Transcripts For KTVU KTVU Mornings On 2 At 6am 20160720 : co

Transcripts For KTVU KTVU Mornings On 2 At 6am 20160720

thank you kevin for that. sunny, 70, west of 15 in a beautiful day for baseball. low clouds and fog trying to make an appearance but it just does not have the room that it had a couple of days ago, and okay breezed to the delta and cooler for some, upper 40s, santa rosa and nap at 49 and upper 50s down to the south. motor creek, scotts valley, low 50s. 52 in santa cruz and we have a breeze for some in northwest san jose, the system will clip north high-pressure is inching northward and it's allowing temperatures to come up. patchy fog, sunny and warmer and the fog loses support, the average is near 90s for some far inland. you got busy there for a bit, what do you want to start with? >> we will start with the toll plaza because we have a lot of traffic there, it's backed up for a 15 to 20 minute delay and it appears to be backed up to the mains. i want to mention that if you're driving into east bay we do see slow traffic in hayward and san mateo bridge looks okay, we do have a part issue of switching between hayward and self hayward, the trains on the line to fremont will be affected and coming the other way, trains are still running but there are major delays, this is not affecting pittsburgh bay point line or the dublin line into the city where lots of people are going at this hour. this is a live picture of 280 in san jose, traffic looks good, 6:02 am, back to the desk. a developing story that we've been following as there has been a standoff involving oakland police, it was going on for several hours near interstate hours near interstate 880 and we just got new video of the standoff situation and it's apparently linked to a shooting earlier. reporter alex savage has been at the scene this morning and it sounds like everyone came out with their hands up. >>reporter: we saw a lot of people give themselves up to police but from what we can gather there is still at least one person that remains inside the building following the standoff, we are hearing police urging that person to come out with their hands up. it appeared to have been drawing to an end, but we now understand there is still one person remaining inside the building, the white warehouse building on the left-hand side of the street at the intersection of east 12th and 15th ave. where the standoff has been going on and you can see that the building is surrounded and it's all connected to a shooting that happened earlier in the morning. i'm going to show you some video, we saw a number of people surrender to police and this appeared to be one person that was wounded, we do not know if they were wounded by gunfire that may have broken out inside the building. were trying to gather those details but we did see at least a dozen people come out of the building with their hands up after being urged to do so by members of the oakland police department. they were on the loudspeaker this morning and they were telling the people inside to come out and also saying that they wanted to check and see if anyone else was hurt inside the building, we don't know the nature of the original shooting but analysts desperate as we go to a live picture it would appear we have an act of standoff, it looks like it was trying to an end but we are still hearing police urging at least one person inside to come out. we of course will continue to monitor the ongoing situation . >> thank you alex, we will check with you in a bit. knew this morning a man that had not been seen since monday night was found safe a couple of hours ago. 88-year-old dave mclanahan was spotted at an all-night fitness center, a silver alert had been issued last night because they said he could be disoriented due to a medical condition. the time is 6:05 am in its day three of the republican national convention in cleveland, ohio, yesterday donald trump was formally nominated in a state-by-state roll call, donald trump's son, donald trump junior, a delegate from new york, made it official . >> congratulations dad, we love you. donald trump junior and his youngest daughter, tiffany spoke in former president chris christie and speaker of the house paul ryan also took the stage, they made the case for winning the white house and sting control of congress. >> let's see this thing through an show america our best and nothing less. thank you the theme for today is make america first and it includes scott walker, florida senator. marco rubio in texas senator. ted cruz. indiana governor. mike pence will give the keynote speech and we will have more with a live report from cleveland at six mike pence will give the keynote speech and we will have more with a live report from cleveland at 6:30 pm hillary clinton is attacking trump on his business record speaking yesterday to union members. >> when i am president working people will always have a seat at the table and a champion in the white house. they also released a web video featuring an atlantic city business owner that said donald trump taj mahal casino shortchanged him 30s -- $30,000 over pianos and they accuse him of a pattern of bad business deals. >> he in his businesses were named in more than 4000 lawsuits, in the words of donald, that is a huge number of lawsuits. they are also pushing to register voters with the goal of 3 million supporters by november. advocates for renters in the east bay say this is a victory as they voted unanimously to place the renter protection measure on the ballot. it protects tenants from unjust evictions and excessive rent increase. it will require a majority vote to become law. , they only have one oil producer in livermore and they do not intend to start tracking, they are the first county to ban the practice and environmentalists say it is a major step to protect local groundwater is from chemicals. 6:08 am and the oakland city council is expected to vote on an independent police commission. many speakers objected to the part that says the mayor has the ability to appoint 3 of the seven commissioners, they wanted to be controlled by citizens, not city hall or the police. the police union president says he will not accept any provisions that violate the current contract. councilman that are proposing the measure say >> and maybe a two-step process, voted on in november and then changes by ordinance, whatever it takes, however long, we are committed to doing that. at the end of the day we need to work together, it needs to not be a mayors initiative or city council initiative, needs to be a citizen's commission. >> they would hold public hearings once per year in review police policies in proposed changes, they would also monitor and evaluate recruitment and hiring practices and could fire the police chief. if approved the measure would then be put on the november ballot. more testimony in the criminal trial against pg and easy. and fbi company reviewed their records and told the jury that she found the manufacturing defect in the pipeline that ruptured an almost 200 other had defects and pressure test reports were missing for several pipelines. they are accused of violating pipeline safety regulations and withholding information about the explosion. if found guilty they could be fined more than half $1 billion. 6:10 am in san jose police want your help, at 6:30 am, the surveillance video being released hoping to solve recent killings. we are live in morgan hill where police are looking for a man opened fire downtown, we will show you some new surveillance video. good morning, we're still looking at traffic that's getting busier and we have some delays on barge, we talk about that in the next update. some low clouds but temperatures in them will warm up, we'll show you how much. welcome back to mornings on 2, 6:13 am, a 19-year-old man hitting killed the bicyclist in golden gate park and he has been officially charge. miki garcia is facing vehicular manslaughter and auto burglary charges, he was driving a stolen car through golden gate park last month and veered into the opposing lane of traffic and hit a bicyclist. 41-year-old heather miller died at the scene, he was arrested last friday. morgan police released surveillance video of a man suspected in a shooting downtown. we've been following the story in morgan hill and police need help, writes? >>reporter: they do, they don't have too many leads to go on and they are concerned because it happened in the downtown area and there are lots of bars and restaurants around here, the video that we will show you chose the man, the back of the suspect and he is wearing dark clothing and running fast. at 11:15 pm on saturday night, summer and reported him firing at vehicles on monterey and third street, he shot nine rounds and they were able to find bullet holes in several vehicles. no one was injured and they say the suspect's way and about 5'10" wearing a black baseball cap, dark sweatshirt, redshirt, dark pants, and white shoes. if anyone knows anything about this or witnessed it, police would like to hear from you, we do plan on talking to some business owners in the area, not a lot is open right now, but when they do open up organa try get comment because a lot of people have to be concerned. >> thank you janine, hopefully you hear from some of them soon. 6:15 am in some bus riders will arrive at their destinations faster and easier, there's a new on-demand bus pilot program where passengers can order a ride on a 16 seat bus through computer or smartphone or phone call, the program will be tested for a year including castro valley, newark, union city, and fremont. 6:15 am and let's check in with some traffic. >> we have a part -- a delay for trains on the richmond fremont line on the bart because of a switch problem, one of the switches is not working correctly and there will be a delay, the stations here are especially impacted but lots of people get on from fremont or to san francisco in the richmond to fremont trains will also be busy, there's less volume at this time but the big deal is for passengers trying to get to work taking the train from these stations getting into san francisco, they are suffering major delays in the bay point to daly city or mill barry are not affected, they are moving by an bart is working on the switch as we speak. toll plaza is backed up to 15 to 20 minute delay, san mateo bridge is not bad, getting out to the high-rise it's getting a bit more crowded but nothing out of the ordinary. 6:17 am and let's check some weather. clear skies for some and breezy and wendy the last few days. especially towards cordelia and fairfield, a good breeze for many and a full moon yesterday, some are regrouping but not the coverage we had, greta says what is happening with the ocean temperatures regarding el niño and la niña? >> la niña is kaput. there is a possibility of a folder phase and this is 3.4 and for the first time since february 2014 the area went slightly below average on sea surface temperatures, what is this mean? >> it could be neutral, moderate or strong, it does not mean drought, 20, 2010 2011 was a moderate la niña and we had good serous no an above average rain. we do not know yet but it's leaning towards a colder phase, what is that mean for winter? i don't know yet but i'm leaning towards a colder winter. the pinecones out here, did anyone notice them falling in the parking lot?>> did one get you? this was early but i'm just noticing signs, we do not know yet, it's only july. fog is there, 51 and 54, 56, average or below and water temperatures are much colder. the fog is there but it will burn off sooner and there is it the same breeze. 21 gusting to 20 and if you get about 1500 feet temperatures are warmer and the passes jumped up 9 degrees from yesterday. santa rosa 49, napa airport 29, livermore is 55, check this out, napa, 45, mill valley 47, these are some cool temps, there is a bit of a breeze, but not strong. sfo is west at 16 so signs of a warm-up but it's a push. 39 in turkey and this is cool around tahoe. it does look like it will be a sunny day for most and the southwest still dealing with them is -- monsoon but not over us. the system will keep us from getting too hot to warm up the temperatures do not race, they stay average which is 60s, 70s, 80s. patchy fog and sunny for most. near average temperatures, that means right about where they should be an close to the bay as well. tomorrow not much has changed and it looks warmer inland as we go into the weekends. wendy pinecones usually fall? not in july. >> usually august or september. >> i still want to enjoy summer, let's talk about winter later. >> let's put it on hold. >> 6:20 am in a large price hike for those that use color cover cash cover california, the reason that premiums are going up. honey, is the internet back yet? yes!! i need to let her know that i like this! i like, like, like, like... i haven't seen a movie based on a comic book in so long. i know. we're over here internet people! get high speed internet from at&t. with over 99% reliability. at an everyday price with no extra monthly fees. keep calm, you internet's on. will come back to mornings and 2 test welcome back to mornings on 2. germany is investigating the 17-year-old suspect acted alone and attacked on the train, we want to show you a video of relatives that were injured, they are arriving in germany overnight to check in and the victims are all members of the same family from hong kong. isis is claiming responsibility and they posted a video of the teenage attacker, he was an afghan asylum seeker and was killed by police. 6:24 am in the us anti- doping agency is circulating a letter calling for all russian athletes to be banned from the games in brazil. the russian track and field teams have been beyond after evidence came out of widespread doping. after reports came out but 300 more russian olympians failed drug test, the us is calling for a ban of all russian athletes, the russians say that the us is just trying to embarrass them. because of the upcoming olympics, security lines of brazilian airports are longer, stalling travelers and delaying flights. tougher security checks were put into place earlier this week following the attack in nice, france and it killed more than 80 people, 85,000 soldiers and police officers will patrol the streets of rio de janeiro during the olympics which start on august 5. delays are expected over the bridge in new york today after a rain being used to construct a new bridge collapsed. 4 people were hurt yesterday including 3 drivers that were trying to avoid the crane. the crane operator was thrown into the water and had to be rescued, investigators are trying to figure out what caused it to collapse, it's one of more than two dozen being used in construction of the new bridge right next to the old one crosses the hudson river. it is not expected to affect the timetable. 6:25 am and if you rely on cover california for health insurance there could be a great price break -- hike rates will go up in average 13.2%. the spike in premiums is because of rising costs for specialty prescription drugs and the end of the federal subsidy that lowered premiums. it depends on the region in carrier and in san francisco rates are going up about 15%. alameda county will go up 12.3%. the average rate in santa clara is going up by 9%. enrollees say this is another added expense on top of the high cost of living here in the bay area. cover california administrators say it is a one-time adjustment to offset the expiring federal subsidy. 6:26 am and we been following the tragedy in hawaii, berkeley father and daughter died while on vacation, what he did to try to save the sexual daughter when she was hit by a large way. a live report from cleveland ohio as we entered a 3, the chaos on the floor yesterday and more speeches from donald trump's children. still busy out there and with bart delays to boot we will give you a rundown of the morning commute, take a look at some of the east bay highways including highway 24. temperatures below average for a couple of days and they will be near average but we still have fog to deal with, we will see where that settles in. ♪ ♪ you live life your way. we can help you retire your way, too. financial guidance while you're mastering life. from chase. so you can. ♪ ♪ hush my darling... ♪ don't fear my darling... ♪ the lion sleeps tonight. 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[snoring.] take the roar out of snore. yet another innovation only at a sleep number store. >> announcer: this is ktvu, mornings on 2. thank you for joining us and here it is the middle of the week and it's wednesday, july 20, i am dave clark. >> i am pam clark and coming up on 6:30 am, it feels like it's warming up in lots of areas. in the intense, yes, still foggy on the coast. >> it does not last as long and it gets sunny there eventually but without the north and northeast breeze it's really just settling into the 60s, a bit warmer towards canada -- santa cruz and some isolated warmer areas, most of the san mateo coast, also sonoma, pre- much stuck in the 60s and a bit warmer towards santa cruz and cool on moderate. some fog that 50s on the water temperatures and that certainly helps, with a system up north is in enhancing the fog of bit. we had so much on monday. west and southwest gusts of 30 and 40s and 50s on the temperatures, northway temperatures upper 40s for some and 45 at napa. we will rebound to see 60s or 70s and just about average. what you have? i know things have picked up, bart commitment to talk about that ? >> there's a switch that is not working properly on the hayward mine in fremont between hayward and south hayward and it is delaying trains to daly city is the route most people are taking, major delays and it's not affecting that they point to know very just yet. let's move and look at the freeway, not too bad, 22 minute drive time is not bad at all, you can see that traffic will be busy in richmond and berkeley heading out to the macarthur area. the toll plaza continues to be crowded, 20 minute before you make it to the plaza stand. if you're traveling southbound it looks good on the peninsula, 92 and 84, 101 still in good shape from san mateo and palo alto and vice versa. 631, back to the desk. delegates at the republican national convention formally nominated donald trump and carolina's life in cleveland as we entered a 3 of the convention, good morning caroline. >> >>reporter: good morning, donald trump is officially the pic but they did have a few hiccups. >> the contested vote that was recorded by the secretary was mis-recorded. >>reporter: the alaska delegation causing some chaos on the floor, demanding their votes for ted cruz and marco rubio be counted. >> since there's only one candidate left running the focus shifted. >>reporter: plagiarism accusations continue to plague the campaign after plagiarism accusations on maloney at home. they tried to keep the focus on the theme, make america work again. >> we want to work to make our country great again, a president that will give us the tax code that will free the american economy and end loopholes for the wealthy.>>reporter: speeches from their children tuesday night were about a different side of the nominee. >> i look forward to introducing him to my friends. especially ones with preconceived notions. they meet a man with natural charm and no fagade. >>reporter: the vice president pick, mike pence will speak tonight. thank you . one of the many highlights during the first night was the theatrical entrance of donald trump. it was an eyecatcher but there was one problem, the term campaign never received permission from the band clean or the record label to use the song we are the champions, they released a statement saying it was an unauthorized use at the republican convention against their wishes. knew this morning firefighters put out a fire in east oakland and the user sent us this video from the scene, the fire was first reported around the a.m. this morning near an intersection of foothill and 47th ave. near an intersection of foothill and 47th ave. no word on what caused the fire or injuries. and if the blues just use your videos you can download and install the app on your phone. happening today, kaiser nurses plan to picket seven hospitals, including some here. they claim that kaiser has not hired extra staff as promised as part of the agreement. they say they already hired 1000 new nurses since the agreement took effect two years ago. in the bay area there will be pick kids in oakland, san francisco, santa clara and alejo. the action is not a strike so all hospitals should be open as normal. the suspect accused of stabbing a man in a movie theater last month has been charged with murder in the killing of a homeless man 2 days earlier, they arrested the 20-year-old the night of the theater attack where he stabbed 21-year-old adam lucero several times, he is recovering from his injuries. they also say he was responsible for deadly stabbing 2 days earlier and the 32-year- old died after he was stabbed more than 50 times as he slept on the sidewalk right in front of the summit county public health office. they linked him to both killings through forensic evidence and the theft of two chef knives from mec store. san jose police want to help solving killings dating back to 2013, they are releasing surveillance video from vietnamese cafis in last march and december 2014. police are hoping that people that topic cases were solved or did not want to talk about what they had seen before will be willing to come forward with new information. they said all format killings could be getting related. >> it's the only commonality between them, their targeted acts that it looks like someone preplanned and selected these particular individuals and mainly the cafis and vietnamese gang association with some of these cafis. the most recent case happened last month when a man was shot to death inside his car. another case happened at a party on a car stereo shop in 2013. police in richmond are investigating a deadly shooting is a man in his 40s was killed about 1:30 pm yesterday afternoon near virginia avenue in south street. this is right next to the park half a block away from an elementary school. please did not give us any details except for they believe the victim was targeted. they do not know yet if it was getting related. a man accused of threatening the act thing police chief will be formally booked today, tony chapman discussed the matter with us yesterday on the 9. >> i got some death threats on the website, but it's gotten better. and one learn that the tickets came from an account called lamb of god and they say it belongs to 60-year-old donald hogan sin of san francisco. they say that he posted white supremacy ramblings online and was arrested and will face charges including a hate crime. 6:37 am and friends of the family are morning after a father and his sexual daughter drowned during a vacation. mark potter, his wife and his three daughters were on yahoo visiting the tidepools, they were walking along the rocks with a large wave knocked down his youngest daughter nina. the family says he jumped in after her and witnesses say both were about to see. there was a huge wave that came over and slept all the tidepools and pulled those guys further out. family then say that he was a wonderful father and would never have left the water without his daughter. they used jet skis to put them out that they did not respond to cpr and were later declared dead at a hospital. hawaiian officials have issued a temporary warning for people to stay out of tidepools. caltrans plans to look at putting a stretch of the highway into a tollway on 101. people that drive to their say it's one of the worst commutes in the area and transportation officials are looking at turning one of the lanes into an express lane. carpools could use it for free and solo drivers could pay a fee to jump into the a lane -- a lane. >> anything to avoid traffic, to give them money, do it. i would use it. >> it's incredibly classist and it's an equitable solution to the issue of traffic. officials say the idea works well on sections of 580 and 680 so they will spend $9 million to study how well a similar plan will work, then it could cost more than $200 million to actually create the express lane. so far no idea where the money would come from but they do say it works on the other freeways. 6:39 am and remember that huge fire in emeryville two weeks ago, 7 pm, a lot of people were forced out of their homes and why they say they are victims once again. the pokimon go phenomenon will hit san francisco in a big way, later tonight we talk about a pub called it could have thousands of people in san francisco looking for pokimon. good morning, we are looking at a commutes that still is a bit slow but is improving here on the golden gate bridge after they cleared a rack. we will tell you more about all of the commutes, straight ahead. a westerly breeze in packed clouds, there are a few and we need to see how the temperatures are shaping up for this forecast. good morning and welcome back to morning sun 2 6:42 am and thousands of people will be in san francisco on the streets tonight looking for pokimon characters. >> a pokimon go of call is being promoted on facebook and brian florez saying that police need to be careful. >> well we have heard stories on both sides, we heard of traffic issues, accidents, phones getting stolen, but yes, there is a pub crawl event for pokimon go users in san francisco, it's also a place for businesses as well but an event like this scheduled for tonight, police want them to be safe and they say close to 8500 people have said they are going and 29,000 are interested, 2 locations and one is right here where we're standing. this is scheduled to go from 6:30 pm until 1 am and organizers say it is up to you where you want to start, there are different bars and businesses participating and many are giving people deals for the event tonight. people from hdagen-dazs will hand out free ice cream at the start locations and lift is offering 20% off rights by using the code sfo pokeman go and they are offering five dollars off the airplane's food containers. they are increasing police presence as there been reports of people getting their phone stolen, with 8000 people to be on the street the concern is pedestrian safety and traffic. if you're going, please obey traffic laws and an important point, clean up after yourself, the other point, do not go alone, go with a group of people and i'm sure a lot of people will take that point when they go to the go crawl scheduled for tonight. that's not easy to say, a lot of parents are going out with their kids to do this kind of thing so it is safer that way. >> have someone watch traffic where you stare at your phone. >> maybe have a spotter or something say do not cross the street. be careful out there. obviously the police will increase presence because of the people expected to be here, this is the latest craze. thank you. let's check in now to see what's coming up in the next hour. good morning to you guys, along the safety, a driver playing pokimon go from behind the wheel hit a police car in maryland and there's video of the aftermath where he admits to police what he was doing, we will talk about why it's not the only problem that pokeman go players have run into, also by being besieged by many abusive treats, active in comedian leslie jones says she is putting twitter, twitter is doing something it has not done in the past, beginning a user behind the campaign against her, we will look at their actions and why this case is getting so much attention. and of course, what's happening into a 3 of the convention, back to you. thank you. the giants have the best record in baseball by one win but they are 0-4 since the all- star break and they lost to the red sox yesterday in boston, the damage came in the fourth inning when ortiz came up with 2 ons and zero outs in the red sox one, 4-0. matt cain is off the disabled list and will start for the giants. the a's are going for a sweep of the astros and they came from behind to win, they tied on the ninth on a double. he was tagged out in the game went on to extra innings, in the 10 reddick mac was the hero and simeon scored to give the a's a 4-3 win. daniel will start this afternoon. before last night's game, some of us was serving up hope their floats for a good cause, i was there, my wife was there. >> love her >> alex savage, terry moriarty, we served up root beer floats and met a lot of great people, a's players, former players and other celebrities were scooping ice cream's for the fans and more than 30 more than $30,000 was raised for the juvenile diabetes research foundation. we just loved the root beer floats a. >> when i am no longer on tv every morning i will be like your wife, i will show off with all different colored hair, i love it, it was great to hear some players talking, the one player that has type i diabetes and he talked about it because we all take test talk about ice cream and root beer but he says is the perfect theme, it's not like you cannot eat those things, you just have to monitor and keep an eye on things, it's always a great event, it is, it's a lot of fun and sam hurt his shoulder so he was there scooping ice cream for the entire time. let's start with the golden gate bridge. at traffic jam earlier because of a crash but once they cleared the crash the traffic recovers completely it's a bit busier for a time but now the crash is gone and traffic is recovered through to the bay bridge toll plaza we have a 25 minute delay and it's pretty sick unless you are in the carpool lane. if you in the peninsula it looks good on 280 and 101. let's bring steve in. thank you, will start to warm up in linn and there is warmer air aloft. it will play until warmer forecast in a bit of low clouds over the city, but kind of broken here, more so than the last couple of days, even the coast will get in on sunshine and brian perez sent me this, does this picture make the cut? >> no. >> i don't think it will make it. >> brian, nice job. astros in the interest of 30 5 pm. looks good to me, temperatures inland are warming up, yesterday 76, 80 today. livermore is nice, beautiful there in the valley, and nice breeze today and 86, right where they should be this time of year. san jose downtown, 75 to 79 and e san jose will be warmer. fog trying to make an appearance but it will lose out, there's just not enough support. water temperature is still cold enough where there's not any problem forming as long as there's an onshore breeze but there are plenty of breaks rest of that in an okay delta breeze and gus around 30. everything is aloft and upper 40s for some and santa rosa, 50s and 40s for others and 52 lafayette, one observation is that 50 cruel degrees here. northwest livermore, northwest san jose, still there but not as strong as it has been. in torquay it is cool, 39. reno 56, around tahoe 43 and 86 palm springs, 87 las vegas and monsoon moisture going bonkers down towards most of arizona. doesn't want to back towards southern california or even southern nevada. it's been windy but it will not get any afternoon thunderstorms, a far cry from july when they had some pretty good boomers. temperatures, 50s, 60s, 80s, 90s and patchy low clouds. sunny and warmer. parisi at times, i note it's conquered and martinez there is a good breeze and 60s to 90s for some and 70s around the bay in oakland and it depends on where you are, 79 san jose, 89 in gilroy, 60 san mateo and palo alto. warmer in the pressure as we go to the weekends. if you need some money, i know where you can get some. >> what will it cost me? >> nothing really, it took six months for the folders of one of the biggest winning jackpot winners to claim it, what they plan to do with their $528 million prize. welcome back to morning is on till, it is 6:55 am [speaker interrupted] people in custody after a police officer was killed in kansas. yesterday captain. robert melton was searching for a suspect in a drive-by shooting . he confronted one suspect and shots were fired before he got out of his car. he was rushed to the hospital and pronounced dead. funeral arrangements have been announced for the mac of the three law enforcement officers killed sunday morning. viewings for police officer matthew gerald will be held tomorrow night and friday morning. a funeral service and burial will be friday in the visitation for officer montell jackson will be held friday morning and the funeral on monday. services for sheriff's deputy brad crossflow have not yet been announced. a three-year-old girl died during a visit to a dentist in right now police say they are not signs of criminal wrongdoing or negligence. she went to the dental bliss clinic on saturday morning and became unresponsive after the procedure that her father says routine test was routine. paramedics and staff tried to revive her that she was pronounced dead later. an online search of the dental board of california shows that the owner of dental bliss has an active license and her record is clear of disciplinary action. television movie actor, writer, director, and producer garry marshall has died. he died yesterday at 81 complications of pneumonia. he created the sitcom happy days, laverne and shirley and mork and mindy, movie hits include pretty woman, princess diaries, and he broke in in the late 60s as a joke writer. six months after the lottery was drawn one of the couples that one has come forward, the powerball drawing on january 15 was worth 1.6 billion diodes. marvin mai acosta came forward on friday to claim their share, 528 to claim their share, $528 million, they are taking the cash option and they say they have created a family trust with the money and are donating lots of it to charity. the time is 6:57 am, a tense standoff continues in oakland right now. several people in custody and we were showing it live, up next what we found out about what police discovered in the building. plus donald trump has officially become the nominee for president, what to watch for today as day 3 kicks off, we will be right back. so i could escape. and that's what happened to your breakfast croissant. and yours? it survived. enjoy freshly cracked egg with ham and bacon. or sausage. two tasty croissants at an even tastier $4 price. it's a deal you'll devour. good morning. we are continuing to follow a developing story in this oakland neighborhood where police are locked in a standoff with someone who is inside a building. this is all related to an earlier shooting. we will tell you what we know about this situation coming up. it was a family affair at the republican national convention as donald trump was officially named the party's nominee for president. >> it is my honor to be able to put donald trump over the top in the delegate count tonight with 89 delegates! [cheers and applause]. >> we will look at all the big moments from day two of the rnc, and look ahead what is

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Transcripts For KTVU KTVU Mornings On 2 At 6am 20160720 :

Transcripts For KTVU KTVU Mornings On 2 At 6am 20160720

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thank you kevin for that. sunny, 70, west of 15 in a beautiful day for baseball. low clouds and fog trying to make an appearance but it just does not have the room that it had a couple of days ago, and okay breezed to the delta and cooler for some, upper 40s, santa rosa and nap at 49 and upper 50s down to the south. motor creek, scotts valley, low 50s. 52 in santa cruz and we have a breeze for some in northwest san jose, the system will clip north high-pressure is inching northward and it's allowing temperatures to come up. patchy fog, sunny and warmer and the fog loses support, the average is near 90s for some far inland. you got busy there for a bit, what do you want to start with? >> we will start with the toll plaza because we have a lot of traffic there, it's backed up for a 15 to 20 minute delay and it appears to be backed up to the mains. i want to mention that if you're driving into east bay we do see slow traffic in hayward and san mateo bridge looks okay, we do have a part issue of switching between hayward and self hayward, the trains on the line to fremont will be affected and coming the other way, trains are still running but there are major delays, this is not affecting pittsburgh bay point line or the dublin line into the city where lots of people are going at this hour. this is a live picture of 280 in san jose, traffic looks good, 6:02 am, back to the desk. a developing story that we've been following as there has been a standoff involving oakland police, it was going on for several hours near interstate hours near interstate 880 and we just got new video of the standoff situation and it's apparently linked to a shooting earlier. reporter alex savage has been at the scene this morning and it sounds like everyone came out with their hands up. >>reporter: we saw a lot of people give themselves up to police but from what we can gather there is still at least one person that remains inside the building following the standoff, we are hearing police urging that person to come out with their hands up. it appeared to have been drawing to an end, but we now understand there is still one person remaining inside the building, the white warehouse building on the left-hand side of the street at the intersection of east 12th and 15th ave. where the standoff has been going on and you can see that the building is surrounded and it's all connected to a shooting that happened earlier in the morning. i'm going to show you some video, we saw a number of people surrender to police and this appeared to be one person that was wounded, we do not know if they were wounded by gunfire that may have broken out inside the building. were trying to gather those details but we did see at least a dozen people come out of the building with their hands up after being urged to do so by members of the oakland police department. they were on the loudspeaker this morning and they were telling the people inside to come out and also saying that they wanted to check and see if anyone else was hurt inside the building, we don't know the nature of the original shooting but analysts desperate as we go to a live picture it would appear we have an act of standoff, it looks like it was trying to an end but we are still hearing police urging at least one person inside to come out. we of course will continue to monitor the ongoing situation . >> thank you alex, we will check with you in a bit. knew this morning a man that had not been seen since monday night was found safe a couple of hours ago. 88-year-old dave mclanahan was spotted at an all-night fitness center, a silver alert had been issued last night because they said he could be disoriented due to a medical condition. the time is 6:05 am in its day three of the republican national convention in cleveland, ohio, yesterday donald trump was formally nominated in a state-by-state roll call, donald trump's son, donald trump junior, a delegate from new york, made it official . >> congratulations dad, we love you. donald trump junior and his youngest daughter, tiffany spoke in former president chris christie and speaker of the house paul ryan also took the stage, they made the case for winning the white house and sting control of congress. >> let's see this thing through an show america our best and nothing less. thank you the theme for today is make america first and it includes scott walker, florida senator. marco rubio in texas senator. ted cruz. indiana governor. mike pence will give the keynote speech and we will have more with a live report from cleveland at six mike pence will give the keynote speech and we will have more with a live report from cleveland at 6:30 pm hillary clinton is attacking trump on his business record speaking yesterday to union members. >> when i am president working people will always have a seat at the table and a champion in the white house. they also released a web video featuring an atlantic city business owner that said donald trump taj mahal casino shortchanged him 30s -- $30,000 over pianos and they accuse him of a pattern of bad business deals. >> he in his businesses were named in more than 4000 lawsuits, in the words of donald, that is a huge number of lawsuits. they are also pushing to register voters with the goal of 3 million supporters by november. advocates for renters in the east bay say this is a victory as they voted unanimously to place the renter protection measure on the ballot. it protects tenants from unjust evictions and excessive rent increase. it will require a majority vote to become law. , they only have one oil producer in livermore and they do not intend to start tracking, they are the first county to ban the practice and environmentalists say it is a major step to protect local groundwater is from chemicals. 6:08 am and the oakland city council is expected to vote on an independent police commission. many speakers objected to the part that says the mayor has the ability to appoint 3 of the seven commissioners, they wanted to be controlled by citizens, not city hall or the police. the police union president says he will not accept any provisions that violate the current contract. councilman that are proposing the measure say >> and maybe a two-step process, voted on in november and then changes by ordinance, whatever it takes, however long, we are committed to doing that. at the end of the day we need to work together, it needs to not be a mayors initiative or city council initiative, needs to be a citizen's commission. >> they would hold public hearings once per year in review police policies in proposed changes, they would also monitor and evaluate recruitment and hiring practices and could fire the police chief. if approved the measure would then be put on the november ballot. more testimony in the criminal trial against pg and easy. and fbi company reviewed their records and told the jury that she found the manufacturing defect in the pipeline that ruptured an almost 200 other had defects and pressure test reports were missing for several pipelines. they are accused of violating pipeline safety regulations and withholding information about the explosion. if found guilty they could be fined more than half $1 billion. 6:10 am in san jose police want your help, at 6:30 am, the surveillance video being released hoping to solve recent killings. we are live in morgan hill where police are looking for a man opened fire downtown, we will show you some new surveillance video. good morning, we're still looking at traffic that's getting busier and we have some delays on barge, we talk about that in the next update. some low clouds but temperatures in them will warm up, we'll show you how much. welcome back to mornings on 2, 6:13 am, a 19-year-old man hitting killed the bicyclist in golden gate park and he has been officially charge. miki garcia is facing vehicular manslaughter and auto burglary charges, he was driving a stolen car through golden gate park last month and veered into the opposing lane of traffic and hit a bicyclist. 41-year-old heather miller died at the scene, he was arrested last friday. morgan police released surveillance video of a man suspected in a shooting downtown. we've been following the story in morgan hill and police need help, writes? >>reporter: they do, they don't have too many leads to go on and they are concerned because it happened in the downtown area and there are lots of bars and restaurants around here, the video that we will show you chose the man, the back of the suspect and he is wearing dark clothing and running fast. at 11:15 pm on saturday night, summer and reported him firing at vehicles on monterey and third street, he shot nine rounds and they were able to find bullet holes in several vehicles. no one was injured and they say the suspect's way and about 5'10" wearing a black baseball cap, dark sweatshirt, redshirt, dark pants, and white shoes. if anyone knows anything about this or witnessed it, police would like to hear from you, we do plan on talking to some business owners in the area, not a lot is open right now, but when they do open up organa try get comment because a lot of people have to be concerned. >> thank you janine, hopefully you hear from some of them soon. 6:15 am in some bus riders will arrive at their destinations faster and easier, there's a new on-demand bus pilot program where passengers can order a ride on a 16 seat bus through computer or smartphone or phone call, the program will be tested for a year including castro valley, newark, union city, and fremont. 6:15 am and let's check in with some traffic. >> we have a part -- a delay for trains on the richmond fremont line on the bart because of a switch problem, one of the switches is not working correctly and there will be a delay, the stations here are especially impacted but lots of people get on from fremont or to san francisco in the richmond to fremont trains will also be busy, there's less volume at this time but the big deal is for passengers trying to get to work taking the train from these stations getting into san francisco, they are suffering major delays in the bay point to daly city or mill barry are not affected, they are moving by an bart is working on the switch as we speak. toll plaza is backed up to 15 to 20 minute delay, san mateo bridge is not bad, getting out to the high-rise it's getting a bit more crowded but nothing out of the ordinary. 6:17 am and let's check some weather. clear skies for some and breezy and wendy the last few days. especially towards cordelia and fairfield, a good breeze for many and a full moon yesterday, some are regrouping but not the coverage we had, greta says what is happening with the ocean temperatures regarding el niño and la niña? >> la niña is kaput. there is a possibility of a folder phase and this is 3.4 and for the first time since february 2014 the area went slightly below average on sea surface temperatures, what is this mean? >> it could be neutral, moderate or strong, it does not mean drought, 20, 2010 2011 was a moderate la niña and we had good serous no an above average rain. we do not know yet but it's leaning towards a colder phase, what is that mean for winter? i don't know yet but i'm leaning towards a colder winter. the pinecones out here, did anyone notice them falling in the parking lot?>> did one get you? this was early but i'm just noticing signs, we do not know yet, it's only july. fog is there, 51 and 54, 56, average or below and water temperatures are much colder. the fog is there but it will burn off sooner and there is it the same breeze. 21 gusting to 20 and if you get about 1500 feet temperatures are warmer and the passes jumped up 9 degrees from yesterday. santa rosa 49, napa airport 29, livermore is 55, check this out, napa, 45, mill valley 47, these are some cool temps, there is a bit of a breeze, but not strong. sfo is west at 16 so signs of a warm-up but it's a push. 39 in turkey and this is cool around tahoe. it does look like it will be a sunny day for most and the southwest still dealing with them is -- monsoon but not over us. the system will keep us from getting too hot to warm up the temperatures do not race, they stay average which is 60s, 70s, 80s. patchy fog and sunny for most. near average temperatures, that means right about where they should be an close to the bay as well. tomorrow not much has changed and it looks warmer inland as we go into the weekends. wendy pinecones usually fall? not in july. >> usually august or september. >> i still want to enjoy summer, let's talk about winter later. >> let's put it on hold. >> 6:20 am in a large price hike for those that use color cover cash cover california, the reason that premiums are going up. honey, is the internet back yet? yes!! i need to let her know that i like this! i like, like, like, like... i haven't seen a movie based on a comic book in so long. i know. we're over here internet people! get high speed internet from at&t. with over 99% reliability. at an everyday price with no extra monthly fees. keep calm, you internet's on. will come back to mornings and 2 test welcome back to mornings on 2. germany is investigating the 17-year-old suspect acted alone and attacked on the train, we want to show you a video of relatives that were injured, they are arriving in germany overnight to check in and the victims are all members of the same family from hong kong. isis is claiming responsibility and they posted a video of the teenage attacker, he was an afghan asylum seeker and was killed by police. 6:24 am in the us anti- doping agency is circulating a letter calling for all russian athletes to be banned from the games in brazil. the russian track and field teams have been beyond after evidence came out of widespread doping. after reports came out but 300 more russian olympians failed drug test, the us is calling for a ban of all russian athletes, the russians say that the us is just trying to embarrass them. because of the upcoming olympics, security lines of brazilian airports are longer, stalling travelers and delaying flights. tougher security checks were put into place earlier this week following the attack in nice, france and it killed more than 80 people, 85,000 soldiers and police officers will patrol the streets of rio de janeiro during the olympics which start on august 5. delays are expected over the bridge in new york today after a rain being used to construct a new bridge collapsed. 4 people were hurt yesterday including 3 drivers that were trying to avoid the crane. the crane operator was thrown into the water and had to be rescued, investigators are trying to figure out what caused it to collapse, it's one of more than two dozen being used in construction of the new bridge right next to the old one crosses the hudson river. it is not expected to affect the timetable. 6:25 am and if you rely on cover california for health insurance there could be a great price break -- hike rates will go up in average 13.2%. the spike in premiums is because of rising costs for specialty prescription drugs and the end of the federal subsidy that lowered premiums. it depends on the region in carrier and in san francisco rates are going up about 15%. alameda county will go up 12.3%. the average rate in santa clara is going up by 9%. enrollees say this is another added expense on top of the high cost of living here in the bay area. cover california administrators say it is a one-time adjustment to offset the expiring federal subsidy. 6:26 am and we been following the tragedy in hawaii, berkeley father and daughter died while on vacation, what he did to try to save the sexual daughter when she was hit by a large way. a live report from cleveland ohio as we entered a 3, the chaos on the floor yesterday and more speeches from donald trump's children. still busy out there and with bart delays to boot we will give you a rundown of the morning commute, take a look at some of the east bay highways including highway 24. temperatures below average for a couple of days and they will be near average but we still have fog to deal with, we will see where that settles in. ♪ ♪ you live life your way. we can help you retire your way, too. financial guidance while you're mastering life. from chase. so you can. ♪ ♪ hush my darling... ♪ don't fear my darling... ♪ the lion sleeps tonight. 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[snoring.] take the roar out of snore. yet another innovation only at a sleep number store. >> announcer: this is ktvu, mornings on 2. thank you for joining us and here it is the middle of the week and it's wednesday, july 20, i am dave clark. >> i am pam clark and coming up on 6:30 am, it feels like it's warming up in lots of areas. in the intense, yes, still foggy on the coast. >> it does not last as long and it gets sunny there eventually but without the north and northeast breeze it's really just settling into the 60s, a bit warmer towards canada -- santa cruz and some isolated warmer areas, most of the san mateo coast, also sonoma, pre- much stuck in the 60s and a bit warmer towards santa cruz and cool on moderate. some fog that 50s on the water temperatures and that certainly helps, with a system up north is in enhancing the fog of bit. we had so much on monday. west and southwest gusts of 30 and 40s and 50s on the temperatures, northway temperatures upper 40s for some and 45 at napa. we will rebound to see 60s or 70s and just about average. what you have? i know things have picked up, bart commitment to talk about that ? >> there's a switch that is not working properly on the hayward mine in fremont between hayward and south hayward and it is delaying trains to daly city is the route most people are taking, major delays and it's not affecting that they point to know very just yet. let's move and look at the freeway, not too bad, 22 minute drive time is not bad at all, you can see that traffic will be busy in richmond and berkeley heading out to the macarthur area. the toll plaza continues to be crowded, 20 minute before you make it to the plaza stand. if you're traveling southbound it looks good on the peninsula, 92 and 84, 101 still in good shape from san mateo and palo alto and vice versa. 631, back to the desk. delegates at the republican national convention formally nominated donald trump and carolina's life in cleveland as we entered a 3 of the convention, good morning caroline. >> >>reporter: good morning, donald trump is officially the pic but they did have a few hiccups. >> the contested vote that was recorded by the secretary was mis-recorded. >>reporter: the alaska delegation causing some chaos on the floor, demanding their votes for ted cruz and marco rubio be counted. >> since there's only one candidate left running the focus shifted. >>reporter: plagiarism accusations continue to plague the campaign after plagiarism accusations on maloney at home. they tried to keep the focus on the theme, make america work again. >> we want to work to make our country great again, a president that will give us the tax code that will free the american economy and end loopholes for the wealthy.>>reporter: speeches from their children tuesday night were about a different side of the nominee. >> i look forward to introducing him to my friends. especially ones with preconceived notions. they meet a man with natural charm and no fagade. >>reporter: the vice president pick, mike pence will speak tonight. thank you . one of the many highlights during the first night was the theatrical entrance of donald trump. it was an eyecatcher but there was one problem, the term campaign never received permission from the band clean or the record label to use the song we are the champions, they released a statement saying it was an unauthorized use at the republican convention against their wishes. knew this morning firefighters put out a fire in east oakland and the user sent us this video from the scene, the fire was first reported around the a.m. this morning near an intersection of foothill and 47th ave. near an intersection of foothill and 47th ave. no word on what caused the fire or injuries. and if the blues just use your videos you can download and install the app on your phone. happening today, kaiser nurses plan to picket seven hospitals, including some here. they claim that kaiser has not hired extra staff as promised as part of the agreement. they say they already hired 1000 new nurses since the agreement took effect two years ago. in the bay area there will be pick kids in oakland, san francisco, santa clara and alejo. the action is not a strike so all hospitals should be open as normal. the suspect accused of stabbing a man in a movie theater last month has been charged with murder in the killing of a homeless man 2 days earlier, they arrested the 20-year-old the night of the theater attack where he stabbed 21-year-old adam lucero several times, he is recovering from his injuries. they also say he was responsible for deadly stabbing 2 days earlier and the 32-year- old died after he was stabbed more than 50 times as he slept on the sidewalk right in front of the summit county public health office. they linked him to both killings through forensic evidence and the theft of two chef knives from mec store. san jose police want to help solving killings dating back to 2013, they are releasing surveillance video from vietnamese cafis in last march and december 2014. police are hoping that people that topic cases were solved or did not want to talk about what they had seen before will be willing to come forward with new information. they said all format killings could be getting related. >> it's the only commonality between them, their targeted acts that it looks like someone preplanned and selected these particular individuals and mainly the cafis and vietnamese gang association with some of these cafis. the most recent case happened last month when a man was shot to death inside his car. another case happened at a party on a car stereo shop in 2013. police in richmond are investigating a deadly shooting is a man in his 40s was killed about 1:30 pm yesterday afternoon near virginia avenue in south street. this is right next to the park half a block away from an elementary school. please did not give us any details except for they believe the victim was targeted. they do not know yet if it was getting related. a man accused of threatening the act thing police chief will be formally booked today, tony chapman discussed the matter with us yesterday on the 9. >> i got some death threats on the website, but it's gotten better. and one learn that the tickets came from an account called lamb of god and they say it belongs to 60-year-old donald hogan sin of san francisco. they say that he posted white supremacy ramblings online and was arrested and will face charges including a hate crime. 6:37 am and friends of the family are morning after a father and his sexual daughter drowned during a vacation. mark potter, his wife and his three daughters were on yahoo visiting the tidepools, they were walking along the rocks with a large wave knocked down his youngest daughter nina. the family says he jumped in after her and witnesses say both were about to see. there was a huge wave that came over and slept all the tidepools and pulled those guys further out. family then say that he was a wonderful father and would never have left the water without his daughter. they used jet skis to put them out that they did not respond to cpr and were later declared dead at a hospital. hawaiian officials have issued a temporary warning for people to stay out of tidepools. caltrans plans to look at putting a stretch of the highway into a tollway on 101. people that drive to their say it's one of the worst commutes in the area and transportation officials are looking at turning one of the lanes into an express lane. carpools could use it for free and solo drivers could pay a fee to jump into the a lane -- a lane. >> anything to avoid traffic, to give them money, do it. i would use it. >> it's incredibly classist and it's an equitable solution to the issue of traffic. officials say the idea works well on sections of 580 and 680 so they will spend $9 million to study how well a similar plan will work, then it could cost more than $200 million to actually create the express lane. so far no idea where the money would come from but they do say it works on the other freeways. 6:39 am and remember that huge fire in emeryville two weeks ago, 7 pm, a lot of people were forced out of their homes and why they say they are victims once again. the pokimon go phenomenon will hit san francisco in a big way, later tonight we talk about a pub called it could have thousands of people in san francisco looking for pokimon. good morning, we are looking at a commutes that still is a bit slow but is improving here on the golden gate bridge after they cleared a rack. we will tell you more about all of the commutes, straight ahead. a westerly breeze in packed clouds, there are a few and we need to see how the temperatures are shaping up for this forecast. good morning and welcome back to morning sun 2 6:42 am and thousands of people will be in san francisco on the streets tonight looking for pokimon characters. >> a pokimon go of call is being promoted on facebook and brian florez saying that police need to be careful. >> well we have heard stories on both sides, we heard of traffic issues, accidents, phones getting stolen, but yes, there is a pub crawl event for pokimon go users in san francisco, it's also a place for businesses as well but an event like this scheduled for tonight, police want them to be safe and they say close to 8500 people have said they are going and 29,000 are interested, 2 locations and one is right here where we're standing. this is scheduled to go from 6:30 pm until 1 am and organizers say it is up to you where you want to start, there are different bars and businesses participating and many are giving people deals for the event tonight. people from hdagen-dazs will hand out free ice cream at the start locations and lift is offering 20% off rights by using the code sfo pokeman go and they are offering five dollars off the airplane's food containers. they are increasing police presence as there been reports of people getting their phone stolen, with 8000 people to be on the street the concern is pedestrian safety and traffic. if you're going, please obey traffic laws and an important point, clean up after yourself, the other point, do not go alone, go with a group of people and i'm sure a lot of people will take that point when they go to the go crawl scheduled for tonight. that's not easy to say, a lot of parents are going out with their kids to do this kind of thing so it is safer that way. >> have someone watch traffic where you stare at your phone. >> maybe have a spotter or something say do not cross the street. be careful out there. obviously the police will increase presence because of the people expected to be here, this is the latest craze. thank you. let's check in now to see what's coming up in the next hour. good morning to you guys, along the safety, a driver playing pokimon go from behind the wheel hit a police car in maryland and there's video of the aftermath where he admits to police what he was doing, we will talk about why it's not the only problem that pokeman go players have run into, also by being besieged by many abusive treats, active in comedian leslie jones says she is putting twitter, twitter is doing something it has not done in the past, beginning a user behind the campaign against her, we will look at their actions and why this case is getting so much attention. and of course, what's happening into a 3 of the convention, back to you. thank you. the giants have the best record in baseball by one win but they are 0-4 since the all- star break and they lost to the red sox yesterday in boston, the damage came in the fourth inning when ortiz came up with 2 ons and zero outs in the red sox one, 4-0. matt cain is off the disabled list and will start for the giants. the a's are going for a sweep of the astros and they came from behind to win, they tied on the ninth on a double. he was tagged out in the game went on to extra innings, in the 10 reddick mac was the hero and simeon scored to give the a's a 4-3 win. daniel will start this afternoon. before last night's game, some of us was serving up hope their floats for a good cause, i was there, my wife was there. >> love her >> alex savage, terry moriarty, we served up root beer floats and met a lot of great people, a's players, former players and other celebrities were scooping ice cream's for the fans and more than 30 more than $30,000 was raised for the juvenile diabetes research foundation. we just loved the root beer floats a. >> when i am no longer on tv every morning i will be like your wife, i will show off with all different colored hair, i love it, it was great to hear some players talking, the one player that has type i diabetes and he talked about it because we all take test talk about ice cream and root beer but he says is the perfect theme, it's not like you cannot eat those things, you just have to monitor and keep an eye on things, it's always a great event, it is, it's a lot of fun and sam hurt his shoulder so he was there scooping ice cream for the entire time. let's start with the golden gate bridge. at traffic jam earlier because of a crash but once they cleared the crash the traffic recovers completely it's a bit busier for a time but now the crash is gone and traffic is recovered through to the bay bridge toll plaza we have a 25 minute delay and it's pretty sick unless you are in the carpool lane. if you in the peninsula it looks good on 280 and 101. let's bring steve in. thank you, will start to warm up in linn and there is warmer air aloft. it will play until warmer forecast in a bit of low clouds over the city, but kind of broken here, more so than the last couple of days, even the coast will get in on sunshine and brian perez sent me this, does this picture make the cut? >> no. >> i don't think it will make it. >> brian, nice job. astros in the interest of 30 5 pm. looks good to me, temperatures inland are warming up, yesterday 76, 80 today. livermore is nice, beautiful there in the valley, and nice breeze today and 86, right where they should be this time of year. san jose downtown, 75 to 79 and e san jose will be warmer. fog trying to make an appearance but it will lose out, there's just not enough support. water temperature is still cold enough where there's not any problem forming as long as there's an onshore breeze but there are plenty of breaks rest of that in an okay delta breeze and gus around 30. everything is aloft and upper 40s for some and santa rosa, 50s and 40s for others and 52 lafayette, one observation is that 50 cruel degrees here. northwest livermore, northwest san jose, still there but not as strong as it has been. in torquay it is cool, 39. reno 56, around tahoe 43 and 86 palm springs, 87 las vegas and monsoon moisture going bonkers down towards most of arizona. doesn't want to back towards southern california or even southern nevada. it's been windy but it will not get any afternoon thunderstorms, a far cry from july when they had some pretty good boomers. temperatures, 50s, 60s, 80s, 90s and patchy low clouds. sunny and warmer. parisi at times, i note it's conquered and martinez there is a good breeze and 60s to 90s for some and 70s around the bay in oakland and it depends on where you are, 79 san jose, 89 in gilroy, 60 san mateo and palo alto. warmer in the pressure as we go to the weekends. if you need some money, i know where you can get some. >> what will it cost me? >> nothing really, it took six months for the folders of one of the biggest winning jackpot winners to claim it, what they plan to do with their $528 million prize. welcome back to morning is on till, it is 6:55 am [speaker interrupted] people in custody after a police officer was killed in kansas. yesterday captain. robert melton was searching for a suspect in a drive-by shooting . he confronted one suspect and shots were fired before he got out of his car. he was rushed to the hospital and pronounced dead. funeral arrangements have been announced for the mac of the three law enforcement officers killed sunday morning. viewings for police officer matthew gerald will be held tomorrow night and friday morning. a funeral service and burial will be friday in the visitation for officer montell jackson will be held friday morning and the funeral on monday. services for sheriff's deputy brad crossflow have not yet been announced. a three-year-old girl died during a visit to a dentist in right now police say they are not signs of criminal wrongdoing or negligence. she went to the dental bliss clinic on saturday morning and became unresponsive after the procedure that her father says routine test was routine. paramedics and staff tried to revive her that she was pronounced dead later. an online search of the dental board of california shows that the owner of dental bliss has an active license and her record is clear of disciplinary action. television movie actor, writer, director, and producer garry marshall has died. he died yesterday at 81 complications of pneumonia. he created the sitcom happy days, laverne and shirley and mork and mindy, movie hits include pretty woman, princess diaries, and he broke in in the late 60s as a joke writer. six months after the lottery was drawn one of the couples that one has come forward, the powerball drawing on january 15 was worth 1.6 billion diodes. marvin mai acosta came forward on friday to claim their share, 528 to claim their share, $528 million, they are taking the cash option and they say they have created a family trust with the money and are donating lots of it to charity. the time is 6:57 am, a tense standoff continues in oakland right now. several people in custody and we were showing it live, up next what we found out about what police discovered in the building. plus donald trump has officially become the nominee for president, what to watch for today as day 3 kicks off, we will be right back. so i could escape. and that's what happened to your breakfast croissant. and yours? it survived. enjoy freshly cracked egg with ham and bacon. or sausage. two tasty croissants at an even tastier $4 price. it's a deal you'll devour. good morning. we are continuing to follow a developing story in this oakland neighborhood where police are locked in a standoff with someone who is inside a building. this is all related to an earlier shooting. we will tell you what we know about this situation coming up. it was a family affair at the republican national convention as donald trump was officially named the party's nominee for president. >> it is my honor to be able to put donald trump over the top in the delegate count tonight with 89 delegates! [cheers and applause]. >> we will look at all the big moments from day two of the rnc, and look ahead what is

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