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Chris Hayes discusses the days top news. Probes next target. One of his close allies, the Manhattan Madam, testifying before a grand jury in the investigation today, while another one of stones allies is being held in Contempt Of Court today for refusing to comply with the judges order to testify. Which means hes choosing potential jail time over cooperating with robert mueller. Here to help us understand all the days developments, joyce vance, former u. S. Attorney and law professor, frank figliuzzi. On set with Us White House reporter from the the Washington Post Ashley Parker and mike schmidt from sniemz. The new york times. Joyce, let me start with you and the machinations of this for a nonlawyer and someone outside this court, it seems like a bizarre, bizarre trial with a very interesting character as a judge. Tell us what it means that they were on pause for so long, do we know what they were doing and what are the scenarios for what could have been going on. He could know about contacts between people involved in the campaign and russians. So there are a lot of possibilities for what he might be able to narrate. Well just have to remain curious a little bit longer. Frank figliuzzi, he was around on the campaign when figures like carter page were also swirling around, that rather chaotic campaign. George papadopoulos was around that campaign. It started as a counterintelligence investigation, something you know a little bit about. How would you use rick gates in the larger investigation into potential collusion or conspiracy with the russians to impact the 2016 campaign . What questions would you have him answer in exchange for what joyce just described, potentially no or little jail time . So i never thought that rick gates was all about a White Collar Crime case against manafort. He can answer the key question, the umbrella question of what this is all about, which is to what extent did this campaign collude with an adversarial government to impact the outcome of an election. And did the president of the United States have as his Campaign Chairman an agent of a foreign power. Thats what gates gets to the heart of. Thats what hes answering. And i believe he knows the answers to those questions and has already provided them to the mueller team. And you reminded us today that gates was around a lot longer than manafort was. Theres been a lot of fire attacking manafort saying he wasnt around long, he gets the papadopoulos coffee boy treatment. Rick gates was and they havent done nearly as an effective job of distancing themselves. He was around during the transition, he was around in the white house, he was in and around these meetings until he was indicted. Rick gates is a survivor. I remember on the campaign the president wants him gone, the president wants him fired, then there he was. Not only does he have this perch as manaforts righthand man but hes there through the rest of the campaign. The convention is mentioned. He was a role on the inaugural committee. Through President Trump he was deeply involved in the daytoday business of the white house, spotted on those 16 or 18 acres. Really, as you said, up until the day he was indicted. This is another reminder of how deep the tentacles of muellers probe potentially go and how much we dont know. And so while theres not a ton of concern at least yet in the west wing of manafort flipping, there is more concern about, a, gates has already flipped and, b, what he may know. Do you have any sense, mike schmidt, there is any growing anxiety about all these fronts theyre managing now since the manafort trial . The ruling yesterday there is a value gates has to the larger investigation. We havent heard much from cohen this week but thats obviously ongoing and unfolding. Is the president there sort of stewing . Is that why we see jay and rudy . This is what happened. Then you have another witness that recalls, well, no, thats not how i recall it, it happened this way. Someone writes a report and says, well, we believe this one, we dont believe that one, thus its perjury. Flynn is the example. No crime. If it had been said, president says go easy on him which the president says he didnt say stop it, dont do it, so no crime. However, It Didnt Take place according to the president. According to comey it did. Now of course if it did, it wouldnt have mattered. But youre right. Im thinking my cousin vinny. Why are they acting out how the president might perjure himself in interview after interview after interview . This cannot be said enough. They believe the only thing that matters is public opinion. And if they can muddy the waters and make it more difficult for the average voter, the average voter will put less pressure on people in the House Of Representatives and the president will not face an impeachment. Its that simple. If theyre on the air going on and on about Different Things making it more confusing, muddying the whole thing, then to them they think thats effective. Rudy will look at the poll numbers from before he came in and where they are now, and theyd say, look, we have eroded muellers standing with voters. That is an accomplishment for us. Thats how they see it. Joyce, it seems like that is a strategy of necessity. And if thats a strategy of necessity, it would seem the facts are not on their side. I think there are probably, what, four witnesses who can corroborate the other side of what rudy is describing, who can corroborate comeys side, Andrew Mccabe who is his deputy and others in the fbi. But the larger point seems to be that his own lawyers are making their client sound guilty of at least obstruction of justice and maybe making it sound like a legitimate line of inquiry to ask what he knew about the meeting with russians to get dirt on his opponent. They are on the one hand, but i think it is absolutely 100 accurate that all that they are doing here is playing the Public Relations strategy. They dont want to see motivated citizens doing what they did on health care or on immigration, calling their representatives on the hill and demanding impeachment. So theyre willing, in essence, to sacrifice the more legal argument in favor of that strategy. But what theyre describing as a perjury trap and we know we discussed this a time and two before, that it really is utterly inane. What the government has to do is prove perjury beyond a reasonable doubt. So, when you have rudy saying, well, one person says one thing and another persons memory is different and the government charges perjury, thats Utter Nonsense because the government will have to go into court and prove it beyond all reasonable doubt. A he said she said isnt enough. When you have perhaps a president who tweeted he knew Michael Flynn lied to the fbi and the president goes to jim comey and asked him to go light on flynn, you might be talking about obstruction and perjury and a little bit of a different manner than just this he said she said that giuliani consistently talks about. Frank figluizzi, let me get you in on this. Why did they acting out this . Why are they doing that . We know rudy believes in hanging a lantern around your problems, but this is a spotlight. When youre deciding something beyond a reasonable doubt youve got to put things on a scale and you have to start determining who do i believe and is there enough credible evidence to make a conclusion. What theyre afraid of is that the president is unable to tell the truth because the truth is going to jam him up. Thats the problem here. So hes going to have to lie to the mueller team if hes going to come out of this, and they know that theyre trapped. Its not mueller trapping them, they have put themselves in a box. The president himself has said conflicting statements. So its a question of its not only a question of who do we believe, which statement from the president do we get to believe. So this is simply why im continuing to assert that hes not going to be interviewed. If he is interviewed, it would be completely on his own defense all advice of counsel. Id love to see it happen. Is it going to happen . What they also have to do, if the president doesnt do an interview and it looks like its going to be difficult, theyre going to have to explain that to the public. There is going to be a political question. If you did Nothing Wrong, why cant you answer questions . So part of softening the Public Relations thing is coming up with an explanation for that. And that is why you see them say perjury trap because theyre going to have to say to the public, look, heres why he cant do this thing, that most people would say if he did Nothing Wrong why cant you answer. Thats their strategy as well for ignoring a subpoena . That would be their strategy . The president would have to explain. He can say this is a witch hunt over and over again. The average person will say, just go and answer the questions. If you have nothing to hide, thats what i tell my 6yearold. Ashley parker, roger stone seems to be the person in the swirl today on the Collusion Side of the investigation, the Manhattan Madam went in and testified, another former aide is being held in Contempt Of Court today. Does that trigger any anxiety around the don Junior Circle or the jared circle or any of the other individuals who were in the room with the russians who promised dirt . I think right now yes and no. Roger stone is pretty loyal to the president. They have a very complicated love hate relationship that goes back decades. As far as we know. But stone sort of understands the psychology of President Trump better than most people in that orbit. And he said publicly so far hes not going to testify against the president. I think thats probably viewed as reassuring, although this white house understands that people can flip like, for instance, Michael Cohen. Michael flynn. And Michael Flynn. And rick gates. So and pretty much everybody except Paul Manafort has flipped. So theyre aware that people can change when theyre getting pressed by the feds. There is also a sense when you have someone, a sort of selfdescribed colorful character, a practitioner of the dark arts like roger stone who sort of relishes in that image and plays up that idea of himself, its never great if he ends up going before muellers team. He does have these long ties to donald trump. It doesnt seem like a good fact, good piece of the pattern. The person who arguably was around him in the context of politics the longest was the colluder. Right. Not a good fact. Not a good fact. Frank, what would you do as an investigator if you were able to put roger stone in the category of people who you can prosecute beyond a reasonable doubt if you were able to do that, able to charge him . Where does he fit into this collusion puzzle . Yeah, i think weve been because theres been so many people to focus on, weve been ignoring the significance of stone. Stone is a significant player here because, lets not forget, the whole connection to russian social media propaganda, the connection to julian assange, the wikileaks issue, hacking, all of this is encircling stone. And mueller is getting closer and closer. Lets not forget that the Manhattan Madam was interviewed first voluntarily by the mueller team, and then put in front of a grand jury. That tells us she said something very significant, very worthwhile, and likely against stone or someone else being targeted by the mueller team. So this is a man to keep watching. Im beginning to envision a Cafeteria Table in a federal prison where one guy says to the other guy, hey, what are you in for . Im in because i Couldnt Rat Out the president. Yeah, me, too. These people are going to prison. Thats a good tv show. I think you just pitched a pilot. After the break, in service of an audience of one. The president s allies up the ante for their war on justice, Readying Subpoenas for leadership. The oneyear anniversary of the deadly protest and counterprotest in charlottesville is this weekend and the president who saw good people on both sides, he marked it by reupping one of his favorite wedge issues, attacking nfl players who kneel in protest. And more hush money. Brand new reporting from the Washington Post about another woman offered money to keep quiet about donald trump. 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Its pretty clear first it was no puppet, youre the puppet. Now maybe its no collusion, you colluded. Rudy giuliani tweeted this this morning. Maybe its time for Attorney General Sessions to appoint a Special Counsel to investigate the conspiracy to defeat donald trump by buying and disseminating fake dossiers, obtaining illegal wires and commencing baseless fbi investigations. And as is so often the case in the new world in which we live, giuliani apparently has backup on capitol hill. A new report out today says the republican chairman of the House Judiciary Committee is Readying Subpoenas for people connected to the controversial steele dossier. Sources tell the hill. The committee will go after other current and former fbi and doj officials, including jim baker, sally moyer, jonathan moffa, and George Toskas the sources said. Joyce is back. Ashley is on set. You believe it to be an important piece of all this. Why . Once again, nicolle, we are seeing not oversight, but rather complete attempts to obstruct by calling as witnesses under subpoena to the hill people who some of whom are career Public Servants. Jonathan moffa, for example, is a longtime career Intelligence Analyst in the Counterintelligence Division of the fbi. Hes very smart. Hes been with this case since day one. So what theyre doing is they have identified him by name. They are going to call him to the hill under subpoena. They are going to threaten contempt if He Doesnt Spill Everything he knows as sensitive as it is about this case, and its shameful that theyre going to attack a Public Servant for political reasons. Thats what were going to watch happen here and i hope it doesnt happen. Mike schmidt, how do they destroy the credibility of the fbi attacks land at the fbi . Some of these people were, are highly regarded figures who had the bureaus interest in mind and they are now political chum in the water for rudy and the president. Look at the damage theyve done. They got rid of the director, the deputy director, the general counsel and the top counterintelligence agent. So, in that sense theyve cleared out the folks the closest to this investigation. I think the fbi is as good enough of an organization that whoever replaced those folks are probably as capable. But what a deterrent and what a success it has been to hollow out the agency in the way that they have. But is there any fear all those people did that we just named, theyve scrutinized the fisa application. Theyve scrutinized the dossier and original application. The surveillance was fruitful enough to continue to reauthorize it. Is there any change how they go about doing their jobs because of these attacks . I dont think so. My guess is theyre probably a little more nervous. Do you really want to be on a big case now if youre a line fbi agent knowing you may get called before congress. You may have hundreds of thousands of dollars in legal bills, you might turn out like pete strzok who actually has millions of dollars of legal bills. There is a deterrent to get if involved. If youre the republicans i can see why theyve done that. The fbi has been the greatest gift to donald trump in this story. The page and strzok text messages, between the agent leading the investigation in which he expresses this antitrump bias. That was a very important thing for trump trying to turn the narrative in the other direction. Frank, do you want to get in on that . Its a good question as to whether or not people will think differently or do their business differently in the fbi. And the one thing that i can think of is actually unfortunate, which is that now fbi professionals have to start thinking politically. How is this going to be perceived on the hill . How is this going to spin politically . Should we be doing something to counter political appearances . I can tell you thats not how fbi professionals thought in the past. They just go about their business. The unfortunate byproduct of this is we now are going to have fbi professionals at all levels thinking about political repercussions and trying to figure out what the game is going to be on the hill. Is there anyone in the white house thats concerned about any of this, that they see, is there anyone in leg affairs, National Security apparatus, the counsels office that is ever squeamish about what the president s defenders in the house do . I will say very, very, very privately, there are some people who think it is wildly unhelpful, some of the sort of more overtly political initiatives that are Getting Started in the house. But its certainly not something anyone would, as we discussed before, resign over or even raise concerns in a public way. But would any of them i mean if Rod Rosenstein is there in the morning or callahan or chris wray, do any of them turn on cable in the afternoon and see goodlatte or trey gowdy really decimating the integrity of the fbi or the doj and pick up the phone and say back off, i was just with rod and hes a good guy. Chris wray is doing his best. Hes doing his best to turnover a new leaf is a right word, do any of them try to stop this or is it green lit . Is it ordered from the white house . Its not ordered from the white house but i think the way a lot of people in general this is somewhat of a blanket statement, have learned to deal with this white house and this president as sort of tuning out what can euphemistically be described as the noise, right. Its not helpful to try to engage the president on his tweets. Its not really helpful to try to have a discussion about the latest thing that devin nunes has said. Its sort of to try to get in there and do your job and persuade or sway the president or move the institution a very tiny bit in the direction you believe it should go. And that on the whole is how people are handling a tricky situation like this. Joyce, speaking of devin nunes, Rachel Maddow our colleague had a tape of him speaking privately. He never once in private said he thought the president was innocent. He never once said he thought collusion was perfectly legal. He said the opposite, collusion is criminal. What he said is if we dont protect trump from all of this, this all goes away. What does that sound like to a prosecutor or an investigator . Whether its technically obstruction of an investigation or not, it sounds awfully close to it. It sounds like nunes is saying well lie to the American People until this election is over, but then well come back and put an end to Rod Rosenstein, which means curtailing the Mueller Investigation. So now in advance of this election, every republican and probably democratic member in the house, those up for reelection, those not up for reelection, need to be asked, will you vote for Rod Rosenstein to be impeached so the Mueller Investigation can be terminated after the election is over . They need to all be on record so the American People can hold them accountable. What nunes does is just disgraceful but not particularly surprising. My thanks. Were not done yet with Ashley Parker. When we come back, more hush money. This time its omarosa claiming she was offered cash to keep quiet after being fired from her white house job. That story is next. vo why do Subaru Forester owners always seem so happy . Because theyve chosen the industry leader. Subaru forester holds its value better than any other vehicle in its class according to alg. Better than crv. Better than rav4. Better than rogue. An adventure that starts with a Subaru Forester will always leave you smiling. 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Its especially so when its a customer thats doing such good and important work for the environment. Together, were building a better california. It was always about the country. I was haunted by tweets every single day. What is he going to tweet next . Should we be worried . Dont say that. Because we are worried, but i need you to say its going to be okay. It is not going to be okay. Im sorry, i couldnt help it. Now we get know why its not going to be okay, because former white house aide omarosa is speaking out in a new report in the Washington Post. The Trump Campaign tried to stop her. According to omarosas new book and people familiar with the proposal, she was offered 15,000 in hush money after she was fired from the white house in december. Quote, she proposed Nondisclosure Agreement said omarosa could not make any comments about President Trump or his family, vicepresident pence or his family or any comments that could damage the president. It said she would do Diversity Outreach among other things for the campaign. Omarosa turned down the offer. Instead, writing a book titled, unhinged. An Insider Account of the trump white house, where she call the president a racist, a bigot and a massaisogynismisogynist. Her book hits the shelves next week. Good thing for us, we have a lot of friends from the Washington Post here today. Phil rucker White House Bureau chief joining us on set along with Ashley Parker opinion columnist Jennifer Ruben and Jason Johnson with the root. Com is here. Phil rucker, its your report. Your colleague josh dawseys reporting. So take us through it. So, josh read a lot of this book and its a pretty explosive portrayal of President Trump. She describes him as a narcissist, as a racist, as a bigot, as a misogynist, all the bad words. But there are some specific things did she leave anything out . Ashley is smiling in here because we were joking in the office. There is a scene where michael cohen comes into the oval office with omarosa. President trump according to omarosas account actually chews pieces of paper in the oval office. So theres a lot of wait, wait. Let me just ask a question about this. There is so much bad news, like what would be so bad, he would eat it . I will just i will never not find that passage amusing. Its totally unverified. We should add our colleague said omarosa is wildly incredible. He did listen to some Tapes Omarosa made that verified what shes quoting in the book. Best we can tell, theres no munch, munch, munching of paper. Can we find a sound effect of chewing . We need to find that for ashley. Let me read this excerpt because it is pretty delicious. In early 2017 omarosa said she walked Michael Cohen this is so funny. Sorry. Then trumps personal errant hoping to flip. Into the oval office for a meeting with trump and saw the president chewing up a piece of paper while cohen was leaving the office. This is the president of the president of the United States. Good god. I saw him put a note in his mouth, since trump was ever the germop germophobe, i was shocked. He was chewing and swallowing the paper. It must have been something very sensitive, she writes in the book. Several white house aides laughed and said it wasnt true. Why wouldnt it be true . There are all sorts of weird conduct thats happening for the first time and as mike schmidt and frank and joyce said, it defense is never he didnt do it, its always that he can get away with it. Correct. Listen, he hired this woman. So the fact that shes shes not like a media plant. Exactly. This is a loyalist. Whats bizarre is she presumably knew all this when she worked at apprentice and went along with it anyway. Why would she make things up in a book . 15,000 is not much. She should have held out for 150,000 like some of these other gals. Is this credible . Who knows. And at some point you have to kind of dont care. She doesnt have anything probative in terms of any of the scandals that ive heard of yet, so it is amusing i suppose at some level. Its also indicative of the fact that this president was surrounded by low life, by people who were not competent, by people who were not professional, not honest, and maybe its going to come back to haunt him. Jason, i was thinking about how his supporters might do view this. Jennifer says she was a loyalist. Yes. She was a lifer. She was on board for the duration of the campaign. She did defend him against all of the attacks, attacks for being racist, attacks after access hollywood, i think she was still out there for this is a defender and a loyalist turning on him. And i wonder if within that this is not, you know, someone from the media. This is not someone that came in and wrote a tellall. This is someone from deep inside his inner circle. I say this as someone who has had a lot of conversations with her during the campaign. None of the stuff about him being racist is surprising. I remember her saying that to me during the debates. None of this is shocking. As far as being a loyalist, no one actually thought she was loyalist. She was loathed among africanamerican republicans. None of them liked her. She was not even liked very much in the campaign. She was not a loyalist, she was a hangeron when it comes to donald trump. Like most people when it comes to donald trump, if its not financially viable, 15,000, she can get in a speaking fee in certain sections. Im not surprised by any of this. Betrayal is the standard when it comes to this president. Working with him, if it doesnt payoff, you have to stab him in the back. Do you think this book Sarah Huckabee sanders put out a response that was eerily similar to the one she put out to fire fury. Instead of telling the truth about all the good President Trump and his administration are doing, this book is riddled with lies and false accusations. That sounds like most of her briefings. Its sad she is trying to profit off the attacks and the media is giving her a platform. We didnt give her a platform, he did. Even worse, theyre not taking her seriously let me see. We dont take a lot of you seriously. So much wrong with that. Phil rucker, the way to ignore a book, the way to say about a book what youre all saying, is to ignore the book. This is not to say if youre not worried about it. I imagine well hear from the president at some point because hes not going let these grudges occur silently. One of the problems the white house has is they dont have credibility because of the 18 months of the presidency so far where theyve told the American People things that are not true. Right, right. Again and again and again. So if theyre now saying this book cant be taken seriously, theyre not credible its like two tarantulas in a bowl. Who do you root for . Its like the white house lies not credible. Who is . Whats the answer . Probably neither one of them so you dont believe either one of them. Phil brings up a good point. This is exactly what they did to push the last tellall book to the top of the charts. Right. So having Sarah Huckabee sanders tweet about it or put out a statement and better yet having the president tweet about it, that is what omarosa is praying for because that means shes going to sell more books. And i think it would be an elite fairy tale to think people wont buy it because shes a low life. People are curious. Hes the president of the United States. Shes a famous reality star person, i think. Realistically speaking, she has one of the longest relationships with him of anybody in this white house right now. Outsize of his family, omarosa was the first apprentice, 2002 or Something Like that. If there is anyone who actually knows him, it is her. So that part is reasonably credible. But again, i dont think from what ive heard, i dont hear anything that we havent already heard. I interviewed some of the black members of the apprentice including the one who comes on msnbc. Everyone says even if they havent heard him say these kinds of thing, no one said theyre surprised. I dont know shes telling all. Shes reminding us of what we already know. And what she saw. Its either the greatest trump troll ever. The attorney for Stormy Daniels is making a serious run for the presidency. That story is next. Morning. Morning. What do we got . Keep an eye on that branch. Might get windy. Have a good shift. Fire pit. Last use 0600. Id stay close. Morning. Get ready to switch. Protected by flo. Should say, protected by alan and jamie. Right . Should it . When you bundle home and auto. Run, alan . You get more than just savings. You get roundtheclock protection. You get more than just savings. Thats confident. But its not kayak confident. Kayak searches Hundreds Of Travel and Airline Sites to find the best flight for me. So im more than confident. Hows your family . Kayak. Search one and done. Its so hard to believe but its all coming back me. Baby, baby, baby. All you can eat is back, baby. Applebees. I think its really important that The Democrats, whoever they nominate, he better be a fighter. I think ive shown a unique ability the last five or six months to take the fight to donald trump. In the event i decide to run, thats going to be a big part of my message. Out of the courtroom and into the critically important early voting state of iowa, Michael Avenatti, Attorney For Adult Film Actress Stormy Daniels has taken a big step to introducing himself to voters today. He will speak at the Iowa Wing Ding in an hour. I spoke to him about an hour before we came on the air and asked him if he thinks he can win. He said, quote, there is a handful of people who can beat donald trump, i think im one of them. Democrats have made a mistake by underestimating trump by thinking he cant win again or he only won because of 80,000 votes in a few states. Democrats need a candidate who takes him seriously and an opponent who can connect with voters to defeat him, i understand i can. Voters will make that determination, of course, but i got a sneak peek at his prepared remarks tonight and they hit a lot of the right notes, telling his personal story, talking about shaking up washington and bringing more nonpoliticians into d. C. But running for president your First Campaign is straight up crazy, right . Donald trump didnt think so. Will it work for Michael Avenatti . The panel is still here. What do you think . It could. I mean every time i was like, no, it cant. This is trolling trump. You know, someone said that we all said that about trump. I said that about trump. Trump made it happen in the Republican Party a few years ago. You look at the field of democrats right now and avenatti is the one who stands out. Hes the one not a politician, not a senator or governor or mayor or what have you. If he gives the base what theyre looking for and shows that he can go toe to toe with trump, hed have a chance. I think the determining sort of factor for him will be what do democrats value most . If they decide they value a fighter most, people would be foolish to underestimate Michael Avenatti. I have always said they need a fighter. Thats why i said, whether its elizabeth warren, governor of virginia, you need someone who is actually going to go head to head with donald trump. You need someone who is not going to try and Take The High Road because the high road doesnt work with this guy. To be honest with you, an avenatti holder ticket who knows if that ends up being effective one way or another. I dont think were at a poimt point anymore, when youre running against a president that is in office, democrats will want to win. Whoever they think can win regardless of what his or her background might be, that person can be ahead. If avenatti can give a good speech, why not . The asymmetry seemed to be what led the 16, 17 republicans who ran against him and ultimately Hillary Clinton to lose. They tried running factually accurate ads. Donald trump didnt say anything factually accurate. They gave speeches. They prepared for their debates. He didnt do any of those things and he won. I think this is a really bad idea. Simply because donald trump ran as a celebrity and has become the worst president in history. Doesnt mean The Democrats should duplicate it. Democrats are different than republicans. They do care about governance. They do care about some of the policy issues. I think looking at him, democrats would and should be insulted that he thinks he can come into their party at the last moment and run for president. Its not at the last moment. Its 2018. Hes not been a political in his career, in his life. At the last moment, he hasnt been a democrat operative, he hasnt been a democratic candidate at any level. I do agree, however, they better get somebody with a decent personality. Who is it . They havent found one yet. Theyre going to go out looking. They have mayors, they have governors, they have senators. I really havent seen anyone who grabs you by the throat. I havent met, Ashley Parker, a democrat who feels good about their pool for 2020. I havent met a democrat who feels good about bernie sanders. Other than people who were for bernie sanders, who feels like joe biden would be i havent met a democrat who likes their odds with anybody else. Im not advocating for another person who hasnt worked in politics. Im just saying why not . There are a lot of things as we know running for president The Democrats still value. Understanding policy and someone who can withstand ive been to the movie. I can tell The Democrats how it ends. Care about National Security, fair. The one thing i will say that is compelling about him is democrats, whoever they nominate, will need to be someone who understands the trump psychology, who can go one on one with him and isnt going to be dismissed by a silly nickname or being called sleepy. Michael avenatti has shown, keep in mind all those women came out during the campaign. They did not breakthrough. It was not until he began representing these women with his tactics to bring that issue to the forefront. Does that qualify for him to be the nominee for The Democrats as president . Probably not. Certainly not necessarily. It does show he can command the Media Attention and has that showmanship that the president has which is important going headtohead with him. I think we live in a post qualification era. No offense, Michael Avenatti. Up next, one year after charlottesville, the president wading into his favorite culture war again. The amount of damage that water could do. We called usaa. 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Ugh were gonna be late, were gonna be late hold on, dont worry, theres another way [siri beep beepa] directions to the greek theater. Can i get a connection . Can i get can i get a connection . I can see it in my, see it in my reflection. Ohhh can i get a connection . Tryna find the old me several nfl players last night took a knee or raised their fist during the National Anthem. One of those was Malcolm Jenkins of the philadelphia eagles, the team that had its visit to the white house in june cancelled by trump, who wasted no time this morning pouncing on one of his favorite talking points tweeting, quote, the nfl players are at it again, taking a knee when they should be standing proudly for the National Anthem. Find another way to protest. Be happy, be cool, stand proudly for your National Anthem or be suspended without pay. I want to read Something Else he said. He said most of them, the players, are unable to define what their outrage is about. That seems to me what does that seem like to you . Its just a lie. Its just more racism from the president of the United States. I think whats really interesting, there was an article in the ringer where they interviewed Aaron Rodgers. Hes like americas golden boy. Even Aaron Rodgers says this is nonsense. This is nonsense. He said we didnt even come out for the pledge when i was behind brett favre. All of this is a creation of rightwing White Nationalists who want to attack africanamerican players for being ungrateful. Thats what the president wants to do, thats the reason hes talking about it and all the rest of the owners are capitulating. And it doesnt effect the game. So its obvious its for political purposes, not for any practical financial reason. This is one step above Laura Ingraham saying its the america that she has lost. The degree to which the Republican Party now turns on race, on xenophobia is one of the things we find horrifying. Its the only card they have to play. They still believe its a base election, they still believe they have to turn out their people and the way to do it is always going back to the race issue. Its not taxes, its not trade, its race. They go back to it again and again. I get the politics, i dont get the moral compass. Wheres paul ryan, wheres mitch mcconnell. Where are the guys who used to run as politicians with character. There are none. This goes a little bit to what we talked about earlier in the show that people have decided that the best way to deal with this president is to sort of stay quiet and to not pick fights. You make a fair point, there are a lot of people we look to, whether it was the Policy Arbiters or the moral barometers. Theres a few of them, but often these are people who are leaving congress or who are retiring or who have some other reason to be outspoken but theres not that many of them. The president has also shown that you thought he took on lebron james the night there he before he was heading to ohio. Hes taken on the nfl. A sport that is huge with his base. So far there have been no major repercussions with him. If youre one of these politicians who is not a profile in courage and you look at the situation, you dont have much incentive to come out. It does seem, though, like when women have to go to the polls, there will be a these are cumulative. These attacks are racist. They are against people who are not sticking their toe into politics. Theyre exercising their First Amendment rights to peaceful protests. And were at the oneyear anniversary of charlottesville. Everyone remembers what the president said about charlottesville and what he didnt say which he didnt forcefully condemn it and he hasnt forcefully used his bully pulpit to condemn racism in our country. Sunday theres going to be a protest of White Supremacists right near the white house and hes said nothing about it. So hes judging about how professional athletes decide to protest but he says nothing about how kkk members or White Supremacists decide to protest. Thats an absence of the kind of leadership that were used to seeing from people who were president. And worse than anything nothing, he said good people on both sides. Well be right back. Alice is living with metastatic Breast Cancer, which is Breast Cancer that has spread to other parts of her body. Shes also taking Prescription Ibrance with an aromatase inhibitor, which is for postmenopausal women with hormone receptorpositive her2 metastatic Breast Cancer as the first hormonal based therapy. Ibrance plus letrozole was significantly more effective at delaying disease progression versus letrozole. Patients Taking Ibrance can develop low white blood cell counts, which may cause serious infections that can lead to death. 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