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Scramble fighter jets to follow the plane. After passing over cuban airspace it crashed after the jamaican coast. Joining me now is nbc news correspondent mark potter. Mark, whats the latest this morning . Reporter well, hi, melissa. The search is under way again this morning for the wreckage and the victims of that plane that went down jed. Jamaican authorities are telling us that they believe that 28 miles off the north coast of jamaica now weve lost mark potter in port antonio, jamaica. Hopefully well be able to turn back to that story. For now were going to turn now to the story actually it looks like we do have mark pack. Mark, are you there . Reporter yes, i am back. Ill continue on. Im presuming you heard the jamaicans believe that they found a debris field about 28 miles off the north coast of jamaica. They say it seems consistent with pieces that could have come off the aircraft. They have released some fphotos to nbc news showing that debris field. They will be out there again today with boats and aircraft assisted by the u. S. Coast guard trying to confirm that the pieces did come from that aircraft. It looks like it could have come from a highimpact crash as they describe it. Now what they also say is that they have not found any evidence anything they have not found the victims. They have not found any personal effects out there. What they believe they have found are pieces from that aircraft, again, believe, they have not confirmed. They are working on it behind us trying to put that all together. Melissa . Nbcs mark potter, thank you. The headlines and attention from much of the week is the brutality displayed by the militant group isis. Yesterday the United States announced the formation of a coalition of nations that have come together with one goal in mind, the destruction of the sunni militant group known as the Islamic State of iraq in iraq and syria or isis. Now the group has drawn International Attention since it cut a bloody swath across iraq over the summer killing thousands of people and seizing control of major cities and border crossings between iraq and syria. According to the New York Times report diplomats and defense officials from ten nations who were gathered in wales for a nato summit decided on a strategy to compare air attacks with support for allies already fighting on the ground in iraq and syria. President obama spoke yesterday from wales about the strategy of the new coalition. We initially pushed them back. You systematically degrade their capabilities. You narrow their scope of action. You slowly shrink the space, the territory, that they may control. You take out their leadership and over time they are not able to conduct the same kinds of terrorist attacks as they once could. So that discussion came just a day after three senior members of isis were killed in a u. S. Air strike that was part of an Ongoing Campaign of air attacks against isis, that the u. S. Has been expanding since early august. And it came on the heels of the white house announcing on tuesday plans to increase the u. S. Military presence in iraq by 350 troops. But it followed a horrific message delivered by isis earlier that day when they showed the killing of steven sotloff, the second to be beheaded on camera by a militant. The execution prompted Vice President joe biden to respond with a warning and a promise. As a nation were united and when people harm americans, we dont retreat. We dont forget. We take care of those who are grieving. And when thats finished, they should know we will follow them to the gates of hell until they are brought to justice. Because hell is where they will reside. The vp vps invocation of a nation united in the face of a foreign threat will, for many americans, call to mind memories of 9 11, an inevitable comparison between isis and al qaeda. But isis, the once affiliated with al qaeda, has emerged as an adversary and competitor over extremist groups worldwide. On wednesday matt olson, who as the director of the Counterterrorism Center advises president obama on the terrorism to the United States, spoke at the Brookings Institute about what distinguishes isis from al qaeda. Isil is not caal qaeda pre911. No indication at this point of a cell, foreign fighters operating in the United States. Full stop. Were mindful and vigilant about the possibility of individuals more likely on their own, you know, one, two, coming back from syria. Weve seen that model in europe, so theres every reason to be concerned about that as a potential, not happening now, but a potential in the United States. So olson went on to clarify there is currently no credible information isis is planning an attack on the United States and that any attempt against the u. S. Would likely be limited in scope, nothing like the events of 9 11. So what is it exactly about the intentions of isis that has the United States and its global allies coming together to try and destroy it . I will need to take you back not just in history but truly to ancient history. Isis stated goal is the restoration of the caliphate. A word that may not mean much to us in the western world but whose influence extended all across what we today consider the middle east and some of central asia and southern spain. Caliphate came into existence as an islamic nation state presided over by a leader who is both religious and political as an authority. The first caliphate was established in 632 a. D. After the death of the prophet mohammed and existed until 1924 when the last one was abolished follow the disillusion of the empire. It was the four caliphates who carried on his vision united under a single state and used military force to extend it to one of the biggest empires in the history of the world. This is the history isis was aligning it self this summer when they renamed itself as simply the Islamic State and pronouncing its leader as the caliph and the prince of believers. To some the notion of isis could turn back in time to reclaim the glory years of an institution whose influence waned more than thousands of years ago may seem possible. The original caliphate included a period known as the golden age of islam. Renowned for its embrace of multiculturism and intellectualism. There couldnt be a more stark contrast than the extremism, rigid morality and strict interpretation of shia law espoused in the current isis. Joining me now bobby ghosh at quartz and the fellow at the institute for social policy and understanding. So what in the world does our current moment have to do with that empire is this. What were seeing is the disillusion across the middle east. So in some sense the arab spring, isis, all of these phenomenon are about the attempt by the region to basically figure out a new kind of politics. A social contract that works. In the process of that were seeing a lot of different movements. It doesnt mean they dont believe in it but they are symbols and ideas that have weight, that have power. Its not that dissimilar how in the 18th and 19th century in europe and in the United States people reached back to rome and ancient greece. It was a way of finding and establishing will he skr ining. When you take a touch stone it will, therefore, have lots of meaning and often evoke a set of emotional responses from those closest to it. And so part of what im wondering as i look at the Supreme Leader in iran saying that there will now be an alliance strategically here with the u. S. With iraq, with the kurds, is whether or not in superimposing over this theyve created other enemies within an islamic world. Theyve overreached beyond their wildest imagination. Just because someone calls themselves a caliph doesnt mean they are going to believe that. If the leader of the Resistance Army in after rica declares themselves the successor of the holy roman empire, no one is going to believe that. Theres virtually no acceptance of this idea in the vast majority of the muslim world. The arab world have come out and condemned this. They have said they are the number one enemy to islam so this is propaganda, people puffing up themselves and trying to be more than they are. What they are is a gang of psycho killers taking advantage of the absence of law and order in two countries. And so i wonder as you point us towards that, i wonder if thats what happens with isis. They lure us into religious identi identifity instead of one about geopolitical strategy. On the one hand we go back and talk about an empire as though its islam instead of what happened in the post world one world where peoples are divided by european nations. We go in in the context of iraq and make a mess. Its important to understand where this is all coming from. It is a radical extremist group. Unless the core conditions on the ground are changed, you are going to see the same types of fphenomenon again. What are your options . Thats syria today. Thats what happened in the revolution. If youre in egypt, what happened . If youre an activist, if you believed in democracy, right, you had the openings of a democratic movement. There are a lot of missteps, agreed, but there was a coup. Who are we partnering with . Who are the key players on the ground . The moderate arab states which is a plight word for dictateships. Where do you go if you are stuck and that is not only descriptive of peoples living in this place but of u. S. And european Foreign Policy which seems to find itself caught between these realities. There are two conversations to be had and, unfortunately, were going to have to have them simultaneously. You have to address at some point, starting pretty soon, the underlying factors. And that is a conversation weve been trying to have or weve been trying to start for a very long time not successfully. We have to get smarter about that. But right now, right now isis represents a clear and present danger. Two muslims more than to anybody else in the short and medium term to the rest of the world. Right now you have to deal with that and, yes, open up channels of communication, show a readiness to communication, which the Previous Administration showed no interest in at all and perhaps thats the way obama distinguishes himself. Yes, hes going back to the same ground with sort of military force but perhaps a way to distinguish himself is to have a wider conversation. And thats precisely what i want to talk about as we come back, the challenge of what feels like those limited options. All of that up next. Also, breaking news on immigration policy this morning. enjoy it all. cause red lobsters one and only endless shrimp is now endless choices endless variety kick it up with our spicy new woodgrilled sriracha shrimp and its back parmesan crusted shrimp scampi the years largest variety of shrimp flavors so many to explore as much as you like, any way you like endless shrimp is here but not for long. So hurry in and sea food differently. Dont just dream of being the hero. Make it happen. I cant believe were missing the game for this. Were not ive got xlte. It doubles our 4g lte bandwidth in cities nationwide, so be that guy with verizon xlte. Now get 1gb of bonus data, and our best pricing ever on the more everything plan. Oats go wow go power oats go go power yayyyy hey pal . You ready . Can you pick me up at 6 30 . 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But in this case the white house is pretty straight forward and open about it. I got a statement that said, quote, the reality the president has had to weigh is that were in the midst of the political season and because of the the republicans extreme politicalization of this issue, the president believes it will be harmful for the policy itself and longterm prospect of comprehensive Immigration Reform to announce administrative action before the elections. So thats the official statement from a senior white house official. When i spoke to the white house official i used the specific term, melissa, which is red state democrat and they sort of acknowledged, yeah. So you can see this is being done in states like arkansas, north carolina, alaska, louisiana where democrats are in red states and theyre up for election come the senate midterms. A widespread executive action that would pertain to immigration could be very dangerous for those senators politically hence the reason the white house is backing off going into this season. This is the challenge for kay hagen, mary landrieu, if the president were to take action in this moment, to distance themselves from the president s action might make it difficult to turn out the very base that they will need but to align themselves with it to potentially, i guess, presumably actually motivate the other base. But does not taking action ultima ultimately still leave these democrats with the same problem whether or not theyre going to stand next to the president or not . Reporter melissa, its a fascinating debate. Ive been privy to it to some degree talking to aides and operatives. Some say exactly what you said. Why dont we have this Immigration Reform, executive action . It will spur the latino vote. The conventional wisdom is perhaps in a president ial year but in a midterm year it would not because the electorate is older and whiter particularly in these states thmt could get people to the polls who may not be there because its a contentious issue. Where this could help were they to move on it is in gubernatorial races like pennsylvania, places like florida, even to some degree wisconsin where you have those large urban centers we can turn out the latino vote. But in this case because of those Red State Senate Democrats in arkansas, louisiana, alaska, theyre going to err on the side of caution it seems, melissa. Nbcs luke russert at the white house. Im pretty sure that with breaking news on a saturday morning the president just disrupted my whole plan for tomorrows show. Reporter he did. It came before the interview with chuck todd. The interview with chuck todd hasnt happened yet so chuck can ask him about it, thank goodness. There you go. Thank you. Up next, the brutal terror group isis and how its impacting the Obama Doctrine. Ok thats the way i look at life. Especially now that i live with a higher risk of stroke due to afib, a type of irregular heartbeat, not caused by a heart valve problem. I was taking warfarin, but wondered if i kept digging, could i come up with something better. My doctor told me about eliquis. For three Important Reasons. One, in a clinical trial, eliquis was proven to reduce the risk of stroke better than warfarin. Two, eliquis had less major bleeding than warfarin. And three, unlike warfarin, theres no routine blood testing. Dont stop taking eliquis unless your doctor tells you to, as stopping increases your risk of having a stroke. Eliquis can cause serious and in rare cases fatal bleeding. Dont take eliquis if you have an artificial heart valve or abnormal bleeding. While taking eliquis, you may bruise more easily and it may take longer than usual for any bleeding to stop. 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Joining the panel now is James Carafano, a National Security ex pert at the Heritage Foundation and Phyllis Bennis direct aror of the project at the institute for policy studies. Is there a reason . Part of terrorism is to be provocative. Clearly these two horrifying videos are provocative but do they provoke us to do something we ought not be doing . I dont think theres an a analogy between the fictional scenario and what happened here. These deaths of symbolic, represent ticatives of war crim. Its not just responding to the death of an american. Its respond iing to a horrible situation in the region. But it is the american deaths that wake up the u. S. Public to it. Isis has been engaged in these kinds of actions for months. Yeah, but that may be but people in washington are focusing on National Security, recognize that an isis state in the middle of the region isnt horrible t. Could lead to a wider sectarian conflict that could lead to a large war which is destructive and damaging. It wouldnt be a base. Thousands of fighters flooding in, thousands of fighters from a strong base with training and education, motivation can flood out and organize the next wach of transnational terrorism. The u. S. Has plenty of vital interests. I heard from sources that those men were actually killed at the same time and the videos were spaced out because they are part of the isis propaganda campaign. Sure. And we obviously that propaganda is meant to do what its doing, to terrify. And yet one of the most chilling aspects is the british accent of the execution er we see visuall. It suggests we have the passports that you all in that part of the world where you think u free and safe allowed to move around in free spaces but actually we are holding those passports. So you end up with this sort of chilling multiplying effect that feels like the enemy within which is precisely the thing that then becomes terrifying and we make very bad Foreign Policy in those contexts. Absolutely right, melissa. I think what were looking at here is a u. S. Response that is exactly what was planned by the terrorists who committed these gruesome acts. The issue of beheading is a horrific thing to see that killing up close and personal. There have been 190,000 People Killed in the war in syria, be pea headings by the fsa, the Free Syrian Army, that was reported just a few days ago in the New York Times but not picked up on any other u. S. Media that is not getting this kind of attention. This kind of attention for exactly the reason it was designed in these sophisticated videos to frighten people, to say this could happen to you. Were coming to you. So all of the regional stuff about what the impact might be on the region as a whole, this is not what is motivating these kinds of urgent discussions that were asking right now. But the videos are a response to the american intervention. Thats absolutely right. The videos are responding and some of the actions are indeed respond iing to American Action starting with the invasion and occupation of iraq. Okay. But when you say that so i guess here is my question. It sounds to me lake that provokes that sort of sit back response from americans where we go, oh, well, well all be safe as long as we do nothing here. Its not about doing nothing, its doing something that will do some good. This notion of dont do stupid stuff people have been making fun of has a real sense to it. We start in Foreign Policy with the idea first do no harm. Dont make it worse. Thats rule number one. Everything were doing right now is making it worse. When you bomb isis in iraq, for instance, the way its put forward in the press here is were going after the bad guys. Were getting the bad guys. The way its seen in iraq among not everybody but among a huge number of people particularly sunni iraqis, is to say what youre doing, the u. S. Is now a player in our civil war. The u. S. Is now acting as the air force for the kurds and the shia against the sunni. So say that go were going to bomb them first and then well be able to person persuade them to break with with us is the wrong approach. Theyre not going to break as long as were bombing. I want to open this up more. President obama did famously say no dumb wars. So the question is, is this an engagement is that is a smart one and are we engaging smartly . I am so nervous right now, its not even funny. Oh my gosh. Driver 1 you ready . Yeah go [sfx] roaring altima engine woah ahhhha we told people they were riding nissans most advanced altima race car. We lied. About the race car part. Altima, with 270 horsepower and active understeer control. How did you . What i dont even, im speechless. Innovation that excites. When folks think about wthey think salmon and energy. But the energy bp produces up here creates Something Else as well jobs all over america. Engineering and innovation jobs. 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The trouble is that right now there is a problem and it has to be addressed. In an ideal world, you stand back and let the arab countries deal with this. You can say and many people in this country do say, its their problem, let them fix it. The analogy i make is its like youre in a you live on a nice block, a nice street, and somebody who lives at the end of the street is throwing their garbage out in the open and soon thats attracting wild animals and your kid is going out in the street is in danger. If you dont do something about it, those wild animals come to your backyard. What do you say . Call your neighbor and say you have to fix it or gather the rest of the street together and clean up or get rid of the wild animals . This is the nature of the problem. Right now there is a problem that needs to be dealt with immediately and that is a military threat. It is a terrorist threat. I do think part of the question about so if we know that the problem is that the garbage is out, we know how to go fix it. I guess what i am less clear about is whether or not we know what the fix it is here, that there may be ways we have a general kind of military response but that may not be how we fix it in this case. I dont think the president described it correctly. Degrade and defeat are uber nebulous terms. If the guy came to mae and said thats the mission, i would say, what do you actually want me to do . Here is where i do disagree about the bombing. I think it is essential. The iraqis cant take back their country without support. Thats achievable. Thats achievable in the relative short term. So do we care if they go into syria and remain in syria . We can have a separate conversation on that. I think its a lesser and manageable problem if theyve been disorganized and driven back. Ill explain why. But your point is exactly right, how do you keep it from just happening again, right . One is the sectarian conflict. How do you keep the country confident enough to move past the sectarian divide until they learn how to not learn how but agree to live together and how do you just keep another isis from flooding back in after . Thats the challenge washington, the International Community hasnt thought about yet. I think we have a serious problem. Even in the language, and i have to say having the language be that of garbage and wild animals i think is not helpful. Weve seen for years levels of demonization of individuals and organizations saying this is the most evil thing thats ever existed and the only thing we can do is bomb them. We said it about khamenei when his revolution happened in iran. Then it turned to saddam hussein. Then it was the taliban. Then it was gadhafi. You can go on and on. Then it was bashir al asad. I only want to suggest in this case that they that isis has a strategy of, in fact, encouraging us to think that way, though, right . Demonizing if they are trying to get us to do this, we should not fall into that trap. Thats not what helps us figure out what the strategy should be to eliminate. I think most people want to get rid of isis. I want to get rid of isis. That isnt the point. How do we figure out, to my way of thinking, every shortterm bomb he we drop, maybe you get a bad vibe. Maybe you get a bunch of other people. No, its not true. Its not we and the rest of the International Community put a lot of pressure to get Nuri Al Maliki out. And we were involved. If we werent, that would not have happened. Oh, im sorry, the iranians were very happy with him for a very long time. So thats not all right, so pause for me a second. If you dont look beyond military to say whats really going to change the situation that makes people support isis. Wait a minute. The problem is when you engage in the military stuff, all the other things pause for me one second because the hearings in part, my question, this is something you suggested in the notion of us engaging either politically or in terms of the military. Has the u. S. Through the set of actions we have taken really post9 11. So certainly things before but since 9 11 and particularly with the invasion of iraq, has the u. S. Become a player who can no longer play on the field of politics and, in fact, can only be engaged in terms of the military because there is such a lack of he said it. They arranged a deal where maliki left. That held the promise of a United Government in baghdad and marginalization and that was a political achievement. They keep the two canndidates i afghanistan for going after each others throat and having the government fall apart. Those are actually political achievements we actually have to give the administration credit. Can i get to the syrian piece real quick . Isis has driven back is greatly weakened and disorganized. They will spend as much time fighting with the other groups in that region and assad. I dont think syria is a solvable problem. Isnt that a human cost to it . Whats the moral difference between them is this. There isnt one. There isnt one. Were arm one side. This was part of why the president did not want to defend that red line, that kind of push in the summer to address the issue of the red line. Part of his hesitation around it was a recognition there was not a good guy here. Malakis death squads are wiping out communities. Assads ethnic cleansing. Without a doubt. Nobody does anything. Isis, and then we act. We are basically arming and creating a coalition of people who are at each others throats. Which is why the Free Syrian Army they have no military comp s capacity to go after these guys. They will be slaughtered. They have fought for four years. They have gained territory, they have lost territory, but they have fought for four years. We are still saying they have no but militarily i dont think they do. They have fought in overwhelming odds. You are never going to get rid of assad as long as russia and iran are propping him up. Now to the next phase. On a regional level that involves iran. Right now the u. S. Has engaged with iran for the first time. And you have also brought us part of what you have done is bring us to a reality that there are interconnections beyond where we might think there are geopolitically. We will go to the question of russia and ukraine. Thank you for being here and particularly for helping us think about this in the long run. Up next progress at least for now on the International Crisis associated with Vladimir Putin. Will it really stick . A body at rest tends to stay at rest. While a body in motion tends to stay in motion. 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In wales president obama attributed the ceasefire to pressure on russia from sanctions imposed by the u. S. And its allies. He said the alliance planned to impose even more sanctions but that they could be rolled back if the ceasefire holds. But president obama was skeptical about that. We are hopeful but based on past experience also skeptical that, in fact, the separatists will follow through and the russians will stop violating ukraines sovereignty and territorial integrity. So it has to be tested. Ukraine is not a member of nato but in an effort to protect it from russian aggression nato approved plans for a Rapid Reaction force in Eastern Europe that could mobilize quickly if an ally in the region came under attack. Anywnato protects all allies all times and it sends a clear message to any potential aggressor. Should you even think of attacking one ally, you will be facing the whole alliance. Tough talk but it remains to be seen if russian president Vladimir Putin is getting the message. Joining the table now the associate professor at the new school. So president obama thinks this ceasefire is largely due to sanctions . Do you agree . To a degree. I think it is due to sanctions but Vladimir Putin is known to roll back on freedoms and explaining to the russians they need less freedoms in order to stand up to the west. It is partially true but actually i attribute it to a flight disaster. Thats when putin began thinking that war has to deescalate. Of course as he does everything, he does it on his own terms and his own schedule. I think that was the beginning when he began to think how to undue this and those white convoys we were talking about, the aid convoys, was a clear indication hes going to now act as a peacemaker rather than a war maker. So interesting you bring up that airlines flight. We were hearing tough talk from nato and about whether or not the u. S. Should respond to these horrifying beheadings. All summer i kept thinking a commercial jet was downed and as far as i can tell no one held either politically or in any kind of military fashion responsible for that. And one side has a willingness or worry that they have a willingness to use that force. Its hard to make those kinds of calls. Those were for the most part european nations whose citizens were impacted by that. Is this just about kind of the connection then of the economic interest because when you hear nato talking tough, i guess, in other words, what is putin hearing . Is putin hearing, oh, yes, this is, in fact, a threat, or is he haeg, oh, come on, im the one in the drivers seat. Its not a Political Alliance although they tray to act that way when theyre looking for new definitions and justifications to survive after the cold war. Its a nato anywnato is a military alliance and that means it looks for military solutions. So if you ask nato, is it okay to go after kosovo, for instance, what the u. S. Did when they knew they couldnt get support in the u. N. Security council, of course nato said yes. When youre a hammer, everything looks like a nail. I think thats what the limitation that were looking at. The notion somehow its nato as the venue that should be debating what this should mean on the global level is wrong. This belongs in the United Nations not in nato. I think the nato summit is a pretty good response. Its mostly rhetorical. The 4,000 Rapid Reaction force is awesome. Custer was in favor of Reaction Forces with the seventh cavalry, too. Come on. Its perfect. No, no, it is actually quite that bad. Putin realized there is no requirement for the rationale for this. Its all theatrics. Its no threat whatsoever. On the other hand looking for russian and domestic politics, this is another example of nato being a threat to us. Theyre forming a 4,000man force. Its aimed at us. This strikes me as being an important part of this entire story we are not as well equipped. Putins muscular way of selfpresenting in the world but we saw that initially from the ukrainian president who now seems far more retiring. And i think hes actually i think his actions are clever. We can say that while he gave up certain rights and responsibilities for ukraine that he promised originally but egypt and israel that the cold war cold peace is better than the hot war. Thats what the president is calculating. Putin told him youre not going to win that militarily and putin stands by his words. We can debate how true it is and how real it is but he stands by his words. Thats why all those incursions were. If i want to invade, i will. Im not going to. Energy and all those other things is really what is driving perfect schenn co perfect scheporoshenko. sound effects febreze air effects works instantly to eliminate odors youve gone noseblind to. 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Because the costs associated with military action are so high, you should expect every civilian leader and especially your commander in chief to be clear about how that awesome power should be used. That was president obama back on may 28th in an address at west point where he was really laying out a kind of Obama Doctrine and i guess part of what i want to do at this moment is to pause and think about that hammer nail question you brought up for us in the context of anywnato but specifically for president obama who is now facing a ukrainian and russian situation on one hand and then the threat of isis on the other. How does he determine what in his toolbox he ought to be using . I think that we have to start with demilitarization as the goal. Now thats not an easy thing. I think starting with talk about the need for an arms embargo in syria and iraq needs to start. Thats not going to happen right away. Thats where we need to start and say how can we convince iran and russia to stop arming the Syrian Regime . Well, lets start by getting our allies, the saudis, the turks, the jordanians to stop allowing isis to cross their borders and stop paying isis, stop allowing our weapons to be flooding the region which is what were seeing now particularly in libya. If we look at the effect the nato attacks in libya, were left with a wholly overmilitarized scenario that has destroyed the country. I find myself in this quirky position. Im more of a hawk than my general progressive politics would suggest and i wonder why. I wonder if its because i have, in part, bought into the belief that dark blue passport which gives me such privilege than i have here is in part because it is backed up by a sense of u. S. Military might. And if, in fact, thats actually far less tangible than i think it is. This is why Foreign Policy makes bad politics. The answer in politics is you do what you believe in. The answer in Foreign Policy is you do the right thing because the enemy gets a vote and its a competition. What do you mean by right thing . The thing that will protect your vital interests and do good as you see fit whether youre president obama or president putin but theres no playbook for that. Thats when you do stupid things, you go to war for oil, you go to war for military bases, you go to war for power. Youre not going to war for democracy. Lets have stupidity not be an option. It doesnt happen because were humans and we make mistakes and are competing with each other. Let me pull you back in because it feels like part of what determines that is the question of what one thinks of as ones interests and so when i lack at putins decision visavis ukraine, its not like a protection of the russian people. But it does have something to do with a russian pride, with expansionists and with putins own power. Absolutely. Its the protection of the russian people and russians are very good. Theyre not really great at politics but they have been always very, very good at propaganda. It requires competition but propaganda portrays the message. Russians have been fantastic. I think those white trucks really did the number. Suddenly we saw putin, well, its not just the west who does humanitarianism. We do the same thing. And in some ways as sad as it may be that poroshenko finally agreed to this kind of peace that gives putin leverage in east ukraine,some ways we outpolitic, as much as we may hate the word especially on the left, has to be at play here because the choices are its bad and its even worse. And you kind of have to deal with this reality and i think poroshenko did well to deal with it. Nazi rhetoric has been used on all sides. And we should probably compare it more to world war i which, by the way, were celebrating the 100th anniversary, that peace treaty. We are marking, we are commemorating. And they have this treaty of peace and that was a horrible thing but in some ways it gave opportunities for the world to undo the damage. I want to thank bobby ghosh, nina, to James Carafano and Phyllis Bennis. The temptation to look when you know you shouldnt. The hacking of nude photos of kate upton and Jennifer Lawrence among others has everyone asking is there any such thing as privacy in the digital age . I cant believe they made me talk with nude photos with my Foreign Policy table sitting here. At legalzoom you can take care of virtually all your important legal matters in just minutes. Now its quicker and easier for you to start your business, protect your family, and launch your dreams. At legalzoom. Com we put the law on your side. Fill their bowl with the meaty tastes theyre looking for, with friskies grillers. Tender meaty pieces and crunchy bites. In delicious chicken, beef, turkey, and garden veggie flavors. Friskies grillers. Hello three grams daily of betaglucan. A soluable fiber from whole grain oat foods like cheerios can help lower cholesterol. Thank you welcome back. Im melissa harrisperry. When my daughter was born, we start add family photo stream. It just seemed like the easiest way for us as busy parents of a newborn to make sure all the aunts and uncles and grandparents and friends could share in our joy without having to have dozens of individual conversations. Now more than six months later the photo stream is gargantuan. There are more than 5,000 pictures on it. Most of them are still of the baby, like when she rt started holding her own bottle. I had to post that. Now it has become, however, a kind of family instagram. There are photos of big sister parker running crosscountry and shots of family and travel and School Events and the dog, the house, everything. And everybody, all the aunts and uncles are posting and liking and commenting and feeling pretty darned good about our Little Family bubble in the cloud. Until this week when it became far too real that our private photo sharing may not be very private at all. Now youve likely been hearing all week about and maybe even seen the private photos of celebrities like Jennifer Lawrence and kate upton that have been stole friend privates accounts and published online. Many of the photos of the women were nude or otherwise revealing. And that alchemy of notoriety and nakedness has meant that much of the initial public outcry revolved around gender, conse consent, and exploitation of womens bodies. In the guardian the author wrote what these people are doing is reminding women that no matter who they are they are still women. They are forever vulnerable. Indeed the fact these women are literally laid bare without their consent gives this a is a labors urgency. My first thought is not of the belief there were no cameras when i was in my 20s to lure me into the naughty selfies i undoubtedly would have taken, be instead, i felt worry, worry for that sixmonthlong very silly family photo stream. Now there is nothing sexy or salacious in the pictures, nothing that could obviously do harm to my loved ones or me if they were publicized. Im willing to show the viewers the ones where i have on no makeup. Thats the point, i shared it. I showed it. I chose. I consented. Even if the exact same pictures became public without my consent, the violation would approach what its like to come home and find that someone has broken in, stolen nothing of value but nonetheless rifled through your private things, leaving you vulnerable and wondering what other greater violations might be possible if you dont rapidly improve your Home Security system. So, yeah, i know that famous women were naked but this is not a story about nakedness. This is a story about privacy in a world where so much of your information exists on servers that are far out of your control. It is about how we define public and private spaces and public and private figures. It is about the security of all of our data points. Not just photographs. Joining me now Salamishah Tillet at the university of pennsylvania, dan ackerman, Senior Editor at cnet. Com, margaret carpenter, and david, who is professor of law at Seton Hall University and director of the gibbons institute in law, science and technology. So nice to have you all here. So is this a womens story . Is this a story about feminism and womens unique vulnerability . Yes and no. I think its a ma debate thats going on for decades. For those, like you, share photos freely or we think were sharing them within an intimate setting and we actually dont know what is happening with the data and were not necessarily as concerned with the repercussions of it because we arent celebrities whose nude photos are being exploited and exploded in the mass public. Facebook is about to release a new privacy checkup for all users. Theres an illusion on the one hand the checkup to say how are our photos being used . Who has access to them . The real problem is facebook is selling our information to major corporations and were not necessarily concerned with that. The illusion is its disseminated amongst a Small Community and we have control over that. The way our photos and information is really being used we have no control over and were not even concerned about. Its interesting because you point out part of the reason were not concerned, were not famous. Were thinking no one wants a naked picture of me, right . Only general i have lawrence. I think a lot about the accidental fame that occurs, right . So in the case of justine, the pr exec who tweeted something kind of horrifying and end ed u by the time she landed in south africa fired for her job, right . She became famous in that moment. My bet is were there naked pictures floating around people can become accidentally famous because your son is killed by a Police Officer and whatever you posted on facebook becomes relevant. Should we be concerned because we could be Jennifer Lawrence . Anyone can be an accidental instant celebrity. Once youre on that radar, you become a target. And someone could do the same thing to you they did for these celebrities and not some sort of hightech hack but low tech, target and try to figure out what your password reminder is, whats your birthday, where did you grow up, you may think you are a regular citizen and not a celebrity. But if something happens to you and youre on the radar, you could be targeted like anybody else. Theres a pool in nerd land about whether it will take until noon for that personal photo stream i just talked about to be hacked, right . Not because anyone is interested in what is going on there but just as a demonstration of whats possible. And i guess part of what the question for me, what is the legal tradeoff . Because, in fact, that 5,000 photo stream is useful to me as a piece of technology. It has kept me from having 5,000 separate conversations with my inlaws and my parents, but i am trading off the possibility of a privacy breach. I think the question of tradeoff is a good word. The law of privacy as we know it today started to develop in the 19th and early 20th century and we didnt have these technologies. We had newspapers. We had hard cop y. We didnt have the average person being able to have that much information out there. Now we have these technologies that are use fful to us becausee can keep our information in the cloud, because it can be accessible but that yutility rus up against some old law that hasnt really kept pace. So, of course, undoubtedly we first began having this conversation not so much around celebrities and photographs but around an instantaneous celebrity in the person of Edward Snowden who brought up the question of our government having control of information that we did not expect them to have control over. Part of what i kept pushing back against was this, yeah, google has it, apple has it. The nsa theoretically on some long chain accountable in the way these institutions are not. And google has it and apple has it so the government can get it from them and has. They release these privacy reports every year that document thousands and thousands of requests from the government for this information. But beyond google and apple there are data brokeers who are collecting from google, from app apple, from facebook time you fill out a warranty card, time you type your name in and theres huge does krers of information making inferences about you, your income, your life based on the things that youve done online or off line. Selling them to marketers. Theres zero disclosure. There was a report in june that said Congress Needs to pass legislation because theres no way to get off the lists, to correct data, to know who has your information or what it says about you or who theyre selling it to you and theres one senate bill which is probably not going to pass. So on the one hand weve managed to say this is a big problem. Its about all these things. I dont want to lose the idea that whenever there is this sort of privacy ib you or data issue that women often do find themselves, in fact, even more vulnerable in part, salamishah, because of the kinds of things that are potentially destructive to the carriharacter, reputatio professional capacity of women is broader. Is that the right way for me to be thinking about that . Yeah, i guess im thinking about it within the specific context of the moment so that we have this really deeply sexist expression or invasion of privacy and at the same time its part of like we were saying the larger conversation about privacy and consent that were not even aware how these corporations or how these companies are using our data. We think youre putting a picture of your you daughter online and yet who knows when youre on Facebook Serena and leila, all these things popping up because literally you put this information on and its being used to sell you all the items. Capital surveillance and privacy is really important and i think it does relate to the fact we have these womens bodies being put on display without their permission and being sold for undisclosed amounts. We dont even know who the person is doing it. On the flip side we dont critique this as much. When anonymous goes in and makes an important intervention in stupidville and thats how we get the information about the rape case in steubenville and how that was disseminated over and over again. Theres less of a critique or push back from us, the political activists, so theres a slippery slope and a doubleedged sword. On one hand its used as evidence in important cases, the other its vilifying. I want to stay more on this topic but also delve into the target marketing. Literally the target marketing that can occur. Are you pregnant . Target might already know. E irr. Completely unbelievabowl. Totally delectabowl. Real silky smooth or creamy broths. Everything shes been waiting for. 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You can easily buy and Schedule Services from toprated providers. Conveniently stay up to date on progress. And effortlessly turn your photos into finished projects with our snapfix app. Visit angieslist. Com today. This is holly. Her long day of Outdoor Adventure starts with knee pain. And a choice. Take 6 tylenol in a day or just 2 aleve for all day relief. Onward the amount of information corporations know about you, the websites you visit, and how and where you shop and what you buy can be staggering. All that information can be sold to advertisers, are used to better makt to individual customers. Take for example, target which report edly compiles massive amounts of data about what all their tens of millions of customers are buying. As the New York Times reported in 2012 target uses that data to do remarkable things like determine a pregnant womans due date within a small window without her ever telling target she was expecting. They can then market their extensive range of baby supplies and tween supplies for women in the market for just that. Its a lucrative strategy and target is very good at it. Target once sent a teenage girl a stack of coupons. Her father came in enraged because there was no way, he said, she coulding pregnant. She was pregnant. And target knew it before her own family. That story made me feel like, thats more than you change your facebook stat to us engaged and you get all the jewelry stores. It feels more inside of your personal business in a way that is troubling to me. And thats the machine that drives the projects like g mail and anything google does and facebook. I have said to people who feel theyre taken advantage of but you do enter into a commercial relationship when you sign up and you do get a lot of value. Mail is useful. Facebook super easy. You get a ton of social activity. Its not free to run. Thats how they make their money. Granted but theres not what is the option, right . At this point you cannot be a person who refuses to text message, to email you are engaging in a world those are requirements of basic commerce and so the notion that you can be off the grid, that you can just choose out of it, feels like less after choice. I think there are choices you can start to make. Do you need to save 20 cents at cvs . Every type do you that, you swipe the card, they have your name, your address, your email and everything that you bought and a history of everything you bought. My cvs card and i will say im not in a glass house here, documents every purchase im made since like 1997. So, you know, i probably saved a couple hundred dollars but they probably sold my information, used that information to market me far more than ive earned out of that. Those are little ways that you can start to opt out of the system. It seems to me, though, the other main way, particularly the Political Class to opt out of the problem of potentially being hacked is to tell the business up front. We saw just this week wendy cav davis, made a decision to reveal a very personal part of her history. She talks about a pregnancy termination in the second term. She uses clear language about the sadness she had as a result of it. And on the one hand thats in part because shes running as a womans rights act vdvocate but is pushed to this because there is the possibility her private information will be leaked. Do we have a right to privacy . Its an interesting dynamic with a public figure and with this question of volunteering and there is a line the law tends to draw. If you voluntarily disclose something, its not private anymore. Youve disclose it had and the law has seen public figures in a different light in the law of privacy. Theyre running for office. The public has some sort of right to know things about them. Its the private person interfacing with these intermediaries when you may not know all of whats being disclosed and its not entirely cheer when youre giving concept and what is voluntary. Thats where i think the legal issue arises. How much public . For example, i was distressed that rihanna, who is known for, you know, racy selfies on her own instagram, that somehow theres a notion that a stolen picture of her naked is not as damaging because, well, she has shown us other half naked pictures of herself. No. Every single naked picture you should have the right to say, no, not that one. Somehow being public and having even disclosed some parts of it presumes consent to always allowing the availability of ones body in public. I didnt hear that critique about kate upton who is a Sports Illustrated supermodel. Im not going to make that argument but a way some womens bodies, race and celebrity status make this a little bit murkier, whos had a the right to be protected and who doesnt . I also think and this is part of choices. We do have the choice not to use the cvs card. When it comes to gmail, websites or internet provideers who have been more secure, continuously under pressure from the federal government to release data and if they dont release data theyre basically closing shop because they want to protect the rights of citizens. Its a really on the one hand we have the choice to use google and gmail but there are fewer and fewer options for us. Thats the tricky thing. We dont have to use facebook. When it comes to gmail, to verizon, we have very few options. Its a tricky moment. Thats entirely true and you can choose to opt out, theres a Search Engine that wont use any cookies to track your searches but the results are not as good. Its the tradeoff between convenience and privacy f. You want to go through facebook every single setting and set to super private, youll do a little bit better than somebody who doesnt but someone who you do trust to see can still take a screen shot and share it later. You can never be sure its gone, gone, gone. Im happy netflix watches what my kid watches so i can go back and he see what she watched and even if she watches it on my account i can see it because it will change. Theres ways in which i love it yes, parker, that is what happens if you rent things on my account. There are ways i love that but i also recognize the icky part of it if its not me watching but someone else watching what were watching when were watching stuff in my house. Up next Corporation Versus the government. I want to come back to that again and ask this question about should we be more afraid. Whos more excited about back to School Savings at staples . The ladies . These guys . Or these guys . 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You by my side makes the Little Things so good be a part of the bigger picture. And your kindness makes the Little Things that you do for me go to facebook. Com dawnsaveswildlife. Losing your chex mix too easily . Deploy the boring potato chip decoy bag. With a variety of tastes and textures, only chex mix has twenty bags of interesting. Pick your mix. I asked before the break if we should be afraid of the ncf. There is a question about whether we should be concerned about the nsa, the National Security agency which has collected massive amounts of data about americans, our call records, cell phone locations. I know that apple has my biomark er because when i got the new iphone i put my thumbprint on it in order to be able to didnt even think about it. Gave them my thumbprint. They are not democratically managed. Should i be more afraid of apple or of susan rice and the nsa . Im sure it keeps that file on the phone. They claim they dont upload it. They may be storing your credit card information, also, to turn your phone into a payment something and thats where they get everything on one device, the iphone. I want to read an apple statement because we have been talking a bit about them. After more than 40 hours of information, after the celebrity photos were hacked, we have discovered certain celebrity accounts were compromised by a targeted attack on user names, the practice all too common on the internet. None of the cases has resulted from any breach of any apple systems including i cloud so theyre making a claim towards relative security still. Theyre making a claim towards limited liability. What theyre saying is its not our system. They didnt get in through our end. They got in through your end so, sorry, that your naked pictures can we protect ourselves out of the realities of corporations and our government having this information . I think one of thing this things here from the legal perspective is in the 19th or 20th century, it might have been, say, the railroads. And we had antitrust law to deal with it. We had to step in and kind of regulate the fees railroads could charge and the way they integrate. We still think in the law of google as Something Like a newspaper. Not Everyone Needs to be in the newspaper. Theyre more like the railroads. We all need to have access so we need to think more along those lines. It makes them more of a Public Infrastructure than a private sort of purchase. We would call it an essential facility. If we have a lot of anxiety about the Way Technology opens us to surveillance. There is street level, police and government surveillance for a very long time, everything from literal Police Surveillance to having to disclose personal information in order to get government benefits and if part of whats happening now is suddenly the middle class has to have the same worries that poor people have had for a very long time. Yes, i think it is a defensem democratization. I also think with tray von martin, the way in which images trayvon posted on facebook, that he was sharing with other people are used to discredit his character. Its doubling down and oneonone interactions with individuals and Police Officers and then hyper surveillance from the state or from corporations itself. Were seeing this with Michael Brown now where there is discourse whether his Instagram Account demonstrates violent tendencies or has these images. If we look at our own pictures, what picture would they use if i were killed . There are friendly, happy pictures and there are other pi pictures that are quite different. And i think you see this, too, talking about women sexu sexually assaulted, you see people go through, well, here is a picture of her drinking, her low cut top. Its just another way to impose these same standards about who makes a good victim. And very few of us do unless you are a certain income, a certain race, a certain gender in a certain is place at a certain time. The law has become very difficult. All the way become to the notion after digital vulnerable for those heightened for people of color, for poor people, to women. Thanks to dan and megan. But they are going to stick around a little bit. Up next it is back to school time and my letter of the week focuses on some educators teaching all the wrong lessons. Creamed a 300 cream. For about 30, regenerist microsculpting cream hydrates better than over fifteen of americas most expensive luxury creams. Regenerist. Olay. 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Many School Officials have decided to meet that express with repression. Take the story of the 5yearold boy in texas sent home on his first day of kind garden over his long hair pulled back into a ponytail. He is a member of the Navajo Nation who believes hair is sacred. District would not allow him to return to class until he provided documentation he was truly native american. And this student sent home for wearing his hair in locks. The student took the advice of a School Board Member and pinned up his hair so it didnt fall beyond his shoulders. But after ten days of being sent home the aclu reports they have reached an agreement to let the student rejoin his classmates. Nothing jolted me as much as the story of one teenaged girl in clay county, florida, which is m. I. A. Letter goes to the student of that countys School District. Dear superintendent charlie van zandt, injujr. , its me, meliss. On miranda larkins third day of school she wore this outif fit, a black skirt about three to four inches above her knees which is a violation of the dress code, and for that your policy resulted in the 15yearold having to wear this outfit. Her punishment was a neon tshirt and red sweatpants with the words dress code violation written across both. Your District School maintains that it gives students three options in the event after dress code violation including in School Suspension or parent or guardian bringing the student new clothes. But this, this socalled shame suit, was the only option miranda says was made available to her. Her mother says when her daughter saw herself miranda burst into tears and broke out in hives requiring medication. You see, superintendent, miranda just moved to your School District from seattle. This was her first week in a brandnew school. Now your district Spokesman Says it is for students to miss as little class as possible and create a distraction free learning environment. Im sorry, what . As if the neon yellow shirt isnt distracting, as if public shaming among teenagers isnt distracting especially for miranda. Let me help you understand what happens when you shame students. There was physiological effects. Shame is an intrinsic instrument of isolation and withdrawal and can damage cognitive function. Shame damages feelings of belonging and the formation of School Community which we know is essential to students motivation and engagement. By turning this young woman into a neon billboard, you made it physically more difficult for her to concentrate and to succeed at school. Students must have is a sense of social competence and academic achievement. You likely undermined that for her. Superintendent van zandt, have you ever been the new kid in school . Do you know how much you hope to fit in and make friends . And this is more than about miranda. What lesson have you taught your students . I think you taught them how to label and taunt and shame. This is why we no longer have kids don a dunce cap as punishment. So, superintendent, maybe its time School Leaders like you and apparently many others around the country focus on the spirit and minds of young people and a little less focus, please, on their outward appearance because what you are teaching them is how you look is more important than what you know. Or who you are. Hello three grams daily of betaglucan. A soluable fiber from whole grain oat foods like cheerios can help lower cholesterol. Thank you knochello . Hey, i notice your car is not in the driveway. Yeah. Its in the shop. Its going to cost me an arm and a leg. Thats hilarious. Sorry. You shoulda taken it to midas. Get some of that midas touch. They tell you what stuff needs fixing, and what stuff can wait. Next time im going to midas. Highfive arg i did not see that coming. Trust the midas touch. For brakes, tires, oil, everything. whistling tthe will. , mobilizing to take on the world . You dont know aarp. Aarp and its foundation are taking on hunger with 29 million meals donated. Drive to end hunger teams with local agencies to reach the hungriest among us. If you dont think feed the hungry when you think aarp, then you dont know aarp. Find more surprising possibilities and get to know us at aarp. Org possibilities. I am so noh my gosh. Now, its not even funny. Driver 1 you ready . Yeah go [sfx] roaring altima engine woah ahhhha we told people they were riding nissans most advanced altima race car. We lied. About the race car part. Altima, with 270 horsepower and active understeer control. How did you . What i dont even, im speechless. Innovation that excites. On College Campuses across the kucountry it is back to schl time and may mean back to a safer school because california is the first state to pass a yes means yes bill. Requiring all universities adopt an affirmative consent standard defining that as, quote, affirmative, conscious, and voluntary agreement to engage in Sexual Activity. Making it plain you need to hear yes before engaging in Sexual Activity and, in fact, throughout it. And that lack of resistance with the absence of no doesnt count. Also, as i point out, consent must be ongoing throughout a Sexual Activity and can be revoked at any time. Back in april the white house highlighted a Sexual Assault on campus has become when the first report on the issue was released stating one in five women will be sexually assaulted while attending college. Just this week students filed complaints. The department of educations office for civil rights against four schools. The university of michigan, the university of california santa barbara, the university of toledo, and valparaisos law school alleging mishandling of Sexual Assault cases and retaliation against survivors including one case where a student found responsible for rape was given a 25 fine. And then the story of Columbia University student emma who is back at school this semester carrying a heavy load not just as a course load but a mattress. She is carrying her mattress around the campus to every class, to every building where she goes. It is the mattress upon which she says she was raped. She is doing so until the man she says raped her is expelled or moved off campus. Joining me now is a senior at Columbia University, megan carpentier, and university of pennsylvania professor Salamishah Tillet. I want to start with you and if at any point you feel, hey, im going to need to pause, let me know, because this is a kind of representation artistically and personally of the burden that you are carrying . Yes, it is. And there is not a conviction for the alleged rapist in this case, but talk to me about the process because you did eventually tell about what you experienced. There are other women who have also alleged this individual assaulted them. What is the process that columbia underwent and why do you feel it was insufficient . We reported our cases to the office of gender misconduct. They held an investigation which i felt was insufficient because the investigator didnt even take down important notes such as the position i was in when he raped me. And the interviews arent recorded so its all my entire testimony is based on her notes basically and that was obviously an important detail to leave out until interview number three. And even when she compiled the report there were so many typos and inaccuracies that we werent even allowed to correct. Its so complicated. All of the corrections had to be stapled on to the back of the report in an addendum so my report is completely jumbled. It was horrible. My perpetrator was allowed to postpone the hearing for months because of academic conflict that was so long that one of the women he attacked graduated. The only person who was punished in the entire case was my closest friend and supporter who was forced to write an essay from the perspective of my rapist which, to me, is disgusting and cruel. And then finally, i mean, im just saying a few of the things that happened, but one of my one of the hearing panelists didnt even understand how anal rape worked and asked me if there was lubrication. I keep wondering why this was happening on campus. This is a crime. And so why campuses im going to go to salamishah here. Why campuses are managing i understand, in part, although i am not happy about how the military addresses the question of Sexual Assault within the military, all criminal actions within the military context go through military chain of command. I guess i dont understand if there were other kinds of crime on campus, they are handled by Law Enforcement outside of it. Why should this only be handled in this space . Are we even equipped on College Campuses to handle it . I just want to april mraud you for your courage of. I am a rape survivor, also sexually assaulted in college. I know it this generation and the presence of them and really being at the forefront of campus Sexual Assault is really significant and important and, you know, in many ways im just in awe of the ways you all are taking on this. Also i just want to say the reason she has to turn it into art and this is what the system has failed. The legal system has failed. The judicial system has failed. And so in many ways the biggest and most important form of selfhe can pregs is your own story and carrying the mattress as a form of protest and resist issance. So thank you. I dont want to move off this for a second because you said it quickly, i do i have seen the work that you and your sister have done around using art and the telling of your story as a way of pushing back against this broken system and so before we go on to the campus i want to pause there for a moment about, again, why that way of address ing this is so important. You can also talk about it, too, but i think a couple of things. Title nine is a recent expression or recent use of trying to get back to deal with these issues on College Campus campuses. For my generation and your generation, we were trying to get justice on College Campuses and there were very few resources so the Women Centers were under funded. There was of a campus Sexual Assault Center People could go to. These are the most underresourced and under funded parts of the university and the first place were encouraged to go to to get a sense of justice, hope and healing. For my sister and me, it was through she was a student when she started. It was a way of trying to take back survivor stories, put us at the forefront of the movement but also as experts and trying to understand the way in which our telling of our own stories can be a vehicle for social expression and social change. Thats kind of why we created the organization but there were so few places to go in order for us to get justice. Emma, i was thinking about it a bit because obviously im sitting here in the journalist chair so i have to ayaybadejo ledged and theres all kinds of rules about whether there is a conviction or not. But in your context, you have to be able to speak back to this person. How has carrying the mattress either allowed or not allowed to you do that . What do you mean by speak back to the person . Push pack against the idea that simply because there is no conviction that this attack er s necessarily innocent . Well, for me, this this art piece is a personal work. And im making it based on whats happening in my own life and i know who raped me. I have no doubt in my mind. So its my piece. Im going to carry it until hes gone. And it doesnt its not a legal statement. Its not its not im not making some sort of press statement. Its just my artwork. Its the same thing as if a woman drew a portrait of their rapist. Its a personal thing that theyre doing to try and overcome what happened to them. Has anyone on campus helped you carry it . Yeah. Its been really amazing and part of one of the most interesting and surprising parts of the piece that i wasnt expecting was that ive been having these really great conversations with people ive never met before who just come up and introduce themselves and offer to carry the mattress. And on my way to class ill be having the ideal number to carry the mattress is four. Ill be having these really interesting conversations with three people ive never met before all interested and pag at about the same things as well. So, yeah, its been really amazing to not only receive help from people who care but also get to meet them and to see what the Campus Community is doing in response to my piece. Its amazing. Emma, thank you for your courage on campus and for telling the story and thank you for being here. Im so sorry i didnt get back around to you, time management and im obsessed with you, emma, in the sense i really want to make sure we are doing the right thing how we are telling your a careful in how you are telling your own story. Up next, our foot soldier of the week has his lens focused on black men in america. Fill their bowl with the meaty tastes theyre looking for, with friskies grillers. Tender meaty pieces and crunchy bites. 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Go to comcastbusiness. Com checkyourspeed. If we cant offer faster speeds or save you money well give you 150. Comcast business built for business. It is classic text invisable man. The experience of black men in america. I am a man of substance. Fiber and liquids. I might be said to possess a mind. I am invisible understand simply because people refuse to see me. When they approach me, they see only my surroundings themselves or figments their imagination. Indeed, everything and anything except me. This weeks foot soldier is countering this painful invisibility through a lens that allows us to see black men as they see themselves. A lead Health Scientist at the fda and an ajunctidjunct profes the university of memphis. A photographer in his spare time for years. In july 2013 when the verdict of the George Zimmerman trial was announced, he told us he felt compelled to use his art form for activism. Reflecting on his experiences as an africanamerican man. Alexander began a yearlong endeavor called the i am photo project. He traveled to 17 cities to interview 46 africanamerican men and photograph them in a setting they choose. A setting that is important as part of their identities. His goal and his words is to share just a snippet of how we define ourselves. To get others to see us as we see ourselves. So during each photo shoot he asked the men one simple question, how would you describe yourself . He then set their words to their images. These were the results. Spencer from boston, who works as an aerospace engineer. John, from memphis, tennessee, who is doing yard work when he was incorrectly identified as a burglar and subsequently jailed for three months. Kenny and dontrell, two hiphop artists living in oakland, california, who use their studio as a creative outlet. He hopes this project will be the first of many similar endeavors to help amplify the voices of people who often feel they have been silenced and to share some of their stories with the world. Tesla alexander is our foot soldier of the week for creating a platform to help us see black men as each individual would like to be seen. Emboding these words from Ralph Ellisons invisible man. I feel the need to reaffirm all of it. The whole unhappy territory. And all the things loved and unlovable in it. For it is all part of me. We have this also special footnote. Alexander has begun a new photo project of sorts, taking snapshots of his baby boy, born yesterday morning and shown here with the proud dads older son. Thats our show for today. Thanks to you at home for watching. Ill see you tomorrow morning, 10 00 a. M. Eastern. Were going to get into just what it means when the u. S. Attorney general decides it is time to police the police. 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