Transcripts For MSNBC The Saturday Show with Jonathan Capeha

Transcripts For MSNBC The Saturday Show with Jonathan Capehart 20240706

>> donald trump is meeting wit his lawyers this weekend i florida to discuss and urgen matter whether to accept an invitatio from the manhattan distric attorney to testify before a grand jury and the probe examining hush money payment made to porn star stormy daniels back in 2016 this is huge because of what i portends according to the new york times, quote, such offers almos always indicate an indictmen is close it would be unusual for th district attorney, alvin ill brag, to notify a potentia defendant without ultimately seeking charges against him. and if that happens, that twic impeached former president would make history again as th first president sitting or otherwise to be criminally indicted now, while trump's current attorneys have not said whethe the former president wil accept the invitation to testify, trump's former lawyer michael cohen, doesn't think h will >> i have to applaud distric attorney brag for giving donal the opportunity to come in t tell the story knowing donald as well as i, d understand that he doesn't tel the truth. it's one thing to turn aroun and to lie on your untruth social, it's another thing t turn around a lie before a grand journey. i don't suspect he is going to be coming. >> cohen, who made his 20t appearance at the manhatta da's office yesterday, wil testify before the grand jur on monday. donald trump denied having and the fair with stormy daniels saying he has done nothing wrong. the manhattan da hush mone probe is just one of the dar legal clouds hanging over trum 's head. indictments could be coming in fulton county da, fani willis' is four of, and to electio interference in the 2020 election in georgia. federal special counsel, jac smith, is looking into the january 6th insurrection, in which trump figure prominently. joining me now is charle coleman, junior. civil rights attorney, host of the charles coleman podcast. and msnbc legal analyst. charles, always great to see you. the manhattan da has invited trump to testify it wouldn't be unusual for him to decline, what it? >> no, it wouldn't jonathan, to your attorney, yo have to be wondering if it's a good idea for your client to testify. i think ultimately, what d brian casten's signal to donal trump thatyes, you are the subject of this or potentially a subject, and anything he say in a grand jury could be use against him, ultimately. so, it's usually not a goo idea to have - almost ended testify potentially if they ar potential subject. i don't think we will se donald trump appear before thi manhattan grand jury >> okay. so, then, charles, right not t subpoena him >> - >> i asked the question because, is it because he is a former president that might not happen? >> now, it's not, that jonathan it's more so that again, thi is another indication on alvin bragg's intention here you can't subpoena someone t testify against themselves because i have the right t prevent itself incrimination subpoenaing him will only be a issue if he's a potentia witness. you're talking about a local grand jury here. this is not state. this is not federal. the subpoena power doesn't necessarily work the same as for example, heat where jack smith or congress. the subpoena power for a local da is not necessarily as enforceable. it creates more of a hurdle in its office to subpoena him and ultimately, he could plead the 15, or if you get the subpoena to be in force >> and that is a very good distinction. i will keep that in mind this is not a federal, thi wouldn't be a federal subpoena or federal indictment. this is local. okay, so, talk about wha happens if the manhattan d makes the unprecedented move t indict trump what does that mean exactly? would such a move take trump off the campaign trail >> the first thing that has to happen is the grand jury has t actually return a truth bill most of us don't consider that to be a significant hurdle because, as the whole saying goes, you can indict a ham sandwich, but assuming tha takes place, the a bragg would have to file the indictment, donald trump would be arrested brought in, and arrange when the charges on the indictment. from there, it becomes a logistical nightmare, becaus everything about this case i going to be watched on the public like nothing we've ever seen before. we are going to have court updates literally every turn, suspect that donald trump' attorneys will fight it with a myriad number of motions trying to dismiss this and o change the nature of the actua trial itself if this effort were to see trial it's, again, there's a number of different logistical considerations that would make this a mess. >> well, i mean, i look forwar to seeing this mess, if it happens. so, charles, michael cohen has talk with prosecutors 20 times on monday, he goes before th grand jury what is the significance of the? >> well, one of the big things about this that i think viewer need to pay attention to i that this is not a new legal theory that alvin bragg is trying to receive. on the big picture here is tha donald trump is bein potentially accused of campaig finances, those violations, by taking donations and payin stormy daniels and illegal payment around hush money. with those states, this lega theory is something that has been around in alvin bragg's office for a number of years and it wasn't something that h was able to move forward o willing to move forward with i the past so, very interesting to se that now, whatever it is tha michael cohen is giving hi from an information standpoint whatever additional facts or evidence michael cohen i providing is likely going to make the difference between hi deciding to press forward with this legal theory now, before, it seems he was very sheepis and did not want to move forward with it than so, i think a lot of it is fencing and continued probe of michael cohen to find ou exactly what you can tell us exactly how credible it is, an how much of it can be used wit moving forward, the potentia for prosecution of donal trump. >> you know, charles, i wa saying, what changed because the eighth brag came in, he was, like we are done wit this so, we all thought that that case was gone. so, i'll be curious to find ou maybe later down the road, wha got him to call in michael cohen one more time, and the keep calling him all right, charles we've got lake, three minute left you know, there are 50 11 case against trump. you've got this case, specia counsel jack smith's case, bonnie willis's case, fulton county, in which indictments could be coming. which one poses the bigger legal threats to trump >> i think the biggest legal threats, ultimately, is stil the federal cases that jac smith are looking at i think that those are the big things he has to be concerne with if only because of the enormou resources that the doj at th fbi have to conduct a much mor thorough and much more complet investigation. i think if you're talking from a time spot, a time perspective, a temporal scope, you have t be most concerned abou manhattan. because alvin bragg, apparently has jumped aligne with this announcement aroun this grand jury presentation this may be happening much mor quickly than everything else but it's not necessarily the strongest or the mos problematic issue he has on hi hands. i have i were his attorneys, i'm concerned about brett, but i'm keeping my eye very closel on jack smith. not only at mar-a-lago, but of course, around january six a well >> another case that poppe back up in the news is e. jean carroll's case of defamation ruling against trump a judge ruled that the infamou access hollywood tape, tha could be played in court saying, quote, mr. trump admitted that he, in fact, has had contact with women's genitalia in the past withou their content. or that he has attempted to do so your thoughts on this case >> i think ultimately, this is not a case that donald trump i sweating as much as he needs to i think he should probably b paying a lot more attention to this, because it, again, has greaterimplications, not onl around his presidentia reputation of standpoint, again, to be a distraction, but financially, because it is a simple trial there is not going to be a criminal penalty or jail time, but it could hit him in th pockets where it hurts there's ruling from the judg around the access hollywoo tape, it's not a good sign for him. >> we're going to have to leav it there charles coleman, junior, a always, thank you for coming t the saturday show. >> thanks, jonathan. >> and a quick programming now today, manhattan distric attorney alvin bragg joins reverend al sharpton to discus donald trump's invitation to appear before a grand jury watch politics nation with reverend al sharpton today, at 5 pm eastern, only on msnbc. >> but first, new findings i the federal investigatio revealed the pattern o excessive force and unlawful searches by the louisville metro police departments now, the department of justice is demanding reform. we'll dig into what that looks like, after the brea k. daylight saving time. what's the big deal? 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>> they are very significant they are an opportunity. that is what i hope that we ge right this time. this is not the first time w have been in this place. we had trayvon martin. we had michael brown now, we have these situations. it's my hope is that we really sees this opportunity for sustained commitment and focus not just on that point of th rival police department an louisville community, bu across the country, that w look at these incidents, w look at what happened with tyr nichols in memphis and see, th cultural change that has t happen with policing it has to be a sustained, long term commitment. >> carol, let me bring in dr tracey el keesee she is the cofounder, president, and ceo, ceo of the center for policing equity. dr. keesee, welcome to the saturday show. what do you make of the doj' findings in the louisville police department? >> oh, i agree with carole good morning, jonathan i think the findings are alway going to be very important i would back up just a littl bit to one of the things the a.g. had mentioned in hi opening statement, and that wa acknowledging what's has bee going on for decades the fact that the report itsel had actually sort of lifted up and codified while the community had been going through. but one of the things we hav to think about, what is next for law enforcement? what do they have to do? what are they going to b engaging in, and i think mor importantly, one of the things we cannot forget, that chief glenn bee royal had mentioned, was that she has vacancies she has 290 officers down. really thinking about what has to happen in order for what is being recommended to go throug and to be implemented is going to be critically important tha this point >> dr. keith, cnn to apologize for, i want to apologizing for mispronouncing your last name. but carol, doctor kissee raise an interesting point tha brings up the vacancies in the louisville metropolitan police department i heard from other jurisdictions that they ar having trouble finding polic officers, that recruitin police officers, departments nationwide, is a real problem. how can police and polic departments overcome tha particular obstacle? i'm just curious >> thank you i want to say, good morning to tracie, we have been partner in this work for years i think this is a good reaso you haven't john j college criminal justice on this call. we are educating and preparing thousands of students to g into policing across america our students across th country. i think police departmen secretly was rethink who the are recruiting, how they'r recruiting, and what they ar looking for in terms of talent but we are hoping to do, john j, and our mission is to educat young men and women to go into law enforcement with a different mindset, we've got t get away from this military wa kind of mindset about what policing and how w characterize and talk about. it we think about th partnerships, the collaboration, the critical thinking skills being partners wit communities. our young people coming to joh j who want to go into la enforcement are thinking about how they can improve relationships with their communities, how they could be parts of investing in th success of their communities we can find people if we chang who we are looking for and how we approach them >> that is a great point i want to stick with you o this, president mason, because the louisville polic department is now under federal consent degree what does that mean, exactly >> well, i think that, i'v talked about how we need sustained focus and sustaine commitment that is what that consen decree does. there will be a federa monitoring and partnering with them on what they do and you mentioned my prior rol at doj, when i was head of the office of justice programs what we did was partner with a civil rights division an partnered with the cops office which is conducting the memphi investigation to help them provide the resources that communities need so, the first part was identifying what the recommendations are. the second part is to help the implement those recommendations, and we need resources, not jus money, but technical assistance they need experts to help them get there and tracy and that center for policing equity are people who help partner with communities to make thes necessary changes, asked u john jay >> and dr. keesee, what do you hope comes out of doj probe of the memphis police department? >> well, i think karol mentioned it, and it i sustained change so, we cannot just do this and hope it is only for a shor time one of the things that also ha to happen is this ongoing need to measure what is working and what is not. as karol mentioned, the center of policing equity does that say before if you have to measure what is working. it's got to be evidence based. the other piece of this, too is communities always have t be centered in all of this work not just now, but goin forward. what is critical here is, agai community had been racing thes way before breonna taylor, and we have to make sure tha there's always a voice and there is always voice to table from that. and i think measuring this i going to be key, straining i going to be key, not just an kind of training, training tha is evidence based, training yo can measure that you know that works, and i think if we g back just a quick minute to ho do you recruit and retain? you also need to look at the tools we are using to evaluate and to screen out and in those who need to be in particular professions. so, those are the things that hope are going to happen but we have that sustained after effect here that we don' come back to louisville te years later, having this exact same conversation. >> one other thing to act your list, dr. keesee listen to the community, but listen to black people whe they tell you the cops - >> 100%. >> aren't acting right >> 100%. >> real fast, because we've go a. >> okay. as a future public safet report shows what we're doin with the obama foundation, and working communities, we need t have public safety be communit based. community centered, and then think about what is the role o police police are not the center of community safety >> that's right. >> with that we will leave it there karol mason, president of th john jay college of criminal justice, dr. tracie keesee president, c.o.o. for th center of policing equity, thank you both very much for coming to the saturday show. after the break, forme republican - former gop congressman, davi job, lee on the latest documents revealing how fo news host like tucker carlso really feel about donald trump after the 2020 election, wha it means for dominion's 1. billion dollars defamation sui against the cable network. stay with us age is just a number, and mine's unlisted. try boost® high protein with 20 grams of protein for muscle health versus 16 grams in ensure® high protein. boost® high protein. now available in cinnabon® bakery-inspired flavor. learn more at you want a loan to build a factory in america? 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doing >> thank you, it is grea to be. with you this one of the top shows on tv. i continue to say. that listen, he is lying not only is he one of th weakest speakers in the hous in modern political history, h is one of those scurrilous deceptive, and probably one of the most short tendered we wil ultimately find out. what he did and giving these tapes to tucker carlson will now be part of his legacy of weakness there are fewer more dangerous voices in america today than tucker carlson and i say that without hyperbole. tucker carlson has become voice in america that used t be consigned to the internet o some of these youtube shows. he is now platformed by one of the largest news networks in the entire country kevin mccarthy knew what he wa doing, and giving these tape to a bad faith actor tucke carlson who would use them t continue to mislead th american people. this is a voice, and this is a network that directl contributed i believ personally, to you the event of january six 2021. we sometimes overlook that because of the raw duplicity and their ability to mislead their viewers. but they directly contribute to the narrative that led to a insurrection kevin mccarthy, as speaker o the house, stood in line t become president of the united states handed over tapes, securit footage, to a bad faith report are that kevin himself kne would misuse these tapes t mislead the american people. >> you know, and i ask tha question because, according to a washington post university o maryland poll from decembe 2021, fox news was the primary source of government and political, politics news 4 mor than 40% of republicans. day event, if nearly half of one party was consuming lies about the election, given what we've learned from tha dominion filings, shouldn't th fcc get involved here? shouldn't foxes license be a risk >> i believe so. and i think the united state senate, under democratic control, could help continue this public narrative about th pressure on regulators t really examine it. look, we have a very important standard of a free unregulated press. but not one that is directly misinforming and contributing, and arguably fomenting violence again, my opinion in this. this is why the dominion law case the lawsuit, is such landmark case that we ma ultimately live up there wit new york times red sullivan in terms of some critical parameters to media. because you have here what appears to be the lega standard of malice we know from the documents tha fox news knew the people the were platform-ing were line. they knew the information they were sharing was incorrect but they continue to do so and in this case, that look fo facts news is that there is victim on the other side not just american democracy an voters, but a financiall harmed victim in dominion he says, look, you have handicapped your ability to do commerce in the united state by disparaging with malice our reputation as a provider o integrity promoting systems. this is a tough case for fox news, and it looks like th facts are there to really bend them against the wall. and i am with a group of lawyers out there who thin that, ultimately the settles fox does not want those to g to trial >> i look forward to seein what happens in that regard. meanwhile, david, trump is facing growing legal trouble and dwindling support. do you think the various investigations involving him georgia, new york, and special counsel jack smith, are finall taking their toll on his support within the gop or, would an indictment, in an of these cases actually boos his support? >> yeah. i think we are about to find out whether donald trump represents a political movemen of the republican party or a cultural movement. because if it is a political movement, is there enoug political actors that want t get past donald trump is the person they want to move on to rhonda sanchez or nikki haley o somebody else. but if it is a truly cultura movement where donald trump is tapped into something where he captivates with his own victim mentality, is angry populism and indictment actually will further foment that cultural movement we are going to find out i think the concern is, look we should anticipate he is indicted before the republican nomination that very well might b american 2023 and 2024 i think the question is, adjacent to donald trump, to ece violent actions from those who support the cultural movement the party wants to be passed and there are enough sel interested politicians that ar ready to be done with him. but if this is truly a cultura movement like we suspected, is republican leaders are going t be able to get past donald trump even if he is indicted >> former congressman davi jolly, as always, great to see you. i am going to figure out every possible way to get you back o the show thank you, very much for comin to the saturday show coming up, my next guest say young people in the united states are in a sex recession. after the break, we will break down how that is connected t the wave of anti abortio legislation republicans ar pushing nationwide much more of this saturday sho to go. to go. ♪ i like to move it, move it ♪ ♪ you like to... move it ♪ we're reinventing our network. ♪ ♪ ♪ fast. reliable. perfectly orchestrated. the united states postal service. 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>> well, you have the obviou answer, right. abortion medication abortion makes up more than 30% o abortions in the united states especially in the firs trimester which is when wome tend to have abortions in the states where it has bee perhaps been pushed off, where walgreens has it won't distribute, these are ofte some of the most rural states. red states where it is not like women can just taught over to thei ob/gyn to get an abortion done so this really reduces their access, and shows how troublin it will be in the future >> so, if the drug is outlawed what communities specificall will it impact the most? >> i mean, it will impact wome in rural areas so, four of the states where walgreens has agreed not t sell it, kansas, iowa, alaska, and montana, this is sort of the first port of call fou women who don't have eas access to their doctors. it will of course affect poo women and women without stable health care. which, in america is a lot o women. >> you have spoken to a number of young women and men about how they make decisions when i comes to sex and relationships how is a post-roe americ altering the dynamics of those relationships? >> right so my book rethinking sex is a look at the cultural dynamic around a relationship formatio and sex in the united states and as you can, guess it is no looking great. exactly as you, said the rollback of roe via the dobb decision, and then the publication of decisions lik this one by walgreens not to distribute the medication fo abortion is going to continu to have a chilling effect on relationships. >> and when you say chilling effect, that means not couplin up, not getting, married not having children, not having se at all >> perhaps all of these things i, mean we have already hear conversation about the so-called sex recession. we are of course now in relationship recession fewer people are enterin relationships, getting, marrie finding partners and when you talk to young people, you see that decisions like this, the potential lac of bodily autonomy is really affecting thei decision-making. women are entering relationships, or not. because sex is risky now they don't want to rescu losing their autonomy. urologists have mentioned that young men, really young me like the age of 18, ar increasingly asking for vasectomies. because they don't want to hav an unintended pregnancy that they won't be able to have control over >> how much already decisions, meaning banning abortions or reducing the number of weeks or what walgreens austin how much of that is affectin college decisions? i, mean we are coming out to a point where seniors are goin to start deciding where they g to college is that playing a role in wome in particular, but we are al young people decide wher they're gonna go to college? >> absolutely. it is huge especially in the states where you're seeing restrictions states like florida, for instance you are releasing people reconsider the choices i mean, you talk to young wome and they are, like well i woul go to nze, i would go to university florida but what if i found myself i need of an abortion. where would i go so, they choose to go somewher else some in fact, you know fearing alaska freedoms that they used to depend on, are choosing t go outside of the united state entirely >> wow you mentioned the top decision before it also highlighted ho vulnerable some of our right are to same sex marriage rights to contraception. how has the uncertainty change how gen z views americ compared to previous generations? is that what is maybe pushin some of them to potentiall leave the country? >> yeah. the gen z generation, those ar the ones you're choosing where to go to college and then wher to start the rest of their lives. and, in talking to young peopl for rethinking sex and mor generally, you are reall seeing a sense of a sort o fear and sadness and loss. i'm talking about millennials, but especially the younger generation the freedoms that they depende on, they fear are being rolled back and they don't know what i going to happen next and that is creating pessimism a lot of discouragement. and, it is not a good look for america going forward. >> what is interesting in that is, when i look at particularly gen z i get so much hope because o what they have done when i comes to gun safety and, the mobilization of say march fo our lives. and the young people fro parkland they took matters into their own hands and really pushed movement that helped propel movement when it comes to gu safety but on this issue, they ar pessimistic and not as hopeful >> yeah, i think it has to d with how these decisions hav been made. this was a supreme court decision the reversal of roe, the decision in dobbs. this was not something tha really could have been changed by voting. it almost feels like it wa created by fee at. and they won't be able t change it. they feel a little impotent in the face of these changes. >> real quick, the mos surprising thing you learn fro young people when writing your book, rethinking sex >> i have to say, it was the idea of hetero pessimism which is also pretty depressing it is the idea that women, especially, feel that th relationship landscape is so sad and depressing that they'v kind of given up on it they may not get married a all. >> dang. i just learned a new phrase. hetero pessimism >> there may be hope out there yet, but we will have to see >> well, i am gay, i'm married so i am set. christine mbappé thank you very much for coming to the saturday show this was a great discussion. >> thanks for having me >> and, after the break local libraries are just place to check out books they have become vital community centers and resource for some of america's most vulnerable children. after the break, how som enterprising librarians ar fighting back against the gop' assault on that public knowledge. keep it right here keep it right here oh! it's daylight saving time. what's the big deal? 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with these book bans i particular >> we have really seen a acceleration of book bans al throughout the country, bu particularly in certain states as this is happened, time an time again, librarians are jus feeling incredibly challenged. librarians went into the procession in order to hel people to help people with literacy to bring people together i community spaces the expectation that you would have this number of book ban impacting libraries is jus phenomenal and out of al sorts. we haven't seen anything lik this since the mccarthy era. >> they are under a lot of pressure, librarians how are they dealing with it are these things that they are encountering for the first time? or have book bans been thing that they have had to deal with, but not to this degree >> sure. bookends have always existed you have always had people tha have challenged books. the difference being tha degree and the scale of people kind of pushing against books. particularly those books written by people of color, an lgbtq+ rioters and talking about ways tha people can really se themselves and books so you see this focus point of how they are going after books one is being banned. that really seems to be th incredible challenge that we are facing right now >> so, you, know librarians it as you're talking about, the are facing these battles the washington post did a bi story. i think it was last week focusing in on that librarians around the country i think we have the full scree of the quote in idaho, a librarian resigned last fall after a billio campaign that includes armed men standing in the back board meetings a librarian in louisiana received a death threat afte opposing censorship, said sh installed a home securit system, about a taser, and sleeps with a gun under my bed have you in the urban librarie council, how are you helping librarians to do their job without risk of losing their jobs or facing violence? >> absolutely. at the urban library's council we are aaron innovation action taken we have believing librar systems. what we are doing is creatin resources for them whether that is the declaratio of democracy, that we have jus launched last november, wher we are having librarian signed on really talking about th challenges that they are facin with book bans on the things that they can do creating resources alongside that, working on the groun together with them and then finally, working with other organizations that are also in common cause to make sure that we are pushing bac against these incredible bands i would also say that you ar seeing positive stories, lik the brooklyn public library. that has her books un-banned programs where they have offered any content to teenagers and young adults all throughout the country tha want to be able to read thos banned books so i really think that there i a push and pull happening righ now where we are going to make a change in what is happenin in the country >> what do you say to thos librarians who basically are i hospitable climates in place where they just aren't local support or vocal support what do you say to them abou how to handle these things >> i say really that we ar here for you we are here to help you as wel as organizations like a la t make sure that you have th resources that hand. it is going to be a challenge. there are many inhospitabl places in the country right no on issues like this. i have worked and loca democracy issues for years we saw this happening in cities, particularly those that ar blue cities and red states but now it has gotten even broader than that. and particularly as we see challenges in places lik florida, texas, and othe states, i fear at least in the short to medium turn we ar going to continue to have thes challenges long term, i'm always an optimist >> i am alison optimist to but, man, it is like going through hell in the short term so, we focus a lot of attentio on the librarians. but, our communities galvanize to support their libraries and their librarians >> absolutely. i, mean i would tell you about the story in alamana count where you have the proud boy disrupt a drag queen story time in response, that communit came together and decide rather than having jus celebrating pride month, the would have pride month all year really coming together and saying, this isn't how we want to live in our community we don't want our children scared from far-right activist coming right in and disrup your story >> why do you think, of al things, drag queens story hour has become the obsession of th far-right? >> i mean, it is tough to sa other than, they saw this as like one particular thing an everybody globs onto it. particularly when you ge groups like the proud boys, an others on the far-right, tha see something that they feel like can be that piece tha they can get others together that is really i think what th challenge has become >> how important is it we were talking about th far-right. do you wish that, more mor moderate republicans would com out and be vocal advocates o behalf of librarians and libraries? >> i really do and i think we have seen that, particularly when you talk about issues like intellectual freedom which cut across lef and right. because there have also been challenges with band programming that you have seen within certain cities an communities. and so i think at the end of the day moderate publicans are going to get on board and do you truly want to stand agains book bans. and when you look at the dat of american librar associations, 71% of peopl support not banning books. and so i think that number, yo really need to sit with. because that clearly includes lot of republicans as well as democrats >> great way to end this conversation brooks ring water president, ceo of the urban library council. thank you very much for coming to the saturday show >> thank you >> and that will do it for m today. thank you for watching be sure to tune in tomorrow fo the sunday show, when office o management and budget director show mondale young, joins me t break down president biden's new budget proposal. that is tomorrow, at 9 a eastern, right here on msnbc and, stick around because al velshi is up next, after a quick break. quick break. e here. ray's a1c is down with rybelsus®. i'm down with rybelsus®. my a1c is down with rybelsus®. in a clinical study, once-daily rybelsus® significantly lowered a1c better than a leading branded pill. in the same study, people taking rybelsus® lost more weight. rybelsus® isn't for people with type 1 diabetes. don't take rybelsus® if you or your family ever had medullary thyroid cancer, or have multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if allergic to it. stop rybelsus® and get medical help right away if you get a lump or swelling in your neck, severe stomach pain, or an allergic reaction. serious side effects may include pancreatitis. gallbladder problems may occur. tell your provider about vision problems or changes. taking rybelsus® with a sulfonylurea or insulin increases low blood sugar risk. side effects like nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea may lead to dehydration, which may worsen kidney problems. need to get your a1c down? 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Transcripts For MSNBC The Saturday Show With Jonathan Capehart 20240706 :

Transcripts For MSNBC The Saturday Show with Jonathan Capehart 20240706

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>> donald trump is meeting wit his lawyers this weekend i florida to discuss and urgen matter whether to accept an invitatio from the manhattan distric attorney to testify before a grand jury and the probe examining hush money payment made to porn star stormy daniels back in 2016 this is huge because of what i portends according to the new york times, quote, such offers almos always indicate an indictmen is close it would be unusual for th district attorney, alvin ill brag, to notify a potentia defendant without ultimately seeking charges against him. and if that happens, that twic impeached former president would make history again as th first president sitting or otherwise to be criminally indicted now, while trump's current attorneys have not said whethe the former president wil accept the invitation to testify, trump's former lawyer michael cohen, doesn't think h will >> i have to applaud distric attorney brag for giving donal the opportunity to come in t tell the story knowing donald as well as i, d understand that he doesn't tel the truth. it's one thing to turn aroun and to lie on your untruth social, it's another thing t turn around a lie before a grand journey. i don't suspect he is going to be coming. >> cohen, who made his 20t appearance at the manhatta da's office yesterday, wil testify before the grand jur on monday. donald trump denied having and the fair with stormy daniels saying he has done nothing wrong. the manhattan da hush mone probe is just one of the dar legal clouds hanging over trum 's head. indictments could be coming in fulton county da, fani willis' is four of, and to electio interference in the 2020 election in georgia. federal special counsel, jac smith, is looking into the january 6th insurrection, in which trump figure prominently. joining me now is charle coleman, junior. civil rights attorney, host of the charles coleman podcast. and msnbc legal analyst. charles, always great to see you. the manhattan da has invited trump to testify it wouldn't be unusual for him to decline, what it? >> no, it wouldn't jonathan, to your attorney, yo have to be wondering if it's a good idea for your client to testify. i think ultimately, what d brian casten's signal to donal trump thatyes, you are the subject of this or potentially a subject, and anything he say in a grand jury could be use against him, ultimately. so, it's usually not a goo idea to have - almost ended testify potentially if they ar potential subject. i don't think we will se donald trump appear before thi manhattan grand jury >> okay. so, then, charles, right not t subpoena him >> - >> i asked the question because, is it because he is a former president that might not happen? >> now, it's not, that jonathan it's more so that again, thi is another indication on alvin bragg's intention here you can't subpoena someone t testify against themselves because i have the right t prevent itself incrimination subpoenaing him will only be a issue if he's a potentia witness. you're talking about a local grand jury here. this is not state. this is not federal. the subpoena power doesn't necessarily work the same as for example, heat where jack smith or congress. the subpoena power for a local da is not necessarily as enforceable. it creates more of a hurdle in its office to subpoena him and ultimately, he could plead the 15, or if you get the subpoena to be in force >> and that is a very good distinction. i will keep that in mind this is not a federal, thi wouldn't be a federal subpoena or federal indictment. this is local. okay, so, talk about wha happens if the manhattan d makes the unprecedented move t indict trump what does that mean exactly? would such a move take trump off the campaign trail >> the first thing that has to happen is the grand jury has t actually return a truth bill most of us don't consider that to be a significant hurdle because, as the whole saying goes, you can indict a ham sandwich, but assuming tha takes place, the a bragg would have to file the indictment, donald trump would be arrested brought in, and arrange when the charges on the indictment. from there, it becomes a logistical nightmare, becaus everything about this case i going to be watched on the public like nothing we've ever seen before. we are going to have court updates literally every turn, suspect that donald trump' attorneys will fight it with a myriad number of motions trying to dismiss this and o change the nature of the actua trial itself if this effort were to see trial it's, again, there's a number of different logistical considerations that would make this a mess. >> well, i mean, i look forwar to seeing this mess, if it happens. so, charles, michael cohen has talk with prosecutors 20 times on monday, he goes before th grand jury what is the significance of the? >> well, one of the big things about this that i think viewer need to pay attention to i that this is not a new legal theory that alvin bragg is trying to receive. on the big picture here is tha donald trump is bein potentially accused of campaig finances, those violations, by taking donations and payin stormy daniels and illegal payment around hush money. with those states, this lega theory is something that has been around in alvin bragg's office for a number of years and it wasn't something that h was able to move forward o willing to move forward with i the past so, very interesting to se that now, whatever it is tha michael cohen is giving hi from an information standpoint whatever additional facts or evidence michael cohen i providing is likely going to make the difference between hi deciding to press forward with this legal theory now, before, it seems he was very sheepis and did not want to move forward with it than so, i think a lot of it is fencing and continued probe of michael cohen to find ou exactly what you can tell us exactly how credible it is, an how much of it can be used wit moving forward, the potentia for prosecution of donal trump. >> you know, charles, i wa saying, what changed because the eighth brag came in, he was, like we are done wit this so, we all thought that that case was gone. so, i'll be curious to find ou maybe later down the road, wha got him to call in michael cohen one more time, and the keep calling him all right, charles we've got lake, three minute left you know, there are 50 11 case against trump. you've got this case, specia counsel jack smith's case, bonnie willis's case, fulton county, in which indictments could be coming. which one poses the bigger legal threats to trump >> i think the biggest legal threats, ultimately, is stil the federal cases that jac smith are looking at i think that those are the big things he has to be concerne with if only because of the enormou resources that the doj at th fbi have to conduct a much mor thorough and much more complet investigation. i think if you're talking from a time spot, a time perspective, a temporal scope, you have t be most concerned abou manhattan. because alvin bragg, apparently has jumped aligne with this announcement aroun this grand jury presentation this may be happening much mor quickly than everything else but it's not necessarily the strongest or the mos problematic issue he has on hi hands. i have i were his attorneys, i'm concerned about brett, but i'm keeping my eye very closel on jack smith. not only at mar-a-lago, but of course, around january six a well >> another case that poppe back up in the news is e. jean carroll's case of defamation ruling against trump a judge ruled that the infamou access hollywood tape, tha could be played in court saying, quote, mr. trump admitted that he, in fact, has had contact with women's genitalia in the past withou their content. or that he has attempted to do so your thoughts on this case >> i think ultimately, this is not a case that donald trump i sweating as much as he needs to i think he should probably b paying a lot more attention to this, because it, again, has greaterimplications, not onl around his presidentia reputation of standpoint, again, to be a distraction, but financially, because it is a simple trial there is not going to be a criminal penalty or jail time, but it could hit him in th pockets where it hurts there's ruling from the judg around the access hollywoo tape, it's not a good sign for him. >> we're going to have to leav it there charles coleman, junior, a always, thank you for coming t the saturday show. >> thanks, jonathan. >> and a quick programming now today, manhattan distric attorney alvin bragg joins reverend al sharpton to discus donald trump's invitation to appear before a grand jury watch politics nation with reverend al sharpton today, at 5 pm eastern, only on msnbc. >> but first, new findings i the federal investigatio revealed the pattern o excessive force and unlawful searches by the louisville metro police departments now, the department of justice is demanding reform. we'll dig into what that looks like, after the brea k. daylight saving time. what's the big deal? 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>> they are very significant they are an opportunity. that is what i hope that we ge right this time. this is not the first time w have been in this place. we had trayvon martin. we had michael brown now, we have these situations. it's my hope is that we really sees this opportunity for sustained commitment and focus not just on that point of th rival police department an louisville community, bu across the country, that w look at these incidents, w look at what happened with tyr nichols in memphis and see, th cultural change that has t happen with policing it has to be a sustained, long term commitment. >> carol, let me bring in dr tracey el keesee she is the cofounder, president, and ceo, ceo of the center for policing equity. dr. keesee, welcome to the saturday show. what do you make of the doj' findings in the louisville police department? >> oh, i agree with carole good morning, jonathan i think the findings are alway going to be very important i would back up just a littl bit to one of the things the a.g. had mentioned in hi opening statement, and that wa acknowledging what's has bee going on for decades the fact that the report itsel had actually sort of lifted up and codified while the community had been going through. but one of the things we hav to think about, what is next for law enforcement? what do they have to do? what are they going to b engaging in, and i think mor importantly, one of the things we cannot forget, that chief glenn bee royal had mentioned, was that she has vacancies she has 290 officers down. really thinking about what has to happen in order for what is being recommended to go throug and to be implemented is going to be critically important tha this point >> dr. keith, cnn to apologize for, i want to apologizing for mispronouncing your last name. but carol, doctor kissee raise an interesting point tha brings up the vacancies in the louisville metropolitan police department i heard from other jurisdictions that they ar having trouble finding polic officers, that recruitin police officers, departments nationwide, is a real problem. how can police and polic departments overcome tha particular obstacle? i'm just curious >> thank you i want to say, good morning to tracie, we have been partner in this work for years i think this is a good reaso you haven't john j college criminal justice on this call. we are educating and preparing thousands of students to g into policing across america our students across th country. i think police departmen secretly was rethink who the are recruiting, how they'r recruiting, and what they ar looking for in terms of talent but we are hoping to do, john j, and our mission is to educat young men and women to go into law enforcement with a different mindset, we've got t get away from this military wa kind of mindset about what policing and how w characterize and talk about. it we think about th partnerships, the collaboration, the critical thinking skills being partners wit communities. our young people coming to joh j who want to go into la enforcement are thinking about how they can improve relationships with their communities, how they could be parts of investing in th success of their communities we can find people if we chang who we are looking for and how we approach them >> that is a great point i want to stick with you o this, president mason, because the louisville polic department is now under federal consent degree what does that mean, exactly >> well, i think that, i'v talked about how we need sustained focus and sustaine commitment that is what that consen decree does. there will be a federa monitoring and partnering with them on what they do and you mentioned my prior rol at doj, when i was head of the office of justice programs what we did was partner with a civil rights division an partnered with the cops office which is conducting the memphi investigation to help them provide the resources that communities need so, the first part was identifying what the recommendations are. the second part is to help the implement those recommendations, and we need resources, not jus money, but technical assistance they need experts to help them get there and tracy and that center for policing equity are people who help partner with communities to make thes necessary changes, asked u john jay >> and dr. keesee, what do you hope comes out of doj probe of the memphis police department? >> well, i think karol mentioned it, and it i sustained change so, we cannot just do this and hope it is only for a shor time one of the things that also ha to happen is this ongoing need to measure what is working and what is not. as karol mentioned, the center of policing equity does that say before if you have to measure what is working. it's got to be evidence based. the other piece of this, too is communities always have t be centered in all of this work not just now, but goin forward. what is critical here is, agai community had been racing thes way before breonna taylor, and we have to make sure tha there's always a voice and there is always voice to table from that. and i think measuring this i going to be key, straining i going to be key, not just an kind of training, training tha is evidence based, training yo can measure that you know that works, and i think if we g back just a quick minute to ho do you recruit and retain? you also need to look at the tools we are using to evaluate and to screen out and in those who need to be in particular professions. so, those are the things that hope are going to happen but we have that sustained after effect here that we don' come back to louisville te years later, having this exact same conversation. >> one other thing to act your list, dr. keesee listen to the community, but listen to black people whe they tell you the cops - >> 100%. >> aren't acting right >> 100%. >> real fast, because we've go a. >> okay. as a future public safet report shows what we're doin with the obama foundation, and working communities, we need t have public safety be communit based. community centered, and then think about what is the role o police police are not the center of community safety >> that's right. >> with that we will leave it there karol mason, president of th john jay college of criminal justice, dr. tracie keesee president, c.o.o. for th center of policing equity, thank you both very much for coming to the saturday show. after the break, forme republican - former gop congressman, davi job, lee on the latest documents revealing how fo news host like tucker carlso really feel about donald trump after the 2020 election, wha it means for dominion's 1. billion dollars defamation sui against the cable network. stay with us age is just a number, and mine's unlisted. try boost® high protein with 20 grams of protein for muscle health versus 16 grams in ensure® high protein. boost® high protein. now available in cinnabon® bakery-inspired flavor. learn more at you want a loan to build a factory in america? 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doing >> thank you, it is grea to be. with you this one of the top shows on tv. i continue to say. that listen, he is lying not only is he one of th weakest speakers in the hous in modern political history, h is one of those scurrilous deceptive, and probably one of the most short tendered we wil ultimately find out. what he did and giving these tapes to tucker carlson will now be part of his legacy of weakness there are fewer more dangerous voices in america today than tucker carlson and i say that without hyperbole. tucker carlson has become voice in america that used t be consigned to the internet o some of these youtube shows. he is now platformed by one of the largest news networks in the entire country kevin mccarthy knew what he wa doing, and giving these tape to a bad faith actor tucke carlson who would use them t continue to mislead th american people. this is a voice, and this is a network that directl contributed i believ personally, to you the event of january six 2021. we sometimes overlook that because of the raw duplicity and their ability to mislead their viewers. but they directly contribute to the narrative that led to a insurrection kevin mccarthy, as speaker o the house, stood in line t become president of the united states handed over tapes, securit footage, to a bad faith report are that kevin himself kne would misuse these tapes t mislead the american people. >> you know, and i ask tha question because, according to a washington post university o maryland poll from decembe 2021, fox news was the primary source of government and political, politics news 4 mor than 40% of republicans. day event, if nearly half of one party was consuming lies about the election, given what we've learned from tha dominion filings, shouldn't th fcc get involved here? shouldn't foxes license be a risk >> i believe so. and i think the united state senate, under democratic control, could help continue this public narrative about th pressure on regulators t really examine it. look, we have a very important standard of a free unregulated press. but not one that is directly misinforming and contributing, and arguably fomenting violence again, my opinion in this. this is why the dominion law case the lawsuit, is such landmark case that we ma ultimately live up there wit new york times red sullivan in terms of some critical parameters to media. because you have here what appears to be the lega standard of malice we know from the documents tha fox news knew the people the were platform-ing were line. they knew the information they were sharing was incorrect but they continue to do so and in this case, that look fo facts news is that there is victim on the other side not just american democracy an voters, but a financiall harmed victim in dominion he says, look, you have handicapped your ability to do commerce in the united state by disparaging with malice our reputation as a provider o integrity promoting systems. this is a tough case for fox news, and it looks like th facts are there to really bend them against the wall. and i am with a group of lawyers out there who thin that, ultimately the settles fox does not want those to g to trial >> i look forward to seein what happens in that regard. meanwhile, david, trump is facing growing legal trouble and dwindling support. do you think the various investigations involving him georgia, new york, and special counsel jack smith, are finall taking their toll on his support within the gop or, would an indictment, in an of these cases actually boos his support? >> yeah. i think we are about to find out whether donald trump represents a political movemen of the republican party or a cultural movement. because if it is a political movement, is there enoug political actors that want t get past donald trump is the person they want to move on to rhonda sanchez or nikki haley o somebody else. but if it is a truly cultura movement where donald trump is tapped into something where he captivates with his own victim mentality, is angry populism and indictment actually will further foment that cultural movement we are going to find out i think the concern is, look we should anticipate he is indicted before the republican nomination that very well might b american 2023 and 2024 i think the question is, adjacent to donald trump, to ece violent actions from those who support the cultural movement the party wants to be passed and there are enough sel interested politicians that ar ready to be done with him. but if this is truly a cultura movement like we suspected, is republican leaders are going t be able to get past donald trump even if he is indicted >> former congressman davi jolly, as always, great to see you. i am going to figure out every possible way to get you back o the show thank you, very much for comin to the saturday show coming up, my next guest say young people in the united states are in a sex recession. after the break, we will break down how that is connected t the wave of anti abortio legislation republicans ar pushing nationwide much more of this saturday sho to go. to go. ♪ i like to move it, move it ♪ ♪ you like to... move it ♪ we're reinventing our network. ♪ ♪ ♪ fast. reliable. perfectly orchestrated. the united states postal service. 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>> well, you have the obviou answer, right. abortion medication abortion makes up more than 30% o abortions in the united states especially in the firs trimester which is when wome tend to have abortions in the states where it has bee perhaps been pushed off, where walgreens has it won't distribute, these are ofte some of the most rural states. red states where it is not like women can just taught over to thei ob/gyn to get an abortion done so this really reduces their access, and shows how troublin it will be in the future >> so, if the drug is outlawed what communities specificall will it impact the most? >> i mean, it will impact wome in rural areas so, four of the states where walgreens has agreed not t sell it, kansas, iowa, alaska, and montana, this is sort of the first port of call fou women who don't have eas access to their doctors. it will of course affect poo women and women without stable health care. which, in america is a lot o women. >> you have spoken to a number of young women and men about how they make decisions when i comes to sex and relationships how is a post-roe americ altering the dynamics of those relationships? >> right so my book rethinking sex is a look at the cultural dynamic around a relationship formatio and sex in the united states and as you can, guess it is no looking great. exactly as you, said the rollback of roe via the dobb decision, and then the publication of decisions lik this one by walgreens not to distribute the medication fo abortion is going to continu to have a chilling effect on relationships. >> and when you say chilling effect, that means not couplin up, not getting, married not having children, not having se at all >> perhaps all of these things i, mean we have already hear conversation about the so-called sex recession. we are of course now in relationship recession fewer people are enterin relationships, getting, marrie finding partners and when you talk to young people, you see that decisions like this, the potential lac of bodily autonomy is really affecting thei decision-making. women are entering relationships, or not. because sex is risky now they don't want to rescu losing their autonomy. urologists have mentioned that young men, really young me like the age of 18, ar increasingly asking for vasectomies. because they don't want to hav an unintended pregnancy that they won't be able to have control over >> how much already decisions, meaning banning abortions or reducing the number of weeks or what walgreens austin how much of that is affectin college decisions? i, mean we are coming out to a point where seniors are goin to start deciding where they g to college is that playing a role in wome in particular, but we are al young people decide wher they're gonna go to college? >> absolutely. it is huge especially in the states where you're seeing restrictions states like florida, for instance you are releasing people reconsider the choices i mean, you talk to young wome and they are, like well i woul go to nze, i would go to university florida but what if i found myself i need of an abortion. where would i go so, they choose to go somewher else some in fact, you know fearing alaska freedoms that they used to depend on, are choosing t go outside of the united state entirely >> wow you mentioned the top decision before it also highlighted ho vulnerable some of our right are to same sex marriage rights to contraception. how has the uncertainty change how gen z views americ compared to previous generations? is that what is maybe pushin some of them to potentiall leave the country? >> yeah. the gen z generation, those ar the ones you're choosing where to go to college and then wher to start the rest of their lives. and, in talking to young peopl for rethinking sex and mor generally, you are reall seeing a sense of a sort o fear and sadness and loss. i'm talking about millennials, but especially the younger generation the freedoms that they depende on, they fear are being rolled back and they don't know what i going to happen next and that is creating pessimism a lot of discouragement. and, it is not a good look for america going forward. >> what is interesting in that is, when i look at particularly gen z i get so much hope because o what they have done when i comes to gun safety and, the mobilization of say march fo our lives. and the young people fro parkland they took matters into their own hands and really pushed movement that helped propel movement when it comes to gu safety but on this issue, they ar pessimistic and not as hopeful >> yeah, i think it has to d with how these decisions hav been made. this was a supreme court decision the reversal of roe, the decision in dobbs. this was not something tha really could have been changed by voting. it almost feels like it wa created by fee at. and they won't be able t change it. they feel a little impotent in the face of these changes. >> real quick, the mos surprising thing you learn fro young people when writing your book, rethinking sex >> i have to say, it was the idea of hetero pessimism which is also pretty depressing it is the idea that women, especially, feel that th relationship landscape is so sad and depressing that they'v kind of given up on it they may not get married a all. >> dang. i just learned a new phrase. hetero pessimism >> there may be hope out there yet, but we will have to see >> well, i am gay, i'm married so i am set. christine mbappé thank you very much for coming to the saturday show this was a great discussion. >> thanks for having me >> and, after the break local libraries are just place to check out books they have become vital community centers and resource for some of america's most vulnerable children. after the break, how som enterprising librarians ar fighting back against the gop' assault on that public knowledge. keep it right here keep it right here oh! it's daylight saving time. what's the big deal? 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with these book bans i particular >> we have really seen a acceleration of book bans al throughout the country, bu particularly in certain states as this is happened, time an time again, librarians are jus feeling incredibly challenged. librarians went into the procession in order to hel people to help people with literacy to bring people together i community spaces the expectation that you would have this number of book ban impacting libraries is jus phenomenal and out of al sorts. we haven't seen anything lik this since the mccarthy era. >> they are under a lot of pressure, librarians how are they dealing with it are these things that they are encountering for the first time? or have book bans been thing that they have had to deal with, but not to this degree >> sure. bookends have always existed you have always had people tha have challenged books. the difference being tha degree and the scale of people kind of pushing against books. particularly those books written by people of color, an lgbtq+ rioters and talking about ways tha people can really se themselves and books so you see this focus point of how they are going after books one is being banned. that really seems to be th incredible challenge that we are facing right now >> so, you, know librarians it as you're talking about, the are facing these battles the washington post did a bi story. i think it was last week focusing in on that librarians around the country i think we have the full scree of the quote in idaho, a librarian resigned last fall after a billio campaign that includes armed men standing in the back board meetings a librarian in louisiana received a death threat afte opposing censorship, said sh installed a home securit system, about a taser, and sleeps with a gun under my bed have you in the urban librarie council, how are you helping librarians to do their job without risk of losing their jobs or facing violence? >> absolutely. at the urban library's council we are aaron innovation action taken we have believing librar systems. what we are doing is creatin resources for them whether that is the declaratio of democracy, that we have jus launched last november, wher we are having librarian signed on really talking about th challenges that they are facin with book bans on the things that they can do creating resources alongside that, working on the groun together with them and then finally, working with other organizations that are also in common cause to make sure that we are pushing bac against these incredible bands i would also say that you ar seeing positive stories, lik the brooklyn public library. that has her books un-banned programs where they have offered any content to teenagers and young adults all throughout the country tha want to be able to read thos banned books so i really think that there i a push and pull happening righ now where we are going to make a change in what is happenin in the country >> what do you say to thos librarians who basically are i hospitable climates in place where they just aren't local support or vocal support what do you say to them abou how to handle these things >> i say really that we ar here for you we are here to help you as wel as organizations like a la t make sure that you have th resources that hand. it is going to be a challenge. there are many inhospitabl places in the country right no on issues like this. i have worked and loca democracy issues for years we saw this happening in cities, particularly those that ar blue cities and red states but now it has gotten even broader than that. and particularly as we see challenges in places lik florida, texas, and othe states, i fear at least in the short to medium turn we ar going to continue to have thes challenges long term, i'm always an optimist >> i am alison optimist to but, man, it is like going through hell in the short term so, we focus a lot of attentio on the librarians. but, our communities galvanize to support their libraries and their librarians >> absolutely. i, mean i would tell you about the story in alamana count where you have the proud boy disrupt a drag queen story time in response, that communit came together and decide rather than having jus celebrating pride month, the would have pride month all year really coming together and saying, this isn't how we want to live in our community we don't want our children scared from far-right activist coming right in and disrup your story >> why do you think, of al things, drag queens story hour has become the obsession of th far-right? >> i mean, it is tough to sa other than, they saw this as like one particular thing an everybody globs onto it. particularly when you ge groups like the proud boys, an others on the far-right, tha see something that they feel like can be that piece tha they can get others together that is really i think what th challenge has become >> how important is it we were talking about th far-right. do you wish that, more mor moderate republicans would com out and be vocal advocates o behalf of librarians and libraries? >> i really do and i think we have seen that, particularly when you talk about issues like intellectual freedom which cut across lef and right. because there have also been challenges with band programming that you have seen within certain cities an communities. and so i think at the end of the day moderate publicans are going to get on board and do you truly want to stand agains book bans. and when you look at the dat of american librar associations, 71% of peopl support not banning books. and so i think that number, yo really need to sit with. because that clearly includes lot of republicans as well as democrats >> great way to end this conversation brooks ring water president, ceo of the urban library council. thank you very much for coming to the saturday show >> thank you >> and that will do it for m today. thank you for watching be sure to tune in tomorrow fo the sunday show, when office o management and budget director show mondale young, joins me t break down president biden's new budget proposal. that is tomorrow, at 9 a eastern, right here on msnbc and, stick around because al velshi is up next, after a quick break. quick break. e here. ray's a1c is down with rybelsus®. i'm down with rybelsus®. my a1c is down with rybelsus®. in a clinical study, once-daily rybelsus® significantly lowered a1c better than a leading branded pill. in the same study, people taking rybelsus® lost more weight. rybelsus® isn't for people with type 1 diabetes. don't take rybelsus® if you or your family ever had medullary thyroid cancer, or have multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if allergic to it. stop rybelsus® and get medical help right away if you get a lump or swelling in your neck, severe stomach pain, or an allergic reaction. serious side effects may include pancreatitis. gallbladder problems may occur. tell your provider about vision problems or changes. taking rybelsus® with a sulfonylurea or insulin increases low blood sugar risk. side effects like nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea may lead to dehydration, which may worsen kidney problems. need to get your a1c down? 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