Transcripts For KYW Eyewitness News At 5 20170125 : comparem

Transcripts For KYW Eyewitness News At 5 20170125

also clearing out. and then you'll see that certainly throughout the course of time here. forty-two is the temperature at the airport. the wind has eased up since last check here. and up to 17 miles an hour wind speeds sustained in atlantic city and 30 degrees plus a 25 miles an hour wind in mount pocono. that will feel, cold. you do still to have bundle up this is not shorts, t-shirts kind of weather but low to mid 50's? we will take that in january. this is coldest time of the year, guys so talking ten plus degrees above average with these values and in the sunshine, it the will feel like balmy, summertime weather by comparison, meisha. >> we are loving that, all right, katie, thank you for that. good morning, everyone. looking outside what are we working with? looking at i-95 south at cottman looking as it should , good indication how we are starting off. we are looking nice on that morning construction that has moved out of the way. i want to show you this picture. we have were talking about the delaware river bridge and closures, alternates, it is closed because of that fractured beam. i want to show this to you again if you missed it. that is a hefty fracture. darn good thing that they caught this. giving us alternates, calling your attention to specifically trenton mowersville. why are we looking at this? we have construction, route the one both directions between trenton morrisville bridge and perry street. for those using that alternate , it will be delayed a little bit, left lane block until friday so that will slow you down, more toward the end of the 6:00 in the 7:00 o'clock hour but nonetheless it will slow you down. then, take a look, rehabilitation of the jfk boulevard bridge over 21st, 22nd, 23rd that is closed between schuylkill avenue and 20th street through september. do you see that helicopter, alternate market or walnut. jim and rahel, back to you. happening today long time pennsylvania congressman chaka fattah is expected to surrender to authorities, at the mccain county prison today fattah is sentenced to ten years on racketeering charges related to a campaign loan and he is appealing his convictions. his son chip is serving five-year sentence on fraud charges at a prison in hitch. well, later today republicans will descend on center city for a retreat and tomorrow president trump will speak at the event. >> "eyewitness news" reporter jan carabao is live in front of the loews hotel where preparations are underway for the arrival of the g.o.p. and the president, good morning, jan. >> reporter: rahel and jim, good morning. president trump has really hit the ground running on this his first week in office. today he is heading to the department of the home land security, but here in philadelphia all eyes were on the venue behind me where trump will meet with republicans tomorrow. philadelphia is once again preparing for an influx of visitors. this time, the republican congressional caucus and the new commander in chief. barricades are now set up outside what will be the republican retreat, at least hotel on market street in center city. president donald trump is scheduled to arrive in philadelphia, tomorrow, and today is expected to be another busy day at the white house for shadowing his national security plans in a tweet trump wrote in part among many other things we will build the wall. the president is expected to make good on that campaign promise today by signing executive actions designed the at tightening border security and reportedly that i can construction of a wall along u.s./mexico border. he is expected to unveil plans to limit immigration, from countries with ties to terrorism. >> we will build our own pipeline, our own pipes. >> reporter: yesterday president signed a series of memoranda advancing construction of the keystone x l and dakota access pipelines thousands of demonstrators and environmentalist across the country took to the streets and promised a fight. >> i am to a large extent a environmentalist, i believe in it but it is out of control. >> reporter: meantime despite the criticism from lawmakers there both side president trump is not backing off his belief that millions of illegal voters cost him the popular vote. >> he continues to maintain that belief based on studies and evidence that people presented to him. >> i would urge the president to knock this off and beg the president to share with us the information that you have about this, or please stop saying it. >> reporter: meantime, back here at home the city is expecting thousands of demonstrators here tomorrow, they are also reminding people that they are going to be a number of road closures and parking restrictions, starting tomorrow morning and they say there will be a number of rolling roadblocks as dignitaries make their way around the city. we're reporting live from center city, jan carabao for cbs-3 "eyewitness news". i predict a mess on the roads tomorrow. >> yes, good prediction. >> yes. >> also here's a closer look at road closure in effect for president's visit tomorrow. thirtieth street from chestnut to market will be closed tomorrow morning. market from 11th to juniper and 12th from chestnut to arch will also be closed. road closures are expected to last mess of the the day tomorrow. well, late tuesday senate confirmed a fourth member of the president trump's administration, south carolina governor nikki haley with serve as u.n. ambassador for the u.s. democrats also grilled health and human services secretary nominee tom price over plans to repeal and replace obama care. today the president will visit the department of home land security to roll roll out orders on immigration, including a plans for a wall along the u.s. mexico border. kelly ann conway says she needs secret service to protect her. white house counselor to president trump says she has received threats, some in the form of the packages filled with white powder. conway tells "fox news" natalie media is to blame, conway has become one of the most recognizable faces of the administration on tv news programs, and talk shows. well, new this morning a man is recovering after being shot and carjacked in southwest philadelphia. twenty-three year-old victim tells police he drove to his girlfriend's home late last night on the 1800 block of south 56th street. when he got out a man shot him in the leg and stole his silver 2007 pontiac g6. >> right across the street there is a school. we did find exterior cameras at the school, so southwest decks is on location, processing, the crime scene, and will contact the school in the morning to see if they can get a copy of those recordings >> police counted at least seven bullet casing, two park cars were hit by stray bullets but no one was inside of them at the time. robbery and shooting in philadelphia's feltonville section leaves one man dead but police did find one important clue at the scene. shots rang out just after 8:30 on the 500 block of west loray street. eyewitnesses tell police two men began going through the three three-year old victim's pockets after the shooting. police found an id left at the scene which does not the belong to the victim. authorities say an argument in west philadelphia led to gunfire, police tell us a 23 year-old victim was walking near forty-sixth and girard just after 1:00 when he strange words with another man , that is when victim was shot once in the lower back. he did manage to run within block to the gas station and listed in stable condition, of course, if you have any information you are asked to call philadelphia police. we now as meisha mentioned bridge connecting pennsylvania and new jersey turnpike will be closed two weeks. major crack in the the steel beam under delaware river bridge toys blame, on a typical day 42,000 cars cross that had bridge, officials advised commuters to car pool to avoid adding to the delays, and severe traffic is expect in all of the other areas river crossings. meanwhile traffic isn't much better on the delaware memorial bridge, delaware river and bay authority say about 17.8 million drivers, traveled through the toll plaza in 2016. it is second consecutive year of record traffic. the officials say that improving a economy, stable gas prices and favorable weather are just some of the reasons for the increase. well in, other news authorities have not yet charged a man who was in custody in connection with the violent home invasion in philadelphia's chestnut hill section. police say unarmed, excuse me, armed man walked into this home on chestnut hill avenue on saturday morning through an unlock door. he then went to a bedroom where he ordered a male victim to stay in bed while he sexual ly assaulted a fee hail victim in another room. officers also found a stolen hyundai elantra with ties to the weekend break n investigators with the special victim's unit is handling this case. philadelphia's former police commissioner is taking a job with the state of pennsylvania's coordinating crimes. charles ramsey retired last year after eight years in philadelphia. he co chaired president obama 's task force on 21st century policing. ramsey will head upstates commission on crime and delinquency and succeed josh shapiro elect state attorney general in november. minnesota governor mark dayton is out of the hospital and doctors say that his collapse during a state of the state address is actually not related to his prostate cancer diagnosis. they have learned that diagnosis after a biopsy last week. mayo clinic experts say that the fainting spell was most likely related to standing for a long time and possible dehydration. welshing coming up heated debate is unfolding in one area high school, we will have a live report on the controversy earned ising a musical. also ahead a highway flooded and it is not first time, plans to fix a transportation nightmare. parking lot, pile up, wait until you hear where this happened, and what the driver was doing at the time. ♪ >> i love this little tlc on a wednesday morning. we will show you why you definitely don't want to be chasing waterfalls in wisconsin, see the discussion continuing advertise conferry for yourself when we come right back. kind of like this look. i'm calling it the "name your price tool" phase. whatever. days of heavier rain left busy highway in california, swamped. take a look at this extent of the flooding, you can see number of cars are submerged with lanes complete thely covered with water, and this isn't the first time this has happened. officials say this is third time in 20 years natalie highway has flooded. thousand officials say a new road, possibly, elevated is needed. >> we are looking at, building of a road, that is above the highway 37, that would take into account the sea level rise and tides, it is expensive but this is something that i can begin looking at and doing. >> while crews are using pumps to clear the water, transportation officials say the road is also sinking which makes matters worse. >> that is no the good. >> look at that mysterious foam behind me puzzling people this wisconsin. people say foam decided to show up beneath a waterfalls. so, it is so dense it can stand on its own and some places towers over the average size person. the it may look back brown county parks department says this happens every year. they say it is harmless and happens when seasons change. >> it looks like a bubble bath >> learn something new every day. >> hello, katie fehlinger. >> hello, how are you guys. >> i come bearing good news for a change, awesome, yes. i will gladly take that applause. we are looking ahead to a really nice take after what has been a very, very dreary month of january. we can always use the rain and even at this point believe it not we still have technically an ab normally try, part of the united states, or up to moderate drought status. look the a the january presip. all of these taste shaded this is green have had measurable rainfall. i'm not saying most of these days had much to report but, even a tenth of an inch is going to get recorded and reported. inly total so far is just over 3 inches. but, yeah, a lot of this entire month has thus far had quite a bit of wet wet ther to go with this so certainly gray skies as well. today we will catch a break, today we will see these cloud lift, it is still breezy outside, that is one thing that hasn't eased up as much as i thought it would at this point but we will note that is and it will ease with time. storm system still churning away off cape cod ape continuing to bring heavy precipitation have of all varieties out to atlantic, canada. that is memory. high pressure our story to day already we have to talk about this next approaching storm which is bringing us, snow, anywhere from nebraska, south dakota and even in toward lower michigan at this point. this is beginning of the next system, for now, expect moderating up to mid 50's both to take and even tomorrow, but we are also going to have to tiehl with wet weather there this as early as late tonight we will begin to see showers picking up across the radar. this looks like a moisture starved system in comparison to the last one. it will be moisture starved but there will be showers and might be a pocket of steady rain early tomorrow morning through southern counties, delaware, southern new jersey, keep an eye on that but we should clear things out. mid 50's tomorrow but then cold air works its way in and lake effect snow begins to pick up. this particular model toss than the bring much our way but i will not be surprised to see a couple flurries on friday. the in the meantime to palmyra cove nature park in precipitation, whether it be snow, ice, rain, we are dry. 40 degrees the temperature here this palmyra cove nature park but off in the distance center city sky line, finally looking nice, out there as cloud continue to lift. we will get up to 53. mid 50's as we mentioned tomorrow but then cooling trend takes lays, although i still expect a quiet weekend and it will be on the chilly side, meisha. >> at least we will have that sun. all right, katie, thank you. good morning everyone. happy hump day. we are looking outside at the vine. this is what you are looking at. it was in the closed overnight we are looking good. moving in the the both westbound direction toward the schuylkill, there is my pen, halving in the the westbound direction we're looking good. once you jump on the schuylkill we are looking good there as well. jump on the east bound side we are heating up a bit but over all the vine at this time pushing in the 5:00 o'clock hour we are looking just as we should, from the vine, you can see, schuylkill near syringe garden moving in the eastbound direction toward center city see what we are working with here heading toward center city brake lights going off but congestion at the this time is not a factor. we are looking all right, westbound side on the schuylkill we are looking good as well. new jersey, 42 freeway north bound at creek road our first look in new jersey. it is heating up. people heeding warning from all week leaving your homes early, but good news we have try roadways. but you still want to leave a little bit early. that is what people are doing in new jersey. you can see how busy it the is perhaps within of busiest stretches already this morning for just cracking in the 5:00 o'clock hour. then delaware memorial bridge north bound only one lane is open, this is opened this will 6:00 a.m., thinks toward new jersey, from delaware. head up on this. this will slow you down a little bit later. we will talk about bridges all day long, more coming new ten minutes. rahel, back over to you. we will see you then, thank you. now for a look at newspaper headlines across our region. >> news journal wilmington mayor, has called in outside law enforcement agency to help put an end to the spike of city crime. there have been 18 shootings so far this year in the city, eight of which were fatal. they will aid city police until department graduates an additional 19 officers from the academy next month. reading eagle governor tom wolf dismissed his cabinet secretary in charge of the drug and alcohol programs. it comes after a report in the eagle found that secretary gary tennis directed a job applicant to do a prehiring interview with the lobby for a contractors. front page of the intelligencer hatboro horsham begins kindergarten registration february 6th youngsters will be signing up for a full day of of school. district officials are moving, full speed ahead with implementation of the program for the 2017/18 academic year. that is a look at some newspaper headlines there around the delaware valley. well, remember how nervous you were when you took your first driving test. >> i do, it feels like just yesterday. well, one woman in but, that is how it ended, woman's car ran a yellow light mere dmv, it happened in costa mesa 40 miles south east of los angeles. it hit the curb and smashed in other cars in the parking lot and no one was seriously injured but it is unclear if that, young person, actually got the hurt drive if she pass that had i failed my first one because i didn't put parking brakes on. >> i did not fail but i took my driving test right before college, summer before college and person was asking about college and i started to say, just keep driving. >> that is good. >> i almost failed. >> okay. >> watch her on the roads. up next in sports sixthers with a big come back win last night, in south philadelphia. >> plus highlights, plus leslie van arsdal has story of a local athlete playing in the super bowl. >> the roadless traveled, james devlin's amazing journal friday border town high school to the patriots. i'm leslie van arsdal with second half of the back to back tonight in the milwaukee, second straight game without center jell embiid. no joe joe means nerlens noel is your starter last night at the center, against one of the best in the west, l.a. clippers. sixers over came a 19-point third quarter deficit, and thanks to holmes season high 18 points, and the sixers, scored in double figures and sixers laid a smack down on the clippers. 121-110. sixers have won six straight at home. number one pick ben simmons got good news scan shows that he is healing well, and despite that news there is still no timetable for his return. first round pick broke his foot on the last day of training camp and has in the played all season. villanova wildcats will likely fall in the national rankings this week after a tough loss on the the road in milwaukee. up in one ranked wildcats were going for their 20th win of the season last night against marquette. nova was in control much of the way. they had a 17-point lead at one point but golden eagles came back, and they beat wildcats, 74-72, nova host virginia cavilers, sunday afternoon, in south philadelphia. more college hoops with st. joes visiting saint bonaventure. hawks lost four of six in the new year, and second half action, omar kimball puts hawks up 156789 he makes sure you know it. there was another huge come back and they overcome an 18-point deficit to beat st. joes 67-63. the hawks lost -- excuse me, the hawks host lasalle saturday night. >> hopefully better then. >> keep our fingers crossed for them. some say fullback position in football is like a typewriter or a dial phone. i like both. outdated and old fashion. >> well, when was last time you used eithery just like them. >> our leslie van arsdal talk to james devlin a local athlete break ago this mold much like jim donovan and will take the feel in super bowl 51 with the patriots. >> reporter: boyer town high school grad james devlin will be taking the biggest football stage in the world, with the new england patriots. his parents, jim and donna could not be more proud. >> obviously he has gone to this big stage for the second time, in three years and it is incredible. >> reporter: road to the nfl was not easy. it started right here in boyer town high school. he then went to brown university, four different pro teams, three different leagues and two different positions bringing him to today. >> when he signs picks tours ... he always puts never quit because determination and never believing in others always believing in himself, and a lot of times he was only one believing that. >> before every game when he calls us i tell him to always play with his heart, and that is what he does. he plays with his heart and that has gotten him some unbelievable places, including the super bowl and just for the love of the game. that is exactly what it is playing with his heart. >> leslie van arsdal, "eyewitness sports". great the story. >> yes. coming up in the the next half an hour of "eyewitness news" how a bag of chips, could let you know if you have had too much to drink. >> that is interesting. >> you have to hear this one. details in healthwatch in the money watch. also ahead south jersey high school find itself in the center of the the controversy over a performance, what officials want to change, that has got the some parents and students, very upset. plus, chicago's rising crime problem has caused president trump, to respond, we will tell you what he is threatening to do if city officials do not get it under control, katie. we have got our eyes on the weekend and our sights are set on a seasonal chill, we will however expect to see a break from any stormy weather so sunshine for both weekend days but a dose of january reality, how we get the to that point, and today was by peggy lee playing ] [ goat bleat ] [ crow caws, music continues ] this is gonna be awesome! when it comes to buying a house... trulia knows the house is only half of it. and with 34 map overlays like playgrounds, demographics, schools, and more... you can find the right house and the right neighborhood for you. trulia. the house is only half of it. outback's steak & lobster, starting at $14.99. for a limited time, we're pairing our tender, juicy signature steaks with a mouthwatering steamed lobster tail... but, hurry in... starting at $14.99, a deal this good won't last for long! i'm not a customer, but i'm calling about that credit scorecard. give it. sure! it's free for everyone. oh! well that's nice! and checking your score won't hurt your credit. oh! i'm so proud of you. well thank you. free at at, even if you're not a customer. we have some good news we are in for a sunny, milder day , jim. >> okay. >> nice change after days of dealing with that nor'easter. live look at center sit friday our camera atop parkway central library. katie's here to tell usow

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