Transcripts For MSNBCW Morning Joe 20140923 10:00:00 : compa

Transcripts For MSNBCW Morning Joe 20140923 10:00:00

new jersey governor chris christie travels to illinois to attend events for the governors association and for the state's republican nominee for governor. that's it for "way too early." "morning joe" starts right now. welcome to "morning joe." it's the top of the hour, tuesday, september 23rd. look who we have with us. >> miss superstar. aren't you something? >> co-host of "the view." >> this is huge. >> so awesome. >> we read in page six. >> where is it? >> has she compared you to donald trump yet? >> you are the biggest trouble
make er in the world. >> i am. everybody says she's a wonderful person. >> school of international public affairs dairon warren. >> we have a lot of news to cover. we will get into "the view" and how it's going. can i get to the top story? >> i think, i'm sorry, i think women fighting each other on the "the view" is more important than syria and iraq. maybe that's just me. what were the kids talking about this morning as we were getting the ladle and dipping them more porridge at the orphanage? >> rosie, rosie, whoopee, nicole. >> are you having fun? >> it's very cool. smart, smart, women. >> i'm really happy for you. >> it never would have happened with the opportunity to sit here at this table. seriously, it is. let's get to the news.
there was a new phase underway with an assault on isis with airstrikes hitting targets in syria. we have live coverage from the pentagon and overseas. first, the latest breaking news on america's newest battle fr t front. just hours ago, the u.s. and five arab allies launched their first airstrikes against islamic state militants in syria. they include tomahawk cruise missiles and fighter aircraft np video where large explosions appears to show the aftermath of one of the first airstrikes. nbc news has not been able to authenticate the video. many strikes on isis's self-declared cap al. 20 members of isis were kill ed. some trikes targeted the front. nbc news learned the focus of the operation includes isis headquarters, command centers,
training sites and weapons facilities. isis is vowing to retaliate and blaming saudi arabia for allowing the attacks to occur. syria's foreign ministry says the united states told its ambassador to the united nations that military action was imminent. we'll talk about that coming up. president obama arrives later today in new york for the u.n. general assembly. he's expected to use his speech tomorrow to urge other countries to support his plans to defeat isis. >> let's go to ayman in london. a lot of americans don't want to even get involved in this unless a lot of arab nations who face a much closer threat are involved. we understand that some may have been involved in the air strike last night. what can you tell us? >> that's correct. nbc was able to confirm that several arab countries all involved in those operations
last night. now according to a senior gulf diplomat, the word that he used was operational. that's how these countries are being -- or the role of the countries are playing. not yet clear what that means whether or not they had any of their own fighter jets in the skies above syria, but nonetheless, it is right now a very welcome sign by the u.s. that the countries are playing a role. we do expect some comments to come out. >> what about the politics in the region though? what does that do when you have five arab states getting involved in attacking an islamic -- well, what we would call islamic extremists, but what many in the middle east think as liberators? >> i think it's important. symbolically these countries are important. tactically not yet clear. there's no doubt that the role these countries are playing is going to send an important message across the region. also keep in mind not necessarily all the countries that are supporting this campaign are involved.
some countries are welcoming the the operation against isis and are talking about it being part of a larger effort. this is an attempt by the governments to come out of this and say to the people, this will not be tolerated. but there's going to be some criticism about what these governments are doing in their own countries. >> let's go to the pentagon. this is interesting. this is one of the first times we have actually had an operation going on in the middle east where we didn't have moderate sunni governments whispering to us, go ahead, and then publishing that we're imperialist dogs. it seems like we crossed a very important line here and that is that other arab statings are joining in and fighting against extremists. sl that's exactly right, joe. depending on what level of participation there was, it's still not clear u.s. officials are not explaining exactly. it was thought that the saudis perhaps would have flown some
air missions following the strikes from the u.s., but not clear they dropped any weapons. what is clear this morning is that the u.s. has its work ahead of it in terms of bomb damage assessment because there are no boots on the ground. it may be difficult to figure out how successful these airstrikes were. and it was several weeks ago when the u.s. first started launching airstrikes in iraq that here on "morning joe," i called that the opening sal vo in what would be a long-running war in iraq. last night that war just got longer. >> you certainly did. i remember you saying it. and nicole, a lot of people have been critical of president obama. republicans a lot have been critical saying he's taken too long. he has held back a little bit. we have arab states on board because of it. >> not just republicans, but his two former secretaries of
defense have been critical as well. >> and hillary clinton. >> his entire cabinet has come out and been pretty critical. republicans and obama's cabinet. >> if we launched right in, we wouldn't have had these arab states. >> it might have been what we saw this summer. we watched egypt and jordan stay pretty quiet as israel carried out its raids against gaza. they have picked their moments of choosing. you have to take a stand. you're either with us or against us. president obama has in a way that everyone should feel heartened by, who has been able to rally these countries if they weren't so terrified of the extremists in their own country. >> richard angengel said they announced strategy a couple
weeks ago. he wrote, told isis had time to move into civilian areas. hide weapons. now they on the move. expect followup from all sides. he went on to write, isis has had weeks to prepare. several u.s. military officials asked me why u.s. didn't strike immediately unannounced. he tweeted, danger issist u.s. had time to prepare a response to this. age agencies should be on alert. what about that from richard? isis had time to prepare. the other question is of the syrian government, did bashar al assad know these strikes were coming? if so, we heard so much about his air defenses, supposedly the strongest in the middle east. why didn't he respond? >> ever since the first bombs dropped in iraq, isis was preparing for a long sustained air war from the u.s. military. just started taking their black flags off their truks. and moving many of their forces and equipment into crowded neighborhoods in some of those
towns in iraq. that's exactly what they did here. and what's really key about this last night's strike is that u.s. officials acknowledged they did not go after any of the isis leadership because quite frankly with no boots on the ground, no good intelligence, they don't know where these isis leaders are at any given time. so again, we get back to this issue of the president declaring we will not put any boots on the fwround, and i can tell you there are many military leaders here in the pentagon that say, look, you don't announce you're taking options off the table before you start a war. that's exactly what officials here feel the president had done. >> and if you're running a war, you don't want options taken away. so that's not surprising that the general will say that. >> not surprising but there's one issue we should be aware of. and we'll be watch iing the president address the u.n.
security council. was this illegal these airstrikes in terms of invading syria without permission of their government as well as without permission from the u.n. security council? that's a question we should all be asking in terms of how the president will justify this. >> it's going to be interesting today. he will be talking about that. you bring up and a lot of people are saying -- i'm sorry, i'm just going to say the same thing. the president said it's just going to be humanitarian. >> in iraq when the people were there. >> and i said and a lot of people thought he might be opening the door. the next thing we were arming the kurds. it's led to all of this. everybody in the pentagon concerned that it he's taken the option off the table of boots on the ground. woodrow wilson said we weren't going to go into world war i. >> we're debate something that's going to take off without us if it needs to. >> does everybody expect -- they
attack the president when the president -- reveals what he's doing. he shouldn't reveal strategy and he shouldn't reveal top secret information. and then they are angry -- >> if he doesn't say anything. >> i want a president who lies. i want a president who lies. i'm just trying to help the kids. boom. >> put the boots on the ground question aside. general dempsey did testify that he did feel he could go back to the president. but are you uncomfortable with what richard engel is tweeting about. he gave this speech, waited two weeks to strike? >> no, after the past 12 years of shooting first and asking questions later, no, we can take time. >> take time to let the enemy know we're coming.
>> richard engel is not one to shill for the other side. >> i have to get to another story. >> i'm not like the president to give a speech and we start raining missiles down all over the place. >> the point i was going to say is it also comes down to what happened next in terms of how they fill that void on the ground. you're talking about troops on the ground, talking about whether the airstrikes were known to isis fighters in advance. it was known to the world that this was coming. it's not a surprise. the question really now that's going to test the u.s. foreign policy strategy and whether or not leads to getting boots on the ground is what do the modern forces that are being trained in jordan, being equipped with authorization from congress, what are they going to do on the ground? that's going to be the real test to this overall strategy. not just the airstrikes chrks a lot of people would say are not going to tip the tide one way or the other.
but what happens on the ground in that void. >> i was just going to say i think it's pretty remarkable that one year ago we were discussing whether or not we should go after bashar al assad himself when he crossed the redline using chemical weapons and one year later we have gone back to the group that helped him. >> the world -- you know what, in the words of the great english philosopher, time keeps on slipping. >> i'm so glad you interrupted me for that. >> it's constantly moving. you take the world as you find it. you take the enemy as you find it. you know what, we'll see what happens. i don't want the president just sitting there and telegraphing everything. remember what the quote is today? i want a president who lies to our enemies. how about that? >> that's the quote of the day. take that to "the view." >> i don't think the president
is as weak and stupid. there are new details this morning -- >> but the secret service, stupid. >> look at this study on the front page of "the washington post." it's incredible. about the man arrested for allegedly jumping the white house fence with a knife and then entering an unlocked door. the story gets much, much worse. omar gonzales is being held without bail until october 1st. prosecutors say he's a danger to the president. gonzales is facing charges of unlawf unlawfully entering a restricted building with a deadly or dangerous weapon. fushls say he had 800 rounds of ammunition in a nearby vehicle when he jumped the nine-foot high fence on friday night. in addition, gonzales allegedly had two hatchets and a machete. we're also learning this is not his first run-in with the law. authorities say gonzales was arrested in july for reckless driving in virginia. they say he had 11 guns in his car and a map with a circle around the white house. and he was stopped last month for walking by the south fence
of the white house. gonzales had a hatchet in a waistband. >> just a few months ago he was arrested in a car with 11 guns, 4 rifles, some e equipped with scopes, he's a sniper by training. a map of washington, d.c. with a line drawn to the white house. he also had had 4 pistols, 3 of them loaded. last month he was stopped for pacing in front of the white house carrying a hatchet. secret service didn't do a routine check. he had a line drawn to the white house. what are these guys doing? >> you'd think after the second time they ran into him, they might arrest him and look into him a little more closely. the question of how they handled this last incident where he got into the white house, which still blows my mind. they said we're going to start locking the front door. >> what's wrong with them? >> it's amazing. the other element of this is
he's a veteran of the united states military suffering from terrible ptsd. suffering from paranoid sitz fren ya. his family is speaking out about the struggles that he faced after serving in iraq where he did two tours. >> he's a standup guy. he would never hurt anybody or anything of the sort. he's losing his mind. he's suffering from post-traumatic stress. it's hard to see a man like that go down the drain or be thrown up as something he's not. he sacrificed his mind, his family, everything for this country. i don't think this country pays enough attention to our soldiers. >> wow. >> we certainly agree with that. let me say right after that if somebody scales a fence and starts running for the white house, either dogs need to take him down or an agent needs to take him down. >> maybe i watched too many movies, i think that they knew a little bit more about him than
we know. they could have shot him. there are snipers all around the white house and every surrounding building. they saw him on the run. a decision was made not to shoot him i think. >> why? >> i don't know if they knew anything about him, but they could have shot him by the time. >> if somebody was paying attenti attention. >> there were snipers watching him jump that fence. if you go to downtown d.c. and look up, you'll see them. >> no sniper should ever allow a guy to run into the white house. >> i think the president wasn't there. >> let me ask you this. what would mrs. bush say? would she want them to be shot the second they get over the fence? >> i think that they had an opportunity to shoot him and for some reason they didn't. you certainly can shoot someone between the time it takes to jump the fence and get to the front door. i believe they had that option and decided not to.
i don't know if they knew who he was, he was a vet, he was disturbed, i don't know that. but knowing what i know about him, seeing what his brother said, it reminds me of the book we did "thank you for your service." there is such limited access to the kind of care these guys need. we don't want anyone threatening the president. >> i can't believe -- are you really going to be careful about someone's feelings in the age of isis? >> you have to treat american vets different than you treat isis. >> how did they know he was a vet? >> it sounds like they stopped him a couple times before. i think they could have shot him to kill. >> i think they are all looking at their fantasy football league and saying, i don't think they knew -- there's no way they wouldn't have released the dogs or shot this guy if somebody had an eye fixed on him from the second he was coming over the
fence. they screwed up. >> listen, he should have been in some sort of treatment facility. but i think we have talked a lot about how that isn't readily available to our vets. >> if he had been shot, that would have been almost worse story. that they shot a united states military veteran. why did they have to kill him? i don't think it's as black and white. >> lock the front door. >> and lock the front door. >> still ahead on "morning joe," defeating terror and stopping extremist militants abroad. former prime minister tony blair joins us at the top of the 7:00 hour live and former president of israel is our guest in our 8:00 hour live. >> he wrote one heck of an op-ed. >> this is going to be really good. >> coming up this it hour -- >> willie is not even smiling about helping elect tony blair. >> then we moved on to boots on the ground.
>> are you embarrassed because of the iraqi war? >> it's going to be a long day. >> coming up this hour, ravens owner rejects claims they tried to hide the domestic violence case. who was that senator who told kirsten gillibrand to not lose too much weight because he likes his girls chubby? his name may have been revealed. i don't like this argument. i'm not buying it. i love kirsten, but we need to name names. and plus an epic sendoff for one reporter. did you see this? >> unbelievable. >> two elements today. first, what i just reported. and then this, you're going to want to see this. we're helping you produce. [ male announcer ] at northrop grumman,
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time now for the morning papser. we'll start with "the boston globe." three afghan soldiers who disappeared on saturday have been found on the canadian border. a major and two captains from the afghanistan national army arrived for training exercises earlier this month at camp edwards. they were located monday at the rainbow bridge and officials tell nbc news they were trying to cross into canada possibly to seek asylum. it comes a week after two afghan police were found in buffalo. >> they really don't want to go back. or maybe they were just trying to get a better deal. >> i want to hear this next story. i'm curious. >> this is from the "new york
times." the male colleague who called new york senator kirsten gillibrand chubby. people squeezed her waist and said don't lose too much weight now, i like my girls chubby. she said it happened shortly after she had a baby. a spokesman would not con if you remember. but the unnamed colleague is described as favorite older members of the senate. >> what do you think? >> i think i remember having -- getting pinched and think it's trump therman. >> what are you saying? >> i don't know. i don't buy it. >> don't you think that's why she didn't name him. >> i don't buy that. may i say that? >> you think somebody on her
staff is trying to blame the dead guy? >> don't put this on me. do you buy it? >> i don't buy it for a second. >> the whole senate, can i start? >> i don't think you should. >> whether or not you feel comfortable grabbing my tummy? do you know what i would do if you did? that's part of the process. making sure no one feels they can do that. and if you do, you call them out. i'm not -- >> yours is kind of hard to miss. >> mine is hard to miss? the hate here. >> the jets suffered another loss. they hosted the bears on monday night football. first play from scrimmage, this will be good. geno smith intercepted on a screen pass. takes it 45 yards for the touchdown. >> is that how you draw that up
on rt board? >> jay cutler pumps a couple touchdown passes to bennett. >> he's a weird guy. >> he's playing well this year. the jets take six trips to the red zone but only muster one touchdown. new york down by 8 in the final minute, a chance to tie. the pass is caught by jeremy curley, but he's out of bounds. bears win, 27-19. i'm read iing the sports pa they are morning trying to find coupons so it's cheaper to get the food for the kids. i see the mets have moved into second place. that's pretty good. >> it's a little late. let's go to the alaska news. a journalist chose to go out with a bang while quitting her job after reporting on a measure to legalize marijuana. a television reporter who admits she's the owner of a medical marijuana club says the f word live on air while announcing
she's out of here. >> everything you heard is why i'm the actual owner of the cannabis club. it begins with legalizing marijuana here in alaska. as for this job, well, not that i have a choice, but, [ bleep ] it. i quit. >> all right, we apologize for that. we'll be right back. >> that's not really a nice thing to do to put her in that position. >> no, just go to black. >> exactly. >> t.j., what would you do? >> alex, what would you tell nus our ear to do? >> what did you tell us what i said that on the air? >> what alex would do is seven-second delay and he pushes chopper 4, which he's done.
say something bad about the president, seven-second delay. >> chopper 4. >> that goes down in the "morning joe" history books. >> we started hearing the traffic. >> so at your own risk because alex produces this, we want everyone to sign up for the "morning joe" wakeup call. it's a rundown sent directly to your e-mail. right before your morning coffee. >> we were thinking about putting it in each one of your mailboxes. >> hand delivered. >> willie was going to hand deliver them. sign up by visiting coming up, striking isis and syria. did the white house reveal too much of its strategy? that's the focus of our debate this hour. plus we'll find out what the nation's top opinion columnist are writing about this morning.
today's must reads are next. are we still on for tomorrow? tomorrow. tomorrow is full of promise. we can come back tomorrrow. and we promise to keep it that way. csx. how tomorrow moves. what a day. can't wait til tomorrow.
joining us now for the must-read opinion pages. mike bonnkle is joining us. and jeremy peters as well. let's start with james man, "new york times," obama isn't finished yet. the notion that the obama presidency is all but over arrived rugt on schedule. by this stage of their presidency, bill clinton and george bush were all being written off as finished. history demonstrates a larger truth na the commentators ignore. today quite a few of their most significant achievements took place in their final two years. >> david brooks writes, snap out of it. discover the problems we face are way below historic averages. we face nothing like the slavery fights of the 1860 or a crisis like world war i. i mention this because of the
passivity and talk of unraveling that floated around this summer. it's important in times like these to step back and get your clarity. it's what i say to peoplepeople that democrats will say with republicans in the white house. we're mot going to survive. th. republicans are saying this about barack obama. seriously? we need to snap out of it. we are so lucky as a country. >> 45 years ago, it was the snap of a finger in terms of history. get the "life" magazines when they were the weekly dead from casualty counts, 1,200 a week. look at people standing in lines to buy iphones at $500. please stop whining and crying. >> what is wrong with people? >> it's the greatest country in the world. we're healthy, largely happy, we're going to defeat isis, we're going to handle the situation. let's get on with our lives sdplp and our economy over the
next 20 years, most experts will tell you is only going to get bett better. >> and get off my lawn. >> "the washington post" editorial board writes this. u.s. airstrikes in syria signal a new battlefield. if the airstrikes are a recognition that united states cannot defeat the islamic state by fighting only in iraq, they are to be welcomed. airstrikes alone will not be sufficient but they are necessary. and if in the near term they can save the syrian kurds from a situation described as urgent and dire by their deputy commander, they will be eminently justifiable. >> congress slithered out of town without voting. seven weeks to campaign. where is congress on this? what are they going to be saying in their districts? >> what's going to be interesting to watch is what kind of appetite for a use of force resolution. >> why didn't they have that debate before? >> there's an election coming up. who wants to have that debate right before an election.
as crazy that is sounds, that was the political calculous. that's what leaders of both parties and both chambers wanted. >> so they authorized arming syrian rebels, but they stayed away from an attack that they knew was eminent. >> i would say that six weeks from now after the election, there's going to be members of both party who is are going to want to come back to washington and have a debate over whether or not to give the president fuller use of force authority. now there are members of the democratic party who don't want to have that debate because they don't want to hurt the president because they think it really could fail. if that comes up in congress, there's real doubt about whether or not that passes. and if it fails, it could send a strong signal to the world that we don't really want to get into this. >> i don't think they wanted to vote because they wanted to see how it turns out. they could attack the president. democrats didn't want to vote because they were going to vote
against the president probably and hurt him. so both sides cynical for their own political purposes avoid the most important issue they face over the last two years. >> and doesn't that vote if there is one become moot? the door is open. the airstrikes have been launched in iraq and syria. you're going to vote against a president who started this war and not give him the support if he suddenly asks for troops in here. the vote could have happened. it didn't happen. now we're into this thing. >> what they have done is restricted the president's authority. this expires in december. so if they want to renew his authority, they are going to have to -- they would have to give it to him again, or as my colleague pointed out, congress may have already seeded this authority by not voting to stop the president from doing this. >> still ahead, former prime minister tony blair joins us at the top of the hour. but first, did the ravens know more about the ray rice scandal than initially revealed? some are accusing them of that.
bill rhoden is here with his take on their owners defense. we'll be right back. he trains. he's psyched. ready for the knockout? you don't know "aarp." he's staying in shape by keeping his brain healthy and focused with aarp's staying sharp. with online mind sharpening exercises developed by the top minds in brain science. and exercise and stress reduction tips that can impact brain health. so he's ready for the real possibilities ahead. if you don't think top of my game when you think aarp, then you don't know "aarp". find more surprisng possibilities and get to know us at what's your favorite kind of cheerios? honey nut. but... chocolate is my other favorite... oh yeah, and frosted! what's your most favorite of all? hmm...the kind i have with you. me too. i wish... please, please, please, please, please. [ male announcer ] the wish we wish above health. so we quit selling cigarettes in our cvs pharmacies.
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the majority of the sources are people that work for ray. almost everything in there is anonymous, but it's clear from the subject matter that it's ray's attorney, it's ray's agent and it's ray's friends. and they are building a case for reinstatement. . and the best way to build a case for reinstatement is to make everybody else look like they are lying. sl that's baltimore ravens owner issuing a stern defense of their handling of the ray rice incident. it follows a report from espn
saying his team tried to cover up what happened in the casino elevator on february 15th. let's bring in a sports columnist william rhoden. it's good to see you this morning. what did you make of that press conference offering a point by point explanation that it said in so many ways it was the ba baltimore ravens who tried to help cover this up. >> his performance was better than roger goodell's perform pans. mans. he was much more authentic in his misdirection. but the bottom line is there are three basic points that remain true. i do believe this was a coverup and everything was done to protect the shield. the three major points was, a, he admitted if he wanted to get that tape, he could have gotten it. but as he said in his words, he wasn't interested in it. which i think was damning.
that's what he said. espn didn't say that. he said it like a rich, wealthy guy. if i wanted to get it, i could have gotten it. the second thing he said was that ray rice will probably at some point come back to the team. he was the one who said that about redemption. ray rice was going to come back. and the third thing is that the nfl just didn't put dmes k violence on the top of their list. there were three things that he said. but overall, his performance was better than goodell's but that's because he's goodell's boss. >> yesterday we were talking on the set about it. what was missing from sort of the attempt to move forward. he said the truth. >> yeah. >> do we know the truth yet? >> no, in fact, i think they have hired a former fbi director
and basically what i think that's about is that he is a partner in the firm that does a lot of business with the nfl. and what i think is going to happen, any of you who are geometry people, the nfl already knows the answer. the answer is not guilty. the investigator's job is to figure out how do we get to that not guilty answer. >> bill, one of the points that came out yesterday in this espn report, which came out on friday actually, was that harbaugh shs the head coach of the ravens had wanted to cut ray rice as soon as he heard the news. yesterday the ownership disputed that and harbaugh said i never wa wanted to cut ray rice. are there any good guys inside the organization who stepped forward and said we need to take care of this now? >> to be honest with you, i think there are a lot of good guys in the organization as a personal matter. but as a football matter, and that's the whole problem with the story, as a football matter,
everybody was thinking football first. that includes harbaugh. i really do. i think everybody from harbaugh to the owner, their first instinct was, we need this guy on our team. he's a running back. that's why he only got two games. that's why the initial thing was he only got two games. it was only until this stuff became public, physical until the truth came out. when the truth came out and we saw everything, that's when that came in motion. it gets back to the basic point that this was never about doing what was right. this was and continues to be about covering our assets. that's all this is about really. >> bill rhoden from "the new york times," good to talk to you. thanks so much. coming up, taking the fight to isis. now that airstrikes have begun in syria, how will the terror group respond. we debate the fallout from our military operations next. in our 8:00 hour, we'll be
speaking to former israeli prime minister. much more "morning joe" straight ahead. she's still the one for you.
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let's bring in msnbc
political analyst and editor at large joan walsh. also with us from washington, chief congressional correspondent for the washington examiner, susan ferichio. let's begin with the airstrikes in syria. susan, did president obama wait too long to act? >> well, i think the point made earlier in the show is a great one. bomb first, ask questions later. you can't do that anymore after iraq and afghanistan. there's the expectation that we'll know about it ahead of time. congress will have a point of view. but the question is, what did that accomplish? in some ways, it may have worked against us. we heard reports that the islamic militants have scattered into civilian populations. they have taken down indications of where to find them. there's a strong argument to be made that we should have taken the action first. but i'm not sure the public wants that anymore. and congress wanted to be talked to ahead of time.
in a way, the president was boxed in on that. i don't think it helped us. >> jeanne, it is interesting to listen to arguments. the president should have bombed like two years ago, one year ago. it's as if john mccain and lindsey graham don't understand that the president of the united states if he's going to follow the powell doctrine actually has to care what the overwhelming majority of americans think. that's conservatives and liberals who are weary, right? >> i really think it's important that he did wait. i'm still uneasy about the airstrikes. >> isn't it something, i am too. i'm still ambivalent. i think we're firing missiles into the e desert because i think we have to do something against a force we don't understand. >> what was important is the strikes were supported by a somewhat broader coalition than
they might have been if he acts months ago. that support was important. we don't know what the other countries did. we will figure that out over time, but they were part of it. people who expressed some doubts did become part of it. the u.n. is here. the whole world is here. it's a good time for debate about what comes next. we we got authorization for the strikes in libya. i think there needs to be a much broader coalition. this is the beginning of it. i'm really not with anybody who says, oh, we should have bombed them first and asked questions later. >> susan, you're a congressional reporter. can you explain to people that are watching that just want to make this republicans are for war, democrats are against war. can you explain how ambivalent a lot of conservatives are as far as going to the middle east in yet another war? >> congress is incredibly divided over this. you saw this before they left.
they were only willing to do this arming of the rebels because it didn't involve boots on the ground because the public does not want boots on the ground. let's face it. part of the reason why they lost the majority in 2006 was because of the war. and they know that that could happen again. you put boots on the ground, get us involved in an extended fight in the middle east again and it could be put on their shoulders. the house is run by republicans. it could possibly in the senate run by republicans. it will then become their war. they don't want to go down that road. that's why you haven't heard a commitment they are going to take up a war authorization when they get back. >> joan, should they? should congress debate this? >> yes, i think they should. isis really is not part of al qaeda. yes, they kind of came out of it. . they were not around in 2001 or 2002 for the previous authorizations. this is the way we get into trouble when we don't have more
buy-in. the president has begun to make his case. we're going to be there for a long time. >> the thing is and again, as you know, i have been deeply critical of president obama for the past six years. in this case, though, i'm more critical of congress. at least the president has taken a position. i'm wondering why again you didn't have the them sanding up yelling, no, we're not going to get out of here until we debate this issue. the most important issue they have had over the past two years and they slither out of town. >> our friend jack kingston, he's a little bit liberated, but had had the best summary. they don't want that responsibility. if it goes badly, they can say they were against it. if it goes well, they can applaud the president. that's hard for them to get their hands together for him, but if it goes well, i presume they will. they don't want to own it.
>> joan, it's both sides. democrats don't want it for their own cynical reasons. republicans don't want it. >> there could be some alignment. >> so we don't have a debate. >> joan and susan, thank you so much. coming up at the top of the hour, what does president obama need say when he addresses the u.n. general assembly now that u.s. bombs are falling on syria? former prime minister tony blair joins us exclusively onset. plus jumping the fence. did the secret service let omar gonzales make it to the white house? all that and more when "morning joe" returns. you can eat that on weight watchers? looks amazing. looks like my next dinner party. nly 4 points? with weight watchers you can enjoy the food you really want. dine out on favorites... or cook up something new.
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welcome back to "morning joe." here with us now, the former british prime minister tony blair. great to have you on board. a lot to get to this hour. we want to bring you up to date on the developments overnight and then jump with our discussion with you. just hours ago the u.s. and five arab allies launched their first airstrikes against militants in syria. this video where a large explosions can be seen from a distance appears to show the aftermath of one of the first airstrikes. at least 50 airstrikes have hit targets so far. many on isis's self-declared capital. at least 20 members of isis were
killed. nbc news learned the focus of the operation includes isis headquarters, command centers, training sites and weapons facilities. isis is vowing to retaliate and blaming saudi arabia for allow ing the attacks to occur. we can go on to report that richard engel, who has been covering this from the get go is referring to the criticism that president obama gave isis time to prepare by announcing his strategy. in one tweet had wrote, told isis had time to move into civilian areas. hide weapons. now they're on the move. expect followup from all sides. >> there were several others. there's only one commander-in-chief who has all the information. it's easy to criticize for what he did or didn't do. you know better than anybody whichever way it breaks, the other side is going to be critical. what's the great challenge here?
then even 2003 seems quaint. we're just going after a guy that's running a country. right now it just seems like we're firing missiles into the desert. we don't know where we're going. >> i think the president is right to asystemable the broader coalition. you have to do that. it is a little like the cold war in the sense that you've got isis. you've got prbs in yemen, libya, boko haram, yesterday there were people in china where the muslim population is. it's the biggest security problem. the biggest problem in the uk is security terms now. france and germany, the same. so i think we're going to have to get into a somewhat different rhythm and understand this is not -- this is boing to last beyond this president, this prime minister, it's going to
last for a significant period of time. >> you're talking about a battle against islamic extremists that want to wage war against western civiluation, but civilization itself. >> it's interesting that they immediately criticize saudi arabia because they want to turn it back and say you guys are lining up with the western and infidel against islam. what we have to do is understand this is a battle of moderation versus extremism. >> it also makes us, it puts us in a position where we have to make some tough choices. we have to start asking who wants to knock down buildings in washington and london and who doesn't. assad does not. isis does. assad is a terrible person, but at the same time, assad running syria is preferable to isis. >> here's the thing that's really important. i think we have lost the significance of the arab revolutions that started a few years ago. these aren't going to stay in power. assad has killed over 200,000 of
his people. there are more people displayed since the second world war. so these old regimes are not going to stay in power. the issue is when you get rid of the old regime, that's when the next battle begins. and then it's a fight between what i would call the open minded people that want to be connected to the world and share the thoughts we share and these radical islamistst that want to create a society that is not combatable with the modern world. >> to your point exactly, it's not about stamping out isis. it's about trying to eradicate an ideology that could destroy the world if gotten out of control. which is why the president working with other countries and engaging them in a real way almost seems like the only way to go. >> we have seen how difficult over the last decade to stamp out the ideology.
>> it's not just bombs. >> it's a critical coalition. you said recently, mr. prime minister, unless you're prepared to fight these people on the ground, you may contain them, but you won't defeat them. you're not alone in that analysis. where does that leave us this morning? what happens next? >> i think, again, your administration is sensible in making sure that we're also help the syrian opposition that can do some of this fighting on the fwround. i know general allen who is in charge of the operation. he's super smart and a good man. and over time because you're building a o coalition, you're addressing what frankly was a weakness of strategy post 9/11, post 2003. you're creating a broad coalition. a lot of these arab countries and countries in the middle east, they know this is their fight and they have to be there. but the other thing that we have to do because this is a problem in the far east and in africa as
well as north africa. we have to deal with the education systems around the world which are teaching literally millions of young people a view of the world that is based on religious prejudice. unless we have a long-term plan to root out those education systems, kids who are taught a form of religious instruction, you're incubating this problem in some of these systems. if you take a country like pakistan, it's not been in the news. you have had a million people displaced in the last weeks as the pakistani army is battling. >> so president obama speaking tomorrow before the u.n. general assembly. what do you think the challenges are from your point of view in terms of how he addresses the world on this? >> i think he's got a great. opportunity to unite the world. in a way he particularly i think is able to come and say, look,
i'm not someone who started to get into this it situation, but here is the threat. it's a threat that concerns all of us. it's not about christians versus muslims. it's not about the west versus isl islam, it's about everybody who believes in a a world in which people try to live with each other across the boundaries of culture and faith and want to use faith as a source of division and conflict. i think he's got a chance to rally the world to that essential battle. it's going to take time. libya is potentially the next flash point. you'll find a lot of people coming from isis into libya as well. there again, there are people that we can work with there. we have to try to help them. it's a long, hard battle. you take kenya as a country. making worlds of progress. now its progress is in jeopardy as a result of the extremism coming and killing people.
bl what country in the middle east is not under threat from isis? you look at jordan, saudi arabia, i suppose the generals who have retained some control in egypt, but the entire region is in a state of turmoil. would you be shocked if any country fell over the next six months in the middle east? >> in a way, it's a difficulty. the other thing that's happening, which if you like the good news. >> we'd like some dpood news. >> if you look to good news, what is happening is i'm seeing this twice a month in the middle east. you're seeing from first time people stepping up and stepping forward and saying this is wrong, we have to fight it, it's our problem. we're going to deal with it. if you're in a country like jordan where the king has done a great job of trying to shepard his country through these last few years, the rest of the region is saying we don't want that here. so in a way, you're also
building support for the alternative and progressive vision for the future. i think that's the good news in the region. >> let's go to the peace process. is your head sore from banging it against the wall yet? people have been doing that for a a long time. >> it's still important. . it's important because of this other issue. if you could get people in a state of israel, it's quite a good thing. >> right now, what's the greatest challenge? net what's the biggest challenge?
>> the biggest challenge is to prove on the ground you can deal with the security problem of the israelis and the occupation problem of palestinians. i think if everything in the ground was going well, i don't think it would be hard to put people in a room and work out where the borders kbo. it's what's happening on the ground. you have this conflict. gaza is a strip of land, 2 million people, average age 19, quarter of of the population under age 5. some have been through three wars now. rockets coming out of gaza, retaliation by israel. >> before the latest round of fighting in gaza in july, hamas was scene as being on the run, weakened. they had had to go to palestinian authority and basically sue for peace. did the attacks in july strengthen hamas? >> short-term, yes, because they appear to be standing up to the israelis. if you think of the sacrifice of the people for that, however, one good thing out of all of this has been the world of egypt in supporting the peace process
and now their role will be critical in moving the situation forward in gaza. >> as we bounce around the world, if i may, ask you about the scottish independence vote. >> what happened there? we were sure they would break free of their bonds. >> are you surprised at all by the outcome? >> not surprised, but relieved. >> why do you say that? >> the consequences would have been bad for the uk, very bad for europe. not great for the world. >> how did it come to the point where you're now deeply relieved? how did it percolate out of nowhere? >> we think people underestimated the strength of feeling. but it's done. >> so what should british leaders from london learn from this? this was a close call. they made a lot of promises. some of the banks made threats. but what did london learn about
how maybe they need to draw scotland in a bit more? >> i think it is important to do that. i think the other thing is as globalization changes the world so fast, people search for points of identity. they feel that they are powerless in the forces that changed their lives. i think in a sense that that type of independence movement, which you see also in spain and elsewhere in europe, it's not either unnatural or inexplicable. >> before we close, obviously, isis is the central focus of the headli headlines today. especially with the u.n. general assembly in new york. there's been a lot of criticism for president obama's foreign policy here at home in washington. i'm just wondering what the point of view is from across the pond in terms of how he's handling this. because we are seeing a convergence here. >> i think that's the right thing. he's in a really good position
to unite the world. most people think perhaps he went through the post 9/11 decisions. i know how tough it is, but he's doing the right thing. he's build iing the coalition a you're not going to beat this thing. i think this is what we have learned over the years, unless this is not just about america and a few key allies, but it has to be a broader coalition that crosses those boundaries of faith and culture. if you get a coalition against extremism. >> i have to ask you the important questions. are you following the premier league this year? >> of course. >> your club is very ugly right now. my club liverpool is very ugly. it's a bizarre start to this campaign. >> what a great league it is. it's the best league in the world for sure. >> will your manager survive? >> i think he probably will at
least short-term. sometimes when i see other leaders, i realize how difficult it is. but the only thing that's potentially more difficult than being a leader of a country is being a leader of a football club. >> especially new castle. they are a tough crew. >> we are starting slowly. we're kbeting into gear. >> mr. prime minister, thank you for coming. >> tony blair, thank you for coming. it's always great to see you. still ahead on "morning joe," admiral john kirby joins us live. and later we'll speak to former israeli president. up next, did you upgrade your smart phone to an iphone 6 or 6 plus? >> no, i'm still on blackberry. >> i love it. i'm samsung. >> i'm loyal. >> you're loyal. the sales numbers are in and it looks like apple has hit another
record. and standsing by your man. the so-called kissing congressman gets help from his wife in his bid for reelection. we'll show you the new ad, next on "morning joe."
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let's take a look at the morning paper. the san francisco chronicle, am sold 10 million new iphones in its debut weekend. >> mike has already returned his. he got the big one and returned for something smaller. >> iphone is the most popular product. the big one is big. actually i'm interested. >> how are you going to compare it? >> i'm going to compare. >> the video is great.
you can watch movies. >> put it up on the wall and the kids can come in 30 feet away and watch. >> nfl sundays right in your pocket. richmond times dispatch, a new focus in the serge for a missing student. police are investigating the disappearance of 18-year-old hannah graham are now searching for a uva employee. jesse matthew jr. is a person of interest. he was last seen with the student the morning she disappeared, that was september 13th. he's not been seen since saturday. he showed up at a police station, asked for a lawyer and then drove away before speaking to an attorney. he sped away and police pursued him. so now they want to bring him in on reckless driving charges. u.s. congressman vance mcalister and his wife say they are blessed as they address his recent scandal in a new ad campaign. he faces a tough reelection
battle after surveillance footage showed him kissing a married female staffer earlier this year. the mcalisters -- >> they were chewing some big red. they are still in there. look at that. >> the mcalisters have since completed marriage counselling. they say the issue is behind them. >> life is filled with ups and downs. >> but a man's character is based on how many times he gets back up and stands again. >> i'm lucky to have been blessed with a great family and a wonderful christian wife. >> i'm blessed to have a husband who owns up to his mistakes, never gives up, always fighting for the good people of louisiana. >> we approve this message because some things are just worth fighting for. >> that's mcalister, conservative, veteran, 100% louisiana. >> wow.
hard one. what do you think? i don't want to say anything. >> marriages, whatever. if it works for them, it works for them. so be it. to the mcalisters. i'm serious. >> it's really her decision to be in the ad. >> it just bums me out. >> i'm sure it was her choice. it kind of made you feel a little uncomfortable. >> i hope they work it out. >> i'm going to get me some big red. >> let's go to role call. mary landrieu has a message of the critics for the keg stand. she says to the critics, get a life. >> get a life. >> landrieu currently locked in a tight race with bill cassidy. a little tailgating at lsu over
the weekend. a fellow fan with his keg stand. >> it's a pretty good stand right there. >> i have never heard of a keg stand. >> how do you do that? >> you have somebody else holding your legs. >> you press down. >> we have a big game coming up. i want to be ready. >> the guy in the picture is a 28-year-old lsu alum nis saying i thought i did pretty well by not doing it myself. and just helping. >> get over it. a major nonprofit is taking on the fight to improve education. the organization says it will offer up to $15 million in prize money to contest and to build tablet apps to teach 250 million children to read or write. i love this. it's part of the group's ongoing efforts to encourage product development for the greater good. teams have six months to apply for the contest.
>> let's bring in the chairman and ceo of the foundation. >> peter, good morning. welcome to the show. >> talk about the challenge. >> my pleasure. this is amazing stuff. we have technology now that can help us scale literacy around the world in order to a world that is more literate is a world that's more peaceful and prospero prosperous. we have the technology to take it on and we need to. >> the great thing is our kids, our young kids, they grab our iphones. it's intuitive. they are finding their way around. >> almost from the day they are born. they swipe these things and log in and know your password. pete, one of the most important things is our current education system isn't scaleable. if you want to move it around the world, you won't have enough
teachers to get the education in the hands of the kids who need it. this helps that problem. >> we're going to be short 1.6 million teachers for the developing world. we can't do that the at scale. one of the things we're doing with this competition is we have thousands of teams. we're going to narrow it down to the top five. they will be deployed in africa to test the software from the top five teams in about 5,000 kids. the winning software will be open source and so my hope is that we're going to put this in every tablet, in every device going forward. you can learn more online and get involved. if you want this for your kids after it's been successful in africa, you have a campaign. it's about transforming the future of our children. >> peter, thank you so much. >> to learn more about how it's redefining innovation, go to the afternoon section of our website.
>> peter, thank you. >> david brooks is talking about a bright future. not only for the united states, but for willie, the opportunities. >> this could open so many doors in so many ways. . >> technology is changing everything. >> i love it. coming up a new face in the war against isis. john kirby joins us for the latest on the airstrikes in syria. and then a shared past. the secrets behind our histories. all that and more when "morning joe" returns.
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29 past the hour. welcome back to "morning joe." joinings now the press secretary for the pentagon admiral john kirby. >> we'll start with a simple question for americans waking up this morning. what happened last night? >> last night over the course of many hours, u.s. and coalition partner nations, arab partner nations flew more than 20 airstrikes against targets in
syria and against a group near syria. we believe we're still assess ing the effectiveness of the strikes, but we believe we hit what we were aiming at. we were abling at their ability to lead their forces. we hit depots, training facilities, we hit some vehicles and we certainly hit what we believe were headquarters buildings where they were trying to lead and command and control their forces. >> can you spell out, it seems there were two distinct actions that occur red. one, the action allow with our allies in northern syria. a separate action. could you spell that out more distip distipgtly. >> there were eight strikes total against this group. it's an al qaeda affiliate. a very dangerous group that were basing themselves in syria.
and we had had information, good information that this group was in the final stages of planning attack, an eminent attack either targets in europe or the u.s. homeland. based on that information and based on the information we had about where they were and how they were resourcing themselves in syria, we took targeted action against them last night. the strikes were u.s. only. our arab partners did not participate in those. we're still affecting the effectiveness. >> a two-parter for you. were they warned about the attacks going in? and if so did american r war planes meet resistance when they crossed into syrian air space? >> the regime was notified of our intent to conduct operations. there was no coordination with the assad regime. certainly no coordination or communication military to military. there was no interaction with syrian air defenses or military forces throughout the conduct of
these strikes. >> have you heard any response of the syrian government in the aftermath of these strikes. >> here at the pentagon, no, we have not heard any response and no communication with the assad regime. >> did we have to jam the defenses going in? >> i would tell you without too much detail that we are well aware of the sophistication of syrian air defense capabilities and we factored that into all our planning as we conducted the operation. >> good morning, it's jeremy peters. as you know the authority the congress gave to arm the syrian rebels expires in december. are you confident that you will have the authority to continue arming them once that expires or will you be ham strung? >> we're going to continue to work with congress moving forward. the vote last week was very positive and very significant that we can now have the authorization to start the recruiting and vetting process, which is going to take some time, probably three to five
months, and start the training program. we realize the authority ends on the 11th of december and secretary hagel is committed to working with congress to get that authorization continued throughout next year. >> admiral, thank you very much. >> thanks a lot, appreciate it. coming up with more companies than ever before fleeing the united states for tax breaks, the obama administration finally decides to act. we'll tell you how in just a bit. but first, what do stephen king, gloria reuben and courtney advance have in common? we'll explore their roots with henry gates, next. this one i got in belize.
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published many 1901. it's about the pioneers of jay county. >> oh, my god, look at this. good for them. he and his wife like many others left their native state on account of slavery there. it's good. something to be proud of. it's better than turning the page and finding out he left because he shot somebody in a barbersh barbershop. >> there is that. that was a clip from the show "finding your roots." what a great idea. here with us now the show's executive producer, writer and prese presenter, professor henry gates. great to have you back. >> we love having you. >> nice to be back. >> tell us all about it. >> we had 30 guests. it's our second season. and we had the most diverse array of guests we have ever had. tonight's episode unites three
people whom you'd never think had anything in common. stephen king, gloria reuben and courtney vance. it turns out they know nothing about their father's line of the family. each lost a father either literally or figuratively. courtney's case, his father was adopted. and it tortured his father. and his father had a difficult life and committed suicide when courtney was 30. so courtney wanted to know about his father's people. could we find his birth mother and birth father. the first thing we did using gene logical records, we found his father's birth mother. her name was ardell vance and courtney's father was raised on the south side of chicago. the mother lived right around the corner. >> that's incredible. >> i say this from personal
experien experience. we had a a guy look at our backgrounds and i learned things about my family and about my father's family specifically that he went to the grave not knowing about. remarkable things. >> this woman probably saw her birth son every day in the summer playing stick ball. and she was right there around the corner. >> so take a look at actress gloria reuben learning about her ancestry. >> 50 years old, african. >> that is your original african ancestor. you found her name, her age and her birthday. nobody has found that. nobody. this is something black people only dream of finding, and you found her. >> you're pretty good.
you're pretty good. >> we have a great team. through her dna and paper trail we were able to establish she was named reuben because she was jewish. and that the people forget that 1492 when columbus discovered america, ferdinand kicked the jewish people out of spain. and many of them came to the new world. and her family came to jamaica in the 16th century. she's descended from them. we found all the records in a synagogue in jamaica. and we found her fifth grade grandmother who came in the middle passage on a slave ship and arrived in jamaica in 1767. >> one of the great things about this series that professor gates has done and continues to do is we flif a cultural age where you
fill out forms and have to get a birth certificate. we think that's who we are, the birth certificate. we were born in wooster, massachusetts. but this flushes out who you really are. you can see that in the clip there. >> it turns out gloria's dna, she's 59% european and 39% sub sarahen africa. >> for this season, it had to be anderson cooper. his great, great grandfather lived in alabama. and in 1860 he owned 12 slaves. one of these was very rebellious. so he locked them in the cotton house overnight. and it must have been hell because when he opened the door the next morning, this slave took the hoe that anderson's great, great grandfather was carrying and beat him to death on the spot. >> well now, okay.
>> the man was hanged immediately. >> what's amazing about your series is it's the combination of dna and the technology we have to do that kind of analysis with good old fashioned archival research. it's that blending of the latest in technological advances with good research. what should we expect next? >> i'm working with 40 other scholars trying to develop a curriculum to teach brown and black kids science and social studies by having everybody do their family tree. if we went to an inner city school and said today's lesson is watson, they'd say get out of town. or teach you how to use the archives, no way. but if you're tracing your own family tree, connection. i want to seduce kids back into the love of learning by having them pursue the subject they love the most, themselves.
>> it's like selfie mode going back in time. henry gates, thank you so much. >> we love having you hear. >> the send season of "finding your roots" premiers tonight. check your local listings. this is amazing. come back for sure. . we love it. still ahead, former president shimon peres joins the conversation. but the latest from the middle east where u.s. airstrikes in syria are now underway. you're watching "morning joe," we'll be right back. ♪ mmm mmm mmm mm mmm mm mmmmmm
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we continue to follow the breaking news from syria. the u.s. with the help of launching airstrikes on eastern syria. we just spoke to the pentagon press secretary. the u.s. is still assessing the effectiveness of the airstrikes and that there's been no response from the syrian regime. president obama will speak about the military operation before leaving for the u.n. later this morning. we'll be covering that live. >> a lot of questions that we still need to have answered. and the president is going to be speaking. then he's going to be going to the u.n. it's an interesting time as he goes to the united nations.
it puts a lot of pressure on a lot of countries to get involved. >> he will be talking about working with allies and closing in on on isis. >> a couple weeks we had a when egypt went into libya to go after extremists. he said we have crossed a line here. we continue to see that in the middle east where moderate arab states are stepping forward and not just pointing at us saying you guys take care of things. we'll reap the rewards of that. the u.a.e. has been out front more than any other country, but you're seeing other countries follow. >> if the president can get powerful allies in key countries of the world to close in on isis, that will be leadership. >> no doubt about it. >> here with us now republican
congressman charlie dent of pennsylvania. also the ceo of the global poverty project hugh evans. they are here to talk about the water of the world act which is one of the best investments the country can make that won't cost anymore money. >> congressman, we have some problems. you look at water for the world, 2.5 billion people around the world don't have proper sanitation. 750 million people are relying on unsafe water sources. 300 million people miss school days because of water-related illnesses. 5,000 are killed daily. and you have 103 co-sponsors of the bill that changes that. how do you help the situation without spending tax dollars? >> we're trying to prioritize how those water resource dollars will be spent. right now i think too much of it of the money is directed for strategic purposes. not necessarily for those who have the most basic human needs. >> what do you mean? >> let's say jordan. an important friend and ally.
they have water needs, but maybe not the most basic needs. as you would see. >> so we're trying to help an ally instead of trying to help kids who are dying from water. >> that to help instead of kids dying from water. >> we're trying to set the priorities for those resources who need it the most. >> and the situation is terrible. 2.5 million people around the world don't have sanitation. >> we know the economic burdens, 600 million people in india lack access to basic water without sanitation. this has a multibillion dollar consequence for the economy. they have lack of access to basic health care. so we know water, and now they
have put their name forward. so we're nearing the end of the year. we need to ensure this bill is passed and on the president's desk before the end of the year. someone who can play a key role in that is chairman royce. he played an amazing roll passing the electrifying africa bill. we know his staff are considering this strongly right now, which is pornd. >> what would be the argument against this? >> what is your concern that this could not pass? >> i think there are always going to be some people who don't think we should spend the money. when you look from a pure humanitarian standpoint, this is a worthwhile bill. and if you look at this country, we have a three-legged national security, as far as i'm concerned, diplomacy, defense and development. and development from a funding
perspective. i think that's essential that we hen hans this piece of development initiative. it can help mitt game armed conflicts. >> you're senate district in pennsylvania. you're a penn state guy. we were talking about the '79 sugar bowl. it's obviously been painful the last couple of years. are you convinced that penn state has done what it needs to do? >> in fact, i felt the ncaa sanctions were exceedingly punitive in my view. what happened to penn state, well, the scholarships should have never been taken away. that's one school where 90% of those in the football program actually graduate. they go to class. they do well. and i thought that was very unfair. i also had quite a bit of argument over the $60 million fine where i felt the entire fine should remain within the commonwealth of pennsylvania. >> so what you want to happen,
obviously over decades, there was horrific behavior. what should the penalties look like? >> well first, the most important is for the university and anybody responsible to compensate the victims. and that's being done. nearly 60 million. $60 million worth has already been paid up. the ncaa just eliminated many of the sanctions, and the commonwealth of pennsylvania sued over the $60 million fine, wanting to keep it in the commonwealth. the court was considering dloeing out the fine, saying the ncaa didn't have the authority. >> all right. congressman charlie dent, thank you so much. >> hugh evans, thank you. >> we'll get back up to penn state. i was up there alabama played penn state. >> that was another painful experience. we beat umass anyway. >> you guys looking good. turning it around. >> you can catch the brad cast
of the global citizen festival live on msnbc and streaming on this saturday at 3:00 p.m. eastern time. up next, the campaign to defeat isis has now crossed the syrian border. we'll go live to the pentagon. plus, we'll play for you with former british prime minister tony blare told us this morning. also ahead, will the extended military campaign shake wal street's confidence? we'll find out how the markets react to the overnight air strikes. [ male announcer ] at northrop grumman, we've always been at the forefront of advanced electronics. providing technology to get more detail... ♪ detect hidden threats... ♪ see the whole picture... ♪ process critical information, and put it in the hands of our defenders.
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welcome back to "morning joe." we're back with morning joe contributor mark halpren. and in washington, associate editor of the "washington post" and msnbc political analyst, eugene robinson. great to have you all on board. >> before we get to the news at the top of the hour, we've just been sitting around here. jeremy peters and i have been talking about this. we find it stunning congress left town doing absolutely nothing. they authorized and slipped it into a bigger bill, arming syrian rebels. they've done absolutely nothing over the biggest question facing them over the past two years. they slithered out of town and avoided a tough vote. >> enormous profiling per
coequal branch. they don't want their responsibility in the election year. they think they get the majority in the senate. i'm surprised at the leaders of the congress and the leaders of the applicable committees aren't having a bigger voice. the president is bombing another country with no authorization. >> we're going into syria. >> a lot will tell you this isn't a close call. far beyond what president bush did. president obama, i'm sure, would welcome more congressional support. he benefits for the fact that there's basically no oversight. >> there's no oversight. it's purely cynical. a lot of people sitting back. republicans waiting to see if it goes badly. they'll criticize. if it goes well, then maybe they'll say he did a good job. democrats just don't want to stand up and be counted. >> post 9/11 world we have an executive who can do whatever he wants. post 9/11 presidents have taken that posture. and congress goes along with it. zblf wait a second.
ch this is the same congress, and i got no prong with this congress suing the president over how he's interpreting aca. i just don't. we can have that debate. but if you are going to go to the courts over something like that, you're going to completely shirk your responsibility on the biggest constitutional question before congress. the hypocrisy of the republicans here. >> i am told by several reputable people, a couple of scholars included, like what mark just said, you can now make the case that the president of the united states has the legal authority to do what he's doing because the congress has rejected doing their job. >> and republicans have been running around talking about the constitution, the constitution. this president is shredding up the constitution. the most important thing congress is ever going to vote on is whether they authorize a president to go to war. how much power the commander in
chief has. they have completely abandoned their posts. forget about the seek refs service. they've left the constitutional question hanging out there. and given the commander in chief a blank chef for whatever he wants to do. it's not the commander in chief's fault. it's congress' fault. i point directly at john boehner and the house of representati s representatives. on issues of war and peace, he always forced us to have a serious debate. but john boehner. what's he doing? where is he? >> it will be interesting to see whether or not there's a big enough push to repeal the post 9/11 force sporgss. and talk about a debate that nobody has to have. you think they want to take authority away? >> no, they don't. but the question is where he is? >> he's campaigning in upstate new york. >> that's what i mean. so as he campaigns -- >> and if things go badly,
what's going to happen? they're going to come back and all attack the president of the united states. john mccain, lindsey graham, where are you? why didn't you stay in congress and command -- shame your colleagues to have this debate. but they didn't do it. >> critical with health care. >> but they'll go on the sunday shows and criticize the president. >> one of the things why is there's an air war. americans aren't going to be seen dying. they don't feel the same investment to be involved in the least. >> just hours ago the u.s. and five arab allies launched their first air strikes against syria while boehner and others are campaigning. officials say at least 50 air strikes have hit islamic state targets so far. at least 20 members of isis were killed. nbc news has learned the focus includes isis head quarters,
command centers, training sites and weapon facilities. isis is vowing to retaliate and blaming saudi arabia for allowing the attacks to occur. syria's foreign ministry said the united states told the ambassador to the united nations that military action was imminent. president obama will speak out this morning about the american led operation before heading to new york for the u.n. general assembly. he's expected to use his speech tomorrow to this use other countries to support his plans to defeat isis. >> let's go to london and bring in amen. we taunged about how other arab states are getting involved. the uae will be announcing their involvement soon. and a lot of other arab states doing the same. it's very curious. aye sils is pointing out that saudi is to blame for the attacks. >> wul. they have certainly over the
past several months not held in their hatred for the regimes. but the reason why they're particularly really isolating or if you will identifying saudi arabia is because saudi arabia is considered the birthplace of iist lam. the fact that the saudi government is now involved in attacking isis for the isis followers, this is a complete turning its back, if you will, on islam, or their version of islam. that's why they're singling it out more than any other country. >> we see them on the list. isis could release a list and say arab states supporting us. qatar. it's on both lists. can you explain to americans who want to know how does this country keep getting to play both sides. >> well, i think we should be very clear in also saying there
has been no public evidence that the qatar government has supported isis since it came into being. we have to make that distinction. it's very important. there's no doubt. and usual officials have said wealthy individuals and others inside all of these countries have been supporting some of the groups. >> is it not safe to say that they've been a bit passive in their pursuit of those deciding to use their country as a means to fund isis and other trough operations. >> you could go a step beyond that and say as a government they officially supported the groups that ultimate pli became the precursor to isis. they were supporting some of these extreme elements inside syria that then became isis. so you can go further than you were suggesting. now the problem is not only the individuals in some of these countries. but it's now the government
wants to get involves to quell isis. now some of the countries in the region were playing both sides. arming syrian rebels that turned out to be really bad guys. >> i look at qatar as the dick morris of middle eastern countries. >> qatar is deeply offended. >> okay. please. >> what's going with european countries. why are they involved? are they involved in the air strikes? >> not yet. we heard from the french government they carried out one strike so far inside. that was actually inside iraq, not inside syria. in terms of european operations. we are expecting the british government to join that fight, or to join air strikes. at least that is the report out of london today. keep in mind turkey is a nato
member on the boarder with syria. it's definitely going to have some kind of role. >> it seems to be the tip of a fairly significant story in the activities that took place last night over syria and that is that the united states, the united states only led an attack within syria based on intelligence that the united states received that they were about to implement an attack on the west. either within this country or within a european country. now it's fairly early in the narrative of this story. but i'm wondering if you have heard anything more than that. >> i have not. i would take that with a grain of salt. @ u.s. is going to say any attack is in the interest. that's a vague term in the post
9/11 world but it has an interesting point that it carried out two simultaneous attacks. one against isis. the other on a more swat organization or separate group. it does show the willingness of the united states to expand operations on several fronts. at least two different groups and id yolgss perhaps in some attempt to try to strengthen the rebels arming and training in neighboring countries. >> earlier we spoke to tony blair on why this fight is going to last not years but maybe decades. >> what's the great challenge here? with the cold war, it seemed so simple. us against them. then 2003 seems quaint. we're just going after a guy running a country. right now it seems like we're just firing missiles into the desert. we don't know where we're going. >> i think the president is right to go after these people. you have got to do that. i think it is a little like the cold war in the sense that
you've got isis. you've got problems in yemen. in libya. bokoharam and nigeria. yesterday people in northwest province of china where the muslim population is. biggest security problem china has. the biggest problem we have in the the u.k., returning fighters from syria. i think we have to get into a different rhythm and understand this is going to this last beyond this president, this prime minister. this is going to last for a significant period of time. >> and you're talking about a battle against islamic extremists that want to wage war against being against western receive vags, but civil vags itself. >> they want to turn it back within the arab world and say you guys are lining up with the
western infidel against islam. >> jim miklaszewski, thanks for being with us this morning. >> so "the new york times" talked about iraq. we're all talking about syria this morning. they say basically the air strikes have not done much to move isil back or have them give up any positions. is that your understanding? what is the pentagon's view on how to turn that around? >> if you talk to any military experts in or out of uniform, they're going to tell you the air strikes alone can only kemp rarely contain an enmy. they cannot defeat it. and that's exactly what we're seeing in iraq. the enemy has responded. they've adapted. they started removing all their black flags to identify them as potential targetsed. they moved their equipment into populated areas to guard themselves against any potential
air strike. and it's one of the points that general dempsey, the chairman of the joint staff has made about syriaen even. that yes, the u.s. and al lies. preferably with boots on the ground would move into syria to take on isis and that would be the only way to defeat them. however. if you look hat the u.s. plan to spend $500 million to train the free syrian army in saudi arabia, give them weapons and send them back into syria, that's at a minimum. u.s. officials say it would take several years. and then again, look at the free syrian army. they are infiltrated by members of another al qaeda type terrorist group and in fact isis. so once you give them the weapons, there's no guarantee that the free syrian army is going to be able to hang onto them.
>> you've been reporting pentagon -- for how long? >> too long, joe. >> okay. too long is the correct answer. can you recall as much grumbling and leaking and bitching and moaning coming out of the pentagon towards the commander in chief? some as we have seen over the past several months with this president? it's just -- it just seems like everybody is looking out of there that he's given isis too much, a fore warning. you have the chairman of the joyce chiefs. the white house will deny it on off air. the but they're angry they blind sided them twice on air. is this something new for you on that beat that you've been at, quote, too long? >> i would say yes. general dempsey is known as a very straight shooter. he doesn't parse his words.
he attempts to tell it like it is in any venue, at no matter whose cost. i think anger is not the right word. it's more frustration and exasperation over the white house attempts to control every aspect. look, he's the commander in chief. president obama is in charge. but the feeling is here that they're dealing with an inexperienced staff, a particularly nsc, and one former official, very special operation forces official, very familiar with the operations in the white house said, look, they're all young vm they're all very smart. but they've never had their nose bloodied. no world experience. they think that's the problem. >> gene robinson, it's very extraordinary what we're seeing out of the white house. richard engle tweeting more complaints from military women
and women that the president has waited too long. he's given the enemy too much advance notice, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera. i find it all a bit unseemly coming from military men and women talking about their commander in chief in a time of war. >> i hoetly agree. i think that the job of military men and women is to do what our constitution and our traditions say they should do, which is to say out of politics and to fulfill the mission that our civilian litership sets for them. and happily most of our military men and women have done exactly that. but this is unseemly. and these are the same military men and women who on other days so no, no, no. we don't want to get involved in this. we need overwhelm iing support.
we're overtaxed. we can't get into a new adventure. so they're all over the map. they just seem to want to complain. >> by the way, mika said the same thing when military people would leak about george w. bush. this is not the the time to do it. >> joe, and i wrote a column during george w. bush's iraq war criticizing the military people who would publicly say that this was a bad idea or that this was a failure. that's not their job. it's the president's job. and by the way, congress, where is congress? >> where is chuck hagel? >> thank you very much. there are new details about the man arrested for jumping the white house fence with a knife and entering and unlocked door.
omar gonzalez is being held without bail until october 1st. prosecutors say he's a danger to the president. gonzalez is facing charges of unlawfully entering a restricted building with a deadly or dangerous weapon. officials say he had 800 rounds of ammunition in ha nearby vehicle when he jumped a 9'0" fence on friday night. in addition, gonzalez had two hatchets and a machete. we're also learning this is not his first run-in with the law. authorities say gonzalez was arrested in july for reckless driving in virginia. they say he had 11 guns in his car and a map with a circle l around the white house, and he was stopped last month for walking by the south fence of the white house. gonzalez had a hatchet in his waistband, but police eventually let him go. the veteran's family is now speaking out about the struggles he facted after returning from iraq. >> he's a stand-up guy. he would never hurt anybody or anybody like that. anything of the sort. he's just -- he's losing his mind. he's suffering from
post-traumatic stress. it's hard to see a man like that just go down the drain he sacrificed his mind, his family, everything for this country. i don't think this country pays enough attention to our soldiers. >> well, mike, we certainly agree with that, but in this case, i think secret service didn't pay enough attention to protecting the white house. >> you have to wonder about that. they have dogs all around the property. i don't know. we're going top find out the answer to that. it leads to a larger issue. not only with regard to this soldier but multiple veterans. if you want to find people who are against the war, go across the river to the pentagon. that's where you're going to find them. we talk about an oncoming war with syria and iraq: we continually use the the phrase
boots on the ground. these are human beings on the ground. overstretched, overtaxed. come on. >> any time the secret service needs something, the white house will tell you this is the one area where there's bipartisan agreement. >> the secret service gets what they ask for. they get the support they need for capitol hill. this has nothing to do with budget cuts. this is an organization that failed the president. # and it's embarrassing several times over the past few years. i don't understand how they let a guy jump the fence and make it through an unlocked front door of the white house. >> it's incredible. first, put a lock on the door. this is the white house. this is the president of the united states. put a lock on the door. for years, for decades. there's been a wrought iron fence in front of the white house. t it's 7'6". it has sharp finials on top of
it. it's not an impermeable barrier. so given all the that has happened. they closed pennsylvania avenue to traffic after the oklahoma city bombing. we had incidents where a small plane, you know, crash landed on the white house grounds. we've had all these things. given all of that, and we have the right to assume that given this one fence, that had a plan. they had a plan for what happens if somebody jumps over the fence and makes a dash towards the white house. and the plan is supposed to be that, i guess, that the officers come with the dogs and the dog throws itself like a missile at the intruder and holds him until you can get there. so why didn't it happen? >> where with the dogs, mika? >> nothing happened. >> where were the dogs? >> it's ridiculous! >> i don't want to forget the other part of this story, though. we should have paul rycoff on.
everything we talked about should have happened. but it's an angry, sick, disenfranchised veteran. and he's not alone. >> knowing what we know now about this man and his past, can you imagine what the reaction would be if the secret service pumped him full of bullets and killed him? >> i know. i know. >> gene, stay with us. >> coming up on "morning joe." former israeli parking light shimon peres joins us. and activists take their march to lower manhattan. what they plan on doing on wall street. and then a wedding proposal goes horribly wrong as one bride-to-be will be waiting for her ring a little longer. oh, no. and a pint-sized football team takes on their biggest opponent on the field. no, mommy, you got the wrong banner. >> it was sheet metal. don't use sheet metal. you owned your car for four years.
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new york city! hosted the biggest climate change march in history yesterday, featuring the biggest hat and the biggest sign and the biggest kindest puppet librarian. and the biggest pain in the ass to get across the street. >> they were boldfaced names. former vice president al gore. mayor de blasio and u.n. general secretary moon. >> whoa! whoa! stop the the parade! bomki moon! the biggest climate change in history, which comes straight from your audition for you're a
good man, charlie brown? look at you! >> time to look at the morning papers for the new york post. police arrested around 100 protesters monday after hundreds took party in the flood wall street march. demonstrators say they were taking a stand against capitalism and calling for more action on climate change. at one point they inflated a large balloon calling it the carbon bubble. bouncing it off cars and buses until authorities deflated it with a knife. >> was that the bubble? no, that's a regular balloon. >> no, i think that's it. >> not really impressive. >> all right, so from the express times. tom corbett says he believes the authorities are closing in on the accused cop killer, eric matthew frein as the search enters day 11. police believe the search area continues to narrow in a heavily
wooded area off the pocono mountains. several schools remain closed at police activity intensifies there. but that man hunt is still remaining strong body of police search groups looking for him. >> facing a survivalist is tough. >> usa today. former boxer mike tyson came to the aid of a biker after issuing a crash. tyson staid with the 29-year-old victim until paramedics arrived and told onlookers not to touch him. the victim, who will need surgery after suffering broken bones and torn ligaments sent tyson a fruit basket and a handwritten thank you note. >> that's a nice way to go. so a marriage proposal gone terribly wrong. a man pops the question while floating on a paddle boat. but his girlfriend playfully taps his hand, sending the the ring in the water, and then it's unclear whether the ring was
ever found. and then hay broke up. no, i'm kidding, look at him. he's happy. are you kidding? what have you done? that is a rough start? did you see that look he gave her? >> i know. >> he was not a happy guy. there went like a year and a half of work. >> and we get this from dead spin. a youth football team from new york taken down by their own banner. instead of using paper, they had a vinyl banner. >> are you kidding me? >> clotheslined by the mothers. >> little too much for the 6 and 7-year-old kiddies. next year they'll try for paper. >> come on! you can do it. steal lined banner. >> the good news is, they won the game. coming up next, mika's must-read opinion pages.
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could something that small make an impact on something as big as your retirement? i don't think so. well if you start putting that towards your retirement every week and let it grow over time, for twenty to thirty years, that retirement challenge might not seem so big after all. ♪ iwith something terrible to admit. i treated thousands of patients, risked their lives, while high on prescription drugs. i was an addict. i'm recovered now, but an estimated 500,000 medical professionals are still out there, abusing drugs or alcohol. police, airline pilots, bus drivers... they're randomly tested for drugs and alcohol... but not us doctors. you can change that: vote yes on proposition 46. your lives are in our hands.
42-year-old omar gonzalez of texas jumped the fence last night at 7:20 p.m. he made it all the way up the north lawn. >> leave the door of the most secure home in the country unlocked. i guess president obama thought it's too dorky to carry the key around. is that the problem? what was the secret service doing? >> the incident happened four minutes after the first family had left the white house grounds for the weekend. former secret service special agent says it's possible the breach happened because it was focused oen the president's departure. >> if they all stay at the post, who is going to wave good-bye to the president as he flies off in the helicopter? what if the president looked back and nobody was waving. he would be heartbroken. >> welcome back to "morning joe." it's time for must read
opinions. >> this is exciting. many i favorite time of the day when you tell us what are the most important. >> james mann writes in the new york time this. >> i like the south of france. zl when i faxed them in? >> this is ridiculous. i'm home being a mo. you know how many people say, how was the south of france? i've been once. that's when i was kidnapped. james mann writes obama isn't finished yet. the notion that the obama presidency is all but over has arrived right on schedule. by this stage of the presidency, bill clinton and george w. bush like reagan before them were all being written off as finished. however, history also demonstrates a larger truth that the commentators ignore today. quite a few of the most significant achievements took place in the final few years. true, but -- >> one smoking thing so me is president obama's approval
rating is lower than george bush's was in this presidency. >> i have respect for james mann. i did a spate take with my morning gatorade. first off, he didn't prove his point. it's a compelling case that any of the presidents got a lot done, and the things he cites are not the kinds of things. some are foreign policy. but he doesn't assign very many domestic achievements. that's what people are saying is dead. >> but what happens if republicans take the senate? do you think they're going to be able to get much done in the final few years of presidency? >> even if they don't, politics is a very funny thing. a lot of people thought bkz would get a lot less done. >> david brooks says we all need to snap out of it. the scope of the problems we face are well below historic averages.
or a civilization threatening crisis like world war i. our global enemies are not exactly impressed. we have the islamic states, a bunch of barbarians riding in pickup trucks and president vladimir putin of russia, a lone thug sitting atop a failing regime. i mention this because of the unraveling floating around this summer. it's important in times like these to step back and get clarity. we are living in an amazingly fortunate time. we also happen to be living in leadership crisis. a time when few people have faith. we live in a vibrant society that is not being led. >> mike, i say this all the time, it bears repeating. we're on the cusp of the energy revolution where we will produce more oil than anywhere in the world. we have the best colleges and
universities on the planet by a long shot. we have the most innovative i.t. tech companies on the planet. there's not a close second. and we're in the i.t. age. the innovative age. and we have the most productive worse force in america. most countries would kill to be in the position that we're in now. and all we do is talk about how miserable things are. >> nobody is lining up to get to lithuania this morning. everybody wants to come to the united states. we talked about vietnam the last time we spoke about this piece. 35 years ago, gnat a long time ago. the lines for gas in this country were longer than the lines are today for the iphone. we're spending money on the iphones. too many people in this country regard a bad day as not being able to find a parking space,
losing their cell phone -- >> or not getting good cell service. zbr get real. >> there's a lot of whining. the economy has been struggling since 2008. it is coming back to life slowly but surely. it's not great. be u you compare what we're doing to what most european country are doing, preltty good. >> i think there's two missing elements. i think that's a smart column. one is we need happy warriors as our leaders. we need to look to the future and the other thing is we need median incomes up in the country. that's still a long-term trend that really makes a difference. and you can go back to earlier times. economic prosperity makes a big difference. that's gots to turn around. >> and from 18 to 84 for the next 100 years it things like things were getting better. flat or stagnant. they have been for some time.
that's the central challenge of the leaders. so much of that has to do with optimism from leaders in washington, d.c. we need optimists. it makes a difference. >> you can't have rookie corporate profits and flat wages. >> it's ridiculous. and we haven't talked about it yet. but the president and treasury department are working on the issue. you can't have wall street breaking records while main street is suffering the way it is. >> still ahead, shimon peres just moments away. hi! can i help you? i'm looking for a phone plan. it has to be a great one, and i don't compromise. ok, how about 10 gigs of data to share, unlimited talk and text, and you can choose from 2 to 10 lines. wow, sounds like a great deal. so i'm getting exactly what i want, then? appears so. now, um, i'm not too sure what to do with my arms right now
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can you start tomorrow? yes sir. alright. let's share the news tomorrow. today we failrly busy. tomorrow we're booked solid. we close on the house tomorrow. i want one of these opened up. because tomorow we go live... it's a day full of promise. and often, that day arrives by train. big day today? even bigger one tomorrow. when csx trains move forward, so does the rest of the economy. csx. how tomorrow moves.
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you want to watch oil. something you guys had on in the show really caught my ear. isis is threatening basically saudi arabia as the number one aggressor here. the world's biggest oil field by far, twice as big as the next biggest field. counts for 6% of oil production is in saudi arabia. oil is seeing a little bit. stocks a little bit lower. i saw under $3 a gallon gasoline today in new jersey. obviously a quiet tax break on the american people. and so oil spikes can increase cost for everybody watching. >> what about the white house plan to push back on corporate inversions which appear to be growing in number? >> right now the companies are doing the inversions. late yesterday on a conference call for m coing out saying here's things we want to do to try to slow down or prevent
inversions. only congress has taxing authority. only congress can expressly in print put down things and laws that would prevent inversions. what the treasury is trying to do is make them simply less attractive. things like the inability to use cash stored offshore to do deals. the ending of what they call hopscotching loans. basically the short-term loan you would do between on shore and offshore companies. this would not be retroactive. anybody that has already done it that has already gone through. there's eight companies. burger king would be the most known to your viewers. that are in the process. and treasury is trying to simply make that act a little bit less attractive. again, though, congress might have something to say about it because taxing, as joe knows, this is their domain. they take the power of the purse very seriously there on capitol
hill from what i hear. ch. >> no doubt about it. >> brian sullivan, thank you very much. shimon peres joins us next. you can eat that on weight watchers? looks amazing. looks like my next dinner party. that's only 4 points? with weight watchers you can enjoy the food you really want. dine out on favorites... or cook up something new. i can do this every day. join for free and start losing weight now. learn how to eat healthier, while enjoying the foods you love. get inspired at meetings, online, or both. weight watchers because it works.
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>> i absolutely love it. the new video from the peres center for peace that's now gone viral. and you can see why. a former israeli president going job hunting.
and shimon peres joins us now. you're funny. >> i have become funny. >> so tell us about the video. what was the purpose behind that video that's now gone viral? >> that video, usually the people in israel take themselves very seriously. and my thought is the time that has come that they'll see that they are hopes. >> i love it. >> >> but it has a purpose. for example, at the end of the story, there's no solution but peace. and then they say, we have nothing. so when you have nothing, you can do everything. >> so let's move to the middle east now. some of the latest developments out of israel. an israeli military shot down
syrian fighter jet that infiltrated its air space. this happened tuesday morning. this is the first time such a thing that has happened in decades. bring us the latest in terms of your point of view on where the situation stands now and where we're going. >> it's no single force. it's inhumane to cut heads of innocent people. to hurt people because they're not muslims. and i think the president is right in trying to stop it. we have to to remain human beings under all the circumstances. and i know the president would say you go to wor when you have a just reason. but you also need a just result.
in this case it's so alarming that the results nuz be clear. and many arab countries are trying to end this. >> and how important is that? and how much trust should be placed in the fact that there can be collective support across the board and to the the end, whatever that end might be? because it seems this isn't just a miz call military war, but a fight against hatred and ideology that could be devastating if it's not tamped down. >> the they're undoubtedly against their own people. they are destroying estate after estate. of lebanon, syria, iraq, libya. they're trying to kill them and
kill people. and so it's not a classical military war. you have two nations. and you have a purpose. here the purpose is a protest. and the goal is down to the seventh century. they say the stone age didn't stop because of the stones. so the age has changed. and i think they were provoked. and it cost a great deal of human life. >> in the next few weeks or months there's no deal that they are certain they're developing a nuclear weapon, do you expect the american government to use military power to stop that program? >> if i understand it correctly,
the sanctions will continue. as long as the sanctions are effective, everybody will prevail. >> so, what circumstances would you welcome or encourage military action to stop the nuclear program? >> they are meant to continue you know, they're never free. i think ooirj has a ton of programs. the system, the ignorance of young, the ignorance of women. iran has very serious cultural problems. so it's simple. you read the newspaper.
>> mr. president, the issue of settlements within syria. why is this unable to be resolved? what are the biggest reasons? >> basically for a long time it was -- what happened in gaza. we left gaza unilaterally. nobody forced us. the palestinians free and open. so we ask why? what is the reason? why? what is the purpose? and why they do the same? bring it together? yet, the government announced on several o occasions we have to
make this. i am not. there are today in the the middle east, 400 million people. and the young people don't have jobs. don't have hope. but they have youth. 60% of them are below the age of 25. and i think we have to enable the younger generation until the age of science. and the 24 million of them. they need an internet.
>> access to the world. >> president shimon peres, thank you very much. it's an nonnor to have you on the show this morning. and that does it for us on quality morning joe." [ female announcer ] we help make secure financial tomorrows a reality
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Cheeseburger , Flavor , Blt , Lemon Chicken , Meat , Chicken Meat , Side Dish , Seafood , Orange , Vegetable , Portuguese Food , Peruvian Food , Garnish , Brazilian Food , Lemon , Shrimp , Scampi , Caridean Shrimp , Dendrobranchiata , Thai Food , Curry , Crustacean , Seafood Boil , Tacacá , Moqueca , Decapoda , Chinese Food , Capellini , Spaghetti , Italian Food , Taglierini , Spaghetti Aglioe Olio , Spaghetti Alla Puttanesca , Pasta , Noodle , Spaghetti Alle Vongole , Carbonara , Bigoli , Pasta Pomodoro , Tagliatelle , Linguine , Sicilian Cuisine , Naporitan , Chinese Noodles , Rice Noodles , Sōmen , Bucatini , Bavette , Man Go , Hawaiian Food , Bromeliaceae , Fruit , Iranian Cuisine , Solanum , Tomato , Cherry Tomatoes , Nightshade Family , Leaf Vegetable , Cruciferous Vegetables , Arugula , Herb , Coriander , Chard , Coleslaw , Brunch , Taco , Mexican Food , Ceviche , Latin American Food , Flatbread , Fried Food , Korean Food , Dessert , Chocolate , Mousse , Affogato , Chocolate Syrup , Chocolate Pudding , Verrine , Pudding , Milkshake , Iced Coffee , Cream , Frozen Dessert , Ice Cream , Bicerin , Milk , Dairy , Crème Fraîche , Whipped Cream , Lactose , Almond Milk , Raw Milk , Yogurt , Plant Milk , Meringue , Soy Milk , Cash , Mo Ney , Currency , Banknote , Office Supplies , Money Handling , Photocopier , Saving , Carton , Box , Printer , Packaging And Labeling , Skiing , Cross Country Skiing , Winter Sport , Biathlon , Ski Equipment , Eski , Warehouse , Factory , Industry , Mass Production , Attic , Stairs , Handrail , Aisle , Alley , Library , Supermarket , Outlet Store , Bookselling , Shelving , Inventory , Shelf , Public Library , Bookcase , Lumber , Barbecue , Cookware And Bakeware , Pet , Mammal , Vertebrate , Small To Medium Sized Cats , Whiskers , Carnivore , Tabby Cat , Domestic Short Haired Cat , European Shorthair , Tail , Kitten , Asian , Polydactyl Cat , Aegean Cat , Fawn , Canidae , Dog , Dog Breed , Snack , Non Sporting Group , Eating , Sporting Group , Abyssinian , Bengal , Superfood , Local Food , Sweetness , Natural Foods , Food Group , Confectionery , Bottle , Potato Chip , Mural , Breakfast Cereal , Convenience Food , Digital Compositing , Ferrari 458 , Scion , Kia Motors , Automotive Exhaust , Tread , Toyota Venza , Acura Zdx , Honda Cr Z , Loudspeaker , Rain , Windscreen Wiper , Boot , Ferrari 612 Scaglietti , Ferrari California , Aston Martin Dbs V12 , Bell , Church Bell , Shooting Range , Idiophone , Place Of Worship , Cathedral , Church , Apartment , Transparent Material , Balcony , Mansion , Official Residence , National Historic Landmark , Steeple , Presidential Palace , Government , Courthouse , Villa , Stately Home , Manor House , Sun , Fire , Stage Equipment , Iphone , Telephony , Cellular Network , Telephone , Restaurant , Grassland , Field , Agriculture , Farm , Prairie , Crop , Rural Area , Paddy Field , Pasture , Steppe , Meadow , Plantation , Harvest , Agricultural Machinery , Herd , Horse , Ranch , Halter , Pack Animal , Mare , Stallion , Camel , Savanna , Mustang Horse , Rein , Herding , Horse Tack , Drover , Animal Sports , Mane , Wrangler , Cowboy , Western Riding , Bridle , Trail Riding , Equestrianism , Saddle , Competitive Trail Riding , Safari , Engine , Automotive Engine Part , Leisure Centre , Steel , Auditorium , Hall , Drilling Rig , Pipe , Construction Equipment , Fluid , Glass Bottle , Distilled Beverage , Drinking Water , Plastic Bottle , Alcoholic Beverage , Water Bottle , Stemware , Superhero , Superman , Justice League , Captain America , Head Restraint , Car Seat Cover , Volvo V70 , Peugeot 3008 , Mazda3 , Diet Food , Whole Food , Capsicum , Flowering Plant , Flower Arranging , Tulip , Leather , Baggage , Luggage And Bags , Baby Carriage , Bus , Construction , Sand , Concrete , Toe , Bathing , Throat , Horse Supplies , Horse Harness , Equestrian Sport , Reining , Horse Trainer , Research , Hospital , Laboratory , Technician , Pharmacy Technician , Medical Technologist , Research Institute , Chemist , Scientific Instrument , Researcher , Chemistry , Health Care , Music Artist , Performing Arts , Wind , Brickwork , Brick , Talent Show , Granola , Cook , Countertop , Cooking , Cabinetry , Small Appliance , Chef , Wok , Frying , Pomegranate , Apple , Risotto , Gallo Pinto , Farro , Stuffing , Wheatberry , Hoppin John , Spanish Cuisine , Jambalaya , Baking , Pilaf , Space Bar , Gps Navigation Device , Audio Engineer , Plant Stem , Drawer , Medical Equipment , Plumbing Fixture , Laser Printing , Scale , Kitchen Appliance , Hill , Perennial Plant , Poster Session , Cupboard , Column , Identity Document , Liqueur , Beer , Alcohols , Pyramid , Automotive Navigation System , Media Player , Pda , Astronaut , Scout , Fur Clothing , Tiger , Big Cats , Lion , Bouldering , Rock Climbing , Race , Endurance Sports , Portable Media Player , Ipad , Combat Vehicle , Military Vehicle , Armored Car , Tank , Weapon , Self Propelled Artillery , Military Organization , Naval Ship , Warship , Battleship , Boat , Paint , Mercedes Benz , Mercedes Benz Sl Class , Porsche Panamera , Mazda Cx 5 , Mini Suv , Kia Sportage , Audi A8 , Seat Toledo , River , Lake , Bank , Reservoir , Canal , Inlet , Floodplain , Wetland , Cockpit , Construction Worker , Hard Hat , Engineer , Emergency Service , Fire Department , Firefighter , Truck , Public Utility , Fire Apparatus , Emergency Vehicle , Emergency , Blue Collar Worker , Concrete Mixer , Bakery , Street Food , Rolling Stock , Railway , Train , Locomotive , Railroad Car , Passenger Car , Rolling , Train Station , Freight Transport , Freight Car , Cargo , Shipping Container , Rolls Royce , Coast , Highland , Headland , Bay , Promontory , Cliff , Banquet , Dinner , Supper , Function Hall , Tableware , Wine Glass , Wrist , Digital Piano , Ring , Manicure , Nail Care , Elder , Grandparent , Rehearsal Dinner , Pleased , Wallet , Brass , Brass Instrument , Trombone , Vintage Clothing , Shopping , Fast Food Restaurant , School , Academic Institution , Teacher , Drama , Cornrows , Gate , Courtyard , Cottage , Hacienda , Holiday , Military Officer , Undergarment , Mitsubishi Endeavor , Chevrolet Uplander , Ford Five Hundred , Honda , Fog , Fault , Camelid , Marines , Musical , Video Game Arcade Cabinet , Visual Arts , Psychedelic Art , Spring Break , Festival , Cheering , Block Party , Globe , Music Venue , Pond , Amusement Ride , Pride Parade , Trial , Wheelchair , Film Noir , Bench , Patio , Deck , Outdoor Furniture , Outdoor Table , Home Fencing , Outdoor Bench , Gardening , Street Fashion , Botanical Garden , Plant Community , Gardener , Annual Plant , Dining Room , Farmhouse , Historic House , North American Fraternity And Sorority Housing , Inn , Pedestrian Crossing , Traffic Sign , Brochure , Photographic Paper , Tints And Shades , Disc Jockey , Deejay , Indoor Games And Sports , Television Studio , Automated Teller Machine , Spiral , Cable Stayed Bridge , Cruise Ship , Wave , Passenger Ship , Ocean Liner , Naval Architecture , Aquatic Plant , Artificial Island , Estuary , Landscape Lighting , Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game , Strategy Video Game , Mud , Acura , Acura Tl , Acura Rdx , Acura Mdx , Acura Tsx , Desert , Aeolian Landform , Lincoln Navigator , Mercedes Benz Glk Class , Sahara , Dune , Off Roading , Erg , Drifting , Singing Sand , Wadi , Volkswagen , Mercedes Benzm Class , Mercedes Benze Class , Mercedes Benzr Class , Pilot , Light Aircraft , Wilderness , Nature Reserve , National Park , Rock Concert , Fête , Calm , Dome , Headquarters , Spire , Aircraft Carrier , Swimwear , Boating , Marching Band , Football Gear , Pagani Zonda , Gt By Citroën , Lamborghini , Mini , Exhaust System , Tire Care , Petal , Synthetic Rubber , Longboard , Dawn , Clothing , Leggings , Coat , Silhouette , Backlighting , Perfume , Cosmetics , Pomeranian , Microwave Oven , Muesli , Food Grain , Rice , Jollof Rice , Steamed Rice , Brown Rice , White Rice , Basmati , Jasmine Rice , Fried Rice , Steak , Rib Eye Steak , Salisbury Steak , Meat Chop , Pork Steak , Beef , Patty , Middle Eastern Food , Pork Chop , Legume , à La Carte Food , Microphone , Electrical Supply , Statue , Pigeons And Doves , Cable Car , Storm , Tornado , Thunderstorm , Mist , Haze , Bathroom , Tap , Watch , Stunt Performer , Parachuting , Air Sports , Plumbing , Jet Engine , Airliner , Aircraft Engine , Airbus , Wide Body Aircraft , Narrow Body Aircraft , Boeing , Landing , Boeing 787 Dreamliner , Airbus A330 , Boeing 767 , Takeoff , Boeing 747 , Fighter Pilot , Vitis , Nativity Scene , Stained Glass , Religion , Marathon , Running , Long Distance Running , Energy Drink , Infantry , Law Enforcement , Police Dog , Police Officer , Firearm , Practical Shooting , Shooting Sport , Shooting , Gun , Trap Shooting , Rifle , Precision Sports , Baseball Umpire , Mazda Cx 7 , Mazda Cx 9 , Honda Element , Suzuki , Ford Taurus X , Ford , Ford Motor Company , Van , Swimming , Water Transportation , Inflatable Boat , Rowing , Water Sport , Canoe , Watercraft Rowing , Boats And Boating Equipment Supplies , Speedboat , Surface Water Sports , Tubing , Swimming Pool , Swimmer , Triathlon , Lifejacket , Lingerie , Wind Wave , Sea Ice , Lacrosse , Marching , Color Guard Flag Spinning , Musical Ensemble , Eight Man Football , Football Helmet , Sports Gear , Six Man Football , Football Equipment , Stick And Ball Games , Romance , Action Figure , Figurine , Dinosaur , Frog , Tree Frog , Amphibian , Carnival , Gecko , Musical Theatre , Theatre , Club , Bar , Bowling Equipment , Bowling , Bartender , Roasting , Gambling , Lizard , Reptile , Iguania , Chameleon , Scaled Reptile , Iguana , Iguanidae , Dancer , Entertainment , Street Dance , Flatland Bmx , Freestyle Bmx , Modern Dance , Latin Dance , Indoor Cycling , Zumba , Trailer Truck , Dock , Yacht , Jon Boat , Automotive Tail Brake Light , Parade , Roller Coaster , Concert , Spectacle , String Instrument , Jazz Club , Wind Instrument , Trumpet , Orchestra , Types Of Trombone , Trumpeter , Woodwind Instrument , Singing , Rapper , Futsal , College , Parking Lot , Chevrolet Astro , Light Commercial Vehicle , Dodge Ram Van , Minibus , Forde Series , Cinematographer , Film Crew , Hairdresser , Cactus , Street Sign , Home Accessories , Afro , Jheri Curl , Loft , Wood Flooring , Juice , High Visibility Clothing , Comedy Club , Energy Bar , Cereal , Trail Mix , Biryani , Paella , Nasi Goreng , Macaroni And Cheese , Jamaican Food , Tongue , Mercedes Benz Slr Mclaren , Bugatti Veyron , Vehicle Audio , Alfa Romeo Brera , Seat León , Model Car , Skyway , Beam Bridge , Air Hockey , Ipod , Mp3 Player , Vodka , Salmon Burger , Original Chicken Sandwich , Bocadillo , Citrus , Yellow Curry , Bouillabaisse , Caldeirada , Chowder , Stew , Clam Sauce , Omurice , Quesadilla , Indian Cuisine , Line Art , Rodent , Hedgehog , Muroidea , Beaver , Pest , Hamster , Marine Mammal , Armadillo , Cingulata , Rat , Still Life , Carving , Cargo Pants , Denim , Crumble , Cherry Pie , Streusel , Pie , Streuselkuchen , Blackberry Pie , Crisp , Cobbler , Scone , Pastry , Berry , Cookies And Crackers , Raspberry , Strawberry , Strawberries , Gluten , Red Hair , Payment Card , Guard Rail , Overpass , Acura Rl , Hyundai Santa Fe , Mercedes Benz Gl Class , Fell , Hyundai Genesis Coupe , Porsche 911 , Cape , Luxury Yacht , Marina , Wallpaper , Limousine , Carpet , Linens , Bedroom , Market , Sari , Bazaar , Fashion Show , Sneakers , Athletic Shoe , Supervillain , Skatepark , Bicycle Motocross , Skateboarding , Bmx Bike , Skateboarding Equipment , Boardsport , Wetsuit , Skateboard , Outdoor Shoe , Sandal , Wind Turbine , Wind Farm , Traffic Light , Security Lighting , Signaling Device , Circuit Component , Computer Network , Electronic Component , Microcontroller , Electronics Accessory , Personal Computer Hardware , Computer Data Storage , Hardware Programmer , Calf , Kick Scooter , Robot , General Aviation , Aerobatics , Propeller Driven Aircraft , Propeller , Jockey , Picture Frame , Coffeemaker , Aircraft Cabin , Sunrise , Sunset , Afterglow , Red Sky At Morning , Joker , Middle Ages , Sad , Flock , Hunting , Military Uniform , Army Men , Non Commissioned Officer , War , Temperate Coniferous Forest , Flame , Fearful , Shout , Cable , Athletics , Cross Country Running , Duathlon , Ultramarathon , Track And Field Athletics , Half Marathon , Boxing Ring , Balloon , Party Supply , Heptathlon , Treadmill , Gym , Elliptical Trainer , Strength Training , Weight Training , Bed Sheet , Comfort , Bed Frame , Mattress , Suite , Bedding , Boutique Hotel , Hotel , Box Spring , Grocery Store ,

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