Transcripts For KTVU KTVU Mornings On 2 At 5am 20170627 : co

Transcripts For KTVU KTVU Mornings On 2 At 5am 20170627

airport 54. but 57 palo alto. concord, brentwood, livermore. closed for morgan hills, a little cooler towards so cal. campbell 10 degrees warmer at 6 of 1 degrees. west at 18, west sfo at 17. west of the delta, even though it will be west, southwest almost to 30 in travis we will have a breezy blustery day. kind of a quiet pattern which is is a good thing. after the low clouds burn off we will end up with temperatures near average to slightly below for some. 5:01. still quiet or something on your screens there? >> well, it's a little bit more crowded, steve, as you might imagine here with especially the altamont pass commute and we've had a couple things happen there. let's go out to the altamont pass, i will show you the traffic on 580 is slow as you drive through the area here at 205 as well. >> so that is a typical delay. when you get into livermore there is a crash westbound 580 atel charro, a little bit a slow traffic commute before you get to that crash. once i get past it though and if you are driving let's say you are driving from dublin to castro valley that looks good, there is a backup here approaching the he will charro -- el charro exit. this is a look at interstate the 80 in oakland. both directions of 8 the 80 looking good driving north and south. at the by bridge we still have people in the cash lane, a little bit of crowding there, a nice looking drive into san francisco. it's 5:02, let's go back to the desk. >> thank you, sal. new this morning google has been hit with a record $2.7 billion fine by the european union. the urine on commission six year investigation found google put its own shopping comparison at the top of the search results. stores pay google to promote the ruling also orders google tend the practice within 90 days for fuse more penalties. mountain view based company is expected to appeal that fine. ac 03, a swarm of earthquakes hit the truckee area. happened just after 2:00 a.m., the quakes magnitude's 3.7 and 3.9. the quake's were also felt in the reno area but so far no reports of injuries or damage. turning now to cap tool hill and the bat e8 over healthcare. the republican leadership in the senate wants to vote on their proposal by thursday. right now they don't have enough support from within their own party to pass it. alley has husband in our news -- allirassmuss. >> doing a lot of arm twisting in hopes of passing the republican senate healthcare bill there week before the holiday july 4th recess is. there is a procedural vote will will take place today or tomorrow, a vote to begin debating, starting the process of pass thanksgiving bill. five republican senators have already come out against this bill, meanwhile the nonpar at this son budget office released a report saying that 15 million americans will lose their coverage next year and it 2 million would be uninsured within the next decade. premiums would also increase according to the cbo for older americans. >> now under the senate gop bill states could get waivers to allow insurers to reduce benefits that cover pregnancy, rehabilitation and prescription drugs, ken jacobs says people with pre-existing conditions will have access to insurance but not not be able to afford it. the republican healthcare bill is scheduled to be -- they would like to vote on it sometime this week. jacobs says the biggest impact felt by those expanded medicaid. american medical association announced its opposition to the gop plan saying it violates medical principle of do no harm on many levels, pam. thank you, for that update. time now is 5:05. the white house issuing a stern warning to syrian president bashar al assad, saying syria is planning another chemical attack. that prompted the u.s. to order missile strikes against an air field in syria. white house spokesman sean spicer says if there is another chemical attack, syria's military will pay a heavy price. president trump is declaring victory after the u.s. supreme court allowed a limited travel ban, the president tweeted great day for america's future security and safety courtesy of the u.s. supreme court. i will keep fighting for the american people and win. >> justices will hold a full hearing in october. for now the trump administration can bar traveler from six majority muslim nations from entering the u.s. for 0 days, those countries are syria, sudan, iran, yemen, libya and somalia. there are exceptions for people who have a job here in the u.s., go to school here or have a bona fide relationship with a person or entity in the u.s. a job offer, admission to a university, a relative awaiting you, those people can come in through the ordinary route. >> homeland security is expected to keep out tourists from those six countries along with professors, lecturers, those invited to speak in the u.s. supreme court issue was written as a whole, no break down on how each justice voted. members of the bay area muslim community reacted to the court decision about a quarter million muslims live right here in the bay area. yesterday said an afternoon prayer service, they are disappointed an frustrated about the travel ban and what it means for the future. >> america was created you know for people who are being percent can you telled for religion, right? and so for u.s. to do that it really hurts. >> we have an administration that has explicitly been bigoted toward the muslim community and people from muslim majority countries. >> now one man who owns a high tech company with more than 100 employees says the ban is hard tore recruit because they may not want to go through a long ordeal to come here to the u.s. we are going to examine this issue further this morning on the nine with a lawyer from the aclu and the former chair of the state republican party. also happening today, oakland could join the list of local governments calling for president trump to be impeached t night's city council meeting city members will vote on a resolution calling on congress to investigate the president on impeachable offenses, only the congress can force the president out of office. it would become the 12th u.s. city demanding that congress begin investigating the president for impeachable offenses. supporter also hold a rally tonight outside city hall before tonight's council meeting. oakland city council was not able to vote last night on a new city budget at their meeting. protesters chanted loudly outside the council meeting chambers, then they moved into the room where the council was debating the budget. demonstrators handcuffed themself to the swing gate. they say they want more public input on where tax money going. >> more money for housing, more money for workers, more money for arts, more money for our young people. >> the audience stood up and just organically participated, i supported it. i didn't know about it before going in there tonight. >> now the protests last bad 30 minutes and demonstrate straight i don't remembers got what they asked for, the city council is going to wait until tomorrow or thursday to vote on a new budget proposal. voters can let their councilmembers what they think about the budget. however the city charter is demanding a new oakland city budget in place by june 30th june 30th which is friday. we are now hearing from the family a san francisco man who drowned in a delta while trying to save his young daughter. 40-year-old avilla and 5-year- old daughter were kayaking sunday when their kayak overturned. he was able to hold his daughter above the water and hand her off to a jet-skier that took her to shore, he went back under water and never resurfaced. we talked to one of his daughters, 11-year-old maria says her whole family is heartbroken. >> i still don't want to believe it. i really don't. i want to -- i want it all to be just a dream. but it's not. >> he was not wearing a life jacket but his daughter says he was an experienced swimmer, a gofundme page has been set up to pay fortune earl expenses. her family would like to bury her father in homeland of did you guatamala. several wildfires in southern california they are still burning and still spreading, we are going to show you the damage as firefighters try to get them under control. and prepare to pay a little more the next time you cross the golden gate bridge, we are going to tell you how much fairs will go up and when. if you are approaching the bay bridge, it doesn't look bad. coming around the corner to the toll plaza there. and weather doesn't look bad, 60s, 70s and 80s, temperatures settling in, not going one way or the other, this is kind of where they should be. ...where each drop was formulated to be smarter.... ...even smarter than that... if a color didn't go on evenly, it would balance itself out to reveal its truest, richest state. if a paint could realize the fullest potential of any color... have to wonder... is it still paint? aura interior from benjamin moo®e . only available at independently owd paint and hardware stores. welcome back to mornings on 2, 5:13 is the time. new poll shows support for a sales tax for more people to get by cal train, 74% of likely voters would back an .08 sales tax. additional funds would go toward extended hours, demonstration other things, daily journal reports cal train may put that tax before voters in san francisco, san mateo counties next year. if you are curious about that smart train running through marin and sonoma counties can you catch a ride for free thursday. four trips southbound, along with three trips. the smart train runs trains on saturday, july 1stand next tuesday fourth of july. start day for regular train service has not yet been announced. time now is 5:14, get ready to pay more to cross the golden gate bridge, tolls going up .25 starting next week. if you are at fast track you will pay 6.75 under the new rates, without fast track $7.75. carpoolers $7.75. trucks more than two axles jump more than .25. several increases first approved in 2014 to help reduce the bridge district's budget deficit. new rates start monday, july 3rd. ac 15 is the time right now. -- 5:15 is the time right now. let's check in 0 on traffic, how does it look? >> i was just asked a question, what is the cheapest you remember the golden gate toll bridge being. i don't remember. gosh maybe $2.50. >> i was going to say -- >> i don't remember now. >> i moved up here right our of college, i wanted to say it was 2 bucks. >> two bucks. >> you know what? my friend the internet. >> okay. >> will be able to help me. >> yeah, the richmond san rafael bridge and by bridge was $2.50 the. golden gate is more. the by bridge wasp 75, would you give the guy a dollar and would you get -- >> that goes way back, sal. >> well, pam, you know -- all right. good morning everyone, let's go out to the gilroy commute. when i first started driving it was .75 on the bay bridge and would you give the guy a dollar and you would get a quarterback, two bits. gilroy to morgan hill to san jose traffic is moving along okay if you are driving through, the traffic is all right. driving into san jose and main part of san jose. been minor accidents we haven't had anything major causing delays. 280 in san jose getting up to highway 17. and if you are driving to the bay bridge which yes at one point was 75-cents, i'm sure it was less because you know, it's been around for awhile. but, i remember 75-cent at one point here, now the traffic is looking good getting into san francisco. at ac 16, let's bring steven. i'm pretty sure i remember that as well, sal, or you could put the three quarters in a -- couldn't you drop them in? i remember you -- you got a quarterback, i do remember that. >> yes, sir. >> way back when. like two or three years ago i think. all right. 60s, 70s, 80s, that is how we are looking at here today, a pretty good breeze for most. not probably as windy as yesterday. but it's going to be a blusters day, temperatures rebounding to where they almost be, coast and bay below average for inland areas. each day we'll bump you a little bit. 50s, 6 60s, coolest temperatures to the north. some mid-50s. feels cool, it is for some there. those are the coolest temps, woodside at 50. boulder creek in the santa cruz mountains as well. west at sfo, west at the oakland airport to 18. gusting well toward travis and fairfield. and out in vacaville it was cool this morning, enjoy while it lasts. 53 bodega bay. water temp went down. >> 57, 58, half moon bay 56. a little warmer but holding steady. 30s up in the mountains, 8 east down in the desert, 50s everywhere else. phoenix 91, although flagstaff 46, republicans pass of high pressure to the south, so we are doubling off where we should be, it's long overdue, just -- i knew we would pay for that cool weather, we are seeing things balance out from that hot weather and we are. 90 in clear lake. 86, antioch, brentwood, 72 for oakland. temperatures 90s, santa clara, 78 downtown san jose. east san jose 91 or 82. 78 in palo alto. 64 in daly city, 68 in the city. each day inland temps will bump up a little bit by average thursday. friday, saturday a little warmer, then bring it back sunday. >> all right, steve, thank you. >> you're welcome. new this morning, a special memorial ceremony for the seven sailors who died ten days ago in the collision at sea when the uss fitzgerald collided in the sea of japan with a cargo ship and the compartments where the sailors were asleep were flooded. the commander said while the entire navy is mourning the deaths of the seven sailors the crew acted with hair women to make sure no one else died consider consider hair itch -- reuters news service saying the fitzgerald "suddenly started heading toward his container ship" the report says that the crystal flashed lights towards the fitzgerald and steered hard right to avoid the destroyer but they collided 10 minutes later. there is no independent confirmation of that report. the navy is not saying anything yet on the collision, it left a large gash in the side of the u.s., uss fitzgerald. time now is 5:20 still ahead we are talking about one of the warriors draymond green, he took home extra honors last night at the nba award ceremony, the special recognition for draymond because of his tough defense this season. also a minimum wage keeps going up around the bay area. san francisco and san jose workers get a boost next week. new study is out that finds the increase in pay may actually hurt the economy. welcome back to mornings on 2. happening today the san francisco board of supervisors will vote on legislation dealing with fraudulent evictions. some landlords have evicted their tenants by claiming they were moving into the property themselves but instead the landlords actually rented out the homes to new tenants and often for more money. there are two competing bills, sponsors have compromised on most issues. they still disagree on how to enforce the rule. the california regulators took a big step becoming the first state to require roundup to come up with a cancer warning label. starting next week the weed killer easement ingredient will appear on ha list that california keeps of potentially cancerous chemicals. monsanto argued that roundup does not cause cancer and label also hurt their business. minimum wage is going up in two of the biggest cities on saturday. workers in san francisco start earning at least $14 an hour and in san jose people will get $12 an hour. that is after pushes in many bay area cities to reach a minimum hourly wage of at least $15 an hour. the minimum wage in oakland went up to $12.86 an hour at the againing of the year. well -- at the beginning of the year. >> there are conflicting reports how minimum wage is affecting the job races in seattle, earning minimum wage during 2015 and 2016 saw their work hours cut by nine percent. minimum wage was about $13 an hour during that time. the researchers in washington say that came to a loss of about 125-dollars a month for minimum wage earners. last week uc berkeley study that focused on seattle showed workers earning $13 an hour did not see a cut in their work schedules. time is ac 25. higher fines for illegal fireworks, the big crack down under way across the bay area to keep people safe on this fourth of july. the san francisco public defenders office will hold a press conference today after a new study found racial bias in the police department. it's getting slow out there in some areas. if you are driving on 80 westbound, give yourself a little bit of time to get through the richmond, berkeley and oakland area. low cloud deck for many this morning, probably burning off sooner than we saw yesterday, take a look at those tuesday temps. [ indistinct chatter ] [ intense music playing ] it's here, but it's going by fast. the opportunity of the year is back: the mercedes-benz summer event. get to your dealer today for incredible once-a-season offers, and start firing up those grilles. lease the e300 for $569 a month at your local mercedes-benz dealer. mercedes-benz. the best or nothing. ♪ ♪ ♪ starting this saturday, a new shuttle bus service will take visitors to big sur cut off north at the fiver canyon bridge was damaged by damage storms. the shuttle bus will take you from the parking lot state park to fiver big sur state park. but from there you are going to have to walk a steep half mile trail to catch another shuttle bus taking you further south. a new bridge being built right now shut be open by september. well thank you for joining us, welcome back to mornings on 2. i'm dave clark. pam cook will be here in a minute. steve paulson is here right now talking about your weather. remember big sur had double what me with the fire first so it's been a tough year and a half. >> for those folks and the businesses. >> exactly. >> we have the low cloud deck in place and temperatures well kind of cool for some, take a look at that here. looks like another day of near average temps to slightly below. scotts valley, woodside dip today 49. not just outside i saw 49 degrees as well. it will be be low cloud morning, after that sunny, nice. 60s, 70s and 0s again if you are far injure inland. -- enough inland. it is in place already. 50s, 60s for many, lakeport is 53, airport is 54. paloal toes 58 degrees. concord pavilion 56. blackhawk in the mid-50s. danville really close here, lafayette all around 55, 56. there is a breeze out of the west even oakland airport 18 miles an hour, gusts almost to 30. vacaville due west. on shore push is in place, not much going on, it's been active about 2.5 to 3 weeks here. things look quiet which means 60s, 70s and 80s. the way it should be. 53:41. not a bad forecast i like it. thank you, steve. >> you're welcome. on 80 westbound out of vacaville, fairfield and vallejo, not a big -- delay, why is that so hard to day. not a big delay, american canyon and bellajo, it is the normal commute traffic. also on 37 heading west over to sonoma and marin county. morning commute on east shore freeway taking 18 minutes from the bridge to the macarthur maze. a lot of people use the bay bridge, let's take a look at that. meters lights have gone on and 10 minute delay, maybe a little bit less before you make it on to that scan. ac 31 let's go back to -- 5:31, let's go back to the desk. later today, the city's public defender will release a report. ktvuleigh martinez, shows racial bias shows up in many ways, good morning. >> reporter: this report was commissioned by the public defenders office, it takes a critical look at the san francisco police department, in particular how they book a rests in those initial charges that they face. now the examiner wrote that the report says black people are held in jail longer than white people. their cases take longer and convicted of more serious crimes. but that racial boys a begins with the san francisco police and with the booking process. the report says san francisco police booked blacks and minorities on 50% more severe charges than whites. and those severe charges impact the rest of their experience in the criminal justice system. the examiners report says that the study also found a black defendant spends an average of 30 days in jail, that is 62% longer than a white defendant. now spokesperson for the public defenders office says that the whole purpose of having the press conference and study is to get to the root cause of racial boys a here in the san francisco criminal justice system. they are going to have that press conference at 10:30 at the public defenders office. >> thank you. well dozens of group also start collecting signatures this morning in an effort to recall judge aaron perski he has been under fire after he presided over the controversial break turner case. judge sentenced turn tore 6 months in jail for sexually assaulting a stanford student on campus who was unconscious at the time. turner ended up serving 3 months behind bars. stanford law professor michele dalbert is leading the recall effort. >> the message to potential offenders don't worry about the system will have your back. >> the petition drive needs signatures for more than 58,000 voters in santa clara county to qualify for the ballot next june. time is now 5:00 about 34, happening today the trump administration is expected to put china on the list of countries that are worse offenders for human trafficking. put china on the same list as syria, north korea and zimbabwe, facing economic sanctions. now the down grade against china in this situation will be the first time the trump administration has publicly criticized china. the president's been trying to get china to put pressure on north korea to stop its miss testing and nuclear weapon ross gram. the public is invited to comment on executive order from president trump that could make is 1 marine sanctuaries smaller. for four of the areas, greater faralon, the cordel, monterey bay, and channel highland off the coast of santa barbara and venture i can't county. president's executive order is studying offshore areas for oil and gas exploration. two senators have called on officials to preserving the current boundaries they say protecting the sanctuaries is vital to the state's national heritage. we'll have a link on our website, that public comment period runs until july 26th. new time now 5:35, san jose police arrested an assistant swim coach. timothy nwin arrested on thursday, he worked as an assistant coach for quick silver swim team. investigators say between december of 2015 to january of this year, winn text both male and female members of the swim team and asked them allegedly for nude photos and sexual favors. police say some of the victims complied with his request. winn is also accused of telling the swimmers don't cooperate with investigators. meantime, the mother a silicon valley high school student is speaking out about a suspected kill list at her daughter's school. now we're concealing her name to protect her daughter. a 16-year-old reportedly named to the kill list at monta vista high school in cupertino. at first school officials denied her child was involved then claimed she said she was named but in a nonthreatening way. finally, she says she found out there was a specific threat to shoot and kill her daughter. >> not unexpected, completely unpensioned. it's on me to protect her and make sure everything is okay. >> why did the district tell parent bus this back in september. >> the main reason is it was immediately reported to the sheriff department and a criminal investigation so the district's role typically when law enforcement is involved is to stay out of it so as not to interfere with the investigation. >> the mother took her daughter out of the school but her daughter still fears running into the one of the students who allegedly made the threat. those persons responsible for making that list reportedly are still at the school. san jose city leaders trying to put a stop to illegal fireworks leading up to the fourth of july holiday. people lodged more than 100 complaints of city -- at city hall expressing concerns of dangers of illegal fireworks now taking their safety exam campaign to social media. facebook group has 300 members an growing. illegal fireworks problem in san jose is getting out of control. >> i use today live in the middle east. it sounds like the middle east. it sounds like a war torn area. it causes a tremendous amount of anxiety. i have heard them for the past few days in downtown, they are starting now. and usually around 11:00, 12:00 at night. >> san jose city leaders say that anyone caught with illegal fireworks could be fined to you $1000. waving 175 dollars block party permit fee for those who promise not to use fireworks during the holiday. time is 5:38, several wildfires across california really keeping firefighters busy, one the big brush fires is in santa clarita in los angeles county, this one burned 760 acres, 75% contained. the road that were shut down earlier in the day yesterday reopened last night. residents will are being told drive careful in the area, firefighters worked through the night battles those flames. it started sunday afternoon when a car crashed into a tree and sparked the flames. now the biggest active fire is the manzanita fire, it grew to 1200 acres, only ten percent contained. evacuation were ordered for some communities in the area and a highway in the area is still closed this morning. investigators say this fire was also caused by a traffic collision. 5:39 is the time right now, will they have enough votes? coming up at 6:00, the efforts by the senate republicans to gather supreme court for their healthcare bill. also, a record setting price for a piece of disney history. how much this map of disney land which was drawn by walt disney himself sold for at an auction. and it is getting busier out there especially if you are driving into east bay on 80 westbound, busier now as you drive toward the maze. i realize our june weather has been goofy, things are quieter right now, take a look and see how long the pattern is going to last. well, the san francisco giants beat the colorado rockies 9-2 last night. but fans still talking about how terrible the team is this year. they are having a rough one. but, last night was good. giants started out strong in the first inning, bustee posey hit deep to center field. in the third, giants up 2-0. brandon bell hits this one deep off the wall. joe panic was able to score. that's put the giants ahead 3-0 and the runs kept coming and the giants went on to win 9-2. draymond green defensive player of the year, red carpet was rolled out in new york last night, a special awards ceremony hosted by drake, here is draymond, normal the celebrities honored normally get dressed up. draymond wearing this nice tuxedo jacket and a pair of shorts. and he still looked cool. draymond beat out utah jazz center rudy golbert. >> man i think i was -- i told myself i was going to have these notes. but, i don't want to look at them, i know i am going to forget somebody. my teammates this isn't an individual award, you know, it's five guys out there on the floor at a time. like i can't do this all by myself so you i appreciate them. >> those were dress shorts. >> yeah. >> and while draymond was locking down players all season long, okc thunder guard westbrook putting up triple- double taking home the mvp award last night. 42 triple-doubles. >> wow. >> also joined oscar robertson as the only player average triple-double for the entire season. he beat out hardin. >> russell, it's taylor. remember? i was the one who taught you how to play basketball. i was the one who taught you to dribble, to shoot hoops, you know. and i remember the first time you beat me at basketball and i was very upset. and you said, if you remember correctly, you said, you just have to shake it off. and i got an idea. so essentially we have each other to thank for these careers. >> now you know. taylor swift and the thunder posted this funny video to mvp she goes on to say they have actually never met. >> yeah. >> funny. >> but they will. >> they will now. ac 45. we are going to check traffic with sal. i just heard from heidi hawkins, she said to tell you she remembers when the toll wasp 50. >> did she say when that was. >> heidi you didn't say. >> ah. >> but she said she remembers that and she wanted you to know, sal. >> .50. i don't know if i was quite driving but i have been growing up in the area. >> other people. >> like i my dad because i was always in my dad's business, dad, what are you doing? how much does that cost. >> when you first started driving it was one dollar -- >> when i first started driving it was dollars. he might be awake, i could ask him. >> that is how you learn stuff about the by area. >> my kids ask me the same kind of questions. dad, what are you doing? well i'm paying with my fast track that is what i'm doing. let's take a look at the commute on tracy, westbound 580 you can see traffic is going to be slow. slow traffic on 590 and 205 coming over the altamont pass. now you can see the slow traffic leaving dublin at 680 down forward freemont. however we do have traffic that is slow. also looking at interstate 880 here in oakland, both directions will be along very well. and the traffic is looking good as you drive to the bay bridge, westbound that is backed up for 10 minute delay at the toll plaza. looking sort of normal. i wouldn't say it's light but not too bad out there. it's 5:46, let's bring steven. thank you, sal. we have solid overcast, for most, not for all. it will burn back and things are kind of quiet which is a good thing, it's been one end of the spectrum or other. really cool and windy or just blazing hot, now things are settled in, slightly below average, near average for coast and bay. a few 40s showing up. 48 degrees, scotts valley 49. woodside also showing 49 and just outside of sonoma, saw 49 as well. rebound with temperatures 60s, 70s, and 8 east, unless you are out to the valley or farther up north or south, you might find 9 east. clouds giving way to 50s, 60's, end up with 60's, 70s, the 80s. 62 san jose. 58 in berkeley and napa airport at 54. there is that 49 in woodside. 52, others are 59 belmont. 58 mall who alto, 57 for lossal toes, some cool, some 9-8 degrees warmer. west of sfo, delta breeze is also kicking up its heels. we'll have the breeze in place, low clouds burn back we'll see temperatures starting to rebound, right about where they should be, san francisco should be 67 at this time of year, 68 degrees so they are right in there. 91, pleasant degrees down in phoenix. 85 in palm springs, las vegas 83. system went by to the north, republicans pass to the south. neither one says -- you know, i will do my thing, you do your thing, end up with temperatures that are close to seasonal averages. 60s, 70s, 80s, mid-80s, i did go 90 in clear lake. not the 105 to 110 last week. 996 in antioch to brentwood. a soft day with a breeze. to morgan hill, downtown 78. 60s on the coast. 68 in the city. 77 redwood city. little warmer inland, maybe bay side, but just slightly above average then cooling off sunday again. >> well, soft 80s in some parts it means breeze picks up an it goes down to 60? >> that's true. >> i know exactly if the win would stop it would be nice and warm. >> i will give you a case in point, it's not that far apart, the temperature difference is huge. >> right. >> really? >> you can see 20 degrees. >> yes, i have seen that, observer george mckay 70 here, starch jose 95. mountains an valleys. >> it's fun to watch your term ol terrorist in the car. >> it's true. >> i see. time is 5:49, a rare rare map of disney land created by walt disney himself. sold over the weekend for more than $700,000. >> yeah, private collector cast a winning bid $780,000 most expensive disney land map sold. showing walt disney's original ideas back in 1953. the park opened up just two years later. disney collector owned that map for 40 years. and then decided to sell it. >> i would pay for that. >> not $700,000 maybe. >> yeah, right. >> tsa agents see all kind of things in carry on bags going through security, but this could be a first. a giant lobster. you got me here, pam. this photo tweeted out shows a joy ant 20-pound live lobster, believe it or not, the tsa does not ban carrying lobsters on a plane as long as they are in the clear plastic spill proof container. by the way, a spokesperson says the lobster was in a cooler. and the lobster cooperated very nice. >> cool. >> going through its pat down. you need a big zip lock bag. >> make sure the claws -- 5:50 is the time right now, protecting california's beaches, the agreement just made that will stop shipping off sand near monterey bay ♪ if you've got a life, you gotta swiffer welcome back to mornings on 2, tough new gun law is about to take effect here in california making millions of weapons illegal here in california. on july 1stif you have a magazine with more than ten rounds of ammunition, could you be fined and you may get jail time. if you own one of those magazines now, you can turn them in to the police, you can sell them outside of the state, or you can destroy them. gun rights supporters say this new law won't do anything to stop criminal from using guns. >> they already get high cab magazines, magazines that hold more than 10 rounds. any time anywhere they go and they are going to continue to do so. >> gun control supporters say the new law will help prevent mass shootings. supreme court let stand and decision by the ninth circuit court appeals in san francisco found californian do not have a second amendment right to carry a conceal weapon, upholding the current state law that applicants have to show good cause to get a concealed weapons permit. california regulators have reached a tentative agreement with the mexican company to shut down the last coastal sand mine in the united states. the deal avoids a legal battle over a drudging operation that experts say has caused devastating erosion in monterey bay. the agreement requires sememusat halt operations,. governor brown slammed build two massive tunnels is closer to reality. the national marine fish early service concluded that the $16 billion project would not threaten endangered species such as the delta smelt and it could actually help some fish. opponents say the project is too expensive and threatens further harm already weakened by water diversion. the tunnel project still need state and federal permits to begin. people say their tap water tastes and smells bad. the problem, compounds found in algae blooms that affect the taste and smell. now the phone has been ringing off the hook at the local water agency about this problem. the water supply is coming from a regional distributor which is getting most of the water out of the normally sun trenched delta. -- drenched delta. we are coming up on our 6:00 hour, big disruption on oakland's new budget. >> the reason pro pesters would not allow councilmembers to take a vote. also, the cost of driving a cross the golden gate bridge is about to go up again. how much more you are going to be charged starting next week. good morning, you can see that it is nice looking drive for the most part here, speaking of the golden gate, it looks pretty smooth coming in south. as you drive toward the toll plaza and into san francisco. a lot of low clouds in place, pretty good breeze, near average pattern here but we are not going into the holiday weekend. ♪ ♪ ♪ good morning, more than 20 million people could lose health insurance under the senate healthcare bill, big challenge faces republicans if they try to get enough support for a vote. and google has been slapped with a record fine. the accusations by the europe green union that could cost the company $2.5 billion. mornings on 2 continues. thank you for joining us, if you are just getting up, pretty nice start to the day on this tuesday morning. june 27th. i'm pam cook. >> it's already tuesday, pam. >> tuesday. >> you are flying right along, good morning, i'm dave clark. let's talk about your weather for tuesday. steve paulson knows everything. as we have been saying it's a normal pattern, not something we said much of. >> that's true. >> it's either really cool and windy or very hot. we have the low clouds in place, if you enjoyed monday you will like today. up there again, a couple thousand feet so it clears some of the coastal hills making a push inland. and temperatures this morning 40s, 50s and 60s, san francisco 68, 57 forecast high though. 94, 1976 the record high. i was here then, 48 in 19193 -- 1993, i was in 76. greg says fog moving through crockett, 57 southwest wind at 6 miles per hour. so low clouds have made it. parts of san pablo bay. near average coast and bay,

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Transcripts For KTVU KTVU Mornings On 2 At 5am 20170627 :

Transcripts For KTVU KTVU Mornings On 2 At 5am 20170627

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airport 54. but 57 palo alto. concord, brentwood, livermore. closed for morgan hills, a little cooler towards so cal. campbell 10 degrees warmer at 6 of 1 degrees. west at 18, west sfo at 17. west of the delta, even though it will be west, southwest almost to 30 in travis we will have a breezy blustery day. kind of a quiet pattern which is is a good thing. after the low clouds burn off we will end up with temperatures near average to slightly below for some. 5:01. still quiet or something on your screens there? >> well, it's a little bit more crowded, steve, as you might imagine here with especially the altamont pass commute and we've had a couple things happen there. let's go out to the altamont pass, i will show you the traffic on 580 is slow as you drive through the area here at 205 as well. >> so that is a typical delay. when you get into livermore there is a crash westbound 580 atel charro, a little bit a slow traffic commute before you get to that crash. once i get past it though and if you are driving let's say you are driving from dublin to castro valley that looks good, there is a backup here approaching the he will charro -- el charro exit. this is a look at interstate the 80 in oakland. both directions of 8 the 80 looking good driving north and south. at the by bridge we still have people in the cash lane, a little bit of crowding there, a nice looking drive into san francisco. it's 5:02, let's go back to the desk. >> thank you, sal. new this morning google has been hit with a record $2.7 billion fine by the european union. the urine on commission six year investigation found google put its own shopping comparison at the top of the search results. stores pay google to promote the ruling also orders google tend the practice within 90 days for fuse more penalties. mountain view based company is expected to appeal that fine. ac 03, a swarm of earthquakes hit the truckee area. happened just after 2:00 a.m., the quakes magnitude's 3.7 and 3.9. the quake's were also felt in the reno area but so far no reports of injuries or damage. turning now to cap tool hill and the bat e8 over healthcare. the republican leadership in the senate wants to vote on their proposal by thursday. right now they don't have enough support from within their own party to pass it. alley has husband in our news -- allirassmuss. >> doing a lot of arm twisting in hopes of passing the republican senate healthcare bill there week before the holiday july 4th recess is. there is a procedural vote will will take place today or tomorrow, a vote to begin debating, starting the process of pass thanksgiving bill. five republican senators have already come out against this bill, meanwhile the nonpar at this son budget office released a report saying that 15 million americans will lose their coverage next year and it 2 million would be uninsured within the next decade. premiums would also increase according to the cbo for older americans. >> now under the senate gop bill states could get waivers to allow insurers to reduce benefits that cover pregnancy, rehabilitation and prescription drugs, ken jacobs says people with pre-existing conditions will have access to insurance but not not be able to afford it. the republican healthcare bill is scheduled to be -- they would like to vote on it sometime this week. jacobs says the biggest impact felt by those expanded medicaid. american medical association announced its opposition to the gop plan saying it violates medical principle of do no harm on many levels, pam. thank you, for that update. time now is 5:05. the white house issuing a stern warning to syrian president bashar al assad, saying syria is planning another chemical attack. that prompted the u.s. to order missile strikes against an air field in syria. white house spokesman sean spicer says if there is another chemical attack, syria's military will pay a heavy price. president trump is declaring victory after the u.s. supreme court allowed a limited travel ban, the president tweeted great day for america's future security and safety courtesy of the u.s. supreme court. i will keep fighting for the american people and win. >> justices will hold a full hearing in october. for now the trump administration can bar traveler from six majority muslim nations from entering the u.s. for 0 days, those countries are syria, sudan, iran, yemen, libya and somalia. there are exceptions for people who have a job here in the u.s., go to school here or have a bona fide relationship with a person or entity in the u.s. a job offer, admission to a university, a relative awaiting you, those people can come in through the ordinary route. >> homeland security is expected to keep out tourists from those six countries along with professors, lecturers, those invited to speak in the u.s. supreme court issue was written as a whole, no break down on how each justice voted. members of the bay area muslim community reacted to the court decision about a quarter million muslims live right here in the bay area. yesterday said an afternoon prayer service, they are disappointed an frustrated about the travel ban and what it means for the future. >> america was created you know for people who are being percent can you telled for religion, right? and so for u.s. to do that it really hurts. >> we have an administration that has explicitly been bigoted toward the muslim community and people from muslim majority countries. >> now one man who owns a high tech company with more than 100 employees says the ban is hard tore recruit because they may not want to go through a long ordeal to come here to the u.s. we are going to examine this issue further this morning on the nine with a lawyer from the aclu and the former chair of the state republican party. also happening today, oakland could join the list of local governments calling for president trump to be impeached t night's city council meeting city members will vote on a resolution calling on congress to investigate the president on impeachable offenses, only the congress can force the president out of office. it would become the 12th u.s. city demanding that congress begin investigating the president for impeachable offenses. supporter also hold a rally tonight outside city hall before tonight's council meeting. oakland city council was not able to vote last night on a new city budget at their meeting. protesters chanted loudly outside the council meeting chambers, then they moved into the room where the council was debating the budget. demonstrators handcuffed themself to the swing gate. they say they want more public input on where tax money going. >> more money for housing, more money for workers, more money for arts, more money for our young people. >> the audience stood up and just organically participated, i supported it. i didn't know about it before going in there tonight. >> now the protests last bad 30 minutes and demonstrate straight i don't remembers got what they asked for, the city council is going to wait until tomorrow or thursday to vote on a new budget proposal. voters can let their councilmembers what they think about the budget. however the city charter is demanding a new oakland city budget in place by june 30th june 30th which is friday. we are now hearing from the family a san francisco man who drowned in a delta while trying to save his young daughter. 40-year-old avilla and 5-year- old daughter were kayaking sunday when their kayak overturned. he was able to hold his daughter above the water and hand her off to a jet-skier that took her to shore, he went back under water and never resurfaced. we talked to one of his daughters, 11-year-old maria says her whole family is heartbroken. >> i still don't want to believe it. i really don't. i want to -- i want it all to be just a dream. but it's not. >> he was not wearing a life jacket but his daughter says he was an experienced swimmer, a gofundme page has been set up to pay fortune earl expenses. her family would like to bury her father in homeland of did you guatamala. several wildfires in southern california they are still burning and still spreading, we are going to show you the damage as firefighters try to get them under control. and prepare to pay a little more the next time you cross the golden gate bridge, we are going to tell you how much fairs will go up and when. if you are approaching the bay bridge, it doesn't look bad. coming around the corner to the toll plaza there. and weather doesn't look bad, 60s, 70s and 80s, temperatures settling in, not going one way or the other, this is kind of where they should be. ...where each drop was formulated to be smarter.... ...even smarter than that... if a color didn't go on evenly, it would balance itself out to reveal its truest, richest state. if a paint could realize the fullest potential of any color... have to wonder... is it still paint? aura interior from benjamin moo®e . only available at independently owd paint and hardware stores. welcome back to mornings on 2, 5:13 is the time. new poll shows support for a sales tax for more people to get by cal train, 74% of likely voters would back an .08 sales tax. additional funds would go toward extended hours, demonstration other things, daily journal reports cal train may put that tax before voters in san francisco, san mateo counties next year. if you are curious about that smart train running through marin and sonoma counties can you catch a ride for free thursday. four trips southbound, along with three trips. the smart train runs trains on saturday, july 1stand next tuesday fourth of july. start day for regular train service has not yet been announced. time now is 5:14, get ready to pay more to cross the golden gate bridge, tolls going up .25 starting next week. if you are at fast track you will pay 6.75 under the new rates, without fast track $7.75. carpoolers $7.75. trucks more than two axles jump more than .25. several increases first approved in 2014 to help reduce the bridge district's budget deficit. new rates start monday, july 3rd. ac 15 is the time right now. -- 5:15 is the time right now. let's check in 0 on traffic, how does it look? >> i was just asked a question, what is the cheapest you remember the golden gate toll bridge being. i don't remember. gosh maybe $2.50. >> i was going to say -- >> i don't remember now. >> i moved up here right our of college, i wanted to say it was 2 bucks. >> two bucks. >> you know what? my friend the internet. >> okay. >> will be able to help me. >> yeah, the richmond san rafael bridge and by bridge was $2.50 the. golden gate is more. the by bridge wasp 75, would you give the guy a dollar and would you get -- >> that goes way back, sal. >> well, pam, you know -- all right. good morning everyone, let's go out to the gilroy commute. when i first started driving it was .75 on the bay bridge and would you give the guy a dollar and you would get a quarterback, two bits. gilroy to morgan hill to san jose traffic is moving along okay if you are driving through, the traffic is all right. driving into san jose and main part of san jose. been minor accidents we haven't had anything major causing delays. 280 in san jose getting up to highway 17. and if you are driving to the bay bridge which yes at one point was 75-cents, i'm sure it was less because you know, it's been around for awhile. but, i remember 75-cent at one point here, now the traffic is looking good getting into san francisco. at ac 16, let's bring steven. i'm pretty sure i remember that as well, sal, or you could put the three quarters in a -- couldn't you drop them in? i remember you -- you got a quarterback, i do remember that. >> yes, sir. >> way back when. like two or three years ago i think. all right. 60s, 70s, 80s, that is how we are looking at here today, a pretty good breeze for most. not probably as windy as yesterday. but it's going to be a blusters day, temperatures rebounding to where they almost be, coast and bay below average for inland areas. each day we'll bump you a little bit. 50s, 6 60s, coolest temperatures to the north. some mid-50s. feels cool, it is for some there. those are the coolest temps, woodside at 50. boulder creek in the santa cruz mountains as well. west at sfo, west at the oakland airport to 18. gusting well toward travis and fairfield. and out in vacaville it was cool this morning, enjoy while it lasts. 53 bodega bay. water temp went down. >> 57, 58, half moon bay 56. a little warmer but holding steady. 30s up in the mountains, 8 east down in the desert, 50s everywhere else. phoenix 91, although flagstaff 46, republicans pass of high pressure to the south, so we are doubling off where we should be, it's long overdue, just -- i knew we would pay for that cool weather, we are seeing things balance out from that hot weather and we are. 90 in clear lake. 86, antioch, brentwood, 72 for oakland. temperatures 90s, santa clara, 78 downtown san jose. east san jose 91 or 82. 78 in palo alto. 64 in daly city, 68 in the city. each day inland temps will bump up a little bit by average thursday. friday, saturday a little warmer, then bring it back sunday. >> all right, steve, thank you. >> you're welcome. new this morning, a special memorial ceremony for the seven sailors who died ten days ago in the collision at sea when the uss fitzgerald collided in the sea of japan with a cargo ship and the compartments where the sailors were asleep were flooded. the commander said while the entire navy is mourning the deaths of the seven sailors the crew acted with hair women to make sure no one else died consider consider hair itch -- reuters news service saying the fitzgerald "suddenly started heading toward his container ship" the report says that the crystal flashed lights towards the fitzgerald and steered hard right to avoid the destroyer but they collided 10 minutes later. there is no independent confirmation of that report. the navy is not saying anything yet on the collision, it left a large gash in the side of the u.s., uss fitzgerald. time now is 5:20 still ahead we are talking about one of the warriors draymond green, he took home extra honors last night at the nba award ceremony, the special recognition for draymond because of his tough defense this season. also a minimum wage keeps going up around the bay area. san francisco and san jose workers get a boost next week. new study is out that finds the increase in pay may actually hurt the economy. welcome back to mornings on 2. happening today the san francisco board of supervisors will vote on legislation dealing with fraudulent evictions. some landlords have evicted their tenants by claiming they were moving into the property themselves but instead the landlords actually rented out the homes to new tenants and often for more money. there are two competing bills, sponsors have compromised on most issues. they still disagree on how to enforce the rule. the california regulators took a big step becoming the first state to require roundup to come up with a cancer warning label. starting next week the weed killer easement ingredient will appear on ha list that california keeps of potentially cancerous chemicals. monsanto argued that roundup does not cause cancer and label also hurt their business. minimum wage is going up in two of the biggest cities on saturday. workers in san francisco start earning at least $14 an hour and in san jose people will get $12 an hour. that is after pushes in many bay area cities to reach a minimum hourly wage of at least $15 an hour. the minimum wage in oakland went up to $12.86 an hour at the againing of the year. well -- at the beginning of the year. >> there are conflicting reports how minimum wage is affecting the job races in seattle, earning minimum wage during 2015 and 2016 saw their work hours cut by nine percent. minimum wage was about $13 an hour during that time. the researchers in washington say that came to a loss of about 125-dollars a month for minimum wage earners. last week uc berkeley study that focused on seattle showed workers earning $13 an hour did not see a cut in their work schedules. time is ac 25. higher fines for illegal fireworks, the big crack down under way across the bay area to keep people safe on this fourth of july. the san francisco public defenders office will hold a press conference today after a new study found racial bias in the police department. it's getting slow out there in some areas. if you are driving on 80 westbound, give yourself a little bit of time to get through the richmond, berkeley and oakland area. low cloud deck for many this morning, probably burning off sooner than we saw yesterday, take a look at those tuesday temps. [ indistinct chatter ] [ intense music playing ] it's here, but it's going by fast. the opportunity of the year is back: the mercedes-benz summer event. get to your dealer today for incredible once-a-season offers, and start firing up those grilles. lease the e300 for $569 a month at your local mercedes-benz dealer. mercedes-benz. the best or nothing. ♪ ♪ ♪ starting this saturday, a new shuttle bus service will take visitors to big sur cut off north at the fiver canyon bridge was damaged by damage storms. the shuttle bus will take you from the parking lot state park to fiver big sur state park. but from there you are going to have to walk a steep half mile trail to catch another shuttle bus taking you further south. a new bridge being built right now shut be open by september. well thank you for joining us, welcome back to mornings on 2. i'm dave clark. pam cook will be here in a minute. steve paulson is here right now talking about your weather. remember big sur had double what me with the fire first so it's been a tough year and a half. >> for those folks and the businesses. >> exactly. >> we have the low cloud deck in place and temperatures well kind of cool for some, take a look at that here. looks like another day of near average temps to slightly below. scotts valley, woodside dip today 49. not just outside i saw 49 degrees as well. it will be be low cloud morning, after that sunny, nice. 60s, 70s and 0s again if you are far injure inland. -- enough inland. it is in place already. 50s, 60s for many, lakeport is 53, airport is 54. paloal toes 58 degrees. concord pavilion 56. blackhawk in the mid-50s. danville really close here, lafayette all around 55, 56. there is a breeze out of the west even oakland airport 18 miles an hour, gusts almost to 30. vacaville due west. on shore push is in place, not much going on, it's been active about 2.5 to 3 weeks here. things look quiet which means 60s, 70s and 80s. the way it should be. 53:41. not a bad forecast i like it. thank you, steve. >> you're welcome. on 80 westbound out of vacaville, fairfield and vallejo, not a big -- delay, why is that so hard to day. not a big delay, american canyon and bellajo, it is the normal commute traffic. also on 37 heading west over to sonoma and marin county. morning commute on east shore freeway taking 18 minutes from the bridge to the macarthur maze. a lot of people use the bay bridge, let's take a look at that. meters lights have gone on and 10 minute delay, maybe a little bit less before you make it on to that scan. ac 31 let's go back to -- 5:31, let's go back to the desk. later today, the city's public defender will release a report. ktvuleigh martinez, shows racial bias shows up in many ways, good morning. >> reporter: this report was commissioned by the public defenders office, it takes a critical look at the san francisco police department, in particular how they book a rests in those initial charges that they face. now the examiner wrote that the report says black people are held in jail longer than white people. their cases take longer and convicted of more serious crimes. but that racial boys a begins with the san francisco police and with the booking process. the report says san francisco police booked blacks and minorities on 50% more severe charges than whites. and those severe charges impact the rest of their experience in the criminal justice system. the examiners report says that the study also found a black defendant spends an average of 30 days in jail, that is 62% longer than a white defendant. now spokesperson for the public defenders office says that the whole purpose of having the press conference and study is to get to the root cause of racial boys a here in the san francisco criminal justice system. they are going to have that press conference at 10:30 at the public defenders office. >> thank you. well dozens of group also start collecting signatures this morning in an effort to recall judge aaron perski he has been under fire after he presided over the controversial break turner case. judge sentenced turn tore 6 months in jail for sexually assaulting a stanford student on campus who was unconscious at the time. turner ended up serving 3 months behind bars. stanford law professor michele dalbert is leading the recall effort. >> the message to potential offenders don't worry about the system will have your back. >> the petition drive needs signatures for more than 58,000 voters in santa clara county to qualify for the ballot next june. time is now 5:00 about 34, happening today the trump administration is expected to put china on the list of countries that are worse offenders for human trafficking. put china on the same list as syria, north korea and zimbabwe, facing economic sanctions. now the down grade against china in this situation will be the first time the trump administration has publicly criticized china. the president's been trying to get china to put pressure on north korea to stop its miss testing and nuclear weapon ross gram. the public is invited to comment on executive order from president trump that could make is 1 marine sanctuaries smaller. for four of the areas, greater faralon, the cordel, monterey bay, and channel highland off the coast of santa barbara and venture i can't county. president's executive order is studying offshore areas for oil and gas exploration. two senators have called on officials to preserving the current boundaries they say protecting the sanctuaries is vital to the state's national heritage. we'll have a link on our website, that public comment period runs until july 26th. new time now 5:35, san jose police arrested an assistant swim coach. timothy nwin arrested on thursday, he worked as an assistant coach for quick silver swim team. investigators say between december of 2015 to january of this year, winn text both male and female members of the swim team and asked them allegedly for nude photos and sexual favors. police say some of the victims complied with his request. winn is also accused of telling the swimmers don't cooperate with investigators. meantime, the mother a silicon valley high school student is speaking out about a suspected kill list at her daughter's school. now we're concealing her name to protect her daughter. a 16-year-old reportedly named to the kill list at monta vista high school in cupertino. at first school officials denied her child was involved then claimed she said she was named but in a nonthreatening way. finally, she says she found out there was a specific threat to shoot and kill her daughter. >> not unexpected, completely unpensioned. it's on me to protect her and make sure everything is okay. >> why did the district tell parent bus this back in september. >> the main reason is it was immediately reported to the sheriff department and a criminal investigation so the district's role typically when law enforcement is involved is to stay out of it so as not to interfere with the investigation. >> the mother took her daughter out of the school but her daughter still fears running into the one of the students who allegedly made the threat. those persons responsible for making that list reportedly are still at the school. san jose city leaders trying to put a stop to illegal fireworks leading up to the fourth of july holiday. people lodged more than 100 complaints of city -- at city hall expressing concerns of dangers of illegal fireworks now taking their safety exam campaign to social media. facebook group has 300 members an growing. illegal fireworks problem in san jose is getting out of control. >> i use today live in the middle east. it sounds like the middle east. it sounds like a war torn area. it causes a tremendous amount of anxiety. i have heard them for the past few days in downtown, they are starting now. and usually around 11:00, 12:00 at night. >> san jose city leaders say that anyone caught with illegal fireworks could be fined to you $1000. waving 175 dollars block party permit fee for those who promise not to use fireworks during the holiday. time is 5:38, several wildfires across california really keeping firefighters busy, one the big brush fires is in santa clarita in los angeles county, this one burned 760 acres, 75% contained. the road that were shut down earlier in the day yesterday reopened last night. residents will are being told drive careful in the area, firefighters worked through the night battles those flames. it started sunday afternoon when a car crashed into a tree and sparked the flames. now the biggest active fire is the manzanita fire, it grew to 1200 acres, only ten percent contained. evacuation were ordered for some communities in the area and a highway in the area is still closed this morning. investigators say this fire was also caused by a traffic collision. 5:39 is the time right now, will they have enough votes? coming up at 6:00, the efforts by the senate republicans to gather supreme court for their healthcare bill. also, a record setting price for a piece of disney history. how much this map of disney land which was drawn by walt disney himself sold for at an auction. and it is getting busier out there especially if you are driving into east bay on 80 westbound, busier now as you drive toward the maze. i realize our june weather has been goofy, things are quieter right now, take a look and see how long the pattern is going to last. well, the san francisco giants beat the colorado rockies 9-2 last night. but fans still talking about how terrible the team is this year. they are having a rough one. but, last night was good. giants started out strong in the first inning, bustee posey hit deep to center field. in the third, giants up 2-0. brandon bell hits this one deep off the wall. joe panic was able to score. that's put the giants ahead 3-0 and the runs kept coming and the giants went on to win 9-2. draymond green defensive player of the year, red carpet was rolled out in new york last night, a special awards ceremony hosted by drake, here is draymond, normal the celebrities honored normally get dressed up. draymond wearing this nice tuxedo jacket and a pair of shorts. and he still looked cool. draymond beat out utah jazz center rudy golbert. >> man i think i was -- i told myself i was going to have these notes. but, i don't want to look at them, i know i am going to forget somebody. my teammates this isn't an individual award, you know, it's five guys out there on the floor at a time. like i can't do this all by myself so you i appreciate them. >> those were dress shorts. >> yeah. >> and while draymond was locking down players all season long, okc thunder guard westbrook putting up triple- double taking home the mvp award last night. 42 triple-doubles. >> wow. >> also joined oscar robertson as the only player average triple-double for the entire season. he beat out hardin. >> russell, it's taylor. remember? i was the one who taught you how to play basketball. i was the one who taught you to dribble, to shoot hoops, you know. and i remember the first time you beat me at basketball and i was very upset. and you said, if you remember correctly, you said, you just have to shake it off. and i got an idea. so essentially we have each other to thank for these careers. >> now you know. taylor swift and the thunder posted this funny video to mvp she goes on to say they have actually never met. >> yeah. >> funny. >> but they will. >> they will now. ac 45. we are going to check traffic with sal. i just heard from heidi hawkins, she said to tell you she remembers when the toll wasp 50. >> did she say when that was. >> heidi you didn't say. >> ah. >> but she said she remembers that and she wanted you to know, sal. >> .50. i don't know if i was quite driving but i have been growing up in the area. >> other people. >> like i my dad because i was always in my dad's business, dad, what are you doing? how much does that cost. >> when you first started driving it was one dollar -- >> when i first started driving it was dollars. he might be awake, i could ask him. >> that is how you learn stuff about the by area. >> my kids ask me the same kind of questions. dad, what are you doing? well i'm paying with my fast track that is what i'm doing. let's take a look at the commute on tracy, westbound 580 you can see traffic is going to be slow. slow traffic on 590 and 205 coming over the altamont pass. now you can see the slow traffic leaving dublin at 680 down forward freemont. however we do have traffic that is slow. also looking at interstate 880 here in oakland, both directions will be along very well. and the traffic is looking good as you drive to the bay bridge, westbound that is backed up for 10 minute delay at the toll plaza. looking sort of normal. i wouldn't say it's light but not too bad out there. it's 5:46, let's bring steven. thank you, sal. we have solid overcast, for most, not for all. it will burn back and things are kind of quiet which is a good thing, it's been one end of the spectrum or other. really cool and windy or just blazing hot, now things are settled in, slightly below average, near average for coast and bay. a few 40s showing up. 48 degrees, scotts valley 49. woodside also showing 49 and just outside of sonoma, saw 49 as well. rebound with temperatures 60s, 70s, and 8 east, unless you are out to the valley or farther up north or south, you might find 9 east. clouds giving way to 50s, 60's, end up with 60's, 70s, the 80s. 62 san jose. 58 in berkeley and napa airport at 54. there is that 49 in woodside. 52, others are 59 belmont. 58 mall who alto, 57 for lossal toes, some cool, some 9-8 degrees warmer. west of sfo, delta breeze is also kicking up its heels. we'll have the breeze in place, low clouds burn back we'll see temperatures starting to rebound, right about where they should be, san francisco should be 67 at this time of year, 68 degrees so they are right in there. 91, pleasant degrees down in phoenix. 85 in palm springs, las vegas 83. system went by to the north, republicans pass to the south. neither one says -- you know, i will do my thing, you do your thing, end up with temperatures that are close to seasonal averages. 60s, 70s, 80s, mid-80s, i did go 90 in clear lake. not the 105 to 110 last week. 996 in antioch to brentwood. a soft day with a breeze. to morgan hill, downtown 78. 60s on the coast. 68 in the city. 77 redwood city. little warmer inland, maybe bay side, but just slightly above average then cooling off sunday again. >> well, soft 80s in some parts it means breeze picks up an it goes down to 60? >> that's true. >> i know exactly if the win would stop it would be nice and warm. >> i will give you a case in point, it's not that far apart, the temperature difference is huge. >> right. >> really? >> you can see 20 degrees. >> yes, i have seen that, observer george mckay 70 here, starch jose 95. mountains an valleys. >> it's fun to watch your term ol terrorist in the car. >> it's true. >> i see. time is 5:49, a rare rare map of disney land created by walt disney himself. sold over the weekend for more than $700,000. >> yeah, private collector cast a winning bid $780,000 most expensive disney land map sold. showing walt disney's original ideas back in 1953. the park opened up just two years later. disney collector owned that map for 40 years. and then decided to sell it. >> i would pay for that. >> not $700,000 maybe. >> yeah, right. >> tsa agents see all kind of things in carry on bags going through security, but this could be a first. a giant lobster. you got me here, pam. this photo tweeted out shows a joy ant 20-pound live lobster, believe it or not, the tsa does not ban carrying lobsters on a plane as long as they are in the clear plastic spill proof container. by the way, a spokesperson says the lobster was in a cooler. and the lobster cooperated very nice. >> cool. >> going through its pat down. you need a big zip lock bag. >> make sure the claws -- 5:50 is the time right now, protecting california's beaches, the agreement just made that will stop shipping off sand near monterey bay ♪ if you've got a life, you gotta swiffer welcome back to mornings on 2, tough new gun law is about to take effect here in california making millions of weapons illegal here in california. on july 1stif you have a magazine with more than ten rounds of ammunition, could you be fined and you may get jail time. if you own one of those magazines now, you can turn them in to the police, you can sell them outside of the state, or you can destroy them. gun rights supporters say this new law won't do anything to stop criminal from using guns. >> they already get high cab magazines, magazines that hold more than 10 rounds. any time anywhere they go and they are going to continue to do so. >> gun control supporters say the new law will help prevent mass shootings. supreme court let stand and decision by the ninth circuit court appeals in san francisco found californian do not have a second amendment right to carry a conceal weapon, upholding the current state law that applicants have to show good cause to get a concealed weapons permit. california regulators have reached a tentative agreement with the mexican company to shut down the last coastal sand mine in the united states. the deal avoids a legal battle over a drudging operation that experts say has caused devastating erosion in monterey bay. the agreement requires sememusat halt operations,. governor brown slammed build two massive tunnels is closer to reality. the national marine fish early service concluded that the $16 billion project would not threaten endangered species such as the delta smelt and it could actually help some fish. opponents say the project is too expensive and threatens further harm already weakened by water diversion. the tunnel project still need state and federal permits to begin. people say their tap water tastes and smells bad. the problem, compounds found in algae blooms that affect the taste and smell. now the phone has been ringing off the hook at the local water agency about this problem. the water supply is coming from a regional distributor which is getting most of the water out of the normally sun trenched delta. -- drenched delta. we are coming up on our 6:00 hour, big disruption on oakland's new budget. >> the reason pro pesters would not allow councilmembers to take a vote. also, the cost of driving a cross the golden gate bridge is about to go up again. how much more you are going to be charged starting next week. good morning, you can see that it is nice looking drive for the most part here, speaking of the golden gate, it looks pretty smooth coming in south. as you drive toward the toll plaza and into san francisco. a lot of low clouds in place, pretty good breeze, near average pattern here but we are not going into the holiday weekend. ♪ ♪ ♪ good morning, more than 20 million people could lose health insurance under the senate healthcare bill, big challenge faces republicans if they try to get enough support for a vote. and google has been slapped with a record fine. the accusations by the europe green union that could cost the company $2.5 billion. mornings on 2 continues. thank you for joining us, if you are just getting up, pretty nice start to the day on this tuesday morning. june 27th. i'm pam cook. >> it's already tuesday, pam. >> tuesday. >> you are flying right along, good morning, i'm dave clark. let's talk about your weather for tuesday. steve paulson knows everything. as we have been saying it's a normal pattern, not something we said much of. >> that's true. >> it's either really cool and windy or very hot. we have the low clouds in place, if you enjoyed monday you will like today. up there again, a couple thousand feet so it clears some of the coastal hills making a push inland. and temperatures this morning 40s, 50s and 60s, san francisco 68, 57 forecast high though. 94, 1976 the record high. i was here then, 48 in 19193 -- 1993, i was in 76. greg says fog moving through crockett, 57 southwest wind at 6 miles per hour. so low clouds have made it. parts of san pablo bay. near average coast and bay,

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