Transcripts For KYW Eyewitness News At 11 20160807 : compare

Transcripts For KYW Eyewitness News At 11 20160807

center in philadelphia this is cbs3 "eyewitness news". fans flock to popular concert venue in camden, new jersey, one day after railing collapse that injured dozens of people. tonight investigators are still trying to figure out exactly what caused this accident at last night's snoop dog concert. good evening everyone i'm natasha brown. thank you so much for joining us. "eyewitness news" reporter trang do spoke with fans at tonight's show and also joins us live with camden, fresh camden that is with the very latest on what's happening there now. trang? >> reporter: natasha, the i love the '90's concert let out moments ago without any issues and concert goers tell me that affected area was block off to the rest of the possible there. witnesses who saw that accident all unfold say they're still traumatized what by what they saw. >> friday night's snoop dog and wiz khalifa concert in camden is one lizzie ford will never forget. for an you full reason. >> the whole wave, everybody fell down. everybody was crushed. it was horrible. >> reporter: as shown in this cell phone video 3-foot railing designed to keep people safe gave way. sending dozens crashing to the ground. >> it was traumatic. i couldn't sleep all night thinking about all the people that got hurt. there was blood on my arm. it was really gross. >> reporter: in all, 42 people were hurt. officials called the injuries minor but witnesses described a scene covered in blood and open wounds. >> i saw one -- one guy who was touching his face and all of this part of the head was open. >> my friend's foot got stuck under the gate, and i was trying to get him out, and then i was trying to get this other girl out, when i was pulling her out, bone of her knee was sticking out of it. >> reporter: live nation which operates the bb and t pavilion says it is working with authorities and structural engineers to determine the cause of the collapse. after securing the affected railing section the venue opened its doors to long lines for the i love the '90's concert saturday night. >> people attending the concert expressed concern for the victims because but say they're not worried about another accident g we old and stay in our seats and don't lean on the railings. >> i'm sure they took care of things. it should be fun. good time. >> reporter: everyone hurt is out of the hospital tonight. meanwhile, one of the performers from last night wiz khalifa tweeted earlier today he hopes everyone from last night is all right. live from cam, i'm trang do, cbs3 oy witness news. >> all right, trang, thank you very much. we are also following some breaking news right now cbs3. police are on the scene of an apparent murder suicide in syncing springs berks county. we're told that the killings happened this afternoon at a home on winding brook drive. in toll five people are dead. they are all said to be from the same family. there's no word on the ages or entities of these victims just yet and authorities are apparently still on that scene. so we'll have the very latest on our website also tonight a developing story on cbs3. a man is in critical condition after getting shot multiple times in the 1700 block of jefferson street. the 33-year-old man was shot in the head, chest, torso and arm. he was quickly transported to hahnemann hospital where he's currently listed in critical conditionally. no arrests have been made non weapon was recover at the scene. et cetera time for a check on the forecast. after return to the heat and humidity today, some strong storms blue through the area and now we're at least hoping for little bit of relieve. let's check in with meteorologist lauren casey in the weather sent. hopefully she's got good news for us. what do you think, lauren. >> i have great nouse for us today we had strong storms. some of us saw nothing. some of saw storm activity. all of us felt the summertime steam that returned to our atmosphere. drier air is building in across the delaware valley. the storms that moved through parts of the area particularly montgomery county put down some impressive rainfall totals. limerick about an inch an quarter of rainfall. pottstown nearing an inch of rainfall wrightstown in new jersey thee quarters of an inch in princeton calling half an inch of rainfall. storm scan3 much quieter at this hour. just one lonely little cell right now working itself through burlington county putting down little bit of a shower right there over shamong that will continue to move off to the east southeast and not cause too much problems. temperatures we have a gradient across the region. 81 degrees right now in philadelphia. but 75 in allentown. and a cool 62 in mount pocono. that courtesy of some cooler and drier air building in across the area. dew points have dropped off significantly in the poconos. also, the lehigh valley when you step outside, that feels so much better. but in philadelphia and across south jersey dew points still elevated up into the 70s. but tomorrow will be feeling better for everybody. comfort index dew points drop off into the middle 50s for a portion of the day. feeling nice and pleasant and certainly not august like but we do have more humidity, of course, in the forecast. and also a meteor shower and all the details on all of that coming up. >> all right, lauren see you soon, thank you. a fire meantime at a popular collegeville pub damaged part of the restaurant but didn't slow business down this afternoon. "eyewitness news" was there at davinci's pub earlier today. the fire started outside the restaurant and traveled up a pole and damaged part of the roof. employees were able to put the flames out using buckets of water. >> started as mulch fire down in the mulch in the plant bed and climbed up a pole, and got into the roof line actually up into the void space. to layers of roof. got in the middle of the voice space and burned in that area for little bit. >> the restaurant has reopened with only minor cosmetic damage. a firefighter was injured in new jersey this afternoon battling a blaze on a commercial building's roof. it happened in the 800 block of hilton road in pennsauken. according fire official, the fire started among roofing material that was left on the roof. the pennsauken fire chief said the most difficult thing about fighting this fire was the weather. >> makes it a little more labor intensive than the normal for. but as long as we can rotate people through and we have our rehab unit here thanks to the cherry hill department it makes things a lot easier. >> the fire was placed under control in about 30 minutes or so. one firefighter was taken to a local hospital with minor injuries. and now to the race for the white house. republican presidential nominee donald trump ended one of the toughest weeks of his campaign in new hampshire. a day after mending fences with key republican leaders. trump railed against arrival hillary clinton at a rally in wyndham. cbs news reporter wendy gillette has more now from new york. >> reporter: while donald trump's running mate mike pence shook hands with voters at an ohio restaurant the candidate himself rallied for support in the battleground state of new hampshire. >> the last time i was here we won. right? big winning. we're going to win again. i tell you. >> reporter: report cep can nominee enhanced new hampshire senator kelly,. he also through his support behind house speaker paul ryan and arizona senator john mccain. after initially declining to make endorsements. several polls out this week show trump trailing hillary clinton nationally by about 7%. on friday journalists put clinton on the spot for suggesting in an interview that fbi director james comey had characterized her comments about her private e-mail server has truthful g i may have short circuited and for that, you know, i will try to clarify. >> the people of this country don't want somebody that's going to short circuit up here. >> reporter: looking to paint themselves as better alternatives, newly minted green party nominee jill stein and libertarian candidate gary johnson are both eyeing the spot in the first presidential debate neck month. so far both fall short of the 15% required and five national polls to take the stage. wendy gillette, cbs3 "eyewitness news". >> of course, stay with cbs3 "eyewitness news" for continuing coverage of campaign 2016. you can get the very latest any time at now the chicago police superintendent says he is concerned about what he saw in the recently released video of chicago police officers firing at a stolen car and then shooting and killing an 18-year-old suspect the video scene here was taken july 28t july 28th. police superintendent eddie johnson acknowledged that members of the community have the right to be upset about what they're seeing in this video. he also emphasized that being a police officer is a difficult job. >> it's not easy to make a split second decision that might ultimately cost someone their lives, you know, it's just a difficult job, and if you've never done it i can assure you it's not an easy thing to do. >> all three officers involved have been relieved of their duties. according to superintendent johnson, who also emphasized that an investigation would take all of the facts of this case into consideration. meantime two belgium police officers are wounded at a suspect is left dead after a machete attack today in belgium. the officers were slashed outside of their police headquarters about 30 miles south of brussels. a third officer opened fire killing the attacker. the motive is still unknown at this point. both officers meantime are expected to be okay. and today also marked one week since a deadly balloon crash that killed 16 people in texas. >> huckabee. brian neal. (bell tolls presence). >> dozens of people gathered outside the caldwell county courthouse to recognize first responders and also remember those who lost their lives. the names of all 16 victims were read a loud following the ringing of a bell. victims families were also given a yellow rose. and septa police say they are offering amnesty for the man who took off with a bag left on a bus as long as he returns it by tuesday. those are the conditions. surveillance photos here captured on the route 58 bus showed the man who police say picked up a bag before getting off at bustleton and bleigh avenues in northeast philly. the bag it turns out belongs to a woman and contains her children's passports. the family is supposed to travel out of the country on tuesday. now the man is asked to contact septa to return the bag as soon as possible. also, a septa tries to get operations back to normal with on-going repairs to the super liner five train cars. officials are a nounsing more scheduled changes as well. beginning monday, five lines will operate adjust the schedules. lansdale doylestown, trenton, manayunk, norristown and warminster glenside combined lines will be affected some of them getting additional lease the train cars. cracks in the silver line five equalizer beams force add third of the fleet out of service about a month ago. for a list of all the changes just head to our website >> stay with us everyone. still to come tonight on "eyewitness news" security flaws at the olympic. what people attending the games have seen that really is causing some concern. and a pennsylvania woman gets a very special gift just in time for her wedding day. how she'll have a piece of her late father by her side when she walks down the aisle. lauren. >> drier air is currently building in across the area. i'll let you know how long the comfortable conditions will last plus one of the best meteor showers of the year takes place next week. i'll let you know when it peeks and how shooting stars you can see in your full forecast coming up. >> thank you. also straight ahead in sports one of the phillies best pros specs made his major league debut in san diego. leslie vanessas welcome back everyone. olympic games are currently underway and security is a major concern around rio de janiero. thousands of police officers have been deployed to the streets but as correspondent jamie, found out there are still flaws in the system. >> reporter: from the famed copa banana beach to the sports venues at olympic park more than 80,000 officers and military personnel are on the ground in rio de janiero protecting 500 thus san tourists visiting for the games. >> there's a cop car on every single corner with the lights on and everything like that. >> does that make you feel safe? >> yeah, plus the army is walking around and driving trucks around all the time. i don't think there should be any problems. >> reporter: on saturday, a bomb squad blew up unattended bag near the finish line of the men's cycling road race. no one was hurt. >> there are renewed concerns about security lapses after brazilian authorities arrested 10 suspects plotting a terror attack. >> this is a fullback pack you wondered right in. >> jordan walked into olympic park no questions asked. >> there was only one person manning the security tent and he wasn't facing the screen that showed you what's inside the bag as it goes through the conveyor. we walked through the metal detector even though there was nobody on the metal detector even had my cell phone in my pocket and it did go off. i'm not sure the metal detector was on. >> reporter: on the flip side rio residents claim police brutality on the rise because of the olympic games. >> they want to threaten and make poor people stay away from areas. >> just outside friday's opening ceremony police used tear gas and rubber bullets to break up protesters of the games n rio de janiero, jamie, cbs3 "eyewitness news". >> pennsylvania bride makes her way down the aisle today with a very special piece of her late father by her side. now this is not jenny's dad but he will give her away on her big day with her heartbeating in his chest. michael was killed in two to us six and his heart was donated to arthur thomas. she asked arthur for a huge favor that started with a lett letter. >> dear tom, i'm the daughter of the man who's heart is inside of you and i'm going to get married on august 6th. one further thing if you're willing, would you walk me down the aisle? good just like having my dad here. and better because we get to share this story with other people and other people see organ donors do matter. >> thomas traveled from new jersey to pittsburgh to do the honors. this is the fir the two have ever met. so sweet. very heart warming. >> such a great story. >> lauren casey along with our forecast. some storms rolled through for some areas. that's all behind us, right. >> it's all behind us. good things as we head into tonight and through the day tomorrow. tomorrow will be a beautiful august day. >> very nice. >> yes. get out your beach chairs. get ready to go it will be a pretty one. also get ready those lawn chairs because you'll want to set those up especially as we head into thursday night the perseid meteor shower is in store next week one of the best of the ye year. it peaks thursday night and we could possibly see an outburst this year. outburst means tons of meteors with possibly about 200 per ho hour. so we'll hope for that fingers crossed. on average though we'll see 60 meteors per hour with the perseids and perseids are known for persist at the present time trails tore long stream behind the shooting star so a good one to check out. so plan for that as we head into next week. but plan for outdoor activities tomorrow much less humid, so much more comfortable than the steaminess we felt for today. and we'll have comfortable conditions persisting into midweek with sunshine as well and relatively dry conditions. wednesday things turn back around once again. temperatures shoot up and so does that humidity factor but high temperatures today are first 90-degree day in philadelphia in august after 16 last month. we topped in the 90s in the lehigh valley also down the shore it was a toasty one because we didn't have the sea breeze kicking in high temperatures up around 90 degrees at our shore points as well. right now live look at center city philadelphia. all is quiet. 81 degrees. feels like 84 degrees but that feels like temperature will start to wayne throughout the overnight period. now we have a north wind in command and that is going to continue to usher in drier air throughout the overnight period. storm scan3 showing us that storm activity we did see in some locations earlier this evening has since dissipated a few very isolate the showers and those will diminish as we head into the next hour dry overnight tonight, partly cloudy with decreasing humidity levels. falling back to 72 degrees. slightly cooler and then tomorrow still a warm day right around average for us 88 degrees. but sunshine and lower humidity and nice breeze out of the north transitioning to the west for the afternoon but temperatures right now check out this gradient still low 80s in philly but mid 70s in the lehigh valley berks county and 60s on the board right now in the poconos and as i mentioned before, we do still have those temperatures elevated down the shore still 81 degrees right now in cape may but that drier air it is moving in. dew point change over the last 24 hours down to the north and west as that drier air is building in from northwest to southeast so it will overtake the delaware valley overnight tonight as we wake up tomorrow morning heading out on sunday morning 9:00 a.m. so much less humid. fix degrees for your lunch hour. 82 degrees. as we head into late day 88 sunshine all throughout the day with those comfortable conditions. and just beautiful for any relaxing you're doing across the region tomorrow, down the shore great looking beach day topping at 84 degrees. so not as hot in the poconos just beautiful 78 degrees. comfortable with all of that sunshine and forecast highs really right around average across much of the area tomorrow. topping in the middle 80s in the lehigh valley. we'll have the temperature at 88 degrees in philadelphia topping at 88 in wilmington and even into monday and tuesday. nice conditions. maybe a stray afternoon thunderstorm on monday. otherwise keeping it mostly sunny. seasonable into tuesday slightly more humid but then you'll definitely feel the humid factor as we head into wednesday. a better chance of a few afternoon storms. high temperatures climbing back up into the 90s. where they are going to stay and unfortunately hang out as we head into the end of next week. hot and steamy for thursday, 92 degrees. >> you said they'll hang out like unwelcome guests. >> get out of here. >> linger. >> that's august for you. thank you very much, lauren. >> so no injuries, everybody is healthy? >> finally. >> all right. good. >> i wish ukee was here to tell this. no injuries to report from eagles camp. they are talking that player with close ties to the defensive coordinator jim schwartz we'll tell you who and phillies fans got a glimpse of the future. jake thompson making his fir whenthe state made aers, commitment to us. i knew that i wasn't going to make a fortune. but i would have a secure pension plan when i retired. each and every one of us made that contribution from every paycheck we ever earned. they've been negligent in their responsibility over the years of not funding this pension the way it should have been funded. they have made a promise, they've made a commitment, and they need to stick to it. takbbq trophies:hese best cracked pepper sauce... most ribs eaten while calf roping... >>yep, greatness deserves recognition. you got any trophies, cowboy? ♪ whoomp there it is uh, yeah... well, uh, well there's this one. >>best insurance mobile app? yeah, two years in a row. >>well i'll be... does that thing just follow you around? like a little puppy! the award-winning geico app. download it today. with simply right checking from santander bank, just make one deposit, withdrawal, transfer or payment each month to waive the monthly fee. and there's no minimum balance. you're alright... with simply right checking from santander bank. ♪ are you feeling alright, baby? ♪ phillies continue six game road trip against the padres. rookie jake thompson making his major league debut for the phillies. 2,000 player to wear a phillies uniform. his first start in the biggs not so smooth. bases loaded in the first for christian and he hits a fly ball that went to the wall. three runs score. thompson and the phillies down four to nothing. second inning ryan howard check him out demolishing this pitch over the centerfield wall for hissy and homer of the year. tim lease able to get on the scoreboard. then in the fifth, phillies down four to three. will myers hits a double into right centerfield that went at the wall. another run scores. thompson went four an third innings giving up six runs and seven hits. the phillies trail eight to four right now in the seventh. eagles reporteedly very close to signing free agent linebacker steven tull lick birds neither depth at that position and he played for eagles defensive coordinator jim schwartz in detroit. meanwhile the eagles much easier practice today. no one was hurt. they'll put the pads back on tomorrow. yesterday zach ertz was not happy after he had to leave practice after getting hill low. but after a night' rest he's gotten over it. >> you never want guying to low at the end of the day you can't blame the guy. he's a lot smaller than me. so i probably shouldn't have said were i said but tame it is what it is. >> they want to hit and do we have to protect ourselves even when we go live you have to be a little bit smart but you learn from it and you hopefully you cross your fingers when you have those few life periods you cross your fingers and nothing crazy happens. >> brian matthews full participant at practice return yesterday after missing the first week of camp with an ankle injury. he'll be featured back in the eagles offense. he played all 16 games only one time in his six-year career. is it his style of running that causes him to miss games? >> i'm not one to shy away from contact, but, you know, that's just my play. i like to be physical and everything and that's one thing they like about me mitral cal will the. i'll keep doing what i do. not going to change myself no matter what. i'll try and get better for the team and do whatever i can to try and help them win. >> and tonight in ant ton ohio the pro football hall of fame class of 2016 inducted marvin harrison. he holds the nfl single season reception of 143. he played his entire career for indianapolis and compared the colts fans tow eagles fans. >> the best fans in the game. let me explain why now. any time we lose game or i drop pass they'd never booed me, they never did anything negative. don't worry about it marvin you get the next one and i'm from philadelphia. you know the home of the eagles. if you get the coins to wrong in philadelphia, they want to trade you the first thing monday morning. >> love laugh. >> he's right. union on the road d.c. united. game tied. pass to chris back of the net union take two-one lead to stoppage dc united on the attack pass over to steven birnbaum and header will beat andre black the union and dc united play to a two all tie. we'll be right bac what's that?! a bird? no, it's gus, the second most famous groundhog in pennsylvania! have no fear, wonder gus is here! wonder bucks! whaaa... wonder bucks, the new instant game from the pennsylvania lottery, with top prizes of $300 grand! one can dream. you can say that again. (giggles) keep on scratchin'! >> welcome back everyone. some of north philadelphia's bet basketball players showed off their skills today all in the name of stopping gun violence for great cause. "eyewitness news" at the cecil b. moore rec center in strawberry mansion today for the shoot hoops not guns basketball tournament. this tournament featured teens of all ages and trophies were handed out to all the champ there is. that's "eyewitness news". i'm natasha brown for all of us, leslie, lauren, all of isn't this place charming? as advertised, but you didn't invite me here for the charm or the ice cream. we can't just have ice cream? we can, but not in this instance. better chance of being hit by lightning. (chuckles) okay, i have a problem. well, first of all, your mom's got a lot on her plate, and i think she's doing an outstanding job considering... it's not about mom. oh. it's about my teacher. (phone rings) it's like she's made it her mission in life to keep me from ever graduating. turn that thing off. but what if it's important? choose. look, here's the problem. she's notorious for being harder on the girls, but when she found out i was from a family of cops...

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Transcripts For KYW Eyewitness News At 11 20160807 :

Transcripts For KYW Eyewitness News At 11 20160807

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center in philadelphia this is cbs3 "eyewitness news". fans flock to popular concert venue in camden, new jersey, one day after railing collapse that injured dozens of people. tonight investigators are still trying to figure out exactly what caused this accident at last night's snoop dog concert. good evening everyone i'm natasha brown. thank you so much for joining us. "eyewitness news" reporter trang do spoke with fans at tonight's show and also joins us live with camden, fresh camden that is with the very latest on what's happening there now. trang? >> reporter: natasha, the i love the '90's concert let out moments ago without any issues and concert goers tell me that affected area was block off to the rest of the possible there. witnesses who saw that accident all unfold say they're still traumatized what by what they saw. >> friday night's snoop dog and wiz khalifa concert in camden is one lizzie ford will never forget. for an you full reason. >> the whole wave, everybody fell down. everybody was crushed. it was horrible. >> reporter: as shown in this cell phone video 3-foot railing designed to keep people safe gave way. sending dozens crashing to the ground. >> it was traumatic. i couldn't sleep all night thinking about all the people that got hurt. there was blood on my arm. it was really gross. >> reporter: in all, 42 people were hurt. officials called the injuries minor but witnesses described a scene covered in blood and open wounds. >> i saw one -- one guy who was touching his face and all of this part of the head was open. >> my friend's foot got stuck under the gate, and i was trying to get him out, and then i was trying to get this other girl out, when i was pulling her out, bone of her knee was sticking out of it. >> reporter: live nation which operates the bb and t pavilion says it is working with authorities and structural engineers to determine the cause of the collapse. after securing the affected railing section the venue opened its doors to long lines for the i love the '90's concert saturday night. >> people attending the concert expressed concern for the victims because but say they're not worried about another accident g we old and stay in our seats and don't lean on the railings. >> i'm sure they took care of things. it should be fun. good time. >> reporter: everyone hurt is out of the hospital tonight. meanwhile, one of the performers from last night wiz khalifa tweeted earlier today he hopes everyone from last night is all right. live from cam, i'm trang do, cbs3 oy witness news. >> all right, trang, thank you very much. we are also following some breaking news right now cbs3. police are on the scene of an apparent murder suicide in syncing springs berks county. we're told that the killings happened this afternoon at a home on winding brook drive. in toll five people are dead. they are all said to be from the same family. there's no word on the ages or entities of these victims just yet and authorities are apparently still on that scene. so we'll have the very latest on our website also tonight a developing story on cbs3. a man is in critical condition after getting shot multiple times in the 1700 block of jefferson street. the 33-year-old man was shot in the head, chest, torso and arm. he was quickly transported to hahnemann hospital where he's currently listed in critical conditionally. no arrests have been made non weapon was recover at the scene. et cetera time for a check on the forecast. after return to the heat and humidity today, some strong storms blue through the area and now we're at least hoping for little bit of relieve. let's check in with meteorologist lauren casey in the weather sent. hopefully she's got good news for us. what do you think, lauren. >> i have great nouse for us today we had strong storms. some of us saw nothing. some of saw storm activity. all of us felt the summertime steam that returned to our atmosphere. drier air is building in across the delaware valley. the storms that moved through parts of the area particularly montgomery county put down some impressive rainfall totals. limerick about an inch an quarter of rainfall. pottstown nearing an inch of rainfall wrightstown in new jersey thee quarters of an inch in princeton calling half an inch of rainfall. storm scan3 much quieter at this hour. just one lonely little cell right now working itself through burlington county putting down little bit of a shower right there over shamong that will continue to move off to the east southeast and not cause too much problems. temperatures we have a gradient across the region. 81 degrees right now in philadelphia. but 75 in allentown. and a cool 62 in mount pocono. that courtesy of some cooler and drier air building in across the area. dew points have dropped off significantly in the poconos. also, the lehigh valley when you step outside, that feels so much better. but in philadelphia and across south jersey dew points still elevated up into the 70s. but tomorrow will be feeling better for everybody. comfort index dew points drop off into the middle 50s for a portion of the day. feeling nice and pleasant and certainly not august like but we do have more humidity, of course, in the forecast. and also a meteor shower and all the details on all of that coming up. >> all right, lauren see you soon, thank you. a fire meantime at a popular collegeville pub damaged part of the restaurant but didn't slow business down this afternoon. "eyewitness news" was there at davinci's pub earlier today. the fire started outside the restaurant and traveled up a pole and damaged part of the roof. employees were able to put the flames out using buckets of water. >> started as mulch fire down in the mulch in the plant bed and climbed up a pole, and got into the roof line actually up into the void space. to layers of roof. got in the middle of the voice space and burned in that area for little bit. >> the restaurant has reopened with only minor cosmetic damage. a firefighter was injured in new jersey this afternoon battling a blaze on a commercial building's roof. it happened in the 800 block of hilton road in pennsauken. according fire official, the fire started among roofing material that was left on the roof. the pennsauken fire chief said the most difficult thing about fighting this fire was the weather. >> makes it a little more labor intensive than the normal for. but as long as we can rotate people through and we have our rehab unit here thanks to the cherry hill department it makes things a lot easier. >> the fire was placed under control in about 30 minutes or so. one firefighter was taken to a local hospital with minor injuries. and now to the race for the white house. republican presidential nominee donald trump ended one of the toughest weeks of his campaign in new hampshire. a day after mending fences with key republican leaders. trump railed against arrival hillary clinton at a rally in wyndham. cbs news reporter wendy gillette has more now from new york. >> reporter: while donald trump's running mate mike pence shook hands with voters at an ohio restaurant the candidate himself rallied for support in the battleground state of new hampshire. >> the last time i was here we won. right? big winning. we're going to win again. i tell you. >> reporter: report cep can nominee enhanced new hampshire senator kelly,. he also through his support behind house speaker paul ryan and arizona senator john mccain. after initially declining to make endorsements. several polls out this week show trump trailing hillary clinton nationally by about 7%. on friday journalists put clinton on the spot for suggesting in an interview that fbi director james comey had characterized her comments about her private e-mail server has truthful g i may have short circuited and for that, you know, i will try to clarify. >> the people of this country don't want somebody that's going to short circuit up here. >> reporter: looking to paint themselves as better alternatives, newly minted green party nominee jill stein and libertarian candidate gary johnson are both eyeing the spot in the first presidential debate neck month. so far both fall short of the 15% required and five national polls to take the stage. wendy gillette, cbs3 "eyewitness news". >> of course, stay with cbs3 "eyewitness news" for continuing coverage of campaign 2016. you can get the very latest any time at now the chicago police superintendent says he is concerned about what he saw in the recently released video of chicago police officers firing at a stolen car and then shooting and killing an 18-year-old suspect the video scene here was taken july 28t july 28th. police superintendent eddie johnson acknowledged that members of the community have the right to be upset about what they're seeing in this video. he also emphasized that being a police officer is a difficult job. >> it's not easy to make a split second decision that might ultimately cost someone their lives, you know, it's just a difficult job, and if you've never done it i can assure you it's not an easy thing to do. >> all three officers involved have been relieved of their duties. according to superintendent johnson, who also emphasized that an investigation would take all of the facts of this case into consideration. meantime two belgium police officers are wounded at a suspect is left dead after a machete attack today in belgium. the officers were slashed outside of their police headquarters about 30 miles south of brussels. a third officer opened fire killing the attacker. the motive is still unknown at this point. both officers meantime are expected to be okay. and today also marked one week since a deadly balloon crash that killed 16 people in texas. >> huckabee. brian neal. (bell tolls presence). >> dozens of people gathered outside the caldwell county courthouse to recognize first responders and also remember those who lost their lives. the names of all 16 victims were read a loud following the ringing of a bell. victims families were also given a yellow rose. and septa police say they are offering amnesty for the man who took off with a bag left on a bus as long as he returns it by tuesday. those are the conditions. surveillance photos here captured on the route 58 bus showed the man who police say picked up a bag before getting off at bustleton and bleigh avenues in northeast philly. the bag it turns out belongs to a woman and contains her children's passports. the family is supposed to travel out of the country on tuesday. now the man is asked to contact septa to return the bag as soon as possible. also, a septa tries to get operations back to normal with on-going repairs to the super liner five train cars. officials are a nounsing more scheduled changes as well. beginning monday, five lines will operate adjust the schedules. lansdale doylestown, trenton, manayunk, norristown and warminster glenside combined lines will be affected some of them getting additional lease the train cars. cracks in the silver line five equalizer beams force add third of the fleet out of service about a month ago. for a list of all the changes just head to our website >> stay with us everyone. still to come tonight on "eyewitness news" security flaws at the olympic. what people attending the games have seen that really is causing some concern. and a pennsylvania woman gets a very special gift just in time for her wedding day. how she'll have a piece of her late father by her side when she walks down the aisle. lauren. >> drier air is currently building in across the area. i'll let you know how long the comfortable conditions will last plus one of the best meteor showers of the year takes place next week. i'll let you know when it peeks and how shooting stars you can see in your full forecast coming up. >> thank you. also straight ahead in sports one of the phillies best pros specs made his major league debut in san diego. leslie vanessas welcome back everyone. olympic games are currently underway and security is a major concern around rio de janiero. thousands of police officers have been deployed to the streets but as correspondent jamie, found out there are still flaws in the system. >> reporter: from the famed copa banana beach to the sports venues at olympic park more than 80,000 officers and military personnel are on the ground in rio de janiero protecting 500 thus san tourists visiting for the games. >> there's a cop car on every single corner with the lights on and everything like that. >> does that make you feel safe? >> yeah, plus the army is walking around and driving trucks around all the time. i don't think there should be any problems. >> reporter: on saturday, a bomb squad blew up unattended bag near the finish line of the men's cycling road race. no one was hurt. >> there are renewed concerns about security lapses after brazilian authorities arrested 10 suspects plotting a terror attack. >> this is a fullback pack you wondered right in. >> jordan walked into olympic park no questions asked. >> there was only one person manning the security tent and he wasn't facing the screen that showed you what's inside the bag as it goes through the conveyor. we walked through the metal detector even though there was nobody on the metal detector even had my cell phone in my pocket and it did go off. i'm not sure the metal detector was on. >> reporter: on the flip side rio residents claim police brutality on the rise because of the olympic games. >> they want to threaten and make poor people stay away from areas. >> just outside friday's opening ceremony police used tear gas and rubber bullets to break up protesters of the games n rio de janiero, jamie, cbs3 "eyewitness news". >> pennsylvania bride makes her way down the aisle today with a very special piece of her late father by her side. now this is not jenny's dad but he will give her away on her big day with her heartbeating in his chest. michael was killed in two to us six and his heart was donated to arthur thomas. she asked arthur for a huge favor that started with a lett letter. >> dear tom, i'm the daughter of the man who's heart is inside of you and i'm going to get married on august 6th. one further thing if you're willing, would you walk me down the aisle? good just like having my dad here. and better because we get to share this story with other people and other people see organ donors do matter. >> thomas traveled from new jersey to pittsburgh to do the honors. this is the fir the two have ever met. so sweet. very heart warming. >> such a great story. >> lauren casey along with our forecast. some storms rolled through for some areas. that's all behind us, right. >> it's all behind us. good things as we head into tonight and through the day tomorrow. tomorrow will be a beautiful august day. >> very nice. >> yes. get out your beach chairs. get ready to go it will be a pretty one. also get ready those lawn chairs because you'll want to set those up especially as we head into thursday night the perseid meteor shower is in store next week one of the best of the ye year. it peaks thursday night and we could possibly see an outburst this year. outburst means tons of meteors with possibly about 200 per ho hour. so we'll hope for that fingers crossed. on average though we'll see 60 meteors per hour with the perseids and perseids are known for persist at the present time trails tore long stream behind the shooting star so a good one to check out. so plan for that as we head into next week. but plan for outdoor activities tomorrow much less humid, so much more comfortable than the steaminess we felt for today. and we'll have comfortable conditions persisting into midweek with sunshine as well and relatively dry conditions. wednesday things turn back around once again. temperatures shoot up and so does that humidity factor but high temperatures today are first 90-degree day in philadelphia in august after 16 last month. we topped in the 90s in the lehigh valley also down the shore it was a toasty one because we didn't have the sea breeze kicking in high temperatures up around 90 degrees at our shore points as well. right now live look at center city philadelphia. all is quiet. 81 degrees. feels like 84 degrees but that feels like temperature will start to wayne throughout the overnight period. now we have a north wind in command and that is going to continue to usher in drier air throughout the overnight period. storm scan3 showing us that storm activity we did see in some locations earlier this evening has since dissipated a few very isolate the showers and those will diminish as we head into the next hour dry overnight tonight, partly cloudy with decreasing humidity levels. falling back to 72 degrees. slightly cooler and then tomorrow still a warm day right around average for us 88 degrees. but sunshine and lower humidity and nice breeze out of the north transitioning to the west for the afternoon but temperatures right now check out this gradient still low 80s in philly but mid 70s in the lehigh valley berks county and 60s on the board right now in the poconos and as i mentioned before, we do still have those temperatures elevated down the shore still 81 degrees right now in cape may but that drier air it is moving in. dew point change over the last 24 hours down to the north and west as that drier air is building in from northwest to southeast so it will overtake the delaware valley overnight tonight as we wake up tomorrow morning heading out on sunday morning 9:00 a.m. so much less humid. fix degrees for your lunch hour. 82 degrees. as we head into late day 88 sunshine all throughout the day with those comfortable conditions. and just beautiful for any relaxing you're doing across the region tomorrow, down the shore great looking beach day topping at 84 degrees. so not as hot in the poconos just beautiful 78 degrees. comfortable with all of that sunshine and forecast highs really right around average across much of the area tomorrow. topping in the middle 80s in the lehigh valley. we'll have the temperature at 88 degrees in philadelphia topping at 88 in wilmington and even into monday and tuesday. nice conditions. maybe a stray afternoon thunderstorm on monday. otherwise keeping it mostly sunny. seasonable into tuesday slightly more humid but then you'll definitely feel the humid factor as we head into wednesday. a better chance of a few afternoon storms. high temperatures climbing back up into the 90s. where they are going to stay and unfortunately hang out as we head into the end of next week. hot and steamy for thursday, 92 degrees. >> you said they'll hang out like unwelcome guests. >> get out of here. >> linger. >> that's august for you. thank you very much, lauren. >> so no injuries, everybody is healthy? >> finally. >> all right. good. >> i wish ukee was here to tell this. no injuries to report from eagles camp. they are talking that player with close ties to the defensive coordinator jim schwartz we'll tell you who and phillies fans got a glimpse of the future. jake thompson making his fir whenthe state made aers, commitment to us. i knew that i wasn't going to make a fortune. but i would have a secure pension plan when i retired. each and every one of us made that contribution from every paycheck we ever earned. they've been negligent in their responsibility over the years of not funding this pension the way it should have been funded. they have made a promise, they've made a commitment, and they need to stick to it. takbbq trophies:hese best cracked pepper sauce... most ribs eaten while calf roping... >>yep, greatness deserves recognition. you got any trophies, cowboy? ♪ whoomp there it is uh, yeah... well, uh, well there's this one. >>best insurance mobile app? yeah, two years in a row. >>well i'll be... does that thing just follow you around? like a little puppy! the award-winning geico app. download it today. with simply right checking from santander bank, just make one deposit, withdrawal, transfer or payment each month to waive the monthly fee. and there's no minimum balance. you're alright... with simply right checking from santander bank. ♪ are you feeling alright, baby? ♪ phillies continue six game road trip against the padres. rookie jake thompson making his major league debut for the phillies. 2,000 player to wear a phillies uniform. his first start in the biggs not so smooth. bases loaded in the first for christian and he hits a fly ball that went to the wall. three runs score. thompson and the phillies down four to nothing. second inning ryan howard check him out demolishing this pitch over the centerfield wall for hissy and homer of the year. tim lease able to get on the scoreboard. then in the fifth, phillies down four to three. will myers hits a double into right centerfield that went at the wall. another run scores. thompson went four an third innings giving up six runs and seven hits. the phillies trail eight to four right now in the seventh. eagles reporteedly very close to signing free agent linebacker steven tull lick birds neither depth at that position and he played for eagles defensive coordinator jim schwartz in detroit. meanwhile the eagles much easier practice today. no one was hurt. they'll put the pads back on tomorrow. yesterday zach ertz was not happy after he had to leave practice after getting hill low. but after a night' rest he's gotten over it. >> you never want guying to low at the end of the day you can't blame the guy. he's a lot smaller than me. so i probably shouldn't have said were i said but tame it is what it is. >> they want to hit and do we have to protect ourselves even when we go live you have to be a little bit smart but you learn from it and you hopefully you cross your fingers when you have those few life periods you cross your fingers and nothing crazy happens. >> brian matthews full participant at practice return yesterday after missing the first week of camp with an ankle injury. he'll be featured back in the eagles offense. he played all 16 games only one time in his six-year career. is it his style of running that causes him to miss games? >> i'm not one to shy away from contact, but, you know, that's just my play. i like to be physical and everything and that's one thing they like about me mitral cal will the. i'll keep doing what i do. not going to change myself no matter what. i'll try and get better for the team and do whatever i can to try and help them win. >> and tonight in ant ton ohio the pro football hall of fame class of 2016 inducted marvin harrison. he holds the nfl single season reception of 143. he played his entire career for indianapolis and compared the colts fans tow eagles fans. >> the best fans in the game. let me explain why now. any time we lose game or i drop pass they'd never booed me, they never did anything negative. don't worry about it marvin you get the next one and i'm from philadelphia. you know the home of the eagles. if you get the coins to wrong in philadelphia, they want to trade you the first thing monday morning. >> love laugh. >> he's right. union on the road d.c. united. game tied. pass to chris back of the net union take two-one lead to stoppage dc united on the attack pass over to steven birnbaum and header will beat andre black the union and dc united play to a two all tie. we'll be right bac what's that?! a bird? no, it's gus, the second most famous groundhog in pennsylvania! have no fear, wonder gus is here! wonder bucks! whaaa... wonder bucks, the new instant game from the pennsylvania lottery, with top prizes of $300 grand! one can dream. you can say that again. (giggles) keep on scratchin'! >> welcome back everyone. some of north philadelphia's bet basketball players showed off their skills today all in the name of stopping gun violence for great cause. "eyewitness news" at the cecil b. moore rec center in strawberry mansion today for the shoot hoops not guns basketball tournament. this tournament featured teens of all ages and trophies were handed out to all the champ there is. that's "eyewitness news". i'm natasha brown for all of us, leslie, lauren, all of isn't this place charming? as advertised, but you didn't invite me here for the charm or the ice cream. we can't just have ice cream? we can, but not in this instance. better chance of being hit by lightning. (chuckles) okay, i have a problem. well, first of all, your mom's got a lot on her plate, and i think she's doing an outstanding job considering... it's not about mom. oh. it's about my teacher. (phone rings) it's like she's made it her mission in life to keep me from ever graduating. turn that thing off. but what if it's important? choose. look, here's the problem. she's notorious for being harder on the girls, but when she found out i was from a family of cops...

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