Transcripts For KYW Eyewitness News At 6 20171116 : comparem

Transcripts For KYW Eyewitness News At 6 20171116

some damp spots out there it is getting better. here's a look currently at our tri-state sweep, mostly in the clear at this point, you know, so to speak so what we will find as day goes on as skies clear out current temperature readings are warm enough thaw don't have to worry about icing. we are flirting with 50. up and down i-95 and we will rebound, despite this cold front passage all the way up to near 60 degrees. palmyra is at 50. it is a mild beginning to the morning. not shorts and t-shirts weather by any stretch but we would not reach a daytime high like this on this particular day of the year. ride to school for kid as well as for you heading out to work maybe a little damp and there could be less of a shower here but generally only going to get better and windier from here. wind we can handle but those wet roadways causing problems for us, thanks very much, good morning, looking outside, thinks a live shot of the an accident involving a tractor trailer that was on the scene and in longer on the scene carrying potted plants, all over roadways getting clean up underway now, ran through overpass happened around 1:00 a.m., king of prussia readies closed between radnor chester road and matsonford so you will to have use an alternate. county line road is your best bet and for those using radnor tapes use matsonford road. hopefully they will get this remedied soon. disabled vehicle 95 north at cottman new we are looking at just southbound side see brake lights, and see how wet it is out there and that, of course, comes with the price. we are having an accident in bensalem, hulmeville road at corry avenue and another one pennsylvania turnpike we will talk about in the next 10 minutes or so, jim, back to you. excuse me, meisha. violent crash involving a fail police van and pickup truck. it happened shortly before 3:00 at robbins and ditman street in wissonoming. police say white pickup truck ran a red light, slammed in the van carrying prisoners. investigators believe truck driver may have been under the influence. >> the driver was, evaluated on the scene by one of our field sobriety trained officers, and as a result of that evaluation further evaluation is being conduct. >> eleven prisoners in the van were taken to the hospital to get check out, officers in the van and striking driver were not injured. all out search continues more than 24 hours after a teenage murder suspect escaped a youth detention facility. >> search, ran a south jersey town where suspect has ties. "eyewitness news" reporter trang do back on the story live at bridgeton police headquarters, trang do, good morning, what is very latest. >> reporter: good morning, rahel and jim. not much has change this is search for michael huggins. after three of his coconspirators were captured here by police the search went from egg harbor city to bridgeton where huggins had many ties. he was in detention awaiting trial for a murder that happened here in bridgeton about a year ago. manhunt for fugitive and murder suspect michael huggins brought hundreds of officers, and then dozens of k-9 search teams to the small city of bridgeton, new jersey on wednesday. >> you see it on tv but now it is here in your home. >> reporter: eighteen year-old escaped inmate remains on the run after he and three other teens assaulted and overpowered a corrections officer at harborfield youth detention center just after midnight on wednesday, teen then stole a car with sideswiped joseph luna's jeep before coming to the stop at an apartment building less than a mile away in egg harbor city kicking off the search. >> somebody had ran from the car, for a reason, i didn't know, to the extent of that reason but it is scary when i found out. >> reporter: some nine hours later and 40 miles away in bridgeton an observe ant person reporting suspicious activity at the heights apartment, led to the capture of the three other escapees but no sign of huggins. >> ridiculous, really ridiculous, these young kid these days they just need to get to school get their education instead of the doing this violent stuff. >> reporter: with huggins still at large a community is on edge, but no one more than shirley battle, grandmother of davonte lee, 21 year-old man huggins is accused of fatally shooting a year ago. >> i found out it is him that had escaped and they have not found him just yet, it was devastating news because we all thought he was somewhere where he could not get out. >> investigators are working to determine just how teenagers got from egg harbor city from here to bridgeton which is an hour drive. police warned people if they happen to come across hug continues to not approach him and to immediately call 911 but for now we are live in bridgeton cumberland county i'm trang do for cbs-3 "eyewitness news", jim and rahel, back to you. investigation is underway in the cities port richmond section after an 80 year-old man was found dead inside his home. police arrived on the 2500 block ofe lehigh avenue just before 9:30, there they found victim lying on the kitchen floor with the gash to his head. medics pronounced him dead. medics are trying to figure out was this an accident or murder. our jan carabao will have an update for news 30 minutes. police are looking for a group of teens who assaulted a temple university student and then late's tack a homeless man. eli, tells "eyewitness news" he was attacked while walking to his car at 12th and oxford a block from campus. this happened around 8:30 on november 7th, that was tuesday , four teens punched, kicked, hit him in the head with the pipe. he ran but group chased him and caught the attention of the temple security guard who called an ambulance. >> you know, they didn't take anything from me, they just beat me. i would just say why. maybe i looked at them funny, maybe they didn't like how i dressed. >> police source tells "eyewitness news" that detectives believe same group of teens attack a homeless man about an hour later, they are looking for witnesses or surveillance video, a temple spokesperson calls it serious and says students can always call for transportation, through the university. >> legal team for roy moore is pushing back against one of the woman accusing alabama candidate as sexual assault. they demand that had beverly young nelson release high school year book she claimed signed decade ago, so a handwriting expert can review, authenticity and nelson's is calling on moore to testify about the allegations made against it. house of, representatives votes on the g.o.p. tax reform bill that is expect to pass, and meanwhile senate republicans are still working on their own tax reform bill, adding a measure to repeal owe bam care's individual mandate. hanna dova has details. >> house is expect to pass most comprehensive tax reform bill in decade. >> we are cutting taxes for middle and low income families typical median household of four gets 1182 tax cut. >> reporter: unlike senate republicans proposal which brings health care in by aiming to eliminate obama care individual mandate the house bill doesn't touch that. like the senate bill though the house measure will permanently slash corporate tax rate, and cut individual rates across the board. house minority leader nancy pelosi at a rally against the bill yesterday insists the changes are aimed at wealthy not the poor and middle classes. >> this tax proposal is i am moral and increases the deficit. >> reporter: some house republicans have raised suggestions of a part of the bill that does away with deductions, for state and local taxes, that will hurt those in high tax states like new york, and california, and there don't appear to be enough republicans against measure though to sink it. hanna doba for cbs-3 "eyewitness news". checking sports what a night for sixers joel embiid. >> what a night it was. lets start with his career high 46 points last night begins lakers, add in 15 rebounds, seven assists and seven blocks no one has done that since blocks became a statistic in the 70's. ben simmons was rebound short of another triple double, and lakers rookie lonzo ball, we hear so much about because of his dad, had just two points. sixers win 115-109. and expect a rocking crowd, begins defending champion warriors. kevin hart was at that game last night. >> way to go, sixers. still ahead this morning great american spoke out doctor jen's joining with us tips on how to kick the habit for good. she will also explain how you'll feel benefits of quit nothing just minutes. what would you say about a holiday season with no gifts? some people want to put a stop to buying presents, but there are some stipulations, coming up. ♪ >> uplifting. >> thousands of scientists warn that the earth is on a path to destruction guy guess what is there time to reverse damage. we will find out how coming up next. >> we were up for that one. ah, here we go. 60 second rotini hi, honey! hey mom! are you eating well? umm...yeah i'm actually making something right now. new barilla ready pasta. deliciously al dente in just 60 seconds. simply add your favorite ingredients... that looks amazing! ...and enjoy. hey, there you go. i can almost smell it. new barilla ready pasta. 60 seconds to wonderful. um, elbow! oh, sorry mom! welcome back everyone a group of scientists has signed a letter to all of humanity and message, well, it isn't good. >> letter says unless people change their habits, earth will become uninhabitable, 15,000 scientist from his around the world sign the letter, similar warning issued about 25 years ago. they say is there still time to reverse damage if we reduce waste, green technology and establish, nature reserves. parts of the northern california are brace forgo yet another round of storms, a drive up i80 in southern springs, california saw everything weather-wise. mostly rain below 7,000 feet and snow in higher elevations. forecasters there are warning of possible white out conditions and several feet of snow in some areas. were you saying earlier that they are accustomed to that this time of the year, so not necessarily out of the or. >> it is like seeing an inch of snow in atlanta, city shuts down. inch in philadelphia we can handle it. it depends what you are used to and believe it or not they are used to seeing feet of snow at a time in those higher mountain passes. so much moisture getting shoved on store with these storms from the pacific and it slopes up and pounding down on those areas. but that is neither here or there. what we will see, is a few snowflakes, by the very same system crossing the u.s. at the moment our current concern is this guy this one working its way right new through especially canada and new england but responsible for showers through overnight and at this point we are left with spotty showers, most pronounced, just off to the northeast, if you had are a commuter you are likely to have impact from this but things are generally only getting better from here. we will take you on our most remote camera shots in the live neighborhood network we are at 44 degrees at pleasant valley middle and high school. thinks coldest cameras we have what that tells you it is not cold enough for icing. don't worry about that, thank good in other piece of news it is day of transition and skies clear with time but wind will pick up in the wake of the front despite that high of 60. wind gusts could peak from 20, ren gate 30 miles an hour gusts, tomorrow, chill which sunshine. >> good to know that, katie. it has been a tough commute because of the wet roadways, just a head up leave early. ben franklin bridge for those traveling westbound from new jersey into center city. ben looking good, certainly we are heating up here but overall when we see levels like this around quarter pennsylvania 6:00 we are doing all right, boulevard southbound, bumper to bumper conditions here, 1/2, jumping on the schuylkill, on to sit avenue this is what we are looking at, so many vehicles traveling less than posted speed so give yourself extra time there 422 at route 29 is looking good, we look on 422, about the bend been, certainly starting to heat up but overall still looking okay. we do have an accident, pennsylvania turnpike new jersey turnpike connection eastbound before new jersey turnpike that right lane is compromised because of that accident. that is a place that starts to get slow. accident in bensalem that is involving injuries, hulmeville road at corry avenue just a head up. also an accident where a vehicle hit a guardrail that has been now cleared on the pennsylvania turnpike, however we are still looking at this accident that happened in radnor and because of that king of prussia road is closed between radnor chester road and matsonford road, you have to use an alternate county line road is your best bet. jim and rahel, back to you. tobacco use remains nation 's leading cause of preventable death. >> great american smoke out day tone courage smokers to quit. trying to kick habit for yourself or encourage someone else family physician doctor jennifer cuddle is here with advice. always good to see you. >> i hear these days we are talking about opioids but is tobacco usage still a problem. >> it is a big problem. we know over 36 million people smoke, it is a big deal, and thing about it cancer within of the major causes of cancer, it is a huge deal. i also tell my patient ifs they had to pick one thing to do, to literally single hand ily change the course of their life it would be to quit smoking. >> just talking about cigarettes as far as tobacco use. >> i'm glad you talked about that because a lot of products contain tobacco, pipes, cigars , there is chew, this sort of the chewing tobacco, these are all problematic. so even if you don't smoke cigarettes but use other tobacco containing products, it is still a problem. >> so many people want to quit how do you even start. >> it is within of the hardest things, my patients told me they had to do. i would say for anyone listening getting your kid ready for school, getting ready to go to work and tried to quit smoking don't be discourage. set a date. let your family members know you are trying to quit so they can be ready for. that remove reminders of smoke s, ashtrays, develop a plan, because remember, a lot of people smoke when they are drinking or doing other activities. be prepared for that. stock up on substitute, sugar less gum, kind. i don't want to you develop diabetes, while quitting smoking but maybe sugarless gummies way to go and support system. you want a buddy. try quit smoking with a co-worker, things like that. there is lots of great options to help us quit, medications, prescription, prescribe medications over the counter medication that is can help so we can help you. >> my assistant last year judy quit smoking and support is really important. >> yes. >> some on one wants to support someone what should do you. >> first thing you should does understand for those supporting your family, friend s, loved won this will be tough. it is tough, okay. understand that. be supportive. go easy. help them. encourage them to wash over reminders of the smoking, wash clothes that smell of smoke. if you smoke and i want to you quit smoke bug try avoid smoking or being in smokey areas with that person. support is biggest thing and understanding what they are going through and help them accomplish your goal. >> lets say you do it, quit the habit, how quickly will you see health benefits. >> health benefits can be seen almost immediately. it is inspiring. we know within 20 minutes of the quitting smoking your heart rate and blood pressure drop, we know two weeks to three months your circulation gets better, lung function better, that coughing, smokers cough we talk about one to nine months a year, excess risk of coronary heart disease is half that of someone who smokes but we just stopped here on the full screen at year. benefits get out 10, 15 years. >> adding years to your life, risk of lung cancer decreased by half that, and 10 years out , et cetera. honestly people don't smoke live longer. the bottom line. >> there is aloft people, celebrities. >> don't be ashamed, this is a day maybe to quit so that is what i want to encourage people to do. >> thanks, doctor jen as always. our weekend is ever closer and adding more in focus pertaining to the upcoming storm system and we will deal with rain, saturday, p.m. and then, even likely to see a few flurries and snow showers, sunday as much colder air wraps in. feel that wind kicking up on sunday with time, guys. all right, katie, thank you. from the times herald 18 members of the norristown community gathered at municipal hall for inaugural meeting of the new police chief advisory board. board was created as component of the police department's 40-point plan to reduce gun violence in norristown. front page of the mercury pottstown area fire fighters got hands on training recently that instructors hope will serve them well in emergency situations. they attempted a bus crash extrication class at sanatoga fire company. press of atlantic city lisa perry wanted to do something after her mother was diagnosed with als in 1999. she asked her bosses at village super markets which owns eight shop rite stores if they could start raising money by selling paper sneakers at the register. this year's efforts they raised hundred you this dollars a check was given to the als association yesterday at memorial shop rite, good for lisa. >> that is a look at newspaper headlines around the delaware valley. well, technology business to make a giant leap. >> coming soon fit bit, fit for the farm, a start up is developing a fit bit furkows. company is working with co like sprint and dairy farmers of america to bring wearable technology to the barn yard, sounds like a slogan to me. >> ceo of the company says it track heart break and activity levels with milk production. >> i think what we have been able to do is develop ourselves into a global platform for animal health. >> farmers say this technology is nice that there is no substitute for hands on approach. >> moving on over, coming up in the next half an hour of "eyewitness news", are missing from a local tax collector's office; jan. well, could an accident or was it a murder that is what philadelphia police are trying to figure out this morning after an 80 year-old man is found dead inside his home. i'm jan carabao reporting live coming up very latest on what police are calling a death investigation. and jan looking outside wet roadways are definitely going to slow down this morning so pack your patients we have a few accidents out there and major slow downs i will have all those updates coming up remarks hell, over to you. titanic sales again, we can see classic move/the big can see classic move/the big screen we will be right (upbeat xylophone music) - i'm joan lunden. type 2 diabetes has struck way too many families in this country, including mine. i remember all too well when my brother was in his mid-20s. he was overweight, never exercised, and he was a smoker. i don't think it ever even occurred to him that that was a deadly combination. looking back, he most certainly had prediabetes long before he ever got diagnosed with full-blown type 2 diabetes. unfortunately, like most people, he knew nothing about prediabetes and therefore he never made any lifestyle changes to lower his risk. consequently, the disease really took over his life and stole his potential, and eventually my brother died of the complications of the disease in his mid-50s. joining me now to discuss smoking and diabetes is dr. ann albright, director of the cdcs division of diabetes translation. why are smokers more likely to develop type 2 diabetes than nonsmokers? - well, the chemicals in tobacco cause what we call inflammation or an oxidative damage. bottom line is it damages your cells, and the damaged cells will be contributing to the development of type 2 diabetes. - so what happens when someone who's been diagnosed with diabetes continues to smoke? - when you have diabetes you already have damage going on to your blood vessels as a result of blood glucose control and other things. and when you add tobacco onto that, it really does harm those precious vessels that are already under stress. so it really is important that you don't smoke. - and we all know it's not easy for everyone to quit smoking, but i'm still gonna give you the last word on this one. - no question, don't give up. it's worth trying. it takes multiple attempts to stop smoking, so don't give up. and you can get help by calling 1-800-quit-now. - thank you, ann. - and if you want to learn more about the dangers of smoking and diabetes, log on to we'll see you next time. i'm joan lunden. (upbeat xylophone music) - [narrator] sponsored by nacdd with support from the centers for disease control and prevention. visit good morning i'm jim donovan. i'm rahel solomon. 6:30 and here's what you need to necessity to start your day in the morning minute to day november 16th 2017. >> at this time it is unclear just how the 80 year-old died inside his port richmond home. they say there was in sign of forced entry at the house it did not appear to be ransacked. philadelphia police van transporting visitors collide was a pickup truck. police say white pick up ran a red light slamming in the van. still on the run, after three of his coconspirators were captured here the search turned to bridgeton where michael huggins has many ties. >> i thought it was kind of surreal. >> temple senior eli is still recovering from multiple head wounds after he says a group of teens attack him last week. >> they didn't take anything from me, they just beat me. embiid launching a three, down it goes, embiid, with a historic performance tonight, unprecedented numbers for anybody in fbi history. >> forty-six points. >> today's morning minute sponsored by penn medicine abramson cancer center number one cancer center in the region. >> how about this joel embiid first nba player with 46 points, 15 rebounds, seven blocks and seven assists in the single game. >> sixers are hot but is what not hottest our weather, um, katie. >> yeah, dropping it like it is not hot i suppose. >> yeah. >> at lee it is not harsh today and warm enough that even though there are rain showers there is no icing, taking place this morning up in the mountains, it is even too warm for that so that is one bonus of a day like this but what we do have this transition taking place there is a chill in the air but i will show you this camera shot in the live neighborhood network to indicate rain drops on that camera lens to mar picture for you but thankfully the bulk of any wet weather has rolled out to the north east or out to see, so there are still a few spots where rain is technically falling across central and northern new jersey, but for the most part you won't have that rain falling from the sky for rest of the morning drive, but it is still damp, damage, it has essentially been done here if you will, what you will find is spray, maybe a few spots here and there, no huge issue but enough to slow you down. forty-eight currently at airport and normally 41 at mount pocono, not shabby, not shorts and t-shirts weather but not shabby. we will get up to 60 with time cloud will break but keep in mind as skies clear out you will notice wind picking up with time, too. eventually meisha, the chill will catch up again to let you know how far i expect temperature to fall later on. >> thanks, katie. very good morning to you, happy thursday, so yes, we have been dealing with wet roadways all morning long and posing some not only slow downs but problem spots. quick peak at the boulevard pushing in the southbound direction looking at this 20 minutes ago and it was bumper to bumper. ease tensions a bit but we are still traveling around posted speeds are less than i should say, once you drop off boulevard southbound, jump on the schuylkill west bun right around city avenue we have bumper to bumper conditions again. give yourself some extra time in this area then we have an accident here 309 north off ramp to pennsylvania turnpike it is partially block ago this ramp. you can see these vehicles squeezing by and under the bridge deck overhead bridges, side streets and of course on and off ramps, those are most slippery with the wet red ways so take it easy. jim and rahel back to you. philadelphia police are trying to figure out if an 80 year-old man's death in port richmond was an accident or murder. >> "eyewitness news" reporter jan carabao is live outside medical examiner's office in university city with an update now good morning, jan. >> reporter: rahel and jim, good morning, medical examiner will conduct an autopsy to determine how this 80 year-old man died. he was found dead inside his own home in port richmond last night, a lot of blood was found around him but at this point it is unclear if this was an accident or a homicide. this is the scene last night on the 2500 block of east lehigh avenue, "eyewitness news" was there as homicide detectives interviewed family, neighbors, friend whose saw the victim earlier in the day. police say family, last saw him around 1:00 in the afternoon and then they found him injured around 9:00 p.m. when they called police. medicine aches arrived just before 9:30 and pronounced the man dead they found him on his kitchen floor with the cut on his head and surrounded by blood, crime scene unit and homicide detectives remained there on the scene until late last night trying to figure out how this happened. >> at this point we don't know if there was any foul play involved or if the victim fell and hit his head and that is how he cut his head and that is how he died. so we are not sure if this is a homicide or an accidental death. >> reporter: that job now falls on the medical examiner, philadelphia police are still investigating they tell us this 80 year-old man lived at this port richmond home with his family, what they did not find on the scene there is any sign of forced entry, they did not fine his home ransacked either but what they did find is a bunch of private surveillance cameras near the scene that could help out if it does turnout to be foul play. they also towed away a white van from the scene but it is unclear if that has anything to do with this death. we will keep you up to date. for now we are live from university city, jan carabao for cbs-3 "eyewitness news". back to you. >> still a lot of questions, jan, back to you. teenage murder suspect michael huggins remains at large more than 24 hours after he escaped a youth detention facility in atlantic county. three other teens, who escaped with huggins had been captured near an apartment complex, in bridgeton, and the news of huggins escape is opening up a wound for a family that says he shot and killed his loved one. >> when i found out, it was him that had escaped and they have not found him just yet it was devastating news because we all thought he was somewhere where he could in the get out. >> now if you see huggins do not approach him call 911. delaware county district attorney's office is investigating after almost $300,000 reported missing, from the accounts of the up are darby tax collector. township workers noticed money missing six months ago, sources tell cbs-3 "eyewitness news" that the woman linc to the investigation no longer works for the township. it is in the clear how that former employeees linked if he is linc to the investigation but soy far no charges have been filed. week before the kick off, some retailers are likely to see a pop while others may see a fizzle out. >> here to discuss cbs news business analyst jill schlesinger joins us live from new york, good morning, jill jill. >> good morning. >> despite improving economy it is a tough year for retailers, why? >> well, you know, three dozen retailers have filed for bankruptcy this year and there have been announcements of more than 6700 store closings, that beats previous all time high in 2008 in the middle of the financial melt down. the simplest explanation that is amazon has eaten retail. between 2010 and last year amazon sales in north america the gone up five times. the rise of digital shopping has coincided with another trend a ballooning of retail space. the number of u.s. malls grew more than twice as fast as our population between 1970 and 2015 but right now mall traffic is diving. business has slumped by half in 2010 leaving retail tours unload those stores as quickly as possible. >> so jill, which retailers face a make it or break it season this year. >> reporter: tops of the list for analyst is toys-r-us because company filed for bankruptcy protection in september trying to get loans to pay its vendors and stock its shelves for upcoming holiday season. also keeping an eye on sears holdings a parent of sears and k-mart who has been closing stores and shifting dent commitment and all to meet financial expectations and high even department store neiman marcus is weighed down by $4.8 billion in debt, newman marcus recently reported its third annual loss in four years, kind of runs gamut, and, of course, if you would like we will see you go out next week and help all of these stores you took word right out of my mouth because knee man's did surprise me because in high end stores the shopping experience is about the actual experience, customer service, you know, ambience if you will so that was surprising. >> yes, interesting, the high end stores are facing competition from places like rent the runway, rent the runway where you can get coup tore stuff on line and opening up, brick and mortar locations really interesting time for retailers. >> indeed. >> thank you jill jill. >> sure. >> titanic is sailing in theaters once again to celebrate 20 years, two decade remastered version of the film will hit theaters for a week this december. 1997 movie grossed more than $2 billion at box office and won 11 academy award. up next what a homeless man did when he found a $10,000 check and how it could change his life. imagine a christmas with no presents under the tree, growing number of americans want to stop giving gifts over the holiday season. reason why, coming up, pat. misfired. >> all the way. >> never too early for beers, so, of course, hade to come out to yard brewery they are opening up this lovely new place, at fifth and spring garden, and i have got to work on my beer pouring but that is what tom's here for we will talk to him about this beautiful new establishment, don't go anywhere, who wants some beer this morning. >> hey, might as well, might as well be lunchtime in our world. send me that sons of ben brew if they still that have, pat. we are looking at a active weekend in the weather department when solve on you will see some rain, when you may see some snow, we will talk about those details up next but first your cure auto insurance travel forecast. countless ailments. countless hours. and guess what? you can handle it all. be a leader in your field with a bsn from strayer university. a nursing program created by and for nurses. let's get it, nurses. welcome back. real estate broke inner connecticut loses an expensive piece of paper, $10,000 check. >> lucky for her a home less man found the check and returned it. >> there are good people out here. >> elmer alvarez went out of his way to find roberta and returned the check. she thanked him by writing him a check. she's going to pay for him to go to real estate school. >> that is a full circle moment, i love that. >> good news there. katie, you have good news for us. >> it depends on how you look at it. it depends. i can spin this in a lot of ways, damp start to the morning, it is not great in that regard but warmer today then would you normally find. that is good. but we also have wind picking up. this is a damp transition. it is not most active dau but there are a lot of variables to discuss. eyewitness weather watchers have cooled down, pretty much everyone in the mid to upper 40's. try to find warmest spot of the bunch. it is out in chesterfield, where he had has a couple rain showers coming down. forty-nine is mildest spot of the pack among this slew of eyewitness weather watchers observations. we have rainfall amounts, they are very, very slim, and couple hundreds of an inch, at best, for most of the watchers this morning. but you come close to the tenth of an inch and perkasie, william up in levittown had that, .7 of an inch. list does go on here but it is definitely very light rain amounts. looking at very wide zoom you can see that the continental u.s. is flanged here. we have system a, system b. this is the one, b that crosses the country and becomes big story looking ahead to the upcoming weekend. we will see wind pick up, day starts to clear out, we will warm up before the cold air catches up here but lets talk about this weekend. friday okay all clear no problems. saturday when things start to go downhill. we will start off with cloud but p.m. hours saturday featuring rain showers, probably a steady rain come saturday night, lingering showers as cold front with this system sweep through on sunday and then behind it comes a wind out of the northwest to help get wrap around moisture but lake enhanced snowflakes, flying and we are likely to feel that chill and probably see in the northwestern suburbs snowflakes in the second half of the weekend. i don't anticipate much in the way of accumulation out of that but a wintry atmosphere to go with the second half of the weekend ape philadelphia marathon, no less, um-hmm, rahel, yes, i got it. i got it. still looking forward, rahel at that point. chilly start to the week next week on monday, we will only hit mid 40's at best. >> it will feel chilly, all right, thank you so much. piggy banking on that talk of the wet roadways it will cause problems and it has all morning long. so we have an accident in new jersey 295 south before route 73, thinks where a vehicle went off the road and into the wood. now you can see volume levels around there is not sustaining any real slow downs, but you may tap your brakes but here's the deal, wet roadways tapping these brakes can give us issues. head up on this be aware of it also a pedestrian was struck in ardmore route 30 lancaster avenue at church road, traveling, very, very slow moving around here understandably. 19 miles an hour will put you at bumper to bumper conditions there. accident on 309 north as well, off ramp to 35 turnpike ramp is block. cones are set up. the vehicles are just squeezing by taking it slow. the bridge deck, side streets all that will be very slick so take it easy. that accident that we have been talking about king of prussia road closed between radnor chester road and matsonford road. new york brewery will officially open up its doors tonight. >> it will feature a full kitchen and eventually on sign canning facility. "eyewitness news" reporter pat gallen is live at fifth and spring garden in northern liberties with the first look and drinking something in his cup, hi there, pat. >> hey, guys, how are you this morning we are live here at yards brewery i'm not allowed to drink that on live toll vision. this is my man tom, doing great. >> really good, a lot of energy. >> this place business to open tonight. >> that is a far cry from where you guys started. >> yes you are well men throughout philadelphia for best beer around but you basically started in a garage and now moving in the 07,000 square foot space, talk about how that has all changed. >> starting in a garage brew ery in manayunk and greg with the industry, you know, there is a lot of energy around craft beer. it has been happening. we have taken advantage of that and green because of it. >> chris's back here and enjoying some of those beers. >> our signature flight right there. >> what are we looking at there. >> beautiful color. >> we have our extra special ale, philly pale ale and ita. >> lets talk about the food aspect. you are men for your beers but now with this new place you have brought in a special chef , new executive chef, and menu's great. i tasted some of the food the other day it is outstanding, fantastic. >> it is a game changer. it is all about the beer first and having great food that goes with the beer sets us apart from the other brew pubs in the city. >> hoist nut chef. >> jim berk, from philadelphia >> got to love it. >> james beard nominee. >> yes. >> food goodies here. >> and also i saw something that was pretty cool, the new wooden tables you have, cool story behind these as well. >> yes, we hook up with the challenge program and in wilmington delaware and at risk youth and teaches them a trade, woodworking, metal worker, carpetry and we ended up asking them to make tables for the new taproom. >> pretty awesome stuff, you guys are helping out the community as well, feeding them and giving them great beer. >> it is awesome. >> beer here is pretty special , talk about this city and the growth that you have seen since you started in 1994 in the beer city that it now is. >> it has always been a beer city, it was just matter of the industrial workers of the philadelphia were beer people beer is great in philadelphia we have greatest beer drinking city in america. i really think it is. by having selections and local brewery thaw can say hey this is our brewery it makes it strong and been doing great forestry. >> what is happening here tonight as you open up. >> it is our grand opening, we will be welcoming the public in and at 6:00 o'clock. >> the mayor will be here. >> mayor will be here and say good luck, hopefully that is what he will say. >> sounds good. don, founder of the yard brew ery, good luck tonight. >> am i allowed to drink this, can i, is this allowed. >> no, pat, you know you are not allowed to drink. >> thanks, pat. difficult love that story about the tables. it was really interesting. 6:51. we have a lot coming up on rn morning. >> gayle king and charlie rose join us live with the preview from new york good morning, guys good morning, rahel and jim. more woman accuse alabama candidate roy moore of sexual misconduct. and margaret brennan goes inside controversial federal crackdown on the central american gang ms 13, active in cities all around the country. >> how about that da vinchi paint ago this sold for a record 450 million-dollar. >> wow. >> my goodness. >> it was sitting right here in studio 57 earlier this month and this morning we will hear from the seller. >> are you the seller. >> i wish. >> you never know, you never know. >> your world. >> yeah, me too. >> your world in 90 seconds see you at 7:00. speaking of spending big money, may not want to hear this but according to new study most people want to stop giving gifts over holiday season. >> before you throw out your present list, there are some stipulations. >> holiday shopping season kicks into high gear studies show many people would rather skip the gifts. >> almost seven out of 10 people would give up exchanging gifts this holiday season if their friends and family agreed to it and what the survey also found that is 43 percent of people, they feel pressure to over spend maybe beyond what they can. >> reporter: instead 60 percent of the more than 2,000 surveyed on line say they would rather spend time with family and friends. >> majority of the americans would give up gifts for gathering which is nice. >> reporter: if you do decide to shop. >> we recommending old school so identifying that budget thane limit, pulling out cash and realizing when that cash gone it is time slow things down or shop on line, it is set ago this limit and maybe looking at using your debit card to avoid over spending. >> reporter: perhaps have a conversation with your loved won it may have financial stress saving and while making holidays more meaningful. >> we need to remove this burden to spend this money on gifts and realize survey shows our friends and family are thinking the same thing. it is the time we spend as opposed to the gifts we are giving. >> if you take kid out of the picture and just dealing with adults more and more are going this way. after a while you have all this stuff what more do you need. >> i complete lay gree, my two teenage brothers their christmas gift list gets longer and more expense i have write out a check to the charity give money to a charity. >> holiday fest in peddler's village kicks off tomorrow and it is season for some tasty treats. >> nice taste with tori, our vittoria woodill is taking to you a place and shoppers are putting on their list and checking twice. >> you can come in, casual, dressed up, and so have magnificent food, you walk the village and then christmas coming up is a spectacular time to try it. >> so, they are taking bite out of tradition and diving in the white check late dessert you will love as much as white christmas. don't miss it on "eyewitness news" at 11:00. we will be right here's three to go. >> search continues for an escaped teenage murder suspect in south jersey michael huggins escaped custody yesterday, three other teens escaped with him but they have been captured. house republicans are expected to vote on the g.o.p. tax overhaul plan today, it is expect to pass, senate republicans are still working on their tax reform bill. vote dissolve school reform commission is taking place today, by law, majority of the src members vote to dissolve it for that to happen >> that three is to go. >> lets get a last check of weather and traffic. >> skies are trying to clear in some spots, we will show you western most cameras in the live neighborhood network, sun trying to peak through that cloud deck. it has dried out in kutztown area middle school. there are still some spots where it is damp or there are showers currently falling in new jersey but with time we will rebound to 60, win picks up but we will start to clear out, meisha. >> thanks very much. >> we have this accident still out there 309 northbound off ramp to pennsylvania turnpike partially block, very slow moving around there plus pedestrian struck inard more route 30 lancaster avenue at church road. >> thanks, meisha. next up this morning f.d.a. is warning that an herbal supplement used to ease opioid withdraw could field a new addiction. >> join us each weekday morning at 4:30 a.m. have a great day. captioning funded by cbs good morning. it is thursday, november 16th, 2017. welcome to "cbs this morning." roy moore vows to stay in the blame senate race after new accusations of misconduct. the senate republican leader says he's ready to expel more if he is elected. the candidate says bring it on. a federal crackdown nabs hundreds of gang members. they're blamed for murder and mayhem. plus, high-tech dashboards are taking eyes off the road. a new study from consumers reports tells us which cars have the most distracting sp

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