Transcripts For KTVU Mornings On 2 20140808 :

Transcripts For KTVU Mornings On 2 20140808

thinks he may still be alive. >> and why the bay area serial society away's already in trouble with the law again. mornings on 2 starts now. here's a look at hawaii. a storm in more than 20 years is pounding away. the central hurricane center reported the center tropical storm iselle has just made land fall. ahead, we have team coverage tracking iselle, and on the damage so far and a live report on the island and what it's been like to read out this very rare storm. good morning. welcome. mornings on 2, i'm tory campbell. >> i'm dave clark. let's more about weather and traffic. steve is right over there. >> the land fall we talked about with iselle and some of the rainfall rates coming in. all golden weather services posted on twitter some of the mountain slopes, over 9 inches of rain. that's a lot of water that has to rundown the mountain and they're definitely starting to get hammered south of hilo. some of this is definitely starting to light up. it's protected a little bit from radar, but it's definitely raining there. rainfall rate's, about four to five inches per hour. it came on shore around ahala, moving west at seven. hill low airport's closed, peak gust at 54 miles an hour. julio looks look it's traveling north and it will bypass them unless it changes its mind. and the loose, they're going off san francisco. there's delta breeze we've seen for a while. even oakland airport at 23. far enough inland, yes, warm, but cooler for many today, highs, 60s, is 70s and 80s. here's an. >> we have a mixed bag this morning when it comes to traffic. we were kind of hoping for friday light. bad in some parts. we begin at the toll plaza. the cash lanes slow down from the foot of the maze there. fast traffic, though, looking pretty good as you cross the span there of the bay bridge. 20 to 25 minutes to get you across the span. you now look at the san mateo bridge right now, eastbound traffic looks great at that point, but a little bit further down near the high rise in foster city, there's metal pole that is blocking the number 2 or three lanes. crews are working to get that out of the way. you can expect delays at the san mateo bridge heading eastbound. and the kakinas bridge, a four-car accident blocking the number 4 lane there. crews are working to get that out of the way. doesn't appear to be effecting traffic. 7:03 let's go to dave and tory. >> less than 30 minutes ago, tropical storm iselle made land fall. >> the national weather service said it had 60-mile an hour winds. south of hawaii, volcanos national park, about an hour's south west of hilo. >> and in the ktvu news room, paul. >> good morning. the first of two storms was a little weaker than expected but it still packed a big enough punch to pack headaches. iselle was downgraded from a hurricane to a tropical storm but had enough force to cause power outages are for 24,000 people. here's a live look from a tower cam at the western resort in maui. it's a little grainy and hard to make out. at times, you can see the palm trees swaying in the wind. the picture is grainy and it's still dark in hawaii. rain is pounding parts of hawaii. the wind from iselle is reported at about 60 miles an hour. there's flash flood warning for the big island expected to expire in about an hour-and-a-half from now. it's the hurricane, a tropical storm, to directly hit hawaii in 22 years but the governor's confident they're prepared for the worst. >> we're very, very confident that all the preparedness that we've engaged in, the practice that we've gone through, says that we're ready to respond. >> forecasters predict the big island will receive five to 8 inches of rain and iselle leaves, hurricane julio will follow, and it's been strengthened to category 3 predicted to pass north of the island sunday or monday. they're already having a major impact on the three major airports, reporting a few airline cancellations with more expected later today. people are advised to check with their airlines for updates through out the morning. of course we'll stay on top of this and bring you the very late of the from it develops. reporting from the ktvu news room, paul chambers. >> all right. stay right here with us for all the continuing coverage. we'll be posting updates on line at and on facebook and twitter. 7:06, a man reading a motorcycle was killed in a crash in concord late last night around 11:00 at the intersection of treat boulevard and oak grove road. that's where we find ktvu channel 2 reporter alex savage, on mistakes that might have cost the motorcyclist his life. >> reporter: police believe he was riding way too fast when he ran the red light and slammed into a car, going in the opposite direction. of this deadly crash happened before 11:00 at treat boulevard and oak grove road. the man died here at the scene. police tell us he was 29 years old and lived here in concord. the 59-year-old woman behind the wheel of that car had only minor injuries during the accident, and she is cooperating with police. investigators believe the motorcycle was speeding at the time of the crash and there are people who live nearby who say speeding can be an issue in this area. at the time of the accident, a friend of his who's was on a different motorcycle, that friend decided to stop when the light turned red last night and he was not hurt during this accident, but the man who went through that red light, again, slammed into a car and he was killed out here. concord police spent about five hours gathering evidence at the scene, but this intersection of treat boulevard and oak grove road is back open in all directions. live in concord, alex savage, ktvu, channel 2 news. >> and this is the same intersection two years ago a father and daughter were killed riding their bicycles. on april 7th, 2012, a car was speeding down when it drove up on to the sidewalk, hit and killed the 41-year-old and his 9-year-old daughter. the teenage driver in that case was sentenced to seven years in prison for vehicular manslaughter. the woman who tried to sneak on the planes was arrested again at an airport. >> we were keeping an eye out for her because where was she going to go? the court made some arrangements to have her go to a homeless shelter and gave her references and she did not take them up on that. >> security officers at lax were on the look out for her expecting her to keep up her promise to not sneak on the airplane. they watched her go from terminal to terminal to terminal. the police chief thought she was scoping out security. >> felt in my heart based upon the things she's done in the past and the many times she's tried to circumvent security she'd probably try to do it here. she's being held on $10,000 bail. a judge put her on two years probation after she pled no content to a misdemeanor charge of speaking on to a plane at san jose airport and playing to lax. demand's growing for a complete security review manetta international airport on two recent high profile security breaches involving hart january man, as well as a teenager in a wheel well bound for hawaii. >> i want to review the entire protocol, who's responsible for what, how we handle breaches not only at the time they occur, but what do we do with the information after we've investigated. >> a city committee will consider the hearing request on august 13th. but these cases are actually not unheard of. the mercury news, in fact, says a congressional inquiry found 25,000 security breaches at u.s. airports since 2001. san jose airport officials are hoping a par of automated pass port stations will reduce wait times when going through customs. officials are to provide a demonstration of the global entry kiosks later this morning. the automated checkpoints also available at sfo chance a traveler's passport and finger prints, to help international travelers, but no minimum trips required to qualify. travelers must be preapprovaled approved. and yesterday afternoon in cord elia from eastbound 80 to southbound six act, chp says the driver was killed when his tractor-trailer overturned. speed and a shifting load were factors according to the chp. trash debris covered the road and blocked the connector road for hours. that ramp reopened about 1:40 this morning. it could soon cost you if you don't show up for a reservation at some bay area restaurants. in berkeley, 48 hours notice is required for cancelation or you could face a $25 fee and that cost is on the low end. the restaurant in san francisco charges a $240 penalty for people who make a reservation. and the french laundry requires guests to confirm three days in advance and they're charged $100 per person for last minute cancellations. >> wow. >> they're taking it seriously. >> especially for high-end restaurants. you're not going to get people just walking in for a $400 meal. >> wow. a very unusual trespasser calls the lockdown a delayed to president's national speak last night. the colporate, barely old enough to walk. how a toddler ended up on the white house lawn. >> most people think they're monsters and guys out there trying to get lucky. >> okay. next where tarantulas are crawling into the open and what make this is year's invasion rather different. >> they're just trying to get lucky. okay. 7:12. traffic looking pretty good now especially here on highway 24. a cooling friend for us. a lot of low clouds around. definitely keeping an eye on iselle. very high level, more coming up. for the protein packedy black forest ham and cheese. enjoy lean, sliced ham with a hint of sweetness, piled high with all your favorite veggies like green peppers and juicy tomatoes. now yours at a great price as our $3 six-inch select of august. subway. eat fresh. for the barbeque oven roasted chicken melt, now our featured footlong. with juicy chicken and monterrey cheddar, topped with tangy pickles and mmm! sweet barbecue sauce. now that's a $6 footlong special. subway. eat fresh. . 7:15. we're still following developing news from hawaii. hawaii facing back-to-back major storms this weekend and the second one's bigger than the first. our reporter mike tacel joining us from waikiki beach. mike. >> reporter: good morning, dave. yes, we're still a good 200 miles away from the big island where land fall has been made this morning, and even here, we're starting to see the winds start to pick up. the gusts starting to pick up here on waikiki beach on oahu and we're hearing from more and more people about what may be to come. take a look at some video from the big island and the surf, we've already gotten report that some homes have been damaged due to the storm surge ahead of the home making land fall and there is the concern of flash flooding to follow because it's a slow-moving tropical storm and could be dropping an inch to 2 inches an hour of rain. meanwhile, there are reports both on the big island and maui of power outages involving possibly thousands of people, road closures and lines and trees down in the road. the impacts are already being felt as the front edge of this tropical storm starts to make its way up the hawaiian islands. now back here live, also just in the last six hours, i've talked to a whole range of people from northern california including a tahoe man who was on the big island arrived there, was hiking yesterday afternoon when they decided to check into the hotel. there was no one there. literally at the front desk, there was just a sign that directed them to go to the local high school, quote, for a cot. they b-lined to the airport and managed to get the last night out of hilo yesterday evening, which would have been last night our time here to oahu to seek safe refuge. hilo that airport now closed right now, so obviously getting out just in the nick of time. he says he's going to spend the next two days here to enjoy what he can waiting to see what the weather does and a also talked to another guy from the san marcos area who said he came over here because he wanted to fish before the storm because that's when he says he catches his biggest fish. i said so you fish right up to the storm and he said you don't fish in the storm, because that, quote, in his words, would be stupid. >> on waikiki on oahu, thank you. >> and stay right here with us at ktvu for all the coverage of the storms. we'll be posting upon dates on hawaii online at, and facebook and twitter. new this morning, the ebola outbreak is a international public health emergency. over 900 have died and thousands are sick. an experimental drug used to treat the illness, a can aidians drug maker had been -- canadian drug maker, changes may make it available to patients. the tarantulas have begun their annual march on mount diablo. every year they come out of their dens in search of female mates. usually they start their track around september or october, but the president of the mount diablo association says there could be a number of reasons why they're getting an early start this year. >> could be it's cooled off, the drought. who knows. >> the march will last about two months. if you want to take a glimpse of the traveling trantulas, if you come across one, leave it alone. >> you can resist that temptation. you won't pick it up will you? >> no. >> time 7:19. >> you can look up again. i got your back, brian. love how they put that story right before i go on. >> you're watching 280 and everything else, right? >> i'm looking at all that, dave. 280 and the 880 split looking pretty good. i want to point out, though, as we take a look at the maps of an injury accident that happened on eastbound -- westbound 580 before the richmond san raphael bridge. injury accident there, looks like it is out of the way, not appearing to effect traffic, but we'll be keeping an eye on that. there must be some people working from home today. overall, not too bad. what can we say? we go to the southbound 680 approaching fremont, as well as san jose. all traffic, not too bad on this friday. 7:20, here's steve. a lot of low clouds around, more of a breeze. temperatures will be coming down a little bit. 60s, coast, and 70s, 80s inland, about 3 to 4 degrees. i can't see the eye anymore, so updates will be up three hours. very heavy winward side. a lot of that rain has to come do you and giving rainfall rates in the lower elevations about four to five inches radar estimates. there's going to be a lot of flooding, no doubt about it. flash flood washing is out. now the entire island starting to get engulfed with what looks to be heavy rainfall. julio is following the same path. it's going north. it's still pretty strong, category 3, and if it does stay on that course that would be a good thing because it would be out of the islands. there's a lot going on in the pacific. if we have a typhoon, reading into southern japan right now, that -- some of that moisture bear's watching as it recurs later on. we also have super typhoon genevieve. she started as a hurricane, crosses the international date line, becomes a typhoon. only the second since 1950. 100 plus mile an hour winds, and tropical storm iselle, and julio. one of these is going to set up off san francisco, enhance fog and maybe tap into more moisture. cool by the coast, fog increases tonight and we'll also get some local drizzle and a cooling friend taking us into -- cooling trend taking us into the weekend. more 50s than 60s. more of a breeze behind that. some thunderstorms could pop up over the sierra, but late afternoon,el evening. fog, sun, breezy. mild to warm inland. there's westerly breeze. 60s, 70s, 80s. very low 90s. wear a jacket. it's not going to be very warm. in fact, that fog comes flying back in tonight as that gets enhanced. we will see a little cooler pattern on the weekend and manipulate some tropical clouds again monday. all right. 7:22, and checking the u.s. markets right now, the wall street actually opened higher. the dow is up as you can see ten points right now s&p up just one. russia is looking to dial down its conflict with ukraine. stock markets overnight fell after president obama approved air strikes. european markets are mixed and trading is in a pretty narrow range so far today. >> all right, tory, time is 7:20. a family in fremont describing a terrifying home invasion. >> it was terrifying. they got through this door. >> the frightening ordeal of a grandmother who was home babysitting when two gunmen came into the house. >> they've been missing for 36 years, the surprising victims from the jones town massacre. an extraordinary burger with heaps of jalapeños...ered for just two dollars. they also discovered the phenomenon of "economnomnomics" nomnom... nom? mcdonald's dollar menu and more. it's economnomnomcial. . 7:25. the cremated remains of nine victims from the 1978 mass murder/suicide at jones town in geana have finally been found. they were mark with names and where the deaths occurred. it looks like remains were among those returned to dozier air force base. neighbors say they're relieved. >> mystery solved. everybody was concerned there are a lot of different thoughts to what actually took place more than 900 people took part in the massive suicide. they were assume members of the people's temple led by jim joan asks they drank a poison drink. many of the victims were from the bay area and 412 unclaimed bodies are buried at the evergreen cemetery in oakland. stock in malaysia airlines have been pulled off the market. and haft month another jet was shot down over ukraine. the majority owner plans to buy out other shareholders and that move would make malaysian airlines fully owned by the state. >> all right, tory, 7:27. work's not finished yet, but the new air traffic control tower at sfo is already getting second looks. take a look. the new control tower's 220 feet tall, a much better view of the air field. the new tower's also one of the most advanced in the world. it can survive a magnitude eight earthquake. the two shortest runways are finished now. improvements are required by the federal government. the video you're lookingity from other airports show -- looking at from other airports show how they act like run away trucks. the runway extensions are made out of softer than normal concrete. they can stop a jet without tearing the jet apart. it's also cheaper to repair than replacing a plane a bay area hiker missing for six days now. >> the words i want to hear is he's found. >> the items he has with him is giving his friends hope that he will be found alive. we're live in san jose where thousands of kids are getting help for back to school. check out this room. they'll be getting all these backpacks free. we'll tell you about the need. >> and we're keeping an eye on your traffic early this morning morning. golden gate bridge. >> a lot of low clouds in place. it will be a cooler weekend for us ahead. plus iselle has made land fall. we'll have land fall rates and more information. . 7:31. here's a look at waikiki beach as iselle pounds away at the hawaiian islands right now. this is the biggest storm in more than 20 years. we'll continue team coverage. steve is tracking iselle's progress. also looking about the impact on island residents coming up in just about two minutes. welcome once again to mornings on 2, i'm tory campbell. >> and i'm dave clark. let's talk about weather, and traffic. steve has your forecast. >> i do believe we saw the statue of duke. some of the rainfall's coming in higher elevations approaching ten-inches of rain. there's going to be a tremendous amount. a foot or more. south of hilo 60-mile an hour winds moving west at 11. higher mountain areas 14,000 feet. we'll take some of the energy out but it's still going to be a tremendous rain producer. a couple little lows approaching us. you can see the spin in the atmosphere and ramp it up here. 50s on the low. it's a cooler morning. couple 60s but more 50s. a few thundershowers are possible in the sierras. fog, sun, breezy. warm inland, more 80s than 90s. they'll be a couple of them and 60s, 70s. here's brian. >> all right, steve thank you so much. sfmta tweeted out the 9th and irving is going out of service due to a power issue with the train. they should keep us updated on whether the situation's going to be gone. 9th and irving going out of service. a toll plaza this morning, this was getting better until just recently. there is an accident involving a big rig and a white van blocking the right lanes before the toll plaza. traffic could be backing up momentarily. south bay, 101 southbound looking really good this morning on the 280/880 split. looking good in the south bay besides the traffic that you typically see. and pittsburgh bay point area, and pass the willow pass grade and then there was an accident before the richmond, san raphael bridge involving a carrot right you shoulder -- car on the right shoulder now. at 7:33, let's go back to the desk. brian thank you. we have an update on developing news in hawaii. they're feeling the full force of tropical storm iselle. we've got a web camp. the storm hit and made land fall about an hour ago on the big island. these are live pictures from the napoli sunset beach front resort maui. you can see the trees just swaying in the strong winds. right now, the power is out for 22,000 homes and businesses in the area including hilo, hawaii. although the storm hit two hours ago, the people of hawaii have spent days getting ready for iselle and hurricane julio expected to hit sunday, maybe monday. all of the major shopping malls are closed along with all public schools. hotels in waikiki, they're doing things like reducing the amount of water in pools to about half, also guarding against all the water blowing into the hotel. president obama has also been briefed about all the severe weather threats to hawaii from the homeland security advisor. hundreds of people have is left their homes for emergency shelters across hawaii. the state's emergency operation system advised people living in low-lying areas to evacuate. no mandatory evacuations have been issued, but complicating matters is hawaii's primary tomorrow. polling places will have generators and the voting hours can be adjusted in case of emergency. in case we would expect, the storms are fouling up travel plans nationwide and in the bay area. we've talked to local airports and the current status. flights to sfo are going ahead as scheduled to honduras. but an american airlines flight from -- to honolulu. oakland reports several flight delays of 45 minutes involving alaska and american airlines. there are also flight delays this morning to hawaii from manetta, san jose. people traveling are advised to call their airlines. all flights on the hawaiian regional carrier have also been canceled for today. we'll be posting updates on the situation online on hawaii. check online, facebook and twitter accounts. police in fremont calling a home invasion robbery rare and alarming. the victims, a grandmother and her grandchild. police say wednesday afternoon the grandmother was cooking when two gunmen burst into a unlocked door. the daughter found her mother on the ground with duct tape on her mouth and he baby was not hurt. >> she was hyper ventilating and couldn't breathe and started saying, i'm sick. >> now, the two thieves stole several purses, jewelry, and a small amount of cash. the family tells ktvu they were burglarized on new year's eve in 2012 and they're wondering if the same people did it. both suspects are between 30 and 35 years old, both wearing white t-shirts and baseball caps. they also had a small steal colored handgun. if you have any information about this, call fremont police. 7:37, happening now, some south bay families getting some help with their back to school shopping. ktvu's jeanine delevega is with kids that'll get some backpacks and school supplies to get school to a good start. >> the sacred heart charity has turned this room to look look a store. kids will be able to come back in here and pick out a backpack and they will have it filled with school supplies. donations came in at the last minute and every child that registered will be getting one. there are already a handful of kids waiting out front. they just wanted to be among the first to get inside. hundreds of parents lined up last month, evening camping out to get on the registration list to receive a backpack. they were able to collect donations to supply 2,800 kids. one backpack of supplies can cost $75, which is nearly a full day's pay for a minimum wage worker. the charity is providing more backpacks than it did last year. >> we increased our number over last year by 300 because we turned people away the year before. we thought, okay, this should really take care of it. believe it or not we filled up all those appointments on the one day. we're completely full right. >> reporter: educators say it's tied to economic success. low income students fall behind oftentimes. it wants to give underprivileged kids a leg up. and back out here live, here's what the kids will receive inside their backpacks, markers, folders, erasers e pencils, a a kal kal k -- calculatotors. reporting live from san jose, ktvu channel 2 news. >> 7:39. a new deal and how to deal with high school advanced placement exams. the bill was created after hundreds of ap exam results were thrown out in mill-bray. some students were seated at round tables which is a violation of exam protocol. yesterday the state assembly voted for the bill which speeds up the timeline for investigations and testing violations and requires people who give the tests to record where students sit. the bill now goes to the state senate. and we have a back to school section at that includes the opening days for schools around the bay area and to get you in the right frame of mind, look under the hot topics section and click on news. police in redwood city arrested three teenagers blamed for two separate incidents of vandalism at a local school. the first one happened at test elementary on bay road. the suspects sprayed graffiti in several places, then on august 3rd, those same teenagers came back, and set fires at the school campus on that damaged fence there. they also charred paint. now police identified the suspects on surveillance video, and they collected evidence that connected them to the crime. according to police, the boys are ages 14, 15, and 16 and they are from redwood city. 7:41. would you like to check out the new levi stadium? let us show you how to get into the new state of the art home of the 49ers. the united states has carried out an air strike against the muslim militant group and what it specifically targeted. >> and things are looking great in the south bay as we look at 280 there. we'll tell you about an injury along 580 near the richmond san fell bridge. >> i have a little -- san raphael bridge and more on the big island coming up. be... better... than... slice... after... slice... of... america's... best... sharp... cheddar? nothing. tillamook sharp cheddar, tastes better because it's made better. female announcer: sundayduring sleep train's triple choice sale. for a limited time, you can choose to save hundreds on beautyrest and posturepedic mattress sets. or choose $300 in free gifts with sleep train's most popular tempur-pedic mattresses. you can even choose 48 months interest-free financing on the new tempur-choice, with head-to-toe customization. the triple choice sale ends sunday at sleep train. ♪ sleep train ♪ ♪ your ticket to a better night's sleep ♪ . 7:44 this morning. fighting has resumed in gaza at the end of the a three-day ceasefire. the israelis say they resumed air strikes in response to hamas firing at least 18 rockets at them. two were intercepted, 14 hit open areas, and two went down in gaza. there are no reports of injuries. the fighting starts after negotiations failed to extend the truce which expired at 10:00 last night specific time. the pentagon says two u.s. fighter jets dropped bombs on islamic militants near a city and u.s. personnel are located. we're live with the specialty targets and how the u.s. is helping displaced ira okay is -- iraqis. >> military dozens of american military and dim lom ats are located -- diplomats are located. isis has forced tens of thousands to leave their homes. quest to islam or die, they -- convert to islam or die, they say. >> it's grotesque acts of violence. for anyone who needed a wake up call, this is it. >> we intend to stay vigilant and take action if these terrorist forces threaten personnel or facilities or ebitda bass y or embase in baghdad. for stug in a mountain range -- stuck in a mountain range. >> i'm working on details for 8:45. live in washington, ktvu channel 2 news. the president's, announcement was delayed last night due to a security breach. just before the briefing was expected to start, the white house was temporarily lock the down because a toddler managed to squeeze himself between the bars of the fence and made it on to the north lawn. a secret service spokesman joked that agents were going to wait until the boy learned to talk before questioning him. the toddler was returned to his parents. 7:46. it's been almost a week sentence he was seen during a hiking trip. we're in the studio on the desperate search from sanoma county. >> he disappeared from the chasta park just northwest of redding. family and friends say they're hopeful because he's a very experienced backpacker and that he has food and water with him. this is also a trip that he has made several times with his church group out of santa rosa. it's a mix. both hopeful and at the same time not knowing. >> one of his friends who was on the hike says he stopped to take pictures and morris kept going but that he never made it back to camp. the area is so rugged and remote, search and rescue teams are dropped in by helicopter. the trinity county sheriff's office leading the search. one officer tells us here that area is not only rugged, but also steve and decomposed granite which is very slippery. and san francisco chronicle reports a tiny bug called the lone startick harbor a sugar found in red meat, when people counter through food. a tick bike can cause a trigger response to make antibodies to it and sets an allergic reaction. they are starting to spread to other parts of the country. and some big problems of the richmond, san raphael bridge? >> yeah, let's go quickly to where it is. you can see on the map the accident icon. take a look at this traffic. it extends across the span of the richmond, san raphael bridge. at least five cars involved. they are calling now on several tow trucks needs and of course you can expect maker delays if you're heading westbound on 580 across the richmond, san raphael. that's been great all morning long and interstate 880 in the south -- interstate 880 near oakland, that has started to pick up. it is picking up northbound as you pass the colosseum. here's steve who's very busy this morning. >> that is correct. >> there's more of a westerly breeze today. a sign of things to come as we go into the weekend. we'll have more on that coming up. we have a lot going on in the pacific and take you on a tour the. iselle has moved on shore and some of the heavy duty rainfall rates are going to be 13 to 14,000 feet and that's a lot of water coming down. four to five inches per hour, some of the rainfall estimates. this will be a huge rain producer. hurricane warn suggest out. the key would be on the win ward slopes and reports of nine 9 inches of rain. pahala, 60 to 70-mile an hour winds moving west. monolua. and then super typhoon genevieve. it was very heavy, only one her crossed the international date line. and julio heading north. these little loose are spinning across and one of these is going to set right by the bay area over the weekend and that'll give us the cooling trend and it might tap into tropical moisture again. cool by the coast, fog increasing tonight. peel see that trend. can some of the that moisture stay taphoto or halonng or come across to us? >> yes, i've seen it happen. it might otherwise be weak, there's a lot to watch. and believe me, i've been a little busy. i haven't had a time to take a look at some of the projects. 50s and 60s. a few thunderstorms could be erupting again. back to that fogging sun, breezy towards the delta, as well. warm inland, but not as warm as the past couple days. and as we head into the weekend, we'll see a little cooler pattern. the body temps will be high so you might stay warm that way, but fog is saying i'm charging back in. it's going to be cool. i think temperatures drop pretty fast tonight and that fog comes roaring in. they'll be a lot more coming in and that may tap into tropical moisture tuesday. eight minutes before 8:00. east bay drivers be wear. in 20 minutes, the major project impact plan. >> next, she a was attacked by grizzly bear and what she plans to do . sglrjts. 7:54. a 32-year-old from the sierra foot hills now charged with starting one of the biggest wildfires in california history. investigate onnors think keith emerald of col-- investigators think keith emerald started the rim fire burning more than 250,000 acres in around yosemite for about two months. yesterday a grand jury returned a four count indictment emerald. he's accused of starting a camp fire despite a temporary fire restriction. a 25-year-old woman from sacramento county, who was attacked by grizzly bear still plans to run a half marathon. jessica lives at a military base in afternoon ridge. three months ago, a grizzly bear attacked her. at first she saw two bear cubs and she immediately stopped and looked around for their mommy. >> i looked over to my left and as soon as i did, there comes momma and didn't really mack a sound. once she got me, i was -- i think i was almost sure i was going to die any ways. >> a driver padsing by rescued her. look at the wounds on her -- driver passing by rescued here. she has wounds on her head, on her back. 7:56. the state passed the kill switch bill, a way to detour smart phone thefts. it requires all smart phones come pre, quipped with technology that can render the phone useless if it is stolen. law enforcement groups across the state support the bill and smart phone companies that had been against it have dropped the opposition and it goes to the state senate for a vote. we're still tracking the big iselle, we'll see the emergency precautions being taken this morning. >> and a man riding a motorcycle is killed during a crash in concord late last night, what police say he may have been doing before the accident. >> and multiple cars involved in an accident on -- near the richmond san raphael bridge. things are looking pretty good along the east shore freeway. >> on this friday morning plenty of low clouds around. a tropical storm. for us, a cooler pattern and i'll show you why coming up. you've been working like a dog if yall year.e me, but you don't need to camp out 'til labor day to reward yourself. mattress discounters labor day sale is on now! rest those tired bones on a queen size serta mattress and box spring set. right now, they're just $397. get 48 months interest-free financing on the entire tempur-pedic cloud collection. not to labor the point, but this sale won't last long. ♪ mattress discounters . look at this. powerful winds and rain blasting parts of hawaii right now. developing news where tropical storm iselle has made landfall. still ahead, steve paul son checking damage, and we'll bring you a live report from the hawaiian island on what it's been like to read this out until right now. friday morning, august 8th, i'm dave clark. >> and i'm tory campbell. weather and traffic, pretty busy keeping track of this situation in hawaii. >> that is true. not only that, but this is why i love twitter. somebody just posted wide shot of what i've just been showing. there's two types of those in the pacific, one hurricane and one tropical storm. it's very, very active. some of the mountain areas with a foot of rain. it moves over some of the higher elevations and come out on the kon asidea side to oahu. windward east of hilo, lead probably ten-inches already. we have a couple little lows coming in, and that's going to give us -- one of these is going right towards the bay area. it will sit there and enhance the fog and maybe tap into tropical moisture. couple thunderstorms late in the afternoon, fair up over the sierra. fog, sun, breezy, fog along the coast and it's not going anywhere. it's go to get helped along by that low coming in. >> all right, steve. thank you so much. happy friday, by the way. a couple accidents to talk about as we go to the maps right now. this is highway 4 at pittsburgh point bay area. there is an accident just happened on balfour road. again in the pittsburgh bay point area. besides that, traffic a along that route looking pretty good this morning. want to take you west to the richmond san raphael bridge. earlier chp tweeted there was a five are car accident one mile west of the richmond san raphael bridge. there's still a lot of traffic back up on the richmond san ratell fridge towards marin -- san raphael bridge. traffic looking good in the south bay and take a look at the toll plaza, stark difference than what we saw about 45 minutes ago. 15 minutes to get you across the bridge scan this morning. 801 time time, here dave801 time time. >> llyasova came on shoer iselle came on shore with 60-mile an hour wins. we've been tracking the damage so far. paul. >> reporter: the first of two storms impack the people of hawaii was a little weaker -- impacting the people of hawaii was a little bit weaker than expected but still caused headaches. things are getting pretty doused there. it's pretty heavy. you can see pretty nice -- pretty windy and good pictures are for you to look at, i should say. hawaii is not going to be delivered to some locations and as you can see, it's pretty dark and grainy. you can see the trees blowing in the wind. now, these are pictures we got from social media that show people in line. iselle was downgraded to a tropical storm overnight and had enough force to knock down trees and cause power outages for 24,000 people. the wind is reported about be about 60 miles an hour. the center of the tropical form has moved past the island and near the cona coast. the governor says the state is -- kona coast and says the state is prepared. >> do not drive if you absolutely do not have to. please. do not drive unless you absolutely have to, if there's some emergency that we can't respond to. we need to keep the roads as clear as we can. weather predicts they'll get five inches of line. and julio has been strengthened to a category 3 hurricane and predicted to pass north of the island sunday and monday. and here's the current status of local flights to hawaii. airlines from hawaii to san francisco was canceled. several flight delays of 45 minutes involving alaska and american airlines. there are also night delays this morning to hawaii from san jose manetta. people are traveling are advised to call their airline. we'll take you to a live report they're seeing there. live in the news room, ktvu. and we'll be posting information on line, facebook, and twitter. >> 804 time tile. :04. at treat boulevard and oak grove road, alex savage is out there right now and has been there 64:30. more on why the neighbors think it is so dangerous. >> reporter: some neighbors say speeding can be an issue and concord police say last night a motorcyclist was going way too fast when he ran a red light and slammed into a car that was coming in the opposite direction making a left-hand turn. this crash happened about 11:00 at the intersection of treat boulevard and oak grove. the know what who was riding that harley was thrown from his like. he's 29 years old and lives in concord. a 15-year-old woman was driving the -- 59-year-old woman was driving the car. investigators believe the motorcycle was traveling. and the victim who was riding with a friend. that friend decided to stop and not get hurt. this morning, this intersection of treat boulevard and ooh arc k grove road is open in all directions. live this morning, channel 2 news. >> this is the very same intersection two years ago a further and daughter were killed on bikes. a car was speeding when it jumped on to sidewalk and hit and kited a teenager and man. the bay area went who has repeatedly tried to sfeek on to planes was -- sneak on to planes was arrested again at an airport. >> we were keeping an eye out for her because where was she going to do and what was she going to do. will she go to a homeless shelt are shelter. >> they were on the look out for the 62-year-old expecting her to go back on her promise to stop try to snaek on to sneak on to an air lane. the police think she was scoping out security. >> i felt based upon the things she's done in the past and trying to circumvent stewart, she'd do it here. on wednesday, she was placed on probation after pleading no contest for sneaking through security and on to a plane at the airport and flying to lax. tory, demand is growing for a complete review of two san jose council members demanding a public hearing on two recent high profile breaches, and also a teenager, the one who climbed over a security sense and hid inside the wheel well of a a plane to flu to hawaii. >> i want to review the entire protocol, who's and what do we do with the investigation after its investigated. >> a city will approve that august 18th. congigzal found 25,000 security beaches -- at aurpts aurpts since 2001. >> the first public tour of the new stadium will start at 9 a.m. they show all the highlights including the team locker room. firms say this weekend's tours are sold out but there are plenty of other spots in august and tours will be offered year-round. tickets are $25 for senior citizens and residents of santa clara. go to and click under the hot top you cans. also helping today, the outside lance music festival returns. last minute preparations at golden gate park. organizers expect up to 200,000 people to attend the three-day event. muni has added several routes, and noise. that just comes with the territory. they're welcoming 80,000 and the a rock mutic festival, so it's not going to be quiet. >> it's not just about music; it's about celebrating san francisco and the bay area. >> as we first reported yesterday on a ktvu among news, security is the top priority. new fence suggest being put up and promotor ones -- fencing is being put up, and cameras were add the. the first band takes the stage at noon. and ever that a special event to honor on janice joplin. the first day for a condominiumtive stamp for the fing -- a kiem tive. and is filled with musicians and boundary it is playing as well as festival de-- as well as festival details all on the homepage. 8:11. the body of a young child found near seattle, washington. the answers police hope to get about who the child is and where they are focusing the vugz intlfrjts investigation. and on the san raphael bridge, we're taking a look at ohio four. we'll give you an update when we come -- highway 4. >> we'll talk about what's going on in the big island coming up. 0!ockñ?çóxo?ñ=çñññçvxqx?ñññ?óiy sure... hey canyou bet! this? that's our new interactive speaker wall. 'sup? thinks it's a speak-ing wall. this can even dim your lights. your 3-d-printed girlfriend will love that. real mature. there you go. a laser drone for cats. i wish i had lasers. i don't. pew pew pew... the new radioshack is finally here. the store of your past is now the store of your future. come see one of our remodeled stores and get a free portable power charger with a $15 purchase. evewith the highest levelde of engineering... design... safety... and performance. our latest creation is no different. with one exception... introducing the mercedes-benz b-class. it's electric! it's electric! the first electric vehicle from mercedes-benz. . 8:14. developing news on the back-to-back storms hitting hawaii. the first has made land fall in a flash flood warning remains in effect for the big island. some have received from nearly half a foot to nearly a foot of rain today. mike is live from waikiki on oahu where it is windy and no rain just yet. good morning, mike. >> and we've already heard reports of some 20,000 people on the big island also without power right now adding to that situation. and, yes, here off waikiki beach, you can see some of the trees here. wind has been intermittent. nothing really that strong and gusty. we've seen gusty winds. if you are familiar with the islands, nothing worse than that at this point in time we have seen some bouts of rain here, but really here far more calm and more of a place of refuge than the big island. take a look at some of the video from the big island. we've gotten report from damage to homes due to the storm surge before the tropical storm made land fall and moments ago i talked to a form arer san francisco resident who said hi -- former san francisco resident and said they are definitely bracing for what could be a day of flash flooding on the big island and on oahu, i talked to a tahoe resident, from ocean side, all of them wondering what is in store for when it comes here. as they said, it is not uncommon there's going to be a lot of rain and other times it's going to be clear and get a bunch of rain. so,el ra, kind of an uncertainty about what it will mean for this tourist spot -- so really, i understand of an uncertainty about what it will mean. the tahoe man arrived on the big island and decided to go hiking and late in the afternoon they decided to check into the hotel. they walked in, there was no one there. the front desk completely empty. the only thing that was there was a sign directing them to the local high school, which was serving as an emergency shelter and they could go to find a cot to sleep on. instead, he and his son high tailed to to the hilo airport and got to the last night to oahu before the airport shut down to all but emergency flights. so, he's now on oahu and says he's in safer refuge here and going to try and salvage his vacation. better to be here than what you're seeing on the big island, upwards of two to three inches an hour of rain in some spots being reported as this storm is making its way. live in waikiki for now, waikiki, back to you. >> and stay with ktv, for updated situations online at online as well as twitter and facebook. from south africa, a verdict in the murder trial of oscar pistorius now expected to be announced on september 11th. he's accused of killing his girlfriend after firing shots into his bathroom claiming she was an intruder. the lawyers wrapped up five months of testimony arguments. if you plan to drive-thru the tunnel this weekend, expect some delays. cal trans will be smoothing out the curves on bore number 2 headed east from oakland uses that bore. it will continue through noon time tomorrow. that tunnel bore will close again at 8:00 tomorrow night, and reopen sunday at noon. sunday night that are going to close it again. caltrans is hoping to clear it before monday morning. it may not be finished by monday morning, so caltrans may have to close it like they did. >> temporarily, hopefully. >> 8:18. it's great having that. let's check in and see how 24's moving with brian in for sale. >> agree with you. the 4th floor is exactly great to have. it's nice traveling. good morning, 8:18. want to go quickly to the maps. speaking of highway 24, looking great this morning. there's something blocking the road on the pleasant hill off way. reporting party doesn't know what it is but they want people to know about it m case you're exiting that area about it, case you're exiting the area. take a look at the traffic loop. very nicely pasted willow path bridge, and five cars involving chp. they were able to off that pretty quickly but you see a lot of the residual traffic. here's steep. steve. a lot of fog means cooler weekend. torrential rain as iselle moves on shore 2:30 a.m. hawaiian time. probably approaching a foot by now of rain. this is going to be a douse rain producer. there is no warning as far as a hurricane. just came across that are hurricane warning has been discontinued for the big island, but it did move ashore. 60 to 70-mile an hour winds moving west at 11. the win ward, easily 1012 ins of raven. julio showing every time of showing north. it looks like it's going to head to the north. that's the track that it's taking. the track f iselle was pretty good, so i have to believe for julio is the same. and one super typhoon genevieve. only the second to do that since 1950. hurricane john was the last. some of these can recurve. that is possible. they become extra tropical and some of that moisture can and across and there's julio. the last time this happened, october 2009, we had torrential rain. it can happen. this low is moving right towards us and it might tap into a tropical moisture on monday. 50s, 60s, 70s, 80s. couple very low 90s heave. a couple trends over the weekend bring those temperatures down. an extended increase in fog over the weekend. if you're going outside land, i would definitely bundle up a little bit. maybe more tropical showers or thundershowers. the bay area hiker missing for six days now. >> what he has with them in hopes he will be found alive. >> and what they say takes a tree so special. walked in to a mcdonald's and discovereden an extraordinary burger with heaps of jalapeños... ...for only two dollars. within minutes, they had also discovered the phenomenon of "economnomnomics" nomnom... nom? nom nom the jalapeño double, try it now for just $2 on mcdonald's dollar menu and more. it's economnomnomcial. ♪ nom...nom...nom... . 8:24. a north bay community is celebrating a victory after it helped save a rare albino redwood tree. they removed it so it could be replanted in a safer place. original, it was blocking rail tracks on senter away. it changed its mind after the community and arborists stepped into protect it. there are nine other trees like it. you have two sets of dna and a normal green and chloryphil producing dna. they're both living together on the same tree. >> the coast redwood has both green and white leaves, and you can see its rare features near the eat platform at the kutati smart station. the san jose police department still struggling to keep police officers from leaving the police force and now a 20-year police veteran says he's leaving and going to another setting. sergeant ripple says it came this week after the city didn't put two tax initiatives, one to fund public safety on the november ballot. measure b which is changed police benefits. ripple calls the worst pension system in california. >> we took this professional i police department as being one of the best in the nation and our leadership at the city has pretty much discounted that department i think the current employees are not at all effected by the pension reforms we've put in place. >> now there are just 900 police officers on the san jose forests and police officer's association blames the controversial 2012 plan for that staff shortage. the mayor says while he hates to see any officers go, hes he expects it since all city employees had to tack a 10% pay cut. leeland yi will go back to court on monday. senator yi but said little as he left a san francisco federal courthouse. the judge talked to the prosecution and defense lawyers on how to best died up this complex web of -- divide up this complex web of cases involving 29 defendants. before the cases can be split up, defense attorneys need to examine all the evidence seized by fbi agents. monday's are hearing will focus wire tap evidence. 8:27. discoraging no shows, a drastic step, some of high-end restaurant it is are taking keeping from canceling res are vacations at the last minute. >> health is on the way for hundreds of underprivileged kids in the south bay. we'll show you how the community has stepped up. >> a lot of fog over us. temperatures a little cooler over the weekend and maybe some tropical clouds, plus more on iselle on the big island. save hundreds on beautyrest and posturepedic.ay at sleep train, choose $300 in free gifts with tempur-pedic. even choose 48 months interest-free financing on the new tempur-choice. the triple choice sale ends sunday at sleep train. . good morning to you. welcome back. we're still following the developing news in hawaii. what a morning. trop colstorm iselle rolling through the islands -- tropical storm iselle rolling through the mountains. look at the wind pushing those trees. a lot of win falling right now. it's been this way for the past several hours even though the center is still over the big island as you can see on the right over that live radar. the good news is it's losing a lot of power and appears to be falling apart. steve has all that information. coming up in two minutes, we'll have new video as that storm made land fall just a couple hours ago. stay tuned for that. friday morning august 8th, i'm dave clark. steve, you may need a hawaiian vacation after working so hard. >> i'll wait a week or so. >> yes, iselle has come ashore near kahala, and tremendous amounts of rain falling there, upwards of a foot of rain for some of the winward slopes. some of the mountains, monol oshgs ashgsoaj and we'll see if it regenerates a little bit and south of maui. couple spins are on their way to california here and that's going to give us a little bit way of clouds and fog. there's definitely a westerly breeze possible in the sierra. mainly 80 through the interior, 60s and 70s coast and bay. traffic looking pretty good now at 8:32. taking a look at the maps, highway 237. just a few minutes ago, this incident cleared near great america parkway. parent three, there was a set of chains blocking the center lane. typical hot spots where the traffic is but overall, not too bad. going towards the toll plaza now, looking pretty good. about ten to a 15 minutes to get you across the pan. lanes moving nicely there. and traffic moving nicely as you approach concord. eight there. let's go back to the desk. developing news on those two big storms hitting hawaii this weekend, we just received pictures from our fox affiliate khon. look at these pictures. the forecasters predict tropical storm iselle and hurricane julio will become the two biggest storms to hit hawaii in almost a quarter century. right now the power's knocked out to more than 20,000 businesses and homes on the i'm going big island and parts of hilo and all public schools are closed. maui has tropical storm force winds, as well as heavy rain and oahu will be next, about mid-morning. and most government office there is closed. mail in many cases won't be delivered. 8:33. hundreds have left their homes for emergency shelters across hawaii. the state's emergency operation system advised people living in low lying areas to evacuate but no mandatory evacuations have been issued. hawaii primary is tomorrow. the voting hours can be adjusted in case of an emergency. as you would expect, the storms are messing up travel plans nationwide. we've talked to local airports. flights from sfo to honolulu are going ahead as scheduled but an american airlines night from hawaii to san francisco was canceled. oakland reports several flight delays of about 45 minutes involving alaska and american airlines and flight delays to san jose. and people traveling to the islands are advised to check their airlines. and regional air flights have been canceled today. we'll be posting updates on the situation online. check as well as facebook and twitter. all right, tory. a man from antioch who worked for the city of oakland is facing charges of assault involving a 43-year-old girl. the arraignment was postponed until next week. the charges he's facing include rain by force and possession of child pornography. he's accused of video taping some of the five encounters that occurred. he was a parks attendant assigned to lake side park but he also worked with crews around the city. prosecutors say he has previous drug and weapons convictions. later on today, police near seattle, they're expected to tell us more about the body of a child found in a wooded area not far from where a 6-year-old disappeared. authorities believe the body is of genece wright. she was last seen saturday night. her parents waited because they say her daughter wondered around their mobile home park before. >> i cried. it's sad. >> the community, or someone takes their guard down, something dispickable happens. an autopsy is expected to be performed today. stanford police are investigating a case of sexual battery near the university. officers say last night a woman reported that a man groped her near stanford avenue and ramundo way. the woman describes the man as white, in his mid-20s, 6'3" with a thing build, and short hair, a light beard wearing a light blue shirt with jeans and a tattoo with writing on his right arm and she was walking with a great pitt bull. anyone with information is asked to call police. a 8:36. children from the south bay, of low income families getting a kick to help the school year. we're live in san jose where children are getting ready to pick out new backpacks filled with supplies thanks to generous donations. >> this is the 12th year the sake ret heart community services is -- sacred heart community services is doing this pack a back drive. the volunteers are getting trained on what they're going to be doing. they're going to be taking these kids shopping here. look at all these donated backpacks. this look it is like a store and each bag will be filled with school supplies. now, all this can cost up to on $75 for just one kid. that's a full day's pay for a minimum wage worker. some of the patients camped out to make sure they got on the registration list. sacred heart was able to collect enough donations to supply 2,800 kids with backpacks. the charity wants give kids a leg up because they're at a disadvantage from families. the last thing they should be worried about is their school supplies. >> feel happy because you're getting new things in stead of broken things or don't work anymore. >> not having that would probably break my pocket which would takeaway from rent and food everything and else so it's very, very, very helpful. >> and check it out. this is what the kids are going to receive, backpacks, markaries, scissors, pencils -- markers, scissors. providing all this from kindergarten through 12th grade. i've been covering this to the past couple years. faces just light up. they're excited because it's a shopping experience for them. reporting live from ktvu. the launching a scholarship programs, on the eligible high school program, go to college, it's called the richmond promise. the city will use $35 million. chevron is giving the city for community investment to set up the program. class of 2016 is expected to be the first to benefit from the richmond promise. we have a back to school section on the web site,, including all the opening on days for schools and to get you in the right frame of mind, you can see some of our anchors and reporters. there's got to be a good one of tor-i campbell. y campbell. final touches on a mur am restoration project in -- i a mural restoration project. it features green hills and california poppies. it's beautiful. but the mural, it has been tagged several times. it now has cracks from over the careers. so for the last six months, kong knight has been out there working to restore the wall to its original beauty. >> it welcomes people into our downtown area of hayward, and it's special for me because i used to hang out in this town when i was a kid. so to have my work out here in this town and welcome to this town is a great honor. >> now, the past year, landscaping has also been added to that area to help beautify the area. and some of the top bay area restaurants, sha penet in berkeley requires 48 hours notice for cancelation or you could face a $25 fee. and that cost is on the low end. the restaurant tesan in san francisco charges a $248 penalty for people who mack a reservation and don't show up. and the french laundry requires guests to confirm reservations and you charged a hundred dollars for any cancellations. >> you really think twice about not showing up. 8:41. an unusual trespasser, how a colporate barely old enough to walk triggered a lockdown and delayed the national tv address. and the united states carried out an air strike against the muslim extremists group in iraq. the military says it was specifically targeting, we'll get a live report. . cooler patterns on tap for the weekend and maybe tropical clouds next week, and tropical storm iselle hitting the big island. sure... hey canyou bet! this? that's our new interactive speaker wall. 'sup? thinks it's a speak-ing wall. this can even dim your lights. your 3-d-printed girlfriend will love that. real mature. there you go. a laser drone for cats. i wish i had lasers. i don't. pew pew pew... the new radioshack is finally here. the store of your past is now the store of your future. come see one of our remodeled stores and get a free portable power charger with a $15 purchase. . . 8:45. the pentagon says two u.s. fighter jets dropped bombs in northern iraq today. the strikes targeted isis artillery near a city u.s. personnel are located. we're live with the washington targets and the aid sent to iraqis. the pentagon sent out statement it is saying those jet dropped 500-pound bombs on a piece of artillery near the city of verbeal where dozens of american military and diplomatic personnel are located, coming less than 12 hours after president obama approved them. it has forced tens of thousands of minority and ethnic homes. they've given an altematem, convert to islam or die. >> for anyone who needed a wake up call, this is it. >> we intend to stay vigilant and take action if these terrorists forces threaten our personnel or facilities anywhere in iraq, including our consulate in urbeal and baghdad. >> they're on the verge of being slaughtered by isis. at least 500 people have died. some of stuck on a mountain surrounded by isis. the u.s. has dropped in food and water and supplies to thousands who fled their homes. more targeted air strikes could be coming and we expect to learn more at the white house news conference scheduled an hour from now. i'lling watching live and have updates for you at noon. live in washington, kyle a campbell, ktvu channel 2 news. the president's announcement was delayed because of a security breach. the white house was temporarily lacked down. a toddler managed to squeeze himself between the bars and made himself on to a lawn. he joked agents were going to have to wait until the boy learned to talk before questioning him. the toddler was reunited with his parents. 8:47. some of the top stories we're following. tropical storm iselle knocked out power to more than 20,000 homes. they're under a flash flood watch. the 9 a.m. united flight ought of sfo to honolulu is delayed 55 minutes. hurricane julio passes north of hawaii late sunday or early monday. police in concord investigating a deadly crash that killed a motorcyclist. it happened at the intersection of treat boulevard and oak grove road. police say the motorcyclist ran a red light and hit a car head on. and search and rescue crews are looking for the missing hiker. >> he went missing in the shasta trinity national forest. search teams say that's remote and rugged, steep, and slippery. they are looking for steve morris from windsor last seen on saturday. they're hopeful because he's a very experienced backpacker and that he does have food and water with him. this is also a trip he has made several times with his church group out of santa rosa. >> it really gave me a lot of assurance that if they need to be found, they'll find him. i suspect he's on the move and that's why they're having a tough time finding him. another one of his friends says he stopped to take a pictures and morris kept going but that he never made it back to camp. the area's so rugged and remote, search teams are being lowered in by helicopter. they're holding daily vigils for his concern. he and his wife are both marriage and family therapists. they do have a teenage daughter. tory and dave. checking in with brian on the commute, and how are things move something. >> things are finally moving -- moving? >> things are finally moving great. outside's happening, as well. be prepared this weekend, they are expecting a delay in service. and if you like filipino food, i bring that up because there might be delays. eurbo buane gardens. head out there if you can. >> and 280, san jose really quickly. this commute looking really good this morning. no problems in the south bay to speak of. 880 near the colosseum, in both directions. past the colosseum and the bay bridge looking good, as well. no problems on the incline. a little bit of a delay there. no problems we can speak of. 850 time time. happy friday. couple people tweeted me they don't have anything to talk about today. boy, do i. there's a lot going on. maybe monday could be very interesting here for severe weather or activity thunderstorm potential in northern california as another low moves in. iselle is giving copious amounts of rain, power outages, monolea, and are four to five inches per hour. they'll be some areas that keep up a foot, lost definition of the eye of kahala i believe it was, south of hilo. 60-mile an hour winds moving west at 11. already on -- i think it's makapu point in oahu, surf is up to 12 feet. things are building and oahu and wind ward east of hill lower picking up a lot of rain. julio's expected to go north unless something changes. the tracks have been very, very good here. iselle did exactly what we thought, and the path for julio would take it well to the north. let hope so. they'll be an increase in surf. typhoon, same thing as a hurricane, moving into southern japan. super typhoon genevieve, is category 5, but it's just -- it's out in the pacific and high school joe, as well -- and julio, as well. and pretty good potentialti for monday, and northern california. sierras, as well. 80s on some of the temps. more of a westerly breeze, 60s and 70s. no doubt about it. lows are running a little bit cooler this morning. if you're going to outside lands, i would bundle up. that fog will be coming in pretty fast tonight. cooler into the weekend and maybe some thunderstorms over the area at least north of us on monday. >> all right. time is 8:52. >> you may find them creeping. you can look. >> but look most people think they're just monsters and they're just guys out there, you know, trying to get lucky. >> yeah, he's not creepy, but that is. where tarantulas are crawling out into the bay area and why this year's different. at exploring see they're called winglets. at the end of the wings? winglets may not look like a big deal, but those little do-hickeys save about 54 million gallons of fuel a year. you know what that means? $73 airfares. thank you, little do-hickeys. for a limited time only, southwest airlines is offering flights starting as low as $73 one way to select destinations. if it matters to you, it matters to us. book now online, only at 'til labor day you doto reward yourself.t get a queen size serta mattress and box spring set for just $397. not to labor the point, but this sale won't last long. ♪ mattress discounters . 8:55. airport officials are hoping a pair of automated passport stations will reduce wait times going through customs. officials are to provide a global entry kiosk this morning. the automatic the checkpoints available scan a passport and finger tip. the system is intended to help frequent international travelers but there's no minimum number of trips required in order to qualify for the program. travelers though must be preapprovaled to be able to use the system -- pre ashgsapproved. delta is in the top spot for overall performance, but improvements in on time arrivals, fewer canceled flights and better customer service boost today to the flight. virgin america ranks second. alaska airlines is 3rd. southwest, air tran, u.s. airways, american and united are at the bottom. all right. 8:56. earlier than usual, every year, male tarantulas like this one leave their dens and go outlook for example their mates. usually this happens in september or october. the head of the mount diablo interpretive association said there may be several reasons why we're seeing tarantulas this year. >> it could be it's called off after a good long hot spell, everything's been stressed. who knows. they're definitely out. >> and the tarantulas march would lasted a few months. if you do come across one, leave it alone. >> yeah, just stay away. >> resist the temptation to pick it up. >> let's quickly go to brian. hopefully he's gotten through watching the tarantulas cross the road. >> i'm going to leave it alone. toll plaza, traffic looking great as you entry there. there was a hit and run crash on the span, but that doesn't appear to be effecting traffic. >> cooler weekend, a lot more fog and possibility of severe weather. sierra, nevada and northern california is looking for ominous for monday. tropical again. >> and be sure to join ktvu channel 2's news at noon. we'll have the latest on the tropical storm barreling down on hawaii. we're always here for you. have a great day. really important to us. you can just get on the plane and relax. i love to travel, no foreign transaction fees means real savings. we can go to any country and spend money the way we would in the u.s. when i spend money on this card i can see brazil in my future. for a limited time, earn 50,000 bonus miles. offer ends september 2nd. ♪ hello, everybody, i'm beth troutman, great videos coming your rig right this minute. speed bumps are not slowing this isn't down, but when he comes to a stop -- >> the passenger just, like, i'm running. >> what happens when the driver decides that is not a bad idea. an injured driver rescued after -- >> drove the car after the pier. >> see the brave fisherman who kept him afloat. it's the shark week kickoff starting with the chase of an

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