Transcripts For KYW CBS Overnight News 20160321 : comparemel

Transcripts For KYW CBS Overnight News 20160321

joe's and/or began. we'll also verree ac. we are in spokane we will be waiting for that. jay wright one-on-one with leslie van arsdale. talk about harder breaking laws coming up in just a few minutes. >> thank you so much. back in just a minute. >> welcome back first day of spring in philadelphia doesn't come without perks especially for the craving an icy treat. eyewitness news at receipt as on city line avenue where people lined up for a free water ice. handed out water ice for free even though it was chilly sunday never too cold for a frozen philly favorite. i'll take a maintaining go water >> special day for christians. archbishop celebrated palm sunday mask. hopefully the snow will be out of here. it will be out of here. getting a last look. north and west of the city snow still falling pretty consistently down the shore. that will continue over the next couple hours. >> thank you for joining us. we are always on you. now don's got lots of things to talk about. he's extremely anxious. ♪ "made in hollywood" >> "the divergent series: allegiant" is "made in hollywood!" >> civil war, dangerous escapes and a toxic wasteland are just a taste of what's in store for shailene woodley and theo james in the latest installment of the epic franchise. >> the wall scene was really impressive. when we filmed it, we were, in fact, scaling a wall. ♪ "made in hollywood" >> and also on today's show, jennifer garner and queen latifah tells us about miracles from heaven "based on an amazing true story. >> plus i get a lesson from jennifer lah lawrence's archery coach, for the blu-ray and hd digital release of "the hunger games: mockingjay - part 2". >> this week on "made in hollywood." >> i'm jennifer garner. >> i'm theo james. >> i'm shailene woodley. >> welcome to "made in hollywood." >> welcome to "made in hollywood." >> welcome to "made in hollywood." >> you're watching "made in hollywood." shailene woodley and theo james return to star in "the divergent series: allegiant." >> and movie fans will finally find out what is outside of the walls of chicago as tris sets out on a dangerous mission in order to embrace her destiny. ♪ >> when i first found out i was divergent, i never thought it would come to this. >> so i have to tell you, i think i have seen insurgent probably 100 times right now because it's playing on hbo. >> oh, is it? >> every time it's playing, i click it. i never get tired of it, but the one scene that's my favorite is the scene where in candor, you are confessing what happened with will. >> the truth serum. >> what scene allegiant do you think will have an impact. >> there's a scene where tris gets to relive her mother's childhood in a way and her mother's progression on her path and i think that's touching because i think it will entice people to think about their own lives and their own memories and those people who are important to them, if there's anyone that they would like to jump in the shoes of and time travel backwards to witness what they went through. >> i could never imagine that i would be standing here. >> that really huge action scene that we see in the very beginning of all six of them running towards the wall, then shooting the grappling hooks and running vertically up the wall was insane. how did you shoot that scene? >> yeah, it was kind of a big puzzle filmed over a long period of time. so seeing it put together, it was interesting. we didn't know how it would come out. >> it was kind of how we lookedded. we ran many times through that field and we had rehearsed and trained to scale the wall, i mean, obviously in harnesses but it's pretty real. >> yes, we did a lot of the same moves our clarks did but we did it on a smaller wall. >> yes. they made the wall look a little bit bigger. >> ready, and three, two, one, go! >> we were, in fact, scaling a wall but we were in a parking lot and some random large parking lot in atlanta. so to see that translated in this giant landscape and giant environment that has the trees and -- it put it in perspective and the demennial world was so much larger. that was a unique experience. >> it was analyzed for long hours of the day and then you are putting pieces to go and you are shooting guns and you are trying to make it feel as real as possible, but generally, it was fun. i think it was an ambitious thing for the director to try. >> i love the part of the wall climbing. so i don't even know what that was like but i do know the end, when we were standing on our -- on the rooftop and looking out, we were basically looking at a big green wall. [ laughter ] so it was cool the way they were able to do that, and put us outside. >> it's time to go beyond the wall. >> this was really fun. because for a week straight, we thrashed in it and it felt like we were on a roller coaster the whole time. >> almost all the sets are real, you know, like when you see the city from above and all of that, that's all cgi, but, you know, when we were in the bureau or, you know, like that scene -- >> the sets are big. >> yes, it's amazing. you just go into rooms and in the space and you see these little homes, the detail is amazing. >> it's so imaginative and there are so many things going on that basically, it's a culmination of everyone's trash and they built this environment that is, you know, a great place for people to live. >> i think last year when i spoke to you, you said that you were a little nervous to step on to set, because you came late to the game. >> yes. >> relationships had already been formed. >> yes. >> how does it feel now walking on the set. >> oh, great. it's all cozy now. >> yeah. last year she was like, i don't know who i sit with. >> i havit's like the new kid at school. >> and everyone was like, sit with me! >> exactly! >> it's such a good team of people that just connects really well. ♪ >> i think the second film he's -- you know, he spends a lot of time trying to protect shea's character tris and in this movie, he's kind of gotten over that. i think he can take a step back and informed decisions and also it's good -- i enjoyed the fact that they actually split up. they go in different directions. >> you were right all along. >> we have to leave right now. >> i love that in every movie, we see tris in a different stage. in the first one she was trying to figure herself out and the second one she was guilty and now she's so confident and she knows what she wants and what she has to do. >> that's a good conversation. i always found tris in this last film to be someone who has finally found her confidence and is comfortable in her skin and who has the messiness of being an emotional being, but has the confidence to move forward and forge forward in a very directed way. >> want mor more divergent? well, we have interviews from the stars from all three films go over to madeinhollywoodtv and don't forget to subscribe when you are there. >> coming up, jennifer garner and queen latifah will tell us about their new inspirational drama "miracles from heaven." ♪ you can find a recipe for almos. baby cousin's gonna love that isn't she. oh my gosh. ... and gather all the right ingredients. we're gonna make the same meal this year. i wish sarah was here. i know, mom. but the happiest moments in life don't always come from a cookbook. look who's joining us. happy easter. they come from the heart. find low prices every day on fresh food for your easter meal. walmart. try a flaky filet-o-fish madeon mcdonald's mcpick 2 menu with sustainably sourced fish, a big mac made with 100% beef, chicken mcnuggets made with white meat, or a quarter pounder with cheese seared on the grill. pick any 2 for $5 bucks. ♪ lemme get a mcpick 2 bounty is two times. more "sit" per roll. so one roll of bounty can last longer than those bargain brands. so you get more "life" per roll. bounty. the long-lasting quicker picker upper. you can find a recipe for almos. baby cousin's gonna love that isn't she. oh my gosh. ... and gather all the right ingredients. we're gonna make the same meal this year. i wish sarah was here. i know, mom. but the happiest moments in life don't always come from a cookbook. look who's joining us. happy easter. they come from the heart. find low prices every day on fresh food for your easter meal. walmart. ♪ "made in hollywood" >> after her daughter is diagnosed with an incurable disease, a devoted mother is left grasping for answers. >> and "miracles from heaven" is a true story from a near death experience that cures her daughter from that devastating disease. >> hey, this is queen latifah and you are watching "made in hollywood." this is a clip from my new movie "madmiracles in heaven." >> mommy! mommy! >> i'm coming. >> mommy, it hurts! >> what type of conversation it's did you have with the beams to help get you in preparation for this role? >> well, kylie and annie were just buddies, right. >> yeah, they were just two girls together and that was really fun to see. >> it's based on a true story. it was a real girl that i would get to be. i thought that was so cool and amazing that this girl actually went through something and i'm going to be, like, doing it. >> you did, great, amazing job at that as well. >> thank you. >> unfortunately, the tests show that she's very ill. there's currently no cure for anna's condition. >> doctor, please. this is our little girl. >> i'm scared, mom. >> me too. >> do you think this whole experience happened because there's a higher message? >> yes. i definitely feel like that. i didn't think that at the time. i didn't even think i would get healed. i thought that would be the rest of my life. and -- but it's so cool to think about now is maybe all of those four years i went through suffering is just for this, is to get out that message of hope and faith and that god is good and keep fighting. >> we need a solution. we need it now! >> we'll get it. >> how? >> by not losing our faith. >> with christie, gosh, i asked her so many questions. i asked her everything from how she takes her coffee, so what her favorite hymns are and i put together a play list that i used a lot in making the movie and everything in between. i mean, i really -- i really bugged her. >> from the first time i met her, she had my book and she had "miracles from heaven" and she had underlined and highlighted and dog eared. she won my heart every year. >> not even married 14 years. can you even hear me? >> when it comes to this character, what spoke to you most about angela? >> just that she's like an angel, who kind of swoops in and makes their day she's like this crazy woman who is totally not used to but she can tell they are like fish out of water, you know? they are definitely not from boston and that's -- i'm not from boston, as you can tell. i say boston instead of boston. [ screams ] ♪ this is my -- >> every minister, i'm sure there are several stories or -- that come across your plate. you hear even on a daily basis, but what was it about this story that spoke to your heart you knew you had to make this film? >> i thought it was a fantastic story. i mean, when you think about our father, being a father and raising children and you think of a child getting hung up in a tree like that, and going through sickness and tragedy and adversity and then rising again undaunted. i thought it was a story that america needed to hear. >> i'm very familiar with medical aspects, with illness, and i just thought, you know, this is such an inspiring story that can talk to a lot of people that have had illness in their families or that may be going through something like this right now. >> you are telling me that when this baby girl fell 30 feet, she hit her head just right and it didn't kill her and it didn't paralyze her? it healed her? >> yes. >> well, that's impossible. >> well, i found that there was a lot of good vibes throughout this whole film and one thing i really appreciated -- well, i found that this was a very special moments. did you have a moment in this film or the shooting process that was your favorite or special moment that resonated with you? >> you know, the kid in me loved going into that aquarium, and just -- i was just blown away. i mean, maybe the kid/pisces in me was in love with that. i was just excited walking from there as kylie was. >> there were so many, but they were just mostly with this little lady right here. >> yeah. for sure. >> just watching kylie have such an open heart and let the story almost come through her was really amazing. i'm so jealous of her. >> when i watch the film, i cried, like, at least four times. it's very touching. but i wanted to tell people that even though it's a tearjerker probably, for many, it's a very, very very uplifting story. >> and we all knew we were making a really special movie. obviously, it's unusual to have something so uplifting and powerful, and hopefully inspiring. so i think that awareness meant that you came to it with that spirit. that was the spear knit which w -- thespear knit which we werg the movie. >> i wanted to make sure that this movie spoke to everyone. not just the people that have a strong faith, but also the people that might not be religious at all. i think there's a lot of stuff to relate to in this movie and a lot of surprises. >> it's a little hard to believe. >> there are a lot of people out there who are looking for -- >> it's passion and folks emotion, but when it's all over, you leave with such a good feeling and it's something that you reflect on. you don't walk away and forget it. >> just being a part of a movie that brings that good vibe to the world is good for me. >> who told you you would be fine? >> if you like what you just saw and want to see more of what's hot on screen, like us on facebook. >> up next, i get a lesson from the archery coach of jennifer lawrence for the blu-ray and hd digital release of "the hunger games: mockingjay - part 2". >> i had urghi, ♪ you can find a recipe for almos. baby cousin's gonna love that isn't she. oh my gosh. ... and gather all the right ingredients. we're gonna make the same meal this year. i wish sarah was here. i know, mom. but the happiest moments in life don't always come from a cookbook. look who's joining us. happy easter. they come from the heart. find low prices every day on fresh food for your easter meal. walmart. ♪ "made in hollywood" >> now available on your home screen. >> as black buster comes to a thrilling conclusion, i got a chance to find out what it's like to be katniss everdeen for the blu-ray and hd digital release of "the hunger games: mockingjay - part 2". >> i had i'm director francis lawrence. you are watching "made in hollywood." here's a scene from "mockingjay part 2". >> nothing good is safe when it's alive. >> i have been watching you. and you have been watching me. >> my dear everdeen, the game is coming to its end. >> so we are here for the dvd release of "the hunger games: mockingjay part it." we have another fan. will we ever see the full cut of the movie without any deleted or trimmed footage? >> no. there will always be deleted or trimmed footage. one of the reasons that we cut scenes is because the movie -- we think the movies works better without those scenes because the motors are working and the characters are working better without them. so i prefer the version with the scenes deleted. >> ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the 76th hunger games. >> when i like a movie so much, i just want more of it. i have already seen it maybe 20 times. what else could i possibly see? that's when i want to see deleted scenes. >> but watch the deleted scenes as an aside and behind-the-scenes footage. i think as part of the whole body of the movie, i think it works better without it. >> one way or another, this war will come to an end. >> let's make it count. >> yes. >> if you end all of this -- >> i'm here at the pasadena roving archers archery range. this is jennifer lawrence's are a. erry coach. she will teach me how to be like katniss everdeen. tell us when you met with and what were all the important things. >> the first step was how you stand and then how you hold your bow in your bow hand and then how you hold your three fingers. always three fingers and never two fingers and then you bring the string to your face and don't forget to aim. then we start shooting arrows and i was sitting in the shade and she was standing in the sun and practicing. bring it to your face and release when you are ready. ah! getting good! >> i really want to get in the yellow. >> it means something. >> so what was it like training her or teaching her how to shoot an arrow? >> it was -- for me, it was another student because i didn't get much information. she came up at woodley park van nuys and i explained the rules and steps and just talking to her like any other student. and she was just talking, talking, and having fun and i'm just looking at her. and so my son googled her and then my hair went up 90 degrees, like, when i saw her. so it was very interesting. >> tonight, turn your weapons to the capitol! >> so the one thing you have to do, although you -- when you really see this, the hand has to go back more. you see how jennifer always release and follow through. >> oh. >> so let's try this again. >> yeah. >> get to your face. aim. >> yeah, you got it. you got it. >> oh! i got the yellow! woo! >> i know what i'm doing! >> turn your weapons to snow! ♪ >> stay tuned. there's more coming up on "made in hollywood!" you can find a recipe for almos. baby cousin's gonna love that isn't she. oh my gosh. ... and gather all the right ingredients. we're gonna make the same meal this year. i wish sarah was here. i know, mom. but the happiest moments in life don't always come from a cookbook. look who's joining us. happy easter. they come from the heart. find low prices every day on fresh food for your easter meal. walmart. listen up!t a mcpick 2 there's a brand new mix on mcdonald's mcpick 2 menu. lemme get a mcpick 2. hurry in now and pick your 2 hot 'n' tasty mickey d's classics for just $5 dollars. ♪ mix n match. share n savor. 2 for $5. name your flavor ♪ choose your favorites a big mac made with 100% beef, a flaky filet-o-fish, seared quarter pounder with cheese or crispy 10-piece chicken mcnuggets for just $5 bucks. grab your crew for a great-tasting 2 for $5 deal today! ♪ bada ba ba ba because of a saggy diaper.alk" it's time to dance freely... thanks to pampers cruisers. the first and only diaper that helps distribute wetness evenly into three extra absorb channels. so it doesn't sag and stays drier. so wiggle it and jiggle it... in pampers cruisers. wishing you love, sleep and play... pampers. you can find a recipe for almos. baby cousin's gonna love that isn't she. oh my gosh. ... and gather all the right ingredients. we're gonna make the same meal this year. i wish sarah was here. i know, mom. but the happiest moments in life don't always come from a cookbook. look who's joining us. happy easter. they come from the heart. find low prices every day on fresh food for your easter meal. walmart. justparty in a couple weeks. what are those? crest whitestrips. they whiten way better than paste. crest 3d white whitestrips... whiten 25 times better than the leading whitening toothpaste. i'd say... ...someone's making quite an impression. crest 3d white whitestrips. the way to whiten. still smell like springtime? washed 12 weeks ago and unstopables in-wash scent boosters the more you pour, the more scent you'll savor. toss it in before your clothes for luxurious scent up to 12 weeks unstopables by downy. america's best scent booster. >> and that wraps up our show today. we can all take comfort in knowing that this one knows how to operate a bow and arrow. >> are you safe? >> no. >> i feel safe with you by my side. >> i think i could potentially go to the 2016 olympics this year. [ laughter ] >> the countdown has begun. >> hey, guys for the layest hollywood news, photos and celebrity interviews, go online to ♪ "made in hollywood" ♪ "made in hollywood" ♪ forward. it looks like you would have to win almost 60% of the remaining delegates. so what is your path to the nm nation? that is a big number? >> it is, but the states that are coming up just on tuesday. we have idaho, utah, we have got arizona, we are heading out west. to washington. we have alaska. we have hawaii, and we are heading to new york. we think the father forward is a prtty good path for us. clearly secretary clinton did very, very well. in the deep south. not a strong area for us. but i think as we go forward, are you going to see us doing better and better. and by the way. i think people are going to appreciate when they look at the polls. bernie sanders does better against donald trump than hillary clinton does. in fact in the last poll we were 18 points ahead of donald trump than secretary clinton. i think that will play a factor in the coming states. >> secretary clinton won in the illinois and that's not the deep south. >> here's the point as you know -- she did. and we won in michigan. end of the day if you look at michigan, illinois, missouri, we come out almost the same in terms of delegates. >> hillary clinton has 2 million more votes than you have. the theory of your campaign and presidency has been to create a movement, to create momentum, to gather people. she seems to be able to gather more people behind her message than you. isn't that a threat to the, to the theory of the sanders' campaign? >> no, no, no, no. john, not at all. what you are really talking about is she did very well in the deep south. she creamed us in mississippi, alabama, south carolina. now i wish i didn't have to say this, but everything being equal, no democrat right now, i hope that changes, i think it will is going to win those elections, those states in the general election. we have now won nine states. i think in a couple weeks you are going to see us win more states. i think as we head to the west coast, which is probably the most progressive part of america, the ideas that we are fighting for, dealing with the grotesque level of income of and wealth inequality, a national health care system through medicare, for all, raising the minimum wage, $15 an hour. i think the people in those states really are not going to be voting for a establishment politics and establishment economics they want real change. i think we are going to do well there. >> one last tactical question, senator. there has been a report that you might go to the convention. if you are behind in delegates try to flip the superdelegates to win through using superdelegates. is that a strategy you are looking at? >> the whole concept of super delegates is problematic. i would say in states where we have won you know by 20, 25 points, you know what i think it might be a good idea for superdelegates to listen to the people in their own state. i just talked to -- a person the other day. who said, you know what. i am going to listen to my state. if my state votes for you, bernie, you will have my vote. i think that i would hope that a lot of the superdelegates take that factor into consideration. >> so yes that is a strategy you are pursuing? >> well, to say to a superdelegate. bernie sanders won your state by 20, 30 points, you know you might want to listen to your state. i think that is common sense. i think superdelegates should do that. >> if they didn't come from a state that you won, they shouldn't feel compelled to go for you? >> well that's, legally they have their own decision. to be made. they have their own right to make the decision. but i would argue that many of the superdelegates for them, what is most important as it is for me and secretary clinton by the way, is making sure that no republican occupies the white house. and if people conclude by the end of this campaign, if we have the energy, and an if, if we win a number of states. that's also an if. but if that its the factor and it appears that i am the stronger candidate against trump, i think you are going to see some superdelegates saying, you know what i like hillary clinton but i want to win this thing. bernie is our guy. >> it's been months since south carolina's republican senator lindsay graham dropped his bid for the gop nomination. since then he has been an unofficial spokesman for the republican party establishment, opposing both donald trump and ted cruz. well, graham was singing a different tune when he sat down to talk with john dickerson for "face the nation." >> you once said that choosing between trump and cruz is like the difference between being shot or poisoned. so, how is your health? >> you know, maybe they will find an anecdote for poisoning, hard once you are shot to get over it. the bottom line i believe donald trump would be an utter disaster for the republican party, destroy conservatism as we know it, we would get wiped out and take generations to overcome a trump candidacy. ronald reagan had a three-legged stool of conservatism. fiscal, social, strong national security. donald has a four legged stool because he is the donald. got to be bigger. economic populism, xenophobia, race baiting, and religious bigotry are the stool that he has formed. that's his campaign. that is not conservatism. ted cruz in my view is a real republican who i often disagree with. i've am supporting ted i think he is the best alternative to donald trump. john kasich is the most electable republican. i don't think he has a chance to win. at the convention, because it is an outsider year. john kasich is an insider. most delegates are looking for an outsider. i love john kasich. if he stays in the race or they don't coordinate the efforts between cruz and kasich, we're going to wind up giving the nomination to trump. >> you say an outsider year. your description of trump's campaign. a very popular campaign. people turning up to the rallies. he is getting the votes. >> 35% to 40%, where he is going to be. a lot of people believe that illegal immigration is a real problem. playing on their fears. he says most of them are rapists and drug dealers, they're not. heres why we are losing the hispanic vote. nobody is going to listen to you about your economic plan or ability to defend the nation if you are going to depart their grandmother. i'm in the party of family values. i like that. there are 11 million illegal immigrants. 60% here a decade. many have american children. american citizen, children and grandchildren. what will happen to republican friend if our position if they take their grandmother, member of the military, who is illegal. how do we get the person to vote for us if we will deport their grandmother when all she has done is violate the immigration laws. this is why we are getting killed with the hispanics. mr. trump has taken every problem we have had with the hispanics and poured gasoline on it. rid-x helps break down waste. avoid a septic disaster with rid-x. in a world that's trying to you keep on being you.. nice'n easy. natural-looking color... ...that even in sunlight, doesn't look like hair color... it just looks like you. nice'n easy: color as real as you are. i think we should've taken a tarzan know where tarzan go! tarzan does not know where tarzan go. hey, excuse me, do you know where the waterfall is? 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(sound♪ of music ♪histling) introducing new k-y touch gel crème. for massage and intimacy. every touch, gently intensified. a little touch is all it takes. k-y touch. everyone loves how they andarks from fading... there's woolite darks. it's free of harsh ingredients, keeping dark clothes looking like new for 30 washes so your love for dark clothes will never fade. woolite darks. a virginia man traveled to the middle east to fight for the islamic state remains in the custody of kurdish forces in northern iraq. he is telling his story on local tv. jeff pegues reports. >> where are you from? >> united states. >> reporter: mohammad jamal khweis is one of the few isis foreign fighters we know of to walk out of isis held territory alive. >> i didn't agree with their ideology. he is now a prisoner of the kurds and being interviewed by the fbi a world away from the washington d.c. suburb where he grew up in this townhouse. he says his parents emigrated from the palestinian territories. his father, a limo driver, says he has spoken to state department and the fbi about his son. >> i have nothing to say. khweis graduated from thomas edison high school in 2007. where friend describe him as a normal guy. >> he wasn't an outcast. or anything like that. >> he says growing up, mohammad jamal khweis was known as mo or mike. >> there wasn't anything that would lead me to believe that this was on the radar that he is going to go join isis. >> khweis did join isis investigators want to know how and why. u.s. authorities say in december of last year, khweis left baltimore washington international airport for england there, he traveled to amsterdam, met a woman that took him to turkey and crossed into syria. he says, a month later, he decided a month later life with isis wasn't for him. and fled. >> our daily life was basically prayer, eating and learning about the religion for, about eight hours. >> it is not only foreign fighters looking to get away from the islamic state. in syria, holly williams spoke to a young man who fought for isis to be turned away by the group's dark side. he is treated like a dangerous criminal. and says he was trained to kill by isis. before being captured by kurdish soldiers. but mohammad is a frightened 18-year-old and asked us to hide his face for his mother's sake. she often told me to leave isis, he said. but i never obeyed her. he grew up in a muslim family in syria, but told us he knew very little about islam until he was recruited by an uncle and a village elder. they recited verses from the koran to explain that muslims must fight here, said. then they sent me to a camp to learn about islamic law. gradually i became convinced. mohammad seems less a committed extremist than simply naive. it doesn't lessen his crimes. but shows the that isis which relies on fighters who kill die for the cause, has a weakness. mohammad told us he began to lose faith in isis when he witnessed one of the group's many public executions. >> what did you think when you saw that? did you still think that was the real islam? >> no, he said. it was horrific. i wish i had never seen it. he also told us that u.s. coalition air strikes are taking a heavy toll on isis. he and other fighters recently had their food allowance cut. they told us the air strikes are hitting their oil installations, he said. and they aren't making as much money as before. isis its under pressure because of the u.s. coalition air strikes. >> yes, he told us. a lot. >> and one of the finest foreign correspondents in the business has filed his last story. allen pizzey is now officially retired. scott pelley looks back on his long and distinguished career. >> allen pizzey, cbs news, east berlin. >> over four decades allen has brought the biggest stories in world to you. often risking this life as one of the premiere foreign correspondents of his generation. >> looks like they might have a chance of making a deal with the bosnian serbs. >> wars in iraq and the balkans. >> did you see them kill the people? >> yes. >> the fall of berlin wall. >> they were streaming across the wall within hours of the announcement. >> the fight against apartheid, the bombing of the u.s. marine barracks in beirut and election of the first pope from the americas. along the way, allen won just about every award there is and the respect of fellow journalists everywhere. >> if we do our job right, politicians and the public cannot say "we didn't know." you did know. you did know bad things were happening. you did know people were starving. you did know there was tragedy. you did know there was bravery. because we went and we showed you. when the engines failed on the plane i was flying, i knew what to do to save my passengers. but when my father sank into depression, i didn't know how to help him. when he ultimately shot himself, he left our family devastated. don't let this happen to you. if you or a loved one is suicidal, call the national suicide prevention lifeline. no matter how hopeless or helpless you feel, with the right help, you can get well. no matter how hopeless or helpless you feel, (franklin d. roosevelt) thprivileges of a free people. endowed, as our nation is, with abundant physical resources... ...and inspired as it should be to make those resources and opportunities available for the enjoyment of all... ...we approach reemployment with real hope of finding a better answer than we have now. narrator: donate to goodwill where your donations help fund job placement and training for people in your community. the sweet 16 of the ncaa championship gets under way thursday in houston. so since you're thinking about basketball, we have an update on one of our most heart warming basketball stories ever. steve hartman found it "on the road." >> hey! >> how are you? >> reporter: not many high school basketball managers got a party on their behalf. especially not, ten years after graduation. >> it seems like just yesterday, a magical night back in 2006. coach pointed his finger at me. i stepped on to the court for the first time in my varsity career. [ applause ] >> jason mcelway is autistic. ten years ago he fetched water and mop up other people's sweat at greece athena high school. in rochester, new york. for the last game of his senior year, the coach let jason, better known as jmac, suit up and play the final minutes. that's him going in. everyone in the crowd was hoping for a lay-up at most. but jmac had other ideas. he stepped outside of the three point line and drained it. and he was just getting started. [ cheers and applause ] >> you caught fire. >> just caught fire. i was hot as a pistol. >> reporter: jmac ended up shooting six three pointers. one right after the other. he that 20 points total. and each time the shot went in, his teammates and the crowd went a little crazier. [ cheers and applause ] his last basket, right at the buzzer, created total mayhem. [ cheers and applause ] after we first told the story, big things started happening for jmac. i mean big things. >> the country was captivated by an amazing story on the basketball court. >> reporter: president george bush requested an audience with him. jmac co-authored a book about himself. and perhaps the biggest change of all. >> gave me confidence that i can do anything. >> reporter: after graduation, jmac became assistant coach at his old high school. his passion for the game hasn't faded a bit. his connection to the students as strong as ever. the only difference is that now, above it all, number 52 hangs near the rafters. captioning funded by cbs it's monday, march 21st, 2016. this is the "cbs morning news." history in havana. president obama touches down in cuba, the first sitting american president to do so since 1928. his first message to cubans who waited decades for diplomacy. trump trump heads to washington today. the republican front-runner is set to make a major speech to a power pro israeli group but members of the audience plan on walking out. >> let's go. it's good! >> the sweet 16 is

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