Transcripts For KTVU KTVU Mornings On 2 At 5am 20150922 : co

Transcripts For KTVU KTVU Mornings On 2 At 5am 20150922

right at east 14th and that will be closed until further notice. it will probably be closed for a bit here as you drive through. i cannot really suggest an alternate. if you're a local, you know how to get by it. but you have to go through city streets. some of those are jammed as well. let's move along to the san mateo bridge. it's not bad as you drive on 92 heading out to highway 101. if you're driving between the bay bridge toll plaza, we do not have a bad deal here. let's go to steve in the weather center. we have a cooler, cooler pattern on this last full day of summer. fall starts very early tomorrow morning. but today will be a cooler pattern compared to yesterday when it was hot. summer did not want to let go. but today mother nature says ac is turned on and that is fog an and on shore breezing there is plenty to go on. oakland west at 13. concord south at 16. a couple of 70s well inland but most in the 50s and 60s and temperatures will take a tumble today as the fogback is moving -- fog bank is moving up the coast. 60s and 70s and 80s. let's go to pam now. san francisco supervisors are set to introduce a new law for bicyclists will the police will be urged to let cyclists roll through stop signs as if they are yield signs. allie rasmus is in san francisco along a popular bike route known as the wiggle. pedestrians not happy about this. >> reporter: and drivers may not be happy about this as well, pam. we are standing on oak street. it's not too busy right now because it's still pretty early. you can see from the green bike icons, this is one of many hundreds of intersections in this city where cyclists share the road with drivers. the relationship isn't always a happy one. drivers often complain that cyclists don't make complete stops at red lights or stop signs. cyclists say it's not always safe for practical for them to do that because they lose momentum as they are heading down hill. here is a cyclist this morning. are you heading into work? [ inaudible ] san francisco ss are expected to weigh in on the debate with a new law that sides with cyclists. it's called the bike yield law. it would encourage san francisco police to let cyclists treat stop signs as yield signs so they wouldn't face a citation. supervisor avalos is introducing the measure today. it will be up for a vote later this afternoon. he says he has enough support from his fellow supervisors to pass it. it's a move that bicycle advocacy groups are happy. the suspect described as latino in his 20s between 5'3" and 5'6" tall. has a stalky build as well. this happened sunday evening in front of a busy phils coffee shop. police say the mother who is in her 30s was pushing her baby in a stroller when the baby started crying. police say as she bent down to calm baby, the attacker punched the woman in the head and ran away with her purse. the woman has it cans on her ear but the baby was not hurt. police believe this was an isolated incident but therein creasing patrols in that -- but they are increasing patrols in that area. a recent audit by the city says some residents are not doing a good job of being green. janine de la vega is joining us live from san jose. tell us why. what is going on janine? >> city leaders are noticing a disturbing trend from their recycling curb side collection program. a city audit showed single family homeowners are not recycling properly and that doesn't bode well for the city of san jose which has set a zero waste recycling goal by 2022. california waste solution says 40% of the things they dump into the recycling bins are nonrecyclable food waste and other junk. such as take out boxes and pizza boxes that still have food in them are contaminating the site. the city is to blame because it's not punishing residents. the city officials want to study this issue more and look into the possibility for customer rate increases and penalizing repeat offenders. if approved, san jose would join fresno, san bernardino and oakland in imposing recycling fines. as the morning goes, we plan on talking to people about how they go about recycling and if they think they are doing it right or doing it wrong. >> all right janine de la vega, thank you. big changes could be coming to the 49er games later this evening. the santa clara city council will debate whether or not to cut off alcohol sales after halftime. the policy change follows last monday nights post game fight where four 49er fans were arrested for attacking a minnesota vikings fan. now at least two city council members want to send a message to out of control fans. not everyone agrees cutting back on alcohol sales is the answer. >> i think the owners will protest. the fans won't show up. because you can sit in your living room and drink beer. >> i'm not against cutting off alcohol early but i don't think it will solve the issue. i think we are dealing with a small percentage of fans. >> santa clara police chief told the chronicle his officers arrest 30 people during 49er games. most of those arrests involve alcohol. now the 49ers told us one of the fans arrested for last weekends fight was a season ticketholder and the team says it has since revoked that fan's seat license and season tickets. time is 5:07. billions of plastic bits floating in san francisco bay. there is a new study suggesting contamination in bay area waters is worse than other major bodies of water around the country. >> plus history is about to be made on the east coast. the pope gets ready for his first visit to the united states. why there is a special significance for the bay area. >> we do have a morning commute that is going to be busy out there and many areas it's beginning to wake up -- the traffic is getting busier. >> the fog bank and the on shore cooler sea breeze are awake and they are alive and well this morning. a big drop on your temps today. are more likely to have a to frsuccessful future.e born talking and reading to children in their first years has a huge impact on what they do with the rest of their lives. the fewer words they hear, the greater their chances of dropping out of school and getting into trouble. talk. read. sing. your words have the power to shape their world. learn more at and disneyland is ours!" my frightful fiends, "going down!" "boo!" screams don't miss the wicked fun of halloween time at the disneyland resort, dazzling brighter than ever during the diamond celebration! visit "trick or treat." welcome back to mornings on 2. i want to give you an update on the valley fire. that fire is 75% contained this morning. it has burned nearly 76,000 acres. it's also destroyed 1200 homes and more than 600 other buildings. and that now makes it the third worse wild fire in state history in terms of homes and buildings lost. the outpouring of help for the victims of the valley fire has been one of the bright spots though in this disaster. but there are also some hard feelings about how the red cross handled the situation. at the napa valley fairgrounds in calistoga, local volunteers cooked food and organized the donations that people dropped off. but when the red cross arrived and started taking over, those volunteers say they were stunned when the organization tried to shut down incoming donations saying they only would accept cash. >> they told us that we were doing this illegally because they were managing the camp site. the butte fire burning in amador and calveras counties are 74% contained. that fire destroyed 545 homes. it has burned more than 70,000 acres. time is 5:12. pope francis will soon be touching down here in the united states arriving in washington, d.c. later today to start a three city tour that will attract millions of followers. our reporter doug luzader has information where the pope will be visiting. >> reporter: dave, good morning. the pope will touch down at andrews air force base later on this afternoon president obama and the first lady will be there to greet him as he begins a pretty lengthy trip to the united states. pope francis wrapping up his trip to cuba as he prepares to head north to washington, new york, and philadelphia. >> i'm very excited that he is coming. i think it will be a good shot in the arm for lots of catholics in the region. >> reporter: that is clearly what the pope is hoping for. his message in cuba tried to keep politics at arms length. >> service is never aid logical. we don't serve ideas, we serve people. >> reporter: but he did take time to meet with fidel castro. and when he addresses congress this week and meets with president obama at the white house, it's going to be difficult to avoid political messages. >> but their focus in the context of this meeting will not be about politics, not about specific poll sis but about the kinds of values that both men have dedicated their lives to championing. >> many of the events will require tickets. but some visitors may take it on faith they will catch a glimpse. >> they will do whatever they can to see the holy father. outside the perimeter, somewhere no idea who will show. if they can get through the metro or walk here you know best of luck to them. >> best of luck, you are going to need it. we are dealing with three cities on the pope's tour that don't have the best traffic. washington, d.c., philadelphia, and new york. so patients will be -- so patience will be required and security for this event will be simply a mess. dave. >> doug luzader live from washington, d.c.. thank you, doug. the pope's historic trip to the u.s. will also include the first ever canonization on u.s. soil despite controversy. san francisco is the home of the northern most mission founded by sarah. now while the pope sees him as one of the united states founding fathers, many california native americans say their ancestors were forced into christianty, had to work long hours, and severely beaten by soldiers if they tried to run away. >> i think cannonnizing someone outside he is calling to attention that cannonnizing has been multiculture. >> bay area streets, schools, freeways were also named in his honor. tara moriarty will be in washington, d.c. for the visit of the pope. her live coverage starts later today. you will also find a special section on the pope's visit to the u.s. at right now it's 5:16. i want to check in with sal because we have that problem in san leandro. freeway is back open but the ramp will be closed for awhile. >> the off ramp will be closed. it is causing some issues. we are also looking at other east bay commutes that have not taken a break. they are slow as well. highway 4 is always vying for attention. highway 4 a little bit slow in antioch. spots of traffic in pittsburgh and coming over the hill to don ford. when you get to the bay bridge toll plaza, it is not stop and go yet. usually about 5:30 is when that begins. now pam mentioned it and we will be talking about it all morning. the off ramp 238 at east 14th it drops you off at east 14th it will be closed and alex our reporter on the scene texted me and said this could be closed for another four hours according to what they told them on the scene. and that is a long time. it will cause traffic delays because people can usually get off there, they can't. they will continue on the freeway and causing some confusion. 238 off ramp from northbound at least 14th from northbound 238. at 5:17, let's go to steve, today. thank you, is sir. a big drop compared to yesterday and these afternoon temps. they will come down 20 degrees for some. low clouds are in place. a westerly breeze or west, southwest on shore wind is cranked up big time for some. it all spells cooler. we did have a couple record highs. i think eventually it will over the next hour or two. we do have a little bit of a breeze and a howling wind for some. 23 gusts to 31 at travis. that is the delta breeze i haven't seen that in awhile. west at oakland. west, southwest. there is a pretty good southeast breeze coming up. 50s and 60s for most. i expect that to dip in the next hour below 70. 59 water temp san francisco buoy. i haven't seen much of a change in the water temps. low clouds and fog will be hanging out by the coast. it will sweep in. cool us down today and tomorrow. a little warmup thursday and friday but it looks like a cooler pattern by the weekend. low clouds breezy to windy and cooler. 60s and 70s. not the 90s. not the 90s or 100s. is it just me or has it been 100 since june 1st. >> it feels like it. >> i'm hearing from a lot of people on twitter and facebook. they are very happy about the cooler temperatures. >> boy i'm ready for a change. >> yes, exactly. here is a new study that says san francisco bay has billions of plastic bits of stuff floating in the water and that the contamination is worse than other major bodies of water in the u.s.. almost 4 million pieces of the plastic bits pour into the bay every day from eight large sewage treatment plants. those bits include cosmetic microbeads, fabrics and much more. researchers dragged tight nets around the the water surface. the most pa luted areas they had one million plastic pieces per 250 acres of water. son-in-law of those microbeads found on the polluted water is coming from your toothpaste. thiara really hard to clean up on a big scale. water treatment plants just weren't built. and they don't bio degrade or break up easily. so it's a big problem to clean up. a couple weeks ago state lawmakers approved a ban on the sale of products that contain these microbeads. the governor has not signed that bill yet. if it does it will go into effect in the year 2020. people who head out to one local park to go hiking or biking they will do a double take. the water at the andre clark bird refuge has turned pink, pam. >> look at that. >> not just pink. a shocking pink. the director says that is not good. the purple sulfer bacteria combine with the water temperatures caused this lagoon to turn pink. they say it should break up but if it doesn't they will treat that water. >> a lot of people thought it was turned pink for breast cancer awareness. that it was done on purpose. no. that is very bright. 5:21 is the time. the emissions scandal involving vol, what began is expanding. involving volkswagen is expanding. ♪ ♪ ♪ welcome back to mornings on 2. in the last half hour we have unconfirmed reports the ceo of volkswagen is stepping down. that is after they admitted they used software to cheat on u.s. auto emissions tests. this morning vw says as many as 11 million of its diesel cars around the world may have been fitted with that software. vw says the software allows cars to drive more powerfully but the environmental protection agency says the cars also dump 40 times the legal limit of pollution into the air. >> if the vehicles are not come plying with those standards during real world driving conditions, the standards themselves are almost useless. >> the epa could fine vw $18 billion. here in the u.s. volkswagen has stopped selling the models. it is also recalling the half a million cars it already sold. and they include the audi a-3 and vw beatle, gulf, and jettas. time is 5:25. are you ready for an apple car? apple is speeding up work on a project that could lead to apple building its own electric car. it's even been given the code name titan. apple has reportedly set a release date of 2019. there are reports that am has been in discussions of using the old concord naval weapons station as a testing facility for this new car. renting a home in the u.s. is is becoming even more expensive but prices are rising at a slower pace than earlier this year. a report by zillow says last month the median home rental price increased 3.8%. that is almost a half a percent slower than the increase will in july. it may reflect the number of new apartments being built. but the cost of rent is growing faster than average earnings are going up which makes it hard for people to buy their first home. a boarded up shack for sale in san francisco is another sign of san francisco's crazy housing market. you've got to see this. what you're looking at is actually a two bedroom, one bathroom listed at $350,000. i'm not kidding. it's on delong street. the listing calls it a distinguished home in need of work and a contractor's special. $350,000 comes up to about $458 per square foot which could be considered a deal. it's about half of the city's average price. incredible. time is 5:27. a ceremony honoring kate steinle. the permanent memorial now in place where she was shot and killed almost three months ago. >> plus this freeway off ramp in san leandro is shut down for an investigation into a shooting by alameda county sheriffs deputies that left a carjacking suspect dead. we'll tell you what led up to the gunfire here and how long the off ramp may be closed. welcome to subway, what can i make for you? how about our new flavor-packed italian hero, loaded with three authentic italian deli meats. including our new spiced capicola, our new cracked-pepper-seasoned mortadella and our always-delicious spicy genoa salami. enjoy this amazing taste combination on freshly baked bread, toasted with melty provolone, tomatoes and oregano. the new italian hero won't be here long, so try one today. subway. eat fresh. good morning. welcome back to mornings on 2 tuesday, september 22nd i'm dave clark. >> good morning, i'm pam cook. thank you for waking up with us. we do continue to follow that developing story of an officer involved shooting on a major highway near san leandro and ktvu alex savidge is out there right near highway 238 where the freeway off ramp is still closed after sheriffs deputies shot and killed a carjacking suspect. alex. >> reporter: right. it's still shut down and it will be shut down we are told for four more hours. that is the latest word we got. the man who was shot and killed by deputies is wanted for shooting and carjacking someone in oakland a few hours ago. and he was cornered by alameda county sheriffs deputies in an alley way that is just off the freeway just on the right hand side of your screen. there was a shootout in that alley way between deputies and this wanted suspected carjacker and that man wound up dead. the deputies were not hurt. and this investigation as you can clearly see has shut down the off ramp from northbound 280 to east 14th street and the onramp in this area is also shut down as well. this suspected carjacker went to great lengths trying to escape here this morning. he was spotted driving the wrong way on 580 and then ditched his dodge durango suv on the freeway before then trying to steal another car. but then a short time later this man was seen walking on highway 238 and then apparently fired shots at a chp officer who drove up and tried to take him into custody. the officer in that case the chp officer was not hit by the gunfire but there were innocent drivers put in the line of fire. >> one of those bullets strikes a passing motorist in their car and the motorist continues on down 238 very smartly i might add to get out of the way of this man with a gun. >> reporter: and in that case we understand it was only the person's car who was struck by -- that was struck by the gunfire. the person inside was not hurt but again they pulled over a short distance away after being involved in a terrifying situation. authorities tell us that the man who was killed here was in his early 30s. they do know who he is but they are not releasing his name at this point because they want to make sure they can notify his family before that information is made public. but again we bring you back out here live and you can see investigators gathering behind us at the scene. they still have the off ramp from northbound 238 to east 14th street shut down and again this will be a lengthy investigation. they are continuing to gather evidence in this have sinty of the -- vicinity of the freeway and they will keep it closed down until about 9:00 this morning. they may get it open earlier but keep that in mind if you will be traveling through this area. >> thank you for that update. we want to go over to sal. that is a pretty busy area too, sal. >> absolutely. we are looking at that freeway backup because people coming up on that off ramp will not be able to exit. you will see some slow traffic. although it has improved a little bit, it is backing up through castro valley. about 45 minutes to an hour ago they had to shut the freeway down temporarily to look for evidence. that has been open but traffic will be slow at the castro valley wide. let's take a look at live pictures now. i want to show you the bay bridge toll plaza has filled in. those metering lights are on and it has been very slow. traffic has been very, very slow after labor day. it has been jammed pack after every commute. it used to be 5:45 and now it's 5:30. when we go to the south bay northbound 280 still looks good. that is northbound 280 on the right there. traffic is okay getting up toward highway 17. 5:34 let's go back to steve in the weather center. >> cooler, sal. >> nice. i can't wait. >> you don't have to wait. it's here. >> good. answering many of the comments on facebook and twitter, most of them are thank goodness. that seems to be the theme here. i understand some are warm, get out and enjoy it. it's been warm for a long time. yesterday was hot. not today. we will drop 20 degrees on many of these temps. fog is back. cooler weather is music to my ears. there you go. we do have the fog back in a robust breeze a fresh breeze. west, southwest napa. west at oakland. south at concord. west, southwest fairfield. gusting to 31. extra hold on the hair spray. low clouds beginning to take the turn past point rays. 50s and 60s. we'll say goodbye to that 71 next hour. i can feel it. low clouds are there. breeze is there. so windy and cooler conditions today. cooler for all in fact. fog near the coast, highs today 80s for some. 60s and 70s for others. let's go back to dave. time is 5:35. police in benicia have released more information about three missing family members and also the discovery of two bodies in their burned out cabin in eldorado county. they haven't been seen since the fire on september 13th. now officials are still trying to identify the remains they found inside the cabin. investigators are also looking into the family's dynamics. >> the only way that the family is ever going to have complete resolution is to know it happened. and if it takes a criminal investigation, then they are certainly willing to support that. >> buchanon's 14-year-old son stayed behind in benicia whenth rest of the family went to the cabin. there is no word on how that fire started or if the remains will also be in the rubble. two men were killed, two officers were hurt in a shootout right in front of a target store in monterey county. police in sand city say police were trying to serve warrants on the two people yesterday afternoon when those people opened fire on the officers. the officers fired back killing the men. police say the officers wounds are not life threatening. the monterey county district attorneys office is in facing that shoot -- is investigating that shooting. a man was biking home from work when he encountered several teenagers hanging out in a nearby parking lot. one of the teens got into an argument with the man and it turned violent. but another teen in the group says the man wouldn't leave them alone. >> i feel like the man should be charged. we told them we were 16. we were under age minors and he didn't care. and he threatened to kill us and we're like all right. i think he should be charged. danville police emphasize this was an isolated incident and the trail is safe. the santa cruz teenager accused of sexually assaulting his eight-year-old neighbor pled not guilty. adrian gonzalez is being charged as an all the -- as an adult. outside the courthouse we watched as maddy's father organizationed a real -- organized a rally with a message of compassion. the man charged in the bizarre vallejo case made his first appearance in court yesterday. his client should be allowed to appear in court without his hands shackled. the judge said she would address the issue at the next hearing. muller is accused of kidnapping denise huskins from her home back in march after she reappeared two days later police are calling the kidnapping a hoax. he has pled no contest in that case. the father of kate steinle returned to san francisco for a small ceremony honoring the memory of his daughter. now there is a bench at pier 14 right there in memory of kate steinle. she was walking with her father back in july when a bullet hit her in the back. now on the bench you see this plaque. it's a quote from kate steinle. it reads whatever is good for your soul, do that. her alleged killer was in the united states illegally. last week juan francisco lopez sanchez pled not guilty to charges of murder. shipping coal from oakland to asia was a long and noisy hearing. hundreds of people signed up to speak out about allowing coal mined in utah to be shipped through the oakland oakland army base. however community leaders oppose sending coal on trains through oakland. they say coal dust will cause an environmental hazard. >> and the city council absolutely has the authority to further regulate this development through this clause and the development agreement which says if there is a threat to health and safety, they can put further regulation on this development. >> there will be no exposure of the coal to the air. >> that meeting lasted five hours and more meetings will be scheduled. parents say they were not told they had the right to opt out of common core testing. the group says letters to parents excluded that information and violated the law. many who were opposed to the test say it's not an accurate representation of how a child is doing. >> we are hoping to vindicate the right of parents to be able to exercise their liberty interests in educating their kids and monitoring the education of their children. >> now the assistant school superintendent says the school district fully complied with the law when they notified parents before the tests were given for the first time in the spring. the lawsuit is asking the district to comply with the law and to pay for attorneys fees the parents. there is a call for the san francisco giants to cut ties. >> san francisco supervisor will vote on a new law today that will effect cyclists. what it will allow them to do that will effect drivers. >> we are looking at the commute on the san francisco freeway. it's looking good. >> cooler. i just probably fell off the couch. it will be cooler today. temperatures coming down about 20 degrees. we'll see how long this pattern is on hold or if it will last. welcome back to mornings on 2. a new law for bicyclists is being introduced today. >> it will allow bicyclists to roll right through stop signs. allie there is concern it could be dangerous for pedestrians, drivers are not happy. it seems like it could create a lot for tension than we already have. >> reporter: drivers and pedestrians have long complained about cyclists making this rolling stop at intersections and stop signs. and in some cases they've complained about cyclists just going right through intersections and red lights without stopping all together. we saw it at this intersection on oak street this morning. we have seen it a couple times this morning. a bunch of cyclists go right through a red light. although in his defense he did slow down and pause at the intersection and look both ways but it's exactly the sort of thing a lot of drivers and pedestrians complain about. they are concerned the rolling stops could lead to a collision and they are safety hazard. some say it's not easy or practical for them to come to a complete stop because they lose momentum down hill. if they stopped at every single intersection they would tie up traffic for the drivers. the bikes yield law would encourage police to allow cyclists to treat stop signs as yield signs. the cyclist would not face a citation. supervisor john avalos will introduce the measure later today. a vote is expected on it later today. >> really surprising. thank you allie. it will be interesting to hear from more people throughout the day. sal, it seems to me it could create a lot more tension that is is already there between cyclists and drivers. >> if you live in the city you know a lot of the stop signs a lot of the bicyclists they won't put their foot down and come to a complete stop but lots of times there are no cars around. we'll see what happens. i think there are opinions on both sides of the matter. you can always hit us up with your opinion on social media tvu. let's go out and take a look at the commute now. this is a look at the bay bridge toll plaza. it's slow and slowing down. it looks like it's very slow coming at the toll plaza. not just getting on to the bridge. whenever i see that, i reflectively look at my chp list. i don't see anything reported up there. let's move along and take a look at the commute on 880. it is slow from about 238 heading on south as you drive down to the union city area. in san jose northbound 280 through downtown san jose still looking good as you get up to the valley. here is steve. what did you say? >> i said cooler. i woke up this morning i opened up the door and fearing what i might feel and the air is like awe. all right. >> thank goodness or thank mother nature the ac has kicked on. the folks in the city don't have to worry about the fans anymore. most of it was up by the big valley. stockton at 102. fairfield 101. sacramento is also 102. those records go back to 1949. gilroy was 103. not today. jim says good morning. waking up to 63 in santa clara. hopefully a cooling trend. yesterday i quit. you will have a lot of company jim. west at 13. south at 16. south at 16. west 23. west, southwest 23. gusts to 31 at travis. a southeast breeze coming up from the santa clara valley. mountain view was hot. most was hot yesterday. the fog is in place. it's moving up the coast. it's moving locally inland as well. 50s and 60s for most. a lot cooler than we had 24 hours ago. some areas are already beginning to get into the 50s. that was not the case yesterday. mora began and lafayette are in there as well. it was an even black hawk at 57. yesterday it was around 55-58. water temps are pretty cool. 32 in truckee. 60s up and down the coast. there is our fog bank and it looks like it will be around for a couple days. the tropical clouds being pushed off by this system. watch how this system pushes in and moves out. low clouds breezy to windy and cooler. for me, for you, pam, dave, everybody. even tim over there. 60s and 70s and some 80-degree temps but no more 90s and 100s for a couple days. we will get a quick little warmup. not a big deal. thursday and friday. but it looks like it cools right back down for the weekend. i'm looking for rain just don't see anything. >> keep looking. >> believe me i'm looking under cushions, everything. >> i bet. all right, thank you, steve. the hot weather has effected pumpkins. new fears that california's pumpkin crop might not last until halloween. pumpkin growers they say high temperatures are causing their pumpkins to ripen early this year. the growers say not only are they coming in early, but they're also getting hammered by the very hot sun making them soften quickly. and growers say they are doing everything possible to save as many as they can. but wow. we have an annual tradition to go out to the pumpkin patch and it's a fun event. that would be very sad. >> tell them to keep the pumpkins for you. >> i think they are trying. still ahead lap bread incrassate knee for the pope. how a local bakery will be heavily involved in the pope's visit to the u.s.. >> everyone that drinks and drive, sop. please stop. >> emotional plea from the wife of a construction worker killed over the weekend. the strong message she has for the driver. great change comes from doing the right thing. like the radical idea that health isn't an industry. it's a cause. so we do things differently. we combine care and coverage. and believe prevention is the most powerful of cures. so forgive us for not going with the flow. we just think the flow should go with us. which makes us rebels with one cause. your health. welcome back to mornings on 2. it's 5:54. the widow of the road construction worker killed over the weekend tells ktvu that he was concerned about the dangers of his job. 33-year-old miguel rodriguez was killed saturday after being hit by an alleged drunk driver. he was a sub contract forfor cal tran and workers closed off the two left lanes of 580 near lake sheer in oakland for repaving. the chp says the 21-year-old driver who hit rodriguez had a blood alcohol level of .15 nearly double the legal limit and he had no driver's license. gabrielle la says nothing will bring her husband back but she hopes the drunk driver will serve a long sentence behind bars so he doesn't hurt or kill anyone else. a navy fighter jet crashed near a central california military base but the pilot was able to eject and safely pair are shoot to the ground. it's just about 45 miles south of fresno. now the pilot was able to walk toward emergency responders when he landed. no one else was on the fa18 super hornet. the crash did start a fire but it was put out before it spread. the crowded field of republican presidential candidates is a little less crowded this morning. wisconsin governor scott walker has withdrawn from the race. >> i encourage other republican presidential candidates to consider doing the same. so that the voters can focus on a limited number of candidates who can offer a positive conservative alternative to the current front runner. >> governor walker tried to appeal to religious conservatives but his campaign never took off. his support was less than 1%. he is the second republican candidate following former texas governor rick perry to drop out of the race. democratic presidential candidate hillary clinton says she will build on president obama's health care law if she is elected president and defend it against republican attacks. at a campaign event in louisiana, clinton said she's not going to allow republicans to tear up that law and kick 16 million people off their health care coverage. hillary clinton's poll numbers are up. she has widened her lead over vermont senator bernie sanders. the young muslim boy detained for bringing a home made clock to his high school he was a the guest of honor at an event in the bay area. he dropped in on the science pay. this -- earlier this misknot. police already taking into police custody. after that incident he received an invitation to come to the w.h.o. from from president obama. we don't know yet if he plans to visit other tech companies but he will attend astronomy night. we're coming up on our 6:00 hour. there was a deadly shootout involving alameda sheriffs deputies. it shut down an east bay freeway. you can see still a very big investigation out there. we'll tell you what officials say the suspect was wanted for and talk about the wild chase that led up to this shooting. >> reports of billions of plastic bits floating in san francisco's bay. there is a new study saying the contamination out there is worse than any other mayor bodies of water. armed man shot and killed by alameda county sheriffs deputies early this morning in san leandro. the investigation now has an important freeway off ramp shut down. we'll tell you how long it will be closed and what led up to the gunfire. >> a frightening incident involving a woman and her baby in palo alto. the attack and robbery that has police increasing patrols. mornings on 2 continues. thank you for joining us. we do continue to follow that developing news near san leandro. i want to take you out there live this morning because you can see still an active investigation. the east 14th street off ramp of northbound highway 238 is shut down. again this is in san leandro. this is after an early morning shooting involving an alameda county sheriffs deputy and a suspect. ktvu alex savidge has been out there since 4:00 th

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Louisiana , United States , Alameda County , California , Fresno , Vermont , Mountain View , Minnesota , Benicia , San Bernardino , Washington , District Of Columbia , San Francisco , Castro Valley , San Francisco Bay , Sacramento , Cuba , Lafayette , Calistoga , New York , Santa Clara , Villa Clara , Napa Valley , Texas , Santa Clara Valley , San Leandro , Philadelphia , Pennsylvania , Wisconsin , Stockton , Eldorado County , Danville , Monterey County , Italy , Utah , Italian , Americans , Oakland , Miguel Rodriguez , Scott Walker , Adrian Gonzalez , Dave Clark , Andre Clark , Don Ford , Juan Francisco Lopez Sanchez , Rick Perry , John Avalos , Pam Cook , Allie Rasmus , Fidel Castro , Hillary Clinton , Bernie Sanders , Tara Moriarty ,

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