Transcripts For MSNBCW MSNBC Live With Hallie Jackson 201808

Transcripts For MSNBCW MSNBC Live With Hallie Jackson 20180807 14:00:00

their crack at gates. we look what the to expect next and how manafort's lawyers plan to save the former campaign chair. we're looking at how republicans hope to try to save a seat in congress. polls are just opening in ohio for a special election that puts the trump factor to the test. the president rallying around the republican in that race this but he has plans today.ain. hey dad. so he took aleve. morning as the democrat hopes to if he'd taken tylenol, make history and make he'd be stopping for more pills right now. republicans nervous come only aleve has the strength to stop tough pain for up to 12 hours with just one pill. november. we're talking about the new red line in silicon valley. aleve. all day strong. where does free speech end and hate speech begin? that's a question now for tech companies as they boot alex jones, one of the country's loudest and most controversial voices. why they're doing it. why now and what's next. our team is here and ready to go from across the country this morning as we bring you this show live outside bedminister. that's where the president is spending the week.
by the way i was stealing from the democrat is within a point mr. manafort during this time. of his republican opponent and he said he embezzled money he's seizing on an election eve through padded expense accounts. this is something that prosecution didn't know about. gasp. gates volunteered that he appeared to insult his home information as part of this county. a place that's home to a lot of effort to sort of purge his sins, come clean. voters in that 12th the prosecution aired that before the jury because what they are hoping while the jury congressional district. >> did you say you didn't want knows he's a liar and may not someone from franklin county? like him, the prosecution wants >> i'm going to work for this whole congressional district. the jury to believe his testimony. >> your opponent said about not he is taking them inside this wanting to elect someone from conspiracy. we have had witnesses that pointed to illegal acts by paul franklin county. >> we need to have someone that manafort. alleged bank fraud and tax will fight for folks from every part of this district. fraud. gates was actually there. he knows manafort's motives. those motives were simple greed. >> garrett, you've been there he wants more money. for 48 hours or so. >> gates, it's interesting, met with mueller's team some 20 you're on a 20 second delay. we're going to toss to your times talki ining about this ca. piece then. talk about these details. >> troy, bolderson. if we can pull up one of those he's the guy. he's the guy that will do court sketches. what is so fascinate ing is the things.
>> reporter: president trump on saturday delivering a buckeye body language. the interactions between paul boost for troy. now locked in a bruising battle manafort and rick gates. in this last election before the give us some of the color, some of the behind the scenes mid terms. >> danny o connor, that's a moments. >> reporter: it's been fascinating. viewers need to understand, rick beauty. he's another beauty. >> reporter: bolderson riding gates was paul manafort's the coat tails of a president who won this district by 11 protege. he didn't look at manafort. points. >> i'm not tired of winning. >> reporter: for a candidate who some republicans say have failed manafort is staring him down. to fully connect with voters. >> time out. i lost my screen that was popping up. manafort was staring bull ets a >> reporter: the gop calvary has manafort. gates is a soft spoken and compelling witness. been key. he's a military veteran. millions of dollars spent by graduated from william and mary. supportive super packs. spent his whole career in republicans hope saturday's presidential visit brought a last minute boost of enthusiasm. lobbying. it's understated and calm way he's walking the jury through a >> brought major excitement. they were excited to see him up crime spree. >> ken, stick around for a second. i want to bring in former deputy here. >> reporter: excitement democrats here have in spays about 31-year-old candidate assistant john dupree. danny o' connor. >> this district has been republican since before you were
born. >> you're right. >> why will it change now? >> we're having conversations everywhere. >> reporter: he tried to keep tom, let me go to you. his distance from washington vowing not to support nancy walk through your reaction through the interactions that pelosi for speaker and avoiding ken is talking about between using trump as a foil. manafort and gates. >> how much is donald trump on the ballot in this race? can you read into anything that in. >> i think what's going on is >> he's not. when i'm looking someone in rick gates was by paul their eye on the doorstep, i'm manafort's side for many years. asking them what they are worried about. to them it's policy issue. he's the ultimate witness against him. it's bread and butter stuff they he can say we work together. here is what manafort was talk about. >> reporter: his supporters thinking. here is what we set out to believe it may be key to peeling achieve. this is potentially devastating away votes from the wealthy, testimony for manafort. the challenge for the defense is well educated suburbs where some to poke holes in gates story and lifetime voters are ready to give gates a motive as to why he turn their backs on the party. >> do you recognize your would turn and make these things republican party when you look at washington right now ? >> not at all. i do not. up against paul manafort. i just feel that both the house i think it's a big day for the
and the senate have been defense. >> i feel you're on the edge of neuter neutered. i don't know what they're your seat. thinking. one of these thing s the rocket >> garrett is back with us. docket. i'm glad you're with us at this the idea that the judge wants to moment. keep this moving. tell me about what it's been that seem to create some tense like on the ground there. you've been there for a few moments between the judge and the prosecutors. >> reporter: this has been a days, right? recurring theme. >> reporter: it's really you've watched the prosecution go increasingly annoyed at the interesting. it feels like o' connor has the judge to rush them. at first there was an issue that the judge prevented them from moment now. they're trying to capture this momentum they have seen in introducing photographs of the polling over the last couple of luxury goods. you could argue he was trying to weeks which has shown this race getting tighter and tighter. protect the record and appeal. yesterday it ploexdexploded int troy is trying to ride out the boost that they think they got from donald trump being here public view of the the junl saturday. he's had much fewer events. saying get to the heart of the the thing that makes this interesting beyond this one race is they'll have to replay this matter. this is a judge that likes to in november, whatever happens impose his will on the courtroom here tonight. is how good of a microcosm for and some observers are put off by that because he's get fting
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the defense just needs to kick comment? this is his part of the district. it's the far eastern part. up enough dust to create doubt. zanesville. culturally, this is light years from the defense's perspective, away from franklin county, the suburbs. he's in blue collar, small town, they have a lot to work with. he had a plea bargain. white working class part of the district. he was motivated by cutting a he's sighing out here, you don't want somebody from over there in good deal. there's a lot to work with. columbus. >> the idea that gates is that's why collar, professional turning against his mentor. one of the gates said was a compliment. calling him one of the most class. we don't want somebody from over there representing us. there's a big cultural divide. brilliantly political strategist that ever ever worked for. when he says franklin county. this is human drama on a clinton beat trump by 18 points. you go back four years before that, this was dead even when it shakespea was obama versus romney. shakespearean level. testifying against someone in the most high profile cases trump comes along in place republicans could compete no way. politically this year. clinton wins big. >> exactly. flip side when you go here, why the trial doesn't deal with obama won this part of the district in 2012. the questions of russian trump comes along, wins it by interference and obstruction of justice, you can't overlook the
30. there's a casm here. >> it's not just ohio that's spe spector of the president looming rightfully taking up a lot of over. we know just how frustrated the attention. there's a race in kansas i'm president has been about this trial dominating headlines back in washington and nationally. fascinating by. he's been seething privately about the trial. rudy giuliani told us earlier this week that the legal team he's a trump loyalest and he's believes mueller is torturing manafort to try to get him to incredibly controversial and may not end up doing so well. what do we know about that? flip against trump. there's so much drama on the >> kansas, this is one where you president there as well. have an incup benk incumbent go. >> we see it spill out through an incumbent republican running for a full term. t trauma. we have not seen that. what you've got when you mention >> he's been reasonably trump putting that endorsement restrained on twitter today or in, very unusual in politics. the white house, the president of the united states is yesterday. endorsing the challenger of an it was this weekend where he incumbent from his own party in launched into the trump tower the primary. meeting and a few days ago where the fear here for republicans, he tweeted about the russia kansas, it is a read state. probe and called jeff sessions it's a trump state. to end it. there's some deeply republican our reporting is in align with parts of the state but the fear
for republicans is in a climate what washington post is done. he's been watching the manafort like 2018, republicans are on trial on television. it's a visible stark reminder defense everywhere. this is the kind of year where this is going on. as this is not technically about democrats, you would expect historically to be doing better russia but it's still about than they normally would pretty much across the board. that's the kind of year that mueller and it's about what could happen to put other people state like kansas could come in the orbit. into play. >> why folks are watching this when you start looking at the so closely, jonathan. suburbs outside of kansas city, >> on its own basis this is it's that suburban rural divide. interesting with paul manafort those traditionally republican and someone alleged to doing a suburban voters where they go lot of bad things that is for a guy like him in 2018. interesting. it speaks to a culture in washington. more than that. it's almost like the opening act of where we could be going for >> steve, you're going to have a if the mueller probe leads to full plate ahead of you for the further indictments of other next 18 hours or so. high profile figures in the trump orbit. i want to talk about another race, one in michigan. perhaps the trump family. a candidate that is hoping to where this could go and when it pull off the ultimate upset. wraps up after the -- in the midst of the debates whether trump will have an interview or not. there's many, many stages to go. when you look at the polling for
this feels like it's a sneak preview. if this president is this mid-july shows you pretty far agitated now, imagine later. >> jonathan i think you get the behind the front-runner here. about 13 points. vip award for coming here in our 18% of voters said they were set when it's 95 degrees in 100% still undecided. you have been endorsed by big humidity. names like bernie sanders, other >> happy to help. top progressives. coming up after the break, what are you try to do to get the undecided voters on board or the ball is back in the president's court over this are you relying on the sanders meeting with the special counsel. rudy giuliani said he is planning to respond very soon. touch? >> to many people don't turn out because they haven't felt like we'll talk through where the they had anything to vote for. president and his legal team are on this potential interview. the flip voter does not go red we're live in gorgeous to blue. it's the one who goes from somerville, new jersey . nonhfr vono non-voter to voter. we're talking about issues of we're hanging out for the next 50 minutes right here. welcome to the place... access to health care, air and water that doesn't poison our kids. that kind of movement, a government for people and by people is what we offer. we know it will pull out people in droves. we're quite confident.
those polls, a lot of them are land lines. i might be losing this race as of july among people who answer land lines in the middle of the day. our job was to change the nature of the electorate. we feel good about having done that. >> there's something about your message that it seems to not be resonating with union groups, auto groups. what do you think it was about what you're talk about here that did not resonate with that population that will be important for progressives if where people go to learn about their they want to win more seats medicare options before they're on medicare. moving forward? >> there's a big difference come on in. between labor members and labor you're turning 65 soon? organization leaders. yep. and you're retiring at 67? what we saw in 2016 is that that's the plan! labor broke in very different it's also a great time to learn about ways because seems like the an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan, insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. membership and leadership don't see eye to eye. here's why...medicare part b doesn't pay for everything. this part is up to you. a medicare supplement plan helps pay for some of what medicare doesn't.
people in flint still do not have clean water. what are you going to do about it if you win? >> we have a responsibility to the people. four years on the people still do not have water. they show me the water that comes out of their tap. we need a task force for flint that within the next year will get all the the 12,400 leaded pipes out of the ground so people can rest easy. it's not just water. it's schools. we've had betsy devos destroy our public education system. lastly making sure people have access to high quality jobs because we're focusing on opportunities and small businesses and quality union for anybody who is working in our industries. we feel pretty good about what we good do for the people in flint and across the state of michigan. >> thank you very much for coming on on election day. i know it's a busy one for you. appreciate you joining us. >> everybody come out an vote.
after the break, some of the biggest names in tech are kicking out one of the biggest promoters of conspiracy theories. saying he's violating their terms of use. this is a fascinating story and one you need to know about. how alex joennes is fighting ba and who is coming to defend him. you can see our show on the plaza here. the president's legal team a beautiful painting by a local artist there in the backdrop. may be getting ready to blow off stick around. can be relentless. the special counsel's request to sit with the president. rudy giuliani is telling the washington post he plans to send tremfya® is for adults with moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. a letter to mueller either today i'm ready. or maybe tomorrow expressing his with tremfya®, you can get clearer. and stay clearer. quote real reluctance over the in fact, most patients who saw 90% clearer skin inclusion of any obstruction of at 28 weeks stayed justice questions in this talk. clearer through 48 weeks. that comes after an apparent tremfya® works better suggestion by mueller's team than humira® at providing clearer skin, and more patients were symptom free with tremfya®. tremfya® may lower your ability to fight infections and they would be willing to cut down on the number of may increase your risk of infections. before treatment, obstruction questions. your doctor should check you for infections and tuberculosis.
it comes after that 180. his acknowledge that his son did tell your doctor if you have an infection or have symptoms meet with a russian lawyer to such as: fever, sweats, chills, muscle aches or cough. get a one up on hillary clinton. before starting tremfya® tell your doctor if you plan to don junior is playing down that statement and the contradictory or have recently received a vaccine. statements about it. ask your doctor about tremfya®. >> this is another distraction. tremfya®. because you deserve to stay clearer. after two years of nonstop janssen wants to help you explore cost support options. investigation with every one in the media, every one in the fbi, every one in this, whoever, the jimmy's gotten used to his whole yup, he's gone noseblind. odors. whole world is looking at this. he thinks it smells fine, but his mom smells this... they have yet to produce anything that remotely resembles luckily for all your hard-to-wash fabrics... what they have been talking ...there's febreze fabric refresher. febreze doesn't just mask, it eliminates odors you've... about. every day, oh, my god, we got it ...gone noseblind to. now. i've been hearing this for two and try febreze unstopables for fabric. with up to twice the fresh scent power, you'll want to try it... years. ...again and again and maybe just one more time. indulge in irresistible freshness. febreze unstopables. breathe happy. >> talk more about how the team wmust have cost a lot. a fancy hotel. might handle it. actually, i got a great deal. priceline saves you up to 60% on hotels, >> we're still waiting for that response to happen. but that's something the hotels he said he thought it would don't really want other guests to know. happen monday or tuesday. i saved about 120 dollars a night! telling us he's not going to
submit that response at any point today. for the moment we wait. the bottom line is what he told the washington post. did you say you saved 120 dollars a night on a room? this idea he expects to be 120 a night on a hotel room... rebuffing as it relates to that's a lot of savings! questions about obstruction. i saved even more on my flight. the keywords expressing real save up to 60% on hotels with priceline. reluctance about that be effort. what the president's legal team is trying to do is wall off any about the colonial penn program. here to tell you questions that focus on the time if you're age 50 to 85 and looking to buy life insurance since president trump took on a fixed budget, remember the three p's. office. he views it there's two parts here. what are the three p's? pre-presidency and the three p's of life insurance on a fixed budget post-presidency. the pre-presidency he has some are price, price, and price. openness to have the president address. a price you can afford, a price that can't increase, post-presidency he's trying to wall off. the legal team continues to and a price that fits your budget. discuss it. the washington post reports that i'm 65 and take medications. rudy giuliani thinks his what's my price? response won't formally decline you can get coverage for $9.95 a month. or we assume accept but continue i just turned 80. what's my price? the negotiations as it goes back $9.95 a month for you, too. and forth on this topic. rudy giuliani insists the if you're age 50 to 85, call now about the number one most popular
president has made his position clear on why he got rid of whole life insurance plan michael anyonflynn and says the available through the colonial penn program. it has an affordable rate starting at $9.95 a month. nothing more to say about that time. what we don't know and what's no medical exam, no health questions. important is exactly how we got to this place. what the new urgency is perhaps your acceptance is guaranteed, and this plan has a guaranteed lifetime rate lock, right now. why rudy giuliani is casting this in some sort of more so your rate can never go up for any reason. immediate terms. is it because a deadline was set by robert mueller? and with this plan, you can pick your payment date, perhaps threatening a subpoena so you can time your premium due date if he doesn't get an answer by to work with your budget. the end of this month. we don't know the questions that so call now for free information. are out there. >> to help walk through some of and you'll also get this free beneficiary planner, those questions i have some and it's yours just for calling. folks onset. so call now. thank you. robert, let me start with you. peter teed us up nicely for this and i don't add up the years. but what i do count on is boost®. conversation. could there be a deadline ? delicious boost® high protein nuritional drink could there be a subpoena to the now has 33% more protein, along with president that would set off a 26 essential vitamins and minerals
boost® high protein. massive legal battle? be up for life. >> all those things. if they don't come in to answer all questions, and this is the way the federal government i think wooerl be spee'll b works. then you go to the grand jury. it's simple as that. playing these games is really lot. you'll be look at me in a year going to poke the fbi and the or two years. a year into office you'll be u.s. attorney in the eye every time they do it. saying wow. their playing this cat and mouse i remember that interview. he said he was going to do it. game. what i find most interesting is he's willing to talk about >> i hope you can help uncripple america. anything other than obstruction which is a tell that we've got you will be attacked for coming on. problems with respect to we know you know that and thank obstruction but we don't have, you. >> that was then candidate in their estimation, problems donald trump back in 2015 with respect to collusion. this is not the normal way it's appearing alongside alex jones. done. you either go in or you don't. one of the most well known enough game playing. >> you describe it as a game. conspiracy theoryist in the country. this morning he's been silenced from robert mueller's view is by facebook, youtube, apple. there i'm trying to reach out to all banning jones professional content because of concern about you. here is the times i've asked you hate speech and how that for this. is that something a special violates user agreements. the controversial info wars counsel would do in this case?
founder has plenty of say about >> the president is getting more this move. courtesies that the avenrage gu on the street every day who is what's the response? >> reporter: you can imagine going to jail for far less. this morning alex jones is i think mueller is playing a calling this a left wing little bit of a political game because he has to protect the globalist conspiracy promising integrity of the investigation the internet dark ages are and say we have tried ad nauseam coming and a lot of his viewers online are saying this is centu censorship. for six months but they refuse. when the trump team says we people saying free speech is weren't given ample opportunity, free speech and he can stand on mueller has all the a sidewalk and say whatever he opportunities given. wants to but when it comes to >> the president sure doesn't private companies, there's user seem to feel that way. agreements that everybody has to how concerned is the white house about this? abide by when they post. >> clearly, it's getting under >> tech giants you tube, the president's skin. facebook and apple drawing a new my colleagues have also done line when it comes to hate reporting on just how -- the president has been irritated speech and conspiracy. with the mueller probe but that taking on one of the biggest con anger seems to be ramping up in conspiracyists society may have ever seen. these last several weeks. >> headline is pizza gate is i think he tweeted something like 20 times about the mueller real. >> reporter: alex jones, argued probe in april or may. he tweeted about the mueller the moon landings were faked for
probe more than 40 times in the last two months. there's a lot of anger there. the subpoena issue is interesting too. we know on the shows earlier hate speech. this week that one of his facebook where his page had more attorneys said if a subpoena for than 2.5 million followers says his testimony does occur, they his professional content was expect that fight to go to the supreme court. remember there's a supreme court confirmation battle going on. used for glor glorifying language. brett cavanaugh has talked about he spoke out monday on his show. these issues of executive power. >> mainstream corporate media is his view a president can't be fake news. criminally pursued while in the enemy of the american people like the president said and now office. you can bet that democrats will they are coming after everybody. make this a focal point of those confirmation hearings. >> it took me about a year with >> what about what we heard from don junior. sandy hook to come to grips that the idea there's nothing new the whole thing was fake. under the sun about is this meeting. talking about the trump tower discussion. there's reporting from the paper >> reporter: megyn kelly pressed there's real concern on the part his claim that service a hoax. of the president about whether >> the parents, one after the his kid might be in legal other devastated. jeopardy. >> i've been seeing this from the get-go. this is where the issue is. it's not necessarily about the dead bodies. >> they blocked all that. protecting himself. they won't release it. that trump tower meeting and now >> all the parents came out and
the admission the president is lie about their dead children. making in the tweet that it was >> i didn't say that. for political purposes which is, >> what happened to the if in fact, a crime, to get children? h >> reporter: he has knowledged something of value from a that sandy hook was real but foreign person to influence an that hasn't stopped death threats toward the family. election. they say they've had to relow he's worried about his son. you can't stop him from late seven times. testifying against his son they are suing jones for def because there is no block there medication. his controversial views have constitutionally. this is what this case is about. earned him high praise for high his tweets, i got to be honest, places. here is then candidate trump appearing on his show. >> your reputation is amazing. are a prosecutor's gold mine. i will not let you down. i'll be putting them inside the you'll be very impressed. time line. >> reporter: his presence is this one sunday is the mother of still found on other pages, all tweets, he fell into the jones maintains this is a left trap trying to protect his kid. wing conspiracy. i admit my son took this meeting for political purposes but nothing came of it. >> openly pushing for patriots last point, nothing has to come with it. a conspiracy is an attempt to to be silenced and sensoutrageo. try to do something in a substantial step in that direction. even if president trump is completely innocent of that trump tower meeting, and didn't >> looks like he's picked up about 20,000 new followers on know anything about it, his son,
twitter. twitter says he's not violating any of their terms of use. manafort, and jared kushner are >> thank you for bringing us in it for that meeting. that story. let me bring in senior writer >> thank you. got to get some fans on you for buzzfeed. a partner of our parent company. somebody who has been owning guys. >> thank you for coming onset. this story, cover anl age of a f we have much more after the break. not just from new jersey but out this. did the tech companies get it in ohio. right or did they cross the the trump factor is getting put line? >> well, i think this is something they have been to te to the test in a suburban special election. it's not just hohio. struggling with. other states are voting. we have been watching them deal we'll talk kansas and one with this in realtime. candidate in michigan hoping to the last months they have come be the first muslim to win a out and said alex jones should be allowed to publish on this statewide primary. he's got the backing of big name platform and then they met a lot progressives. all of it as we bring you the of backlash. washington kind of worked show from somerville, new through this and say, well, jersey. actually, maybe we should work a bit harder to maybe shadow ban or help sensor content that
isn't right. they have met criticism bauds they haven't come out and i woke up in memphis and told... enforced their policy correctly. i think they are very frustrated (harmonica interrupts) in having to make such a high ...and told people about geico... (harmonica interrupts) profile decision. how they could save 15% or more by... facebook, youtube, these companies don't want to be judge (harmonica interrupts) just calling or going online to wh (harmonica interrupts) what is real news and not. alex jones has been flaunting (sighs and chuckles) these rules of guidelines for a long time. every time they give him chance to act in good faith he's sorry, are you gonna... (harmonica interrupts) chooses not to do that. everytime. >> let me ask you about political reaction. geico. chris murphy was out just this 15 minutes could save you 15% or more on car insurance. morning tweeting about this saying info wars is the tip of a giant iceberg of hate and lies that uses facebook and youtube to tear our companies apart. they must do more than take down one website. let me ask you how far can these companies go. what would be the next step here in is there one in. >> well, i don't think that
we're going to see facebook take a lot of unilateral action on different sites. this is something they did because there's large outcry. there's this sandy hook legal action that's going on. legal action going on. you really puts jones in the center of this controversy. he is obviously an incredibly polarizing figure. i think we should look at it as sort of a one-out situation now rather than a larger crackdown on all fringe or far right wing groups. but i will say that facebook and youtube and all these companies have terms of services. they have user agreements, and in order to post, you have to be willing to accept those. and they are, by law, allowed to enforce that. >> charlie, we're lucky to have you on the show. thank you. as a subscriber to info war -- i appreciate you coming on. this time, looking at
commerce secretary wilbur ross. a stunning new report says he stole millions from one-time coworkers. talking 0 through that after the break life from by the way the secretary's home state of new jersey, he grew up just about 40 miles northeast of here. your brain changes as you get older. but prevagen helps your brain with an ingredient originally discovered... in jellyfish. in clinical trials, prevagen has been shown to improve short-term memory. prevagen. healthier brain. better life.
berge we are back with breaking news in the trial of paul manafort. as the prosecution's star witness is gak on the stand. let's check in with our reporter outside the federal courthouse. >>reporter: rick gate ss continuing on the stand. he's into some pretty dry testimony about the mechanics of how these ukrainian oligarchs paid manafort into the overseas accounts. he spoke to something. remember the testimony about all the money manafort spent on thin things like suits and big screen tv's and that was wired from the overseas accounts. gates paid that money and created fake invoices. defense may try to make something about that. gates just explained that essentially paul manafort would get the bills from the companies
but he wanted to pay them out of the overseas accounts to gates would craft a fake invoice pretending the bills were to someone else and wire the money to the suit or tv company. that's where we are now. >> ken, i know you'll be keeping us updated every minute. thank you, much. check back with you in a minute. i want to turn to a segment called swamp watch. and this morning, it's another member of the trump cabinet in the spot light, multimillionaire commerce secretary wilbur ross. this new report out just today from forbes magazine claims he allegedly swindled tens of millions from his coworkers saying, quote, many of those who worked directly with him claimed he wrongly syphoned off or stole a few million here or there. adding up to more than $120 million. here's the thing. a commerce department official calls the allegations petty
nonsense. sec has never initiated any enforc enforcement action against me. >> jeff, you've been following this. commerce department has plenty to say. >> loo >> reporter: we've got the former chief getting a $40,000 soundproof booth. it can be easy to overlook wilbur ross. what he is accused of doing involves far more money to the tune of $120 million. the allegations are that he and his company defrauded and misled clients by charging fees on invest. s that were even essentially worthless and i by allegedly skimming money. so you can see the allegations on the screen that spanned really a 12-year period. in the last hour i reached out to the commerce department for a reaction to this. department gave us this
statement. anonymously sourced forbes story is based on false rumors and unverifiable claims. the fact remains no regulator has ever made any of these acquisitions against the secretary. this rehash is clearly the result of a personal vendetta. that said, you have lawmakers on capitol hill who are asking the commerce department inspector general to look into rhis financial dealings. >> thank you, sir. we miss you. here in new jersey. come up soon. >>reporter: will do. by the way the writer of that forbes report is going to be joining us here on msnbc next hour, so stick around for that. we want to wrap up with the big picture. this is coming from the prague zoo. a gorilla taking a much needed break from the heat. i love this because i wish i were that gorilla sucking on ice. there's a heat wave overseas and
win happening here at home. photographer here for "the associated press." my stephanie ruhle knows what i'm talking about. you may in fact have air-conditioning in your studio but you do not have a live studio audience from here in new jersey like we do. >> i hear you. showing off for geoff bennet. that hurts me. >> look at our people. this is so fun. even puppies. >> hallie jackson, those are my people. you better watch it. you can let them know you're from the state of pennsylvania. those are my people. >> stephanie ruhle is very jealous. >> all kinds of places and seen pictures of the rest. of all the places i can think of, i like jersey best. thank you. good morning everyone. stephanie rule. my partner is off today. tuesday, august 7. let's get smarter. paul manafort's former associate takes the stand describing years

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Population , Medicare , Come On In , Options , Labor , Seats , Labor Members , Leaders , Organization , Yep , 67 , 65 , Everything , Eye To , Insurance Company , What Medicare Doesn T , Pay , Aarp Medicare Supplement Insurance Plan , Call Unitedhealthcare , Membership , Don Junior , Why Medicare Partb Doesnt Pay , Ways , Responsibility , Tap , Task Force , Pipes , Schools , Flint , Betsy Devos , 912400 , Opportunities , Union , Quality , System , Education , Anybody , Businesses , Jobs , Everybody , Vote , Election Day , Industries , Story , Use , Alex Joennes , Conspiracy Theories , Promoters , Fighting Ba , Painting , Backdrop , Plaza , Artist , Fact , Patients , Skin , He , To Mueller , Request , Letter , Starting Tremfya , Quote Real Reluctance , Clearer , Plaque Psoriasis , Adults , Moderate , Stay , 90 , Obstruction , Doctor , Obstruction Questions , Infections , Talk , Justice , Number , Inclusion , Suggestion , Tuberculosis , Risk , Ability , Treatment , Humira , 28 , Son , Statement , Distraction , Statements , Lawyer , Infection , Chills , Symptoms , Vaccine , Fever , Muscle Aches , Cough , Sweats , 180 , Fbi , Investigation , Jimmy , Media , Odors , Whoever , World , Cost Support Options , Yup , Fine , Mom , Noseblind , Janssen , Two , God , Fabrics , Febreze Unstopables , Scent Power , Fabric , Indulge , Febreze Fabric Refresher , Febreze Doesnt Just Mask , Irresistible Freshness , Response , Hotels , Monday Or Tuesday , Hotel , Priceline , Guests , Wmust , 120 , 60 , 120 Dollars , Rebuffing , Bottom Line , Point Today , Room , Hotel Room , Savings , Office , Budget , Life Insurance , Program , Wall , Reluctance , Keywords , Threep S , Flight , Colonial Penn , 85 , Three , Price , Post Presidency , Openness , Address , Pre Presidency , Medications , P , P S , Increase , Negotiations , Topic , Coverage , 9 95 , 95 , 80 , Nothing , Urgency , Position , Rate , Michael Anyonflynn , Health Questions , Acceptance , Exam , Lifetime Rate Lock , Subpoena , Deadline , Reason , Premium , Payment , Walk , Beneficiary Planner , Calling , Protein , Conversation , Robert , Peter , Count , High Protein , Add , Essential Vitamins , Delicious Boost , 26 , 33 , Life , Works , Grand Jury , Minerals , Games , Game , Interesting , Nb Lot , Attorney , Cat And Mouse , Look At Me , Uncripple America , Problems , Respect , Tell , Collusion , Game Playing , Estimation , Wconspiracy Theoryist , 2015 , User Agreements , View , Concern , Facebook , Content , You Tube , Banning Jones , Apple , Wing , Say , Bit , Courtesies , Integrity , Internet , Jail , Move , Info Wars Founder , Globalist , Avenrage Gu On The Street , Dark Ages , Opportunity , Ad Nauseam , Censorship , Acentu , Six , Companies , Colleagues , Given , Sidewalk , Sure Doesn T , Tech Giants , Headline , Anger , Pizza Gate , Probe , May , Moon Landings , Con Conspiracyists Society , Page , Attorneys , Subpoena Issue , Followers , Fight , 40 , 2 5 Million , News , Brett Cavanaugh , Executive Power , Supreme Court , Mainstream Corporate Media , Supreme Court Confirmation Battle Going On , Enemy , Glor Glorifying Language , Confirmation Hearings , Focal Point , Paper , Sandy Hook , Sun , Trump Tower Discussion , Megyn Kelly , Parents , Kid , Service , Jeopardy , Get Go , Trump Tower , Claim , Hoax , Devastated , Bodies , Crime , Purposes , Children , Tweet , Value , Person , Admission , Hasn T , Lie , Death Threats , Unacknowledged , Tweets , Places , Block , Reputation , Views , Praise , Drelow , Suing Jones For Def Medication , Seven , Presence , Time Line , Mother , Trap , Gold Mine , Pages , Step , Attempt , Direction , Patriots , Looks , Sensoutrageo , 20000 , Partner , Writer , Parent Company , Fans , Jared Kushner , Buzzfeed , Onset , Guys , Age , This , Cover Anl , All , States , Backing , Name , Muslim , Voting , Realtime , Platform , Hohio , Backlash , Sensor Content , Ban , Help , Harmonica , Harmonica Interrupts , Policy , Geico , Profile Decision , Memphis , Isnt Right , 15 , Chuckles , Rules , Guidelines , Wh , Faith , Car Insurance , Tweeting , Hate , Tip , Info Wars , Saying , Iceberg , Chris Murphy , Website , Action , Controversy , Center , Sites , Outcry , Figure , Crackdown , Situation , Fringe , Groups , Services , Order , Law , Subscriber , Charlie , Info War , Secretary , Report , Home State , Talking , Coworkers , Commerce Secretary , Wilbur Ross , 0 , Clinical Trials , Prevagen , Brain Changes , Brain , Ingredient , Jellyfish , Memory , Healthier Brain , Prosecutions Star Witness Is Gak On The Stand , Breaking News , Applebee S , Laberge , Stand , Courthouse , Mechanics , Rick Gate Ss , Ukrainian Oligarchs , Money Manafort , Suits , Big Screen Tv , Bills , Invoices , Tv Company , Suit , Invoice , Member , Swamp Watch , Trump Cabinet , Light , Multimillionaire , Coworkers Saying , Tens , Forbes Magazine , Allegations , Commerce Department Official , 120 Million , 20 Million , Commerce Department , Jeff , Nonsense , Enforc Enforcement Action , Sec , Chief , Soundproof Booth , 0000 , 40000 , Company , Tune , Doing , Clients , Charging Fees , Any , Result , Rehash , Regulator , Claims , Rumors , Acquisitions , Sir , Lawmakers , Vendetta , Rhis Financial Dealings , Capitol Hill , Commerce Department Inspector General , The Big Picture , Msnbc , Gorilla , Overseas , Heat Wave , Heat , Ice , Prague Zoo , The Associated Press , Photographer , Studio , Studio Audience , Air Conditioning , Stephanie Ruhle , Hallie Jackson , Puppies , Geoff Bennet , Kinds , Pictures , State Of Pennsylvania , Everyone , Associate , Smarter , Stephanie Rule , August 7 , Tuesday August 7 , 7 ,

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