Transcripts For KTVU The Ten OClock News On KTVU Fox 2 20161

Transcripts For KTVU The Ten OClock News On KTVU Fox 2 20161227

allison. >> i'm ken wayne. frank and julie are off tonight. a somber evening is held for the victims. police are still investigating what happened. azenith smith? >> reporter: yeah ken, police say it appears alcohol may have been a factor in this crash. through tears tonight, the best friends of the suspected drunk driver said mistakes happen. unfortunately this mistake cost two lives. we want to show you video of the vigil tonight earlier where family and friends of the 25- year-old jessica zamara, they held candles and each other. in san jose where the single mother died on christmas day police tell us just after midnight zamara was behind the wheel driving her chevy malibu near snell avenue hitting a lexus head on. a 14-year-old boy with his parents were in the car. that boy was killed. his parents were taken to valley medical center expected to recover. now again police tell us she may have been drinking. tonight we spoke to her best friend. >> she was a wonderful mom and a wonderful friend, a wonderful person. she was loving, yes, she did drink that night, but no one is perfect. >> reporter: again a very emotional night. family members say she was at a bar before the accident. we also spoke to the bar manager earlier today who had two drinks there. leaving behind a 5-year-old daughter, a gofundme page has been set up. i wanted to share i read a sign that said this from our family to yours our condolences. i heard the best friend say they were sorry for what happened. we don't know much about the 14- year-old boy, but we are told he is from san jose and likely a high school student. >> have police said anything about what leads them to believe she was drinking in a bartender said she had two drinks, but doesn't necessarily mean she was impaired. have they said anything else about this? >> reporter: no, we have not heard much as to why they suspected it was a dui crash. but we do know perhaps they have enough evidence. we don't know if alcohol was found in that car. it is something we'll follow up on, but they will have enough evidence to say it is a suspected dui crash. >> nonetheless two families will never see christmas the same way. all right, thank you so much. in the meantime law enforcement across the bay area have stepped up efforts to curb impaired driving throughout the holiday season. saturation controls will once again be out this weekend checking for drunk and drugged officers. we were with san rafael during their recent patrols where several people were stopped or cited. san rafael police will have another dui check point for new year's eve weekend. we're following developing news where a shooting critically wounded a man early this evening happening at the corner of florida street at 5:00 when officers arrived at the scene they found a man outside a liquor store who had been shot. >> witnesses on scene provided care and transported the patient to a local hospital with life threatening injuries. >> the victim was taken to fairfield no word on the motive yet. police have not made any arrests. now to a major setback for the oakland raiders. the dreams were dashed for the star quarterback out indefinitely after a season- ending injury on christmas eve. >> sports anchor joe fonzi joins us now. he was scheduled for surgery yesterday and that didn't necessarily have anyone go into surgery, but put this into perspective for us. >> right now it's not so much about the timing, but the immediate future for the raiders. this has been a magical season for oakland and their fans. but with the playoffs around the corner, the mind set for everything has changed. a huge part of their success has been due to the continued developments of the quarterback after suffering a broken fibula on this play on saturday's game against the colts. the first venture will have to wait for another time. the crowd at the coliseum went silent as carr was helped off the field. he'll undergo surgery tomorrow, losing one of the best young quarterbacks in the league for the rest of the season will obviously have an impact on the raiders, but they also know there is no time to have regrets. >> this is a tough game. things happen in this game. it's all about the team, it's all about us moving on with the next opportunities and pulling together as a group of men being unselfish and sacrificing for each other with all those things that doesn't change regardless of who it is. we're going to do what we always do. there is a natch wall feeling of stepping up, rallying around whoever is playing at whatever position it is and to feel the same about it being the quarterback. it's about us as a team going out, competing against the other team. >> the undrafted quarterback who will lead the raiders and still plenty to play for on their final regular season game of the year. oakland's win in denver will ensure the raiders of the first round bye. but combined with the kansas city win, they will give the chiefs the afc west title and reduce the raiders to wild card status. and a lot to play for. but obviously in the matter to wipe out or finish out the regular season to be in the first round of the wild card game or to have a bye is going to be without derek carr for next year. >> you pointed out earlier when they saw tony romo they would have a capable fill-in and we don't know what would happen in the raiders case, but there is precedence for this. >> that's how tom brady first came to the forefront when brew bledsoe got hurt -- drew bledsoe got hurt. they don't expect goin to be derek carr, but as you heard del rio say no one will toss in the towel right now. they'll prepare for the regular season and prepare for the playoffs. >> they don't have any other choice. >> that's right. fans of course are heartbroken about carr's injury. the first time in 14 years the raiders are headed for the playoffs. looks like their star quarterback will be sitting on the sidelines. >> what are we going to do? i don't know what we're going to do without him. >> i was devastated and hurt because that was my quarterback and the one i've been bragging about every day this whole season. >> i'm very sad derek carr broke his leg. on ktvu we posted the latest on derek carr's injuries including more of today's news conference with coach del rio. click on the story near the top of the home page. >> well donald trump is putting steven miller to work as the speedwriter. miller has begun the draft version of the speech and plans to make it more nationalistic than ideaistic touching on jobs, border security, and the economy. he also wrote the address for the republican national convention when mr. trump declared, "i alone can fix it." white house staffers are gearing up for the big day as donald trump takes his oath of office 132 rooms at the white house must be emptied and prepare for the incoming administration. one reports the operation must take place in just a span of six hours. >> what happens on inauguration day is a very fine tune, almost military precision moving. >> reporter: as we found out the white house changes hands almost as instantaneously as the presidency does. >> what people don't know in that six-hour window they have to move one president out and in that there's 132 rooms in the white house. that's a ton of furniture, a lot of momentos and things to think about getting in and out. >> while they're getting underway, members of the white house staff will be frantically moving out the remanence of the obama administration and preparing the residents and offices for their new inhabitants. >> starting that morning every single item in the west wing has been moved out. the desks, new paint, paper, new carpet is laid. we're bringing in new pencils, new desks, the whole nine. >> reporter: what about the hundreds of white house staff members spending years serving president obama and his family? >> the president has a political staff who comes in with him on their first day. it's a remainder of the folks at the white house or career staff. they will stay from president to president. whether it's the butlers, the pastry chef, record management folks, some of these people have been here for 30, 40, 50 years. >> reporter: back to the incoming president as we're learning a little more about what a trump white house might look like. >> with the trump penthouse in manhattan, which is guilded with gold and very louis style. they won't replicate that at the white house. however i'm sure they might make a few changes. >> reporter: after the obamas accompany president elect trump they'll head off for the very last time headed to an undisclosed warm location for vacation and upon their return they will move into a rental home just a few miles from the white house in washington. joel waldman fox news. president obama got a sharp response from donald trump for a comment about the presidential race. mr. obama claims he would have beaten them for a third term tweeting he thinks he would have won against me. he should say that, but i would say no way. jobs are leaving, isis, etc. coming up a shopping trip turns deadly in the east bay. at 10:30 new information about a stabbing inside a target store that kills one man sending two others to jail. it's a cold night out there. in some places it will be colder than last night. we'll see below freezing temperatures with frost in the morning back here after the break. a first from darkness to light. the touching show of faith on this third night of hanukkah after a six-foot menorah is stolen from the bay area park. >> even for the haters out there they won't have the opportunity to hate. new at 10:00 from darkness to light a show of faith in san francisco on this third night of hanukkah after a large menorah was stolen from washington square park. members tell us they notice the menorah was gone a couple of days ago when they went to light the first candle. >> tonight they brought their own to send a message. rob malcolm live with how they have brought some people together. rob? >> well that's right. i'm coming to you from washington square park where we have been told over the past couple of weeks even the christmas tree behind me has been vandalized numerous times. now with that six-foot tall menorah missing from right here this spot, the community came together tonight to remember the jewish festival of light would continue. >> reporter: a festival of light after a night of darkness. >> someone vandalized the tree three times in the last two weeks and then they took the menorah. so for us to come together in the spirit of light, which is really the jewish division it means a lot. >> reporter: the menorah that stood six feet tall weighing 160 pounds was installed two weeks ago in washington square park on the corner of filbert and stockton. its sudden disappearance surprised everyone. >> when someone comes to a symbol in a public fear and takes that away, that is a portrayal of hate. that's saying what you're doing is not important. and i am going to ruin that for you. >> the community realized the menorah was missing on saturday when they went to light the candle the second night of hanukkah. but now they look at surveillance video from neighborhood businesses. the jewish festival of light continued with a new meaning to create more light using a smaller individual menorah. >> their ceremony just kind of fell, sending a message we're still together, we are strong, and we come together no matter what. we celebrate any way. >> all of us have oil inside of us that will be used to light the candle to light with each other over the holiday season spreading a message of love and hope and it will be the same and maybe just a big difference. >> i'm excited for every year to be able to light up the park to have a grander menorah next year. it might be chained down and we might need to have cameras on it all time for the haters out there they will not have the opportunity to hate. >> reporter: back here live on saturday when this menorah went missing, majority of the businesses were closed. for that reason they are hoping surveillance video will yield some clues. >> all right, thank you very much, rob. residents of an upscale neighborhood in san jose had their mailboxes stolen over the holiday. on christmas eve a pair of men detached the mailboxes from the concrete and took off in a pick up truck. their mailboxes had been broken into before by identity thieves looking for credit card offers and other items, but this is the first time the criminals have taken off with the mailboxes themselves. >> i feel very victimized. this is something, the fourth time it happened. before they broke into the mailboxes and this time they would say hey let's take the whole thing. >> two men were hispanic in their 30s, they were driving a white pickup truck. california is raising their minimum wage as of january 1. the hourly wage increases from $10 to $10.50 on sunday and then gradually goes up each year until it reaches $15 an hour by 2022. the new law affects businesses with more than 25 employees. as of the first of the year beauty salons and barbershops in california will be legally allowed to serve alcohol to customers as long as it is free and before 10:00 p.m. some beauty shops were already doing this offering champagne, for instance to some customers which technically was against the law without a liquor license. and alts highly publicized sexual -- and also the highly publicized sexual assault case prompts a new law finding those sexually assaulting an inconscious person ineligible for parole and broadens the definition of rape to include all forms of non-consensual sexual assault. another new law targets drivers who may be distracted by their cell phones. as of january 1 it will be against the law to hold the phone at all while you're driving. reporter mike lury explains. >> reporter: it's called distracted driving keeping your hands on your phone instead of the wheel. >> oh yeah all the time. i would go to the side and it is dangerous to be on the road because they could cause an accident. >> dmv data shows 12 deadly crashes from last year with hand held cell phones. 500 injuries and 700 property damage collisions. starting on sunday it will be illegal to stream videos on your phone while driving. >> and some people can multitask and some don't. >> reporter: the new law is good news for some wireless stores. >> any phone is compatible with bluetooth. >> reporter: his customers at cricket wireless are coming in with lots of questions about the new law. >> they've been wondering how they would get around with gps and not only that, but they would like to listen to music while they're driving, calming them down. how would they change from song to song. >> they are wireless and other devices on the market to help you comply with the new law. it seems to be getting the thumbs up from drivers we talk to today. >> you've got your hands free and your mind busy. you're not watching it very well. >> it is a sign of a safety measure to get people not to be distracted while they're driving. >> yes, it will prevent accidents. >> reporter: reporting the new law only allows the use of cellphones and other devices if they are mounted on the dash board in such a way that doesn't block the driver's view of the roads. we are tracking that very cool overnight temperature we're expecting. it is already cool out there with a lot of cold air coming off the islands, then cold air in place from the storm a few days ago. clouds to the south and north of us, no rain for us. look how close we get. you'll see the green coming in here with a few sprinkles. down around the conception and then we are just right in the middle showing you a few clouds out there right now. but despite the cloud cover we're still cold. usually they warm things up just a bit. it's not really helping us out, it's cold in santa rosa a few degrees away from freezing. and 45 in san francisco. it will be a chilly morning. this morning we would have temperatures down to the 20s tomorrow morning it will be similar. 8 degrees cooler in napa and it will be a cooler night where it will be a little warmer because of those clouds. there's the bridge, it's a beautiful night out there all lit up and it's crisp, all out throughout the bay area. you can see frost in your backyard. we will see you tomorrow morning. you could see frost at the golden gate park, you know, in the valley, you know the spot. get ready for a cold start to your day on tuesday. and the afternoon warms up a little bit. these are the overnight lows. you'll see they were very similar to today and then tomorrow's highs, you know, yesterday we were in the 40s. tomorrow we're going to be in the mid-50s and in some cases the upper 50s. so tomorrow will be a lot like what we would have today with more clouds tomorrow. and just temperatures will be a little warmer. when i come back we'll talk about the chance of some rain that shows up in the five-day forecast. see you back here. >> all right, thanks, bill. the temperatures are dipping near or below freezing time to give you a little extra tlc. there are a number of precautions to take to survive winter weather. they have seen an uptick in purchasing frost protection items, bags, and sprays to help plants endure the chilly winter weather. >> when it is really cold outside, the cold sucks the moisture out of the plants. that's what causes the damage in them especially cell damage. so by spraying this on the plant, you are going to help reduce that cold from sucking out the moisture. >> another survival tip is helping to keep their plants alive through the winter and still water them at the roots near the bottom making sure you don't get the leaves wet. a deadly holiday weekend in chicago. >> first they would have all the bodies laying. >> yes, they were laying in the streets. >> up next what authorities are saying about more than two dozen shootings there within the last three days. later in sports, hear more from the raiders head coach and the decision to be throwing at that point in the game where derek carr was injured. >> we're learning about several mall brawls tonight at shopping centers across the country. afoot and light-hearted i take to the open road. healthy, free, the world before me, the long brown path before me leading wherever i choose. the east and the west are mine. the north and the south are mine. all seems beautiful to me. intercourse that's painful due to menopausal changes. it's not likely to go away on its own. so let's do something about it. premarin vaginal cream can help. it provides estrogens to help rebuild vaginal tissue and make intercourse more comfortable. premarin vaginal cream treats vaginal changes due to menopause and moderate-to-severe painful intercourse caused by these changes. don't use it if you've had unusual vaginal bleeding, breast or uterine cancer, blood clots, liver problems, stroke or heart attack, are allergic to any of its ingredients or think you're pregnant. side effects may include headache, pelvic pain, breast pain, vaginal bleeding and vaginitis. estrogens may increase your chances of getting cancer of the uterus, strokes, blood clots, or dementia so use it for the shortest time based on goals and risks. estrogens should not be used to prevent heart disease, heart attack, stroke or dementia. ask your doctor about premarin vaginal cream. police in colorado tonight evacuated a mall in aurora after a fight broke out between about 500 people. authorities later described it as multiple skirmishes inside the mall. one witness tweeted a video showing police officers holding two women face down on the ground. no customers or officers were said to be hurt. five juveniles were arrested. similar large-scale brawls are said to have been broken out across the country includingohio, connecticut, tennessee. gang war fair in chicago are on the rise. 12 people killed with more than 40 others wounded in shootings across the windy city. fox news anchor kelly wright has more on the violent holiday weekend. >> all of a sudden i heard pop, pop, pop. >> christmas in chicago marred by multiple shootings. one claiming the lives of two brothers just 18 and 21 years old. >> when i first came out i saw the bodies laying. yeah, they were laying in the street covered up. >> as you all know christmas eve into christmas day we had a reprehensible amount of shootings and murders. >> detectives are investigating more than two dozen shootings including two monday morning. 12 people dead, another 50 people hurt. >> these were deliberate. and planning one shooting against the gangs. they were targeted knowing fully well that individuals would be at the homes of families and friends celebrating the holiday. this was followed by several acts of retaliation. >> chicago has seen an alarming increase in violence. police say there have been 745 murders this year. a total number of shooting victims soaring to more than 4,200. while this is the sickening reality, it shows yet again that our penalties for caring and using guns here in chicago are just not deterrent on repeat offenders. >> all of this daveing up the murder rate -- driving up the murder rate by more than 14%. chicago alone responsible for nearly half that increase. in washington kelly wright fox news. a deadly stabbing inside an east bay target store. >> and it is sad, you know, someone would do that. >> up next what we're learning about the victim and two suspects behind bars. >> plus the scene of returning. the rush now at a bay area mall to exchange those unwanted christmas gifts. i like to know what's happening as soon as it happens. who won the game, who won on the dancing show... ...i mean, if i watched that show. same with my banking. with my bank of america mobile banking app, i can see my accounts all in one place. i can easily manage them and if 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the latest on the investigation. >> reporter: it was christmas eve and shopping was full swing at target store on whipple road in hayward where a fight broke out 8:30 saturday night. a 26-year-old hayward man was stabbed dying at the hospital. two suspects ran away, but arrested around the corner. both men in their 20s in hayward. the names of the victims and suspects not released. they don't believe the killing is gang related, but they were not saying what the argument was about. authorities would not say whether the attack was captured on the store surveillance cameras. this is the city's 13th homicide this year. ten killings in hayward in 2016. the thoughts are with the the family involved. in a statement at target the safety and security of our guests and team members is a top priority as soon as we were made aware of the incident, we immediately contacted local law enforcement and closed the store. target shoppers say they are stunned by the christmas eve violence. >> i'm shocked. i come here all the time because we don't live that far away. i have nerve seen anything that is concerning. >> and it is sad someone would do that. i just can't understand, you know, how humans could take another person's life. >> any time anything bad happens in your neighborhood you're not happy about it. but this is the first i have heard about it. typically i find us in a decent neighborhood and to hear that is a little shocking. >> they will decide whether to file formal murder charges. in hayward ktvu fox 2 news henry lee. an uber driver is sharing a frightening story to someone that shot someone over the weekend. the 36-year-old man did not want to be identified. he came to the u.s. from afghanistan to get away from violence, but on saturday morning he says he was waiting for a passenger in hays valley when someone ran up to his window, shot at him and ran off. the bullet just barely missed his face. >> he would shoot me. fortunately the bullet just bounced from my face. >> glass flying through the air did cut his face near his eye, which sent him to the hospital. police picked up the gunfire on the shot spotter, but right now there are no reports of a suspect or an arrest. and now when a woman was threatened dragged towards a vehicle in an attempted kidnapping. investigators say the 51-year- old woman was walking near grant and channel streets around 11:30 last night. a man drove up next to her and told her to get into his car or he would kill her, then grabbed her, but she was able to break free and get help. today people downtown stockton say they are taking precautions to keep themselves safe. >> you just have to watch your surroundings when you come out here. you have to, you know, come with family. i have my entourage right here, so you know people need protecting. >> the woman went to the hospital where she was treated for non-life threatening injuries. the suspect is described as a black man between 30 to 40 weighing around 190 pounds. he drove away in a 1990s two- door red toyota -- toyota celica. ktvu ann rubin talked to some of the shoppers scrambling after bargains today in san jose. >> mayhem at the mall starts in the parking lot. but shoppers at the fair say they are willing to brave this in order to get this. the deep discounts on the bay after christmas. we asked the manager. >> and specifically here they will be better after christmas and they are on black friday. the crowds are every bit as big. >> nothing, but pure insanity. and everybody is looking for their last-minute sales. people are shopping for themselves, it's insane and madness. that is the only word i have, it's madness. for others, it's an opportunity to exchange something that is not quite right. the family says they cannot help, but get a little carried away. >> they are buying extra stuff they probably don't need, but it is fun to have and just great sales. >> reporter: some come with a targeted approach. they are just here to exchange it all. >> just trying to get through the crowd to get in and out. >> in case we do see some sails. >> the sales themselves have become a tradition for some families. every year our daughters and our sons the day after christmas we go shopping. that's a part of the ritual. >> they came looking for bargains and they found some. >> just a button down shirt and a tie. >> and people who would brave the post-holiday crowd each year, their advice to come early. >> we are done, here we come. >> if you miss out today, don't worry. we are told sales continued throughout the week and some stores are promising additional mark downs over the next few days. at the westfield valley mall ann rubin ktvu fox 2 news. 80s pop-star george michael remembered today. how fans are paying tribute to the singer in his hometown just a day after his passing. we talk about that cool night tonight and the next couple of nights. now we'll look at some clouds and a chance for some showers towards the end of the week. plus, new details about a plane crash that killed several members of the brazilian soccer team. fire officials are confirming two people died in the small plane crash today shortly after the plane took off. they say the single-engine plane had taken off from the sky park airport and crashed at the edge of the pond north of the airport. one woman told the -- one woman said they saw the plane take off. it was an experimental plane registered to a fresno man, but they have not identified the two men who have died. >> declaring a national day of mourning as a massive search and recovery operation got underway. the plane crashed for those victims. the jet crashed into the black sea yesterday and russian officials say all 92 people on board were killed, today two chunks of the fuel solage were recovered, looking for the flight recorders. russian officials believe the crash was an accident, but they have not ruled out terrorism. they are members of the choir headed to syria to perform on new year's eve for russian troops. we're learning more about last month's deadly plane crash in columbia that killed 71 people including 19 members of a brazilian soccer team. aviation officials today confirmed the plane ran out of fuel before they landed. they were accompanying the team for a championship playoff match in columbia. bull, but a few members of the team were killed. tributes continue to pour in for george michael who died yesterday at the age of 53. ♪ [ music ] george michael shot international stardom as the part of the dual wham achieving success as a solo artist earning an album of the year grammy for faith in 1989. fans are leaving flowers and cards of his home in england in a small village about 50 miles west of london. he went out drinking. landing in the pub, just enjoying himself. the singer's manager says the cause of death was heart failure and is not considered suspicious. talking trash in lake tahoe. up next the efforts to clean up the sierra as people head up from snow. a cold winter night in the bay area. it's beautiful out there. the trend will continue. chief meteorologist bill martin will have the complete bay area forecast. a holiday storm brought more than two feet of snow into lake tahoe ski resorts this weekend. squall valley received 25 inches of snow over the weekend and that some new trails opened today for skiers. it's a busy time of the year, but not everyone who ventures to the higher elevations are going to ski. >> as reporter kevin oliver reports some visitors are looking to rejoice the joy of mother nature leaving behind a lot of trash. >> reporter: getting near borea was a mess this monday as holiday travelers are looking for a place to park to go sledding. but the traffic wasn't the only mess. here the pile of broken sleds and trash filled the dumpster overflowing. at least though here it was near the garbage can. at other sledding locations along their corridor we found that wasn't the case. guadalupe perez has been coming for three years to this snowy spot so her family could play in the fresh powder and build snowmen. this year she noticed someone started building heaps of garbage. >> i never see people leaving the trash. we don't do that, so i don't know. >> the bright color pieces are hard to mess, so is the giant inflatable raft left here. seeing who happens to work for them brought their family out to the snow and recognized that impact. it will take years and years and years that it should be a social responsibility, which is pick up after yourself. >> and while they will clean up some sights that get trashed, some of the plastic could litter the scenery here for decades. >> if you don't take care of it today you won't have this place to use tomorrow. and we would have a nice day today as temperatures did warm up a couple of degrees for yesterday's highs in the upper 40s to the lower 50s getting into the mid-50s and tomorrow will be more upper 50s. these are the highs from today. it is 54 or fairfield and antioch where they will come out to four, four to five degrees perhaps. but we would have a little shower activity to the north and we will be right in between the two i mentioned some showers coming out of this system with some showers north of the system. we would be right in the middle where we would stay with a few clouds that will be filtering in and out throughout the next few days with a chance of seeing this and a chance for some showers or sprinkles show up as we head towards the weekend. but again none of it looks like a big deal at this point. so no big game changers coming your way. not like last week with that big storm and that is a big storm. 24 hours of heavy wind and snow. look at the temperatures right now. you know it will be a cold night. you're already freezing in many bay area cities, we will easily get into the mid-30s tonight and that is in the urban part of town cooler in napa and fairfield by 5 degrees, cooler in concord by 5 degrees. >> just a beautiful night out there as we step out of the way. but that is the twin peaks, cam. that is gorgeous. >> doesn't that look cool? >> yeah. that's stunning. >> wow, we don't get that all the time, but they need to fix that camera coming from twin peaks, you know, the tower out there. you just have a real neat east bay and i bet you you can see that right there, right? berkeley and clairmont hotel. you'll see it the next couple of nights, very cold overnight lows. that'll be the story. that story of the cold mornings, mild days, cool days, they will stay with us with a few clouds, the only thing that will change that much so it will be dry this week as we would head towards the weekend for a better chance for something and they will set us up tuesday morning and nothing and that is tomorrow. wednesday morning, wednesday afternoon, i'm guessing you'll see them. and wednesday will look great and be a cold morning though. and then thursday morning, thursday afternoon. when you see a little southerly intrusion here and this area will drop down by the weekend. but that's way down the road, so compared to last week and the week before that, it's kind of a stable pattern, but we're doing well. i mean 150% of rainfall average in many parts about 135, 145% average for many parts of the bay area right now and northern california for that matter, that's good. and the snow will help for the mountains with the five-day forecast. i'll put a chance for a sprinkle into saturday and sunday. so enjoy it and be safe driving now, you'll find a little bit of the ice what have you with a little frost. maybe a little ice for some places especially up around the lake tahoe area. >> i could look at that view all night long. >> that's beautiful. i have not seen that shot. that's beautiful. >> thank you. there is a new warning out today that the world's fastest mammal is headed for extinction. take a look at recent video of the cheetah and her six cubs at a dutch zoo. so cute. but researchers out of london say their numbers in the wild are declining rapidly in continents around the world. they say there are just 7,100 cheetahs left in the world and cheetahs are completely wiped out calling for an urgent reclassifying status. they are vulnerable. if you watched the game you already know this, the nba now admits the officials made pretty big mistakes during the warriors/cavaliers christmas match up. >> jack del rio questions whether it was worth it to throw the ball. joe fonzi is up next in sports. afoot and light-hearted i take to the open road. healthy, free, the world before me, the long brown path before me leading wherever i choose. the east and the west are mine. the north and the south are mine. all seems beautiful to me. channel islands national park. coronado. saguaro. you'll see there's one that's an eagle. my number one goal is getting more funds out to parks because some animals and plants are only found in one place in the world, and that's in some national parks. i find that's a great cause, and i want to support it. (avo) the subaru share the love event has donated over four million dollars to help the national parks. get a new subaru, and we'll donate two hundred and fifty dollars more. ♪put a little love in your heart.♪ back now with joe fonzi in sports. everybody is talking about the raiders and derek carr's broken leg. it has disappointed the whole beginning of the playoffs. >> you need to turn the page and move on. that's all they can do right now. the raiders have had a couple ofdays to digest the fact they won't have derek carr for their first playoff appearance in 14 years. by now they would take carr out in saturday's game against the colts, it will be all too familiar. carr knew immediately the injury was serious. surgery is scheduled for tomorrow to repair a broken fibula in carr's right leg. jack del rio was asked about having carr pass. the raider were having a lead in the 4th quarter. >> when you end up looking at, you know, the final score we won by eight points. we won by one score basically. people here in the bay area think they have a pretty good understanding of what he is capable of. you're talking about facing elimination. we knew they would get everything they would have to close that game. >> and it was a long-time coming, but at least the 49ers can say they are no longer in the middle of the losing streak. 49ers first team in the l.a. coliseum since 1979 resulted in a season sweep of the rams. san francisco scored 15 fourth quarter points on the two-point conversion. a do-or-die play on the sidelines, the celebration was worthy of the playoff win, understandable with the 13-game losing streak coming to an end. >> the players stuck with each other all year long. it was happy for them to get a chance. to see what it was like to win again. just happy for those guys, so they would get a chance to catch them moving out. >> the detroit lions tonight are playing for their playoff lives against the dallas team that already have a first round bye. so matthew stafford and the lions at the palace against dak prescott playing anything, but a rookie. another rookie would break loose with a 55-yard run. 14-7 dallas lead. but the lions were able to match the cowboys for a while. forcing detroit in front going to the locker room tied at 21. but they did not score in the second half, but the cowboys did. they win 42-21. the lions will now play green bay on sunday for the nfc north title. warriors started a stretch on wednesday night where they will see them play nine out of the ten games at home against toronto where they are probably still steaming about the match up with the cavs ended. number one golden state had a 14-point lead with 9½ minutes left to play. after a view that he should have assessed a technical foul for hanging on the rim. you think? and then with the warriors down by one and inbounding with 3.4 seconds left, kevin durant went to the floor. throwing out the desperation shot where they said he should have been called for fouling durant. the warriors look forward to january 16 when the cavs make their one-regular season appearance in oakland. meanwhile the city that hadn't won anything said 1964 is feeling a little fool of themselves. they credited kyrie irving with a shot that put the cavs ahead for good. he did the same thing against the warriors, but some headlined a little more poignant. just for the record in the world series they had a 3-1 lead before the cubs came all the way back to win. we are nearing the nba and we have christmas day duty where you have to shift everything at home. steph curry's wife posting this clip on instagram. steph in a santa suit. bring some moves we don't see on the court. if you hear the laughter in the background, obviously getting approval from his wife. more bowl games to keep you occupied on this semi-holiday with the big ones to come later this week. north carolina against vanderbilt and the independence bowl a couple of 6-6 teams scoring a pair of touchdowns. he gets an opening, all the way to the goalline with their kickoff return. nc state will put it away with one more touchdown and the win 41-17. quite a finish in st. petersburg between mississippi sate and miami of ohio. lining up for a game-winning field goal. and it is blocked. by the bulldogs and nelson adam. mississippi state hangs on to win 17-16 still finishes the season 6-7. ford field in detroit and the side of the quick lane bowl. a little razzle-dazzle by boston college with the reverse to jeff smith who passes the quarterback patrick powell. on 4th down they are stacked by landry. hanging on to win 31-30. another game between two teams with a 6-6 record coming in. at 12-0 the cal women's basketball team is off to their best start in history. they cracked the top 25 for the first time this season at number 21. >> all right. go bears. >> all right. >> and so two mistakes by the lake with that cavs and warriors game. the warriors will be one to pay that. >> it is suffering to hear them say we made a mistake. >> yeah, we made a mistake and sorry, but see you on january 16 when the cavs come in town. >> all right, thank you, joe. thank you so much for joining us tonight. up next modern family. >> join us tomorrow morning. we are online, twitter, facebook, enjoy this lovely view. good night. at we're here. is there anything more important than clean water in developing countries? or a clean glass in this one? oh. oh, my gosh. it that anne gibbs, the lady from channel 12 news? [ gasps ] oh, my god! it's anne gibbs! oh, i love her! that reaction would've been big if it was anne hathaway. oh, she is hiding quite a figure behind that desk. okay, what's going on with you and anne gibbs? come on. we gotta go say hi to her. okay, we're doing this? mitchell: hey. hi. hi. i'm sorry. um, i am such a fan. i was so moved by that story you did about the gymnast with the hump. - you want to hear something crazy? - yeah. he just got a scholarship to notre dame. - no! oh, my gosh! [ laughs ] - yeah. [ laughs ] you probably get this all the time, but i have a story for you. i represent some homeless people in a case against a corporation that pays them slave wages. how long has this been going on? since 2012. we're just trying to shine a light - on how awful they're being. - truly awful. - are you working on this, too? - oh, gosh. no, no. - i'm just this one's husband. - yeah. i'm a high school football coach. cameron tucker. yes. oh, god. i'm so embarrassed. mitchell pritchett. how are you? - really? - so -- you are an openly gay high school football coach?

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Transcripts For KTVU The Ten OClock News On KTVU Fox 2 20161227

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allison. >> i'm ken wayne. frank and julie are off tonight. a somber evening is held for the victims. police are still investigating what happened. azenith smith? >> reporter: yeah ken, police say it appears alcohol may have been a factor in this crash. through tears tonight, the best friends of the suspected drunk driver said mistakes happen. unfortunately this mistake cost two lives. we want to show you video of the vigil tonight earlier where family and friends of the 25- year-old jessica zamara, they held candles and each other. in san jose where the single mother died on christmas day police tell us just after midnight zamara was behind the wheel driving her chevy malibu near snell avenue hitting a lexus head on. a 14-year-old boy with his parents were in the car. that boy was killed. his parents were taken to valley medical center expected to recover. now again police tell us she may have been drinking. tonight we spoke to her best friend. >> she was a wonderful mom and a wonderful friend, a wonderful person. she was loving, yes, she did drink that night, but no one is perfect. >> reporter: again a very emotional night. family members say she was at a bar before the accident. we also spoke to the bar manager earlier today who had two drinks there. leaving behind a 5-year-old daughter, a gofundme page has been set up. i wanted to share i read a sign that said this from our family to yours our condolences. i heard the best friend say they were sorry for what happened. we don't know much about the 14- year-old boy, but we are told he is from san jose and likely a high school student. >> have police said anything about what leads them to believe she was drinking in a bartender said she had two drinks, but doesn't necessarily mean she was impaired. have they said anything else about this? >> reporter: no, we have not heard much as to why they suspected it was a dui crash. but we do know perhaps they have enough evidence. we don't know if alcohol was found in that car. it is something we'll follow up on, but they will have enough evidence to say it is a suspected dui crash. >> nonetheless two families will never see christmas the same way. all right, thank you so much. in the meantime law enforcement across the bay area have stepped up efforts to curb impaired driving throughout the holiday season. saturation controls will once again be out this weekend checking for drunk and drugged officers. we were with san rafael during their recent patrols where several people were stopped or cited. san rafael police will have another dui check point for new year's eve weekend. we're following developing news where a shooting critically wounded a man early this evening happening at the corner of florida street at 5:00 when officers arrived at the scene they found a man outside a liquor store who had been shot. >> witnesses on scene provided care and transported the patient to a local hospital with life threatening injuries. >> the victim was taken to fairfield no word on the motive yet. police have not made any arrests. now to a major setback for the oakland raiders. the dreams were dashed for the star quarterback out indefinitely after a season- ending injury on christmas eve. >> sports anchor joe fonzi joins us now. he was scheduled for surgery yesterday and that didn't necessarily have anyone go into surgery, but put this into perspective for us. >> right now it's not so much about the timing, but the immediate future for the raiders. this has been a magical season for oakland and their fans. but with the playoffs around the corner, the mind set for everything has changed. a huge part of their success has been due to the continued developments of the quarterback after suffering a broken fibula on this play on saturday's game against the colts. the first venture will have to wait for another time. the crowd at the coliseum went silent as carr was helped off the field. he'll undergo surgery tomorrow, losing one of the best young quarterbacks in the league for the rest of the season will obviously have an impact on the raiders, but they also know there is no time to have regrets. >> this is a tough game. things happen in this game. it's all about the team, it's all about us moving on with the next opportunities and pulling together as a group of men being unselfish and sacrificing for each other with all those things that doesn't change regardless of who it is. we're going to do what we always do. there is a natch wall feeling of stepping up, rallying around whoever is playing at whatever position it is and to feel the same about it being the quarterback. it's about us as a team going out, competing against the other team. >> the undrafted quarterback who will lead the raiders and still plenty to play for on their final regular season game of the year. oakland's win in denver will ensure the raiders of the first round bye. but combined with the kansas city win, they will give the chiefs the afc west title and reduce the raiders to wild card status. and a lot to play for. but obviously in the matter to wipe out or finish out the regular season to be in the first round of the wild card game or to have a bye is going to be without derek carr for next year. >> you pointed out earlier when they saw tony romo they would have a capable fill-in and we don't know what would happen in the raiders case, but there is precedence for this. >> that's how tom brady first came to the forefront when brew bledsoe got hurt -- drew bledsoe got hurt. they don't expect goin to be derek carr, but as you heard del rio say no one will toss in the towel right now. they'll prepare for the regular season and prepare for the playoffs. >> they don't have any other choice. >> that's right. fans of course are heartbroken about carr's injury. the first time in 14 years the raiders are headed for the playoffs. looks like their star quarterback will be sitting on the sidelines. >> what are we going to do? i don't know what we're going to do without him. >> i was devastated and hurt because that was my quarterback and the one i've been bragging about every day this whole season. >> i'm very sad derek carr broke his leg. on ktvu we posted the latest on derek carr's injuries including more of today's news conference with coach del rio. click on the story near the top of the home page. >> well donald trump is putting steven miller to work as the speedwriter. miller has begun the draft version of the speech and plans to make it more nationalistic than ideaistic touching on jobs, border security, and the economy. he also wrote the address for the republican national convention when mr. trump declared, "i alone can fix it." white house staffers are gearing up for the big day as donald trump takes his oath of office 132 rooms at the white house must be emptied and prepare for the incoming administration. one reports the operation must take place in just a span of six hours. >> what happens on inauguration day is a very fine tune, almost military precision moving. >> reporter: as we found out the white house changes hands almost as instantaneously as the presidency does. >> what people don't know in that six-hour window they have to move one president out and in that there's 132 rooms in the white house. that's a ton of furniture, a lot of momentos and things to think about getting in and out. >> while they're getting underway, members of the white house staff will be frantically moving out the remanence of the obama administration and preparing the residents and offices for their new inhabitants. >> starting that morning every single item in the west wing has been moved out. the desks, new paint, paper, new carpet is laid. we're bringing in new pencils, new desks, the whole nine. >> reporter: what about the hundreds of white house staff members spending years serving president obama and his family? >> the president has a political staff who comes in with him on their first day. it's a remainder of the folks at the white house or career staff. they will stay from president to president. whether it's the butlers, the pastry chef, record management folks, some of these people have been here for 30, 40, 50 years. >> reporter: back to the incoming president as we're learning a little more about what a trump white house might look like. >> with the trump penthouse in manhattan, which is guilded with gold and very louis style. they won't replicate that at the white house. however i'm sure they might make a few changes. >> reporter: after the obamas accompany president elect trump they'll head off for the very last time headed to an undisclosed warm location for vacation and upon their return they will move into a rental home just a few miles from the white house in washington. joel waldman fox news. president obama got a sharp response from donald trump for a comment about the presidential race. mr. obama claims he would have beaten them for a third term tweeting he thinks he would have won against me. he should say that, but i would say no way. jobs are leaving, isis, etc. coming up a shopping trip turns deadly in the east bay. at 10:30 new information about a stabbing inside a target store that kills one man sending two others to jail. it's a cold night out there. in some places it will be colder than last night. we'll see below freezing temperatures with frost in the morning back here after the break. a first from darkness to light. the touching show of faith on this third night of hanukkah after a six-foot menorah is stolen from the bay area park. >> even for the haters out there they won't have the opportunity to hate. new at 10:00 from darkness to light a show of faith in san francisco on this third night of hanukkah after a large menorah was stolen from washington square park. members tell us they notice the menorah was gone a couple of days ago when they went to light the first candle. >> tonight they brought their own to send a message. rob malcolm live with how they have brought some people together. rob? >> well that's right. i'm coming to you from washington square park where we have been told over the past couple of weeks even the christmas tree behind me has been vandalized numerous times. now with that six-foot tall menorah missing from right here this spot, the community came together tonight to remember the jewish festival of light would continue. >> reporter: a festival of light after a night of darkness. >> someone vandalized the tree three times in the last two weeks and then they took the menorah. so for us to come together in the spirit of light, which is really the jewish division it means a lot. >> reporter: the menorah that stood six feet tall weighing 160 pounds was installed two weeks ago in washington square park on the corner of filbert and stockton. its sudden disappearance surprised everyone. >> when someone comes to a symbol in a public fear and takes that away, that is a portrayal of hate. that's saying what you're doing is not important. and i am going to ruin that for you. >> the community realized the menorah was missing on saturday when they went to light the candle the second night of hanukkah. but now they look at surveillance video from neighborhood businesses. the jewish festival of light continued with a new meaning to create more light using a smaller individual menorah. >> their ceremony just kind of fell, sending a message we're still together, we are strong, and we come together no matter what. we celebrate any way. >> all of us have oil inside of us that will be used to light the candle to light with each other over the holiday season spreading a message of love and hope and it will be the same and maybe just a big difference. >> i'm excited for every year to be able to light up the park to have a grander menorah next year. it might be chained down and we might need to have cameras on it all time for the haters out there they will not have the opportunity to hate. >> reporter: back here live on saturday when this menorah went missing, majority of the businesses were closed. for that reason they are hoping surveillance video will yield some clues. >> all right, thank you very much, rob. residents of an upscale neighborhood in san jose had their mailboxes stolen over the holiday. on christmas eve a pair of men detached the mailboxes from the concrete and took off in a pick up truck. their mailboxes had been broken into before by identity thieves looking for credit card offers and other items, but this is the first time the criminals have taken off with the mailboxes themselves. >> i feel very victimized. this is something, the fourth time it happened. before they broke into the mailboxes and this time they would say hey let's take the whole thing. >> two men were hispanic in their 30s, they were driving a white pickup truck. california is raising their minimum wage as of january 1. the hourly wage increases from $10 to $10.50 on sunday and then gradually goes up each year until it reaches $15 an hour by 2022. the new law affects businesses with more than 25 employees. as of the first of the year beauty salons and barbershops in california will be legally allowed to serve alcohol to customers as long as it is free and before 10:00 p.m. some beauty shops were already doing this offering champagne, for instance to some customers which technically was against the law without a liquor license. and alts highly publicized sexual -- and also the highly publicized sexual assault case prompts a new law finding those sexually assaulting an inconscious person ineligible for parole and broadens the definition of rape to include all forms of non-consensual sexual assault. another new law targets drivers who may be distracted by their cell phones. as of january 1 it will be against the law to hold the phone at all while you're driving. reporter mike lury explains. >> reporter: it's called distracted driving keeping your hands on your phone instead of the wheel. >> oh yeah all the time. i would go to the side and it is dangerous to be on the road because they could cause an accident. >> dmv data shows 12 deadly crashes from last year with hand held cell phones. 500 injuries and 700 property damage collisions. starting on sunday it will be illegal to stream videos on your phone while driving. >> and some people can multitask and some don't. >> reporter: the new law is good news for some wireless stores. >> any phone is compatible with bluetooth. >> reporter: his customers at cricket wireless are coming in with lots of questions about the new law. >> they've been wondering how they would get around with gps and not only that, but they would like to listen to music while they're driving, calming them down. how would they change from song to song. >> they are wireless and other devices on the market to help you comply with the new law. it seems to be getting the thumbs up from drivers we talk to today. >> you've got your hands free and your mind busy. you're not watching it very well. >> it is a sign of a safety measure to get people not to be distracted while they're driving. >> yes, it will prevent accidents. >> reporter: reporting the new law only allows the use of cellphones and other devices if they are mounted on the dash board in such a way that doesn't block the driver's view of the roads. we are tracking that very cool overnight temperature we're expecting. it is already cool out there with a lot of cold air coming off the islands, then cold air in place from the storm a few days ago. clouds to the south and north of us, no rain for us. look how close we get. you'll see the green coming in here with a few sprinkles. down around the conception and then we are just right in the middle showing you a few clouds out there right now. but despite the cloud cover we're still cold. usually they warm things up just a bit. it's not really helping us out, it's cold in santa rosa a few degrees away from freezing. and 45 in san francisco. it will be a chilly morning. this morning we would have temperatures down to the 20s tomorrow morning it will be similar. 8 degrees cooler in napa and it will be a cooler night where it will be a little warmer because of those clouds. there's the bridge, it's a beautiful night out there all lit up and it's crisp, all out throughout the bay area. you can see frost in your backyard. we will see you tomorrow morning. you could see frost at the golden gate park, you know, in the valley, you know the spot. get ready for a cold start to your day on tuesday. and the afternoon warms up a little bit. these are the overnight lows. you'll see they were very similar to today and then tomorrow's highs, you know, yesterday we were in the 40s. tomorrow we're going to be in the mid-50s and in some cases the upper 50s. so tomorrow will be a lot like what we would have today with more clouds tomorrow. and just temperatures will be a little warmer. when i come back we'll talk about the chance of some rain that shows up in the five-day forecast. see you back here. >> all right, thanks, bill. the temperatures are dipping near or below freezing time to give you a little extra tlc. there are a number of precautions to take to survive winter weather. they have seen an uptick in purchasing frost protection items, bags, and sprays to help plants endure the chilly winter weather. >> when it is really cold outside, the cold sucks the moisture out of the plants. that's what causes the damage in them especially cell damage. so by spraying this on the plant, you are going to help reduce that cold from sucking out the moisture. >> another survival tip is helping to keep their plants alive through the winter and still water them at the roots near the bottom making sure you don't get the leaves wet. a deadly holiday weekend in chicago. >> first they would have all the bodies laying. >> yes, they were laying in the streets. >> up next what authorities are saying about more than two dozen shootings there within the last three days. later in sports, hear more from the raiders head coach and the decision to be throwing at that point in the game where derek carr was injured. >> we're learning about several mall brawls tonight at shopping centers across the country. afoot and light-hearted i take to the open road. healthy, free, the world before me, the long brown path before me leading wherever i choose. the east and the west are mine. the north and the south are mine. all seems beautiful to me. intercourse that's painful due to menopausal changes. it's not likely to go away on its own. so let's do something about it. premarin vaginal cream can help. it provides estrogens to help rebuild vaginal tissue and make intercourse more comfortable. premarin vaginal cream treats vaginal changes due to menopause and moderate-to-severe painful intercourse caused by these changes. don't use it if you've had unusual vaginal bleeding, breast or uterine cancer, blood clots, liver problems, stroke or heart attack, are allergic to any of its ingredients or think you're pregnant. side effects may include headache, pelvic pain, breast pain, vaginal bleeding and vaginitis. estrogens may increase your chances of getting cancer of the uterus, strokes, blood clots, or dementia so use it for the shortest time based on goals and risks. estrogens should not be used to prevent heart disease, heart attack, stroke or dementia. ask your doctor about premarin vaginal cream. police in colorado tonight evacuated a mall in aurora after a fight broke out between about 500 people. authorities later described it as multiple skirmishes inside the mall. one witness tweeted a video showing police officers holding two women face down on the ground. no customers or officers were said to be hurt. five juveniles were arrested. similar large-scale brawls are said to have been broken out across the country includingohio, connecticut, tennessee. gang war fair in chicago are on the rise. 12 people killed with more than 40 others wounded in shootings across the windy city. fox news anchor kelly wright has more on the violent holiday weekend. >> all of a sudden i heard pop, pop, pop. >> christmas in chicago marred by multiple shootings. one claiming the lives of two brothers just 18 and 21 years old. >> when i first came out i saw the bodies laying. yeah, they were laying in the street covered up. >> as you all know christmas eve into christmas day we had a reprehensible amount of shootings and murders. >> detectives are investigating more than two dozen shootings including two monday morning. 12 people dead, another 50 people hurt. >> these were deliberate. and planning one shooting against the gangs. they were targeted knowing fully well that individuals would be at the homes of families and friends celebrating the holiday. this was followed by several acts of retaliation. >> chicago has seen an alarming increase in violence. police say there have been 745 murders this year. a total number of shooting victims soaring to more than 4,200. while this is the sickening reality, it shows yet again that our penalties for caring and using guns here in chicago are just not deterrent on repeat offenders. >> all of this daveing up the murder rate -- driving up the murder rate by more than 14%. chicago alone responsible for nearly half that increase. in washington kelly wright fox news. a deadly stabbing inside an east bay target store. >> and it is sad, you know, someone would do that. >> up next what we're learning about the victim and two suspects behind bars. >> plus the scene of returning. the rush now at a bay area mall to exchange those unwanted christmas gifts. i like to know what's happening as soon as it happens. who won the game, who won on the dancing show... ...i mean, if i watched that show. same with my banking. with my bank of america mobile banking app, i can see my accounts all in one place. i can easily manage them and if 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the latest on the investigation. >> reporter: it was christmas eve and shopping was full swing at target store on whipple road in hayward where a fight broke out 8:30 saturday night. a 26-year-old hayward man was stabbed dying at the hospital. two suspects ran away, but arrested around the corner. both men in their 20s in hayward. the names of the victims and suspects not released. they don't believe the killing is gang related, but they were not saying what the argument was about. authorities would not say whether the attack was captured on the store surveillance cameras. this is the city's 13th homicide this year. ten killings in hayward in 2016. the thoughts are with the the family involved. in a statement at target the safety and security of our guests and team members is a top priority as soon as we were made aware of the incident, we immediately contacted local law enforcement and closed the store. target shoppers say they are stunned by the christmas eve violence. >> i'm shocked. i come here all the time because we don't live that far away. i have nerve seen anything that is concerning. >> and it is sad someone would do that. i just can't understand, you know, how humans could take another person's life. >> any time anything bad happens in your neighborhood you're not happy about it. but this is the first i have heard about it. typically i find us in a decent neighborhood and to hear that is a little shocking. >> they will decide whether to file formal murder charges. in hayward ktvu fox 2 news henry lee. an uber driver is sharing a frightening story to someone that shot someone over the weekend. the 36-year-old man did not want to be identified. he came to the u.s. from afghanistan to get away from violence, but on saturday morning he says he was waiting for a passenger in hays valley when someone ran up to his window, shot at him and ran off. the bullet just barely missed his face. >> he would shoot me. fortunately the bullet just bounced from my face. >> glass flying through the air did cut his face near his eye, which sent him to the hospital. police picked up the gunfire on the shot spotter, but right now there are no reports of a suspect or an arrest. and now when a woman was threatened dragged towards a vehicle in an attempted kidnapping. investigators say the 51-year- old woman was walking near grant and channel streets around 11:30 last night. a man drove up next to her and told her to get into his car or he would kill her, then grabbed her, but she was able to break free and get help. today people downtown stockton say they are taking precautions to keep themselves safe. >> you just have to watch your surroundings when you come out here. you have to, you know, come with family. i have my entourage right here, so you know people need protecting. >> the woman went to the hospital where she was treated for non-life threatening injuries. the suspect is described as a black man between 30 to 40 weighing around 190 pounds. he drove away in a 1990s two- door red toyota -- toyota celica. ktvu ann rubin talked to some of the shoppers scrambling after bargains today in san jose. >> mayhem at the mall starts in the parking lot. but shoppers at the fair say they are willing to brave this in order to get this. the deep discounts on the bay after christmas. we asked the manager. >> and specifically here they will be better after christmas and they are on black friday. the crowds are every bit as big. >> nothing, but pure insanity. and everybody is looking for their last-minute sales. people are shopping for themselves, it's insane and madness. that is the only word i have, it's madness. for others, it's an opportunity to exchange something that is not quite right. the family says they cannot help, but get a little carried away. >> they are buying extra stuff they probably don't need, but it is fun to have and just great sales. >> reporter: some come with a targeted approach. they are just here to exchange it all. >> just trying to get through the crowd to get in and out. >> in case we do see some sails. >> the sales themselves have become a tradition for some families. every year our daughters and our sons the day after christmas we go shopping. that's a part of the ritual. >> they came looking for bargains and they found some. >> just a button down shirt and a tie. >> and people who would brave the post-holiday crowd each year, their advice to come early. >> we are done, here we come. >> if you miss out today, don't worry. we are told sales continued throughout the week and some stores are promising additional mark downs over the next few days. at the westfield valley mall ann rubin ktvu fox 2 news. 80s pop-star george michael remembered today. how fans are paying tribute to the singer in his hometown just a day after his passing. we talk about that cool night tonight and the next couple of nights. now we'll look at some clouds and a chance for some showers towards the end of the week. plus, new details about a plane crash that killed several members of the brazilian soccer team. fire officials are confirming two people died in the small plane crash today shortly after the plane took off. they say the single-engine plane had taken off from the sky park airport and crashed at the edge of the pond north of the airport. one woman told the -- one woman said they saw the plane take off. it was an experimental plane registered to a fresno man, but they have not identified the two men who have died. >> declaring a national day of mourning as a massive search and recovery operation got underway. the plane crashed for those victims. the jet crashed into the black sea yesterday and russian officials say all 92 people on board were killed, today two chunks of the fuel solage were recovered, looking for the flight recorders. russian officials believe the crash was an accident, but they have not ruled out terrorism. they are members of the choir headed to syria to perform on new year's eve for russian troops. we're learning more about last month's deadly plane crash in columbia that killed 71 people including 19 members of a brazilian soccer team. aviation officials today confirmed the plane ran out of fuel before they landed. they were accompanying the team for a championship playoff match in columbia. bull, but a few members of the team were killed. tributes continue to pour in for george michael who died yesterday at the age of 53. ♪ [ music ] george michael shot international stardom as the part of the dual wham achieving success as a solo artist earning an album of the year grammy for faith in 1989. fans are leaving flowers and cards of his home in england in a small village about 50 miles west of london. he went out drinking. landing in the pub, just enjoying himself. the singer's manager says the cause of death was heart failure and is not considered suspicious. talking trash in lake tahoe. up next the efforts to clean up the sierra as people head up from snow. a cold winter night in the bay area. it's beautiful out there. the trend will continue. chief meteorologist bill martin will have the complete bay area forecast. a holiday storm brought more than two feet of snow into lake tahoe ski resorts this weekend. squall valley received 25 inches of snow over the weekend and that some new trails opened today for skiers. it's a busy time of the year, but not everyone who ventures to the higher elevations are going to ski. >> as reporter kevin oliver reports some visitors are looking to rejoice the joy of mother nature leaving behind a lot of trash. >> reporter: getting near borea was a mess this monday as holiday travelers are looking for a place to park to go sledding. but the traffic wasn't the only mess. here the pile of broken sleds and trash filled the dumpster overflowing. at least though here it was near the garbage can. at other sledding locations along their corridor we found that wasn't the case. guadalupe perez has been coming for three years to this snowy spot so her family could play in the fresh powder and build snowmen. this year she noticed someone started building heaps of garbage. >> i never see people leaving the trash. we don't do that, so i don't know. >> the bright color pieces are hard to mess, so is the giant inflatable raft left here. seeing who happens to work for them brought their family out to the snow and recognized that impact. it will take years and years and years that it should be a social responsibility, which is pick up after yourself. >> and while they will clean up some sights that get trashed, some of the plastic could litter the scenery here for decades. >> if you don't take care of it today you won't have this place to use tomorrow. and we would have a nice day today as temperatures did warm up a couple of degrees for yesterday's highs in the upper 40s to the lower 50s getting into the mid-50s and tomorrow will be more upper 50s. these are the highs from today. it is 54 or fairfield and antioch where they will come out to four, four to five degrees perhaps. but we would have a little shower activity to the north and we will be right in between the two i mentioned some showers coming out of this system with some showers north of the system. we would be right in the middle where we would stay with a few clouds that will be filtering in and out throughout the next few days with a chance of seeing this and a chance for some showers or sprinkles show up as we head towards the weekend. but again none of it looks like a big deal at this point. so no big game changers coming your way. not like last week with that big storm and that is a big storm. 24 hours of heavy wind and snow. look at the temperatures right now. you know it will be a cold night. you're already freezing in many bay area cities, we will easily get into the mid-30s tonight and that is in the urban part of town cooler in napa and fairfield by 5 degrees, cooler in concord by 5 degrees. >> just a beautiful night out there as we step out of the way. but that is the twin peaks, cam. that is gorgeous. >> doesn't that look cool? >> yeah. that's stunning. >> wow, we don't get that all the time, but they need to fix that camera coming from twin peaks, you know, the tower out there. you just have a real neat east bay and i bet you you can see that right there, right? berkeley and clairmont hotel. you'll see it the next couple of nights, very cold overnight lows. that'll be the story. that story of the cold mornings, mild days, cool days, they will stay with us with a few clouds, the only thing that will change that much so it will be dry this week as we would head towards the weekend for a better chance for something and they will set us up tuesday morning and nothing and that is tomorrow. wednesday morning, wednesday afternoon, i'm guessing you'll see them. and wednesday will look great and be a cold morning though. and then thursday morning, thursday afternoon. when you see a little southerly intrusion here and this area will drop down by the weekend. but that's way down the road, so compared to last week and the week before that, it's kind of a stable pattern, but we're doing well. i mean 150% of rainfall average in many parts about 135, 145% average for many parts of the bay area right now and northern california for that matter, that's good. and the snow will help for the mountains with the five-day forecast. i'll put a chance for a sprinkle into saturday and sunday. so enjoy it and be safe driving now, you'll find a little bit of the ice what have you with a little frost. maybe a little ice for some places especially up around the lake tahoe area. >> i could look at that view all night long. >> that's beautiful. i have not seen that shot. that's beautiful. >> thank you. there is a new warning out today that the world's fastest mammal is headed for extinction. take a look at recent video of the cheetah and her six cubs at a dutch zoo. so cute. but researchers out of london say their numbers in the wild are declining rapidly in continents around the world. they say there are just 7,100 cheetahs left in the world and cheetahs are completely wiped out calling for an urgent reclassifying status. they are vulnerable. if you watched the game you already know this, the nba now admits the officials made pretty big mistakes during the warriors/cavaliers christmas match up. >> jack del rio questions whether it was worth it to throw the ball. joe fonzi is up next in sports. afoot and light-hearted i take to the open road. healthy, free, the world before me, the long brown path before me leading wherever i choose. the east and the west are mine. the north and the south are mine. all seems beautiful to me. channel islands national park. coronado. saguaro. you'll see there's one that's an eagle. my number one goal is getting more funds out to parks because some animals and plants are only found in one place in the world, and that's in some national parks. i find that's a great cause, and i want to support it. (avo) the subaru share the love event has donated over four million dollars to help the national parks. get a new subaru, and we'll donate two hundred and fifty dollars more. ♪put a little love in your heart.♪ back now with joe fonzi in sports. everybody is talking about the raiders and derek carr's broken leg. it has disappointed the whole beginning of the playoffs. >> you need to turn the page and move on. that's all they can do right now. the raiders have had a couple ofdays to digest the fact they won't have derek carr for their first playoff appearance in 14 years. by now they would take carr out in saturday's game against the colts, it will be all too familiar. carr knew immediately the injury was serious. surgery is scheduled for tomorrow to repair a broken fibula in carr's right leg. jack del rio was asked about having carr pass. the raider were having a lead in the 4th quarter. >> when you end up looking at, you know, the final score we won by eight points. we won by one score basically. people here in the bay area think they have a pretty good understanding of what he is capable of. you're talking about facing elimination. we knew they would get everything they would have to close that game. >> and it was a long-time coming, but at least the 49ers can say they are no longer in the middle of the losing streak. 49ers first team in the l.a. coliseum since 1979 resulted in a season sweep of the rams. san francisco scored 15 fourth quarter points on the two-point conversion. a do-or-die play on the sidelines, the celebration was worthy of the playoff win, understandable with the 13-game losing streak coming to an end. >> the players stuck with each other all year long. it was happy for them to get a chance. to see what it was like to win again. just happy for those guys, so they would get a chance to catch them moving out. >> the detroit lions tonight are playing for their playoff lives against the dallas team that already have a first round bye. so matthew stafford and the lions at the palace against dak prescott playing anything, but a rookie. another rookie would break loose with a 55-yard run. 14-7 dallas lead. but the lions were able to match the cowboys for a while. forcing detroit in front going to the locker room tied at 21. but they did not score in the second half, but the cowboys did. they win 42-21. the lions will now play green bay on sunday for the nfc north title. warriors started a stretch on wednesday night where they will see them play nine out of the ten games at home against toronto where they are probably still steaming about the match up with the cavs ended. number one golden state had a 14-point lead with 9½ minutes left to play. after a view that he should have assessed a technical foul for hanging on the rim. you think? and then with the warriors down by one and inbounding with 3.4 seconds left, kevin durant went to the floor. throwing out the desperation shot where they said he should have been called for fouling durant. the warriors look forward to january 16 when the cavs make their one-regular season appearance in oakland. meanwhile the city that hadn't won anything said 1964 is feeling a little fool of themselves. they credited kyrie irving with a shot that put the cavs ahead for good. he did the same thing against the warriors, but some headlined a little more poignant. just for the record in the world series they had a 3-1 lead before the cubs came all the way back to win. we are nearing the nba and we have christmas day duty where you have to shift everything at home. steph curry's wife posting this clip on instagram. steph in a santa suit. bring some moves we don't see on the court. if you hear the laughter in the background, obviously getting approval from his wife. more bowl games to keep you occupied on this semi-holiday with the big ones to come later this week. north carolina against vanderbilt and the independence bowl a couple of 6-6 teams scoring a pair of touchdowns. he gets an opening, all the way to the goalline with their kickoff return. nc state will put it away with one more touchdown and the win 41-17. quite a finish in st. petersburg between mississippi sate and miami of ohio. lining up for a game-winning field goal. and it is blocked. by the bulldogs and nelson adam. mississippi state hangs on to win 17-16 still finishes the season 6-7. ford field in detroit and the side of the quick lane bowl. a little razzle-dazzle by boston college with the reverse to jeff smith who passes the quarterback patrick powell. on 4th down they are stacked by landry. hanging on to win 31-30. another game between two teams with a 6-6 record coming in. at 12-0 the cal women's basketball team is off to their best start in history. they cracked the top 25 for the first time this season at number 21. >> all right. go bears. >> all right. >> and so two mistakes by the lake with that cavs and warriors game. the warriors will be one to pay that. >> it is suffering to hear them say we made a mistake. >> yeah, we made a mistake and sorry, but see you on january 16 when the cavs come in town. >> all right, thank you, joe. thank you so much for joining us tonight. up next modern family. >> join us tomorrow morning. we are online, twitter, facebook, enjoy this lovely view. good night. at we're here. is there anything more important than clean water in developing countries? or a clean glass in this one? oh. oh, my gosh. it that anne gibbs, the lady from channel 12 news? [ gasps ] oh, my god! it's anne gibbs! oh, i love her! that reaction would've been big if it was anne hathaway. oh, she is hiding quite a figure behind that desk. okay, what's going on with you and anne gibbs? come on. we gotta go say hi to her. okay, we're doing this? mitchell: hey. hi. hi. i'm sorry. um, i am such a fan. i was so moved by that story you did about the gymnast with the hump. - you want to hear something crazy? - yeah. he just got a scholarship to notre dame. - no! oh, my gosh! [ laughs ] - yeah. [ laughs ] you probably get this all the time, but i have a story for you. i represent some homeless people in a case against a corporation that pays them slave wages. how long has this been going on? since 2012. we're just trying to shine a light - on how awful they're being. - truly awful. - are you working on this, too? - oh, gosh. no, no. - i'm just this one's husband. - yeah. i'm a high school football coach. cameron tucker. yes. oh, god. i'm so embarrassed. mitchell pritchett. how are you? - really? - so -- you are an openly gay high school football coach?

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