Transcripts For KTVU KTVU Mornings On 2 At 4am 20161028 : co

Transcripts For KTVU KTVU Mornings On 2 At 4am 20161028

it feels like a warm storm? >> it is. it's coming from the west and southwest. when was the last time you went to bed and it was raining. it doesn't happen often. >> we cracked the window. the sound was fabulous. today will be sunny and warm. the low is moving up and to give credit, i have to say it was forecast about one week in advance and it is coming to fruition. the possibility of showers and thundershowers after the general rain. for me, it was steady rain and pam said the same. pretty good downpours and it looks like things are letting up a little bit. morning rain and it favors areas to the south. santa cruz mountains, you are in for the mix and everybody is in for the rain into the early afternoon with this slow and a break on saturday and the next system is sunday. it is mild with upper 50s and low sisters does low 60s. the one on sunday is expected to be cooler. rain for the next five days and the system sunday and one more on tuesday with highs a moot point, upper 60s. happy friday. today is not a beach day? >> it depends on what you like. if you are a bird, it might be great. >> thank you very much. >> a little bit of sarcasm. let's take a look at the tracy commute. not a bad commute and it looks pretty good as you drive into the livermore valley and so far, so good on this friday and sometimes we have lighter volume which may help out with wet roads that are correlated with a lot of collisions. we don't have a lot in this area. interstate 880 commute, in front of the coliseum, traffic is okay with roadway floodings read corded in some areas. at the connector, almost the entire ramp is flooded from westbound 782 westbound 80 and those things will happen. moving along, we take a look at the bay bridge to see it as light with standing water and as a commute picks up you might see more collisions because of the wet weather. let's go to the desk. thank you. our coverage on the bay area storms continues with a report from mill valley where people welcome the rain after years of drought. >>reporter: the gift that keeps on giving. >> it is great. >> love the rain. >>reporter: asking around, we couldn't find anyone annoyed with the arrival of rain again, even across sections of the wet weekend. a few more soggy commutes on friday. >> are you kidding? the rain is fantastic and it's about time. haven't had enough of it for a long time. >>reporter: there is the drought and the delicious sense of changing seasons and there are practical matters to consider. >> i would like it to rain hard because i want to see if the roof on my new place will leak or not. >>reporter: the test? >> the test, you got it. >>reporter: getting ahead of potential problems will keep hardware stores humming. this purchase, a rake and gutters cooper's. that can't be good. >> there is a water leak and it is draining into the basement and we have to get this. >> ponchos, tarps. >>reporter: it is flying off the shelf with the realization the early rain was no fluke and this may be it for a while. the hardware store will keep sandbags out front until spring. high tide spring rain and it nudges customers to get prepared. >> furnace filters, for the cold weather. keeping the leaves out of the gutter. all rain related. >>reporter: nothing like coming in from the gloom to the warmth of friends and a hot drink. >> on saturday, i'm going to carve pumpkins for a friend was having a party. >>reporter: making plans for stormy days and a slower pace. >> we appreciate the rain. it is refreshing and clear and cleansing and the trees are happy. >>reporter: debora villalong, fox2 news. the time is 4:05 and the weather may have played a role in the emergency landing of a small plane in alameda yesterday evening at about 5:30 the former alameda naval air station. the faa said the small cessna with only the pilot on board was going to oakland and hit bad weather and decided to divert to alameda and landed on an abandoned runway. the fire department rushed over and the pilot safely landed the plane. stay right here with us on ktvu with continuing coverage of the bay area storms and we will bring the latest headlines, weather conditions and any power outages at we are learning new information about a homicide in richmond that we reported yesterday morning. investigators identified the person killed as a latino man in his 30s. his body was discovered yesterday morning on hilltop drive near the on ramp to interstate 80 and police said he suffered multiple gunshot wounds and they are working to determine if the homicide is linked to other freeway shootings. police will look at surveillance video from a nearby gas station in the investigation. charges have been filed against the couple accused of following a woman as she left a casino and then robbing her at her fremont home. gary heisler is being held on suspicion of attempted murder and his girlfriend, darlene marquis, faces robbery charges. the victim won money at a santa fe casino and police said they followed her to her home and repeatedly beat her on her head with what is believed to be a flashlight and police said he then jumped into a car and they used surveillance video from the casino and the vick's neighborhood to identify the suspects, now being investigated for possible connections to similar robberies and other cities. a suspected car thief is in jail after police chased him on highway 101 through penn grove to santa rosa. look at the video. chp said the suspect was driving a stolen 2003 crown victoria that looks like a police car. yesterday, the pursuit ended when the driver crashed into several cars at the hearn avenue overpass in santa rosa and the suspect, james gallagher, faces charges of felony hit and run and several other charges. a man is suing a mayor and city council members. mercury news reports a lawsuit by rob manes claims they violated the state election code by refusing to put an initiative on the ballot for the november election. they said the city leaders did not take action on a resonant backed initiative involving the new water rates in their area. they complain water bills had dramatically gone up since the system took effect. republican vice presidential candidate, mike pence is probably happy to have his feet on the ground this morning. his plane careened off the runway in new york last night. >> no one was injured. it is one more dose of drama on the campaign trail. moore from washington this morning. >>reporter: the travel on board the aircraft caused a hard landing. nothing quite like what they experienced yesterday. >> it is grass. it looks like we took out a really nice chunk of runway. >>reporter: the passengers aboard evacuated after the 737 ran off the runway in the rain in new york. the g.o.p. candidate and his entourage, secret service and reporters made it off safely. >> the plane ended up at the end of the runway and destroyed some grass off the runway. >>reporter: the ntsb will investigate. a rally in ohio, they spoke about it. >> the plane skidded off the runway and was pretty close to grave danger. i spoke to mike pence and he's fine. >>reporter: donald trump spent part of the day responding to reports of voting irregularities in texas and some voters said the intended votes for trump were changed to clinton. officials said it may have been voter error in one case and pointed to software problems. >> this has been a draining election. but, i urge you to please, please be encouraged. >>reporter: hillary clinton got a boost in north carolina for first lady michelle obama and president obama will be in florida to do campaigning of his own and there's a report from politico that the clinton team is already looking beyond the election and considering vice president joe biden as a possible secretary of state. the same report says that biden has not been contacted by the campaign about this, and presumably, he is aware of it. it's also not clear what is behind what appears to be a carefully orchestrated leak by the clinton campaign. in washington, fox news. the 2016 world series is at wrigley field this evening. the cubs and indians are tied at one game apiece going into game three. this is video of the cubs working out yesterday after they returned from the first two games in cleveland. game three will be the first game played at world series since 1945. the cubs can celebrate this, and if they win they win all three games at wrigley, you can watch the world series game right here with us at ktvu fox2 to and the rainy evening, it's good to sit inside and watch the game. the coverage begins at 4:30 you will find all the news, as well, on ktvu. the time is 4:11. rain and many homeless are forced to spend the night outside in the rain in the bay area. >> i was with my boyfriend and we don't want to be separated. they don't have housing together. in the next half hour, the limited choices some of the homeless have trying to stay dry and safe. the dmv outages continue across california and up next, the only bay area office still reporting issues this morning. it is raining and that means we are going to have a tough commute in many areas and we already have standing water and will tell you where the troubled spots are, coming up. no issues on the weather highway. it's cloudy and there is rain. more, coming up. miller pedis -- welcome back to mornings on 2. it is for 14:00 we should talk about traffic. >> we should. the rain is causing some problems, unfortunately. let's go to sale. >>reporter: it's wet, but not early enough to have a huge commute. as a matter of fact, most people are not on the road and we don't have a lot of incidents. i don't want to be negative nelly but as more get on the road, we will have more incidents, that is usually what happens. i would love to be wrong about this and hope that everyone, and now, in california, becomes an excellent driver in the rain and no one drives too fast and everybody is courteous. can you imagine that? it may not be today. traffic is going well through morgan hill and it is wet with the traffic volume better and we may have a break. into the valley, we don't have a lot but do have standing water in some areas. let's show you the east shore freeway and traffic is moving along well. in san rafael, north on 101 at 580 there is standing water on the ramp and on westbound 780 on the connector ramp to westbound 80 there is standing water and sometimes the drains don't work properly. the bay bridge toll plaza looks good at the toll plaza area and there are no major problems into san francisco and it's going to be a wet commute today. plan on more time for your commute. it's 4:16 let's go to steve. >> good advice. friday, relax and don't worry about it you will get there. thank you. our low is on the way up here and let's give it credit. it came from the west and it has been advertised for about a week and here it is. sometimes the forecast models are spot on and this time, one of them, one of them, is absolutely right on the money and will give moderate rain. the low has a possibility of thunder shower activity and the rainfall is widespread. i've seen one inch in the santa cruz mountains and they can handle that. align is forming and i wouldn't be surprised if we have some downpours in the mix. a widespread rain and up to about one inch spreads from the north through the santa cruz mountains and that is good with this pattern taking the moisture and cooling it. about 10 days ago, it started and we don't think it will be a factor with the moisture from hurricane seymour pushing off. it is pushing off southern california and to the desert southwest. are next in system is different than the one we have now in the old-fashioned way out of the gulf of alaska from the northwest. that will be here sunday for a cold or rain. 60s, upper 50s. 45 in truckee. the rainy event in the sierra from the west-southwest. some of the high peaks will have the general rain and there could be isolated thundershowers later if the los scoots through to keep rainfall going today through sunday and on tuesday, things may calm down. 60s and it won't change much with not a huge wind and we will get a break on sunday with a mix of sun and clouds, a hit and miss splash and dash variety. on tuesday, it will bring rain. >> people want saturday for a break. high school football and soccer and it looks okay? >> yes. better than today or sunday. >> they will be talking. >> yes, they will. the time is 14:00 most bay area dmv offices are getting back to normal after computer outage that lasted most of the week. the conquered dmv office is the only bay area office still having problems. as of 5:00 last night, the office could not do vehicle registration and we will find out if the problems in concord have been fixed. at the peak of the outage, five days ago, 122 of the 188 offices were affected by the problems caused by the failure in the central computer hardware. >>reporter: law enforcement offices in north dakota said they've arrested more than 140 people protesting a controversial oil pipeline project. armed soldiers and police in riot gear used pepper spray and fire to at the demonstrators yesterday. the confrontation marked a major escalation of a protest that has raged for months. native american tribes said the pipeline skirts the reservation and could disturb cultural cultural sites and endangers water supplies. the accusations were denied. germs on bart and muni? the extremely rare bacteria found during a recent study. >> you don't mind being here 24 hours a day. from selling these products, the salt by business owners closing shop after 45 years. coming up come the reason behind the tough decision to shut down. officials are telling us it's more about the deadly crash in marin county that killed three young men. they said the driver, the 18-year-old, was going 80 miles an hour, twice the speed limit, when his corolla went off saint francis drake boulevard and slammed into a power pole. he was killed, along with his passengers. brothers were in the car and were killed. san francisco police are searching or two men, one armed with scissors who robbed a buddhist temple in the mission district wednesday on 17th street. investigators said one robber ran in the temple and distracted a volunteer at the desk and another grabbed a laptop. police said one of the robbers pulled out a pair of scissors and threaten the volunteer when asked for the computer. investigators have a vague description of the two men. it is the end of an era for a south bay glass shop. this weekend, ken's glass and mirrors, will close for good. >> after 45 years, the owner is retiring. he started the shop with little money and education and had a lot of heart. as reports, the businessman said it is the worth accurate -- the work ethic that kept him going all these years. >>reporter: at the corner of this street, it's hard to miss the yellow building and assign is reading by it all. the last day is sunday. >> you don't mind being here 24 hours a day. it's all a quarter inch mirrors. >>reporter: ken lewis has called this place home since the 1970s. the 77-year-old wakes up early to open the shop and is last to leave, the only worker. >> i'm a one-man shop all these years. it's nice when you don't have a boss. you don't have to blame somebody for something that they did because you are the one that did it. [laughter] >>reporter: the missouri native, one of 12 siblings, went to california with a seventh grade education and a lot of drive. after polishing shower doors, he collected glass. his first shop was on monterey road and now it is on lewis road. in the 1990s, the store was driving. >> i bought a truck load of glass every week. semi's full of glass. >>reporter: with the internet and big-name retail stores, business declined. the developer plans to build a vietnamese restaurant here. it is bittersweet, and a reminder of the good old days when doing business meant more than making money. >> being here and knowing that i've done one heck of a lot of good for a lot of people, i'm happy and doing what i want. i made money. >>reporter: fox 2news. ken lewis plans to give some errors away and do some traveling and do things he couldn't do well working, going to football and baseball games. a big event raise money for people with eating disorders. the president of the 49ers was a speaker at the annual gala at the saint regis hotel. the group provides funding for people with eating disorders that can't afford treatment. 30million americans are estimated to suffer from eating disorders. they set a small percentage get the treatment they need. the time is 4:26 putting colleges on the hook for paying back student loans. new rules from the obama administration after fraud allegations at corinthian college. slick road conditions for the bay area commute. be careful. we are tracking rain. you are all going to work on this wet friday. friday. good morning. we look at the commute on the golden gate bridge that is a little wet as we go to the toll plaza. happy rainy friday morning. it started last night and we will see what is in store for the weekend. bj thomas music, starting out. live look at the golden gate bridge with wet and slick roads. be careful. it will be that way through the weekend for a lot of people. stay tuned for steve. >> butch cassidy and the sundance kid. >> bj thomas. >> i wouldn't have guessed. friday morning, october 28 and we are going through the second of three storms moving through the bay area and we want to give you a look at the radar, where the rain is falling. the latest on these conditions and all the details, we go to are experienced meteorologist. >> you think you know what that song is and where it is from. we were right, this time. >> yes. let's get to some of that rain fall. san jose finally picked up some. >> [applause] >> about time. the santa cruz mountains didn't steal all the rain, this time. occidental, and pacifica, union city, livermore, and oakland. not bad. the first event is in the santa cruz mountains on the last event, the golden gate and the

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Vietnam , Republic Of , Fremont , California , United States , New York , North Carolina , Livermore Valley , Missouri , Oakland , Texas , Alaska , Washington , Cleveland , Ohio , Florida , Penn Grove , Morgan Hill , Saint Regis , San Francisco , Marin County , Pacifica , Santa Cruz Mountains , North Dakota , Mill Valley , Americans , Vietnamese , American , Pam Cook , Butch Cassidy , Steve Paulson , Darlene Marquis , Gary Heisler , Michelle Obama , Ken Lewis , Dave Clark , A Santa Fe , James Gallagher , Hillary Clinton ,

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