Transcripts For KTVU KTVU Mornings On 2 At 9am 20170511 : co

Transcripts For KTVU KTVU Mornings On 2 At 9am 20170511

>> getting restless this time of week. >> i am feeling it. >> almost here. >> anyone looking forward to eating at it and out. >> i have seen this. >> a little more. football team, nine players sick. in n out officials say everything's cool and fine. do you go back to that restaurant and eat even if the executives at in n out say it's good? >> i do because it's in livermore, hometown, i love in n out. >> what if it was a different town? >> probably not. >> interesting. i wonder if it will bruise or bounce back. >> it may take a hit. >> i will treat you double doubleto a investigations underway into two suspicious car fires in contra costa county. >> it happened overnight 1 mile from each other. one on highland way the other hollow brook court. both east of highway 4. >> allie rasmus ktvu live look at the damage.>> reporter: because they happened within 1 mile within a 10 minute window. ease concho county battalion chief says they are considered suspicious. you can see the damage behind me. this is what is left of a avalanche pick up truck parked in the driveway of a home on holub accord. the fire happened at 3:30 this morning. it spread from the truck to the garage. the family and young kids, bedrooms above the garage, they got out safely. thanks to the neighbor, getting ready to go to work 3 am saw the fire came over and knocked on the door to wake everyone up. >> came last night and there was a car on fire so i went back in called 911 and i told him to come outside and took the kids out. >> frustrating. there is no reason to put people's lives at risk. > reporter: 3:30 am, another vehicle fire in the driveway of a home highland way in brentwood. another neighbor coming back from work in the area spotted the fire and called 911. the family was out of town and no one was hurt. >> vehicle fires and driveways are dangerous they are next to the house people live in homes and at nighttime when everyone is asleep, they don't know if i was going on in the driveway. in both incidents we had neighbors who alerted occupants. >> reporter: including the overnight fire is in brentwood, there's been five vehicle fires and driveways of homestyle contra costa county from monday morning martinez lafayette walnut creek and brentwood. the fires on the map and the jurisdiction of different agencies so battalion chief for east contra costa county fire and brentwood told me on the phone they will meet with the chief later this morning and will talk about reaching out to those other fire districts and working and cooperating in the investigation because there are obvious similarities between the fires here and brentwood and others around the county. back to you. new fbi director andrew mccabe taking the place of former director james comey scheduled to testify at this hearing. with comey's firing on tuesday by president trump, there's more attention of the hearing mccabe asked about reports comey lost the support of the people who currently work at the fbi. >> in your opinion, is it accurate that the rank-and-file no longer is support director call me. >> i hold director call me in the highest regard. i have the highest respect for his considerable abilities and his integrity and it has been the greatest privilege and honor of my professional life to work with him. i can tell you also that director call me enjoyed -- call me enjoyed broad support within the fbi comey organizers call for an urgent impartial investigation into possible ties between moscow and the trump campaign. demonstrators took to the streets protesting the firing of james comey flying over a rally dozens of demonstrators in feinstein office a man -- demanded she take action. gary brown kicks off months of negotiation with legislature and in january the governor proposed governor -- a budget and $3 million in cuts because of lower-than-expected revenues and also uncertainty about the future of edible spending on healthcare. state lawmakers have june 5 deadline to pass a budget or -- troubling circumstance, law designed to protect the privacy of students could be putting other students at risk. >> jesse gary joins us live from the south bay bureau with a case in point at palo alto high school. >> i saw the story and watched it when did you hear about the allegations? >> we were contacted by two victims who wanted to draw attention to the crimes committed against them and once we started digging deeper we found a law in place concealing the identity of the attacker and could put other students at risk. >> sometimes seen around school they would say hello, (inaudible) >> we are concealing the identity of the high school freshman due to the nature of the incident innocent flirtation and a high school hallway with a boy two years older turned into unwanted physical touching stocking and snap chatting nude pictures. last october she says he invited her to meet anna bathroom in a school -- a bathroom in school. forced sexual act. >> i was shaken and confused as to what happened. i hurt for her. it makes me serious, living it again. >> we conceal the identity of the girls mother to ensure anonymity. the family says the case went to juvenile court and the suspect was convicted of a sexual crime against the monitor. officials declined an on camera interview request about the case and instead issued the following statement, the district was aware of the allegation in october 2016 and looked into it and administrators took appropriate disciplinary action. the student in question is playing sports and the school cannot tell parents because of what is called the federal education privacy rights act. it protects the records of minors. everyone -- from grades to criminal activity. it cannot be discussed or released. >> even if the school district thought the law was inappropriate, their hands are tied and they cannot turn in the information at risk of losing federal funding. whether right or wrong the school has no discretion. >> we learned of a second attack one year before the first in a bathroom. the victim was 15 years old the case went to juvenile court and a teenager convicted in juvenile court of oral copulation by force and violence and arrest minutes or fear. because of the act, because of that other parents will not know. student athlete admitted wrongdoing his lawyer declined to talk to was on camera. the victim in a high school back in october, shaken and heard that hurt by the ordeal and the family removed. >> is there a movement to change so that people will know when there's a predator. seems like a long protects or is not protecting students only the person who's the victimizer. >> it happened to be a student. that's why the law is in place. protecting the privacy of all students including those accused and convicted of these crimes. you would have to change the law so that would have to come from congress and the language has been adopted into the counseling education code so it would have to be changed in sacramento by the state legislature. it would be two acts of the legislature one on the federal level and the other the state level before it could be changed. you know how washington in sacramento work. it's time-consuming and would take a while for the victim from the 2016 and school bathroom. time and persistence, it would protect the victims going forward at least amending the law so it would say if you're committed or convicted of a crime against a student either in the school district or the county that information would be available to parents. denying child care for homeless families. an exclusive first look at a program to take effect tomorrow. we will hear from the mayor about the concerns for the city we talked with (inaudible) on a deadly officer while shooting and san francisco. >> let's go back in san francisco with police decided to release video of the town hall. >> what happened at the meeting was presenting the facts. they did not interpret anything. they played the video stating vaguely what happens. what left missing pieces, everything's under investigation so no commentary or editorializing about what happened keeping it to the facts. i looked at the video they presented, there were some from the surveillance video resume and also some from the body one cameras that the two officers were involved. one particular clip struck me. i want to show you outlining what happened. this is from -- not the officer who shot the suspect but from the other one. you can see when nicholas gooshy is walking out of the gate nicholas gooshy -- nicholas flusche does not notice the gun. he's like in a trance. he was a focus on the victim he was stabbing repeatedly for two minutes over in the corner behind the counter. it gives you an idea of how out of it nicholas flusche was. was he on drugs? they are testing for that. it's interesting you see how he ignores the officers and does not see him or it does not register. keeping his eyes focused on the victim. >> does it signal the change? it's rare to see a department releasing so much video and quickly after an incident. does it signal a greater change inside the police department or it deals with one incident? >> hard to say but the reason -- because of the report and findings they made. thanks the departed need to be more transparent and needed to change policies. that sort of thing so it was important to get the information out quickly and as accurately as possible but this case is different from the other officer involved shootings we have seen in the past. most of the people in the crowd were completely silent when the video was playing. it's terrifying. you're watching him stabbed in the corner of the subway shop and he is helpless. people trying to intervene and distract the suspect. it wasn't until the police officers walked in that flusche walked out from behind the counter. if you notice from the moment he walks from behind the counter to the moment he is shot, we are talking seconds there. what's interesting to see is this was basically to protect a life. that's what's written into the policy, you are authorized to shoot, authorized to take measures when another life is in jeopardy. that was clearly the case. it will be interesting to see how the dist. atty. interprets the evidence and when they waited together along with the interviews from the witnesses and victim. >> tara moriarty and san francisco. this meeting yesterday in san francisco hall, talking with the mayor about progress made about some top priorities he laid out at the beginning of the year. as you are about to see we discussed the economic forces that have made san francisco one of the most expenses places to live and the world. the mayor invited me to city hall to talk about his next steps in helping some of san francisco's most vulnerable residents. he says there's 1800 homeless families in the city now and with the new expansion of existing services, parents will have the child care they need to work toward a better life. >> with a $2.1 million contribution from the city, we can add 140 slots to take care of all of the kids on the waiting list and basically have a no waiting list for child care services for homeless families. >> this means freedom for those parents. >> absolutely. i think when we announce it this friday you can see smiles. finally, when you have that direct childcare access, basically, this is universal childcare for homeless families. >> the push to end homelessness comes at a time even those making six figures may find themselves struggling report came out the family four making $105,000 per year is considered low income in san francisco. it sounds almost absurd. >> it is. that's why we have to do more around the discussion and debate about affordable housing. i am building 30,000 units of housing by 2020. i have it as a goal i'm more than halfway there. that is making a difference and a gasia. >> affordable housing a far cry from the typical apartment in the city. this year the san francisco rental market is home to the highest priced per square foot in the world. >> housing, homelessness are the two biggest challenges of any major city in the country today. >> since the mayor took office in 2011, the unappointed rate has dropped from double digits to now below 3% and all the jobs coupled with san francisco's mild climate, it's no wonder san francisco is so hot. >> the intense willingness to want to live in an urban setting like san francisco, with the culture, it drives up the cost. what we have to do is the right thing to make sure all the people that are here can stay here and we preserve the housing and make sure there's good reason for small businesses to go through red tape and survive and succeed and we are doing everything we can on all fronts to make sure it happens. >> you do not sound apologetic. >> i think we take reality for what it is and i think we try to get everybody an opportunity to grasp onto and be part of that reality. >> the mayor says he could not have predicted the speed with which certain parts of san francisco's midmarket bigot corridor have changed. there are many places where people panhandling on the streets are steps away from others in office buildings making hundreds of thousand dollars a year. >> we have recovered with flying colors and that success we have to also deal with the attributes of the success. >> used to serve children up to age 3 but now it goes to age 5 giving them stability until they entered kindergarten. we know what it is like to have families of little ones so this is a good deal. >> i know families who have moved out because they can't afford it. that had been going on for decades did you get a sense the mayor feels a successful in keeping people in san francisco. >> i think the mayor is realizing that -- he says i was a jobs, jobs, jobs mayor he pounced on it. he's working to shore up the services. he's about accessibility he wants everyone to have a crack at the $250,000 per year job. he realizes the city grew quickly and he's doing all he can to support everyone. is not working in a high-rise making half 1 million. >> i group a san francisco. it was a working-class contingent of people and that is gone. >> he says that's the reality in an urban city. speaking of reality for big cities, i hope, the mayor pinpointed housing and homelessness the two biggest challenges facing his city and any big city in the country. question of the day, what you think? school, homelessness, crime story for structure? look at the results. 37% say housing and schools 28 homelessness 20 crime 15% infrastructure. monica says it's become difficult to find someplace to live. teachers are leaving. not everyone works in a tech job. >> affordable housing and new construction. >> and this says for honest we cannot choose one. all are challenges for bay area residents and natives. seem concerned about crime on my twitter feed. [laughter] do just that, what about paying your bills with sunglasses. live in las vegas for pay technology. >> that's not my phone that's my computer. quin was crazy about curls. but it took a twist of fate to find a high-end curler at such a head turning price. and that's the beauty of a store full of surprises. you never know what you're gonna find, but you know you're gonna love it. ♪ dow losing almost 50 points. you can withdraw money with nothing but the cell phone. >> payment technology evolving. you can bay with sunglasses or jewelry. >> it's evolving quickly. jason is ceo of a transactions association joining us live on the floor of the transact 2017 show in las vegas. what is hot? >> technology at the annual gathering of the payments technology industry. we migrated our chip cards replacing them and now we talk about mobile payments in wearables, moving chips into your phone and watch to tap to pay. new technologies deployed at the point-of-sale by verifone hand point in clover to enable the payments. on the consumer side, accustomed to using mobile payments a what the next. moving the chips into new devices, new things you may have with you. what about sunglasses you may have on the beach. if you don't have your wallet, we can embed a chip in the sunglasses to make the same secure payment technology transaction that you would make on your phone. exciting stuff. >> hold on. i am forgetful. how many have left sunglasses, you don't leave your phone and wallet but if you have something -- for me, is a security risk. >> security is the most paramount of importance to the payments industry. the answer is if you lose your sunglasses, as if you lose your credit card, you can deactivate it you have 10 the percent protection against fraud liability, 100% protection against fraud liability. so consumers are protected. there's a secure technology cold -- called tokenization. it's not resident in the device it's never transmitted so there's nothing for anyone to steal. you are protected no matter what technology you use. >> the price of entering and getting fancy sunglasses, is the price the barrier for most or is it the trust? >> i think it is not price. you can have a variety of price points available for the technologies. getting accustomed to the idea it's okay to use portable devices to pay. these are the most secure implementation of payments technologies that we have ever done in the industry. using your phone or watch or chip in a ring or and a pair sunglasses is more secure than plastic cards. letting people to recognize they have it once there was a percent protection -- 100% protection from fraud using these devices in a store is what we are focused on at transact about getting the message to consumers. the advantages of using mobile devices. >> talking about consumers what about the younger generation. they are aware of the technology. do they care do you think? >> i think they do. in the same way we have seen millennials drive adoption of mobile phones to the point more than 90% of americans have a smart phone, we are doing more. we carry music on them, digital cameras, gps devices, so it is logical to move to commerce solutions on mobile devices. it will take time and younger folks will drive us to adopt the technology. we are moving to a world where secure technology using your tips will make it easy, chips will be easy. >> ceo of transaction association thank you. what do you need in your kitchen? >> everything. >> watching for booby-traps and recipes. jim barnett is live on set. he's telling us about the warriors and flags and preparations for playoffs. >> with gets [laughter] -- with gifts! what is this? it's like a little vanilla tastey thing. a vanilla bean? mmm. they chopped it up in little pieces. like this little dots. i found one! i found one! breyers natural vanilla. milk and fresh cream, and only sustainably farmed vanilla. very simple. mmm! breyers the good vanilla. it's simple. we're proud to use non-gmo sourced ingredients in some of america's favorite flavors. so support for the wars flying car flags. them up at the store at oracle arena or downtown walnut creek and there are ways to be given up at dunk core -- dunk contest always ask for the nba western conference finals, a perfect eight and zero in this postseason. support the trailblazers and utah jazz, warriors of face the winner of the spurs a rocket series. there are of a 3-2. they can take the series but they will have to do it on the road in houston, texas. bearing gifts, analyst jim barnett. thank you for coming in. i love you, the shirts. oracle 2070 western conference final. >> they have strength in numbers. >> 2015 -- 2017 western conference finals. >> 67, 70, 67, more than any team nba history. it's exciting. >> the best of the three? >> absolutely. >> the best offense of team surprising everybody, playing defense the best defensive team in the nba. defensive ratings off the charts and beating everybody in the first two rounds of the perfect eight and 04-0 against portland and 4-0 utah. leading by 60 points per game never done before. incredible, great run. they seem to be on a mission. i'm going to put my flag on my car tomorrow. >> you bet. >> you cannot say defense without draymond green. you think he's the most important on the unit? >> the most defensive player in the league. his impact on the game is phenomenal. i am working radio with tim, we sit 60 rows up draymond green and the spacey covers anticipating what's going on. he's a great defender and he can recover he anticipates an proactive defensively. he leads the league or the team in rebounds, nine games, seven assists. he's a complete player. defensive end, -- >> he embraces the challenge. >> we are talking about events but he is not just a defensive player he can score too. >> he is shooting well from three-point range in the playoffs. he's a complete player but he loves to play defense. the team would not be the same even with the office of the prowess without draymond green they would do the same i do not think they would win a championship without draymond green. >> they don't have the head coach. what can you tell us about steve? how is he and the team playing, they are playing great without him obviously. >> he's on the mend we hope we will know that but he had a procedure to stop the leaking. the side of a great leader which he is is to hire great people so when you are gone, everything goes on and smoothly as it is doing now. mike brown, by the way, he had a flag on his motorcycle. >> he has a harley. >> the team is focused amateur and professional and their approach is to wiggle every game. -- win every game. it's going to be a tough series. >> do you think the team has a chip on its shoulder because of what happened just that's last year? not a bad one but this business, we have to rectify this. >> without question. it starts with stephen curry. he feels responsibility. last year, he doesn't like to lose. he has a killer instinct. he is nice and well-balanced but he's a competitor. that's in the back of his mind all the time. the first quarter utah, up 39- 17 at the end of one. they may lose some momentum during the midstride of the game but they come back in the fourth quarter. they know how to put the hammer down. >> i do not want to look ahead. we have one series at a time but if it's cleveland and golden state in the finals, i think we hope it is, the third round, what do the warriors need to do that they didn't do last year to beat the cavs? >> they have to remain healthy. play the game up to their standards. every team is the same. cleveland is shooting lights out from three-point range. they are on fire. if that comes to pass him a the warriors will -- if that comes to pass, warriors will defend. they have players that can handle that. 3 scorers and remind green and a good bench. defense forms the offense. >> keep cool draymond green. >> he's cool. >> we are going to do about the weather cloudy, steve doesn't get sunnier? >> would you tell jim something, me and ken would've been happy to buy him ice cream at the cooper ridge. >> too shy to say hello. >> he is a nice guy. >> very nice. >> last time i came you were upstairs and now you are downstairs. >> we will figure it out. cool pattern will last for six days. server was camiko he said she was really nice. chilly mostly cloudy drizzle and breezy low cloud deck. temperatures will stay in the 50s and 60s. might be drizzle, breeze out of the west or south or west southwest, 50s and low 60s and at this hour the system pushing in will give us cloud cover and i think tomorrow will be more sunshine. another system is dropping in. two more coming in sunday. next tuesday night, wednesday, cold. we will see how it develops. if you like will temperatures and below normal temperatures, this is to your liking. gasia? >> whether an adult for 5 mins or 5 years what you need in your kitchen how do you throw a party what you look for in a partner. highlighting the way and a new book called the secret art of being a grown-up. tips trick and perks no one thought to tell you. in oakland, this is not a book you could have written at 21. >> no. i have been storing up contents for 20 years since i was 21. >> bit by bit. >> what i love is do not purchase uncomfortable shoes, you deserve to be loved. this is a lesson people do not ever learn. how can we -- how do we make it happen? >> this is the key to adult happiness. ground your braces and self- respect. i mean this literally. you deserve to be loved 100%. say it over and over again. if there is a voice in your head that's different do not giving credence. >> when i became an adult 20 years ago, social media was not around. i look at instagram and everyone has acute her boyfriend, take a vacation and bigger grains, --- bigger ranks, how do you think affects social effects about? >> the important thing to keep in mind is what is outside of social media. you will see people backup to show you the mess on the counter around the public perfect put -- >> maybe she's miserable and other aspects. there's concrete tips this will make a good graduation gifts for highschoolers and college graduates for college graduates one thing in particular, never opened champagne before. you have a good tip. how do people do it wrong? >> everyone has an image from the movies of opening champagne that it's crazy that though cork goes across the room. you're opening a beverage it should be calm. >> take off the cage the wire thing, is this expensive in case i would ruin that and she said no. rather cork and turn the bottle. >> oh, you did it! [laughter] beautiful job. >> is in the book of the things you can apply to your life today and will be better in a small and big way. >> is about self acceptance. if you like pink hair, have pink air that's the most autobiographical part of the book. >> i will pass the champagne. >> well done, gasia. do you have another bottle? >> her eye is fine. from champagne to beer. >> making a stop in the bay area. the search for home brewers with the host of beerland . rds chirping ] [ inhales, exhales ] [ announcer ] cigarettes are not just dangerous when they're smoked. [ rat squeaking ] they're dangerous long after. cigarette butts are toxic. they release chemicals that poison our water... and harm wildlife. and millions... are polluting our environment. [ sniffing ] [ seagulls squawking ] searching for homeowners around the country, hosted by meg of golden road brewing. >> the winner scores a distribution deal with golden road it airs tonight on buys land filmed in the bay area episode is tonight on viceland. >> i'm learning about the people behind it. >> we need more beer. >> you are right. >> joining us in the studio is meg and golden road brewer. >> why aren't i hosting? >> how did you get tapped in? did you seek them? >> a little of both i have been approached to do something with tv being a female. >> parting with anheuser, i am still doing golden road i wanted to educate people about beer culture and show how beer can bring people together in a positive way. >> it has taken off. >> it's crazy starting in the bay area. we found and filmed the first episode here paying all montage to the area -- homage to the area. >> how are we doing? >> great. >> we have a young lady from berkeley running an organization calls making beer. you have to wanted to learn more and two fellas santa cruz mountains brewing beer it was illegal for them to purchase beer soap you can purchase the materials before you are of drinking age they have been doing it and santa cruz mountains. >> i have buddies that brew. i'm interested. people making the debate at home, is it difficult. >> how much equipment? >> little. you can start with minimal investments using stuff from home. you can spend as much as you want the pending on -- depending on the quality. for every one you want quality materials. we make roundabout 5000 times homebrewed batch. we have malt when we get starch or sugar from in the brewing process you convert sugar into co2 and alcohol and we use malt, specialty malt to flavor or add color to the beer and we have hops which no ipa could do without. it adds flavor and aroma. there's a distinction between hoppiness and bitterness. they think hoppy beer will taste like a old teabag. it gives a great flavor and aroma. >> what surprised you filming as you travel? >> i'm surprised by how much time and effort and energy it takes a community to brew great beer. we will talk about how to pour beer. it takes practice encouraging you to practice at home. >> what about tipping the glass. >> tilt is okay. get the aroma out of the beer. you want a little . of head but with ipa 2 finger s of had to control the beer. >> not enough head on this one. you want more to get the aroma. >> that will smell great. >> that was my first time pouring one. >> it's liam's birthday. >> i love ipas and hoppy bear our people making lighter beers if you don't want hop. >> absolutely. the beer thing scene is beer is food but food is not beer. beautiful lager beer which is clear it doesn't have a huge hoppy thing sum are allergic to hops. there's an amazing array of beer styles and flavors if you like chocolatey flavored beer go with a stout if you want something clean, crisp, go with something like spicy and sweet, go with belgian beers. amazing. >> i love your ipas. >> they make ipas so you can have more. >> more of a session. >> we found in california it is a nice to have a beer with lunch and go about your day. 78% taste great but not you down. >> beerland will be in san francisco tonight for screening of the episode and we have more information on that and about beerland on and on the mornings on 2 tab. >> cheers. back after th break. beer in a can? like it? welcome to maxx you. you are whimsical, vibrant, statement making. we see what makes you unique. so we have something for everyone, at a price that's just right for you. maxx you. maxx life. t.j.maxx reaction into a fight in a wedding for -- reception involving sandy lasting excuse me for 20 minutes police arrested one man from missouri charged with felony battery wanting to the hospital and is in intensive care. when officers responded they found numerous people fighting. there was a man in his 40s who was on the ground. to the investigation we discovered he suffered head trauma. >> is a video. 700 attended the reception. it was at the royal palace they do not know what started the fight. the bride says it was started by instigators or outsiders. >> there's a study looking at the best place to raise a man in that's a family in california smart asset found three of the top laces are in the bay area. we found roseville and number two, fremont, one of the safest in the country. third, torrance and my hometown of livermore. fifth next door, pleasanton. bike to work day, people peadaled to their jobs. 23rd event more than 100,000 taking part. many already that regular bicyclists and there's a new riders energizer stations are set up along routes in the bay area including golden gate bridge downtown san jose and same friends city hall. >> san francisco goes city hall. >> daily blog, a's zeroing in on two places. laney college is the preferred choice with the coliseum is as a distant third. magazine reports they conducted polls asking residents about delaney locations they will announce the site later this season and when they do we will pop champagne in their honor. when i pop champagne, i pull out a saber and you can hack it off. is this you? >> yes. >> nasty. >> you get on that so maybe next time. >> i thought i took her eye out, but guess i did okay. >> is this a typical saturday? >> must be nice. >> we are in baseball season. >> he won't tell me his address. >> i will bring the saber in. >> have a great rest of your thursday lill she pretty much lr favorite princess dress. but once a week i let her play sheriff so i can wash it. i use tide to get out those week old stains and downy to get it fresh and soft. you are free to go. tide and downy together. tand, our adulte children are here. so, we save by using tide. which means we use less. three generations of clothes cleaned in one wash. those are moms. anybody seen my pants? nothing cleans better. put those on dad! it's got to be tide. >> live from new york city, it's "the wendy williams show." >> wendy: how you doin? welcome to hot topics. we won't judge, but we're judging. it's going to be juicy. >> now here's wendy! [ applause ] [ applause ] >> wendy: mother's day is just around the corner so i thought i'd dress like a mother. welcome to my show. how you doin? welcome my

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