest Jewish Community , Unison , Tone , Congressman Brat , Service , Reverend Who Led Last Night , Difference , Importance , 24 , Drama , Work , To Charlottesville , Call , Violent , Clergy , Bear , Wisped , Actions , Ordained , Faith , Church Of Christ , The Sun , Healing , Conversations , Thomas Jefferson , Godfather , Infear Yor Tea Of Our African Brothers And Sisters , Vie Lance , End , Original Sin , Thank You , Helicopter , Crashes , Patrolling , Protest Area , Protesters , Witnesses , Freedom Of Speech , Nation , Charlottesville Doesn T , Close To Home , It Doesn T , Curfew , Thomas Roberts ,

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