Transcripts For KYW Eyewitness News At 6am 20141130 : compar

Transcripts For KYW Eyewitness News At 6am 20141130

the corner completely. we have a bright start to the day. if you have got some electric lights. we'll take a look outside. they got few of those electric lights on the ben franklin bridge. how modern of them. we also see some through the city of philadelphia, this is from the palmyra cove nature park in new jersey across the delaware, but looks very pretty over there. 41 degrees, let's not forget the real change this morning, and that's the much warmer temperatures. storm scan3, no problems in our area at all. expect to find a pretty nice day out there. and one that is much more comfortable than yesterday. forty-three right now in philadelphia. we have 38 in trenton, 38 degrees in wilmington, these temperatures dropped to about 33 degrees yesterday at 6:00 p.m. start today rise little bit overnight courtesy of the winds out of the south. cooler in the allentown area, but feels so much differentment look at the numbers. these were practically the temperatures. today instead the 24 hour temperature changes we're finding in the area. 17 degrees warm nerve philadelphia right now than it was yesterday morning, 22 degrees warmer in millville, 24 degrees warmer in the poconos, at this point. our temperatures today, getting pretty comfortable, around 52, 53 degrees, we will be finds being some clouds, some sun breaks, as well, and if you like some of the milder temperatures, i think you will be happy with the temperatures tomorrow. i'll show you that coming up. diana? >> thanks, carol. new this morning, homicide is under investigation in north philadelphia. police tell us a victim was shot and killed in the 2900 block of edgley street. the shooting happened after 2:00 this morning. no word on the identity of the victim. >> also, new this morning, a man was rushed to the hospital after being shot in the leg in north philadelphia. the shooting happened around 1:30 at seventh and allegheny avenue. the victim is list in the critical condition. no word on the suspect at this time. a pedestrian is hit by a car in marlton, new jersey, it happened before 1:00 a.m. on east main street in evesham township. the victim was taken to the hospital. no word on their condition at this time. the driver did stop at the scene, police are still investigating the accident. >> and the search continues this morning, for a west chester university student whose been missing for several days. shane montgomery was last seen leaving a bar in manayunk during the early hours of thanksgiving morning. "eyewitness news" reporter steve patterson is live in manayunk this morning where marine crews plan to search the manayunk canal today. good morning, steve. >> reporter: diana, good morning to you. it is another day in this search that has utterly transformed this community, hundreds of people have spent this holiday weaken searching for shane montgomery, as you mention, a is her that much begin again in ernest in just a few hours. for now i want to show you a picture every shane, 21 years old, five-11, about 130 pounds. last night manayunk cancel their annual tree lighting ceremony lou after candlelight vigil for that 21 year old for just prayers on finding anything so far in this search. earlier in the day hundreds of people that came to that vigil, organized at saint john the baptist church and concentrated their extensive ground search on the area. this is all while the philadelphia police marine unit focused their effort on the water, in the manayunk canal. the canal close to where the west chester university student went missing. he disappeared shortly before about 2:00 in the morning, thanksgiving. police say so far nothing has turned up, they have some grainy surveillance video that they're sorting through, but they've found nothing yet. we spoke to shane's mother last night, who says she will never forgive up. >> somebody knows something. and somebody knows where shane is. somebody has to know something. so you cannot -- you can't stop it. it is just a matter of he's our son. and i won't ever stop looking for shane, ever, ever, ever stop looking for shane. >> there is a $10,000 reward for information that leads to the whereabouts of shane montgomery. that search again begins again this morning at about 10:00 with the marine unit back on the water. we'll of course be here to bring you the latest. that's from manayunk, steve patterson, cbs-3, "eyewitness news". >> thank you, steve. police are also searching for 14 year old kayla adams this west philadelphia. he was seen at his home on the 6200 block of carpenter street friday night. police say the teenager is autistic, and suffers from adhd. adams is known to frequent the ymc a on the 5100 block of chestnut street. anyone with information is asked to call police. >> detective are investigating a police-involved shooting in germantown, suspect shot in the neck at portco and reger around 8:30 last night. he is in stable condition. weapon was recovered at the scene. not known right now if the suspect was shot by police or someone else. we're told no police officers were injured during the shooting. >> the police officer who shot and killed an un armed teenager in ferguson, missouri has quit his job. officer darren wilson announced his resignation yesterday. it comes as new week long protest got underway. cbs news correspondent brian web has details. >> darren wilson quit his job at a ferguson missouri police officer saturday, his attorney says, his resignation is effective immediately. >> i'm better because of his resignation, but i'm not satisfied. >> it comes less than a week after grand jury decided to not indict him for killing 18 year old michael brown. >> the reason i have a clean conscious and i know i did my job right. >> just days after wilson went on abc news to defend his decision to shoot brown. >> what i said was get back or i'll sheet you. his response immediately he groped the top of my gun. when he grabbed at the said you're too much after beep to shoot me. while he did that i could feel his hand come over my hard and try and get in the trigger guards and try and shoot me with my own gun. that's when i pulled the trigger for the first time. >> many protesters says the resignation bridges them no piece. >> you took somebody's life. you took their job. you can go finds another job. you can't get that life back. >> we need to continue this moment. because black lives matter. >> wilson said in his resignation letter he had no choice but to resign. he wrote i have been told that my continued employment may put the residents and police officers of the city of ferguson at risk. which is a circumstance that i cannot allow. he added that it is his hope his resignation will allow the community to heal. he also thanked his supporters, and ferguson police officers. wilson had been on administrative leave since the august 9th shooting. in new york, brian web, for cbs-3, "eyewitness news". >> 6:07 now. fire damages a car dealership in vineland, cumberland county, heavy smoke was pouring out of the building on the 1700 block every delsea drive when firefighters arrived there. authorities say the fire broke out around 5:00 saturday morning. it took crews about two hours to bring the flames under control. there were no injuries. the cause that far fire is still under investigation. several alert people injured after car collides with a city recycling truck. the cash happened just after 2:00 saturday morning, near 30th and walnut streets in west philadelphia. all of the injuries are said to be minor. police are still trying to figure out what caused that crash. newly-released surveillance video shows the suv that plowed into pharmacy in northeast philadelphia on friday night. the crash happened in the 9400 block of state road in torresdale. police say the woman behind the wheel got confused and accidentally drove through the storefront. you can see the damage there. the store owner says the crash caused a lot of damage. i don't know. maybe 230, 40, 50,000, i don't know, it could be more. but the gate, the front, all of the inventory, just down time, loss of income. >> so, fortunately, no one was injured there. the search is on for a purse snatching suspect caught on camera in runnemede camden county. police say this woman stole a purse from the philly diner on the black horse pike on thanksgiving day. if you recognize this woman, you are asked to call runnemede police. >> well, the preliminary numbers are out, and it does appear that "black friday" sales are down. research firm shopper track says us shoppers spent $9.1 billion at stores and that's a drop of 7% compared with the same day last year. however, sales on thanksgiving day did jump 24% to $3.2 billion. the figures don't include on line sales. >> and president obama along with his daughters malea and sasha were doing some holiday shopping saturday. the president bought as these two bags of books during a stop at washington's politics and pro's book store. it is all in an effort to support independently owned businesses on this small business saturday. here at home, main streets across the region were busy with shoppers on small business saturday. american express created the promotion about four years ago as an answer to "black friday", one of it starting towns was right here in manayunk. small business owners offered special sales hoping to entice folks to skip the mall and buy local. >> it is the day that people make it a point to come down and shop. i have customers who come in during the week, and no, we'll come down on saturday. we really want to support you on saturday because it is a big day. >> american express encourages all small business toss participate. promotional items to give out to your customers as extra perk for supporting your local business. >> and meyer michael nutter was shopping in west philadelphia on small business saturday. the mayor visited several businesses on lancaster avenue, including read's coffee and tea house. >> this neighborhood was recently designated as a promise zone by the obama administration to help small businesses grow. philadelphia's christmas village is officially open for business. "eyewitness news" at love park for the grand opening ceremony. the village features more than 60 wooden booths that sell everything from belgium waffles to christmas crafter. it will be open through december 28. coming up next this morning on "eyewitness news", teenager found in a wall and reunited when his mother after four years apart. how the boy was found, and who now faces charges. >> plus, cyber monday is around the corner. coming up some advice forgetting the best deals in keeping your information safe while shopping on line. and if you're not a fan of the cold weather, some warmer temperatures are on the way. carol has details when we come back. stay with us. >> a small aircraft tried to land at the airport, the plane heavily damaged as you just saw, this strip where it landed is a new bus corridor, still under investigation. a boy missing for four years is back with his mother this morning after police found him held captive behind a fake wall in georgia. and this morning the boy's father and four others are under arrest. video shows the 13 year old with tears streaming down his face as he was reunited when his mother on saturday. police say the boy got ahold after cell phone and called his mother who then held police find him. the boy went missing in 2010 while visiting his father in florida. >> wow. >> still a chilly morning out there, carol. i think it is a lot better than what we woke up to yesterday. >> oh, so much better. twenty some degrees in many locations. much more comfortable out there this morning. looks like a little bit of fog along the shore areas. and you would be all by yourself if you decided to explore. that will because it looks like the boardwalk is extremely quiet. as you tend to find this time of the year in ocean city. we have 37 degrees. there is snow on the grounds still from the snowstorm, say, if you will, that we had the day before thanksgiving, that 37 it, won't be there much longer. so we will be watching some melting going on up in reading. if you don't love that look, and by now, the snow looks little worn out, probably are glad to see it go. but it is so much milder this morning. 43 degrees, in philadelphia. our high yesterday, 45. that came very late in the day, and in fact came almost at midnight. now, we drop an agree or two. now starting to climb again. we will probably add some 10 degrees to this number by the time we get our high temperature for the day. thirty-eight in trenton, 40 in wilmington, you can see where the warmfront that is going through, where it has been, where it has yet to get. and that's allentown. still, 29 degrees. and in the poconos, 32. but even so, much milder there. our air coming up out of the south. look at some of these numbers this time of the morning. it is 61 degrees, in nashville. makes me want to write a country song. sixty-five in little rock, you've got 56 birmingham, so some of the warmer air is out there, and we're get to go tap into it. you can see, sort of the motion of the clouds, and also, sun coming over from the west. clouds today, maybe, especially the farther north you go, and if you see some snow pack, that may limit some of the sunshine that you also get up there just with the mixing. but, i think the rest of us should be at least able to find some breaks in some of the clouds that we find today. so looks like a great day coming up, and so much more comfortable. if you couldn't make small business saturday, outside, find some little town and go to it and shop there. because with these temperatures in the 50's today, really comfortable. if you can't do it today, do it monday. is that cyber monday? make it local monday, too, if you need. so temperatures are comfortable. they certainly don't have to sit in front of your computer today. get outside, enjoy this, tomorrow enjoy even more. we do have front of course lurking in the area. that will will be dropping these temperatures back by the time we get to tuesday, and probably be right at 40 degrees, on tuesday. so changes in the weather of course are always on the horizon. future weather, let's see what we have going on here. >> this computer model wanted to just bring some clouds specially to the north today. but i think you could probably see some elsewhere, as well, and then tomorrow afternoon we start to pick up some clouds, this computer model says hey, you're going to be getting some rain showers, too, and a mix early on tuesday. not all of them agree. but this is what that one is saying. subject to change. it also want to do it early on wednesday morning, as well. so, the unsettled weather starts to come into the picture. doesn't look like it is extreme, unsettled weather, just not dry. as it should be today. except maybe the poconos with a sprinkle. 53 degrees in philadelphia, shore, 55, and the poconos, 45, with that sprinkle chance out there. but, let's enjoy these temperatures coming up from the south with winds five to 10 miles an hour. 53 degrees tonight well above freezing, 45 degrees, great, love it, and then, on monday, 58 degrees, tuesday, a lot keel, 40, you may be finding shower around at that point. same deal on wednesday at 52. thursday, dry, 50 degrees, and maybe friday and saturday either one of those two days or both could feature a rain shower. diana? >> thanks, carol. if thanksgiving and "black friday" simply weren't enough for maybe too much for some shoppers, retailers will continue to dish out deals on cyber monday. karen kapa has tips for safe, happy, secure on line shopping monday and through the reminder of the season. >> reporter: thanks to internet always open for business, cyber monday is a little easier on shoppers than "black friday". but that doesn't mean it is a breeze. >> there is so much noise around cyber monday, and of course we're sitting at home, but we have access to millions of websites. my advice would be find a couple of trusted resources and go from there. >> retail me not. com recommends research sales firstment be sure look for coupon codes for even deeper discounts, special sales may also be found in retailers twitter and facebook feeds. some of the best areas to snag cyber monday deals? >> lots of apparel, providers, then also, consumer electronics, and then health and beauty. those are the three categories that i think will see the deepest discounts on cyber monday. more than 131 million on-line shoppers were expected last cyber monday, a big day for retailers, and consumers, and for scammers, too. >> they know it is cyber monday. they know that people are out there shopping. and they're going to do what they can to try and lure you in. >> recent beaches have put data security in the spotlight for retailers. michael kaiser of the national cyber security alliance says still consumers must be pro-active and take precautions. >> they take those common sense measures, they update their software, they put in things like two step verification or multi factor ought then the if i case. those are things in their control. >> shoppers on mobile de sills cents should think of using cellar data instead of we we for more secure connection. in washington, karen kafa. >> coming up next on "eyewitness news", talking turkey. not the kind you may think. this is about the sagging skin often referred to as turkey neck. that can come with aging. when we come back, that quick new procedure that can make you look years younger. stay with us. ♪ there's confidence... then there's trusting your vehicle maintenance to ford service confidence. our expertise, technology, and high quality parts means your peace of mind. it's no wonder last year we sold over three million tires. and during the big tire event, get up to $140 in mail-in rebates on four select tires. ♪ skippy!! yippee!! fun fun fun! shiny! you never listen! what? is someone talking? skippy!! yippee!! look a ride! (vo) made with the funnest peanuts ever! skippy. yippee!! find options to fit your budget. nah, nah, insurance, nah, nah, nah, discount. my name's flo, you want to go out with me? no. uh-huh-huh! >> welcome back, prescription drug known acinar can is more widely available in pennsylvania. the it reverses effect of heroin and related substances. new law awe list to prescribe it in overdose situations. on the cbs-3 health watch this morning, there was a loft talk of turk think past week. but probably not this casino. this is something called turkey neck. that sagging skin on the neck, that often comes with aging. health reporter stephanie stahl has more on a quick way to tighten that area without surgery. >> julia felt good about her looks, until she turned 42. and saw the dreaded turkey neck starting. >> this little casino of extra skin that you get. >> she was self conscious enough, she even had tricks when she took pictures. >> put your tongue to the top of your pallet. and that kind of lift this little area. >> she decided to try all therapy, uses ultrasound therapy to tighten the skin. >> it will lift the neck. it will improve the gels. it will sharpen the jaw line. >> janice miller also between get rid of her turkey neck. >> saw kind of sag. >> i we focus energy on the inner part of the skin, we heat up the skin, which then causes new collagen to come in, and re-form the skin. >> the image is good. you can actually see the layer of the skin that we're treating, so it can avoid things like nerves and bone. >> result can vare, and won't be as dramatic as surgery, patients feel heating and singing during the proceed you. >> that wasn't too bad, was it? >> no it, to wasn't. >> this was julia before and six months later, and she's still improving. >> no more turkeying. >> here are other before and after comparisons, including few men, julia can now joke about her old turkey neck. >> that's what i used to look lick. >> takes couple of months to see the put results that last for about two years. the treatment cost between two and $4,000 for the neck, tan can also be used to tighten skin on the face. i'm stephanie stahl, cbs-3, "eyewitness news" coming un in the next half hour on "eyewitness news", hundreds attends a candlelight vigil for missing west chester university student. we're live with the latest on the search for shane. and we also have this. >> begin seven day trek to protest the shooting every michael brown. aim he chris van cleve in ferguson. the latest coming up. >> plus bit after warm up is on the way. that's a live look at the city this sunday morning. your forecast is >> from the cbs broadcast center in philadelphia. this is cbs-3 "eyewitness news". today is sunday, the last day of november, good morning, everyone, i'm diana rocco in for nicole brewer this morning, and it is in the 40's here in center city philadelphia. let's get to meteorologist, carol erickson, with what the rest of the day will look like. hi, carol. >> great start, compared to yesterday morning, when it was so cold, and i am app sure it was probably even cold in your house, hard to keep up with the temperatures as low as they were yesterday. we've done a complete turn around. we've got temperatures in the 40's, now, and they're going up from there. looks real nice out, there we take a look at center city philadelphia this morning, it is quiet, buildings silhouette dollars against the almost clear sky. our temperatures are cold in some spots, and you've got to go pretty far north to find that in nazareth, we have temperature of 30 degrees this morning. and the warmfront trying to struggle in that direction, not sure if it will totally make it today. temperatures as a result at least at this point this morning are little colder. storm scan3, quiet, we love it. moving on, because we can, 43 degrees, in philadelphia right now. that's so much warmer. thirty-eight in trenton. 38 degrees wilmington. millville is 40. still colder, though, 29 up in allentown, 32 in the poconos, but everybody else is pretty warm. thirty-three in pottstown. yesterday you were in the teens. thirty-six quakertown. 42 degrees in mt. holly. so there is no scraping of the windshield this morning. we have temperatures that are 17 degrees warmer in philadelphia than they were yesterday at this point. and 24 degrees warmer in atlantic city and they were yesterday at this point. now, the warm upstarts by 9:00 a.m., we will be in the 40's, still, by noon, 49 degrees, by 3:00 p.m., our high for the day in the lower 50's, and this computer model says that we generally should be looking at skies that are fairly clear. but i think you can factor in some clouds in some spots, especially, the farther north you go. we will take a look at some temperatures that are all over the place on that eyewitness weather seven day forecast, diana? >> thank up, carol. it is day four and the search continues for a missing west chester university student, shane montgomery, hasn't been seen since thanksgiving morning. "eyewitness news" reporter keith patterson live in mannyunk -- manayunk this morning, where crews plan to search the manayunk canal. good morning, steve. >> reporter: good morning, diane a day four here, all along main street and far beyond you will find these posters, shane montgomery, 21 years old, green eyes, light brown hair, five-11. as you mentioned has been missing since thanksgiving morning. despite this, despite social media campaign, find shane, search for shane, on line, so far police have had no clues in his disappearance. last night, because of this, manayunk canceled their annual tree lighting ceremony in lou after candlelight vigil, prayers going out for 21 year old shane montgomery, hopefully they'll finds something. earlier in the day, those hundreds of people that were at the vigil praying for shane organized once again at saint john the baptist church and continued their extensive grounds search of this area. that is all while the philadelphia police department, the marine unit focused their efforts on the water, they've been searching and focusing on the manayunk canal. close to where the west chester university student went missing. he disappeared shortly before about 2:00 a.m. thanksgiving morning, from kill dare's irish pub, that's right along main street here as well. police say so far nothing has turned up. they've been sorting through some grainy surveillance video, they have from the area, but that has not led to clues yet either. we spoke to shane's father last night, who says despite their efforts, again, nothing has been turning up, but he is happy about how massive this search has turned out to be. >> search and rescue team, conducting the search, does it in the tri-state area. and they said this is the most people, the most support they've ever seen, ever seen. so we're greatful. the search again continues this morning at about 10:00 a.m. the marine unit will be back focusing on the manayunk canal and the ground team will be searching the neighborhoods here in manayunk. live here, steve patterson, cbs-3, "eyewitness news", back to you. >> thank you, steve. the police officer who shot and killed an unarmed teenager in ferguson, missouri quit his job. officer darren wilson says he made the decision to resign after the police department told him it had received threats of violence if he remained on the force. this comes as week-long protests continue today, reporter chris van cleve has details from ferguson. >> cbs news has confirmed, darren wilson, the police offs here shot michael bourn, has resigned effective immediately. earlier saturday, hundreds gathered in ferguson, to mark the start after 120-mile march from the spot where michael brown was killed, to missouri's capitol jefferson city. >> ♪ roar. >> reporter: marchers called for ends to the violence protest that is have scarred this community. >> if you come here to mess our city up, you are going to deal with us from now on. it's not going to happen no more. peaceful demonstration. that's what we want. >> the peaceful march is to protest the grand jury decision, not to indict ferguson police officer darren wilson in the shooting death of brown. >> we believe the most powerful and compelling form of protest is non-violence. >> reporter: just hours earlier two days of relative calm gave way to unrest. sixteen demonstrators are arrested after a clash with officers outside the ferguson police headquarters. all but one were from out every state. police remain braced for more protests. in ferguson, missouri, chris van cleve, cbs-3, "eyewitness news". and, an officer hugs a young boy with tears streaming down his face at a ferguson rally in portland. the powerful image captured on camera, the one you see right here, quickly went viral. sergeant brett barnum assigned to the ferguson protest last week at the justice center. where he noticed 12 year old heart holding a sign that said: free hugs. the photo captures the raw emotion and comfort as many across the country protest the grand jury's decision not to indict officer darren wilson for that fatal shooting of unarmed teenager mike brown. >> and then when the tears started going away, and they started drying up, i realize we had made a connection. >> young dave and tai attended the pros can his family and overcome with emotion. sergeant barnum says this goes on beyond an officer comfort ago child in need, beyond race annette necessity, but about ac good person in a time of tension, anger, and unrest. well, pope francis is spending his last day in turkey, celebrating mass alongside pay tree arc bart thole new, before returning to the vatican, francis will meet with young refugees from syria and iraq. earlier in his trip, the holy father criticized the muslim extremist group isis, describing their actions, as barbarick. in a historic moment saturday, the pontiff asked for a blessing from pay tree arc bartholomew. francis bought before the man who leads the worlds' 300 million orthodox christians. >> well, the nfl says it will, again, make changes to its personal conduct policy this comes just 24 hours after ray rice won an appeal over his indefinite suspension from the league. rice was initially suspended for two games after being accused of assaulting his then fiancee. but, after videos of the attack surfaced, commissioner roger goodel suspended risin definitely. the nfl says it expects its newly revised personal conduct policy to be announced in the coming weeks. >> bill cosby still performing at two shows in new york. but the comedian is offering refunds to ticket holds ers who don't want to go. the philadelphia native will take the stage on december 6th at the terry town music hall. on friday, ticket holders got an e-mail stating they would reimburse patrons who don't want to attend the show. cosby's shows have been canceled after women came forward saying he allegedly sexually assaulted them. thirty shows still on his schedule through may 2015. cosby has denied the allegations against him. >> well, retail remembers still counting those receipts from "black friday". 140 million people are expected to shop over the entire four day weekends, and spent some $50 billion in the process. jericka duncan with more on the start of the holiday shopping season which has grown from one day to an entire week. >> ♪ >> the race to get the best holiday deals started before thanksgiving day dessert even reached the table. many mall and store owners opened earlier than ever. >> this kicks off our money making season. >> bargain hunters led the way. according to america's research group, or arg, more than 80% of people who shop thursday into friday grab their sale items and left. founder brit beamer. >> years ago, many people bought the deals and other things. now they're just buying the deals. >> arg interviewed 2,000 people by phone and found more than 44% of shoppers on thursday were teens, sent out by their parents to wait in long lines for the best deals. >> and my favorite line was one child said, well, my father's picking up my college tuition, i guess i can give him four hours on thanksgiving day to buy his tv set. >> while some people were hunting for bargains, others chose this iconic shopping day to call for an increase in minimum wage. and push back against thanksgiving store hours didn't have a major impact. according to arg, a record 63% of american families shopped thursday and friday. >> consumers never get mad at a retailer forgiving them a great price. >> i look out, see what stores are having what deals. and i do it. >> there is one thing that retailers know. if i shop your "black friday" weekends, there is a 70% chance i will come back in your store again at least once, twice, during the season? that's what this is all about? >> that's what it is all about. >> jersey shore star ties the knot. snooki shares a picture of her wedding dress coming up next. also ahead, berks county's biggest city is finding the true meaning every christmas. in a tree not even fit for charlie brown. >> plus, a gingerbread house big enough to live in let alone eat. where this elaborate display stands two stories tall. >> and it may be chilly right now, but carol is tracking a warming trend. the seven day forecast is coming up next. sunday morning, we'll be right back. skippy!! yippee!! fun fun fun! shiny! you never listen! what? is someone talking? ♪ skippy!! ♪ yippee!! i'm bored. hashtag bored. skippy!! yippee!! look a ride! (vo) made with the funnest peanuts ever! skippy. yippee!! ♪ welcome back, holiday season kicks off in rio dejaniero, the largest floating christmas tree. 3.1 million lights adorn the 280-foot tree, than year's theme, celebrates the importance of light in people's lives. symbolized by the sun, moon, and stars. christmas classic is playing out in real life, in reading, berks county, it is a lot like the charlie brown peanuts cartoon. steve hartman explains. >> we found one of the saddest christmas trees of all time. looming 50 feet above downtown reading, pennsylvania, the tree seems to most observers to be more suited for mulch than merryment. >> i think johnny -- charlie brown has get better tree than we do. >> everybody bringing this tree here should get fired. >> for what it is worth, it wasn't the city's first choice. crews were supposed to get a nice one from a far. when they went to cut it down, ground was too wet. instead of just waiting for drier day, they drove here to a local ballpark, took this pine from behind home plate, and struck out big time. >> if there was a cruel looking foreplays to live in the winter it, won't even go into the tree. >> the tree is so ugly the city decided to take it down. just so people wouldn't have to look at it any more. workers removed the lights and the pretzel of bethlehem, whatever that is, and made arrangements to bring in new spruced up spruce. most were glad to see it coming down. but not everyone. >> it sends the wrong message to take down this tree. >> jeff walt man is on the reading city council. >> none of just our city are perfect. if we took out everything that was imperfect in our sit at this would be empty. >> the guy made a good point. but it was a point that failed to rest mate with fellow city counsel maple francis. >> christmas tree is celebration. >> really just like that tree in the charlie brown story. it has become a laughing stock. and therefore, must go. >> what was the moral that far storey? >> being together. >> what do they do with the tree at the end? >> save it, embrace it, but it is not about charlie brown or not charlie brown tree. it is about a beautiful christmas tree for the sit. >> i as crews continued dis handling the tree, even as the new one arrived, the councilman can't debating. >> i'm only trying to be helpful. >> that, when a little christmas miracle happened. >> a pardon from the mayor. a stay of re execution, if you will. >> we'll keep this standing here. >> in the end, it was all the national publicity that allowed city leaders to see the true meaning every christmas. marketing. >> our people here from jersey, new york, they taking pictures, spending their monday nip our beautiful city. >> oh, christmas tree. steve hartman, on the road, in reading, pennsylvania. >> not such a bad little tree. a holiday tradition that looks good enough to eat is now open in san francisco's famous fairmount hotel. but there is no nibble allowed at this two story gingerbread house. this is the eighth year for the exhibit. and it is very sweet. project for the employees who started planning last summer. >> ♪ >> 700 pounds every candy, nearly 2,000 pounds of sugar. >> all of this is part of a good cause. the gingerbread house is part of campaign to attract donations for the leukemia and lymphoma society. we have a got trees, gingerbread houses and snow. >> i'm staying in the scene. are you kidding? >> i just need jacket up here, though. this is jack frost big boulder yesterday, and the day before, you might have watched, as we saw them making a ton of snow. you can see a lot of it on the ski slope now. they are unable to do that this morning. the temperatures are just too warm there. not warm enough that you will find really any kind of melting going on, but still, right at the freezing mark, just a little too warm to make snow there. >> at the shore, sun coming up in atlantic city, nice looking day, little breezy but still beautiful day to take a look at the sunrise. and another sunrise. we head back to the north. you can see the snow nobody made the snow except old man nature, or mrs. nature i guess? looking at the snow that is still here and can stay here, because we've got 27 degrees. there will be a warm up however, even in the poconos. you will be getting above the freezing mark, as we move on through the rest of the afternoon, these temperatures are remarkable, nothing remarkable on storm scan3. this is did a day probably everybody is either getting out doing whatever they need to do or headed back home again. so the travel looks like it will be very quiet. and that is good, because it was such a problem getting in here on wednesday with this terrible wednesday we saw wednesday. change, though, what a difference a couple of days can make. looking at temperatures that are so warm, 45 degrees, in wildwood, 44 in atlantic city, it was 20 there yesterday at this point. 40 degrees in millville. 38 degrees in wilmington, 43 degrees in philadelphia, warmfront moving through, see where it sort of it s so it is still trying to edge its way north, hopefully make it to the poconos, unless you like it cold up there, hopefully doesn't make it there. but for most of us, we will be getting into eat's today, lower 50's, but we will be getting warmer than that tomorrow. by the time we get to monday, great looking day, 58 degrees or so, cold front comes through, stops that party in a second. and by tuesday, we're back down to about 40 degrees. could and shower coming through, might be later on monday, then we have another chance or two, even as we go through the work week. all right, if you are getting out, going any place, wider view, in case you are going. >> quite a did i tans in your vehicle, these are the roads this afternoon, no problems, might run into rain shower by 1:00 in the morning if you are headed well out to the west through pit burr, then it fizzled out, 2:00 tomorrow looks just like few clouds, then we start to see maybe rain showers coming in here, and, maybe find snow early through the washington, d.c. area, all of it subject to change, but there is little system that goes through there. that could possibly impact the kind of wet their you'll be finding. but today you'll be finding quiet weather in the 50's except in the poconos at 45 degrees, where there is a chance of a shower or winds coming up from the south. that makes it comfortable around here, tonight it will be fairly comfortable. overnight head into december, 45 agrees overnight, tomorrow looks great, 58, tuesday only 40 degrees, though, maybe a shower around, wednesday, maybe another shower around at 52. thursday, dry, 50, and then friday, saturday, maybe a shower either one of those days, diana, temperatures fairly comfortable. >> 6:50, time for check of the roads, going to ann evans in the traffic center. good morning. >> good morning to you, as women. looking at 30th street station, here, busy travel day, as folks head home for the long holiday weekends, no delays or problems at the amtrak station today. in fact, it is running on or close to schedule. this is amtrak. com. that's the latest from the cbs-3 traffic center. i'm ann evans, now, back to you. >> thank you, snooki is a married woman. shared pick of her wedding dress on twitter. the former jersey shore reality star got married to long time buy givanni, followed by great got spin spired reception attended by fifth hundred guests, snooki and john have i two children together. congratulations to them. we'll be r new dove body wash with at one breakthrough formula. just one shower gives you softer smoother skin. my skin is really silky smooth. new dove body wash. softer, smoother skin after just one shower. hellmann's and holiday leftovers become irresistibly creamy turkey casserole. real delicious hellmann's. bring out the hellmann's. bring out the best. by switching to progressive. that was me, mom. [ laugh ] i thought you said, "that was me, mom." [ laughter ] >> rangers in new york, a place where they've struggled, the flyers have not scored against the rangers in over 135 minutes this season, and of all people, look who it is, nick grossman with nice goal right here. that's going to tie up the game at one. second period, bright spot for the pliers this season, jake, and he'll get the power play goal here. and the flyers take the lead. the score two to one. after that, it is all rangers. jest per will pick up his first nfh goal, will tie up the game at two. on to the third period, we go, derrick eighth goal of the year. second of the game. flyers will win it five to two, flyers have now lost eight of their last nine games. >> pen stale bowl eligible. senior day in happy valley. some of the group playing for three different coaches, we had joe paterno, billing o'brien, now james franklin. not the way that penn state wanted to get this game started. opening kick off goes to rj shelton after breaking multiple tackles, he takes it 09 yards store the score, just like that, but penn state will put up a fight, but then the third quarter, michigan state already up 13-three. >> jeremy langford with strong run at the goal line from michigan state. still in the thirds, connor cook looking to the end zone. he'll finds tony levit for the score. michigan state goes onto win it 34 to ten. temple with just two games left in the season, they need just one more win to become bowl eligible. yesterday they played their final home game against cincinnati hoping to get the sixth win. temple started out with three-nothing lead. then in the second quarter, bad for the owls, finding mikhail for three-yard touchdown pass. that will make it seven-three, cincinnati. then just 30 seconds left in the half, mike boone runs it in from 1 yard out, place great defensively, loses 14 to six, last chance to be bowl eligible, neck week, and in their finale against tulane. >> the sixers hosting mavericks trying avoid a zero and 16 start. that will would be a franchise record. the raining rookie of the year trying his best to get this win. michael carter which yam making the lay up. triple double tonight, 18 points, ten rebounds pounds, ten assists. sixers hanging on, kj mcdaniels right here. nailing the three. that will put them so close within four. mcdaniels with career hi, 13 rebounds, and the sixers hang with the mavs right to the ends. but chandler pars on just puts them away. sixers had franchise records 16 straight losses, the league record, just two more losses away. scary moment it the game. referee rick crawford struck in the face opening tip-off. the left the court on stretcher, being treated in a hospital, as for the game, damian jones with the dunk right there, sandberg built a winner 68 to 55. that's all for sportment i'm leslie van arsdale. have a great day. >> the sound of one of arkansas most distinctive sports could be held for miles. >> that's the world duck calling championship. competitors descends on the duck hunting capitol of the world each year along with thousands more for duck hunting season. showed to up compete in the duck calling event. that's it for "eyewitness news" this morning, at 6:00. coming up next, at 7:00, we go back live to manayunk, searches gather to look for missing west chester university student today. then it is an image that's captivated the country. a business burning to the grounds during the protests in ferguson. we'll hear from that store's owner and how he hopes to help his employees through the holiday. plus, carol has your forecast which includes warm up. good news for a lot of people there, i think, and that and more when we come back at 7:00. stay with us. this sunday morning is her clinic for shane, desperate family comes together with the community and hopes to find a missing west chester university student. plus, police officer at the center of the unrest in ferguson resigns. we'll have details on his decision, plus, why it won't stop protesters there. boom offer bus? early numbers in for "black friday" sales. we'll have them for you. >> goods morning, to the today is sunday,

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Transcripts For KYW Eyewitness News At 6am 20141130 :

Transcripts For KYW Eyewitness News At 6am 20141130

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the corner completely. we have a bright start to the day. if you have got some electric lights. we'll take a look outside. they got few of those electric lights on the ben franklin bridge. how modern of them. we also see some through the city of philadelphia, this is from the palmyra cove nature park in new jersey across the delaware, but looks very pretty over there. 41 degrees, let's not forget the real change this morning, and that's the much warmer temperatures. storm scan3, no problems in our area at all. expect to find a pretty nice day out there. and one that is much more comfortable than yesterday. forty-three right now in philadelphia. we have 38 in trenton, 38 degrees in wilmington, these temperatures dropped to about 33 degrees yesterday at 6:00 p.m. start today rise little bit overnight courtesy of the winds out of the south. cooler in the allentown area, but feels so much differentment look at the numbers. these were practically the temperatures. today instead the 24 hour temperature changes we're finding in the area. 17 degrees warm nerve philadelphia right now than it was yesterday morning, 22 degrees warmer in millville, 24 degrees warmer in the poconos, at this point. our temperatures today, getting pretty comfortable, around 52, 53 degrees, we will be finds being some clouds, some sun breaks, as well, and if you like some of the milder temperatures, i think you will be happy with the temperatures tomorrow. i'll show you that coming up. diana? >> thanks, carol. new this morning, homicide is under investigation in north philadelphia. police tell us a victim was shot and killed in the 2900 block of edgley street. the shooting happened after 2:00 this morning. no word on the identity of the victim. >> also, new this morning, a man was rushed to the hospital after being shot in the leg in north philadelphia. the shooting happened around 1:30 at seventh and allegheny avenue. the victim is list in the critical condition. no word on the suspect at this time. a pedestrian is hit by a car in marlton, new jersey, it happened before 1:00 a.m. on east main street in evesham township. the victim was taken to the hospital. no word on their condition at this time. the driver did stop at the scene, police are still investigating the accident. >> and the search continues this morning, for a west chester university student whose been missing for several days. shane montgomery was last seen leaving a bar in manayunk during the early hours of thanksgiving morning. "eyewitness news" reporter steve patterson is live in manayunk this morning where marine crews plan to search the manayunk canal today. good morning, steve. >> reporter: diana, good morning to you. it is another day in this search that has utterly transformed this community, hundreds of people have spent this holiday weaken searching for shane montgomery, as you mention, a is her that much begin again in ernest in just a few hours. for now i want to show you a picture every shane, 21 years old, five-11, about 130 pounds. last night manayunk cancel their annual tree lighting ceremony lou after candlelight vigil for that 21 year old for just prayers on finding anything so far in this search. earlier in the day hundreds of people that came to that vigil, organized at saint john the baptist church and concentrated their extensive ground search on the area. this is all while the philadelphia police marine unit focused their effort on the water, in the manayunk canal. the canal close to where the west chester university student went missing. he disappeared shortly before about 2:00 in the morning, thanksgiving. police say so far nothing has turned up, they have some grainy surveillance video that they're sorting through, but they've found nothing yet. we spoke to shane's mother last night, who says she will never forgive up. >> somebody knows something. and somebody knows where shane is. somebody has to know something. so you cannot -- you can't stop it. it is just a matter of he's our son. and i won't ever stop looking for shane, ever, ever, ever stop looking for shane. >> there is a $10,000 reward for information that leads to the whereabouts of shane montgomery. that search again begins again this morning at about 10:00 with the marine unit back on the water. we'll of course be here to bring you the latest. that's from manayunk, steve patterson, cbs-3, "eyewitness news". >> thank you, steve. police are also searching for 14 year old kayla adams this west philadelphia. he was seen at his home on the 6200 block of carpenter street friday night. police say the teenager is autistic, and suffers from adhd. adams is known to frequent the ymc a on the 5100 block of chestnut street. anyone with information is asked to call police. >> detective are investigating a police-involved shooting in germantown, suspect shot in the neck at portco and reger around 8:30 last night. he is in stable condition. weapon was recovered at the scene. not known right now if the suspect was shot by police or someone else. we're told no police officers were injured during the shooting. >> the police officer who shot and killed an un armed teenager in ferguson, missouri has quit his job. officer darren wilson announced his resignation yesterday. it comes as new week long protest got underway. cbs news correspondent brian web has details. >> darren wilson quit his job at a ferguson missouri police officer saturday, his attorney says, his resignation is effective immediately. >> i'm better because of his resignation, but i'm not satisfied. >> it comes less than a week after grand jury decided to not indict him for killing 18 year old michael brown. >> the reason i have a clean conscious and i know i did my job right. >> just days after wilson went on abc news to defend his decision to shoot brown. >> what i said was get back or i'll sheet you. his response immediately he groped the top of my gun. when he grabbed at the said you're too much after beep to shoot me. while he did that i could feel his hand come over my hard and try and get in the trigger guards and try and shoot me with my own gun. that's when i pulled the trigger for the first time. >> many protesters says the resignation bridges them no piece. >> you took somebody's life. you took their job. you can go finds another job. you can't get that life back. >> we need to continue this moment. because black lives matter. >> wilson said in his resignation letter he had no choice but to resign. he wrote i have been told that my continued employment may put the residents and police officers of the city of ferguson at risk. which is a circumstance that i cannot allow. he added that it is his hope his resignation will allow the community to heal. he also thanked his supporters, and ferguson police officers. wilson had been on administrative leave since the august 9th shooting. in new york, brian web, for cbs-3, "eyewitness news". >> 6:07 now. fire damages a car dealership in vineland, cumberland county, heavy smoke was pouring out of the building on the 1700 block every delsea drive when firefighters arrived there. authorities say the fire broke out around 5:00 saturday morning. it took crews about two hours to bring the flames under control. there were no injuries. the cause that far fire is still under investigation. several alert people injured after car collides with a city recycling truck. the cash happened just after 2:00 saturday morning, near 30th and walnut streets in west philadelphia. all of the injuries are said to be minor. police are still trying to figure out what caused that crash. newly-released surveillance video shows the suv that plowed into pharmacy in northeast philadelphia on friday night. the crash happened in the 9400 block of state road in torresdale. police say the woman behind the wheel got confused and accidentally drove through the storefront. you can see the damage there. the store owner says the crash caused a lot of damage. i don't know. maybe 230, 40, 50,000, i don't know, it could be more. but the gate, the front, all of the inventory, just down time, loss of income. >> so, fortunately, no one was injured there. the search is on for a purse snatching suspect caught on camera in runnemede camden county. police say this woman stole a purse from the philly diner on the black horse pike on thanksgiving day. if you recognize this woman, you are asked to call runnemede police. >> well, the preliminary numbers are out, and it does appear that "black friday" sales are down. research firm shopper track says us shoppers spent $9.1 billion at stores and that's a drop of 7% compared with the same day last year. however, sales on thanksgiving day did jump 24% to $3.2 billion. the figures don't include on line sales. >> and president obama along with his daughters malea and sasha were doing some holiday shopping saturday. the president bought as these two bags of books during a stop at washington's politics and pro's book store. it is all in an effort to support independently owned businesses on this small business saturday. here at home, main streets across the region were busy with shoppers on small business saturday. american express created the promotion about four years ago as an answer to "black friday", one of it starting towns was right here in manayunk. small business owners offered special sales hoping to entice folks to skip the mall and buy local. >> it is the day that people make it a point to come down and shop. i have customers who come in during the week, and no, we'll come down on saturday. we really want to support you on saturday because it is a big day. >> american express encourages all small business toss participate. promotional items to give out to your customers as extra perk for supporting your local business. >> and meyer michael nutter was shopping in west philadelphia on small business saturday. the mayor visited several businesses on lancaster avenue, including read's coffee and tea house. >> this neighborhood was recently designated as a promise zone by the obama administration to help small businesses grow. philadelphia's christmas village is officially open for business. "eyewitness news" at love park for the grand opening ceremony. the village features more than 60 wooden booths that sell everything from belgium waffles to christmas crafter. it will be open through december 28. coming up next this morning on "eyewitness news", teenager found in a wall and reunited when his mother after four years apart. how the boy was found, and who now faces charges. >> plus, cyber monday is around the corner. coming up some advice forgetting the best deals in keeping your information safe while shopping on line. and if you're not a fan of the cold weather, some warmer temperatures are on the way. carol has details when we come back. stay with us. >> a small aircraft tried to land at the airport, the plane heavily damaged as you just saw, this strip where it landed is a new bus corridor, still under investigation. a boy missing for four years is back with his mother this morning after police found him held captive behind a fake wall in georgia. and this morning the boy's father and four others are under arrest. video shows the 13 year old with tears streaming down his face as he was reunited when his mother on saturday. police say the boy got ahold after cell phone and called his mother who then held police find him. the boy went missing in 2010 while visiting his father in florida. >> wow. >> still a chilly morning out there, carol. i think it is a lot better than what we woke up to yesterday. >> oh, so much better. twenty some degrees in many locations. much more comfortable out there this morning. looks like a little bit of fog along the shore areas. and you would be all by yourself if you decided to explore. that will because it looks like the boardwalk is extremely quiet. as you tend to find this time of the year in ocean city. we have 37 degrees. there is snow on the grounds still from the snowstorm, say, if you will, that we had the day before thanksgiving, that 37 it, won't be there much longer. so we will be watching some melting going on up in reading. if you don't love that look, and by now, the snow looks little worn out, probably are glad to see it go. but it is so much milder this morning. 43 degrees, in philadelphia. our high yesterday, 45. that came very late in the day, and in fact came almost at midnight. now, we drop an agree or two. now starting to climb again. we will probably add some 10 degrees to this number by the time we get our high temperature for the day. thirty-eight in trenton, 40 in wilmington, you can see where the warmfront that is going through, where it has been, where it has yet to get. and that's allentown. still, 29 degrees. and in the poconos, 32. but even so, much milder there. our air coming up out of the south. look at some of these numbers this time of the morning. it is 61 degrees, in nashville. makes me want to write a country song. sixty-five in little rock, you've got 56 birmingham, so some of the warmer air is out there, and we're get to go tap into it. you can see, sort of the motion of the clouds, and also, sun coming over from the west. clouds today, maybe, especially the farther north you go, and if you see some snow pack, that may limit some of the sunshine that you also get up there just with the mixing. but, i think the rest of us should be at least able to find some breaks in some of the clouds that we find today. so looks like a great day coming up, and so much more comfortable. if you couldn't make small business saturday, outside, find some little town and go to it and shop there. because with these temperatures in the 50's today, really comfortable. if you can't do it today, do it monday. is that cyber monday? make it local monday, too, if you need. so temperatures are comfortable. they certainly don't have to sit in front of your computer today. get outside, enjoy this, tomorrow enjoy even more. we do have front of course lurking in the area. that will will be dropping these temperatures back by the time we get to tuesday, and probably be right at 40 degrees, on tuesday. so changes in the weather of course are always on the horizon. future weather, let's see what we have going on here. >> this computer model wanted to just bring some clouds specially to the north today. but i think you could probably see some elsewhere, as well, and then tomorrow afternoon we start to pick up some clouds, this computer model says hey, you're going to be getting some rain showers, too, and a mix early on tuesday. not all of them agree. but this is what that one is saying. subject to change. it also want to do it early on wednesday morning, as well. so, the unsettled weather starts to come into the picture. doesn't look like it is extreme, unsettled weather, just not dry. as it should be today. except maybe the poconos with a sprinkle. 53 degrees in philadelphia, shore, 55, and the poconos, 45, with that sprinkle chance out there. but, let's enjoy these temperatures coming up from the south with winds five to 10 miles an hour. 53 degrees tonight well above freezing, 45 degrees, great, love it, and then, on monday, 58 degrees, tuesday, a lot keel, 40, you may be finding shower around at that point. same deal on wednesday at 52. thursday, dry, 50 degrees, and maybe friday and saturday either one of those two days or both could feature a rain shower. diana? >> thanks, carol. if thanksgiving and "black friday" simply weren't enough for maybe too much for some shoppers, retailers will continue to dish out deals on cyber monday. karen kapa has tips for safe, happy, secure on line shopping monday and through the reminder of the season. >> reporter: thanks to internet always open for business, cyber monday is a little easier on shoppers than "black friday". but that doesn't mean it is a breeze. >> there is so much noise around cyber monday, and of course we're sitting at home, but we have access to millions of websites. my advice would be find a couple of trusted resources and go from there. >> retail me not. com recommends research sales firstment be sure look for coupon codes for even deeper discounts, special sales may also be found in retailers twitter and facebook feeds. some of the best areas to snag cyber monday deals? >> lots of apparel, providers, then also, consumer electronics, and then health and beauty. those are the three categories that i think will see the deepest discounts on cyber monday. more than 131 million on-line shoppers were expected last cyber monday, a big day for retailers, and consumers, and for scammers, too. >> they know it is cyber monday. they know that people are out there shopping. and they're going to do what they can to try and lure you in. >> recent beaches have put data security in the spotlight for retailers. michael kaiser of the national cyber security alliance says still consumers must be pro-active and take precautions. >> they take those common sense measures, they update their software, they put in things like two step verification or multi factor ought then the if i case. those are things in their control. >> shoppers on mobile de sills cents should think of using cellar data instead of we we for more secure connection. in washington, karen kafa. >> coming up next on "eyewitness news", talking turkey. not the kind you may think. this is about the sagging skin often referred to as turkey neck. that can come with aging. when we come back, that quick new procedure that can make you look years younger. stay with us. ♪ there's confidence... then there's trusting your vehicle maintenance to ford service confidence. our expertise, technology, and high quality parts means your peace of mind. it's no wonder last year we sold over three million tires. and during the big tire event, get up to $140 in mail-in rebates on four select tires. ♪ skippy!! yippee!! fun fun fun! shiny! you never listen! what? is someone talking? skippy!! yippee!! look a ride! (vo) made with the funnest peanuts ever! skippy. yippee!! find options to fit your budget. nah, nah, insurance, nah, nah, nah, discount. my name's flo, you want to go out with me? no. uh-huh-huh! >> welcome back, prescription drug known acinar can is more widely available in pennsylvania. the it reverses effect of heroin and related substances. new law awe list to prescribe it in overdose situations. on the cbs-3 health watch this morning, there was a loft talk of turk think past week. but probably not this casino. this is something called turkey neck. that sagging skin on the neck, that often comes with aging. health reporter stephanie stahl has more on a quick way to tighten that area without surgery. >> julia felt good about her looks, until she turned 42. and saw the dreaded turkey neck starting. >> this little casino of extra skin that you get. >> she was self conscious enough, she even had tricks when she took pictures. >> put your tongue to the top of your pallet. and that kind of lift this little area. >> she decided to try all therapy, uses ultrasound therapy to tighten the skin. >> it will lift the neck. it will improve the gels. it will sharpen the jaw line. >> janice miller also between get rid of her turkey neck. >> saw kind of sag. >> i we focus energy on the inner part of the skin, we heat up the skin, which then causes new collagen to come in, and re-form the skin. >> the image is good. you can actually see the layer of the skin that we're treating, so it can avoid things like nerves and bone. >> result can vare, and won't be as dramatic as surgery, patients feel heating and singing during the proceed you. >> that wasn't too bad, was it? >> no it, to wasn't. >> this was julia before and six months later, and she's still improving. >> no more turkeying. >> here are other before and after comparisons, including few men, julia can now joke about her old turkey neck. >> that's what i used to look lick. >> takes couple of months to see the put results that last for about two years. the treatment cost between two and $4,000 for the neck, tan can also be used to tighten skin on the face. i'm stephanie stahl, cbs-3, "eyewitness news" coming un in the next half hour on "eyewitness news", hundreds attends a candlelight vigil for missing west chester university student. we're live with the latest on the search for shane. and we also have this. >> begin seven day trek to protest the shooting every michael brown. aim he chris van cleve in ferguson. the latest coming up. >> plus bit after warm up is on the way. that's a live look at the city this sunday morning. your forecast is >> from the cbs broadcast center in philadelphia. this is cbs-3 "eyewitness news". today is sunday, the last day of november, good morning, everyone, i'm diana rocco in for nicole brewer this morning, and it is in the 40's here in center city philadelphia. let's get to meteorologist, carol erickson, with what the rest of the day will look like. hi, carol. >> great start, compared to yesterday morning, when it was so cold, and i am app sure it was probably even cold in your house, hard to keep up with the temperatures as low as they were yesterday. we've done a complete turn around. we've got temperatures in the 40's, now, and they're going up from there. looks real nice out, there we take a look at center city philadelphia this morning, it is quiet, buildings silhouette dollars against the almost clear sky. our temperatures are cold in some spots, and you've got to go pretty far north to find that in nazareth, we have temperature of 30 degrees this morning. and the warmfront trying to struggle in that direction, not sure if it will totally make it today. temperatures as a result at least at this point this morning are little colder. storm scan3, quiet, we love it. moving on, because we can, 43 degrees, in philadelphia right now. that's so much warmer. thirty-eight in trenton. 38 degrees wilmington. millville is 40. still colder, though, 29 up in allentown, 32 in the poconos, but everybody else is pretty warm. thirty-three in pottstown. yesterday you were in the teens. thirty-six quakertown. 42 degrees in mt. holly. so there is no scraping of the windshield this morning. we have temperatures that are 17 degrees warmer in philadelphia than they were yesterday at this point. and 24 degrees warmer in atlantic city and they were yesterday at this point. now, the warm upstarts by 9:00 a.m., we will be in the 40's, still, by noon, 49 degrees, by 3:00 p.m., our high for the day in the lower 50's, and this computer model says that we generally should be looking at skies that are fairly clear. but i think you can factor in some clouds in some spots, especially, the farther north you go. we will take a look at some temperatures that are all over the place on that eyewitness weather seven day forecast, diana? >> thank up, carol. it is day four and the search continues for a missing west chester university student, shane montgomery, hasn't been seen since thanksgiving morning. "eyewitness news" reporter keith patterson live in mannyunk -- manayunk this morning, where crews plan to search the manayunk canal. good morning, steve. >> reporter: good morning, diane a day four here, all along main street and far beyond you will find these posters, shane montgomery, 21 years old, green eyes, light brown hair, five-11. as you mentioned has been missing since thanksgiving morning. despite this, despite social media campaign, find shane, search for shane, on line, so far police have had no clues in his disappearance. last night, because of this, manayunk canceled their annual tree lighting ceremony in lou after candlelight vigil, prayers going out for 21 year old shane montgomery, hopefully they'll finds something. earlier in the day, those hundreds of people that were at the vigil praying for shane organized once again at saint john the baptist church and continued their extensive grounds search of this area. that is all while the philadelphia police department, the marine unit focused their efforts on the water, they've been searching and focusing on the manayunk canal. close to where the west chester university student went missing. he disappeared shortly before about 2:00 a.m. thanksgiving morning, from kill dare's irish pub, that's right along main street here as well. police say so far nothing has turned up. they've been sorting through some grainy surveillance video, they have from the area, but that has not led to clues yet either. we spoke to shane's father last night, who says despite their efforts, again, nothing has been turning up, but he is happy about how massive this search has turned out to be. >> search and rescue team, conducting the search, does it in the tri-state area. and they said this is the most people, the most support they've ever seen, ever seen. so we're greatful. the search again continues this morning at about 10:00 a.m. the marine unit will be back focusing on the manayunk canal and the ground team will be searching the neighborhoods here in manayunk. live here, steve patterson, cbs-3, "eyewitness news", back to you. >> thank you, steve. the police officer who shot and killed an unarmed teenager in ferguson, missouri quit his job. officer darren wilson says he made the decision to resign after the police department told him it had received threats of violence if he remained on the force. this comes as week-long protests continue today, reporter chris van cleve has details from ferguson. >> cbs news has confirmed, darren wilson, the police offs here shot michael bourn, has resigned effective immediately. earlier saturday, hundreds gathered in ferguson, to mark the start after 120-mile march from the spot where michael brown was killed, to missouri's capitol jefferson city. >> ♪ roar. >> reporter: marchers called for ends to the violence protest that is have scarred this community. >> if you come here to mess our city up, you are going to deal with us from now on. it's not going to happen no more. peaceful demonstration. that's what we want. >> the peaceful march is to protest the grand jury decision, not to indict ferguson police officer darren wilson in the shooting death of brown. >> we believe the most powerful and compelling form of protest is non-violence. >> reporter: just hours earlier two days of relative calm gave way to unrest. sixteen demonstrators are arrested after a clash with officers outside the ferguson police headquarters. all but one were from out every state. police remain braced for more protests. in ferguson, missouri, chris van cleve, cbs-3, "eyewitness news". and, an officer hugs a young boy with tears streaming down his face at a ferguson rally in portland. the powerful image captured on camera, the one you see right here, quickly went viral. sergeant brett barnum assigned to the ferguson protest last week at the justice center. where he noticed 12 year old heart holding a sign that said: free hugs. the photo captures the raw emotion and comfort as many across the country protest the grand jury's decision not to indict officer darren wilson for that fatal shooting of unarmed teenager mike brown. >> and then when the tears started going away, and they started drying up, i realize we had made a connection. >> young dave and tai attended the pros can his family and overcome with emotion. sergeant barnum says this goes on beyond an officer comfort ago child in need, beyond race annette necessity, but about ac good person in a time of tension, anger, and unrest. well, pope francis is spending his last day in turkey, celebrating mass alongside pay tree arc bart thole new, before returning to the vatican, francis will meet with young refugees from syria and iraq. earlier in his trip, the holy father criticized the muslim extremist group isis, describing their actions, as barbarick. in a historic moment saturday, the pontiff asked for a blessing from pay tree arc bartholomew. francis bought before the man who leads the worlds' 300 million orthodox christians. >> well, the nfl says it will, again, make changes to its personal conduct policy this comes just 24 hours after ray rice won an appeal over his indefinite suspension from the league. rice was initially suspended for two games after being accused of assaulting his then fiancee. but, after videos of the attack surfaced, commissioner roger goodel suspended risin definitely. the nfl says it expects its newly revised personal conduct policy to be announced in the coming weeks. >> bill cosby still performing at two shows in new york. but the comedian is offering refunds to ticket holds ers who don't want to go. the philadelphia native will take the stage on december 6th at the terry town music hall. on friday, ticket holders got an e-mail stating they would reimburse patrons who don't want to attend the show. cosby's shows have been canceled after women came forward saying he allegedly sexually assaulted them. thirty shows still on his schedule through may 2015. cosby has denied the allegations against him. >> well, retail remembers still counting those receipts from "black friday". 140 million people are expected to shop over the entire four day weekends, and spent some $50 billion in the process. jericka duncan with more on the start of the holiday shopping season which has grown from one day to an entire week. >> ♪ >> the race to get the best holiday deals started before thanksgiving day dessert even reached the table. many mall and store owners opened earlier than ever. >> this kicks off our money making season. >> bargain hunters led the way. according to america's research group, or arg, more than 80% of people who shop thursday into friday grab their sale items and left. founder brit beamer. >> years ago, many people bought the deals and other things. now they're just buying the deals. >> arg interviewed 2,000 people by phone and found more than 44% of shoppers on thursday were teens, sent out by their parents to wait in long lines for the best deals. >> and my favorite line was one child said, well, my father's picking up my college tuition, i guess i can give him four hours on thanksgiving day to buy his tv set. >> while some people were hunting for bargains, others chose this iconic shopping day to call for an increase in minimum wage. and push back against thanksgiving store hours didn't have a major impact. according to arg, a record 63% of american families shopped thursday and friday. >> consumers never get mad at a retailer forgiving them a great price. >> i look out, see what stores are having what deals. and i do it. >> there is one thing that retailers know. if i shop your "black friday" weekends, there is a 70% chance i will come back in your store again at least once, twice, during the season? that's what this is all about? >> that's what it is all about. >> jersey shore star ties the knot. snooki shares a picture of her wedding dress coming up next. also ahead, berks county's biggest city is finding the true meaning every christmas. in a tree not even fit for charlie brown. >> plus, a gingerbread house big enough to live in let alone eat. where this elaborate display stands two stories tall. >> and it may be chilly right now, but carol is tracking a warming trend. the seven day forecast is coming up next. sunday morning, we'll be right back. skippy!! yippee!! fun fun fun! shiny! you never listen! what? is someone talking? ♪ skippy!! ♪ yippee!! i'm bored. hashtag bored. skippy!! yippee!! look a ride! (vo) made with the funnest peanuts ever! skippy. yippee!! ♪ welcome back, holiday season kicks off in rio dejaniero, the largest floating christmas tree. 3.1 million lights adorn the 280-foot tree, than year's theme, celebrates the importance of light in people's lives. symbolized by the sun, moon, and stars. christmas classic is playing out in real life, in reading, berks county, it is a lot like the charlie brown peanuts cartoon. steve hartman explains. >> we found one of the saddest christmas trees of all time. looming 50 feet above downtown reading, pennsylvania, the tree seems to most observers to be more suited for mulch than merryment. >> i think johnny -- charlie brown has get better tree than we do. >> everybody bringing this tree here should get fired. >> for what it is worth, it wasn't the city's first choice. crews were supposed to get a nice one from a far. when they went to cut it down, ground was too wet. instead of just waiting for drier day, they drove here to a local ballpark, took this pine from behind home plate, and struck out big time. >> if there was a cruel looking foreplays to live in the winter it, won't even go into the tree. >> the tree is so ugly the city decided to take it down. just so people wouldn't have to look at it any more. workers removed the lights and the pretzel of bethlehem, whatever that is, and made arrangements to bring in new spruced up spruce. most were glad to see it coming down. but not everyone. >> it sends the wrong message to take down this tree. >> jeff walt man is on the reading city council. >> none of just our city are perfect. if we took out everything that was imperfect in our sit at this would be empty. >> the guy made a good point. but it was a point that failed to rest mate with fellow city counsel maple francis. >> christmas tree is celebration. >> really just like that tree in the charlie brown story. it has become a laughing stock. and therefore, must go. >> what was the moral that far storey? >> being together. >> what do they do with the tree at the end? >> save it, embrace it, but it is not about charlie brown or not charlie brown tree. it is about a beautiful christmas tree for the sit. >> i as crews continued dis handling the tree, even as the new one arrived, the councilman can't debating. >> i'm only trying to be helpful. >> that, when a little christmas miracle happened. >> a pardon from the mayor. a stay of re execution, if you will. >> we'll keep this standing here. >> in the end, it was all the national publicity that allowed city leaders to see the true meaning every christmas. marketing. >> our people here from jersey, new york, they taking pictures, spending their monday nip our beautiful city. >> oh, christmas tree. steve hartman, on the road, in reading, pennsylvania. >> not such a bad little tree. a holiday tradition that looks good enough to eat is now open in san francisco's famous fairmount hotel. but there is no nibble allowed at this two story gingerbread house. this is the eighth year for the exhibit. and it is very sweet. project for the employees who started planning last summer. >> ♪ >> 700 pounds every candy, nearly 2,000 pounds of sugar. >> all of this is part of a good cause. the gingerbread house is part of campaign to attract donations for the leukemia and lymphoma society. we have a got trees, gingerbread houses and snow. >> i'm staying in the scene. are you kidding? >> i just need jacket up here, though. this is jack frost big boulder yesterday, and the day before, you might have watched, as we saw them making a ton of snow. you can see a lot of it on the ski slope now. they are unable to do that this morning. the temperatures are just too warm there. not warm enough that you will find really any kind of melting going on, but still, right at the freezing mark, just a little too warm to make snow there. >> at the shore, sun coming up in atlantic city, nice looking day, little breezy but still beautiful day to take a look at the sunrise. and another sunrise. we head back to the north. you can see the snow nobody made the snow except old man nature, or mrs. nature i guess? looking at the snow that is still here and can stay here, because we've got 27 degrees. there will be a warm up however, even in the poconos. you will be getting above the freezing mark, as we move on through the rest of the afternoon, these temperatures are remarkable, nothing remarkable on storm scan3. this is did a day probably everybody is either getting out doing whatever they need to do or headed back home again. so the travel looks like it will be very quiet. and that is good, because it was such a problem getting in here on wednesday with this terrible wednesday we saw wednesday. change, though, what a difference a couple of days can make. looking at temperatures that are so warm, 45 degrees, in wildwood, 44 in atlantic city, it was 20 there yesterday at this point. 40 degrees in millville. 38 degrees in wilmington, 43 degrees in philadelphia, warmfront moving through, see where it sort of it s so it is still trying to edge its way north, hopefully make it to the poconos, unless you like it cold up there, hopefully doesn't make it there. but for most of us, we will be getting into eat's today, lower 50's, but we will be getting warmer than that tomorrow. by the time we get to monday, great looking day, 58 degrees or so, cold front comes through, stops that party in a second. and by tuesday, we're back down to about 40 degrees. could and shower coming through, might be later on monday, then we have another chance or two, even as we go through the work week. all right, if you are getting out, going any place, wider view, in case you are going. >> quite a did i tans in your vehicle, these are the roads this afternoon, no problems, might run into rain shower by 1:00 in the morning if you are headed well out to the west through pit burr, then it fizzled out, 2:00 tomorrow looks just like few clouds, then we start to see maybe rain showers coming in here, and, maybe find snow early through the washington, d.c. area, all of it subject to change, but there is little system that goes through there. that could possibly impact the kind of wet their you'll be finding. but today you'll be finding quiet weather in the 50's except in the poconos at 45 degrees, where there is a chance of a shower or winds coming up from the south. that makes it comfortable around here, tonight it will be fairly comfortable. overnight head into december, 45 agrees overnight, tomorrow looks great, 58, tuesday only 40 degrees, though, maybe a shower around, wednesday, maybe another shower around at 52. thursday, dry, 50, and then friday, saturday, maybe a shower either one of those days, diana, temperatures fairly comfortable. >> 6:50, time for check of the roads, going to ann evans in the traffic center. good morning. >> good morning to you, as women. looking at 30th street station, here, busy travel day, as folks head home for the long holiday weekends, no delays or problems at the amtrak station today. in fact, it is running on or close to schedule. this is amtrak. com. that's the latest from the cbs-3 traffic center. i'm ann evans, now, back to you. >> thank you, snooki is a married woman. shared pick of her wedding dress on twitter. the former jersey shore reality star got married to long time buy givanni, followed by great got spin spired reception attended by fifth hundred guests, snooki and john have i two children together. congratulations to them. we'll be r new dove body wash with at one breakthrough formula. just one shower gives you softer smoother skin. my skin is really silky smooth. new dove body wash. softer, smoother skin after just one shower. hellmann's and holiday leftovers become irresistibly creamy turkey casserole. real delicious hellmann's. bring out the hellmann's. bring out the best. by switching to progressive. that was me, mom. [ laugh ] i thought you said, "that was me, mom." [ laughter ] >> rangers in new york, a place where they've struggled, the flyers have not scored against the rangers in over 135 minutes this season, and of all people, look who it is, nick grossman with nice goal right here. that's going to tie up the game at one. second period, bright spot for the pliers this season, jake, and he'll get the power play goal here. and the flyers take the lead. the score two to one. after that, it is all rangers. jest per will pick up his first nfh goal, will tie up the game at two. on to the third period, we go, derrick eighth goal of the year. second of the game. flyers will win it five to two, flyers have now lost eight of their last nine games. >> pen stale bowl eligible. senior day in happy valley. some of the group playing for three different coaches, we had joe paterno, billing o'brien, now james franklin. not the way that penn state wanted to get this game started. opening kick off goes to rj shelton after breaking multiple tackles, he takes it 09 yards store the score, just like that, but penn state will put up a fight, but then the third quarter, michigan state already up 13-three. >> jeremy langford with strong run at the goal line from michigan state. still in the thirds, connor cook looking to the end zone. he'll finds tony levit for the score. michigan state goes onto win it 34 to ten. temple with just two games left in the season, they need just one more win to become bowl eligible. yesterday they played their final home game against cincinnati hoping to get the sixth win. temple started out with three-nothing lead. then in the second quarter, bad for the owls, finding mikhail for three-yard touchdown pass. that will make it seven-three, cincinnati. then just 30 seconds left in the half, mike boone runs it in from 1 yard out, place great defensively, loses 14 to six, last chance to be bowl eligible, neck week, and in their finale against tulane. >> the sixers hosting mavericks trying avoid a zero and 16 start. that will would be a franchise record. the raining rookie of the year trying his best to get this win. michael carter which yam making the lay up. triple double tonight, 18 points, ten rebounds pounds, ten assists. sixers hanging on, kj mcdaniels right here. nailing the three. that will put them so close within four. mcdaniels with career hi, 13 rebounds, and the sixers hang with the mavs right to the ends. but chandler pars on just puts them away. sixers had franchise records 16 straight losses, the league record, just two more losses away. scary moment it the game. referee rick crawford struck in the face opening tip-off. the left the court on stretcher, being treated in a hospital, as for the game, damian jones with the dunk right there, sandberg built a winner 68 to 55. that's all for sportment i'm leslie van arsdale. have a great day. >> the sound of one of arkansas most distinctive sports could be held for miles. >> that's the world duck calling championship. competitors descends on the duck hunting capitol of the world each year along with thousands more for duck hunting season. showed to up compete in the duck calling event. that's it for "eyewitness news" this morning, at 6:00. coming up next, at 7:00, we go back live to manayunk, searches gather to look for missing west chester university student today. then it is an image that's captivated the country. a business burning to the grounds during the protests in ferguson. we'll hear from that store's owner and how he hopes to help his employees through the holiday. plus, carol has your forecast which includes warm up. good news for a lot of people there, i think, and that and more when we come back at 7:00. stay with us. this sunday morning is her clinic for shane, desperate family comes together with the community and hopes to find a missing west chester university student. plus, police officer at the center of the unrest in ferguson resigns. we'll have details on his decision, plus, why it won't stop protesters there. boom offer bus? early numbers in for "black friday" sales. we'll have them for you. >> goods morning, to the today is sunday,

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