Transcripts For KTVU KTVU Mornings On 2 At 9am 20160713 : co

Transcripts For KTVU KTVU Mornings On 2 At 9am 20160713

we as children of the 80s know word for word. people who live on the coast still feeling a bit of a cool down. >> i like that song. >> thank you, thank you. >> when sting was not just sting, he was with the police. >> good launch into the news of the day. we'll start in the south bay. one person is in custody in connection to an early morning homicide in san jose. ktvu has been following the developing story throughout mornings on 2. she's live at that home where the victim was found. >> reporter: that's right, and right now the westbound direction of ocala avenue is still closed. and that's because crime scene technicians are here. they are gathering evidence. they are focusing on that gray house where the body was found. we're told that someone from inside the home called 911 just after 3:15 this morning to report there had been a fight and somebody was possibly dead. when officers arrived they found the body of a man inside. police wouldn't say whether or not this was a shooting or a stabbing just that the man had visible signs of trauma. we're told one person is in custody for the homicide. they're still piecing this together. but at this point, we don't know what led up to this fight or what e motive is. >> janine, thank you. today you'll start seeing officers with the san jose police department wear cameras attached to their uniforms. officers must under go a four- hour training session before they can wear the small cameras in the field. under department policy it's recommended officers turn on the cameras during confrontations with suspects and situations that involve force. they'll turn off their cameras during private conversations, tactical briefings and strip searches. san jose city council approved the resolution by 963 cameras. >> for the first time we'll have police officer's interactions with the public being recorded. which is huge. it's been a long time coming. i'm happy it's here. i think a lot of our rank in file are happy it's here as well. >> the estimated cost is $4 million over five years. studies show cities with police body cameras have a 50% reduction in the use of force incidents. >> joining us live, san jose mayor, you were in favor of the cameras. tell us why. >> this is something i committed to do the first day i got into office over a year ago. we saw what was happening in urban police departments across the country. we knew as we were watching this unfold that cameras would be one important step. certainly not the only. but one important step to ensuring that we could continue to boost community confidence in policing. >> mayor, as part of the cameras coming into the department, what's the policy when it comes to officers being able to view the footage before writing up their first report of an incident. >> my understanding -- i better not comment on the specific policy at this point because i know it's still being fashioned and it's being released. and i'm happy to comment on the dollars and the equipment itself. the policy is something my understanding is just being released now. >> let me rephrase the question and say do you feel officers should be able to watch the footage prior to writing their reports in an officer involved shooting. >> it entirely depends on the context. and it seems to me that it's probably in those circumstances where you believe an officer is likely to want to alter the story. but i think the context is such that there are benefits in having an officer be able to understand what has happened clearly before writing the report after all the videotape is probably the most compelling evidence to any judge or jury. >> mayor, who has access to this video after the fact? does the public at some point gain access to this video? after all it's a public record of sort. who has access to this video? >> my understanding is it becomes subject like any other public record under the public records act. at the same time where it's essential to an ongoing investigation like any other evidence in a police investigation. it would not be released until the investigation is complete. >> is it troubling to you at all that officers will be the ones in charge of turning on the cameras and turning them off. do you prefer they would be on no matter what. >> no. because the cost of video storage is incredibly expensive. it will cost 3/4 of a million dollars annually to deal with video storage costs. we all know that, you know, the routine activities of a police officer getting into their vehicle or sitting through a policing or anything else is not what we're most interested in. we're interested in the interaction between an officer and somebody on the street. >> how do you hope the public reacts to this big change within the department? >> so far we have seen a positive response. but it's not just the cameras. it's about relationships fundamentally. the police chief has done a great job launching a series of initiatives. including coffee with a cop. where he's going into communities inviting community members to join him and other officers in conversations about whatever their concerns are. the technology is a nice tool. but it comes down to building relationships. >> thank you so much for joining us live on the 9 this morning. funerals are being held for three of the dallas police and transit officers killed in last week's ambushes. the services being held now for senior corporal lauren aarons. this is one of the largest churches in texas. this is a live picture of the service, corporal aarons will be buried to day, he was 6-5, 300-pounds. his wife also a police officer. they had an understanding i read about the dangers of the job and she is here in this crowd memorializing, honoring her husband who is among those shot and killed. lauren aarons, a 14 year veteran of the police department in dallas. one of three officers being memorialized today. >> there are funerals for dallas police sergeant michael smith. and dallas officer brent thompson. smith's funeral mass is being held at a church where his wife is a teacher. ♪[ music ] >> about 2,000 people were inside this symphony hall for yesterday's interfaith service for the fallen officers dignitaries included president obama, the first lady, vice president joe biden and former president george bush. president obama told mourners that the american people are standing with texans during this dark time. >> the pain we feel may not soon pass, but my faith tells me that they did not die in vain. >> president obama quoted scripture and even mentioned irish poet william yates in his remarks. >> the president is pushing for gun control as well as law enforcement today. president obama is hoping pressure will build on congress. the white house is hosting law enforcement leaders, academic activists to create strategies after a similar gathering earlier this week. >> we're in this together. we're not going to solve it without the president. and he sure as heck isn't going to solve the problems without us. while praising police, president obama also said that activists like those in the black lives matter movement have legitimate concerns. while on his way to the dallas memorial service, the president also called the families of alton sterling and philando castile both killed by police officers last week. we're hearing from the teen son of al on the sterling the man shot by baton rouge louisiana police. >> i want everyone to protest the right way. protest in peace. not guns. not drugs. not alcohol. not violence. everyone needs to protest in the right way. with peace. >> 15-year-old cameron sterling held a news conference this morning. he called his father a good man. he urged protesters angry about his father's death to demonstrate peacefully. federal investigators are looking into the police shooting which was recorded by, bystanders and posted on social media. today's push for tighter gun control, are you hopeful recent tragedies might finally bring change? by change we mean socially, politically, really any avenue at all. we posed this question to you on mornings on 2. kevin tweets i'm losing hope. i'm fearful that the change that is coming won't be for the better. do you see responses ? >> i just tweeted it out. >> adding further laws won't make a difference. better to enforce the many laws all ready in place. >> i did get one from kysa, that's his or her handle, nope, change starts with the government. people not being reprimanded for their actions is why this is happening. and of course as you said we'll hear more responses. it helps when you #ktvu9. there's a protest happening along an interstate. a group of demonstrators shut down one side of the highway chanting no justice no peace and black lives matter. law enforcement as you can see at the scene. taking into custody some individuals who are blocking that interstate. these pictures coming in also from minneapolis where there are reports that protesters briefly took over the star tribune office, demonstrators were gathering in the atrium of that building. the protesters claim the news paper is quote racist. the group has been chanting black lives matter. >> coming up, pokemon go players in southern california help police arrest a man. up next, the other crime the suspect is wanted here in the bay area. an armored car heist, a shooting, and a man hunt spanning across two north bay counties, how the suspects were caught and new information about the charges they're now facing. tame frizz-prone hair with smoothing care. new whole blends by garnier. smoothing haircare. enriched with coconut oil & cocoa butter extracts. nurtures and protects for naturally beautiful, shiny hair. new garnier whole blends coconut oil & cocoa butter. you guy's be good[ bark ] i'll [ bark ]later. bye. see ya pal. xfinity home provides 24/7 professional monitoring for 24/7 peace of mind. aw. aw. aw. aw. [ dryer running ] know what your pets are up to... party's on! ...with xfinity home, connected, protected home. xfinity customers: get a great deal on xfinity home and ask about free installation. call or go online today. see the secret life of pets, in theatres july 8th. taking a peek at stocks, a little up then a little down. the story so far for the dow jones and the nasdaq and s&p 500 not a lot of major movement to track at this point. >> kind of like the weather, a little up, a little down. it's going to get cooler over the weekend. it's hot today. >> it's a roller coaster ride here. monday was warm. yesterday we cooled down. the coast has to do with the fog. 60s and 50s there. and 90s through the interior. we dropped about 10 degrees yesterday for many. we'll turn that around and warm it up. around sutro tower there's fog in the city. solid down the san mateo coast down to monterey the record high, 88 in 1972 .fog has been suppressed. water temps, they're cold. 49 to 51. san francisco buoy is 51. that's really cold. that makes a huge difference for the fog to form. yet it didn't have impact inland today. 70s for some. 90s to mid 90s. we're getting warm pretty quick for some. by the coast, can't do it. temperature is up a couple degrees. fairfield, plus 4. livermore, plus 2. you can see the fog is there. it will make an appearance on the weekend. a pretty good system drops in for a cooling trend. if you're buy the coast, cool and foggy. inland, hot, real hot. but cooler by the weekend. two men accused in an armed robbery are in custody. the robbery happened up in windsor north of santa rosa. the suspects were found in calistoga in napa county. 911 callers told sonoma county dispatchers another vehicle pulled up behind it and two men with rifles or shotguns got out. the men robbed and shot a guard. the guard was shot multiple times but there's no update on his condition. the robbers drove off in a blue suv. an alert was issued and that suv was later spotted 20-miles to the east in calistoga. >> one suspect jumped out and engaged the officer by shooting a couple rounds at him. >> jumped out of the car. >> the suspect jumped out of his voc. and shot rounds at the officer. >> the officer was not hurt and used his patrol car to hit the suspect who was then arrested. the second suspect ran away but was caught later. the sheriff's office tells us they'll both be in court tomorrow afternoon facing charges of first degree attempted murder, conspiracy, and armed robbery. the judge ordered they be held without being eligible for bail. >> this adult store hustler hollywood is expected to open in san jose in a few months. brian flores joins us with the controversy on this opening. >> it's not a surprise. on one side you have people who will say this is great for businesses in the area. and on the other side there's those who say the store is bad taste. but regardless. they'll open their first location in san jose at the now vacant bank of the west building. from the city of san jose's standpoint they say the store has every right to be there. it fits the zoning requirements of being 500 feet away from a school. and 200 feet away from a residential neighborhood and existing adult business. but for many people, they say this area needs an economic boost and having hustler hollywood would generate that. others say other establishments like restaurants maybe turned off. >> it will probably bring in more business around here too. it's pretty slow around here. >> you have restaurants over here, you have shoe stores there, and then you have this dollar tree here, and then you have hustler lingerie store there? it doesn't mix. >> the los angeles based company has more than a dozen locations nationwide. a spokesman calls san jose great market with high reedership for hustler magazine. the store is tentatively scheduled to open in october. they plan to hire 12 employees. including an assistant manager and store manager. >> they dotted the i's and crossed the t's through the city. >> the city says they fit the zoning requirements so the store can be there. >> let's visit in a year and see how the community is adjusting. >> we'll see how the other businesses are. >> i did stories in that area. it seems like for lack of a better word it seems like a depressed area. a lot of the store fronts are empty. and we heard from some people who are saying we want any business in there. we just don't want empty store fronts. this is a start. >> this is a start. hustler, hollywood, however you feel about it. you know, probably will generate that foot traffic. like we said, it'll be interesting to see in six months to see how other businesses are being effected. >> agreed. coming up on mornings on 2. one of the smash and grabs was caught on camera, up next we'll show you more of this surveillance video and talk about what police know about these suspects. and a great white shark attack in the waters near santa cruz, up next a fisherman tells us the story of his close encounter. two men playing pokemon go helped police catch a man wanted for attempted murder. they were in a park in downtown fullerton. they saw a woman with three children running away from the man. the man approached another woman and her two children. >> the gentle man walks up and touches one of the children. one of the boys, walking his way up to the knee. at this point i'm running across the street. another gentleman does the same thing. the men detained the suspect until police arrived. then police found out the man is wanted for attempted murder in sonoma county. people are spending more time playing the game than being on facebook. the mobile app intelligence company says pokemon go players spend more than 33 minutes a day chases pokemon characters. that's 1.5 times as long as they spend on facebook and twice as long as they spend on snap chat or twitter just getting word now, this app is across the atlantic in europe. and launched today in germany. so it's going around the globe. >> here at home, local police departments, the bart police department, sfpd tweeting out if you're playing, be aware of your surroundings. doing this can't be good. >> the arlington national cemetery. they were saying don't come walk on the graves of fallen soldiers. >> they're asking the game to remove the site. >> the holocaust museum is another one. >> and businesses i've seen signs that say only for paying customers. don't come in here hunting for pokemon. pretty interesting video to share after two burglaries in the sacramento area earlier today. one of them caught on camera. it's surveillance video from a gun store in rockland. this happened at 4:00 a.m. you see a black rv crashing through the doors of the business. guys jump out and go into the store. the crv is registered in oakland. the owner of the store believes one gun was taken from this store. but then the thieves also struck another gun store, this one in folsom 45 minutes later and the owner says 15 guns were stolen there. police are looking into the possibility of the burglaries being connected. the commute across the san mateo bridge. two lanes will close tonight at 7:00. crews are fixing a large hole in the middle lane of the road just east of the high-rise. the work will continue over night, every night through this weekend. only the fast lane will be open between 7:00 at night and 5:00 in the morning. cal trans is suggesting drivers use the dunbarton bridge. as possible alternatives. i will say yesterday or last night over night the closure didn't effect as many people as we thought it might. it was lightly traveled. it doesn't seem to be a big deal yet. >> have you ever had an encounter with a great white? or seen one? >> i don't know that i've ever swam out far enough. >> they can come close to the shore. >> i don't go in passed the knees. >> a fisherman suddenly felt like he was bait when a great white started to attack his boat. christina rondon has more on this up close encounter. >> there was a radius mark here. actually from here down to here. >> commercial fisherman mark davis is talking about a great white shark attacking his boat. and he's got the bite marks to prove it. >> this was the upper jaw. he just kind of raked it back. >> davis was fishing for squid bait two miles off the coast last friday when the encounter happened. >> all of a sudden i felt this huge clunk and the bow of the boat went up in the air about four feet. >> davis was sitting in the boat which prevented him from falling over board. he says he's seen sharks in the water before. but this one was on a mission. >> he was all fired up and aggressive. he came at the boat three more times. i had to move it three different times. he kept coming at it. >> based on the teeth marks. >> they've been seen north of here. >> sean with the shark research foundation in santa cruz is the great white was the same size as his boat. >> it's not uncommon. we had events in 2014, 2012, 2011, it happens. >> what's more uncommon is the number of juvenile sharks they've seen off the northern california coast for the past two summers. people shouldn't be worried but they should be careful. >> they're not menacing in terms of frequently attacking people. it's like bears in yosemite. they're part of the environment. we're the new addition to it. >> because of that, davis has a souvenir to show off. >> this is a chip off of one side of one tooth. >> and a story to tell. >> it happened so fast. i didn't have time to be scared. but after i thought about it after words i thought well that was a pretty intense encounter i just had. >> they don't have plans to put up warning signs on the beaches so the warning here, be careful. reporting in capatola, ktvu fox 2 news. coming up, there's news for fans who want to keep their team in oakland. it will please people who want the a's to stay. celebrating 50 years of business, coming up steve paulson our in house wine connoisseur will interview one of its wine makers on the history of the company and this weekend's big party. we are checking the twitter feed this morning. we asked the estion throughout the morning, are you hopeful that the recent tragedies might finally bring some change. when we say change, we mean socially, politically, in any avenue out there across the country, what are you seeing there? >> i'll be honest, not a lot of optimism. michael tweeted eventually change will come, but until that day comes, i feel these unfortunate events will keep happening. also kevin triplet added i'm losing hope, i'm fearful the changes coming won't be for if better. >> even the worst situations can be catalysts for positive change and growth both on the individual and societal level. >> go ahead. >> i was going to mention our question was born from a discussion we had in the news room today about after san bernardino, after aurora colorado, after sandy hook elementary in new town connecticut, we've seen the president come out sharing a message of grief, sharing a message of hope, sharing a message of unity, much like what we saw yesterday in dallas, each time something big happens there's a call for change, many people say that change hasn't come yet. >> yesterday the president said himself i've been to too many memorials. >> thanks for sharing responses again on twitter. the #ktvu. new developments in the large protest we've been following out of minneapolis. our sister station just told us that several dozen people have made their way on to an interstate at a black lives matter rally. officers closed down the road as a precaution and arrested 41 people and impounded four vehicles at last check. authorities say they support their right for free speech but when they endanger lives, officers said they had to move in. >> let's move to our coverage of the presidential race. donald trump will announce his vice presidential running mate on friday. trump appears with mike pence at a rally last night. pence is one of the three remaining names on trump's list for a running mate. last night hillary clinton paid a visit to the hit broadway musical hamilton after finally receiving the endorsement of rival bernie sanders. later today clinton is set to speak in springfield illinois at the site of abraham lincoln's famous house divided speech. she'll talk about the importance of uniting the country following the recent shootings in texas, louisiana, and minnesota. we are just getting word that david cameron has officially resigned as british prime minister. >> as you can see, cameron received a standing ovation this morning. he formerly resigned during a meeting with queen elizabeth at buckingham palace. cameron said he'd resign after britain voted to leave the european union. we are just hearing that the next prime minister theresa may has arrived at buckingham palace to be confirmed as british prime minister. she too was against britain leaving the eu but says she will respect the will of the voters. may says she will focus on negotiating the best deal for the uk in leaving the eu. she has been britain's home secretary for the last six years in charge of immigration and law and order. >> here in the bay area, investigators are trying to figure out what sparked a fire that swept through a warehouse in livermore if fire broke out before midnight at millers air conditioning and heating located in an industrial area of livermore not far from lawrence livermore national lab the building was in flames when crews arrived at the scene. at this point, it's too early to determine a cause for the fire. but the deputy chief says red flags are raised any time a fire starts in an isolated area in the middle of the night when there shouldn't be anyone around. there's hopes for a's fans. he's committed to keeping oakland a major league city and if the team were to leave, major league baseball would eventually regret it. he said the a's can't wait for a resolution to the raiders stadium situation. he says the a's must act independently. the dreams for a new stadium for the raiders are getting more expensive. espn reports $1.4 billion project has gone up to more than $2 billion. the new proposal includes a retractible dome. the city's counter offering with 550 million. the raiders asked for an extension to put together a stadium plan because of growing costs. we queued up johnny b good. but last night johnny cueto took the loss in the all-star game. >> back at the wall, and gone. cueto gave up home runs to former teammates in the 2nd inning of last night's game in san diego, the all-star game also included an emotional fair well to red sox star david ortiz. he received a standing ovation when replaced by a pinch runner in the 3rd inning. in the 4th the al lead was kept to two runs when buster posey scored on a single to center. brandon belk got into the game as a pinch hitter in the 8th. the al won the all-star game getting home field advantage in the world series. we're following some of the top stories out of san francisco. ktvu's, tera is live. an officer was assigned to a special task force in certain communities of color are taking offense to this particular assignment, why? >> yes, these are the justice for alex coalition as well as the justice for luis coalition. they say they are fuming and that's because of the reassignment of one of the sergeants that was involved in the shooting death of luis april 7th in the mission district. he's been transferred to the bureau in charge of reform at sfpd. they say this is a slap in the face especially on the heels of the blue ribbon panel finding that bias does exist in the police department. sources tell me that the sergeant involved was assigned to his new post because psychologically it was better than being on the street. they also went on to say that the public won't be happy no matter where the sergeant is placed. they refuse to condemn him until the investigation is complete. the family of luis gongora released a statement minutes ago. it says the sergeant should be fired and barred from ever serving on the police force. the alex coalition said sfpd has an innate ability to burn bridges with the community they pretend to serve. we cannot trust them. do expect action in response to this travesty. perhaps we'll see protests. not sure when. but we'll keep you posted. >> in all my time in living in san francisco. i don't think i ever heard of ku klux klan fliers but they were apparently found in some neighborhoods, correct? >> yes, this is important to the folks at next door, the popular app that keeps you connected with your neighbors. they say these fliers are promoting the ku klux klan, they were distributed in the asbury district. they site opposition to the black lives matter movement and they include contact information for joining the kkk. it reads please join before it's too late. the fliers endorse the kkk's prosecond amendment position and elude to the group's longevity and geographical distribution while alleging it's not a hate group. fliers have been found, and some appear to have been distributed between 9:30:00 a.m. and 1:00 or 2:00 p.m. if you're concerned about the fliers, go to the police meeting tonight at 6:00. that's at park station. >> and finally more cities are popping up all over san francisco. there are a couple pieces of legislation creating new policy on how to deal with this problem. >> everybody seems to have their idea of how we should tackle the homeless issue in san francisco. and supervisor jane is the latest to throw her idea into the ring. and this is the third ordinance which actually competes with ballot measures all ready proposed by supervisors mark farrell and aaron. homeless people would receive notice seven days before a tent city sweep and the city would be required to offer services and shelter to occupants for at least 90 days. this is in contrast of the idea to ban camps all together placing residents into shelters within 24 hours of a sweep notification. peskins measure that still needs six votes would require the city to provide 72 hours notice and then 30 days to come up with a plan for the housing. back to you. tera, live in san francisco, thanks. our next guest is a singer song writer from the bay area who is making his debut at the great american music hall. ♪ [ music ] making his mark on the stage, jack conducted economic research in uganda and was advised in political science by condoleezza rice. i give you jazz hands and ask with all you've done, why focus in on music now? >> it was something i did a lot of growing up. i had wonderful parents who encouraged me to pursue different avenues. i got to play sports for a long time. but music eventually called as one of the things i loved doing the most. i was doing theater performing and shows in new york. and started writing my own music. i wanted to keep performing and find a new avenue. it's been fun. >> one of the cool things, you're a poly psi major. on a serious side, you've written papers that have been picked up by news papers talking about policy. do you still keep your finger in that too other than your singing? >> no, i like to be an active american citizen. but other than that, it was wonderful to go to stanford and work with wonderful professors and that's great about being a students athlete at stanford. they encourage the academic side. >> you grew up in the bay area. >> one exit north of stanford. absolutely right. i went to menlo school right next door. really good burgers. now i can drink the beer. >> while at stanford were you the guy in the dugout during practice who also had the guitar? >> it was more confined to the fraternity's chapter room for the most part playing music there. not too late into the evening. >> tell me about story telling when it comes to music. story telling in our business is important. when i think of music, i think robert hunter, bob dillon, i appreciate their story telling. how important is that for you? >> it's the whole thing to me. that's what's so fun coming into song writing. song writing is not a part of the art world that i have been involved with. now it's taking up all my time. up until a year ago, what i was doing at the time, i had just lost bun of my oldest friends passed away in a tragic accident and song writing became a way of getting through that. and it's funny because you hear a lot of music can be such an out let for people. and a lot of times it will channel itself in really dark ways. a lot of the way it channeled itself for me was in trying to make things cheerful. trying to cheer myself up and cheer up other people and sell bait what's great in life. celebrate what's great in life. >> what experiences do you draw on when you want to write a song? do you have to be in a down mood? does something have to happen in your life? >> i don't want to give away trade secrets but really i thought for my whole life i thought song writing was this elusive gene some people had that i didn't have. and most of the time it's like everybody else going to work. i sit down. and i decide i'm going to get something done. most of the time it's terrible. but just starting and committing to finishing something has been the biggest thing for me. sometimes you'll breakthrough. if you're feeling in love one day it's easiest to write a love song in that scenario. but really it comes through getting to push through like any other job. >> looking at the background in sports and politics, does it frustrate you that some people say wow really? you can do that? people think of them as very disjointed, if you're an artist i don't expect you to be an economist or a baseball player. >> my experience was weird but i was around supportive people my entire life. my community has been supportive. i never really once had somebody come up to me and say what is he doing now? it's way more of look at what he's doing now in the most supportive way where i feel i'm being built up. i think it stems back to my parents and my sister. who were the best. >> i think it's a jack of all trades master of none. >> we saw the video with the band. if i ask the question will the real jack please stand up is it the actor? the singer? >> it's whoever i get to be that day. i love everyday. it always feels like an adventure and i'm always getting to do something new which is a blessing. >> jeff is performing tomorrow night at the great american music hall in san francisco. the show begins at 8:00. for tickets and information, go to click on web links at the top of the home page. thank you so much. >> thank you for having me. >> we'll be back after this. before we go, a little more. ♪ i ♪ shining through rs ♪ i see your true colors ♪ and that's why i love you ♪ so don't be afraid ♪ to let them show ♪ your true colors ♪ true colors ♪ true colors ♪ are beautiful in 1966 robert started his winery with a plan to create wipes in the napa valley that could compete with the finest wine in the world. >> now the name is known around the world. the winery is celebrating its 50th anniversary. >> we're learning more about the wine making process and what has kept the business going for so many years. for more on that, let's send it over to steve. >> there are many wine countries you think of in the bay area, san the santa cruz mountains, lodi, sonoma but most think about the napa valley. how's the weather been this year? >> we have some early rain. we're in better shape. we've been in drought for the last three years. we're looking for an early year. more fruit than last year. we're set for a good harvest. >> for the 50th anniversary, what have you brought? >> three special wines great for the summer months. we have the napa valley fuma blanc. it's sauvignon blanc. it was a cheaper jug wine. he traveled france and saw how great it can be made in the right way. he wanted to differentiate himself and called it fumay blanc. this is a napa cab. >> napa valley. oakville, stags leave from rutherford, it's made from a little bit of all napa. >> $28. let's get to the good stuff. this is the maestro. this is the wine we created specifically for this year to celebrate mr. mandavi. we belief he was the maestro for the winery and all of napa valley. before we taste, you have a connection with the family going back when you were a child your dad neurobetter mandavi. by dad was on the sales side, distribution side. i grew up on a farm on a ranch. and i used to meet him on a couple occasions and wine making has been in my blood. >> there's a difference sometimes with napa cabs. so you're always dealing with that. verses a bordeaux. >> it's a tough plus or minus. we try to create an elegant wine that can be consumed early. >> let's go to the fumay here. oh crisp. vibrant. you get the floral notes. >> very floral. can i sip this? is that right? fun for summer concerts. >> now let's go over here though real quick. this is the napa valley cab. the flag ship wine we've been creating since 1966. some raspberry, some spice. dark fruits. let's go to the big boy. this is our special wine. the maestro. this is in oakville, you get the freshness of stags leaf and the structure of oakville. >> french oak 18 months. to be unique, a merlot based wine. >> the forgotten grape merlot but is it making a come back? yes. >> thanks for having me. >> all right gentlemen. >> that's good. thank you. appreciate it. the 50th anniversary of the mandavi winery. the celebration runs from noon to 4:00 p.m. take it away gentlemen in honor of mandavi wines. >> the summer sipper. it's tfrom the old way off buying and selling cars. introducing beepi, the radical new way to buy & sell cars, all online. carefully inspected, guaranteed and delivered right to you. if you never have to step foot on a dealership lot again, neither should they. zero to happy. wearing powerful sunscreen? 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(all with worry-free ownership. colors in your neighborhood... head to your neighborhood enterprise car sales and let the people who buy more vehicles than anyone... shift your thinking about buying your next one. after a terrifying home invasion, the nation's oldest park ranger is back on the job. >> trust us. 94-year-old betty reed looked great as she returned to work. she works at the memorial park there. we've been following betty's story. she's been recovering since someone broke into her home and assaulted and robbed her. >> i department didn't want to be seen bruised and battered. partly for vanity. and partly because i didn't want to look like a victim. because i survived. >> following the attack, she's been overwhelmed by the out pouring of love and support from across the nation. a bear cub found a way to turn a woman's car into a den. the car owner says all the windows and doors were closed when the bear locked itself in the car yesterday morning at a camp site. the bear did a good amount of damage, ripped the plastic sunroof cover off and chewed up the steering wheel. the woman was shocked when sheriff deputies showed up to help. >> there's a bear rummaging through my trunk. and it's like a baby. it's a little bigger than a cub. >> when the door came open the bear jumped out kind of in my direction, and i just made a little bit of a loud yell at him and it startled him and he took off in the other direction. >> the bear likely just opened the rear hatch to climb inside the car. warriors star draymond green made his comments after his assault arrest. he appeared in aspen colorado yesterday. green was arrested early sunday morning in east lansing michigan after an altercation with another man. he was released on $200 bond. >> my legal team is handling it. it will be resolved really quickly. as a public figure, i just can't put myself in certain situations. it's something that i learned from and just move on. >> that's all green had to say about the incident after his arrest. he spent the rest of the time talking about his interests outside of basketball, including a media project he's part of described as a network and space to help athletes tell stories. some of the biggest names in sports will take part at the espis in l.a. tributes to muhammad ali. area stars including steph curry and joe pavelski are up for awards. curry is nominated in categories including best male athlete, record breaking performance and best nba player. wrestler john will host the show. some of the biggest brewers plan to add nutrition labels to beers but not on the bottles and cans. brewers including anheuser- busch and miller coors say they will provide ingredient information online or on card border packaging by the year 2020. that's been met by criticism from consumer advocates who are calling on the industry to put the information on the bottles and the cans. not the packaging and they want labels to show the amount of calorie, carbohydrates and alcohol in each brew. the group wants companies to show when a beer was brewed or include a bar code that can be scanned with a smart phone for more information. >> you both partake, what do you think about that? do you look at that stuff when you're having a brew? i didn't think so. >> if they want to put it on, go for it. more information never hurt. thanks for joining us this morning on the 9. i'll see you back here at noon, have a great wednesday half way through the week. thanks again for joining us this morning. wish you could nourish your hair dove oxygen moisturelat? with oxygen fused moisture... for the nourishment you need... with 95% more volume. dove oxygen moisture. ii can't believe it's made with real, simple ingredients.ter. i can't believe... we're on a whale. i can't believe my role isn't bigger. real ingredients. unbelievable taste. enjoy i can't believe it's not butter! >> announcer: live from new york city, it's the "wendy williams show." >> you won't believe what i'm about to tell you. >> my girls are always turned out. >> straight, no changer. ♪ ♪ >> announcer: here's wendy! [ cheers and applause ] >> thank you. i love the love. ♪ ♪ >> welcome to our show. [ cheers and applause ] >> that you so much for

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