Transcripts For KTVU KTVU Fox 2 News At 6pm 20151119 : compa

Transcripts For KTVU KTVU Fox 2 News At 6pm 20151119

the barriers are supposed to be locked door pinned together which we found was often up against the same problem exists at other construction sites. workers told us off-camera that they don't secure the barriers even know that -- even though it's the law because it makes them difficult to move around, which of course is the point. in san francisco tara moriarty ktvu fox2 news. >> within the last hour the public works permit said that the broken barriers are being removed and replaced with barriers filled with water. you can watch more of this surveillance video of the tour bus crash exclusively obtained by ktvu. the web team has posted it on the youtube page. new developments tonight in a high profile court battle over frozen embryos. a san francisco judge today sided with the husband -- stephen finley who wanted to preserve -- be preserved frozen embryos to be destroyed. his soon-to-be ex-wife wanted the embryos to be preserved. they had signed a contract that requires they be destroyed if the couple divorces. in the rolling the judge said she might have the right to procreate in other circumstances, not before the court, she does not have the right to procreate with finley -- findley. she said she is disappointed with the ruling and is evaluating options. you are being asked for your help after a drive-by shooting injured a five-year- old boy and his father. this happened on south you are being asked for your help after a drive-by shooting injured a five-year-old boy and his father. this happened on s. 37th st. on florida avenue. we now have the latest on a series of crimes in that city. >> reporter: the crime scene tape and broken glass are all that hint of a shooting near the intersection of wall and 37th avenue. in richmond. along with a few frayed nerves. >> they came in and were bleeding. i saw a car leaving with bullet holes. the >> reporter: stanley williams was at the hospital with his one-year-old daughter to say night when the father and son shooting victims rushed in. multiple witnesses called 911. >> an eight-year-old kid. >> reporter: the boy was actually five years oh. police has surveillance video taken from this camera but aren't releasing it yet.'s we are involved in the investigation. a young person -- yet. >> we are involved in the investigation of this young person. >> reporter: there has been a recent uptick in some crimes including car to car drive-by shootings although overall they've had improvement. >> there is still much work to be done in richmond. i don't think anyone would dispute that. last night we had an ugly shooting. it highlights the fact that to this is always going to be a work in progress. >> reporter: we talked to some witnesses who heard gunshots to tonight but didn't check to see what happened and did want to go on camera. todd walker says the problem is simple. >> guns, nothing is going to stop this until they get the guns off the street. were >> reporter: the glass will get cleaned up ago the tape will be taken down and the victims are expected to survive. walker says that doesn't mean everything is all right. >> nothing is sacred anymore. every time you look at it, every time you turn the tv on, there are gunshots. we babies, five years old, two years old. people say they are all right. of 85 years old is never going to be all right that was hit a a bullet work >> reporter: witnesses saw a white car, maybe in early 2000 models mobile driving away from the scene. richmond police want to hear from you if you know anything. noelle walker ktvu fox2 news . police in el cerrito are hoping that selfies taken by a suspected thief will help lead to her arrest. she allegedly punched and robbed a 15-year-old girl who was on her way home from school earlier this month. the thief took off with the phone and backpack victim later noticed selfies uploading to her cloud and recognize the woman as her attacker. police hope someone will call with information. a santa clara -- the santa clarita -- santa clara main jail as a class-action suit against it. the lawsuit accuses the jail of isolating high -- hundreds of men and women in tiny concrete jail cells as small as 60 x 70 60 x 74 months and even -- 6 feet -- 6' x 7' for months and even years at a time. >> the conditions are worse than most jails and certainly were somewhat happening in the state prison system. report mackin responsively sheriff department would not specifically comment on the lawsuit but in a prepared statement they said, "it appreciates the perspective from the prison law office. " this happens as they have received 288 excessive use of force complaints from inmates since 2010. 50 which they say were legitimate complaints resulting in a deputy getting terminated, suspended or demoted. this year the shares to permit has received 55 complaints and is currently reviewing 36 of them. now to the terror attacks in paris, a deadly raid on a suspected terrorist hideout north of that city for to do another imminent attack. at least two people were killed in a raid at an apartment in the town of saint-denis, including a woman who detonated an explosive vest. >> [ sound of gunfire ] >> the raid targeted to 27-year- old man accused of orchestrating last friday's attack part of a say he was not arrested in the raid but could be among those killed. >> we are at war, war against the terrorists to decided to clear war against us, the to jotted -- the hottest -- the jihadist organization isis. >> the seven-year-old belgian dog was killed by terrorists. now the dog is being honored with a hashtag i am dog. the obama administration's plan to accept syrian refugees is sparking a nationwide debate. >> a roseville republican state senator. is calling for governor brown to close the state's borders. keba arnold has more.>> reporter: they argue that the united states is already a target for terrorists. he wants to prevent california from becoming another ground zero for attacks. he sent a letter to governor. brown asking him to block any refugees from coming to go pretty. he says terrorists could hide themselves among the hundreds of thousands of refugees who are already fleeing the war and syria as well as other countries . in fact, french investigators are trying to figure out if one of the attackers posed as a refugee because a syrian passport was found among his remains. he says there's no reason why any syrian refugee has to come to the u.s. >> i am not convinced that you have to come to america. if you are coming from a hotbed where terrorism has existed. maybe they can remain in the middle east. >> he suggests that the u.s. starts a program to help resettle refugees and other countries. ultimately the authority of whether they are allowed in the u.s. in the control of the borders belongs to the federal government. as president. obama has said, he plans to exact -- except 10,000 refugees from syria. california governor jerry brown has a ready-made and. he said, "i intend to work closely with the president so that he can uphold america's traditional role as a place of asylum but also ensure that anyone seeking refuge in america is fully vetted in a sophisticated and utterly reliable way. in the meantime in washington house republicans are pushing legislation to increase screenings before the refugees enter the hospital the white house has said that president. obama would veto such administration, adding that the hurdles are already high. >> thank you. the man from southern california that was performing when gunmen stormed the theater in paris spoke out today -- the band from southern california that was performing on gunmen stormed the theater in paris spoke out today. they issued a statement on their facebook page saying that the band had returned home because of gunshots but is still shaken. 89 people were gunned down including the merchandise manager of the band. that was 36-year-old nick alexander. on facebook man said, "although bonded in grief with the victims, the fans, the families, the citizens of paris, and all of those affected by terrorism, we are proud to stand together with our new family, now united by a common goal of love and compassion." they ended with a statement, viva la frnace. drummer aids cunningham says he was in paris on friday night and he says three members of the band and crew were inside the concert hall but left a few minutes before the gunfire broke out. he says the whole thing didn't seem real. >> when i heard the bombing, that was heavy. then i heard them, bam, bam. that's when it became real. >> cunningham says he is grateful to be home now to hug his child and spend the holidays with his family. stay with ktvu fox2 news for continuing coverage of the paris attacks -- we have the latest on the mobile app as well as facebook and twitter. residence in lake county say they are dealing with a new problem after the fire. >> i have been fighting migraines and i have had smoke inhalation rhonchi this. >> what doctors say maybe causing health issues a big bust made by a northern california canine landed an area man behind bars. we are tracking the forecast as we had towards weekend. there's a chance of rain in the long-range forecast. a look at the bay bridge toll plaza, it has been heavy all night going into san francisco. this is wednesday night. usually it wouldn't be that busy going into the city but for some reason it is crowded right now. here's another picture, alive look -- a live look new bill coliseum -- near the oakland coliseum. still heavy but not quite as bad. ♪ ♪ it took the rockettes years to master the kick line. but only a few moves to master paying bills on technology designed for you. so you can easily master the way you bank. life. just when you think you know where it's going, it takes you someplace else. covered california is here to help californians who need health insurance get it. because it's more than just health care. it's life care. two months after the valley fire burned 75,000 acres, people who live there are suffering health problems. people are now saying they are suffering with headaches, asthma and bloody noses. >> cristina rendon own explains -- cristina rendon explains. >> i will be out doing something and all of a sudden i have the crushing pain and it is like, use the inhaler. >> she lives next to a cleanup site where workers in hazmat suits sift through toxic ash air lead -- nearly every day. before the fire she rarely we used -- rarely used her inhaler but after the smoke cleared she uses it much more often. >> now i use it twice a day. >> reporter: she is not alone. she has severe migraines to -- too. >> i have migraines as well as smoke in relation bronchitis.'s report back she wanted to remain in on it -- and animist but says -- anonymous but says she and her children have been suffering from bloody noses. >> it's amazing the amount of patience we been seeing. >> reporter: the majority of this doctors patience is saying they are having respiratory issues. 40% -- doctor's patients is saying they are having respiratory issues. 40% say they didn't have problems before. >> this has caused patience to have breathing complaints as well as asthma and allergies. >> reporter: this is being monitored. the air quality is good according to officials. they have only received a few complaints. warner believes the area is safe but people with underlying conditions should try to stay away from the cleanup sites. they say the migraines are likely stress. >> they said it was totally stress-induced migraines. >> reporter: she still says she's worried being exposed to the elements wipe -- while the crews are suited up. california lawmakers are looking into regulation at a hearing today. this comes after pg&e said that fire might have been started by a tree brushing against a power line. >> it may have shorted the fire -- shorted the power lines. >> we don't know if this is the case but we want to be transparent. >> they haven't released their official findings. they have just received a federal drone permits a that they can inspect power lines even in the most rugged of various. let's check out the weather. it was crystal clear today. >> from mt. diablo you can see the sierra nevada. you can see from the long-range models that we have a shot for rain. we may even have shot for significant rain. that's what i'm hoping for. that comes right around thanksgiving. we have today so much like today. it's a little warmer in some places. today santa rosa got to 75 degrees. 70 anne cochran and 70 in livermore. it's a really warm day -- 70 in cochran and 70 in livermore. it's really warm day. this clock is a little slow. >> it is 6:18. >> it's a little bit slow. what it is a beautiful night outside. i was talking about this earlier, this system is powerful and hitting the east coast right now. what this will do to new york and washington in atlanta, you're going to have travel concerns perhaps. it has been a nightmare for those across the country. for us in the west we are waiting for this swath of moisture to make its way south. we should start to see rain around the thanksgiving time. along the coast there is no five. it is very nice. we have cool conditions again tonight as you would expect. it's a similar day again for tomorrow. temperatures were in the mid- 60s and santa rosa and have dropped 4 or 5 degrees in the last hour. the winds have died down. the overnight lows will get down. these are rough estimates. downtown santa rosa will be 39. generally it would be warmer overnight. it's a whole 'nother deal when you get over here. it could be 33 in kernville. forecast for tomorrow, yellow dart those yellows are 70s. a beautiful day tomorrow. friday will be just like today too. that's not bad. the high pressure center sets us up all the way to the weekend and by sunday it dips south and then it's game on for hopefully some rain on tuesday and wednesday. it's a long way out so i don't want to say prepare for this. if you were to guess, it's about a 50-50 chance for significant rain. that's pretty good. 69 san jose, forecast highs for thursday, five-day forecast is right here. it will stay warm through the weekend. the temperatures will drop down on monday. we might have a cold one for -- which is unusual for an el niño year. this could be a good size storm. one of the models says it will pull in a bunch of moisture from the south. this would mean significant rain. >> what does that mean? that would be about how much? >> about 3 or 4 inches of rain. a couple of things have to come together for this to happen. we will track this. >> this is unusual with the el niño for it to be a cold one. >> what happens will be interesting. >> keep us posted. a traffic stop caused a discovery of 263 pounds of marijuana. this happened with a jeep wrangler pulling a u-haul trailer on eureka way at california st. . this is what they found, 263 pounds of marijuana packed in one pound baggies. 27-year-old tyson sharp from rockland and his passenger from san francisco were both book charged with possession of marijuana and transportation of marijuana. >> that dog looks proud. one day after the nfl announced the one-year suspension of linebacker aldon smith, we are hearing from readers. we will have that coming up in sports. isis releases this picture of the bond that it claims took down a russian airliner. you can see there is not much to it. richmond's departing police chief reveals why he is living the city he has grown to love. raters are reacting to the one-year suspension of aldon smith. >> the readers of a lot of their minds. when you look at this closely, they had a two-game losing streak and now they have to hit on the road and take on the detroit lions we just up say green bay. the raiders are trying to get their act together as they hit the road. as they indicated yesterday, they are thinking about having aldon smith in their future plans. when you look at the comments from the quarterback, you get the idea that they expect aldon smith to be back once that one- year suspension has been served. >> it was hard because we love him because since he has been your he has been a great to me. he is been a great friend. he is family to me. he knows that i love him. we are moving on. he will be welcomed with open arms when he comes back. >> as far as the golden state warriors, still undefeated after a tough one last night. tomorrow night they travel to l.a. to take on the clippers. there's no doubt about it. these two teams are very contentious and physical when they get together. you can look at some of this going on it from -- going on in previous meetings. the warriors beat the clippers in oakland at the first meeting. now onto southern california, it is officially a rivalry. >> i think both teams have established themselves. it's safer to call it a rivalry now as opposed to [ indiscernible - low volume ] i think it is now. >> the clippers would love to be the warriors. in the meantime to the date awards for major league baseball, take every in a -- in jake arrieta wins the side wrong -- the cy young award winner. the mvp award is a big one coming up this week too. >> we look forward to that. thank you. tonight at 10:00 meteorologist [ name indiscernible ] takes us to the sierra where there are high hopes in the tie -- in the tahoe area resource. does el niño mean that these storms will continue through the winter? that is coming up at 10:00 tonight. announcer: if you'd give thanks for a better night's sleep... [barks] sleep train has just the ticket. [train horn blares] during sleep train's "thanksgifting" sale save up to $300 on beautyrest, posturepedic, serta, even tempur-pedic! get up to three years interest-free financing! plus, choose a free gift with selected mattress sets! but hurry, sleep train's "thanksgifting" sale won't last! ♪ sleep train [train horn] ♪ your ticket to a better night's sleep ♪ i need to get to school! isn't today senior ditch day? today's ditch day? no way you are ditching ditch day. it's, like, the best week of senior unlike this house, the library will be completely quiet so i can focus on my roommate selection. [ scoffs ] how long can picking a nerdy roommate take? they're all versions of you. look-- indian you, blonde you, asian you. oh, look! her name is actually "yu." skipping one day of school isn't gonna do any harm. i ditched plenty, and look at me today. i am fielding multiple job offers. one job offer. from a very prominent hotel chain, weighed against the implied offer of staying at my current job-- working for your dad. exactly! and i could never leave grandpa, so i am going to say "no" to the first offer-- only offer. even though i would have made an excellent regional vice president in charge of promotions.

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United States , New York , Roseville , California , Lake County , Sierra Nevada , Oakland , Rockland , Belgium , Syria , Saint Denis , Reunion General , Reunion , Russia , Washington , District Of Columbia , France , Paris , Rhôalpes , San Francisco , Californians , America , Belgian , French , Syrian , Russian , Jake Arrieta , Todd Walker , Nick Alexander , Stephen Finley , Anne Cochran , Finley Findley , Noelle Walker , Cristina Rendon , Santa Clara , Francisco Tara Moriarty , Santa Clarita Clara , El Cerrito , Jerry Brown , Stanley Williams ,

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Transcripts For KTVU KTVU Fox 2 News At 6pm 20151119 :

Transcripts For KTVU KTVU Fox 2 News At 6pm 20151119

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the barriers are supposed to be locked door pinned together which we found was often up against the same problem exists at other construction sites. workers told us off-camera that they don't secure the barriers even know that -- even though it's the law because it makes them difficult to move around, which of course is the point. in san francisco tara moriarty ktvu fox2 news. >> within the last hour the public works permit said that the broken barriers are being removed and replaced with barriers filled with water. you can watch more of this surveillance video of the tour bus crash exclusively obtained by ktvu. the web team has posted it on the youtube page. new developments tonight in a high profile court battle over frozen embryos. a san francisco judge today sided with the husband -- stephen finley who wanted to preserve -- be preserved frozen embryos to be destroyed. his soon-to-be ex-wife wanted the embryos to be preserved. they had signed a contract that requires they be destroyed if the couple divorces. in the rolling the judge said she might have the right to procreate in other circumstances, not before the court, she does not have the right to procreate with finley -- findley. she said she is disappointed with the ruling and is evaluating options. you are being asked for your help after a drive-by shooting injured a five-year- old boy and his father. this happened on south you are being asked for your help after a drive-by shooting injured a five-year-old boy and his father. this happened on s. 37th st. on florida avenue. we now have the latest on a series of crimes in that city. >> reporter: the crime scene tape and broken glass are all that hint of a shooting near the intersection of wall and 37th avenue. in richmond. along with a few frayed nerves. >> they came in and were bleeding. i saw a car leaving with bullet holes. the >> reporter: stanley williams was at the hospital with his one-year-old daughter to say night when the father and son shooting victims rushed in. multiple witnesses called 911. >> an eight-year-old kid. >> reporter: the boy was actually five years oh. police has surveillance video taken from this camera but aren't releasing it yet.'s we are involved in the investigation. a young person -- yet. >> we are involved in the investigation of this young person. >> reporter: there has been a recent uptick in some crimes including car to car drive-by shootings although overall they've had improvement. >> there is still much work to be done in richmond. i don't think anyone would dispute that. last night we had an ugly shooting. it highlights the fact that to this is always going to be a work in progress. >> reporter: we talked to some witnesses who heard gunshots to tonight but didn't check to see what happened and did want to go on camera. todd walker says the problem is simple. >> guns, nothing is going to stop this until they get the guns off the street. were >> reporter: the glass will get cleaned up ago the tape will be taken down and the victims are expected to survive. walker says that doesn't mean everything is all right. >> nothing is sacred anymore. every time you look at it, every time you turn the tv on, there are gunshots. we babies, five years old, two years old. people say they are all right. of 85 years old is never going to be all right that was hit a a bullet work >> reporter: witnesses saw a white car, maybe in early 2000 models mobile driving away from the scene. richmond police want to hear from you if you know anything. noelle walker ktvu fox2 news . police in el cerrito are hoping that selfies taken by a suspected thief will help lead to her arrest. she allegedly punched and robbed a 15-year-old girl who was on her way home from school earlier this month. the thief took off with the phone and backpack victim later noticed selfies uploading to her cloud and recognize the woman as her attacker. police hope someone will call with information. a santa clara -- the santa clarita -- santa clara main jail as a class-action suit against it. the lawsuit accuses the jail of isolating high -- hundreds of men and women in tiny concrete jail cells as small as 60 x 70 60 x 74 months and even -- 6 feet -- 6' x 7' for months and even years at a time. >> the conditions are worse than most jails and certainly were somewhat happening in the state prison system. report mackin responsively sheriff department would not specifically comment on the lawsuit but in a prepared statement they said, "it appreciates the perspective from the prison law office. " this happens as they have received 288 excessive use of force complaints from inmates since 2010. 50 which they say were legitimate complaints resulting in a deputy getting terminated, suspended or demoted. this year the shares to permit has received 55 complaints and is currently reviewing 36 of them. now to the terror attacks in paris, a deadly raid on a suspected terrorist hideout north of that city for to do another imminent attack. at least two people were killed in a raid at an apartment in the town of saint-denis, including a woman who detonated an explosive vest. >> [ sound of gunfire ] >> the raid targeted to 27-year- old man accused of orchestrating last friday's attack part of a say he was not arrested in the raid but could be among those killed. >> we are at war, war against the terrorists to decided to clear war against us, the to jotted -- the hottest -- the jihadist organization isis. >> the seven-year-old belgian dog was killed by terrorists. now the dog is being honored with a hashtag i am dog. the obama administration's plan to accept syrian refugees is sparking a nationwide debate. >> a roseville republican state senator. is calling for governor brown to close the state's borders. keba arnold has more.>> reporter: they argue that the united states is already a target for terrorists. he wants to prevent california from becoming another ground zero for attacks. he sent a letter to governor. brown asking him to block any refugees from coming to go pretty. he says terrorists could hide themselves among the hundreds of thousands of refugees who are already fleeing the war and syria as well as other countries . in fact, french investigators are trying to figure out if one of the attackers posed as a refugee because a syrian passport was found among his remains. he says there's no reason why any syrian refugee has to come to the u.s. >> i am not convinced that you have to come to america. if you are coming from a hotbed where terrorism has existed. maybe they can remain in the middle east. >> he suggests that the u.s. starts a program to help resettle refugees and other countries. ultimately the authority of whether they are allowed in the u.s. in the control of the borders belongs to the federal government. as president. obama has said, he plans to exact -- except 10,000 refugees from syria. california governor jerry brown has a ready-made and. he said, "i intend to work closely with the president so that he can uphold america's traditional role as a place of asylum but also ensure that anyone seeking refuge in america is fully vetted in a sophisticated and utterly reliable way. in the meantime in washington house republicans are pushing legislation to increase screenings before the refugees enter the hospital the white house has said that president. obama would veto such administration, adding that the hurdles are already high. >> thank you. the man from southern california that was performing when gunmen stormed the theater in paris spoke out today -- the band from southern california that was performing on gunmen stormed the theater in paris spoke out today. they issued a statement on their facebook page saying that the band had returned home because of gunshots but is still shaken. 89 people were gunned down including the merchandise manager of the band. that was 36-year-old nick alexander. on facebook man said, "although bonded in grief with the victims, the fans, the families, the citizens of paris, and all of those affected by terrorism, we are proud to stand together with our new family, now united by a common goal of love and compassion." they ended with a statement, viva la frnace. drummer aids cunningham says he was in paris on friday night and he says three members of the band and crew were inside the concert hall but left a few minutes before the gunfire broke out. he says the whole thing didn't seem real. >> when i heard the bombing, that was heavy. then i heard them, bam, bam. that's when it became real. >> cunningham says he is grateful to be home now to hug his child and spend the holidays with his family. stay with ktvu fox2 news for continuing coverage of the paris attacks -- we have the latest on the mobile app as well as facebook and twitter. residence in lake county say they are dealing with a new problem after the fire. >> i have been fighting migraines and i have had smoke inhalation rhonchi this. >> what doctors say maybe causing health issues a big bust made by a northern california canine landed an area man behind bars. we are tracking the forecast as we had towards weekend. there's a chance of rain in the long-range forecast. a look at the bay bridge toll plaza, it has been heavy all night going into san francisco. this is wednesday night. usually it wouldn't be that busy going into the city but for some reason it is crowded right now. here's another picture, alive look -- a live look new bill coliseum -- near the oakland coliseum. still heavy but not quite as bad. ♪ ♪ it took the rockettes years to master the kick line. but only a few moves to master paying bills on technology designed for you. so you can easily master the way you bank. life. just when you think you know where it's going, it takes you someplace else. covered california is here to help californians who need health insurance get it. because it's more than just health care. it's life care. two months after the valley fire burned 75,000 acres, people who live there are suffering health problems. people are now saying they are suffering with headaches, asthma and bloody noses. >> cristina rendon own explains -- cristina rendon explains. >> i will be out doing something and all of a sudden i have the crushing pain and it is like, use the inhaler. >> she lives next to a cleanup site where workers in hazmat suits sift through toxic ash air lead -- nearly every day. before the fire she rarely we used -- rarely used her inhaler but after the smoke cleared she uses it much more often. >> now i use it twice a day. >> reporter: she is not alone. she has severe migraines to -- too. >> i have migraines as well as smoke in relation bronchitis.'s report back she wanted to remain in on it -- and animist but says -- anonymous but says she and her children have been suffering from bloody noses. >> it's amazing the amount of patience we been seeing. >> reporter: the majority of this doctors patience is saying they are having respiratory issues. 40% -- doctor's patients is saying they are having respiratory issues. 40% say they didn't have problems before. >> this has caused patience to have breathing complaints as well as asthma and allergies. >> reporter: this is being monitored. the air quality is good according to officials. they have only received a few complaints. warner believes the area is safe but people with underlying conditions should try to stay away from the cleanup sites. they say the migraines are likely stress. >> they said it was totally stress-induced migraines. >> reporter: she still says she's worried being exposed to the elements wipe -- while the crews are suited up. california lawmakers are looking into regulation at a hearing today. this comes after pg&e said that fire might have been started by a tree brushing against a power line. >> it may have shorted the fire -- shorted the power lines. >> we don't know if this is the case but we want to be transparent. >> they haven't released their official findings. they have just received a federal drone permits a that they can inspect power lines even in the most rugged of various. let's check out the weather. it was crystal clear today. >> from mt. diablo you can see the sierra nevada. you can see from the long-range models that we have a shot for rain. we may even have shot for significant rain. that's what i'm hoping for. that comes right around thanksgiving. we have today so much like today. it's a little warmer in some places. today santa rosa got to 75 degrees. 70 anne cochran and 70 in livermore. it's a really warm day -- 70 in cochran and 70 in livermore. it's really warm day. this clock is a little slow. >> it is 6:18. >> it's a little bit slow. what it is a beautiful night outside. i was talking about this earlier, this system is powerful and hitting the east coast right now. what this will do to new york and washington in atlanta, you're going to have travel concerns perhaps. it has been a nightmare for those across the country. for us in the west we are waiting for this swath of moisture to make its way south. we should start to see rain around the thanksgiving time. along the coast there is no five. it is very nice. we have cool conditions again tonight as you would expect. it's a similar day again for tomorrow. temperatures were in the mid- 60s and santa rosa and have dropped 4 or 5 degrees in the last hour. the winds have died down. the overnight lows will get down. these are rough estimates. downtown santa rosa will be 39. generally it would be warmer overnight. it's a whole 'nother deal when you get over here. it could be 33 in kernville. forecast for tomorrow, yellow dart those yellows are 70s. a beautiful day tomorrow. friday will be just like today too. that's not bad. the high pressure center sets us up all the way to the weekend and by sunday it dips south and then it's game on for hopefully some rain on tuesday and wednesday. it's a long way out so i don't want to say prepare for this. if you were to guess, it's about a 50-50 chance for significant rain. that's pretty good. 69 san jose, forecast highs for thursday, five-day forecast is right here. it will stay warm through the weekend. the temperatures will drop down on monday. we might have a cold one for -- which is unusual for an el niño year. this could be a good size storm. one of the models says it will pull in a bunch of moisture from the south. this would mean significant rain. >> what does that mean? that would be about how much? >> about 3 or 4 inches of rain. a couple of things have to come together for this to happen. we will track this. >> this is unusual with the el niño for it to be a cold one. >> what happens will be interesting. >> keep us posted. a traffic stop caused a discovery of 263 pounds of marijuana. this happened with a jeep wrangler pulling a u-haul trailer on eureka way at california st. . this is what they found, 263 pounds of marijuana packed in one pound baggies. 27-year-old tyson sharp from rockland and his passenger from san francisco were both book charged with possession of marijuana and transportation of marijuana. >> that dog looks proud. one day after the nfl announced the one-year suspension of linebacker aldon smith, we are hearing from readers. we will have that coming up in sports. isis releases this picture of the bond that it claims took down a russian airliner. you can see there is not much to it. richmond's departing police chief reveals why he is living the city he has grown to love. raters are reacting to the one-year suspension of aldon smith. >> the readers of a lot of their minds. when you look at this closely, they had a two-game losing streak and now they have to hit on the road and take on the detroit lions we just up say green bay. the raiders are trying to get their act together as they hit the road. as they indicated yesterday, they are thinking about having aldon smith in their future plans. when you look at the comments from the quarterback, you get the idea that they expect aldon smith to be back once that one- year suspension has been served. >> it was hard because we love him because since he has been your he has been a great to me. he is been a great friend. he is family to me. he knows that i love him. we are moving on. he will be welcomed with open arms when he comes back. >> as far as the golden state warriors, still undefeated after a tough one last night. tomorrow night they travel to l.a. to take on the clippers. there's no doubt about it. these two teams are very contentious and physical when they get together. you can look at some of this going on it from -- going on in previous meetings. the warriors beat the clippers in oakland at the first meeting. now onto southern california, it is officially a rivalry. >> i think both teams have established themselves. it's safer to call it a rivalry now as opposed to [ indiscernible - low volume ] i think it is now. >> the clippers would love to be the warriors. in the meantime to the date awards for major league baseball, take every in a -- in jake arrieta wins the side wrong -- the cy young award winner. the mvp award is a big one coming up this week too. >> we look forward to that. thank you. tonight at 10:00 meteorologist [ name indiscernible ] takes us to the sierra where there are high hopes in the tie -- in the tahoe area resource. does el niño mean that these storms will continue through the winter? that is coming up at 10:00 tonight. announcer: if you'd give thanks for a better 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