Transcripts For KTVU KTVU Mornings On 2 At 4am 20170313 : co

Transcripts For KTVU KTVU Mornings On 2 At 4am 20170313

sunshine. 60s for many. and now here he is at 4:01. >> 4:01. thank you, steve. we are starting with video of some pothole trouble overnight. at least two lanes on northbound 101 have reopened. they were closed overnight because of major potholes. one of those potholes earlier this month. it's just north in palo alto and again the lane to reopen but potholes have been a common problem around the bay especially after that rain. let's talk about 580 westbound. traffic is looking good on the commute. i don't see any slow traffic right now. i'm sure it's not going to stay this way but right now it looks pretty good as you drive in. 580 continues to look good all the way over to hayward. there's no major problems if you're driving on the peninsula. just take another look. this is a look at 880 north. the trask looks good. right here on -- in front of the coliseum and traffic at the bay bridge toll plaza looks good. no major problems. at 4:02, let's go back to the desk. >> a missing pregnant woman has been found safe in san francisco. >> reporting missing yesterday morning after leaving her home. lauren was considered add risk because she's 9 months pregnant and doctors are expected to induce labor for her baby. a family friend is thrilled that she was found safe. >> they've only told me that they are safe and sound and i don't know anything else as a good friend, i'm willing to help without asking any questions. she was found last night about 11:30 near san francisco. they are not telling us anymore about the disappearance right now. that investigation continues. we have a developing story to tell you about. the police in question about excessive force. two videos posted on social media show part of the incident. one video shows police chasing a man who was reportedly act the erratically. they don't show what happened before that pursuit. we have what happened afterwards. this includes violence and profanity. >> reporter: in the first video you see an officer chasing the suspect across the street. during the chase, a man sits down on a traffic median. the officer tackles him from behind and pushes him to the ground. people offscreen start yelling. the officer struggles with the man who called for backup. he told the suspect to give him his hand and pushes him twice. the suspect continues to flail his officers. the officer yells for him to give his hands and hits him with an object. the man on the ground starts shouting. another officer arrives at the scene. the first officer then hits the suspect three more times. people in the street react using profanities against the officer who respond with a profanity. in the second video officers continue to arrest the man. the first officer directs the crowd again to back up. this time he pulls out his gun. reholstering it and hits the suspect three more times. police have not commented about this incident but we did spoke to a former bay area police chief. he does question why the officer did not try to slow things down and talk to the suspect. he also expressed concern about the officer pulling out his gun but it's not clear how threatened that officer felt. as for the strike, well, they look -- they appear to be justified given that he was resisting arrest. the victim in last week's shooting on interstate 80 has now died. 24-year-old demarcus dawes. a female major is charged with -- is expected to recover. one man and two 17 year olds have been arrested in connection with the case. they have gang ties. the family members of dawes may have been the victim of mistaken identity. 4:05 we're waiting to see the budget office releases 5 report on the price tag and much more of the republican health care plan. >> it's expect to include estimates on how many people would like lie be covered. gop leaders are hoping to pass their bill in the house next week despite the legislation continuing to have its crickets >> . i'm not for this plan and lots of opposition to this plan in the house and the senate. >> the house freedom caucus says the republican health care doesn't go far enough to repeal and replace obamacare. a number of top senators have fromsed the bill as it stands will be dead upon arrival. palm ryan continues to try and calm those fears. >> some people would like to be done differently. we made a promise. we would repeal and replace this law. we said this is what we would replace it with and now we're keeping our word >> the president's proposed budget which includes an increase in defense spending. as well as massive cuts to the epa, education department and housing and urban development. despite criticism the economic advisor defending the plan set to be released this thursday. >> unfortunately we have no alternative but to reinvest in our military and make ourselves the military power once again. >> president trump will have the first cabinet meeting with all of the confirmed members fox news. the house intelligence community has offered any evidence by today showing the obama administration wiretapped trump tower. now republican arizona senator john mckaib says president trump should either prove the claim or retract his statement. >> there are one of two possibilities here. either the president for some reason made up this charge or perhaps more disturbing the president really believes this and here's where i think it's consequential if six months from now the president should say that iran is cheating on the nuclear agreement. if he's making that up, it's a real problem. if it's true it's a bigger problem. the question is would people believe him? would american people believe him? would people around the world believe him? that has real consequences. >> we're hearing that again. and the former director of national intelligence has denied the wiretapping claim. controversy is growing over the firing of a u.s. attorney. he was one of the 46 remaining u.s. attorneys a.ed by the obama administration being asked to resign last friday. when he refused, he was then fired. u.s. attorneys around the corporate can be removed by the president at any time. but not every new administration replaces all u.s. attorneys at the same time and the democrats are criticizing the move. john mccain says it's part of a routine process. >> elections have consequences. so for people to complain about it, they are ignoring the history of new presidencies and i think the president had every right to ask for their resignations. now he says he met with president-elect trump in november. he promised to keep him as new york city top federal prosecutor then last week three watchdog groups asked to investigate president trump. some democrats now suggesting that may be why the trump administration asked for his resignation. the bay area man charged with climbing a white house fence friday night is due in court today. 26-year-old jonathan was ordered to be held without bond after his arrest. he's charged with entering a restricted area while carrying a dangerous weapon. there were two cans of mace in his backup. he was carrying a letter that mentioned russian hackers. president trump was in the white house at the time of the security breach. he could face up to ten years in prison. >> our time is 4:10. it's the case of two birds with one stone. coming up at 4:30 how an under age alcohol string operation led to a possible drug bust. and the arrest of an alleged bank robber. and up next the northeast bracing for the largest snowstorm of the season. we're going to tell you how much snow cities from washington, d.c. to boston might be getting today. good morning. we are seeing traffic that is going to be busy. if you are driving on the commute. there's been no major problems. traffic on 80 looks good heading up to the mace. we'll carry it into the early part of the week. changes for later. we'll have more on that. welcome back to mornings on 2. 4:1 is 4:3 is the time. a major winter tomorrow. >> and this is big. boston, new york, philadelphia. they may get a ton of snow today. kelly wright has more from washington. >> we haven't had a lot of snow this winter, but i'm really looking forward to it. >> the biggest winter storm of the season is expected to slam the northeast. nearly two feet of snow is expected to fall which could shut down major cities from washington, d.c. to boston. >> this will be a heavy, wet snow. it will stake to power lines, stick to trees. we could see more trees down, more power outages. the snow could be heavy enough to cancel flights. one traveler is nervous about her flight. >> i'm a -- i'm actually going to be traveling to chicago. i'm really worried but i'll make it. >> coastal areas in new england could see flooding due to the storm. >> we have a lot of snow coming in. the potential for visibility to drop, get the whiteout effect and then hazard and navigation just for being on the water. >> the south over the weekend. which is causing problems for drivers in tennessee. >> it's pretty to see the snow come down but i'd rather it be warm again. i'm ready for spring. >> i was very close to bringing the summer clothes out. >> the brunt of the snow is expected to begin to fall monday night and continue throw the day tuesday. in washington, kelly wright. fox news. >> what a difference from there it here t. felt like summer. >> that's cold. >> all right. it's 4:15. none of that on our roads. i was actually in my flip-flops and i was not floon. >> you're right. , yowght right. >> after all that rain we had, i think it felt really good. let's go out and take a look at what we have now. gilroy. we have had a couple of minor things go on but nothing major. still doing very well as you drive into the silicon valley. this is 280 in san jose. this is the bay bridge toll plaza. traffic is moving along very well. and then in san francisco, northbound 101 traffic is looking good. at 4:16. let's bring steve in. >> thank you. >> you're welcome. >> good morning, everybody. we'll focus if you have travel plans. today's all right. it's tonight, tomorrow that you have to worry about the northeast. systems coming out of the great lakes and there it is. and a little system over the weekend off of rollie. didn't have any snow now they're picking tup. that's the way it works. you can see the future future cast on that. new york, long island, boston that could be right there is the heavy focus that continues into tuesday and wind down a little bit on wednesday. so temperatures 23 in new york. 29 in washington, d.c. raleigh at 28 degrees. chicago at 28 degrees. so everything's flip-flopped. everything was out here, active weather for january and february. well, they had warm conditions. we did not. everything's reversed itself. all or nothing. 40s and 50s on the temperatures. notice tbli warmer due to the temperatures in the upper 70s to almost 80 degrees. some elections in the 50s. 40 degrees. slight offshore component here. 60 down in las vegas. palm springs at 68 degrees. phoenix at 63. looking for low 90s today if you're heading to spring training. the mountain, the everest of high pressure but over the next couple of days it's going be out of the picture. increasing fog tomorrow. a lot of high clouds on the way on wednesday. it may clip the north bay for a little bit of rain. that will be on wednesday. deal with that tomorrow. today it's about warm temperatures. probably the warmest day of the week. we are looking for cooler as we head into wednesday and thursday. today and tomorrow are already. some 60s in the coast. low in the upper 70s for some. 80. we'll shave off here. mostly sunny. clouded up. mostly cloudy and cooler wednesday into thursday. the sunday into next week. >> okay. we haven't seen that in a couple of week. we don't see any rain coming in. >> it's coming. >> all right. steve, thank you. >> you're welcome. >> roseville some foster children now have some new wheels. 20 deserving kids pick up new bikes thanks to a generous donation. $10,000 because she wanted to help young girls in foster girl. another family then matched to buy bikes for boys in foster care. >> i decided why not take my money and not wait until i die and donate $10,000 for foster girls getting bikes. >> 64,000 kids in foster care in california just waiting to be adopted. organizers of this e. hope this will inspire even more people to consider adoption or becoming a foster parent. >> that's wonderful. >> good for her. >> 19 minutes after 4:00. waking up under water? coming up in 20 minutes, how this suv ended up in san diego's mission bay and why the driver didn't notice until it was too late. >> but up next a bus driver involved in a hit and run in haiti. plows -- we'll tell how many people were killed when that driver tried to escape. it's okay to cry, right? no more! we don't want anymore! [crying] ahhhhhhhhhh! everyday price and no extra monthly fees, unlike cable. speeds up to 45 megs, for $30 a month. into several groups of people sunday morning. they continue fire department several miles before run swoog a band that was playing music in the middle of the road. the bus plowed through the first group of musicians then drove through a second and a third. the driver then juched out the bus and authorities are still searching for him. >> time is now 4:23. protesters want jimmy morales to resign 40 girls died in that fire on wednesday. matresses were set on fire during a protest at the shelter. many of the victims were locked inside and could not escape. the protesters blame the president for not doing enough to prevent that fire. pope francis prayed for the victims. los angeles firefighters are still on the scene of a huge warehouse fire. it started at 6:30 last night in the city's downtown fashion district. a large cloud of black smoke could be seen coming from several businesses that are set up in the warehouse. firefighters were there before it was declared controlled. some crews remain there this morning. the cause of the fire is still under investigation. hoping to go home today after an avalanche left them trapped on a field trip. 53 students were staying at a center. they were due to leave on friday. that was before the avalanche hit. blocking state route back to the town. the -- waiting to try to clear the road because there's a risk of another avalanche. in the meantime. the student hs to stay right where they are. >> it's not so much that we're so desperate to leave. it's just -- i think because people were not planning on this. and so it's just such a surprise that people are kind of just so shocked that we are -- that this occurred. >> 17 staff people are also stranded at the learning center. three people are stuck at a nearby restort. they have what that need including food and setter. >> a woman was arrested on felony vandalism charges after crashing the suv into the sacramento county jail. now want to show you some photos of the damage there. police say 32-year-old natasha doran drove through the lobby. they didn't say why she may have done it but no one was hurt. it is two weeks after another person crashed through the jail garage. >> she was reported missing after going for a hike. two days later a woman and her dog were found online. you're about to hear her amazing story. >> also a local lawmakers are fighting back. what democratic leaders in the east bay say they'll do if the republican health care bill passes. >> good morning. we are looking at a commute that is going to be busy on 280 although it's not stop and go. getting up the highway 17. well, i guess better later than never. it's starting to fly in chicago to st. louis and a big system to the northeast tomorrow. yes. >> good morning. everybody. wake up, let's go. oui burning daylight. well, not yet but it's getting closer. not much showing up yet. low 50s for some. a little cooler there but 45 at black hawk. pittsburgh says 56. wow. must be a little breeze there. there is a slight offshore breeze but you can see the pressure. sunny today and then tomorrow things start to change a little bit. get a little fog in here and wednesday a system. the fog was trying to form. just disappears. there's not enough to support it yet. today another day of sunshine and lots of 70s to a few upper 70s. 4:30. did you get out and enjoy the sun? >> it was a good weekend, steve. you know what? the weather that wuf today looks today. >> it's our kind of weather. >> yes, it is. >> thank you, steve. i can give you some good traffic. >> it doesn't look bad. if you're driving on 80, it is a nice looking commute. drive into the american canyon area and getting out to valao. there's no major problems. as you look at the rest of the

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Haiti , New York , United States , Iran , Philadelphia , Pennsylvania , Washington , Boston , Massachusetts , California , San Diego , Russia , San Francisco , American Canyon , Sacramento County , Roseville , Tennessee , Phoenix , Arizona , Chicago , Illinois , Russian , American , Los Angeles , Kelly Wright , Jimmy Morales , Demarcus Dawes , John Mccain , Las Vegas , Natasha Doran ,

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Transcripts For KTVU KTVU Mornings On 2 At 4am 20170313 :

Transcripts For KTVU KTVU Mornings On 2 At 4am 20170313

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sunshine. 60s for many. and now here he is at 4:01. >> 4:01. thank you, steve. we are starting with video of some pothole trouble overnight. at least two lanes on northbound 101 have reopened. they were closed overnight because of major potholes. one of those potholes earlier this month. it's just north in palo alto and again the lane to reopen but potholes have been a common problem around the bay especially after that rain. let's talk about 580 westbound. traffic is looking good on the commute. i don't see any slow traffic right now. i'm sure it's not going to stay this way but right now it looks pretty good as you drive in. 580 continues to look good all the way over to hayward. there's no major problems if you're driving on the peninsula. just take another look. this is a look at 880 north. the trask looks good. right here on -- in front of the coliseum and traffic at the bay bridge toll plaza looks good. no major problems. at 4:02, let's go back to the desk. >> a missing pregnant woman has been found safe in san francisco. >> reporting missing yesterday morning after leaving her home. lauren was considered add risk because she's 9 months pregnant and doctors are expected to induce labor for her baby. a family friend is thrilled that she was found safe. >> they've only told me that they are safe and sound and i don't know anything else as a good friend, i'm willing to help without asking any questions. she was found last night about 11:30 near san francisco. they are not telling us anymore about the disappearance right now. that investigation continues. we have a developing story to tell you about. the police in question about excessive force. two videos posted on social media show part of the incident. one video shows police chasing a man who was reportedly act the erratically. they don't show what happened before that pursuit. we have what happened afterwards. this includes violence and profanity. >> reporter: in the first video you see an officer chasing the suspect across the street. during the chase, a man sits down on a traffic median. the officer tackles him from behind and pushes him to the ground. people offscreen start yelling. the officer struggles with the man who called for backup. he told the suspect to give him his hand and pushes him twice. the suspect continues to flail his officers. the officer yells for him to give his hands and hits him with an object. the man on the ground starts shouting. another officer arrives at the scene. the first officer then hits the suspect three more times. people in the street react using profanities against the officer who respond with a profanity. in the second video officers continue to arrest the man. the first officer directs the crowd again to back up. this time he pulls out his gun. reholstering it and hits the suspect three more times. police have not commented about this incident but we did spoke to a former bay area police chief. he does question why the officer did not try to slow things down and talk to the suspect. he also expressed concern about the officer pulling out his gun but it's not clear how threatened that officer felt. as for the strike, well, they look -- they appear to be justified given that he was resisting arrest. the victim in last week's shooting on interstate 80 has now died. 24-year-old demarcus dawes. a female major is charged with -- is expected to recover. one man and two 17 year olds have been arrested in connection with the case. they have gang ties. the family members of dawes may have been the victim of mistaken identity. 4:05 we're waiting to see the budget office releases 5 report on the price tag and much more of the republican health care plan. >> it's expect to include estimates on how many people would like lie be covered. gop leaders are hoping to pass their bill in the house next week despite the legislation continuing to have its crickets >> . i'm not for this plan and lots of opposition to this plan in the house and the senate. >> the house freedom caucus says the republican health care doesn't go far enough to repeal and replace obamacare. a number of top senators have fromsed the bill as it stands will be dead upon arrival. palm ryan continues to try and calm those fears. >> some people would like to be done differently. we made a promise. we would repeal and replace this law. we said this is what we would replace it with and now we're keeping our word >> the president's proposed budget which includes an increase in defense spending. as well as massive cuts to the epa, education department and housing and urban development. despite criticism the economic advisor defending the plan set to be released this thursday. >> unfortunately we have no alternative but to reinvest in our military and make ourselves the military power once again. >> president trump will have the first cabinet meeting with all of the confirmed members fox news. the house intelligence community has offered any evidence by today showing the obama administration wiretapped trump tower. now republican arizona senator john mckaib says president trump should either prove the claim or retract his statement. >> there are one of two possibilities here. either the president for some reason made up this charge or perhaps more disturbing the president really believes this and here's where i think it's consequential if six months from now the president should say that iran is cheating on the nuclear agreement. if he's making that up, it's a real problem. if it's true it's a bigger problem. the question is would people believe him? would american people believe him? would people around the world believe him? that has real consequences. >> we're hearing that again. and the former director of national intelligence has denied the wiretapping claim. controversy is growing over the firing of a u.s. attorney. he was one of the 46 remaining u.s. attorneys a.ed by the obama administration being asked to resign last friday. when he refused, he was then fired. u.s. attorneys around the corporate can be removed by the president at any time. but not every new administration replaces all u.s. attorneys at the same time and the democrats are criticizing the move. john mccain says it's part of a routine process. >> elections have consequences. so for people to complain about it, they are ignoring the history of new presidencies and i think the president had every right to ask for their resignations. now he says he met with president-elect trump in november. he promised to keep him as new york city top federal prosecutor then last week three watchdog groups asked to investigate president trump. some democrats now suggesting that may be why the trump administration asked for his resignation. the bay area man charged with climbing a white house fence friday night is due in court today. 26-year-old jonathan was ordered to be held without bond after his arrest. he's charged with entering a restricted area while carrying a dangerous weapon. there were two cans of mace in his backup. he was carrying a letter that mentioned russian hackers. president trump was in the white house at the time of the security breach. he could face up to ten years in prison. >> our time is 4:10. it's the case of two birds with one stone. coming up at 4:30 how an under age alcohol string operation led to a possible drug bust. and the arrest of an alleged bank robber. and up next the northeast bracing for the largest snowstorm of the season. we're going to tell you how much snow cities from washington, d.c. to boston might be getting today. good morning. we are seeing traffic that is going to be busy. if you are driving on the commute. there's been no major problems. traffic on 80 looks good heading up to the mace. we'll carry it into the early part of the week. changes for later. we'll have more on that. welcome back to mornings on 2. 4:1 is 4:3 is the time. a major winter tomorrow. >> and this is big. boston, new york, philadelphia. they may get a ton of snow today. kelly wright has more from washington. >> we haven't had a lot of snow this winter, but i'm really looking forward to it. >> the biggest winter storm of the season is expected to slam the northeast. nearly two feet of snow is expected to fall which could shut down major cities from washington, d.c. to boston. >> this will be a heavy, wet snow. it will stake to power lines, stick to trees. we could see more trees down, more power outages. the snow could be heavy enough to cancel flights. one traveler is nervous about her flight. >> i'm a -- i'm actually going to be traveling to chicago. i'm really worried but i'll make it. >> coastal areas in new england could see flooding due to the storm. >> we have a lot of snow coming in. the potential for visibility to drop, get the whiteout effect and then hazard and navigation just for being on the water. >> the south over the weekend. which is causing problems for drivers in tennessee. >> it's pretty to see the snow come down but i'd rather it be warm again. i'm ready for spring. >> i was very close to bringing the summer clothes out. >> the brunt of the snow is expected to begin to fall monday night and continue throw the day tuesday. in washington, kelly wright. fox news. >> what a difference from there it here t. felt like summer. >> that's cold. >> all right. it's 4:15. none of that on our roads. i was actually in my flip-flops and i was not floon. >> you're right. , yowght right. >> after all that rain we had, i think it felt really good. let's go out and take a look at what we have now. gilroy. we have had a couple of minor things go on but nothing major. still doing very well as you drive into the silicon valley. this is 280 in san jose. this is the bay bridge toll plaza. traffic is moving along very well. and then in san francisco, northbound 101 traffic is looking good. at 4:16. let's bring steve in. >> thank you. >> you're welcome. >> good morning, everybody. we'll focus if you have travel plans. today's all right. it's tonight, tomorrow that you have to worry about the northeast. systems coming out of the great lakes and there it is. and a little system over the weekend off of rollie. didn't have any snow now they're picking tup. that's the way it works. you can see the future future cast on that. new york, long island, boston that could be right there is the heavy focus that continues into tuesday and wind down a little bit on wednesday. so temperatures 23 in new york. 29 in washington, d.c. raleigh at 28 degrees. chicago at 28 degrees. so everything's flip-flopped. everything was out here, active weather for january and february. well, they had warm conditions. we did not. everything's reversed itself. all or nothing. 40s and 50s on the temperatures. notice tbli warmer due to the temperatures in the upper 70s to almost 80 degrees. some elections in the 50s. 40 degrees. slight offshore component here. 60 down in las vegas. palm springs at 68 degrees. phoenix at 63. looking for low 90s today if you're heading to spring training. the mountain, the everest of high pressure but over the next couple of days it's going be out of the picture. increasing fog tomorrow. a lot of high clouds on the way on wednesday. it may clip the north bay for a little bit of rain. that will be on wednesday. deal with that tomorrow. today it's about warm temperatures. probably the warmest day of the week. we are looking for cooler as we head into wednesday and thursday. today and tomorrow are already. some 60s in the coast. low in the upper 70s for some. 80. we'll shave off here. mostly sunny. clouded up. mostly cloudy and cooler wednesday into thursday. the sunday into next week. >> okay. we haven't seen that in a couple of week. we don't see any rain coming in. >> it's coming. >> all right. steve, thank you. >> you're welcome. >> roseville some foster children now have some new wheels. 20 deserving kids pick up new bikes thanks to a generous donation. $10,000 because she wanted to help young girls in foster girl. another family then matched to buy bikes for boys in foster care. >> i decided why not take my money and not wait until i die and donate $10,000 for foster girls getting bikes. >> 64,000 kids in foster care in california just waiting to be adopted. organizers of this e. hope this will inspire even more people to consider adoption or becoming a foster parent. >> that's wonderful. >> good for her. >> 19 minutes after 4:00. waking up under water? coming up in 20 minutes, how this suv ended up in san diego's mission bay and why the driver didn't notice until it was too late. >> but up next a bus driver involved in a hit and run in haiti. plows -- we'll tell how many people were killed when that driver tried to escape. it's okay to cry, right? no more! we don't want anymore! [crying] ahhhhhhhhhh! everyday price and no extra monthly fees, unlike cable. speeds up to 45 megs, for $30 a month. into several groups of people sunday morning. they continue fire department several miles before run swoog a band that was playing music in the middle of the road. the bus plowed through the first group of musicians then drove through a second and a third. the driver then juched out the bus and authorities are still searching for him. >> time is now 4:23. protesters want jimmy morales to resign 40 girls died in that fire on wednesday. matresses were set on fire during a protest at the shelter. many of the victims were locked inside and could not escape. the protesters blame the president for not doing enough to prevent that fire. pope francis prayed for the victims. los angeles firefighters are still on the scene of a huge warehouse fire. it started at 6:30 last night in the city's downtown fashion district. a large cloud of black smoke could be seen coming from several businesses that are set up in the warehouse. firefighters were there before it was declared controlled. some crews remain there this morning. the cause of the fire is still under investigation. hoping to go home today after an avalanche left them trapped on a field trip. 53 students were staying at a center. they were due to leave on friday. that was before the avalanche hit. blocking state route back to the town. the -- waiting to try to clear the road because there's a risk of another avalanche. in the meantime. the student hs to stay right where they are. >> it's not so much that we're so desperate to leave. it's just -- i think because people were not planning on this. and so it's just such a surprise that people are kind of just so shocked that we are -- that this occurred. >> 17 staff people are also stranded at the learning center. three people are stuck at a nearby restort. they have what that need including food and setter. >> a woman was arrested on felony vandalism charges after crashing the suv into the sacramento county jail. now want to show you some photos of the damage there. police say 32-year-old natasha doran drove through the lobby. they didn't say why she may have done it but no one was hurt. it is two weeks after another person crashed through the jail garage. >> she was reported missing after going for a hike. two days later a woman and her dog were found online. you're about to hear her amazing story. >> also a local lawmakers are fighting back. what democratic leaders in the east bay say they'll do if the republican health care bill passes. >> good morning. we are looking at a commute that is going to be busy on 280 although it's not stop and go. getting up the highway 17. well, i guess better later than never. it's starting to fly in chicago to st. louis and a big system to the northeast tomorrow. yes. >> good morning. everybody. wake up, let's go. oui burning daylight. well, not yet but it's getting closer. not much showing up yet. low 50s for some. a little cooler there but 45 at black hawk. pittsburgh says 56. wow. must be a little breeze there. there is a slight offshore breeze but you can see the pressure. sunny today and then tomorrow things start to change a little bit. get a little fog in here and wednesday a system. the fog was trying to form. just disappears. there's not enough to support it yet. today another day of sunshine and lots of 70s to a few upper 70s. 4:30. did you get out and enjoy the sun? >> it was a good weekend, steve. you know what? the weather that wuf today looks today. >> it's our kind of weather. >> yes, it is. >> thank you, steve. i can give you some good traffic. >> it doesn't look bad. if you're driving on 80, it is a nice looking commute. drive into the american canyon area and getting out to valao. there's no major problems. as you look at the rest of the

Related Keywords

Haiti , New York , United States , Iran , Philadelphia , Pennsylvania , Washington , Boston , Massachusetts , California , San Diego , Russia , San Francisco , American Canyon , Sacramento County , Roseville , Tennessee , Phoenix , Arizona , Chicago , Illinois , Russian , American , Los Angeles , Kelly Wright , Jimmy Morales , Demarcus Dawes , John Mccain , Las Vegas , Natasha Doran ,

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