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Does it affect to change reality here . Do they believe that twostate system is impossible, that is the talk in israel. Now, that it is appears to be the new framework for a discussion, that is a fundamental change. Special correspondent for the network, 25, 26 years. Good to see you, thank you for popping in it you saw this News Conference. Play identity here a few minutes ago, the president and the Prime Minister as well. What struck you most from what we heard from the two gentlemen . What struck me most, netanyahu arriving, and the press conference, if i was a Palestinian Leader looking at this i would be deeply concerned. It was a lovein between the trumps and the netanyahus, that means between israel and the United States. There it was a mention that netanyahu made about the movement, the friendship with trump, saying, it was long overdue. A side mention of the relationship between he and president obama for a long time. That is what struck me. It is a new deck of cards on the table. I wouldnt go to say the twostate option is dead. It remains the only solution politically. If the wider arab world are brought into the negotiations, which seems to be the direction that things are going, they are not going to agree to a larger jewish state. They will only agree to a twostate solution. I think it is not dead. It is urgently needed. Quick progress is urgently needed. We expect to see President Trump and the Prime Minister in the oval office. Other news, donald trump, as well as his associates, pushing back hard on the New York Times story. Blaming all of us to a certain extent for the fallout with regard to general Michael Flynn. You are exactly right. It was striking, atmospheric, it does matter in terms of substance. Pem netanyahu said, President Trump didnt allow for real questions, trying to zero in on the issue of mike flip. The now former National Security advisor. He said he blamed leaks, he called criminal acts, an effort to distract from millry clintons terrible loss, he said he has been treated unfairly. If this was fake news, why, mr. President , did you fire lim . What was the basis for that . The fact that from the time of the department of Justice Sally yates, 15 days before mike pence was alerted to it. And january 26th, until a couple of days ago, that you kept mike flynn as your National Security advisor, involved in the briefings, and announced the position on iran. Having concerns, that you told about, did you keep him for that period of time. In many way, it is unclear if we will get those answers from the president. Pete williams is standing by, unnamed sources, so many unnamed sources talking to Media Outlets about the investigations into trumps election team. As well as general flynn as well. Walk us through the inquiries. For months now, they are looking at in Hillary Clintons campaign. Do did the russians do this by themselves . Interesting inning any contacts between people in the u. S. , and the russians during that time. It has been well known, some connected to the calm pain, others, business associates, were in russia during that time. Number one, that there has been nothing found in any of the investigation that includes any collusion between people in the u. S. , campaign, or the number of contacts wasnt very large, wasnt contact. That there were some communications, and that they are well aware of which ones those were. Standby, we are going to the oval office. President trump, and Prime Minister netanyahu. Nice article. I said, was that sara . Any comment there was senior advisor. [ inaudible ] thank you. Office. You were saying the reports, some of these reports, they may be a bit overheated. Is that a fair adjective . Based on your sources . They are midway through this t several months to go. No indication that there was any collusion, the number of these contacts was not a large number, they were not constant. They were not contacts, as far as the u. S. Knows with russian intelligence people. One official told me today, you never know with the russians, there is no confirmed connection between the Trump Associates and intelligence figures. Casy, talk to us about the democratic, national divide as the investigation of general flynn goes. So far, republican leadership is saying, any investigation into what happened to flynn and the increasing reporting that pete was talking about, be left with senate and house Intelligence Committees. This is important, partly because they do their work largely behind closed doors, working with classified information, yes, it gives leaders control over what is released afterwards. Calls are increasing, senator graham saying a select committee should be formed to investigate this. In in fact, the Trump Campaign had contact with russian operatives. The investigation of russian they dont have a lot of tools, to work with, they need republicans, there is pressure on leadership. You if it gets too great, you may see a change in strategy. Thank you as always. He is the Ranking Member of the Armed Services committee. Congressman smith, thank you for your time. Start with your reaction to what we heard from President Trump, about flynn, saying he was treated very, very unfairly by the media. Called it the fake media, and said the leaks are criminal. That makes no sense. If all of that is true, why did President Trump fire him . Obviously, this isnt something that is made up it is something that Michael Flynn d troubling enough to the white house, they had to let him go as the National Security advisor. They found out the content of Michael Flynns phone call wasnt what Michael Flynn said it was. In fact, it was about the sanctions, part of it was about the sanctions that penalty obama just leveed. President trump knew this, it was only that the media got to the story and made it public that made it public. I wish President Trump would have some responsibility or have some of his administration take responsibility for their actions. The we might learn more about the relationship between general flynn and russia. Some of his counterparts, perhaps in russia. Do you have any more information about that . I dont have any more information than what is out there. The media, a remarkable job of pulling it out. One thing we dont have is exactly what is said in those conversations. We know that general flynn characterized what it was. That is something to be determined. Frankly. And the larger issue, which you have been talking about, what exact influence has russia had. Obviously, they hacked into the election, what influence do they have over the Trump Administration, the president has to tell us what is going on, instead of ignoring the questions, and claiming that everything that he doesnt like is fake news. That will get old. I think a select committee is what we need. You can i served on the benghazi commonwealth, for longer than i care to remember. Select committees are not something that republicans are opposed to. I applaud senator graham, and senator mccain approached it in a reasonable way, it is bipartisan. On the house side, it has been ignored. Some senators are admitting it is a legitimate issue. Congressmap, thank you for your time, sir. Thank you. Microsoft Poll Question of the day. That is the question the pulse is live. It is pulse. Msnbc. Com. We will check the results later the broadcast. Will the Trump Administration get behind the twostate solution. Joe lieberman will stop by. He is outside the window. Bringing him in after this. Why was Vice President mike pence kept in the dark for so long. Why are some more interested in leaks. The future of business in New York State is already in motion. Companies across the state are growing the economy, with the help of the lowest taxes in decades, a talented workforce, and worldclass innovations. Like in plattsburgh, where the most advanced transportation is already en route. And in corning, where the future is materializing. Let us help grow your companys tomorrow today at esd. Ny. Gov ago. The senior news editer is here to describe how the twostate solution would work in practice. Here is the understanding for middle east peace until this morning. The twostate Solutions Based on the 48 borders, gazaa and the west bank, one state here, palestine. Gazaa and the west bank, the rest of it is israel. One of the problems with that, one of the reasons that Palestinian Leaders said it wouldnt work. Is the settlements, one of the questions is, what happens to them . The bigger question, what happens to the 2. 5 million palestinians that live here in the west bank . What kinds of rights do they have . Keeping in mind, this would all be one country, under a one state solution, minus the strip is one country. Military service. All israeli have to serve in the military, three years for men, two for women. After that you are in for life as a reservist. Land, that was there theirs, equal rights. Would palestinians have the right to vote . Same rights at israelis . The occupied west bank is under Israeli Military control. Would that become under civilian control . These are a few of the very difficult questions that will have to be answered. Walking us through what it all could mean. I want to bring in former senator joe leiberman, form als special correspondent, and bureau chief, and still with us as well. Senator, i want to start with you. A snippet of what we heard from Prime Minister netanyahu. We will talk about it on the other side. Here it is. The great opportunity for peace comes from a regional approach from involving our newfound arab partners in the pursuit of a broader peace and peace with the palestinians. I look forward to discussing this in greater detail with you mr. President. I think that if we work together, we have a shot. What does it sound like to you . A recognition of reality. The major conflicts in the middle east are sunni verse shiite and isis, and the arab nations sharing a lot of opinions with israel, mostly about iran. There is a new reality. The arab nations are closer to israel. There is an opportunity to build on that. In my opinion. That close relationship between the arabs and israelis will not go public, if you will, unless there is progress within the israelis and the palestinians. That gets us back to the twostate solution. The twostate solution, i want to say quickly, is not the goal. The goal is peace. Between israelis and palestinians, and hopefully, israelis and arabs, up until now, the general feeling has been, you cant do it. You cant achieve peace unless there is some respect for the rights of the palestinians, whatever the nature of that state may be. If you abandon that concept, i dont think there is a lot of chance for peace between israelis and palestinians soon. I hope i am wrong. We heard in the News Conference or before the News Conference, the cia Director Meeting in the west bank with palestinia palestinians. They are trying to get ahead between the loving between the israelis and United States, the palestinians must be looking at this with great concern. This was to reassure them their interests would not be ignored. This weekend be the end of the twostate solution. There is not like there has been negotiations for a onestate solution. In the absence of success of looking for a twostate solution, it will be one large state as israeli continues to settle large parts of the land. There is no chance that israel, who controls the land will ever agree to a one man, one vote situation in that piece of territory. While i have you talk about the Dumpster Fire that appears to be raging at 1600 pennsylvania avenue. Are you a longtime member of the socalled washington establishment. How do you characterize the first 27, 28 days of the Trump Administration . Unprecedented. Tumultuous, President Trump is so different from anybody we have had as president in modern times and committed to change. What has happened, beyond the changes that he has talked about and tried to begin to implement through executive orders, is the hint of scandal. President getting hold of it, he would benefit as much as anybody as a credible, independent investigation in the first instance of the contacts with russia. We know from American Government intelligence conclusions, law enforcement, that the russians were hacking and trying to effect the outcome of our election last november. Now, we have these connections between general flynn who now left and others in the campaign. We dont know what the nature of those connections were. Whether it was worth listening to, it is not time to reach conclusions yet. It is profound questions. It is in President Trumps, so he can get answers to them to governor the way he said he would governor. Which questions would you be asking specifically, do you believe it is an instance that requires a select committee or that Intelligence Committee is more than capable of handling Something Like this . I have a lot of respect for both committee committee, they get a quick run at this. A special committee would be best. In order to be done. You have the separate investigation going on now through the fbi, and that is not going to be done soon either. So, this is a cloud that will hang overhead. The media is not going to level it go. It runs the risk of distracting the administration from doing what they said they were going to do, including getting the economy going again. Do you think the National Security advisor could call his counterpart in russia, without the president instructing him to do that or the Senior Members of the staff. Remember, they werent in office yet. General flynn, as part of the transition. Of course, it is all quite suspicious. I havent seen the transcripts of those conversations, fblg, it happened around the time that president obama imposed sanctions on russia because of the case they tried to effect our election. I dont want to run to a conclusion. He wasnt in the white house. He wasnt next to the president. If he did it on his own, that was reason enough to wonder whether he was ready to be National Security advisor. Mr. Fletcher, good to have you back in the building as well. I will be around. New calls for an investigation into precisely who knew what, when did they know it, when it comes to Michael Flynn and dealings with russia. Republican, tom cole will join me at the other side. That accepts medicare patients. Plus, there are no networks, and virtually no referrals needed. So dont wait. Call now and request this free Decision Guide to help you better understand medicare. And which aarp Medicare Supplement plan might be best for you. Theres a wide range to choose from. We love to travel and theres so much more to see. So we found a plan that can travel with us. Anywhere in the country. [ male announcer ] join the millions of people who have already enrolled in the only Medicare Supplement insurance plans endorsed by aarp, an Organization Serving the needs of people 50 and over for generations. Remember, all Medicare Supplement insurance plans help cover what medicare doesnt pay. And could save you in outofpocket medical costs. 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I think it is very, very unfair, what happened to general flynn, the way he was treated and the documents and papers that were illegal, i stress that illegally leaked. Republican congressman tom cole of oklahoma, is a Senior Member of the house, thank you for making time this afternoon. Is that issue here . The issue the leaks or is it more complex than that . I think it is more complex than that. I had the opportunity to interact with general flynn a number of times i have a lot of respect for him. He served the country with disstinkz. I am sorry this happened. At the end of the day, there are serious questions, he deliberately or Accidently Mislead the Vice President. There is a lot of controversy. I think the appropriate vehicle would be the Intelligence Committee, if someone thought it was illegal, the judiciary would be the appreciate place. Explore and investigate it, have a thorough and professional investigation, and give general flynn a chance to tell the story. When, i dont have any questions about his patriotism. My question would be, you know, where you forthcoming with the Vice President , and why not . National security advisor, i dont have any problems with him talking to other countries, that is their job. Preparing transition is appropriate. Even if he was talking about the sanctions . It depends on how it is phrased or what you say. We did not have a lot of diplomats expelled. That was a good thing, i think it is appropriate to be talking to people. It is not appropriate to mislead the Vice President or members of the administration. They have to know what is happening. For whoever reason, honest and forthcoming, explain it straight up. He is not there now. That does suggest that there was a loss of confidence in the white house and his judgment. According to Vice President mike pences press secretary, the white house kept the Vice President in the dark for at least two weeks. At least two weeks, about what it knew with regard to general flynn. Does the sidelining of Vice President pence, does that erode trust in this administration at all . I dont think so. There is a difference between sidelining and checking out something. Just because you have been told something, doesnt mean it is true it intelligence can be inaccurate. You are dealing with an attorney general, the member of the preceding administration. I am not suggesting that she would do anything untoward. You dont know the source. You dont have a high degree of faith in it if you are thinking through your options, that is fine. In the end, the president did the right thing. Came to thent handle the situation appropriately. And got the resignation. I dont know if you have had the opportunity at the press conference. When asked about it at the News Conference, in addition to blaming the media, said it was connected to the defeat of hillary clinton. And it was a bit bizarre. Hearing him explain it. To be fair, the only thing i have heard is the clip you played before i came on. I wouldnt agree with that clip. Something went wrong here. That is yet National Security advisor is the exNational Security advisor. That isnt the medias fault. No matter what administration you belong to, that is a fact you have to deal with in this town. The president made the right decision. I am sure it was a tough decision. If someone that you have faith in, that is your friend, a strong supporter, i dont blame the president for taking a couple of weeks to think it through, double check the facts, then he acted. Did the right thing. Paul mannafort, the former Campaign Manager is out, amid ties and concerns about ties to russia. Are you at all concerned about this administrations connection to russia . No. I look at general maddis, and rex it tillerson. My view is tougher, as we should say, about Valdimir Putin and russia, the previous two administrations came n trying to set things with russia. I dont think it will happen. Again, i tend to be more guarded on this. I dont think that i do believe the russians tried to manipulate the election, i dont think they were successful. You pay attention. Calls growing louder for an independent investigation. The Standing Committee system would be sufficient. We look at the political fallout. And the white house, that appears to be in chaos. Our panel of experts after this. i shake it glad i had a v8. The original way to fuel your day. Now . Excuse me. Again . Be right back. Always running to the bathroom because your bladder is calling the shots . You may have oab. Enough of this. Were going to the doctor. Take charge and ask your doctor about myrbetriq. Thats myrbetriq, the first and only treatment in its class for oab symptoms of urgency frequency, and leakage. Myrbetriq mirabegron may increase Blood Pressure. Tell your doctor right away if you have trouble emptying your bladder, or have a weak urine stream. 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For longer lasting relief. In one chewable tablet try duo fusion from the makers of zantac the fall out over Michael Flynns dismissal, continues to dominate washington today. We bring in the National Security analyst, former Secretary Of Defense malcomb nance, and let me start with you evelyn. We heard from President Trump, talking about the controversy, blaming the media and leaks as well. What do you make of that . I think, look, if President Trump has something to hide, day one of his presidency, would have been, i want to look at how russia influenced the elections. There were carter page, the guy going back and forth, roger stone, the guy who tweeted right before the Hacks Of John of the Campaign Advisor to secretary clinton. He alerted the world to it. There were a lot of questions swirling around already. President trump has not chosen to do that. That opens up the line of questions about what his involvement with russia is. We havent seen tax papers, why he refuses to say a bad word about Valdimir Putin, why his party line, his Foreign Policy, we are unclear what it is across the board. When it comes to russia, it seems, no matter what, he wants to cooperate. He doesnt want to say anything negative. It raises too much suspicious. Malcomb, you have been on the record with trump aides and intelligence officials communitied with each other, during the campaign. What do we know about the communication . What do we know about the content of that communication . Well, as you know, i wrote a book about this five months ago. Having worked at nsa, i will stick what i know from the New York Times. What they said, over the last year, several of these personnel on the campaign, the only named person was Paul Manafort were in direct communication with those recognized at russian intelligence officers, this was multiple contacts, and done, obviously, it was collected through nsa, under the jurisdiction of the fbi. Where they monitored their communications and apparently, have some definitive information these people were either being handled or unwitting assets of russian intelligence, and were bringing their views to the white house. You know, what is most important to understand here is, that Donald Trumps loving embrace or moscow has never been adequately explained. It has to be explained. Does he owe them money . What is the impetus why he believes that Foreign Policy is until that is done, it moves on from suspicious to sinister. Those are the pish suspicious, moves on from suspicious to sinister. Whats the end game for putin for russia here . What would their motivation be . Can i if i could, i wanted to put it in that bigger con tek conte context, we dont think were at war with russia but the way the russians Defei Feigfine their w on operation cyber offensive against us, fake news, harassing our diplomats in moscow. Across the board, they have r. T. , their Propaganda Network broadcasting here in the United States. The russians believe theyre already at war with us. Its a war without bullets so far. And i think its really important for us to wake up and understand that and the president needs to publicly acknowledge that because i think its very dangerous for the American People to be under the illusion that somehow we can be friends with russia, when they view us as their adversary. Jonathan thats right. I want to talk to you about new reporting you have with regards to steve bannon. Steve bannon, of course, senior adviser, i forget his official title there in the white house, but he certainly has the ear of the president , perhaps more than just about anybody else in the west wing depending on who you believe. Chief strategist is his official title. What can you tell us about this explosion that he had on a breitbart reporting . So theres a mythology that steve bannon is conducting all of his warfare through breitbart at the moment. Look, you can say a lot of things about steve bannon but hes not an idiot and we know that hes very acutely sensitive to the fact that people think that Breitbart News is a proxy for his views, and hes also acutely sensitive to the story line that theres this cold war between him and the chief of staff, Reince Priebus. Anyway, breitbarts matt boyle, washington editor, punches out a story that published yesterday, which got the attention of a lot of senior people in the white house. It was a story basically saying that Reince Priebus was on his last legs, and steve bannon which, you know, i reported today, far from leaking that story, a lot of people reported that, you know, it must be done with bannons consent. He actually got boyle on the phone and it was described to me was gave him both barrels so he was furious about this and genuinely furious. Ive run this story down through a number of different channels. Evelyn, malcolm, jonathan, i wish we had more time. Thank you for your time this afternoon. Thanks, craig. Breaking news from denver. An undocumented woman, mother of three americanborn children, seeking refuge in a church right now to avoid deportation. Our Gaudy Schwartz is on the scene. Well check in with him right after this to find out what she is doing now to avoid deportation. Ll your business bey when growth presents itself . American express open cards can help you take on a new job, or fill a big order or expand your office and take on whatever comes next. Find out how American Express cards and services can help prepare you for growth at open. Com. Hei dont want one thats Haded Express Caa big wreckvices just say, show me cars with no accidents reported find the cars you want, avoid the ones you dont plus you get a free carfax® report with every listing i like it start your used car search at carfax. 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Enbrel, the number one rheumatologistprescribed biologic. She held a News Conference a few moments ago. Lets get right to Gadi Schwartz live in denver with the latest. Gadi, what can you tell us . Reporter yeah, thats News Conference is still going on right now. See jeanette standing behindm e, that is ja neanette and her you daughter, siri, shes 6 years old. She was scheduled to show up for an i. C. E. Checkin, after checking with her kids she decided to not run the risk of immediate deportation. I. C. E. Issuing a statement saying jeanette has two Misdemeanor Convictions and in 201 2011 a judge originally issued a final order of deportation to mexico. Shes an i. C. E. Enforcement priority. Her authority says the conviction was based on a 2009 incident of which jeanette was found guilty of using a fake i. D. So she could work. Shes been here for 20 years. Her done sattorney says there a pending stay applications in the work, one based on a u visa, because she was a victim of a crime here in the United States. For now it appears as though a lot of those fights and those stays will take place from inside of this church where this name is now seeking sanctuary. Shes behind us right now saying that she is willing to stay here as long as it takes. Craig, back to you. If he is deported, gadi, what happens to those kids . Reporter well, their naur is he here in the United States so they have a Support System that has been set up. Theres also a Big Community here that has rallied around this family. Just talking a little bit about that, one of the case that influenced her decision, he says, was that case that we saw in phoenix, arizona, where a family in a similar situation showed up for their i. C. E. Checkin and that mother, Guadeloupe Garcia was deported to mexico. Thats what she said inspired this today. Gadi schwartz for us in a church in denver, colorado, following Breaking News for us. Gadi, do keep us up to speed on whats happening there. I know you will. Time now for one last look this hour at our microsoft pulse question. There was the question. Can peace in the middle east be achieved in United States abandons twostate solution between israel and the palestinians . That was the question. A bit lopsided today. 97 of you say no. You still have an hour to share your thoughts, though. The pulse is still alive. Pulse. Msnbc. Com. Thats going to do it, though, for this hour of msnbc live. My colleague, katy tur, picking things up right now. Hey there, craig. Thank you. Breaking news from the white house. President trump says the real problem isnt his former National Security adviser who lied to the administration and the american public, its who caught him in that lie. General flynn is a wonderful man. I think hes been treated very, very unfairly by the media. The fake media in many cases. Papers are being leaked, things are being leaked. Its criminal action, criminal act. People are trying to cover up for a terrible loss that the

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