Transcripts For KYW Eyewitness News At 5 20170630 : comparem

Transcripts For KYW Eyewitness News At 5 20170630

katie and meisha are keeping an eye on things. >> good morning, you guys, doesn't matter what comes against us today, it is friday, everyone seems to be in a happy mood. >> fireworks right now. >> (laughing). >> look, shoot the fireworks right at me, there you go. >> me too, i'm right there with you. looking outside, we do have couple every accident, mine or, moving away, construction crews still out there. >> indeed they are. the weather once again very quiet. all-in-all couple of scattered showers, thunderstorms to tell but over the course of time for your holiday weekend, guys, but this is not a bad looking forecast. we like it to be hot and steamy. if it is going to happen, we want it to be when many of us are off for couple every days, head out to the beach, or the lake, or hit the pool. right now, looks like overall, we'll have that opportunity. i love being able to bring you news like this, now, there are few caveats, tends to be, and that will come in the form today, anyway, of higher humidity, certainly building heat, also, in the, just off to the north here, you got to look closely behind the wording of storm scan3, couple of showers already starting to fire up out there. if you're headed far north, poconos, especially, scattered shower or thunderstorm, isn't out of the question, especially toward evening. but, most of us are going to stay dry in the sunshine, just with the higher humidity. current temperatures into the mid or lower 70s, so quite the mild start. have no problem as a result heating up verree firm endly later today. again, great day to sit poolside. make sure you're lathering on the sun block, do so at appropriate intervals. also not just warmer but bright, sunny, humid, and the uv index way up there at a ten. ninety-three the expected hi, but here is just a preview of what the holiday weekend has up its sleeve. i do think we'll see couple of scattered showers, thunderstorms saturday, much more on the timing that far later in the show. all-in-all you see that word sunshine, all over this preview here, meisha. so it is looking pretty good all-in-all. >> yes, i think it looks great, fourth of july, in particular, lot of sunshine, awesome, katie, thank you so much. so waking up this morning to some construction crews out there, an accident, here in fishtown, delaware avenue northbound, before columbia avenue. so all northbound lanes were blocked, now you can see, they're pulled all the way off to the shoulder, won't slow you down, clemson road from construction project. the vine is opening up. eastbound schuylkill ramp to the vine, just kind of waiting on you little bit. eastbound, you're opening, westbound side, has been open for little bit now. so if you are headed out on the vine right now, i'm going to gave you a big thumbs-up. ben franklin bridge, moving in the westbound direction from jersey into center city, looking good. looking very quiet. that's exactly what we want to see on a friday, specially cracking into the 5:00 hour. hopefully we can keep you here until moving into the 6:00 hour. some friday's are like that, some friday's just work for us. see what happens today. ben, looking good. construction, in delaware, 495 southbound, onramp from edgemore road closed between 7:00 a.m., 7:00 p.m. 495, between terminal and 12th d there. know we pull our attention to the censor screen. see all green. great. exactly what we want to see. couple of days ago earlier this week this was all red a lot of problems in delaware. so today, nice to see it all green. hopefully we can keep you there all morning long, jim, back over to you. >> thank you so much, meisha. police in chester country asking for the public's help in catching a driver who was accused of taking the life of a 18 year old woman in a fit of road rage. this happened in the southbound lanes of route 100, near route 202, in west goshen township. "eyewitness news" reporter trang do is live outside the west goshen police department with more details. good morning, trang. >> reporter: well, good morning, jim. police initially thought they were dealing with a accident investigation. but soon discovered that bianca robber zone had been shot in the head before she was shot in the head. the search is on for her killer. police looking for this faded red chevy pick-up truck seen driving next to 18 year old bee ainge a robe errson's green chevy malibu around 5:30 wednesday evening. chester county district attorney, tom hogan, says robe errson traveling southbound on route 100 toward 202 in west goshen township. when she attempt topped merge at the same time as a red pick-up truck. hogan said the driver of pick-up truck then fuld out -- pulled out a gun and shot her in the head killing her instantly. her car left the roadway and slammed into a tree. the other driver sped away off 202 and continued on the paoli pike. >> to that person, to that man who fired the shot, turn yourself in now. every second you are out there, you are only making this worse for yourself and worse for this young lady's family. >> reporter: and again, police are looking for a faded red chevy pick-up truck with a extended cab. we are told the truck is small nerve size, again, it was traveling wednesday evening, south on route 100, near the 202 intersection, around 5:30, and va team hogan released additional details about the man they are looking for, they say he is a white male, in his 30's, four's, with possibly blondes or light brown hair, and medium build. anyone with information is asked to contact police immediately. for now, liver outside the west goshen township police department. i'm trang do, cbs-3, "eyewitness news," jim, back to you. >> very sad, thank you, trang. well, new this morning, one person is hurt after a shooting in delaware county. officers corded off part of plaza street in marcus hook last night. police say multiple shot were fired, sometime before midnight. one person was hit by the gunfire and taken to the hospital. no word on their condition, or what may have caused that shooting. >> and here is the accident that meisha just mentioned, a car smashes into the back after trash truck, and catches fire. this happened at delaware avenue and sugarhouse casino drive. we are told that one person was rushed to hahnemann university hospital. no word now on their condition. >> well, a stunning fall from grace for seth williams, now behind bars, after pleading guilty to a corruption charge. williams also resigned from office yesterday. this is a copy of the handwritten resignation letter that he signed. the shocking admission came on the eighth day of his corruption trial. the once promising political pleaded guilty to single count of excepting a bribe. he had been charged with 29 count of bribery, extortion, and fraud. >> the realization that he is facing jail time and time away from his family, i mean, i think that changed his demeanor, clearly, you saw howie meisha until he was, how upset he was, dramatic turning point in his life. >> now the judge in the case ordered -- the judge in the case immediately ordered williams go to jail, he will be sentence the october 24, williams could get five years behind bars. >> well, new jersey lawmakers expected to vote later today on the state's 35 billion-dollar budget with a deadline of midnight to avert a government shutdown. governor christie sent a letter to his cabinet instructing them to be ready in case the state's first shutdown since 2006. one stumbling block could be a bill to overhaul the state's largest health insurer. >> also happening today, pennsylvania state senate and house vote are expected, less than 24 hours after democratic governor, tom wolf, unveiled $32 billion budget. it carries more money for schools and pension obligations, but will require belt tightening across government agencies and in medicaid. lawmakers say they'll try to find the money to cover a projected two year shortfall. >> well, part of the president's executive travel order went into effect last night. the supreme court is allowing these provisions to be enforced until a hearing in october. cbs news correspondent seth lemon explains how some americans are responding. >> pocket every protesters gathered in la, and new york thursday night, moments after president trump's modified travel ban took effect. >> from coming into the nation as a whole -- >> under the new restrictions, travelers from six predominantly muslim countries will only be allowed in the u.s. if they can proof a bonafide family tie, like a parent, spouse, shield or sibling, grandparent, aunts, awning else, cousins, do not qualify. fiancee's were a no, but last night got moved into the okay to enter column. >> the united state needs to do more to enhance our screening procedures, because the security of americans comes first. >> volunteer lawyers have set up shop at airports in major cities to assist travelers who may need legal help. >> there are so many layers here, they're not clear in the definition what a bonafide relationship means. >> justice happened earlier with the initial travel ban. >> this one is already facing opposition in the courts. hawaii last night filed an emergency motion asking a federal judge to clarify the scope of the policy. this traveler says the ban has made many of her friend and family in the middle east feel unwelcome. >> air pines are a sign of being welcome and let in, and i think the stress from the travels badges to that feeling. >> the department of home lan security released statement saying us customs and border from protection offers remembers trained and prepared professionally to process travelers in accordance with the law. seth lemon, cbs-3, "eyewitness news." >> well, the target of president trump's tweets plan to respond this morning. msnbc joe scarborough and his on and off air partner micah, delayed their vacations so they could responds to the president's tweets on their show. trump called the pair low iq micah and psycho joe. he pointed tweets received widespread condemnation from both party on capitol hill. >> we have up a date to story we've been following for month, hear from archeologists working to answer questions about remains dug up at an old city construction site. that's coming up next. also ahead, see the footage news choppers shot showing the ends of this chase. now the subject after internal investigation. >> and it is not just firefighters battling this huge fire in california. we will tell you why some service members are now trying to help out. >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ >> and we are celebrating cbs-3's summer fest, all day long, right here in philadelphia. coming up in our next half hour, jan carabeo shows us some of the city's hidden gems, stay with us, we will be right back. >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ in the state that invented the american vacation... a legendary adventure awaits. heroes will rise. bonds will be forged. and memories will be made to last a lifetime. new york state. it's all here. it's only here. plan your summer trip at welcome back, take a look at this dramatic police chase. police were in pursuit after suspect wanted in the string of purse thefts in louisville, kentucky. dangerous chase lasted more than a half hour and crossed state lines into indianna. now how this chase ended is now the subject after investigation after several officers were seen beating the suspect. >> it made it for very extreme and very tense situation, we discussed several times whether we should ends the pursuit or not, but knowing it was a fell on in the vehicle, we felt like that person needed to be apprehended. >> now the suspect, robert ellis, is in custody charged with fleeing and resisting law enforcement. >> the dramatic end of another police chase caught on camera right in front of northeastern pennsylvania state police barracks. the cell phone video shows state police in straws berg chasing a red truck. the video shot from a bucket truck, 20 feet in the air, by a worker hanging a new sign on the barracks. >> the police are still flying out in all directions with their sirens going, so i just went about my day doing my thing, and all the sudden i see couple of more come to the end of driveway, and they go out and start jumping out of their car. they're pulling out spike sticks, oh, it could get interesting. so i pulled my cell phone out. next thing you know i hear sirens coming up the road. i start recording, and by that, here comes the high speed chase. >> i would still be trying to figure out how to get my phone out. that suspect is in custody facing several charges. >> well, archeologists starting to analyze hundreds of remains discovered in old city earlier this year. student and expert unloaded the bodies to be examined in burlington county, new jersey yesterday. the remains have been stored in south philadelphia, since they were found at a construction site in old city in march. analysts want to know who these historical philadelphians were. >> we want to learn about the health, about disease, how disease went around early city population, we want to learn burial practices, we want to learn about the material culture of the past and then ultimately we want to get these people back in the ground where they need to be. >> all in my neighborhood, so i find this very fascinating. the people studied lived between 1707 and 1859. >> well, hundreds of military and firefighters returned to get control after massive wild fire in southern california. fire officials say the flames started near a campground. the blaze spread over 760 acres, threatening nearby homes, and an animal shelter. officials say no homes were damaged. and no one was hurt. the cause of the blaze is under investigation. >> staying in southern california, brush fire tears through hillside in malibu. smoke filled the air as dry vegetation went up in flames fueling the fire. the heavy smoke could be seen for miles. the fire burned close to 25 acres, we're told that flames rose as high as 100 feet into the air. firefighters attacked the blaze from the ground, and the air, no one, fortunately, was hurt. >> katie, didn't they have a lot of rain though? but i guess for years and years you have a drought, even if you have a season of rain, it is in the going to help? >> yes. part of the problem, too, is that so often because california very often at least tends to see some pretty weather when it is quiet, when they have weather can be real extreme. so earthquakes, yes, all sort of crazy stuff can happen out there. but yes, when they do have it, it tends to be extreme. you're right. you know, they have had certainly a lot of rain. meantime, as well, other part of the state, still dealing with the drought. now back here, on our side of the united state, still finding at this point some pretty quiet weather all-in-all. do have some thunderstorms errupting across part of lake erie, north central ohio, some that far is expected to at least clip our area. i really don't think that most of us have to worry about wet weather today. further north and west you travel, the better chance it is that you'll see a shower or thunderstorm, and it mainly would happen second half of the day toward early evening as the sun starts to drop on the horizon. this is what's headed our way. meantime we take you through future weather. looking ahead to about 7:00 a.m. future weather, model, always provides good guide, especially when it comes to timing and specially this close to the event itself. but it does look like part of carbon, monroe county will end up with heavy rain at least brief but heavy downpour that comes through early this morning, most of the day looks quiet, up that way, and certainly elsewhere. like toward 5:00 p.m. or so, there you go, a few of these little thunderstorm cells will begin to ignite. they could reach our area. so, we will need to keep an eye on it. this one little shower also tries to nudge far enough south it crosses into northwest philadelphia county. but again, you can't say that i'm sold that part of philadelphia are going to see wet weather at all today. if you are at the shore, don't even worry about this. meanwhile, back into the city, as we overlook it from palmyra cove nature park, little bit of hint of daylight out there, at least you can make out the center city skyline out in the distance, prom ills dollars pretty nice looking day, just getting hotter, certainly stickier day, higher humidity start to creep up. more sun than anything. and bit of breeze, as well, to say the least, southwest, crank at 20 miles per hour, but 93 is the call for the day today, will drop to 73 degrees, and nothing more than few clouds, then looking forwards in the eyewitness weather seven day, frontal boundary, triggering couple of showers or thunderstorms in scattered fashion throughout the second half of our saturday, behind it, not much after cool down, certainly, but you will get at least little bit of relief sunday. all-in-all, meisha, i don't want you to let these icons, and thunderstorms scarp you off. if you have outdoor plans, totally keep them. >> absolutely, then look at tuesday, perfect, just drops just perfectly. all right, thank you so much for. that will looking outside right now, looking at well we got some flashing lights over here. what's this? an accident in fishtown, delaware avenue northbound before columbia avenue. all northbound lanes block for some time. now moved off the shoulder. so little bit after eyesore. won't slow you down much. we have these cones, kind of hard to see in this picture, right there, boop, that's not because of the accident. that's because of that construction, so just heads up there. an accident there pulled off to the shoulder. we got some construction cones still on the roadway, as well. this is your neck of the woods, won't slow you down, but maybe could, we push deeper maybe into the next hour into the 6:00 hour. right now, that's just live shot for you. ninety-five at cottman, headlight moving in the southbound direction, what you are working with there, starting to kind of get steady stream now. overall still looking good on 95, then it could peak in new jersey, 42 freeway northbound at creek road. as you approach 295, what you are working with, but i have to say for as many headlight out there on this friday, this is fairly typical what it usually looks like, jim, back over to you. thank you, meisha. now a look at newspaper headlines from across our region in the times herald, a child rape frist ambler sentenced to ten to 40 years in prison. during sentencing the judge called 30 year old andrew wolf's actions shameful and pathetic saying i would have sent you away for the rest of your life. his victim was between 12 to 14 years old at the time of the assault. >> from the cover of the delaware county times, six licenses dispense medical marijuana product at 14 locations in berks, bucks, chester, delaware, and montgomery counties, were unveiled thursday by the state health department. the locations will be where patient with doctors prescriptions can purchase medical marijuana products. and the press of atlantic city work on local beach replentishment in ventnor will stop july 6, won't pick back up again until the end every august or early september. for the time being the beach work will move to margate and longport. >> and that's a look at some of the newspaper headlines from around the delaware valley. >> well, still ahead: great news for jay-z fans, the hip hop star dropped a new albumn overnight. we have the details in got to tell you. up ahead, why you may be waiting a little bit longer for a package to arrive from overseas. we will be right back. se yoflavor, one hero was on a mi you wame? ybel in snack a little bigger.abyb what's the story behind green mountain coffee and fair trade? let's take a flight to colombia. this is boris calvo. boris grows mind-blowing coffee. and because we pay him a fair price, he improves his farm and invest in his community to make even better coffee. all for a smoother tasting cup. green mountain coffee. >> the sixers are preparing for summer league, here's don bell. >> in the words of the great kanye west, do you have crawl before you ball. apparently vaguest donees think so. the nevada sport book just released pictures to win next year's nba final. at 66 to one, they have the ninth best odds in the nba. who knew. the sixers in camden preparing for summer league, they start play monday in utah. they have three games in salt lake city. ben simmons will not play. but number one pick markelle fultz will, and the team is ready to roll. >> i want to come here and play, just like play, and be free, and score points, run the court and yes, get more experience. i'm really looking forward to it, get a chance to play with these guys, get a feel for the game, everything like that. >> and also baseball, the phillies start three game series tonight in new york against the mets, ben lively on the bump. that's all for sport, i'm don bell, have a great day. >> here's some sad news, in last night's yankees game in chicago, right fielder justin is playing in his very first major league game. he went after a foul ball in the first inning, and ran into the stands, and ruptured a tendon in his knee. fowler was car toyed a cart and taken from the field. he had surgery last night and could be out for the rest of the season, fowler never got his first major league at bat. well, coming up in the next half hour of "eyewitness news," great news at breakfast, find out why it is about to get cheaper to cook your breakfast, plus tell but airline making it easier for people to sit by themselves when they fly. jan? >> reporter: tgif, jim, it is friday, you know what that means, time for cbs-3's summer fest, we're coming to you live from philadelphia this week. coming up we will take you inside a couple of unconventional gardens, some will call them, hidden gem. >> and gas prices are lower today than they were on january 1st. find out just how many people plan to hit the road this fourth of july weekend. katie? >> well, jim, here it is. that holiday weekend watch that we've been looking forward to. and our outlook really hasn't changed all that much. some scattered showers, thunderstorms specially second half of tomorrow. it will be hot. it will be steamy. highs either flirting with or into the low 90s, skies should clear out, however, sunday. so if you have got the outdoor plans, fire work plans, i don't think you have to put them off. keep them. just latter on the sun block. so tell us your big idea the whole country booking oncho. four words, badda book. badda boom... let it sink in. shouldn't we say we have the lowest price? nope, badda book. badda boom. have you ever stayed with choice hotels? like at a comfort inn? yep. free waffles, can't go wrong. i like it. promote that guy. get the lowest price on our rooms, guaranteed. when you book direct at book now. >> good morning, i'm jim donovan, rahel has the morning off. katie and meisha will be along. >> today is friday, june 30. >> the man in the red pick-up truck pulled out a gun and shot her in the head. >> road rage leads to young drivers death, now the search is on for her

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