Transcripts For MSNBCW American 20240703 :

Transcripts For MSNBCW American 20240703

structurally sound. united states, france and spain today pledging to send in crews to help morocco with search and rescue efforts. rod sanchez is there for us tonight okita amateur recovery efforts in the rural villages outside of marrakesh? >> well, alicia, we spent most of the day in the mountain village called -- east of the epicenter. we saw devastation. they're the narrow alleys of the village market filled with rubber -- rubble and debris. this was some 3000 people. locals tell us that more than 40 were killed in the earthquake. that is more than 1% of the entire population. we met a father today, alicia, who lost not only his wife and his three daughters in his baby son, and he said to us through tears the is not know what he's living for any more at this point. his family as part of the growing national death toll. it's over 2100 people who have now been killed in this earthquake. but despite all this heartbreak and all this news, the rescue effort continues and there been moments of joy when the rescue teams have found the survivors underneath the rubble. the rescue effort will tell you the first 72 hours after the disaster early is the golden window. we are now exactly 48 hours into that window. the coming day may be the last best chance for finding more survivors. alicia. >> on the story of that man in his family will hunt us all. ron sanchez, is there a risk that aftershocks could cause further damage in the coming days? >> yeah. that is a real concern, and we are hearing that not just in the villages like -- we're hearing in the big cities like marrakesh also. a lot of people are continuing to sleeping on the streets but even if their homes are not destroyed in the initial shock there where they are no longer structurally sound they are vulnerable to collapse. and even aftershocks or causing them to fall. one house up in the mountains earlier and they've camped outside of the front door. and they have no idea when if ever there going to be able to go home. >> or some just starting us off tonight, thank you so much. now to the republican presidential primary race. in a typical election cycle ahead of the iowa caucuses is a time for retail politics. recruiters volunteers holding babies and laying out a vision for america. nothing normal about this election cycle. donald trump's road to i was a series of court dates and legal challenges before the first votes or even cast. the twice impeached former president now faces a lawsuit of six voters who want to keep him off the ballot in colorado. these voters are building their case around section three of the 14th amendment. someone has already taken those to support the constitution office if they've engaged in insurrection or given aid and comfort to nations on any. the colorado son reads quote, be on the insurrection itself there is little doubt that trump gave aid and comfort to those who stormed the capitol attention attempting to stop the peaceful power of trump from president biden. even though i as promised many of the offenders if he is elected. again this morning on msnbc, harvard law professor is -- how the lawsuit out of colorado 's -- into the 14th amendment disqualification clause. >> unlike many other states they have a statute which allows registered voters to take the secretary of state to, and demand the secretary of state exclude anyone who does not meet all the qualifications. even at the primary stage. and one of those qualifications which committed what has amounted to treason in the constitution. >> msnbc contributor and former watergate prosecutor jill wine-banks. she also hosts the hashtag sisters in law podcast. formed sylvania congressman charles, stand a republican, executive director of the institute of congressional program and democratic strategist don calloway, president of pine street strategies. good to see you. all i wonder where you think donald trump should be about this particular lawsuit as he fights in court. >> i think there are two aspects of. this one is the legal aspect. as for the legal aspect it's very obvious to me that's the argument -- being disqualified from being on the ballot is a very strong one. and that the arguments against it which i have only heard from a former attorney general has no -- to it. politically it could be a different question, but legally it is a strong case that he took the oath. in this is different oath then congress people take. so what? it is still an oath to support the constitution, and that disqualifies you a few than engage in that. it is self executing. lawrence tribe is correct of course that in colorado there is a statue that's specifically gives extending to the citizens. which may not existed under the state. so it is a very good test. but someone including a secretary of state quote simply a bar him from being on the ballot, and that it would be up to him to sue to get on the ballot and take it to court that way. >> which once again becomes politically fraught it's complicated. congressman, dan i dropped yesterday who are the magic that we would be sitting here on national television, talking about the 14th amendment. something that would ordinarily not begin a television show. even as we're having this conversation, it could serve as a backstop but we would not need a backstop. we wouldn't even need to be talking about a backstop if republican leaders have been willing to call out trump and then hold firm in that position right after january 6th. right? >> of. course that something i've been saying for years. the challenges to the republican party in is they've never counter the trump narrative. the narrative on the other side has been silenced and that doesn't work. they've always been hoping and praying for an implosion of donald trump, the course was taken to, and these indictments, anybody. but at the end of the day republicans will have to take down donald trump in this primary. i get the argument on the 14th amendment, that will be litigated and go to the supreme court to see what they say. once you come in with these republican candidates running against you for president, they have to -- you. have some like ron the swami, i don't know why he is. running this is the problem we have, hacked that whenever trump has gotten into trouble the new york state will immediately jump to his defense and use the trump narrative that you are the victim of a witch hunt. they've just reinforced trump's narrative and exposure that and that's political malpractice on the grand scale. bottom line is republicans are going to take them down, -- run for president. >> democratic malpractice, some of. argue trump and desantis have attended today's iowa state again. trump met with a mixed reception. interesting, some chairs and some booze and some obscene gestures from the stands. if you read most of the reporting on it has to do with the fact that there are voters who may have supported trump in past elections. but they just don't think that he has what it takes to make it through a general election given all of this legal -- so i wonder if you are trump's opponents including someone like ron desantis, how you then capitalize on those figures given that they are trying to breakthrough without every explicitly critiquing the guy. >> yeah. i think that would happen yesterday the iowa iowa state game was fascinating particularly for someone like each of us on your panel have experienced running campaigns. what i saw very explicitly as an operator was, when trump and his handlers and hayes -- group controlled the crown interviews we got for those who being a very popular politician. but when they cannot control the crowd like -- we saw my with a very important primary state, who is deeply unpleased with donald trump. i don't think that bodes well for ron desantis because if you do not like trump then you do not like trump without the -- you do not like trump's crt, you do not like florida man. his passion his entire career as a low rent model. the other thing that i would suggest is from a campaign perspective, it is really disheartening to see so many republican politicians who are not from a side of the system like robert saleh or donald trump, people who are sitting at the levers of power be they governors are sitting senators, not being willing to criticize donald trump for lack of not wanting to up set these primary voters. the reality of the matter is that what we saw in iowa were college educated voters watching football games. and that should be a serious sign that indicated folks were going to decide this election in the middle. or undecided. but they do not like the stop of politics and we hope they come out in the republican primary strong enough to be able to contest trump's -- >> when you talk about trump not only rejects election results, he also openly defies our legal system. last week nbc news confirmed one of his lawyers warned him last may that the back had searched mar-a-lago if he refused to return classified documents. what does that tell you about trump's intent? >> it says that he is guilty of having a deliberate intent to violate the law. we can look at his behavior in response to the very mild limits that have -- in terms of intimidating witnesses and codefendants. yes we hear him continuing to do what i would consider to be threatening. threatening certainly the prosecutors. certainly the judges. and so if he is not help accountable, if he is not punished for his bad behavior, it's only going to continue. repeating the big lie, he did not learn from a 5 million-dollar verdict in his -- against him in favor of e. jean carroll. this next trial which begins soon is going to result in a huge further because it has to stop him from repeating the same behavior. and only a much bigger verdict will stop him sense -- didn't work. i think we have to just start holding him to the same standards as anyone else we have seen other defendants who violate the rules the courts lights down being jailed for it. and i admit that is a tricky situation for a drug and everybody else involved. but it's maybe the only thing that will protect the jury and the prosecutors and everybody involved in the case. >> charlie, i want to read to a new reporting from politico. quote, trump is on what seems to be a glide path to the nomination. his largest traditional day today campaigning in social media missteps between attacks and political pundits and immense legal trouble surrounding him. he has publicly taken on the posture of an incumbent, privately adopted the mindset of a fire all while trying to avoid the fate of a contract. i am less interested in what donald trump is doing than i am in the fact that we have this behavior, congressman, you don't see his opponents even those that irresponsibly running against him, the people who should have the greatest motivation to take him down, but don't seem to be willing to do -- exceptions like chris christie. asa hutchinson. they don't seem to be willing to do what it would take to say, hey are not the incumbent. you action need to be held accountable for what you've done to american democracy. >> of course. look. republican voters i think it's some point you're going to have to play very close attention to the indictments. and asked themselves an important question. do you really want the republican nominee to be talking about the past and possibly convicted -- for the party and what that would mean for his electability. i realize primary for the snow's potential to electability but at some point they must. the way they have fashioned i think in a more meaningful way is these candidates running against trump in the, primary all of them not just asa hutchinson and will hurd in the two others, they only to stand up and talk about the risk. to the party into the country. but nominating -- and likely to be convicted. that's the only way out of it. and republicans street keep praying. this implosion the never seems to -- will not come in my view unless republicans make it happen. they simply need to stand up and do what they have been failing to do for years. they need to help republican voters. if they trim the trump narrative, that's where they are. going they've an opposite problem. a lot of rank-and-file democrats want somebody else. republicans -- the leadership and lot of the voters do. so we're kind of figuring this out is gonna have the least stand up and push hard on it. >> dawn, how about a minute left back to what you respond to that before i let you go. >> joel, respect congressman, at some point this thing has been running almost ten years now since summer 2015. as someone which is to look ourselves in the face and say, hey, 50% of the country like what he's doing. they likely. racism they like the misogyny. they like the shameless flaunting of this approach the poor behavior. a lot of folks are still in touch with worshipping this notion of -- i love this notion of unhinged -- bringing anarchy and chaos to political systems. they like this and we are to start looking to the republican leadership insensible republicans to stop -- stop this. no. a whole lot of americans are sick in the soul and really love the craziness. >> jill, charlie, there are times i wish we got five or ten more minutes. this is one of. them thank you so much for getting us started. coming up, proud boys leader -- toughest sector yet for those involved in the january 6th attack. just how far is he willing to go for trump? plus, congressman -- on the pending fight to keep the government running. if speaker mccarthy can deal that deliver a deal. later, a new ethics controversy at the supreme court with ginni thomas and what she was doing before the citizens united. rolling raising some eyebrows. first richard louis with the other big stories we are tracking at msnbc. richard. >> alicia, good to. you convicted murder of a escaped from a prison. pennsylvania surveillance images visible today showing he straight-up his beard and was wearing a bright green hearty. he was spotted twice outside the homes of two former coworkers just last night, about 20 miles from the search area. neither of them or. home police say he stole a white van from a dairy farm on saturday night which was found abandoned sunday. officials offering an award about to $20,000 for information leading to his arrest. the head of the spanish soccer foundation said he will resign and -- was suspended by fifa for kissing a player on the lips during the world cup medal ceremony. denny hermoso later accused him of sexual assault. but the alice revealed the news during an exclusive interview with piers morgan. hurricane lee is picking up a story steam as it moves northwest of the atlantic it remains a category three storm with 120 mile per hour winds and a strengthening dangerous surfaced rip current beginning today and throw to the week. more american voices right after this break. after this break ? 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>> thank, you lisa. a think it's pretty clear that governor mccarthy is completely lost his entire caucus. you're not being led by marjorie taylor greene and matt gaetz. she is linked any sort of deal to impeaching president biden. matt gaetz is now of course threatening a possible other speaker election. kevin mccarthy is in a really tough place, and he is now having to deal with what he billed within his own caucus. which is an extreme right wing majority that controls the reaction. and showed some positions earlier. people will be reminded of who those workers are. 80% of the federal workforce does not work in washington d.c.. there are folks all across the country that are waiting to be supported. that need our support. and they are going to be in a serious financial situation, which is going to hurt them and their families, if we don't get our act together. not to mention the damage to the economy. so kevin mccarthy is a lot of work to do, and we're all coming back to washington of course this week. and we are reading it to work in mccarthy's got to deliver on these deals. >> there are so many consequences when you talk about emergency relief funding. one of them for childcare. something congress would have to extend by september the 30th. if they, down 3 million parents stand to lose childcare. yesterday i spoke with the founder of moms first -- i want to take a listen to what she had to say. >>, everybody whether you are a parent or a republican or you live in idaho our new york city, you're gonna feel the effects of us going off the childcare cliff. 3 million kids are going to get of childcare, hundreds of thousands of childcare workers are going to be i have a job. and parents who are barely able to put food on the table are going to take the cost of childcare and see it got by hundreds of dollars a month. and congress still doing nothing about it. >> congressman, i'm sure you've seen the reporting that republicans understandings they have gone too far on reproductive rights and on making sure that women don't have access to abortion care in wants to re-brands themselves instead of being pro -- and pro baby. it is hard to argue you are pro baby when you are not finding childcare systems in this country. >> absolutely right. look, what the republicans are doing right now in the house is completely shameful. completely shameful. they're putting peoples lives at risk. and livelihoods. their families, childcare. which is so critical in this country we know there's a huge need for its. we're turning this economy around. the economy is finally getting on its tracks, and unemployment is finally a better place and republicans essentially want to hold the economy and working families hostage. it is completely crazy. oh it's also remember that's some of the republicans far right maga republicans are trying to also link the funding some of the justice departments relate to donald trump it multiple federal indictments and inquiries. it's all about supporting the president trump in trying to -- there are no links no reason to do so. kim mccarthy should be ashamed of himself forgiving so much power to the far-right in his conference and caucus. but democrats are completely united and working with the senate are working to ensure that we fight every single step this week. also encouraging those republicans were out there, those quote unquote moderate republicans wherever they are, to get their act together. take control of their caucus, and actually deliver the votes we can have a government that is funded. >> wherever they, are it is a where's waldo of politics. california congressman robert garcia, as always thank you for taking the time to be with. us next, proud boys a leader -- how do you become the head of a far-right leader and what are the consequences of his action? 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miami, and sparked curiosity with his involvement and the members expressed white nationalist. here's my next guest met four years ago while working on her book -- and up him she writes, when i first met him in 2019 this house and -- i asked myself how far would he be willing to go for trumpism and white america? with me now is msnbc contributor paula ramos. she is redefining latino identity and also with us is ryan, riley justice reporter for nbc news digital. and author of sedition hunters. i january 6th broke the justice system. this is available october 17th. i want to read just a little bit more from your book. you write, enrique long's to know. no concrete definitions, no labels or substructures. on the, left for -- we didn't think it looks like their base. a young black latino man. but soon, they dismiss unruly k as an extremist. on the republicans are attracted to the idea of having the token brown conservative on their side. he gave no tangible power to people who look like they can help us understand what makes them so unique. >> when you see the image of him, he appears as this really tough guy. he has sunglasses, that's cap in that military. best in the moment when you face when you spend a little bit of time with him, you start to understand that you are facing a man that is deeply insecure. and that is my first impression. he is someone that never really understood where he belonged. and then suddenly in the proud boys, he does not just find this deep sense of belonging and community, but more than anything he finds power. he takes power for the first time. he suddenly goes from this ordinary cuban guy, the son of immigrants, this guy that used to cell camera quitman in miami, who suddenly being placed by donald trump. suddenly what people love him. he goes from being an ordinary guy to referring to himself as a king, a soldier, a. general they think that power, that can radicalize. you that power is contagious. >> power, belonging power of being a validated -- >> being at the top to the point you believe you are invincible. last time i talk to him as of february 2022. it was like texting someone that felt absolutely no fear. no remorse. he could have never fathom that he'd be facing 22 years in jail. why? because what supremacy makes you believe that you are. invincible there is no accountability. >> talk about the 22 year sentence, the harshest punishment to the january 6th case so far. remind us of his role in the right when you say general, not soldier, what does that actually look like? >> but as you, mentioned he was at the baltimore hotel for a january 6th attack and was not directing everyone on the ground that day. he was not pulling all the strings how he had the opportunity. what is interesting is not that there is this other, blair within a member of the metropolitan police department for a lot of, us that individual has now been charged actually with tipping off him about this idea he was going to be arrested for this separate incident. which took place before january. six so he ended up being in jail on january 6th itself. right up to before january six. and to the. pereshchepyne you about that. the question, was when he still come to d.c. if he knew it was going to be arrested. it appears that he didn't know he was going to be eventually arrested. there were. charges out a warrant out for his arrest. as this other complicating factor. what do you think that was going to do to the rest of his key? he took these efforts to clear the devices before and after he was eventually arrested. that evidently did not work because prosecutors were obviously allowed to get all of this in the and if i was able to determine. it certainly that core notion between law enforcement and this defendant was certainly significant. one thing that i would know that was interesting just in a trial is a defense definitely tried lining up his background heritage for him during the trial and did not shy away from that it all. especially for talking about the d.c. jury. when you have the letters come to the judge from his family, they were just all talking about him as. henry that's all they referred to him. henry, this henry that and shielding away from heritage at all. >> interesting. it's easy to talk about him as though he is a unicorn, but is not the only person in -- >> i am thinking of the other january 6th -- that you would like. gabriel garcia, latino moms from moms for liberty. i was done with all of these folks. there are some underlying threads that connect them. this quest to approximate yourself to white-ness and half power, sure. but then there is this paranoia that we can't under estimate. this idea in 2019 or 2020 communicating this idea that's coming a sum is in creating this country. that we could suddenly wake up in a place it is overwhelmed. let's remember a couple of days before the insurrection, and lucas starts to create that idea that the capital was being run by the bolsheviks. so that's those same talking points, will say those are exact words or not. that fuels violence. that makes that paranoia that israel furlough these forces. so i think that pattern and that threat, and that overwhelming paranoia of communism is a very much president in their heads all the time. >> it is exaggerated, ryan. it is not tethered to reality. and part of the reason that i am interested in this case is because the accountability is to hold him responsible for what happened. it's also to make sure that what happened never happens again. and before someone signs their name and their life to an efforts like this, they understand that there will be consequences. so i wonder what the response has been for proud boys and other extremist groups, with handling facing 22 years? >> a lot of this is just sort of making him the victim of the other proud boys the victim to moving away from what they actually did, and saying this was all over a broken window in a case of one defendant. that's why he won those -- two systems of justice it's not fair based on comparing it to black lives matters protests and doesn't stack up where the defendants are treated. it's interesting to see this propaganda effort that we see after a lot of things. one former fbi agents is now a podcast host this had all these defendants on a show since then. raising money and putting on their fund-raiser or they're crowdsourcing ages so they can raise more money after this. it is really an insight into the fbi, a more troubling thing that i get into the book. one component of this investigation really was this i idea that within the fbi there were some pathetic figures taking part in the january 6th attack and that's one part of this investigation. dealing with law enforcement officials beforehand really just as another layer is really fascinating that those ties between law enforcement and extremist groups that they will have to grapple with going forward. >> paulo ramos, author of the book finding latinx. and ryan j, riley author of the forthcoming book sedition hunters, how january 6th broke the justice system, out september 17th. thank you. about new reports on the supreme court justice seizing the moment after citizens united. it is a trail of dark money leading to the highest court in this country. how do we rein it in? later, mexico now on track to have its first present before the united states out of the greatest democracy on earth. let's let that happen? there are places you'd like to be. like here. and here. not so much here. if you have chronic kidney disease, farxiga can help you keep living life. ♪ farxiga ♪ and farxiga reduces the risk of kidney failure, which can lead to dialysis. farxiga can cause serious side effects including dehydration, urinary tract or genital yeast infections in women and men, and low blood sugar. ketoacidosis is a serious side effect that may lead to death. a rare life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum 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new reality of big money politics. in those months before the landmark decision, thomas and her allies graded organization to capture political momentum, and to reshape the federal. courts political describes this conservative movement as a quote, billion dollar force that has helped remake the judiciary and overturned long-standing legal precedents on abortion, affirmative, action and any other. issues we find legal scholars to devise theories to -- help elect state attorney generals willing to apply those theories. much lavish campaigns for conservative judicial nominees setting those theories in the rulings from the. bench we should note that thomas did not respond to politicos questions about the story. joining me now, lisa graves, former deputy assistant during the -- administrations. lisa, thank you so much for being with. us i think a lot of our audience has been following this story. the latest pieces are released to citizens united, help us understand the broader context of the conflicts of interest. >> thank you so much for having me on. this new investigative report by politico is extraordinarily important. it shines and no light on that decision which as you point it was a 5 to 4 decision. if clarence thomas or not participated in that decision, the mccain fine gold bipartisan report would still be standing. it would be prohibiting this injection of millions of millions of dollars by these millionaires. and yet there is no doubt in my mind that clarence thomas müller's wife was setting up this nonprofit organization that has been a factor. harlan crow's seeding, it's sticking with hundred thousand dollars to help pay her salary. and he still sat on that case. still ruled on it. i asked what made the deciding vote to strike down -- and even had the audacity to assert that future disclosure of the funders of such groups would be unconstitutional. to me this is a clear violation. it is actually embodiment of corruption. >> there is a, push as you will know and capitol hill, to set up a code of conduct for supreme court justices. reform could take many different forms. i wonder how you believe it would benefit or just doesn't hold systems accountable? >> right, now every other judge in the country and all the other federal judges are bound by the code of conduct for u.s. judges. can into that code of conduct bars judges from engaging in anything that would provide the appearance of impropriety. particularly influenced by outside interests like harlan crow paying his wife -- with their. funding sitting on a case to strike down the laws and rules that would have regulated that activity. to me, the reforms that need to happen need to be spearheaded by congress. i'm certainly enjoying the call for senator dick dominance in the wrong way to deepen intensify the investigation. and you will use all to laurels at their disposal to get to the bottom of. this including subpoenas. i also think the irs need to take a very close look at the traditional education project. a so-called honest elections project that we had funded infused millions and millions of dollars of dark money. >> let's talk about dark money and the impact of citizens united. we are now 13 years into this experiment. of endless money and politics. how is that working out for us? >> i think it is been a disaster for the voice of the american people. the fact is that these billionaires are now not using predominantly campaign finance systems where there is a limit on how much protect the person can give. huge limits essentially over hundred $20,000 a year, and candidates. under the old rules. but now they can give secretly millions and millions of dollars to the news organizations like the ones that ginni thomas has started early on, instead of being decided. what that has done is it is really distorted what we're saying in politics. these billionaires are throwing their voices and -- operations to distort not just our elections but also our courts in the decisions of the supreme court. including what we've seen with these extremist charges in my view being installed on the supreme court. but they've helped counter to the court. we've got our decisions are just joining our freedoms. like the dobbs decision and more. >> it strikes, many lisa, that there is both potential damage that this has done when you think about specific rulings themselves. but then there is also just faith in the court. and a time when there is a lack of faith in institutions worth large. and that piece of the damage i do not know how you can quantify a. and i do not know beyond the reforms that we already talked about coming out of congress, how you undo it. how you rebuild trust and faith in these institutions. >> well i think there have to be consequences for people who behave in the way that clarence thomas did, it's getting on that case despite the fact that his wife was raising money to exploit it. from the guy who we now know, the billionaire who we now know has been lavishing than with traps and other extraordinary gifts like tuition for his nephew, the purchase of his mother's house and more, it's not just clarence thomas and also john roberts. john which has failed to act in a sulfa stood in the way of congress acting. and he along with his other -- of assorted essence that congress had no power. and needed to act on that power. trying to restore -- this is under serious stark log on the american people know it, they, get the understand what corruption is and this is corrupt. and that's why the supreme courts's been in the sewer. rightly, so they are not following the rules of conduct for every other judge in the country. notwithstanding drawn roberts letter earlier this year. >> it's a, graves thank you for your time and expertise. next the stage is set for the first woman president of mexico. it runs right across the western hemisphere and there is a preview of what else is ahead tonight on msnbc. >> here. there i am ayman -- the president and ceo citizens for responsibility and ethics in washington will be here. the legal advocate group is packing six voters which would ban trump from the ballot in colorado for violating the 14th amendment. that is right here on msnbc. tonight. >> customer: thank you so much. >> tech vo: schedule now. >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace ♪ age is just a number, and mine's unlisted. try boost® high protein with 20 grams of protein for muscle health versus 16 grams in ensure® high protein. boost® high protein. now available in cinnabon® bakery-inspired flavor. learn more at meet the future. a chef. a designer. and, ooh, an engineer. all learning to save and spend their money with chase. the chef's cooking up firsts with her new debit card. hungry? -uhuh. the designer's eyeing sequins. uh no plaid. while mom is eyeing his spending. nice. and the engineer? she's taking control with her own account for college. three futures, all with chase. freedom for kids. control for 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(vo) learn more. it's your vision, it's your verizon. -- this past week mexico show the world that progress was possible. wednesday, the country supreme court decriminalized abortion, allowing the procedure on a state by state basis. the predominantly catholic nation joins colombian argentina and relaxing restrictions on abortion care. also on wednesday, exposing governing political party -- would be his nominee for the 2020 election. she is a former mayor of mexico city. long considered a favorite for the nomination. the coming of the opposition party is senator -- meaning no matter who wins, mexico will celebrate its first president next november. putting that supply side, for just a moment with where we are in the united states right now. with the dobbs decision the supreme court to last days to rollback reproductive rights. just yesterday here on american voices we spoke to a doctor who left tennessee after the state passed this abortion ban. she's not practicing in colorado. in case you missed what i want you to hear what she said about the amount of politics and nuggets in between doctors and their patients. >> i could link my entire life if i stayed at some point my life could be paid against the life of a patient and that was not untenable situation for me. >> so that is part of the reality in america right now. even as we reckon with those steps backwards, there is history being made. this past weekend from the federal reserve governor -- in his 109 year history. she is currently the world bank's executive director for the u.s. and also the labor department chief economist during the obama years. they said also confirmed the first latina to serve on the fcc and more than two decades. and the gummies will hold a third democratic seat on the five member commission. which oversees median regulation. both apartments putting two more cracks in that glass ceiling. not much longer until we, the united states, finally break it. that is going to do it for today and for this weekend. i am alicia menendez now want to thank you for spending part of your sunday with us. before to fall short to follow us on twitter and tiktok and join us next weekend for more american voices. right after this quick break it is inside with jen psaki. have a great night. great night ♪ limu emu & doug ♪ what do we always say, son? liberty mutual customizes your car insurance... so you only pay for what you need. that's my boy. now you get out there, and you make us proud, huh? ♪ bye, uncle limu. ♪ stay off the freeways! only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ oh stuffed up again? so congested! you need sinex saline from vicks. just sinex, breathe, ahhhh! 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Abortion Care , Rights , Childcare Systems , Being , Pro , Peoples , Livelihoods , Need , Hostage , Tracks , Unemployment , Its , Working Families , Justice Departments , Inquiries , Kim Mccarthy , Reason , Links , Conference , Where S Waldo Of Politics , California , Boys , Leader , Women S Rights , Next , Stay , Business , Mexico , Track , Woman , T Mobile , Partners , Fan Experience , Colliding , Mlb , Aaa , Members , Back On The Road , Network , Wildfires , Spread , Pano Ai Innovate , Help , Advisors , Wealth Management , Investment Research , J P Morgan , Investments , Investment Plan , Look , David , Sense , Shelves , Advice , React , Direction , Mobile App , Taste Buds , Restock , Taking , Caramel Swirl , Meet Arexvy , Rsv Vaccine , Rsv , Surprise , Fda , Respiratory Disease , Airways , Lungs , 60 , 82 , Everyone , Health Conditions , Reactions , Ingredients , 94 , Fatigue , Headache , Immune Systems , Pain , Muscle Pain , Vaccine , Injection Site Pain , Accountability , Make It Arexvy , Sentence , Chairman , Capitol On January 6th , Seditious Conspiracy , 22 , Four , Soldier , Hatred , General , Miss , He Quote , Client , Heritage , Reference , Involvement , Guest , Cuban , Miami , White Nationalist , Curiosity , Book , Trumpism , White America , 2019 , Justice , Ryan J , Paula Ramos , Justice System , Author , Sedition Hunters , Identity , Riley , Nbc News Digital , 17 , October 17th , Concrete Definitions , Substructures , Labels , Left , Enrique Long S , Extremist , Conservative , Base , Young Black Latino Man , Unruly K , Image , Cap , Military , Sunglasses , Community , Impression , Belonging , Anything , Time , Immigrants , Camera Quitman , King , Fear , Fathom , Validated , Top , Remorse , 2022 , February 2022 , Supremacy , Punishment , Role , Ground , Hotel , Baltimore , Member , Police , Mother , Individual , Opportunity , Department , Lot Of , Blair , Jail , Incident , Pereshchepyne , Factor , Charges , Rest , Warrant , Devices , Key , Core , Defendant , Law Enforcement , Background Heritage , Judge , Henry , Letters , Shielding , Person , Unicorn , Threads , Quest , Moms , Half , Latino Moms , Gabriel Garcia , Paranoia , Estimate , 2020 , Sum , Lucas , Couple , Talking Points , Capital , Fuels Violence , Words , The Bolsheviks , Threat , Communism , Pattern , Forces , Furlough , Name , Extremist Groups , Handling , Protests , Things , Doesn T Stack Up , Propaganda Effort , Podcast Host , Show , Agents , Fbi , Money , Component , Crowdsourcing , Insight , Fund Raiser , Wages , Investigation , Figures , Groups , Paulo Ramos , Ties , The Book Finding Latinx , Supreme Court Justice , Book Sedition Hunters , Out September 17th , September 17th , Democracy , Trail , Earth , Stop Taking Farxiga , Chronic Kidney Disease , Places , Kidney Failure , Urinary Tract , Women , Yeast Infections , Dialysis , Men , Dehydration , Skin , Ketoacidosis , Infection , Symptoms , Side Effect , Blood Sugar , Perineum , Farxiga , Medication , Astrazeneca , Farxiga Coarse Hair Astrazeneca , Hair , Defense Bar , Blades , Razor , Shave , Venus , Patented Irritation , Protein , Energy , Sugar , Protein Max Challenge , Uuuhhhh , 10000 , Biktarvy , Healthcare Provider , H I V , 18 , Treatment , Pill , Research , Transmitting , Sex , Liver Problems , Breastfeeding , Kidney , Kidney Problems , Buildup , Lactic Acid , Rifampin , Dofetilide , Hepatitis , Hepatitis B , Home Internet , Goodbye , Truck , Cord , What A Beautiful Mornin , 0 Bucks , Bombshell Investigation , What A Beautiful Day , Rates , Bucks , Cases , Front , Clarence Thomas , Jeffrey , Ruling , American Politics , Rolls On , 2010 , Vote , Rule , Dark Money , Big Money Politics , Ground Running , Ginni Thomas Hit , 4 , Courts , Force , Conservative Movement , Momentum , Organization , Allies , Landmark Decision , Issues , Theories , Scholars , Abortion , State Attorney , Elect , Judiciary , Remake , Precedents , Affirmative , Rulings , Lisa Graves , Politicos , Nominees , Questions , Generals , Campaigns , Bench , Pieces , Administrations , Audience , Decision , Light , Interest , Context , Conflicts , Millions , Report , Millionaires , Injection , Harlan Crow , Nonprofit Organization , Seeding , Mind , Salary , Clarence Thomas MÜller , Funders , Audacity , Disclosure , Corruption , Code Of Conduct For Supreme Court Justices , Reform , Violation , Embodiment , Eforms , Capitol Hill , Conduct , Code , Doesn T Hold Systems Accountable , Interests , Laws , Impropriety , Appearance , Senator , Laurels , Activity , Call , Dominance , Dollars , Of , Disposal , Subpoenas , Irs , Education , Project , Impact , Voice , Experiment , 13 , Billionaires , Rules , Limit , Campaign Finance , News Organizations , Ones , Decisions , Freedoms , Dobbs , Faith , Piece , Institutions Worth Large , Reforms , Institutions , Trust , Billionaire , Lavishing , Case , John Roberts , Acting , Tuition , Gifts , Purchase , Nephew , Traps , Sulfa , Essence , Restore , Sewer , Of Mexico , Graves , Expertise , Preview , Letter , Western Hemisphere , Advocate Group , Ceo , Citizens For Responsibility And Ethics In Washington , Ayman , Number , Customer , Engineer , Chef , Designer , High Protein , Muscle Health , Flavor , Boost , Boost Com Tv Meet The Future , Cinnabon , Ooh , 16 , Mom , Firsts , Account , College , Learning , Cooking , Debit Card , Sequins , Plaid , Chase , Uhuh , Uh , Nice , Both , Freedom , Bank , Futures , Antidepressant , Lift , Vraylar , Depression Symptoms , Studies , Fever , Changes , Weight , Children , Saw , Muscles , Muscle Movements , Restlessness , High Blood Sugar , Cholesterol , Stomach , Sleep , Appetite , Coma , Dizziness , Movement Dysfunction , Abbvie , Antacid , Heartburn Relief , Seats , Zero Heartburn , Prilosec Otc , 24 , Zero , Insurance , Go , Farmers , Crowd Cheers , Aren T Worth Compromising , Wake Up , C Mon , Gotta , Farmers Mnemonic , Gracie , Engine Revving , Color , Family Thing , Let S Go , Guys , Setting Trends , Volkswagen Atlas , Leave Running Behind , Customer Demand , Customers , World , Progress , Procedure , The Country Supreme Court Decriminalized Abortion , Wednesday , State By Basis , Restrictions , Exposing Governing Political Party , Nation , Argentina , Mayor , Favorite , Next November , Opposition Party , Mexico City , Supply Side , Dobbs Decision The Supreme Court , Abortion Ban , Tennessee , Doctors , Nuggets , Amount , Steps , Patient , World Bank , Chief Economist , History , Federal Reserve , Labor Department , Obama , 109 , Seat , Latina , Member Commission , Fcc , Glass Ceiling , Cracks , Apartments , Gummies , Twitter , Night , Night Limu Emu , Jen Psaki , Huh , Uncle Limu , Breathe , Just Sinex , Vicks , Sinex Saline , Thyroid Eye Disease , Daddy , Ahhhh , Ahhhhhh , Restoration , Workplace , Retirement Savings , Salad , Eyes , Fries , Burger , Soup , Benefits , Choices , Voya , Tedhelp Com , Well Invested , In My Life , Release , Golo , 67 , Everything , Natural , Anxiety , Jitters , Product , Flynn County D A , Nobody , Dan Goldman , House Republicans , Board , Term , Hits , Win , Fani Willis , Ken Buck , Lawsuits , Inter Weisman , House Law Firm ,

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Transcripts For MSNBCW American 20240703 :

Transcripts For MSNBCW American 20240703

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structurally sound. united states, france and spain today pledging to send in crews to help morocco with search and rescue efforts. rod sanchez is there for us tonight okita amateur recovery efforts in the rural villages outside of marrakesh? >> well, alicia, we spent most of the day in the mountain village called -- east of the epicenter. we saw devastation. they're the narrow alleys of the village market filled with rubber -- rubble and debris. this was some 3000 people. locals tell us that more than 40 were killed in the earthquake. that is more than 1% of the entire population. we met a father today, alicia, who lost not only his wife and his three daughters in his baby son, and he said to us through tears the is not know what he's living for any more at this point. his family as part of the growing national death toll. it's over 2100 people who have now been killed in this earthquake. but despite all this heartbreak and all this news, the rescue effort continues and there been moments of joy when the rescue teams have found the survivors underneath the rubble. the rescue effort will tell you the first 72 hours after the disaster early is the golden window. we are now exactly 48 hours into that window. the coming day may be the last best chance for finding more survivors. alicia. >> on the story of that man in his family will hunt us all. ron sanchez, is there a risk that aftershocks could cause further damage in the coming days? >> yeah. that is a real concern, and we are hearing that not just in the villages like -- we're hearing in the big cities like marrakesh also. a lot of people are continuing to sleeping on the streets but even if their homes are not destroyed in the initial shock there where they are no longer structurally sound they are vulnerable to collapse. and even aftershocks or causing them to fall. one house up in the mountains earlier and they've camped outside of the front door. and they have no idea when if ever there going to be able to go home. >> or some just starting us off tonight, thank you so much. now to the republican presidential primary race. in a typical election cycle ahead of the iowa caucuses is a time for retail politics. recruiters volunteers holding babies and laying out a vision for america. nothing normal about this election cycle. donald trump's road to i was a series of court dates and legal challenges before the first votes or even cast. the twice impeached former president now faces a lawsuit of six voters who want to keep him off the ballot in colorado. these voters are building their case around section three of the 14th amendment. someone has already taken those to support the constitution office if they've engaged in insurrection or given aid and comfort to nations on any. the colorado son reads quote, be on the insurrection itself there is little doubt that trump gave aid and comfort to those who stormed the capitol attention attempting to stop the peaceful power of trump from president biden. even though i as promised many of the offenders if he is elected. again this morning on msnbc, harvard law professor is -- how the lawsuit out of colorado 's -- into the 14th amendment disqualification clause. >> unlike many other states they have a statute which allows registered voters to take the secretary of state to, and demand the secretary of state exclude anyone who does not meet all the qualifications. even at the primary stage. and one of those qualifications which committed what has amounted to treason in the constitution. >> msnbc contributor and former watergate prosecutor jill wine-banks. she also hosts the hashtag sisters in law podcast. formed sylvania congressman charles, stand a republican, executive director of the institute of congressional program and democratic strategist don calloway, president of pine street strategies. good to see you. all i wonder where you think donald trump should be about this particular lawsuit as he fights in court. >> i think there are two aspects of. this one is the legal aspect. as for the legal aspect it's very obvious to me that's the argument -- being disqualified from being on the ballot is a very strong one. and that the arguments against it which i have only heard from a former attorney general has no -- to it. politically it could be a different question, but legally it is a strong case that he took the oath. in this is different oath then congress people take. so what? it is still an oath to support the constitution, and that disqualifies you a few than engage in that. it is self executing. lawrence tribe is correct of course that in colorado there is a statue that's specifically gives extending to the citizens. which may not existed under the state. so it is a very good test. but someone including a secretary of state quote simply a bar him from being on the ballot, and that it would be up to him to sue to get on the ballot and take it to court that way. >> which once again becomes politically fraught it's complicated. congressman, dan i dropped yesterday who are the magic that we would be sitting here on national television, talking about the 14th amendment. something that would ordinarily not begin a television show. even as we're having this conversation, it could serve as a backstop but we would not need a backstop. we wouldn't even need to be talking about a backstop if republican leaders have been willing to call out trump and then hold firm in that position right after january 6th. right? >> of. course that something i've been saying for years. the challenges to the republican party in is they've never counter the trump narrative. the narrative on the other side has been silenced and that doesn't work. they've always been hoping and praying for an implosion of donald trump, the course was taken to, and these indictments, anybody. but at the end of the day republicans will have to take down donald trump in this primary. i get the argument on the 14th amendment, that will be litigated and go to the supreme court to see what they say. once you come in with these republican candidates running against you for president, they have to -- you. have some like ron the swami, i don't know why he is. running this is the problem we have, hacked that whenever trump has gotten into trouble the new york state will immediately jump to his defense and use the trump narrative that you are the victim of a witch hunt. they've just reinforced trump's narrative and exposure that and that's political malpractice on the grand scale. bottom line is republicans are going to take them down, -- run for president. >> democratic malpractice, some of. argue trump and desantis have attended today's iowa state again. trump met with a mixed reception. interesting, some chairs and some booze and some obscene gestures from the stands. if you read most of the reporting on it has to do with the fact that there are voters who may have supported trump in past elections. but they just don't think that he has what it takes to make it through a general election given all of this legal -- so i wonder if you are trump's opponents including someone like ron desantis, how you then capitalize on those figures given that they are trying to breakthrough without every explicitly critiquing the guy. >> yeah. i think that would happen yesterday the iowa iowa state game was fascinating particularly for someone like each of us on your panel have experienced running campaigns. what i saw very explicitly as an operator was, when trump and his handlers and hayes -- group controlled the crown interviews we got for those who being a very popular politician. but when they cannot control the crowd like -- we saw my with a very important primary state, who is deeply unpleased with donald trump. i don't think that bodes well for ron desantis because if you do not like trump then you do not like trump without the -- you do not like trump's crt, you do not like florida man. his passion his entire career as a low rent model. the other thing that i would suggest is from a campaign perspective, it is really disheartening to see so many republican politicians who are not from a side of the system like robert saleh or donald trump, people who are sitting at the levers of power be they governors are sitting senators, not being willing to criticize donald trump for lack of not wanting to up set these primary voters. the reality of the matter is that what we saw in iowa were college educated voters watching football games. and that should be a serious sign that indicated folks were going to decide this election in the middle. or undecided. but they do not like the stop of politics and we hope they come out in the republican primary strong enough to be able to contest trump's -- >> when you talk about trump not only rejects election results, he also openly defies our legal system. last week nbc news confirmed one of his lawyers warned him last may that the back had searched mar-a-lago if he refused to return classified documents. what does that tell you about trump's intent? >> it says that he is guilty of having a deliberate intent to violate the law. we can look at his behavior in response to the very mild limits that have -- in terms of intimidating witnesses and codefendants. yes we hear him continuing to do what i would consider to be threatening. threatening certainly the prosecutors. certainly the judges. and so if he is not help accountable, if he is not punished for his bad behavior, it's only going to continue. repeating the big lie, he did not learn from a 5 million-dollar verdict in his -- against him in favor of e. jean carroll. this next trial which begins soon is going to result in a huge further because it has to stop him from repeating the same behavior. and only a much bigger verdict will stop him sense -- didn't work. i think we have to just start holding him to the same standards as anyone else we have seen other defendants who violate the rules the courts lights down being jailed for it. and i admit that is a tricky situation for a drug and everybody else involved. but it's maybe the only thing that will protect the jury and the prosecutors and everybody involved in the case. >> charlie, i want to read to a new reporting from politico. quote, trump is on what seems to be a glide path to the nomination. his largest traditional day today campaigning in social media missteps between attacks and political pundits and immense legal trouble surrounding him. he has publicly taken on the posture of an incumbent, privately adopted the mindset of a fire all while trying to avoid the fate of a contract. i am less interested in what donald trump is doing than i am in the fact that we have this behavior, congressman, you don't see his opponents even those that irresponsibly running against him, the people who should have the greatest motivation to take him down, but don't seem to be willing to do -- exceptions like chris christie. asa hutchinson. they don't seem to be willing to do what it would take to say, hey are not the incumbent. you action need to be held accountable for what you've done to american democracy. >> of course. look. republican voters i think it's some point you're going to have to play very close attention to the indictments. and asked themselves an important question. do you really want the republican nominee to be talking about the past and possibly convicted -- for the party and what that would mean for his electability. i realize primary for the snow's potential to electability but at some point they must. the way they have fashioned i think in a more meaningful way is these candidates running against trump in the, primary all of them not just asa hutchinson and will hurd in the two others, they only to stand up and talk about the risk. to the party into the country. but nominating -- and likely to be convicted. that's the only way out of it. and republicans street keep praying. this implosion the never seems to -- will not come in my view unless republicans make it happen. they simply need to stand up and do what they have been failing to do for years. they need to help republican voters. if they trim the trump narrative, that's where they are. going they've an opposite problem. a lot of rank-and-file democrats want somebody else. republicans -- the leadership and lot of the voters do. so we're kind of figuring this out is gonna have the least stand up and push hard on it. >> dawn, how about a minute left back to what you respond to that before i let you go. >> joel, respect congressman, at some point this thing has been running almost ten years now since summer 2015. as someone which is to look ourselves in the face and say, hey, 50% of the country like what he's doing. they likely. racism they like the misogyny. they like the shameless flaunting of this approach the poor behavior. a lot of folks are still in touch with worshipping this notion of -- i love this notion of unhinged -- bringing anarchy and chaos to political systems. they like this and we are to start looking to the republican leadership insensible republicans to stop -- stop this. no. a whole lot of americans are sick in the soul and really love the craziness. >> jill, charlie, there are times i wish we got five or ten more minutes. this is one of. them thank you so much for getting us started. coming up, proud boys leader -- toughest sector yet for those involved in the january 6th attack. just how far is he willing to go for trump? plus, congressman -- on the pending fight to keep the government running. if speaker mccarthy can deal that deliver a deal. later, a new ethics controversy at the supreme court with ginni thomas and what she was doing before the citizens united. rolling raising some eyebrows. first richard louis with the other big stories we are tracking at msnbc. richard. >> alicia, good to. you convicted murder of a escaped from a prison. pennsylvania surveillance images visible today showing he straight-up his beard and was wearing a bright green hearty. he was spotted twice outside the homes of two former coworkers just last night, about 20 miles from the search area. neither of them or. home police say he stole a white van from a dairy farm on saturday night which was found abandoned sunday. officials offering an award about to $20,000 for information leading to his arrest. the head of the spanish soccer foundation said he will resign and -- was suspended by fifa for kissing a player on the lips during the world cup medal ceremony. denny hermoso later accused him of sexual assault. but the alice revealed the news during an exclusive interview with piers morgan. hurricane lee is picking up a story steam as it moves northwest of the atlantic it remains a category three storm with 120 mile per hour winds and a strengthening dangerous surfaced rip current beginning today and throw to the week. more american voices right after this break. after this break ? 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>> thank, you lisa. a think it's pretty clear that governor mccarthy is completely lost his entire caucus. you're not being led by marjorie taylor greene and matt gaetz. she is linked any sort of deal to impeaching president biden. matt gaetz is now of course threatening a possible other speaker election. kevin mccarthy is in a really tough place, and he is now having to deal with what he billed within his own caucus. which is an extreme right wing majority that controls the reaction. and showed some positions earlier. people will be reminded of who those workers are. 80% of the federal workforce does not work in washington d.c.. there are folks all across the country that are waiting to be supported. that need our support. and they are going to be in a serious financial situation, which is going to hurt them and their families, if we don't get our act together. not to mention the damage to the economy. so kevin mccarthy is a lot of work to do, and we're all coming back to washington of course this week. and we are reading it to work in mccarthy's got to deliver on these deals. >> there are so many consequences when you talk about emergency relief funding. one of them for childcare. something congress would have to extend by september the 30th. if they, down 3 million parents stand to lose childcare. yesterday i spoke with the founder of moms first -- i want to take a listen to what she had to say. >>, everybody whether you are a parent or a republican or you live in idaho our new york city, you're gonna feel the effects of us going off the childcare cliff. 3 million kids are going to get of childcare, hundreds of thousands of childcare workers are going to be i have a job. and parents who are barely able to put food on the table are going to take the cost of childcare and see it got by hundreds of dollars a month. and congress still doing nothing about it. >> congressman, i'm sure you've seen the reporting that republicans understandings they have gone too far on reproductive rights and on making sure that women don't have access to abortion care in wants to re-brands themselves instead of being pro -- and pro baby. it is hard to argue you are pro baby when you are not finding childcare systems in this country. >> absolutely right. look, what the republicans are doing right now in the house is completely shameful. completely shameful. they're putting peoples lives at risk. and livelihoods. their families, childcare. which is so critical in this country we know there's a huge need for its. we're turning this economy around. the economy is finally getting on its tracks, and unemployment is finally a better place and republicans essentially want to hold the economy and working families hostage. it is completely crazy. oh it's also remember that's some of the republicans far right maga republicans are trying to also link the funding some of the justice departments relate to donald trump it multiple federal indictments and inquiries. it's all about supporting the president trump in trying to -- there are no links no reason to do so. kim mccarthy should be ashamed of himself forgiving so much power to the far-right in his conference and caucus. but democrats are completely united and working with the senate are working to ensure that we fight every single step this week. also encouraging those republicans were out there, those quote unquote moderate republicans wherever they are, to get their act together. take control of their caucus, and actually deliver the votes we can have a government that is funded. >> wherever they, are it is a where's waldo of politics. california congressman robert garcia, as always thank you for taking the time to be with. us next, proud boys a leader -- how do you become the head of a far-right leader and what are the consequences of his action? 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miami, and sparked curiosity with his involvement and the members expressed white nationalist. here's my next guest met four years ago while working on her book -- and up him she writes, when i first met him in 2019 this house and -- i asked myself how far would he be willing to go for trumpism and white america? with me now is msnbc contributor paula ramos. she is redefining latino identity and also with us is ryan, riley justice reporter for nbc news digital. and author of sedition hunters. i january 6th broke the justice system. this is available october 17th. i want to read just a little bit more from your book. you write, enrique long's to know. no concrete definitions, no labels or substructures. on the, left for -- we didn't think it looks like their base. a young black latino man. but soon, they dismiss unruly k as an extremist. on the republicans are attracted to the idea of having the token brown conservative on their side. he gave no tangible power to people who look like they can help us understand what makes them so unique. >> when you see the image of him, he appears as this really tough guy. he has sunglasses, that's cap in that military. best in the moment when you face when you spend a little bit of time with him, you start to understand that you are facing a man that is deeply insecure. and that is my first impression. he is someone that never really understood where he belonged. and then suddenly in the proud boys, he does not just find this deep sense of belonging and community, but more than anything he finds power. he takes power for the first time. he suddenly goes from this ordinary cuban guy, the son of immigrants, this guy that used to cell camera quitman in miami, who suddenly being placed by donald trump. suddenly what people love him. he goes from being an ordinary guy to referring to himself as a king, a soldier, a. general they think that power, that can radicalize. you that power is contagious. >> power, belonging power of being a validated -- >> being at the top to the point you believe you are invincible. last time i talk to him as of february 2022. it was like texting someone that felt absolutely no fear. no remorse. he could have never fathom that he'd be facing 22 years in jail. why? because what supremacy makes you believe that you are. invincible there is no accountability. >> talk about the 22 year sentence, the harshest punishment to the january 6th case so far. remind us of his role in the right when you say general, not soldier, what does that actually look like? >> but as you, mentioned he was at the baltimore hotel for a january 6th attack and was not directing everyone on the ground that day. he was not pulling all the strings how he had the opportunity. what is interesting is not that there is this other, blair within a member of the metropolitan police department for a lot of, us that individual has now been charged actually with tipping off him about this idea he was going to be arrested for this separate incident. which took place before january. six so he ended up being in jail on january 6th itself. right up to before january six. and to the. pereshchepyne you about that. the question, was when he still come to d.c. if he knew it was going to be arrested. it appears that he didn't know he was going to be eventually arrested. there were. charges out a warrant out for his arrest. as this other complicating factor. what do you think that was going to do to the rest of his key? he took these efforts to clear the devices before and after he was eventually arrested. that evidently did not work because prosecutors were obviously allowed to get all of this in the and if i was able to determine. it certainly that core notion between law enforcement and this defendant was certainly significant. one thing that i would know that was interesting just in a trial is a defense definitely tried lining up his background heritage for him during the trial and did not shy away from that it all. especially for talking about the d.c. jury. when you have the letters come to the judge from his family, they were just all talking about him as. henry that's all they referred to him. henry, this henry that and shielding away from heritage at all. >> interesting. it's easy to talk about him as though he is a unicorn, but is not the only person in -- >> i am thinking of the other january 6th -- that you would like. gabriel garcia, latino moms from moms for liberty. i was done with all of these folks. there are some underlying threads that connect them. this quest to approximate yourself to white-ness and half power, sure. but then there is this paranoia that we can't under estimate. this idea in 2019 or 2020 communicating this idea that's coming a sum is in creating this country. that we could suddenly wake up in a place it is overwhelmed. let's remember a couple of days before the insurrection, and lucas starts to create that idea that the capital was being run by the bolsheviks. so that's those same talking points, will say those are exact words or not. that fuels violence. that makes that paranoia that israel furlough these forces. so i think that pattern and that threat, and that overwhelming paranoia of communism is a very much president in their heads all the time. >> it is exaggerated, ryan. it is not tethered to reality. and part of the reason that i am interested in this case is because the accountability is to hold him responsible for what happened. it's also to make sure that what happened never happens again. and before someone signs their name and their life to an efforts like this, they understand that there will be consequences. so i wonder what the response has been for proud boys and other extremist groups, with handling facing 22 years? >> a lot of this is just sort of making him the victim of the other proud boys the victim to moving away from what they actually did, and saying this was all over a broken window in a case of one defendant. that's why he won those -- two systems of justice it's not fair based on comparing it to black lives matters protests and doesn't stack up where the defendants are treated. it's interesting to see this propaganda effort that we see after a lot of things. one former fbi agents is now a podcast host this had all these defendants on a show since then. raising money and putting on their fund-raiser or they're crowdsourcing ages so they can raise more money after this. it is really an insight into the fbi, a more troubling thing that i get into the book. one component of this investigation really was this i idea that within the fbi there were some pathetic figures taking part in the january 6th attack and that's one part of this investigation. dealing with law enforcement officials beforehand really just as another layer is really fascinating that those ties between law enforcement and extremist groups that they will have to grapple with going forward. >> paulo ramos, author of the book finding latinx. and ryan j, riley author of the forthcoming book sedition hunters, how january 6th broke the justice system, out september 17th. thank you. about new reports on the supreme court justice seizing the moment after citizens united. it is a trail of dark money leading to the highest court in this country. how do we rein it in? later, mexico now on track to have its first present before the united states out of the greatest democracy on earth. let's let that happen? there are places you'd like to be. like here. and here. not so much here. if you have chronic kidney disease, farxiga can help you keep living life. ♪ farxiga ♪ and farxiga reduces the risk of kidney failure, which can lead to dialysis. farxiga can cause serious side effects including dehydration, urinary tract or genital yeast infections in women and men, and low blood sugar. ketoacidosis is a serious side effect that may lead to death. a rare life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum 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new reality of big money politics. in those months before the landmark decision, thomas and her allies graded organization to capture political momentum, and to reshape the federal. courts political describes this conservative movement as a quote, billion dollar force that has helped remake the judiciary and overturned long-standing legal precedents on abortion, affirmative, action and any other. issues we find legal scholars to devise theories to -- help elect state attorney generals willing to apply those theories. much lavish campaigns for conservative judicial nominees setting those theories in the rulings from the. bench we should note that thomas did not respond to politicos questions about the story. joining me now, lisa graves, former deputy assistant during the -- administrations. lisa, thank you so much for being with. us i think a lot of our audience has been following this story. the latest pieces are released to citizens united, help us understand the broader context of the conflicts of interest. >> thank you so much for having me on. this new investigative report by politico is extraordinarily important. it shines and no light on that decision which as you point it was a 5 to 4 decision. if clarence thomas or not participated in that decision, the mccain fine gold bipartisan report would still be standing. it would be prohibiting this injection of millions of millions of dollars by these millionaires. and yet there is no doubt in my mind that clarence thomas müller's wife was setting up this nonprofit organization that has been a factor. harlan crow's seeding, it's sticking with hundred thousand dollars to help pay her salary. and he still sat on that case. still ruled on it. i asked what made the deciding vote to strike down -- and even had the audacity to assert that future disclosure of the funders of such groups would be unconstitutional. to me this is a clear violation. it is actually embodiment of corruption. >> there is a, push as you will know and capitol hill, to set up a code of conduct for supreme court justices. reform could take many different forms. i wonder how you believe it would benefit or just doesn't hold systems accountable? >> right, now every other judge in the country and all the other federal judges are bound by the code of conduct for u.s. judges. can into that code of conduct bars judges from engaging in anything that would provide the appearance of impropriety. particularly influenced by outside interests like harlan crow paying his wife -- with their. funding sitting on a case to strike down the laws and rules that would have regulated that activity. to me, the reforms that need to happen need to be spearheaded by congress. i'm certainly enjoying the call for senator dick dominance in the wrong way to deepen intensify the investigation. and you will use all to laurels at their disposal to get to the bottom of. this including subpoenas. i also think the irs need to take a very close look at the traditional education project. a so-called honest elections project that we had funded infused millions and millions of dollars of dark money. >> let's talk about dark money and the impact of citizens united. we are now 13 years into this experiment. of endless money and politics. how is that working out for us? >> i think it is been a disaster for the voice of the american people. the fact is that these billionaires are now not using predominantly campaign finance systems where there is a limit on how much protect the person can give. huge limits essentially over hundred $20,000 a year, and candidates. under the old rules. but now they can give secretly millions and millions of dollars to the news organizations like the ones that ginni thomas has started early on, instead of being decided. what that has done is it is really distorted what we're saying in politics. these billionaires are throwing their voices and -- operations to distort not just our elections but also our courts in the decisions of the supreme court. including what we've seen with these extremist charges in my view being installed on the supreme court. but they've helped counter to the court. we've got our decisions are just joining our freedoms. like the dobbs decision and more. >> it strikes, many lisa, that there is both potential damage that this has done when you think about specific rulings themselves. but then there is also just faith in the court. and a time when there is a lack of faith in institutions worth large. and that piece of the damage i do not know how you can quantify a. and i do not know beyond the reforms that we already talked about coming out of congress, how you undo it. how you rebuild trust and faith in these institutions. >> well i think there have to be consequences for people who behave in the way that clarence thomas did, it's getting on that case despite the fact that his wife was raising money to exploit it. from the guy who we now know, the billionaire who we now know has been lavishing than with traps and other extraordinary gifts like tuition for his nephew, the purchase of his mother's house and more, it's not just clarence thomas and also john roberts. john which has failed to act in a sulfa stood in the way of congress acting. and he along with his other -- of assorted essence that congress had no power. and needed to act on that power. trying to restore -- this is under serious stark log on the american people know it, they, get the understand what corruption is and this is corrupt. and that's why the supreme courts's been in the sewer. rightly, so they are not following the rules of conduct for every other judge in the country. notwithstanding drawn roberts letter earlier this year. >> it's a, graves thank you for your time and expertise. next the stage is set for the first woman president of mexico. it runs right across the western hemisphere and there is a preview of what else is ahead tonight on msnbc. >> here. there i am ayman -- the president and ceo citizens for responsibility and ethics in washington will be here. the legal advocate group is packing six voters which would ban trump from the ballot in colorado for violating the 14th amendment. that is right here on msnbc. tonight. >> customer: thank you so much. >> tech vo: schedule now. >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace ♪ age is just a number, and mine's unlisted. try boost® high protein with 20 grams of protein for muscle health versus 16 grams in ensure® high protein. boost® high protein. now available in cinnabon® bakery-inspired flavor. learn more at meet the future. a chef. a designer. and, ooh, an engineer. all learning to save and spend their money with chase. the chef's cooking up firsts with her new debit card. hungry? -uhuh. the designer's eyeing sequins. uh no plaid. while mom is eyeing his spending. nice. and the engineer? she's taking control with her own account for college. three futures, all with chase. freedom for kids. control for 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(vo) learn more. it's your vision, it's your verizon. -- this past week mexico show the world that progress was possible. wednesday, the country supreme court decriminalized abortion, allowing the procedure on a state by state basis. the predominantly catholic nation joins colombian argentina and relaxing restrictions on abortion care. also on wednesday, exposing governing political party -- would be his nominee for the 2020 election. she is a former mayor of mexico city. long considered a favorite for the nomination. the coming of the opposition party is senator -- meaning no matter who wins, mexico will celebrate its first president next november. putting that supply side, for just a moment with where we are in the united states right now. with the dobbs decision the supreme court to last days to rollback reproductive rights. just yesterday here on american voices we spoke to a doctor who left tennessee after the state passed this abortion ban. she's not practicing in colorado. in case you missed what i want you to hear what she said about the amount of politics and nuggets in between doctors and their patients. >> i could link my entire life if i stayed at some point my life could be paid against the life of a patient and that was not untenable situation for me. >> so that is part of the reality in america right now. even as we reckon with those steps backwards, there is history being made. this past weekend from the federal reserve governor -- in his 109 year history. she is currently the world bank's executive director for the u.s. and also the labor department chief economist during the obama years. they said also confirmed the first latina to serve on the fcc and more than two decades. and the gummies will hold a third democratic seat on the five member commission. which oversees median regulation. both apartments putting two more cracks in that glass ceiling. not much longer until we, the united states, finally break it. that is going to do it for today and for this weekend. i am alicia menendez now want to thank you for spending part of your sunday with us. before to fall short to follow us on twitter and tiktok and join us next weekend for more american voices. right after this quick break it is inside with jen psaki. have a great night. great night ♪ limu emu & doug ♪ what do we always say, son? liberty mutual customizes your car insurance... so you only pay for what you need. that's my boy. now you get out there, and you make us proud, huh? ♪ bye, uncle limu. ♪ stay off the freeways! only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ oh stuffed up again? so congested! you need sinex saline from vicks. just sinex, breathe, ahhhh! 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Abortion Care , Rights , Childcare Systems , Being , Pro , Peoples , Livelihoods , Need , Hostage , Tracks , Unemployment , Its , Working Families , Justice Departments , Inquiries , Kim Mccarthy , Reason , Links , Conference , Where S Waldo Of Politics , California , Boys , Leader , Women S Rights , Next , Stay , Business , Mexico , Track , Woman , T Mobile , Partners , Fan Experience , Colliding , Mlb , Aaa , Members , Back On The Road , Network , Wildfires , Spread , Pano Ai Innovate , Help , Advisors , Wealth Management , Investment Research , J P Morgan , Investments , Investment Plan , Look , David , Sense , Shelves , Advice , React , Direction , Mobile App , Taste Buds , Restock , Taking , Caramel Swirl , Meet Arexvy , Rsv Vaccine , Rsv , Surprise , Fda , Respiratory Disease , Airways , Lungs , 60 , 82 , Everyone , Health Conditions , Reactions , Ingredients , 94 , Fatigue , Headache , Immune Systems , Pain , Muscle Pain , Vaccine , Injection Site Pain , Accountability , Make It Arexvy , Sentence , Chairman , Capitol On January 6th , Seditious Conspiracy , 22 , Four , Soldier , Hatred , General , Miss , He Quote , Client , Heritage , Reference , Involvement , Guest , Cuban , Miami , White Nationalist , Curiosity , Book , Trumpism , White America , 2019 , Justice , Ryan J , Paula Ramos , Justice System , Author , Sedition Hunters , Identity , Riley , Nbc News Digital , 17 , October 17th , Concrete Definitions , Substructures , Labels , Left , Enrique Long S , Extremist , Conservative , Base , Young Black Latino Man , Unruly K , Image , Cap , Military , Sunglasses , Community , Impression , Belonging , Anything , Time , Immigrants , Camera Quitman , King , Fear , Fathom , Validated , Top , Remorse , 2022 , February 2022 , Supremacy , Punishment , Role , Ground , Hotel , Baltimore , Member , Police , Mother , Individual , Opportunity , Department , Lot Of , Blair , Jail , Incident , Pereshchepyne , Factor , Charges , Rest , Warrant , Devices , Key , Core , Defendant , Law Enforcement , Background Heritage , Judge , Henry , Letters , Shielding , Person , Unicorn , Threads , Quest , Moms , Half , Latino Moms , Gabriel Garcia , Paranoia , Estimate , 2020 , Sum , Lucas , Couple , Talking Points , Capital , Fuels Violence , Words , The Bolsheviks , Threat , Communism , Pattern , Forces , Furlough , Name , Extremist Groups , Handling , Protests , Things , Doesn T Stack Up , Propaganda Effort , Podcast Host , Show , Agents , Fbi , Money , Component , Crowdsourcing , Insight , Fund Raiser , Wages , Investigation , Figures , Groups , Paulo Ramos , Ties , The Book Finding Latinx , Supreme Court Justice , Book Sedition Hunters , Out September 17th , September 17th , Democracy , Trail , Earth , Stop Taking Farxiga , Chronic Kidney Disease , Places , Kidney Failure , Urinary Tract , Women , Yeast Infections , Dialysis , Men , Dehydration , Skin , Ketoacidosis , Infection , Symptoms , Side Effect , Blood Sugar , Perineum , Farxiga , Medication , Astrazeneca , Farxiga Coarse Hair Astrazeneca , Hair , Defense Bar , Blades , Razor , Shave , Venus , Patented Irritation , Protein , Energy , Sugar , Protein Max Challenge , Uuuhhhh , 10000 , Biktarvy , Healthcare Provider , H I V , 18 , Treatment , Pill , Research , Transmitting , Sex , Liver Problems , Breastfeeding , Kidney , Kidney Problems , Buildup , Lactic Acid , Rifampin , Dofetilide , Hepatitis , Hepatitis B , Home Internet , Goodbye , Truck , Cord , What A Beautiful Mornin , 0 Bucks , Bombshell Investigation , What A Beautiful Day , Rates , Bucks , Cases , Front , Clarence Thomas , Jeffrey , Ruling , American Politics , Rolls On , 2010 , Vote , Rule , Dark Money , Big Money Politics , Ground Running , Ginni Thomas Hit , 4 , Courts , Force , Conservative Movement , Momentum , Organization , Allies , Landmark Decision , Issues , Theories , Scholars , Abortion , State Attorney , Elect , Judiciary , Remake , Precedents , Affirmative , Rulings , Lisa Graves , Politicos , Nominees , Questions , Generals , Campaigns , Bench , Pieces , Administrations , Audience , Decision , Light , Interest , Context , Conflicts , Millions , Report , Millionaires , Injection , Harlan Crow , Nonprofit Organization , Seeding , Mind , Salary , Clarence Thomas MÜller , Funders , Audacity , Disclosure , Corruption , Code Of Conduct For Supreme Court Justices , Reform , Violation , Embodiment , Eforms , Capitol Hill , Conduct , Code , Doesn T Hold Systems Accountable , Interests , Laws , Impropriety , Appearance , Senator , Laurels , Activity , Call , Dominance , Dollars , Of , Disposal , Subpoenas , Irs , Education , Project , Impact , Voice , Experiment , 13 , Billionaires , Rules , Limit , Campaign Finance , News Organizations , Ones , Decisions , Freedoms , Dobbs , Faith , Piece , Institutions Worth Large , Reforms , Institutions , Trust , Billionaire , Lavishing , Case , John Roberts , Acting , Tuition , Gifts , Purchase , Nephew , Traps , Sulfa , Essence , Restore , Sewer , Of Mexico , Graves , Expertise , Preview , Letter , Western Hemisphere , Advocate Group , Ceo , Citizens For Responsibility And Ethics In Washington , Ayman , Number , Customer , Engineer , Chef , Designer , High Protein , Muscle Health , Flavor , Boost , Boost Com Tv Meet The Future , Cinnabon , Ooh , 16 , Mom , Firsts , Account , College , Learning , Cooking , Debit Card , Sequins , Plaid , Chase , Uhuh , Uh , Nice , Both , Freedom , Bank , Futures , Antidepressant , Lift , Vraylar , Depression Symptoms , Studies , Fever , Changes , Weight , Children , Saw , Muscles , Muscle Movements , Restlessness , High Blood Sugar , Cholesterol , Stomach , Sleep , Appetite , Coma , Dizziness , Movement Dysfunction , Abbvie , Antacid , Heartburn Relief , Seats , Zero Heartburn , Prilosec Otc , 24 , Zero , Insurance , Go , Farmers , Crowd Cheers , Aren T Worth Compromising , Wake Up , C Mon , Gotta , Farmers Mnemonic , Gracie , Engine Revving , Color , Family Thing , Let S Go , Guys , Setting Trends , Volkswagen Atlas , Leave Running Behind , Customer Demand , Customers , World , Progress , Procedure , The Country Supreme Court Decriminalized Abortion , Wednesday , State By Basis , Restrictions , Exposing Governing Political Party , Nation , Argentina , Mayor , Favorite , Next November , Opposition Party , Mexico City , Supply Side , Dobbs Decision The Supreme Court , Abortion Ban , Tennessee , Doctors , Nuggets , Amount , Steps , Patient , World Bank , Chief Economist , History , Federal Reserve , Labor Department , Obama , 109 , Seat , Latina , Member Commission , Fcc , Glass Ceiling , Cracks , Apartments , Gummies , Twitter , Night , Night Limu Emu , Jen Psaki , Huh , Uncle Limu , Breathe , Just Sinex , Vicks , Sinex Saline , Thyroid Eye Disease , Daddy , Ahhhh , Ahhhhhh , Restoration , Workplace , Retirement Savings , Salad , Eyes , Fries , Burger , Soup , Benefits , Choices , Voya , Tedhelp Com , Well Invested , In My Life , Release , Golo , 67 , Everything , Natural , Anxiety , Jitters , Product , Flynn County D A , Nobody , Dan Goldman , House Republicans , Board , Term , Hits , Win , Fani Willis , Ken Buck , Lawsuits , Inter Weisman , House Law Firm ,

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