Transcripts For MSNBCW AM Joy 20171014 :

Transcripts For MSNBCW AM Joy 20171014

that was fake news by nbc. >> they had beautiful soft ta towels. there was a crowd they were screaming. i was having fun. they said throw them to me. so i'm doing -- i went to puerto rico and i met with the president of the virgin islands. >> good morning. welcome to a.m. joy. questions grow about donald trump's fitness for the of of the presidency. he's trying to change the narrative by fulfilling some of his legislative promise. after trying and failing and then trying again and failing again and failing after trying it again to repeal the affordable care act trump this week switched to dominican republicly sabota-- directly sabotaging the health care law. he stopped short of unhalving the iran nuclear deal. leaving the decision to congress. why all of these sudden but less than effective attempts to push his agenda forward? according to a series of articles trump may be lashing out desperate for some legislative wins after nine months of stalling. as "vanity fair" gabrielle sherman puts it, his ire is being fueled by his stalled agenda and by his agenda to back the losing candidate luther strange in the alabama republican primary. sherman even vented to his security chief that quote, i hate everyone in the white house. there are few exceptions. but i hate them. in fact, ten current and former administration officials and accessories confirm they often spend much of the day managing trump in his anger induced whims. thank you all for being here. catherine you have a situation in which the president is being described as unraveling by members of his own administration who are verntsing to reporters. at what point is it fair for the american people to quite honestly start to address whether or not donald trump is having a breakdown of some kind. >> it seems like he had been having this breakdown and unraveling to use the term of art for months. pre-dating his arrival in the white house. the issue is that there are americans who are concerned about it. there are the majority of americans who voted in the last election, of course, if you look at the popular vote. but his base either doesn't care or doesn't know about it. in my view the only way you're going to have a turning of the tide and have other elective republicans decide to stand up to him is for like fox news to suddenly turn against him. i know it's not is going to happen. if rupert murdoch decided we're not going back this horse any more then maybe you'll have more coverage of the crazy stuff he's doing and his base would learn about it and start to care. >> i wonder if that matters. to catherine's point let's play a little bit of the history of donald trump even before he got into the white house. this is donald trump. >> i could stan in the middle of 5th avenue and shoot somebody and i wouldn't lose any voters. it's incredible. you know what that is. it's rubio. you see somebody getting ready to throw a tomato, knock the crap out of them. would you? seriously. >> the president elect told you what? >> let it be an arms race, we'll outmatch them at every pass. >> outlast them all? >> out last them all. >> jason, isn't it to me a question of donald trump's -- donald trump supporters at this point they are not changing their mind. they are not the definitive issue here. the question is whether or not the people who have the power to do something about donald trump, members of congress, his cabinet are going to take action if they themselves feel he's unraveling. >> joy, there is that report that kelly and some of the other joint chiefs will literally tackle him if they think that donald trump might launch a nuclear code in a peak of anger. this is the larger question that america faced. it's not about the trump supporters. they will do what they want to do. they are enjoying this spectacle. it's a question of paul ryan and mitch mcconnell and members of the administration, do you love america or do you love power? because if you love america, you have to constrain this man. he's a living, breathing danger. he's an imminent threat to our national security, our domestic security and our economy. he has fumbled through the first ten months of his presidency. he's not going to learn. he won't get any better. the more he angers people. the more he tries to pull out of deals. the more he yells at the prime minister of australia. the more that he meets with fictitious president of the virgin islands we won't have allies when his mistakes drags us into conflicts we can't handle. do these people love this country if they do they will do something about it. >> this is what's disturbing is behind-the-scenes all of us who talk to republicans off the record get the same message people on capitol hill know there's something deeply wrong in the white house. and that they are concerned for the country. he's pulling us out of the iran deal widow destabilize our relationship with the allies. he made a move that could take the individual health care market out of spite without understanding what these things will even do. you have bob corker a sitting senator, a committee chairman say it's a shame, tweet last week a shame the white house has become an adult daycare center. somebody missed their shift this morning. he had an interview with the "new york times" in which he stood by those comments and said i know for a fact every single day at the white house it's a situation of trying to contain him. robert rice who reports his own background conversation again off the record with a former republican congressman who said tillerson, that rex tillerson, the secretary of state, would leave tomorrow if he wasn't so worried trump would go nuclear, literally. robert rice, you think trump is really thinking about nuclear war? he knows -- who knows what's in his head. i can tell you this he's not listening to anyone. not a soul. he has the nuclear codes and it scares the hell out of me and starting to scare the hell out of them. that's why bob spoke up and by that he means republican members of congress. at what point are they responsible to do something about that? >> clearly we're getting close. we do have to put in context removing a president from office is a very significant measure historically. we've had incompetent presidents before. we had angry presidents before. but the bar to impeachment is very high that we have not yet reached. the stages of reaction, comments like corker first, there's a little bit of joy, if you will, for those who have concerns about trump that someone spoke out. then the sobering reality the foreign relations chair suggested our commander-in-chief is incompetent. there's a fraugs you realize nobody else is saying anything or doing anything on the hill and so nothing will change. this is a president whose egg shell ego is continuing to put us at risk. there's no strategy to what he's done either on obamacare or on iran. joy, a lot of republicans have concern with the iran treaty, but what the president fails to realize in his impulsiveness, to react as he did at the same time we need other nation states like russia and china ear nato allies to deal with north korea, why disrupt that alliance and that strategy and those relationships now by pulling out of iran possibly. >> you represent the group of americans who stand to, you know, be the first to suffer if donald trump decides that his, you know, lashing out in anger, if he decides in lashing out process to take this country into a war. if you have a former member of congress worrying he would start a nuclear war, when you have a president who can deploy u.s. photoses anywhere, antagonizing the dictator of north korea with our troops stationed on the demilitarized zone, what are you hearing from people who are either in the military or retired military. is there a fear now about this president in that, you know, part of our country? >> it's terrifying to wake up mostly on the weekends and you see tweets that are, you know, things like the calm before the storm. that terrifies people throughout our military installations across the country. because even if you supported donald trump the perception inside the military is something like hey this guy is going to do it. he's got that kind of mentality. when you look at the road he's on, specifically first with the iran deal, that puts, you know, u.s. troops in greater danger in iraq. we've worked with the iranians on the ground to push isis back into syria and now have isis, you know, at their last ropes. then you start to look at the north korea situation. if you're north korea and you see us basically decertify the iran deal, and you see us if nve iraq and topple north korea it puts the country on notice. i think this week also from inside the beltway standpoint there was the ausa conference the big army convention that happens annually. anyone can google the army chief of army statements on this and this making its way to the bottom levels of the u.s. army about the devastation that would occur if u.s. forces in ground combat in north korea. you could read on military website, lieutenant general a tremendous piece about use of nuclear weapons in north korea. there's a lot of anxiety inside the military that this president will just do it. but, i don't think and this is my personal opinion that mcmaster and kelly will live up to general mcmasters ph.d. they sees dereliction of duty where moilt leadership stops this guy. i don't think it matters bob corker challenges donald trump. we need a republican who will take on donald trump's base to do that. we need congress to stand up to constrain donald trump's ability to wage war. they have been unwilling to touch that narrative where u.s. troops have died down in niger and the president still hasn't acknowledged it. >> trump want as ten fold increase in nuclear weapons. apparently that is the meeting that he had with his senior, you know, his senior cabinet members after which his secretary of state reportedly then called him an f-ing moron for him saying he wants more nukes. he's made flippant statements in the past. at what point is it the responsibility of republicans who control the congress to use their power to constrain someone they themselves tell reporters on background may be dangerous? >> they have a responsibility now. this is a commander-in-chief with no understanding or appreciation for national security. we know that. i do have great confidence in john kelly. he's a very sober leader. a very experienced national security leader. i think he's doing a good job trying to contain him. if the moment comes where key not watch john kelly because the seriousness of this administration rests on how long john kelly stays. you know, in law there's what's called an angry withdrawal a clients committing fraud the attorney is required to leave. if john kelly leaves that's significant. there are republicans, not elected ones in washington right now beginning to question whether or not we would be a safer nation if democrats took the house in 2018. because to your point republicans are never going to do the job they need to do because of the political consequences they would face at home. >> i would not look to paul ryan or to mitch mcconnell for moral leadership. that's the fundamental problem here. as long as they are terrified of the base, you know, of having their members being primary from the right or attacking trump, or for publicly attacking trump, i should clarify rather than on background to reporters they are not going to do anything. >> there's a duty to the american people that's bigger than your desire to be re-elected. i don't see the courage in the leadership of the republican party. everybody is dismayed on the background. thank you all. up next, trump came for obamacare not once but twice this week. more on that after the break. this woman is laughing because she's listening to audible. and this woman is pretending her boss's terrible story is funny. experience the comedy, not your commute. dial star-star-audible on your smartphone to start listening today. but can also loweresterol, your body's natural coq10. qunol helps restore this heart-healthy nutrient with 3x better absorption. qunol has the #1 cardiologist recommended form of coq10 qunol, the better coq10. we're on a mission to show drip coffee drinkers, it's time to wake up to keurig. wakey! wakey! rise and shine! oh my gosh! how are you? well watch this. i pop that in there. press brew. that's it. so rich. i love it. that's why you should be a keurig man! full-bodied. are you sure you're describing the coffee and not me? that's why at comcast we're continuing to make4/7. our services more reliable than ever. like technology that can update itself. an advanced fiber-network infrustructure. new, more reliable equipment for your home. and a new culture built around customer service. it all adds up to our most reliable network ever. one that keeps you connected to what matters most. with these actions we are moving towards lower costs and more options in the health care market. and taking crucial steps towards saving the american people from the nightmare of obamacare. >> wrong. trump actually did this week was sabotage obamacare. an american health care in general. when he first signed the executive order that could undermine the individual market and took the damage much further by announcing the administration won't reimburse insurance companies for making costs lower for you the consumer. catherine and jason are still with me and joining our panel now is julie. julie, explain what does it mean to the average consumer that the trump administration is taking away these cost sharing subsidies to insurance companies? >> it's all kind of counter intuitive. these cost sharing subsidies are for people that make under two and a half times under the poverty line. but what happens when they get taken away is that these, the consumers are still entitled to get, these are discounts on out of post costs. the insurance companies have to provide them. what the president said the federal government is no longer will reimburse the insurance companies. what happens? insurance companies will raise their rates. the congressional budget office says by about 20%. who pays those? well not the people who are getting the discounts or the people who are getting help paying their premiums. people getting hammered are people who are just slightly too much to get premium help. so they are going to get the entirety of these increases loaded on them and who are they? they are people who are primarily republicans. >> in these states where people are in the individual market and just always reiterate to the viewers when we're talking about this, the 7% of market who buy their own insurance. if you're one of those people who buy your own insurance the insurance companies gets a subsidy or did from the federal government to lower those costs for you. donald trump is not paying that any more. to the point we just made. premiums in the individual market are expected to increase by 25% without those cost sharing reduction payments. i know somebody who is in the individual market and didn't like obamacare and their response yeah, 20 million people just joined me. not like he helped people who were having problems paying for their individual insurance, he just added more people. >> exactly. joy, i think the core of this is should any of us be surprised donald trump doesn't want to pay his debts. isn't that his entire career of having financial obligations and then saying i don't want to do it any more. here's the problem. this is deeper than pulling away the government subsidies. there was a lawsuit where you have insurance companies who say pay up. the government still owes some insurance companies for back bills. all of this is par for the course with donald trump. the consequences are going to be this. people will lose care. their care will become more expensive. cheap phillipsy health care plans slipping back in the market. by next summer you will have devastated the marketplaces again because there's no replacement. at the end of the day this is an excuse because republicans couldn't come up with a better plan. >> so some numbers. the number of people who get their insurance through nongroup plans meaning the individual market is about 21.9 million people. 85% of those get subsidies. their subsidies are vanishing. then we go to what the congressional budget office said. implementing this policy would actually increase the deficit. that's everybody. all of us paying for it by $194 billion. here's how donald trump responded to that in his favorite medium twitter. donald trump tweeted almost gleefully yesterday morning. at 5:36 a.m. he gets up early. the democrats and obamacare is imploding. massive subsidy payments to their pet insurance companies have stopped. dems should call me a fix. he's gleeful over the fact that he himself is taking the insurance market. >> i go back and forth between thinking he actually believes he's making the problem better. making the insurance markets better. you look at what he said during the signing ceremony. we'll give americans more choice. health care will be better. everybody will love it. does he actually believe that or does he believe he is sabotaging it and making things worse? on some level if he's an idealist it doesn't matter, bad policy is bad policy and i tend to err more on the side of yes he's trying to screw things up. if you look at everything else he's done. we haven't talked about portions of the executive order that is i fond off healthy people in order to make the regular obamacare plans much more expensive and loaded with sick people. if you look at that. you look at the fact that he's pulled advertising money for open enrollment, he's used obamacare money to run a pr campaign against it it's hard to avoid the conclusion that he's trying to make health care worse. he's trying to screw up people's lives. >> this is what he said. this is donald trump himself over the last several months saying what he wants to see happen to obamacare. >> i said from the beginning, let obamacare implode. and then do it. i turn out to be right. let obamacare implode. let obamacare fail, it will be a lot easier. we won't own it. i won't own it. republicans won't own it. we'll let obamacare fail and then the democrats are going to come to us and going say how do we fix it or how do we come up with a new plan. this is not a republican health care. this is not anything but a democrat health care. >> this is extortion. he's pushing it over the edge. essentially go back to congress with hostages. >> that's right. he's been clear about this all along. he says if it fails it will be easier to force congress to do something. he basically wants to trash it and make the democrats sue for peace. when he says the republicans won't be accountable every public opinion poll suggests that the public now thinks republicans are responsible for what happens with the health care system so i think he may be miscalculating on that point if he obviously makes it fail it's not the democrats who are going to get blamed and it's unclear whether the democrats are going to come back to the table and do anything that the republicans would like to do to replace it. >> why should they? this is trumpcare. as of yesterday it's trumpcare. >> there's no incentive. this is an abusive boss who says hey if i move your desk and cut your salary and kick you out of the guest room you'll go out on a date with me. democrats have no reason to work with him. this president -- here's the issue. the legal argument that sarah huckabee sanders made which is will these were illegal payments, no. this was being appealed in the courts right now. the government still had an obligation to make these payments until the case made its way up to the supreme court and they are just backing out of it. it's spiteful and foolish. demonstrate will watch this all the way into 2018. >> there was a bipartisan effort to deal with this problem, with this ambiguous legality of how to fund these cost sharing reductions these subsidies. it's basically falling apart. there was an effort by senators murray and alexander, right, a republican and a democrat to deal with this, to come up with a funding solution so that there would be no ambiguity so the court case would be moot and what incentive do they have to pursue that now? >> especially since mitch mcconnell won't bring anything to the floor with the democrats name on it. anyway the hostages are being taken by more than one person. thank you all for being here. coming up, i went to the u.s. virgin islands to report on the hurricane devastation there. you don't want to miss it. your brain is an amazing thing. but as you get older, it naturally begins to change, causing a lack of sharpness, or even trouble with recall. thankfully, the breakthrough in prevagen helps your brain and actually improves memory. the secret is an ingredient originally discovered... in jellyfish. in clinical trials, prevagen has been shown to improve short-term memory. prevagen. the name to remember. when it comes to strong bones, are you on the right path? we have postmenopausal osteoporosis... ..and a high risk for fracture, so with our doctors... ...we chose prolia®... help make our bones stronger. only prolia® helps strengthen bones... stopping cells that damage them... ...with 1 shot every 6 months. do not take prolia® if you have low blood calcium, are pregnant, are allergic to it, or take xgeva®. serious allergic reactions, like low blood pressure; trouble breathing; throat tightness; face, lip or tongue swelling... ...rash, itching or hives have happened. tell your doctor about dental problems, as severe jaw bone... ...problems may happen or new or unusual pain in your hip groin, or thigh, as unusual thigh bone fractures have occurred. peak to your doctor before stopping prolia®, as spine and other bone fractures have occurred. prolia® can cause serious side effects, like low blood calcium; serious infections, which could need hospitalization; problems; and severe bone, joint, or muscle pain. if your bones aren't getting stronger... ...isn't it time for a new direction? why wait? ask your doctor about prolia®. look at these pictures of utter devastation from the u.s. virgin islands. i went there this week to bring you a firsthand report how the american citizens are recovering from not one but two category 5 hurricanes that tore through the islands last month. and how the trump administration is responding or not to the disaster. that's next. dry mouth dry mouth they feel that they have to drink a lot of water medications seem to be the number one cause for dry mouth. i like to recommend biotene. it replenishes the moisture in your mouth. biotene definitely works! now that we have your attention... capri sun has four updated drinks. now with only the good stuff. do you know how to use those? nope. get those kids some new capri sun! three weeks after hurricane maria tore through the islands recover efforts is losing momentum. only about 9 puerto rico of the island has power. 9%. less than a week ago. 52% of puerto rican water customers have service. up from a week ago but down from the past few days. so how does donald trump react? he put puerto rico on notice tweeting on thursday we cannot keep if he marks the military and first responders who have been amazing under the most difficult circumstances in pr forever. joining us now, the speaker of the new york city council. your reaction. >> it's sadistic. here are people who are suffering. and you have the audacity to talk about turning your backs when people are in crisis. level of anxiety that that produces on people who are already stressed and dealing with incredible difficult circumstances. it does not make sense at all. it's obscene. again, as you were indicating the electric grid is a yo-yo. incredibly unstable. one day you have 80% people covered. next day back at 91% people not covered. it's fragile. there's still not enough water or food getting into very remote areas. puerto rico is relatively large when you look at the caribbean. not that big but 135 miles by 100 miles but mountainous areas where you have not seen any federal presence. we have volunteers, vets who are volunteering. nurses coming from florida and other areas. going into these areas and providing the service that the federal government should problem providing and it's not happening. >> he's angry at the mayor of san juan. not as if donald trump said similar things to texas and florida. >> never. there's been coverage where indicates how the level of response to each of those circumstances and, again, we only have about 14,000 to 15,000 personnel on the ground when after irma we saw 40,000. still a lack of presence of real engagement and seems very uncoordinated, disorganized in term of the way the aid is being provided. >> two democrats, two members of congress on thursday have actually called for an audit. they want an audit of the death toll in puerto rico following maria amid concerns that the government is under counting the number of dead. estimated 81 deaths linked to the hurricane and another 450 reported deaths most of the causes still unknown and reports of 69 people still missing. >> vice made calls to all the hospitals. there's concerns that there's serious underreporting of the deaths. in the current circumstances where you have polluted water, the water authority accessing super fund sites and there's concerns with that. people have died from bacterial infectio infections. there's real serious health issues. you have hospitals running on generators. even with generators they can't proride 100% service of people who have needs. people on dialysis, have cancer. people needing five days of dialysis are getting two days. people are leaving the island, becoming medical evacuees going to florida. people are coming to new york. we have to prepare to make sure people transition here. we need help on the ground. we definitely do not have enough support on the ground. to all the volunteers and nonprofit organizations who are doing incredible work on the ground they need support as well. this is not something we can take care of on our own. >> for those that are not familiar, you should look up on this article. it talks about people who are accessing toxic sites after evaluating several spots that are harmful. chemical cale tainted water source on the northern coast of puerto rico we'll put that out on our facebook page. the other thing we've been hearing this week is money. this notion that rather than receiving grants which is what is going to texas and florida, that puerto rico should have to get loans. >> right. >> that again is a double standard of how people in virgin islands are being treated. we're getting loans as opposed to grant assistance. puerto rico has a liquidity issue. the issue of pensions and payments to people. the whole economy also is an issue that i don't think has been discussed. >> the jones act hasn't helped. >> you have country that to provide supplies and aid to puerto rico. we can't accept those ships into our port because the jones act continues to be in existence and does not allow any ships that are not u.s. ships to come in to our ports. so that has to be removed. senator mccain is a strong advocate for that as well as many others. we've been talking about getting rid of the jones act. we have country that to provide aid to us but we can't accept shows ships and provide supplies. >> what happens if fema and u.s. military pull out of puerto rico? >> i can't imagine. it's catastrophic. we're seeing people dying right now as it is. again, people are doing incredible work on the ground. but there's a moral responsibility and obligation. we've had u.s. citizenship for 100 years. puerto rico in 1898 was invaded by the united states. when congressman velasquez says with that invasion comes responsibility. we do pay taxes despite the fact that some of these republican congress members want to say we do pay taxes. puerto ricans do pay tax. it's a different structure, but taxes are paid. and so there's that responsibility. so i think those history lessons and history lessons that some of these republican congress members need and our own president needs. >> not being able to have a voting member in congress. >> u.s. virgin islands, puerto rico, all the representatives that want to help us. >> absolutely. thank you so much. always good to talk to you. recovery efforts as the congresswoman mentioned are under way in virgin islands an island change in caribbean miles from puerto rico and donald trump made this mention of the islands on friday. >> i left texas and i left florida and i left louisiana and i went to puerto rico and i met with the president of the virgin islands. these are people that are incredible people. they are suffering gravely. >> trump forgetting that he, he is the president of the u.s. virgin islands. only highlights how overlooked the territory has been not just with the recent hurricanes, plural but in the overall scope of american politics. according to fema 14% of st. thomas the most populace island has power. half of the island has cell service. earlier this week i traveled to st. thomas and st. john and i found a place that's struggling to get back on its feet. >> well, maria was astounding. i've been in a couple of hurricanes before. maria i never seen before. >> irma was more of a category r. >> the hurricane is gone. but it's still gnawing at us. >> the story is mostly about puerto rico. there's a second story. it took place here on the u.s. virgin islands. which was hit not by one but two category 5 hurricane. first irma and then maria. according to residents that we've spoken with on the various islands of the usvi the response is uneven. >> response, the helping team, i think that was poorly, poorly. >> we wish that it would be across the board and not just somewhere and not others. i understand puerto rico came into the picture and forgot about the virgin islands again. when you look at it there could be more attention that's more consistent. >> if you look around you can see the devastation. we get a little help here and there. probably not enough. i don't think we can depend on the federal too much to help us. >> fema is here every day. but in the initial aftermath we didn't have too much. after maria we've been seeing them. this week they've been here every day. it's picking up. >> what are some of the challenges. what have you heard from people in st. john? >> we're pushing resources to st. john as well as st. thomas. the challenges we're facing, we're facing an emergency response and recovery effort that's thousands of miles from the united states. >> the community is so close knit. the locals came out right after the hurricane and the locals pitched in with whatever equipment they, had started clearing the roads and it's been that way ever since. >> tell me about where we are right now. >> we're on the island of saint thomts and this is 22 i had rise. 22 is the area of st. thomas that we're in and these are some of the high rise apartments. over there you see the more modern ones. these are the ones that had not yet been renovated before hurricane irma hit. >> where we're standing now is public housing, hud housing. has the hud secretary ben carson been here? >> no. >> have you spoken to him? >> i have not. he's not called me. i've gotten communication from his office. i know that he's talked to other members. thankfully other members have told him when you talk and go down and visit the virgin islands give me a callback. this is the content of someone's life. >> right. this is their clothes, their everything. you can see there's probably the hallway. >> yeah. >> we're going into their bedrooms, the bathrooms. someone's kitchen. still see some of the tea cups and stuff here. just amazing. >> everything is disintegrated. this is one of the places where there was a fatality because this wall blew out and the woman was sucked out. >> the hurricane has lots of turns inside of it people are unaware of and just pulled her -- >> my god. >> 150,000 people. much smaller than puerto rico but it hasn't gotten the attention or the devastation. what do you owe that to? >> i want to say it's, you know, the news cycle. i would like to think that's the reason why. i mean americans attention spans are pretty short. here a lot of people on the island thinking that it's because we're people of color. >> do you think the president should come? >> it would be a sign of respect to us for the president to come but more than him coming i just want him to do the right thing by the people of the virgin islands. >> a hud spokesperson says that secretary carson is planning to visit the virgin islands and puerto rico at some point and that he's been in touch with the governor. in the meantime hud has approved the demolition of most of the 22 housing project. more than 200 families that lived there will receive vouchers for new housing but with much of the island's homes destroyed that might mean a move to the u.s. mainland. coming up in our next hour the growing allegations against harbor vie weinstein and russian gate investigation reaches into donald trump's inner circle. and bishop barber joins me for our moral moment. a >> coming up next bishop william barber joins us for a moral moment. stay with us. this guy is upping his game by listening to an audiobook on audible. and this guy is just trying to get through the day. this guy feels like he can take on anything. this guy isn't sure he can take it anymore. unwavering self-confidence. stuck in a 4-door sedan of sadness. upgrade your commute. ride with audible. dial star star audible on your smartphone to start listening today. the whole country booking on choice four words, badda book. badda boom... let it sink in. shouldn't we say we have the lowest price? 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[ applause ]. >> how times have changed. but you know what? now they're changing back again. just remember that. [ cheers and applause ] >> donald trump became the first sitting president to address the values voters summit, an annual gathering of deserve leaders, just after undermining health care access for manages of americans. roy moore became a darling of the christian right for once refusing to remove a ten commandments monument from his courthouse. mandating school segregation and poll taxes. joining me now to discuss all of this, bishop william barber. on that last point of judge roy moore,s the interesting. he is a darling of the christian right. but reading this article this week about how he once stood steadfast against removing segregation and poll taxes against the alabama constitution and yet he fits in fine. why is that? >> i can't call it christian right. it's so wrong. it's not christian. gun waving politicians that support segregation is not christian. it's crazy. and people are somehow being fooled and it's time really for there to be a major challenge to this kind of public heresy that we see going on that is so counter the real values of christianity. >> we're looking at pictures of him waving his tiny pistol around at this values voters summit. there's a flyers being circulated, an anti-gay flyer that says the health hazards of homosexuality. they're handing out things like bumper stickers, i don't believe the liberal media. the stuff they' ee're distribut there, it feels so counter to the core message of christian love in the bible. it's hard for me to believe they read that bible and get that out of it. >> from jeremiah 22 to jesus and matthew 25, christian values for nations and political leaders has to do with love and justice, equality, stopping exploitation of the vulnerable, caring for the poor, caring for children, welcoming immigrants, helping the sick and loving all. and by these standards, the so-called value summit is not about judeo christian values, it's not about christianity but the values of a her rheetical extremism. much of this has been documented particularly in books like "one nation under god" we princeton scholar kevin cruise. what the president did was ir reline of scrimmar irreligious. he boasted about taking health care. he boasted about taking s subsidies for poor people. that is not christian. he did not even quote the whole allegiance. he said one nation under god. he forgot indivisible with liberty and justice for all. he promoted arrogance, warmongering. these are not christian values and it's high time that we call it out. what was even more disturbing, joy, was that the leaders of the so-called value summit applauded. they applauded the very policy that are going to hurt their members, poor white people and also hurt poor blacks and poor brown people and just americans in general. these are not christian values but the values of an extreme corporate oligarchy trying to use the values and claim the faith as a way to gain power. and lastly, not only what they say is nonnon-christian when he- they attack gay people and muslim, but their scienilence o voter suppression and fundamental values of christianity again says we cannot continue to call these things christian . it's a form of public heresy that must be challenged. >> donald trump is getting to a point that you do hear people in that far right movement say a lot. this is donald trump. >> we know that it's the family and the church, not government officials that know best how to create strong and loving communities. and above all else, we know this. in america we don't worship government, we worship god. [ cheers and applause ] >> the you know, th >> that argument is used a lot by people on the so-called christian right to say that anyone who wants the government to help the poor is worshipping government rather than turning to institutions like the family and the church to provide for the poor and have the government not be involved in that. how does that comport with your theology? >> first of all, in the bible government is challenged. the prophets challenge the government. jesus challenged the government. his first sermon was a challenge to economic exploitation of the poor. you cannot have a government that creates problems, that has hundreds of years of legalized slavery and segregation that writes policies that lift up the greedy and forgive corporate crooks and then treat people like things and corporations like people and then say there's no responsibility. we must have correction all through the scriptures. the bible calls for a correction to inequality that is prosecutioned produced by government policies. isaiah 10 said woe unto those who legislate evil. you have no right to claim you want the family and the church to do all these things when the policies around tax cuts and denying health care and blocking living wages that you promote actually hurt families. this is a con. it's been going on a long time. everybody needs to -- it's as old as the slave master who had people who endorsed slavery and found theological ways to do that. it's as old as those people that challenge dr. king and said he needed to stop challenging. it's just wrong and we have to challenge it. >> indeed. bishop william barber, always a pleasure to talk to you, sir. thank you very much. >> blessings. take care now. up next, new details about harvey weinstein's sexual harassment scandal. when it comes to strong bones, are you on the right path? we have postmenopausal osteoporosis... ..and a high risk for fracture, so with our doctors... ...we chose prolia®... help make our bones 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even his board of directors. now that silence has been broken with more than two dozen women coming forward accusing weinstein of everything from harassment to rape. one of those women is ambra batallana. she agreed to wear a wire and confront weinstein the next day. the following audio is from that sting operation. >> i'm not feeling very uncomfortable right now. >> please come in now in one minute. when you want to leave -- >> why you touch my breast? >> please. i'm sorry. just come on in. i'm used to that. >> you're used to that? >> yes. come in. >> no, but i'm not used to that. >> come on. sit here for a minute, please. >> no, i don't mean to t rkno, . >> i will never do another thing to you. don't ruin your friendship with me for five minutes. >> a spokesperson said, quote, any allegations of non-consensual sex are unequivocally denied by mr. weinstein. joining me now is joan walsh of the nation, dean obadalla. claire, i'm going to start with you because this notion i talked about a little bit in the setup that it was widely known among many hollywood insiders that harvey weinstein was this kind of a person. tmz broke a story takes it even inside his boards room. this is a question of whether or not weinstein's contract actually stipulated payments he would have to make to the company if he was caught harassing or assaulting people. >> it's quite unbelievable that anybody would have an employment contract of this kind but according to the 2015 contract he signed with his own company, weinstein co, he has to pay $250,000 and a fine to the company if they are subject to any kind of lawsuit from any of these women. in a second instance, he would have to pay 500,000. and a third instance, 750,000. but there doesn't seem to be any stipulation whatsoever that he would lose his job if these claims keep coming back again and again. now, the board has said they knew there were settlements prior to this contract and they have said they believed these relationships were consensual and these payments were simply to pay off these women not to talk about them. but harvey's fighting this. he is saying, look, there's no grounds for you to fire me. i have the right of arbitration and i have the right of mediation. and they will have a conversation with harvey's lawyer next week, which is kind of yet another stunning turn in this story, you know, of which there are many. today the academy has a conversation -- the academy which hands out the oscars is having a conversation about whether they want harvey to remain in the organization. we'll know this afternoon. joy, i just wanted to also mention that bob weinstein, the brother, gave an explosive interview to hollywood reporter that they published just now and at the heart of that story you have bob saying they're looking to sever their financial relationship with harvey. harvey has a 20% stake in the company. as long as that's the case you're going to have business partners coming forward such as amazon, apple, showtime saying they don't want to work with the company or at least suspending their work with the company until things are resolved. lots of news here today. >> amazon has its own problems obviously with roy price, the head of amazon studios, also over sexual harassment claims. you have a former playboy play mate named carrie stevens who has accused oliver stone of assault. it's really sort of all over the place at this point. liz, you've worked in the entertainment industry for a long time, cocreator of "the daily show." in ronan farrow's exceptional story, as well as the "new york times" story, word that the staff in some cases were luring women into meetings with harvey weinstein and not reporting that, leaving women alone with him. the idea that his brother had no idea, you know -- i mean, this is horrifying to think so many people including the board were aware of his behavior and the only thing they wanted to do was fine him. >> no one except for somebody that harvey weinstein himself would create in a movie could have that behavior with nobody knowing. it's ridiculous to assume. they're reckless. they're careless and it has to be orchestrated. to even be shocked that somebody with power would do this is insulting to all of us really. we all know dean martin was the guy that got chicks for all those people. there has always been the body man to bring the women. there's always been the ways that people are vulnerable. and in a state now where people are demanding their agency and respect, mediocre people who rose to power who could hang onto that power by -- if i see you and i see you can see through me, you're going to be destroyed. when that is the dominance in our industry, that's what we have to figure out how to fix. >> harvey weinstein, the stories are that he would do this sort of combination of things to keep media from catching him, threaten people to sue them if you come out with this, or threaten the women that their careers would be destroyed. you notice it's not the top tier women that are making akizati n accusations because the people who were willing to talk, he could torch their careers. this is a threat to the women being able to get into the industry and rise in the industry. >> absolutely. he's targeting women in their early 20s. i don't think that's a coincidence. because we're talking about an abuse of power. if you believe meryl streep that she had no idea this was happening, you understand why. >> she was already meryl streep. >> he needs her more than she needs him in that dynamic. i think we have to understand how this works in terms of the cultural conversation. this is an abuse of power by certain men, a minority of men, not the majority of men. and they're making a choice, so he used his position of power to exploit and take advantage of women who were a lot less vulnerable. he had an m.o. he's doing it to 20-year-olds who are just trying to break in. i think of actresses who seem to be on the rise and disappeared. i want to know what happened to them. whether it was harvey or someone else, i think there's a lot more we're going to find out in the coming weeks. >> in hollywood and beyond, because it's a harvey weinstein conversation and it's a general conversation. it's really beyond media. but you also have the cover of the week this week which is a pretty harrowing cover that shows roger ailes, bill o'reilly and harvey weinstein. there it is on screen in robes. a horrifying picture. but you also had within the fox news organization -- people must have known that he was abuse i have. bill owe ri'reilly is there. you have bill cosby who's been operating out there in the world since the '60s allegedly. people must have known. >> you've got a man in the white house accused of these same things who does not come from the media world, who eventually got to the television world but basically comes from business. on the access hollywood tape he describes how it happens. when you're a star or a star maker, you can do this stuff. and we elected him. 53% of white women voted for him. i think a lot of us are having ptsd this week because it's coming on the heels of the one-year anniversary of learning all of this stuff about trump. my facebook feed memories come up and i'm writing about all the new women coming forward with stories about donald trump. i've got such certainty in my voice a year ago that this man cannot be elected president because of the revelations and then he was. i'm kind of heart broken this week. i don't know that anything will change. >> you do have in the harvey weinstein case, now we're starting to see women coming forward. once a few women come forward, then you start to get the flood of stories. the same thing happened with donald trump. some of these women at fox news who were rising stars on television suddenly vanish off tv. we forget who these women are. i really quickly want to go through with the trump accusers. the bbc have tallied them. jessica drake, linda mcgillray, summer zernos. ivana trump has made allegations which she retracted later. these people have had either mostly no charges filed. they withdrew them. there's been no settlements as a way to catch him. do we have a triple standard here if it's the president it's okay, but if it's harvey weinstein we're rightly horrified. >> why didn't "saturday night live" make fun of harvey weinstein? why does that matter? let's talk about the cultural norms, women empowered to come forward and say what happened without fear of their career being attacked or without shaming. i went to the fec and found out who gave donations to donald trump and said are you going to give the money back the same way the democrats are giving money back to harvey weinstein when donald trump has admitted sexual assault. i got the same response from all of them, silence. they didn't want to comment. we'll believe women if the person committing the wrong is a democrat but we won't believe it's a republican. donald trump is the gop and the gop is trump. that's why they stand behind this guy. donald trump did something unique, something more revolting. he had an event about this time last year, public rally, he shamed the women. he called him liars, said i'm going to sue all of them and the crowd cheered lustfully. what message does that send to women coming forward when the gop nominee can say i'm going to sue them and they are liars? >> the two biggest hypocrites are shawn antean hannity and tu carlson. they were sitting in the seats of bill o'reilly sitting in his chair. tucker carlson tweeting it's time for justice for harvey weinstein, he's a serial predator. he's sitting in bill o'reilly's chair at roger ailes's network. do you remember them ever saying anything to support or defend women in these situations of sexual assault when it was donald trump? >> no! or women they work with. >> or their own colleagues. >> right. >> it's amazing. >> you know, for me it really -- we talk around this all the time, we have four women and a guy talking. like until -- not to get all religious y, but the parable of the good samaritan is something to look at. because what made the good samaritan good is when they saw that person lying beside the road, they didn't say what will happen to me if i help that person. they said, what will happen to that person if i don't help. until we have allies witness this, ask the question first what will happen to that person if i don't help, we are going to be stuck in this conversation. >> absolutely. one of the things i've heard a bit this morning is there are now hollywood executives who are thinking twice about taking meetings with women, who are thinking twice about doing recruiting meetings and trying to distance themselves because that actually hurts women's ability to get jobs. are you hearing that kind of thing starting to happen? >> i haven't at all, but that is stunning and terrible. but i think in hollywood how do you avoid meeting women? i mean, most of the business is about putting beautiful women on the screen so i'm mystified as to how that would happen. but as ever, lawyers control much of what most of us do in america. so i'm guessing they're probably warning folks they work for, get something else in the room or you might get sued and who knows what might be said about you. that to me is shocking. just to go back to the social media aspect of this and having women come together to speak out and support each other, i think twitter played a huge role in helping rose mcgowan keep going and going after people and requesting that board members step down and calling out matt damon and ben affleck. obviously twitter got in trouble for taking rose's account down because they said that she violated their terms and then today we have the kind of hashtag that women should boycott twitter today in protest. women getting together and saying we've had enough of this and we're not going to stand for it. >> i think that is ridiculous. >> silence ourselves. >> men have to stand up. >> right. >> this thing where we raise money for this group that stood up for women and said men you have to speak out and i got push back from other men. men get defensive. i go i'm not accusing you of anything. i'm saying if you see something or hear it, talk to that guy. that's how you change cultural norms. tell them it's wrong. report it to their bosses if they're not going to stop. you have to speak up. me and my other fellow men have to be the ones leading the charge to stand up because it's men doing the sexual harassing for the most part. >> there are women in positions of power who know it's happening as well who also have a responsibility. i hate to constantly pick on fox, but you do have a network where tucker cal s eer carlson laur laur laurenand says she should have to go sell shoes. the idea they're suddenly protective of women is shocking. >> they're so outraged by this. right. they've been creating a culture where this is acceptable where the women who work for them are nonetheless groomed to look a certain way, to show their legs, to be a sex object on television because that's what these guys in their homes -- roger ailes once described them to me as the 55 to dead demographic, these guys in their homes, that's what they want to see. it furthers this notion that women are ornamental and not serious. >> i think women are fed up. i think that donald trump being the president has shifted the conversation because it's so plain as day. he was caught on tape saying i touched a woman without her consent. anderson cooper said, you know that's sexual assault. millions of women marched all over the world and here in the united states because i think we're at a point -- i've spoken to women this week who are just pissed off. we don't want to be harassed and we want men who don't harass who call each other out when they are engaging in this type of behavior. >> you can take a meeting with a woman by herself, guys. just don't swexually harass her. great panel, thank you all very much. coming up, donald trump's former chief of staff meets with robert mueller. what does that mean for russia-gate and the investigation? ♪ we're drowning in information. where, in all of this, is the stuff that matters? the stakes are so high, your finances, your future. how do you solve this? you don't. you partner with a firm that advises governments and the fortune 500, and, can deliver insight person to person, on what matters to you. morgan stanley. you myour joints...thing for your heart... or your digestion... so why wouldn't you take something for the most important part of you... your brain. with an ingredient originally found in jellyfish, prevagen is now the number one selling brain health supplement in drug stores nationwide. prevagen. the name to remember. here's the story. this was an excuse by the democrats and people get carried away. >> amid new daily signs that donald trump's presidency is going off the rails, including reports quoting insiders saying trump is unraveling, there are new indications that the investigation into the trump campaign's ties to russia is moving ahead full steam. on friday special counsel robert mueller's investigative team interviewed former white house chief of staff reince priebus. also shed new light on the extensive russia related financial entanglements of former trump campaign manager paul manafort. the report uncovered a $26 million loan sent to a company linked to manafort from a company owned by deripaska, the russian billionaire. the significant of the reince priebus interview in your mind? >> with any investigation, you always want to go to the person that's in the center of the storm and reince priebus, as the chief of staff, it's the equivalent of being al qaeda number one or number two or number three. you see all transactions. he's in a very key position to confirm a lot of the narratives that we see from all of these independent -- >> yeah. let's talk about manafort just a minute. let's have richard engel explain if manafort story first. >> reporter: so you look at this together. you see a $26 million loan from deripaska's company to a manafort linked company. then another $26 million loan from that manafort company to a company that is named after manafort's daughters which has in the past been used to buy real estate for members of his family. i think you get a much clearer picture of what we're talking about. >> there were two different versions of the statement that manafort's lawyer made in response to that reporting. the spokesman declined to give specific answers about the loans but releaeased a >> i love it when a person comes in and verifies nbc news reporting which was a bill yari report. we have here one of two things. a political payoff to facilitate the process of the election or he was money launderingoligarch. which one is it? both are bad. they're both going to lead right back to the trump white house. paul manafort's job in the ukraine was to make sure that political activities were done for a pro-kremlin president including cancelling nato exercises. there was a protest that attacked u.s. marines on the ground there ma manafothat mana his organization may have coordinated. the question is did he do that for moscow to get donald trump elected president? >> so we have priebus, manafort. let's move onto jared kushner. he revised yet again the forms he filled out to get his security clearance. he omitted a company he continued to profit from. a man named krishna murthi. >> jared kushner submitted four addendums to his security clearance paperwork after his original forms -- can you recall if there's ever been an applicant having to submit four addenda detailing over 100 errors and mow missiomissions b to maintain their security clearance once those errors have been identified? >> will caveat that by saying i have not seen the breadth of applications but i have not seen that level of mistakes. >> he was questioning the head of the background checks bureau. if you had to resubmit and made all of these errors on the forms to get your security clearance, would you have kept it? >> no. i can't imagine any situation that would be the case. i've been through this process, i would say, at least a half a dozen times. >> how does he have security clearance? >> i am baffled by it. there's always been some preference given to people coming into a new administration. however, i've never seen or heard of it where you repeatedly come back and make additions and corrections to it. that is unheard of. if you remember, he came out, talked to congress, made a statement, had updates for his clearance. that was your one chance to do it. why does this keep coming back every few months? not only is it amateur. it just reeks. it makes you want to look further and say why couldn't you figure out all of your business interests? >> you're supposed to be the guy who's so smart you can do literally everything. when you have kushner revising what debts his has, what businesses he's tied to, manafort, is he in debt is he not in debt, it does seem a lot of what russia gate is is revolving around money. >> right. the fact that people are lying, dissembling and diverting attention. he should have been called in. i've never -- like clint, i've gone through that process numerous times. there's no such thing as an addendum. that process, the sf-86 is designed to make sure you're being honest with them. once you reveal you have lied to them, you ever revealed you're untrustworthy for that clearance. we found this out. the mueller investigation knows all about this. >> of course. >> why do you think they hired 16 financial specialists in criminal fraud and, you know, to come in and do financial and criminal investigations of their background. this guy also should have had his clearance pulled the minute the report came out that his lawyers verified that he asked the russians for secured crypto graphic communications that he called not a back channel but a way to get information from russian generals in syria. donald trump is allowing him to serve at his pleasure. >> let's go to another person now pulled into the russian probe. that's robert mercer. his daughter rebecca and he have extensive financial ties throughout the trump administration. now it appears the russia probe is now looking into a company call eed cambridge analytica. the is a data service operated in both europe and here that was used to develop data profiles of potential trump voters. jared kushner was in charge of that operation, the data operation. i just want to show people the little diagrams we have of robert mercer and rebecca mercer's financial ties to the trump organization. they are pay masters of steve bannon. they are pay masters behind kellyanne conway's former polling company. they are behind david bossy who was an old clinton foe, the citizened unit es united guy. they fund breitbart, on and on. what's the significant? >> i think they have to look at all potential avenues which there could have been collusion. i will add on this case i've seen a lot of digital marketing companies. they're usually over stating. there's a lot of cool words in cambridge analytica which is also i looked at the internet and did some analysis. if the russians set the pace and the russians are hacking materials, it hyper powers any political campaign. they can take the information, watch the influence that's going on. they don't have to coordinate. they just replicate. >> could russia have done what they did to the extent they did without someone on the u.s. side helping them figure out who to target? >> i take a different view. i really think that somebody had to be at the pointiest end of this stick. we call these people targeteers. they did i remember rigeterminee precinct level what data would really work. they're not well versed down that a precinct in southern pennsylvania to determine which facebook ad would work better for them. they can produce content. this is what the senate intelligence committee is investigating, this is what the mueller investigation is determining. is there a bridge between the con stetent producer that broadbanded all of this out by russian intelligence down to an american organization that consciously took that material knowing where it was from and what it was for and then brought it down to the political ele electorate so they could engineer. >> you left out devin nunes. they're investigating who financed the donald trump dossier. all do you understa coming up, residents who were injured in the white nationalist rally in charlottesville are fighting back, next. kyle: mom! mom! kyle, we talked about this. there's no monsters. but you said they'd be watching us all the time. no, no. no, honey, we meant that progressive would be protecting us 24/7. we just bundled home and auto and saved money. that's nothing to be afraid of. -but -- -good night, kyle. 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>> nazis, white supremacists, hate. that's what our plan was to confront hate, to spread love, to show them there's more of us than there is of you. >> did you get the sense the violence perpetrated against you was planned or did it feel spontaneous? >> when we were on 4th street where the car rammed into the protesters we automatically knew it was intentional. we knew from when we went to the rally violence might happen, it's going to be dangerous. but for someone to ram a car through a crowd of peaceful protesters, we did not expect it. finding out all the evidence, it's like we were in ar w war z. >> talk about what is the basis of this lawsuit. you had this violence happen. how can you then sue the organizers because of the violence? >> sure. for many many years in this company it has been illegal to incite violence or threaten people with violence or plan to create violence and create a violent riot which is essentially what happened. in addition to that we are suing under laws that were passed during reconstruction. the klu klux klan act. those laws were used successfully to beat the kellyanne conwklan. >> you're going to sue them bankrupt. a lot of people sued klan organizations to deprive them of their money. >> we're suing for compensatory and punitive damages. >> for people who don't lurk in the dark web, people may not know this is not a spontaneous thing. there is actually a meme on the far right about hitting people with a car. >> absolutely. in connection with charlottesville lparticularly w talk about detail messaged on the chat rooms where they would show pictures of a tractor and say introducing john deere's new multilane protester to do that. they would all do smiley face emojis when they talked about it. >> this is nothing that he had any idea of. i feel like if we had the information, if we did know that violence was bound to happen that we may not have been out there. >> the police are not a part of this lawsuit. this is suing the organizers of the rally. when you got to the rally, did you get the sense the police understood the magnitude of the threat against you. >> i don't. i don't think they were really ready for what was going to happen, maybe because they didn't know either. but the main focus of this case is on the ones who actually perpetrated the violence. yes, the police may not have been 100% ready, may not have established what they needed to establish. but the main point is the organizers of this are the ones to blame. >> yeah. these rallies keep coming back to charlottesville. is that a component of your complaint? >> they just came back in. i think spencer called it charlottesville 3.0. we are seeking injunctive relief to make sure there's not going to be any charlottesville 4.0 or shelbiville. >> how do you get around the first amendment assembly piece of this? can you stop someone from coming back to a city? >> sure. the first amendment protects people who want to peaceably assemble. if they want to peaceably assemble and say their racist homophobic things, they have a right to do that. that's not what happened here. this wasn't peaceable assembly. it was speech encouraging fomenting and planning violence in advance. that's never been protected by the first amendment. >> we saw the pictures earlier. he actually pushed you out of the way just before he was hit by the car. >> i was very nearly injured. he's actually my fiance. definitely going to marry him. he'll tell you his physical injuries will heal but mentally he'll never be the same. none of us will. we've noticed it in our own relationship, with our friends, our family, our employer. mentally we're never going to be the same. >> we have a situation where one of the people who was beaten by a gang of these nieo nazis was himself arrested and on the word of one of them he's now facing charged. we wish you the best of luck. please come back and update us on the lawsuit. coming up, beyond charlottesville, what happened the night the nazis came to new york. so tell us your big idea for getting the whole country booking on choice four words, badda book. badda boom... let it sink in. shouldn't we say we have the lowest price? 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>> it's frightening. i probably watched it a thousand times and it still gives me the chills when i see it. i heard about this event probably six months ago. a friend of mine told me about it and i thought there's no way this could have happened and i didn't know about it. i got a researcher to start looking around. it turned out some of the footage was in the national archives. ucla has an archive and other places it had been scattered but it had never been pulled together into a single piece. so we got it. i cut it together and just realized that it had a power in just spending six minutes, seven minutes watching this event. >> you did it as a documentary, but in a different way. it doesn't have a narration, it's not a traditionally documentary. you pretty much just let people watch it. >> my first idea was to have historians set the stage. i realized when i cut it together and watched it for the first time that there's a power to just transporting somebody into that time and letting them sort of witness it firsthand without anybody trying to explain it too much but just to see what that world was like. >> yeah. and, you know, we know that there was a nazi presence in the early 20th century in the u.s., obviously, that was pretty pervasive, particularly before we got into world war ii. there was a 1927 klan rally that donald trump's father happened to be arrested at. we don't know in what way. was it as open as it is now? that looks pretty open. was it as aggressive as it is now in trying to convert ordinary white americans? >> they were organized. they were organized. they knew what they were doing. they were run by fritz kuhn. he was something have an organizational genius. they wanted to be the nazis of america of the 1930s. hitler didn't want anything to do with them, of course. they were an embarrassment. imagine being an nazi so bad that you embarrass hitler. but kuhn said they had 200,000. somehow or other they got 20,000 people into the garden that night. >> at the time, "the new york times" wrote an editorial in which they said that we need to be in no doubt as to what the bund would do to and in this country if it had the opportunity. it would set up an american hitler. so, arnie, they wanted to have hitler-like rule in the united states? >> exactly. and kuhn fancied himself that he was going to be the american hitler. >> it's amazing when you look at the documentary. what is it that they are doing? what are they rallying for? >> it's sort of a celebration of the rise of white supremacy. and to me one of the things that grabbed me so much about the footage was not that there is an anti-semitic leadership. i think there are people that would do this. but there are some pan shots across the crowd and you see tens of thousands of new yorkers who, you know, are dressed in suits and hats and dresses. these are people who were probably nice to their neighbors who lived in neighborhoods where we live today and yet they are cheering and laughing and applauding a philosophy that would be responsible for the deaths of millions of people in the next few years. >> well, that sounds familiar. let's show charlottesville on october 7th because the same thing was said when donald trump said there were some very nice people in charlottesville. these were people that were in suits with little citronella torches they brought bought at the walmart earlier and went back to their college dorms and barista jobs. that's who they try to target, right? >> yes. these were everyday people. they were shop keepers, they were tailors, what have you. they were everyday folks, everyday americans. in fact he said they should be called the german-american bund because he wanted to emphasize the american aspect to them. >> and that ideology has survived into the present day. we saw it in charlottesville. it is not gone away. are they as organized in your view now as they were back then? >> no. kuhn had a real genius for organization. it seems now they're more disparate but now they have the internet, which is an underground way of organizing. kuhn hung out a shingle and people knew where they were. >> marshall, where can people see this doc. >> at >> you premiered it at the atlantic. >> we played it in a number of theaters before that and then it came out on the atlantic and now it's on vimeo and youtube. >> it's pretty stunning. i don't know that we have time, we're seeing more footage of it. it is pretty stunning. marshall curry and arnie bernstein, i really appreciate you both for being here. that is our show for today. "a.m. joy" returns tomorrow at 10:00 a.m. eastern. keep it right here on msnbc. oh, you brought butch. yeah! (butch growls at man) he's looking at me right now, isn't he? yup. (butch barks at man) butch is like an old soul that just hates my guts. (laughs) (vo) you can never have too many faithful companions. introducing the all-new crosstrek. love is out there. find it in a subaru crosstrek. because she's listening this to audible.ughing and this woman is pretending her boss's terrible story is funny. experience the comedy, not your commute. dial star-star-audible on your smartphone to start listening today. good day, everyone. i'm alex witt here at msnbc world headquarters in new york. it is high noon here in the east and 9:00 a.m. out west. here's what's happening. two developments in the russia probe this hour. a new connection for one-time trump campaign manager paul manafort, and reince priebus faces questioning by special counsel robert mueller's team. so what does it all mean? separating fact from fiction on the president's decision not to recertify the iran deal. new reaction from around the world. unraveling and dismantling. president trump signing an executive order on obamacare and it could be a critical stroke of the pen for millions of

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Transcripts For MSNBCW AM Joy 20171014

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that was fake news by nbc. >> they had beautiful soft ta towels. there was a crowd they were screaming. i was having fun. they said throw them to me. so i'm doing -- i went to puerto rico and i met with the president of the virgin islands. >> good morning. welcome to a.m. joy. questions grow about donald trump's fitness for the of of the presidency. he's trying to change the narrative by fulfilling some of his legislative promise. after trying and failing and then trying again and failing again and failing after trying it again to repeal the affordable care act trump this week switched to dominican republicly sabota-- directly sabotaging the health care law. he stopped short of unhalving the iran nuclear deal. leaving the decision to congress. why all of these sudden but less than effective attempts to push his agenda forward? according to a series of articles trump may be lashing out desperate for some legislative wins after nine months of stalling. as "vanity fair" gabrielle sherman puts it, his ire is being fueled by his stalled agenda and by his agenda to back the losing candidate luther strange in the alabama republican primary. sherman even vented to his security chief that quote, i hate everyone in the white house. there are few exceptions. but i hate them. in fact, ten current and former administration officials and accessories confirm they often spend much of the day managing trump in his anger induced whims. thank you all for being here. catherine you have a situation in which the president is being described as unraveling by members of his own administration who are verntsing to reporters. at what point is it fair for the american people to quite honestly start to address whether or not donald trump is having a breakdown of some kind. >> it seems like he had been having this breakdown and unraveling to use the term of art for months. pre-dating his arrival in the white house. the issue is that there are americans who are concerned about it. there are the majority of americans who voted in the last election, of course, if you look at the popular vote. but his base either doesn't care or doesn't know about it. in my view the only way you're going to have a turning of the tide and have other elective republicans decide to stand up to him is for like fox news to suddenly turn against him. i know it's not is going to happen. if rupert murdoch decided we're not going back this horse any more then maybe you'll have more coverage of the crazy stuff he's doing and his base would learn about it and start to care. >> i wonder if that matters. to catherine's point let's play a little bit of the history of donald trump even before he got into the white house. this is donald trump. >> i could stan in the middle of 5th avenue and shoot somebody and i wouldn't lose any voters. it's incredible. you know what that is. it's rubio. you see somebody getting ready to throw a tomato, knock the crap out of them. would you? seriously. >> the president elect told you what? >> let it be an arms race, we'll outmatch them at every pass. >> outlast them all? >> out last them all. >> jason, isn't it to me a question of donald trump's -- donald trump supporters at this point they are not changing their mind. they are not the definitive issue here. the question is whether or not the people who have the power to do something about donald trump, members of congress, his cabinet are going to take action if they themselves feel he's unraveling. >> joy, there is that report that kelly and some of the other joint chiefs will literally tackle him if they think that donald trump might launch a nuclear code in a peak of anger. this is the larger question that america faced. it's not about the trump supporters. they will do what they want to do. they are enjoying this spectacle. it's a question of paul ryan and mitch mcconnell and members of the administration, do you love america or do you love power? because if you love america, you have to constrain this man. he's a living, breathing danger. he's an imminent threat to our national security, our domestic security and our economy. he has fumbled through the first ten months of his presidency. he's not going to learn. he won't get any better. the more he angers people. the more he tries to pull out of deals. the more he yells at the prime minister of australia. the more that he meets with fictitious president of the virgin islands we won't have allies when his mistakes drags us into conflicts we can't handle. do these people love this country if they do they will do something about it. >> this is what's disturbing is behind-the-scenes all of us who talk to republicans off the record get the same message people on capitol hill know there's something deeply wrong in the white house. and that they are concerned for the country. he's pulling us out of the iran deal widow destabilize our relationship with the allies. he made a move that could take the individual health care market out of spite without understanding what these things will even do. you have bob corker a sitting senator, a committee chairman say it's a shame, tweet last week a shame the white house has become an adult daycare center. somebody missed their shift this morning. he had an interview with the "new york times" in which he stood by those comments and said i know for a fact every single day at the white house it's a situation of trying to contain him. robert rice who reports his own background conversation again off the record with a former republican congressman who said tillerson, that rex tillerson, the secretary of state, would leave tomorrow if he wasn't so worried trump would go nuclear, literally. robert rice, you think trump is really thinking about nuclear war? he knows -- who knows what's in his head. i can tell you this he's not listening to anyone. not a soul. he has the nuclear codes and it scares the hell out of me and starting to scare the hell out of them. that's why bob spoke up and by that he means republican members of congress. at what point are they responsible to do something about that? >> clearly we're getting close. we do have to put in context removing a president from office is a very significant measure historically. we've had incompetent presidents before. we had angry presidents before. but the bar to impeachment is very high that we have not yet reached. the stages of reaction, comments like corker first, there's a little bit of joy, if you will, for those who have concerns about trump that someone spoke out. then the sobering reality the foreign relations chair suggested our commander-in-chief is incompetent. there's a fraugs you realize nobody else is saying anything or doing anything on the hill and so nothing will change. this is a president whose egg shell ego is continuing to put us at risk. there's no strategy to what he's done either on obamacare or on iran. joy, a lot of republicans have concern with the iran treaty, but what the president fails to realize in his impulsiveness, to react as he did at the same time we need other nation states like russia and china ear nato allies to deal with north korea, why disrupt that alliance and that strategy and those relationships now by pulling out of iran possibly. >> you represent the group of americans who stand to, you know, be the first to suffer if donald trump decides that his, you know, lashing out in anger, if he decides in lashing out process to take this country into a war. if you have a former member of congress worrying he would start a nuclear war, when you have a president who can deploy u.s. photoses anywhere, antagonizing the dictator of north korea with our troops stationed on the demilitarized zone, what are you hearing from people who are either in the military or retired military. is there a fear now about this president in that, you know, part of our country? >> it's terrifying to wake up mostly on the weekends and you see tweets that are, you know, things like the calm before the storm. that terrifies people throughout our military installations across the country. because even if you supported donald trump the perception inside the military is something like hey this guy is going to do it. he's got that kind of mentality. when you look at the road he's on, specifically first with the iran deal, that puts, you know, u.s. troops in greater danger in iraq. we've worked with the iranians on the ground to push isis back into syria and now have isis, you know, at their last ropes. then you start to look at the north korea situation. if you're north korea and you see us basically decertify the iran deal, and you see us if nve iraq and topple north korea it puts the country on notice. i think this week also from inside the beltway standpoint there was the ausa conference the big army convention that happens annually. anyone can google the army chief of army statements on this and this making its way to the bottom levels of the u.s. army about the devastation that would occur if u.s. forces in ground combat in north korea. you could read on military website, lieutenant general a tremendous piece about use of nuclear weapons in north korea. there's a lot of anxiety inside the military that this president will just do it. but, i don't think and this is my personal opinion that mcmaster and kelly will live up to general mcmasters ph.d. they sees dereliction of duty where moilt leadership stops this guy. i don't think it matters bob corker challenges donald trump. we need a republican who will take on donald trump's base to do that. we need congress to stand up to constrain donald trump's ability to wage war. they have been unwilling to touch that narrative where u.s. troops have died down in niger and the president still hasn't acknowledged it. >> trump want as ten fold increase in nuclear weapons. apparently that is the meeting that he had with his senior, you know, his senior cabinet members after which his secretary of state reportedly then called him an f-ing moron for him saying he wants more nukes. he's made flippant statements in the past. at what point is it the responsibility of republicans who control the congress to use their power to constrain someone they themselves tell reporters on background may be dangerous? >> they have a responsibility now. this is a commander-in-chief with no understanding or appreciation for national security. we know that. i do have great confidence in john kelly. he's a very sober leader. a very experienced national security leader. i think he's doing a good job trying to contain him. if the moment comes where key not watch john kelly because the seriousness of this administration rests on how long john kelly stays. you know, in law there's what's called an angry withdrawal a clients committing fraud the attorney is required to leave. if john kelly leaves that's significant. there are republicans, not elected ones in washington right now beginning to question whether or not we would be a safer nation if democrats took the house in 2018. because to your point republicans are never going to do the job they need to do because of the political consequences they would face at home. >> i would not look to paul ryan or to mitch mcconnell for moral leadership. that's the fundamental problem here. as long as they are terrified of the base, you know, of having their members being primary from the right or attacking trump, or for publicly attacking trump, i should clarify rather than on background to reporters they are not going to do anything. >> there's a duty to the american people that's bigger than your desire to be re-elected. i don't see the courage in the leadership of the republican party. everybody is dismayed on the background. thank you all. up next, trump came for obamacare not once but twice this week. more on that after the break. this woman is laughing because she's listening to audible. and this woman is pretending her boss's terrible story is funny. experience the comedy, not your commute. dial star-star-audible on your smartphone to start listening today. but can also loweresterol, your body's natural coq10. qunol helps restore this heart-healthy nutrient with 3x better absorption. qunol has the #1 cardiologist recommended form of coq10 qunol, the better coq10. we're on a mission to show drip coffee drinkers, it's time to wake up to keurig. wakey! wakey! rise and shine! oh my gosh! how are you? well watch this. i pop that in there. press brew. that's it. so rich. i love it. that's why you should be a keurig man! full-bodied. are you sure you're describing the coffee and not me? that's why at comcast we're continuing to make4/7. our services more reliable than ever. like technology that can update itself. an advanced fiber-network infrustructure. new, more reliable equipment for your home. and a new culture built around customer service. it all adds up to our most reliable network ever. one that keeps you connected to what matters most. with these actions we are moving towards lower costs and more options in the health care market. and taking crucial steps towards saving the american people from the nightmare of obamacare. >> wrong. trump actually did this week was sabotage obamacare. an american health care in general. when he first signed the executive order that could undermine the individual market and took the damage much further by announcing the administration won't reimburse insurance companies for making costs lower for you the consumer. catherine and jason are still with me and joining our panel now is julie. julie, explain what does it mean to the average consumer that the trump administration is taking away these cost sharing subsidies to insurance companies? >> it's all kind of counter intuitive. these cost sharing subsidies are for people that make under two and a half times under the poverty line. but what happens when they get taken away is that these, the consumers are still entitled to get, these are discounts on out of post costs. the insurance companies have to provide them. what the president said the federal government is no longer will reimburse the insurance companies. what happens? insurance companies will raise their rates. the congressional budget office says by about 20%. who pays those? well not the people who are getting the discounts or the people who are getting help paying their premiums. people getting hammered are people who are just slightly too much to get premium help. so they are going to get the entirety of these increases loaded on them and who are they? they are people who are primarily republicans. >> in these states where people are in the individual market and just always reiterate to the viewers when we're talking about this, the 7% of market who buy their own insurance. if you're one of those people who buy your own insurance the insurance companies gets a subsidy or did from the federal government to lower those costs for you. donald trump is not paying that any more. to the point we just made. premiums in the individual market are expected to increase by 25% without those cost sharing reduction payments. i know somebody who is in the individual market and didn't like obamacare and their response yeah, 20 million people just joined me. not like he helped people who were having problems paying for their individual insurance, he just added more people. >> exactly. joy, i think the core of this is should any of us be surprised donald trump doesn't want to pay his debts. isn't that his entire career of having financial obligations and then saying i don't want to do it any more. here's the problem. this is deeper than pulling away the government subsidies. there was a lawsuit where you have insurance companies who say pay up. the government still owes some insurance companies for back bills. all of this is par for the course with donald trump. the consequences are going to be this. people will lose care. their care will become more expensive. cheap phillipsy health care plans slipping back in the market. by next summer you will have devastated the marketplaces again because there's no replacement. at the end of the day this is an excuse because republicans couldn't come up with a better plan. >> so some numbers. the number of people who get their insurance through nongroup plans meaning the individual market is about 21.9 million people. 85% of those get subsidies. their subsidies are vanishing. then we go to what the congressional budget office said. implementing this policy would actually increase the deficit. that's everybody. all of us paying for it by $194 billion. here's how donald trump responded to that in his favorite medium twitter. donald trump tweeted almost gleefully yesterday morning. at 5:36 a.m. he gets up early. the democrats and obamacare is imploding. massive subsidy payments to their pet insurance companies have stopped. dems should call me a fix. he's gleeful over the fact that he himself is taking the insurance market. >> i go back and forth between thinking he actually believes he's making the problem better. making the insurance markets better. you look at what he said during the signing ceremony. we'll give americans more choice. health care will be better. everybody will love it. does he actually believe that or does he believe he is sabotaging it and making things worse? on some level if he's an idealist it doesn't matter, bad policy is bad policy and i tend to err more on the side of yes he's trying to screw things up. if you look at everything else he's done. we haven't talked about portions of the executive order that is i fond off healthy people in order to make the regular obamacare plans much more expensive and loaded with sick people. if you look at that. you look at the fact that he's pulled advertising money for open enrollment, he's used obamacare money to run a pr campaign against it it's hard to avoid the conclusion that he's trying to make health care worse. he's trying to screw up people's lives. >> this is what he said. this is donald trump himself over the last several months saying what he wants to see happen to obamacare. >> i said from the beginning, let obamacare implode. and then do it. i turn out to be right. let obamacare implode. let obamacare fail, it will be a lot easier. we won't own it. i won't own it. republicans won't own it. we'll let obamacare fail and then the democrats are going to come to us and going say how do we fix it or how do we come up with a new plan. this is not a republican health care. this is not anything but a democrat health care. >> this is extortion. he's pushing it over the edge. essentially go back to congress with hostages. >> that's right. he's been clear about this all along. he says if it fails it will be easier to force congress to do something. he basically wants to trash it and make the democrats sue for peace. when he says the republicans won't be accountable every public opinion poll suggests that the public now thinks republicans are responsible for what happens with the health care system so i think he may be miscalculating on that point if he obviously makes it fail it's not the democrats who are going to get blamed and it's unclear whether the democrats are going to come back to the table and do anything that the republicans would like to do to replace it. >> why should they? this is trumpcare. as of yesterday it's trumpcare. >> there's no incentive. this is an abusive boss who says hey if i move your desk and cut your salary and kick you out of the guest room you'll go out on a date with me. democrats have no reason to work with him. this president -- here's the issue. the legal argument that sarah huckabee sanders made which is will these were illegal payments, no. this was being appealed in the courts right now. the government still had an obligation to make these payments until the case made its way up to the supreme court and they are just backing out of it. it's spiteful and foolish. demonstrate will watch this all the way into 2018. >> there was a bipartisan effort to deal with this problem, with this ambiguous legality of how to fund these cost sharing reductions these subsidies. it's basically falling apart. there was an effort by senators murray and alexander, right, a republican and a democrat to deal with this, to come up with a funding solution so that there would be no ambiguity so the court case would be moot and what incentive do they have to pursue that now? >> especially since mitch mcconnell won't bring anything to the floor with the democrats name on it. anyway the hostages are being taken by more than one person. thank you all for being here. coming up, i went to the u.s. virgin islands to report on the hurricane devastation there. you don't want to miss it. your brain is an amazing thing. but as you get older, it naturally begins to change, causing a lack of sharpness, or even trouble with recall. thankfully, the breakthrough in prevagen helps your brain and actually improves memory. the secret is an ingredient originally discovered... in jellyfish. in clinical trials, prevagen has been shown to improve short-term memory. prevagen. the name to remember. when it comes to strong bones, are you on the right path? we have postmenopausal osteoporosis... ..and a high risk for fracture, so with our doctors... ...we chose prolia®... help make our bones stronger. only prolia® helps strengthen bones... stopping cells that damage them... ...with 1 shot every 6 months. do not take prolia® if you have low blood calcium, are pregnant, are allergic to it, or take xgeva®. serious allergic reactions, like low blood pressure; trouble breathing; throat tightness; face, lip or tongue swelling... ...rash, itching or hives have happened. tell your doctor about dental problems, as severe jaw bone... ...problems may happen or new or unusual pain in your hip groin, or thigh, as unusual thigh bone fractures have occurred. peak to your doctor before stopping prolia®, as spine and other bone fractures have occurred. prolia® can cause serious side effects, like low blood calcium; serious infections, which could need hospitalization; problems; and severe bone, joint, or muscle pain. if your bones aren't getting stronger... ...isn't it time for a new direction? why wait? ask your doctor about prolia®. look at these pictures of utter devastation from the u.s. virgin islands. i went there this week to bring you a firsthand report how the american citizens are recovering from not one but two category 5 hurricanes that tore through the islands last month. and how the trump administration is responding or not to the disaster. that's next. dry mouth dry mouth they feel that they have to drink a lot of water medications seem to be the number one cause for dry mouth. i like to recommend biotene. it replenishes the moisture in your mouth. biotene definitely works! now that we have your attention... capri sun has four updated drinks. now with only the good stuff. do you know how to use those? nope. get those kids some new capri sun! three weeks after hurricane maria tore through the islands recover efforts is losing momentum. only about 9 puerto rico of the island has power. 9%. less than a week ago. 52% of puerto rican water customers have service. up from a week ago but down from the past few days. so how does donald trump react? he put puerto rico on notice tweeting on thursday we cannot keep if he marks the military and first responders who have been amazing under the most difficult circumstances in pr forever. joining us now, the speaker of the new york city council. your reaction. >> it's sadistic. here are people who are suffering. and you have the audacity to talk about turning your backs when people are in crisis. level of anxiety that that produces on people who are already stressed and dealing with incredible difficult circumstances. it does not make sense at all. it's obscene. again, as you were indicating the electric grid is a yo-yo. incredibly unstable. one day you have 80% people covered. next day back at 91% people not covered. it's fragile. there's still not enough water or food getting into very remote areas. puerto rico is relatively large when you look at the caribbean. not that big but 135 miles by 100 miles but mountainous areas where you have not seen any federal presence. we have volunteers, vets who are volunteering. nurses coming from florida and other areas. going into these areas and providing the service that the federal government should problem providing and it's not happening. >> he's angry at the mayor of san juan. not as if donald trump said similar things to texas and florida. >> never. there's been coverage where indicates how the level of response to each of those circumstances and, again, we only have about 14,000 to 15,000 personnel on the ground when after irma we saw 40,000. still a lack of presence of real engagement and seems very uncoordinated, disorganized in term of the way the aid is being provided. >> two democrats, two members of congress on thursday have actually called for an audit. they want an audit of the death toll in puerto rico following maria amid concerns that the government is under counting the number of dead. estimated 81 deaths linked to the hurricane and another 450 reported deaths most of the causes still unknown and reports of 69 people still missing. >> vice made calls to all the hospitals. there's concerns that there's serious underreporting of the deaths. in the current circumstances where you have polluted water, the water authority accessing super fund sites and there's concerns with that. people have died from bacterial infectio infections. there's real serious health issues. you have hospitals running on generators. even with generators they can't proride 100% service of people who have needs. people on dialysis, have cancer. people needing five days of dialysis are getting two days. people are leaving the island, becoming medical evacuees going to florida. people are coming to new york. we have to prepare to make sure people transition here. we need help on the ground. we definitely do not have enough support on the ground. to all the volunteers and nonprofit organizations who are doing incredible work on the ground they need support as well. this is not something we can take care of on our own. >> for those that are not familiar, you should look up on this article. it talks about people who are accessing toxic sites after evaluating several spots that are harmful. chemical cale tainted water source on the northern coast of puerto rico we'll put that out on our facebook page. the other thing we've been hearing this week is money. this notion that rather than receiving grants which is what is going to texas and florida, that puerto rico should have to get loans. >> right. >> that again is a double standard of how people in virgin islands are being treated. we're getting loans as opposed to grant assistance. puerto rico has a liquidity issue. the issue of pensions and payments to people. the whole economy also is an issue that i don't think has been discussed. >> the jones act hasn't helped. >> you have country that to provide supplies and aid to puerto rico. we can't accept those ships into our port because the jones act continues to be in existence and does not allow any ships that are not u.s. ships to come in to our ports. so that has to be removed. senator mccain is a strong advocate for that as well as many others. we've been talking about getting rid of the jones act. we have country that to provide aid to us but we can't accept shows ships and provide supplies. >> what happens if fema and u.s. military pull out of puerto rico? >> i can't imagine. it's catastrophic. we're seeing people dying right now as it is. again, people are doing incredible work on the ground. but there's a moral responsibility and obligation. we've had u.s. citizenship for 100 years. puerto rico in 1898 was invaded by the united states. when congressman velasquez says with that invasion comes responsibility. we do pay taxes despite the fact that some of these republican congress members want to say we do pay taxes. puerto ricans do pay tax. it's a different structure, but taxes are paid. and so there's that responsibility. so i think those history lessons and history lessons that some of these republican congress members need and our own president needs. >> not being able to have a voting member in congress. >> u.s. virgin islands, puerto rico, all the representatives that want to help us. >> absolutely. thank you so much. always good to talk to you. recovery efforts as the congresswoman mentioned are under way in virgin islands an island change in caribbean miles from puerto rico and donald trump made this mention of the islands on friday. >> i left texas and i left florida and i left louisiana and i went to puerto rico and i met with the president of the virgin islands. these are people that are incredible people. they are suffering gravely. >> trump forgetting that he, he is the president of the u.s. virgin islands. only highlights how overlooked the territory has been not just with the recent hurricanes, plural but in the overall scope of american politics. according to fema 14% of st. thomas the most populace island has power. half of the island has cell service. earlier this week i traveled to st. thomas and st. john and i found a place that's struggling to get back on its feet. >> well, maria was astounding. i've been in a couple of hurricanes before. maria i never seen before. >> irma was more of a category r. >> the hurricane is gone. but it's still gnawing at us. >> the story is mostly about puerto rico. there's a second story. it took place here on the u.s. virgin islands. which was hit not by one but two category 5 hurricane. first irma and then maria. according to residents that we've spoken with on the various islands of the usvi the response is uneven. >> response, the helping team, i think that was poorly, poorly. >> we wish that it would be across the board and not just somewhere and not others. i understand puerto rico came into the picture and forgot about the virgin islands again. when you look at it there could be more attention that's more consistent. >> if you look around you can see the devastation. we get a little help here and there. probably not enough. i don't think we can depend on the federal too much to help us. >> fema is here every day. but in the initial aftermath we didn't have too much. after maria we've been seeing them. this week they've been here every day. it's picking up. >> what are some of the challenges. what have you heard from people in st. john? >> we're pushing resources to st. john as well as st. thomas. the challenges we're facing, we're facing an emergency response and recovery effort that's thousands of miles from the united states. >> the community is so close knit. the locals came out right after the hurricane and the locals pitched in with whatever equipment they, had started clearing the roads and it's been that way ever since. >> tell me about where we are right now. >> we're on the island of saint thomts and this is 22 i had rise. 22 is the area of st. thomas that we're in and these are some of the high rise apartments. over there you see the more modern ones. these are the ones that had not yet been renovated before hurricane irma hit. >> where we're standing now is public housing, hud housing. has the hud secretary ben carson been here? >> no. >> have you spoken to him? >> i have not. he's not called me. i've gotten communication from his office. i know that he's talked to other members. thankfully other members have told him when you talk and go down and visit the virgin islands give me a callback. this is the content of someone's life. >> right. this is their clothes, their everything. you can see there's probably the hallway. >> yeah. >> we're going into their bedrooms, the bathrooms. someone's kitchen. still see some of the tea cups and stuff here. just amazing. >> everything is disintegrated. this is one of the places where there was a fatality because this wall blew out and the woman was sucked out. >> the hurricane has lots of turns inside of it people are unaware of and just pulled her -- >> my god. >> 150,000 people. much smaller than puerto rico but it hasn't gotten the attention or the devastation. what do you owe that to? >> i want to say it's, you know, the news cycle. i would like to think that's the reason why. i mean americans attention spans are pretty short. here a lot of people on the island thinking that it's because we're people of color. >> do you think the president should come? >> it would be a sign of respect to us for the president to come but more than him coming i just want him to do the right thing by the people of the virgin islands. >> a hud spokesperson says that secretary carson is planning to visit the virgin islands and puerto rico at some point and that he's been in touch with the governor. in the meantime hud has approved the demolition of most of the 22 housing project. more than 200 families that lived there will receive vouchers for new housing but with much of the island's homes destroyed that might mean a move to the u.s. mainland. coming up in our next hour the growing allegations against harbor vie weinstein and russian gate investigation reaches into donald trump's inner circle. and bishop barber joins me for our moral moment. a >> coming up next bishop william barber joins us for a moral moment. stay with us. this guy is upping his game by listening to an audiobook on audible. and this guy is just trying to get through the day. this guy feels like he can take on anything. this guy isn't sure he can take it anymore. unwavering self-confidence. stuck in a 4-door sedan of sadness. upgrade your commute. ride with audible. dial star star audible on your smartphone to start listening today. the whole country booking on choice four words, badda book. badda boom... let it sink in. shouldn't we say we have the lowest price? 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[ applause ]. >> how times have changed. but you know what? now they're changing back again. just remember that. [ cheers and applause ] >> donald trump became the first sitting president to address the values voters summit, an annual gathering of deserve leaders, just after undermining health care access for manages of americans. roy moore became a darling of the christian right for once refusing to remove a ten commandments monument from his courthouse. mandating school segregation and poll taxes. joining me now to discuss all of this, bishop william barber. on that last point of judge roy moore,s the interesting. he is a darling of the christian right. but reading this article this week about how he once stood steadfast against removing segregation and poll taxes against the alabama constitution and yet he fits in fine. why is that? >> i can't call it christian right. it's so wrong. it's not christian. gun waving politicians that support segregation is not christian. it's crazy. and people are somehow being fooled and it's time really for there to be a major challenge to this kind of public heresy that we see going on that is so counter the real values of christianity. >> we're looking at pictures of him waving his tiny pistol around at this values voters summit. there's a flyers being circulated, an anti-gay flyer that says the health hazards of homosexuality. they're handing out things like bumper stickers, i don't believe the liberal media. the stuff they' ee're distribut there, it feels so counter to the core message of christian love in the bible. it's hard for me to believe they read that bible and get that out of it. >> from jeremiah 22 to jesus and matthew 25, christian values for nations and political leaders has to do with love and justice, equality, stopping exploitation of the vulnerable, caring for the poor, caring for children, welcoming immigrants, helping the sick and loving all. and by these standards, the so-called value summit is not about judeo christian values, it's not about christianity but the values of a her rheetical extremism. much of this has been documented particularly in books like "one nation under god" we princeton scholar kevin cruise. what the president did was ir reline of scrimmar irreligious. he boasted about taking health care. he boasted about taking s subsidies for poor people. that is not christian. he did not even quote the whole allegiance. he said one nation under god. he forgot indivisible with liberty and justice for all. he promoted arrogance, warmongering. these are not christian values and it's high time that we call it out. what was even more disturbing, joy, was that the leaders of the so-called value summit applauded. they applauded the very policy that are going to hurt their members, poor white people and also hurt poor blacks and poor brown people and just americans in general. these are not christian values but the values of an extreme corporate oligarchy trying to use the values and claim the faith as a way to gain power. and lastly, not only what they say is nonnon-christian when he- they attack gay people and muslim, but their scienilence o voter suppression and fundamental values of christianity again says we cannot continue to call these things christian . it's a form of public heresy that must be challenged. >> donald trump is getting to a point that you do hear people in that far right movement say a lot. this is donald trump. >> we know that it's the family and the church, not government officials that know best how to create strong and loving communities. and above all else, we know this. in america we don't worship government, we worship god. [ cheers and applause ] >> the you know, th >> that argument is used a lot by people on the so-called christian right to say that anyone who wants the government to help the poor is worshipping government rather than turning to institutions like the family and the church to provide for the poor and have the government not be involved in that. how does that comport with your theology? >> first of all, in the bible government is challenged. the prophets challenge the government. jesus challenged the government. his first sermon was a challenge to economic exploitation of the poor. you cannot have a government that creates problems, that has hundreds of years of legalized slavery and segregation that writes policies that lift up the greedy and forgive corporate crooks and then treat people like things and corporations like people and then say there's no responsibility. we must have correction all through the scriptures. the bible calls for a correction to inequality that is prosecutioned produced by government policies. isaiah 10 said woe unto those who legislate evil. you have no right to claim you want the family and the church to do all these things when the policies around tax cuts and denying health care and blocking living wages that you promote actually hurt families. this is a con. it's been going on a long time. everybody needs to -- it's as old as the slave master who had people who endorsed slavery and found theological ways to do that. it's as old as those people that challenge dr. king and said he needed to stop challenging. it's just wrong and we have to challenge it. >> indeed. bishop william barber, always a pleasure to talk to you, sir. thank you very much. >> blessings. take care now. up next, new details about harvey weinstein's sexual harassment scandal. when it comes to strong bones, are you on the right path? we have postmenopausal osteoporosis... ..and a high risk for fracture, so with our doctors... ...we chose prolia®... help make our bones stronger. only prolia® helps strengthen bones... stopping cells that damage them... ...with 1 shot every 6 months. do not take prolia® if you have low blood calcium, are pregnant, are allergic to it, or take xgeva®. serious allergic reactions, like low blood pressure; trouble breathing; throat tightness; face, lip or tongue swelling... ...rash, itching or hives have happened. tell your doctor about dental problems, as severe jaw bone... ...problems may happen or new or unusual pain in your hip groin, or thigh, as unusual thigh bone fractures have occurred. peak to your doctor before stopping prolia®, as spine and other bone fractures have occurred. prolia® can cause serious side effects, like low blood calcium; serious infections, which could need hospitalization; problems; and severe bone, joint, or muscle pain. if your bones aren't getting stronger... ...isn't it time for a new direction? why wait? ask your doctor about prolia®. jimmy's gotten used to his whole yup, he's gone 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even his board of directors. now that silence has been broken with more than two dozen women coming forward accusing weinstein of everything from harassment to rape. one of those women is ambra batallana. she agreed to wear a wire and confront weinstein the next day. the following audio is from that sting operation. >> i'm not feeling very uncomfortable right now. >> please come in now in one minute. when you want to leave -- >> why you touch my breast? >> please. i'm sorry. just come on in. i'm used to that. >> you're used to that? >> yes. come in. >> no, but i'm not used to that. >> come on. sit here for a minute, please. >> no, i don't mean to t rkno, . >> i will never do another thing to you. don't ruin your friendship with me for five minutes. >> a spokesperson said, quote, any allegations of non-consensual sex are unequivocally denied by mr. weinstein. joining me now is joan walsh of the nation, dean obadalla. claire, i'm going to start with you because this notion i talked about a little bit in the setup that it was widely known among many hollywood insiders that harvey weinstein was this kind of a person. tmz broke a story takes it even inside his boards room. this is a question of whether or not weinstein's contract actually stipulated payments he would have to make to the company if he was caught harassing or assaulting people. >> it's quite unbelievable that anybody would have an employment contract of this kind but according to the 2015 contract he signed with his own company, weinstein co, he has to pay $250,000 and a fine to the company if they are subject to any kind of lawsuit from any of these women. in a second instance, he would have to pay 500,000. and a third instance, 750,000. but there doesn't seem to be any stipulation whatsoever that he would lose his job if these claims keep coming back again and again. now, the board has said they knew there were settlements prior to this contract and they have said they believed these relationships were consensual and these payments were simply to pay off these women not to talk about them. but harvey's fighting this. he is saying, look, there's no grounds for you to fire me. i have the right of arbitration and i have the right of mediation. and they will have a conversation with harvey's lawyer next week, which is kind of yet another stunning turn in this story, you know, of which there are many. today the academy has a conversation -- the academy which hands out the oscars is having a conversation about whether they want harvey to remain in the organization. we'll know this afternoon. joy, i just wanted to also mention that bob weinstein, the brother, gave an explosive interview to hollywood reporter that they published just now and at the heart of that story you have bob saying they're looking to sever their financial relationship with harvey. harvey has a 20% stake in the company. as long as that's the case you're going to have business partners coming forward such as amazon, apple, showtime saying they don't want to work with the company or at least suspending their work with the company until things are resolved. lots of news here today. >> amazon has its own problems obviously with roy price, the head of amazon studios, also over sexual harassment claims. you have a former playboy play mate named carrie stevens who has accused oliver stone of assault. it's really sort of all over the place at this point. liz, you've worked in the entertainment industry for a long time, cocreator of "the daily show." in ronan farrow's exceptional story, as well as the "new york times" story, word that the staff in some cases were luring women into meetings with harvey weinstein and not reporting that, leaving women alone with him. the idea that his brother had no idea, you know -- i mean, this is horrifying to think so many people including the board were aware of his behavior and the only thing they wanted to do was fine him. >> no one except for somebody that harvey weinstein himself would create in a movie could have that behavior with nobody knowing. it's ridiculous to assume. they're reckless. they're careless and it has to be orchestrated. to even be shocked that somebody with power would do this is insulting to all of us really. we all know dean martin was the guy that got chicks for all those people. there has always been the body man to bring the women. there's always been the ways that people are vulnerable. and in a state now where people are demanding their agency and respect, mediocre people who rose to power who could hang onto that power by -- if i see you and i see you can see through me, you're going to be destroyed. when that is the dominance in our industry, that's what we have to figure out how to fix. >> harvey weinstein, the stories are that he would do this sort of combination of things to keep media from catching him, threaten people to sue them if you come out with this, or threaten the women that their careers would be destroyed. you notice it's not the top tier women that are making akizati n accusations because the people who were willing to talk, he could torch their careers. this is a threat to the women being able to get into the industry and rise in the industry. >> absolutely. he's targeting women in their early 20s. i don't think that's a coincidence. because we're talking about an abuse of power. if you believe meryl streep that she had no idea this was happening, you understand why. >> she was already meryl streep. >> he needs her more than she needs him in that dynamic. i think we have to understand how this works in terms of the cultural conversation. this is an abuse of power by certain men, a minority of men, not the majority of men. and they're making a choice, so he used his position of power to exploit and take advantage of women who were a lot less vulnerable. he had an m.o. he's doing it to 20-year-olds who are just trying to break in. i think of actresses who seem to be on the rise and disappeared. i want to know what happened to them. whether it was harvey or someone else, i think there's a lot more we're going to find out in the coming weeks. >> in hollywood and beyond, because it's a harvey weinstein conversation and it's a general conversation. it's really beyond media. but you also have the cover of the week this week which is a pretty harrowing cover that shows roger ailes, bill o'reilly and harvey weinstein. there it is on screen in robes. a horrifying picture. but you also had within the fox news organization -- people must have known that he was abuse i have. bill owe ri'reilly is there. you have bill cosby who's been operating out there in the world since the '60s allegedly. people must have known. >> you've got a man in the white house accused of these same things who does not come from the media world, who eventually got to the television world but basically comes from business. on the access hollywood tape he describes how it happens. when you're a star or a star maker, you can do this stuff. and we elected him. 53% of white women voted for him. i think a lot of us are having ptsd this week because it's coming on the heels of the one-year anniversary of learning all of this stuff about trump. my facebook feed memories come up and i'm writing about all the new women coming forward with stories about donald trump. i've got such certainty in my voice a year ago that this man cannot be elected president because of the revelations and then he was. i'm kind of heart broken this week. i don't know that anything will change. >> you do have in the harvey weinstein case, now we're starting to see women coming forward. once a few women come forward, then you start to get the flood of stories. the same thing happened with donald trump. some of these women at fox news who were rising stars on television suddenly vanish off tv. we forget who these women are. i really quickly want to go through with the trump accusers. the bbc have tallied them. jessica drake, linda mcgillray, summer zernos. ivana trump has made allegations which she retracted later. these people have had either mostly no charges filed. they withdrew them. there's been no settlements as a way to catch him. do we have a triple standard here if it's the president it's okay, but if it's harvey weinstein we're rightly horrified. >> why didn't "saturday night live" make fun of harvey weinstein? why does that matter? let's talk about the cultural norms, women empowered to come forward and say what happened without fear of their career being attacked or without shaming. i went to the fec and found out who gave donations to donald trump and said are you going to give the money back the same way the democrats are giving money back to harvey weinstein when donald trump has admitted sexual assault. i got the same response from all of them, silence. they didn't want to comment. we'll believe women if the person committing the wrong is a democrat but we won't believe it's a republican. donald trump is the gop and the gop is trump. that's why they stand behind this guy. donald trump did something unique, something more revolting. he had an event about this time last year, public rally, he shamed the women. he called him liars, said i'm going to sue all of them and the crowd cheered lustfully. what message does that send to women coming forward when the gop nominee can say i'm going to sue them and they are liars? >> the two biggest hypocrites are shawn antean hannity and tu carlson. they were sitting in the seats of bill o'reilly sitting in his chair. tucker carlson tweeting it's time for justice for harvey weinstein, he's a serial predator. he's sitting in bill o'reilly's chair at roger ailes's network. do you remember them ever saying anything to support or defend women in these situations of sexual assault when it was donald trump? >> no! or women they work with. >> or their own colleagues. >> right. >> it's amazing. >> you know, for me it really -- we talk around this all the time, we have four women and a guy talking. like until -- not to get all religious y, but the parable of the good samaritan is something to look at. because what made the good samaritan good is when they saw that person lying beside the road, they didn't say what will happen to me if i help that person. they said, what will happen to that person if i don't help. until we have allies witness this, ask the question first what will happen to that person if i don't help, we are going to be stuck in this conversation. >> absolutely. one of the things i've heard a bit this morning is there are now hollywood executives who are thinking twice about taking meetings with women, who are thinking twice about doing recruiting meetings and trying to distance themselves because that actually hurts women's ability to get jobs. are you hearing that kind of thing starting to happen? >> i haven't at all, but that is stunning and terrible. but i think in hollywood how do you avoid meeting women? i mean, most of the business is about putting beautiful women on the screen so i'm mystified as to how that would happen. but as ever, lawyers control much of what most of us do in america. so i'm guessing they're probably warning folks they work for, get something else in the room or you might get sued and who knows what might be said about you. that to me is shocking. just to go back to the social media aspect of this and having women come together to speak out and support each other, i think twitter played a huge role in helping rose mcgowan keep going and going after people and requesting that board members step down and calling out matt damon and ben affleck. obviously twitter got in trouble for taking rose's account down because they said that she violated their terms and then today we have the kind of hashtag that women should boycott twitter today in protest. women getting together and saying we've had enough of this and we're not going to stand for it. >> i think that is ridiculous. >> silence ourselves. >> men have to stand up. >> right. >> this thing where we raise money for this group that stood up for women and said men you have to speak out and i got push back from other men. men get defensive. i go i'm not accusing you of anything. i'm saying if you see something or hear it, talk to that guy. that's how you change cultural norms. tell them it's wrong. report it to their bosses if they're not going to stop. you have to speak up. me and my other fellow men have to be the ones leading the charge to stand up because it's men doing the sexual harassing for the most part. >> there are women in positions of power who know it's happening as well who also have a responsibility. i hate to constantly pick on fox, but you do have a network where tucker cal s eer carlson laur laur laurenand says she should have to go sell shoes. the idea they're suddenly protective of women is shocking. >> they're so outraged by this. right. they've been creating a culture where this is acceptable where the women who work for them are nonetheless groomed to look a certain way, to show their legs, to be a sex object on television because that's what these guys in their homes -- roger ailes once described them to me as the 55 to dead demographic, these guys in their homes, that's what they want to see. it furthers this notion that women are ornamental and not serious. >> i think women are fed up. i think that donald trump being the president has shifted the conversation because it's so plain as day. he was caught on tape saying i touched a woman without her consent. anderson cooper said, you know that's sexual assault. millions of women marched all over the world and here in the united states because i think we're at a point -- i've spoken to women this week who are just pissed off. we don't want to be harassed and we want men who don't harass who call each other out when they are engaging in this type of behavior. >> you can take a meeting with a woman by herself, guys. just don't swexually harass her. great panel, thank you all very much. coming up, donald trump's former chief of staff meets with robert mueller. what does that mean for russia-gate and the investigation? ♪ we're drowning in information. where, in all of this, is the stuff that matters? the stakes are so high, your finances, your future. how do you solve this? you don't. you partner with a firm that advises governments and the fortune 500, and, can deliver insight person to person, on what matters to you. morgan stanley. you myour joints...thing for your heart... or your digestion... so why wouldn't you take something for the most important part of you... your brain. with an ingredient originally found in jellyfish, prevagen is now the number one selling brain health supplement in drug stores nationwide. prevagen. the name to remember. here's the story. this was an excuse by the democrats and people get carried away. >> amid new daily signs that donald trump's presidency is going off the rails, including reports quoting insiders saying trump is unraveling, there are new indications that the investigation into the trump campaign's ties to russia is moving ahead full steam. on friday special counsel robert mueller's investigative team interviewed former white house chief of staff reince priebus. also shed new light on the extensive russia related financial entanglements of former trump campaign manager paul manafort. the report uncovered a $26 million loan sent to a company linked to manafort from a company owned by deripaska, the russian billionaire. the significant of the reince priebus interview in your mind? >> with any investigation, you always want to go to the person that's in the center of the storm and reince priebus, as the chief of staff, it's the equivalent of being al qaeda number one or number two or number three. you see all transactions. he's in a very key position to confirm a lot of the narratives that we see from all of these independent -- >> yeah. let's talk about manafort just a minute. let's have richard engel explain if manafort story first. >> reporter: so you look at this together. you see a $26 million loan from deripaska's company to a manafort linked company. then another $26 million loan from that manafort company to a company that is named after manafort's daughters which has in the past been used to buy real estate for members of his family. i think you get a much clearer picture of what we're talking about. >> there were two different versions of the statement that manafort's lawyer made in response to that reporting. the spokesman declined to give specific answers about the loans but releaeased a >> i love it when a person comes in and verifies nbc news reporting which was a bill yari report. we have here one of two things. a political payoff to facilitate the process of the election or he was money launderingoligarch. which one is it? both are bad. they're both going to lead right back to the trump white house. paul manafort's job in the ukraine was to make sure that political activities were done for a pro-kremlin president including cancelling nato exercises. there was a protest that attacked u.s. marines on the ground there ma manafothat mana his organization may have coordinated. the question is did he do that for moscow to get donald trump elected president? >> so we have priebus, manafort. let's move onto jared kushner. he revised yet again the forms he filled out to get his security clearance. he omitted a company he continued to profit from. a man named krishna murthi. >> jared kushner submitted four addendums to his security clearance paperwork after his original forms -- can you recall if there's ever been an applicant having to submit four addenda detailing over 100 errors and mow missiomissions b to maintain their security clearance once those errors have been identified? >> will caveat that by saying i have not seen the breadth of applications but i have not seen that level of mistakes. >> he was questioning the head of the background checks bureau. if you had to resubmit and made all of these errors on the forms to get your security clearance, would you have kept it? >> no. i can't imagine any situation that would be the case. i've been through this process, i would say, at least a half a dozen times. >> how does he have security clearance? >> i am baffled by it. there's always been some preference given to people coming into a new administration. however, i've never seen or heard of it where you repeatedly come back and make additions and corrections to it. that is unheard of. if you remember, he came out, talked to congress, made a statement, had updates for his clearance. that was your one chance to do it. why does this keep coming back every few months? not only is it amateur. it just reeks. it makes you want to look further and say why couldn't you figure out all of your business interests? >> you're supposed to be the guy who's so smart you can do literally everything. when you have kushner revising what debts his has, what businesses he's tied to, manafort, is he in debt is he not in debt, it does seem a lot of what russia gate is is revolving around money. >> right. the fact that people are lying, dissembling and diverting attention. he should have been called in. i've never -- like clint, i've gone through that process numerous times. there's no such thing as an addendum. that process, the sf-86 is designed to make sure you're being honest with them. once you reveal you have lied to them, you ever revealed you're untrustworthy for that clearance. we found this out. the mueller investigation knows all about this. >> of course. >> why do you think they hired 16 financial specialists in criminal fraud and, you know, to come in and do financial and criminal investigations of their background. this guy also should have had his clearance pulled the minute the report came out that his lawyers verified that he asked the russians for secured crypto graphic communications that he called not a back channel but a way to get information from russian generals in syria. donald trump is allowing him to serve at his pleasure. >> let's go to another person now pulled into the russian probe. that's robert mercer. his daughter rebecca and he have extensive financial ties throughout the trump administration. now it appears the russia probe is now looking into a company call eed cambridge analytica. the is a data service operated in both europe and here that was used to develop data profiles of potential trump voters. jared kushner was in charge of that operation, the data operation. i just want to show people the little diagrams we have of robert mercer and rebecca mercer's financial ties to the trump organization. they are pay masters of steve bannon. they are pay masters behind kellyanne conway's former polling company. they are behind david bossy who was an old clinton foe, the citizened unit es united guy. they fund breitbart, on and on. what's the significant? >> i think they have to look at all potential avenues which there could have been collusion. i will add on this case i've seen a lot of digital marketing companies. they're usually over stating. there's a lot of cool words in cambridge analytica which is also i looked at the internet and did some analysis. if the russians set the pace and the russians are hacking materials, it hyper powers any political campaign. they can take the information, watch the influence that's going on. they don't have to coordinate. they just replicate. >> could russia have done what they did to the extent they did without someone on the u.s. side helping them figure out who to target? >> i take a different view. i really think that somebody had to be at the pointiest end of this stick. we call these people targeteers. they did i remember rigeterminee precinct level what data would really work. they're not well versed down that a precinct in southern pennsylvania to determine which facebook ad would work better for them. they can produce content. this is what the senate intelligence committee is investigating, this is what the mueller investigation is determining. is there a bridge between the con stetent producer that broadbanded all of this out by russian intelligence down to an american organization that consciously took that material knowing where it was from and what it was for and then brought it down to the political ele electorate so they could engineer. >> you left out devin nunes. they're investigating who financed the donald trump dossier. all do you understa coming up, residents who were injured in the white nationalist rally in charlottesville are fighting back, next. kyle: mom! mom! kyle, we talked about this. there's no monsters. but you said they'd be watching us all the time. no, no. no, honey, we meant that progressive would be protecting us 24/7. we just bundled home and auto and saved money. that's nothing to be afraid of. -but -- -good night, kyle. [ switch clicks, door closes ] ♪ i told you i was just checking the wiring in here, kyle. he's never like this. i think something's going on at school. -[ sighs ] -he's not engaging. i think something's going on at school. you give us comfort. and we give you bare feet, backsweat, and gordo's... everything. i love you, but sometimes you stink. soft surfaces trap odors. febreze fabric refresher cleans them away for good. because the things you love the most can stink. and plug in febreze to keep your whole room fresh for up to 45 days. breathe happy with febreze. so we sent that sample i doff to ancestry. i was from ethnically. my ancestry dna results are that i am 26% nigerian. i am just trying to learn as much as i can about my culture. i put the gele on my head and i looked into the mirror and i was trying not to cry. because it's a hat, but it's like the most important hat i've ever owned. discover the story only your dna can tell. order your kit now at last week a group of white supremacists led by richard spencer returned to charlottesville with tiki torches in hand. in ago when white supremacistso protesters, one of the protesters was killed. the federal lawsuit accuses the organizers of intention any -- intentionally inciting violence. such harrowing pictures. we also have the attorney pursuing the case. people may know you from a landmark civil rights case that you did that made gay marriage of the law of the land. your work proceeds you. >> my client in that case died three weeks ago. part of me thinks she's looking down from heaven. >> let's talk about your lawsuit. those pictures of your boyfriend being injured flying through the air as that car hit him are so harrowing. we were just talking about the fact that when you guys went to that rally, what did you think you were going to confront? >> nazis, white supremacists, hate. that's what our plan was to confront hate, to spread love, to show them there's more of us than there is of you. >> did you get the sense the violence perpetrated against you was planned or did it feel spontaneous? >> when we were on 4th street where the car rammed into the protesters we automatically knew it was intentional. we knew from when we went to the rally violence might happen, it's going to be dangerous. but for someone to ram a car through a crowd of peaceful protesters, we did not expect it. finding out all the evidence, it's like we were in ar w war z. >> talk about what is the basis of this lawsuit. you had this violence happen. how can you then sue the organizers because of the violence? >> sure. for many many years in this company it has been illegal to incite violence or threaten people with violence or plan to create violence and create a violent riot which is essentially what happened. in addition to that we are suing under laws that were passed during reconstruction. the klu klux klan act. those laws were used successfully to beat the kellyanne conwklan. >> you're going to sue them bankrupt. a lot of people sued klan organizations to deprive them of their money. >> we're suing for compensatory and punitive damages. >> for people who don't lurk in the dark web, people may not know this is not a spontaneous thing. there is actually a meme on the far right about hitting people with a car. >> absolutely. in connection with charlottesville lparticularly w talk about detail messaged on the chat rooms where they would show pictures of a tractor and say introducing john deere's new multilane protester to do that. they would all do smiley face emojis when they talked about it. >> this is nothing that he had any idea of. i feel like if we had the information, if we did know that violence was bound to happen that we may not have been out there. >> the police are not a part of this lawsuit. this is suing the organizers of the rally. when you got to the rally, did you get the sense the police understood the magnitude of the threat against you. >> i don't. i don't think they were really ready for what was going to happen, maybe because they didn't know either. but the main focus of this case is on the ones who actually perpetrated the violence. yes, the police may not have been 100% ready, may not have established what they needed to establish. but the main point is the organizers of this are the ones to blame. >> yeah. these rallies keep coming back to charlottesville. is that a component of your complaint? >> they just came back in. i think spencer called it charlottesville 3.0. we are seeking injunctive relief to make sure there's not going to be any charlottesville 4.0 or shelbiville. >> how do you get around the first amendment assembly piece of this? can you stop someone from coming back to a city? >> sure. the first amendment protects people who want to peaceably assemble. if they want to peaceably assemble and say their racist homophobic things, they have a right to do that. that's not what happened here. this wasn't peaceable assembly. it was speech encouraging fomenting and planning violence in advance. that's never been protected by the first amendment. >> we saw the pictures earlier. he actually pushed you out of the way just before he was hit by the car. >> i was very nearly injured. he's actually my fiance. definitely going to marry him. he'll tell you his physical injuries will heal but mentally he'll never be the same. none of us will. we've noticed it in our own relationship, with our friends, our family, our employer. mentally we're never going to be the same. >> we have a situation where one of the people who was beaten by a gang of these nieo nazis was himself arrested and on the word of one of them he's now facing charged. we wish you the best of luck. please come back and update us on the lawsuit. coming up, beyond charlottesville, what happened the night the nazis came to new york. so tell us your big idea for getting the whole country booking on choice four words, badda book. badda boom... let it sink in. shouldn't we say we have the lowest price? 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>> it's frightening. i probably watched it a thousand times and it still gives me the chills when i see it. i heard about this event probably six months ago. a friend of mine told me about it and i thought there's no way this could have happened and i didn't know about it. i got a researcher to start looking around. it turned out some of the footage was in the national archives. ucla has an archive and other places it had been scattered but it had never been pulled together into a single piece. so we got it. i cut it together and just realized that it had a power in just spending six minutes, seven minutes watching this event. >> you did it as a documentary, but in a different way. it doesn't have a narration, it's not a traditionally documentary. you pretty much just let people watch it. >> my first idea was to have historians set the stage. i realized when i cut it together and watched it for the first time that there's a power to just transporting somebody into that time and letting them sort of witness it firsthand without anybody trying to explain it too much but just to see what that world was like. >> yeah. and, you know, we know that there was a nazi presence in the early 20th century in the u.s., obviously, that was pretty pervasive, particularly before we got into world war ii. there was a 1927 klan rally that donald trump's father happened to be arrested at. we don't know in what way. was it as open as it is now? that looks pretty open. was it as aggressive as it is now in trying to convert ordinary white americans? >> they were organized. they were organized. they knew what they were doing. they were run by fritz kuhn. he was something have an organizational genius. they wanted to be the nazis of america of the 1930s. hitler didn't want anything to do with them, of course. they were an embarrassment. imagine being an nazi so bad that you embarrass hitler. but kuhn said they had 200,000. somehow or other they got 20,000 people into the garden that night. >> at the time, "the new york times" wrote an editorial in which they said that we need to be in no doubt as to what the bund would do to and in this country if it had the opportunity. it would set up an american hitler. so, arnie, they wanted to have hitler-like rule in the united states? >> exactly. and kuhn fancied himself that he was going to be the american hitler. >> it's amazing when you look at the documentary. what is it that they are doing? what are they rallying for? >> it's sort of a celebration of the rise of white supremacy. and to me one of the things that grabbed me so much about the footage was not that there is an anti-semitic leadership. i think there are people that would do this. but there are some pan shots across the crowd and you see tens of thousands of new yorkers who, you know, are dressed in suits and hats and dresses. these are people who were probably nice to their neighbors who lived in neighborhoods where we live today and yet they are cheering and laughing and applauding a philosophy that would be responsible for the deaths of millions of people in the next few years. >> well, that sounds familiar. let's show charlottesville on october 7th because the same thing was said when donald trump said there were some very nice people in charlottesville. these were people that were in suits with little citronella torches they brought bought at the walmart earlier and went back to their college dorms and barista jobs. that's who they try to target, right? >> yes. these were everyday people. they were shop keepers, they were tailors, what have you. they were everyday folks, everyday americans. in fact he said they should be called the german-american bund because he wanted to emphasize the american aspect to them. >> and that ideology has survived into the present day. we saw it in charlottesville. it is not gone away. are they as organized in your view now as they were back then? >> no. kuhn had a real genius for organization. it seems now they're more disparate but now they have the internet, which is an underground way of organizing. kuhn hung out a shingle and people knew where they were. >> marshall, where can people see this doc. >> at >> you premiered it at the atlantic. >> we played it in a number of theaters before that and then it came out on the atlantic and now it's on vimeo and youtube. >> it's pretty stunning. i don't know that we have time, we're seeing more footage of it. it is pretty stunning. marshall curry and arnie bernstein, i really appreciate you both for being here. that is our show for today. "a.m. joy" returns tomorrow at 10:00 a.m. eastern. keep it right here on msnbc. oh, you brought butch. yeah! (butch growls at man) he's looking at me right now, isn't he? yup. (butch barks at man) butch is like an old soul that just hates my guts. (laughs) (vo) you can never have too many faithful companions. introducing the all-new crosstrek. love is out there. find it in a subaru crosstrek. because she's listening this to audible.ughing and this woman is pretending her boss's terrible story is funny. experience the comedy, not your commute. dial star-star-audible on your smartphone to start listening today. good day, everyone. i'm alex witt here at msnbc world headquarters in new york. it is high noon here in the east and 9:00 a.m. out west. here's what's happening. two developments in the russia probe this hour. a new connection for one-time trump campaign manager paul manafort, and reince priebus faces questioning by special counsel robert mueller's team. so what does it all mean? separating fact from fiction on the president's decision not to recertify the iran deal. new reaction from around the world. unraveling and dismantling. president trump signing an executive order on obamacare and it could be a critical stroke of the pen for millions of

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