Transcripts For KYW The Late Show With Stephen Colbert 20160

Transcripts For KYW The Late Show With Stephen Colbert 20160729

so the reason you're here, bob, is that you've been at every convention since 1968. you were in cleveland with us. we've seen the end of this one. how do you assess where we are? >> this is different than any of the others that attended. they're all different. this maybe is the most different of all. we didn't see the violence that we saw in 1968 in chicago. this one is coming down to, as you mentioned, scott, when you were talking about when bill clinton ran, people said it's the economy, stupid. the winning campaign usually has a simple phrase that you can sum it up. this one maybe the way they were telling it tonight, all you need to print on the bumper sticker is "donald trump, yes or no." this is a campaign that will be about donald trump. do you want him or do you not want him? are you willing to trust him in the most powerful office in the country? >> bob schieffer, dean of american political reporters. bob, thanks very much. so post parties have their nominees in a titanic battle is going. >> it will last 102 days, the first of three presidential debates is september 26. >> and 25 weeks from tomorrow, on january 20th, 2017, hillary clinton or donald trump will be sworn in as the 45th president of the united states. >> there's more convention coverage on your late local numbers or cbsn. >> for norah, charlie, gayle, bob, i'm scott pelley. good night from philadelphia. captioning sponsored by cbs captioned by media access group at wgbh control" e-mail group. ♪ ( cheers and applause ) >> i accept your nomination for president of the united states. >> the sdem catic presidential knowledge need laid out her -- the fourth and final night of the democratic national convention is one for the history books. good evening, everyone, thanks for staying up late with us i'm jessica dean. >> i'm ukee washington. >> hillary clinton talked about the economy, immigration, national security and gun violence this evening. >> and ended her speech with this message. >> so, let's be stronger together any fellow americans. let's look to the future with courage and confidence. let's build a better tomorrow for the be loved children and our be loved countries and when we do, america will be greater than ever. thank you and may god bless you and the united states of america. >> that was the end to the speech in which clinton promised americans a steady hand and cast herself as a un fewer for divided times and she drew sharp contrast with donald trump calling the republican unqualified are the whitehouse. election die is three months away and tonight in the wells fargo center the balloons have dropped and celebration is on. reaction is pouring into tonight's speech by hillary clinton. >> let's go to the floor with natasha brown who spoke to delegates about what they heard. natasha, what is the word? >> the celebration is continu continuing on the floor of the democratic national convention moment after hillary clinton, her family and running mate, vice presidential running mate tim kaine left the stage. we spoke with pennsylvania delegates moments ago who are extremely excited about the message that she left them with tonight. here's what they had to say. >> i thought it was absolutely fantastic. hillary clinton is going to be the most fantastic president, the one we need right now. she laid out all of her plans perfectly and total contradiction to her opponent who has no plans and the things he does talk about are only going to divide us. >> she set the tone for the fall. and really got everybody here fired up to go out and do what we have to do to win the election in the fall. >> reporter: again, secretary clinton continuing to promote the theme she promoted throughout the campaign, stronger together, she laid out her plans. if she does become the president of the united states, clearly here tonight, these delegate on the floor and more than 20,000 or so people in attendance right now say they're pretty much fired up. you can feel the excitement and they're electrified and ready to continue the campaign with her. that's the latest on the floor of the convention here tonight, ukee, jessica back to you. >> that tash a. thank you so much. many americans are scared about the state of the word. >> but she told them not to to succomb to the fear. >> descend into lawlessness and division trump said. >> a great president franklin roosevelt came one perfect rebuke to trump. the only thing we have to fear, is fear itself. >> the former secretary of state acknowledged terrorism at home and abroad and said fighting it will require experience. >> we will not ban a religion. we will work with all americans and our allies to fight and defeat terrorism. >> she said trump's promise he alone can fix america's problems should test off alarm bells. >> don't believe anyone who says, i alone can fix this. >> clinton was introduced by her 36-year-old daughter chelsea who described her mother as not just a powerful politician but a doting mom and grandmother. >> my mom can be about to walk on stage for debate or speech, it just doesn't matter, she'll drop everything for a few minutes of blowing kisses and reading chuga chuga choochoo with her granddaughter. >> she saw supporters wearing bright green shirts saying she has not won them all over yet. >> i want you to know, i heard you. your cause is our cause. >> clinton said america only works when its citizens work together. >> americans don't say, i alone can fix it. we say, we'll fix it together. >> all this week, we have been talking to representative from both side of the political aisle. >> republican congressman mike fitzpatrick of pennsylvania joins us. thanks for joining us. your impression, what you heard tonight do you think it is enough to un few the party not only here in the arena but around the country. >> i think the delegates on the floor enjoyed the speech. they were fired up. i honestly believe the speech tonight that we heard it lacked moment it lacked a quote we had not heard before. the speech itself lacked connection i think even to the delegates at moments. we could see there were certain delegates disaffected and chanting in opposition and so, the cadence of the speech was off a little bit. but, look, philadelphia convention is now over. cleveland convention is now over. real race starts tomorrow and much of what happened in the rallies and conventions will be forgotten as we get into the eat heat of the race itself. >> it's pretty much game on and we look ahead to the general election and these candidates have to sell themselves to the american public and that tiny slice of the electorate up for grabs really. what do you expect to see from both of them in the coming months. >> the fact is most americans have made their mind up and it's a small slice not yet. and these are important facts. both major presidential candidate nominees have low approval ratings specifically secretary clinton has low trust ratings of trustworthiness and that's a serious number. but the number i think they're really pay ago tension to is what pollsters hang on and incumbents look forward to. it's right track, wrong track. is the country in the right track or gone in the wrong direction. i saw awe poll yesterday and it's been consistent it said 7 73% of american people believe the country is on the wrong rack. that means we're gearing up towards an election that will be no, i choice between candidates. secretary clinton wants it to be a choice ten she and donald trump. this won't be a choice election it will be change election. so many are disaffected and that's the reason in a republican primary and outsider donald trump has all of the momentum and democratic primary up until the end and outsider bernie sanders had all the momentum. this is gearing up to be a changed election that's a problem for hillary clinton. >> quick when she said trump sun qualified for the presidency what went through her mind. >> she has to say that that's her sgln do you think he's qualified. >> he's qualified but different equal faixs than hers. hers are public abrianna on to inspection and not great record in foreign policy and his business world. american people are concerned about jobs, economy and who can keep the country safe. she's not scoring well in those areas. >> appreciate you spending time with us. tom wolf took aim at donald trump business record. . >> he received a warm welcome and expressed why he feels clinton in the choice. >> hillary believes if you work hard you should share in your company's success. she'll also fight to raise the minimum wage. she'll ensure equal pay for women and guarantee up to twelve weeks paid family leave, plus, affordable childcare. >> former philadelphia mayor mike nutter also spoke tonight and took a little credit for working to bring the convention to philadelphia and then said to complicated times deserve experienced leader and took aim at trump over his love of twitter. >> dealing with complicated problems don't have simple solutions. so we need a president whose ideas and attention span is longer than 140 character. >> in other words, on to call trump a con man and also tonight family members of fallen police officers including mother of philadelphia police officer moses walker. >> as eyewitness news reporter david sponge shows us invitation to include them in the program came after a complaint by fraternal order of police last last week. >> thousands were silent inside the wells fargo center to honor fallen officers. moses walker, jr.'s mother wayne took stage in fronts of national audience and joined by other families members of other fallen officers. >> every morning for 19 years moses put on his uniform and one morning on the way home from the third shift he was shot and killed. >> getting this dprup on stage was not always in the convention plan. last week eyewitness news reported fop head put out a scathing letter criticizing clip ton campaign for not including widows and family members of fallen officers and used the word shocked and shad entered he's changed his tune. >> i found out today. so i think hey, listen, that's good. you know, you got to give her credit. her campaign credit. >> mcnesby was upset because original lineup included furgeson teenager michael brown and eric garner and mother of sandra bland. all three died during inaction with police and three deaths prompted public protests of police officers. >> i understand the protesters and i understand the people that want to speak and i understand the mother's mov movement but we also have to understand the flip side and that the law. >> jon mcnesby does not want the fop to get into a political battle he wants to make sure officer's families have a chance to tell their stories on stage. >> with running the convention they can do whatever they want wants. this their ball. >> former philadelphia police commissioner charles ramsey also spoe spoke and george sweeney former nypd department. david, cbs3, eyewitness news. >> we did reach out to the clinton campaign to learn some more about that change. we have 23409 heard back yet sgle in the meantime we continue to keep a close eye on continue to keep a close eye on protesters tonight in the city. >> this was the scream nearby fdr park. many that gathered there showed signs in support of bernie sanders. there's been no arrests and no seesation r tation s issued. >> five people charged in connection with this chaotic scene outside the wells fargo center last night are out of federal custody. police say seven protesters breached security event and all were arrested immediately and two other protest rerz still behind bars and one has a hearing set tomorrow and the other on monday. well the dnc might be over right now and hillary clinton and mun running mate tim kaine tim are not leaving philadelphia yet. >> they'll be holding a rally tomorrow at mc gone gal hall at temple which was originally scheduled for independence mall that's happening tomorrow at into. and, of course, we will be covering that for you. >> speaking of the weather let's head back to the studios and check in and see kate is tracking shows storms. how do they look tonight and tomorrow. >> yes, sir ka, ukee it has not been the best for the convention in philadelphia. more rain in the area tonight and could continue to impact us tomorrow and through the weekend. i'll tell you when heaviest rain will fall and when you can get outside over the next few days. that's coming back in weather. >> ahead i sat down with corey booker of new jersey and the hillary clinton he knows plus his tough talk about donald trump. the republican presidential nominee is on the campaign trial and what he's saying about comment on russia and hillary clinton's emails. our coverage live from the wells fargo center continues wells fargo center continues after a short break >> eyewitness news continues liver from the wells fargo center and democratic national convention which has officially wrapped up. its nominees accepted nomination and you see there people hanging out and picking up souvenirs and taking photos. >> and the cleanup begins. >> donald trump is backing off comments he made yesterday about hillary clinton's email server. >> trump was being sarcastic when suggested russia should find clinton emails and i make them public. he held two campaign rallies in iowa. he admitted to supporters he was paying attention to what was said about him at the dnc. >> i've been watching these speeches at night and boy am i getting hit, ow, woo, i am getting hit and they don't mean it and there's a lot of lies being told but i guess they have to do their thing. >> trump will make two campaign stops in colorado tomorrow. donald trump's words are uniting them. >> new jersey senator corey booker told me now more than ever his party must defeat the republican nominee in november. >> every week i'm more shocked and astonished and this week it's unkerminging russians to engage in espionage. i could not believe it. it was dumbfounded. with you were insulting allison seymour and nato allies we hav have. i have a niece 9 years old in a convention i don't like the way he degrades women and never tolerates people talking about his wife orchids or daughters. so that's also got to be something that motivates people in the country do we elect tem of character? honor? sdeensy. >> there's this chasm secretary clinton and private secretary clinton and we heard about that over and over. the hillary clinton i know, why the gap? >> i think you put your finger on it the gap was there foreme. i decided to support the policy positions and what you stood for spending time with her on the campaign trail away from cameras in cars and back stage and in din diners and i mean it in a plutonic way i fell in love with her and need to get this person president. >> a local woman took the stage for her own history-making address this evening. >> my name is farrah mc bride and i'm a proud transgender american. today, in america, lgbtq people are targeted by hate that lives in both laws and heart. many still struggle just to get by. but i believe that tomorrow can be different. tomorrow we can be respected and protected especially if hillary clinton is our president and that's why i'm proud to stand here and say, that i'm with her! >> wilmington native sarah mc bride became the first openly transgender person to speak at a party convention. she's secretary for human rights campaign and told us yesterday her speevrp was written on behalf of millions of people that deserve to have their choices heard. >> let's go back to cbs3 studios now and check in with meteorologist katie fehlinger indicate kate bilo. >> and storms on the closing evening of the convention. we have light rain here and there. center city not seeing much now. it's been on and off all day with torrential downpours. look at this time lapse from rehoboth beach, delaware, on the live neighborhood network the weech was crowded earlier today and lots of people out enjoying a hot day and then the beach clears and showers go through. everybody back to the beach to enjoy a nice evening and heavy showers and storms rolling through after surprise set bringing another round of rain to the beach. it was on and off. you see the boardwalk getting wet there. the hev rest storms were mainly south that's where it is now. you can see from cape may coun county down through sussex country delaware as we zoom in back towards our winslot and up to couple better land and camden county we're still seeing showers. there's more rain lurking in western pennsylvania and west virginia that will get here through remainder of tonight and into tomorrow morning as well. this system really has been impacting us through the day and will continue to do through the next several days. that will bring the threat for showers and storms every day, take a look at severe thunderstorm watch it expires one minute. it's still around. it will expire midnight. flash flood watch continues until noon tomorrow meaning a thunderstorm that does pop up produces locally heavy downpours leading to risk for flooding. overall periods of heavy rain not everywhere especially in few parts of the area north and west and seedier rain south certainly seeing it now. strong imbedded storms as well. 1 to 3" possible total pour drainage flooding will be a concern tonight over tomorrow night. more about the pattern you can see the pulled air from the south and there's lots of moisture and slow moving front and they need moisture and some port of up lifting mechanism this front moving through whim be around monday showers and storms in the forecast every single day. here's what it looks likes tonight through tomorrow morning again you have scattered rain and even imbedded thunder and tomorrow starts with showers and drizzle and we try to clear it out in the afternoon a little bit. still popup showers and storms. saturday starts with sunshine and then we start to get another round of scattered storms in the afternoon and this continue saturday night into sunday just not a dry frame on future weather perfect right through the weekend and into next week. overnight, periods of rain and thunderstorm. 75 the low. for your friday that should say that just changed over. one minute ago. we will see temperatures mid 80s for friday with showers and storms. saturday, showers and thunderstorms again. otherwise breaks of sun. sunday, more ever the same. and the good news is we need next week especially tuesday and wednesday that's when we'll finally see humidity drop and seasonable temperatures take hold. at least we have something to look forward to, jesse and uke ukee. >> thanks so much. >> time for the sport report. what do you have for us don bell. >> fill liz scored a touchdown tonight and hold down the braves in atlanta. >> speaking of touchdown the eagles full squad is back and first round draft choice tries to bounce back after a brush with the law. sports coming up next who do you talk to for military advice right now? i'm hillary clinton and i approved this message. well, i watch the shows. i mean i really see a lot of great - you know, when you watch your show and all of the other shows... while donald trump watched tv, as secretary of state, hillary clinton negotiated a cease fire in gaza. a reduction in nuclear weapons... took on vladimir putin... and stood up against the trafficking of human beings. a steady leader in an unsteady world. whenoff the wheel to getands out of a tight spot. when you can relax with your foot off the brake and stay put. and when you enjoy 400 horsepower that's both smooth and controlled. that's the more human side of engineering. this is the lincoln summer invitation, hurry in now to your dealer for limited time offers! lease an mkc for $289 a month or get 0% apr for 60 months and just announced $1,000 dollars summer invitation bonus. you >> the dps is leaving and eagles are showing up. >> yes, they are. >> and you know who has his eye on all that, don bell. >> i love that iment row by the way. south philadelphia is the place to be. guys let's talk about the sports. this is the time of year eagles do the heavy lifting. today was day one full squad workout. regular season begins in 6 weeks. because of nasty thunder erin lightning birds practiced indoors. last year team 7-0. now the bird have head coach, made-over roster and low expectation with fan base. a lot changed but players still ready to roll. >> it feels good. obviously speed picks up immediately that's the first thing you notice. obviously it was nice to come in and get more during the rookie camp and knock off the rust from the summer break. but that first today you can tell with the vets out there and speed of the game it's bac back. so it's exciting time and time for us to get a lot of work done sequence each other and good to see everyone again. >> now for the "law and order" part of the sportscast. second year wide-out nelson agholor was caused of sex ult assault during the off season and never charged. because of incident last week in miami linebacker bradham is charged with assault. both players practiced today and talked afterwards. >> to be honest with you there were points i thought an opportunity for me to play and have the leafy have could be taken from me. it allows you to be more grateful and have a good you know perspective on life. >> representation is everything to the fans and unfortunate to me i didn't get a chance to play at least play before they have app opinion on me. >> on to baseball. aaron nola has not won a game since june 5. so the kid is two. atlanta, go to the eye lights top of first, whipers 1st and third. deep left field. get up and get gone. phillies 3-0 lead. nice to get them see an early leave. >> tommy joseph, rights inner field, track, wall, gone. phillies increasing that lead 4-30. check this out they go on to win 7 of 5. check this out cody ashe foul down to the left and chase giving chase and it gets really close with a fap. almost looks like he gives him a little smooth they showed many many angles on the broadcast. >> oh, yeah. >> how about that? >> we have a little delay in here i'm seeing that. >> oh,. >> thanks for come together ballyard. >> that's beautiful. >> thank you. we'll your husband wants to stay free from artificial ingredients. you want to stay free from artificial preservatives. and your debit card wants to stay on a diet. fill your cart with small victories like giant's nature's promise brand. great prices on over 800 items. eat well for less. only at my giant. >> a lot of celebrities were out this week and a lot on the stage tonight at the wells fargo center including singer katy perry. >> i'm the champion and you're going to hear me roar. >> kerry got the crowd going with roar. she's a clinton supporter she's been out with her on the campaign trail and carol king performed earlier and got delegates on the feet playing and singing to her classic you got a >> tomorrow hillary clinton and tim kaine will host a rally at temple. we'll be covering that for you then. >> there's a wrap of dnc in philadelphia. they're kicking us out. we've been here since sunday. have a good nights, family, sleep well. thanktest message sleep well. thanktest message captioning sponsored by cbs >> stephen: hello citizens! (cheers and applause) welcome to the beginning of the final round of the 2016 "hungry for power games." (cheers and applause) yes. the conventions are complete, leaving behind a lot confetti, and even more regretti. america has settled on their final attributes -- hillary clinton vs. donald trump. two shall enter. we all might leave. andro, give me the scissors. tighten the ribbon! and now with these slippery handled, very pointy, incredibly sharp scissors, i will now cut the ribbon to declare the final match of the 2016 "hungry for power games officially-- oh no! (screaming) he did it! >> it's "the late show" with stephen colbert! tonight stephen welcomes abbi jacobson and ilana glazer, doris kearns goodwin and eric andre, featuring jon batiste and "stay human." now live from the ed sullivan theater in new york city, it's time for the 2016 democratic national convention -- death, taxes, hillary! (cheers and applause) ♪ >> stephen: thanks! whoo! whoo! (cheers and applause) whoo! (audience chanting stephen) >> stephen: hey chris, tom, paul! what's going on, mark! (cheers and applause) hey! welcome to the "late show." (cheers and applause) thank you so much, everybody! thank you! thank you! that's nice. welcome to "the late show," everybody. i'm proud to be your host, stephen colbert, and we are live on night four of the democratic national convention, where moments ago hillary clinton became the first woman to accept a major party's nomination for president. (cheers and applause) incredible! however you feel about either of the candidates, i got chill bumps. you said, why hasn't this happened before? it's the biggest breakthrough for women since they won the right to bust ghosts. (laughter) (cheers and applause) too long denied. i have to say -- did you guys watch the speech? (cheers and applause) it was a great speech. we'll get to that in a moment. of course, hillary wasn't the only one who made history at this convention. last night, her v.p. pick, tim kaine, accepted the nomination to become the 48th consecutive white male vice-president. and the streak continues! (cheers and applause) way to go! (cheers and applause) but there are some spoil sports who are determined to try and ruin this. bernie supporters-- and i am not making this up-- scarfed down beans and went to the convention center as part of a "fart-in" protest. (laughter) now, some might question this tactic, but i remind you it is part of a long tradition of political activism. it was patrick henry who famously declared, "give me liberty... or pull my finger!" (laughter) (applause) now, the theme of the democratic national convention was "stronger together. and nancy pelosi thrilled the crowd by appealing to their shared values. >> we democrats believe that the future of america should be decided by the voices of the voters, not the pocketbooks of the powerful. a government of the many, not a government of the money. >> stephen: and that rousing call to get big money out of politics resounded throughout every corner of the wells-fargo arena, from the cnn grill to the comcast xfinity live complex! because it was the democrats, we heard from every conceivable fringiest minority group. >> i'm a republican. i knew ronald reagan. i worked for ronald reagan. donald trump, you are no ronald reagan. (cheers) >> stephen: whoo! whoo! (cheers and applause) whoo! whoo! we're democrats! why are we cheering ronald reagan? i don't care! whoo! chelsea clinton, this is touching, chelsea clinton came out and introduced her mom. first, they had a biographic video. >> hillary rodham grew up in park ridge, illinois. >> stephen: you will notice that was narrated by god. (cheers and applause) hillary told the story of the first time she saw her future husband. >> i said, who is that? she said, that is bill clinton. he's from arkansas, and that is all he talks about. and then i heard him say, we grow the biggest watermelons in the world. >> stephen: thus began a lifetime of bill clinton saying things that would later sound really pervy. (laughter) (cheers and applause) really big watermelons! now, the video was very lovely, very moving. and it was full of personal anecdotes that reveal a side of hillary we don't often see. >> hillary quietly attended debbie's wedding. >> stephen: that's just a little sound bite from an incredibly beautiful and moving story. and it just proves what we've always known about hillary clinton. no matter who you are, she will attend your wedding. (laughter) (cheers and applause) a happy couple! then hillary made her big entrance looking every inch a president. or like an angel in a movie, who says you can go back to earth as the family dog. i'm not sure what movie that is but i would watch it. (laughter) then, she talked about america's core values. >> our country's motto is e pluribus unum. >> stephen: great, now everyone's speaking spanish. (laughter) talk in spanish, is that how you say it? i'm not sure if i'm talking english right now. and then in a keeply moving moment, hillary clinton made history. >> and so it is with humility, determination, and boundless confidence in america's promise that i accept your nomination for president of the united states. (cheers and applause) >> stephen: and remember, at that very moment, somewhere in that room, a supporter was trying to rip a fart. (laughter) (applause) really. really. really. really puts the whole thing in perspective when you think about it. hillary drew a stark line between herself and donald trump. >> i believe in science. >> stephen: and you know she means it because she's wearing a whrab coat. and hillary, she had a stern warning for the big banks. >> wall street, corporations and the super rich are going to start paying their fair share of taxes! (cheers and applause) >> stephen: and i know they're good for it because they paid me tons when i spoke to them! (cheers and applause) it was a great speech, you have to give that to her. hillary clinton worked a life time to achieve this historic moment. so let's talk about donald trump. (laughter) he is still in hot water over this little comment from yesterday. >> russia, if you're listening, i hope you're able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing. i think you will probably be rewarded mightily by our press. >> stephen: it was a truly reaganesque moment. it reminds me of when the gipper said, "mr. gorbachev, release naked photos of walter mondale." (cheers and applause) that's how he won in 1984! (cheers and applause) true story. true story. a lot of people forget that part of the speech. now, encouraging a hostile foreign government to influence our elections is an unorthodox campaign strategy known in political circles as "treason." (laughter) (applause) so with criticism mounting, trump did something even crazier than making a plea to russian hackers-- he took it back. >> the clinton campaign said, "this is a national security issue now. the idea that you would have any american calling for a foreign power to commit espionage in the united states for the purposes of somehow changing an election, we're now in national security space. your reaction in >> you have to be kidding. and when i'm being sarcastic with something... >> are you being sarcastic? >> of course i'm being sarcastic. >> stephen: sarcasm! he was being sarcastic! of course! now everything he says makes sense! (cheers and applause) yeah, let me tell ya, yeah, i'm really going to build a wall on the border, and, yeah, mexico will pay for it." "i'm banning all muslims, that's really what i'm going to do. it's a good idea." "i'm going to make america great again." (cheers and applause) so, if donald trump says he wasn't conspiring with a foreign government and he was just being sarcastic, i want him to know, i totally believe you! ♪ stick around, ladies and gentlemen! we'll be right back! ♪ (cheers and applause) brewmaster. risktaker.. i sold everything i had to own a brewery. you might have heard its name... stella artois be legacy i'm not a customer, but i'm calling about that credit scorecard. (to dog)give it. sure! it's free for everyone. oh! well that's nice! and checking your score won't hurt your credit. oh! (to dog)i'm so proud of you. well thank you. get your free credit scorecard at even if you're not a customer. which one of theseing awards appeals most to you? the top safety pick midsize car and suv. most dependable. means a lot to me. the green car because i like fuel efficiency. what if there was a car company that received all of these awards. one company won an award in all these? chevy. ahhhh! chevy. chevrolet is the most awarded car company of the last two years. i love it! it's fierce. how would you sum this car up in one word? incredible. amazing. i can't use one word. ♪ (cheers and applause) >> stephen: hey! (cheers and applause) welcome back, everybody! thank you, jon! thank you, ladies and gentlemen! (audience chanting stephen) oh, folks, thank you so much! thank you. folks, i can tell you're excited. i'm very excited. we're going to have the ladies from "broad city," abbi jacobson and ilana glazer out here later. stick around for that. but first, hillary clinton made history tonight by being the first female presidential candidate of a major party in the united states. it's a watershed moment for women's equality. i just wish the women who helped -- (cheers and applause) i just wish the women who helped build this country could be here to see it. well, my wish is my command. joining me live via satellite from july 4, 1776 are two female delegates from the second continental congress. please welcome, josephine hindley and abitha whitmore. (cheers and applause) thank you for joining us. >> hello, stephen. >> hello, future americans! or british subjects, if this doesn't work out. (laughter) >> stephen: oh, do you want me to tell you how it turns out? >> no spoilers! we're going to wait till america's over, then binge-watch. >> stephen: okay, well, i know you guys are busy putting the finishing touches on the declaration of independence, so i'll make this quick. i just wanted you to know that it's 2016, and we finally have a female presidential nominee! >> well, butter my bonnet! that's incredible! that is incredible! i'm going to celebrate by making a meal for my husband, and then cleaning it up immediately! (cheers and applause) hear that, ben franklin? women are on top! and not just your french whores! (laughter) (applause) >> i can't believe that, in the year 1816, we finally have a female president! whoo! >> stephen: no, no, i'm sorry--i said 2016. >> get the butter out of the barn! are you telling me it takes us 240 years to get a female president? >> stephen: well, just a nominee. she hasn't been elected or anything. >> what the butter is wrong with you people?! why did it take so long? it's right there in the declaration of independence: >> "all men are created--" oooooh. >> you knew that was supposed to mean all people, right? >> stephen: we figured it out eventually. but that's not how we took it at first. but you ladies are there. you should just change that now. >> great idea. first thing tomorrow. >> stephen: why not now? >> come on, it's july 4 here. there are a bunch of parties tonight! come on. >> totally, everyone's going to do mercury shots, and abitha's got some dank hemp rope. it's going to be mother-butter-cray-zay! >> franklin, crank up that harpischord! yeaah! ♪ ♪ ♪ >> stephen: from the year 1776, josephine hindley and abitha whitmore. we'll be right back with abbi jacobson, ilana glazer, and doris kearns goodwin. stick around! (cheers and applause) ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ you can help prevent blindness in undernourished children across the globe by getting your vitamins at walgreens. walgreens. at the corner of happy and healthy. right now with card, select centrum vitamins are buy one, get one half off. and who doesn'tb then seize the day already. crabfest is back at red lobster with so many kinds of crab and the most crab dishes of the year. so dive into whatever floats your crab-loving boat. like crab lover's dream. crack open tender snow and king crab legs, and twirl creamy crab alfredo. or try the new alaska bairdi crab dinner. sweet and straight from the icy waters of alaska, you've gotta get it... to really get it. but it won't last forever, so hurry in. so beautiful, so mesmerizing, the world's widest curved all-in-one. the new hp envy desktop. mommy, the cookies! they're ruined. the new hp envy curved all in one. hp. keep reinventing. cottonelle asked real people their what? (laughs) (laughs) what does cleanripple texture do? catches all the stuff that you want to get out. this is really nice. this one is, like, it goes the extra step. it gets it all clean. how does being clean feel? kind of sassy. uh, breezy. hands up. weeeeeee. my bum is saying, "thank you very much." cleanripple texture is designed to clean better. go cottonelle, go commando. hey, you're yes, sir. clarence! you know, at the model year end clarence event, you can get a great deal on this 2016 passat. steve. yeah? clarence is on a roll. yeah. i wish they'd name an event after me. same here. but the model year end becky event? that's no good... stevent! that's just vandalism. whatever you want to call it,

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