Transcripts For KYW Eyewitness News At 530 20171219 : compar

Transcripts For KYW Eyewitness News At 530 20171219

>> a brawl in the florida mall a child in a stroller caught right in the middle. >> new unwrapped toys, that would make their way to the salvation army headquarters ers to get back, stacked, sorted, sent to children in need. >> today's morning minute is sponsored by pedestrian medicine abe ransom cancer center. the number one cancer center in the region. >> of course our "joy of sharing" toyfest is a wrap. >> we collected around 6,000 toys last year and still counting up yesterday's toys, but i do think we beat that number. katie i know were you off yesterday. but you and the girls showed up over the weekends i saw on twitter to donate your toys, so a team effort for a lot of people at cbs-3. >> not just among our staff but also of course across the ellen tire delaware valley, really nice moment for us, too , as a family, because you're teaching the whole spirit of giving, and sharing, and what that is all about. but at the same time, making a difference hopefully in the life of a child. great event. it is one of our favorites of the entire year. but, you know, get ever closer to the upcoming holiday itself , after having several bought of some snow here in the delaware valley, we are warming up in a big way, and dow think that that's basically going to be dashing the hopes here, that we may have had of a white christmas, so we do have new storm system that moves in. things could change, but right now, it is not looking all that light. let me show you what's going on out here first and for most at the moment we have few speckles evergreen showing up across the western suburbs, don't worry about those having any kind of icing issues, along with them, it is just a little sprinkle here and there and we are, in fact, dry on the cbs-3 skydeck at the moment and across rest of the region. at 43 degrees, very mild beginning to the morning, you're basically where you normally would top off on this day of the year. so since we're off to such a warm start, from the standards , anyway, we will eventually warm up from here to well above average levels. fifty-eight is the call for philadelphia today. with some sun, couple of clouds, and we stay quite mild at the shore, as well, even in the poconos, 46 degrees, you may not see heck of a lot of sun, but 46 agrees is nice and mild for you. now, i mentioned, new storm system will start to move in, tail end of the week. and that comes in as a warmfront, initially, so it really sends the temperatures on uphill swing. and then we've also got some rain that goes along with that so little later in the show, i'm time it out for you, give you sense how it might impact your holiday travel. guys? >> thank you, katie. as i mentioned earlier, meisha has the morning off. so we will be looking at traffic. here is a look outside at i95 at allegheny avenue. fortunately, there are no incidents to report. and traffic there is moving smoothly. now, there is an accident on rose valley road at school lane in delaware county. the road is closed but you can use route 252 providence road as your alternate. also, there is an accident involving a tractor-trailer and a car on the northeast extension of the turnpike southbound past quakertown. this accident is on the shoulder. and as of this point, there are no reported injuries. >> let's go back to washington , learning this morning the amtrak train that derailed was speed willing it jumped the tracks. >> federal investigators have also recovered the trains data record, the train making the inaugural run after new express line between seattle and portland oregon whether it crashed yesterday morning. three passengers died, and more than 70 other passengers were injured. investigators say, information so far indicates the train was traveling more than twice the speed limit at the time of the crash. >> preliminary indications are that the train was traveling at 80 miles per hour in a 30- mile per hour track. now investigators say they've not yet finished interviewing the conductor and the crew on board that train. they say it, could take month before they know precisely what caused the derailment. and there are strong similarities to the deadly crash, more than two years ago , here in philadelphia. and that crash, the amtrak train was also speeding, traveling through port richmond at 106 miles per hour , and its zone restricted to 50/50 miles per hour since then, installing on all amtrak lines along the northeast corridor. washington state rail lines do not yet have the technology. >> positive train control is real a back up to the human being. the engineer and the cab could be distracted, fatigued, or incapacitated. positive train control is gps technology which knowns if trains will delayed with one another or if trains are speeding over what's per milt in the that section of track. >> of course, eight people died and more than 200 people were hurt in the 2015 derail ment in port richmond. stay up to date on the amtrak derailment in washington state , and our coverage continues on line any time at 5:35. in business news this morning, hershey and campbell both announced some savory new deals. >> planning to hit the roads today for the holidays you are not alone. wendy gillette joins us from the new york stock exchange with more. good morning, wendy. >> reporter: good morning, jim , rahel. stocks rallied to new highs yesterday here on wall street. a mid confidence that republicans will get their tax plan passed this week. the dow was up 5,000 points, this year, the first time that's ever happened. the index roared toward the 25,000 mark yesterday. the closed little shy of the milestone, gaining 140-point. the nasdaq was up 58 points, and traded above the 7,000 mark for the very first time. candy maker hershey and campbell soup both announced savory deals: cher she is buying a.m. apply few snack brands for $1.2 billion. amplify foods include skinny pop popcorn, and potato chips. campbell acquiring snyder inning for 5 billion in cash, adding cape cod potato chips, snyder pretzels and pop secret popcorn for its portfolio. >> in the coming years, auto make letter electrify vehicles across its entire line up by 2025 it says every model in the fleet will have an electric model or option by then foeman thursday the busiest days for holiday drivers. more than 97 million americans are expected to hit the road according to triple a. the association says, the end of this year is shaping up to break records, you guys staying in town? >> today, tomorrow. >> yes, my family is actually here. but, wendy, jim is traveling quite far. >> yes, going to asia next monday after the noon show. going to have my luggage in the corner here and off i go. >> he says he's coming back, so we'll see. >> where are you going. >> sing a poor, bally, bancock hey, i got miles. i multiply my miles and i use them. >> oh, gel us. first class, gel us. >> you have great day, wendy, we'll check in with you tomorrow morning. >> all right, thanks. >> let's go to the nation's capitol. today the house will vote on the final draft of the that is tax reform bill, if it pass it is will head to the senate. >> vice president mike penned put off trip to the middle east in case he's needed to break a tie, as john loyer ends report 217 votes needed to pass the measure. >> the trump administration could ends the year with a major victory. >> it will be the biggest tax cut and tax reform in the history of our country. >> the republican party is on track to pass a $1.5 trillion tax overhaul within next few days. the house is expected to vote first, with a senate vote shortly afterward. >> i ride to express my support for the conference agreement on the tax cuts and job act. the first major overhaul of our tax code since 1986. >> the measure does not have bipartisan backing. >> only 26% of america approves of this bill. this is the roy mary tyler moore of tax plan. this is a sham wrapped inside after travesty. >> the gop says americans will notice the boost in income. >> the 401k's will tell them their assets are going up, and their paystubs will tell them they got a pay increase because the government cut their taxes. >> all democrats are expected to vote against it. >> this is akin hard. this economic philosophy stinks. it doesn't work. and it hammers working class people. >> republican senator john mccain is recovering from cancer treatment, and will not take part in the vote. despite mccain's absence, majority leader mitch mcconnell says he will have enough votes to pass the measure. that is partly because gop senators marco rubio and bob corker, who previously said they had reservations about the bill, now say they support t i'm john loyer ends reporting. >> president trump has removed climate change as one of the threats to national secure tip , he's now focusing on four main goals, promoting american posterity, american influence, demonstrating peace through strength and protecting the homeland. >> strategy recognizes we cannot secure our nation if we do not secure our boarders. so, for the first time ever, american strategy now includes serious plan to defends our homeland. >> the president also says the united state needs corporation from its allies to stop terrorism. he also repeated his administration goal to remove nuclear weapons in north korea >> a philadelphia attorney is going to prison for sexually assaulting a 14 year old victim of sex trafficking. a judge sentenced brian meehan to two to four years behind bars. prosecutors say he met the girl through two of his clients, who forced her into prostitution. prosecutors say meehan had sex with a teen at his center city offers on several occasions. >> pennsylvania state senator accused of sexual misconduct makes his first public statement announces he is taking step back from campaigning for congress. accusations against democratic state senator jaylen leach who represents part every montgomery and delaware county a periods in a philadelphia inquirer article after the story made public, governor tom wolf called for the senator to resign. >> i don't care whether you're republican, democrat, i think the allegations, fine job as a senator, but i think we do need to make a statement about what kind of society we, are what kind of a commonwealth we are. >> now, leach released statement reading in part: it is heart break to go me that i have put someone in a position that made them feel uncomfortable or dis recalls dollars. in the future i'll take more care in my words and my actions and i will make it my top priority to protect those who to speak up to change. >> current limit 24 weeks, governor signed veto paperwork at city hall where he was joined by mayor jim kenney and women's health add very cats. >> police are asking for the public's help in catching some real life grinches who stole a woman's holiday decorations from outside of her south philly home. this is the third time josephine michetti has had her decorations stolen from her home, in 2013 a cup old was caught on camera stealing her decorations cents. they were arrested. then in october of 2014 the couple snatched her halloween decor. on december 9th around 5:00 in the morning two men took three trees and a top area she made with tournaments, michetti said she won't be decorated outside any more. >> i do it for every hole day. i just like decorating every holiday. if i do anything, it is inside no more outside, no. >> now, michetti took a snow man out of storage to go with it and a box she has left. she is hoping her unique zebra printed decorations will catch someone's eyes. if you have any information about these thieves, please contact police. that's just so sad. i feel badly for that woman. >> well, holiday gift are being delivered to porches across the nation, unfortunately also the time of year big increase in stolen packages. >> cbs news correspondent laura explains police and residents taking stems now to prevent that. >> they are known as porch pirates. people who steel packages right off your front doorstep. >> michael garrison captured a thief on security camera, taking off with his deliveries >> he acts like he's going to knock, but doesn't. then there he's off with my three boxes. >> the problem is so come on, some home own remembers taking matters into their own hands. >> last two month i've had four packages come up missing, and just a way to even ther. >> so jeremy rig up a box that scared off thieves with a harmless bang. and anna so frustrated with stolen packages, she place add special gift from her pet in a box for would be thieves. >> cat poo, and poo, poo, poo. i just want them to get so frustrated that all of these boxes that they're picking up have poo in them. >> there are more traditional ways to protect your packages, you can have them delivered to work, or a neighbor's home or you can buy a lock box. you just give a key code to your delivery driver. and he'll place your package inside. >> amazon has lockers available at convenience, and grocery stores, where deliveries can be kept. but authorities across the country are stepping up efforts to prevent these thefts. in cambridge, massachusetts, officers used fake packs packages. >> we have gps tracker inside the package. >> if a thief takes off with it the police can track them down. they hope this method will deter criminals from stealing holiday gifts. laura, cbs-3, "eyewitness news ". i like the poo in the box. i would do that. >> i could totally seeing you do that. >> steel from me, all bets are off. >> all right, great stuff there. well, a remake after rat pack classic, still ahead on " eyewitness news" this morning , the big difference of a new phil graham new way to brighten the holidays, meet the cab driver who wears his christmas spirit on his car. that's later in this half hour we're on a mission to show the new keurig k select brewer is the strong way to start your day. pop that in there. hit strong. press brew. that's it. strong. bold. rich. i feel like you're toying with me. show me how strong you are. (screams) lift me up! dan! lift me up! i'm a small business, but i have... big dreams... and big plans. so how do i make the efforts of 8 employees... feel like 50? how can i share new plans virtually? how can i download an e-file? virtual tours? zip-file? really big files? in seconds, not minutes... just like that. like everything... the answer is simple. i'll do what i've always done... dream more, dream faster, and above all... now, i'll dream gig. comcast, building america's largest gig-speed network. >> all about the ladies coming up it jcet rihanna i just saw? warner brothers just released tf the popular ocean 11, this time sandra blanchett, led all-star female anna? hit theatres this june. sure did look like her. check out this little girl, six months olds, making her debut at tokyo zoo. rushed to get a look at the giant panda club with her mom. such a hit, soot had to set up lottery pros toast select guests to come see her. zoo keepers also limited her public appearance toss two and a half hours a day. >> wow. >> when europe a a a lister like that, jim. >> i'm telling you. >> he has to wait in line to see you. or just go to web man's. >> he's there all the time. >> well, are you ready for warmth? >> yes. >> here it comes. >> i've been ready. >> she wants the tropics. i wish it would snow. >> this is the time of year where i feel like almost everybody is cool with a little bit of snow in the forecast but it does not like take that will be the opportunity. with six days away from christmas can you believe it looks like it will be too warm but we had our share. >> right? it looked nice on the lights and the trees the past few days. >> really has, put us all all in christmas and holiday spirit. take you outside. i want to show you obviously still dark, little tough to see at this time of the morning obviously, but you can see, a little tiny mounds of left over snow right in the for grounds underneath the street lamp outside pleasant valley middle and high school. very far north. you don't have much snow left even that far to the north here, guys. so, a lot of what we had seen roll through, has now since had a chance to melt away. and if it is still out there, it is probably because of the snow plows pushed it into such a huge mounds that it will take a little bit of time for that to totally melt away. but the eyewitness weather watchers are also up and adam and reporting for the most part what i would call some mild air here. you're down into the 30's obviously to restore chill in the air. still suggest walking out dot war winter coat. but with these kind of values really not too harsh, and not much winds to speak of right now either. thirty-six the value that come in from bill. one of the cooler spots in cart inning ton, mentioning good day to get the car washed i second. that will because keep in mind, even if you don't mine your car being dirty, i'm one of those folks, you have the salt from what had been put down by penndot and all of the other dots. so that could lead to some issues with the bottom of your car and maybe help to corrode some of that. so there is a good idea to keep your car clean when you have got this kind of weather. let's jet past the live neighborhood, and talk about the statistics. average high 426789 usually too warm anyway a way to see any snow. how much, we've been as warm as 68 degrees, and that actually happened as recently as 2,015. meanwhile the snow christmas 5.5 inches in 1909. quite a while ago. over 100 years, and the last white kris mass we had philadelphia, meet that 1 inch on the grounds on christmas day standards, was back in 2,009. that will was a big year for wintery weather. storm scan quiet. it few sprinkles, don't worry about that. stuck over texas, but later in the week see the eastern two thirds of the us in a pled a of activity, a lot of people are travel at this point. here locally, it is late day showers, rain showers friday, and rain into saturday. but look at the warmth that comes with this, jim. 60 degrees by the weekend. >> thanks so much, katie. looking at traffic this morning there is estimate 76 schuylkill expressway near the spring garden exit. there are no incidents or delays at this time. things are moving relatively smoothly there. there is construction to tell you about that is scheduled on i59 today. that's from 9:00 this morning, until 3:00 this afternoon. there will be moving atlantic city closures northbound, between the vine street expressway and cottman avenue. and southbound, between bridge street and allegheny. >> also, there is an accident to report on rose valley road at school lane in delaware county. the road is closed between manchester road and brookhaven road. use route 252 providence road as your alternate there. >> well, a stylish event celebrating the holiday season >> "eyewitness news" at the ritz carlton in center city. four philadelphia style magazine's holiday party. 250 people tolls dollars the holiday season and i also had the honor of being there, had a really good time. joining in on the stylish festivities, that's one of my girlfriends, her name brittany , assistant principal. so that was one of our first times going to an event like. that will really enjoyed is. >> nice. good time had by all. >> big thank to you all of our generous viewers who helped make the cbs-3 "joy of sharing " toyfest a huge success. >> people filled our parking lot all day yesterday dropping off toys during our drive-thru drop off as we do every year. cbs-3 partnered with the salvation army, the uso and the boys and girls club every camden county collect toys for children in need. again, big thank to you everyone who came by and dropped off a toy. >> and if you couldn't make it to our studios yesterday you can still get involved. >> all do you have do text the word joy to 41444 to make a $10 donation to the salvation arm. >> i stay with us here on " eyewitness news" this morning >> un masking santa claus, the make in -- man in red more associated with wearing a different color, legend in the suit, when "eyewitness news" continues. >> snyder youth hockey foundation, severed as tour guides for mr. and mrs. clause during their visit to st. christopher hospital. big city, most taxicabs look alike, right? >> one man in raleigh, north cab stand out. he says he's decorated his cabin stead of his home. forty hours, and 11,000 lights , later, he came up with this masterpiece that gets lots of attention. y know, how people waiver done a cab? now i have everybody waiving at me, i have no idea who ne him over about five times so far, but just to take a picture of the cab. >> i have to admit, that's impression i have. >> love it. that's beautiful. that's not a distraction to drivers? guess, you know, if they crash , they'll smile. coming i am in the next half hour of "eyewitness news," all of these holiday treats and meals can lthe are ways to prevt t doctor rob will be here with handle heart brush,ears avoid if you do get it. >> plus, the house vote today on the gop tax plan, we'll take closer look who will benefit from the plan a lose as. mii'm alive and have a second chance. james: i'm thankful for the help and the opune: i'm thank be able to help people in crisis. vanessa: i'm thankful that addiction is treatable, and that help is available. christie: new jersey is experiencing a heroin epidemic fueled by opioid painkillers. but if you or someone you love is struggling with addiction, i want you to know: we are here for you. this holiday season, choose help. call 844 reach nj or visit >> this is cbs-3 "eyewitness news." >> 45 degrees ankle em, kind of falling over, the seat in front of me had been dislodged >> we have new information this morning on the deadly train derailment in washington state, investigators have now revealed how fast the train was going, before it went off the tracks. >> caught on camera. real life grinch stealing christmas decorations, from philadelphia home, and the worse part; it is not the first time this house has been targeted. >> official start to winter just two dice away but will feel much more like spring today, no need for the heavy coats. >> today is tuesday, december 19th, good morning, i am aim jim donovan. >> i'm rahel solomon. meisha is here to get us out the door. >> very warm day coming up. normal daytime high 44. put that in your head for reference. when i show you the expected daytime high, rubbing your eyes like am i seeing this correctly? yes, it will be very, very mild. this isn't even the article he is day that i think we have coming our way in theex

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