Transcripts For KYW Eyewitness News At 6 20170227 : comparem

Transcripts For KYW Eyewitness News At 6 20170227

4 degrees shy of where were you this same time yesterday in philly. translate to the thermometer readings at 34 with very light winds, generally out of the southwest, that's where the winds flow will be coming from. low 30's at the shore, 27 for you up at mount pocono. cold start to the day. certainly, but seeming like february again it is where we should, and actually already believe it or not warming up from yesterday's standards. mid four's still expected up in the mountains, start with sun and see the clouds build everywhere else as well. but up to the mid 50's, both at the shore and here in the city so remember normal high is 47. that gives you almost ten extra degrees, from what is typical today, meisha? >> all right, we can take that, thank you so much, katie. looking outside right now, so, we had disable vehicle here, looks like, it is now since cleared. ninety-five north, near girard, see what you are working with. northbound, southbound directions, i would say, starting to heat up primarily on the southbound side where we keep our eye specially 95, but overall, northbound side is going to get busy as well specially on a monday. to the morning, burlington bristol bridge scheduled to open right around 6:10. so in exactly nine minutes or so, factor that into your plans, you know that can slow you down little bit as it does come up. we wait for to come back down, not up yet, again, scheduled to go up about 6:10. do have accident here in northeast philly, font street at algon avenue. heads up on that. not slowing you down too much. one of the areas might be little busy pushing little later. see how long that lingers out there. then we have construction as well city avenue north and south between 63rd street and kings grant avenue. right lane blocked, will be between nine a.m. and 3:00 p.m. will run you through friday. jim, rahel, back over to you. >> thank you, meisha. the moment the oscars, everybody's talking about this morning, the moment for best picture was announced. >> la-la land was named the winner but actually moonlight. take a look. >> for best picture: la-la land. (cheers). >> okay, we just saw there, right. >> fay dunnaway anwar end bathe i announce la la land had won the oscar for best picture, can crew even went up on stage and accepted the award. suddenly thiola lands' producer announced there had been a mistake. >> this is not a joke. moonlight has won best picture. moonlight. best picture. >> i open the envelope. and it said emma stone la la land. that is why i took such a long look. i wasn't trying to be funny. >> well, you were funny. >> thank you very much. >> thank you very much. >> wow, this is moonlight. the best picture. >> after the awards show la la land producer said he still couldn't believe what happened. >> i'm a little bit in a daze. but, you know, it is what happened. and i'm glad that i -- glad i got to stands up there. i'm glad i got to invite my friends from moonlight up there. i was just saying that, you know, it has become an incredible community of people. >> now, la la land did actually win six of the 14 oscars it was nominated for, definately not a bad night for them. coming up at 30:00, live report from hollywood, hear what they have to say about the mix-up. >> the question we're all asking how in the world did this happen? price waterhouse cooper is the accounting firm that ensures the balloting remain secret, released a statement this morning saying that the present hers mistakenly been given the wrong category envelope. >> interesting. so we can see if we zoom in, maybe holding the envelope for actress in leading role, not best picture, people can, explain identical envelopes posted both sides of the stage, so there are duplicate envelopes, somehow bathe i was handed envelope for previous awards. >> that makes sense because initially i thought there is something going on here, but if you have two envelopes, okay. >> morning papers having a field day with the mishap. the headline says it all, fool's gold. they call the blunder incredible. >> and the new york daily news has this message for the awards show, you had one job. it shows la la land's jordan who are wits holding up the cards with monday light's name on it. >> and if you haven't seen this morning's daily news here's their front page. their headline. ment fake news. i feel badly for fay dunnaway anwar end bathe i. because everyone said he said the wrong thing, but it was actually fay dunnaway announced. >> and if you look back you can see the puzzlement on his face that something was wrong. >> we move onto other news at this point, another jewish cemetery is vandalized this time hitting way too close to home. >> trang do live in philadelphia's wissinoming section, trang, police say hundreds of headstones were toppled over sunday night. good morning. >> reporter: good morning, rahel, jim, yes, 300 headstones a approximately here, philadelphia police say they're not ready to classify this as a hate crime just yet. still very early in the investigation. but they say that this cemetery was definitely targeted. there are three christian cemeteries within walking distance every here, all of those left undisturbed. >> many hands work together sunday, to right a wrong. >> hearing that vandals overturned upward of 300 headstones saturday night, at jewish cemetery mount carmel, people of all faiths assembled in wissinoming to raise them up again. >> this is not just a rounds about, topple so many headstones clearly is a concerted effort with intent. >> art and janice wilson of overbrook park came to offer their prayers. >> i'm heart broken. it is shocking. it is discustingment it is frightening t bridges back memories of what was done in europe to our people. >> as night fell, community members from across the city held a vigil at the cemetery to show the world hateful acts won't be tolerated. >> every human being has the right to rest in peace. to see this happen in 2017, the cowardly hateful act like this, is justice cussing. >> i know in philadelphia, we're all come together. and we'll help to make this right somehow. >> several organizations are now offering up $13,000 in reward money for information leading to arrest and conviction. but for now, liver in wissinoming, trang do, cbs-3, "eyewitness news," jim, rahel, back to you. >> trang, thank you. >> dozens every people in montgomery county came together in support of those dealing with the recent string every vandalism. "eyewitness news" in narberth park last night, where residents head a candlelight vigil. those who came out said it was important for minority communities who feel marginalized, stick together during trying times. bill cosby returns to montgomery county courtroom for a hearing this morning. cosby's lawyers will try to move the trial out of montgomery county. now, this they argue the case will receive too much media coverage for him to get a fair trial. judge will also consider bringing in jurors from outside the area. cosby accused of drugging and sexually assaulting andrea constand at his home back in 2004. last week a judge decided one other cosby accuser could testify at his trial. >> well, police in delaware are still investigating the tragic death of two young officers. twenty-three year old robert lafonte and 22 year old james wads of the dover police department died yesterday morning in a single vehicle crash. authorities say lafonte lost control of his jeep, which hit a utility pole before it overturned, and ejected watts, had was not wearing a seatbelt. >> family members shared their devestation. >> fun, full of life. he was always a bright spirit, always too long help out. probably one of the best of us. >> he loved being a police officer. it is a huge hole, huge hole for us. >> well, police investigate what could have caused the crash, neighbors on the street where it happened tell "eyewitness news," there were several fatal accidents, that have occurred there. president trump is spending his 2018 plan to federal agencies today, also meeting with the governors at the white house. the governor's dinner sunday night, the president said he plans to offer the details on changes to the affordable care act. also looking for another secretary of the navy nominee. philip withdraw because of concerns he had about separating himself from his business interests. potential state and federal budget cuts are front and center this afternoon, at philadelphia's city hall. council committee scheduled a hearing after president trump announced plans to remove federal funding for philadelphia, and other sanctuary cities. mayor jim kenney won't change the city immigration policy. has been very outspoken about that, congressman brendon boyle will explain the financial loss of obamacare and other federal programs, along with what a crack-down on imigrants in sanctuary sit coast cost. meeting in council chambers is set for 1:00. >> reason why you can see women snapping selfies without their make up on this week. >> plus, strong storms ripped the top of destruction through parts of pennsylvania this weekend, now getting closer look at some of the damage. >> and the police sergeant in california who is inviting complete strange tears have lunch with her. why she extended the offers to everyone coming up. >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ >> justin timberlake opened the oscars with this performs and every his hit, can't stop the feeling, and we can't stop talking about the big mix-up over the best picture. oh, my. oh, boy. we have a live report from los angeles. coming up. >> ♪ >> ♪ for years, fios has been promising fast internet to small businesses. but for many businesses, it's out of reach. why promise something you can't deliver? comcast business is different. ♪ ♪ we deliver super-fast internet with speeds of 150 megabits per second across our entire network, to more companies, in more locations, than fios. we do business where you do business. ♪ ♪ >> ♪ ♪ >> welcome back everyone, the national weather service confirms it was a tornado that left behind this construction in northeastern pennsylvania. >> the twister took off the roofs of several homes saturday. classified as ef2, with winds speeds up to 120 miles per hour. the presbyterian church fell at the tower. >> good thing the bell didn't crash through the flooring. it came off the mount. but been there since 1900ment took storm every this magnitude to topple it. >> no tornado, instead, they say, straight line winds up to 995 miles per hour damaged mostly farm buildings. no one was hurt. you had warned us, katie, it was coming through. i kind of timed my day. i knew when to be home. >> so true, and ended up timing out very well from what we had projected so the timing worked out well even with couple days advance notice. hopefully everyone enjoyed the weather before the storm clouds rolled in. actually got another storm already on the horizon, you can see the clouds from that down through west virginia, kentucky, this batch of rain isn't going to affect cents but with warmfront lifting in moisture to work with also warming trends that takes place at much larger storm system said to develop here. through tomorrow morning at this point, when the next round of showers will likely develop. at this point looks like southeastern half of the region. >> delaware, new jersey, may need the umbrella extra time in your travels. midday looks quiet with some sunshine. but then later tomorrow night may be fresh round. wednesday looks the most volatile right now. there will be more showers that develop again 10:00 a.m. wednesday, rain to track, but take a look what unfolds here. with passage of time. that is what we have to worry about. 5:00 p.m. or so. so, second half of the day toward typical evening rush slight rid being for severe weather, very potent cold front what we saw with saturday storms could bring in very damaging winds, potential, things like that wednesday p.m. looks like the timing, keep warming up by roughly 10 degrees or so with every passing day, 50's today. 60s tomorrow. 70s again by wednesday. bottom pulled out by thursday, the chalice's, high pressure hooking us up with overall very quiet weekend, meisha? >> loving on that wednesday, thanks, katie. good morning, everyone, happy monday. looking outside where we do have accident, schuylkill eastbound at girard, coming off girard, jumping on the schuylkill moving in the eastbound direction, but pulled all the way off to the far right, might start to get gaper delay, headlights going on more than anything just pant to pull it to your a schenn thon, doesn't look good. burlington bristol bridge, scheduled to open around 6:10, heads up on. that looks hard to see at this point. but i'll let you know and confirm when it comes back down. then also an accident northeast philly, this is near northeast high school. font street at algon avenue. heads up on. that construction talking becomes as well, city avenue north and southbound between 63rd and kings grant avenue. right lanes blocked between nine a.m. and 3:00 p.m. that's going to run you through friday. that's one area of construction, another area of construction oxford valley. route one north and southbound at oxford valley. this is going to start 10:00 a.m., run you through 3:00 p.m. also going to run through friday. rahel, back over to you. >> meisha, thank you. >> well, this week you may see women snapping selfies on social media without make up. bearing it all to promote positive body image. it is part of national eating disorders awareness week which kicks offer today. i spoke to one woman who battles multiple disorders, and now hopes her story helps others. >> yes, that was life changing. >> she has the casino every infectious laugh that perhaps makes it hard it believe as a child she was so introverted the reason she believes she developed around recommendation ya. >> started with fixate g on things, fixate g on numbers. and around ten years old, it transferred into fixate g on food because that was a way that i did hone my attention in on something, and then drown out whatever i was feeling. >> the food obsession became so consuming it not only haunted shelby's thoughts it, haunted her dreams. >> i would have nightmares. >> doctor some and that of the roxborough based ren true center which treats treating -- eating disorders, says roughly 07 million people suffer. >> i think people not getting diagnosed that should be getting diagnosed. and i think there are things that perpetuate the mess, urban suburban white girl disorder. we need to bust that mitt. because eating disorders don't discriminate. can affect any socio-economic status, any gender. >> for shelby it, took more than ten years to not one but two eating disorders to get help. >> i went from being really anxious person, controlling what i was eating, overexercise g, to really depressed person with a depressed body. couldn't make it move. i couldn't make it do the things i wanted to any more. that's where bolemia came in. >> college therapist is the first to suggest treatment. she admits it wasn't east at this wasn't fun but now realizes she was worth it. >> it takes a village. you know, it is something that nobody can do for you happen you can't do it by yourself. >> and shelby tells me even when she was and objection innings i can, she was not extremely thin. she was an athlete. so she kept a lot of her muscle. so the point she wanted to make you can have a disorder and not necessarily look like maybe what most expect. doctor said one of the things to be watched for someone being very strict about what they are eat, constantly talking about food or comparing their bod toys others. jim? >> california police officer is using her lunch break to have a national conversation. pittsburgh police sergeant cathy simmons serves the community where she was born and raised, unfortunately eats lunch alone almost every day. so posted this picture on facebook inviting anyone who sees her to pull up a chair. local reporter learned what really inspired her. >> there is no secret that there is a mistrust for police right now. and in my career, all time high. heart breaking for me, someone who really got the best intentions in what i do, and for people not to trust me, i find a lot of invitations to go out to eat now. i feel like i have to buy a planner, great, i like that. >> she is a 15 year veteran of her department. well, still ahead, surviving an emergency on board a plane. information that could save your live. >> and they aren't your average cookies. finds out how they are helping new moms feed their infants. coming up. stay with us, everyone. >> welcome back everyone, looking already ahead to our upcoming weaken, high pressure promising us pretty quiet couple of days here, i expect bright sunny days, especially saturday, chill in the air saturday, though, we'll likely be below average with low four's, at best, and, then we do warm up bit more for sunday. guys? >> all right, katie, thank you. and now for a look at newspaper headlines from across our region. >> from the trentonian, officials are seeking architect, to renovate city hall in trenton. there are five different project completed independently of the others, if needed. city officials completing ought of the renovations at the same time that the budget allows. >> intelligence err, saint luke university health network gun the approval pros toast build hospital on property it purchased six years ago in milford. representatives from the bethlehem based health network presented a sketch plan to the township planning committee for a two story brick structure on the 30-acre track every route 633 off the road. >> thirty-one professional and amateur chefs from around the area brought their white horse pike for hammonton second annual gravy versus sauce competition. dishes were judged by the atlantic cape community college culinary professor. >> didn't we have one of those around here? >> we did, tori and pat. everything is about the gravy and the sauce. >> that's a look at newspaper headlines from around the delaware val. >> i coming up in the next half hour of "eyewitness news," president trump responds to allegations of russian interference in the election. plus this: >> there is a mistake, moonlight, you guys won best picture. >> big mistake, the oscars mistake everyone is buzzing about this morning, we are live in los angeles, with reaction to the big mishap and greg argos, good morning. >> good morning, you may think they're just therefore your comfort. flight attendants do much more in the air than just serve drinks. we get incredible access to how those working 30,000 feet up are trained to keep you safer. meisha? >> all right, and greg, nice driving conditions this morning, but that doesn't mean we're without problems. accident on the schuylkill eastbound, and other girard on it the schuylkill, one northeast philly, plus construction, all every those updates coming up. plus, a quick break, stay where you are. ♪ ♪ ♪ it kept coming back in different places. cancer treatment centers of america gave me treatment options i didn't know about before. i want to be around just to be a grandma. learn more at >> good morning, everyone, able ' jim donovan. >> i'm rahel solomon. just about 6:30, what you need to know today in your morning minute. there is a mistake. moonlight, you guys won best picture. >> moonlight wins best picture following an envelope mix-up. >> that's what you call a surprise ending, right? >> take a look, pages from the philadelphia daily news, fake news. >> vandals strike another jewish cemetery. >> to topple so many headstones, had to be a concerted effort. >> too early to classify this as a hate crime. >> president trump meets with the nation's governors at the white house today. he's also expected to sign a new immigration and refugee order this week. >> i'm trying to join the harlem globetrotters. biggies i, fool around, do a little something here? >> okay, pat. >> hey. >> owe yes. >> oh. >> that was awesome. >> pat's got some decent moves there. well, more now on what twit is her calling envelope gate. of course talking about the monument mistake at the oscars. >> danielle nottingham live in los angeles, and daniel, style hard to believe this morning, good morning >> moonlight became away with the awards of the night, it could easily qualify as the best or the worse moment of the night. >> la-lla la land. >> in one of the most shocking moments in oscar history, la la land was named best picture. and as the cast made their way to the stage, an envelope mix-up. >> moonlight. best picture. >> the biggest prize of the night, best picture, actually went to the coming of age film moonlight. centering on the struggles of gay black man growing up in miami. >> it made a have i special feeling even more special. >> hollywood honors diversity at last knit's 89th academy award. after two years dominated by the oscars white controversy. moonlight star ali made history, becoming the first muslim actor to ever win the best actor in a supporting role award. >> as an artist, my job was the same, to tell the truth. >> viola davis earned best supporting actress for her role in senses. >> i love my skin. i love my voice. i love my history. >> when tinseltown's biggest show comes to a close, the star studded event like the elton john age foundation oscar party here in west hollywood. >> each year better and better. >> other attended the governor's ball, oscar's official after party, as well as vanity fair's annual event. where the talk of the night oscar clubs dominated the evening. >> i love that those guys got their moment. i love that i got to give it to them. >> the musical la la land earned six of the 14 oscars it was nominated for, including best actress, for emma stone, and best director, for damian chez he will. >> and schiesel actually made history too, he's the youngest director who ever win that award at 32 years old. live in los angeles, danielle nottingham, cbs-3 news. >> and the big la la land mix-up definitely nears that of steve harvey miss aoun verb flub when he announced wrong winner, mitt light of the situation at the oscars tweeting. of the have your people call our people. we know what to do. >> certainly talking about this one for quite some time. >> yes, we will. let's get out to katie. katie knows what to it. >> talking about possibly a weird forecast this week. a mixed bag you might say. >> definitely see a lot of ups and downs on the thermometer, courtesy one large storm system will bring in warmfront, then cold front. and both of those fronts live to up their name in a big way. we also see the possibility of even some severe weather, down the road, yet again, so looking at storm scan, noise and clear at the moment. overhead, not even cloud in the sky in most locations. there is a little bit after chill in the air though. you know it is certainly still technically winter after all. but you know the temperature definitely says it all too. thirty-four the current temperature at the airport, hit 31 degrees through the overnight hours under the cover of darkness here. twenty-nine in wilmington. twenty-eight in trenton. and there is a slight, slight breeze right now on the skydeck, just enough it is making it feel colder but not looking at the kind of winds that we had yesterday. as the day progresses, mid 50's, so, yes, already starting to warm up here guys. sun followed up by clouds, with time, here, warmfront starts to bring in the cloud cover. but chilly day in the poconos too, up to 44 degrees, meanwhile coming up again, warmfront does continue the trend up on the thermometer for us, even 70 degrees day here in the mix. but also, the threat of severe weather which we will outline for you just little later on, meisha? >> katie, looking at some nice dry roadways today. i can tell you we are not without problems in this one in particular really going to cause problems for a lot of you. we have an accident here, schuylkill eastbound, past gulph mills. injuries are reported here, multiple vehicles involved, only one lane getting by. and we're talking some pretty extensive backups, backups around this. so looking around the king of prussia area. up in the upper left hand corner of your screen, you can see, kind of your back up shot for you. so looking at the accident here, you can see, couple of vehicles up the road, one more off in the ditch here. we see people, vehicle, almost walking around, trying to get this remedied, and also, you can see, everyone coming to up this. this is where you are really going to get in the gaper delay. this will start to pose problems, basically everywhere. causing problems on 202, the turnpike, what have you, all of those are getting severely back up, take a look at the backups. part of the stretch, not even moving at all. so, if you can avoid this area, you certainly want to. again, that's the schuylkill eastbound past gulph mills. and injuries are reported with multiple vehicles in this one, jim, rahel, over to you. >> meisha, thank you. well, vandals strike another jewish cemetery this happened it happened in the wissinoming section every philadelphia. now the search on for those responsible. >> people of different fate gathered at mount carmel cemetery sunday morning to upright hundreds of headstones that had been toppled over the night before. $13,000 reward now for officer leading to arrest, and in the meantime, some are afraid this type of vandalism is becoming a trend. >> this is major damage. and it is just painful for whole lot of people. and there needs to be surveillance set up. because it is becoming a trend, and we need to protect not just the memories of these departed, but the people who come here to mourn for them. >> and this incident comes less than two weeks after cemetery in bridesburg was vandalized, and just last week, happened more than 150 headstones at st. louis cemetery had been tipped over. at this point it is unclear if any of the incidents are related. >> president trump is expected to release amended version every list travel ban this week, today he welcomes the nation's governors to the white house. roxanna has the latest. >> i would like to toast great great governors of the united states. >> at the annual governor's ball at the white house last night, president trump toasted 46 state leaders. and toll them obamacare would be on the agenda when he mets with them again today. >> it doesn't work. but we have it fixed and we will repeal and replace, and i think you're going to see something very, very special. >> also this weekend, differ cents appeared among republicans over whether an independent prosecutor should investigate russian interference in the u.s. election. >> can you not have somebody, a friend every mine, jeff sessions, who was on the campaign, and who is an appointees. you'll need to use the special prosecutors statute and office. >> if we get down this road, attorney general sessions can make the time. >> the president weighed in last night, tweeting: russia talk is fake news put out by the dems and played up by the media in order to mask the biggie election defeat in the illegal leaks. rock anna, cbs-3, "eyewitness news." well the father of the navy seal wants an investigation into his son's death in yemen. on january 27th, chief petty officer, william rhino ends, died in an intelligence gathering raid. his father bill owens, wants to know why president trump approved the rate a week after taking office. owens refused to meet with the president when his son's casket arrived at dover air force base. >> in other news this morning, whether you fly off or haven't been on a plane in years, chances are the first person you she you step on a plane is flight attendant. >> but not only there to make sure your flight is more comfortable many greg argos here to explain the training they go through to make sure you're safe, as well. >> good morning, i was able to travel to denver colorado frontier airlines, and i saw first-hand how flight attendant are not just therefore your comfort but in a emergency, they quickly become first responders. >> october 2016, this american airlines flight catches fire at take off in chicago. everyone he is came, but evacuation delayed by people reporting the emergency. some even taking their personal items off the flight with them. >> i do think the one tip is just to go straight to the exit and evacuate. leave everything behind. >> frontier airlines says cbs-3 unprecedented access to their flight attendant training. >> from fires. >> base of the fire when we get to it. >> evacuations. >> ninety second or less is the goal. >> simulation cents are intense, and the flames real. >> all to prepare the men and women working 30,000 feet in the air for any emergency. what they learn and the information you need to know if you're ever caught in a real life emergency. >> now once again flight attendant out of front ear go through three week program, jim, rahel, through the training it also covers hand to hand combat. that training began after 9/11, reporting tonight at 11:00 here, incredible training. >> you know me, i'll be looking at this thing, i mean, i flew for seven, almost eight years, flight attendant. >> pre 9/11? >> ben overhead down in the back of your head. >> fasten your seatbelts. i could evaluate this studio in 90 seconds. >> cameras up. >> looking forward to it, but i agree after nine #/11, whole things changed. >> sounds really interestingment looking forward to it. appreciate it, sir. whom i wood continues to mourn this morning the actor bill paxton, passed yesterday at the age of 61 following surgery complications. now, paxton was currently starring as a rogue cop in the cbs series training day. his son james paxton was set to guest star in upcoming episode. paxton's movie credits, you may recall, include titanic, aliens, the terminator, apollo 13, and my favorite, twister. >> and the television community has lost judge joseph wap america, star of the popular tv show the people's court, according to his son, judge fred wapner, his son died in his sleep of natural causes, famed judge tamed more than 2,000 episodes of people's court from 19818 to 1993. he paved the way for similar courtroom shows including judge judy, judge joe brown, he was 97. >> take a look at this. that's a car on the roof of a building. coming up we will tell you thousand got there. >> plus, cook which is very special benefit for new moms. find out why they're order egg them by the dozens. pat? >> reporter: hey, guys. we are live here at the liacouras center with the harlem globetrotters. i've been practicing this shot all morning. so trying to catch some world records here, see if i can do the under hand. >> ♪ >> ♪ >> no, close, hold on, one more. we will come back with swish and sioux, try to make this shot, i promise. hold on, don't go anywhere. coming right back. >> ♪ kind of like this look. i'm calling it the "name your price tool" phase. whatever. >> look at that! >> ocean city, wow. women, emergency responders and eyewitnesses say they've never seen anything, anything like it. >> yep, a car falls from seven story parking garage, and the driver climbs out, walks away. >> walks away. >> the toyota landed on the roof of card hair store in houston about noon yesterday. part of the car, so you can see here, inside of the store. the car apparently shot off off the seventh level. doctors say, he's okay. >> he's very fortunate. very fortunate. and definately god was on his side this afternoon. >> they thought it was an explosion, or a bomb, or, you know, today's world, they thought they didn't know what to think. >> well, investigators say the driver probably hit the gas instead of the brake. crews did need a crane to lift the car off the roof of the store. >> becky needs to play the rocky today. how anyone could survive something like that and walk away? good luck. let's get out to katie. do you want to do some walking? >> good day for walking? >> he's animate g everything i say off camera. >> you know, i would actually say today would be very pleasant day overall. any outdoor plans today, real good excuse to get into some of the plans. little warmer than yesterday. so, above average at least. but not the warmth like we'll see later in the week but the warmth later in the week comes with a trade off in the way of some wet weather and very likely some stormy weather, as well. start things off with eyewitness weather watch ers being take you out to couple of sunrise pictures, olney, from john hagman, thanks for the picture shall see the beautiful streaks of sunlight just beneath the cloud deck at the moment. just a stunning picture here from megan. it almost looks like you're up to this shot, absolutely stunning, she said little warmer than yesterday, that's definitely true. we are off to chilly start, ago going to the list, dover, 28 degrees, at 31 degrees in the chestnut hill section of philadelphia, from phil, ed in chesterfield at 27. low 30's, mid 20's, kind of the range that we're finding from the eyewitness weather watcher this morning, peter up in morrisville at 28 degrees. so thanks guys for sending in your observations, yes, chill in the air to say the least. looks like colds he is spot of the pack may be coming in here from kyle in hatboro, regardless everyone will need the winter gear this morning, thankfully not just as windy as it has been. another gorgeous shot, outside kutztown area middle school. see the ball of sunshine starting rise over the horizon as we speak, also look closely the crunchy grass, light winds, allow the frost to form, 22 degrees at kutztown area middle schoolment storm scan, wide zoom, storm will eventually take little bit more shape over the course of the next couple of days. this batch of rain doesn't reach us, but the warmfront is getting drawn in here. so more clouds building with time here today. eventually, some showers build in, especially into tomorrow morning. fifty-six in the meantime is our expected hi, milder day certainly, sunshine followed up by clouds, sun, rising officially at 6:37 this morning, so it is up now. forty-four the nighttime low. under generally just cloudy skies. then look forward in the p day, we're at six's tomorrow, 70s on wednesday, that look like stormy day though, and specially into the second half of the day, could be nasty storms rumbling in here in time for rush hour. we cool it back down, looking forward to the weekends. >> katie, thank you. we saw live chopper three right now over more serious accident, the schuylkill eastbound past gulph mills. injuries are reported around this stretch. multiple vehicles are involved for awhile there. only one lane was just kind of squeezing by. kind of hard to see, see the brush here, but i have to tell you, the backups around the accident are extensive. they're going to start actually backing up now. this is the skunk eastbound past gulph mills. but they're going to actually start to bother you, past king of prussia. start talking about 202, 422, the turnpike, all of those are going to be starting to get impacted by this, as you're coming up to this accident. basically coming to a stop. we were looking at some backup shots from the king of prussia area, around this accident or the backups surrounding this accident, i should say, and it was almost completely stopped. avoid the area if at all possible. if you can't i would factor in extra 45 minutes at least at this point. then we have another accident here, the schuylkill eastbound, at girard. girard ramp on to the schuylkill eastbound pulled off to the right. and it is posting little bit of problems for the -- more than anything else, but overall been a busy morning so far. bang to you. >> thank you shall prior. the time 6:48. a lot coming up on cbs this morning. >> gale king joins us live with a preview. good morning, gale. >> rahel, jim, what do you think we're leading with today? >> oscars? >> could it be the oscars? >> hum, yes, oscars, ding, ding, ding. just a little one. entertainment tonight kevin frazier on the dramatic end to oscar night and drama is the word with a capitol d. the latest on how the wrong winner was announced for best picture, yikes, yikes, and yikes. also talk with moonlit director barry jenkins and the writer about the film's very surprise win. they were stunned, too. but plus first on cbs this morning, muhammad ali's son and wife here in the studio after they were detained and questioned by immigration agents while re-entering the united states. and why marijuana advocates say federal crackdown could be dangerous change for americans where the drug is already legal. see you at 7:00 on the do. that's about ten minutes and counting from now. see you guys. >> gale, we will be watching, thank you. >> well a new jersey mom who is also a registered nurse says her fresh baked all natural cookies are just the thing for nursing moms. >> yep, her company makes cookies, brownies, lemonade and that's proof tone boost milk supply for mothers having problems. crystal's condition, milky mama, makes the product from a store outside new york city and also on line, and customers say the product works. >> i was -- i pumped 2 ounces the very next day, and she actually slept. >> we should buy a hundred packages every day, make over a hundred dozen cousins, hundred dozen brownies. >> i love the name of the company. >> milky mama. prices range from 13 to $15. >> well, the world famous harlem globetrotters will be back in our area, starting this friday. >> and this morning, "eyewitness news" reporter pat gallen is trying to become an honorary member of the team. how is it going, pat? >> it is going well, working off a nice sweat out here this morning, with susan swish, from the globetrotters, pretty much what is it ten days you guys are here? long time. >> ten games in the philadelphia area. >> yes, you guys are here for awhile. before we get toises, talk to you, swish. >> she is from west philly. >> west philly. >> with the traveling globetrotters. >> awesome, i love it, visited many different cities, meet a lot of people. i love the fans. hi, guys. >> and started this south philly, went it high school, then to philadelphia university? >> yes. >> i graduated from philadelphia university, went there to three years, played basketball, won the championship there, great. go rams. >> go rams. i know you're a ai fan. >> right. i love ai. ai, hi, yes, i lover ai. he's awesome. >> model your game after him a little bit? >> and a little bit of nod to our cbs family. huge fan of the amazing race. >> absolutely love the amazing race. >> yes? >> hopefully one day i can be on the show. i would take my dad with me. we would definitely win, definitely. >> you guys are listening out there, all right. and zeus is here. so you love filly? >> love it. love the food. love the people. so far gained 3-pound. >> you guys have a bunch of shows coming up. can you tell the people where to find you? >> follow the line harlem globetrotters dot almost. grab tickets to any of the games, playing here, this weekend at wells fargo arena saturday and sunday. and also, we will be playing here at the will cora center, you guys can see us here on the 11th of this month. >> beautiful. come on out. you get to see this, we've been practicing all morning? >> freeman we have. >> two, two and a lady. >> and a lady. >> here we go. >> oh, ya. >> oh, go pat. oh, that's fancy. >> oh, ya. >> here we go. >> this is the best part. >> oh! >> hey. >> worked. >> i was supposed to dunk it, though, right? there we go. >> all right. guys? you're awesome, thank you so much, zeus, swish, harlem globetrotters, check it out, coming here, already here, come see them. >> hometown gal, too, that's awesome. >> thank you. once again the harlem globe trot letters have ten games, counted them, ten, starring friday march 3rd in philadelphia. see the entire schedule on the website harlem globetrotters. com. i could never do. that will i have eye-hand coordination issues. >> they can can dance and dribble? we can't even do either one of those? >> we will be right back with three to go. i'm on does weathertech go to protect your vehicle? ♪ ♪ ♪ weathertech. made right, in america >> here is three to go. >> bill cosby in montgomery county courtroom today. judge considering whether to move his sexual assault trial somewhere else. cosby's defense argues all of the media coverage will make it impossible to get fair trial there. >> president trump signing his new immigration order on wednesday. he's unveiling his budget proposals before a joint session of congress tomorrow night. and the sixers face the golden state warriors tonight, the warriors have the best record in the league at 49 and nine, all fans will receive a shirt of the i have to tell you the same game, sixers against the warriors, and the sixers almost beat like couple every points. so, here's hoping. >> that means they lost. >> yes, they lost. >> that's trying to go. i thought i was missing something there, almost won. they lost. >> all right, hopefully this year will be a little different. right, katie? >> ya. all right, guys, take you outside here, we look outside middle township high school. chill in the air here very light winds out of the south-southwest, will continue throughout the day. 36 degrees temperature there, nice bright blue sky, couple of clouds, nothing more. as the day goes on see more cloud cover build in as warmfront lifts in, sparks temperatures solid 63 tomorrow, 73 wednesday, with storms on the way, too, meisha. >> all right, katie, we've got live chopper three over very serious accident here, schuylkill eastbound past south mills injuries reported here multiple vehicles involved. one lane squeezing by. but looks like it is completely stopped right now. and we are talking extensive backups there, actually going to start bothering you on 202, 422, the turnpike, we were looking at some of the backups in the king of prussia area. yikes. it looks like a mess. >> thanks, meisha. just it time for warmer weather international howler bear day. >> yes, it is the group polar bears inches he international created to raise awareness of the conservation. according to the national wildlife, the popular bear population roughly 25,000, also points out they're so adapt today cold that they can't take temperatures above 50 degrees. i think i can't take the temperatures above 50 degrees either. >> lower, lower, lower, ya. >> well. >> still very earl. >> i my gosh there is will go on for awhile. cbs morning is next. >> remember to join us each morning starting at 4:30. have a great day. >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ captioning funded by cbs good morning. it is monday, february 27th, 2017. welcome to "cbs this morning." in a shocking oscar finale, "moonlight" is named best picture but only after they gave the award to "la la land." we have information on how the mistake happened. plus "moonlight" director and writer joins us. they say they were wrong with the connection of russia intelligence. and the son of boxing legend detained by airport agents. muhammad ali jr. and his mother

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Transcripts For KYW Eyewitness News At 6 20170227 :

Transcripts For KYW Eyewitness News At 6 20170227

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4 degrees shy of where were you this same time yesterday in philly. translate to the thermometer readings at 34 with very light winds, generally out of the southwest, that's where the winds flow will be coming from. low 30's at the shore, 27 for you up at mount pocono. cold start to the day. certainly, but seeming like february again it is where we should, and actually already believe it or not warming up from yesterday's standards. mid four's still expected up in the mountains, start with sun and see the clouds build everywhere else as well. but up to the mid 50's, both at the shore and here in the city so remember normal high is 47. that gives you almost ten extra degrees, from what is typical today, meisha? >> all right, we can take that, thank you so much, katie. looking outside right now, so, we had disable vehicle here, looks like, it is now since cleared. ninety-five north, near girard, see what you are working with. northbound, southbound directions, i would say, starting to heat up primarily on the southbound side where we keep our eye specially 95, but overall, northbound side is going to get busy as well specially on a monday. to the morning, burlington bristol bridge scheduled to open right around 6:10. so in exactly nine minutes or so, factor that into your plans, you know that can slow you down little bit as it does come up. we wait for to come back down, not up yet, again, scheduled to go up about 6:10. do have accident here in northeast philly, font street at algon avenue. heads up on that. not slowing you down too much. one of the areas might be little busy pushing little later. see how long that lingers out there. then we have construction as well city avenue north and south between 63rd street and kings grant avenue. right lane blocked, will be between nine a.m. and 3:00 p.m. will run you through friday. jim, rahel, back over to you. >> thank you, meisha. the moment the oscars, everybody's talking about this morning, the moment for best picture was announced. >> la-la land was named the winner but actually moonlight. take a look. >> for best picture: la-la land. (cheers). >> okay, we just saw there, right. >> fay dunnaway anwar end bathe i announce la la land had won the oscar for best picture, can crew even went up on stage and accepted the award. suddenly thiola lands' producer announced there had been a mistake. >> this is not a joke. moonlight has won best picture. moonlight. best picture. >> i open the envelope. and it said emma stone la la land. that is why i took such a long look. i wasn't trying to be funny. >> well, you were funny. >> thank you very much. >> thank you very much. >> wow, this is moonlight. the best picture. >> after the awards show la la land producer said he still couldn't believe what happened. >> i'm a little bit in a daze. but, you know, it is what happened. and i'm glad that i -- glad i got to stands up there. i'm glad i got to invite my friends from moonlight up there. i was just saying that, you know, it has become an incredible community of people. >> now, la la land did actually win six of the 14 oscars it was nominated for, definately not a bad night for them. coming up at 30:00, live report from hollywood, hear what they have to say about the mix-up. >> the question we're all asking how in the world did this happen? price waterhouse cooper is the accounting firm that ensures the balloting remain secret, released a statement this morning saying that the present hers mistakenly been given the wrong category envelope. >> interesting. so we can see if we zoom in, maybe holding the envelope for actress in leading role, not best picture, people can, explain identical envelopes posted both sides of the stage, so there are duplicate envelopes, somehow bathe i was handed envelope for previous awards. >> that makes sense because initially i thought there is something going on here, but if you have two envelopes, okay. >> morning papers having a field day with the mishap. the headline says it all, fool's gold. they call the blunder incredible. >> and the new york daily news has this message for the awards show, you had one job. it shows la la land's jordan who are wits holding up the cards with monday light's name on it. >> and if you haven't seen this morning's daily news here's their front page. their headline. ment fake news. i feel badly for fay dunnaway anwar end bathe i. because everyone said he said the wrong thing, but it was actually fay dunnaway announced. >> and if you look back you can see the puzzlement on his face that something was wrong. >> we move onto other news at this point, another jewish cemetery is vandalized this time hitting way too close to home. >> trang do live in philadelphia's wissinoming section, trang, police say hundreds of headstones were toppled over sunday night. good morning. >> reporter: good morning, rahel, jim, yes, 300 headstones a approximately here, philadelphia police say they're not ready to classify this as a hate crime just yet. still very early in the investigation. but they say that this cemetery was definitely targeted. there are three christian cemeteries within walking distance every here, all of those left undisturbed. >> many hands work together sunday, to right a wrong. >> hearing that vandals overturned upward of 300 headstones saturday night, at jewish cemetery mount carmel, people of all faiths assembled in wissinoming to raise them up again. >> this is not just a rounds about, topple so many headstones clearly is a concerted effort with intent. >> art and janice wilson of overbrook park came to offer their prayers. >> i'm heart broken. it is shocking. it is discustingment it is frightening t bridges back memories of what was done in europe to our people. >> as night fell, community members from across the city held a vigil at the cemetery to show the world hateful acts won't be tolerated. >> every human being has the right to rest in peace. to see this happen in 2017, the cowardly hateful act like this, is justice cussing. >> i know in philadelphia, we're all come together. and we'll help to make this right somehow. >> several organizations are now offering up $13,000 in reward money for information leading to arrest and conviction. but for now, liver in wissinoming, trang do, cbs-3, "eyewitness news," jim, rahel, back to you. >> trang, thank you. >> dozens every people in montgomery county came together in support of those dealing with the recent string every vandalism. "eyewitness news" in narberth park last night, where residents head a candlelight vigil. those who came out said it was important for minority communities who feel marginalized, stick together during trying times. bill cosby returns to montgomery county courtroom for a hearing this morning. cosby's lawyers will try to move the trial out of montgomery county. now, this they argue the case will receive too much media coverage for him to get a fair trial. judge will also consider bringing in jurors from outside the area. cosby accused of drugging and sexually assaulting andrea constand at his home back in 2004. last week a judge decided one other cosby accuser could testify at his trial. >> well, police in delaware are still investigating the tragic death of two young officers. twenty-three year old robert lafonte and 22 year old james wads of the dover police department died yesterday morning in a single vehicle crash. authorities say lafonte lost control of his jeep, which hit a utility pole before it overturned, and ejected watts, had was not wearing a seatbelt. >> family members shared their devestation. >> fun, full of life. he was always a bright spirit, always too long help out. probably one of the best of us. >> he loved being a police officer. it is a huge hole, huge hole for us. >> well, police investigate what could have caused the crash, neighbors on the street where it happened tell "eyewitness news," there were several fatal accidents, that have occurred there. president trump is spending his 2018 plan to federal agencies today, also meeting with the governors at the white house. the governor's dinner sunday night, the president said he plans to offer the details on changes to the affordable care act. also looking for another secretary of the navy nominee. philip withdraw because of concerns he had about separating himself from his business interests. potential state and federal budget cuts are front and center this afternoon, at philadelphia's city hall. council committee scheduled a hearing after president trump announced plans to remove federal funding for philadelphia, and other sanctuary cities. mayor jim kenney won't change the city immigration policy. has been very outspoken about that, congressman brendon boyle will explain the financial loss of obamacare and other federal programs, along with what a crack-down on imigrants in sanctuary sit coast cost. meeting in council chambers is set for 1:00. >> reason why you can see women snapping selfies without their make up on this week. >> plus, strong storms ripped the top of destruction through parts of pennsylvania this weekend, now getting closer look at some of the damage. >> and the police sergeant in california who is inviting complete strange tears have lunch with her. why she extended the offers to everyone coming up. >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ >> justin timberlake opened the oscars with this performs and every his hit, can't stop the feeling, and we can't stop talking about the big mix-up over the best picture. oh, my. oh, boy. we have a live report from los angeles. coming up. >> ♪ >> ♪ for years, fios has been promising fast internet to small businesses. but for many businesses, it's out of reach. why promise something you can't deliver? comcast business is different. ♪ ♪ we deliver super-fast internet with speeds of 150 megabits per second across our entire network, to more companies, in more locations, than fios. we do business where you do business. ♪ ♪ >> ♪ ♪ >> welcome back everyone, the national weather service confirms it was a tornado that left behind this construction in northeastern pennsylvania. >> the twister took off the roofs of several homes saturday. classified as ef2, with winds speeds up to 120 miles per hour. the presbyterian church fell at the tower. >> good thing the bell didn't crash through the flooring. it came off the mount. but been there since 1900ment took storm every this magnitude to topple it. >> no tornado, instead, they say, straight line winds up to 995 miles per hour damaged mostly farm buildings. no one was hurt. you had warned us, katie, it was coming through. i kind of timed my day. i knew when to be home. >> so true, and ended up timing out very well from what we had projected so the timing worked out well even with couple days advance notice. hopefully everyone enjoyed the weather before the storm clouds rolled in. actually got another storm already on the horizon, you can see the clouds from that down through west virginia, kentucky, this batch of rain isn't going to affect cents but with warmfront lifting in moisture to work with also warming trends that takes place at much larger storm system said to develop here. through tomorrow morning at this point, when the next round of showers will likely develop. at this point looks like southeastern half of the region. >> delaware, new jersey, may need the umbrella extra time in your travels. midday looks quiet with some sunshine. but then later tomorrow night may be fresh round. wednesday looks the most volatile right now. there will be more showers that develop again 10:00 a.m. wednesday, rain to track, but take a look what unfolds here. with passage of time. that is what we have to worry about. 5:00 p.m. or so. so, second half of the day toward typical evening rush slight rid being for severe weather, very potent cold front what we saw with saturday storms could bring in very damaging winds, potential, things like that wednesday p.m. looks like the timing, keep warming up by roughly 10 degrees or so with every passing day, 50's today. 60s tomorrow. 70s again by wednesday. bottom pulled out by thursday, the chalice's, high pressure hooking us up with overall very quiet weekend, meisha? >> loving on that wednesday, thanks, katie. good morning, everyone, happy monday. looking outside where we do have accident, schuylkill eastbound at girard, coming off girard, jumping on the schuylkill moving in the eastbound direction, but pulled all the way off to the far right, might start to get gaper delay, headlights going on more than anything just pant to pull it to your a schenn thon, doesn't look good. burlington bristol bridge, scheduled to open around 6:10, heads up on. that looks hard to see at this point. but i'll let you know and confirm when it comes back down. then also an accident northeast philly, this is near northeast high school. font street at algon avenue. heads up on. that construction talking becomes as well, city avenue north and southbound between 63rd and kings grant avenue. right lanes blocked between nine a.m. and 3:00 p.m. that's going to run you through friday. that's one area of construction, another area of construction oxford valley. route one north and southbound at oxford valley. this is going to start 10:00 a.m., run you through 3:00 p.m. also going to run through friday. rahel, back over to you. >> meisha, thank you. >> well, this week you may see women snapping selfies on social media without make up. bearing it all to promote positive body image. it is part of national eating disorders awareness week which kicks offer today. i spoke to one woman who battles multiple disorders, and now hopes her story helps others. >> yes, that was life changing. >> she has the casino every infectious laugh that perhaps makes it hard it believe as a child she was so introverted the reason she believes she developed around recommendation ya. >> started with fixate g on things, fixate g on numbers. and around ten years old, it transferred into fixate g on food because that was a way that i did hone my attention in on something, and then drown out whatever i was feeling. >> the food obsession became so consuming it not only haunted shelby's thoughts it, haunted her dreams. >> i would have nightmares. >> doctor some and that of the roxborough based ren true center which treats treating -- eating disorders, says roughly 07 million people suffer. >> i think people not getting diagnosed that should be getting diagnosed. and i think there are things that perpetuate the mess, urban suburban white girl disorder. we need to bust that mitt. because eating disorders don't discriminate. can affect any socio-economic status, any gender. >> for shelby it, took more than ten years to not one but two eating disorders to get help. >> i went from being really anxious person, controlling what i was eating, overexercise g, to really depressed person with a depressed body. couldn't make it move. i couldn't make it do the things i wanted to any more. that's where bolemia came in. >> college therapist is the first to suggest treatment. she admits it wasn't east at this wasn't fun but now realizes she was worth it. >> it takes a village. you know, it is something that nobody can do for you happen you can't do it by yourself. >> and shelby tells me even when she was and objection innings i can, she was not extremely thin. she was an athlete. so she kept a lot of her muscle. so the point she wanted to make you can have a disorder and not necessarily look like maybe what most expect. doctor said one of the things to be watched for someone being very strict about what they are eat, constantly talking about food or comparing their bod toys others. jim? >> california police officer is using her lunch break to have a national conversation. pittsburgh police sergeant cathy simmons serves the community where she was born and raised, unfortunately eats lunch alone almost every day. so posted this picture on facebook inviting anyone who sees her to pull up a chair. local reporter learned what really inspired her. >> there is no secret that there is a mistrust for police right now. and in my career, all time high. heart breaking for me, someone who really got the best intentions in what i do, and for people not to trust me, i find a lot of invitations to go out to eat now. i feel like i have to buy a planner, great, i like that. >> she is a 15 year veteran of her department. well, still ahead, surviving an emergency on board a plane. information that could save your live. >> and they aren't your average cookies. finds out how they are helping new moms feed their infants. coming up. stay with us, everyone. >> welcome back everyone, looking already ahead to our upcoming weaken, high pressure promising us pretty quiet couple of days here, i expect bright sunny days, especially saturday, chill in the air saturday, though, we'll likely be below average with low four's, at best, and, then we do warm up bit more for sunday. guys? >> all right, katie, thank you. and now for a look at newspaper headlines from across our region. >> from the trentonian, officials are seeking architect, to renovate city hall in trenton. there are five different project completed independently of the others, if needed. city officials completing ought of the renovations at the same time that the budget allows. >> intelligence err, saint luke university health network gun the approval pros toast build hospital on property it purchased six years ago in milford. representatives from the bethlehem based health network presented a sketch plan to the township planning committee for a two story brick structure on the 30-acre track every route 633 off the road. >> thirty-one professional and amateur chefs from around the area brought their white horse pike for hammonton second annual gravy versus sauce competition. dishes were judged by the atlantic cape community college culinary professor. >> didn't we have one of those around here? >> we did, tori and pat. everything is about the gravy and the sauce. >> that's a look at newspaper headlines from around the delaware val. >> i coming up in the next half hour of "eyewitness news," president trump responds to allegations of russian interference in the election. plus this: >> there is a mistake, moonlight, you guys won best picture. >> big mistake, the oscars mistake everyone is buzzing about this morning, we are live in los angeles, with reaction to the big mishap and greg argos, good morning. >> good morning, you may think they're just therefore your comfort. flight attendants do much more in the air than just serve drinks. we get incredible access to how those working 30,000 feet up are trained to keep you safer. meisha? >> all right, and greg, nice driving conditions this morning, but that doesn't mean we're without problems. accident on the schuylkill eastbound, and other girard on it the schuylkill, one northeast philly, plus construction, all every those updates coming up. plus, a quick break, stay where you are. ♪ ♪ ♪ it kept coming back in different places. cancer treatment centers of america gave me treatment options i didn't know about before. i want to be around just to be a grandma. learn more at >> good morning, everyone, able ' jim donovan. >> i'm rahel solomon. just about 6:30, what you need to know today in your morning minute. there is a mistake. moonlight, you guys won best picture. >> moonlight wins best picture following an envelope mix-up. >> that's what you call a surprise ending, right? >> take a look, pages from the philadelphia daily news, fake news. >> vandals strike another jewish cemetery. >> to topple so many headstones, had to be a concerted effort. >> too early to classify this as a hate crime. >> president trump meets with the nation's governors at the white house today. he's also expected to sign a new immigration and refugee order this week. >> i'm trying to join the harlem globetrotters. biggies i, fool around, do a little something here? >> okay, pat. >> hey. >> owe yes. >> oh. >> that was awesome. >> pat's got some decent moves there. well, more now on what twit is her calling envelope gate. of course talking about the monument mistake at the oscars. >> danielle nottingham live in los angeles, and daniel, style hard to believe this morning, good morning >> moonlight became away with the awards of the night, it could easily qualify as the best or the worse moment of the night. >> la-lla la land. >> in one of the most shocking moments in oscar history, la la land was named best picture. and as the cast made their way to the stage, an envelope mix-up. >> moonlight. best picture. >> the biggest prize of the night, best picture, actually went to the coming of age film moonlight. centering on the struggles of gay black man growing up in miami. >> it made a have i special feeling even more special. >> hollywood honors diversity at last knit's 89th academy award. after two years dominated by the oscars white controversy. moonlight star ali made history, becoming the first muslim actor to ever win the best actor in a supporting role award. >> as an artist, my job was the same, to tell the truth. >> viola davis earned best supporting actress for her role in senses. >> i love my skin. i love my voice. i love my history. >> when tinseltown's biggest show comes to a close, the star studded event like the elton john age foundation oscar party here in west hollywood. >> each year better and better. >> other attended the governor's ball, oscar's official after party, as well as vanity fair's annual event. where the talk of the night oscar clubs dominated the evening. >> i love that those guys got their moment. i love that i got to give it to them. >> the musical la la land earned six of the 14 oscars it was nominated for, including best actress, for emma stone, and best director, for damian chez he will. >> and schiesel actually made history too, he's the youngest director who ever win that award at 32 years old. live in los angeles, danielle nottingham, cbs-3 news. >> and the big la la land mix-up definitely nears that of steve harvey miss aoun verb flub when he announced wrong winner, mitt light of the situation at the oscars tweeting. of the have your people call our people. we know what to do. >> certainly talking about this one for quite some time. >> yes, we will. let's get out to katie. katie knows what to it. >> talking about possibly a weird forecast this week. a mixed bag you might say. >> definitely see a lot of ups and downs on the thermometer, courtesy one large storm system will bring in warmfront, then cold front. and both of those fronts live to up their name in a big way. we also see the possibility of even some severe weather, down the road, yet again, so looking at storm scan, noise and clear at the moment. overhead, not even cloud in the sky in most locations. there is a little bit after chill in the air though. you know it is certainly still technically winter after all. but you know the temperature definitely says it all too. thirty-four the current temperature at the airport, hit 31 degrees through the overnight hours under the cover of darkness here. twenty-nine in wilmington. twenty-eight in trenton. and there is a slight, slight breeze right now on the skydeck, just enough it is making it feel colder but not looking at the kind of winds that we had yesterday. as the day progresses, mid 50's, so, yes, already starting to warm up here guys. sun followed up by clouds, with time, here, warmfront starts to bring in the cloud cover. but chilly day in the poconos too, up to 44 degrees, meanwhile coming up again, warmfront does continue the trend up on the thermometer for us, even 70 degrees day here in the mix. but also, the threat of severe weather which we will outline for you just little later on, meisha? >> katie, looking at some nice dry roadways today. i can tell you we are not without problems in this one in particular really going to cause problems for a lot of you. we have an accident here, schuylkill eastbound, past gulph mills. injuries are reported here, multiple vehicles involved, only one lane getting by. and we're talking some pretty extensive backups, backups around this. so looking around the king of prussia area. up in the upper left hand corner of your screen, you can see, kind of your back up shot for you. so looking at the accident here, you can see, couple of vehicles up the road, one more off in the ditch here. we see people, vehicle, almost walking around, trying to get this remedied, and also, you can see, everyone coming to up this. this is where you are really going to get in the gaper delay. this will start to pose problems, basically everywhere. causing problems on 202, the turnpike, what have you, all of those are getting severely back up, take a look at the backups. part of the stretch, not even moving at all. so, if you can avoid this area, you certainly want to. again, that's the schuylkill eastbound past gulph mills. and injuries are reported with multiple vehicles in this one, jim, rahel, over to you. >> meisha, thank you. well, vandals strike another jewish cemetery this happened it happened in the wissinoming section every philadelphia. now the search on for those responsible. >> people of different fate gathered at mount carmel cemetery sunday morning to upright hundreds of headstones that had been toppled over the night before. $13,000 reward now for officer leading to arrest, and in the meantime, some are afraid this type of vandalism is becoming a trend. >> this is major damage. and it is just painful for whole lot of people. and there needs to be surveillance set up. because it is becoming a trend, and we need to protect not just the memories of these departed, but the people who come here to mourn for them. >> and this incident comes less than two weeks after cemetery in bridesburg was vandalized, and just last week, happened more than 150 headstones at st. louis cemetery had been tipped over. at this point it is unclear if any of the incidents are related. >> president trump is expected to release amended version every list travel ban this week, today he welcomes the nation's governors to the white house. roxanna has the latest. >> i would like to toast great great governors of the united states. >> at the annual governor's ball at the white house last night, president trump toasted 46 state leaders. and toll them obamacare would be on the agenda when he mets with them again today. >> it doesn't work. but we have it fixed and we will repeal and replace, and i think you're going to see something very, very special. >> also this weekend, differ cents appeared among republicans over whether an independent prosecutor should investigate russian interference in the u.s. election. >> can you not have somebody, a friend every mine, jeff sessions, who was on the campaign, and who is an appointees. you'll need to use the special prosecutors statute and office. >> if we get down this road, attorney general sessions can make the time. >> the president weighed in last night, tweeting: russia talk is fake news put out by the dems and played up by the media in order to mask the biggie election defeat in the illegal leaks. rock anna, cbs-3, "eyewitness news." well the father of the navy seal wants an investigation into his son's death in yemen. on january 27th, chief petty officer, william rhino ends, died in an intelligence gathering raid. his father bill owens, wants to know why president trump approved the rate a week after taking office. owens refused to meet with the president when his son's casket arrived at dover air force base. >> in other news this morning, whether you fly off or haven't been on a plane in years, chances are the first person you she you step on a plane is flight attendant. >> but not only there to make sure your flight is more comfortable many greg argos here to explain the training they go through to make sure you're safe, as well. >> good morning, i was able to travel to denver colorado frontier airlines, and i saw first-hand how flight attendant are not just therefore your comfort but in a emergency, they quickly become first responders. >> october 2016, this american airlines flight catches fire at take off in chicago. everyone he is came, but evacuation delayed by people reporting the emergency. some even taking their personal items off the flight with them. >> i do think the one tip is just to go straight to the exit and evacuate. leave everything behind. >> frontier airlines says cbs-3 unprecedented access to their flight attendant training. >> from fires. >> base of the fire when we get to it. >> evacuations. >> ninety second or less is the goal. >> simulation cents are intense, and the flames real. >> all to prepare the men and women working 30,000 feet in the air for any emergency. what they learn and the information you need to know if you're ever caught in a real life emergency. >> now once again flight attendant out of front ear go through three week program, jim, rahel, through the training it also covers hand to hand combat. that training began after 9/11, reporting tonight at 11:00 here, incredible training. >> you know me, i'll be looking at this thing, i mean, i flew for seven, almost eight years, flight attendant. >> pre 9/11? >> ben overhead down in the back of your head. >> fasten your seatbelts. i could evaluate this studio in 90 seconds. >> cameras up. >> looking forward to it, but i agree after nine #/11, whole things changed. >> sounds really interestingment looking forward to it. appreciate it, sir. whom i wood continues to mourn this morning the actor bill paxton, passed yesterday at the age of 61 following surgery complications. now, paxton was currently starring as a rogue cop in the cbs series training day. his son james paxton was set to guest star in upcoming episode. paxton's movie credits, you may recall, include titanic, aliens, the terminator, apollo 13, and my favorite, twister. >> and the television community has lost judge joseph wap america, star of the popular tv show the people's court, according to his son, judge fred wapner, his son died in his sleep of natural causes, famed judge tamed more than 2,000 episodes of people's court from 19818 to 1993. he paved the way for similar courtroom shows including judge judy, judge joe brown, he was 97. >> take a look at this. that's a car on the roof of a building. coming up we will tell you thousand got there. >> plus, cook which is very special benefit for new moms. find out why they're order egg them by the dozens. pat? >> reporter: hey, guys. we are live here at the liacouras center with the harlem globetrotters. i've been practicing this shot all morning. so trying to catch some world records here, see if i can do the under hand. >> ♪ >> ♪ >> no, close, hold on, one more. we will come back with swish and sioux, try to make this shot, i promise. hold on, don't go anywhere. coming right back. >> ♪ kind of like this look. i'm calling it the "name your price tool" phase. whatever. >> look at that! >> ocean city, wow. women, emergency responders and eyewitnesses say they've never seen anything, anything like it. >> yep, a car falls from seven story parking garage, and the driver climbs out, walks away. >> walks away. >> the toyota landed on the roof of card hair store in houston about noon yesterday. part of the car, so you can see here, inside of the store. the car apparently shot off off the seventh level. doctors say, he's okay. >> he's very fortunate. very fortunate. and definately god was on his side this afternoon. >> they thought it was an explosion, or a bomb, or, you know, today's world, they thought they didn't know what to think. >> well, investigators say the driver probably hit the gas instead of the brake. crews did need a crane to lift the car off the roof of the store. >> becky needs to play the rocky today. how anyone could survive something like that and walk away? good luck. let's get out to katie. do you want to do some walking? >> good day for walking? >> he's animate g everything i say off camera. >> you know, i would actually say today would be very pleasant day overall. any outdoor plans today, real good excuse to get into some of the plans. little warmer than yesterday. so, above average at least. but not the warmth like we'll see later in the week but the warmth later in the week comes with a trade off in the way of some wet weather and very likely some stormy weather, as well. start things off with eyewitness weather watch ers being take you out to couple of sunrise pictures, olney, from john hagman, thanks for the picture shall see the beautiful streaks of sunlight just beneath the cloud deck at the moment. just a stunning picture here from megan. it almost looks like you're up to this shot, absolutely stunning, she said little warmer than yesterday, that's definitely true. we are off to chilly start, ago going to the list, dover, 28 degrees, at 31 degrees in the chestnut hill section of philadelphia, from phil, ed in chesterfield at 27. low 30's, mid 20's, kind of the range that we're finding from the eyewitness weather watcher this morning, peter up in morrisville at 28 degrees. so thanks guys for sending in your observations, yes, chill in the air to say the least. looks like colds he is spot of the pack may be coming in here from kyle in hatboro, regardless everyone will need the winter gear this morning, thankfully not just as windy as it has been. another gorgeous shot, outside kutztown area middle school. see the ball of sunshine starting rise over the horizon as we speak, also look closely the crunchy grass, light winds, allow the frost to form, 22 degrees at kutztown area middle schoolment storm scan, wide zoom, storm will eventually take little bit more shape over the course of the next couple of days. this batch of rain doesn't reach us, but the warmfront is getting drawn in here. so more clouds building with time here today. eventually, some showers build in, especially into tomorrow morning. fifty-six in the meantime is our expected hi, milder day certainly, sunshine followed up by clouds, sun, rising officially at 6:37 this morning, so it is up now. forty-four the nighttime low. under generally just cloudy skies. then look forward in the p day, we're at six's tomorrow, 70s on wednesday, that look like stormy day though, and specially into the second half of the day, could be nasty storms rumbling in here in time for rush hour. we cool it back down, looking forward to the weekends. >> katie, thank you. we saw live chopper three right now over more serious accident, the schuylkill eastbound past gulph mills. injuries are reported around this stretch. multiple vehicles are involved for awhile there. only one lane was just kind of squeezing by. kind of hard to see, see the brush here, but i have to tell you, the backups around the accident are extensive. they're going to start actually backing up now. this is the skunk eastbound past gulph mills. but they're going to actually start to bother you, past king of prussia. start talking about 202, 422, the turnpike, all of those are going to be starting to get impacted by this, as you're coming up to this accident. basically coming to a stop. we were looking at some backup shots from the king of prussia area, around this accident or the backups surrounding this accident, i should say, and it was almost completely stopped. avoid the area if at all possible. if you can't i would factor in extra 45 minutes at least at this point. then we have another accident here, the schuylkill eastbound, at girard. girard ramp on to the schuylkill eastbound pulled off to the right. and it is posting little bit of problems for the -- more than anything else, but overall been a busy morning so far. bang to you. >> thank you shall prior. the time 6:48. a lot coming up on cbs this morning. >> gale king joins us live with a preview. good morning, gale. >> rahel, jim, what do you think we're leading with today? >> oscars? >> could it be the oscars? >> hum, yes, oscars, ding, ding, ding. just a little one. entertainment tonight kevin frazier on the dramatic end to oscar night and drama is the word with a capitol d. the latest on how the wrong winner was announced for best picture, yikes, yikes, and yikes. also talk with moonlit director barry jenkins and the writer about the film's very surprise win. they were stunned, too. but plus first on cbs this morning, muhammad ali's son and wife here in the studio after they were detained and questioned by immigration agents while re-entering the united states. and why marijuana advocates say federal crackdown could be dangerous change for americans where the drug is already legal. see you at 7:00 on the do. that's about ten minutes and counting from now. see you guys. >> gale, we will be watching, thank you. >> well a new jersey mom who is also a registered nurse says her fresh baked all natural cookies are just the thing for nursing moms. >> yep, her company makes cookies, brownies, lemonade and that's proof tone boost milk supply for mothers having problems. crystal's condition, milky mama, makes the product from a store outside new york city and also on line, and customers say the product works. >> i was -- i pumped 2 ounces the very next day, and she actually slept. >> we should buy a hundred packages every day, make over a hundred dozen cousins, hundred dozen brownies. >> i love the name of the company. >> milky mama. prices range from 13 to $15. >> well, the world famous harlem globetrotters will be back in our area, starting this friday. >> and this morning, "eyewitness news" reporter pat gallen is trying to become an honorary member of the team. how is it going, pat? >> it is going well, working off a nice sweat out here this morning, with susan swish, from the globetrotters, pretty much what is it ten days you guys are here? long time. >> ten games in the philadelphia area. >> yes, you guys are here for awhile. before we get toises, talk to you, swish. >> she is from west philly. >> west philly. >> with the traveling globetrotters. >> awesome, i love it, visited many different cities, meet a lot of people. i love the fans. hi, guys. >> and started this south philly, went it high school, then to philadelphia university? >> yes. >> i graduated from philadelphia university, went there to three years, played basketball, won the championship there, great. go rams. >> go rams. i know you're a ai fan. >> right. i love ai. ai, hi, yes, i lover ai. he's awesome. >> model your game after him a little bit? >> and a little bit of nod to our cbs family. huge fan of the amazing race. >> absolutely love the amazing race. >> yes? >> hopefully one day i can be on the show. i would take my dad with me. we would definitely win, definitely. >> you guys are listening out there, all right. and zeus is here. so you love filly? >> love it. love the food. love the people. so far gained 3-pound. >> you guys have a bunch of shows coming up. can you tell the people where to find you? >> follow the line harlem globetrotters dot almost. grab tickets to any of the games, playing here, this weekend at wells fargo arena saturday and sunday. and also, we will be playing here at the will cora center, you guys can see us here on the 11th of this month. >> beautiful. come on out. you get to see this, we've been practicing all morning? >> freeman we have. >> two, two and a lady. >> and a lady. >> here we go. >> oh, ya. >> oh, go pat. oh, that's fancy. >> oh, ya. >> here we go. >> this is the best part. >> oh! >> hey. >> worked. >> i was supposed to dunk it, though, right? there we go. >> all right. guys? you're awesome, thank you so much, zeus, swish, harlem globetrotters, check it out, coming here, already here, come see them. >> hometown gal, too, that's awesome. >> thank you. once again the harlem globe trot letters have ten games, counted them, ten, starring friday march 3rd in philadelphia. see the entire schedule on the website harlem globetrotters. com. i could never do. that will i have eye-hand coordination issues. >> they can can dance and dribble? we can't even do either one of those? >> we will be right back with three to go. i'm on does weathertech go to protect your vehicle? ♪ ♪ ♪ weathertech. made right, in america >> here is three to go. >> bill cosby in montgomery county courtroom today. judge considering whether to move his sexual assault trial somewhere else. cosby's defense argues all of the media coverage will make it impossible to get fair trial there. >> president trump signing his new immigration order on wednesday. he's unveiling his budget proposals before a joint session of congress tomorrow night. and the sixers face the golden state warriors tonight, the warriors have the best record in the league at 49 and nine, all fans will receive a shirt of the i have to tell you the same game, sixers against the warriors, and the sixers almost beat like couple every points. so, here's hoping. >> that means they lost. >> yes, they lost. >> that's trying to go. i thought i was missing something there, almost won. they lost. >> all right, hopefully this year will be a little different. right, katie? >> ya. all right, guys, take you outside here, we look outside middle township high school. chill in the air here very light winds out of the south-southwest, will continue throughout the day. 36 degrees temperature there, nice bright blue sky, couple of clouds, nothing more. as the day goes on see more cloud cover build in as warmfront lifts in, sparks temperatures solid 63 tomorrow, 73 wednesday, with storms on the way, too, meisha. >> all right, katie, we've got live chopper three over very serious accident here, schuylkill eastbound past south mills injuries reported here multiple vehicles involved. one lane squeezing by. but looks like it is completely stopped right now. and we are talking extensive backups there, actually going to start bothering you on 202, 422, the turnpike, we were looking at some of the backups in the king of prussia area. yikes. it looks like a mess. >> thanks, meisha. just it time for warmer weather international howler bear day. >> yes, it is the group polar bears inches he international created to raise awareness of the conservation. according to the national wildlife, the popular bear population roughly 25,000, also points out they're so adapt today cold that they can't take temperatures above 50 degrees. i think i can't take the temperatures above 50 degrees either. >> lower, lower, lower, ya. >> well. >> still very earl. >> i my gosh there is will go on for awhile. cbs morning is next. >> remember to join us each morning starting at 4:30. have a great day. >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ captioning funded by cbs good morning. it is monday, february 27th, 2017. welcome to "cbs this morning." in a shocking oscar finale, "moonlight" is named best picture but only after they gave the award to "la la land." we have information on how the mistake happened. plus "moonlight" director and writer joins us. they say they were wrong with the connection of russia intelligence. and the son of boxing legend detained by airport agents. muhammad ali jr. and his mother

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