Transcripts For KYW Eyewitness News 20160628 : comparemela.c

Transcripts For KYW Eyewitness News 20160628

odds and leaves a hospital just three days after being shot seven times in the line of duty. the surprise guest who greeted him outside the hospital. tonight we are also hearing from officer dorman. good evening i'm ukee washington. >> i'm natasha brown. jessica is off tonight. "eyewitness news" reporter trang do is live in folcroft with more on what the officer plans to do now that he's back home. trang? >> reporter: natasha he is very eager to get back to work. in the meantime hundreds of people lined the streets from philadelphia to here at the folcroft fire company to welcome officer dorman home. now they included a fellow officer also in recovery after he was shot in the line of duty earlier this year. (applause). >> reporter: just three days after he was shot seven times, folcroft police officer christopher dorman left penn presbyterian to a hero's reception. philadelphia police officer jesse hartnett among the well wish schers. hartnett shot three times in ambush attack in january he knows all too well the trauma dorman has gone through. >> i'm shot in the face! >> hours after the shooting friday, police arrested dante brooks island for the da describes as a drug dealer and career criminal. (applause). >> reporter: dorman's homecoming celebration continued at the folcroft fire company. where the officer spoke out about his ordeal for the first time. >> i'd like to say thank you to everybody for being there for me and my family and my fellow brothers in blue. everybody supporting me means lot. i appreciate it. >> his mother jean shared her son hasn't loft one bit of his quirky personality. >> as you know he was shot in the groin and he wanted to make sure he had all his parts. that's one example of his sense of humor. >> reporter: though out of the hospital he has a long recovery ahead. but there's no doubt he'll return to the police force as soon as he's able. >> i'm ready to get back to wo work. >> he laid his life on the line to protect. when you think about it the gun, the guy, had he gotten away he could have done, you know, carnage out there. in my heart and soul i know my son did what he could to protect innocent people much that's christopher. >> reporter: at 25 years old officer dorman has many years of service to this community. at 16 he join the fire company here as fire -- emt and he rose to the rank of assistant chief. for now we're live in folcroft, delaware county, tank do, cbs3 "eyewitness news". >> all right. we're wishing him the best. thanks so much trang. ikea recalling millions of doctors certification blamed for the deaths of three children including a boy from west chester. the mom dressers can tip over if they are not fasten to the wall. that's how 284 old carry ron, died in 2014. last year ikea distributed repair kits advising owners to attach the dressers to the wall. a third child has died from a falling chest n a statement an ikea statement say more information will be release tomorrow. >> a wife confessed aft killing his new wife after killing her with a cross bow. david spunt is live at police headquarters. the police have been to the home before. >> reporter: we're told they have for a domestic disturbance several times the family of victim pamela is devastated that's what they told me tonight in statement. they didn't want to speak on camera but tonight we know that the suspect is behind bars. a sunday summer night quickly out got of control when police say paul cuz zen shot and killed his new wife pamela with a cross bow. >> he said she's evil. >> it happened in northeast philadelphia on willits road sunday night around nightclub. margie lives next door. she told "eyewitness news" her son heard banging on the door. he open it to find the mother of two bleeding and begging for help. >> i see him holding her, like trying to help her inform that's it. she collapsed. i was more shocked about seeing a body in my kitchen floor, upping, you can't doing in about it. >> reporter: police say he admitted to killing his wife. several of her family members spoke to "eyewitness news" off camera and released the following statement. "pamela's children are grieving the loss of their mother and they are surveillance fifty oned by much love by their family and friends. we miss pamela and please respect our privacy during this he can treatmently difficult time ". authorities say officers were called to the home before. for domestic disturbances. neighbors told "eyewitness news" over the past few weeks cuz zen caused trouble in the neighborhood. >> ran out of here naked two weeks ago and he caused a commotion over there with the gym. >> authorities are waiting for toxicology tests we're told. those could take few week. reporting live tonight at physical police headquarters, david spunt cbs cbs3 "eyewitness news". >> thank you david. former worker montgomery county private school is behind bars tonight accused of assaulting a 1384 old student. police arrested 4084 old marcus fort thai. he used to be and it worker at gwynedd mercer academy elementary school. he had several illegal encounter wis girl at his school, office and at her home. >> well, reaction it is pouring in from across the country after the supreme court strikes downpours regulations in the state of texas. the court ruled that the 2013 law unconstitutionally limits a woman's right to have the procedure. >> cheers and an outburst of emotion from abortion rights supporters as the court announced the ruling of the most significant portion case in a decade. five-three divide thed justice with kennedy casting a decisive vote with liberals. striking down the restrictive texas law. the law requires clinics to be like ambulatory surgical sending clinic doctors must have admitting privileges at a local hospital. supporters said those restrictions would cut the number of clippings in texas by half had a to less than a state in a state with 60 to 72,000 abortions per year. texas pass add law in 2013 after horrific abuses came to light in the murder trial of philadelphia abortion did dr. kermit gosnell. 12 other states passed similar laws saying they were necessary to protect women. those laws also are affected by the decision as well which said there was no evidence the regulations would increase safety and that if anything their impact would be harmful to not supportive of women's heal health. nancy president of the center for reproductive rights called the decision a game changer. >> we had go forward in making sure all of the laws that are blocking women's access to the constitutional rights will be overturn. >> reporter: but kerry had head of the judicial conservation network said the decision was based on politics. >> this court has been so clear in their political leanings on this issue. i can't imagine an abortion regulation that they would up hold at this point. that's unfortunate. >> reporter: the three justices call the ruling indy fencible. if these laws had been on the books in pennsylvania it may have prevented the items of a patient and thee infants at kermit gosnell's clinic. >> campaign 2016, hillary clinton campaigned in the battleground state of ohio today and brought along her possible running mate. massachusetts senator elizabeth warren joined clip ton an stage in cincinnati and gave supporter as preview of what could be historic joint ticket. warren is touted a as champion of the democratic party's liberal base. she waist nod time going after clinton's rival donald trump. >> when donald trump says great, great for who exactly? >> elizabeth made clear donald trump proves every day he's not in it for the american people. he's in it only for himself. >> on the republican side, trump took break from the campaign trail today. he is expected to deliver an economic policy speech outside of pittsburgh tomorrow. the presumptive gop presidential nominee was quick to hit back ateliers women warren over her harsh criticism of him. trump called warren a sell out in a statement and reads in part this sad tempt to pandering to the sanders wing is a another example of a typical political calculation by d.c. insider. >> it could be years before britain leaves the european union. the economy is feeling effects. two agencies have downgraded the united kingdom's credit rating following the brexit vote and the value of the pound continues its free fall. it plunged another 3% against the u.s. dollar today after dropping 10% on friday. european leaders are calling on britain to start thinking now about exit negotiations very soon. wall street reactioned to the turmoil. the dow closed down 260 points. the nasdaq was down 113 and the s&p closed down 36. water safety concerns the focus of a horsham township council meeting tonight. tests found chemicals from fire fighting foam contaminated ground water which forced the closure of public and municipal wells in the township. council wants the navy to pay all costs negotiated with fixi g the since the problems are linked to act on local military bases. the law firm associated with erin brokovich will hold a community meeting in willow grove tomorrow night. a development plan for large track of land in delaware county in jeopardy. >> development called the cardinal crossing supposed to be built in marple township off sprawl road on the site of the old don begin nel la school. residential and retail space is planned for the more than 200 acres of land but with just three days to go before the sale, marple township leaders are still questioning the decision by the archdiocese to sell the land to the developer. some residents think the development would be too much. >> development that he just wants to put in there is four times the size of the granite run mall complex. it's huge. >> the archdiocese believes it will still close the $47 million sale on thursday but marple township has told cbs3 the most attractive option for that land may be just leaving it as it is. the developer at cardinal crossing realty hasn't returned calls for comment. meantime lawmakers in trenton, inform, continue to debate raising new jersey's gas tax by 23 cents a gallon. is there now a compromise? still ahead at 11:00 o'clock, the other tax that could be reduced as part of the deal. also, thousands of homes and businesses destroyed in historic flooding but as recovery begins a new threat emerges. why residents are on edge again. lauren. >> get ready for a steamy and stormy 24 hours in the delaware valley. then we turn less humid as we head towards midweek and a little fourth of july preview coming up in your eyewitness full weather forecast just after this. >> also, a home built for a princess is for sale. the house where grace kelly grew up hits the market. we'll physical you the asking price when "eyewitness news" continues. >> this is cbs3 "eyewitness news" with ukee washington, jessica dean, kate bilo and don bell. ♪ welcome back everyone. influence raise the gas tax in new jersey hit a bit of a snag. a vote to raise the tax by 23 cents per gallon was expect to do today but that didn't happen as negotiations continued with governor chris christie and both democratic and republican leaders. christie says the proposal didn't have enough tax fairness and now the possibility of cutting the state's sales tax is now being discussed. opponents say the gas tax is just too high. >> actually collect more transportation revenue than 42 other states in the country. we also have the highest administrative costs in the country. so trenton has to do more with less. >> lawmakers are considering raising the gas tax to help fund the transportation trust fund that pays for road and bridge repairs. it is set to run out of money this week. both the assembly and senate are set to meet again on thursday. the last day of the fiscal year. wildfires continue to burn in california as two people have been confirmed killed over 200 homes destroyed. currently 22 large fires are burning across eight states while the biggest just east of bakers field california scorched over 45,000 acres of land. the fire has grown to more than 70 square miles but is considered 40% contain. there are new flash flood warnings for parts of west virginia tonight many are trying to put their lives back together after last week's floods. across the state nea nearly two dozen people have died and thousands of homes were destroyed or damaged. the latest round of rain is complicating the clean up efforts all around the state. >> this is one of the probably roughest floods we've seen. it's pretty devastating to communities. >> thousands are still without power. more than 400 people are living in shelters across the state. amazing no one was hurt after a jetliner caught fire. a passenger shot this video from a singapore airlines flight. the plane was on its way to milan italy when the crew got an engine oil warning. pilots returned to singapore and a fire erupted. all 240 people on board escaped without injury. >> the family of the late musician prince will have to wait to find out who will end her rhett his fortune and property minnesota judge did not rule today saying there will be no quick decisions on who should be allowed to inherit from the music legend. he is survived boy a sister and at least five half siblings much more than 20 other people are claiming to be an hey to the late music legend. dna ruled out a colorado inmate claiming to be prince's son. the home where oscar winning actress grace kelly is on the mark. >> the six bedroom brick colonial is listed as million dollars and it's where prince ranier of monaco proposed marriage to kelly. it was built in 1903 by kelly's john who was also a gold medal winner for rowing. >> if you are in the market for a house chase utley and allen iverson old place has lower price. the home was originally listed in april for almost $3.5 million. since then, the price has dropped to just blow 3 million. utley own the property for thee years now. iverson sold the property in 2,006. lauren joins us with a forecast. we had rain earlier this evening. i haven't look to see fit cleared out yet. >> rain full intensity is pick up just in time for to us head out into the rain. >> i know. i've got the big umbrella. >> that's good. >> can i get under. >> yes. >> we'll all sneak under the umbrella. rainfall intensity picking up across philadelphia county and delaware county really over the last 30 minutes or so. went from sunny day to kind of a soggy evening and the rain continues to fall across parts of the area. and that is evident on skycam3. rain drops on the lense there. roadways are slick and temperatures are rain cooled at 72 degrees. right now winds out of the southeast around 9 miles per hour. rainfall totals impressive in some areas. check out the number for drexel hill our life neighborhood network closing in on seven items an inch of rainfall this evening picking up a quarter of an inch in palmyra. picking up just half an inch in bethlehem. plymouth meeting a quarter of an inch. storm scan3 showing these showers regenerating along the i november corridor over the last several hours. the showers are actually training or moving over the same areas again and again and those areas are delaware and philadelphia counties. now the rainfall intensity is starting to pick up up towards merion, upper darby also down towards chester, rainfall intensity moderate to heavier rainfall that will continue to move east. new castle county, delaware, seeing pockets of moderate rainfall. delaware being encompassed by this late rainfall that will start to move into interior parts of southern new jersey as we head into the next half hour, 45 minutes and a couple of lone thunderstorms developing up wind of berks and lancaster county if they can hold together can bring you thunder as we head into the next hour or two. we did spend the day in the 80s today. we have some rain cooled air across much of the area. 60s in the poconos. 72 degrees current in philadelphia. dew points are on the rise and we feel that as soon as we step outside. the steamy conditions settling in. with those dew points up around 70 degrees. and the steam factor will be present through the knit tonight and through much of the day tomorrow before we get a breaks we head into midweek but for tonight, humid with showers around. some rumbles of thunder. temperatures dropping back to about 70 degrees and tomorrow highs back in the mid 80 80s. feeling warmer than that with the humidity. scattered showers and thunderstorms for philadelphia especially as we head into the second half of the day but the best rain chances in the morning will be down the shore. and in parts of delaware as we head into the afternoon. better rain chances along the i november corridor and points north and west up into the lehigh valley. as we transition into the evening, i-95 corridor still under the gun in parts of south jersey as cold front traverses the delaware valley and future weather will confirm that for us as we head into the late overnight. still hit or miss storms around this model brings showers and storms this is your commute time up along the new jersey coastline into about midday again best chance of rain and thunderstorm activity will be south and east of the city. before it flips over into the afternoon. north and west of the city. as this line of kind of broken thunderstorms develops in advance of the cold front that will move through tomorrow evening and bring us that storm chance and then eventually as we head into tomorrow night that storm chance diminishes as we head into the evening hours few of storms could be on the stronger side. best normal and west the city we have a slight risk of severe weather for the rest of the area kind of under a marginal risk of severe weather tomorrow. so keep an eye on the sky as we head into wednesday no problems quieting down, humidity dropping off. sunshine returns thursday looks beautiful. and the fourth of july weekend is in your seven day forecast albeit it is still a week out but at this point sunday and the holiday are looking very nice. >> very nice. >> we like that. thanks lauren. >> keep it that way hopefully. lesley has sports highlights for. >> you know who is not looking so nice. >> come on. >> the phillies are lookin lookk get back on the track out in the desert. >> philadelphia flyers eric lindros got the call to t the wait is over for eric lindros after six attempts the flyers great was voted into the hockey hall of fame today. at 6-foot four, 230 pointer pounds lindros changed the power forward pig. never before had a player be that big with unbelievable hockey skills and speed. his career cut short after his fourth concussion in 2000 sand he was selectly in part because of hall of fame committee member bob clark. when clark was the flyers gm lindros and he had a strained and sometimes stormy relationship. >> everyone want to do win. and that was the main focus on it. certainly some times of friction inform when eric played with us, he was clearly one of the most dominant players in the league at the time, and probably one of the most dominant ever for that period of time. >> the package of size and skill and speed and his physical play very few of them in the history of the game that have been as gived as eric. >> former flyers coach pat quinn was also elected to the hall. he died in 2014 and took the flyers to the stanley cup finals in 1980 coached them to the longest unbeaten streak in nhl history at 35 games. all right. now we'll turn our attention over to the phillies starting a three game series tonight against the diamondbacks. now arizona came into the bank two weeks ago and swept out the phils in a four-game series. vince velasquez start fog the phils coming off the dl with a right by september strain. so far so good for vince. first batter he faced struck him out with a 94 miles per hour fast ball in the third. nice defense here michael bourn hit the line drive to center. herrara make the catch. doubled off the runner at first. right now the phillies leading one to nothing in the sixth. south jersey swimmer kelsey worrell headed to rio. 21-year-old won the 100-meter butterfly u.s. swimming trials. second fastest time in the world this year he's from westampton new jersey and rancocas valley high school. butterfly is so hard. >> good for her. >> thank you so much lesley. >> patriotic rededication just i've got a nice long life ahead. big plans. so when i found out medicare doesn't pay all my medical expenses, i got a medicare supplement insurance plan. 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[ male announcer ] you'll be able to visit any doctor or hospital that accepts medicare patients. plus, there are no networks, and virtually no referrals needed. see why millions of people have already enrolled in the only medicare supplement insurance plans endorsed by aarp. don't wait. call now. ♪ just in time for the fourth of july the city of philadelphia hold as rededication ceremony for very patriotic mural. >> our flag unfurled rededicated in northern liberties. the originally mural was created in $2,000.1 to honor the people who lost their lives during the 9/11 attack. it will be featured on the cover of philadelphia style best of style issue issue. don't miss out on the laughs coming up next the late show with steven colbert followed with by the late lay show with james corden. for lauren, don, everyone here, don who is off, i'm ukee washington. >> i'm nat is brown. we're always on for you >> thanks for watching. have a good night, family, and sleep well. ♪ >> male announcer: the following is paid for and furnished by hair club for men and women. this station is not responsible for claims made in the following program. >> female announcer: when it comes to hair loss in women, the reasons why can be as varied as the women themselves. but there is one proven hair solution that has taken these women from this to this in as little as six weeks. it's not a wig and it's not a weave. it's their own hair, only better, thanks to the only nationwide company that specializes in female hair loss -- hair club for women. >> it's a life-changer. forever. >> eternally grateful to hair club. >> be bald for the rest of my life or go to hair club and get hair. it's like, "okay, probably i should go to hair club." >> and it has been the most freeing experience that i've ever had, really. >> for women, hair loss is an emotional experience and can be due to genetics, medications, hormones, and more. at hair club for women, we understand that and offer more than one solution to your hair loss. >> female announcer: at hair club for women, our caring consultants meet with you one-on-one to evaluate the level and type of your hair loss and offer a customized proven hair-loss solution that's just right for you. >> it's not cosmetic. it's not vanity. it is a necessity. >> it is. >> and we are very lucky and very blessed, i think. >> baseball hat is not an accessory. it is not an accessory. >> because they know how much they're helping people. they know how much they're changing lives. >> hear, hear to hair club. >> female announcer: hair club for women is recognized the world over as the gold standard in proven hair-loss solutions for 30 years. and you won't find our groundbreaking technologies anywhere else but hair club. call our toll-free number now or visit our website at we'll send you this informative, for-women-only brochure with all the information you need to look, feel, and act younger than your years. and for a limited time, when you call or visit hair club today for your free private consultation, you can receive a microscopic hair-and-scalp

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