Transcripts For KYW CBS Overnight News 20160609 : comparemel

Transcripts For KYW CBS Overnight News 20160609

this is your skin. this is your skin in the sun. the sun ages your skin and can cause skin cancer. a young sexual assault victim's haunting courtroom statement received worldwide attention this week. we have been telling you about it on this broadcast. it happened especially after the judge gave a light sentence to the attacker. a star swimmer at stanford university. well, tonight we are learning more. we learned what the attacker had to say to the judge. and here its john blackstone. >> before brock turner was sentenced on three counts of sexual assault he pleaded with the judge not to be sent to prison and he apologized for his actions. i wish i could just take it back. i can't believe i imposed such suffering on the victim. and i am so sorry. but in the letter obtained by cbs news, turner fails to take full responsibility. instead, blaming the party culture i briefly experienceden my four months at school. at stanford, drinking alcohol he wrote, became what i expected when spending saturday with friends. in spite of being found guilty. turner insists what happened that night was consensual. at no time did it ever occur to me that she was too drun tubing know what we were doing. the victim's own letter to the judge condemns turn ear's refusal. some one who cannot take full accountability for his actions does not deserve a mitigating sentence she wrote. judge aaron persky's controversial sentence of six months in county jail was based, the judge said, on turner's youth and lack of prior offenses. the judge also received 39 letters of support. a high school teacher wrote, i would completely trust brock turner with my daughter. law professor evan lee expert in sentencing guidelines expected a much more severe sentence. >> maybe three years, if you take into account the lack of -- record, maybe, if you take into account the intoxication. but, six months is -- really -- shocking. >> reporter: turner has begun serving his sentence. in a letter to the judge his family asked he be transferred closer to his home in ohio. with time off with good behavior, scott here, could be release as early as september. >> john blackstone reporting for us. thank you. tonight cbs news exposes an insurance scam. and it turns out you, the taxpayer, are the victim. it seems especially egregious because members of the u.s. military are being duped to help pull off the fraud. here is jim axelrod. >> with its pulsing music this club in west hollywood may not seem like the ideal location for a business meeting. but this was where we were invited by dustin warren, a salesman working with a lab that conducts genetic testing and drug screenings. we recorded the meeting undercover. >> the opportunity is absolutely there. >> warren gave us a test of the hardball pitch he uses to get doctors to order the tests. >> if you're not doing this you're a pile of [ bleep ]. you don't care about people. you don't care about cancer. and you don't care about your patients, bottom line. >> with the right context, we could expect to make big money. >> 60 [ bleep ] grand a month. thanks to genetic tests that assess cancer risk. he said military insurance, tricare reimburses the most for a single test. >> we were banging them for $12,000 to $16,000 grand, we dialed it back to $#,000 because we're look we're going to get [ bleep ]. this isn't going to be good for anyone. >> the tests conducted and build by a lab in dallas, cockerell, dermatopathology. that offers another test, drug screening. and that made the lab $5 amillion from tricare last year. to entice soldiers to be screened, so tricare could be build others working with cockerell labs, set up a make shift clinic in this stripmall a mile from fort hoodch we learned beginning last summer and running through this past february, soldiers would line up by the dozens every day in this parking lot, and provide their dna, urine, and tricare i.d. numbers in exchange for a $50 wal-mart gift card. >> it was a lot of people. it was full. >> reporter: linda boseman, wife of a soldier, told us she visited the clinic to make extra money for christmas presents. awe they just said they had this clinical research going. and that they paid you by wal-mart cards so that you would give your urine. >> reporter: it wasn't for research. documents show cockerell dermapathology, used her samples to bill tricare, 41 times, unneeded screenings for drugs, pcp, cocaine, methadone. nearly $7,000 at taxpayer expense. this wasn't the only place near fort hood where soldiers lined up. this storefront. few blocks away. they were there a little while before setting up shop at a more professional looking site. a couple month as go they moved down the road to this location. from the looks of things they're no longer in business here either. but we found plenty of evidence in the trash they had been. soldiers social security numbers, medical information, dna specimens, and more than 60 photo copies of military ids. including linda boseman's. which left us with a lot of questions for cockerell dermatpathology and its owner, dr. clay cockerell. >> i have run it well over 20 years. >> reporter: our producer caught up with him outside the lab. >> there is a genetic testing lab. >> that's not my lab laboratory. >> it is your lab. they're using your contracts. but you are -- >> they're using your contracts and your license, sir. >> and with that dr. cockerell was off declining to answer any more questions on camera. in a written statement, representatives of cockerell dermapathology confirmed it is his lab. they also said -- and quote, there is a possibility that individuals were operating outside of the organization's strict compliance requirements. the lab says it has voluntary refunding what it calls significant amounts of money. but wouldn't say how much or to whom. we asked the pentagon if it is investigating and they told us, scott, they can't discuss it. >> great investigative reporting by you and producer emily rand. thank you, very much, jim. >> jim is going to show us how marketers have targeted private insurance. that will be on cbs this morning. coming up next on the "cbs evening news" -- when a would-be kidnapper grabs a child, a mother fights back. and -- later. after eight years in prison, an innocent man is free. moisture so i can get into it ao enhance mbit quicker. ral and when i know she's into it, i get into it and... feel the difference with k-y ultragel. this pimple's gonna aw com'on.ver. clearasil ultra works fast to begin visibly clearing up skin in as little as 12 hours. and acne won't last forever. just like your mom won't walk in on you... forever. let's be clear. clearasil works fast. thope to see you again soon.. whoa, whoa, i got this. just gotta get the check. almost there. i can't reach it. if you have alligator arms, you avoid picking up the check. what? it's what you do. i got this. thanks, dennis! if you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance, you switch to geico. growwwlph. it's what you do. oh that is good crispy duck. a would-be kidnapper in a florida store was watching a mother and child and apparently judged they were an easy mark. david begnaud tells us what he got was the fight of his life. >> reporter: the video that would horrify any parent. surveillance footage shows 30-year-old craig benello violently grabbing and dragging a 13-year-old girl allegedly trying to kidnap her from a dollar general store in hernando, florida. she resists her mother chases after them and throws herself on top of her daughter. citrus county sheriff, jeff dawsey. >> i gave great accolades to the mom. i thought the mom was stellar in this case. the mom was on him. he was getting his butt kicked by mom. >> reporter: after a 15-second struggle, benello gives up and runs out of the store into the parking lot where offduty sheriff's deputy jonathan baynan just pulled up. >> he fought a little bit. when he realized i had the upper edge he kind of complied with everything. he didn't say much of anything to me. >> reporter: investigators do not know why he targeted the girl. the teen and her mother told authorities they had never seen him before. >> it is sad that we have people like that in society. >> investigators told them that he tried this before. the sheriff insists there is really no way to verify that. the suspect's attorney says he is a veteran with a history of mental health issues. >> david begnaud for us. david, thank you. >> coming up -- one of the world's top tennis players is banned. today maria sharapova suspended from tennis for two years for doping. the winner of five grand slams tested positive for meldo nium. banned in january. sharapova said she doesn't know and plans to appeal. >> in louisville, long lines for tickets for friday's funeral for muhammad ali. all 15,000 were gone in an hour. they were free, but some ticketholders turned around and sold theirs. a muslim prayer service will be held tomorrow. ali died friday at 74. the way the story goes, a fairy brought the wooden puppet pinocchio to life. but the truth is, it was animator willis pyle, whose death was announced to day. pyle said he looked into a mirror and watched his own expressions and gave them to pinocchio, and bambi, fantasia and mr. magoo. the son of dust bowl farmers, pyle was the brother of the late dukes of hazard actor denver pyle and the nephew of legendary world war ii correspondent, ernie pyle. willis pyle was 101. up next, a few short steps to freedom for an innocent man. an innocent teenager was thrown into prison eight years ago. today, he walked free. michelle miller tells us why justice was so long in coming. hey. >> taminko sanford talking with her son davonte who woke up in prison this morning. a phone call they waited for, eight years, valerie newman is their lawyer. >> i am going to be driving up there today to pick you up. >> it's over. >> you lost eight years? is there any way to regain that? that time? >> can't get it back. >> reporter: in 2007, then 14-year-old davonte sanford was charged with a quadruple murder at a drug house in his detroit neighborhood. according to a judge's review, police interrogated the teenager without a lawyer over multiple days. allowing him little sleep until he confessed. >> reporter: the judge said sanford's trial lawyer, who since had his license suspended, never challenged inconsistencies in the confession. and a police official may have lied on the witness stand. two weeks after the teenager was sentenced a self-proclaimed hit man, vincent smothers confessed to the killings and told police where to find the murder weapon but davonte sanford remained in prison. >> failure after failure after failure, systemic failure. >> reporter: a year-long reinvestigation of sanford's case led to a judge saying, he was innocent. this afternoon, sanford now 23, walked out of a place where he should have never been. his mother waited at home too emotional to make the two-hour trip. >> i think when i hold him it will be real. i haven't touched him, hugged him anything in eight years. >> but tonight she finally will. michelle miller, cbs news, detroit. >> that's the "cbs overnight news" for this thursday. for some of you the news continues. for others check back with us a little later for the morning news and cbs this morning. from the broadcast center in new york city, i'm scott pelley. >> announcer: this is the "cbs overnight news." hi, welcome to the "cbs overnight news." i'm demarco morgan. the stage set for the white house battle. republican donald trump and his first race for public office will square off against democrat hillary clinton the first woman to lead a major party ticket. both presumptive candidates may have a tough time unifying their parties. trump is still feeling the heat over his kmaents bcomments abou mexican-american judge. and clinton has supporters of bernie sanders who has meetings in washington including one with president obama. nancy cordes has the story. >> reporter: with a mix of pride and relief, clinton claimed the title that eluded her eight years ago. >> the first time in our nation's history that a woman will be a major party's nominee. [ cheers and applause ] signs of that historic achievement were everywhere in the audience, across social media, and plastered on her website in large letters. >> tonight belongs to all of you. [ applause ] >> reporter: an emotional milestone for women in the crowd like ellen landsburger. >> i am a doctor. i was told when i was a child i shouldn't go into medicine. it wasn't for women. it's time for a woman to be in the white house. >> i want to congratulate senator sanders. >> reporter: clinton praltzed her democratic oemt and supporters on a hard fought campaign. >> it never feels good to put your heart into a cause or a candidate you believe in and to come up short. i know that feeling well. but as we look ahead -- let's remember all that unites us. >> reporter: in california, sanders backers were in no mood for unity. >> i had a very gracious call from secretary clinton and congratulated her on her victories tonight. and sanders was in no mood to concede. we take our fight for social, economic, racial and environmental justice to philadelphia, pennsylvania. [ cheers and applause ] >> reporter: but he is also cutting half his staff as clinton solidifies her argument against trump. >> he wants to win by stoking fear and rubbing salt in wounds. and reminding us daily just how great he is. >> secretary clinton discussed the race ahead with scott pelley. >> there was a moment last night that you stopped to take it all in. you stretched your arms out wide. and i wonder what was going through your mind at that moment? ♪ [ cheers and applause ] i wasn't really thinking. i was just feeling the moment. i was so overwhelmed by the -- energy and the -- and the excitement of the crowd. and -- i knew how many thousands and millions of people had made that moment possible. so i was especially just wanting to feel it. because it was historic for me. i think it was an historic milestone for so many others as well. >> donald trump just had the worst 72 hours of his political life. denounced by republican leaders, labeled a racist and a bigot. and yet, yesterday nearly 2 million people voted for him. who are his supporters? why do they seem to be unshakeable? >> well, you will have to ask them, scott. i do not believe his views or -- or his rhetoric. we'll find that favorable an audience in the general electorate. because i think that as i said last week in san diego, what he has already said, both words and deeds, disqualifies him. from being president. and i have more votes than he does. so i think i have a good solid foundation to start from. >> but it is possible that your biggest obstacle is not your opponent, but yourself. 52% of the american people who participated in our cbs news poll have an unfavorable opinion of you. that is the highest negative impression of anyone ever nominated by the democratic party since we started asking that question in 1984. do you bear any responsibility for that. >> i'm sure i do. when i was secretary of state and serving the country i had approval of 66%. i think it is fair to ask what happened? what happened. tens of millions of dollars of negative advertising and coverage that has been sent my way. i understand that. i know that, it's up to me to take this base that i have built and expand it. by reaching out. to senator sanders. >> supporters and many others across the country. and including republicans and independents. >> do you think we will look back on your choice of a runningmate as conventional or unconventional? >> i don't know because i have no idea yet. you know, i am looking, broadly and widely. and i am going to begin to really, you know, dive in to -- to thinking hard about this. so i am going to be looking first and foremost as to who i believe could fulfill the responsibilities of being president and commander-in-chief. for the republicans, donald trump wrapped up the nominating season with a promise to unify the party. he did it in a serious and sober speech. major garrett reports. >> you have given me the honor to lead the republican party to victory this fall. >> reporter: relying on teleprompters, donald trump tried to calm republicans alarmed and offended by recent, race-based attacks. >> i understand the responsibility of carrying the mantel and i will never, let you down. >> trump said nothing about the turmoil he set in motion with allegations of bias against a federal judge based on his mexican heritage. trump tried to woo disaffected democrats. >> to all of those bernie sanders voters left out in the cold by a rigged system of superdelegates. we welcome you with open arms. trump spent much of his speech ticking through policy proposals, while also laying the ground work for future attacks on hillary clinton. >> the clintons have turned the politics of personal enrichment into an art form for themselves. >> reporter: the speech came in atmosphere of panic and recriminations with leaders admonishing their standard bearer. >> it is time to quit attacking various people that you competed with or various minority groups in the country. and get on message. >> i do think those comments are racist comments. >> tuesday, house speaker paul ryan spoke to face the nation's john dickerson. >> when any one in our party, least, especially our nominee says things that run contrary to our beliefs, to our values, our principles we have on li gas to call them out. >> trump dismissed his critics. >> there is a lot of anger, i guess. they can't come back. can't get over it. they have to get over it ideally. >> trump's message was disciplined something gop leaders have been pleading for. but it was into late for republican senators, lindsay graham, mark kirk of illinois, and jeff flake of arizona all said they could never endo tennis star maria sharapova will appeal her two year suspension for doping. the five-time grand slam champion tested positive for a banned drug at the australian open. she says she had been using the drug for years and didn't know it was on a list of banned substances. meanwhile, russia's minister of sports dragged into his country's widening doping scandal. a new report says that he covered up a positive drug test for one of the country's best soccer players. the russian national team begins the european championship this week against england. all of this while russia is trying to convince the international athletics foundation to allow its track & field team to compete at the summer olympics in brazil. the team was barred after damning reports about how the government ran a doping program. >> reporter: they now live in this sparse one-bedroom apartment some where in the united states. which we will not reveal for their protection. >> it's far from the cries of traitor and judas back home, the price of believing in the purity of sport. >> for me when you have this 100% belief that you are doing something right, you, you just follow this belief and -- and -- and let's see what happens. >> the especially #00 meters. for five years she took anabolic steroids for strength, and eps for endurance. all directed by her russian coaches and medical staff. let me read to you some of the drugs that i have read that you have taken. testosterone. >> uh-huh. >> turnabolin. parabolin. those are powerful drugs? >> translator: yes, these are all steroids. >> reporter: did you think anything that you were doing was, was wrong? >> translator: it's hard to believe that you are doing something wrong when everybody around you says it is right and there is no other way that you are shown. i was an untouchable, as sacred athlete. >> reporter: untouchable meant she could take banned substances without the fear of being caught. the performance enhancing drugs put her on track for the 2012 summer olympics in london. she met him at all of places a drug seminar. he had a low level job at the russian anti-doping agency. he was a true believer. >> i want sports to be fair. if somebody wins, i want him or her to be real hero. not a fact one. >> reporter: 15 minutes into their first date he got a dose of reality. >> she says, you know i'm doping. i am -- i'm all of my teammates are doping as well. >> reporter: what do you think? >> i had suspicion. but i was hoping that i'm her to fix something. she says, that's not what it does. it helps russian athletes to win medals. does testing, but fake testing. >> reporter: somehow two very different lives equalled a marriage. he lived with doping at home and corruption at work. >> there was a situation where i was offered a bribe by the vice president of the federation, just like that person comes to me and he says, this athlete cannot be tested. how much money do you need? and my answer is -- this is what i get paid for. and i don't need any extra money. so she, she was selected. she must be tested. >> he repeatedly informed his boss as the bout the corruption. only to be told, what happens in russia, stays in russia. frustrated he made a dangerous decision to reach outside russia to the world anti-doping agency. over the next three years, he sent 200 e-mails and 50 letters detailing what he witnessed. but vitalyi says it did not have the power to investigate inside rush yeah. the crusade would cost hip his job and force him to file for divorce. >> some times i thought he was my enemy. that he wants to interfere. it was not easy. >> i think i have this opportunity to become a taxi driver in moscow. i'll be divorced taxi driver. so that's. >> reporter: where you were at at that point in time? >> yes. yes. >> reporter: the fight was over? >> the fight was over. i lost. >> reporter: the turning point came right before the london games. when she was injured. no longer a medal contender she lost the protection of the system. and tested positive for epo. facing a two year ban. she called him days before their divorce would be final. he suggested let's tell the truth. let people know the whole truth the way things happen in russia. to destroy the system one has to talk about it. >> after i finished talking to her, you know, i think -- am i going to be able to get another person on my side? after three years of trying. get my wife on my side. trying to clean up sports. >> reporter: not only did he bring her, he convinced her to take a risk and use her phone to record her coach giving her steroids. teammates detailing their drug use. and the team medical director who told her how to get back in the drug program. >> translator: it was total craziness. that's how i held the phone. i put the jacket over here. and that's how i held the phone. this way. >> in this recording, 800 meter runner, maria savinova admitted she took enhancing drugs. savinova won gold in london. she said, my coach helps to cover up the tests. there is no other way to do it. everyone in russia is on pharma. the world anti-doping agency steered them to a reporter at german television network, ard. their tapes became the centerpiece of this documentary, which aired in december 2014. and sent shock waves through the world of sports. >> you know, we don't peck who our heroes are. at the end of the day, they stood up and they did the right thing. to ensure that clean athletes rights are protected around the globe. >> reporter: travis tiger, ceo of u.s. anti-doping agency has been advising the stepinovs since they fled russia. tiger has built a reputation taking down some of the world's notorious dopers including lance armstrong. >> reporter: you have called what the stepinovs uncovered. a defining moment in the anti-doping movement. why is that? >> the evidence confirmed what a lot of people have believed over the years. this is not just a few athletes obtaining performance enhancing drugs. this was a system, orchestrated by the sport leaders, to ensure that they won at all costs. >> we are limited to athletics and russia. >> reporter: the zwrout rage sparked by what the stepinovs uncovered, forced an investigation. its 300-plus-page report. detailed what it called, "a deeply rooted culture of cheating that reached the highest levels of the russian government. >> bribes. >> covering up tests. >> fact urine. you name it? >> you name it. they attempted to get away with it. >> reporter: we are talking about fair to say the highest levels of the sports ministry in russia. >> listen, their responsible. the buck stops there. cabinet level position, funds oversees all of sport. so they're responsible. >> when it came to doping in russia. nobody was more powerful than this man. he ran the drug testing lab and had ability to make positive drug tests disappear. the report called him the heart of russian doping. in the whack of the scandal, he was fired by the kremlin. and has since taken refuge in the u.s. for fear of his own safety. because of how much he knows. over the last fooe months he has been sharing it with stepinov. what he doesn't know, stepinov recorded 15 hours. what he revealed threatens the credibility of the results at the 2014 winter games in sochi russia. >> he told me -- we could only see this much. but what was happening with cover-ups, it's like this. >> reporter: he ran the drug testing lab in sochi bragged he was in possession of what he called the sochi list, russians who competed dirty at the games. he also said the russian equivalent of the fbi, fsb, was directly involved. >> reporter: what did he tell you about -- the fsb? the russian intelligence officers? and the sochi lab. >> that some fsb agents worked as doping control officers during the sochi games. that -- that fsb tried to control every single step of the -- anti-doping process in sochi. >> you can see the full report on our website. the "cbs overnight news" will be right back. and our adult children-laws have are here. still.d in with us. so we save by using tide. which means we use less. three generations of clothes cleaned in one wash. those are mom's. has anybody seen my pants? lasts up to two times longer. put those on, dad! it's got to be tide. moisture so i can get into it ao enhance mbit quicker. ral and when i know she's into it, i get into it and... feel the difference with k-y ultragel. sir, this alien life form at an alarming rate. growing fast, you say? we can't contain it any long... oh! you know, that reminds me of how geico's been the fastest-growing auto insurer for over 10 years straight. over ten years? mhm, geico's the company your friends and neighbors trust. and deservedly so. indeed. geico. expect great savings and a whole lot more. the worst thing about toilet they don't stay in the toilet. disinfect your bathroom with lysol bathroom trigger... ...lysol power foamer... ...and lysol toilet bowl cleaner. they're approved to kill 50% more types of germs than leading competitors. to clean and disinfect in and out of the toilet... lysol that. overseas, switzerland is marking the opening of the world's longest, deepest railroad tunnel. runs more than 35 miles, lies under 7,000 feet of rock and can handle trains running 125 miles an hour. anthony mason has more. switzerland, best known for its banks, watches and fine chocolate, has something new to boast about. its superior tunnel digging abilities. [ applause ] this week the famously neutral nation celebrated the opening of the gottard base tunnel, now the longest, deepest railroad tube with much pageantry and performance art. ♪ ♪ >> this 35 1/2 mile long engineering marvel was designed to reduce travel time between zurich and milan, italy. it does this by cutting directly under the swiss alps. it took nearly 20 years and $10 billion to bring the project to life. the new tunnel is already eclipsed the competition. it's longer than japan's saikan rail tunnel by two miles. and excavation work on the massive project began back in 1996, using explosives and giant boring machines that measured more than 1,300 feet long and weighed in at 300 tons. when all was said and done, more than 2 million tons of rock and rubble were removed to make way for the tunnel's concrete and railroad tracks. on wednesday, the first passenger train entered gottard south portal. and emerged 20 minutes later in the swiss town to fireworks and much fanfare. ♪ ♪ aaa foundation did a study and found out what parents know. young drivers are often distracted behind the wheel. this can lead to terrible accidents. chip reid has the story. >> reporter: you know when you think of distracted driving and teenagers you probably think of ♪ ♪ ng pc-17 f1 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 12345 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 67890 cbs caption test !!! 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maint. testing pc-17 f1 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 12345 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 67890 cbs caption test !!! maint. testing pc-17 f1 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 12345 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 67890 cbs caption test !!! maint. testing pc-17 f1 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 12345 maint. testing pc-17 f1 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 12345 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 678 it's ryan's cell phone. gibbs: isolate calls from psy-ops, government-issued lines. there's five or six different numbers here. cross-reference with incoming calls to banks over the past month. aaa foundation did a study and found out what parents know. young drivers are often distracted behind the wheel. this can lead to terrible accidents. chip reid has the story. >> reporter: you know when you think of distracted driving and teenagers you probably think of this. the cell phone. but this new study says that with teen drivers, the distraction often comes from passengers which is why i am sitting back here minding my manners and not distracting the driver. during the summer months more teenagers are on the road and the number of deaths from crashes involving teen drivers soars to an average of 10 every day. 16% higher than the rest of the year. over the past eight years, aaa working with the university of iowa, studied teen drivers using dashboard cameras and documenting more than 2,200 moderate to severe collisions. over that time, they saw a disturbing change in behavior. jennifer ryan is with aaa. >> more likely to interact with their phones, texting or social media which is scary they're then looking down and taking their eyes of the road. >> reporter: the study says today, nearly 60% of teen crashes involve distracted driving. perhaps surprisingly they fund that cell phones are not the number one problem. no, the top distraction for teens is other passengers. accounting for 15% of teen driver accidents. 12% were distracted by texting or talking on a cell phone. >> what we know about teens when they add a passenger they're more likely to be distracted. more likely to engage in risky behavior. >> stacy robinson lost two daughters in a crash in texas in march. a teenage friend who was driving was looking at her phone. moments before hitting an 18-wheeler head on. >> this device is also, could only take a moment in your life and can be changed. >> reporter: now the brother of the two girls spreads the word about the dangers of distracted driving. >> the best way that i can honor my sisters, the best way i know possible is to talk to youth and talk to parents and, help them to understand what could happen. >> reporter: triple a says nearly 2/3 of the people injured or killed in crashes involving teen drivers are not the teen drivers, their passengers in the car or people in other cars. captioning funded by cbs it's thursday, june 9th, 2016. this is the "cbs morning news." the democrats rally around hillary clinton while bernie sanders is still rallying his own campaign. today the top democrat, the president, will have to convince starnds's time to call -- sanders it's time to call it quits. convicted of sexual assault. a former stanford swimmer's statement to a judge is made public. brock turner apologized to his victim but blamed party culture for the attack. a private service will be held this morning for muhammad ali, but the legend's family is upset with scalpers looking to profit on his public

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Transcripts For KYW CBS Overnight News 20160609 :

Transcripts For KYW CBS Overnight News 20160609

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this is your skin. this is your skin in the sun. the sun ages your skin and can cause skin cancer. a young sexual assault victim's haunting courtroom statement received worldwide attention this week. we have been telling you about it on this broadcast. it happened especially after the judge gave a light sentence to the attacker. a star swimmer at stanford university. well, tonight we are learning more. we learned what the attacker had to say to the judge. and here its john blackstone. >> before brock turner was sentenced on three counts of sexual assault he pleaded with the judge not to be sent to prison and he apologized for his actions. i wish i could just take it back. i can't believe i imposed such suffering on the victim. and i am so sorry. but in the letter obtained by cbs news, turner fails to take full responsibility. instead, blaming the party culture i briefly experienceden my four months at school. at stanford, drinking alcohol he wrote, became what i expected when spending saturday with friends. in spite of being found guilty. turner insists what happened that night was consensual. at no time did it ever occur to me that she was too drun tubing know what we were doing. the victim's own letter to the judge condemns turn ear's refusal. some one who cannot take full accountability for his actions does not deserve a mitigating sentence she wrote. judge aaron persky's controversial sentence of six months in county jail was based, the judge said, on turner's youth and lack of prior offenses. the judge also received 39 letters of support. a high school teacher wrote, i would completely trust brock turner with my daughter. law professor evan lee expert in sentencing guidelines expected a much more severe sentence. >> maybe three years, if you take into account the lack of -- record, maybe, if you take into account the intoxication. but, six months is -- really -- shocking. >> reporter: turner has begun serving his sentence. in a letter to the judge his family asked he be transferred closer to his home in ohio. with time off with good behavior, scott here, could be release as early as september. >> john blackstone reporting for us. thank you. tonight cbs news exposes an insurance scam. and it turns out you, the taxpayer, are the victim. it seems especially egregious because members of the u.s. military are being duped to help pull off the fraud. here is jim axelrod. >> with its pulsing music this club in west hollywood may not seem like the ideal location for a business meeting. but this was where we were invited by dustin warren, a salesman working with a lab that conducts genetic testing and drug screenings. we recorded the meeting undercover. >> the opportunity is absolutely there. >> warren gave us a test of the hardball pitch he uses to get doctors to order the tests. >> if you're not doing this you're a pile of [ bleep ]. you don't care about people. you don't care about cancer. and you don't care about your patients, bottom line. >> with the right context, we could expect to make big money. >> 60 [ bleep ] grand a month. thanks to genetic tests that assess cancer risk. he said military insurance, tricare reimburses the most for a single test. >> we were banging them for $12,000 to $16,000 grand, we dialed it back to $#,000 because we're look we're going to get [ bleep ]. this isn't going to be good for anyone. >> the tests conducted and build by a lab in dallas, cockerell, dermatopathology. that offers another test, drug screening. and that made the lab $5 amillion from tricare last year. to entice soldiers to be screened, so tricare could be build others working with cockerell labs, set up a make shift clinic in this stripmall a mile from fort hoodch we learned beginning last summer and running through this past february, soldiers would line up by the dozens every day in this parking lot, and provide their dna, urine, and tricare i.d. numbers in exchange for a $50 wal-mart gift card. >> it was a lot of people. it was full. >> reporter: linda boseman, wife of a soldier, told us she visited the clinic to make extra money for christmas presents. awe they just said they had this clinical research going. and that they paid you by wal-mart cards so that you would give your urine. >> reporter: it wasn't for research. documents show cockerell dermapathology, used her samples to bill tricare, 41 times, unneeded screenings for drugs, pcp, cocaine, methadone. nearly $7,000 at taxpayer expense. this wasn't the only place near fort hood where soldiers lined up. this storefront. few blocks away. they were there a little while before setting up shop at a more professional looking site. a couple month as go they moved down the road to this location. from the looks of things they're no longer in business here either. but we found plenty of evidence in the trash they had been. soldiers social security numbers, medical information, dna specimens, and more than 60 photo copies of military ids. including linda boseman's. which left us with a lot of questions for cockerell dermatpathology and its owner, dr. clay cockerell. >> i have run it well over 20 years. >> reporter: our producer caught up with him outside the lab. >> there is a genetic testing lab. >> that's not my lab laboratory. >> it is your lab. they're using your contracts. but you are -- >> they're using your contracts and your license, sir. >> and with that dr. cockerell was off declining to answer any more questions on camera. in a written statement, representatives of cockerell dermapathology confirmed it is his lab. they also said -- and quote, there is a possibility that individuals were operating outside of the organization's strict compliance requirements. the lab says it has voluntary refunding what it calls significant amounts of money. but wouldn't say how much or to whom. we asked the pentagon if it is investigating and they told us, scott, they can't discuss it. >> great investigative reporting by you and producer emily rand. thank you, very much, jim. >> jim is going to show us how marketers have targeted private insurance. that will be on cbs this morning. coming up next on the "cbs evening news" -- when a would-be kidnapper grabs a child, a mother fights back. and -- later. after eight years in prison, an innocent man is free. moisture so i can get into it ao enhance mbit quicker. ral and when i know she's into it, i get into it and... feel the difference with k-y ultragel. this pimple's gonna aw com'on.ver. clearasil ultra works fast to begin visibly clearing up skin in as little as 12 hours. and acne won't last forever. just like your mom won't walk in on you... forever. let's be clear. clearasil works fast. thope to see you again soon.. whoa, whoa, i got this. just gotta get the check. almost there. i can't reach it. if you have alligator arms, you avoid picking up the check. what? it's what you do. i got this. thanks, dennis! if you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance, you switch to geico. growwwlph. it's what you do. oh that is good crispy duck. a would-be kidnapper in a florida store was watching a mother and child and apparently judged they were an easy mark. david begnaud tells us what he got was the fight of his life. >> reporter: the video that would horrify any parent. surveillance footage shows 30-year-old craig benello violently grabbing and dragging a 13-year-old girl allegedly trying to kidnap her from a dollar general store in hernando, florida. she resists her mother chases after them and throws herself on top of her daughter. citrus county sheriff, jeff dawsey. >> i gave great accolades to the mom. i thought the mom was stellar in this case. the mom was on him. he was getting his butt kicked by mom. >> reporter: after a 15-second struggle, benello gives up and runs out of the store into the parking lot where offduty sheriff's deputy jonathan baynan just pulled up. >> he fought a little bit. when he realized i had the upper edge he kind of complied with everything. he didn't say much of anything to me. >> reporter: investigators do not know why he targeted the girl. the teen and her mother told authorities they had never seen him before. >> it is sad that we have people like that in society. >> investigators told them that he tried this before. the sheriff insists there is really no way to verify that. the suspect's attorney says he is a veteran with a history of mental health issues. >> david begnaud for us. david, thank you. >> coming up -- one of the world's top tennis players is banned. today maria sharapova suspended from tennis for two years for doping. the winner of five grand slams tested positive for meldo nium. banned in january. sharapova said she doesn't know and plans to appeal. >> in louisville, long lines for tickets for friday's funeral for muhammad ali. all 15,000 were gone in an hour. they were free, but some ticketholders turned around and sold theirs. a muslim prayer service will be held tomorrow. ali died friday at 74. the way the story goes, a fairy brought the wooden puppet pinocchio to life. but the truth is, it was animator willis pyle, whose death was announced to day. pyle said he looked into a mirror and watched his own expressions and gave them to pinocchio, and bambi, fantasia and mr. magoo. the son of dust bowl farmers, pyle was the brother of the late dukes of hazard actor denver pyle and the nephew of legendary world war ii correspondent, ernie pyle. willis pyle was 101. up next, a few short steps to freedom for an innocent man. an innocent teenager was thrown into prison eight years ago. today, he walked free. michelle miller tells us why justice was so long in coming. hey. >> taminko sanford talking with her son davonte who woke up in prison this morning. a phone call they waited for, eight years, valerie newman is their lawyer. >> i am going to be driving up there today to pick you up. >> it's over. >> you lost eight years? is there any way to regain that? that time? >> can't get it back. >> reporter: in 2007, then 14-year-old davonte sanford was charged with a quadruple murder at a drug house in his detroit neighborhood. according to a judge's review, police interrogated the teenager without a lawyer over multiple days. allowing him little sleep until he confessed. >> reporter: the judge said sanford's trial lawyer, who since had his license suspended, never challenged inconsistencies in the confession. and a police official may have lied on the witness stand. two weeks after the teenager was sentenced a self-proclaimed hit man, vincent smothers confessed to the killings and told police where to find the murder weapon but davonte sanford remained in prison. >> failure after failure after failure, systemic failure. >> reporter: a year-long reinvestigation of sanford's case led to a judge saying, he was innocent. this afternoon, sanford now 23, walked out of a place where he should have never been. his mother waited at home too emotional to make the two-hour trip. >> i think when i hold him it will be real. i haven't touched him, hugged him anything in eight years. >> but tonight she finally will. michelle miller, cbs news, detroit. >> that's the "cbs overnight news" for this thursday. for some of you the news continues. for others check back with us a little later for the morning news and cbs this morning. from the broadcast center in new york city, i'm scott pelley. >> announcer: this is the "cbs overnight news." hi, welcome to the "cbs overnight news." i'm demarco morgan. the stage set for the white house battle. republican donald trump and his first race for public office will square off against democrat hillary clinton the first woman to lead a major party ticket. both presumptive candidates may have a tough time unifying their parties. trump is still feeling the heat over his kmaents bcomments abou mexican-american judge. and clinton has supporters of bernie sanders who has meetings in washington including one with president obama. nancy cordes has the story. >> reporter: with a mix of pride and relief, clinton claimed the title that eluded her eight years ago. >> the first time in our nation's history that a woman will be a major party's nominee. [ cheers and applause ] signs of that historic achievement were everywhere in the audience, across social media, and plastered on her website in large letters. >> tonight belongs to all of you. [ applause ] >> reporter: an emotional milestone for women in the crowd like ellen landsburger. >> i am a doctor. i was told when i was a child i shouldn't go into medicine. it wasn't for women. it's time for a woman to be in the white house. >> i want to congratulate senator sanders. >> reporter: clinton praltzed her democratic oemt and supporters on a hard fought campaign. >> it never feels good to put your heart into a cause or a candidate you believe in and to come up short. i know that feeling well. but as we look ahead -- let's remember all that unites us. >> reporter: in california, sanders backers were in no mood for unity. >> i had a very gracious call from secretary clinton and congratulated her on her victories tonight. and sanders was in no mood to concede. we take our fight for social, economic, racial and environmental justice to philadelphia, pennsylvania. [ cheers and applause ] >> reporter: but he is also cutting half his staff as clinton solidifies her argument against trump. >> he wants to win by stoking fear and rubbing salt in wounds. and reminding us daily just how great he is. >> secretary clinton discussed the race ahead with scott pelley. >> there was a moment last night that you stopped to take it all in. you stretched your arms out wide. and i wonder what was going through your mind at that moment? ♪ [ cheers and applause ] i wasn't really thinking. i was just feeling the moment. i was so overwhelmed by the -- energy and the -- and the excitement of the crowd. and -- i knew how many thousands and millions of people had made that moment possible. so i was especially just wanting to feel it. because it was historic for me. i think it was an historic milestone for so many others as well. >> donald trump just had the worst 72 hours of his political life. denounced by republican leaders, labeled a racist and a bigot. and yet, yesterday nearly 2 million people voted for him. who are his supporters? why do they seem to be unshakeable? >> well, you will have to ask them, scott. i do not believe his views or -- or his rhetoric. we'll find that favorable an audience in the general electorate. because i think that as i said last week in san diego, what he has already said, both words and deeds, disqualifies him. from being president. and i have more votes than he does. so i think i have a good solid foundation to start from. >> but it is possible that your biggest obstacle is not your opponent, but yourself. 52% of the american people who participated in our cbs news poll have an unfavorable opinion of you. that is the highest negative impression of anyone ever nominated by the democratic party since we started asking that question in 1984. do you bear any responsibility for that. >> i'm sure i do. when i was secretary of state and serving the country i had approval of 66%. i think it is fair to ask what happened? what happened. tens of millions of dollars of negative advertising and coverage that has been sent my way. i understand that. i know that, it's up to me to take this base that i have built and expand it. by reaching out. to senator sanders. >> supporters and many others across the country. and including republicans and independents. >> do you think we will look back on your choice of a runningmate as conventional or unconventional? >> i don't know because i have no idea yet. you know, i am looking, broadly and widely. and i am going to begin to really, you know, dive in to -- to thinking hard about this. so i am going to be looking first and foremost as to who i believe could fulfill the responsibilities of being president and commander-in-chief. for the republicans, donald trump wrapped up the nominating season with a promise to unify the party. he did it in a serious and sober speech. major garrett reports. >> you have given me the honor to lead the republican party to victory this fall. >> reporter: relying on teleprompters, donald trump tried to calm republicans alarmed and offended by recent, race-based attacks. >> i understand the responsibility of carrying the mantel and i will never, let you down. >> trump said nothing about the turmoil he set in motion with allegations of bias against a federal judge based on his mexican heritage. trump tried to woo disaffected democrats. >> to all of those bernie sanders voters left out in the cold by a rigged system of superdelegates. we welcome you with open arms. trump spent much of his speech ticking through policy proposals, while also laying the ground work for future attacks on hillary clinton. >> the clintons have turned the politics of personal enrichment into an art form for themselves. >> reporter: the speech came in atmosphere of panic and recriminations with leaders admonishing their standard bearer. >> it is time to quit attacking various people that you competed with or various minority groups in the country. and get on message. >> i do think those comments are racist comments. >> tuesday, house speaker paul ryan spoke to face the nation's john dickerson. >> when any one in our party, least, especially our nominee says things that run contrary to our beliefs, to our values, our principles we have on li gas to call them out. >> trump dismissed his critics. >> there is a lot of anger, i guess. they can't come back. can't get over it. they have to get over it ideally. >> trump's message was disciplined something gop leaders have been pleading for. but it was into late for republican senators, lindsay graham, mark kirk of illinois, and jeff flake of arizona all said they could never endo tennis star maria sharapova will appeal her two year suspension for doping. the five-time grand slam champion tested positive for a banned drug at the australian open. she says she had been using the drug for years and didn't know it was on a list of banned substances. meanwhile, russia's minister of sports dragged into his country's widening doping scandal. a new report says that he covered up a positive drug test for one of the country's best soccer players. the russian national team begins the european championship this week against england. all of this while russia is trying to convince the international athletics foundation to allow its track & field team to compete at the summer olympics in brazil. the team was barred after damning reports about how the government ran a doping program. >> reporter: they now live in this sparse one-bedroom apartment some where in the united states. which we will not reveal for their protection. >> it's far from the cries of traitor and judas back home, the price of believing in the purity of sport. >> for me when you have this 100% belief that you are doing something right, you, you just follow this belief and -- and -- and let's see what happens. >> the especially #00 meters. for five years she took anabolic steroids for strength, and eps for endurance. all directed by her russian coaches and medical staff. let me read to you some of the drugs that i have read that you have taken. testosterone. >> uh-huh. >> turnabolin. parabolin. those are powerful drugs? >> translator: yes, these are all steroids. >> reporter: did you think anything that you were doing was, was wrong? >> translator: it's hard to believe that you are doing something wrong when everybody around you says it is right and there is no other way that you are shown. i was an untouchable, as sacred athlete. >> reporter: untouchable meant she could take banned substances without the fear of being caught. the performance enhancing drugs put her on track for the 2012 summer olympics in london. she met him at all of places a drug seminar. he had a low level job at the russian anti-doping agency. he was a true believer. >> i want sports to be fair. if somebody wins, i want him or her to be real hero. not a fact one. >> reporter: 15 minutes into their first date he got a dose of reality. >> she says, you know i'm doping. i am -- i'm all of my teammates are doping as well. >> reporter: what do you think? >> i had suspicion. but i was hoping that i'm her to fix something. she says, that's not what it does. it helps russian athletes to win medals. does testing, but fake testing. >> reporter: somehow two very different lives equalled a marriage. he lived with doping at home and corruption at work. >> there was a situation where i was offered a bribe by the vice president of the federation, just like that person comes to me and he says, this athlete cannot be tested. how much money do you need? and my answer is -- this is what i get paid for. and i don't need any extra money. so she, she was selected. she must be tested. >> he repeatedly informed his boss as the bout the corruption. only to be told, what happens in russia, stays in russia. frustrated he made a dangerous decision to reach outside russia to the world anti-doping agency. over the next three years, he sent 200 e-mails and 50 letters detailing what he witnessed. but vitalyi says it did not have the power to investigate inside rush yeah. the crusade would cost hip his job and force him to file for divorce. >> some times i thought he was my enemy. that he wants to interfere. it was not easy. >> i think i have this opportunity to become a taxi driver in moscow. i'll be divorced taxi driver. so that's. >> reporter: where you were at at that point in time? >> yes. yes. >> reporter: the fight was over? >> the fight was over. i lost. >> reporter: the turning point came right before the london games. when she was injured. no longer a medal contender she lost the protection of the system. and tested positive for epo. facing a two year ban. she called him days before their divorce would be final. he suggested let's tell the truth. let people know the whole truth the way things happen in russia. to destroy the system one has to talk about it. >> after i finished talking to her, you know, i think -- am i going to be able to get another person on my side? after three years of trying. get my wife on my side. trying to clean up sports. >> reporter: not only did he bring her, he convinced her to take a risk and use her phone to record her coach giving her steroids. teammates detailing their drug use. and the team medical director who told her how to get back in the drug program. >> translator: it was total craziness. that's how i held the phone. i put the jacket over here. and that's how i held the phone. this way. >> in this recording, 800 meter runner, maria savinova admitted she took enhancing drugs. savinova won gold in london. she said, my coach helps to cover up the tests. there is no other way to do it. everyone in russia is on pharma. the world anti-doping agency steered them to a reporter at german television network, ard. their tapes became the centerpiece of this documentary, which aired in december 2014. and sent shock waves through the world of sports. >> you know, we don't peck who our heroes are. at the end of the day, they stood up and they did the right thing. to ensure that clean athletes rights are protected around the globe. >> reporter: travis tiger, ceo of u.s. anti-doping agency has been advising the stepinovs since they fled russia. tiger has built a reputation taking down some of the world's notorious dopers including lance armstrong. >> reporter: you have called what the stepinovs uncovered. a defining moment in the anti-doping movement. why is that? >> the evidence confirmed what a lot of people have believed over the years. this is not just a few athletes obtaining performance enhancing drugs. this was a system, orchestrated by the sport leaders, to ensure that they won at all costs. >> we are limited to athletics and russia. >> reporter: the zwrout rage sparked by what the stepinovs uncovered, forced an investigation. its 300-plus-page report. detailed what it called, "a deeply rooted culture of cheating that reached the highest levels of the russian government. >> bribes. >> covering up tests. >> fact urine. you name it? >> you name it. they attempted to get away with it. >> reporter: we are talking about fair to say the highest levels of the sports ministry in russia. >> listen, their responsible. the buck stops there. cabinet level position, funds oversees all of sport. so they're responsible. >> when it came to doping in russia. nobody was more powerful than this man. he ran the drug testing lab and had ability to make positive drug tests disappear. the report called him the heart of russian doping. in the whack of the scandal, he was fired by the kremlin. and has since taken refuge in the u.s. for fear of his own safety. because of how much he knows. over the last fooe months he has been sharing it with stepinov. what he doesn't know, stepinov recorded 15 hours. what he revealed threatens the credibility of the results at the 2014 winter games in sochi russia. >> he told me -- we could only see this much. but what was happening with cover-ups, it's like this. >> reporter: he ran the drug testing lab in sochi bragged he was in possession of what he called the sochi list, russians who competed dirty at the games. he also said the russian equivalent of the fbi, fsb, was directly involved. >> reporter: what did he tell you about -- the fsb? the russian intelligence officers? and the sochi lab. >> that some fsb agents worked as doping control officers during the sochi games. that -- that fsb tried to control every single step of the -- anti-doping process in sochi. >> you can see the full report on our website. the "cbs overnight news" will be right back. and our adult children-laws have are here. still.d in with us. so we save by using tide. which means we use less. three generations of clothes cleaned in one wash. those are mom's. has anybody seen my pants? lasts up to two times longer. put those on, dad! it's got to be tide. moisture so i can get into it ao enhance mbit quicker. ral and when i know she's into it, i get into it and... feel the difference with k-y ultragel. sir, this alien life form at an alarming rate. growing fast, you say? we can't contain it any long... oh! you know, that reminds me of how geico's been the fastest-growing auto insurer for over 10 years straight. over ten years? mhm, geico's the company your friends and neighbors trust. and deservedly so. indeed. geico. expect great savings and a whole lot more. the worst thing about toilet they don't stay in the toilet. disinfect your bathroom with lysol bathroom trigger... ...lysol power foamer... ...and lysol toilet bowl cleaner. they're approved to kill 50% more types of germs than leading competitors. to clean and disinfect in and out of the toilet... lysol that. overseas, switzerland is marking the opening of the world's longest, deepest railroad tunnel. runs more than 35 miles, lies under 7,000 feet of rock and can handle trains running 125 miles an hour. anthony mason has more. switzerland, best known for its banks, watches and fine chocolate, has something new to boast about. its superior tunnel digging abilities. [ applause ] this week the famously neutral nation celebrated the opening of the gottard base tunnel, now the longest, deepest railroad tube with much pageantry and performance art. ♪ ♪ >> this 35 1/2 mile long engineering marvel was designed to reduce travel time between zurich and milan, italy. it does this by cutting directly under the swiss alps. it took nearly 20 years and $10 billion to bring the project to life. the new tunnel is already eclipsed the competition. it's longer than japan's saikan rail tunnel by two miles. and excavation work on the massive project began back in 1996, using explosives and giant boring machines that measured more than 1,300 feet long and weighed in at 300 tons. when all was said and done, more than 2 million tons of rock and rubble were removed to make way for the tunnel's concrete and railroad tracks. on wednesday, the first passenger train entered gottard south portal. and emerged 20 minutes later in the swiss town to fireworks and much fanfare. ♪ ♪ aaa foundation did a study and found out what parents know. young drivers are often distracted behind the wheel. this can lead to terrible accidents. chip reid has the story. >> reporter: you know when you think of distracted driving and teenagers you probably think of ♪ ♪ ng pc-17 f1 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 12345 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 67890 cbs caption test !!! 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maint. testing pc-17 f1 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 12345 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 67890 cbs caption test !!! maint. testing pc-17 f1 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 12345 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 67890 cbs caption test !!! maint. testing pc-17 f1 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 12345 maint. testing pc-17 f1 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 12345 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 678 it's ryan's cell phone. gibbs: isolate calls from psy-ops, government-issued lines. there's five or six different numbers here. cross-reference with incoming calls to banks over the past month. aaa foundation did a study and found out what parents know. young drivers are often distracted behind the wheel. this can lead to terrible accidents. chip reid has the story. >> reporter: you know when you think of distracted driving and teenagers you probably think of this. the cell phone. but this new study says that with teen drivers, the distraction often comes from passengers which is why i am sitting back here minding my manners and not distracting the driver. during the summer months more teenagers are on the road and the number of deaths from crashes involving teen drivers soars to an average of 10 every day. 16% higher than the rest of the year. over the past eight years, aaa working with the university of iowa, studied teen drivers using dashboard cameras and documenting more than 2,200 moderate to severe collisions. over that time, they saw a disturbing change in behavior. jennifer ryan is with aaa. >> more likely to interact with their phones, texting or social media which is scary they're then looking down and taking their eyes of the road. >> reporter: the study says today, nearly 60% of teen crashes involve distracted driving. perhaps surprisingly they fund that cell phones are not the number one problem. no, the top distraction for teens is other passengers. accounting for 15% of teen driver accidents. 12% were distracted by texting or talking on a cell phone. >> what we know about teens when they add a passenger they're more likely to be distracted. more likely to engage in risky behavior. >> stacy robinson lost two daughters in a crash in texas in march. a teenage friend who was driving was looking at her phone. moments before hitting an 18-wheeler head on. >> this device is also, could only take a moment in your life and can be changed. >> reporter: now the brother of the two girls spreads the word about the dangers of distracted driving. >> the best way that i can honor my sisters, the best way i know possible is to talk to youth and talk to parents and, help them to understand what could happen. >> reporter: triple a says nearly 2/3 of the people injured or killed in crashes involving teen drivers are not the teen drivers, their passengers in the car or people in other cars. captioning funded by cbs it's thursday, june 9th, 2016. this is the "cbs morning news." the democrats rally around hillary clinton while bernie sanders is still rallying his own campaign. today the top democrat, the president, will have to convince starnds's time to call -- sanders it's time to call it quits. convicted of sexual assault. a former stanford swimmer's statement to a judge is made public. brock turner apologized to his victim but blamed party culture for the attack. a private service will be held this morning for muhammad ali, but the legend's family is upset with scalpers looking to profit on his public

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