Transcripts For KTVU KTVU Mornings On 2 At 6am 20170724 : co

Transcripts For KTVU KTVU Mornings On 2 At 6am 20170724

start. we have had a few things, westbound 92 near the san mateo bridge toll plaza we have a crash and we will check that out next time but it appears both vehicles are out of the lanes. the police in san jose have blocked off part of santana road after a report of a shooting in the area. alex savidge is live with more on what we know and what is happening with the investigation. >> reporter: good morning. everything is back open at the san jose santana road after early morning police activity. the san jose police say that no one was injured when shots were fired inside one of the units at this townhome complex just up the street on the left-hand side where you can see some of these squad cars still parked. someone fired shots in the unit and one bullet went into a neighboring unit this morning. the complexes along the allston drive in the middle of santana row. the 911 calls came in it 12:45 am. the san jose police brought out the s.w.a.t. team to search for the shooter and the potential victims in the case. the police evacuated three neighboring unit as a precaution while searching the area. they found no one shot, and officers took two men into custody as part of the investigation, and both men were inside one of the townhouse units when shots were fired this morning. according to the lieutenant, both men are being questions about -- question about what happened. >> we determined that there was a bullet the past through one unit into another. we evacuated several units and we may contact with the unit we believe where the shots came from. >> reporter: the police so far have been unable to find the gun used in the shooting but they are still out here investigating, and they are trying to figure out if the shooting was intentional or if it could've been an accidental shooting. again, no one was hit by gunfire this morning with the san jose police continuing their investigation in the advanced of olson drive on santana row. all the roads are back open after that early morning police activity. >> alex savidge, thank you. firefighters in mariposa county making progress on the detwiler fire that is now 45% contained. it is burned over 76,000 acres, 63 homes destroyed since it began one week ago. over the weekend more evacuation orders were lifted and people were allowed to return to the area but firefighters say could still take two weeks before the fire is fully contained. the firefighters neil gilroy stopped a small brush fire from growing in the 150 acre fire began at 4 pm yesterday at the cache valley road and highway 101. the fire is 50% contained, no homes threatened, and no word on the cause. it is 6:04 am. the family of the man that died after being badly beaten near the lake merritt, a $10,000 reward leading to the suspect. the passing drivers saw the attack on owens, and the suspect stop the beating and rowlandson ran away. owens died the next day at the highland hospital. his family said he had battled drug abuse but was in a wellness program for a year and his dad said that allowed owens to be an organ donor. >> i am proud of him from that aspect of it and i hope the people that received the organs are doing well. >> he says that owens has a daughter that is devastated by the death of her father. >> the police are looking for group of burglars that broke into a group of cars planning two bay cities and where live in livermore talking about the 50 cars and trucks damaged, another car stolen all in one night. >> reporter: that's right. the police believe the burglars acted very quickly getting several dozen cars in 30 minutes on hawk drive with the plastic covering seen here on this vehicle. we also see plastic coverings on these windows. the police believe the smash- and-grab crime spree began at the hampton inn in brentwood early friday morning. the police found 17 vehicles with damage and most have broken windows. it is believed the same suspects headed to livermore. surveillance video from the neighbor on hawk drive shows the suspects in town at 7:20 am friday. in the video you see the car casing the streets, and it parks, two people run out and return five minutes later. the group also hit the tiffany, and waterlily common totaling 34 car break-ins in 30 minutes. neighbors woke to the broken glass and damaged windows. >> i hope lightning does not strike twice and hopefully they won't be back again. >> reporter: while many cars were broken into it appears the suspects did not get away with much. neighbors reported a suspicious white car in the area and the police ran the plate of what turned out to be a stolen lexis from the brentwood hampton inn and they believe the group is from out of town. there are no descriptions of the suspect but the license plate from the stolen car is 4jpx560 . the police in livermore and brentwood do not know why these east bay towns were targeted. where on hawk drive near tiffany common and waterlily common just off over here. we are told by some of the neighbors that they will have to take uber and lyft to get to work while the vehicles are repaired. >> thank you for the update. it is 6:07 am. the president's son-in-law a senior advisor jared kushner talking to the senior intelligence committee behind closed doors for the beginning of this very busy week on capitol hill, and doug luzader has details from washington. >> reporter: what does the president's son-in-law know about russia and facing off with jared kushner, a top advisor that played a key role in the campaign last year. they are looking for information involving kushner, donald trump jr and paul manafort.>> we want to know whether these meetings took place, other meetings took place and we have a lot of ground to cover. the council said they will only make them available for two hours so we suspect this will be the first interview. >> reporter: anthony scaramucci saying this will help to settle the matter. >> i am confident tomorrow when jared kushner speaks, and i keep my fingers crossed, it will probably be the last time he has to talk about russia. >> reporter: the other issue for anthony scaramucci tasked with improving white house messaging trying to rein in the lakes, and issue bedeviling the trump administration since day one. >> if you will keep leaking i will file or everybody, -- fire everybody, it is binary. >> reporter: there is still uncertainty on obamacare and from the president his tweets, "if republicans don't repeal and replace the disastrous obamacare, repercussions will be far greater than any of them understand.">> that was doug luzader reporting. as far as the questioning of jared kushner today, he will not be under oath. it is 6:09 am. a simple request for water leads to a horrible discovery and nine bodies are found inside this sweltering tractor- trailer in the texas walmart parking lot, what authorities have to say about the truck and the driver. amid the drug crisis where police could be armed with private medical records. tracking a cooldown for the bay area monday, checking on the current conditions and what you can expect, coming up. welcome back to mornings on 2 . it is 6:12 am. the police and hayward arrested a man in connection with the deadly stabbing off of the nimitz freeway. the man was found dead when they arrived and it is unclear what led to the stabbing. the police took the suspect into custody about 10 pm that night and we do not know the name of the suspect or victim, the third homicide and hayward this year. the body of a missing boater was recovered from the tomales bay over the weekend with family friends saying it was charles "tod" friend, the owner of the tomales bay oyster company . he was reported missing last tuesday after his boat empty seen going in circles and the official search was called off the next day but family friends continue to search until they found his body saturday afternoon. investigators believe he fell from the boat and was not wearing his life best. the union smuggling case in san antonio has killed nine and 20 others in the hospital found in a sweltering tractor-trailer in the walmart parking lot yesterday. we have the latest on the investigation. >> reporter: it was an emotional vigil for the victims of the human smuggling attempt. >> no human has to die in the search for a better life. >> reporter: among those that died after being crammed into the tractor-trailer were several minors, found in the walmart parking lot in san antonio with three dozen people left in sweltering conditions with no air conditioning or water. nearly 20 people in the hospital in serious condition. the sunday night vigil at the san antonio church was somber and sometimes angry. >> the criminalization of immigrants and the border. >> reporter: immediately congressman joaquin castro pointing the finger at his fellow lawmakers in part for the lack of immigration reform. >> no one person is responsible for the failure but it represents the systemic failure. >> reporter: in a statement about human traffickers, homeland security secretary john kelly says "the smugglers have no regard for human life and only seek profit. the department of homeland security and his partners in the u.s., mexico and central america will continue to root out the smugglers, bring them to justice and dismantle their networks." the driver of the truck has been arrested, james bradley, junior. -- james bradley, jr. with as many as 100 people at one point in the vehicle. it is 6:15 am. sal is watching the bay area commute, and it is busy already. >> it is busy already but nothing major going on. definitely the people are going to work. all of us have been together for a long time in a few years back sometimes in july we would have no traffic, but no longer the case. it is seemingly a bit lighter on highway 24 but every day is different. moving along to look at the bay bridge toll plaza, the traffic is backed up. not a huge backup but definitely waiting on to the span into san francisco. here is a look at interstate 880 in oakland with traffic okay. driving on highway 4, it is a little bit slow over the hill into concord from bay pointe but 680 looking good from the venecia bridge down to walnut creek. typical for july with clouds overhead and more widespread than what we solved the weekend and as a result temperatures are cooling off in addition to the onshore breeze here's the view into san francisco with the low cloud deck on the back edge with the marine layer growing from yesterday morning and it has to do with a switch in the weather pattern with a low deepening off of the coastline bringing us this cool down. for the afternoon temperatures ranging from low 60s on the coast, 70s along the bay to low 90s expected inland with some spots sitting 100 of the weekend coming down by 5 to 15 degrees. 65 in santa rosa right now, 65 in san francisco, upper 50s in san jose. temperatures again cooler and even this morning down by 12 degrees in fairfield, 8 in livermore and the bay down by a few degrees. petaluma and napa waking up to cloud cover. the afternoon highs expected are 80 for napa, 80 for santa rosa who hit 95 yesterday so they will notice a difference. upper 60s for sausalito and along the coast and around the bay cooling slightly. 73 in oakland. 100 degrees for the inner east bay this past weekend and 90 today for livermore and mid 80s in saratoga. the peninsula will be nice with 75 for the afternoon, 79 in redwood city. 75 for san francisco, low 60s were pacifica and half moon bay. partly to mostly cloudy along the coast today. your extended forecast and as we rope tuesday status quo before we warm up on wednesday, thursday and friday back into the upper 90s inland. right now looks like the weekend we will shave off a few degrees for the hotter spots but in any event we had the microclimate pattern in place, 60s at the coast, 80s along the bay in mid 90s inland. >> still nice to start the week. >> even when it rains would like to see a cooldown. it is 6:18 am. the instagram video at the heart of this deadly crash investigation and an incredible story coming up in minutes. what this 18-year-old woman is accused of doing in merced county. in every photograph there is a positive and wonderful glow. >> it has been 20 years since the death of princess diana and i was on tv when that happened, prince harry and elton john share their memories of the princes. ♪ what should i watch? show me sports. it's so fluffy! look at that fluffy unicorn! he's so fluffy i'm gonna die! your voice is awesome. the x1 voice remote. xfinity. the future of awesome. ♪ ♪ ♪ welcome back to mornings on 2. for the second time in less than a month an apartment complex under construction in boston has gone up in flames with fire crews responded to the fire. five buildings in the unfinished complex were destroyed. late last month there was a similar fire in the unfinished apartment complex in the dorchester neighborhood. support for the critically ill baby in england is growing as people are pressuring officials to allow the baby to get experimental medical treatment in america. the parents of charlie gard want to bring the baby to the u.s. but the doctors in london saying that traveling to america is not in the best interest of the baby and the parents have lost the court cases to overturn the decisions by the hospital with two dozen activist organizing demonstrations to show support for charlie gard and his parents. in london legal proceedings are scheduled to resume later today. >> we have been working with the white house every day to try to move this along. there is mass movement on the political front. charlie has supporters everywhere. >> the case has attracted international attention with some hospital officials receiving death threats. the doctors at the hospital saying the experimental treatment will not work and only calls the 11-month-old baby more suffering. five young victims are recovering after being burned in a boat fire on folsom lake, ranging from five years old to the early teens treated for first and 2nd degree burns. the man driving the boat added fuel and started the engine which led to the fuel vapors sparking the cost the fire. the driver did not use the boat to ventilate the engine before starting the boat. >> it could explode so you are supposed to run it before turning on the ignition and turning on the motor, and i think you are supposed to run it about five minutes. >> witnesses said that everyone on the boat jumped in the water when the fire started and all five victims are expected to recover. it is 6:24 am. new jersey considering legislation to help right down doctors that illegally prescribed drugs and the place in law enforcement would have access to the state prescription drug monitoring database without a court order. lawmakers say the legislations will help officials target physicians that improperly prescribe addictive medications in the bill of this national opioid epidemic. governor chris christie is against the idea and critics say it violates privacy laws. over the weekend east bay congressman eric swalwell received on-the-job training for some other professions and spent part of the day saturday at the oakland international airport working as a baggage handler. he took time the unload -- to unload the plane and he got rid of the safety jacket and headed to the starbucks in dublin. the congressman said he to park in barista basic training and whipping up drinks for the thirsty starbucks customers and it was for all part of the "in your shoes" campaign. it was hardly a routine trip, and we show you how this starbucks customer is being called a hero. plans to research and study safe injection sites for drug users in san francisco, and that. to be moving forward, and we will tell you what's next on the agenda of the task force. good morning. the commute appears to be okay over the bay bridge with a bit of a backup building. the time coming up. the afternoon highs coming down for the start of your business week with a look at the current conditions, and what you can expect for the afternoon, coming up. this is ktvu mornings on 2. good morning and thank you for joining us here on mornings on 2 on this monday, july 24. i am dave clark. >> good morning. i am pam cook. it is 6:28 am. we have rosemary in for steve today. is it a good day to head to the beach? >> if you like it cool and partly cloudy. nice warm up for the weekend but now we bring it down. as we get into the second half of the business week temperatures will be going back up. first let's check on the current conditions with a live look over san francisco with the marine layer growing over the last 24 hours. yesterday we started with cloud cover and very shallow but now 1600 feet with san francisco reporting 55 degrees, santa rosa 55 and 60 in oakland, upper 50s in livermore and san jose. waking up with cloud cover and more widespread this morning with temperatures down for some, 12 degrees lower in fairfield, and around the bay a bit cooler. we have some cloud cover with temperatures starting out warmer in areas like napa. the weather showing us sunnier in early afternoon with an onshore breeze strengthening and fairfield reporting a two miles an hour with concord reporting 12 miles an hour. the marine layer is deeper and all of this will be pointing to cooldown for the afternoon. 80 expected in santa rosa with the big drop expected, 70s around the bay and 80 in the south bay at san jose. those folks hitting 100, now 90 expected in livermore and antioch. temperatures holding for a few days before we heat back up wednesday through friday. we will take a look at your extended forecast coming up. it is 6:30 am. sal has us covered with the traffic. >> good morning. starting off in marin county and southbound 101 down and -- there goes the smart train on the tracks, first time i've seen that. the traffic is moving along pretty well heading into central san rafael. i think phil may like this pick your, the manzanita area looks pretty good. i'm not sure what the shopping center is. what is that on the left? anyway, southbound 101 traffic looks good. we will have to get back to you on that. moving along as we take a look at the commute to the golden gate bridge, looking good. if you are driving into san francisco, here's a nice shot with traffic looking good on the bridge. here is highway 24 and it is often a good start. where off to a nice start and we will to a more about the south bay the next time around. san francisco public health officials are taking steps to create safe injection sites for drug users in the city. allie rasmus is alive to explain the details of the plan. >> reporter: that includes whether or not these sites will open if at all, still to be determined. the city has created safe injection sites task force and the members of the task force, city leaders and public health officials meeting regularly to talk about opening them and how they would operate, and how many hours they would be open which all of it is still open for discussion. they have been meeting regularly and released the results of a survey and found there is an estimated 22,000 people in san francisco that inject drugs in the city with 50% of the drug use heroin, 34% methamphetamines and more than two thirds of the drug users are homeless living in the tenderloin area. some san francisco public health and police officials scheduled to tour the safe injection site in vancouver next month. the debate right now is whether to keep the safe injection sites open just during business hours or 24 hours as they are in other countries where they are available. the idea behind the safe injection sites is to supervise the drug use to make sure that dirty needles are not used and that people can get immediate help in the event of an overdose. they say providing food, showers and mental health counselors will give them the added incentive to go to the safe injection sites to use drugs. the safe injection task force will resume results of the survey before the next meeting scheduled for the second week in august. it is 6:33 am. an 18-year-old woman is accused of live streaming while driving drunk and a crash that killed her 14-year-old sister. there are reports that obdulia sanchez was live streaming friday on instagram before, during and after the crash and family members have confirmed that the tv station, this is sanchez on instagram. she crashed through a fence and into a field and her sister that was not wearing a seatbelt was ejected from the car. >> i think when people of been drinking and under the influence of alcohol, drugs or combination, they do things they would not normally do like getting on the phone when they know better. >> chp said they will examine the video as part of the investigation. the taliban is claiming responsibility for the deadly suicide car bombing targeting government workers in afghanistan. the attacker rammed the car filled with explosives into a bus carrying government employees in kabul with 24 people killed, 42 injured. the bus was destroyed along with several cars and shops. metal detectors installed outside of jerusalem holy site leading to violent protests and beth lamb over the weekend. the palestinian protesters clash with israeli forces at the site and this violence follows a week of escalating tensions after israel set up metal detectors last week after the two is really police officers were killed at the site. the government said that metal detectors were put in place to prevent violence but the government -- protesters say that the government is trying to expand its control. 25-year-old guthrie mclean was detained after getting in fight with the taxicab driver in china and he said the driver was being rough with his mother after they got into an argument over the taxi fare, and guthrie mclean is a student at the university of montana. his mother is a teacher in china and chinese authorities agreed to drop the charges that negotiations with the u.s.. new rules going into effect today to crack down on bad behavior at the san mateo county beach and the tanita's creek beat is off highway 101 south of half moon bay and a popular destination for light night -- late-night parties but too much trash is being left behind so they will close the beach from dusk til dawn. they prohibit fires, overnight camping, alcohol and fireworks. it is 6:36 am. almost 20 years after princess diana was killed in a car crash, prince harry is joined by elton john to talk about the legacy of princess diana. they recently met with two other men that encountered princess diana during her work with hiv and aids charities, and they share their favorite memories of diana for the new documentary. >> it was considered to be a gay disease and for someone in the wrong family, the royal family, woman, straight into have someone care from the other side, it was an incredible gift. >> you can see it in her face. we look back to the reality that people came unglued. everybody in this photograph is smiling because of her. >> she had an energy. >> they are smiling because of her. the hbo documentary film, " diana, our mother, her life and legacy the" will air tonight on hbo. battling patriotic cancer and the central valley republican died at his home in manteca, dave cogdill was 66 years old. "and tonight send our deepest condolences to the dave cogdill family, always putting their interest above the party. " making a hard landing on the new york east river friday and the seaplane pilot tried to get the plane to take off three times and on the third attempt the plan got off of the water but quickly dropped back into the river. part of the support structure of the left wing was broken and no one was injured. the police in fresno calling the starbucks customer courageous and a hero for stepping into stop a robbery. the surveillance video shows the man walking into the starbucks store wearing a transformers mask and carrying a replica handgun, demanding money. when the cashier appeared to hesitate the robber pulled a large knife and that is when the 58-year-old craig jerry grabbed a chair and hit the robber from behind twice. the suspect turned the knife on jerry who overpowered him and managed to stab him several times. another starbucks worker did not notice what was happening and continued to clean the tables. the robber ran away but was captured a short time later and taken to the hospital. he is facing charges of armed robbery and assault with a deadly weapon. craig jerry had minor injuries but is expected to completely recover. we are following a developing story in san jose where hazardous material team was called into the hotel, we will take you live at 7:00. the navy's newest aircraft carrier and we will show you how the uss gerald r. ford is a lot different from other ships. possible relief for college students and what it means for the future of student loans. it will be a different commute in some areas and for example completely light in marin county and we will let you know more about your commute coming out. inland communities get relief from the heat as we track the cooldown for the bay area monday, more coming up. welcome back to mornings on 2 as we take a live look at the dow, down 38 points, 21,540. the nasdaq and s&p 500 down by each, 4 points. it is a big week on wall street with 180 companies reporting earnings, and we will talk about that in a little bit. six general motorcars on the chopping block and according to the report the company is considering plans to eliminate the chevy volt, impala and sonic. the buick lacrosse, cadillac cts 6 and x ts could also be cut as the sale of cars continues to fall with more people purchasing suvs and pickups. the rising cost of college tuition slowing down after scholarship and grant money are figured into the what the student actually pays. tuition of the undergrad and graduate schools growing less than 2% in the year that ended last month according to the wall street journal. that is compared to the average 6% annual tuition increase from 1990 through last year, twice as much as the pace of emplacement. experts say that enrollment is going down because you are millennials then members of the general x . muni completes the first week of underground test on the light rail cars which meant shutting down the subway for the riders and more testing expected over the next month. close between the west portal and montgomery stations all day on the weekends and after 9:30 pm on weeknights through august 20 with the only exception august 11-13 when the outside lands music festival is happening. the subway will be open for that. up until now muni was testing the railcars in the yard and on the streets and this weekend was the first time the cars were tested underground. >> it is progress and people use it, and when this is over they will forget about it. >> we need them and they are long overdue. >> during the closure the bus bridges available between embarcadero and the st. francis circle, eventually replacing 149 cars and in phases through 2028. china is testing a new skytrain, the fastest of its kind in the country and it can reach almost 50 miles an hour and carry over 500 people. the engineers working on the project say the train will be an upgrade for the mass transit system in china. >> i want to ride on that. it is 6:45 am. uss gerald r. ford, the newly commissioned aircraft carrier will head out to see as we go to the flight deck where the officers and sailors are testing new technology. >> reporter: the flight deck of the uss gerald r. ford is about five acres, 1092 feet in length and a good part of the carrier is the redesign of the island, the tower back here which gives more space on the flight deck meaning they can park more airplanes. nobody better to talk about it then the mini boss, the assistant head of the air department on the carrier, and thank you for being with us, john. >> reporter: how big of a difference after serving on two different carriers, how much better is the ford than everything else? >> it is much better with this additional real estate with the island, and we have more move for the aircraft to make it more flexible and efficient in the air operations.>> reporter: safer, more airplanes, and everybody is talking about the catapult system. they have been testing this with these 80,000 pound plugs to see if it works but you will launch airplanes come monday so what makes this catapult special?>> it is special because it is electromagnetic and no longer driven by steam, and there is a below flight deck armature that is run by a series of magnets that will pull this down the flight deck to where it will launch the aircraft. it has been proven to work on the dead loads which are basically hooks for the wheels. this system will not be different and it is proven to work. it will not know the difference so we are confident this will work. >> reporter: the planes they have on the flight deck right now they brought on for the commissioning but in the next couple of days they will be landing the aircraft and shooting it off of the carrier with rick hernandez one of the men in charge of this with 182 sailors working for you and how different is the new carrier for you and your men and everything else? >> there is a lot of new technology on the carrier that a lot of sailors have not yet experienced. this will be a new thing. we will work with this equipment and we have not put this into practical use which will be the challenge moving forward. >> reporter: what will it be like setting sail for the first time this week? >> it will be different and we will catch the first aircraft which will be interesting and exciting, and we get to put everything we worked on for two years and put it into practical use.>> very exciting. once it is officially deployed in 2020 the ship will house 2600 sailors. the final price tag came to $13 billion. it is 6:48 am and time to check in with gasia mikaelian on what is coming up. >> good monday morning. when i join you in minutes, if you're not one of those people that jumps on the update for your iphone or mac, you should update now to avoid having your device taken over and why the google android team developed a problem recently. forget using the security card to get in and out of the office or to get the password into the commuter, one company has workers being microchips, and we will tell you what the company is promising will happen, those stories and more in a couple of minutes.>> would you do it? >> i don't see a benefit for the worker only for the employer. but from what i know i would probably wait. >> i think i would is well. thank you. let's see what sal is saying and we need to know about the morning commute.>> right now westbound 24, looking okay and i would say it is a pretty good commute. let's go to it on highway 24, light traffic through lafayette and perhaps we are getting some light traffic on this summer monday westbound into open with traffic looking good through the tunnel and into the open site of the bay bridge. a 20 minute delay which is normal for this time of the morning. once we get onto the bridge it looks good and on the carpool lane no major delays with the high school -- highway 4 slow with 680 slowing down in pleasant hill and nothing major on the freeways and northbound 280 looking good up and highway 17. it is 6:50 am. good morning. hello to all of you that are getting back to work on this monday. we have a cooldown coming our way with the marine layer setting deeper this morning. you can see us covering up the citrus tower. yesterday morning sitting on top of the coast range we could see plenty of sunshine just above the hills. that is not the case into monday or tuesday, a low deepening off of the coast and that has deepened the marine layer bringing back the onshore breeze. low clouds more widespread than yesterday morning. for the afternoon today 60s at the coast was 70s around the bay, low 80s to low 90s inland so that is nice relief coming for those folks that had a very hot this past weekend. the inland and east bay residents hit 100. 57 at livermore and outside in oakland 60, 55 at the sfo and half moon bay. for the inner east bay, low 60s in antioch, 58 in danville, 54 in lafayette. into the afternoon the microclimate pattern in place and we will remain cool at the coast. mild around the bay and warmer locations getting into the low 90s. a little warmer for the lake county area and 96 expected in clearlake, santa rosa 80 and a big improvement from yesterday where they hit 95 at the airport. 69 in sausalito and find your way to the beach to make it cooler. these bay shore will be mild today and 73 in oakland, 72 at alameda. the hotter spots will be warm but not quite as hot and 91 in brentwood. 80 in san jose and 85 in saratoga with upper 60s in santa cruz. on the peninsula 79 at redwood city and 70 at and bruno was 65 or san francisco. low 60s for daily seasoning -- daly city. the giants will play cool and breezy at the at&t park. the west breeze at 25 miles an hour with a mix of sun and clouds. bring along your extra layers and it will be cooling off into the evening hours and everywhere as we take a view at your extended forecast, temperatures not changing much through tuesday but by wednesday the numbers will be back up inland, and thursday and friday nearing 100 degrees once again. cooler slightly it looks like we will see through the bay area weekend. although very warm, mid 90s inland and low 80s around the bay, mid to upper 60s expected for the coast. we are only 45 days away from the start of the nfl season, and we have several members of the raiders reporting to camp today, more on the rookies when we return. the phones are ringing and what we have to see on the upcoming trade deadline. welcome back, 6:55 is the time, hundreds gathered at pier 27 in san francisco for a free concert by the san francisco symphony. the orchestra played classics like songs from west side story, it is the third year the san francisco symphony has held that event. some new members of the oakland raiders are at napa preparing for training camp. this week is mostly rookies first-year players and the quarterbacks. running back marshawn lynch is expected to be there starting his first year with his hometown team after 10 years in the nfl and a one-year hiatus. the first preseason game is august 12. the oakland a's beat the mets in new york the a's lead early in the first because of this home run. the mets tied the game in the third but the a's followed with a solo home run in the fourth. chris davis with his 28th. and another by matt chapman in the seventh. the oakland a's win and later today they will play in toronto by the way manager bob melvin is going for win number 1000. the oakland a's are out of playoff contention now they are focused on rebuilding. the personnel strategy kicked into gear last month with the trade of trevor believed to the tampa bay rays and then stephen bogue was sent to milwaukee and brian doolittle and mark madsen were traded to the orioles. management is trying to go younger. >> we try to get past it as quickly as we can, but the guys know this time of the year in our position things can happen. >> i think we have to look at where we are. we are in last place and the direction we are headed and will continue to move toward is getting younger. >> now we are watching all-stars alonzo and sony gray. the trade rumors are swirling. the giants will play tonight after losing to the padres, san diego got on the board in the first. will myers gets his 21st home run of the season in the bottom half buster posey steps up and hits the two-out single his 41st rbi of the season. the game was tied going into the fourth but the padres scored four in the inning. the giants lost three out of four to the padres, tonight the giants will host the pittsburgh pirates at at&t park. >> lawrence has scored for jamaica. jamaica pulls off a stunning victory over mexico all thanks to the fantastic free kick from lawrence. with the win jamaica reaches its second straight gold cup they will play the us wednesday night. two bay area residents won the san francisco marathon, jorge maravilla wins for the men in just under two one half hours and 25-year-old devin mcmahon of stanford was the top female finisher coming in at two hours and 52 minutes. a record 27,000 runners took part. the event closed down the golden gate bridge for three hours. the marathon raised $300,000 for charity. this is "ktvu mornings on 2 at 7:00" it is monday morning july 24 i'm gasia mikaelian and i'm dave clark let's talk about the weather monday . i was looking at the clouds and we are talking about the changes coming. >> the clouds are more widespread with the onshore breeze coming back and all of this comes into play this afternoon with temperatures coming down for inland communities. still a warm day but not as bad as what we saw yesterday and the day before. looking over oakland yesterday morning mostly sunny skies now we have the cloud coverage in oakland, 60 degrees. 55 san francisco and santa rosa even some patchy drizzle along the coast and in san francisco. upper 50s in livermore and san jose. here is a look at our

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