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With heat index values approaching century mark. That is not heat you will have to be careful in if you work outside, take frequent breaks. This is a good excuse to head out to the pool. Lets look at our locations, 95 or 96 for biggest cities. We have a good shot of flirting with it in philadelphia we expect a high of 95. It will be hot and hazy. A little breezier then yesterday but not a cooling breeze, down the the shore, great beach day, but it will be hot. 90 degrees. The sand can burn you on the bottom side of your feet, in the poconos youll see first round of showers and storms picking up as early as later today but we dont to have deal with this until the evening, bob, good morning to you. Natasha brownies rolling out the slip and slide later on today. Yeah. Yes. Good morning, you will notice the heat, when you open up that front door. Lets roll video from chopper 3hd where we were live when the the the fires were arcing here, along route 70. Set of down wires caused havoc during the second half of our evening rush hour, crews were outside on the overnight, made repairs, look at the delays caused last night on the way home. The as we go to the maps good news this morning, route 70 is reopen. In problems at all rolling through cherry hill heading over toward admiral wilson boulevard you are in good shape. We have another set of down wires this is along route 47 at 612, just outside of wildwood so look out for delays there. Crash up in pottstown, wilson right at farming ton Avenue Police are on the scene of that location as well. South on the northeast extension coming back from say poconos heading into quakertown watch out for a disable. Northbound lanes of i95 that new pattern slowly but surely coming into play between girard and allegheny avenue. All three lanes opened. Everybody pushed over to the right side of the roadway. Mass transit looking good, back over to you. Following some breaking news right now more than 40 people are missing after a boat carrying 97 indonesia, sank off the water off malaysias west coast this were carrying undocumented migrant workers, capsized. Local fisherman and fear men from the area managed to rescue 55 people. Officials say that the rescue effort is being hampered by low tides. We will have more information as it comes a railable for you. Also developing now an overnight break in at a local church. Police have one suspect in custody after he left behind a crucial piece of evidence. Eyewitness News Reporter Jen Bernstein joins us now in mayfair to tell us more, good morning. Reporter good morning. That crucial piece of evidence still remains here on the scene. Let me get out of the way so you can see this ladder up to the second floor of the church of grace in welling ton street here in mayfair. Police believe this ladder may have been used at some point for these three suspects to gain entry into this church. Officials do believe the the three suspects are juveniles is what were hearing right now. They have also gotten in through a second floor around the other side of the church, might have stepped honorary cycling bin and broken window over there. Shortly after 2 00 a. M. We are hearing three possible juveniles tried to break in the church of grace here in east mayfair. They tried to use this lad tore gain entry. We are hearing two of the three suspects are in custody. Two of them tried to run from the scene when police arrived. One person remain inside the church, that person was arrested with the help of the k9 searching the inside of this building, the the second was a female and she was taken in custody a short time, excuse me, later. The third suspect we are told remains at large and if you have any information right now you are asked to call police, we will continue to gather details and give you what we know coming up. That is very latest from mayfair jen bern stein, cbs3 Eyewitness News. Former leader of the Montgomery County Republican Party faces a preliminary hearing today on Sexual Assault charges. Sixtysix yearold robert kerns is accused of raping a paralegal from his law firm in october of last year. Chargedes were dropped earlier this year after lab reports were misinterpreted. New charges were filed this past april. Kerns maintains his innocence. Arraignments are scheduled for five suspects this morning in the main line drug ring, investigators say the two alleged master mind worked with sub dealers, hired from five high schools and three colleges. Charges include conspiracy and possession with intent to manufacture or deliver. Prosecutors claim alleged it is not only involving drugs but also, high powered weapons. Also, a preliminary hearing is scheduled for philadelphia for 18 yearold tyler blankco, charged with murder in the shooting death of the innocent bystander at his overbrook play ground. Seventeen yearold Bernard Scott was shot in the stomach when a fight and a shootout broke out at topton playground last april. Three other men await trial in connection with the shooting. A 13 yearold boy is grateful to be alive after a gunman fires on him at point blank range. The seventh graders parents asked that we not use his name. He was driving around south philadelphia, with his stepfather monday afternoon looking for his stolen bicycle similar to this one. Now that is when two suspects approached, one opening fire, at least eight times. The teen was hit twice in the arm and leg. Unaudible. It went right through vessels. Didnt touch nothing but the tissue. Now, police say an under cover detective witness that had shooting and saw two men running in the house nearby. The the swat team responded but the suspects were gone. The search continues, for those men. Well, another bear sight goes in the suburbs to tell but, Eyewitness News photographer captured this exclusive video of the bear in burlington county, new jersey. Now officials are hot on the trail of two bears in winslow, waterford and evesham township. Reporter Syma Chowdhry has more from mount laurel. This guy seems to be talk of the town in mount laurel. It is a bear, hearing it on the news. Wow, he made his way down here. It was exciting. Reporter cbs3 photographer alan wheeler spotted this bear roaming around homes tuesday morning. Trying to climb that tree. Reporter he shot this exclusive cell phone video on tiehl lane. I really dont want to meet him at night. Reporter we showed neighbors video of the bears wondering around their yards. What did you see this morning. A bear. You saw a bear. Umhmm. Reporter what was he doing . He was just walking. Reporter fiveyear old Johnny Simpson says he was not scared to see the animal but his family says this is no cartoon bear. It is not yogi, definitely not yogi bear. Reporter police are trying to keep an eye on the bear but says it has not posed a threat. Officials say on a hot day like today bear is doing its best to stay cool. Our cameras followed the animal in the retention pond at the Holiday Village adult community. Do what bears do wandering around, looking for somewhere to cool and lay down. Reporter curious neighbors stopped to take a picture of it. We have never seen anything around like a bear report report bear is so popular it has its own twitter account making this the mess safe way to follow the bear. We recommend not chasing him, dont follow him, no selfies trying to get pictures with him. Reporter Officials Say if you do see the bear go inside make sure there is no food outdoors or in trash cans and bring any bird feet tours make sure that the bear wont wonder into your yard n mount laurel, Syma Chowdhry for cbs3 Eyewitness News. Still ahead, u. S. Special forces captured a man prosecutors say was a key leader of the deadly attack on the u. S. In is in benghazi, coming up, Hillary Clinton react. Straight ahead flames jumped 200 feet in the air when i gas pipeline explodes in ukraine and now investigators say it could be a terror attack. New this morning the teenager who survived a flight from california, to hawaii by hiding in that wheel well of the plane, he speaks out for the very first time. Hear what he has to say coming wiretheyre big. Fast. Andome. Dependable. And at net10 wireless, we let you tweet, text, talk and surf. On those amazing nationwide networks. Without getting locked into a pricey phone contract. Americas best 4g lte networks for half the cost. Thats wireless your way. Unlimited talk, text, and data starts at just 40 a month. And now android smartphones start at under 50. Net10 wireless. Welce back everybody. For the the First Time Since a botched execution georgia has put a prisoner to death under the same procedure. Marcus wellons died by lethal injection. He was convicted and sentenced to death for 1989 rape and murder of his 15 yearold neighbor india roberts. Georgia uses one drug, sedative, for execution. Ukraine is treating a pipeline explosion as a possible act of terrorism. The gas pipe carries russian natural gas to the rest of europe. It happened a day after russia announced it was cutting off supplies over a payment dispute. The explosion shot flames up to 650 feet in the air. That blast, however did not disrupt the gas flow. U. S. Special forces have captured the man prosecutors say was a key leader of the deadly attack the on the u. S. Embassy in benghazi, libya, as susan mcginn is reports the the white house expects him to appear in washington within days to face terror charges. U. S. Officials believed this is photo of the Ahmed Abu Khattala the libyan militant on his way to the u is. To face trial for his role in the 2012 attack on the u. S. Consul in benghazi. It is first arrest connected to the assault that killed ambassador Chris Stevens and three other americans. When americans are a tacked, no matter how long it takes, we will find those responsible and we will bring them to justice. Reporter u. S. Military commandos tracked khattala to a small see side villa south of benghazi following months of planning and then captured him sunday without firing a single shot. The khattala is reportedly on a u. S. Navy ship in the mediterranean where a special Intelligence Team is interrogating him. We are looking for any admission he wants to make about his particular role in this attack and any information he can provide about others. Reporter Many Democrats support white house plans to prosecute khattala in the civilian criminal justice system. But some republicans want him sent to the military prison in guantanamo bay, cuba. We will have have more of these targets that will be arrested from time to time, gitmo is a Perfect Place to keep them. Reporter lawmakers expressed frustration over how long it took to capture khattala since he was often seen in public after the attack n washington susan mcginn is for cbs3 Eyewitness News. Right now 5 13. Time for traffic and weather together. It is already warm out there, katie. It is actually because we have not cooled down from yesterday. Temperatures have dropped off but we are not bottoming out all that much here. Sunnies coming out. It that is time of the year where solar heating getting as soon as that sun comes up. With a nice high sun angle we will heat up easily but despite that good news for allergy sufferers as we start this particular block off with your pollen report. No major worries. We are still talking low to medium range of grasses, dock, plantain and pollen issue but should not be that aggravated. What is aggravating is the fact that we are not used to the heat coming our way. First time we have spike on the thermometer like we did yesterday but today we are going to heat up even more, flirt with 90 well work record temperatures we are shooting for 95 degrees later today. We also as a result of the instability have seen a few showers and storms, some of which were severe through central pennsylvania but it is all fizzled and part of the bigger system. Next approaching cold front. In advance of the front we will see scattered showers and not locally strong or gusty thunderstorms and in addition a heat advisory in effect. Classic summertime weather right here. Temperatures in the mid 90s with the heat index near a hundred means you have to drink lots of water. If you are somebody that works outside, landscaping, construction wear light loose fitting clothing and a roid strenuous activity if you can. We understand if you have to work out in these conditions but make sure you you take frequent breaks and we know the managers tend to put that in the scheduled anyway. It is just playing it safe obviously. 88 degrees tomorrow. Still steamy. But this is not expected to qualify as a heat wave. You need three days of 90 or more. Thankfully by friday we will get some relief here. 83 degrees with sunshine, bob, over to you. I think we should have water ice for breakfast. That is a good idea. Or water ice. Yes. 5 16. Good morning everybody. Lets go outside wednesday, it is already midway to the weekend here, live look at i95, sky line and background i want to point out now that the sunnies rising this is new traffic pattern on i95. They have push three lanes over to the right, so that right lane is what used to be a shoulder. So coming from center city north bound right here near barrels they are basically dividing the construction. They will put concrete barriers in there later over next couple nights. Beware as you head north bound from center city through allegheny. Hello, malvern. Live look at route 202 they are making progress laying down new concrete which will be the new travel lanes but in delays at all up and down 202. For 95, still closed between exits two and three. What they have done over last couple days on i95 they have painted new white lines to make things clear for new folks that have been using i95 and start running with 20 minute delays through neighborhoods during rush hour because of the close another, natasha, back over to you. Exploding wines, sound like a joke, it is not, this is a serious warning about bottles sold in our area, we will have details come up. This is kind of person you want as your nanny, extreme measures she took to save a threeyear eld girl who fell 15 feet down in the septic tank. Doctor oz gets grilled by lawmakers on capitol hill. Hear what he says about those welcome back, everybody. Take a look at this crazy video from kansas. An suv gets launched in the air after hitting a trailer park on the shoulder of the road. It goes airborne, flips into a nearby ditch, and then the driver was taken to the hospital. No one was in the truck that was attached to the trailer. Remember this house that we told but last week that was hanging er a cliff in texas, dangling there, demolition crews are still working on cleaning up the ruble. House was intentionally set on fire on friday because officials believed that was the most safe way to destroy the home. This is what is left of the 4,000 square foot luxury home, the the house has been teetering on the edge of the cliff because the soft rock beneath it started to crumble. Host of the doctor oz show is promising to quote drain the the swamp of unscrupulous marketers using his name to pedal weight loss ads doctor oz appeared before the senate panel. He is clearing his name after a Company Claims he endorsed their pure green coffee diet plan. Doctor oz says he did not endorse their product. I should have been savvy enough to say to myself and i kick myself, that i should say here are companies i trust. Buy their products because they will not scam you, they will in the make illegal claims. Federal trade commission has find bows sensea and pure green coffee for false ad claims. Doctor oz says Companies Like pure green coffee use clips from his she without his Permanent Mission to promote a product. A nan any north jersey climbs down a 15foot hole to rescue a threeyear old girl. What a woman this happened in warren county. The nanny reportedly heard the girl from next door screaming, she found her up to her neck in water in a hole cover by grass. New when police got there would the man was halfway down trying to rescue that child. Once ladder was in place nanny helped bring that little girl up to safety and handed her off to emergency personnel. They put a ladder down and they were trying to do different things. Just give me the ladder and i will climb up. Shes very tiny. My hand and other hand i tried to step up. The threeyear old was taken to the hospital as a precaution but is expect to be okay and talk about kind of person you want watching your child or living next door. That kind of of heroism, wow. Landscaping will dramatically improve your curb appeal but you dont to have spend a fortune for it. We have ideas for every budget coming up. Also the situation do you remember this guy . He is known for gt l, gym, tan, laundry but how about gta, gym tan, arrest. We will have word on what charges the jersey shor 5 23. I know you wear orange for a reason. It is my heat advisory dress. It sort of goes with the forecast. I felt like it works on a day like this. It sure does. Lou fabulous. Thank you, appreciate that. But we have a heat advisory taking effect for i95 corridor and immediate vicinity at noon time today. Right now we have activity in the way have of showers overnight but fizzling much like yesterday we will clear things out not as much fog, we have wind to contend with here we are looking at a mainly sunny day, great excuse, look at that 90 degrees today and uv index can be awfully high. Rip current risk is low, it looks like a decent day in the poconos but showers and storms move in, philadelphia were talking 95 degrees, wow. Good morning everybody. 5 25 on a wednesday morning. Not bad at all, make sure your ac is cranking this morning. Live look at blue route 476 near Baltimore Pike waking up to no delays at all there. Rest the have the major red ways theyre good shape. I95 looking good. Schuylkill in problems coming in toward downtown philadelphia. A left over prom he can from the other day this is balligomingo road still blocked at route 23, watch for some delays and detours through the neighborhood this morning. Otherwise mass transit is looking good. Heres natasha now with the look at sports. Well, phillies play the braves in atlanta in day baseball today. Roberto hernandez starts for phillies, first pitch at 12 10. Last night ryan hurt got the the Party Started with a two run home run in the first inning. It is big pieces fortysixth career home run off atlantas pitching. And speaking of pitching Kyle Kendrick went seven innings for his third win. Phillies win fivetwo, their second win in the row. Eagles and chip kelly are back in town with 100 percent attendance on day one of the teams mandatory mini camp among bird at novacare wide receiver Jeremy Maclin who missed all of lease season with a torn acl. Maclin says he feels better before the injury. He and quarterback nick foles teamed up for seven touchdowns in 202. The music always gets me going. The word is, the situation got into a little situation of his own. Jersey shore star got arrested in his familys new jersey tanning salon. Police founded to the boca tanning cloud in middletown county for a fight in progress. The situation whose real name is Mike Sorentino was arrested after brawling with his own brother. He was book on simple assault and released after posting 500,000 bail. He has change just looking at him. Adeles muse being video could soon be disappearing from you tube and that is because you rid ohio sharing cities about to launch a new Subscription Services and smaller record labels have yet to agree to terms. Videos from those labels will begin vanishing in just days. Of course artists like adele, Arctic Monkeys and others will not be available. Makes sense that is next step after napster went down. Yeah. Everything free. Yes. Makes sense. 5 27. Coming up in the next half an her of Eyewitness News a man dives in the the quarter toy beat the the heat and only cbs3 was there for his rescue this morning officials are using this as a lesson for others about what not to do during this extreme heat. Plus wine bottles spontaneously exploding and they were sold in our area three is on your side with the safety alert. Bob and katie return, bobbies back, so is the heat. We have traffic and weather together on the threes, we will be right we are waking up to temperatures, all ready in the 80s, 5 30 in the morning. 80 degrees. Heat advisory is in effect and humidity will make it feel oppressive today. This can be a

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