Transcripts For KTVU KTVU Fox 2 News At 5pm 20170407 : compa

Transcripts For KTVU KTVU Fox 2 News At 5pm 20170407

>> brutally murdered. >> it's a terrible story. we'll prevail. i'm looking forward to the court and getting everything out there into the public. >> reporter: green's body was discovered a few weeks after the killing and li was arrested at hermanntion in late may of 2016. she has been if jail until posting a record $35 million bail. the amount is too large for traditional bail companies so a combination of millions in cash and real estate was used. between family and 20 of family and friends raised the bail amount. >> wouldn't you feel good about being released. i would rather be here than in jail. >> reporter: it's a different set of emotions for green. this day didn't come as a surprise, but still, shock and disbelief, despite the severity of charges, li walked out of jail. >> it's an extraordinary situation in san mateo county. we've not experienced this before. money can get you all sorts of things. nothing seems right about it at all. it's a very difficult time for the family. >> reporter: tiffany li is under house arrest. she higher elevations must wear an ankle monitoring device and she won't be able to see her children and she had to turn over all the passports, the children's and her own. her criminal defense attorney says she is aware of all of the conditions of this and that she won't try to run. the trial is scheduled for september. it could last about a month, guys. >> thank you very ou very it took at out at least power polls and to you power . a live look now outside at the golden gate bridge and the current conditions out there. you can see all of the clouds. mark, urm saying later on tonight you might want to stay off the roads. >> yes, if you have that option. there is not going to be a gradual change between now and 8:00, it is going to an instantaneous. winds have have been increasing over the past couple of hours. big rain through saturday, three quarters of an inch all the way to four inches. winds gusting to 15 miles-an-hour, even exceeding that. . as you can see right now in the satellite, you can see the clouds and the rain showers approaching the bay hour. in fact, let's come in closer on the radar and satellite. we have some bands on the models to begin. up towards heels berg as well. this will expand in coverage over the next couple of hours. wind speeds nothing too extreme just yet. oakland winds out of the south 20 miles-an-hour. san jose gusts to 26 miles-an-hour. outside right now, looking out towards the bay, this is from our sav camera so the flag getting a bit of a work out already. gusts to 20, 25 miles-an-hour. a wind advisory in place for the north bay and the shore line until 5:00 a.m. friday. winds could be gusting to 45 miles-an-hour. and then for the coast and for the higher terrain, this will be upgraded to a high wind warning. that's until 5:00 a.m. friday. gusts to be 55, possibly 60 miles-an-hour. so, look what happens between now and 9:00, sond rainfall picking up, late tonight and into early tomorrow morning. we'll talk more about your friday forecast and a closer look at the rainfall expectations for your neighborhood coming in a few minutes. the united states senate today, senate republicans changing longstanding rules to clear the way for the confirmation of judge neil gorsuch to serve in the supreme court. the move was made to by pass a democrat fill bernie sanders er. ktvu's ken waning has been following -- wang has begun following the development. they are altering the way -- >> reporter: it's a sign of the body's bitter ns in the recent years after decades of bipartisan ship on supreme court matters. both parties have warned of the sweeping effects on the future of the court predicting that the shift will lead to tt elevation of more extreme judges if only a majority is required for confirmation. the nuclear option which lowers the threshold vote to the majority of 51 votes not the traditional 60 became reality on the floor today. with three democrats joeng every republican in the upper cham er to end debate on neil gorsuch's confirmation to the supreme court. stripping the minority party, in this case the democrats to filibuster the majority. >> the filibuster was used by mcconnell. what we are facing today is the fall out. >> reporter: in a last stitch effort democrats changed to scramble to change the boat but to no avail. republicans became united in changing a lond standing precedent. >> the nuclear option means a long history of consensus of supreme court nominations. weakens the standing of the senate as a whole. >> reporter: even some republicans warned about using this. democrats then the majority limb atd filibusters against executive branch and judicial nominees for lower courts. but gop leaders stood their ground today saying there was no other option. >> they did something today that was unprecedented in the history of the senate. unfortunately it has brought us to this point. >> reporter: a final vote on judge gorsuch's confirmation to the preem court is expected to come tomorrow night as they still have a maximum of 30 hours to debate. joining us now is our political analyst brian soebl. -- sob al. >> the hallmark of the senate has been what we call comity, getting along and the elements of the body and that sort of thing. it's the house of representatives where you have the rough and tumble. >> you had to include the minority because you needed 60 votes. generally you are going to need the minority and that will keep things either going way to to the left or right. >> right. it kept it more centered overall. that's out the window now. we are going to see how that changes the senate overall. >> ting they are surprised that some of the democrats crossed the line to go with the confirmation of neil gorsuch. what does that th mean for the future of the senate. >> i think it goes on for a while. i think it's the state of the politics in america today. it's reflected in our national votes. it's reflected in various states and now you're seeing it played out in the senate with respect to this vote. >> could this day have been avoided. >> yes. absolutely. had the leadership of the republicans and the democrats gotten in a room and said let's not fight about this particular pick because he's very similar in judicial temperament to the person who was here before, maybe even a little bit more progressive, so we'll save our fight for the next nomination. this was a lot to do with garland and his not getting a hearing at all. and this is the democrats saying this is pay back. but the problem here is this pay back is going to listening er for a while. >> you talk about that pay back and we talked about this whole idea of the democrats wanting to win this political war. is this going to pay off for them or is this going to hurt them in the future. >> to me, it could hurt if say trump is still president and the republicans still hold the majority of the senate, if another supreme court justice position comes open, they can nominate anybody and get them through. >> this is a huge day in washington. a huge day for president trump. probably the most important day thus far of his presidency. we have the situation going on in syria, that horrible chemical attack. today secretary of state rex tiller son was asked about the possibility of regime change and he says those steps are underway. does that mean we're going to war? >> we don't know the answer to that. he's been crypt i can in some of his -- cryptiment cin some of his comments, but both of those situations should be judged as very serious. day 76 of the trump at mrgs and two international situations and two -- administration and two international situations and two dom is i can situations coming across his death. nunez resigning from the russian part of the intelligence committee, and the vote for gorsuch. >> this is really where the rubber hits the road when it comes to especially the situation in syria and north korea. >> the situation in syria i judge to be extremely volatile. because you have russian military in there and how you thread the needle to take care of the regime and what they're doing with chemical weapons. mog around the position in there is going to take some real fine tuning. more major news now a congressional investigation into russia sper experience in the 2016 election. nunez who heads up the house committee is now under an essex investigation that he may have disclosed classified information. nunez called those charges entirely follows and politically moet vad but he said it was in the committee's best interest to step aside. democrats said nunez was too close to the whitehouse to be impartial. still to come some great news tonight for warrior fans. in a moment an update on committee inn durant and when the team is -- kevin durant and when the team is expected to put him back on the court. coming, the travel trouble and what caltran is doing to fix it. coming up an update on the oroville dam. . . breaking news out of san bruno. the search for a missing person leads police to a grew some find, a dis mem d body. police -- dis member d body. officers arrested a man at the home, 50-year-old david stubble field. the remains on the scene are not those of the missing person. we're keeping an eye on the state capitol tonight where the senate is xpd to vote any minute on the transportation bill. the governor said he was energized as he headed into the capitol. democrat leaders need to percent. they would increase car registration fees to raise billions of dollars to fix california roads. drivers describe it as scary, bad, and an accident waiting to happen. caltran is looking into compliance about a problem right in the middle of a busy better change between highway 85 and highway 101. maureen got behind the wheel today to experience it firsthand. >> reporter: frank it will surprise you if you are not expecting it. the fire is here. it's a busy intersection where highs ways 85 and 101 meet. that's where it dips down. it doesn't look like much from here, but we are going to show you a different angle and some drivers want to see that fixed. do you know the way out of san jose is a bit bumpy. >> i drove over it today. >> reporter: what was it like. >> i flew. you can literally bang your head on the roof it's so bad. >> reporter: this is the trouble spot they're talking about. at the end of southbound 85, you will find this one lane carpool fly er to get on to 85 southbound, but first you encounter this. here is another look, watch the black car dip, the white car dip, then us. >> wash the trunks to the cars. you can probably get some air if you're racing. >> reporter: technically the speed limit is 50 miles-an-hour. although drivers say traffic rarely abides. >> it blends in with the rest of the road. >> reporter: caltran says it's looking into the complaints. he have an says -- he have an says it should be -- eva n says it should be ripped up and should be redone. we reached out to caltran today. they said this is one of many sites they are currently assessing. and once complete they will come up with an appropriate course of action. now to oroville and an update on repairs. they said during a news conference, they continue to remove debris. so march 1.5 million cubic yards of debris have been hauled away. they are working on a project design for permanent fix. >> we need this in a matter of hours or days instead of weeks and months. this is the kind of project that would take 2 or 3 years to design and 2 or 3 years to build. so, we are going to do this in about nine months. you're going to be along for the ride. >> back in february, lake oroville overflowed and there was trouble with both the dam's main spill way and emergency spill way forcing the evacuation of about 180,000 people. we have some rain, more rain on the way. meteorologist mark tamayo is here right now. >> over the past half hour or see we've seen some change on the radar. this cold front moves closer to the bay area coast line. you can see already some green, yellow and a little bit of some orange showing up on the radar right now up along the north coast and here in the bay area as well. it's coming closer right now. we have some more coverage here closer to the north bay. santa rosa reporting some light rain. more development over san francisco. so, there is the north bay, santa rosa to napa to fairfield. we have some yellow and orange showing up. so we have some mod eight cells out towards sonoma-marin. -- moderate cells out towards santa mya. right now oakland sh the southerly wind 21 miles-an-hour. some more winds out towards nevada and santa rosa as well. a gust of 25 at half moon bay. these winds coming in out of the south. checkout the golden gate camera here. you can see it getting a work out already. not much in excessive rain yet, but there has been a change in the last hour. for saturday you can see the amounts changing from three quarters of an inch to an inch in the bay. it could be approaching 3 or 4 inches in a few isolated spots in the coastal hills. the bulk of rain comes in tonight and then again into your friday night. as we come in closer below the clouds, rain and wind, as we tacked about the winds gusting over 40 miles-an-hour. heaviest downpours will be up in oakland. there's the chance tonight between now and 9:00 we could have an small stream flood advisory kicking in. still working its way through the rest of the bay area late tonight and early tomorrow morning. friday is not going to be a wash out. some clouds, the possibility of some scattered showers. our next system comes on board as far as organized rainfall, that will be for tomorrow night, 9:00, there is a chance we could have some thunderstorms roll into this area. it is the cold unstable part that could trigger some thunderstorms here. saturday we are going to hang on to the chance of scattered showers, the best chance would be the morning hours and the early portion of the afternoon. scattered showers for tomorrow. the best chance in the morning hours. again, tomorrow night storm number 2 moves on sure. sunday we'll go with partly cloudy skies of i think sunday will be the best day of the weekend. a slight chance into monday and then tuesday some more clouds. the clouds could produce rainfall into next week. the storm machine will be pretty active. >> not over yet. pum condemn g the chemical attack -- president trump condemns the chemical attack in syria. new strangers now with a life long link. the emotional meeting today between a man and woman whose daughter gave him the gift of life. >> it helped to know that she helped somebody. live-stream your favorite sport at the airport. binge dvr'd shows while painting your toes. on demand laughs during long bubble baths. tv everywhere is awesome. the all-new xfinity stream app. xfinity. the future of awesome. . a roadside bomb has killed at least 20 people in somalia. this was the second attack targeting civilians in the capitol city in the past 20 hours. earlier in the day a car bomb killed eight people outside a sports center. the attacks are a challenge for somalia's new president who was elected back in february and has promised to make security a priority. president trump has been briefed on possible military options in response to the deadly chemical attack in syria. he called the attack a disgrace to humanity. >> i think what happens in syria is one of the truly egregious times and it shouldn't be allowed to happen. >> president trump placed the blame on the president. though syria continues to deny responsibility. more than 80 people, including children were killed i attack on tuesday. today secretary of state rex tiller son says the u.s. is considering an appropriate response and asadstepping down. >> with the acts that he's taken it would seem that there would be no role for him to govern the syrian people. >> they are supposed to vote this evening on a resolution regarding the attack. defense officials tell fox news two u.s. navy war ships are standing by in the eastern mediterranean which could be called upon to carry out air strikes. today president trump is meeting with the president of china and many people are watching. former south korean prime minister confirmed what others have been claiming, that north korea could have a nuclear tipped intercontinental missile ready to hit the mainland of the united states by the end of president trump's first term of service. it did go far enough to send a message. >> north korea is dangerous, certainly for south korea to the region as a whole, and at the same time even to the united states. it's becoming more and more dangerous to the rest of the world. >> china is arguably the only al eye left for -- ally lef north korea. a desperate plea from a widow one year after her husband, a former nasa researcher was shot and killed in oakland. new surveillance video that could bring police closer to catching his killer. the latest sat wide push that's facing some opposition from the medical industry -- the latest stayed wide push that's facing some opposition from the medical industry. . legendary comic done rickles died today. his brand of comedy was reflected in his nickname, the hersh ant and -- merchant of ven om. he also worked right up until the end. in fact, he was touring with reej is -- regisuntil last year. it has been almost a year since a nasa researcher was shot and killed. henry lee spoke to police and the victim's widow today and joins us live in his news room with what he learned. >> a former nasa contractor hopes new information and a reward will lead to tips. >> after a night out with friends brian was only yards from his home when he was shot and killed. when they found his body hi wallet and other items were still on him. >> it could have been a robbery gone wrong. something happened. >>. >> reporter: leo sanchez, the lead investigator says the motive is still unclear. but police do know the route he took home and released video of a person in the car that could be linked to the killing on april 10th, 2016. this video shows a man police say could be a witness or person of interest the is wearing a reflective jacket and is alone while working -- walking north on piedmont moment. at this very moment boll is working south on broadway. >> this timing, he was one of the last individuals to see brian alive. >> reporter: these are pictures of a white 2013 to 2017 chevy malibu that was also seen on the corner of piedmont. >> we're approaching the corner of broadway and piedmont, what happens right here. >> so if brian makes a left tand starts walking northbound on piedmont at which time the individual in the re flebt i have jacket is walking north bountd on piedmont just seconds behind brian. >> reporter: this is the same corner we see that white chevy malibu turning ton piedmont. >> that's correct. the chevy malibu, the male with the re flebt i have jacket and brian are all now going north on peed ment. >> reporter: and richmond boulevard where he was shot dead is around the corner from that intersection. police say it's not clear if the man in the jacket is connected to the white car. >> she visited the site of where her husband was killed. he had a ph d in electrical engineering from georgia tech. >> he's very intelligent, very curious and approached the world with a difference of wonder. he was much more interested to learn other people's stories than to tell his own. >> she wants to see js is and hopes anyone with information will come forward. >> if they know anything to please share it to see themselves in a situation it could have been their brother, their son, their loved one. >> reporter: there $30,000 reward for information leading to an arrest, $10,000 from the city of oak lis$20,000 from the fbi. a ups driver who disappeared after crashing a truck down a steep hill in laugh a yet has -- lafayette is now plan. the 34-year-old man turned up at a friend's house in concord. police say he received a medical check up and is okay physically. a dog that was believed to have drowned in a boating accident has turned up alive. firefighters patrolling the shore found the dog on shore. the dog was on a boat that capsized three days ago. one of the men on board, a 47-year-old man from san jose died in the accident. another man and a second dog were rescued. despite three days in the elements he seems to be in good health. he has been returned to a family member. . a top sh -- a topping off ceremony taking place this morning. the final beam for the project was painted white and construction workers signed their names on it to be part of the building's history forever. it is being placed on the 61 s floor, which will also -- 61 st floor. >> you can see the tower from everywhere. it's amazing. but what i noticed is that it needs to be something, a symbol for not just a great company, but a reminder that we all need to be giving back and doing something for others. that's why i think the ohanna is so important. >> reporter: ohana is the ha wayne word for fam -- hawai. an for family. the building is set to open this summer and besides from being the tallest brg in the city it will also be the tallest building west of chicago. president trump's propose add cuts to the environmental agency. the epa is now proposing to eliminate two programs focused on limiting children's exposure to lead based paint. these programs on the chopping block would zero out some grants that address lead based paint. the epa estimates that 38 million homes in the u.s. contain lead paint. but here in california advocates aren't giving up. the bill would require universal testing for lead instead of the current mandate that legislators say isn't working. all of this after that report in december lie lead in chi. >> the fight to reduce the startling number of childr california exposed to lead continues. this bill would mandate university testing statewide to not only decrease the exposure level in children but to determine who is at risk and where. >> i am hearing from mothers who are saying things like we live in an older home and nobody asked us to test our children. >> the bill was presented publicly for the first time before the environmental safety and toxic materials committee in sacramento tuesday. that's when it was met with opposition from the california medical association and the american academy of pediatrics. >> given what the american academy of pediatrics says, that they don't know what all of the -- what the risk factors are, that this is something that should be looked into. >> reporter: right now, children are only tested -- tested for lead if they are in government programs like medical. . more than 650,000 children were tested, but more than 800,000 kids are covered under medi-cal. that means there is a 20% compliance gap in lead testing. >> these parents have busy lives and if they have to go to a separate location to be tested, they may just not get to it. what i would like to see is the screening done when they're getting their vaccines. >> the assembly man says the test is as simple as a pin on the child's finger and will covered under the insurance plan. the clerk says the cost poent amount to much. >> i imagine you're tacking about a cost of a dollar or so a year per policy, which is given that these things go up by -- you know, can go up by hundreds of dollars a year, i don't think anyone would notice the cost frankly. >> the american academy of pediatrics released this statement saying, the recommendation is to do a risk assessment and do a blood lead level test only if the risk assessment comes back positive. according to the aa p, blood level test retirement system not recommended anymore except for high prevalence areas with increased risk factors. >> coming up this evening we sit dwoun the mayor to talk about his focus on lead safe practices. still to come, huge news from the master's tournament. the number one golfer in the world is out. up next, why he pulled out of the tournament right before he was about to tee off. i'm scott reese live in san jose. this will be rocking in js a couple of hours. i will tell you why the sharks game is so important and i will give you an update on their injured players. you're going to be hanging out in here. so if you need anything, text me. do you play? ♪ ♪ use the chase mobile app to send money in just a tap, to friends at more banks then ever before. you got next? chase. helping you master what's now and what's next. . a back injury has forced the number one ranked golfer in the world to withdraw from the master's dustin johnson hurt his back when he fell down the stairs in his rental home. it was a freak accident. he said he couldn't make a full swing. he now joins tiger woods as the only other number one current player not to play the ma. warrior's super star committee inn durant is expected to play this saturday. doctors cleared durant to return to full team practices after a knee injury. he missed the last 19 games and despite his absences his team is just doing -- doing just. the sharks and the oil ers, despite the sharks' top two centers suffering injuries both could be on their way to joining the team sooner than later. >> reporter: frank, that's obviously one of the big story lines heading into tonight's game. the sharks not exactly rolling at this critical time of year. they have won two straight games, in addition to trying to get their mojo back, they are trying to get their wounded back. a little over a week ago you mngs d this was grew some. he took a -- gruesome. he took a puck to the mouth. neither player has been active since. horton was up beat. even though his injury appeared serious initially, joe now says he'll absolutely be back for the playoffs next week and maybe as soon as saturday. >> i'm pretty optimistic about things. i never thought it was going to be tootoo bad. they told me a day-to-day type thing. >> i'm the guy that hates sitting out hockey games. i hate to go through going this type of injury. >> you have to just pray they use the strengths. i think we have been betting better. we had that road bfrp with the seven games. i think the encouraging thing is with the calendar gary games. we are playing -- calgary hockey. >> reporter: i spoke to some people who said that horton will not be playing today. he was scale in pain. we'll have to wait and see with the playoffs fast approaching. as for why tonight is such an important game. you are playing the oil ers who will likely be their first pround play off op poen ebt. -- opponent. this is a very very big game tonight, guys. >> thank you, scott. coming up here, another look at the weather and how crews are preparing for the in coming store -- incoming storm. we could be getting some rain tonight. >> we'll be right back. . the rain is picking up for the evening commute in san francisco with the heaviest showers and winds coming later tonight. for those living in flood prone areas of the city, the prospect of a storm has them on alert. katie talked with her in a neighborhood and they tell her they probably won't be sleeping much tonight. >> it is 4:30 a.m. on friday january 20th and the sewers are flooding again. >> reporter: cell phone video catches raw sewage and storm water spewing up from sewers. she and other neighbors blame the blood g on the sewers' sewer system. >> these set of houses were hit from the backyard and from the front street with raw sewage. that's the nightmare that we're living. >> reporter: with more rain on the way tonight, they fear more potential flooding, so they are packing up clothes and valuables to store on shelves. >> we're on high alert, clearly. again, we're stress understand and the stress levels every time there is a forecast of rain. >> reporter: they are at the bottom of a valley and they are the site of old historic creeks and water sheds. >> the public utility commission is in litigation currently. it does offer to reimburse residents. >> we are looking at other infrastructure improvement project in the area and other parts of the city that could help reduce flooding. >> reporter: this isn't the only area prone to flooding. this time lapse video shows flooding in the westport al area. another spot is 17th avenue. public works says it doesn't expect this storm to be too bad therefore it is not adding any addition at staff tomorrow. if you want to grab sand bags you can do sew so at the corner of kansas street and cesar chavez. >> per seeing the hef yes of the downpour coming done by the airport right now and mark tamayo is tracking it all for us today. >> this front coming in right on schedule. two hours ago it was pretty quiet out there with maybe a light wind and some scattered showers. but things have been increasing over the past hour as this mars over to the bay line. some more green showing up on the radar and some more development as well in terms of the yellow and orange and red. reports of heavier rain closer to millbrae, also in the sand letter areas as well. those yellows might be ex aj rad a little bit but those rainfall picking up. pushing the maps to the south, san francisco out towards oakland, south san francisco i do see reports of some heavier rain in the mill gray air -- millbrae area. then moving to the south not too much action in san jose yet. but that will be changing. . current wind speeds okay land 21 miles-an-hour. nevada a gust of 20 miles-an-hour as well. some more reports for you, sfo, half moon bay, the wind advisory for the morning not yet. it kicks up in the morning. we do have the slick roadways. the rainfall developing in the past hour. just be extra careful for the travel this evening, especially crossing the bay area bridges. an active weather pattern setting up out here in the pacific. we are talking about that cold front moving on shore with rain and wind. for your friday, a chance of a shower especially for the morning hours. the next system comes on board developing here. you can see this cold unstable air that could trigger a few thunderstorms. this will be by friday evening, he is petition petition lee -- especially after 8:00 tomorrow night. wint other storm warning in the sierra. -- winter storm warning in the sierra. 2 to 3 feet over the next few days. this is moderate to heavy rainfall. this is 2:00 a.m. friday and then throughout the day on friday, the clouds, the possibility of a shower moving across the region rgs but you will notice a lot more breaks in the action so you might be able to get outside for a walk or a run tomorrow afternoon. friday night, it this will be the un-- this will be the unstable system that could produce some thunderstorms out there tthen saturday night a few showers paying us a visit. still a chance into saturday especially for the first half of the day. temperatures for tomorrow will continue to cool things off. look ahead, your five-day forecast, another rain cloud friday night into saturday morning. sunday partly cloudy and a slight chance of a shower into monday. between now and 8:00 and 9:00, this will be the main event. you will notice a sudden change with the wind and rain picking up. so if you could avoid travel, that would be a good idea. an 11-year-old boy who is homeless in sacramento is being called a hero tonight. he took three bullets to protect his little sister. next, the latest on the little boy's condition and how the community is coming together to help his family. two strangers with a life long link. the meeting between a man and a woman who's daughter who gave him life. . an 11-year-old boy is recovering after being shot during a birthday party in sacramento. vicky tells us the little boy was injured while he was trying to protect his younger sister. >> reporter: kerry joe is fighting. >> trying to handle it as well as i can. >> reporter: the mother waiting for her 11-year-old son to wake up. >> he's on a breathe er. >> reporter: kerry is keeping her chern anonymous explaining the family attended a toddler's birthday when the party unraveled into violence. >> within the blink of a second there just was a -- >> reporter: a shooting between a woman and two children. >> one of them was pretty much in and out of the chest. there was one that came through the back. and basically they removed his appendix and his kidney. >> reporter: kerry's 11-year-old moving towards the bullets to save his two-year-old sister. >> he thought to protect her. and he had his i can -- basically his body covering hers. >> reporter: a child lucky to be alive now a hero. >> he protected my baby. i hate that this happened to him because he didn't deserve it at all. my baby is a good child. >> reporter: a mother's strength tested even more for nearly five months kerry and her children have been homeless. >> i have to get the kids back and forth to school and figuring out how we are going to eat and clothes and shoes. >> reporter: now a movement to make her life a little easier. >> council member allen warren now raising money for sunday's shooting victims. >> we want to give them a care package of money actually and allow them to go out and find a stable place to live. >> reporter: a family incomplete until her son heals. >> anywhere where we're together is home sichlt a spring time storm barrel g towards the bay area -- barrels towards the bay area. i'm health other holmes tonight in for julie. >> the storm is expected to arrive in matter of hours. take a look at the conditions from a gray twin peaks in san francisco. you can't see anything and showers have been scattered all day long. >> pg and e crews are getting ready. mark tamayo is tracking the storm from our weather center. getting more reports from the rainfall in a few minutes. the rainfall has been picking up as forecasted as the next system comes on shore. rainfall expectations through saturday, three quarters of an inch all the way to four inches. winds gusting over 50 miles-an-hour. the sierra picking up more snowfall, 2 to 3 feet. take a look at some of the rainfall projections. two systems with this system. -- to ranges with this system. there is that front approaching our coast line right now. a lot more coverage on the radar. those yellow and orange do correspond to more intense downpours. some good downpours near the nevada area as well. we'll move the maps closer to san francisco out towards south san francisco, oakland, hayward. rainfall increasing in kovrnl. in the south bay, not as much action in the south bay as yet but that will be changing as we move into the overnight hours. in a few minutes we'll talk more about wind advisory and high wind warnings. tom is is already seeing some damage from this latest storm. >> reporter: this was as tree that was punch drunk from all the previous storms and finally today it just collapsed taking out two phone poles and a whole bunch of power lines but what it did is give these crews to pg&e an

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Transcripts For KTVU KTVU Fox 2 News At 5pm 20170407

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>> brutally murdered. >> it's a terrible story. we'll prevail. i'm looking forward to the court and getting everything out there into the public. >> reporter: green's body was discovered a few weeks after the killing and li was arrested at hermanntion in late may of 2016. she has been if jail until posting a record $35 million bail. the amount is too large for traditional bail companies so a combination of millions in cash and real estate was used. between family and 20 of family and friends raised the bail amount. >> wouldn't you feel good about being released. i would rather be here than in jail. >> reporter: it's a different set of emotions for green. this day didn't come as a surprise, but still, shock and disbelief, despite the severity of charges, li walked out of jail. >> it's an extraordinary situation in san mateo county. we've not experienced this before. money can get you all sorts of things. nothing seems right about it at all. it's a very difficult time for the family. >> reporter: tiffany li is under house arrest. she higher elevations must wear an ankle monitoring device and she won't be able to see her children and she had to turn over all the passports, the children's and her own. her criminal defense attorney says she is aware of all of the conditions of this and that she won't try to run. the trial is scheduled for september. it could last about a month, guys. >> thank you very ou very it took at out at least power polls and to you power . a live look now outside at the golden gate bridge and the current conditions out there. you can see all of the clouds. mark, urm saying later on tonight you might want to stay off the roads. >> yes, if you have that option. there is not going to be a gradual change between now and 8:00, it is going to an instantaneous. winds have have been increasing over the past couple of hours. big rain through saturday, three quarters of an inch all the way to four inches. winds gusting to 15 miles-an-hour, even exceeding that. . as you can see right now in the satellite, you can see the clouds and the rain showers approaching the bay hour. in fact, let's come in closer on the radar and satellite. we have some bands on the models to begin. up towards heels berg as well. this will expand in coverage over the next couple of hours. wind speeds nothing too extreme just yet. oakland winds out of the south 20 miles-an-hour. san jose gusts to 26 miles-an-hour. outside right now, looking out towards the bay, this is from our sav camera so the flag getting a bit of a work out already. gusts to 20, 25 miles-an-hour. a wind advisory in place for the north bay and the shore line until 5:00 a.m. friday. winds could be gusting to 45 miles-an-hour. and then for the coast and for the higher terrain, this will be upgraded to a high wind warning. that's until 5:00 a.m. friday. gusts to be 55, possibly 60 miles-an-hour. so, look what happens between now and 9:00, sond rainfall picking up, late tonight and into early tomorrow morning. we'll talk more about your friday forecast and a closer look at the rainfall expectations for your neighborhood coming in a few minutes. the united states senate today, senate republicans changing longstanding rules to clear the way for the confirmation of judge neil gorsuch to serve in the supreme court. the move was made to by pass a democrat fill bernie sanders er. ktvu's ken waning has been following -- wang has begun following the development. they are altering the way -- >> reporter: it's a sign of the body's bitter ns in the recent years after decades of bipartisan ship on supreme court matters. both parties have warned of the sweeping effects on the future of the court predicting that the shift will lead to tt elevation of more extreme judges if only a majority is required for confirmation. the nuclear option which lowers the threshold vote to the majority of 51 votes not the traditional 60 became reality on the floor today. with three democrats joeng every republican in the upper cham er to end debate on neil gorsuch's confirmation to the supreme court. stripping the minority party, in this case the democrats to filibuster the majority. >> the filibuster was used by mcconnell. what we are facing today is the fall out. >> reporter: in a last stitch effort democrats changed to scramble to change the boat but to no avail. republicans became united in changing a lond standing precedent. >> the nuclear option means a long history of consensus of supreme court nominations. weakens the standing of the senate as a whole. >> reporter: even some republicans warned about using this. democrats then the majority limb atd filibusters against executive branch and judicial nominees for lower courts. but gop leaders stood their ground today saying there was no other option. >> they did something today that was unprecedented in the history of the senate. unfortunately it has brought us to this point. >> reporter: a final vote on judge gorsuch's confirmation to the preem court is expected to come tomorrow night as they still have a maximum of 30 hours to debate. joining us now is our political analyst brian soebl. -- sob al. >> the hallmark of the senate has been what we call comity, getting along and the elements of the body and that sort of thing. it's the house of representatives where you have the rough and tumble. >> you had to include the minority because you needed 60 votes. generally you are going to need the minority and that will keep things either going way to to the left or right. >> right. it kept it more centered overall. that's out the window now. we are going to see how that changes the senate overall. >> ting they are surprised that some of the democrats crossed the line to go with the confirmation of neil gorsuch. what does that th mean for the future of the senate. >> i think it goes on for a while. i think it's the state of the politics in america today. it's reflected in our national votes. it's reflected in various states and now you're seeing it played out in the senate with respect to this vote. >> could this day have been avoided. >> yes. absolutely. had the leadership of the republicans and the democrats gotten in a room and said let's not fight about this particular pick because he's very similar in judicial temperament to the person who was here before, maybe even a little bit more progressive, so we'll save our fight for the next nomination. this was a lot to do with garland and his not getting a hearing at all. and this is the democrats saying this is pay back. but the problem here is this pay back is going to listening er for a while. >> you talk about that pay back and we talked about this whole idea of the democrats wanting to win this political war. is this going to pay off for them or is this going to hurt them in the future. >> to me, it could hurt if say trump is still president and the republicans still hold the majority of the senate, if another supreme court justice position comes open, they can nominate anybody and get them through. >> this is a huge day in washington. a huge day for president trump. probably the most important day thus far of his presidency. we have the situation going on in syria, that horrible chemical attack. today secretary of state rex tiller son was asked about the possibility of regime change and he says those steps are underway. does that mean we're going to war? >> we don't know the answer to that. he's been crypt i can in some of his -- cryptiment cin some of his comments, but both of those situations should be judged as very serious. day 76 of the trump at mrgs and two international situations and two -- administration and two international situations and two dom is i can situations coming across his death. nunez resigning from the russian part of the intelligence committee, and the vote for gorsuch. >> this is really where the rubber hits the road when it comes to especially the situation in syria and north korea. >> the situation in syria i judge to be extremely volatile. because you have russian military in there and how you thread the needle to take care of the regime and what they're doing with chemical weapons. mog around the position in there is going to take some real fine tuning. more major news now a congressional investigation into russia sper experience in the 2016 election. nunez who heads up the house committee is now under an essex investigation that he may have disclosed classified information. nunez called those charges entirely follows and politically moet vad but he said it was in the committee's best interest to step aside. democrats said nunez was too close to the whitehouse to be impartial. still to come some great news tonight for warrior fans. in a moment an update on committee inn durant and when the team is -- kevin durant and when the team is expected to put him back on the court. coming, the travel trouble and what caltran is doing to fix it. coming up an update on the oroville dam. . . breaking news out of san bruno. the search for a missing person leads police to a grew some find, a dis mem d body. police -- dis member d body. officers arrested a man at the home, 50-year-old david stubble field. the remains on the scene are not those of the missing person. we're keeping an eye on the state capitol tonight where the senate is xpd to vote any minute on the transportation bill. the governor said he was energized as he headed into the capitol. democrat leaders need to percent. they would increase car registration fees to raise billions of dollars to fix california roads. drivers describe it as scary, bad, and an accident waiting to happen. caltran is looking into compliance about a problem right in the middle of a busy better change between highway 85 and highway 101. maureen got behind the wheel today to experience it firsthand. >> reporter: frank it will surprise you if you are not expecting it. the fire is here. it's a busy intersection where highs ways 85 and 101 meet. that's where it dips down. it doesn't look like much from here, but we are going to show you a different angle and some drivers want to see that fixed. do you know the way out of san jose is a bit bumpy. >> i drove over it today. >> reporter: what was it like. >> i flew. you can literally bang your head on the roof it's so bad. >> reporter: this is the trouble spot they're talking about. at the end of southbound 85, you will find this one lane carpool fly er to get on to 85 southbound, but first you encounter this. here is another look, watch the black car dip, the white car dip, then us. >> wash the trunks to the cars. you can probably get some air if you're racing. >> reporter: technically the speed limit is 50 miles-an-hour. although drivers say traffic rarely abides. >> it blends in with the rest of the road. >> reporter: caltran says it's looking into the complaints. he have an says -- he have an says it should be -- eva n says it should be ripped up and should be redone. we reached out to caltran today. they said this is one of many sites they are currently assessing. and once complete they will come up with an appropriate course of action. now to oroville and an update on repairs. they said during a news conference, they continue to remove debris. so march 1.5 million cubic yards of debris have been hauled away. they are working on a project design for permanent fix. >> we need this in a matter of hours or days instead of weeks and months. this is the kind of project that would take 2 or 3 years to design and 2 or 3 years to build. so, we are going to do this in about nine months. you're going to be along for the ride. >> back in february, lake oroville overflowed and there was trouble with both the dam's main spill way and emergency spill way forcing the evacuation of about 180,000 people. we have some rain, more rain on the way. meteorologist mark tamayo is here right now. >> over the past half hour or see we've seen some change on the radar. this cold front moves closer to the bay area coast line. you can see already some green, yellow and a little bit of some orange showing up on the radar right now up along the north coast and here in the bay area as well. it's coming closer right now. we have some more coverage here closer to the north bay. santa rosa reporting some light rain. more development over san francisco. so, there is the north bay, santa rosa to napa to fairfield. we have some yellow and orange showing up. so we have some mod eight cells out towards sonoma-marin. -- moderate cells out towards santa mya. right now oakland sh the southerly wind 21 miles-an-hour. some more winds out towards nevada and santa rosa as well. a gust of 25 at half moon bay. these winds coming in out of the south. checkout the golden gate camera here. you can see it getting a work out already. not much in excessive rain yet, but there has been a change in the last hour. for saturday you can see the amounts changing from three quarters of an inch to an inch in the bay. it could be approaching 3 or 4 inches in a few isolated spots in the coastal hills. the bulk of rain comes in tonight and then again into your friday night. as we come in closer below the clouds, rain and wind, as we tacked about the winds gusting over 40 miles-an-hour. heaviest downpours will be up in oakland. there's the chance tonight between now and 9:00 we could have an small stream flood advisory kicking in. still working its way through the rest of the bay area late tonight and early tomorrow morning. friday is not going to be a wash out. some clouds, the possibility of some scattered showers. our next system comes on board as far as organized rainfall, that will be for tomorrow night, 9:00, there is a chance we could have some thunderstorms roll into this area. it is the cold unstable part that could trigger some thunderstorms here. saturday we are going to hang on to the chance of scattered showers, the best chance would be the morning hours and the early portion of the afternoon. scattered showers for tomorrow. the best chance in the morning hours. again, tomorrow night storm number 2 moves on sure. sunday we'll go with partly cloudy skies of i think sunday will be the best day of the weekend. a slight chance into monday and then tuesday some more clouds. the clouds could produce rainfall into next week. the storm machine will be pretty active. >> not over yet. pum condemn g the chemical attack -- president trump condemns the chemical attack in syria. new strangers now with a life long link. the emotional meeting today between a man and woman whose daughter gave him the gift of life. >> it helped to know that she helped somebody. live-stream your favorite sport at the airport. binge dvr'd shows while painting your toes. on demand laughs during long bubble baths. tv everywhere is awesome. the all-new xfinity stream app. xfinity. the future of awesome. . a roadside bomb has killed at least 20 people in somalia. this was the second attack targeting civilians in the capitol city in the past 20 hours. earlier in the day a car bomb killed eight people outside a sports center. the attacks are a challenge for somalia's new president who was elected back in february and has promised to make security a priority. president trump has been briefed on possible military options in response to the deadly chemical attack in syria. he called the attack a disgrace to humanity. >> i think what happens in syria is one of the truly egregious times and it shouldn't be allowed to happen. >> president trump placed the blame on the president. though syria continues to deny responsibility. more than 80 people, including children were killed i attack on tuesday. today secretary of state rex tiller son says the u.s. is considering an appropriate response and asadstepping down. >> with the acts that he's taken it would seem that there would be no role for him to govern the syrian people. >> they are supposed to vote this evening on a resolution regarding the attack. defense officials tell fox news two u.s. navy war ships are standing by in the eastern mediterranean which could be called upon to carry out air strikes. today president trump is meeting with the president of china and many people are watching. former south korean prime minister confirmed what others have been claiming, that north korea could have a nuclear tipped intercontinental missile ready to hit the mainland of the united states by the end of president trump's first term of service. it did go far enough to send a message. >> north korea is dangerous, certainly for south korea to the region as a whole, and at the same time even to the united states. it's becoming more and more dangerous to the rest of the world. >> china is arguably the only al eye left for -- ally lef north korea. a desperate plea from a widow one year after her husband, a former nasa researcher was shot and killed in oakland. new surveillance video that could bring police closer to catching his killer. the latest sat wide push that's facing some opposition from the medical industry -- the latest stayed wide push that's facing some opposition from the medical industry. . legendary comic done rickles died today. his brand of comedy was reflected in his nickname, the hersh ant and -- merchant of ven om. he also worked right up until the end. in fact, he was touring with reej is -- regisuntil last year. it has been almost a year since a nasa researcher was shot and killed. henry lee spoke to police and the victim's widow today and joins us live in his news room with what he learned. >> a former nasa contractor hopes new information and a reward will lead to tips. >> after a night out with friends brian was only yards from his home when he was shot and killed. when they found his body hi wallet and other items were still on him. >> it could have been a robbery gone wrong. something happened. >>. >> reporter: leo sanchez, the lead investigator says the motive is still unclear. but police do know the route he took home and released video of a person in the car that could be linked to the killing on april 10th, 2016. this video shows a man police say could be a witness or person of interest the is wearing a reflective jacket and is alone while working -- walking north on piedmont moment. at this very moment boll is working south on broadway. >> this timing, he was one of the last individuals to see brian alive. >> reporter: these are pictures of a white 2013 to 2017 chevy malibu that was also seen on the corner of piedmont. >> we're approaching the corner of broadway and piedmont, what happens right here. >> so if brian makes a left tand starts walking northbound on piedmont at which time the individual in the re flebt i have jacket is walking north bountd on piedmont just seconds behind brian. >> reporter: this is the same corner we see that white chevy malibu turning ton piedmont. >> that's correct. the chevy malibu, the male with the re flebt i have jacket and brian are all now going north on peed ment. >> reporter: and richmond boulevard where he was shot dead is around the corner from that intersection. police say it's not clear if the man in the jacket is connected to the white car. >> she visited the site of where her husband was killed. he had a ph d in electrical engineering from georgia tech. >> he's very intelligent, very curious and approached the world with a difference of wonder. he was much more interested to learn other people's stories than to tell his own. >> she wants to see js is and hopes anyone with information will come forward. >> if they know anything to please share it to see themselves in a situation it could have been their brother, their son, their loved one. >> reporter: there $30,000 reward for information leading to an arrest, $10,000 from the city of oak lis$20,000 from the fbi. a ups driver who disappeared after crashing a truck down a steep hill in laugh a yet has -- lafayette is now plan. the 34-year-old man turned up at a friend's house in concord. police say he received a medical check up and is okay physically. a dog that was believed to have drowned in a boating accident has turned up alive. firefighters patrolling the shore found the dog on shore. the dog was on a boat that capsized three days ago. one of the men on board, a 47-year-old man from san jose died in the accident. another man and a second dog were rescued. despite three days in the elements he seems to be in good health. he has been returned to a family member. . a top sh -- a topping off ceremony taking place this morning. the final beam for the project was painted white and construction workers signed their names on it to be part of the building's history forever. it is being placed on the 61 s floor, which will also -- 61 st floor. >> you can see the tower from everywhere. it's amazing. but what i noticed is that it needs to be something, a symbol for not just a great company, but a reminder that we all need to be giving back and doing something for others. that's why i think the ohanna is so important. >> reporter: ohana is the ha wayne word for fam -- hawai. an for family. the building is set to open this summer and besides from being the tallest brg in the city it will also be the tallest building west of chicago. president trump's propose add cuts to the environmental agency. the epa is now proposing to eliminate two programs focused on limiting children's exposure to lead based paint. these programs on the chopping block would zero out some grants that address lead based paint. the epa estimates that 38 million homes in the u.s. contain lead paint. but here in california advocates aren't giving up. the bill would require universal testing for lead instead of the current mandate that legislators say isn't working. all of this after that report in december lie lead in chi. >> the fight to reduce the startling number of childr california exposed to lead continues. this bill would mandate university testing statewide to not only decrease the exposure level in children but to determine who is at risk and where. >> i am hearing from mothers who are saying things like we live in an older home and nobody asked us to test our children. >> the bill was presented publicly for the first time before the environmental safety and toxic materials committee in sacramento tuesday. that's when it was met with opposition from the california medical association and the american academy of pediatrics. >> given what the american academy of pediatrics says, that they don't know what all of the -- what the risk factors are, that this is something that should be looked into. >> reporter: right now, children are only tested -- tested for lead if they are in government programs like medical. . more than 650,000 children were tested, but more than 800,000 kids are covered under medi-cal. that means there is a 20% compliance gap in lead testing. >> these parents have busy lives and if they have to go to a separate location to be tested, they may just not get to it. what i would like to see is the screening done when they're getting their vaccines. >> the assembly man says the test is as simple as a pin on the child's finger and will covered under the insurance plan. the clerk says the cost poent amount to much. >> i imagine you're tacking about a cost of a dollar or so a year per policy, which is given that these things go up by -- you know, can go up by hundreds of dollars a year, i don't think anyone would notice the cost frankly. >> the american academy of pediatrics released this statement saying, the recommendation is to do a risk assessment and do a blood lead level test only if the risk assessment comes back positive. according to the aa p, blood level test retirement system not recommended anymore except for high prevalence areas with increased risk factors. >> coming up this evening we sit dwoun the mayor to talk about his focus on lead safe practices. still to come, huge news from the master's tournament. the number one golfer in the world is out. up next, why he pulled out of the tournament right before he was about to tee off. i'm scott reese live in san jose. this will be rocking in js a couple of hours. i will tell you why the sharks game is so important and i will give you an update on their injured players. you're going to be hanging out in here. so if you need anything, text me. do you play? ♪ ♪ use the chase mobile app to send money in just a tap, to friends at more banks then ever before. you got next? chase. helping you master what's now and what's next. . a back injury has forced the number one ranked golfer in the world to withdraw from the master's dustin johnson hurt his back when he fell down the stairs in his rental home. it was a freak accident. he said he couldn't make a full swing. he now joins tiger woods as the only other number one current player not to play the ma. warrior's super star committee inn durant is expected to play this saturday. doctors cleared durant to return to full team practices after a knee injury. he missed the last 19 games and despite his absences his team is just doing -- doing just. the sharks and the oil ers, despite the sharks' top two centers suffering injuries both could be on their way to joining the team sooner than later. >> reporter: frank, that's obviously one of the big story lines heading into tonight's game. the sharks not exactly rolling at this critical time of year. they have won two straight games, in addition to trying to get their mojo back, they are trying to get their wounded back. a little over a week ago you mngs d this was grew some. he took a -- gruesome. he took a puck to the mouth. neither player has been active since. horton was up beat. even though his injury appeared serious initially, joe now says he'll absolutely be back for the playoffs next week and maybe as soon as saturday. >> i'm pretty optimistic about things. i never thought it was going to be tootoo bad. they told me a day-to-day type thing. >> i'm the guy that hates sitting out hockey games. i hate to go through going this type of injury. >> you have to just pray they use the strengths. i think we have been betting better. we had that road bfrp with the seven games. i think the encouraging thing is with the calendar gary games. we are playing -- calgary hockey. >> reporter: i spoke to some people who said that horton will not be playing today. he was scale in pain. we'll have to wait and see with the playoffs fast approaching. as for why tonight is such an important game. you are playing the oil ers who will likely be their first pround play off op poen ebt. -- opponent. this is a very very big game tonight, guys. >> thank you, scott. coming up here, another look at the weather and how crews are preparing for the in coming store -- incoming storm. we could be getting some rain tonight. >> we'll be right back. . the rain is picking up for the evening commute in san francisco with the heaviest showers and winds coming later tonight. for those living in flood prone areas of the city, the prospect of a storm has them on alert. katie talked with her in a neighborhood and they tell her they probably won't be sleeping much tonight. >> it is 4:30 a.m. on friday january 20th and the sewers are flooding again. >> reporter: cell phone video catches raw sewage and storm water spewing up from sewers. she and other neighbors blame the blood g on the sewers' sewer system. >> these set of houses were hit from the backyard and from the front street with raw sewage. that's the nightmare that we're living. >> reporter: with more rain on the way tonight, they fear more potential flooding, so they are packing up clothes and valuables to store on shelves. >> we're on high alert, clearly. again, we're stress understand and the stress levels every time there is a forecast of rain. >> reporter: they are at the bottom of a valley and they are the site of old historic creeks and water sheds. >> the public utility commission is in litigation currently. it does offer to reimburse residents. >> we are looking at other infrastructure improvement project in the area and other parts of the city that could help reduce flooding. >> reporter: this isn't the only area prone to flooding. this time lapse video shows flooding in the westport al area. another spot is 17th avenue. public works says it doesn't expect this storm to be too bad therefore it is not adding any addition at staff tomorrow. if you want to grab sand bags you can do sew so at the corner of kansas street and cesar chavez. >> per seeing the hef yes of the downpour coming done by the airport right now and mark tamayo is tracking it all for us today. >> this front coming in right on schedule. two hours ago it was pretty quiet out there with maybe a light wind and some scattered showers. but things have been increasing over the past hour as this mars over to the bay line. some more green showing up on the radar and some more development as well in terms of the yellow and orange and red. reports of heavier rain closer to millbrae, also in the sand letter areas as well. those yellows might be ex aj rad a little bit but those rainfall picking up. pushing the maps to the south, san francisco out towards oakland, south san francisco i do see reports of some heavier rain in the mill gray air -- millbrae area. then moving to the south not too much action in san jose yet. but that will be changing. . current wind speeds okay land 21 miles-an-hour. nevada a gust of 20 miles-an-hour as well. some more reports for you, sfo, half moon bay, the wind advisory for the morning not yet. it kicks up in the morning. we do have the slick roadways. the rainfall developing in the past hour. just be extra careful for the travel this evening, especially crossing the bay area bridges. an active weather pattern setting up out here in the pacific. we are talking about that cold front moving on shore with rain and wind. for your friday, a chance of a shower especially for the morning hours. the next system comes on board developing here. you can see this cold unstable air that could trigger a few thunderstorms. this will be by friday evening, he is petition petition lee -- especially after 8:00 tomorrow night. wint other storm warning in the sierra. -- winter storm warning in the sierra. 2 to 3 feet over the next few days. this is moderate to heavy rainfall. this is 2:00 a.m. friday and then throughout the day on friday, the clouds, the possibility of a shower moving across the region rgs but you will notice a lot more breaks in the action so you might be able to get outside for a walk or a run tomorrow afternoon. friday night, it this will be the un-- this will be the unstable system that could produce some thunderstorms out there tthen saturday night a few showers paying us a visit. still a chance into saturday especially for the first half of the day. temperatures for tomorrow will continue to cool things off. look ahead, your five-day forecast, another rain cloud friday night into saturday morning. sunday partly cloudy and a slight chance of a shower into monday. between now and 8:00 and 9:00, this will be the main event. you will notice a sudden change with the wind and rain picking up. so if you could avoid travel, that would be a good idea. an 11-year-old boy who is homeless in sacramento is being called a hero tonight. he took three bullets to protect his little sister. next, the latest on the little boy's condition and how the community is coming together to help his family. two strangers with a life long link. the meeting between a man and a woman who's daughter who gave him life. . an 11-year-old boy is recovering after being shot during a birthday party in sacramento. vicky tells us the little boy was injured while he was trying to protect his younger sister. >> reporter: kerry joe is fighting. >> trying to handle it as well as i can. >> reporter: the mother waiting for her 11-year-old son to wake up. >> he's on a breathe er. >> reporter: kerry is keeping her chern anonymous explaining the family attended a toddler's birthday when the party unraveled into violence. >> within the blink of a second there just was a -- >> reporter: a shooting between a woman and two children. >> one of them was pretty much in and out of the chest. there was one that came through the back. and basically they removed his appendix and his kidney. >> reporter: kerry's 11-year-old moving towards the bullets to save his two-year-old sister. >> he thought to protect her. and he had his i can -- basically his body covering hers. >> reporter: a child lucky to be alive now a hero. >> he protected my baby. i hate that this happened to him because he didn't deserve it at all. my baby is a good child. >> reporter: a mother's strength tested even more for nearly five months kerry and her children have been homeless. >> i have to get the kids back and forth to school and figuring out how we are going to eat and clothes and shoes. >> reporter: now a movement to make her life a little easier. >> council member allen warren now raising money for sunday's shooting victims. >> we want to give them a care package of money actually and allow them to go out and find a stable place to live. >> reporter: a family incomplete until her son heals. >> anywhere where we're together is home sichlt a spring time storm barrel g towards the bay area -- barrels towards the bay area. i'm health other holmes tonight in for julie. >> the storm is expected to arrive in matter of hours. take a look at the conditions from a gray twin peaks in san francisco. you can't see anything and showers have been scattered all day long. >> pg and e crews are getting ready. mark tamayo is tracking the storm from our weather center. getting more reports from the rainfall in a few minutes. the rainfall has been picking up as forecasted as the next system comes on shore. rainfall expectations through saturday, three quarters of an inch all the way to four inches. winds gusting over 50 miles-an-hour. the sierra picking up more snowfall, 2 to 3 feet. take a look at some of the rainfall projections. two systems with this system. -- to ranges with this system. there is that front approaching our coast line right now. a lot more coverage on the radar. those yellow and orange do correspond to more intense downpours. some good downpours near the nevada area as well. we'll move the maps closer to san francisco out towards south san francisco, oakland, hayward. rainfall increasing in kovrnl. in the south bay, not as much action in the south bay as yet but that will be changing as we move into the overnight hours. in a few minutes we'll talk more about wind advisory and high wind warnings. tom is is already seeing some damage from this latest storm. >> reporter: this was as tree that was punch drunk from all the previous storms and finally today it just collapsed taking out two phone poles and a whole bunch of power lines but what it did is give these crews to pg&e an

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