Transcripts For KTVU KTVU Mornings On 2 At 5am 20160901 : co

Transcripts For KTVU KTVU Mornings On 2 At 5am 20160901

60s, 70s, 80s. these are slightly below average. >> speaking of -- deed i was doing lieutenant. colonel. frank slade . >> that movie scent of a woman 1992. i was not even working here yet and that is a long time ago . >> how long have you been here now? >> 19 years? >> something like that . >> good morning to you. i've seen it all. sunny . >> let's go and take a look at what we have in the traffic. we do want to mention something to avoid the intersection of harrison and slade -- i'm sorry harrison and moss avenue because of the police activity. we also want to mention the trade the super commute. it is already getting busy on 205 at as you head over to the past. the traffic is going to be busy. when you get to livermore it does even out. let's talk about the macarthur remain and the traffic there. that looks good coming around the corner. no major traffic here as you get to the bay bridge toll plaza it is still light although this will be the busiest our according to statistics. now at 5 am let's go back to the desk . >> we do begin our 5 am our with breaking news out of oakland. policing there are on the scene of a stabbing right near interstate right near interstate 80 . that is where christian capsid is as well to talk about what has happened here harrison street and moss avenue. >> reporter: we literally just spoke with the commander on the scene as you are getting your weather and traffic update we were getting the very latest on this incident here. two people stabbed one person tased by oakland police. this person in custody. you can see there still is a significant police present days present here. we are right next to 580. to this incident happened around 3:30 this morning. we understand that this actually happened in a nearby apartment building. we know one person was transported as we were here. two other stabbed. we are hearing they are in stable condition. at least one of them seems to have a pretty significant injury from what we understand oakland police were called here to an apartment building. we are not sure if that was a result of a domestic incident or what initially brought them out. when they arrived here they found two people stabbed there was some kind of interaction between a suspect on scene and oakland police officers that suspect was tased. also taken in for medical care. if we come on back to our life shot you may be able to see a lot of the investigation has been centered around this apartment building. this is where it seems the stabbing took place where oakland police officers initially responded to those officers again facing the suspect and taking the suspect into custody. at this point we are waiting to get an update on the condition of the people stabbed. waiting for more information about the suspect but that is what we have learned so far. two people stabbed one person in custody.>> thank you christian for that update. time is 5:04 donald trump did not soften his stance on immigration. he had a meeting with mexico's president. trumps hard-line position on immigration was uploaded by his supporters.>> reporter: donald trump faced a friendly crowd in phoenix . >> today on a very complicated and difficult subject you will get the truth. >> reporter: his truth a 10 point proposal calibrated to convince hard-core supporters and the undecided voters he needs to win the white house . >> let me tell you about my plan.>> reporter: topping the list the familiar old wall. >> we will build a great wall along the southern border. >> reporter: that's great wall greatly disputed as trump and mexico's president enrique pena nieto discussed at their meeting. >> we didn't discuss the wall. we did not discuss the payment.>> reporter: the tone of the meeting was cordial. >> trump told his supporters in arizona -- in mexico -- mexico will pay for the wall . >> trump also promised to deport the 11 million illegal immigrants currently in the us . >> there will be no amnesty. >> reporter: saying they all would need to apply for reentry . >> you can not obtain legal status or become a citizen of the united states by illegally entering our country. >> he outlined other proposals in greater detail than ever before. >> we are also going to hire 5000 more border patrol agent. >> reporter: on san francisco and other sanctuary cities trump said he would cut federal funding . >> zero tolerance for criminal alien. zero. >> reporter: and he mentioned the bay area and k steinle . >> on my first day of august they's office i am going to ask congress to pass case law . >> this romantic prison terms for anyone who is deported and returns. >> reporter: trump said he will also eliminate executive orders by obama and link immigration to national security call for an immigration screening test . >> and ideological certification to make sure that those we are admitting to our country share our values and love our people. >> kate steinle's family did not appear on the stage last night and so far we have not made a statement about donald trump's remark. hillary clinton responded to the speech on twitter saying quote we are not going to criminalize profile rounds up and deport 16 million people quote that figure includes us citizens warned to undocumented parents. earlier she posted this at the trump's visit to mexico quote trump just failed his firstborn task. diplomacy is not as easy as it looks quote now the former secretary of state also talked about donald trump. two mexico in his speech to the american legion in cincinnati ohio. she told a veterans group that building relationships between nations takes more than a photo op . >> people have to get to know that they can count on you, that you will not say one thing one day and something totally different the next. and it certainly takes more than trying to make up for a year of insult and insinuations by dropping in on our neighbors for a few hours and then flying home again. that is not how it works. >> a new fox news national poll showing hillary clinton lead over donald trump to two points. this is the last -- >> our coverage continues online . we have posted donald trump entire address on our facebook page . >> we are learning more about the tragic car crash who took the lives of two sisters. the girls were killed yesterday morning when a car driven by their mother ran off a road and landed upside down. the mother alexandra hernandez max abide the crash we just minor injuries. the chp report she did not have a drivers license. investigators say her daughters delilah gonzales and her sister sayra were in seatbelts when the car plunged into the water. investigators trying to figure out what caused that deadly crash. at least one witness saying maybe speed was involved a little bit of a weaving so we will be looking at distraction in the vehicle. we always look for evidence of impairment. >> chp says ms. fernandez passed a breathalyzer test at the crash scene and told officers another car cut her off. chp is now trying to find more witnesses. that crash was eerily similar to one last week in a gender. four-year-old hayley marcus and her sister caitlin died when their mother lost control of the pickup truck a funeral for the girls was held yesterday. visitation was held and they were buried at the calgary catholic cemetery . >> a go fund me page has raised almost $50,000 to help the family with expenses. a report by the san francisco comptrollers office suggests the city may want to shift resources to better address the needs of the homeless a survey found that 3500 people lived on the streets last year rather than in shelters. the report reviews the new navigation center the established in san francisco to help them get the navigation centers have more relaxed rules than traditional shelters and could put a priority on helping people get into housing. the report suggests that the city shelters incorporate elements of the navigation centers to better address the needs of people who are homeless to extract a bay area center for the blind is being forced to close. coming up, what is behind disclosure and the next steps for the patient to extract the 49ers played their first game since colin kaepernick deciding not to stand for the national anthem . >> welcome back to morning on 2. several community meanings will get input on selecting a new oakland police chief. 10 forms are scheduled this month. tonight's meeting is one of two aimed at hearing at young people in the city is asking the public about the qualities they want to see in the next police chief. oakland plans to screen candidates in november they expect a new police chief by the end of the year so that person can start the job and 2017. tonight use community or will start at 5 pm at castle microscope. dozens of people in san jose gathered outside police headquarters praying for the city and the police department. the vigil was part of a reaction to the city's recent spike in homicides. 35 people have been killed in san jose since the beginning of the year that is more than all of last year. earlier this week the city council approved a state of emergency. that would move 47 detectives out of spec still -- special crime unit. that is still not enough to meet the minimum staffing levels. one thing i am concerned about is with the police shortage, is that criminals are a lot more active because they know there are not enough officers out in the street . >> we have a small amount of officers carrying on the same amount of work so in that sense the load is heavier. >> police officers we talked to say that show of community support makes their jobs a little easier. turning now to the colin kaepernick national anthem quarter back they should national anthem them -- national anthem controversy. he has received support . >> demonstrated rallied outside the police officers association. the union president has written a letter to the nfl in the 49ers criticizing colin kaepernick think law enforcement should not be blamed for societies problems including the racial divide in the us . >> probably has reached the point because he himself -- if he was not colin kaepernick he could be the victim of a shooting . >> the police officers association released a statement saying in part that its members are committed to fighting racism in all its forms. colin kaepernick will start tonight's preseason game against the san diego chargers. analyst said he must impress the coaches or there is a possibility he will be cuts. he plans to remain seated during the national -- national anthem which will be sung by a naval petty officers. some fans on twitter say they plan to boom cabinet. approved will be there in san diego -- they plan to boom colin kaepernick. ecru will be there . >> one of the biggest shipping companies in the world is filing bankruptcy. this is causing economic concern as retailers are filing bankruptcy. tanjen is often visitors to the global ports. some ports are based refusing entry to tanjen ships. the ports of los angeles are allowing the ships and but they have to pay upfront to be unloaded. we are making a call to see what the port of oakland has decided to do . >> let's check back in. what you taking a look at, sal, . >> traffic will be busy but not stop and go. as you drive from the gilroy area and continue up into san jose. as a matter of fact if you have to drive through morgan hill it continues to look good all the way up into the valley. it continues to be a very nice commute. things are beginning to come face change in some of the other commutes but this one still looks good pretty much throughout the entire valley. let's look at other things here. we will look at the bay bridge. it is interesting to me that we don't see a lot of slow traffic. hopefully it will stay this way but usually at 35 days 5:30 -- that changes everything. looking at the commute in the east bay traffic is moving well in both directions. still rather light. you can still jump ahead if you get on the road relatively soon. >> thank you sal. let's take a look at what we have for tropical storm madeleine. it did exactly what we thought. it just went to the south and clipped to the coast. cost about 50 mi./h. some power out and pretty heavy rain but it is tracking fast to the south and i think it is only a morning event and not expecting the other islands. that is madeleine of course. what about lester? everything points towards leicester going north. we will see. that may have a bigger impact on maui and a lot who. it can seek instead of zag. >> we do have a weak system clipping us to the north. it will be a strong one coming in over the weekend. just be advised if you are heading up to shasta and northeast california you will feel cooler breezy conditions coming in. we will cool down on saturday as well. >> not a lot of moisture with it . water temperatures cooled off. felt the breeze. 5060 -- 50, 60 s. a temperatures. santa cruz checking in at 60. 54 in santa clara. 37 truckee. some of the fall leaves are falling already. they are below seasonal averages. slight warm-up friday. cooler pattern into sunday morning. >> monday looks okay. grandpa sweater or jacket? do you think? >> for the mountains yes . >> it is a picture that is getting attention from around the world. a simple gesture by a college football player that make a big difference to a young boy sitting alone at lunch . >> one of those naked donald trump statues will be auctioned off. we will tell you about it. welcome back to morning on 2. tropical storm warning in effect from northeast florida to south carolina because of tropical storm arlene. it is expected to become a hurricane but it makes landfall late tonight or early tomorrow morning but it has been raining steadily throughout the southeast causing flash floods throughout florida . >> i am just here to get closed in find out a better tomorrow. >> right now hurricane hormine is moving towards the northeast. meantime people in hawaii have to face two separate storms. madeleine has been downgraded to a tropical storm and has wednesday -- wind up to 70 miles an hour. while it is starting to clear up today there is hurricane leicester moving in this weekend. it is about 1000 miles off hawaii with wind of 110 miles an hour. 2:apple ceo tim cook says he expects ireland to fight the union's commission ruling that his company owes more than $14 billion in back taxes. on tuesday the commission ordered ireland to go after apple for the money. arlan unfairly gave apple a tax break so it would put its european tax quarters in that country. europeans finance corporation says it would fight. irish officials will meet again today and they will talk about what they will do. tim cook says he is sure they will do the right thing . >> one of the life size naked donald trump statues will be sold at an auction next month. does auctioned says part of the proceeds will go to the national immigration forum. those statues popped up last month in san francisco, los angeles, seattle, cleveland and new york. you are looking at video of the one in san francisco the one being sold is in los angeles. the auction estimates the statue is worth between $10,000 and $20,000. the statue in san francisco is still being held by the police. vandals attack an art project in san jose and up next the other vandalism. neighbors think it may be connected to . >> plus a former 10 days sanford swimmer accused of sexual assault is staged to be released. protesters will be outside . >> we are looking at a commute were traffic will be busy on 280 northbound. not a bad commute as you get up to the west valley . >> good morning. thank you for joining us on morning on 2 . i david clark. i'm sam cooke. it is 5:30. a big change in the month. little change in the weather? >> yes. i like the pattern that the models are showing. system is digging in from the north. let's hope this pattern holds because as we get into september sometimes they can hold rain. june, july, and august they usually don't. >> although the last couple of days the fog has been burning off faster. the days are shorter now. angle of the sun is not as high. the fog is ramped up. water temperatures cooling down a bit..held in land temperatures. coming in right where they should be to slightly below. the fog is there. no high clouds. we did have some the last couple days. that pattern changes and develops more into sunshine. sierra nevada dealing with pop- up showers off to the east. gusts to 28 in travis. 50s and 60s in the mountains. 60s, 70s slightly below. slightly below eight is for most inland locations . >> something picking up on your screen or is it just the usual? >> looks like the usual which is nice. nothing unusual to report. we are looking at the solano county commute. 80 westbound is not bad. continuing out to the fairfield area continues to look good all the way to the cordelia junction. there are no problems there. as a matter of fact the traffic continues to look good into hercules the whole drive. let's talk about the rest of the east bay commute. right now we are looking at interstate 880 getting busier past the open coliseum not stop and go. at the toll prize of the like have been turned on and traffic is backing on for about a 10 minute delay. >> the former stanford university convicted of sexual assault is due to be released from jail tomorrow morning. . turner will have served just half of a six month jail sentence in a controversial case getting national attention. law-enforcement agencies are preparing for a big demonstration when he walks out of santa clarita main jail early tomorrow. we are waiting for crowds to bring attention to the fact that brock turner only spent a few months in prison. this decision excuses a rate and is not acceptable . >> we will have law-enforcement here. there are angry protesters and we will be here keeping the peace . >> turner is expected to be released from jail sometime between 5 am and 9 am . protesters said they will hold a news conference shortly after he is released. alex savage will bring us a live report from the south bay. meantime police in fremont hope releasing surveillance video will help them identify and catch a group of men who broke into a home less weekend. take a look. police say this black and white surveillance video is terrifying to watch. seat five armed men waiting inside of a house. apparently hoping be homeowners would be coming back. but the family was out at dinner. their home security system alerted them that they were intruders inside and they called the police and their neighbor. >> he said, there are people in my house with guns and something to that effect. can you check outside? >> those thieves left before the police arrived. they did still electronics and other valuables. there was a similar crime around the corner last month. residents are worried that a group of criminals is targeting this affluent community in the foothills where property values are listed well over $2 million. meantime police in san jose want your help to identify a burglar broke into a home in july. this man got into a house on dandy avenue in north san jose through the backyard and stapled a mountain bike -- and stole a mountain bike and contractor tools worth more than $2000 . get a good look. you have a close look. if you have information leading to an arrest and conviction you may be eligible for a cash award . a san francisco man known as the clean-cut bandit will be behind bars for a long time. darius gilbert were sentenced tuesday to 30 years in federal prison for his part in nine bank robbers. he was known as the clean-cut bandit because he held a knife during many holdups. six banks were robbed as well as bags and rafael and elk grove. the judge also ordered gilbert to pay $148,000 in restitution which is the amount of money he stole from the back. a federal appeals court upheld the government banned which prevents people with a medical marijuana card from buying a gun. it does not violate second amendment rights. the ruling applies to the nine states including california washington and oregon. the lawsuit was filed by a woman from the bottom after a gun store refuse to sell her a firearm safety federal rule on the sale of guns to illegal gun and drug users. marijuana is illegal under federal law . >> calfire bruised ted cruz -- cal fire crews have the fire in bogart 60% contained. evacuation orders have been lifted. investigators say young people playing near the entrance of bogart park may have started that fire. via crews in the bay area battled a grass fire near a freeway in oakland. skybox is overhead shortly after the fire started. they are on 580 . the chp close two eastbound lanes of 580 while the crews put out the fire. still no word on how the fire started. the palo alto school district is preparing new guidelines on how people -- and teachers should interact with students. it is a response to questionable behavior and crimes reported last school year. the guidelines could include reminders to maintain physical distance from students, avoid interacting with students on social media, and not being the only person a student talk to about personal issues. three teachers in the district were accused of having inappropriate encounters with students during the last school year . california lawmakers voted on several bills before the midnight deadline of the two- year legislative session last night . one measure approved by lawmakers provides people who work for small businesses to have parental leave. right now new parents who work for companies with less than 50 workers are not guaranteed they will keep their jobs if they take time off to be with their new babies. the new measure allows than six weeks of unpaid time off and guarantees they will have a job to come back to the current law allows workers to take up to 12 weeks of unpaid leave if they work for companies with 50 or more employees. >> another bill lawmakers approved requires ride sharing services like enrique pena nieto to run background checks on its drivers. the van also bans sex offenders or violent felons. if that measure and other approved measures will go to governor. brown's desk. he has until september 30 two sign it or veto it . >> in san jose someone splashed primer paint on a utility box covered with a colorful mural. this happened in the willow glen neighborhood. same thing happened in january when several utility boxes were vandalized. according to the bay area news group some neighbors think this could be linked to the vandals who cut down almost 50 newly planted trees back in july. >> a longtime east bay organization that helps the blind is making sure the blind are cared for even though the center is now closed. we are talking about the lion center for the blind in oakland. a closed yesterday because of rising cost. it first opened in 1942. most recently it reached 3000 people and provided one on one service to about 500 . they have respect for each person they serve and they don't see the person as a client. >> the center provided job services, it taught braille and independent living skills like using computers and mobile devices however a lack of funding and fixed reimbursement rates from the state forest the nonprofit agency to close, however administrators are working with another nonprofit disability organization that will take over some services. we expect an announcement on that next week. making the streets of san francisco safer -- it is a very big goal. coming up at 6 am, the repairs that will be made to once specific intersection to help cyclists. >> plus kind of incentives will make employees work better and harder? will tell you about the results of a new study and the answer is not extirpate . >> good morning. bridge commute anyone? this is what it looks like trying to get into san francisco at this busy hour at the bay bridge. will take a look at this and some of the other commute that are already very slow . a little fog out there and also the sierra nevada feeling like all. pretty decent system -- feeling like fall. pretty decent system. >> ♪ ♪ isaac hou has mastered gravity defying moves to amaze his audience. great show. here you go. now he's added a new routine. making depositing a check seem so effortless. easy to use chase technology, for whatever you're trying to master. isaac, are you ready? yeah. chase. so you can. welcome back. the giants begin a series against the cubs in chicago this evening after defeating the arizona diamondbacks 4-2. seven batters risk truck out in five innings. -- seven batters were struck out in five innings . >> that was an amazing catch. that is the new giant gorky hernandes. worst month of the season. the giants are a game and a half back from the dodgers after la split a doubleheader yesterday. >> the a's are going to begin a series against the boston red sox. the a's lost to the astros 4-3. the astros scored three runs in an eight inning rally. the a's have fallen from fourth place to last in the american league. >> are you ready for football? the raiders play tonight in oakland. it is the raiders last preseason game and they will host the seattle seahawks. other teams are still scrambling with their roster but the raiders roster seems to be set. last year fell rio let all the starters sit out the final preseason game. this will be a chance for fans to see other players that may be in the starting lineup as the season moves forward. >> that game you will be seeing it right here with us on fox2 starting at 7 pm . a young boy in florida who often ate his school lunch by himself is now one of the most popular kids at monte middle school after travis rudolph football players sat down to eat lunch with both passkey. it happened when several of the florida seminole players visited the school at lunchtime. mr. rudolph sought bow who has autism sitting all by himself in that noisy lunchroom. >> odyssey i saw him by myself and i asked him if i could sit with you. >> you said sure, why not . >> we just started off having a great conversation. he is a great kid over all. honestly that is a cool person i will hang out with him any day . >> bo's mother says she will be a fan of florida state for life because of the attention to her son . >> what motivates people? according to a new study it is not cash the praise and pizza. a professor at duke university conducted an experiment at and is daily factory. one group was offered pizza, one group was offered a well-done text message and the fourth group was offered nothing and the first group was offered money . >> the group that was offered a text message improved most. the pizza group came in second. the group that got the cash came in last . >> money is not everything . >> i guess not . >> i still like cash . >> pizza, cash or praise? >> pizza . >> [ laughter ] >> how much cash of the going to give you? >> pizza -- especially at this time of the morning yum. now we are all hungry . >> i could eat pizza right now . >> good morning everybody. take that slice to go . if you are taking the tracy commute. we will look at slow traffic for you on 580 on the altar mock pass. this commute will be slow on 205 and 580 . it will come over the hill and still be slow but it gets better when you get to livermore. it is a little slower at the double bass doublet interchange. -- at the dublin interchange . >> it is the busiest at the bay bridge then it will go down after that which is unusual but a lot of people are on the road early. westbound 92 near the san mateo bridge that is good. the dunbar bridges in good shape also. let's bring steve in with today's forecast . >> thank you sal. there good morning. two tropical storms. one is about to become a hurricane and one is downgrading from a hurricane to a tropical storm. the golf tropical storm 65 miles an hour. travel plans in tampa? probably not but if you do you are in trouble because it is going to be a category one. very close. northwest part of florida near tampa moving across florida plant panhandle into the carolina. that is one. very quiet by the way. for the atlanta but things are picking up a little now. madalyn downgraded to a tropical storm. hilo bay has had minor flooding. pretty good rains. volcano area gusts about 40 miles an hour. madalyn doing exactly what the forecast model said -- took itself. back home we have it slightly cooler. low 80s for some. 60s, 70s and also 80s. fog is there. drizzle embedded. coupled systems one pretty strong will begin by late saturday and sunday. that could up in the sierra's give us showers. don't be surprised by this. much cooler and windy up there. 37 in truckee. lots of pine needles in the area roads. looks like a cool weekend ahead. i would agree. plan on that. 21 gusts to 28. 60s on the thames. -- temperatures. is 60 on the thames. still there. 80s, these are below average. san francisco should be 70. concord should be about 85. santa rosa is close but san jose should be 82. maybe a small warm-up friday. cool fall like feel for sunday . >> it definitely feels more like fall . >> we need a cold front but the sierra is cool his >> even when it is sunny it is not as intense. breeze is cooler. feels more like a fall raise . >> days breeze . >> thank you steve . >> sometimes when you are at a big event so many people are using their phone so that the wi-fi is overloaded. up next how drones are working to bring you that are cell phone service. >> welcome back to morning on 2. singer chris brown due in court september 20 because of an incident this week involving a gun at his mansion in los angeles. he is accused that date of pointing a gun at a woman in his home and he was arrested after a long standoff with police>> the woman said someone at the home was selling diamond jewelry and we try to get a closer look at it chris brown pulled out a gun and ordered her to leave. brown is charged with assault with a deadly weapon. he has agreed on $250,000 bail . >> please are searching for two meant they say hit another man in a head with a bottle and stole his cell phone. >> the attack happened on 30th and mission street. a 34-year-old man was riding a bus when two man approached him. one of the men said something to the victim and the other smashed a bottle on his head and grabbed his phone. the victim suffered minor injuries and no arrests have been made. bart says it's trains will be quieter soon. >> bart riders are used to that loud track noise but hearing experts say it can cause damage. prolonged exposure to 85 db or more can hurt people hearing. bart riders we talked with say the noise is not a surprise. sometimes it is so bad i want to stick might fingers in my ears . >> engineers say the problem is over time guardrails become an even when the wheels travel across the bombs squealing noise happened. over the next six months wheels will be reshaping and tracks will be ground down to reduce the noise level. the entire bart fleet will switch over to a new system between now and 2020 extract at&t says drones can improve mobile phone service even in the middle of a big crowd. yesterday during a giants game the at&t drone team operated a drone 700 miles away at a football stadium. even with thousands of people using mobile devices at a giants game at&t was able to use the same communication equipment to fly that drone. the goal is clearer connections, less into veterans and fewer slowdowns for customers. >> the downloads, the uploads -- they can stream paik they can do anything they want . >> at&t says with a drone technology it's team can quickly measure the signal strength customers are getting in one day. instead of having their teams out there walking around that takes five days . >> a boys and girls club summer program was so popular it is now expanding into the regular school year . >> i mostly what a career where i can be creative. spirit teaches kids between the ages of nine and 14 how to code. they are designing video games and working on creating social media platforms. some new coders did not know how to use a mouse when they started. volunteers from google say learning these skills can be life-changing . >> the computer savvy graduate is about morning this is about 40% more horrible than a noncomputer savvy graduate . >> -- 40% more high arable been a noncomputer savvy graduate . >> the guy that i had talking about jobs he said you major in math and science and you know coding, people will be coming with you for signing bonuses . >> donald trump made a major announcement about immigration coming up at 6 am, the plan he has to secure the borders and the response from hillary clinton. a double stabbing in oakland. the investigation underway right now not far from interstate 580 and macarthur boulevard. we have a report on the scene. if you are driving from the walnut creek area to oakland on 24 it looks good right to lafayette. getting more crowded on the way to the tunnel. a bigger fog bank. some areas are really socked in. a little cooler inland. i will have the numbers. we will tell you where you will have your chance to have your say on who should lead oaklands police department coming up. plus donald trump returning from mexico. didn't help his campaign? we have new polling numbers that are pretty surprising. we'll have more and all of that coming up. good morning. thank you for joining us. just about 6 am on the.. it is thursday september 1st period morning i'm dave clark. >> let's talk about your weather. steve paulson has your forecast . >> a little missed out there. a little fog. a little cooler. 60s 70s and 80s. some of fog is reducing visibility towards santa rosa. if you are heading in from the east bay, 60s, 70s and 80s. fog is there. it has been there for the longest time. water temperature cooling off. inland temperatures are trending cooler. west/southwest 18. costa -- gusts are 34 at the altar my path. temperatures are 56 in north bay. east bay temperatures upper 50s. decent breeze today. brentwood 61 sunny today. fog burns back a little sooner. that is attained for the weekend coming in it will sweep through northeast california to the sierra nevada will be a taste of fall. 60s, 70s and 80s little cooler than average for this time of

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