Transcripts For KTVU KTVU Fox 2 News At 5pm 20160729 : compa

Transcripts For KTVU KTVU Fox 2 News At 5pm 20160729

>> reporter: and afterwards. that we love you bernie! >> reporter: sanders himself was out again this morning reaffirming his support for hillary clinton. >> i understand better than anybody in this room that there are differences of opinion between us and hillary clinton. believe me. but if anyone thinks that there's not a significant difference between hillary clinton and donald trump, you are dead wrong. >> reporter: now tonight one last chance to make it right. hillary clinton will speak tonight on a newly renovated stage after an introduction from her daughter chelsea to formally accept her party's nomination. >> will you hear her invoke different principles that have guided her throughout her career in particular. will you hear her talk about how it takes a village. this is a theme from her 1992 book. >> reporter: it's the very moment bay area delegate jenny roamer traveled here to see. despite differences with her cousin -- >> will you support hillary clinton? >> she hasn't earned my vet yet. >> reporter: history is now just hours away. >> since was nine, every time i had a birthday wish, it was that a woman would be president. >> joining us now is our political analyst brian sobel. we just got some transcripts of what hillary clinton is going to say tonight. i will read awe quote. america is once again at a moment of reckoning. powerful forces are threatening to pull us apart. bonds of trust and respect are fraying. and just as with our founders, there are no guarantees. it is truly up to us. we have to decide whether we're going to work together so we can all rise together. what do you think she has to do tonight with her speech? >> she has to connect to the american people and not just the democratic base. she is going to work very hard tonight to find people that are on the fence as to how they feel about the candidate, and she's going to try to cross the line and pull over some republicans as well. senate's going to be an emotional speech. her daughter chelsea is is introducing her. she's expected to talk about the historical significance, women's right to vote, sufferage. >> it will be interesting to watch. ivanka trump introduced her father. and now chelsea is going 20 in trough dawes her mother. it will be emotional but hillary clinton has to stick to her business, and her business is to convince the american people she will make a good president. she's got a tall order, because coming off the speeches of barack obama and the others that spoke last night, she isn't as good as they are in terms of just giving a speech. so she's really got to bring it tonight. >> what do you think she has to do in order to bring in the i was listening to joe tuman talking on our 4:00 broadcast, and he was saying that he thinks hillary clinton just needs to go out there and be real and be herself, and the stakes are so high, as we just heard, one of the people actually at the convention said, hey, she hasn't earned my vote yet. >> in that discussion, when we were talking about that, i made the point that, you also have to deal with this lack of trust issue, and who she is as a person, because the american people still don't know the final answer to that, and they're on the fence about her trustworthiness, and other issues that have been dogging her for a really long time. we probably won't hear about the clinton foundation tonight. we won't hear about some of these issues. she's got to really talk -- obviously we won't. she's got to talk about why she can make a great president. >> then there are some bernie sanders supporters who are still not satisfied. there's even some concern that they could disrupt her speech tonight. what does she have to do to reassure them that their voices are being heard? >> she's got to talk about taking pieces of his platform and incorporating them in her going forward. i would be surprised if we saw some real disruption. you always have some people, but i think they will give her the respect. they're coming out of this convention with most people behind her, and they need to be behind her because it's going to be a bruising, bruising few months. >> i heard donald trump talking today. what he was saying, as far's' concerned, the democrats aren't talking about the real world. >> right. >> and in specifics, they're not talking about radical islamic terrorism. >> right. and they aren't. he points that out. but before he pointed it out, some analysts were taking a look at it, and noting the number of times, as an example, the word isis, or the acronym isis was brought up through the first two days. it was like zero. >> is that a mistake? >> well, i think the american people are very concerned about security. and should these things happen, nice and germany and baton rouge and dallas, and orlando, all of those people watching that, many of those say, you know, trump's got it right. we don't have our eye on the ball on the security ball. >> that said does, she not need to talk about in the. >> oh, i think so. i think she needs to talk about how as secretary of state was on the front lines, i know how to lead and i know how to keep our country safe. she's got to do that. >> it is a global issue. the grand finale is just a couple of hours away. >> right around the correspond. >> we will be talking with you later on. >> absolutely. >> thank you. >> you're welcome. >> our coverage extends to our web site, will you find streaming coverage of all of the major speeches and our behind the scenes blog and more. look for the politics section. hot weather prompted another statewide flex alert. officials are asking is people to conserve energy until 9:00 tonight. that's when the use of air conditioners typically drives consumption to the highest point. >> let's bring in chief meteorologist bill martin. is it my imagination? it didn't feel quite as hot today. >> that's exactlily right. it was a little cooler yesterday and a little cooler today, so it's been incremental. the flex alerts are coming from not just the bay area but the heat in vegas, the heat in phoenix, these big urban centers on the western united states are getting hammered by heat, up and down. so what's happening is there's a big draw on electricity because of the heat. air conditioners and such. and so they've issued a flex alert again for today. it's always spare the air day tomorrow. that's the fifth in a row. that is a by product of this heat. it is hot. we've seen fires, poor air quality. we've seen record temperatures in the central valley which is hard to do. the lid is on. but as frank points out, the lid has opened up just a little bit. we're seeing a little bit of cooling out there. and that cooling, these are current temperatures, you're probably going, oh, 100 degrees in company cord, that's hot. look at how much cooler it is today than yesterday. so two degrees in livermore, four degrees in fairfield. incremental cooling. takes the pressure off the spare the air did i as we head into the next couple of days. significant cooling coming our way. but in the meantime it has just been a heatwave. not the coast, but in land. it has been high fire danger. things are changing, though. when i come back we're going dial in the bay area weekend where there will be significant changes which will help the air and the flex alerts. we want to talk about monterey county where that soberanes fire is still burning out of control. so far the fire has burned more than 27,000 acres. it's destroyed 34 homes and is threatening another 2,000. 3500 firefighters are battling the flames. and as of tonight, that fire is still only 10% contained. one person died while fighting the fire when his bulldozer tipped over. he has been identified as robert reagan of fresno. he was only 35 years old. he leaves behind a wife and two young children. a gofundme account has been set up by his family to help with expenses. ktvu's ann rubin is in the carmel area today following that fire. ann what are the conditions like tonight? >> reporter: well, let me tell you, residents out here are worried about their homes. they're also worried about those firefighters out there trying to save them. so they're doing their best to show just how grateful they are. bulldozers have been working around the clock, sometimes within feet of the flames. >> it was right with us. >> reporter: 2,000 homes are threatened by the soberanes fair. many of those homes have been saved. at least 34 have not. rick williams likely among them. >> it hasn't set in yet. >> reporter: the flames drove out wildlife and forced out marijuana growers, too. one firefighter said he actually discovered 5 pounds of pot disscarredded in duffle bags. >> i was driving the dozer and i sought out of the corner of may eye, duffle bags laying on the ground behind a tree. >> reporter: meanwhile locals say they're frustrated so a group gathered funds and groceries to help the firefighters. >> a bunch of people got together at facebook, we met at safe way, started a donation, and got tons of stuff. >> reporter: residents say they want those 3500 firefighters to know how grateful they are. >> thank you. what can you say? guys, you're doing everything you can trying to save our places. >> reporter: there is a community meeting scheduled for tonight to update residents on the fire. it is set for 6:00 p.m. at carmel valley middle school is. back to you. >> ann rub but in monterey county, thank you. the search for the gunman what opened fire on an oakland police sergeant leads authorities to stockton. details on an overnight standoff involving children and the eventual arrest. a former football player from de la salle would also graduated from west point was training on his first day of army ranger school when unfortunately he got sick and died. coming up next what happened and what his former high school football coach is telling us about it. this is the walk to work for one woman here along washington avenue and san leandro until this guy showed up. the crime, her harrowing order daily. a story you do not want to miss after the break. honey, is the internet back yet? yes!! i need to let her know that i like this! i like, like, like, like... i haven't seen a movie based on a comic book in so long. i know. we're over here internet people! get high speed internet from at&t. with over 99% reliability. at an everyday price with no extra monthly fees. keep calm, you internet's on. a former high school football player from de la salle died shortly after getting sick during his first day of military training at ranger school. 21-year-old michael parros graduated from de la salle and west point. he was training to become an army ranger at fort binge in georgia. that includes two months of intense drills testing their ability to overcome fatigue, hunger, and stress during com ba. military doctors say parros suffered from hyponutremia before he died. that's a condition where sodium levels are too low. his former coach says he remembers parros as a key member of the team that helped win the championship. >> he was quite versatile, like a utility guy. we used him every game. he was invaluable to the success of that season. >> parros died yesterday. again, it was on his first day of training at army ranger school. funeral arrangements are pending. federal prosecutors say they will not retry the man convicted of killing congressional intern chandra levy. a judge ordered a new trial last year after doubts were raised about an alleged confession made to his cell mate. today the u.s. justice department issued a statement saying unforeseen developments led to the drop the case. chandra levy's mother spoke briefly saying she is now her daughter's voice. >> i hope that we find the right person who will not or -- if they're with him, that he doesn't go on and do anything else to other people. >> levy disappeared in 2001. her remains were later found in rock creek park. prosecutors argued her death fit a pattern of attacks on female joggers. he is in the u.s. illegally and plans call for him to be handed over to immigration officials after he is released. a man tried to pull a woman from the sidewalk into his car. it happened on washington avenue just south of halcion drive. late this afternoon investigators released a sketch of the man. reporter jesse gary is in san leandro where it happened and tells us about the person who helped save the woman. jesse. >> reporter: frank, investigators tell us this crime took place on the southbound side of washington avenue. that's across the street over by that white van aus cap see it is a busy, busy four-lane roadway, particular during the evening and morning commute. we talked to a friend of the man who stopped this crime, and police say he saved a life. >> he's just a good guy all around. >> reporter: bruce burns' unidentified friend is also an all-around hero. police say around 7:45 a 23- year-old woman was walking southbound on washington avenue heading to work. a kidnapping suspect depicted in this sketch pulls up in his car, jumps out and pepper sprays the woman in the fair, then tries to drag her into his car. she told police she could feel his heels about to be pulled inside. >> i think he was looking for a victim and he found the place to stop and wait. >> but the suspect was thwarted by the actions of a man in his mid-20s, a good samaritan who lives in the terrace gardens apartments. police say is he pulled over, jumped out of his car and stopped the crime, all while getting pepper sprayed. >> it's a big thing. >> sew was a hero. >> definitely. rchts police say the attacker sped off driving a silver nissan altima or sentra with tinted windows. >> very scary that at the's still out there. that's why we're asking for the public's help, before anyone else gets hurt. >> reporter: lieutenant clark says the suspect is wearing nice clothing, a collared shirt, pants, black shoes, thin rimmed glasses with a full goatee. if you recognize the man in the sketch, call your local police department. live in san leandro this afternoon, jesse gary, ktvu fox 2 news. >> jesse, it's remarkable when you think about what that guy, did how he got involved and how he literally saved that woman despite getting pepper sprayed hip70. any word from his friend about whether he may come forward? it sure would be great to hear from him. >> reporter: we're hoping, frank, and we're trying to work on that angle for perhaps later tonight if we can work that out. but i asked that, like why would your friend do that? it's so scary to get involved. you hear people say, don't take direct action, call 911 or call the police. but any time you take direct action, you put yourself in harp's way. that perp was pepper sprayed in the eyes as well. why did he do? he's that kind of guy. >> that's what we call a hero. jesse gary in the south bay tonight, thank you. we got weather out there to talk about. we're dealing with temperatures that are above average, a bit cooler than yesterday. it has been a very warm to hot week. and we have a fifth spare the air day in a row tomorrow. we haven't had any record heat. we have in the central valley but not around here because it's july. in july we do expect big numbers. but fog up and down. there's 1,000 miles of coastline, more than that on california's coastline. a lot of the coastline is backed up with fog. that shows you how that high pressure inversion is pressed all the way up and down. that's how strong that high pressure. that's why it's not bleeding inland, the white, the clouds, the fog. but as we head into the next 24 hours, 36 hours, it will start to have an intrusion, and that will begin to further -- it will further our cooling. so we've cooled a little bit each day, but we're going to cool more. so there's the fog. looks like the last few nights. there's a lot of is fog out in the richmond district, the bayview district. tomorrow morning there will be fog, probably into orinda, a little bit into livermore valley, places we haven't been seeing it. so a little more intrusion of fog, a little more cig your area. there's 100 degrees still in concord. you look off, and if you look, that's a good shot there. what we're looking at down the estuary, we're looking kind of south and east. what's that? that's smoke there the fires. if you are in the north bay you're not seeing that. but that's at a higher elevation. this stuff is getting up there. there's a little bit of a southeast wind that's -- not southeast. southwest wind that's blowing the smoke kind of into our southern communities. but that's part of the air quality issues. as we get into your saturday, sunday, a low pressure comes in, lucy it coming up here. that low pressure, you know what does it? so we can grab the fog, or not the fog, but the smoke. so tomorrow is hot inland. but this guy here with the cooling trend, is also going to -- these arrows are going like. that it's going to grab that smoke and pull it back. so with 10% containment on the soberanes fire, and with the potential for that southerly wind, we are dog to see cooler for the weekend, more fog. i think we're going to see more smoke, so be watching. so far -- you could even see -- i don't know if they would issue a spare the air day. we'll watch it. san francisco, mostly sunny tomorrow, and then you are going to find temperatures in san francisco getting into the upper 60s. oakland tomorrow 57 degrees, partlily cloudy. at lunchtime oakland you make to the 70 degrees where. due end up in oakland on your friday? all the way up into the mid-70s with plenty of sunshine. so next time you see me we'll get to the five-day and all the forecast highs for your neighborhood. we'll see you back here in a bit. scientists say the bright light streaking through the sky last night was space junk. today we learned there are more manmade objects tumbling to earth than you might think. later, continuing coverage on the final day of the democratic national convention. live pictures here of the wells fargo center in philadelphia. our political reporter ross palombo is there on the floor. we are going to hear from him as hillary clinton prepares to accept the party's nomination for president, probably sometime after 7:00 tonight. the city of san francisco marked world hepatitis day. officials say the reports of newlily discovered conditions is twice the rate in san francisco than in the rest of california. san francisco also has the highest rate of newly reported chronic hepatitis b cases in the state. several groups dedicated to changing those statistics gathered at city hall today to celebrate the strides that have been made, and they also acknowledged a lot more work still needs to be done. >> but the great news and the good news is defeating all forms of hepatitis is within our reach. we can eliminate hepatitis b and c through the winning combination of prevention, detection, and care. >> the goal of world hepatitis day is to eliminate viral hepatitis as a public health threat by the year 20 30. city leaders in san francisco are promoting the benefits of a new hue drew general fueled electric car with the hope of expanding the bay area's network of charging stations. today a new toyota mariah was parked outside city hall and available for a test-drive. officials are hoping the car can help meet the goal of reducing emissions. it was first introduced last fall. it costs about $60,000. it gets more than 300 miles per task, but right now there are just six charging stations in the entire bay area. >> so san francisco was just awarded a grant from the department of energy to help cities around the bay area figure out how they're going to put hydrogen charging infrastructure in the ground, because right now you could have one of these cars, but there aren't very many places you are going to get hue drew general. >> there are plans to have a total of 11 hydrogen charging stations operating in the bay area by the end of the year. coming up oakland police called at cowardly attack, and now they have made an arrest. still ahead tonight, what police say may have motivated a gunman to shoot at a police sergeant after she crashed her car. and it caught the attention of pretty much anyone who was outside last night. look at that. a bright light streaking across the sky. today we learned exactly what it was, and it turns out that this was man made. a man suspected of opening fire on a police sergeant from oakland over the weekend is under arrest. police say he was motivated by all the anti-police sentiment right now. our crime reporter henry lee is here. henry, oakland police tracked him to stockton. >> that's right, frank. police say the suspect was arrested 4:00 a.m. today after refusing for hours to come out from a stockton home. on saturday night the man saw that a police car had crashed and that the officer was trapped inside. police say the suspect opened fire on her car, quote, like a coward. the suspect holed up overnight inside a stockton home. police say there were children inside. oakland police asked for help from the stockton s.w.a.t. team. his name hasn't been released. the children were not hurt. five days earlier oakland police sergeant nadia clark seen here was heading to a call when a burgundy suv pulled in front of her in east oakland. the two suvs collided and the impact sent the sergeant's car up on the sidewalk. as she sat dazed in her car, the suspect walked up and fired a single shot. >> i just got shot at. i was in a car accident. i can't get out of the car. >> clark was not hit by gunfire. as for a motive police say the suspect may have been inspired by recent killings of police across the country. >> did he make some statements when he conducted that act that would lead me to believe that it is part of that story a little bit. the overall narrative that's going on nationally. >> oakland police have been pairing up on the streets for safety but patrol supervisors are still solo. sergeant clark is out of the hospital. >> is it's just frightening hearing her on the scanner there. you can just tell how scared she was. eyewitness news still wondering, she just happens to be driving down the street, she happens to get into an accident, this guy just happens to be there, this guy just happens to have a gun, and he just happens to say, hey, there's a police officer who just got into an accident, i'm going to shoot her? >> it all came together. that's exactly what police are saying. they're not providing details but they say he's not exactly from that neighborhood, but he's from oakland and he came across the scene and opened fire. >> i understand oakland police have also made an arrest in another case. >> that's right. oakland police have announced arrests in a homicide from earlier this month. now, four men have been arrested and charged with murder. you see them on the screen. police say they shot and killed anthony stevens as he sat in his car on july 9th. a fifth suspect seen here has not been caught. police say the men are part of a hybrid gang. police and the mayor say they're still focused on solving crimes even as the department is still without a permanent chief and deals with allegations of officer misconduct. >> i also remain deeply sorry for the recent events that have damaged community trust. and that is why it's so important that we stand in front of you today to demonstrate that we are so committed to the mission of the department. >> they're solving crimes, trying to find a new chief, and trying to deal with officer misconduct all at the same time. >> one of the problems that the police department faces, i hate to use the word but this is what they call it, is when people snitch. the police need people to come forward no matter how small the piece of information might seem to you, it could be that final piece that helps solve the puzzle. but people are afraid, and that's why oakland has an anonymous tip line. you do not have to worry. no one will ever find out that you called. >> that's right. there's a number of ways you can provide tips. you can call 238-2355, text tips, you can also call oakland crime stoppers anonymously, 510- 777-957 2. police are still tracking crimes and they want to solve and put these murderers in jail. >> and they depend on those tips. henry, thank you. it lit up the night sky. a bright light streaking above california, and other western states. thousands of people posted videos to their social media site. today we learned it was chinese space junk is falling out of orbit and burning up. this type of thing actually happens more often than you might think. ktvu's tom vacar joins us from the east bay hills with more on all of this. tom. >> reporter: what we're talking about now are dead satellites and parts of rockets and all that kind of stuff. not things like spacecraft that carry humans or spacecraft that were made to come back to earth and reenter and be reused. what we're talking about is space junk. there's plenty of it. it's kind of amazing that we don't see more of this streaking through the sky. here is y. the piece of space debris that lit up west coast skies is last night turned out to have been a booster stage of a chinese rocket launched about a month ago. it most likely burned up in the atmosphere, but the fiery trail that it left surprised a lot of people. nasa says an average of one cataloged piece of debris has phoen back to earth each day for the last 50 years. but there's been no injury to people or significant property damage from it. ben burris is an astronomer at the space and science center. >> generally it's the closer they are to earth, the lower the orbit, the quicker they come back. there's a lot of stuff up there. thousands of pieces that they actually track. >> reporter: this nasa animation shows the 20,000 pieces of space debris, grapefruit size and larger, that the joint space operations center at vandenberg air force base tracks on radar with assistance from lawrence livermore laboratories space scientists and supercomputers. >> but, in fact, the sort of more significant concern is you have all this space junk flying around, and you have the most debris where you have the most satellites. >> reporter: unfortunately there are 200,000 additional pieces of smaller debris that are not tracked that can also do grievous damage to other spacecraft and the space station. in fact, a space station window was deeply pitted by a micro scopic-sized piece of debris. if you have a piece of debris, in the worst case you now lose that capability. in february 2009 that actually happened where there was an iridium communications satellite that collided with a dead russian satellite that basically took out $50 million, $10 million satellite. >> reporter: this says nothing about the 40 tons of nature made meet meteroids. >> most of the stuff that could cause damage we pretty much know about, but it's the smaller things that could come out of the dark at us. >> reporter: modern american satellites are built in such a way they can actually be controlled back into the earth's atmosphere to burn up in a way that they don't reach the earth. that's the way most satellites will be built in the future. tom vacar, ktvu fox 2 news. >> it's all so fascinating, and so many people saw that light last night. tom thank you. breaking news right now from san francisco. hundreds of janitors from service employees international union, local 97, are take part in a march and rally in the city. they're calling on tech companies to give them a fair contract. this is happening right now at first and market in the city. it looks like the person there in the center of the screen is being detained or arrested. the master contract between the union and the city is' major janitorial contractors expires on sunday. the action that you are seeing tonight is part of the union's, quote, week of rage. this gang happening at first and market streets in san francisco. it's also happening during the height of the evening commute. so keep that in mind fur in the area. from what we understand, several people have been arrested, the protesters sat down in the middle of the street. the police have them surrounded, and are taking some of them into custody. we will keep following this. if we get more information we will bring it to you. but again a protest going on right now first and market street in san francisco. and still ahead tonight, parents trying to raise awareness following a personal tragedy. the story of a little girl who passed away at stanford while waiting for a bone marrow transplant. now her family doesn't want that to happen to anyone else. also, nfl fans full of is optimism as teams begin training camp, and that includes raider fans. we'll have a report from napa where the silver and black reported today. summer break is over around the nfl. players started reporting to training camp this week, and today it was the raiders' turn. we were there as they checked in, in napa, and we found out day one isn't is all about football. as ktvu's jason appelbaum reports, it's all about how you roll. >> reporter: whether it was a great bentley, black caddie, or a silver range rover with red rims, it was one sweet ride after another as the raiders rolled into camp. but it wasn't a car that turned the most heads. check out this green power rangers mask. no doubt the raiders are feeling pretty good about themselves as camp opens this year. >> as you know, you know, going into my sixth season, and it hasn't felt like in this a long time. it's a feeling where you feel like the guy next to you got the same mind-set and feels the same way. >> reporter: optimism and high expectations the order of the day. and why not? with veterans like linebackers like khalil mack here. >> obviously the talk that's been going around, we know that right now it's just talk, and the only thing that we can go out there and do is get better. >> after a very busy off season, lots of newcomers add to those expectations. one of them wasn't hard to spot. you just had to read his cap. pencil in cornerback shaun smith as the starter after the raiders gave him $20 million guaranteed to come offer from miami. >> i feel like we've added valuable pieces to the puzzle, a lot of pieces that we felt as a team were necessary for us to take it to the next level. >> i'm just excited to get back on the field with the teammates, new season. we've got the whole season ahead of us. anything is possible. we've just go to work hard and see what happens. >> so this is where the raiders will call home for the next three weeks beginning with tomorrow's practice. then they will break camp and head back to al made dayne mid- august. from napa, jason appelbaum, fox 2 news. >> the 49ers rookies and veterans report to training camp in santa clara saturday. their first full practice is sunday. the effort to lure the oakland raiders to las vegas is picking up steam as developers work on identifying potential sites for a new stadium. they told an everysite committee in vegas that they have located four possible sites and are promising to narrow that down to two in another month. they want to get their proposal together by january. that's when f florida owners will meet and could potentially vote on whether the team, the raiders, can relocate to las vegas. the cost for the stadium being proposed in las vegas is now around $2 billion. the raiders have said they would contribute about half a billion dollars. las vegas is saying that they would come up with the rest of the financing. still ahead tonight, their daughter died waiting for a bone marrow transplant what. her parents did today in the hope other families won't have to go through what they did. as we head towards friday it's another hot one but not as hot. it is a spare the air day. we'll talk about that and what you can expect for the bay area weekend. is in los angeles a car crashed into a home injuring eight people. it happened last night in the harbor gateway area. the driver took off. investigators say a group of elderly people were holding a bible study inside the home when the red sedan came crashing through. it is not clear what caused the driver to lose control or how many of the injured is were in the car or in the home. the 14-year-old girl who waited months for a bone marrow transplant that unfortunately never came has now died. ktvu's rob roth spoke with the girl's heart broken mother today who wants to raise awareness about the need to get people to register as donors. >> reporter: here on palo alto's university avenue a bone marrow donor drive in honor of destiny torrez who died waiting for a bone marrow transplant. her family doesn't want to see that happen to anyone he is. >> we want to make sure that everybody else knows about this so that they don't have to go through what we're going through. >> reporter: destiny, the oldest of three children, would have begun high school this fall. she was a 4.0 student who loved dancing hip-hop and playing basketball. >> always smiling, energetic. if she didn't know somebody, she would go out of her way to meat them. >> reporter: destiny complained of stomach pains last december. the doctor prescribed an antacid which caused a bad reaction. within days her liver failed. her family flew to stanford for a liver transplant. after the transplant her bone marrow failed. but because she was mixed race, hawaiian, filipino, japanese, it was hard to find a match. >> you could find a match maybe if she was just hawaiian or puerto rican, but the more the mix, the less likelily hood of a mix. >> reporter: she died july 20th. that's why her family wants to raise awareness that more people, especially non-lights, need to register as donors. it may be too late to save destiny. it doesn't have to be too late to save any other child. >> if everybody was on this list she would have found a match immediately and would probably be hear right now. >> reporter: rob roth, ktvu fox 2 news. we're heading for some more heat tomorrow. it was cooler by a few degrees but not much cooler. it's definitely still very warm. some of the highs from today, there's that 102 in livermore, 99 in antioch. they're down a couple of degrees. but we still add spare the air day and a spare the air day will be issued for tomorrow as well. that presses us to five in a row. 92 in santa rosa, san rafael, 88. not as hot as the last couple of days but still pretty hot. in the mountains some thunderstorms, kind of east of shaver lake. this cell north of mesa vista has been popping off a few thunder and lightning strikes. i suspect we are going to see more scattered thunderstorms. so if you have those mountain travel plans or you're a back parker, because this is the time of year people go be prepared for a little bit of that, especially in the afternoon hours. you know how it goes. late july, early august, a little bit of monsoonal moisture creeps in. there's the fog. it's right at the coast. but if you look at it, it's just is a little bit deeper than it has been. that means it's going to be a little bit cooler than it was today. by the weekend, significant cooling. there's the current temperatures. 97 in livermore. i think last night went to these numbers, the current numbers, and we were talking 10 2. minus four in fairfield, that's way cooler. san how say minus four. that's a big difference. there's the fog. i talked about beg deeper. last night -- let's see if we can find the perspective. it's hard, because of the fore ground. i'll get you the bridge. marine layer probably up over 1200 feet. last few nights it's been down around 800 feet. thick erma rein layer equals cooler day. that simple. you know we have a spare the air day. tomorrow is very hot inland, but instead of 105, it's 98, 99. we'll find a 100. i think there will be one or two, antio eastern livermore valley. there's the fog in the morning hours, then you warm up nicely into the low 100s in fairfield and vacaville, 100 in livermore. then the five-day forecast, there it is, hot, but not as. and then saturday and sunday, significant cooling. then we cool further on monday and tuesday. so coming out of the heatwave, if you will, and happilily. so air quality again sort of a big run of spare the air days is tomorrow. friday will be our fifth in a row. fire danger still up. it will be up all weekend even though it's cooling off. it's just that time of year. >> it still felt hot out there. >> me, too. you usually get used to the. >> have you noticed the air quality at all? i haven't felt anything. >> you kind of live in a unique place. i notice it. julie and i notice it. we're more in the valley area. >> i'm in oakland. >> some of those inland spots like santa clara valley, it can get bad, and you do notice it. you go for a workout, and you get a little burning in your mouth. a small plane crash at a northern california airport while all of those on board ended up losing their lives, see why officials say it actually could have been even worse. >> and in minutes at 6:00 continuing coverage of the time day of the democratic national convention. you're looking at live pictures of the wells fargo center in philadelphia. ktvu political reporter ross palombo is there on the floor. he will bring us the very latest as hillary clinton prepares to make history by being the first woman to set accept the party's nomination for president. california state gam bring authorities are investigating a suspected illegal casino south of sacramento. investigators say it was operating out of a rundown industrial park in florence. they raided the facility after people from near by businesses complained about crowds in the area, especially on the weekends. >> we just realized that you can't leave anything outside, you can't leave anything unlocked, you can't -- you have to double-check, triple check everything, make sure it's all closed down before you get home. >> agents say they seized 66 gambling devices and found an illegal pot grow with 151 plants. the state department of justice says made no arrests during the raid because no one was there at the time. four people were killed in northern california when their small plane crashed while trying to land. it happened late yesterday afternoon at the columbia airport. eric rucker reports. >> i'm afraid that there was one yell from the airplane. i didn't hear it myself. i was told about it. i guess i got lucky. >> reporter: if there was ever something mike johnson wishes he could unsee, this would be it. four people were on board when the cessna crashed at the columbia airport wednesday late afternoon. johnson believes most on board dade on impact. the rest when it exploded into a fireball. >> i expected the outcome to be poor. i had no idea there were four people in the airplane. it was essential is over in a minute or two. >> reporter: thursday morning the ntsb began its investigation. it will be days before they are done and possibly months before they report a cause for why it crashed. the plane's explosion also started a grass fire, cover kg about two acres. extinguished when another plane dropped fire retardant on it. as sad and horrific as this crass, it coof been worse according to witnesses. you see that shell tanker of the gas tanker? it was only about five to seven feet away from where the plane crashed. in fact it caught on fire. however, witnesses were able to grab fire extinguishers and put out before it exploded. >> i don't know what this thing holds, 3,000 gallons. i don't know if it was full or not but it was on fire. we got lucky. it's history in the making. hillary clinton getting ready to accept the democratic nomination for president making her the first woman to be nominated by a major political party. it's the grand finale in what has been a big week for democrats. good evening. i'm frank somerville. >> i'm julie haener. it is the fourth and final day of the democratic national convention. these are live pictures right now of the wells fargo center in philadelphia where hillary clinton is expected to make her address in about an hour. ktvu political reporter ross palombo has been at the convention is all week. ross, the excitement is building. >> oh, the excitement is building in the air. so much excitement is and so many people on the floor here of the wells fargo center that the secret service has once again shut down the floor here so no one can leave and no one else can come in. but look at this. all of california's 551 delegates are already seated. they have been up screaming and applauding for the last several hours. the anticipation building for hillary clinton and just over an hour now. and tonight, everyone in the delegation is hoping we don't see any more of the problems that we've had during the past four days. (s:reporter even with hillary clinton herself on stage -- >> there has never been a man or a woman, not me, not bill, nobody, more qualified than hillary clinton to serve as president of the united states of america. >> reporter: even with the presidential praise -- >> he's trying to tell us he cares about the middle class? give me a break! that's a bunch of mull mullarkey. >> it's gonna be great, believe me. we're gone that build a wall and make mexico pay for it, believe me. we're going to destroy is soys fast, believe me. there's nothing suspicious in my tax returns, believe me. >> reporter: the california delegation was still struggling as at least two delegates were ejected. all because bernie sanders supporters were still screaming out like this during the speeches. >> here it was completely distracting and upsetting. we're like,

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Fresno , California , United States , Vacaville , China , Columbia Airport , Russia , Rock Creek Park , Texas , San Francisco , Mexico , Shaver Lake , West Point , Georgia , Sacramento , Miami , Florida , Stanford , Philippines , Japan , Germany , Richmond District , Oakland , Livermore Valley , Santa Clara Valley , San Leandro , Philadelphia , Pennsylvania , Puerto Rico , Central Valley , Bayview District , Stockton , Phoenix , Arizona , Monterey County , Dallas , Hawaii , Filipino , America , Puerto Rican , Chinese , Russian , Hawaiian , Japanese , American , Henry Lee , Rick Williams , Frank Somerville , Toyota Mariah , Mann Rubin , Los Angeles , Khalil Mack , Eric Rucker , Nadia Clark , Jesse Gary , Barack Obama , Mike Johnson , Jason Appelbaum , Las Vegas , Robert Reagan , Lawrence Livermore , Hillary Clinton , Brian Sobel , Bernie Sanders ,

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