Transcripts For KYW Eyewitness News At 11 20160809 : compare

Transcripts For KYW Eyewitness News At 11 20160809

english and mandarin. many people have been living in fear since this crime spree began. surveillance video clearly captures the men police believe are responsible for 12 home invasions since may. all targeting asian business owners who live above their shops. the latest robbery happened early monday morning. ling lin a chinese restaurant owner herself described a community on edge. >> right now all of the restaurant owners including myself are living in fear and a lot of fear and pressure. >> lin was one of 180 business owners who attended a meeting organized by the greater philadelphia chinese restaurant association to provide information and calm fears. three men broke into this man's restaurant on june 29th, pointed guns at him and a friend and tied them both up. >> they took our belongings, our cash, they took everything. >> reporter: lieutenant john walker says all but one of the break-ins happened between 4:00 and 6:00 a.m. police believe four men are involved. the get-away car is a block dodge and silver nissan minivan. >> the psychological trauma is huge and we're trying to do our best to make them our eyes and ears and hopefully make an arrest. >> anyone with information is asked to contact southwest detectives. you can also send an anonymous tip to philly police. >> thank you. a three-year-old girl is dead tonight after a car crash in kensington. police say a vehicle traveling at a high rate of speed struck the passenger side of the car carrying the young girl. the child was completely ejected from the rear passenger side window. she was taken to the hospital where she died a short time late erp. the 17-year-old driver of the other car was transported to temple in stable condition. >> philadelphia police are looking for a suspect tonight after a man is gunned down in the summerdale section of the city. eyewitness news on the scene as detectives comb for news. the man was shot several times at point-blank range. detectives think they found the murder weapon dumped in a mailbox three blocks away. opening statements start tomorrow in the trial of kathleen kane. she is charged with leaking secret grand jury information to a philadelphia reporter to em bar ras enemies and lying about it under oath. she has remained attorney general despite losing her law license. she says she's a victim of the good old boys network in state politics. joey merlino is expected in a florida courtroom tomorrow morning. he was arrested last week as part of an alleged organized crime ring. he spent almost 12 years in federal prison on a racketeering skon vengs before he was released in 2012. >> tonight there are many questions about what caused an elevator at the criminal justice center to catapult upward seriously jirg a sheriff's deputy. it's not the first time the deputy's family has had to deal with a malfunctioning he'll. >> reporter: monday the criminal justice center reopened. back to business after an elevator malfunction last week sent a deputy to the hospital with serious injuries. 48-year-old sheriff paul owens remains in critical conditions. the elevator he was in shot upwards crashing through the building's top level. >> he's still in an induced coma because the swelling around his brain has not completely gone down. >> reporter: the family's attorney says he may never walk again. >> the diagnosis is that he has paralysis and that's due to the broken back. >> reporter: his wife is in disbelieve over a frightening coincidence. she was injured in an elevator incident in the same building when she worked there in 2009. >> heather was also a sheriff and unfortunately she was injured in the cjc on a restricted-use elevator such as the one used by paul as she was escorting prisoners off the elevator on to the landing, the elevator dropped and she tripped and fractured her ankle which required surgery. >> reporter: because of that injury she had to leave her job and is now dealing with what will happen to her husband. >> she is remaining strong, i think she has faith but she's taking it one day at a time. >> reporter: you're using the stairs? >> absolutely, without a doubt. and i hate walking. >> i'll probably be using the stairs for quite some time. >> reporter: current employees say both the staff and public elevator systems in the cjc have been plagued with problems for years. >> the elevator pretty much stopped and i couldn't get out. >> the elevator is stalling, the doors not closing completely, the elevator jolting a little bit. >> reporter: and the staff members say issues happen so often employees consider breakdowns with the elevator system at the cjc commonplace. >> it's always a joke amongst the employees, this elevator is stopped, this is broken, this is shut down. just kind of the name of the game over here. >> reporter: we reached out to the state-run department of labor and industry, that is the organization responsible for ensuring elevators in pennsylvania are operating correctly. they also keep track of any elevator incident which resulted in injury, death or damage. a spokesperson would not release the number of elevator incidents at the cjc citing investigation. i also contacted the mayor's office. a spokesperson there says the city does keep track of accidents involving elevators but would not at this time provide details about incidents at that building. >> greg, thank you. there are new developments tonight in ant apparent berks county murder-suicide. we've now learned that megan short alleged abuse and posted on facebook that she needed help moving out of the family's home. on saturday short was found dead alongside her husband mark and their three children. a suicide note was found at the scene. it's unclear who fired the shots. disturbing new details are emerging about the death of a wilmington high school student. a police detective said today that she had her fingernails ripped out during the attack in the bathroom in april. the news was refailed at a hearing to decide if a 16-year-old girl charged in the death should be tried as an adult. she had a preexisting heart condition and the coroner said she died after suffering with cardiac arrests. the judge will make a decision bid the end of next week. >> donald trump unveiled a new plan for the nation's economy in an effort to get his troubled campaign back on track. it offered some details supporters and critics were asking for. and hillary clinton was quick to respond. >> reporter: donald trump read off the prompter and stayed on message as he promised to make america grow again. >> these reforms will offer the biggest tax revolution since the reagan tax reform. >> reporter: trump scrapped his original tax reform plan and unveiled a less expensive one drafted by house republicans with income tax brackets of 12%, 25% and 33%. >> no one will gain more from these proposals than low and middle income americans. >> reporter: his speech to the detroit economic club was punctuated 14 times by protesters. trump is looking for a much-needed surge of support following today's address according to a new poll, hillary clinton has taken a double-digit lead over the businessman. clinton toured a brewery in florida monday and pledged to help small businesses grow. >> i intend to make the wealthy pay their fair share to build this economy. >> she also mocked trump's economic team made up of 13 white men. >> he's got six men named "steve". >> reporter: clinton will offer her version for nation's economy in a speech in detroit on thursday. >> and today 50 former national security officials signed an open letter opposing trump saying he would make the most reckless president in american history. trump responded to the group of republicans saying they to are to blame for the rise of isis. >> cherry hill takes action on a zoning maertd despite public opposition. gas sales could be permitted near route 70 provided the gas sales are a secondary use for the property. any proposed businesses selling gas must also be on at least two acres. opposition at tonight's meeting was strong. >> make sure you think about your local government. they're not looking out for the best interest of the residents. >> i don't believe that we need any more gas stations that are going to pollute our area, make extra traffic, and take the value of our homes down. >> costco has proposed a new store in the development and the amended zoning passed tonight would allow gas sales there. officials say the store is not yet a definite thing. >> the way liquor is sold in pennsylvania is changing. a law that took effect today allows about 11,000 businesses that currently sell beer to go to apply for permission to sell take-out wine. casinos can apply to sell liquor during overnight hours and wineries can ship directly to pennsylvania customers. the liquor control board is getting greater flexibility to set hours and prices. it's a tradition for a new jersey school every year. the students put mess sages a bottle and toss them into the atlantic. >> this time one of the students got a response. >> plus new details on the tragedy at a popular water park. a 10-year-old boy dies on a water slide billed as the world's largest. what authorities are now saying about the child's cause of death. >> we had a lot of cloud cover today. it has since cleared out as the storm has moved out to sea, but all these showers and storms off to the south are heading our way. steamy and stormy weather return to the area. >> and swimmer michael phelps is getting a lot of attention. find out about the therapy many >> tonight authorities reveal the 10-year-old boy who was killed at a kansas water park sunday died of a neck injury. the boy died on the park's 160-foot-tall water slide named german for "insane." the ride's repeated opening with early video showing rafts flying off the slide. the water park will remain closed. workers are building a stone wall around the seven seas lagoon where a toddler was killed. disney also put up warning signs and ropes after the boy was dragged by an alligator into a lake in june. >> the fda is cracking on who can get their hands on electronic cigarettes. research shows e-cigarette use among high school students has increased over the past four years. the new rules are an effort to protect generations from the dangers of tobacco. a lot of people are talking about the olympics. >> michael phelps 'shoulders were do theed with bruises from cupping. the skin is sucked into glass cups and chief of sports medicine explains how it works. >> we are drawing things to the skin. we are drawing blood flow to the areas. many times when you see the actual bruising that you see, it's breaking of small capillaries. >> there are no studies propping it works, there are plenty of people who are convinced it really helps. for 47 years a teacher shas been coming up with creative ways to teach her students. >> and since 1987, that's included a field trip to barnegat light, new jersey and tossing messages into bottles in the ocean. most times the bottles don't float beyond the jersey shore. but when this woman. >> it's like a dream come true because the bottle went someplace far, far away that we never expected. >> the letter reached ireland, about 3,000 miles away. the woman who found it answered the questions and sent the letter back to the school. before this bottle, a furtest a bottle had gone was sandy hook new jersey. >> we tried something like that, a post card in a balloon. i'm still waiting. >> somebody has that tucked away. >> slightly stormy weather down road? >> put it on repeat? >> exactly. we're going to have that wednesday and then every day copy, paste, through the weekend. unfortunately we're right back to the dog days, we're still in the dog days of summer. a fun fact that was named after sirius the dog star. the heat and humidity is nothing knew for us. it's been a nice break from it. now we're headed back to 90s and the chance for thunderstorms but not for a couple of days. let's take a look outside right now. it's a beautiful evening in bethlehem. you can see a few folks meandering out. let's take a look at a time lapse video from today as well. d to started off bright and then the clouds rolled in you can see the clouds rolling through kutztown today. it didn't start to break up in the evening but all of us in most spots ended up with a pretty nice sunset and now the temperatures dropping on that current site there is 63 degrees. all those showers over virginia, the whom ton roads area there, those are all out to sea. this is all part of a bigger pattern, the swirl of clouds and showers, heavy rain over florida, this stationary front is going start to lift back north as a warm front starting on wednesday and that is going to bring the heat, humidity and scattered showers and torms right back into the northeast. so we're kind of on borrowed time here. tomorrow looks like a nice day. dew points a little lower to the north. the dew points will be rising to possibly the mid 70s by the end of the week and that is going to increase our risk for pop-up showers and storms. wednesday starts off with cloud cover, scattered showers and storms pretty much any time on wednesday and thursday as well, notice the showers and thunderstorms mainly in the afternoon blossoming all across the region and some of those could be locally heavy. we're right back into the oppressive range by thursday and friday. overnight we're down to 69 degrees, a few clouds it's a warm night. tomorrow looks mostly dry in the city and down the shore. 84 degrees down the shore. wednesday and thursday more clouds and a better chance for a thunderstorm any time and that's the case in philly as well. 90 degrees on wednesday. we'll see thursday, friday and saturday as well and keep in mind when we're talking about dew points in the mid-70s, 92 could feel more like >> a philly legend today, guns can be bought or at a weekend gun show. and if the wrong people get a gun... we know what can happen. pat toomey put our safety ahead of partisan politics. toomey crossed party lines twice, first to support background checks, and now to stop gun sales to suspects on the terror watch list. no wonder pennsylvania cops endorse pat toomey as best to protect our families. independence usa pac is responsible for the content of this advertising. . 2003 to 2015. if you look closely you'll see the words "chase utley was here." he was becoming one of the greatest phillys of all time but now he plays in l.a., and tonight he greated his former team. rudely by the phils down 5-0, and there is na man, dodgers up 6-0, the phils trail right now 7-3 in this game. let's move on to football. it's been real, it's been fun. it hasn't been real fun. doug peterson is thinking twice. the team has had a rash of injuries and today he took a step back. >> the live tackling drills will probably be over. i've just got to look at the overall health of the football team it's not about getting somebody hurt but it's about protecting the guys that are out here. meanwhile carson wentz is ready for show time. he will make his pro debut against the buccaneers. right now he's scheduled to play the entire second half. >> it's real exciting. it's been a long time coming. i think it's ready to pay someone else and i'm excited to play in front of these fans and get my opportunity. >> got to give credit where it is due. the soccer team wins the youth soccer champion ship down in what's that?! a bird? no, it's gus, the second most famous groundhog in pennsylvania! have no fear, wonder gus is here! wonder bucks! whaaa... wonder bucks, the new instant game from the pennsylvania lottery, with top prizes of $300 grand! one can dream. you can say that again. (giggles) keep on scratchin'! it was a beautiful night to be outside. >> and tonight jazz was on the agenda on campus. ♪ ♪ >> singer and song writer morgan james took the stage tonight as part of the 25th year of sunset jazz series at wiggins park. i would say it's a pretty good night to spend the night. we'll be right back. ♪ ♪ ♪ dear fellow citizen, i know what it's like to live a full life. but living for today doesn't mean forgetting about tomorrow. most people spend more time planning their vacation than they do for retirement. but i like to think of retirement like it's a 30-year vacation. so how are you going to get there? don't worry. it just takes some planning. and i can help. so if you have a question about retirement, ask me. sincerely, bernard tynes fellow vacationer and fellow citizen. and these are the lungs. (boy) sorry. (dad) don't worry about it. (vo) at our house, we need things that are built to last. that's why we got a subaru. (avo) love. it's what makes a subaru, a subaru. coming up next is the late show with stephen colbert. our morning team is back tomorrow at 7:00 a.m. for everyone here, i'm ukee washington. >> and i'm nicole brewer. we're always on at >> we believe in hillary clinton. so we made something for her and for you. enjoy. this is for hillary. ♪ dum-dum-dum like a small boat ♪ on the ocean sending big waves ♪ drum-drum-drum bass ♪ hi-hat bass >> stephen: ♪ i want my baby back, baby back, baby back ribs ♪ this is our fight song take back my life song starting right now i'll be strong.

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United States , Barnegat Light , New Jersey , Germany , Berks County , Pennsylvania , Kutztown , Philadelphia , Washington , Florida , China , Virginia , Ireland , Kansas , Jersey , Americans , America , Chinese , German , American , Stephen Colbert , Joey Merlino , Bernard Tynes , Paul Owens , Michael Phelps , Pat Toomey , John Walker , Hillary Clinton , Morgan James , Carson Wentz , Doug Peterson , Kathleen Kane ,

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