Transcripts For KTVU KTVU Fox 2 News At 6pm 20151209 : compa

Transcripts For KTVU KTVU Fox 2 News At 6pm 20151209

a special place in mission bay. we don't have that now. >> reporter: with the warriors close to the buzzer, they're ready for the board to vote but they've already called the game. >> we have widespread support from the community and we're going to win. >> reporter: again, still no vote this hour, but if it is rejected, if this appeal is rejected, the warriors can break ground next month. the only thing that would stop that is if the opponents from the mission bay alliance decided to sue. it would likely push off the breaking ground till 2016 but already the team is looking forward to having the stadium built for the 2018-19 basketball season. >> are they getting close to a vote or are there a lot of people who want to talk? >> there are a lot of people in line waiting to voice their support, but they've already heard from the opponents of this arena and they've asked a lot of questions from the experts who drafted the environmental impact report so we should be nearing the end of this meeting soon but there is a line of supporters waiting to speak. >> obviously more on the results coming up on the 10:00 news. new at 6:00, there is late word tonight from the san francisco sheriff's department that a controversial deputy has been fired. a memo september out today from the sheriffs administrative department said deputy douglas jones is no longer employed by the department effective immediately. jones was the subject of a ktvu investigation after we learned he was the target of an internal affairs investigation in to the beating of an inmate at county jail. jones had successfully fought a dismissal before and was accused of inappropriate sexual behavior in addition to other charges of using excessive force. three correctional officers in santa clara county accused of beating an inmate to death pleaded not guilty today. matthew ferris, jarrett lubrin and rafael rodriguez are charged with the murder of michael tyree. tyree was found dead in his cell last august. the three officers are free on bail. the judge scheduled a preliminary hearing for february 29th. researchers and police met at stanford university today. they were discussing how to use information collected by body cameras worn by officers. oakland police chief took time out from the discussions to meet with the media. he said wearing a body camera has effects on the police and the public. >> it actually has sort of a pacifying effect on both ends of the camera. police officererize going to behave better. -- police officers are going to behave better. also citizens interacting with police, they know they're being recorded. that causes them to behave better. >> the chief said recordings are more than a tool to keep officers accountable. he said they can be used to know if officers need extra training. a new plan to offer ongoing help for the youngest victims of sex trafficking. christien kafton tells us it would start by giving them a place to live after they've been rescued. >> reporter: many come to church looking for peace and the catholic church in oakland is looking to open its doors to the victims of human trafficking. the bishop says it's easy to see girls forced in to sex work on the streets of oakland. >> many of my pastors from parishes we have in those districts came to me asking bishop, the girls are knocking on the door asking for help. what can we do to help them? >> reporter: catholic charities is teaming up with district attorney nancy o'malley's office to provide housing for victims of human sex trafficking. the housing is vital for girls. currently the only options are juvenile detention, foster care, or to the home they've often run away from. >> their option of running away and going in to a strange city and standing on the street and being controlled by a trafficker is a better option than their own house where they were raised. >> reporter: organizers say they know there are boys victimized as well as adult women but say this housing will primarily be set aside for underage girls. organizers say they're still looking for a location which will be kept secret to protect the girls from sex trafficers. >> it could be a vacant building dormitory style. it could be an unused convent. it could be an available apartment building. >> organizers of the program are hoping to get the housing opened up and accepting girls by the end of 2016. christien kafton, ktvu fox 2 news. a prayer vigil is being held at this hour in milpitas for the victims of the massacre in san bernardino. a muslim group in silicon valley organized it. members say they want people to know that islam repudiates violence and bloodshed and they say the quran teaches killing an innocent person is like the destruction of mankind. in southern california investigators are following the money trail to see how the shooters got a substantial amount of cash. syed farook and tashfeen malik had $25,5 00 deposited in to their account november 18th. two days later farook withdrew $10,000. investigators want to know if that money was used to pay farook's childhood friend for two assault rifles. the couple used those weapons during trarth practice at a shooting range. >> americans look different. they vary in size, shape, color, ethnicity. you can't tell what someone is planning or preparing to do prior to them doing it. >> the fbi says it appears the couple had been radicalized for some time but when and how remains the question. the house voted overwhelmingly to tighten controls on travel to the united states. the measure would require visas for anyone who has been in syria, iraq, or iran since 2011 or any country that is considered a terrorist hot spot. it's estimated some 5,000 people have western passports and have gone through those countries. typically they would not be required to have visas. the white house is in favor of the measure. more fallout tonight from donald trump's controversial proposal to ban all muslims from entering the united states. >> donald j. trump is calling for a total and complete shutdown of muslims entering the united states until our country's representatives can figure out what the hell is going on. >> some top republicans on capitol hill banded together today to condemn trump. >> what was proposed yesterday is not what this party stands for and more importantly, it's not what this country stands for. not only are there many muslims serving in our armed forces dying for this country, there are muslims serving right here in the house working every day to uphold and defend the constitution. >> other republicans have also blasted trump's comments. jeb bush said trump had become, quote, unhinged, and senator lindsey graham called trump a, quote, race baiting, xenophonic bigot. many are comparing it to the internment of japanese americans during world war ii. >> rob roth talked with a bay area woman whose family stood up against those camps and racial injustice. >> reporter: when karen korematsuhears the talk of banning muslims from the united states, she knows how her father would feel. >> he'd be totally disgusted that we haven't learned our lessons from history. >> reporter: after the japanese bombed world harbor, fred korematsu defied the order that all japanese americans on the west coast be removed from their homes and be relocated in to internment camps. korematsu was arrested for his defiance and spent much of the rest of his life fighting for what he called an injustice. decades later korematsu received the french medal of freedom for his courageous stand. >> what we didn't learn from 1942, from president roosevelt's executive order is that we cannot racially profile and assume that everyone is guilty just because they're associated with one religion or one ethnic group. >> reporter: but korematsu fears the country's painful past could be repeated, that the fear and paranoia of people of japanese descent are being played out 70 years later against muslims. >> it's very scary. it's like this is 1942 all over again. >> reporter: she now runs a nonprofit organization run by her father and dedicated to educating people about injustice. she says now more than ever, educating people about past mistakes is vital. >> so that when people are making these statements that are totally going against all principles of being an american that we all need to speak up. >> reporter: in san francisco, rob roth, ktvu fox 2 news. it appears yahoo will abandon its plan to have a steak in the company alibaba. the yahoo board is now considering the sale of its core businesses including its search engine and e-mail services. it's not clear how this new plan would affect the more than 12,000 yahoo employees. snapchat is back online after an outage that started late last night in europe and spread to the united states. the image messaging company tweeted at 1:00 this afternoon that people experiencing loading issues should now be able to use the app. there are reports some users are still experiencing problems though. the l.a. times says google's app engine may be to blame. the founder of the north-based out fitters company has died. doug tompkins died after capsizing on a kayak. he was suffering from severe hypothermia with a body temperature of only 72 degrees and died while trying to be revived. the company's website says he started the north face in san francisco in the 1960s, then went on to help create esfree clothing. he was 72 years old. this is a critical step for securing the future of our school district. >> up next, providing affordable housing for teachers right in the heart of silicon valley. >> one city's new campaign to get people to drink more water. why officials say these fountains will help you make healthier choices. >> get the umbrellas handy. we've got rain coming up in the next 48 hours. life... is unpredictable. life is deaths. and births. sickness and health. love and heartbreak. and covered california is there for it all. not just to help keep you well. but to make sure the cost of being unwell doesn't ruin this whole life thing. because it's more than just health care. it's life care. who patiently teaches how ta feast comes to life. the "family" ...who spends their holiday dinner with thankful strangers. the neighbor...who shares the season with another. you inspire us to do everything we do... ...for goodness' sake. three suspects are under arrest after authorities say they were caught burglarizing a home in los altos hills. an alert resident saw something suspicious at a neighbor's home and called 911. deputies arrived, spotted the suspects, then chased them. the three were caught a short time later near interstate 280 and page mill road. investigators say there may be another suspect who is still out there on the loose. new at 6:00, a school district planning to provide affordable housing for teachers in the heart of silicon valley. the cupertino union school district says it's how they hope to stop a shortage of teachers due to the high cost of living in the area. azenith smith with more on the plan. >> reporter: dave is a teacher and the last 29 years with the cupertino school district, he's seen fellow teachers leave because they can't afford housing. >> i'm renting and i can't afford to live in this area. when i retire i'll be moving out to affordable housing. >> reporter: the school district announced a project to take the 10-acre plot of land in santa clara and build 200 one to three-bedroom housing units for educators at below market rent. the property is being leased to several private schools. >> there are fewer teachers coming out of our universities and we know since the recession has ended and the economy is on an uptick, we are now fighting with the private sector for support staff. >> reporter: according to the california teachers association in santa clara county, the median price of a home is $970,000. the median monthly rent, $2700. it doesn't help tech companies like the new apple spaceship campus are fueling housing costs. the district plan not to use any taxpayer money but to work with the developers to finance it, similar to what the school district did by renting out this apartment complex to teachers. as for dave, he says this needs to happen as he worries about new teachers who want to raise a family as well as seasoned teachers. >> when you lose seasoned teachers and teachers who have been here five to 10 years who got the ropes down, you're losing experience. >> the school district hopes to have a developer by next year. they hope to have the housing project completed by the academic school year 2018-19. azenith smith, ktvu fox 2 news. san francisco water managers opened another free water tap station today for thirsty people in the city. the water fountain near the corner of 3rd and clement streets is the 63rd station of its kind opened since 2010. the idea is to discourage people from drinking sugary drinks and buying single-use plastic water bottles. >> what a great idea. >> to put them all around. easy. let's bring in our chief meteorologist now because we've got rain on the way. >> rain on the way, umbrellas will be needed. commutes will be a little messy. not tomorrow though. thursday it starts raining and snowing in the mountains. winter storm warning will go in to effect there. getting the cycle on with weather. there's the bay bridge. cloudy out there. mostly thraed throughout the bay area. a lot of cloud cover. those clouds continue to stream in tomorrow. tomorrow ends up being a mostly cloudy day. look for temperatures in the upper 50s and low 60s. rain falling north of the area. see it around vancouver, portland. i mentioned earlier, portland had flooding issues the last couple days and they're continuing to get heavy rain so they've been getting rain not just in inches but in feet. we will get rain in inches but over a bunch of days in a row, over the next maybe three weeks we should see a little bit of rain each week. mostly cloudy out there right now. current temperatures in the 50s. this next system a little bit warmer. a little bit more rain. last couple have been pretty cold storms so accumulations have been .01 of an inch. pretty light. this next system pretty chilly with a good moisture stream so we're going to get in to some rain and wind as we head in to the bay area thursday morning through the day. it will start late friday night in to thursday morning. here we are tomorrow morning and here we are tomorrow night. you saw sprinkles move through. there might be a few sprinkles, something like that. not a game change tomorrow but roads might slicken up a little bit. deal comes in overnight. thursday morning, 4 a.m., it's raining. so that primes your morning commute thursday. morning commute thursday will be dicy for sure. thursday at 8 a.m., still in the morning commute. then get a little break around lunchtime. more showers kind of want to come in after 5:00 and you'll see that here. that's the thursday storm that lingers a little bit in to friday morning. then we get a couple days break and something lit up toward the end of the weekend. forecast highs tomorrow, warm storm. despite the cloud cover you're still going to see low and perhaps mid 60s. temperatures mild because it's a mild storm. as we head in to thursday, that's your wet day. afternoon commute will be wet too. friday morning commute, ground will be wet but that shouldn't be a big deal. then we get in to it again on sunday. 5-day forecast, smiling. nice to have the rain on the way because for so long we didn't. >> it will be nice to have it. an east bay company is giving back to the community with a generous donation of bicycles. morgan stanley welt -- wealth management employees put together the bikes. they'll be given away through the toys for tots program in the next few weeks. >> our goal is really to put young kids who don't have the opportunity otherwise on bikes to get them hate, keep them exercising and give them a love for the outdoors. >> this is the 11th year of the bike giveaway and so far morgan stanley has provided more than 2500 bikes to kids who need a hand around the bay area. the warriors, they're in indiana tonight trying to keep that winning streak alive. mark is coming up to tell us how they did. >> want to check in with keba with a look at what we're working on for ktvu fox 2 news at 7:00. >> a deadly attack near a popular east bay hiking trail. the questions that surround the grim discovery in the east bay. a sacramento area veteran and purple heart recipient got a special thank you today for his service. jonathan allen served in afghanistan for five years before he was severely injured and had to retire. today he was presented for keys to a home of his own totally mortgage-free. look at the smile on his face. wells fargo and the military warriors support foundation teamed up to make allen's dream of homeownership come true. allen is going to share his home with his girlfriend. >> merry christmas for them. mark is here now. some drama. the warriors game not over yet and it's a nail-biter. >> they do lead by 8 points with 17 seconds left but they were up by 28 heading to the 4th quarter. they put in all the reserves. the reserves played terribly. let indiana back in to the game and the warriors settled it down. but it was klay thompson sustaining a sprained ankle. broke the piggy bank to see this game in indiana. larry bird, the hall of famer, and indiana native on hand to see it. the warriors don't disappoint early as they go on a big run. andre iguodala, watch him go behind the back and the soft slam and they're on the move. at one point they outscore the pacers 22-0 and you know who adds a little something to it. steph curry nails the 3 and the warriors all out hustle, defense, and as i said, hustle. watch andrew bogut go to the floor to push it ahead and it is klay thompson putting it away. he had 29 points in the 1st half alone. he hit eight 3s. but later did sustain an injury. we don't know how serious as of yet. curry sets it up again for andrew bogut to celt -- set the pace of the 2nd half. warriors are leading 131-123. if they win the game they would tie the miami heat for the second longest win streak in nba history and that would be 27 straight games. meantime, the baseball winter meetings continue. the giants looking to get in the fray. how about johnny cueto added to the pitching staff. they've already signed jeff samardzija. johnny cueto is a rumored recipient of major giant dough. we'll see if that happens. general manager bobby evans addressed that topic earlier today. >> it takes us out of that market. given the needs we have to address all of the needs that would probably challenge us if we went that direction. it's hard to comment on the free agent market without being compromising to either party so i think it's just best to say hey, we try to have as many as options as we can. >> giants general manager saying a lot without saying anything. [ laughter ] there's some options but it is the final, the warriors win it 131-123. full highlights tonight. >> incredible. thank you for joining us. we'll see you later. >> goodnight. how come we don't have the same number of containers and lids? why would they ever get separated? built-up resentment, money issues, met a younger lid. huh? mm-hmm. mom, where's my science homework? uh, it's over there on the table. so, alex, honey, what's going on? - anything exciting? - no. - any boys? - no. i'm feeling a little bit disconnected from alex right now. last week, i picked up her cellphone thinking it was mine, and i accidentally read a few flirty text messages that were probably from a boy in her class, which is fine. or they're from a drifter. come on, isn't there something you want to share with your mommers? yeah. don't call yourself "mommers." he blew his lid when she tried to contain him.

Related Keywords

Miami , Florida , United States , Japan , Oakland , California , Iran , Afghanistan , Vancouver , British Columbia , Canada , Stanford University , Santa Clara County , Indiana , San Bernardino , San Francisco , Alibaba , Lorestan , Iraq , Milpitas , Sacramento , Mission Bay , France , Americans , French , Japanese , American , Rafael Rodriguez , Jeff Samardzija , Bobby Evans , Doug Tompkins , Lindsey Graham , Jonathan Allen , Douglas Jones , Johnny Cueto , Santa Clara , Matthew Ferris , Klay Thompson , Jeb Bush , Michael Tyree ,

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Transcripts For KTVU KTVU Fox 2 News At 6pm 20151209 :

Transcripts For KTVU KTVU Fox 2 News At 6pm 20151209

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a special place in mission bay. we don't have that now. >> reporter: with the warriors close to the buzzer, they're ready for the board to vote but they've already called the game. >> we have widespread support from the community and we're going to win. >> reporter: again, still no vote this hour, but if it is rejected, if this appeal is rejected, the warriors can break ground next month. the only thing that would stop that is if the opponents from the mission bay alliance decided to sue. it would likely push off the breaking ground till 2016 but already the team is looking forward to having the stadium built for the 2018-19 basketball season. >> are they getting close to a vote or are there a lot of people who want to talk? >> there are a lot of people in line waiting to voice their support, but they've already heard from the opponents of this arena and they've asked a lot of questions from the experts who drafted the environmental impact report so we should be nearing the end of this meeting soon but there is a line of supporters waiting to speak. >> obviously more on the results coming up on the 10:00 news. new at 6:00, there is late word tonight from the san francisco sheriff's department that a controversial deputy has been fired. a memo september out today from the sheriffs administrative department said deputy douglas jones is no longer employed by the department effective immediately. jones was the subject of a ktvu investigation after we learned he was the target of an internal affairs investigation in to the beating of an inmate at county jail. jones had successfully fought a dismissal before and was accused of inappropriate sexual behavior in addition to other charges of using excessive force. three correctional officers in santa clara county accused of beating an inmate to death pleaded not guilty today. matthew ferris, jarrett lubrin and rafael rodriguez are charged with the murder of michael tyree. tyree was found dead in his cell last august. the three officers are free on bail. the judge scheduled a preliminary hearing for february 29th. researchers and police met at stanford university today. they were discussing how to use information collected by body cameras worn by officers. oakland police chief took time out from the discussions to meet with the media. he said wearing a body camera has effects on the police and the public. >> it actually has sort of a pacifying effect on both ends of the camera. police officererize going to behave better. -- police officers are going to behave better. also citizens interacting with police, they know they're being recorded. that causes them to behave better. >> the chief said recordings are more than a tool to keep officers accountable. he said they can be used to know if officers need extra training. a new plan to offer ongoing help for the youngest victims of sex trafficking. christien kafton tells us it would start by giving them a place to live after they've been rescued. >> reporter: many come to church looking for peace and the catholic church in oakland is looking to open its doors to the victims of human trafficking. the bishop says it's easy to see girls forced in to sex work on the streets of oakland. >> many of my pastors from parishes we have in those districts came to me asking bishop, the girls are knocking on the door asking for help. what can we do to help them? >> reporter: catholic charities is teaming up with district attorney nancy o'malley's office to provide housing for victims of human sex trafficking. the housing is vital for girls. currently the only options are juvenile detention, foster care, or to the home they've often run away from. >> their option of running away and going in to a strange city and standing on the street and being controlled by a trafficker is a better option than their own house where they were raised. >> reporter: organizers say they know there are boys victimized as well as adult women but say this housing will primarily be set aside for underage girls. organizers say they're still looking for a location which will be kept secret to protect the girls from sex trafficers. >> it could be a vacant building dormitory style. it could be an unused convent. it could be an available apartment building. >> organizers of the program are hoping to get the housing opened up and accepting girls by the end of 2016. christien kafton, ktvu fox 2 news. a prayer vigil is being held at this hour in milpitas for the victims of the massacre in san bernardino. a muslim group in silicon valley organized it. members say they want people to know that islam repudiates violence and bloodshed and they say the quran teaches killing an innocent person is like the destruction of mankind. in southern california investigators are following the money trail to see how the shooters got a substantial amount of cash. syed farook and tashfeen malik had $25,5 00 deposited in to their account november 18th. two days later farook withdrew $10,000. investigators want to know if that money was used to pay farook's childhood friend for two assault rifles. the couple used those weapons during trarth practice at a shooting range. >> americans look different. they vary in size, shape, color, ethnicity. you can't tell what someone is planning or preparing to do prior to them doing it. >> the fbi says it appears the couple had been radicalized for some time but when and how remains the question. the house voted overwhelmingly to tighten controls on travel to the united states. the measure would require visas for anyone who has been in syria, iraq, or iran since 2011 or any country that is considered a terrorist hot spot. it's estimated some 5,000 people have western passports and have gone through those countries. typically they would not be required to have visas. the white house is in favor of the measure. more fallout tonight from donald trump's controversial proposal to ban all muslims from entering the united states. >> donald j. trump is calling for a total and complete shutdown of muslims entering the united states until our country's representatives can figure out what the hell is going on. >> some top republicans on capitol hill banded together today to condemn trump. >> what was proposed yesterday is not what this party stands for and more importantly, it's not what this country stands for. not only are there many muslims serving in our armed forces dying for this country, there are muslims serving right here in the house working every day to uphold and defend the constitution. >> other republicans have also blasted trump's comments. jeb bush said trump had become, quote, unhinged, and senator lindsey graham called trump a, quote, race baiting, xenophonic bigot. many are comparing it to the internment of japanese americans during world war ii. >> rob roth talked with a bay area woman whose family stood up against those camps and racial injustice. >> reporter: when karen korematsuhears the talk of banning muslims from the united states, she knows how her father would feel. >> he'd be totally disgusted that we haven't learned our lessons from history. >> reporter: after the japanese bombed world harbor, fred korematsu defied the order that all japanese americans on the west coast be removed from their homes and be relocated in to internment camps. korematsu was arrested for his defiance and spent much of the rest of his life fighting for what he called an injustice. decades later korematsu received the french medal of freedom for his courageous stand. >> what we didn't learn from 1942, from president roosevelt's executive order is that we cannot racially profile and assume that everyone is guilty just because they're associated with one religion or one ethnic group. >> reporter: but korematsu fears the country's painful past could be repeated, that the fear and paranoia of people of japanese descent are being played out 70 years later against muslims. >> it's very scary. it's like this is 1942 all over again. >> reporter: she now runs a nonprofit organization run by her father and dedicated to educating people about injustice. she says now more than ever, educating people about past mistakes is vital. >> so that when people are making these statements that are totally going against all principles of being an american that we all need to speak up. >> reporter: in san francisco, rob roth, ktvu fox 2 news. it appears yahoo will abandon its plan to have a steak in the company alibaba. the yahoo board is now considering the sale of its core businesses including its search engine and e-mail services. it's not clear how this new plan would affect the more than 12,000 yahoo employees. snapchat is back online after an outage that started late last night in europe and spread to the united states. the image messaging company tweeted at 1:00 this afternoon that people experiencing loading issues should now be able to use the app. there are reports some users are still experiencing problems though. the l.a. times says google's app engine may be to blame. the founder of the north-based out fitters company has died. doug tompkins died after capsizing on a kayak. he was suffering from severe hypothermia with a body temperature of only 72 degrees and died while trying to be revived. the company's website says he started the north face in san francisco in the 1960s, then went on to help create esfree clothing. he was 72 years old. this is a critical step for securing the future of our school district. >> up next, providing affordable housing for teachers right in the heart of silicon valley. >> one city's new campaign to get people to drink more water. why officials say these fountains will help you make healthier choices. >> get the umbrellas handy. we've got rain coming up in the next 48 hours. life... is unpredictable. life is deaths. and births. sickness and health. love and heartbreak. and covered california is there for it all. not just to help keep you well. but to make sure the cost of being unwell doesn't ruin this whole life thing. because it's more than just health care. it's life care. who patiently teaches how ta feast comes to life. the "family" ...who spends their holiday dinner with thankful strangers. the neighbor...who shares the season with another. you inspire us to do everything we do... ...for goodness' sake. three suspects are under arrest after authorities say they were caught burglarizing a home in los altos hills. an alert resident saw something suspicious at a neighbor's home and called 911. deputies arrived, spotted the suspects, then chased them. the three were caught a short time later near interstate 280 and page mill road. investigators say there may be another suspect who is still out there on the loose. new at 6:00, a school district planning to provide affordable housing for teachers in the heart of silicon valley. the cupertino union school district says it's how they hope to stop a shortage of teachers due to the high cost of living in the area. azenith smith with more on the plan. >> reporter: dave is a teacher and the last 29 years with the cupertino school district, he's seen fellow teachers leave because they can't afford housing. >> i'm renting and i can't afford to live in this area. when i retire i'll be moving out to affordable housing. >> reporter: the school district announced a project to take the 10-acre plot of land in santa clara and build 200 one to three-bedroom housing units for educators at below market rent. the property is being leased to several private schools. >> there are fewer teachers coming out of our universities and we know since the recession has ended and the economy is on an uptick, we are now fighting with the private sector for support staff. >> reporter: according to the california teachers association in santa clara county, the median price of a home is $970,000. the median monthly rent, $2700. it doesn't help tech companies like the new apple spaceship campus are fueling housing costs. the district plan not to use any taxpayer money but to work with the developers to finance it, similar to what the school district did by renting out this apartment complex to teachers. as for dave, he says this needs to happen as he worries about new teachers who want to raise a family as well as seasoned teachers. >> when you lose seasoned teachers and teachers who have been here five to 10 years who got the ropes down, you're losing experience. >> the school district hopes to have a developer by next year. they hope to have the housing project completed by the academic school year 2018-19. azenith smith, ktvu fox 2 news. san francisco water managers opened another free water tap station today for thirsty people in the city. the water fountain near the corner of 3rd and clement streets is the 63rd station of its kind opened since 2010. the idea is to discourage people from drinking sugary drinks and buying single-use plastic water bottles. >> what a great idea. >> to put them all around. easy. let's bring in our chief meteorologist now because we've got rain on the way. >> rain on the way, umbrellas will be needed. commutes will be a little messy. not tomorrow though. thursday it starts raining and snowing in the mountains. winter storm warning will go in to effect there. getting the cycle on with weather. there's the bay bridge. cloudy out there. mostly thraed throughout the bay area. a lot of cloud cover. those clouds continue to stream in tomorrow. tomorrow ends up being a mostly cloudy day. look for temperatures in the upper 50s and low 60s. rain falling north of the area. see it around vancouver, portland. i mentioned earlier, portland had flooding issues the last couple days and they're continuing to get heavy rain so they've been getting rain not just in inches but in feet. we will get rain in inches but over a bunch of days in a row, over the next maybe three weeks we should see a little bit of rain each week. mostly cloudy out there right now. current temperatures in the 50s. this next system a little bit warmer. a little bit more rain. last couple have been pretty cold storms so accumulations have been .01 of an inch. pretty light. this next system pretty chilly with a good moisture stream so we're going to get in to some rain and wind as we head in to the bay area thursday morning through the day. it will start late friday night in to thursday morning. here we are tomorrow morning and here we are tomorrow night. you saw sprinkles move through. there might be a few sprinkles, something like that. not a game change tomorrow but roads might slicken up a little bit. deal comes in overnight. thursday morning, 4 a.m., it's raining. so that primes your morning commute thursday. morning commute thursday will be dicy for sure. thursday at 8 a.m., still in the morning commute. then get a little break around lunchtime. more showers kind of want to come in after 5:00 and you'll see that here. that's the thursday storm that lingers a little bit in to friday morning. then we get a couple days break and something lit up toward the end of the weekend. forecast highs tomorrow, warm storm. despite the cloud cover you're still going to see low and perhaps mid 60s. temperatures mild because it's a mild storm. as we head in to thursday, that's your wet day. afternoon commute will be wet too. friday morning commute, ground will be wet but that shouldn't be a big deal. then we get in to it again on sunday. 5-day forecast, smiling. nice to have the rain on the way because for so long we didn't. >> it will be nice to have it. an east bay company is giving back to the community with a generous donation of bicycles. morgan stanley welt -- wealth management employees put together the bikes. they'll be given away through the toys for tots program in the next few weeks. >> our goal is really to put young kids who don't have the opportunity otherwise on bikes to get them hate, keep them exercising and give them a love for the outdoors. >> this is the 11th year of the bike giveaway and so far morgan stanley has provided more than 2500 bikes to kids who need a hand around the bay area. the warriors, they're in indiana tonight trying to keep that winning streak alive. mark is coming up to tell us how they did. >> want to check in with keba with a look at what we're working on for ktvu fox 2 news at 7:00. >> a deadly attack near a popular east bay hiking trail. the questions that surround the grim discovery in the east bay. a sacramento area veteran and purple heart recipient got a special thank you today for his service. jonathan allen served in afghanistan for five years before he was severely injured and had to retire. today he was presented for keys to a home of his own totally mortgage-free. look at the smile on his face. wells fargo and the military warriors support foundation teamed up to make allen's dream of homeownership come true. allen is going to share his home with his girlfriend. >> merry christmas for them. mark is here now. some drama. the warriors game not over yet and it's a nail-biter. >> they do lead by 8 points with 17 seconds left but they were up by 28 heading to the 4th quarter. they put in all the reserves. the reserves played terribly. let indiana back in to the game and the warriors settled it down. but it was klay thompson sustaining a sprained ankle. broke the piggy bank to see this game in indiana. larry bird, the hall of famer, and indiana native on hand to see it. the warriors don't disappoint early as they go on a big run. andre iguodala, watch him go behind the back and the soft slam and they're on the move. at one point they outscore the pacers 22-0 and you know who adds a little something to it. steph curry nails the 3 and the warriors all out hustle, defense, and as i said, hustle. watch andrew bogut go to the floor to push it ahead and it is klay thompson putting it away. he had 29 points in the 1st half alone. he hit eight 3s. but later did sustain an injury. we don't know how serious as of yet. curry sets it up again for andrew bogut to celt -- set the pace of the 2nd half. warriors are leading 131-123. if they win the game they would tie the miami heat for the second longest win streak in nba history and that would be 27 straight games. meantime, the baseball winter meetings continue. the giants looking to get in the fray. how about johnny cueto added to the pitching staff. they've already signed jeff samardzija. johnny cueto is a rumored recipient of major giant dough. we'll see if that happens. general manager bobby evans addressed that topic earlier today. >> it takes us out of that market. given the needs we have to address all of the needs that would probably challenge us if we went that direction. it's hard to comment on the free agent market without being compromising to either party so i think it's just best to say hey, we try to have as many as options as we can. >> giants general manager saying a lot without saying anything. [ laughter ] there's some options but it is the final, the warriors win it 131-123. full highlights tonight. >> incredible. thank you for joining us. we'll see you later. >> goodnight. how come we don't have the same number of containers and lids? why would they ever get separated? built-up resentment, money issues, met a younger lid. huh? mm-hmm. mom, where's my science homework? uh, it's over there on the table. so, alex, honey, what's going on? - anything exciting? - no. - any boys? - no. i'm feeling a little bit disconnected from alex right now. last week, i picked up her cellphone thinking it was mine, and i accidentally read a few flirty text messages that were probably from a boy in her class, which is fine. or they're from a drifter. come on, isn't there something you want to share with your mommers? yeah. don't call yourself "mommers." he blew his lid when she tried to contain him.

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