Transcripts For KYW Eyewitness News At 530 20160607 : compar

Transcripts For KYW Eyewitness News At 530 20160607

>> ticket for muhammad ali's muslim memorial service on thursday will be made available this morning at 10:00 a.m. take a look at this, big black bear, wandering in phoenixville yesterday, says it was a close call because his wife had just walked their dog. >> ♪ >> ♪ >> and that's the latest edition of carpool karioke, tagging along for the ride, that later in the show. do you sing like that in the car? >> ya, and i dance. >> dancing in the car? >> i do. do you ever pull up at the stop light, and looking in, so i have to pretend like i'm cool with it, and really i'm caught. >> versute snell. >> pretend like i see you, i'm cool with it, i i am never cool with it. katie, do you sing and dance in the car? >> oh, gosh ya, who doesn't? but i'm exactly like you, brooke. >> i listen to mpr. i'm not dancing. >> i love it. just have best mental image right now, guys, as far as the weather goes, we shift gears, definitely muggy start to the day. it is very palpable, the mugginess in the air right now, when you walk out the door, you will notice that. today will be another day that certainly looks and feels like summertime for sure. we should easily hit the low and mid 80s here. we look at storm scan3, though, that's nice and quiet. we zoom out one time however and you can see hint of wet weather pushing in to north central pennsylvania, basically moving right along i95. -- i80. we stand to see scattered shower, perhaps rumble every thunder, this comes courtesy of the next cold front. quickly look at dew points, dew point temperature measures the moisture in the air. the highest it is, the muggier it is, as well. so when you are talking dew points in dover in the 70s, ya, you will notice how muggy it is. and here in philadelphia, at dew point of 66, starting to feel steamy, as it translates to the thermometer, we're in the low 70s right now, quite the mild start to the day in philadelphia. seventy-three in atlantic city, as we go hour by hour, overall, guys, expect to see some sunshine. by 11:00 a.m. already pushing 80 degrees here. as the day progresses, few additional clouds do pop up here. then it will also see that scattered variety of a shower, thunder shower, with time, throughout the day. if you're lucky enough to have the day off, hitting the beach, good place to be, there may still be just spotty shower late in the day. but overall, with nice sea breeze and warmth in place, 81 degrees, water temperature, little cool, for my taste, but still getting up there with time. 66 degrees, and the rip countries being nice and low, it is a nice place to be here today. but, in general, like i said, expect more sun than anything. meisha any wet weather chances should be pretty scat nerd nature this afternoon. >> good to know. thanks so much, katie. nice to have that sun. i'm with her, i like my water temperature hot. i want to swim in a hot tub not a pool. schuylkill eastbound at gulf mill, you can see, heating up on the eastbound side, again the accident, that doesn't get out of our way. that will leave with you some gator delays, right now though because it is before 6:00. not worried about that, 422, taillights eastbound direction, valley form, looking good here, 95 south approaching girard where we have some construction out there, see the crews out there, just this will probably be moving out of our way, overall, southbound direction, not too worried about it, looking pretty darn good. blue route, southbound at mid-county looking good here as well. keeping my eye on this, moving in the southbound direction, probably see this heat up over the next 25 to 30 minute or so. then we do have come struck sean delaware, 495, northbound edgemore road. two left lanes blocked right now until 7:00 a.m. just starting that hour of the rush hour, our 7:00 hour, that's when it will lift. it might slow you down little bit. also, just reminder we have more work on the delaware memorial bridge southbound two, left lanes compromised between five a.m. and 8:00 p.m. yes it, will slow you down this morning, jim, over to you. >> thanks so much. meisha. new jersey one of six state holding presidential primaries today. >> that is one campaign that's, excuse me, this is one campaign that's already making history. "eyewitness news" reporter justin finch live at polling place in cherry hill, justin? >> brooke, good morning, just minutes away now from polls opening in the state of new jersey, projections say this could be a very historic day for hillary clinton, who some say, already has enough delegate to be the presidential nominee for the democratic party. however, today, she could be the first woman to top a presidential ticket. let's take you now to video here. the difference maker, analysts say, was puerto rico. cbs news, the associated press, counting weeble end win, plus the super delegate win puts her already over the top. the nominee benchmark is 20383 for democrats, clinton by some count just 26 delegates shy. new jersey counts 126 pledged delegate and 16 un pledged or super delegates. so by closing the polling places tonight clinton could clinch the nomination. california, the golden state also votes today, and polling shows that democrats could have another tight race there. clinton has turn her focus to donald trump, the presumptive gop nominee, the billionaire businessman is now under fire, for controversial remarks made about a federal judge overseeing his fraud lawsuit. that judge is of mexican heritage, but american born. trump addressed that dust up on cbs "face the nation", and meantime, the democrats are focus odd on their delicate count today. >> i'm just confused what his mexican parents have to do with that. >> excuse me, i want to build a wall. i mean, i don't think it is very confusing. >> i want people to come out and vote tomorrow particularly here in california. >> in the most important primary until the whole democratic nominating process we're going to win. >> now, cbs news already report that president obama could be prepared to endorse and campaign for hillary clinton in just a matter of days. the white house and the campaigns taking a wait and see attitude until the end of business and voting today. we're live here in cherry hill, justin fin. , cbs-3, "eyewitness news", brooke, jim, into you. >> thanks, justin. >> some new video just in from gloucester county where early morning fire has destroyed a home. firefighters responded to burning house on the 600 block of woodland avenue in depford, told no one was in the home at the time of the fire. they are still trying to figure out with a sparked the blaze. >> 5:37. in business news this morning, find out why investors think there will be no interest rate hike. >> why uber is testing a new program in new jersey. money watch's jill wagner joins us live from the new york stock exchange, good morning, jill. good morning, brooke, jim. yes, s&p and nasdaq owned. dow jumped 113-point to start week, nasdaq rose 26. futures pointed to a higher open. fed chair janell well end weighing in on hiring slow down, disappointing, insists the economy still strong, in a speech in philadelphia, yesterday, yellen did not repeat her earlier guidance, that an interest rate hike is likely in coming month. so investors take that as a sign that a june rate hike is off the table. >> verizon reportedly bid $3 billion for yahoo's internet business, which is less than initially speculated. the wall street journal reports, verizon still the top contend tow buy yahoo. yahoo and verizon wouldn't comment, yahoo will hold one more round every bidding. don't be late for your uber ride, the company expanding pilot program that gives riders two minute window to get to their car before charging late fee instead of the previous five minutes. uber tested this in new york, new jersey, phoenix, dallas, says riders were likely to be prompt. so, the policy, headed to dozen more sit thinks month, brooke and jim. >> i like that policy, thanks, jill. in other business news, atlantic city showboat hotel is re-opening and look to go hire. a job fair begins at 1:00 this afternoon and goes until 7:00. you can enter the main casino floor entrance, positions include housekeepers, front desk worse ers, sales manager and general manager. the hotel will no longer be operating a casino. arrest warrant for suspect until the murder after delivery man, pizza delivery man in delaware county. police are looking for rodney shelton. investigators say he shot thomas childs on loading dock in quaide and in june of last year. they say the motive was robbery. >> he rum and dollars through his pocket, we know, that his pocket was turn inside out. his phone was missing. a small amount of money was missing. this was all over a few dollars. he was killed to be probably less than $20. charges against shelton include first degree murder. he has large distinctive tatoo of a spiderweb on the top of his head. >> coming up. what do you get when you mix a burying he -- burger and a bar ito? >> why it won't be easy to taste it. >> historic run for this local baseball team. the incredible thing they accomplished that hasn't been done in decades. ♪ ♪ ♪ grand canyon and glacierger than national parks combined. and that's not the only thing you can only find in new york state. ♪ you can find it all only in new york. new york. it's all here. it's only here. plan your summer vacation at >> kanye west and kim kardashian apologizing after his canceled surprised concert mess in new york city. kanye says he was going it perform at western hall early yesterday morning, but also says the venue canceled when too many fans showed up. more than 4,000 people filled the street climbing on cars, dumpsters, causing a lot of damage. kim kardashian tweeted kanye was sorry and he promised to somehow make it up to fans. we'll see what he has in store for them. >> james cord on is getting ready to host the tony's sunday night. so to prepare for this gig, he got a little help from some broadway's biggest stars. >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ >> how about those rapping skills? corden and hamilton star belted out songs from the hit musical during carpool karioke, explains why he doesn't feel much pressure even though his show was nominated for record 16 tony's. >> with this just like oh, we get to be in the bill being friends from all of the other shows, that's the great thing about broadway, we don't work in the same -- >> and after that, oscar mcdonald, love her, gels i tyler ferguson, and james, all squeezed into the back seat to sing another classic. >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ >> so, wow, i tell you what, jim donovan wants to be in this car, so bad, right now. >> i say big bucks. >> so bad. he would give him all of the money, but do you not want to miss james cord on, starts 8:00 right here on cbs-3, how about this? for pretty exciting news? our own ukee washington will be a guest host on the talk and he wants to take with you him, will sit down with the lady at the talk next month, here is how you get involved, win trip for two to los angeles, get vii ticket to the show, all do you have do smith a picture or video on instagram, describing why you are the biggest fan of the talk. be sure to use the hashtag the talk kyw and you're entered for chance to win, good luck. >> i think they rarely have men guess hosing, i think ukee has been more than once? pretty cool for him. >> as i understand, the ladies love him that much. >> i guess we can't apply for those tickets, out for a trip to la? >> i see ukee on tv here every day. >> i just want the trip to la. >> i'd go. >> solar impulse is supposed to be in new york sit, last minute delay kept it in the, felt like the weather was changing quicker than expected so they decided to stay put. they hope to leave for new york in the next few days. >> here's katie, you heard already before, you didn't see her. >> yes indeed. >> i was here, the whole time. >> but, you know, we are talking about more storms in the forecast, nothing terribly widespread, but there is a front and then little upper level disturbance that crosses through, so that in part why the plane decided it wouldn't take off. thankfully it is nothing terribly major that's going to be impacting our weather but dow want to start things off by taking you outside to one of the pocono shot, little hazy out there this morning, right? we do have some moisture to work with currently crossing through northeastern pennsylvania, which will show you in a second, here, but ya, little hazy start. this is actually live look for you, out at blue mountain, up in northampton county headed toward carbon county. but again, beginning to the morning that's very, very moisture laden, and it will show you why, as we move forward. but also want to check in with the eyewitness weather watch they are morning, show what they have to report. generally finding a lot of warms in the atmosphere here. we have 72 degrees comes in this morning for sandra. she actually has more sun this morning than anything. you are going to find generally a little bit after variety of pack of cloud cover throughout the region here as a whole this morning, 66 comes in from lou, he, though, finding full sunshine, and he is at 66 degrees with some pretty high humidity to report. let's go to one more, zero in on 67, which comes in to us from john carol, also finding the sunshine. so while we have got in the video shot the fog, at least from the reports here and the weather watchers a loft sunshine out there, as well. let's go ahead, take you next to storm scan3, finding a lot of tropical moisture getting drawn north. notice, how it is just bypassing us, so what i want you to focus on is this cold front. doesn't look like much. but it is actually a pretty significant cold front. that's going to be crossing through our area. this tropical moisture by the way is all associated with tropical storm colin. no direct and even no indirect impact from that for our area. but, with the cold front, i just showed you, jet stream scheduled to just drop south, and as it does so, we will see significant cool down by tomorrow, nothing more than afternoon shower or thundershower today, there could be a locally stronger storm toward the poconos, that said, but regardless it, looks like pretty decent day. most of the day seeing some sun and warmth, then by tomorrow, we drop off a solid ten or so degrees, back to the low 70s, so notice that change. and the wind kicks in, as well, as that front crosses our area. meisha? >> katie, thank you. those seven's, still going to feel good. all right, you guys, waking up this morning, traffic levels building. schuylkill eastbound at gulph mills, also the disable truck here pulled all the way off, moving obviously the westbound side, the truck there, this incident here, traffic going by, pretty good right now, but we know that moving into the 6:00 hour, if that doesn't move out of our way can really slow you done, we start to get gaper delay as you move past this. tight shoulder, we know we will have gaper delay, ben franklin bridge moving in the westbound direction from jersey looking good, looking just as it should as we push toward the 6:00 hour. we have desirable vehicle here, you can see, the man driver probably out of his vehicle walking around, this is going to slow you down very dangerous here, just make sure to drive slow if you are just hitting the roadway right now, 59 south near route 320, just past the blue route, that left lane obviously compromised. delaware county, looking gorgeous. ninety-five, northbound, at 452, looking really nice. not seeing levels build, or slow down, construction 495 north bound edgemore road, two left lanes block until 7:00 a.m. jim, over to you. >> thank you so much, meisha a chester county man finds an unwelcome visitor walking across his front lawn. take a look at this. big black bear wandering in phoenixville yesterday, the video sent to us from dave gotow, said he didn't see the bear in person but saw it when he reviewed his security video, he says it was a close call, because his wife had just walked their dog. >> ryan howard will have a chance to break out of his slump tonight when he is in the phyllis starting line up for the first time in a week. here's sports director don bell with your morning sports. >> recently i spoke to cameron rough about the steam's struggles, he made good point, not like they are losing -- over the last two weeks lost to 21st place teams, the cubs and nationals, lost every single game. last night took on chicago again and once again the competition was stiff. look who is at the ballpark, sir charles, charles barkley, taking comings in the cage. what's up charles? the swing kind of looks like his golf swing. but kudos to the man for trying. how about jason? ya, his swing ability just a touch better, a two run shot in the fourth inning, and three-nothing cubs. just like that. now, cubs crews control because john flat out balling again for the second time in two weeks, taking on the phils, nine punch outs, phillies get on the board late with two homeruns, but, the damage is already done. baseball six to four, your final score. >> nascar now yesterday at pocono. the race postponed sunday because of rain. no problems. yesterday absolutely beautiful. final lap curbing bush who out lasts, to pick up his 28th career victory, he's now second in this year's standing. hey that's all for sports, i'm don bell, have a great day. >> thanks a lot, don. the olney charter high school baseball team celebrating historic run. the trojans beat frankford to bring home the school's first public public league title since 1969. olney then beat father judge to be crowned overall city champ, a feat not accomplished by public school in more than 40 years, the coach says the title for team goal. >> you know, they can compete with teams outside the public league. when we had the opportunity to play in the championship again this year, they believe they could hang with any team, then they showed it on the field. >> and even though the team lost to boyertown in the opening round, it state the team won plenty of heart along the way to their historic season. good for them. >> don't fear the bat. that's the message from health experts. >> how some fat can help you lose weight. the story coming having acne... ...was always on my mind. so i asked a dermatologist about new aczone dapsone gel 7.5%. i apply it once a day, any time. aczone gel 7.5% is fda approved for the topical treatment of acne for people 12 years and older. aczone gel is a once-a-day acne treatment with clinically proven results. in clinical trials, acne got better for people using aczone gel in just 12 weeks. aczone gel may cause the serious side effect of methemoglobinemia, which decreases oxygen in your blood. stop taking aczone gel and get medical help right away if your lips, mouth, or nails turn grey or blue. talk to your doctor if you have g6pd deficiency. using benzoyl peroxide with aczone gel may cause skin or facial hair to temporarily turn yellow or orange where applied. common side effects of aczone gel include dryness and itching of treated skin. now, i have less acne to think about because i use aczone gel. you could pay as little as $15 for aczone gel. learn more at aczone. prescription treatment. proven results. >> on the cbs-3 health war -- health watch, bad news if you are just getting home from work. your job may be putting you at risk, people chronically sleep deprived and working night shift may have increased risk of cardio vascular disease, researchers say work kearse offset the risk with healthy diet, exercise and more sleep. >> also, on the cbs-3 health watch, if you want to lose weight, add some fat to your diet. researchers say hi fat mediterranian diet the best way to shed some pound. they found people who ate plenty of vegtables, fish, fruit, nuts, and whole grains, lost more weight and extra virgin olive oil rather than butter they did better. >> i can do. that will if you're on diet there is one is probably not for you. >> getting a look at burger king's newest smash up, fast-food change combined cheeseburger and burito to make the whopperito. meat cheese lettuce tomato, tickles, wrapped up in a tore till a if you want to try it go for ride, at this point, burger king only testing it out at a restaurant in western pennsylvania. >> he'll pass. >> me too. >> coming up in the next hour, four legged hero (this dog is closing a important chapter in american history. >> and she is an athlete and a scholar, but really just the tip of the iceberg. pat gallen introduces us to olivia. a local high school golf here is really on a course for greatness. stay with us. thank you so much. did you say honey? hey, try some? mmm that is tasty. is it real? of course... are you? nope animated you know i'm always looking for real honey for honey nut cheerios well you've come to the right place. great, mind if i have another taste? not at all mmm you're all right bud? never better i don't know if he likes that. yeah part of the complete breakfast >> from the cb asks broadcast center in philadelphia. this is cbs-3 "eyewitness news" this morning. new this morning, pizza delivery man is fighting for his life after he's kidnapped, robbed and shot in the head. and the gunman still on the loose, we'll tell you what police know about their suspects. also, new this morning, he should have been safe inside his own home, but this morning five year old boy is recovering, after getting hit by a stray bullet. see how his parent kept him calm after the shooting. >> and hillary clinton makes history ahead of today's primaries. what this means for bernie sanders as voters head to the polls in six states including new jersey. >> well, today is tuesday, june the seventh, good morning everyone, i'm jim donovan. >> i'm become tomorrow. katie and meisha are here to help you get your day started. they're not up. they're up now. >> they're up now. good morning. >> good morning, guys, roads are looking good, do have disable vehicle, and accident out there, doesn't sounds like a big deal, but causing major problems out there. >> at least we have the quiet weather for now, overall, looks like pretty nice day, that said, you will eventually see bit of wet weather dotting the area radar, but gorgeous shot to kick it off, right? little muggy outside, hint of haze circling the sunshine here outside on "skycam 3". this actually being

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Transcripts For KYW Eyewitness News At 530 20160607 :

Transcripts For KYW Eyewitness News At 530 20160607

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>> ticket for muhammad ali's muslim memorial service on thursday will be made available this morning at 10:00 a.m. take a look at this, big black bear, wandering in phoenixville yesterday, says it was a close call because his wife had just walked their dog. >> ♪ >> ♪ >> and that's the latest edition of carpool karioke, tagging along for the ride, that later in the show. do you sing like that in the car? >> ya, and i dance. >> dancing in the car? >> i do. do you ever pull up at the stop light, and looking in, so i have to pretend like i'm cool with it, and really i'm caught. >> versute snell. >> pretend like i see you, i'm cool with it, i i am never cool with it. katie, do you sing and dance in the car? >> oh, gosh ya, who doesn't? but i'm exactly like you, brooke. >> i listen to mpr. i'm not dancing. >> i love it. just have best mental image right now, guys, as far as the weather goes, we shift gears, definitely muggy start to the day. it is very palpable, the mugginess in the air right now, when you walk out the door, you will notice that. today will be another day that certainly looks and feels like summertime for sure. we should easily hit the low and mid 80s here. we look at storm scan3, though, that's nice and quiet. we zoom out one time however and you can see hint of wet weather pushing in to north central pennsylvania, basically moving right along i95. -- i80. we stand to see scattered shower, perhaps rumble every thunder, this comes courtesy of the next cold front. quickly look at dew points, dew point temperature measures the moisture in the air. the highest it is, the muggier it is, as well. so when you are talking dew points in dover in the 70s, ya, you will notice how muggy it is. and here in philadelphia, at dew point of 66, starting to feel steamy, as it translates to the thermometer, we're in the low 70s right now, quite the mild start to the day in philadelphia. seventy-three in atlantic city, as we go hour by hour, overall, guys, expect to see some sunshine. by 11:00 a.m. already pushing 80 degrees here. as the day progresses, few additional clouds do pop up here. then it will also see that scattered variety of a shower, thunder shower, with time, throughout the day. if you're lucky enough to have the day off, hitting the beach, good place to be, there may still be just spotty shower late in the day. but overall, with nice sea breeze and warmth in place, 81 degrees, water temperature, little cool, for my taste, but still getting up there with time. 66 degrees, and the rip countries being nice and low, it is a nice place to be here today. but, in general, like i said, expect more sun than anything. meisha any wet weather chances should be pretty scat nerd nature this afternoon. >> good to know. thanks so much, katie. nice to have that sun. i'm with her, i like my water temperature hot. i want to swim in a hot tub not a pool. schuylkill eastbound at gulf mill, you can see, heating up on the eastbound side, again the accident, that doesn't get out of our way. that will leave with you some gator delays, right now though because it is before 6:00. not worried about that, 422, taillights eastbound direction, valley form, looking good here, 95 south approaching girard where we have some construction out there, see the crews out there, just this will probably be moving out of our way, overall, southbound direction, not too worried about it, looking pretty darn good. blue route, southbound at mid-county looking good here as well. keeping my eye on this, moving in the southbound direction, probably see this heat up over the next 25 to 30 minute or so. then we do have come struck sean delaware, 495, northbound edgemore road. two left lanes blocked right now until 7:00 a.m. just starting that hour of the rush hour, our 7:00 hour, that's when it will lift. it might slow you down little bit. also, just reminder we have more work on the delaware memorial bridge southbound two, left lanes compromised between five a.m. and 8:00 p.m. yes it, will slow you down this morning, jim, over to you. >> thanks so much. meisha. new jersey one of six state holding presidential primaries today. >> that is one campaign that's, excuse me, this is one campaign that's already making history. "eyewitness news" reporter justin finch live at polling place in cherry hill, justin? >> brooke, good morning, just minutes away now from polls opening in the state of new jersey, projections say this could be a very historic day for hillary clinton, who some say, already has enough delegate to be the presidential nominee for the democratic party. however, today, she could be the first woman to top a presidential ticket. let's take you now to video here. the difference maker, analysts say, was puerto rico. cbs news, the associated press, counting weeble end win, plus the super delegate win puts her already over the top. the nominee benchmark is 20383 for democrats, clinton by some count just 26 delegates shy. new jersey counts 126 pledged delegate and 16 un pledged or super delegates. so by closing the polling places tonight clinton could clinch the nomination. california, the golden state also votes today, and polling shows that democrats could have another tight race there. clinton has turn her focus to donald trump, the presumptive gop nominee, the billionaire businessman is now under fire, for controversial remarks made about a federal judge overseeing his fraud lawsuit. that judge is of mexican heritage, but american born. trump addressed that dust up on cbs "face the nation", and meantime, the democrats are focus odd on their delicate count today. >> i'm just confused what his mexican parents have to do with that. >> excuse me, i want to build a wall. i mean, i don't think it is very confusing. >> i want people to come out and vote tomorrow particularly here in california. >> in the most important primary until the whole democratic nominating process we're going to win. >> now, cbs news already report that president obama could be prepared to endorse and campaign for hillary clinton in just a matter of days. the white house and the campaigns taking a wait and see attitude until the end of business and voting today. we're live here in cherry hill, justin fin. , cbs-3, "eyewitness news", brooke, jim, into you. >> thanks, justin. >> some new video just in from gloucester county where early morning fire has destroyed a home. firefighters responded to burning house on the 600 block of woodland avenue in depford, told no one was in the home at the time of the fire. they are still trying to figure out with a sparked the blaze. >> 5:37. in business news this morning, find out why investors think there will be no interest rate hike. >> why uber is testing a new program in new jersey. money watch's jill wagner joins us live from the new york stock exchange, good morning, jill. good morning, brooke, jim. yes, s&p and nasdaq owned. dow jumped 113-point to start week, nasdaq rose 26. futures pointed to a higher open. fed chair janell well end weighing in on hiring slow down, disappointing, insists the economy still strong, in a speech in philadelphia, yesterday, yellen did not repeat her earlier guidance, that an interest rate hike is likely in coming month. so investors take that as a sign that a june rate hike is off the table. >> verizon reportedly bid $3 billion for yahoo's internet business, which is less than initially speculated. the wall street journal reports, verizon still the top contend tow buy yahoo. yahoo and verizon wouldn't comment, yahoo will hold one more round every bidding. don't be late for your uber ride, the company expanding pilot program that gives riders two minute window to get to their car before charging late fee instead of the previous five minutes. uber tested this in new york, new jersey, phoenix, dallas, says riders were likely to be prompt. so, the policy, headed to dozen more sit thinks month, brooke and jim. >> i like that policy, thanks, jill. in other business news, atlantic city showboat hotel is re-opening and look to go hire. a job fair begins at 1:00 this afternoon and goes until 7:00. you can enter the main casino floor entrance, positions include housekeepers, front desk worse ers, sales manager and general manager. the hotel will no longer be operating a casino. arrest warrant for suspect until the murder after delivery man, pizza delivery man in delaware county. police are looking for rodney shelton. investigators say he shot thomas childs on loading dock in quaide and in june of last year. they say the motive was robbery. >> he rum and dollars through his pocket, we know, that his pocket was turn inside out. his phone was missing. a small amount of money was missing. this was all over a few dollars. he was killed to be probably less than $20. charges against shelton include first degree murder. he has large distinctive tatoo of a spiderweb on the top of his head. >> coming up. what do you get when you mix a burying he -- burger and a bar ito? >> why it won't be easy to taste it. >> historic run for this local baseball team. the incredible thing they accomplished that hasn't been done in decades. ♪ ♪ ♪ grand canyon and glacierger than national parks combined. and that's not the only thing you can only find in new york state. ♪ you can find it all only in new york. new york. it's all here. it's only here. plan your summer vacation at >> kanye west and kim kardashian apologizing after his canceled surprised concert mess in new york city. kanye says he was going it perform at western hall early yesterday morning, but also says the venue canceled when too many fans showed up. more than 4,000 people filled the street climbing on cars, dumpsters, causing a lot of damage. kim kardashian tweeted kanye was sorry and he promised to somehow make it up to fans. we'll see what he has in store for them. >> james cord on is getting ready to host the tony's sunday night. so to prepare for this gig, he got a little help from some broadway's biggest stars. >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ >> how about those rapping skills? corden and hamilton star belted out songs from the hit musical during carpool karioke, explains why he doesn't feel much pressure even though his show was nominated for record 16 tony's. >> with this just like oh, we get to be in the bill being friends from all of the other shows, that's the great thing about broadway, we don't work in the same -- >> and after that, oscar mcdonald, love her, gels i tyler ferguson, and james, all squeezed into the back seat to sing another classic. >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ >> so, wow, i tell you what, jim donovan wants to be in this car, so bad, right now. >> i say big bucks. >> so bad. he would give him all of the money, but do you not want to miss james cord on, starts 8:00 right here on cbs-3, how about this? for pretty exciting news? our own ukee washington will be a guest host on the talk and he wants to take with you him, will sit down with the lady at the talk next month, here is how you get involved, win trip for two to los angeles, get vii ticket to the show, all do you have do smith a picture or video on instagram, describing why you are the biggest fan of the talk. be sure to use the hashtag the talk kyw and you're entered for chance to win, good luck. >> i think they rarely have men guess hosing, i think ukee has been more than once? pretty cool for him. >> as i understand, the ladies love him that much. >> i guess we can't apply for those tickets, out for a trip to la? >> i see ukee on tv here every day. >> i just want the trip to la. >> i'd go. >> solar impulse is supposed to be in new york sit, last minute delay kept it in the, felt like the weather was changing quicker than expected so they decided to stay put. they hope to leave for new york in the next few days. >> here's katie, you heard already before, you didn't see her. >> yes indeed. >> i was here, the whole time. >> but, you know, we are talking about more storms in the forecast, nothing terribly widespread, but there is a front and then little upper level disturbance that crosses through, so that in part why the plane decided it wouldn't take off. thankfully it is nothing terribly major that's going to be impacting our weather but dow want to start things off by taking you outside to one of the pocono shot, little hazy out there this morning, right? we do have some moisture to work with currently crossing through northeastern pennsylvania, which will show you in a second, here, but ya, little hazy start. this is actually live look for you, out at blue mountain, up in northampton county headed toward carbon county. but again, beginning to the morning that's very, very moisture laden, and it will show you why, as we move forward. but also want to check in with the eyewitness weather watch they are morning, show what they have to report. generally finding a lot of warms in the atmosphere here. we have 72 degrees comes in this morning for sandra. she actually has more sun this morning than anything. you are going to find generally a little bit after variety of pack of cloud cover throughout the region here as a whole this morning, 66 comes in from lou, he, though, finding full sunshine, and he is at 66 degrees with some pretty high humidity to report. let's go to one more, zero in on 67, which comes in to us from john carol, also finding the sunshine. so while we have got in the video shot the fog, at least from the reports here and the weather watchers a loft sunshine out there, as well. let's go ahead, take you next to storm scan3, finding a lot of tropical moisture getting drawn north. notice, how it is just bypassing us, so what i want you to focus on is this cold front. doesn't look like much. but it is actually a pretty significant cold front. that's going to be crossing through our area. this tropical moisture by the way is all associated with tropical storm colin. no direct and even no indirect impact from that for our area. but, with the cold front, i just showed you, jet stream scheduled to just drop south, and as it does so, we will see significant cool down by tomorrow, nothing more than afternoon shower or thundershower today, there could be a locally stronger storm toward the poconos, that said, but regardless it, looks like pretty decent day. most of the day seeing some sun and warmth, then by tomorrow, we drop off a solid ten or so degrees, back to the low 70s, so notice that change. and the wind kicks in, as well, as that front crosses our area. meisha? >> katie, thank you. those seven's, still going to feel good. all right, you guys, waking up this morning, traffic levels building. schuylkill eastbound at gulph mills, also the disable truck here pulled all the way off, moving obviously the westbound side, the truck there, this incident here, traffic going by, pretty good right now, but we know that moving into the 6:00 hour, if that doesn't move out of our way can really slow you done, we start to get gaper delay as you move past this. tight shoulder, we know we will have gaper delay, ben franklin bridge moving in the westbound direction from jersey looking good, looking just as it should as we push toward the 6:00 hour. we have desirable vehicle here, you can see, the man driver probably out of his vehicle walking around, this is going to slow you down very dangerous here, just make sure to drive slow if you are just hitting the roadway right now, 59 south near route 320, just past the blue route, that left lane obviously compromised. delaware county, looking gorgeous. ninety-five, northbound, at 452, looking really nice. not seeing levels build, or slow down, construction 495 north bound edgemore road, two left lanes block until 7:00 a.m. jim, over to you. >> thank you so much, meisha a chester county man finds an unwelcome visitor walking across his front lawn. take a look at this. big black bear wandering in phoenixville yesterday, the video sent to us from dave gotow, said he didn't see the bear in person but saw it when he reviewed his security video, he says it was a close call, because his wife had just walked their dog. >> ryan howard will have a chance to break out of his slump tonight when he is in the phyllis starting line up for the first time in a week. here's sports director don bell with your morning sports. >> recently i spoke to cameron rough about the steam's struggles, he made good point, not like they are losing -- over the last two weeks lost to 21st place teams, the cubs and nationals, lost every single game. last night took on chicago again and once again the competition was stiff. look who is at the ballpark, sir charles, charles barkley, taking comings in the cage. what's up charles? the swing kind of looks like his golf swing. but kudos to the man for trying. how about jason? ya, his swing ability just a touch better, a two run shot in the fourth inning, and three-nothing cubs. just like that. now, cubs crews control because john flat out balling again for the second time in two weeks, taking on the phils, nine punch outs, phillies get on the board late with two homeruns, but, the damage is already done. baseball six to four, your final score. >> nascar now yesterday at pocono. the race postponed sunday because of rain. no problems. yesterday absolutely beautiful. final lap curbing bush who out lasts, to pick up his 28th career victory, he's now second in this year's standing. hey that's all for sports, i'm don bell, have a great day. >> thanks a lot, don. the olney charter high school baseball team celebrating historic run. the trojans beat frankford to bring home the school's first public public league title since 1969. olney then beat father judge to be crowned overall city champ, a feat not accomplished by public school in more than 40 years, the coach says the title for team goal. >> you know, they can compete with teams outside the public league. when we had the opportunity to play in the championship again this year, they believe they could hang with any team, then they showed it on the field. >> and even though the team lost to boyertown in the opening round, it state the team won plenty of heart along the way to their historic season. good for them. >> don't fear the bat. that's the message from health experts. >> how some fat can help you lose weight. the story coming having acne... ...was always on my mind. so i asked a dermatologist about new aczone dapsone gel 7.5%. i apply it once a day, any time. aczone gel 7.5% is fda approved for the topical treatment of acne for people 12 years and older. aczone gel is a once-a-day acne treatment with clinically proven results. in clinical trials, acne got better for people using aczone gel in just 12 weeks. aczone gel may cause the serious side effect of methemoglobinemia, which decreases oxygen in your blood. stop taking aczone gel and get medical help right away if your lips, mouth, or nails turn grey or blue. talk to your doctor if you have g6pd deficiency. using benzoyl peroxide with aczone gel may cause skin or facial hair to temporarily turn yellow or orange where applied. common side effects of aczone gel include dryness and itching of treated skin. now, i have less acne to think about because i use aczone gel. you could pay as little as $15 for aczone gel. learn more at aczone. prescription treatment. proven results. >> on the cbs-3 health war -- health watch, bad news if you are just getting home from work. your job may be putting you at risk, people chronically sleep deprived and working night shift may have increased risk of cardio vascular disease, researchers say work kearse offset the risk with healthy diet, exercise and more sleep. >> also, on the cbs-3 health watch, if you want to lose weight, add some fat to your diet. researchers say hi fat mediterranian diet the best way to shed some pound. they found people who ate plenty of vegtables, fish, fruit, nuts, and whole grains, lost more weight and extra virgin olive oil rather than butter they did better. >> i can do. that will if you're on diet there is one is probably not for you. >> getting a look at burger king's newest smash up, fast-food change combined cheeseburger and burito to make the whopperito. meat cheese lettuce tomato, tickles, wrapped up in a tore till a if you want to try it go for ride, at this point, burger king only testing it out at a restaurant in western pennsylvania. >> he'll pass. >> me too. >> coming up in the next hour, four legged hero (this dog is closing a important chapter in american history. >> and she is an athlete and a scholar, but really just the tip of the iceberg. pat gallen introduces us to olivia. a local high school golf here is really on a course for greatness. stay with us. thank you so much. did you say honey? hey, try some? mmm that is tasty. is it real? of course... are you? nope animated you know i'm always looking for real honey for honey nut cheerios well you've come to the right place. great, mind if i have another taste? not at all mmm you're all right bud? never better i don't know if he likes that. yeah part of the complete breakfast >> from the cb asks broadcast center in philadelphia. this is cbs-3 "eyewitness news" this morning. new this morning, pizza delivery man is fighting for his life after he's kidnapped, robbed and shot in the head. and the gunman still on the loose, we'll tell you what police know about their suspects. also, new this morning, he should have been safe inside his own home, but this morning five year old boy is recovering, after getting hit by a stray bullet. see how his parent kept him calm after the shooting. >> and hillary clinton makes history ahead of today's primaries. what this means for bernie sanders as voters head to the polls in six states including new jersey. >> well, today is tuesday, june the seventh, good morning everyone, i'm jim donovan. >> i'm become tomorrow. katie and meisha are here to help you get your day started. they're not up. they're up now. >> they're up now. good morning. >> good morning, guys, roads are looking good, do have disable vehicle, and accident out there, doesn't sounds like a big deal, but causing major problems out there. >> at least we have the quiet weather for now, overall, looks like pretty nice day, that said, you will eventually see bit of wet weather dotting the area radar, but gorgeous shot to kick it off, right? little muggy outside, hint of haze circling the sunshine here outside on "skycam 3". this actually being

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