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Transcripts For KYW CBS Evening News 20140928 : comparemela.

Transcripts For KYW CBS Evening News 20140928

a franchise far away. captioning sponsored by cbs this is the "cbs evening news" with scott pelley. >> jeff: it's not an easy felix. the official in chicago said they have to rebuild an entire faa radar system. air travel in this country will not be normal for days. all of this comes after a fire on friday night when a contractor tried to kill himself after setting a fire inside on facility that serves both chicago's o'hare and midway airports. more than 700 flights were canceled today. we begin with transportation correspond jeff pegues. >> air traffic controllers say the damage to the control center outside chicago is unlike anything they've seen before. critical communications equipment, to manage planes in the skies will have to be replaced. it's not clear how long that will take. without this facility up and running, there will continue to be significant disruptions to air travel in the region. this is day three of delays and cancellations as they advise passengers to adjust their plans. some airplanes are reporting progress. delta says it didn't cancel any flights into or out of chicago today related to friday's fire. the faa says it has been able to suddenly increase air traffic and reduce delays. the agency's approach has been to shift air traffic management to other radar facilities. now those facilities have had to call in additional help managing planes taking off and landing in chicago. josh marks says it's less than efficient. >> the f tachmenaa air traffic l center is based on technology from the 190's. it has limited flexibility. >> jeff: it is put to the test this weekend and the days ahead has more challenges. george button with mason university. >> this is the best back up plan they can come up with. >> i think the relative events suggest if you have a system everywhere the cost would be astronomical and unacceptable. they do happen in a very minor scale. this is unique as far as i know. >> air traffic controller say this is one of the most challenging situations they have faced since 9/11. without chicago's center they're having to juggle jogs they normally just don't do. we just learned from a th the ft be up and running for another two weeks. october 13th. >> jeff thank you very much. a bus crash has offered an explanation for a crash that killed four college students. but his statements leave many questions unanswered. manuel bojorquez has details. >> many were asleep when the crash happened. 18 yea-year-old caylee armstrons away but never saw the semi coming. >> i blacked out and i don't remember landing. i don't remember crash ending. next thing i know i'm awake. i'm on my feet and i hear my coach screaming go this way. >> 15 members of the north central texas college softball team were aboard. their coach was driving them back from a game friday night when aism eye crossed the median on interstate 35 sheering off one side of the bus. four players were killed including 20-year-old bruce had become one of armstrong's best friends. >> i got so close to so quick. it is crazy. i mean when i heard about it, i just started crying. >> the chuck driver 53 year russell staley told the investigators he was struck by something in the cabin. but divorces say there's no evidenc --investors say there'so evidence he tried to make a maneuver before the crash before striking the bus. robert is with the national transportation safety board. >> currently there is no driver interview scheduled yet, but that is something that is very important to us. >> no charges have been filed. in the small towns where the softball players come from, memorials are being held. family and friends of 19-year-old megan richardson circled the high school pitcher's mound where she played last year and across the country college softball teams are also arneing the lady lions by dedicating their game to the team. there will be a vigil tonight here on the campus of north central texas college. just so softball players are still in the hospital. they are expected to survive. >> okay, manny, thank you. a jihadist twitter account says an al-qaeda offshoot was killed in a u.s. air strike five days ago. the whitehouse camp immediately confirmed that report. the u.s.-led coalition launched weekend attacks on isis targets in syria, including this one near the turkish border. during an interview with steve kroft on tonight's 6 "60 minute" president obama says they misjudged the threat by isis. >> where do they end up with control of so much territory. does that come as a complete surprise to you. >> i think the head of the intelligence community jim clapper has acknowledged that. i think they estimated what had been taking place in syria. essentially what happened with isil was that you had al-qaeda in a lock which was a vicious group, but all marines were able to quash with the help of sunni tribes. they went back underground but over the past couple years during the chaos of the syrian civil war where essentially you have huge slots of a country that are completely ungovernorred. they were unable to reconstitute themselves and take advantage of that chaos. and trapped foreign fighters who believed in their jihadist nonsense and traveled everywhere from europe to the united states to australia to other parts of the muslim world converging on syria. so this became ground zero for jihadists around the world. and this is one of the challenges that we're going to have generally is where you get states that are failing or in the midst of civil war. these kinds of orgainizations thrive. that's why it's so important for us to recognize part of our solution here is going to be military. we push them back and shrink their space and go after their command and control and their capacity and their weapons and fueling and cut off their financing and work to eliminate the flow of foreign fighters. >> you mentioned james clapper the director of national intelligence. he didn't just say that we under estimated isil. he says we overestimated the ability and the will of our allies, the iraqi army to fight. >> that's true. that's absolutely true. >> you can see the full interview with president obama later this evening on 60 mins. just days after a man jumped the fence of the whitehouse details reveal a gunman firing several bullets. the secret service fumbled its response and as julianna gold up tells us left the president and first lady fuming. >> the president and first lady were out of town when the gunman oscar or a otega hernandez had s car a quarter mile south of whitehouse. took aim and fired several shots from a semi automatic rifle. their youngest daughter was home and mali avment returned soon. after they rushed to respond to the sounds and smell of gunfire they received an order over the radio to stand down. the secret service thought it was construction equipment backfiring. then citing witness accounts, the agency said the gunfire was from a gang fight nearby. it wasn't until four days later once michelle obama had returned that a housekeeper noticed broken glass and plaster inside the residents. the first lady learned about the incident from a whitehouse usher. president obama was still traveling. the secret service did a search of the whitehouse and found at least seven bullets had hit the building including in and around the truman balcony where the first family has been known to relax. only then was the fbi called in to investigate around the same time that ortega was apprehended in virginia. the obamas were furious and after the president returned home called then director mark saul have you been in a closed door meeting. tony told cnn service secrete director -- secret service director is looking into it. >> we will correct any problems. >> there was never any attempt to conceal information. jeff they said the this is tent was three years ago. they conducted a review and made several security recommendations including additional cameras and enhanced personnel. >> all right, julianna thank you. the midterm elections are just five weeks from this tuesday and republicans believe they can pick up the six seats they need to control the senate. congressional correspondent nancy cordes is on the trail covering these key contests. they joins us from general. can the key democrats hold the senate if they lose colorado? >> well, mathematically jeff, it is possible, but if the democratic senator here mark udall can't ek out a victory it's unlikely his fellow democrats incumbents in states like arkansas and alaska are going to fare very well. the president's popularity has plummeted here and that's dragging udall down too. so he made the case to me he has stood up to the president on all kinds of issues while his opponent, corey gardner, is working to tie udall to the president as much as possible. >> nancy, also visited one of the few states where republican senate candidate is in trouble and that's in kansas. one of the reddest states in the country. what is happening in cans? > -- --in kansas. >> well pat roberts is kind of facing udall's problem in reverse. he's being dragged down by a recollects feel has pulled thee state too far to the right. there's greg orman, he's a businessman and he's tied in some polls and this has insure republicans very worried because if they lose that seat, jeff, it gets much harder for them to rotate the senate. >> nancy cordes from denver. thank you very much. 18,000 people packed new york city's mattedso madison square n today, it was not for a concert or basketball game. they came to look at india's wildly popular prime minister. don was there. >> the line stretched for blocks. this year old alimane traveled from denver. >> there was ambition for the nation's building. >> part of his allure is his humbling beginnings, the son of a tea seller he made the opportunity for the 1.3 billion indians to focus. 42 million people live on $1.25 or less. >> they voted their aspirations rather than their frustrations. they voted for jobs rather than xçq>> he pressed to help start businesses and end corruption. while the prime minister spoke to the audience aboutnd yeah's future saying even the poorest of the poor wants to participate in the country's progress, and this is what brings a change. protesters outside tried to remind the world of the past. the religious riots in 2002 that claimed the lives as many as a thousand muslims under modi's governance. he was person non-gra non-grata. he was not involved in the riots and works for all indians. he's scheduled to meet with president obama early next week. don davis cbs news new york. >> the volcano eruption in japan that killed dozens of hikers and the netherlands when cbs news continues. o perso when i didn't think twice about where i left my razor. hep c is a serious disease. take action now. go to hepc.com or call 1-844-444-hepc to find out how you and your doctor can take the next step towards a cure. because the answers you need, 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31 people are believed to have been killed this weekend by a sudden volcano eruption in japan. hundreds of others including children were stranded. seth doane has details. >> they scrambled today to rescue those still stranded on mount ontake a day after it erupted. some were still strapped and others were wenched on to helicopters when the volcano continued to spew ash and smoke. i'm so relaughed i couldn't sleep all night this witness said. another heard a thunderous town has it sent light smoke billowing into the sky. mawntd ontakemount ontake the st volcano has not seen an eruption since 1979. it's a popular place for hiking covered with foliage. hikers had no warning. i'm so glad i came back alive, this survivor said. early reports say those who died suffered cardio pulmonary arrest. to a volcanic eruption in japan since 1991. japans home to more than a dozen volcanos. seth doane, beijing. >> students have been protesting in hong kong all weekend and now the executive has gone on television saying they should go home. they were in the face of tear gas and afraid 34r5e police migt rubber bullets. they are protesting democracy imposed in beijing, a monster truck demonstration this weekend, a pick up with tracker wheels appears to opinion out of control in this video shot by a spectator and then into a group of on looks. three people were killed, including a child. up next, check it out. wal-mart is in the banking business. [ sighs ] because health is everything. gq >> the country's biggest retailer of wal-mart has announced to offer customers low fee checking account starting next month. a solution for the millions of americans who are now unbanked. here to discuss is cbs news analyst jill schlessinger. people in this country who do not have a bank account what leads to that. >> the federal reserve say 25% of them say they don't have enough money to meet the minimum requirement and another 10% say they have a shaky credit history and another 10% say the fees are so high with bank i don't want to do it. >> they want to charge $9 a month for these accounts. why are they doing this. >> they really have tried to get into the banking business back in 2005. they met with resistance and they abandoned the plan two years later. what they done is partnered with green dot. they have fdic insurance already. they're offering these really interesting accounts because there's no minimum balance, that's a big one. no credit check. just to be 18 years old with a legal id. wal-mart is hoping those people who left and gone to dollar stores comes back and spend the savings in their stores. >> the government is letting this happen for now. what are they watching out for. >> i think there's a big question whether wal-mart is trying to side step the regulators. in other words is green dot the company that's offering these services or is wal-mart. government's going to be keeping a close eye on this. there's going to be consumer protections that come into play. but i think this is probably going to go through and it could lead to more stores like wal-mart introducing banking services. >> jill, thank you very much. >> thank you. >> still ahead here, american football getting a foot hold in britain. plus januvia, by itself, is not likely to cause weight gain or low blood sugar (hypoglycemia). januvia should not be used in patients with type 1 diabetes or diabetic ketoacidosis. tell your doctor if you have a history of pancreatitis. serious side effects can happen, including pancreatitis which may be severe and lead to death. stop taking januvia and call your doctor right away if you have severe pain in your stomach area which may be pancreatitis. tell your doctor right away and stop taking januvia if you have an allergic reaction that causes swelling of the face, lips, tongue, or throat, or affects your breathing or causes rash or hives. kidney problems sometimes requiring dialysis have been reported. using januvia and a sulfonylurea or insulin together may cause low blood sugar. to reduce the risk, your doctor may prescribe a lower dose of the sulfonylurea or insulin. your doctor may perform blood tests before and during treatment to check your kidneys. if you have kidney problems a lower dose may be prescribed. side effects may include upper respiratory tract infection, stuffy or runny nose and sore throat, and headache. for help lowering your blood sugar talk to your doctor about januvia today. welllllllll, not when your travel rewards card makes it so hard to get a seat using your miles. that's their game. the flights you want are blacked out. or they ask for some ridiculous number of miles. honestly, it's time to switch to the venture card from capital one. with venture, use your miles on any airline, any flight, any time. no blackout dates. and with every purchase, you'll earn unlimited double miles. from now on, no one's taking your seat away. what's in your wallet? >> derek jeter played has last name. one on third one out a littlech. jeter left the game for a pitch runner to a standing ovation this boston. he played all 20 season for the new york yankees. in football the miami dolphins beat the oakland raiders today, 38-14. the game was in london. charlie d'agata reports from a city that's become the nfl's home away from home. >> every year around this time, this choke of turf in london looks and feels a lot like america. this is the nfl going long with three regular season games in london for the very first time. >> there's so much going on in the game. it's great. the glitz, the glamour, it's everything. >> it's time for an nfl franchise in london. >> i would love one here. i think it would be fantastic. the will cultivate the passion the uk fans have for the game. >> that's making the nfl pay attention. all those glorious british actions, da dolphin fans but these are die hard football fans. >> this is not an american audience says the vp of international mark waller. >> about 88% of the fans are uk fans. the vast majority from the london area. >> the nfl says there are now 12 million fans in the'# uk and sports broadcaster saw a 60% audience increase last year alone. all american football games they play are here and has been instant sell out. the fact there are now 30,000 season ticket holders. >> critic says there are huge issues to a london franchise like who wants to live here full time and what about the crippling jet lag. but that's getting increasingly difficult to ignore. it's that kind of enthusiasm that has fans here dreaming that one day, one team will call london home. charlie d'agata, cbs news, london. >> that is the cbs evening news tonight. later on cbs "60 minutes" and cbs this morning. i'm jeff glor, cbs in new york. scott pelley will be here tomorrow. good night. >> ♪ >> i'm natasha brown. next on "eyewitness news," residents are trapped after two fires break out at the same apartment building and authorities don't believe it was an accident. plus, there's new information in the man hunter for the suspected trooper killer in northeastern pennsylvania. justin. >> and it's a warm finish to the weekend but will the summer temperatures hang around for the work week? the summer temperatures hang around for the work week? the forecast nex (yawn) (ding!) toaster strudel! more fruit in the filling, ya? mmm! ya! warm, flaky, gooey, toaster strudel! now, with more fruit! don't wait for awesome... totino's pizza rolls... ...gets you there in just 60 seconds. >> ♪ >> from the cbs broadcast center in philadelphia, this is cbs3 "eyewitness news". >> well, two fast moving fires force rescues at a philadelphia apartment complex and tonight officials are calling them both suspicious. good evening everyone, i'm natasha brown. thanks for joining us. authorities say they are questioning a suspect at this hour. the fires broke out in the 7,000 block of ste

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