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Beef, chicken, pork. In fact, you may start noticing it by the end of this week. Were covering all of that for you this hour. But we want to start on this Tuesday Morning with the sheer frustration facing millions of americans right now. Maybe youre at home sitting down, checking your bank account or mailbox every morning for that stimulus check that has not come. Maybe youre a mom or dad who is out of work, waiting for that unemployment claim to be approved. Maybe you are a Small Business owner, watching Big Companies get millions of dollars in aid while youre struggling to figure out how to pay your handful of employees. Americans are looking to their government for help and in many cases that help heretofore has not arrived. There are new hurdles, too. If youre in california or new york or florida, unemployment systems are strained, not just from the millions of player cans applying, but from tech issues hampering the system. I want to start with nbc News Business correspondent jo ling kent. Shes live in los angeles. I want to drill in on california to start here because a lot of folks there are hitting brick wall after brick wall as they try and file for unemployment. Today millions more people will be able to apply for the first time. Whats the issue in california specifically . Whats being done to fix it . Reporter craig, specifically the sfrus registration is unending here in california for the millions of people applying for unemployment. The state has paid out 3 billion. 3. 2 million claims have been filed. The real issue today is the technology. Today is the first day to get the pandemic unemployment assistance. Thats specifically for gig workers, independent contractors, the selfemployed, to get that federal money into their bank accounts. The Labor Department saying theyre working 24 7 right now to get this going for people who really need the money. But ironically, even though were standing in california, the state of technology known for en r innovations, the systems are so old and so labor intensive, its very difficult to get those fixed. Youve got Big Tech Companies like microsoft and google. Ive been talking to the executives inside those companies. They tell me theyre trying to work with california, new york, georgia, to stand up new products, to make it easier for you to apply for unemployment just to catch up. That includes chat bots, cloud store rajs, the basics that so Many Companies have. Bru these state unemployment agencies dont have them. Part of the problem with that is the funding. So many state unemployment agencies are telling us right now they dont have enough money to get these systems up and running. Theyre hoping the Silver Lining for what you need to get that money will be motivation for state legislature, congress and others to come up with the money they need to fix these problems in the long run. Here in california, the struggle is very real. Its a very inflexible system. Were expecting millions more to file for unemployment come thursday morning when we hear from the Labor Department for a sixth week in a row. Jo ling kent. I want to turn to senior Business Correspondent stephanie ruhle. The program has a brand new huge pot of money, but youre reporting people cant get their hands on that money . Why are there so many problems with the ppp . Its very disappointing but entirely predictable. Exactly what jo was just talking about, these antiquated systems. Were dealing with the same problem. On a normal year the Small Business administration oversees about 30 billion loans. Were now north of 35500 billio. Yesterday you had the five largest banks with a backlog of loans already approved and written by them ready to go for the sba to sign off, and the system kept shutting down. Here is the reason this is devastating. For those Small Businesses out there, every single day counts. Jo was talking about all the people on unemployment. Here is one of the biggest issues for Small Business owners. To get the ppp loan and have that money forgiven meaning you dont have to pay that back, you have to have yourself back at full employment. Most say theyve laid their employees off and have to bring them back on staff. If theyre getting unemployment benefits, they most likely dont want to come back to work. Not because they dont want to work, but think about the uncertainty for these businesses. If your local pizzeria is opening up, they could most likely be going out of business six months from now. Steph, what happens when that local pizzeria, bakery, when they cant get that money . Craig, its devastating. We know from the Small Business association, a Small Business closes every single minute. Something thats hugely important that i dont think is getting talked about, were addressing corona from a health perspective, who u to live with it for the next year. From an economic perspective, even this paycheck program, the holy grail if you get it, it only lasts two months. Two months from now well be right back where we started. If you live in south carolina, in a beach town, a seasonal town. If you dont get that business and your business is not up and running this summer or only up and running at a limited capacity, come this fall we could see an enormous portion of our be loved Small Businesses be gone for good. Stephanie ruhle, our senior Business Correspondent, also, of course, a host on msnbc. Thanks, as always, for that perspective. Thank you. Meanwhile Florida Governor ron desantis meeting with President Trump. That meeting happening at the white house. Lets go there right now. Nbcs carol lee is standing by. What do we know about this Oval Office Meeting between the governor of florida and the president. Reporter we know theyll be discussing the plans to reopen floridas economy. Florida is under a stayathome order until the end of this week. Governor desantis talked about opening the state in phases in a way thats going to be data driv and methodical. President is hosting him here at the white house and the two are expected to discuss what that might look like. Weve heard theyre going to take questions from reporters in the oval office, the white house says around 11 30. We expect those questions to focus largely on how this reopening is going to lap, not just with florida bru broadly. This meeting is President Trumps start to pivoting toward the economy and focusing on economic openings throughout the country. Administration officials told me before i came out here this is one of a bunch of these sorts of meetings the president is going to do. We saw him met with the governor of new york last week here. An Administration Official said hell be doing this with democratic and republican governors going forward, having meetings to talk about how theyre going to get this reopening going because its something the president really, really wants to have done very soon, sooner rather than later. The other thing i expect the president and Governor Desantis to talk about and reporters to ask the president about is his new testing blueprint to try to get states to a point where they can test, according to the white house, at least 2 of their populations each month. Now, how theyre going to do that and whether thats going to meet the threshold that experts say needs to be met, those are questions that remain to be answered. Carol lee for us at the white house, thank you so much. Lets continue our focus on florida for a moment, because that state is telling hundreds of thousands of people who applied for unemployment theyre not eligible. Theyre telling them that without much of an explanation. Some of these folks have been waiting weeks for these benefits. The miami herald journal, they put the headline this way. Floridas jobless benefits program finding new ways to con found, infuriate the unemploymeunemployed. The state saying 40 have been deemed ineligible. That means about 263,000 people are now finding out they will not be getting those benefits they had been hoping for. I want to bring in the mayor of tampa, jane kastor, a democrat. Mayor, lets start there. Whats the deal . Whats happening in florida and is there anything that city leaders like you can do to help these people . Well, weve had an antiquated system for decades now. It has been simply overwhelmed. They took it offline a couple days ago, over the weekend to try to update it, allow for more volume to come through, and now theres another glitch where theyre denying individuals that shouldnt be denied. Again, just more frustration for those individuals that really need this help. What weve done in our community is to provide from a number of nonprofits to do everything we can for our community. Here in the city we raised funding, 8 million, to provide our citizens with rent and mortgage relief and utility relief as well. We did the same for our Small Businesses. Were trying to have that gap funding that will assist our citizens until they can get some of the state and federal funding to go through. Mayor, your states governor is at the white house right now, Governor Desantis. In terms of the 263,000 people who have been told they dont qualify, according to the governor its because a number of these people havent worked for a while. Is that what youre hearing from people who live in your city as well . I havent heard that yet. All i hear is that frustration of individuals that, they want to work and they need to get that unemployment. They need to get funding quickly because they have these bills mounting up. As a state and as a country, we need to provide that relief to our citizens. Weve been talking, of course, a lot about testing. According to reporting in fact, actually not reporting, i believe you said that about 1 of your countys 1. 4 million residents have been tested. Are you confident about the reopening plans that weve started to see urn fold there in florida . Im very relieved to hear Governor Desantis yesterday say that we are going to slow walk this reopening and its going to be guided by science. So im very relieved to hear that. Here in our city and in our county, we have eliminated any restrictions on testing. Were trying to get anyone and everyone in our community tested. Were starting the contact tracing. Were also doing the syndromic surveillance and were doing density risk as well so that we can map out those neighborhoods that may have a high incidence of positive tests and get the services down in there quickly. If we follow those steps and make decisions based on that, i think well be okay. You used a term i wasnt familiar with, syndromic surveillance. What exactly is that . In essence, looking for where those symptoms are displaying themselves. One is . The emergency rooms, in the doctors offices. Where are individuals coming from geographically, where do they live, that are presenting themselves with the symptoms. And then we also put in partnership with university of south Florida Medical school, a survey so that individuals can fill that out, and then we map that so we can show where these hot spots are throughout our community. Got it. All right. The mayor of tampa, mayor, thank you so much. Appreciate your time mayor castor. Thank you. Right now states, cities, local governments deciding what it looks like to reopen. With a patchwork of rules and regulations, local Business Owners, a lot of them are left confused about what to do, how to proceed they know theyre strapped for cash. What do they co . Nbcs Gadi Schwartz joins me from a colorado barber shop that, as i understand it, opened just a few minutes ago. Why did they decide to reopen and what are they doing to keep folks safe. They reopened because they say this has been devastating. Theyre keeping people safe by following the countys guidelines, theres a saferatwork guideline here in weld county. A lot of the patrons have been waiting for some time. Theyve been filled up with appointments. Here is where things get a little confusing. Technically right now in colorado, the governor, his own state guidelines that are saferathome guidelines, the county has saferatwork guidelines. Theres a little conflict there. The governor under those guidelines is saying that none of these barber shops should be open until friday. Here locally in weld county, its a little more nebulous. The owner of this barber shop says hes been trying to get answers for quite some time. On sunday, before he opened here, he got an answer. Take a listen to a little bit of that confusion. Does it seem like youre getting conflicting information . Im getting information from two sides. I feel like im in a cloud and im like, what do i do . Im not going to live in fear. Thats not something im going to do. If i live in fear, im just going to get my hungry, my family is going to be more hungry. The bills will add up even bigger. I cant live like that. If they give me permission to open up and nobody agrees with me, as long as the county gives me permission, im fine. So again he said that he checked with the regulatory agency, they said to check with the county and the county said, sure, go ahead and open back up. One county commissioner in particular saying they didnt want to pick the winners and the losers in who gets hit the hardest in this pandemic. Also had a problem here in colorado, places like marijuana shops and dispensaries being deemed essential while barber shops like this were forced to shut down. So they are open for business for now. They say every day its hundreds of dollars they didnt have before. Theyre already falling behind on their bills. Instead of waiting for friday when the state relaxed its stayathome orders, they went ahead and opened yesterday under from what they say is the permission of the county. Meanwhile, there are Health Leaders who have written to the county of weld saying they do not want to see their Health Centers and hospitals overrun with people coming down with covid19. Theyre very worried about that. Theres an outbreak just down the street here at the jbs Meat Packing Company just a few weeks ago. Thats of top concern. Again, a lot of people coming to get their haircuts today, saying theyve been waiting quite some time to do that. Weve heard from people that have come as far away as an hour, two hours, all the way to greeley to get their haircut. Right now Everything Else is closed. Gadi schwartz there for us in colorado. Gadi, stay safe. Gadi just mentioned the Meat Processing facility down the street where theres been a covid19 outbreak. Beef, bacon, chicken wings, are they going to be tougher to find . Experts are now warning about potential meat shortages that could hit your Grocery Store by the end of the beak. First though, this morning on the third hour of today, i asked the governor of illinois, j. B. Pritzker about the state lawmaker who sued over his stayathome order and won. A republican state lawmaker, he sued and a judge sided with the lawmaker and basically said that your stayathome order went too far. As i understand it, the judges ruling only applies to this state lawmaker. What are the implications moving forward . Well, first of all, the suit itself was extraordinarily irresponsible. This state representative was looking to gain some celebrity for himself. Its abominable, disgusting, frankly. Were immediately appealing it. Youre right. It only applies to this one individual, this state representative who filed his suit. So we believe well be able to get it overturned. But its extraordinarily irresponsible and it sends exactly the wrong message. The projections are that,000 sarnds and thousands of people will die and many tens of thousands will get sick if we remove the stayathome now. Who has time for wrinkles . Neutrogena® rapid wrinkle repair®. Weve got the retinol that gives you results in one week. Not just any retinol. Accelerated retinol sa. One week is all it takes. Neutrogena®. All strength we aint stoppin believe me go straight till the morning look like we wont wait were taking everything we wanted we can do it all strength, no sweat you should be mad at tech that makes things worse. But youre not, because you have e trade whose tech makes life easier by automatically adding technical patterns on charts and helping you understand what they mean. Dont get mad, get e trade. By the end of this week when you go to the Grocery Store, it could be a little harder to find meat. Thats the new warning this morning from experts. Potential meat shortages across the country now. More than a dozen Meat Processing plants have been forced to close because of covid19. So that means harder to find beef, click en, pork. Nbcs Kerry Sanders is following this part of the story very closely for us. So kerry, how concerned should people be right now . Reporter i think people should be aware at this point. Thats what people are saying. Im in okeechobee, one of the busiest stock yards east of the mississippi. As we fly over and take a look over the area, usually there are many more cows here. This stock yard usually has twice as many. Ranchers say theyre seeing a 30 decline in the cattle that theyre able to sell because of the problems at the meat packing plants. As we take a look at the pasture lands here, you can see cattle are roaming out in the pasture lands. Thats a lot easier for ranchers than it is for hog farmers. Hog farmers, those who have the pigs are discovering that they have so many holes, new ones being born, and the other ones are not heading off to the Meat Processing plants. So theyre doing something now they never thought they would have to do and that is to euthanize the hogs they have. This is what one hog farmer told me. I cant sleep. My brothers and i, were losing sleep. Im sure everybody else in the industry is, too. Its been so overwhelming, knowing were all going to end up in the same boat eventually where were going to have have to get rid of these marketready animals. Theres only one place to put them and thats in the ground. Tyson is one of the largest meat processors in the country and they say, quote, the Food Supply Chain is vulnerable. Thats a warning to consumers that they may begin to see limited supplies of meat when they go to the Grocery Store, craig. Kerry, i was always under the impression that we had a surplus in this country of meat that was being kept frozen in warehouses in various parts of the country. Is that not the case or have we blown through the surplus as well . Reporter youre absolutely correct. In fact, most of those warehouses, the giant freezers, as they were, are at the meat packing plants and they do have some online. However, the livestock pile report which is a group that analyzes this estimates that with a country of about 330 million people, that that supply is only a very shortterm buffer. So we may begin to see some outages of food at certain Grocery Stores, some shortages at certain geographic locations. If this continues with those meat packing plants closed, it could become more widespread. Of course, the real concern here, as we saw with toilet paper, craig, people start getting panicked and start buying items they dont need, and that compounds the problem and causes a problem for everybody. I dont know about where you are, but even where i live, there are still shortages of toilet paper and were talking weeks now. Same here, Kerry Sanders. That part of the struggle is real still in large swaths of this country. Kerry in okeechobee, florida. A big thank you to your drone operator as well. Lets bring in the doctor on dupity, dr. Lippy roy, an internal medicine physician. Lets start where kerry left off, the food supply. Whats your greatest concern about the food supply right now . Craig, its good to be with you. I empathize with the concerns that everyday people are having all over the country, theyre getting anxious, not getting a payche paycheck. They want to get back to work. I utterly, utterly empathize with that. My concern and the concern of medical professionals is lets do so safely in a coordinated manner. We need people you cant open up an economy with sick people who are dying or dead, right . I hate to be that blunt. But thats whats its coming down to. The reason why were seeing such economic devastation is because of health reasons. Lets make sure the health and Public Health of all our citizens in this country, its safe. Dr. Roy, theres a new study thats getting some attention this morning, a study being conducted in new york city. Its testing where pepcid pepcid ac, this common heartburn drug can be used to treat coronavirus. What more do we know about that . Is it a promising study . I was reading about this as well. Its called femododine used to treat heartburn, an h2 blocker. It blocks acid production in the stomach. Thats how its used to treat acid reflux, gurd, things like that. Its not completely intuitive as to why an acid blocker in the stomach can treat a respiratory vie ris. The theory is the molecule can inhibitor block replication of the virus. The key message here being and this is what the researchers are saying as well. Please do not go out and buy femotodine. We need a lot more data to understand how this medication works and lau, if any, theres a relationship at all between it and the people who have covid19. The patients who got the drug in the hospital are sick patients. They got it intravenously. They were getting nine times the amount that people would take over the counter. We need a lot more studies before we can understand if theres any effect of it on covid19. Good reminder there, the correlation and causation are two entirely different things. Dr. Roy, thank you. Theres new reporting out from hospitals in new york city, also in philadelphia, that people in their 30s and people in their 40s who test positive are experiencing strokes. Why is that . I actually just wrote a paper for forbes yesterday talking about the neurologic manifestations related to covid19. A lot of patients are presenting with headaches, dizziness, onesided weakness, slurred speech. These are classic symptoms, the speech and sight difficulties, facial drooping, in other words neurologic symptoms including strokes. We dont understand the complete path though physiology of this. Were learning something new about this novel or new coronavirus. But theres clearly something related to this phenomena called covid19associated coagulopathy. Its involved with forming clots. Some of these clots may be going to the brain and causing is k p ischemic strokes. Physicians around the world in china, a dutch study as well, shows theres clotting seen in patients with covid19. So we need to do a lot more largescale Clinical Trials to understand whats going on there. Dr. Roy, before i let you get out of here, lets talk testing. Weve been talking about the blueprint for increasing testing capacity. The president said yesterday from the white house he wants to see at least 2 of each population in every state tested, essentially leaves this in the hands of the states. What do you think of that plan . I guess some of the frustrations that me and my medical and Public Health colleagues have is, look, we know this is not a state problem. This is a federal and national problem. In fact, its actually a global problem. We really need a coordinated federal response, but were not really getting that. What youre seeing is different state leaderships acting and working together in different states. As youve seen, different states are opening up because their argument is, oh, our state is not really affected. But theyre also testing far less, right . Whats that expression . You dont know what you dont know. So if you dont test aggressively and widely, you just dont know fw the people in your state are carrying the virus, if theyre silent carriers who will then go on to infect other people. The way we will know that is through testing. Thats one part of the solution. The other is contact tracing, community tracing, identifying who got contacted and making sure that they stay isolated, they have support, they have resources. These are the two things that need to happen side by side. Dr. Lipi roy, thank you as always. Always. Were also following breaking news on this Tuesday Morning on capitol hill. Majority leader steny hoyer Just Announced a few moments ago that house members will not come back next week as originally planned. The congressman says its a judgment call. He went on to add that he hopes that members can return to consider additional legislation but that its not going to happen next week, still ahead here on a Tuesday Morning, two very different plans to reopen from two republican governors. One potential learning from the backlash launched by President Trump. What does texas know that georgia doesnt know . First, though, if you live near new york city or philadelphia, be ready to look up roughly 30 minutes from now. The navys blue angels and air force Thunder Birds will launch special flights over the metro areas in tribute to essential workers. Its the first in a series of flyovers the elite military teams are doing across the country in what theyre calling Operation American strong. But remember the warning weave heard before, watch from home and avoid large groups. I just love hitting the open road and telling people that Liberty Mutual customizes your insurance, so you only pay for what you need [squawks] only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Thats unnecessarily complicated. Make ice. Making ice. But youre not because you have e trade which isnt complicated. Their tools make trading quicker and simpler so you can take on the markets with confidence. Dont get mad get e trade. No uh uh, no way come on, no no nnnnono only discover has no annual fee on any card. And. L music fades in . Hey hi we were paying an arm and a leg for postage. I remember setting up shipstation. 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Lets bring in nbcs blayne alexander in virginia and msnbcs garrett haake. Blayne, walk us through this backandforth were seeing between the president and the governor in georgia. Reporter we started seeing it last week when President Trump not once, but twice, came out very strongly saying he was not happy with brian kemps plans to reopen many businesses in georgia. He said it was too soon and he was not happy with the governor. Yesterday the governor tried to downplay that in a News Conference that we attended. The numbers do not show that georgia meets the trend, the threshold that the white house set forth in guidelines suggesting two weeks of downward trend in covid19 cases. Given all that, during the News Conference, i asked Governor Kemp if he could specifically to what data he used to determine this was the safest way forward. Here is how he responded. I know it may be hard for nbc news to understand this, but all the data is publicly available on the Public Health departments website. As ive said before, i made those decisions in conjunction with dr. Toomey and many, many other people following the data. I want to tell you i appreciate what the president is doing. He said it best today. The media wants to continue to divide us during this period. But let me assure you there will be no dividing. Reporter so, craig, there you heard the governors response to my question asking specifically what data, what information he used to decide that reopening parts of georgia was the states safest option. Dr. Toomey said the governor is using factors other than data to guide his Decision Making there which she said she supports. Thats why youre seeing, craig, a number of people across the state, Business Owners, shop owners ive spoken to who are really split on what to development there are some people like many Business Owners here in this area behind me who are happy to be back in business, theyre grateful. They said they were in financially dire straits. But there are others who say theyre not ready to open their doors yet. One shop owner says he doesnt plan to open until some time in june. Blayne alexander, solid work there in georgia. Lets turn to texas for just a moment. Garrett, does it seem like texas may be taking some queues on how to reopen based on the backlash that georgia saw . Reporter theyre certainly taking an opposite course here. Some of the first businesses to open in georgia like barber shops, nail and hair salons, tattoo parlors, will not be among the businesses opening in texas until at least the middle of may. The governor says he wants to see how the phased reopening that will start on friday that includes retail, restaurants, malls, things likely brers and museums, operating very limited capacity, about 25 of their total capacity. He wants to see how that piece of the reopening works for a couple of weeks before deciding if he thinks its safe enough to open up additional businesses that have some more of that close human contact. For ever it may be worth, it appears the white house, at least the president , is backing what Governor Greg Abbott is doing in texas. The president sent a nice tweet about the abbott plan in texas. Abbott went out of his way yesterday to say he ran his plan which ran through a bunch of medical experts in texas, past dr. Birx of the president s task force before deciding to announce it yesterday. Essentially starting friday, well get this twoweek trial period across texas as most businesses try to reopen in some limited capacity to see if, a, they can make money and, b, if they can do this safely for a period of weeks while texas continues to test and track and try to make sure those numbers dont spike as the economy reopens here just a little bit, craig. Garrett haake in dallas, thank you. Blayne alexander in marietta, blayne, thank you as well. Meanwhile, the search for solutions goes high tech. How companies, a number of them are fast tracking the use of new technology during the pandemic. But im a survivor. After my heart attack, my doctor prescribed brilinta. Its for people who have been hospitalized for a heart attack. Brilinta is taken with a lowdose aspirin. No more than 100 milligrams as it affects how well brilinta works. Brilinta helps keep platelets from sticking together and forming a clot. In a clinical study, brilinta worked better than plavix. 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To help, were giving our customers up to 90 days to make their first payment. Shop online from the comfort of your couch, and get your car with touchless delivery to keep you safe. And for even Greater Peace of mind, all carvana cars come with a sevenday return policy. So, if you need to keep moving, were here for you. At carvana the safer way to buy a car. For people with Heart Failure taking entresto, it may lead to a world of possibilities. Entresto is a Heart Failure medicine prescribed by most cardiologists. It was proven superior at helping people stay alive and out of the hospital. Heart failure can change the structure of your heart so it may not work as well. Entresto helps improve your hearts ability to pump blood to the body. And with a healthier heart, theres no telling where life may take you. Dont take entresto if pregnant; it can cause harm or death to an unborn baby. Dont take entresto with an ace inhibitor or aliskiren, or if youve had angioedema with an ace or arb. The most serious side effects are angioedema, low Blood Pressure kidney problems, or high blood potassium. Ask your doctor about entresto. Novartis thanks the heroic healthcare workers fighting covid19. Theres now a rush from major corporations, a number of them, to put cuttingedge technology into use. Its part of the nations search for solutions to some of the everyday tasks complicated by this pandemic. Nbcs tom costello is looking at how these companies are really getting creative. Reporter in raleigh, north carolina, ups drones are now a critical part of wake forest medicals lab process, rushing blood and schwab samples from one side of campus to the other. Time matters. Patients want to know what does that test show. The faster you can get them answers to get them results, the better. Reporter at the villages in florida, the largest Senior Community in the country with an atrisk population, drones will start delivering cvs prescriptions to front doors next week. Its already happening in blacksburg, virginia, googles wing is making more than 1,000 deliveries a week, everything from takeout food to walgreens prescriptions to the allimportant toilet paper, all dropped from a hovering drone. This couple is among the first to sign up a year ago. Now it takes a different meaning. Reporter where drones are becoming a daily reality, expediting the lab tests, the fit bit or the smart watch youre wearing may provide you with the first clue that youre getting sick. Stanford University Researchers say smart watches that monitor your heart rate, skin temperature and blood oxygen levels could provide the earliest warnings that youre fighting an infection, perhaps even covid19. We think you might even be able to tell when people are ill and asymptomatic which is a big deal for this pandemic. Reporter with millions of people wearing smart watches, the data could eliminate communities to how quickly a disease is spreading, Vital Information if covid19 makes a return. Tom costello, nbc news, gaithersburg, maryland. Right now reporters are in the oval office with President Trump and governors. Also looking overseas for guidance. The lessons the United States could learn from france as both nations start easing coronavirus restrictions. First, though, one surgeon cautioning about reopening too fast. My only request is we listen to what the experts are saying. There has to be a balance struck between the people that are being hurt and the economy being shut down which is real pain. From those of us that are worried and concerned that any premature reopening would mean we would lose all the ground weve made, there are too many people that have paid too much, too many sacrifices have been made for us to back down. 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President trump meeting with floridas governor ron desantis. Lets bring in msnbcs White House Correspondent kristen welker. What are we hearing so far . Were getting our first pool notes with President Trump and Florida Governor desantis. Let me read you a little bit of what theyre saying. President trump praising his republican allies saying desantis is doing a spectacular job in florida, touting the fact he said he enjoys a high popularity. The president saying, quote, and thats for a reason. Hes doing a very good job. We are told desantis is currently talking about testing in florida, trying to make the case testing exceeds the need in florida. President trump even offering to hold up some visual aids for him saying i can be your easel, again according to the reporters in the room. To take a step back, we know florida is planning to according to the governor reopen in what he calls baby steps starting at the end of this week. But its not clear florida has met the grinds set by the administration, which, of course, is to have a downward trajectory of cases for 14 days. So far the death toll continues to mount in florida. 83 new reported deaths today alone, and so there is scepticism about whether or not this is happening too quickly. But, again, desantis making the case he is going to open up in a, quote, methodical way. Again, we cant underscore this enough, it desantis is a republican ally of President Trump. And worth he noting he didnt hold a Similar Press availability with andrew cuomo when he came to the white house. So certainly politics underscoring this event as well. Kristen welker from 1600 pennsylvania. Kristen, thank you. Meanwhile overseas the french government this morning said its time to ease restrictions put in place to fight the pandemic there. France is in its sixth week of lockdown, due to be lifted may 11th. Some restrictions will be eased. Other restrictions though will remain in place. Nbcs Helena Humphrey is in paris for us this morning. What is going to change there and when . It was a summer address by french president phillipe. He said it would be a gradual easing of restrictions from the 11th of may but if there are any indicators they would put the plans on ice. But we can expect schools to gradually reopen from the 11th of may rks starting with small children, a decision pending when it comes to high schools. The Prime Minister also called on people to keep working from home if they could, though he said public transport would be reopened at a capacity of 70 but everyone using would have to now wear a face mask. The government has committed to obtaining millions of face masks for the general population. These measures will be put to the vote. Theyre likely to be passed but they will be reassessed in june, craig. Helena humphrey for us, thank you very much. Perhaps is lessons to be gleaned from what theyre doing in paris. That will do it for this hour. Up next, nobel prizewinning columnist paul romer said congress should make a 100 billion investment to test every single american on a regular basis. Andrea mitchell reports starts right after this. Eports starts right after this n find yourself heading in a new direction. But when youre with fidelity, a partner who makes sure every step is clear, theres nothing to stop you from moving forward. A partner who makes sure every step is clear, ibut nothing makes me feel like pnew always discreet boutique. Outside, its soft like underwear. Inside, it turns liquid to gel. For incredible protection, that feels like nothing but my underwear. New always discreet boutique. Sprinting past every leak in our softest, smoothest fabric. Shes confident, protected, her strength respected. Depend. The only thing stronger than us, is you. Why accept it frompt an incompyour allergy pills . E else. 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Lets make a difference, together, by taking a few minutes to go online to 2020census. Gov. Its for the wellbeing of your community and will help shape americas future. Im Andrea Mitchell in washington. Continuing our coverage of the coronavirus pandemic, the president at this hour is meeting with Florida Governor ron desantis in the oval office, a republican ally. We will bring updates as soon as we get them. Here are the facts at this hour. President trump said coronavirus testing will not be a problem at all, even has his new white house blueprints fall short of Health Experts recommendations for widespread testing to safely resume activities across the country. And the white house says the federal government will only be a supplier of last resort. The Washington Post is reporting that the Intelligence Community delivered early warnings about the coronavirus outbreak in china to the president in early january and february in his Daily Briefing but he apparently ignored those warning while continuing for months to downplay the threat to the u. S. On the first

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