Transcripts For MSNBCW MSNBC Live With Ali Velshi 20180810 1

Transcripts For MSNBCW MSNBC Live With Ali Velshi 20180810 19:00:00

it was much lengthier, which i think caused some of us to speculate that all of these delays related to some juror issue, but the jurors are all back. there's been no further discussion of the reason for the delay. testimony is ongoing. >> the other intriguing thing that happened today was about sealed testimony about some rick gates testimony that could have to do with an investigation that is still ongoing. when we consider what investigations are still ongoing that rick gates might have to do with, we're looking at the larger special counsel investigation into the russia probe. what do you make of that testimony being put under seal by the judge? >> well, that came after an objection when the defense asked rick gates if he was asked questions by the fbi about his role in the trump campaign. and so at that point there was this sidebar where no doubt they discussed the scope of rick gates' cooperation. it would not surprise me if he wasn't providing information about the time that he served as deputy campaign manager.
she would be on the computer taking his dictations. that's the kind of relationship they had. also they're extremely close friends. so he's probably shared a lot with her. >> and what would andrew miller know, and why would he say no to a subpoena? why would he risk that? >> she's actually a key figure we're learning. kristin told me andrew miller was the person who handled his schedule and was in that assistant role during those key months, july, august, september, october, november, when all of this was brewing and erupting in the lead-up to the election. >> when podesta was -- i'm sorry, when roger stone was tweeting things like it will soon be john podesta's time in the barrel. >> exactly right. >> from my reporting on what mueller's team has been asking witnesses, roger stone has been somebody that keeps coming up and they want to know what did roger stone have to do with the campaign? he was dismissed in 2015. he says he quit, the campaign said he was fired. did he leave or was he working
in an unofficial capacity, was he communicating with donald trump, if he was, what was he saying. if he's communicating with donald trump behind the scenes and maybe if he's communicating with wikileaks behind the scenes, was he passing information. those are all unknowns right now, they're questions. >> right. clearly he was still supporting trump and trying to work on his behalf and trying to use these wikileaks, use those e-mails to trump's advantage. he has gotten himself into really hot water, as have other individuals. i don't know that they realized that this would turn into a federal inquiry of this magnitude, and now the weight of the mueller investigation is wearing down heavily on people like roger stone, his inner circle, people like don junior, who probably didn't realize what they were getting into. >> we will see what happens there. anna schecter, great reporting as always. thank you very much for joining us. and to help me break this down, i'm joined by a reporter at the "daily beast," betsy
woodruff and glen kirschner, who spent his more than 30-year career working in d.c. betsy, first to you. give us the broader picture of what we can now conclude that mueller is looking into. >> we know mueller is deeply interested in some of the more fringe figures sort of on the periphery of the trump campaign. this indicates he's casting a wide net. there's two different ways of reading mueller's investigation of roger stone. one possible interpretation of all the evidence that we've seen thus far, all the reporting, mine, yours, everything that we're hearing, is that mueller is genuinely on the trail of finding something potentially unlawful that roger stone may have been involved in. sources have speculated to me that it could be a financial issue, kind of analogous to the trouble manafort has gotten into, that there is potential law breaking that would have nothing to do with trump or the campaign that mueller could be investigating. that's one possible reading of all the reporting, one way of making sense of it. another way of making sense of it, which is sort of the way that would be best, the most
happy interpretation for roger stone and company is that mueller has a responsibility to check every box. he has a responsibility to leave no stone unturned, to investigate thoroughly every lead, to talk to everyone who could know anything about potential collusion. so just the fact that he's doing a very thorough investigation wouldn't necessarily mean that he's about to indict someone. either of those interpretations is a way of looking at the reporting that we've gotten thus far. given that it's mueller and he's hard to predict, it's hard to say which way this will pan out. >> no stone unturned, nice pun. roger stone is sort of named in the latest indictment by robert mueller of the 12 russians, that indictment that came out in july. the conspirators, posing at guccifer 2.0 also communicated with u.s. persons about the release of stolen documents. they wrote to a person who was in regular contact with senior members of the presidential campaign of donald j. trump. that person is roger stone.
glenn. >> so katy, it looks like the circle continues to constrict around roger stone. this is sort of a classic investigative tactic. bob mueller and his team are going to the people who are closest to mr. stone both personally and professionally. miss davis we have heard reporting has both a personal relationship and a business relationship with mr. stone. andrew miller apparently was more of a business relationship. but if he was roger stone's scheduler, he could be a bonanza of potentially incriminating information. as but one example, we came to learn when roger stone testified before the house intelligence committee behind closed doors, he was apparently asked about meetings with russians and he said he had none. however, we then heard he did have that little meeting that he forgot about with henry greenberg, not his real last name. he was a potential russian operative. mr. greenberg was looking for $2 million in exchange for dirt on
hillary clinton. how mr. stone could forget that is sort of beyond belief. but what mr. mueller is going to be looking at is his schedule, his e-mail communications, his texts, anything he said orally to both miss davis and andrew miller, because that's actually going to be a fairly easy perjury charge to prove if the investigative team can get any corroboration for the fact that he didn't forget about the meeting, he concealed it from the house intelligence committee. >> in my conversations in the past two hours about this -- about roger stone and the folks that are being interviewed, people keep bringing up don junior as well. not necessarily in direct relation to roger stone per se but as somebody who also could be very exposed in the mueller investigation. betsy, again, just remind our audience how don junior -- what don junior has at risk right now. >> one of the biggest challenges
that junior faces is the fact that he attended this controversial meeting in trump tower that russians who are connected to the kremlin set up for the stated purposes of providing dirt on hillary clinton to the trump campaign. now, depending on which lawyers you talk to, you'll hear different interpretations of what type of legal liability that could potentially open up donald junior to. one term i hear thrown around is this question of conspiracy. could junior be alleged to have conspired, to have participated in an effort designed to circumvent campaign finance laws by getting material from a foreign government or from a foreign entity and using it on a campaign, which is against the law. even though there's no evidence thus far that russians actually provided dirt to the trump campaign, that meeting, of course, was a big disappointment to the very high level trump campaign officials that participated in it. that said, for legal purposes, that may not necessarily
exculpate trump junior. >> if you try to rob a bank, it doesn't matter whether or not you're successful in robbing that bank. glenn, one other thing, "the washington post" editorial board is saying enough's enough. time for mueller to bring out the big guns. it's time for him to subpoena the president. glenn, what do you think? >> katy, i don't know that bob mueller can subpoena the president because -- an i worked for bob mueller, he was my chief of homicide right here in d.c. we're governed by the policies of the department of justice. and ordinarily we don't subpoena targets of an investigation. why is that? because a target of an investigation by definition has a right against sel self-incrimination. you don't become a target unless the investigators are looking to indict you. so we don't know that he's ripened into a target but if he has ripened into the target, then doj policy would say bob
mueller can't subpoena him. there is an exception to the policy, but in my 30 years as a prosecutor i've never seen it employed. so i -- if i were to give my informed opinion, i don't think we'll ever see a subpoena going from bob mueller to the president. >> interesting. glenn kirschner, betsy woodruff, guys, thank you very much. gentleman and lady, i could say. coming up, the city of charlottesville is preparing for a state of emergency ahead of the one-year anniversary of last year's deadly white supremacist rally. so has the conversation on race evolved one year later? you're watching msnbc. i get unlimited 1.5% cash back. it's so simple, i don't even have to think about it. so i think about mouthfeel. i don't think about the ink card. i think about nitrogen ice cream in supermarkets all over the world. i think about the details. fine, i obsess over the details. think about every part of your business except the one part that works without a thought your ink card. introducing chase ink business unlimited with unlimited 1.5% cash back on every purchase.
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does this ring a bell, i think there is blame on both sides. almost one year ago, the president delivered those very words shortly after a working vacation in bedminster, new jersey. on august 15, 2017, speaking to our entire country, president trump refused to condemn the white nationalists responsible for turning an already violent "unite the right" rally in charlottesville, virginia, deadly. deadly because james fields jr. allegedly drove his car into a crowd of counterprotesters, killing 32-year-old heather heyer. he pleaded not guilty to federal hate crimes charges. he's been charged under virginia law with murder and other crimes. the president's lack of moral authority in that moment ignited a nationwide debate over race in
america, a debate that continues today because on the eve of the anniversary of that deadly clash, where is the president's ire? it's focused on nfl players protesting racial injustice in america. the president tweeted be happy, be cool, and instructed the players to stand proudly for your national anthem or be suspended without pay. this as the city of charlottesville prepares to go under a state of emergency just hours from now. joining me is nbc news kelly o'donnell in new jersey where the president is on his, quote, working vacation. kelly, why have we not heard anything from the white house other than tweeting about the nfl? >> reporter: well, there's no easy answer for that, katy. the white house has not put out a statement about this, the president has not. he did do an event on prison reform, which was covered by the tv pool and journalists in the pool. that was yesterday. that's part of the working part of working vacation.
and that's the most recent sort of public sighting we've had of the president that had some business related to it. it's an opportunity for the president to comment on this. we will have to look for his -- i don't have the microphone on. there we go, my apologies. that's my bad. the president could take this step and he has elected not to thus far. we'll have to see on the anniversary itself whether that makes any difference. what we have been talking about to some degree today is the new book by omarosa newman and she is making very serious charges against the president on the issue of race. there have been others critical of the president on this topic over time, and certainly she had been one of the people who had supported the president. she served 11 months in the administration. her book, which is being reported on by different entities, it's not out yet publicly, an she's accusing the
president of, in her description of kind of coming to a realization she felt that he was in fact bigoted. the white house has come out with a statement and that is notable, because the news of this book was coming and yet they had kind of held back. but today a really sharply worded statement from sarah sanders that says in part that this book is riddled with lies an false accusations. it's sad that a disgruntled former white house employee is trying to profit off these false attacks and even worse, that the media would now give her a platform after not taking her seriously when she had only positive things to say about the president during her time in the administration. as you pointed out, the president did choose to tweet about the nfl players, that season kicking up again. he has found that to be a topic that has fired up some of his audiences and a topic that he has returned to time and again, trying to, i suppose, influence the culture of the nfl. yet there have been really mixed
reviews about that, in part where the president says some of the athletes don't know what they're protesting when many of them have articulated specifically what they have protested, which has been law enforcement incidents involving african-american men where they have had a really troubled history, and that's one of the things they have been trying to speak out about through that symbolism. >> i think they have been pretty clear on that. let's remind everybody, omarosa stayed in the administration for four months after what happened in charlottesville. four months. kelly o'donnell, kelly, thank you very much. you're very deft with the microphone. with me now, michael denzel smith, author of "the new york times" best-seller "invisible man" got the whole world watching a young black man's education, and "washington post" columnist, christine emba. the president is tweeting about the nfl because he believes it's a political winner for him. steve bannon has gone out there
and said out loud that identity politics is a winner for donald trump. it worked in 2016, it will work in the midterms, it will work in 2020. as long as the democrats are talking about race, donald trump is winning, which is why you're seeing him do things like tweet about the nfl. >> i disagree with that because i'd say that donald trump is tweeting about the nfl because he's a racist. we've known he's a racist since at least 1989 when he tried to get the central park five killed, executed for a crime they did not commit. and maybe before that when he wouldn't rent any of his properties to black people. the president of the united states is a white nationalist, is a white supremacist. that is who he is. and so in seeing the nfl players be insubordinate and not deferential to a white supremacist notion to what country should be, he is calling
for them to bending the knee to him, to say to him that they need to recognize their place and not step out of line, to entertain us, to be the black bodies that entertain us. i don't know that it goes beyond that calculation that he's like so politically invested in this idea. now, steve bannon, sure, he's the architect of all of that as far as a political operative goes, but this is just -- these are just the held beliefs of the president of the united states. >> what do you think, christine? do you think that this is -- this is who he is at his core, or do you think that this is somehow related to strategy for politics? >> sad to say, i think it's a little bit of both or maybe a lot of both. as we just heard, donald trump does have a history of bigotry and racial divisiveness, but he also has an unusually strong finger on the touch of the public pulse. he sees, we all see that one
thing that drives voters, that drives politics, that drives how people think and feel about our country is emotion, and particularly fear. and donald trump is really good at exploiting that. he makes note of -- seeks outlines of divisiveness along racial lines, whether it's at the nfl, whether it's not being able to say that white supremacists are actually bad at charlottesville and sort of fans the flames of this disagreement, making people, yes, afraid of insubordinate football players or afraid of demographic change, knowing that when people are afraid, they will vote for someone like him who promises to make the country great again, obviously harkening back to a time when nfl players were quiet and black people didn't do anything. >> i think what people saw in donald trump on the campaign trail, a lot of his voters, is they believed he would be a president that would protect them from change. i would hear often we want a 1950s-style president. all these euphemisms.
let's play something from fox news that happened wednesday. laura ingraham and some comments she's getting a lot of heat for. take a listen. >> because in some parts of the country, it does seem like the america that we know and love doesn't exist anymore. massive demographic changes have been foisted upon the american people, and they're changes that none of us ever voted for and most of us don't like. from virginia to california, we see stark examples of how radically in some ways the country has changed. now, much of this is related to both illegal and in some cases legal immigration that of course progressives love. >> she's been accused of a not-so-subtle dog whistle right there, that that was all about race and it was racist in itself. here's how laura ingraham responded to those criticisms last night. >> the purpose of last night's angle was to point out that the
rule of law, meaning secure borders, is something that used to bind our country together. and despite what some may be contending, i made explicitly clear that my commentary had nothing to do with race or ethnicity. >> michael? >> so the words "we" and "us" are doing heavy lifting in that original comment. the country that we loved. and it's the idea that all of us have been united around a sense of america that we have all shared and that's never been true. that's never been true since the inception of this country, since the indoctrination of the constitution. there have always been people who have sat at the margins of society, who have been oppressed by federal and state and local laws and customs, and so the idea of who are the we, who's the us that she's talking about. those that have been protected by the laws and customs of this country and those laws and
customs have kept people out and kept those demographic shifts from happening at different points of our history. and so she's afraid and voicing the fear of many people who think like her, who are watching her show, that essentially the america that they have come to know and love, because they are able to go off into their enclaves of all whiteness that are protected from any encroaching outsiders, that now suddenly that is under attack. that it's changing much too fast for them or changing at all and it's too much for them to handle. and so the idea that america changes, it has always been that there have been people at the margins and it's always been the case that those people at the margins have demanded a share in the american dream. and so what you have now is a backlash to many years of progress, right? like we have experienced some
notion -- if we haven't experienced progress, there have been people raising their voices. whether it's the nfl players or the people that have been in the streets since the killing of trayvon martin and the uprisings in ferguson, whether there's been people demanding reproductive rights, whether it's people demanding immigration reform, all of these people are saying the american dream has not worked for me. i would like for it to. and now you have people whose white identity is so much a part of who they are and who they know themselves to be and protects them from all of that, that they are saying we will not stand for that and we didn't get to vote for it. how do you get to vote for whether or not people are able to share the land? it goes against any of the professed principles. >> michael denzel smith, thank you very much for joining us. christine emba, thank you as well. coming up, sunday on the one-year mark of the deadly clash between protesters and
white nationalists in charlottesville, msnbc shares the story of a former white supremacist who has dedicated his life to reforming others. watch "breaking hate" sunday at 9:00 p.m. eastern only on msnbc. coming up, why a federal judge threatened to hold attorney general jeff sessions in contempt of court over the deportation of a migrant mother and her daughter. you're watching msnbc. duncan just protected his family
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and yesterday the government revealed that 559 children are still separated from their parents. 365 of them have parents who have already been deported. joining me now is raul reyes, an attorney and contributor. raul, thank you very much. this was a remarkable moment. >> right. >> the mother and the daughter were, as he said, spirited away in the night, put on a plane and were sent to guatemala. the judge is hearing this case. >> right. >> finds out that they're not there. he's hearing their asylum case. finds out that they're on a plane and says turn that plane around. >> right. he said this is totally unacceptable. it's important when we're talking about this case, this mother and daughter, this is the case brought by the aclu, at this point they are not even seeking to stay in this country. what they are seeking right now is the right to claim asylum, so maybe potentially to stay in the country and that's a legal right. they were very carefully screened by the aclu, which is
what nonprofits do before they bring this type of case to see that they could meet the credible fear interview, which would give them a shot to go before a judge. the big contradiction in this case is that in june, jeff sessions introduced a new policy saying that if you're fleeing gang violence or if you're a victim of domestic abuse, now you can't qualify for asylum at all. that's a contradiction with domestic law, international law and what the policy has been on the ground for years. you know, even under our federal court system, they have recognized gender-based persecution. so this is the clash that's going on. and the judge was rightfully in my view outraged that they're removing a plaintiff who not only has the legal right to claim asylum, but that right is still being challenged in court. >> as we understand it, the plane landed in guatemala, they did not get off and they are on their way back. >> right. hopefully it will go forward. but you also have to think just on the human level, this is a family, this particular case, the pseudonym for the plaintiff, her name is carmen.
she endured two decades of severe domestic abuse. they had a journey to the united states, usually very hard rowing and now they're going through this very complicated process. it's hard to imagine going through all that, and then being turn turned around. on top of being the lead plaintiff in this case. >> the president has been very anti-chain migration. he calls it chain migration. everybody else calls it family reunification. yesterday his parents-in-law, melania's parents, were in new york and they were -- they were taking their oath of citizenship. >> right. remember, just in his last state of the union, the president said that chain migration is a threat to american society. he has repeatedly called for ending it. the fact is that the american immigration lawyers association calls the term "chain migration" which we use as shorthand, they recognize it as a pejorative term. it's family unity.
it's family reunification. that's basically been the guiding principle of immigration law going back to the 1965 immigration naturalization act. so a little bit of hypocrisy there. >> a little bit? a lot of hypocrisy. a lot of hypocrisy. >> that's the first family, so i feel like i wish them well, but they are perfect example. >> it's a perfect example of the president saying there are one set of rules for me and a different set of rules for everybody else. look what he's doing with his hotel. >> the type of country that you come from. >> look at everything he sees. it's okay for me to run a hotel and make money off of it while i'm in office and the hotel has a lease with the united states government. it's okay for me to, i don't know, his son to take a meeting with the russians -- >> it's okay for him to employ undocumented workers. many things, especially around immigration. there we are. >> raul reyes, thank you very much. coming up, tech companies are taking major tense to police hate on social media. this week removing controversial
content from the infowars website. that's sparking a new debate about freedom of speech online. you're watching msnbc. managing my type 2 diabetes wasn't my top priority. until i held her. i found my tresiba® reason. now i'm doing more to lower my a1c. i take tresiba® once a day. tresiba® controls blood sugar for 24 hours for powerful a1c reduction. (woman) we'd been counting down to his retirement. it was our tresiba® reason. he needs insulin to control his high blood sugar and, at his age, he's at greater risk for low blood sugar. tresiba® releases slow and steady and works all day and night like the body's insulin. (vo) tresiba® is a long-acting insulin used to control high blood sugar in adults with diabetes. don't use tresiba® to treat diabetic ketoacidosis, during episodes of low blood sugar, or if you are allergic to any of its ingredients. don't share needles or insulin pens. don't reuse needles. the most common side effect is low blood sugar, which may cause dizziness, sweating, confusion, and headache.
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school shooting was staged by anti-gun actors. the parents of one of the children who died during the attack recently posted an open letter saying because of this conspiracy theory, they have, quote, endured online, telephone and in-person harassment, abuse and death threats. the parents say they have even had to move, but, quote, these groups i don't say social media, including facebook, to hunt us, posting our home address and videos of our house online. we're currently living in hiding. this week itunes, facebook, spotify, youtube, even pinterest all accused jones of violating their hate speech policies. but missing from that list is twitter. ceo jack dorsey told sean hannity that his company won't shadow ban people for political ideology, viewpoint or content. for more on this, i'm joined by our own benec collins who describes his reporting on this
topic as dystopian. i'm also joined by mary mccord. so twitter is all alone on this, out on an island saying we're not going to ban them for, what did they say exactly, political ideology, viewpoint or content. political ideology that alex jones is spewing, he's lying. he's putting people's lives in danger. is it a viewpoint? it's a lie. content? i don't know. this is about as offensive and awful as it gets. >> right. what you think about here is, is this guy allowed to be grandfathered in to lying and spreading hate on these platforms other people aren't allowed to do that. if joe schmo who works at a store down the street and go tell people there's a sex ring under a pizza shop, i think twitter would ban me for that. >> what's different about alex jones? >> he's a famous guy who can
complain about this all day long. that's what he does. he has a platform and makes like millions of dollars selling supplements. this is what he does. so the difference between him and everybody else is that he has the ability to fight back, right? he has this powerful sort of service that he provides to people where he accuses a lot of people of a lot of stuff an then plays victim after it all happens. >> mary, what is the free speech argument here? >> well, there really isn't a strong free speech argument to support what alex jones has put out over infowars on various social media. false statements, particularly false statements that cause direct harm to people like the statements put out by alex jones are not entitled to the protections of the first amendment. moreover, social media companies are not the government. they're not even bound by the government. >> roger mcnamee compared this to somebody who mentored mark zuckerberg and facebook, compared alex jones to yelling
fire in a movie theater. would you say that's true, mary? >> well, that's a dramatic example, a classic example that every first-year law student learns about what kind of speech is not protected and that's the classic incitement to violence. alex jones does it a little bit differently. he spreads lies and rumors and more than innuendo that cause his followers to take action. and that action is where i think you can get the similarity to crying fire in a crowded movie theater because he has so many followers who don't really care or aren't interested to listen to what journalists such as yourself and others would have to say to try to correct the misstatements that alex jones made. his followers don't care, they don't listen. it's partly because of that very platform, twitter. it's instantaneous. the false news spreads faster than true news ever does. and then those people take the action against the victims of alex jones. >> and the way the timelines work, it's very hard to correct a tweet or clarify a tweet and
have it have the same reach as the original tweet. say you tweet something with an error in it or something that's not right and you try to delete it. that content even if it's out for a few minutes can be retweeted thousands of times if not hundreds of thousands of times and spread, regardless of the accuracy. >> yeah. >> or regardless of whether or not the person who posted it intended to put it out. >> that's true. we saw yesterday, oliver darcy at cnn put out a post that all of these people banned alex jones for and twitter said they didn't violate the same rules. but it's the same post and same stuff up for years saying sandy hook is a hoax. these people, like the sandy hook parents, they can't visit their kids' graves. think about that. it's not normal stuff here that these people have to go through because this guy is applying a harassment campaign under the idea of this free speech guise.
>> bud collins, mary mccord, thank you very much. sad. coming up, how a bitter partisan fight in minnesota is keeping state officials from using millions of dollars already set aside for election security. this is a real story. keep in mind, this is a state that was targeted by russian hackers in 2016. minnesota's secretary of state, who says he raised the alarm on this issue early, joins me next. you're watching msnbc. ♪i believe, i really do believe that♪ ♪something's got a hold on me, yeah♪ ♪oh, it must be love ♪oh, something's got a hold on me right now, child♪ ♪oh, it must be love ♪let me tell you now, oh it must be love♪
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done and so you lump a number of things into one bill at the end just to make sure you get it done. the governor's office declined to comment. minnesota's secretary of state steve sign man repeatedly pressed lawmakers to approve the funding but to no avail. steve sign man joins us now. secretary, thank you very much for being here. so, the republicans put this in a spending bill. the governor vetoed that spending bill. what is going on? you'd think that election security, especially since this was a state that was attacked in 2016, targeted in 2016, that this would be a priority in and of itself regardless of anything else. >> yes. first of all, good to be with you. i wish it was under better circumstances. this is a real shame and an avoidable shame. i was in the legislature for ten years and i can tell you this would have taken ten minutes on the floor of the minnesota house or the minnesota senate. would have been a layup, would have been a slam dunk.
instead the legislature chose the needlessly hard and complicated way to get this done. they base dli gave this provision a seat on the titanic, on a bill they knew was going down. that's a shame. minnesota was one of the 21 states targeted by the russian government. in 2016 we passed that test. we kept the bad guys out, but this is a race without a finish line. there is no end zone where you get to spike the football. there is no tape you get to cross. the number one threat to the integrity of our election system in minnesota and nationally is the danger of some sort of cyberattack by outside forces trying to undermine our democracy. so when we get this gift from the federal government, almost $7 million for this exact purpose, you'd think that the legislature would jump immediately and pass this by any means necessary and they didn't do that. >> i'm confused, though. why didn't they? this is a republican-controlled legislature. again, it was -- the spending bill was vetoed by the democrat in the governor's office. why did they not make this separate? >> well, they are better
spokespeople for themselves than i am for them. but i can just tell you i'm profoundly disappointed and ashamed for minnesota. >> we were told they didn't have enough time. >> i'm sorry, that's bufrnk. as i said, i served in the legislature ten years, i was in the house. there was plenty of time to get this done. i don't know what was going through their heads at the time. we need this money. you know, the good news is we're in good shape. i believe in the old saying you have to dig your well before you're thirsty. we did that starting in 2015, a year before the election and we hardened our cyber security and defenses. we're in good shape, we have new elections committee -- equipment through the legislature and that's good. this money, though, would have gone a long way towards making me feel even better than i do right now where we are. it's a missed opportunity and it was totally, totally avoidable. >> quick question. they said they can use their own money if they need and they will be reimbursed. any chance of doing that? >> we are reaching out to some outside folks to help us with some of that money. we don't have that money just laying around and sitting around
so we're hoping through nonprofit support we can front some of that money now. but again, we were really relying on a chunk of this money at least 1 1/2 million of it to further harden and secure our election systems particularly the database that we run out of our office that is the spieb of the system and that was the subject of an attack in states like illinois. we want to be extra cautious and we hope we'll get that money sooner rather than later. we have to put country over party. >> steve simon, thank you very much. we appreciate it. we'll be right back. >> thank you. arthritis. because there are options. like an "unjection™". xeljanz xr. a once-daily pill for adults with moderate to severe ra for whom methotrexate did not work well enough. xeljanz xr can reduce pain, swelling and further joint damage, even without methotrexate. xeljanz xr can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections, lymphoma and other cancers have happened. don't start xeljanz xr if you have an infection. tears in the stomach or intestines,
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