Transcripts For KYW Eyewitness News At 530 20160216 : compar

Transcripts For KYW Eyewitness News At 530 20160216

milder it is today at this time from yesterday? mind blowing, just wait for t actually tweaking out about it over in the weather center just second ago. the kind of stuff we get excited about it, let's go outside. show you what's going on first and for most, couple of icicles here for you, on sky cabbing three bethlehem. from our hotel bethlehem shot overlooking main street. but clearly, they had some icing through the overnight. and leaving behind the slush very evident, even in the fuzzy backgrounds that we have here, you still have snow on the gown, also the slush currently on main street and really everywhere else, in the lehigh valley. next, we go to storm scan, more localized zoom. where at the moment there are still handful of little scattered showers, but it is primarily well outside of philadelphia. off to the north, off to the west, and far to the north and the west here. eventually what will happen this shield of rain starts to creep ever closer from the west, tan will cross through by midday. at which point though everyone, i don't care who you are, everyone is well above freezing, and now your a not looking at current temperatures, giles, you might bling and think you are. this is actually the temperature change from the last 24 hours, i told you you would be shocked. nearly 40 degrees warmer, that's huge, than this same time yesterday in mount pocono. 33 degrees warmer than this same time in philly. i mean, just unbelievable how warm it is already turned. we look very quickly at the actual temperatures right now, 51 at the airport, 53 out in atlantic city. southerly winds flow, will look you up in a big way. winds starting to pick up along with it, so do you have watch out for win driven rain later today. generally it is midday that the rain will come through. whether it dolls it comes through very heavily. so, travel is going to be interesting, to say the least, ever changing conditions, what we have going for us right now, meisha, a the temperatures just surging so we get out of the icy situation pretty soon i would say. >> great flues for morning commutersment thank you so much. we do have residual slush, the snowy mixon the roadways, certainly going to cause you a little bit of slow down specially as volume levels continue to heat up specially pushing into the 6:00 hour then our rush hour at 7:00. right now though this is where we had accident, 95 south onramp from academy road since cleared out of the way. good news because interstate 95 moving in the southbound direction we know right around academy gets very, very busy, already; i mean, take a look at this. it is only 5:30 in the morning, already a loft vehicles out there. you can see the slick road conditions that you have which by the way whenever we have wet roadways yes not as dangerous as the ice is, but hydroplaning can certainly play an issue. accident 309 northbound approaching paper mill road pulled all the way out to the shoulder. not causing too many slow downs, moving in the northbound direction at 309 but just know as it heats up it can, know it is there. spring garden near broad, great view, you can actually see some of the public -- see how how wet it is, the snow turning into slush, in some areas, not so much in center city it, can be black ice, still on the roadways, located. i said, temperatures going up so quickly that's all going to melt. again, leaving some major puddles on the bridges and bridge decks, especially side streets and sidewalks. accident here, conshohocken, state road, merion hill lane, just make note that far if you are in and around the areament construction on 422 coming up. erika, back to you. >> also reminder see a loft school delays piling up at the bottom of the screen. and there is a good reason for it, meisha, talking about this, some of the roadways and walkways just stretch russ out there. "eyewitness news" reporter justin finch joining us now in willow grove with mobile three. lou things looking naught willow grove, justin? >> erika, good morning, good news is here, as katie mentioned, temperature outside is rising, so quickly, last night, definitely 34 degrees, i'm looking now to this place that has 45 degrees. looking outside, how that translates is. >> this we have a lot of melting on the way on the road, many of them the majors, were treated earlier here in willow grove. we saw the trucks going out with the salt and the plows. crossing over old welsh onto reservoir avenue. it will be residential street. you will see here, the light shining on the mel g ice now water coming down the road here. still slush, slush, on the sidewalks you will see they are not really treated here, to the right, perhaps the left, crest haunt park, completely covered in ice. and snow, under that. we will make a right here on rube cam avenue here. you can kind of see here the conditions here are slightly changing here too. still slush and ice on the road. it is melting, that's the good thing, where i take you down deeper, show you how it looks on some of the streets and roads that have not yet been fully treated. you will see when it is dark out here, too, plus the icy slushy conditions, it can be a bit of a mess. this is how we found roads in transition earlier had not been plowed, wet, slushy, icy all of that as well. >> the highways are mostly clear, if not clear by now, we saw that coming up here, it is the side streets routes, other state roads, there and not fully there. taking a look in front of us here. seeing that coating that sheen on the snow and roads out here. >> as you mentioned, erika, why we're seeing some delays in school openings across our area, for instance, we know upper moreland schools are now operating with two hour delay it, will take some time to get all every these roadways, all of these sidewalks up to par, to be safe for student to get out and make their way to class this morning. but for you going to school or work, who don't have that luxury, definitely take it easy on the roads. he as we are doing as i see right now, making you are way back onto old welsh. that's the latest from willow grove. erika, back over you. >> justin, thanks so. we check in with you a little later in the show. thank you. 5:37n business news this morning, who is drinking all the of the wayne these days? and wall street get back to work on a short week. money watch's jill wagner joins us from the new york stock exchange, important questions, jill, good morning. >> i them ' playing my part. us markets reopen after break for president's day on friday. the dow jumped 313 points the nasdaq was up 70. we could be in for pretty good start to the week. future pointing to higher open. markets in asia dumped again today, as oil prices rebound, and chinese markets stabilize. onto the oil prices, they jumped 5% on word that saudi arabia, russia other opek members have agreed freeze oil production, over supply, combined with less global demand, has sent oil prices much lower, sparked massive sell off in world marketsment on the bright side though our prices we've been enjoying at the gas pump are at decade lows. and, wine is winning over millennials. new stud fry wine market council found that americans, aged 21 to 38, drank 42% every all wine in the united states last year. it is particularly popular with women, and young people aren't just going for the cheap stuff. they are also picking out more expensive he can check particular bottles. erika? >> whatever would you like, sounds good, jill. thanks so much. >> yep, two buck chuck, we take it all. >> don't turn your nose about it, have a good one. >> a 38:00. former president george w. bush is trying to boost the presidential aspirations of his younger brother, jeb. the two appeared together at rally in north charleston, south carolina it is the first time the 43rd president has campaigned for his brother. while not mentioning donald trump by name the former president sharply criticized him. >> and i understand that americans are angry and frustrated. bye but we do not need someone in the oval who mirrors our anger and frustration. >> both former presidents bush, 41 and 43, won south caroline at primary in their race for the white house. the republican primary is saturday. >> meanwhile, hillary clinton makes an unusual point in an unusual manner. while campaigning in reno, never add a she quote add old campaign campaign ad in arkansas about training dogs to bark if a a politician says something that's not true. >> we need to get that dog and follow him around and every time they saw zero say these things, like oh, you know the great recession was caused by too much regulation, bark bark bark, you snow. >> the democratic presidential candidate is suggesting k9's can play a role in politics while talking about regulating wall street. nevada is holding it democratic caucuses on saturday. >> local restaurant you may say they are feeling the burn with a new menu item dedicate today presidential candidate bernie sanders. the vegan eatery wild in flower in millville cumberland county introduce add wrap with hummus, beans, other tasty ingredient. they call it the bernie sanders burger even though it doesn't have meat, not to short change the republicans, they use donald trump's phrase to describe the bernie burger, they say it is huge. all right, still ahead this morning, did you watch the grammys last night? we're taking a look back at some of the biggest moments you may have missed. >> ♪ >> singer tweets about what went wrong during her anticipated performance. >> winter weather causes problems on the road, it can also take a bite out of your wallet. how the snow doesn't take bite since 1961, pearle vision has proviwith expert eye care. that was dr. stanley pearle's vision and we still proudly carry on his legacy. today, doctors like lisa hamilton perform eye exams that can help detect diabetes. because we care for you... and your eyes. this is genuine eye care, in your neighborhood. this is pearle vision. you'll need to email us so we can issue you a ticket. but you're right here. it's protocol. or, you can try staples tech services next day guarantee. it's fast and done right. i'll do that instead. that's not protocol marsha. in by noon, out by 5 the next day. staples. make more happen. >> music's biggest night did not stop, taylor swift opened the show. >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ >> swift is basking in triple win this morning including the big one, too, albumn of the year. she's the first woman to win albumn of the year twice, well done. now, during her acceptance speech, the pop star dressed kanye west recent massage dig at her on his new albumn. >> there are going to be people along the way who will try to under cut your successor take credit for your accomplishments or your fame. but if you just focus on the work, and you don't let those people side track you, some day when you get where you're going you'll look around and you will know that it was you and the people who love you who put you there. >> good for her. hey, hip hop artist kendrick lamar, best rap albumn. one of his five grammys, most of the night. he brought everyone to their feet with his fiery performance of to pill happen butterfly. meanwhile adele may have been asking hello where's my sound? audio problems made for a less than perfect performance at the grammys. >> ♪ >> while performing all i ask, adele's mike cut out early in the song. social me ya exploded with complaint about the technical glitch, such highly anticipated performance. adele later explained the disruption tweeting the me and owe mike's fell on the piano strings, that's what the guitar sound was it, made it sound out of tune, bleep happens. x. now because of it, i'll treat myself to in and out. so maybe it was worth t. >> all right, several big stars, missing from the grammys maybe you noticed including rihanna. a lot of people were wait to go see her perform, but she pulled the plug at the last minute. rihanna's doctor said she is at risk of damaging her vocal covered, so they told hershey had to rest her voice for 48 hours. >> and check out some of the grammy fashion from last night, bff taylor swift and selena gomez rocking the red carpet together. swift wore the coral orange crop top with revealing imagine end did a skirt, boy shorts underneath. selena looked glamorous, full on glittery sapphire blue, lady gaga chanelling david bowie all the way with her outfit. and model christie teeing and best accessary, her baby bumm within husband john legend. everyone looked terrific. >> all right, got to move on. 5:46 right now. this morning, we are recovering from our latest round of wintery weather. rain will help melt the snow, but if you aren't careful this casino every weather could also melt away your savings. mary maloney helps you save money during the winter. >> more snow means more cold hard cash lost. snow removal expenses and canceled flights add up. but the snowy weather can impact your bottom line too. among the things driving up the cost of your snow days, the ease of ordering things on line. >> a loft us engage in impulse shopping it time of year as sitting around the couch doing nothingment it is particularly easy to do so when you have all of your credit cards information stored on favorite sites. >> the same goes for ordering comfort food. multiple meal deliveries can eat away at a budget, being snow bound can also mean a new years gym membership goes to waste, consider on line work out at home until mobilization and motivation get better with warmer temperatures. and, when you have cooled down from the work out, try throwing on a sweater, and if you turn the thermostat down ten to 15 degrees at night, you're going to save about 10% on your heating bill potentially, every single year, so there are small things you can do around the house to stay warm, and reduce your bills. >> so your savings don't melt away by spring. i'm mary malone. >> i so work out at home, don't order in food, katie, come on, these are our pleasures during cold messy days like this. >> she said it, comfort food, too? >> i know, we need it. >> just order chicken wings and pizza. >> i guess broccoli and chicken? ya. okay, back to the forecast, rainy mess today, right? >> exactliment at least for now we do still have bit after lull in the precipitation department. i want to take you out to some of the observations we're finding around the weather watcher network. one of the coldest locations, charles reports 32 degrees at the freezing markup in bath, p. a, poconos, carbon, monroe county point still north, winter weather advisory, he reported 1.2 inches of snowfall actually just shy that far here. but freezing rain, he said, overnight, he has a glaze, thankfully roads are plowed up around where he is located but regardless of the crews doug their job, you still got to watch out for slick spots out there. look at the temperatures, you have got upper four's, couple of 50's, we zoom in one more time here, going to 40 degrees there is one came into us from joseph crane i. in orland, pa. we got 40 degrees, not too bad. but said there was definitely snow out there. icy surfaces, low visibility, he actually sent great picture to sort of show that. showcasing this. and yes, you look like you take a step on that and just take a tumble. so watch for. that even though temperatures are on uphill climb corks still be a little dicey out there. as we are making the transition. but changing quickly. kerry reports 50 degrees, nice and mild in mt. laurel. and she did have one half inches of snow even about i believe she said half inch of rain. and the roads are wet, but the snow and ice are now long gone. certainly when you have temperatures spiking as quickly as they are that that will happen pretty readiliment nothing more than few left over pocket of lingering showers, notice no pink showing up at this point on the tail end of the radar, knotts, it is too warm for anything but plane old rain. but when that rain comes through, time stamp 9:00 a.m. it is starting to nudge in here already. and then it really just douse cents us by midday, will potentially lead to flooding out there. watch for heavy rain, mel g snow to potentially lead to poor drainage flooding along the rivers, along the streams and creeks, never, ever, ever driver through flooded roadways, never stop saying that to you. i know i get to be a broken record after time but we will keep saying t temperatures do take a lit by tomorrow. back into more seasonable weather really. thursday is the coldest day of the pack. still flirting with 40, but really today is the front loaded part of the forecast, meisha, a the rain is where it is at for the midday, then we dry out for couple of days. >> that will be so nice, and 57, i mean, that's very warm, and very nice. but, doesn't take away the fact what katie just said, very wet out there. wet outside right now. no rain coming down. but look how wet this s not only having the snow and ice and whatever was there now starting to moment you about getting pooling in some areas specially more on the side rock areas, sidestreets, bridge decks, under the bridges, all of that just your best discretion, residential camera. you can see, just by glare on the surfaces, not so much black ice in this area. hydroplaning. this is the accident, approaching paper mill road pulled off to the shoulder. so not causing too many slow downs right now, but certainly could if we don't get it out of the way specially now pushing more closer to the 6:00 hour. the schuylkill headlights moving in the eastbound direction. boulevard, looking good, holding steady i would say, but i am starting to see the more i look at the schuylkill starting to heat up now pushing into the 6:00 hour. everyone off yesterday for president's day will be jumping on the roadways today. it will get busy. this is where we have car fire easton road ramp to the pa turnpike, make note to for those every you in the area. conshohocken state road merion hill lane make note that far one, as women. back to you. >> meisha, a thank up. almost time to crown the best in show at the westminster kennel club show. we will take a look at some of the favorites for you. also, for these girls, running is all in the family. meet the sisters who are becoming stars on the track. and the lessons they say they learned from each other. we'll be right feels like each day liviis a game of chance.aine i wanted to put the odds in my favor. so my doctor told me about botox® an fda-approved treatment that significantly reduces headache days for adults with chronic migraine. 15 or more headache days a month, each lasting 4 hours or more. it's proven to actually prevent headache days. and it's injected by my doctor once every 3 months. the 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runners tough he is opponent share the same dna. >> at cardinal o'hara track is family event. senior grace mancini helped lead o'hara to catholic title this weekend by winning the mile race and 3,000 meters at lehigh university. >> but wait. her sophomore sister eleanor also runs track, and placed second in the mile run and third in the 3,000 meters. hold on, there are more mancini's. sophomore elizabeth is eleanor's twin, she finished third in the mile. so the three mancini sisters had real impressive showing at lehigh. >> what about me? >> wait. so there are four of you? >> yup. >> there is no more, right? >> nope. >> okay, good. >> christine, known as bean, is the youngest. the freshman beat her older sisters in the 800-meter run. >> learn to work from each other. not only working together as sisters but with the whole team definitely. >> we learn to be happy for each other. >> here come the mancini ladies. liz -- >> but the mancini's almost the only siblings at o'hare a there are the james brothers, ryan and patrick, and the lombardi clan, justin, luke -- >> go to practice together, we run together all the time. and i mean it is pretty competitive, i guess. >> sunday the boys finished second overall in the pcl championships. >> place overall, if i place in your hearts. >> end at rest of the o'hara family includes some serious talent including olivia, who set the catholic league record in the 800 meters. >> we're all one big family. >> from springfield, pat gal end, eyewitness sports. oh, love to see. that will coming up in the next hour of "eyewitness news", sports illustrated makes history with its swimsuit edition. for the first time there will be three separate covers with three separate models, one of them is plus sized. hear what she told stephen colbert about make that cover. >> and working out during the winterment some people still want to exercise outside, my hats off to you, but if you do, do you want to take certain precautions, doctor rob will join us to discuss that, that's coming up in the next hour. >> ♪ >> from the cbs broadcast center in philadelphia. this is cbs-3 "eyewitness news". >> good morning, what a messy morning it is. we are dealing with slick streets and sidewalks. storm scan3, more rain headed our way. katie and meisha have you covered. also, developing this morning, the search is on for a mask gunman after someone get shot and robbed, right in center city. >> taylor swift's except tan speech has people talking this morning, many believe is intended for kanye west, what she had to say. good morning, it is tuesday, february 16th, back to work, back to school. icy conditions have resulted though in hundreds of school delays. we have that information for you at the bottom of the screen. katie is out on the skydeck, meisha an inside watching the roads, at least not raining right now, ladies, good morning. >> you said it, that's a blessing, not so much visibility issue right now but slick roadways, seeing all of that snow that was starting to melt, katie, making it casino every messy on the roadways. string every accidents this morning. >> and certainly one thing

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New York , United States , Arkansas , Millville , Conshohocken , Pennsylvania , Nevada , Philadelphia , China , North Charleston , South Carolina , Reno , Monroe County , Lehigh University , Saudi Arabia , Willow Grove , Bethlehem , West Bank General , West Bank , Americans , Chinese , Jill Wagner , Stephen Colbert , David Bowie , George W Bush , Mary Maloney , Kendrick Lamar , Adele Mike , Springfield Pat , Mary Malone , Selena Gomez , Justin Finch , Hillary Clinton , Bernie Sanders ,

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