Transcripts For KYW Eyewitness News At 6 20170301 : comparem

Transcripts For KYW Eyewitness News At 6 20170301

sometimes that is all you need for nasty storms to come with a potent storm system like we have today coming through. as we flirt with records we have two separate rounds of rain and storms. first of which comes from eight to 10:00 a.m. northwestern counties and then in the second half of the day three to 7:00 p.m. we will see a round of stormy weather coming in. it looks like wind, heavy downpours will be primary threats, meisha. >> thanks very much for that. we are talking about what is on the roadways right now, now, we were talking about the fog, moving out of our camera shot but there has been weird stuff happening. so lets get right into it. we have debris here boulevard southbound approaching schuylkill, exit to kelly drive, that looks like it has been cleared out of our way. people were going around it. heads up not sure if there is a minor piece but heads up on that. we have disabled vehicle at conshohocken curve. this is a problem area. sometimes these can sneak up on you. heads up, were that disabled vehicle. we have an accident here schuylkill westbound near university after knew blocking that left lane, this is starting to slow you down. we have another accident not in camera but around south street, so some two accidents, this is a look at schuylkill westbound near university avenue, other one around south street a lot happening. busy morning, i would factor that in and leave early, rahel and jim, back over to you. philadelphia police are investigating a deadly shooting in feltonville at 2:30 in the 4900 block of rising sun avenue off the boulevard. police are not saying much this morning except that they have rushed a man to the hospital where he was pronounced dead. we did spot private surveillance and hopefully that helps with the investigation. reward is growing for more after a disturbing act of vandalism at a local jewish cemetery. >> the community is pulling up its sleeves coming together to make repairs. "eyewitness news" reporter trang do is in mount carmel cemetery in wissonoming, good morning. >> reporter: at this point police do not have any leads but that reward money now stands at $50,000. in the meantime a community effort is underway not only to fix damage here but to make sure it doesn't happen again. >> some have family buried in mount carmel cemetery. >> impossible not to come. >> reporter: others share jewish faith. >> utterly disgusting that this is not one person but a group of people that people could do this. this is outrageous. >> reporter: many who came to undue work of the vandals who damage american 100 headstones over weekend had no link at all other than a desire to help their fellow man. by noon cemetery was teaming with people including school children seen firsthand that love triumphs over hate. >> when i heard it was just heart breaking. i was speechless. didn't know what to say or think. then when a rabbi asked us to help it was just a help and support the jewish community. >> reporter: while police do not have leads they have stepped up patrols around the cemetery. volunteers say they will keep coming until each grave stone desecrated is made right once again. volunteers are expected back out here at noon time. they are also bringing in a private company to do the heavy lifting and to repair those broken headstones. for now we are live, i'm trang do for cbs-3 "eyewitness news" jim and rahel back to you. thanks, for that report. people in cherry hill new jersey are showing their support for katz jcc after it received a bomb threat. katz is one of the several community centers forced to evacuate due to bomb threats. rally held yesterday shows the community's rejection of hate and anti sematism. justice department and fbi are invest investigating the threats. two people are dead after tornadoes tear through the midwest. storm chasers captured the scene driving through small town of ottawa, illinois. four tornadoes touched down in that region. state's governor issued a state of emergency last night. meanwhile tornado watch in northern and central illinois is in effect until some 10:00 o'clock tonight. i live in an upstairs apartment and had to get in the bathtub to survive. my whole street is wrecked. >> missouri high wind reportedly blew cars right off the roads overnight, down power lines and debris forced officials to close highways. here's perryville, missouri where a twister touched down around 8:00 o'clock last night. red cross set up shelter for those affect by the tornado, search and rescue crews are outlooking for survivors. system is making its way across the country and heading towards indiana and ohio. this morning president trump is working on his executive order on travel, immigration a day after issuing his first address to the joint session of the congress. >> president laid out his legislative goals striking a far more unifying tone, cbs news correspondent don champion joins us live from washington d.c. with reaction to the president's address, good morning, don. >> reporter: good morning, jim and rahel. by all standards president trump needed to move past the chaotic start of his administration, last night, he finally gave republicans that presidential pivot they have been wanting. >> it is time for trivial fights is behind us. >> reporter: president trump hit reset button on his young administration, tuesday night. in his address to congress, he stuck to the script and offered a road map for overhauling obama care. >> we should ensure that americans with preexisting conditions have access to coverage. >> reporter: he also made a case for his proposed $54 billion surge in defense spending partly to help veterans. >> our veterans have delivered for this nation, and now we must deliver for them. >> reporter: mr. trump's hour long a dress drew several rounds of applause. >> we are also taking strong measures to protect our nation from radical islamic terrorism >> reporter: on social media one of the most tweeted about moments happened when he honored widow of navy seal ryan, owens. he died in the president's first authorized military operation in yemen, last month >> ryan died as he lived, a warrior, and a hero. >> reporter: many republicans here in washington praised the president, for showing discipline and striking a far more optimistic tone. >> i thought it was an excellent speech. i thought he hit a home run. >> reporter: group of democratic woman wore white in honor of the sufferageette movement. >> we will in the go backwards on the progress we have been able to make as woman. >> reporter: former kentucky governor steve bryshere delivered democratic rebuttal. >> i'm worried about the future of this nation. >> reporter: he called threats to repeal obama care a life or death situation. this will be another busy daze here in washington for the president, it will include a visit over at justice department, also we have learned that senate republicans will be meet to go day to come up with ways of tackling obama care, jim and rahel. >> a lot of eyes on washington , don champion, thank you. democratic congressman brendon boyle who represents the 13th district responded a release of the statement tonight the president issued a worn, weary campaign stump speech instead of the realistic blueprint for moving our country forward. it is new clear this president is more interested in campaigning instead of doing the hard work of governing. well, in other news, catholics around the world will mark beginning of the len t with ash wednesday services. parishes all over will offer the distribution of the ashes today, ashes are meant to remind catholics to repent and pray during the 40 days leading up to the eastern celebration. cathedral basilica of the saints peter and paul in center city will hold services at noon. coming up how a woman lost nearly 200 pounds in one day. also the big power of a little book club. >> sure you want to try to read it, go ahead. >> they are happy to sit on the floor with these grade schoolers, they know it is making a difference and it is today's story of brotherly love. >> sounds good. also ahead this guy is lucky to be alive after crashing his speed boat into a wooden post and he walked away but could face charges. >> more crazy video of the group of bears attacking a car , what the passenger did that provoked that attack next up. >> ♪ heading our way, isn't it. >> no one else can feel it for you. >> you might to have get that hair wet. >> oh, no it will be protected >> hair spray and gel nothing will affect this hairy don't care if there is a hurricane out there. we will b whfight back fastts, with tums smoothies. it starts dissolving the instant it touches your tongue. and neutralizes stomach acid at the source. ♪ tum -tum -tum -tum smoothies! only from tums ♪ welcome back, a small plane crash necessary to a condominium killing a man in massachusetts. >> investigation is underway into how it happened. home built plane crashed in the building's roof and yesterday afternoon killing the pilot, faa says plane was trying to land when pilot lost control no one was inside hit by the plane but there was a man in the condo next door. >> there was a crash, boom, whole building shook, we looked outside my back window and all i could see was insulation falling off of the roof. >> pilot has been identified as al lavender, a former city counselor and mayor of nearby town of new bring port. if you air frayed of bears you won't do any good to watch this next clip. they were caught, clawing at open window of car that drove through a wild life world in beijing on sunday. woman who took this video says people in the car had cracked opened window to feed bears. which is against park regulations. that is why there are rules, people. park officials report that no one was hurt. >> when you interrupt their natural habitat maybe you just follow rules. >> we had an orangutan or something jumped on our car, remember great adventure, put a dent in the roof of my car. my father was not happen bye that. it was in the 70's or 80's or something. >> oh, boy. >> you are in their area. >> all of the animals including us will be inside when storm come through here today. right now we have got some fog this is a live look outside middletown ship high school, you see not just baseball diamond but, off in the distance you cannot see squat at this point past the fore ground here where high school is but we have that going for us. forty-nine. wind flow picking up out of the southwest, surge go through dew points and warmth in advance of the this, the fog will scour out of here press i soon, if it hasn't begun already. but the rain is on the waste. we will see this first round coming in at the northwestern suburbs, first exit between eight and 10:00 a.m. and then next one later this afternoon between three and 7:00 p.m., but we do still sit at slight risk for severe weather, entire state of the new jersey and delaware and most of the pennsylvania, all in that risk it is enhanced risk as we go out to the western most tip of the lancaster counties, the storms could be providing even more gusts. downpours or gusty wind and frequent cloud to ground lightening will be main concern. we have seen a lot of lightning that first round coming into western pennsylvania. we will flirt with records from strong showers and thunderstorms later this afternoon but also that first round between eight and 10. 75 degrees. record is 76. forty-four nighttime low as we are left with clouds through the overnight and then moving forward much cooler with re enforcing cold coming in on friday with the clipper and that does mean we will see some snow showers, on friday but they would have a heck of a time sticking let alone accumulating. >> good. that is good news. thanks, katie. good morning. happy wednesday to you. so, we have a string of activity right now happening on the schuykill, what we are looking at is an accident, schuylkill westbound near grays ferry. you can see backups are substantial behind this accident right here but there is more, right after this then we will get to around university avenue and south street where we have two more accidents on this string of the schuylkill. we have schuylkill westbound here, schuylkill west near university avenue here. we have south street, university avenue and grays ferry all of those moving in the westbound direction, all of these causing backups and big string. i would maybe take i-95 moving in the northbound direction and then get back on the schuylkill that way. that is your best bet. schuylkill westbound give yourself some extra time indeed, jim and rahel, over to you. meisha, check this out, it looks like dukes of hazard as a pickup truck goes airborne, while fleeing police. >> here's what happened. officers pulled over the driver for speeding when his passenger jumped behind the wheel and floored it. truck landed on top of another vehicle but surprisingly no one was injured. another crash while on the subject of this wild video shows a man crashing his boat right into a wooden pole in gray river in new seal land. somehow man escaped with just a small cut on his foot. man had problems with the steering of the boat. his friend recorded the video. authorities say he was speeding and could face charges. there is nothing out there except for that pole and he hits the pole. >> like going straight for it. >> did he post it because he thought it was funny. >> i would say, just what happened when they don't listen to me. >> don't follow posted speed. >> yes, take it easy. >> on to another crazy story, 71 year-old mary clancy of northeastern pennsylvania has done what plenty of people would like to do. >> mary lost 200 pounds in one day, doctors discovered a cyst in her belly that they say grew a little bit each day for 16 years. once it was removed mary dropped from 350 to over 150. she doesn't know what to do with the clothes that in longer fit. >> so, hopefully i'll just get curvey and be one hot babe eventually. >> she's already a hot babe. all of the old clothes and buy new ones. she's looking forward to getting out and exercising so she can get her hot body on. >> good luck to her. everybody in a school in aston sit down to wrap up the week with the book. >> as ukee washington shows news this weeks story of brotherly love, they have help with this weekly assignment. >> reporter: their reading partners are senior citizens who volunteer their team and the school says it is not only fun but val automobile. >> sure, you want to try to read it, go ahead. >> reporter: every friday you'll find abby rolly traveling from swarthmore to read to some of the smallest students at chester charter school for the arts. >> they seem to light up when we come in. it is a joy to see. >> reporter: she's not the only one volunteer elsa is reading one of the classic, frog and toad together. >> i love read to go kids. i love this school. >> reporter: it is not always easy for senior citizens to travel to volunteer. kendell cross man's community a retirement community in chest they are county are helping other seniors connect with the school. >> residents get satisfaction of knowing they are helping the next generation. >> reporter: come friday there are more than 40 volunteers, most of them, senior citizens to help 50 kindergarteners. program has a nickname, the reading beach club. >> i love the energy, happ iness of the children, and engagement of their group. >> reporter: school's ceo says club is making a difference in test scores. >> now we are moving in the place where we are seeing kindergarteners, first grade where 85 per september center on grade level and reading. >> and ready for the next book >> if you have a story of brotherly love to share contact us at brotherly. see you tonight. i'm ukee washington, cbs-3 "eyewitness news". my mom used to read to us every night when we were kids. >> that says a lot, jim. we have a real treat coming up on "eyewitness news" >> ville 'nova basketball coach jay wright will be live in our studio to talk about the season and his new book, you don't want to miss it. plus doctors are calling it new frontier in health care supplements in the bottle. we will look at the juicing trend, coming up. stay with welcome back. we're looking at a week end that looks quiet by comparison to the days leading up to it but wintry chill comes our way saturday and then we will start on sunday. and mid 50's by sunday, and, it is quiet all weekend long with sunshine, okay. >> all right, katie, thank you for a look at newspaper headlines across the region. >> the internal revenue service revoke tax exempt status for 2200 non-profit organizations, in bucks, burlington and montgomery counties, for failure to submit required paperwork, three years in a row. on the front page of the spirit in delaware county, aston commissioners approved conditional use application from matt garden llc to operate a marijuana growing distribute facility. a calculation error by municipal services commission, almost left new castle little league with a $17,000 electric bill, for a field in concession stands of route 73. league should have been paying 40 times the amount they had been billed for over nine years. commission has since amended pay back rules, it will now pay back $4,400 in back electric charges over the next three years. ouch. and that is a look at newspaper headlines around the delaware valley. it is a philadelphia original that fans have been unwrapping, since 1914. >> yes, there is a lot of science, precision that goes into making a tastykake a tastykake, tonight at 11:00 jessica dean suits up and takes us inside south philadelphia bakery where it is, made, so see the process and learn what it takes, to make your favorite treat taste the same every time. the whole process, was set up, a little bigger, faster, secret recipe but same way you think bit. one thing we do differently is we don't to have cut it out early. how about this tastykake uses enough peanut butter every year,. learn more fun facts inside the best known treat at 11:00. >> i'm hungry. coming up, on "eyewitness news" nearly two dozen tornadoes ripped through midwest. >> jan's taking a lot damage, jan. >> some communities are devastated this morning, i'm jan carabao reporting live, coming up we will also hear from a woman right after she is rescued from her very own home which is now a pile of ruble, plus this. >> we've got six, yes, six accidents, through which of by each other we will tell you when we he come right back. good morning i'm jim donovan. i'm rahel solomon 6:30 here's what we need to know today in your morning minute. look out. >> there is a whole lot of clean up to be done in many communities outside in the u.s. >> i have been here. >> that is the same look. we are going to find some, particular time of the day one day stormier then others. >> the time for trivial fight is behind us. >> wow. >> republicans gave exactly what they wanted a presidential pivot. >> volunteers helped undue acts of vandalism at a philadelphia cemetery. >> the effort is underway, to not only fix damage here but make sure it does not happen again. >> carli lloyd is just that, perhaps the greatest female soccer player in the world. >> and, back of the net simmons he scores. >> and, hat trick but he did nothing, maybe the flyers are back on track. >> we do want to wish her well and she believe, in chester tonight. >> lets get over to katie, we're talking about a warm day but a short day. >> and those storms, might affect the folks going down, a no less here, but stormy weather will come one later this morning and another into the afternoon and early evening. for now as we take a look at is what happening at local level, it is not too much to show, say for cloud cover, you look closely and watching us, you'll see off to the west, there is a batch of rain moving in central pennsylvania , we will do that and see what is on the horizon there, and as we look into the central western pennsylvania we have lightening strike that came through primarily rain when it rolls in the northwestern counties but it is thunderstorms when we get here. that is first batch. leading edge of the cold front , it tends to be back over indiana, western ohio, that gets you later on today. choose, the batches of rain, forming, locally in here today but not a total wash out. current temperature, readings, and, very, very warm, start and another weather head line is affecting, and it will be in record territory today. seventy-five the high in philadelphia, and the record high, is 76. we will see how we do but regardless there will be breaks in the cloud cover and there will be breaks in the stormy weather, and actually warm up with some sunshine. plan around these, dashes of rain and thunderstorms, and get in, and certainly is still a very stormy weekday. >> we are not seeing any rain yet but would you think we did have rain out there. we have a string of accidents, out there, right now, what we are looking at right now is the schuylkill west, and this is one of the three, in this stretch right around this area , you can see right here, i would say backup right now are pretty substantial in and around this area not only because of this one accident but also because, there is two more, so where are they? well, we will go to the schuylkill westbound near university avenue another one, and we progress to south street. third accident in the string, schuylkill west, so we have got south street, university avenue and grays ferry all of which are coming backup now and all of which where to really slow you down this morning. and, that is not it. we have another accident here pennsylvania turnpike westbound, before valley forge that one pulled off to the shoulder. and route 35, pennies bound, >> and survive. >> well, rahel and jim, good morning, spring like storm shows damage from arkansas to illinois, and posed risk of 45 million people. severe weather, including, more than 20 tornado sightings , devastated communities across midwest, on tuesday. >> and funnel clouds caught on camera, near the town of ottawa, one person was killed, and, at least, 50 homes were and, with her life. >> it is the best, to survive. my whole street >> neighbors held each other, escape, ruble left behind this woman rescued after her home was destroyed. >> and, you know, signs, and, parts of the roof. and officials there, and, lots to clean up to day remarks hell and jim, back inside to you. >> our heart goes out to those folks, thanks very much, jan. >> back here at home volunteers will continue to repair, mount carmel jewish cemetery following an act of vandalism, dozens of people helped to restore grounds in wissonoming yesterday. last weekend, vandals toppled more than 100 grave stones, reward is now $50,000 for information, leading to the arrest of those responsible for damage, fraternal order of police and mayor's office air monk those offering reward money. speaking of the police department philadelphia police department is fighting hate through education, this morning a group of police is heading to the holocaust memorial museum in washington d.c., part of the partnership with museum and anti defamation league. they will take part in the training program called law enforcement and society, lessons of the holocaust. philadelphia police recruits have been taking part since 2008. well, voters are weighing in on president trump's first address to the joint session of congress. pennsylvania, it is a swing state that helped the president win the election, cbs news correspondent jamie youkiss traveled to the blue color city of scranton to sample their reaction. >> reporter: scranton, pennsylvania is nestled in the luzerne county an area that sided with the last six, democratic candidates for president. >> i voted for trump. >> yes. >> thinks your son. >> yes. >> reporter: we went to well known joyce's cafe to get reaction from two democrats, two republicans and two independents. >> after the president finished, the fighting didn't. >> what did everybody think of the speech. >> trillion dollar infrastructure plan i'm not too, keen on. >> there air lot of potholes in this town. >> that is right. >> i'm for trillion dollar infrastructure package for the united states, yeah. >> reporter: like millions of americans there were concerns over health care coverage. >> and that is something i'm not happy with the repeal and replacement of obama care. >> it has to be repealed. element of competition across state lines has to be brought into the health care picture. >> ryan died as he lived, a warrior, and a hero. >> reporter: the standing ovation, and president trump talking about the widow. >> he was flawed in the decision, and, that is at least he owes that family. >> i haven't seen that girl's expression on her face it is just like something you felt like crying. >> reporter: one item that the group agreed on. >> his tone was very different tonight. >> very inclusive. he wasn't alienating anyone away from the group. >> reporter: they agreed they hoped the president succeeds. >> there is nothing wrong with the vigorous, healthy, discussion, of the issues, to come to a resolution. absolutely. >> well said. >> reporter: that would be democrats, republicans, and independents, would all have to come together. >> let me hear alternative facts. >> reporter: over more than just here. >> jamie ukiss for cbs-3 "eyewitness news". coming up juicing trendies gaining momentum and now drinks are including more than just fruit, coming up in the healthwatch, important ingredients to look for and who should be drinking these. >> she managed to get out and crime out on the roof, not once but twice, in the same day. pat. in just a couple minutes we will talk with this man right here, the head coach of the defending national champion villanova wildcats, jay, no tie. >> good to be ♪ we buy any car dot com ♪ ♪ we buy any car dot com ♪ ♪ any any any any ♪ did you know trading in your car at a dealer could cost you money? a recent study found consumers who trade in their car pay an average of $990 dollars more. so don't trade in... sell it.... to we buy any car. learn more and get your free online valuation now at we buy any car dot com ♪ find out how much your car is worth at ♪ it kept coming back in different places. cancer treatment centers of america gave me treatment options i didn't know about before. i want to be around just to be a grandma. learn more at well, off in the distance, it is foggy out there you could say a dog from northeastern, pennsylvania has learned a new trick. >> it is getting very old for emergency responders, this is so funny, 45-pound siberian husky managed to open up a window, kick out a screen and then climb on to the roof of his house. he was lured back inside by fire fighters but get this as soon as they left, maverick back out on the roof. >> opened up the door and go maverick, where are you? next thing he comes running down steps. and what is he doing up there. >> we pulled up, there was the dog on the porch roof just looking at us. >> crews got him off the roof twice in one hour. maverick's owner says she may have to keep him confined to the first floor of her home for some safety. >> no one puts maverick in the corner. baby in utah makes a important revelation during a ultrasound. >> we are not talking about whether the baby is a boy or girl but baby's love for rock. check this out during ultrasound baby can be seen showing rock sign do you see it there. >> there it goes. >> um-hmm. >> mom says the baby kick for first time listening to music, i presume rock, parents plan to reveal baby's sex to family on friday. >> how sweet. >> what music did you listen to when you are having twins. >> we listened to music, no, that is not true, i have a romantic kind of story about that, my husband as we are getting ready for go time he puts his iphone next to my head laying on the bed and i hear the lull a by version of our wedding song play. >> wow. >> isn't that the sweetest thing. >> yeah. >> katie. >> i will stop crying i am just that way. really sweet. he is a romantic. >> yes. >> exactly. >> all right. but we didn't see any kind of, emotions like that in the ultrasound, nothing interesting, they just could not move. well, lets check with the eyewitness weather watchers. they are reporting for the most part light winds, and and y in dover with the, strongest wind that we have found at 10 miles an hour. fog is lifting in these areas but it gets really light as we go and scroll down here as low as 4 miles an hour. still finding some fog issues especially near the shore points so keep that in mind. we do have temperatures that are off to a really mild start mid to upper 50's being reported here in gilbertsville eileen always has it seems coldest spot in the pack here, upper 50's. the theme around the region. it is not shorts, t-shirts weather yet but very mild start. break out light jacket at worst here today. storm scan, and, this is first batch that moved in later this morning between about eight, nine, 10, 11:00 we will see the next round come in later in the afternoon and biggest impact is likely to be heavy downpours, gusty wind, and there will be frequent cloud to ground lightening but much lower risk of tornadic activity and still a chance, but it is a very slim chance. let's put that out there as we move things forward in the eyewitness weather seven day is a big drop, coldest day comes saturday but here's what i want to point out, chilly on friday too, but, i am expecting some snow showers, to roll role through, the area , they will have a heck of a time, sticking or accumulating because it has been so warm. march can be crazy, and this seven day is a sure sign of that. with that said, we are going to be, airing kate's march outlook here tonight, on "eyewitness news" at 11:00 give you a sense of how these first weeks of meteorological spring will pan out. tune in. meisha, back over to you. thanks very much for. that we are looking outside right now i can write a novel about the incidents we are seeing. i don't think i have time to do so. let me show you, first accident schuylkill westbound this one is causing pretty substantial backups. that doesn't stop there. this same stretch we have one on university avenue, and another one on south street, so you will get hit three times, for those jumping around schuylkill westbound. ninety-five in the northbound direction jump on the vine and schuylkill but we have got grays ferry, south street university avenue. we have another 126th street westbound ramp to the schuylkill has been hit, another accident there. this one has also been with substantial backups. but that is not it. we have another would pennsylvania turnpike westbound before valley forge this one pulled off to the shoulder. another accident route 30 bypass eastbound before route 340 that one is also happened, pulled off in the shoulder, in thorndale. we have another accident for those on lincoln drive, southbound, and police directing traffic and thinks really causing slow downs, and i hate to say this but there is even more, factor that in your plans, leave your homes early this morning, jim, over to you. >> what a mess, thank you. on the healthwatch americans are embracing a new beverage trend. >> it is wemness. and usuals and spices dating back hundreds of years, and it is all right for you. kenneth craig, takes a look. >> reporter: when hope looks for juice she grabs is what now called a wellness tonic. >> i just feel like it gives the extra, vitamin and minerals in juice would you be drinking anyway because are thirsty. >> reporter: these were exotic anxious ingredient made whole foods list of top 2017 trends. >> it is very tasty. smooth, it is not as intense as it sounds. >> reporter: their ingredients includes tumeric, holy base tolly relief stress and apple cider vinegar to balance stomach acid. >> i see wellness tonics as an answer to the stress of modern day life. >> reporter: doctor callman says new generation of drinks, feeds the microbial, the trillions of bacteria that live in our gut and fight off disease. >> it is food for micro bile, that is main focus of these drinks. if you improve your micro bile you will improve your overall health. >> reporter: wellness drinks are overtaking green juices and fresh fruit smooth he is. whole foods has seen category explode to 60 different brands , offering more than 500 different items. >> all these unique combinations, of beneficial, herbs and plants that are helping, just overall revitalize body. >> who needs them. >> everyone. >> really. >> everyone. >> reporter: doctor calls it new frontier in health care, and predict this is trendies just beginning. kenneth craig for cbs-3 "eyewitness news". >> i did buy green juice the other day but haven't tried it yet. joe biden pays a visit to the university of pennsylvania >> one of his first public appearances since leaving office last month, former vice-president, took part in the panel discussion yesterday on cancer in the 21st century. biden launched the moon shot cancer initiative from u pen's a before he son cancer center in 2016. and the forum continued that conversation on that progress. >> now, within 24 hours, once you identify the particular cancer, it can give you have single, solitary therapy, that has ever been used, thus far on that cancer. increasing the oncologist's, will be able to pick the right thing to prescribe. >> the discussion also included leaders of the cancer research company community in the u.s. penguin random house land publishing deal with the former president and mrs. obama. financial times reports bids topped get this 60 million-dollar for the duo's separate memoirs. publisher made the announcement last night, continuing a two decade long relationship as company published previous books, from former u.s. leaders. speaking of the looking good, the man who led villanova wildcats to a national championship has a new book out. >> villanova head coach jay wright is also a pat gallen award winner and he is joining patrick in the studio. >> coach jay wright is giving us a look back at that memorable run and sharing lessons from his coaching career in the new book attitude develop a winning mind set on and off the court, joining us in the studio this morning, jay wright, good morning. >> how are you. >> good to see you. >> as someone who won a championship you know what it takes to get to that level of success. how have you done it? >> well, a lot of hard work, a lot of great people, around me and good attitude i think that is what we talk about in the book and we cannot always control what happens to us, but each day we have a choice when we wake up, what is our attitude for that day. that we cannot control. it is how we react to them. >> what did you learn in the writing of this book. >> that is a good question. i learned that mike sheridan is a really good writer and i'm glad i could just be the story teller. >> sure. >> but it was good to relive everything and you realize, how many people were leaders in our basketball family. you know, it is something that we talk about everybody has a certain type of leadership role, we have a saying that everyone's status is the same but everyone's role is different. whatever your role is you still have leadership responsibilities in that role from the leading scorer to a student manager. >> now you wrap up regular season on saturday against georgetown. big east tournament starts on the eighth. how do you feel going in to that do you feel like another run is coming. >> i hope so, pat. we have been banged up. we have had injuries. we played saturday, and clinched regular season championship. we have had this whole week off before we play georgetown. if we can get darryl reynolds back this week and have a good effort against georgetown, couple good practices going into the big east tournament, i think we have a shot to be strong but we got to get everybody home. >> do you feel any pressure, this time of the year. >> it does ramp up, you do, you get a little bit more anxious this time of the year. we have one more game as i said at georgetown it is on the road, those games at georgetown gets you work up. you know tournament is coming behind us, we're a little fired up. >> good precursor to the big east tournament, against georgetown on the road. >> definitely when we saw that here, i said that is good for us, we will get a good test. >> now finally, and probably most importantly, you won a pat gallen award recent liz for best director here in philadelphia thanks for playing with that. >> very proud of that. >> what does that mean to you that is an exceptional award to win with my face on it. >> when i got cardboard cut out on campus on the court, i could not be more proud, it is on my desk. >> collecting dust. >> it is laying flat on my desk. >> i love it. >> the book is attitude develop a winning mind set on and off the court, coach wright will celebrate least lease with the book signing tonight, at theville 'nova pavilion get out giving people options based on their budget is pretty edgy... kind of like this look. i'm calling it the "name your price tool" phase. whatever. here's three to go. >> more information on people who vandalized a jewish cemetery is up to $15,000. they will return to mount carmel cemetery to make repairs. >> president trump will sign a new version of his immigration order today. ap reports it will not include iraq on the list of muslim majority countries included. and christians around the world begin ash wednesday, st. peter and paul in center city will hold services. >> that is three to go. lets get a last check of weather and traffic. >> we are looking ahead to a stormy day, we have had fog issues, not quite as pronounced up here as kutztown valley high school where they will see storms rumbling n and we will look forward, here, again, to one this morning and one later today. >> all right, kate i looking outside we are looking at, a string of accidents, schuylkill westbound, south street, and, grays ferry. and then 26 at the schuylkill at the schuylkill. and we have lincoln drive southbound at wissohickon avenue as well. >> so much going on. >> lantern festival making return to philadelphia it will take place at the day buy last year, and, new lanterns will be on display and it will also be a 200-foot tiny dragon, and it is taking place from a june . >> next up on cbs this morning live interview with vice-president mike pence after the president's first address to a joint session of the congress. >> remember to join us each weekday morning here on cbs-3 at 4:30. have a great day. captioning funded by cbs good morning. it's wednesday, march 1st, 2017. welcome to "cbs this morning." president trump uses a defter tone to sell his agenda. he tells congress all of the nation's problems can be solved. norah is at the white house. >> that's right. the president's tone was softer, but he still wants to end obamacare and build a border wall. we'll ask vice president mike pence about the president's message, his priorities, and how he'll get congress to go along. storms now pushing toward the east coast. we're in illinois where a nursing home was smashed the pieces. and uber's ceo has to apologize again, this time after

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Arkansas , United States , Philadelphia Cemetery , Conshohocken , Pennsylvania , Perryville , Missouri , Millville , Delaware County , Kutztown , Swarthmore , Delaware , Beijing , China , Ottawa , Ontario , Canada , Dover , Atlantic City , New Jersey , Jewish Cemetery , Illinois , Massachusetts , Burlington , Washington , Philadelphia , Kentucky , Indiana , Luzerne County , Mount Carmel Cemetery , Iraq , Middletown , Ohio , Yemen , Utah , Americans , America , American , Carli Lloyd , Ryan Owens , Pat Gallen , Abby Rolly , Mike Sheridan , Mary Clancy , Jim Donovan , Jay Wright , Joe Biden , Kenneth Craig , Brendon Boyle , Katz Jcc , Darryl Reynolds , Kendell Cross ,

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