Transcripts For KTVU KTVU Noon News 20141203 : comparemela.c

Transcripts For KTVU KTVU Noon News 20141203

why police say the suspect picked the wrong person to rob. another wet start to the morning after thunderstorms overnight. while the rain is much needed, it's still creating quite a mess throughout the bay area. right now, crews are working to repair a massive sinkhole in san francisco as well as cleaning up major flooding in the north bay and chp says for the second day in a row, the agency received hundreds of calls for service this morning. good afternoon. i'm tori campbell. we are on stormwatch with team coverage. we begin with steve paulson out in the elements with a look at the totals so far. good afternoon, steve. >> reporter: good afternoon. i gotta tell you. last night, it started about midnight, 2:00 in the morning when the lightning and the thunderstorms hit. really erupted around daly city to san francisco, then into marin county which just got absolutely slammed this morning. then all the way up to the russian river. getting reports around cazadero, bohemian highway, really rapid rises on some creeks. the good news, i think some of this is starting to decrease. a lot of this is pushing east. heavy rain in marin county. napa county. a lot of this is heading off toward the east, down towards santa cruz mountains, there's easily been pretty hefty totals approaching 4 inches. i've had a few reports of west marin, russian river of 4 to 8 inches of rain. some of this has been since midnight t others since the weekend. but it is looking like it is starting to get a little bit clearer to the west. that's a sign of things to come even though we might be getting thunderstorms. some of the rain don't -- totals are off the street. sleepy hollow, 5 inches since midnight. a lot of areas in the santa cruz mountains, boulder creek, ben lomond, 4 inches and around petaluma, novato, my goodness, 4 to 5 inches. some of these areas across the board, you name it from san jose all the way to santa rosa. we're seeing 1, 2 and some-inch amounts. sunnyvale had three-inch amounts. we're not done yet. at high tide, about as high as i've seen the estuary in the bay in a long time, in a couple years. we're starting to get a little bit of a break. there's still some rain on the way. >> i saw it was pouring earlier. getting a little bit of a break. in san francisco, an inopportunity intersection is closed because of a massive hole in the road. noelle walker joins us live from the scene of the sinkhole 0 to explain what crews are doing. >> reporter: they are working in miserable conditions. it started at 8:30. take a looge at what if is. it's grown to a 45-foot deep by 25-wide sinkhole t appears to be growing. that far edge has started to crack. it looks like that would fall at any moment. this started at 8:30 this morning. we know that pg&e has pinchers ready to pinch off the gas if they need it. so far they haven't needed it. we know there is a broken water main and a broken sewer line. add to that, it's an aging infrastructure. this infrastructure is 100 years old. we talked to a spokeswoman. she's what she said. >> we have a lot of repairs underway. we're trying to do 15 miles a year of repairs. we're not vl sure if we knew about this. we're looking into it to see if it was hon the docket or if we're just finding out about it. i don't know. sometimes they just have so many repairs to make, that this he will make the street temporarily until te can get a major project. i don't know if that was the case here. >> reporter: obviously, this intersection is closed. this is 6th and lake in san francisco. they've had workers out here all morning that have been digging holes around the perimeter. i'm not sure if they are checking for the lines that lead to where the sinkhole is but it is 40 feet deep by 20 feet wide appears to be growing as we speak. now, we saw actually chinese delivery come in about five minutes ago. so they are planning on being here for a while. i'm told they are expecting this job to take anywhere between four and six hours. this is not the first sinkhole to happen on lake street. about a year, year and a half ago, at lake and second. so that's about four blocks away, there was another sinkhole. they are into the not -- they are not sure if there is a problem along the corridor or if it's coincidence. noelle walker, ktvu channel 2 news. >> thank you. well, flooded streets in petaluma are causing problems for some drivers. this video was shot on lindberg lane around 7:45 this morning. it's in a neighborhood between the petaluma river and highway 101 just east of downtown petaluma. at least two cars got stuck in high water. you can see one man here pushed his own car out of the water. the other one had to get a tow. well, it certainly was a wet and wild morning for people in marin county, damage and snarling traffic. ktvu's tara moriarty shows us the aftermath. >> reporter: a squeegee came in handy for jeff harmon this morning. >> at 3:00, it was coming down in sheets. i thought about this place but i thought about the roof. i didn't think about the ground. >> reporter: the relentless rain pounded the physical therapy business with nearly three feet of water. >> we got a pass through that dumped a lot of water through. frankly it overwhelmed the drainage system here. >> reporter: a nearby frame shop and restaurant took a beating. >> checked the front and then the -- when i opened the door the water came in. >> reporter: pablo castro says the water came gushing in at 3:30. >> just tried to save things on the floor, lift them from the floor. the chairs, the sofas we couldn't do anything about it. >> reporter: he says he has to replace all of his hardwood floors which are already warping. efsays they have sentimental value because those floors were inside jerry garcia's house. cars, cabs, even emergency vehicles got stuck. several afternoon and offramps to highway 101 had to be shut down until the water subsided that snarled the morning commute for hours. while the rain was a relief, it was also a headache for many. tara moriarty, ktvu channel 2 news. the weather system is causing big headaches for people flying in and out of san francisco international airport once again today. these are live pictures of the airport. it's rather overcast there. airport duty manager is reporting 112 cancellations. those are mostly short-haul flights up and down the west coast. most flights, 30, 60 minutes, that's exacted to get worse as the day goes on. san jose and oakland airports, those operations are normal. we'll continue our stormwatch team coverage throughout the morning. you can find more at and mobile ktvu. breaking news out of new york where a grand jury has issued a decision not to charge a white police officer in the chokehold educate of an unarmed black man. officers say they stopped eric garner in july for selling loose untaxed cigarettes. a bystander took this video while the man was yell, i can't breathe. the coroner ruled his death a homicide and the grand jury started to deliberate and the protests are peaceful so far. greg suhr said a suspect armed with a broken chair leg first tried to break into a car. a few minutes later, he beat a man with a chair leg, then robbed him. the suspect ran to an apartment on levinworth as the officer was leaving the apartment, the suspect attempted to rob him. the two men got into a violent struggle. the suspect bit the officer and grabbed for his weapon. one shot was fired. suhr said there was a lot of blood at the scene. >> can't tell if it was from the fight or the gunshot wound and then the fight went on past the gunshot wound. >> the suspect was shot in the upper body. he was taken to the hospital. no word on his condition. b.a.r.t. is running a full service again into and out of san francisco after smoke on the tracks caused major delays. the smoke was reported around 8:00 at the height of the morning commute at the embarcadero station. strains on the daly city line were stopped at the west oakland station and single tracks through the transbay tube. the source of the smoke is under investigation. normal service was restored through san francisco at about 8:45. the alameda county sheriff's department getting ready to unveil two newly purchased drones. what the new devices will be used for and huch they cost. and a carmaker is expanding its recall of air bags as we hear from officials with the air bag company about why they think the expansion is unnecessary. san francisco police will hand out fliers tomorrow at the montgomery b.a.r.t. station in the search for three people suspected of beating and killing a homeless man. the unprovoked attack last month was captured by a surveillance camera but the video is pretty grainy. investigators say it shows three young men killing 67-year- old ty lamb, a disabled homeless man who used a crutch to get around. lamb was sleeping outside a building on sutter street and was attacked twice by the same people between 11:00 p.m. and midnight. >> this attack is extremely brutal in nature around the fact that they left, came back and resumed the attack, i think it speaks volumes about how bad it was. >> investigators believe the suspects came into the area on muni or b.a.r.t., may have been involved in a flash mob event before the deadly attack. morgan hill police are looking for more possible victims of an elementary schoolteacher accused of molesting his students. 52-year-old john arthur lloyd was arrested in october after police received reports that he molested a female student during class. lloyd was a teacher at morgan hill's paradise elementary school. he also taught in the past at several elementary schools in hollister. to date, four victims have been identified. anyone who may have been a victim or knows someone who was is urged to contact morgan hill police. police in livermore are warning high school students not to take part in a popular gain called assassin. it involves teams of two people trying to use fake guns to shoot their opponents. each player pays $5 to enter. and the winning pair gets the cost estimated to be around $1200 this year. to get someone, players use nerf guns or mark their opponent's neck with a sharpie. >> there are ton of different ways to do it. probably the best way, waiting at someone's house for them to come out. >> neighbors reported seeing armed kids hiding in bushes. one high school student crashed her car into the house trying to get away from her would-be assisten. the game started monday at granada high school and is expected to begin soon at livermore high. happening now, the alameda county sheriff's department is unveiling two newly drones. the devices which are not -- will not be used their -- automaker honda announced it's expanding its recall of tekata air bags to all of 50 states. officials appeared before lawmakers on capitol hill this morning. the japanese company refuses to expand its recall saying the current regional recall covering 8 million u.s. cars in humidity areas is sufficient. >> we will take all actions necessary for safety for the driving public, including working to produce additional units to support any further resource. >> the driver's side air bags are being recalled because they can explode with too much force sending metal shrapnel into the passenger compartment. these are lived to five deaths. time is running out before congress is set to adjourn for the year. lawmakers are scrambling to take care of a few last-minute items. this comes as another government shutdown looms unless an agreement on a budget is reached. >> reporter: j wucht over a week left in the current session of congress and coming up on a budget looming deadline, lawmakers are foes cussed on taxes -- focused on tax, specifically renewing $45 billion in tax breaks to businesses and some individuals which expired this year. a bipartisan effort to take the tax breaks permanent fell apart last week after the white house threatened to veto. even this latest effort faces an uncertain -- >> as a general rule we're open to short-term extensions of many of those provisions. >> reporter: meanwhile, up against the december 11th deadline before funding of the federal government runs out, lawmakers are trying to iron out a budget package that goes through the entire fiscal year. however, republicans are split over whether to strip out the department of homeland security which is charged with implementing the immigration changes president obama announced last month. instead, someone to extend the budget so that the new republican led congress can address the immigration issue after they are sworn in next month. >> we're looking at a variety of options right now and when the republicans control both houses next year. >> reporter: working ahead to working within a divided government next year, president obama is set to meet with the net senate majority leader at the white house later this afternoon, mitch mcconnell. well, a very good rainy windy afternoon for 11 months. we've been waiting for something like this. we had okay rain into november. we would get the .25 and .50. never did we have the widespread where everyone get goes on good rain. some of these, it finally came in. boy did it ever. some of these have not been updated. suffice it to say there's been a lot of rain. novato seem to be one of the leaders on the rainfall. 5.5 inches. sunnyvale near the cupertino boarder 3.30. sleepy hollow over 5 inches. that is since midnight. cazadero, almost 4. forestville over 3. ben lomond over 4 and i know there's been 3 plus at lexington reservoir. other areas near morgan hill and san jose, when is the last time we had 1 to 4 widespread? the east bay had hardly any rain. today everybody is in on it. you can probably add .50. there's still some rain coming up and embedded within that can be bursts of moderate to heavy rain. you can see there is a little bit of break to the west. there's clearing taking place, but around santa cruz, it looks like moving into the santa cruz mountains. scotts valley, right through there. a pretty good line forming. we're not done yet. that continues off to parts of the east bay. but you can see around walnut creek, gusts of 48 miles per hour, west danville from our observer bob and that was in the last 15 minutes down to morgan hill and gilroy, not as heavy but some areas getting heavy rain. had reports of heavy rain in napa about a half-hour ago. same can be said for marin county. lake county, mendocino. not as heavy as earlier. things seem to be quieter out towards antioch and oakley and around cordelia. even into vallejo and benicia still rain holding on into lakeport. clearlake, 2 to 3-inch amounts up there. 6s on the temperatures to 6 -- 60s on the temperatures to 64. livermore at 65. just think if we had sun. if we did, we would be warmer. 30 oakland. i've seen 44, half moon bay. 50 in some of the higher elevations. it's a due south wind. it mass not turned westerly yet. san jose had gusts to 30. 22 half moon bay. that's cut in half from an hour ago. sfo had gusts to 39. some areas are a little bit warmer than that. water temperatures because of the south wind are absolutely historical levels almost. 61 at bodega bay which for december 3rd is unheard of. that's helping to feed into this. it's raining, tahoe, truckee, 44. south wind, warm air mass. monterey, 66. sierra nevada above 7,000 feet. they will get some sierra cement. winter storm warning until 4:00 a.m. the problem, it's a lot more rain. it should start to come down toned a tomorrow -- come down tonight and tomorrow. isolated within this, especially towards santa cruz mountains. i think in the santa clara valley could be bursts to moderate rain. there will be another system coming in on friday. this one looks to take aim at the north bay than the south bay. i think we'll get rain down to the santa cruz mountains. that would be on friday. after friday night, saturday morning, things will calm down. if you can get enough of a break, it will be rainbow weather on this. 60s on the temperatures. incredible amounts of rain. since the weekend, it looks like one more system on friday, it will not be as strong. we'll see it clear out saturday morning and sunday looks okay. >> as i mentioned this morning if you want to see the rain boy, you are -- rainbow, we're back to the sun. >> yes and i've seen some pictures. >> thank you. coming up, one of the cutest critters. how this otter pup is doing after being recognized in monterey county and the new contest to name her. federal reserve says the economy kept expanding in october, november held by solid gains in consumer spending, manufacturing and employment. the dow is up 29. the nasdaq up 20 and the s&p is up 7. a baby otter found abandoned on a monterey county beach will soon have a name. the on theert pup adopted by the shed aquarium in chicago about a month ago when she was just five weeks old. she's called pup 681. now the aquarium is holding a contest to give her a proper name. since she arrived, she's improved significantly. she's doubled her weight and is learning to take care of herself. we are getting more video of flooding in the north bay. inches of standing water on roads and swamping cars. tonight at 5:00, we're following the cleanup and working to learn more about what is being done to prevent this type of flooding in the future. thank you for making cute your choice for news. we're always here for you at and you can follow us on twitter and facebook. have a great day. over a million californians have out of reach for far too long. health insurance. how? they enrolled through covered california. it's the health insurance marketplace where you'll find a range of plans from leading health insurance companies that offer you the best combination of quality, rates and benefits. and, through covered california, you may get financial help to pay for coverage. to have health insurance starting january 1st, you need to enroll by december 15th. visit today. - sun, wind, water, each of them are powerful elements that have an impact on our daily lives, and indeed have shaped our very planet. and this week on awesome planet we'll explore how they're developing clean, renewable energy for the future. (upbeat music) can you imagine a world where all our energy needs are met without polluting our atmosphere? science and technology are inching closer to making this happen. it's pretty exciting. join me, philippe cousteau, as we look at what's being done to assure a safe and healthy future on awesome planet. (upbeat music)

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New York , United States , Japan , Boulder Creek , California , Alameda County , Lake County , Sierra Nevada , Santa Clara Valley , Russian River , Oakland , China , Benicia , Scotts Valley , San Francisco , Marin County , Daly City , Clearlake , Monterey , Forestville , Napa County , Santa Cruz Mountains , Monterey County , Morgan Hill , Chicago , Illinois , Petaluma , Californians , Chinese , Japanese , John Arthur Lloyd , Steve Paulson , Jeff Harmon , Pablo Castro , Greg Suhr , Stori Campbell , Mitch Mcconnell , Noelle Walker , Tara Moriarty , Ben Lomond ,

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Transcripts For KTVU KTVU Noon News 20141203 :

Transcripts For KTVU KTVU Noon News 20141203

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why police say the suspect picked the wrong person to rob. another wet start to the morning after thunderstorms overnight. while the rain is much needed, it's still creating quite a mess throughout the bay area. right now, crews are working to repair a massive sinkhole in san francisco as well as cleaning up major flooding in the north bay and chp says for the second day in a row, the agency received hundreds of calls for service this morning. good afternoon. i'm tori campbell. we are on stormwatch with team coverage. we begin with steve paulson out in the elements with a look at the totals so far. good afternoon, steve. >> reporter: good afternoon. i gotta tell you. last night, it started about midnight, 2:00 in the morning when the lightning and the thunderstorms hit. really erupted around daly city to san francisco, then into marin county which just got absolutely slammed this morning. then all the way up to the russian river. getting reports around cazadero, bohemian highway, really rapid rises on some creeks. the good news, i think some of this is starting to decrease. a lot of this is pushing east. heavy rain in marin county. napa county. a lot of this is heading off toward the east, down towards santa cruz mountains, there's easily been pretty hefty totals approaching 4 inches. i've had a few reports of west marin, russian river of 4 to 8 inches of rain. some of this has been since midnight t others since the weekend. but it is looking like it is starting to get a little bit clearer to the west. that's a sign of things to come even though we might be getting thunderstorms. some of the rain don't -- totals are off the street. sleepy hollow, 5 inches since midnight. a lot of areas in the santa cruz mountains, boulder creek, ben lomond, 4 inches and around petaluma, novato, my goodness, 4 to 5 inches. some of these areas across the board, you name it from san jose all the way to santa rosa. we're seeing 1, 2 and some-inch amounts. sunnyvale had three-inch amounts. we're not done yet. at high tide, about as high as i've seen the estuary in the bay in a long time, in a couple years. we're starting to get a little bit of a break. there's still some rain on the way. >> i saw it was pouring earlier. getting a little bit of a break. in san francisco, an inopportunity intersection is closed because of a massive hole in the road. noelle walker joins us live from the scene of the sinkhole 0 to explain what crews are doing. >> reporter: they are working in miserable conditions. it started at 8:30. take a looge at what if is. it's grown to a 45-foot deep by 25-wide sinkhole t appears to be growing. that far edge has started to crack. it looks like that would fall at any moment. this started at 8:30 this morning. we know that pg&e has pinchers ready to pinch off the gas if they need it. so far they haven't needed it. we know there is a broken water main and a broken sewer line. add to that, it's an aging infrastructure. this infrastructure is 100 years old. we talked to a spokeswoman. she's what she said. >> we have a lot of repairs underway. we're trying to do 15 miles a year of repairs. we're not vl sure if we knew about this. we're looking into it to see if it was hon the docket or if we're just finding out about it. i don't know. sometimes they just have so many repairs to make, that this he will make the street temporarily until te can get a major project. i don't know if that was the case here. >> reporter: obviously, this intersection is closed. this is 6th and lake in san francisco. they've had workers out here all morning that have been digging holes around the perimeter. i'm not sure if they are checking for the lines that lead to where the sinkhole is but it is 40 feet deep by 20 feet wide appears to be growing as we speak. now, we saw actually chinese delivery come in about five minutes ago. so they are planning on being here for a while. i'm told they are expecting this job to take anywhere between four and six hours. this is not the first sinkhole to happen on lake street. about a year, year and a half ago, at lake and second. so that's about four blocks away, there was another sinkhole. they are into the not -- they are not sure if there is a problem along the corridor or if it's coincidence. noelle walker, ktvu channel 2 news. >> thank you. well, flooded streets in petaluma are causing problems for some drivers. this video was shot on lindberg lane around 7:45 this morning. it's in a neighborhood between the petaluma river and highway 101 just east of downtown petaluma. at least two cars got stuck in high water. you can see one man here pushed his own car out of the water. the other one had to get a tow. well, it certainly was a wet and wild morning for people in marin county, damage and snarling traffic. ktvu's tara moriarty shows us the aftermath. >> reporter: a squeegee came in handy for jeff harmon this morning. >> at 3:00, it was coming down in sheets. i thought about this place but i thought about the roof. i didn't think about the ground. >> reporter: the relentless rain pounded the physical therapy business with nearly three feet of water. >> we got a pass through that dumped a lot of water through. frankly it overwhelmed the drainage system here. >> reporter: a nearby frame shop and restaurant took a beating. >> checked the front and then the -- when i opened the door the water came in. >> reporter: pablo castro says the water came gushing in at 3:30. >> just tried to save things on the floor, lift them from the floor. the chairs, the sofas we couldn't do anything about it. >> reporter: he says he has to replace all of his hardwood floors which are already warping. efsays they have sentimental value because those floors were inside jerry garcia's house. cars, cabs, even emergency vehicles got stuck. several afternoon and offramps to highway 101 had to be shut down until the water subsided that snarled the morning commute for hours. while the rain was a relief, it was also a headache for many. tara moriarty, ktvu channel 2 news. the weather system is causing big headaches for people flying in and out of san francisco international airport once again today. these are live pictures of the airport. it's rather overcast there. airport duty manager is reporting 112 cancellations. those are mostly short-haul flights up and down the west coast. most flights, 30, 60 minutes, that's exacted to get worse as the day goes on. san jose and oakland airports, those operations are normal. we'll continue our stormwatch team coverage throughout the morning. you can find more at and mobile ktvu. breaking news out of new york where a grand jury has issued a decision not to charge a white police officer in the chokehold educate of an unarmed black man. officers say they stopped eric garner in july for selling loose untaxed cigarettes. a bystander took this video while the man was yell, i can't breathe. the coroner ruled his death a homicide and the grand jury started to deliberate and the protests are peaceful so far. greg suhr said a suspect armed with a broken chair leg first tried to break into a car. a few minutes later, he beat a man with a chair leg, then robbed him. the suspect ran to an apartment on levinworth as the officer was leaving the apartment, the suspect attempted to rob him. the two men got into a violent struggle. the suspect bit the officer and grabbed for his weapon. one shot was fired. suhr said there was a lot of blood at the scene. >> can't tell if it was from the fight or the gunshot wound and then the fight went on past the gunshot wound. >> the suspect was shot in the upper body. he was taken to the hospital. no word on his condition. b.a.r.t. is running a full service again into and out of san francisco after smoke on the tracks caused major delays. the smoke was reported around 8:00 at the height of the morning commute at the embarcadero station. strains on the daly city line were stopped at the west oakland station and single tracks through the transbay tube. the source of the smoke is under investigation. normal service was restored through san francisco at about 8:45. the alameda county sheriff's department getting ready to unveil two newly purchased drones. what the new devices will be used for and huch they cost. and a carmaker is expanding its recall of air bags as we hear from officials with the air bag company about why they think the expansion is unnecessary. san francisco police will hand out fliers tomorrow at the montgomery b.a.r.t. station in the search for three people suspected of beating and killing a homeless man. the unprovoked attack last month was captured by a surveillance camera but the video is pretty grainy. investigators say it shows three young men killing 67-year- old ty lamb, a disabled homeless man who used a crutch to get around. lamb was sleeping outside a building on sutter street and was attacked twice by the same people between 11:00 p.m. and midnight. >> this attack is extremely brutal in nature around the fact that they left, came back and resumed the attack, i think it speaks volumes about how bad it was. >> investigators believe the suspects came into the area on muni or b.a.r.t., may have been involved in a flash mob event before the deadly attack. morgan hill police are looking for more possible victims of an elementary schoolteacher accused of molesting his students. 52-year-old john arthur lloyd was arrested in october after police received reports that he molested a female student during class. lloyd was a teacher at morgan hill's paradise elementary school. he also taught in the past at several elementary schools in hollister. to date, four victims have been identified. anyone who may have been a victim or knows someone who was is urged to contact morgan hill police. police in livermore are warning high school students not to take part in a popular gain called assassin. it involves teams of two people trying to use fake guns to shoot their opponents. each player pays $5 to enter. and the winning pair gets the cost estimated to be around $1200 this year. to get someone, players use nerf guns or mark their opponent's neck with a sharpie. >> there are ton of different ways to do it. probably the best way, waiting at someone's house for them to come out. >> neighbors reported seeing armed kids hiding in bushes. one high school student crashed her car into the house trying to get away from her would-be assisten. the game started monday at granada high school and is expected to begin soon at livermore high. happening now, the alameda county sheriff's department is unveiling two newly drones. the devices which are not -- will not be used their -- automaker honda announced it's expanding its recall of tekata air bags to all of 50 states. officials appeared before lawmakers on capitol hill this morning. the japanese company refuses to expand its recall saying the current regional recall covering 8 million u.s. cars in humidity areas is sufficient. >> we will take all actions necessary for safety for the driving public, including working to produce additional units to support any further resource. >> the driver's side air bags are being recalled because they can explode with too much force sending metal shrapnel into the passenger compartment. these are lived to five deaths. time is running out before congress is set to adjourn for the year. lawmakers are scrambling to take care of a few last-minute items. this comes as another government shutdown looms unless an agreement on a budget is reached. >> reporter: j wucht over a week left in the current session of congress and coming up on a budget looming deadline, lawmakers are foes cussed on taxes -- focused on tax, specifically renewing $45 billion in tax breaks to businesses and some individuals which expired this year. a bipartisan effort to take the tax breaks permanent fell apart last week after the white house threatened to veto. even this latest effort faces an uncertain -- >> as a general rule we're open to short-term extensions of many of those provisions. >> reporter: meanwhile, up against the december 11th deadline before funding of the federal government runs out, lawmakers are trying to iron out a budget package that goes through the entire fiscal year. however, republicans are split over whether to strip out the department of homeland security which is charged with implementing the immigration changes president obama announced last month. instead, someone to extend the budget so that the new republican led congress can address the immigration issue after they are sworn in next month. >> we're looking at a variety of options right now and when the republicans control both houses next year. >> reporter: working ahead to working within a divided government next year, president obama is set to meet with the net senate majority leader at the white house later this afternoon, mitch mcconnell. well, a very good rainy windy afternoon for 11 months. we've been waiting for something like this. we had okay rain into november. we would get the .25 and .50. never did we have the widespread where everyone get goes on good rain. some of these, it finally came in. boy did it ever. some of these have not been updated. suffice it to say there's been a lot of rain. novato seem to be one of the leaders on the rainfall. 5.5 inches. sunnyvale near the cupertino boarder 3.30. sleepy hollow over 5 inches. that is since midnight. cazadero, almost 4. forestville over 3. ben lomond over 4 and i know there's been 3 plus at lexington reservoir. other areas near morgan hill and san jose, when is the last time we had 1 to 4 widespread? the east bay had hardly any rain. today everybody is in on it. you can probably add .50. there's still some rain coming up and embedded within that can be bursts of moderate to heavy rain. you can see there is a little bit of break to the west. there's clearing taking place, but around santa cruz, it looks like moving into the santa cruz mountains. scotts valley, right through there. a pretty good line forming. we're not done yet. that continues off to parts of the east bay. but you can see around walnut creek, gusts of 48 miles per hour, west danville from our observer bob and that was in the last 15 minutes down to morgan hill and gilroy, not as heavy but some areas getting heavy rain. had reports of heavy rain in napa about a half-hour ago. same can be said for marin county. lake county, mendocino. not as heavy as earlier. things seem to be quieter out towards antioch and oakley and around cordelia. even into vallejo and benicia still rain holding on into lakeport. clearlake, 2 to 3-inch amounts up there. 6s on the temperatures to 6 -- 60s on the temperatures to 64. livermore at 65. just think if we had sun. if we did, we would be warmer. 30 oakland. i've seen 44, half moon bay. 50 in some of the higher elevations. it's a due south wind. it mass not turned westerly yet. san jose had gusts to 30. 22 half moon bay. that's cut in half from an hour ago. sfo had gusts to 39. some areas are a little bit warmer than that. water temperatures because of the south wind are absolutely historical levels almost. 61 at bodega bay which for december 3rd is unheard of. that's helping to feed into this. it's raining, tahoe, truckee, 44. south wind, warm air mass. monterey, 66. sierra nevada above 7,000 feet. they will get some sierra cement. winter storm warning until 4:00 a.m. the problem, it's a lot more rain. it should start to come down toned a tomorrow -- come down tonight and tomorrow. isolated within this, especially towards santa cruz mountains. i think in the santa clara valley could be bursts to moderate rain. there will be another system coming in on friday. this one looks to take aim at the north bay than the south bay. i think we'll get rain down to the santa cruz mountains. that would be on friday. after friday night, saturday morning, things will calm down. if you can get enough of a break, it will be rainbow weather on this. 60s on the temperatures. incredible amounts of rain. since the weekend, it looks like one more system on friday, it will not be as strong. we'll see it clear out saturday morning and sunday looks okay. >> as i mentioned this morning if you want to see the rain boy, you are -- rainbow, we're back to the sun. >> yes and i've seen some pictures. >> thank you. coming up, one of the cutest critters. how this otter pup is doing after being recognized in monterey county and the new contest to name her. federal reserve says the economy kept expanding in october, november held by solid gains in consumer spending, manufacturing and employment. the dow is up 29. the nasdaq up 20 and the s&p is up 7. a baby otter found abandoned on a monterey county beach will soon have a name. the on theert pup adopted by the shed aquarium in chicago about a month ago when she was just five weeks old. she's called pup 681. now the aquarium is holding a contest to give her a proper name. since she arrived, she's improved significantly. she's doubled her weight and is learning to take care of herself. we are getting more video of flooding in the north bay. inches of standing water on roads and swamping cars. tonight at 5:00, we're following the cleanup and working to learn more about what is being done to prevent this type of flooding in the future. thank you for making cute your choice for news. we're always here for you at and you can follow us on twitter and facebook. have a great day. over a million californians have out of reach for far too long. health insurance. how? they enrolled through covered california. it's the health insurance marketplace where you'll find a range of plans from leading health insurance companies that offer you the best combination of quality, rates and benefits. and, through covered california, you may get financial help to pay for coverage. to have health insurance 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(upbeat music) can you imagine a world where all our energy needs are met without polluting our atmosphere? science and technology are inching closer to making this happen. it's pretty exciting. join me, philippe cousteau, as we look at what's being done to assure a safe and healthy future on awesome planet. (upbeat music)

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