Transcripts For KTVU KTVU Fox 2 News At 5pm 20160128 : compa

Transcripts For KTVU KTVU Fox 2 News At 5pm 20160128

julie haener. >> she said she will take care of it pushed >> reporter: after 20 apartment on the bluff and looking at the damage, spear calls this a profound natural disaster. >> i promised the community of pacifica i would do everything in my power from a federal perspective to make sure the dollars are made available. >> reporter: without a state decoration she's hoping $30 million of federal funds are ready set aside to improve infrastructure can be used to fix public facilities like the peer -- pier. >> nobody wants to stay in childers very long. we will work with them. on the other hand, they have to find a place first. then we can come up with the funds to help with the right. >> reporter: jeff bowman said some agencies are trying to offer assistance. >> this was my place until three days ago. >> reporter: he is still stuck in the middle of the mess. >> is not their fault, but this just sucks. >> reporter: they want officials to keep their word about bringing in support. >> i don't expect them to solve all my problems. but at least the help is coming.>> reporter: spear is urging the city to set up a committee fund to help those affected by this. she says really she is concerned about everything west of highway 1 that could be a potential danger in the long- term. when they city manager was asked about a long-term plan she said they are working on one but not right now. >> cristina , we will talk with bill martin about the storms on the way and the impact it could have on the hillside. are they still doing work today? >> reporter: they still are in certain parts of a cliff. right now behind us there isn't any work being done. right below us out of the camera will be able to see, but there are holders beneath the complex at the base of the cliff . work is continually being done because they want to make sure all of this area is as safe as it can be. there is no quick fix. >> going back to the people who have been told they have to lead, have some of those people who don't already?>> reporter: the majority of people have packed up and left. there are one or two people who are refusing to the. they said they had been staying there every night is not the police officers were around. police officers said they don't want to have to arrest anyone, but if it comes to that they will make those arrests happened because it is not safe for people to be here. >> thank you. officials say while you might think el niño is to blame, the problem actually be happening because of the drought. it is something on oak hill road in the oakland hills. 's noelle walker -- -- ktvu's noelle walker is there. >> reporter: the first time they came to his home was when a big chunk of this hillside slip away on friday. in the oakland hills -- the views are astounding until kevin best books down.>> i am a lucky recipient. >> reporter: the hillside at the back of his home is gone.>> i feel like i'm sitting on an island. it is like sitting on an island with nothing around you. >> reporter: a mudslide to the hillside friday night. >> just in time to see the entire hillside and trees sliding down the hill. it was the most terrifying thing i have ever seen. >> reporter: today contractors are playing parts trying to keep future storms from making a bad problem worse.>> if we stop the saturation, that can help us to at least stabilize the hillside. >> reporter: on tuesday a contractor serving the slide got stuck in mud like quicksand. firefighters rescued him unharmed. >> i might have to come back. >> reporter: today east bay mud test the water trying to pinpoint the source. they stroke it is most likely from ground wash. the drought may have interpreted to the mudslide. there was a heavy top layer of the dry ground. >> when that material turns to jell-o or weak material, it slides down the hill from gravity. >> reporter: other places in the bay area could be at risk. >> the next step is to stabilize your house? >> yes.>> reporter: there is a long road ahead to save it. but for kevin best, all roads lead home. >> nothing in this world will get me to move ever. >> reporter: that structural engineers at this hillside still wants to move in fact the pilings from the house are hoping hold part of this hillside in place. the house has been looked at by the city inspectors. everybody can still go inside. it looks bad right now and honestly it's not good but the structural engineer said it is fixable. >> it will take some time and money. >> so mr. test still living in his home? >> reporter: is still in his home right now. it has been looked at and it is sound though more than a little unnerving when you look of the back and see what used to be a hill and ground right out your door gone. but he is doing his best to keep a good face on. every time i see him he is out here smiling. i think a lot of people might not have such a good attitude. >> let's hope they can keep that hillside stable. thank you. a couple pleaded not guilty today to murder and other charges in connection with the deaths of two children. 39-year-old tammy has been an gonzalez are accused of killing a 6-year-old boy and a 3-year- old girl in salinas. the bodies were found in a storage unit last month. the couple was charged with the abuse of a 9-year-old girl. huntsman had custody of the children and prosecutors about special circumstances against huntsman. that makes are eligible for the death penalty. as a manner, curiel faces a life sentence. students at oakland fremont high school walked out in protest. 50 students walked off campus this morning demanded imitators is a plan a guard and the vice principal who were involved in a violent scuffle with a 16-year- old student. the student said that wasn't there only grievance and even planning this protest for a week. >> we want so many things. we want them to be able to hire administrators because we deal with them on a daily basis and we don't even have a say in who gets in and who gets out. >> the protest was mostly peaceful with students holding signs and chanting. some students marched off campus and damaged a police cruiser on foothill boulevard. there is surveillance footage of the confrontation. the footage was released by district officials who claim a student was restrained because he was posing a danger to himself and others. in san jose police have arrested a man for assaulting a 2-year-old boy and killing him. it is 22-year-old manuel lopez of san jose. he is the boyfriend of the victim's mother. the little boy died on january 16. lopez was arrested 10 days later. he has been booked on charges of murder and child molestation. district attorneys counter the suggestion that sext trafficking spikes when the symbol comes to town -- super bowl comes to town. they say there is no evidence to support this claim and they say it is a problem that exists 365 days a year. workers pass out pamphlets to workers that explain how to recognize the signs of human trafficking. >> as much as we are focused on super bowl sunday is the other 364 days of the year that is so concerned to us. this is not a game. it is no less than a rescue mission.>> experts estimate there are 21 million victims of human trafficking worldwide. according to the alameda county district attorney nancy o'malley most labor trafficking victims come from mexico while sex trafficking victims come from asia and the u.s. journalists jason got a standing ovation today from his colleagues at the washington post. if you of them took to twitter to express their joy to see him walk into the meeting. he was accompanied by his wife and brother who lives in mill valley. jason cooper up in marion county and was released from an iranian prison after spending 18 months there. the ceremony took place around the world to remember the victims of the holocaust. 71 years to the day the ash which concentration camp was liberated. the general assembly has a moment of silence. secretary-general called on the world to always remember the events that took the lives of 6 million jews by the nazis in world war ii. he says the memory of the holocaust is a reminder of what can happen when we lose our humanity. they described her experience at ash which -- off switch -- auschwitz. >> everything was evil there. >> in 2005 the general assembly designated this day as the international day to honor the victims. keeping fans say is the top priority for experts leading up to the super bowl. we will look at the massive efforts underway. a new type of pharmacy opens on the peninsula. the mission is getting people healthy in a different way. a look at some super bowl events that don't take you to san francisco or santa clara. we've had a nice run of dry weather now things will change. russians are being raised about the handling of a train derailment in martinez last week. they did not leak the contents. contra costa county official said the initial reports suggested the cars didn't have breaks. they also said the owner eco- services did report the incident until three hours later. officials say there is no legal obligation since there was no spell. the federal reserve is expressing concern about the economy not just here but all over the world. the fed didn't change the benchmark interest rates today but said it may do so gradually in the coming months that could begin in march. interest rates to go up last month. the chance of an interest rate hike put the dow down today using 222 points. the s&p 500 gain of 20. it was a nice day around the bay area and the cats to see some sunshine. is go to bill martin in the weather center now to tell us. >> you'll be blown away by all the green. how vivid it is. after four years of not a lot of green, i noticed yesterday. the hills are a screen as i have seen them. [ laughter ] we got rain coming back into the bay area forecast with sets of with some wet weather toward the end of this week. there is san jose and it is a nice-looking day out there. the days are getting a little bit longer. you can still do step outside until 6:00 at night. it used to be at 5:15 pm. el nino moment here. can see the streamlined here coming from the dateline. this is subtropical. look at that line. is that 3500 miles is a moisture moving into the west coast. seattle will be the benefactor of most of that rain, but then the showers start to slide south as we head into your bay area friday which will be a good shop for some rain and then again in december. we have temperatures outside currently in the mild side with 60s today. this first storm will be relatively warm. when i showed you all the moisture? there is energy out there and wind and they are generating again. so we ended up with the high surf advisory with huge ways for friday. for concerns with coastal erosion, it is always an issue but we are not dealing with the king tides he returned with last week. there is a little bit less tied on it. the active storm pattern with all of this activity streaming the pacific over the next few days. another nice day except increasing clouds and patchy fog. clouds increase tomorrow mostly cloudy to partly cloudy. by tomorrow night, i suspect we will see some light sprinkles of around ukiah. but you are still dry toward san jose which changes toward friday. increasing clouds thursday which is your transition day. it will be warm, but then the rain starts friday and friday should be a fairly wet day. saturday brings the chance of a morning shower and sunday has a few more showers with a break monday. we have some big breaks here and some rain. by the end of this run of whether, we could be 2.5 inches of rain. >> we were talking earlier about the situation in pacifica . what will this storm do in terms of waves and could that cause more problems?>> that cliff -- the san andreas fault runs right between that cliff then you have the stand cliff in these highways. the difference between this event tomorrow or friday was the tide will not be as large. the tides will be lower, but there is no question. any time you get these swells it creates hydraulic pressure against those clips -- cliffs. that is the good news so far with el niño us all the service has been massive.>> thank you. all the speculation just about to end and the voting will soon begin. the iowa caucus is now five days away and the republican candidates have one more chance to sway the people of iowa during the debate tomorrow night on fox news. more and with the candidates are doing to prepare for the last showdown. >> reporter: republican front- runner donald trump says he is passing on the debate to raise money for veterans. in with his competitors don't seem to heartbroken about.>> there is a whole host of issues we can debate and thank goodness donald trump and his super huge ego and he is taking his fall and going home. that is all the better for the country. >> reporter: a double win for rand paul who is also getting back on the main stage after -- after skipping the last debate himself. marco rubio any third in most polls says his game plan remains the same. sticking to the big issues facing our nation. >> i will focus on the future of america and a and we don't have another four years like the last seven years.>> reporter: 2008 winner mike huckabee finds himself in the back of the pack this time around. >> we have done 150 events here in january in iowa. it is because i don't believe there is a shortcut to winning the iowa caucus. if there is, it will change forever the future of the caucus. >> reporter: hillary clinton is calling on democrats to shenzhen another debate before the primary as bernie sanders paid a visit to present obama at the white house today. >> tomorrow night debate comes ahead of the iowa caucuses next monday. you can watch the debate on the fox news channel at 6:00 tomorrow night. also ross palombo will be there. >> bernie sanders visit with present obama. it is the first time the men had met since then is launched his bed. the president has not officially endorsed any candidate yet but he recently told a reporter he thought hillary clinton would be ready to go on day one. that has been a slight to sanders but after the meeting sanders seems to brush off those comments. >> i know there was some dysfunction the other day about the political interview where he was going for secretary clinton. i don't believe that at all.>> sanders said they discussed foreign-policy, the economy, and politics. i would be upset, obviously. >> the big mistake east bay mud is admitting to and how it is trying to make things right with his customers. wanted for grand theft. these suspects accused of robbing a local sports store. we are a couple days away from all the super bowl events getting underway around the bay area including the nfl experience at muscovy center which opened sunday. that is a muscovy center on the left and when it gardens on the right and on howard street it looks at the set up a little football field. so all the work underway with a lot of things going on in san francisco. if you want to get in on the simple fun but on san francisco -- super bowl fun, there are of events going on in the bay area. ktvu's john sasaki has more. >> reporter: this city has two super bowl themed scavenger hunts. one is for kids and the other for adults. you might soon see hundreds of people in search of something in downtown pleasanton. >> on february 6 saturday have a scavenger hunt. >> it is for kids up to 10 years old. more than a dozen businesses are taking it. adults are not left out. the ball match different prices. >> is unlike other events for the bay area. what is better than the biggest game and the biggest anniversary? >> reporter: the city of san pablo is hoping for more than 300 kids to come out for the competition on the football field at contra costa college. >> each child would have the opportunity to punt and pass for distance and accuracy. >> reporter: this is a competition that happens every year around the country. the event will also have important information for adults.>> additional activities were people can check their less pressure and blood sugar as well as the dance competition. >> reporter: upscaled sausalito is also joining in the fun. many restaurants are taking part in the clam chowder competition. >> they are fresh. it all comes together the last minute. >> reporter: the barrelhouse is putting the its unique chowder in the name of the big game. >> it is a pretty cool idea. it is fun to submit clam chowder.>> reporter: there is going on it. there are many other events around the bay area from cities including captain bay, walnut creek, they are going all over the place. they include the flag football game at santa clara university. there is a couple of runs and a chilly -- chili cookoff. >> thank you. the recent terror attacks in san bernardino and paris have the bay area on high alert as the big game gets closer.>> right now we have no credible threats to this given the month-long training being put into action to keep football fans safe. >> the stand up with emotion in oregon took a violent turn last night. one of the leaders is dead. a different type of pharmacy opened on the peninsula today. how this food pharmacy is designed to help low income people with diabetes stay on a healthy diet. this saturday thousands of football fans will converge on downtown san francisco for the kickoff of super bowl 50. the security plans to monitor the facilities in the wake of the terror attacks in paris and san bernardino. ktvu's tara moriarty tells us what you need to know for you go. >> reporter: the buffalo will cook up a notch come saturday. >> it is pretty exciting. i came down to see it. >> reporter: san francisco is three days away from super bowl city. the sound of drills and police on motorcycles. and streetcars can be heard from don till dusk. -- dawn till dusk. >> right now we have no credible threats to this event. >> reporter: the city has activated its emergency operation center working with the intelligence center to measure threats. police chief says the terrorist attack in paris and san bernardino to effectively the city trained for the super bowl.>> we are 18 and as they prepare -- a team. this is our playbook. >> reporter: they've been working together on drills and a preparedness plan. >> strongly cautioned against people driving in personal cars. >> reporter: this was the seed at drummond washington street at 3:00 this afternoon. black lives matter and occupy announced this week the plan a protest super bowl city saturday around noon. >> there are often protest that go with these events. will do everything we can to facilitate the first amendment rights of the people. >> reporter: there will be tight security. if you plan on bringing a bag, it has to be less than 18 inches by 18 inches. officials say you can register for alerts by texting to 888777. the fans say they are fired up. >> it is good to be around broncos fans. absolutely. >> reporter: in san francisco, tara moriarty, ktvu. officials with the high- speed rail project defended in sacramento. the original estimate for building the boat frame was $33 billion. since then it has ballooned to $68 billion. one viable is the drilling of a tunnel through the mountains east of los angeles. today the chairman of the high- speed rail board said he cannot guarantee a price tag.>> there are a rate opportunities here so i cannot look you in the eye and tell you it will be $68 million.>> he said he is less confident about when the project will be finished. the lake is mostly completed by 2028 but there have been many delays due to environmental reviews and difficulties in acquiring land. the man accused of killing his coworker in the south bay made his first court appearance today. he is facing murder charges. ktvu's henry lee in our newsroom tonight. >> this is a so-called no body case. it'll be up to the dea to -- d.a. to approve that steve raible children. police say there is no doubt the victim was killed by his coworker. a severed human ear found in blood. that is just some of the evidence san jose police say proved 38-year-old steve lipo killed his coworker. he made his first court appearance today at the help of justice in san jose. he did not enter a plea. the body hasn't been done but prosecutors say their case is solved. >> we are confident in the charges we felt.>> reporter: myrick disappeared friday. on the same day they found evidence at this building in san jose. myrick and lipo worked together at a place called gb sports. when they asked lipo to look for him he refused saying there are goes in there. -- goes -- ghosts in there. court papers say there were signs a body had been drug from the building to a spot where his truck had been part. officers found a severed human ear. police arrested lipo at his home on saturday. volunteers have searched everywhere for signs of myrick or his body including local reservoirs. still nothing and he defended isn't talking. he denied any wrongdoing in a jill harris -- jailhouse interview. >> what we want is for kyle to come home. >> reporter: his brother asked for people to continue searching. >> any and all volunteers, please come out and help me. >> he is being held without bail and returns to court february february 13. the search continues for his body including in the ocean. >> henry lee, thank you. filling a prescription but getting food instead of medication. the new pharmacy where low income people can pick up healthy food. in oregon a local sheriff's urging the activist to move on. traffic stop last night led to the arrest of eight of the leaders. the fbi says one member was shot and killed after trying to flee. dan sprecher has our report from burnt oregon. >> reporter: federal agents are ratcheting up the pressure on those occupying a federal wildlife refuge. armed checkpoints now surround the compound. the move follows a fatal shooting last night and the arrest of seven of the protest leaders. >> is the actions and choices of the armed occupiers of the refuge that has led us to where we are today. they had ample opportunity to leave the refuge peacefully. >> reporter: 55-year-old lavoy finicum was killed by gunfire. the group was stopped at a highway as he tried to take the message of government overreach on public land to nearby grant county. the leader ammon bundy was among those arrested. while the fbi denies wrongdoing, bundy's father who had his own showdown was told to come without posing a threat to finicum was not posing a threat. >> they shot him with his hands up and murdered him. >> reporter: the protest began as an everett to keep two local ranchers out of prison for setting fires on public land. when that failed, it turned into an indictment of all local land in the west. they are picking the occupiers to leave to avoid a chat. >> this has been tearing our community apart. we work to the appropriate channels. this cannot happen anymore. this cannot happen in america or in harney county. >> reporter: the fbi use extreme caution with the protesters not wanting to spark a wide uprising. local officials and oregon's governor said the occupation had to an -- end now. inference oregon dan springer, fox news. >> the mayor of milwaukee praise the fbi for stopping a terrorist attack there. the fbi had been monitoring 23- year-old sammy since september. he was planning to use guns to massacre people inside a masonic temple. they arrested him after he bought two machine guns. >> what the purchased those guns and based on many of the conversations in many of the state since made, the fbi then apprehended him and put him under arrest. >> he is facing federal charges of are not lawfully possession a machine gun and receiving firearms not registered to him. designators are expected to prompt more serious charges as well. the super bowl is 11 days away. how much do you know about the teams? joe fonzi hit the streets of san francisco. a different type of pharmacy opened today. this one is not some medication that is products are equally important. we are tracking more painful for the bay area and a large circle on the coast. i will let you know when he gets here. a different kind of pharmacy opened up on the peninsula today. it is called a food pharmacy designed to help low income folks suffering with diabetes to eat a healthy diet. ktvu's rob roth tells us is the first of this kind to open in california. >> reporter: this woman is filling a medical prescription with groceries. she has type ii diabetes. >> translator: before i used to a do a lot of fried foods and hamburger and i don't do that anymore. >> reporter: now she can get healthier groceries here at the food pharmacy in redwood city. with a doctor's prescription low income diabetes patients can get food at this special pantry inside the samaritan house clinic for free. the hope is there a better diet heard he disease -- her disease won't get worse. has an my feet don't hurt anymore toto >> translator: my feet don't hurt anymore. >> reporter: these diseases run rampant among low income people who cannot afford to eat healthier. >> clients have told us one out of every three adults that we serve are suffering from diabetes. that's more than three times the national average. this is a big problem among low income communities. >> translator: out of work and the only one who works as my husband, so we live day by day with his salad. >> reporter: the food pharmacy open today as they pilot program expecting to provide 100 diabetes patients with a ticket to a healthier diet. it is located in the same building as the medical clinic. >> if they are running out of food, they can get the food that is healthy for them rather than having to pick up something that is cheap and feeling but not that healthy.>> reporter: another benefit is the cost of food is less than the cost of treating the effects of the disease. >> many times we tell patients go on this diet, but they don't have the resources to do that diet. so for us to be able to provide those resources is special here.>> reporter: those running the pharmacy say they will be extending it for a year and if all goes well, they hope to expand the program to other parts of san mateo county. in redwood city, rob roth, ktvu , fox 2 news. >> the last of the chief defenses can comes when after two years of reconstruction work. renovation was done in stages so they know that half was already done and today the 7/2 was reopened. the entire park is successful with the benches and a new dog park and toilets. the city is encouraging a new attitude about trash and is asking people to clean up after themselves.>> you won't see trash cans in the park. you want people to pack it in and out. all around the park you'll see trash cans and recycle cans during the weekends we have partnered with an echo pop up where we will sorted for you. >> people are invited to join the celebration. intransitive 7:00 tonight. check this talk about our weather as we have bill martin at without a jacket today. >> we had some numbers in the mid-60s today. we get rain on friday so we are back to the wet. we have some traffic out there and i wouldn't be surprised if this has something to do with it. going out toward sacramento that is typically back up. come into san francisco, i don't know if that is what is happening, but i wouldn't be surprised. many cars are moving into the city with a dry roads now but not for long as we have to tomorrow night and friday the was become wet again. is coming all the way from the dateline and you can see all of that moisture streaming toward the west coast. it starts off in seattle and works its way south on friday and then toward the weekend i think l.a. gets a good hit on saturday. there is a sweeping radar in the next 24 hours there will be rain north. we won't see much. our rain shows up as we head into your bay area friday night. here is these showers on thursday morning. you can see some valley fog here. some valley fog with rain of north and the model pushes us into 7:00 tonight and you see the first signs of showers showing up offshore in the clear line of the clouds in the system moving in. then we go into friday morning and there is light showers and it is heavy up here. it has been going on in the north bay and as you move into friday afternoon we have showers for the entire bay area. in the mountains we are talking about the winter storm warning. saturday lunchtime forecast has a little bit of a break and the chance to try out. how much rain? maybe a couple inches up toward eureka and ukiah. you can see the steady drop off toward san francisco with a quarter of an inch of rain. that is is saturday. the forecast high is tomorrow we are still doing mid-60s in places like concorde and 67 in gilroy. than the five day forecast is a wet one with the breaks. you have increasing clouds and showers on friday scattered but it melts. maybe some areas could see a half- inch to the north be and san jose may see 2/10 with a chance of showers saturday morning and monday. by the way, as i looked at the super bowl coming up, with the rain in the mid-latitude, the models are super aggressive. the latest model is aggressive with rain fell on the game. -- rainfall on the game. there is rain all around the event. it'll be interesting to see what happens. >> that would be fun to be a super bowl in a huge downpour. >> it's fun to be home. >> if you know early, you can just planned for it. it is what it is. thank you. every year it is the biggest show on tv. coming up how much do fans really know about the teams playing in the symbol? -- super bowl? joe fonzi hits the streets to find out. the new bill be proposed to help secure more spots for you -- your kids at you see -- uc schools. the super bowl fun is just days away and anticipation of the events is going. >> how well do you know the two teams? denver broncos and the carolina panthers. ktvu's joe fonzi went to san francisco to find out. >> reporter: the super bowl city structures are taking shape. this is san francisco. that means even the most obvious conclusion sometimes are not so obvious. >> do you get a sense it's a big deal? >> just a little bit.>> it is wants any lifetime. san francisco. wow. >> this is their religion. >> they should be having the steps in santa clara. they took the football team away. they should take the traffic too . >> did you get the word the ducks anatomy suitable? >> i thought they were going to be plan. i am pretty sure it is the chicago blackhawks. >> reporter: if i told you carolina panthers and denver broncos, does that ring any bells? >> no. >> i a more into soccer. i am probably getting some booze right now. >> reporter: booze or boo's? >> the panthers. >> reporter: you guys are a good team. >> i know a couple of players. >> reporter: what players do you know? >> tom brady. that's it. [ laughter ] >> reporter: who does peyton manning play for? >> the patriots. >> reporter: tom brady? >> doesn't he play for them too? >> not much. [ laughter ] >> reporter: do you have a favorite super bowl game? >> carolyn. >> -- carolina. >> not denver again. sorry, peyton. >> carolina really just because to keep them happy. >> reporter: what will this thing mean to you? >> i mean, we are all football fans. we wish the 49ers were in it. it is a big thing for san francisco. this is great. >> reporter: super bowl city is so -- small settlement. it is but to become a boomtime. joe fonzi, ktvu , fox 2 . the cofounder of myspace tom anderson tweeted this today. can we keep tim lynn succumb if i pay for it? anderson can't afford it. he sold myspace. he may be the ottoman out and he had -- odd man out. the giants haven't re-signed him. he has been a fan favorite pieces is coming out weekly and the pitchers and catchers report the spring training figure 17. the drought is affected how most of us use in concert water. it is also prompted the water district to shame people who use too much water. now they are admitting some of those water wasters may not have done anything wrong. >> good evening i am julie haener and i am frank somerville. some customers labeled as water wasters have an victims of the speculations and errors. now the water district is acknowledging the mistake and try to get the speakers straighten out. now the newsroom with the details. >> california law requires utilities release such information is requested through the public records act. in the case of some of the accused wasters, that information was a bit flawed. >> reporter: went east bay mud released the list it was mostly based on a two-month billing cycle but due to meter reading problems some of those had only estimated bills or repealed over in 120 day period taking their really use have to what east bay m.u.d. reported. >> we apologize to those customers that did have those cycles. >> reporter: the retired women tells me she was embarrassed and dismayed and later angry because she knew she simply wasn't using that much water. also put question two random users. >> i would be upset, obviously. i really hope east bay m.u.d. steps up and admits their mistakes and publishes it as strong as the published the original list to begin with. >> i would have been very embarrassed by it. i think people in general sometimes can be hurtful and helped of these people have been harmed. >> reporter: east bay m.u.d. also says this. >> we send letters to customers whose use was close to or already subject to the excessive use ordinance so we could provide a warning to them. >> reporter: so nobody -- >> i think if it they have had deposit impact on the uses in general.>> i object and you are just dead

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Transcripts For KTVU KTVU Fox 2 News At 5pm 20160128

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julie haener. >> she said she will take care of it pushed >> reporter: after 20 apartment on the bluff and looking at the damage, spear calls this a profound natural disaster. >> i promised the community of pacifica i would do everything in my power from a federal perspective to make sure the dollars are made available. >> reporter: without a state decoration she's hoping $30 million of federal funds are ready set aside to improve infrastructure can be used to fix public facilities like the peer -- pier. >> nobody wants to stay in childers very long. we will work with them. on the other hand, they have to find a place first. then we can come up with the funds to help with the right. >> reporter: jeff bowman said some agencies are trying to offer assistance. >> this was my place until three days ago. >> reporter: he is still stuck in the middle of the mess. >> is not their fault, but this just sucks. >> reporter: they want officials to keep their word about bringing in support. >> i don't expect them to solve all my problems. but at least the help is coming.>> reporter: spear is urging the city to set up a committee fund to help those affected by this. she says really she is concerned about everything west of highway 1 that could be a potential danger in the long- term. when they city manager was asked about a long-term plan she said they are working on one but not right now. >> cristina , we will talk with bill martin about the storms on the way and the impact it could have on the hillside. are they still doing work today? >> reporter: they still are in certain parts of a cliff. right now behind us there isn't any work being done. right below us out of the camera will be able to see, but there are holders beneath the complex at the base of the cliff . work is continually being done because they want to make sure all of this area is as safe as it can be. there is no quick fix. >> going back to the people who have been told they have to lead, have some of those people who don't already?>> reporter: the majority of people have packed up and left. there are one or two people who are refusing to the. they said they had been staying there every night is not the police officers were around. police officers said they don't want to have to arrest anyone, but if it comes to that they will make those arrests happened because it is not safe for people to be here. >> thank you. officials say while you might think el niño is to blame, the problem actually be happening because of the drought. it is something on oak hill road in the oakland hills. 's noelle walker -- -- ktvu's noelle walker is there. >> reporter: the first time they came to his home was when a big chunk of this hillside slip away on friday. in the oakland hills -- the views are astounding until kevin best books down.>> i am a lucky recipient. >> reporter: the hillside at the back of his home is gone.>> i feel like i'm sitting on an island. it is like sitting on an island with nothing around you. >> reporter: a mudslide to the hillside friday night. >> just in time to see the entire hillside and trees sliding down the hill. it was the most terrifying thing i have ever seen. >> reporter: today contractors are playing parts trying to keep future storms from making a bad problem worse.>> if we stop the saturation, that can help us to at least stabilize the hillside. >> reporter: on tuesday a contractor serving the slide got stuck in mud like quicksand. firefighters rescued him unharmed. >> i might have to come back. >> reporter: today east bay mud test the water trying to pinpoint the source. they stroke it is most likely from ground wash. the drought may have interpreted to the mudslide. there was a heavy top layer of the dry ground. >> when that material turns to jell-o or weak material, it slides down the hill from gravity. >> reporter: other places in the bay area could be at risk. >> the next step is to stabilize your house? >> yes.>> reporter: there is a long road ahead to save it. but for kevin best, all roads lead home. >> nothing in this world will get me to move ever. >> reporter: that structural engineers at this hillside still wants to move in fact the pilings from the house are hoping hold part of this hillside in place. the house has been looked at by the city inspectors. everybody can still go inside. it looks bad right now and honestly it's not good but the structural engineer said it is fixable. >> it will take some time and money. >> so mr. test still living in his home? >> reporter: is still in his home right now. it has been looked at and it is sound though more than a little unnerving when you look of the back and see what used to be a hill and ground right out your door gone. but he is doing his best to keep a good face on. every time i see him he is out here smiling. i think a lot of people might not have such a good attitude. >> let's hope they can keep that hillside stable. thank you. a couple pleaded not guilty today to murder and other charges in connection with the deaths of two children. 39-year-old tammy has been an gonzalez are accused of killing a 6-year-old boy and a 3-year- old girl in salinas. the bodies were found in a storage unit last month. the couple was charged with the abuse of a 9-year-old girl. huntsman had custody of the children and prosecutors about special circumstances against huntsman. that makes are eligible for the death penalty. as a manner, curiel faces a life sentence. students at oakland fremont high school walked out in protest. 50 students walked off campus this morning demanded imitators is a plan a guard and the vice principal who were involved in a violent scuffle with a 16-year- old student. the student said that wasn't there only grievance and even planning this protest for a week. >> we want so many things. we want them to be able to hire administrators because we deal with them on a daily basis and we don't even have a say in who gets in and who gets out. >> the protest was mostly peaceful with students holding signs and chanting. some students marched off campus and damaged a police cruiser on foothill boulevard. there is surveillance footage of the confrontation. the footage was released by district officials who claim a student was restrained because he was posing a danger to himself and others. in san jose police have arrested a man for assaulting a 2-year-old boy and killing him. it is 22-year-old manuel lopez of san jose. he is the boyfriend of the victim's mother. the little boy died on january 16. lopez was arrested 10 days later. he has been booked on charges of murder and child molestation. district attorneys counter the suggestion that sext trafficking spikes when the symbol comes to town -- super bowl comes to town. they say there is no evidence to support this claim and they say it is a problem that exists 365 days a year. workers pass out pamphlets to workers that explain how to recognize the signs of human trafficking. >> as much as we are focused on super bowl sunday is the other 364 days of the year that is so concerned to us. this is not a game. it is no less than a rescue mission.>> experts estimate there are 21 million victims of human trafficking worldwide. according to the alameda county district attorney nancy o'malley most labor trafficking victims come from mexico while sex trafficking victims come from asia and the u.s. journalists jason got a standing ovation today from his colleagues at the washington post. if you of them took to twitter to express their joy to see him walk into the meeting. he was accompanied by his wife and brother who lives in mill valley. jason cooper up in marion county and was released from an iranian prison after spending 18 months there. the ceremony took place around the world to remember the victims of the holocaust. 71 years to the day the ash which concentration camp was liberated. the general assembly has a moment of silence. secretary-general called on the world to always remember the events that took the lives of 6 million jews by the nazis in world war ii. he says the memory of the holocaust is a reminder of what can happen when we lose our humanity. they described her experience at ash which -- off switch -- auschwitz. >> everything was evil there. >> in 2005 the general assembly designated this day as the international day to honor the victims. keeping fans say is the top priority for experts leading up to the super bowl. we will look at the massive efforts underway. a new type of pharmacy opens on the peninsula. the mission is getting people healthy in a different way. a look at some super bowl events that don't take you to san francisco or santa clara. we've had a nice run of dry weather now things will change. russians are being raised about the handling of a train derailment in martinez last week. they did not leak the contents. contra costa county official said the initial reports suggested the cars didn't have breaks. they also said the owner eco- services did report the incident until three hours later. officials say there is no legal obligation since there was no spell. the federal reserve is expressing concern about the economy not just here but all over the world. the fed didn't change the benchmark interest rates today but said it may do so gradually in the coming months that could begin in march. interest rates to go up last month. the chance of an interest rate hike put the dow down today using 222 points. the s&p 500 gain of 20. it was a nice day around the bay area and the cats to see some sunshine. is go to bill martin in the weather center now to tell us. >> you'll be blown away by all the green. how vivid it is. after four years of not a lot of green, i noticed yesterday. the hills are a screen as i have seen them. [ laughter ] we got rain coming back into the bay area forecast with sets of with some wet weather toward the end of this week. there is san jose and it is a nice-looking day out there. the days are getting a little bit longer. you can still do step outside until 6:00 at night. it used to be at 5:15 pm. el nino moment here. can see the streamlined here coming from the dateline. this is subtropical. look at that line. is that 3500 miles is a moisture moving into the west coast. seattle will be the benefactor of most of that rain, but then the showers start to slide south as we head into your bay area friday which will be a good shop for some rain and then again in december. we have temperatures outside currently in the mild side with 60s today. this first storm will be relatively warm. when i showed you all the moisture? there is energy out there and wind and they are generating again. so we ended up with the high surf advisory with huge ways for friday. for concerns with coastal erosion, it is always an issue but we are not dealing with the king tides he returned with last week. there is a little bit less tied on it. the active storm pattern with all of this activity streaming the pacific over the next few days. another nice day except increasing clouds and patchy fog. clouds increase tomorrow mostly cloudy to partly cloudy. by tomorrow night, i suspect we will see some light sprinkles of around ukiah. but you are still dry toward san jose which changes toward friday. increasing clouds thursday which is your transition day. it will be warm, but then the rain starts friday and friday should be a fairly wet day. saturday brings the chance of a morning shower and sunday has a few more showers with a break monday. we have some big breaks here and some rain. by the end of this run of whether, we could be 2.5 inches of rain. >> we were talking earlier about the situation in pacifica . what will this storm do in terms of waves and could that cause more problems?>> that cliff -- the san andreas fault runs right between that cliff then you have the stand cliff in these highways. the difference between this event tomorrow or friday was the tide will not be as large. the tides will be lower, but there is no question. any time you get these swells it creates hydraulic pressure against those clips -- cliffs. that is the good news so far with el niño us all the service has been massive.>> thank you. all the speculation just about to end and the voting will soon begin. the iowa caucus is now five days away and the republican candidates have one more chance to sway the people of iowa during the debate tomorrow night on fox news. more and with the candidates are doing to prepare for the last showdown. >> reporter: republican front- runner donald trump says he is passing on the debate to raise money for veterans. in with his competitors don't seem to heartbroken about.>> there is a whole host of issues we can debate and thank goodness donald trump and his super huge ego and he is taking his fall and going home. that is all the better for the country. >> reporter: a double win for rand paul who is also getting back on the main stage after -- after skipping the last debate himself. marco rubio any third in most polls says his game plan remains the same. sticking to the big issues facing our nation. >> i will focus on the future of america and a and we don't have another four years like the last seven years.>> reporter: 2008 winner mike huckabee finds himself in the back of the pack this time around. >> we have done 150 events here in january in iowa. it is because i don't believe there is a shortcut to winning the iowa caucus. if there is, it will change forever the future of the caucus. >> reporter: hillary clinton is calling on democrats to shenzhen another debate before the primary as bernie sanders paid a visit to present obama at the white house today. >> tomorrow night debate comes ahead of the iowa caucuses next monday. you can watch the debate on the fox news channel at 6:00 tomorrow night. also ross palombo will be there. >> bernie sanders visit with present obama. it is the first time the men had met since then is launched his bed. the president has not officially endorsed any candidate yet but he recently told a reporter he thought hillary clinton would be ready to go on day one. that has been a slight to sanders but after the meeting sanders seems to brush off those comments. >> i know there was some dysfunction the other day about the political interview where he was going for secretary clinton. i don't believe that at all.>> sanders said they discussed foreign-policy, the economy, and politics. i would be upset, obviously. >> the big mistake east bay mud is admitting to and how it is trying to make things right with his customers. wanted for grand theft. these suspects accused of robbing a local sports store. we are a couple days away from all the super bowl events getting underway around the bay area including the nfl experience at muscovy center which opened sunday. that is a muscovy center on the left and when it gardens on the right and on howard street it looks at the set up a little football field. so all the work underway with a lot of things going on in san francisco. if you want to get in on the simple fun but on san francisco -- super bowl fun, there are of events going on in the bay area. ktvu's john sasaki has more. >> reporter: this city has two super bowl themed scavenger hunts. one is for kids and the other for adults. you might soon see hundreds of people in search of something in downtown pleasanton. >> on february 6 saturday have a scavenger hunt. >> it is for kids up to 10 years old. more than a dozen businesses are taking it. adults are not left out. the ball match different prices. >> is unlike other events for the bay area. what is better than the biggest game and the biggest anniversary? >> reporter: the city of san pablo is hoping for more than 300 kids to come out for the competition on the football field at contra costa college. >> each child would have the opportunity to punt and pass for distance and accuracy. >> reporter: this is a competition that happens every year around the country. the event will also have important information for adults.>> additional activities were people can check their less pressure and blood sugar as well as the dance competition. >> reporter: upscaled sausalito is also joining in the fun. many restaurants are taking part in the clam chowder competition. >> they are fresh. it all comes together the last minute. >> reporter: the barrelhouse is putting the its unique chowder in the name of the big game. >> it is a pretty cool idea. it is fun to submit clam chowder.>> reporter: there is going on it. there are many other events around the bay area from cities including captain bay, walnut creek, they are going all over the place. they include the flag football game at santa clara university. there is a couple of runs and a chilly -- chili cookoff. >> thank you. the recent terror attacks in san bernardino and paris have the bay area on high alert as the big game gets closer.>> right now we have no credible threats to this given the month-long training being put into action to keep football fans safe. >> the stand up with emotion in oregon took a violent turn last night. one of the leaders is dead. a different type of pharmacy opened on the peninsula today. how this food pharmacy is designed to help low income people with diabetes stay on a healthy diet. this saturday thousands of football fans will converge on downtown san francisco for the kickoff of super bowl 50. the security plans to monitor the facilities in the wake of the terror attacks in paris and san bernardino. ktvu's tara moriarty tells us what you need to know for you go. >> reporter: the buffalo will cook up a notch come saturday. >> it is pretty exciting. i came down to see it. >> reporter: san francisco is three days away from super bowl city. the sound of drills and police on motorcycles. and streetcars can be heard from don till dusk. -- dawn till dusk. >> right now we have no credible threats to this event. >> reporter: the city has activated its emergency operation center working with the intelligence center to measure threats. police chief says the terrorist attack in paris and san bernardino to effectively the city trained for the super bowl.>> we are 18 and as they prepare -- a team. this is our playbook. >> reporter: they've been working together on drills and a preparedness plan. >> strongly cautioned against people driving in personal cars. >> reporter: this was the seed at drummond washington street at 3:00 this afternoon. black lives matter and occupy announced this week the plan a protest super bowl city saturday around noon. >> there are often protest that go with these events. will do everything we can to facilitate the first amendment rights of the people. >> reporter: there will be tight security. if you plan on bringing a bag, it has to be less than 18 inches by 18 inches. officials say you can register for alerts by texting to 888777. the fans say they are fired up. >> it is good to be around broncos fans. absolutely. >> reporter: in san francisco, tara moriarty, ktvu. officials with the high- speed rail project defended in sacramento. the original estimate for building the boat frame was $33 billion. since then it has ballooned to $68 billion. one viable is the drilling of a tunnel through the mountains east of los angeles. today the chairman of the high- speed rail board said he cannot guarantee a price tag.>> there are a rate opportunities here so i cannot look you in the eye and tell you it will be $68 million.>> he said he is less confident about when the project will be finished. the lake is mostly completed by 2028 but there have been many delays due to environmental reviews and difficulties in acquiring land. the man accused of killing his coworker in the south bay made his first court appearance today. he is facing murder charges. ktvu's henry lee in our newsroom tonight. >> this is a so-called no body case. it'll be up to the dea to -- d.a. to approve that steve raible children. police say there is no doubt the victim was killed by his coworker. a severed human ear found in blood. that is just some of the evidence san jose police say proved 38-year-old steve lipo killed his coworker. he made his first court appearance today at the help of justice in san jose. he did not enter a plea. the body hasn't been done but prosecutors say their case is solved. >> we are confident in the charges we felt.>> reporter: myrick disappeared friday. on the same day they found evidence at this building in san jose. myrick and lipo worked together at a place called gb sports. when they asked lipo to look for him he refused saying there are goes in there. -- goes -- ghosts in there. court papers say there were signs a body had been drug from the building to a spot where his truck had been part. officers found a severed human ear. police arrested lipo at his home on saturday. volunteers have searched everywhere for signs of myrick or his body including local reservoirs. still nothing and he defended isn't talking. he denied any wrongdoing in a jill harris -- jailhouse interview. >> what we want is for kyle to come home. >> reporter: his brother asked for people to continue searching. >> any and all volunteers, please come out and help me. >> he is being held without bail and returns to court february february 13. the search continues for his body including in the ocean. >> henry lee, thank you. filling a prescription but getting food instead of medication. the new pharmacy where low income people can pick up healthy food. in oregon a local sheriff's urging the activist to move on. traffic stop last night led to the arrest of eight of the leaders. the fbi says one member was shot and killed after trying to flee. dan sprecher has our report from burnt oregon. >> reporter: federal agents are ratcheting up the pressure on those occupying a federal wildlife refuge. armed checkpoints now surround the compound. the move follows a fatal shooting last night and the arrest of seven of the protest leaders. >> is the actions and choices of the armed occupiers of the refuge that has led us to where we are today. they had ample opportunity to leave the refuge peacefully. >> reporter: 55-year-old lavoy finicum was killed by gunfire. the group was stopped at a highway as he tried to take the message of government overreach on public land to nearby grant county. the leader ammon bundy was among those arrested. while the fbi denies wrongdoing, bundy's father who had his own showdown was told to come without posing a threat to finicum was not posing a threat. >> they shot him with his hands up and murdered him. >> reporter: the protest began as an everett to keep two local ranchers out of prison for setting fires on public land. when that failed, it turned into an indictment of all local land in the west. they are picking the occupiers to leave to avoid a chat. >> this has been tearing our community apart. we work to the appropriate channels. this cannot happen anymore. this cannot happen in america or in harney county. >> reporter: the fbi use extreme caution with the protesters not wanting to spark a wide uprising. local officials and oregon's governor said the occupation had to an -- end now. inference oregon dan springer, fox news. >> the mayor of milwaukee praise the fbi for stopping a terrorist attack there. the fbi had been monitoring 23- year-old sammy since september. he was planning to use guns to massacre people inside a masonic temple. they arrested him after he bought two machine guns. >> what the purchased those guns and based on many of the conversations in many of the state since made, the fbi then apprehended him and put him under arrest. >> he is facing federal charges of are not lawfully possession a machine gun and receiving firearms not registered to him. designators are expected to prompt more serious charges as well. the super bowl is 11 days away. how much do you know about the teams? joe fonzi hit the streets of san francisco. a different type of pharmacy opened today. this one is not some medication that is products are equally important. we are tracking more painful for the bay area and a large circle on the coast. i will let you know when he gets here. a different kind of pharmacy opened up on the peninsula today. it is called a food pharmacy designed to help low income folks suffering with diabetes to eat a healthy diet. ktvu's rob roth tells us is the first of this kind to open in california. >> reporter: this woman is filling a medical prescription with groceries. she has type ii diabetes. >> translator: before i used to a do a lot of fried foods and hamburger and i don't do that anymore. >> reporter: now she can get healthier groceries here at the food pharmacy in redwood city. with a doctor's prescription low income diabetes patients can get food at this special pantry inside the samaritan house clinic for free. the hope is there a better diet heard he disease -- her disease won't get worse. has an my feet don't hurt anymore toto >> translator: my feet don't hurt anymore. >> reporter: these diseases run rampant among low income people who cannot afford to eat healthier. >> clients have told us one out of every three adults that we serve are suffering from diabetes. that's more than three times the national average. this is a big problem among low income communities. >> translator: out of work and the only one who works as my husband, so we live day by day with his salad. >> reporter: the food pharmacy open today as they pilot program expecting to provide 100 diabetes patients with a ticket to a healthier diet. it is located in the same building as the medical clinic. >> if they are running out of food, they can get the food that is healthy for them rather than having to pick up something that is cheap and feeling but not that healthy.>> reporter: another benefit is the cost of food is less than the cost of treating the effects of the disease. >> many times we tell patients go on this diet, but they don't have the resources to do that diet. so for us to be able to provide those resources is special here.>> reporter: those running the pharmacy say they will be extending it for a year and if all goes well, they hope to expand the program to other parts of san mateo county. in redwood city, rob roth, ktvu , fox 2 news. >> the last of the chief defenses can comes when after two years of reconstruction work. renovation was done in stages so they know that half was already done and today the 7/2 was reopened. the entire park is successful with the benches and a new dog park and toilets. the city is encouraging a new attitude about trash and is asking people to clean up after themselves.>> you won't see trash cans in the park. you want people to pack it in and out. all around the park you'll see trash cans and recycle cans during the weekends we have partnered with an echo pop up where we will sorted for you. >> people are invited to join the celebration. intransitive 7:00 tonight. check this talk about our weather as we have bill martin at without a jacket today. >> we had some numbers in the mid-60s today. we get rain on friday so we are back to the wet. we have some traffic out there and i wouldn't be surprised if this has something to do with it. going out toward sacramento that is typically back up. come into san francisco, i don't know if that is what is happening, but i wouldn't be surprised. many cars are moving into the city with a dry roads now but not for long as we have to tomorrow night and friday the was become wet again. is coming all the way from the dateline and you can see all of that moisture streaming toward the west coast. it starts off in seattle and works its way south on friday and then toward the weekend i think l.a. gets a good hit on saturday. there is a sweeping radar in the next 24 hours there will be rain north. we won't see much. our rain shows up as we head into your bay area friday night. here is these showers on thursday morning. you can see some valley fog here. some valley fog with rain of north and the model pushes us into 7:00 tonight and you see the first signs of showers showing up offshore in the clear line of the clouds in the system moving in. then we go into friday morning and there is light showers and it is heavy up here. it has been going on in the north bay and as you move into friday afternoon we have showers for the entire bay area. in the mountains we are talking about the winter storm warning. saturday lunchtime forecast has a little bit of a break and the chance to try out. how much rain? maybe a couple inches up toward eureka and ukiah. you can see the steady drop off toward san francisco with a quarter of an inch of rain. that is is saturday. the forecast high is tomorrow we are still doing mid-60s in places like concorde and 67 in gilroy. than the five day forecast is a wet one with the breaks. you have increasing clouds and showers on friday scattered but it melts. maybe some areas could see a half- inch to the north be and san jose may see 2/10 with a chance of showers saturday morning and monday. by the way, as i looked at the super bowl coming up, with the rain in the mid-latitude, the models are super aggressive. the latest model is aggressive with rain fell on the game. -- rainfall on the game. there is rain all around the event. it'll be interesting to see what happens. >> that would be fun to be a super bowl in a huge downpour. >> it's fun to be home. >> if you know early, you can just planned for it. it is what it is. thank you. every year it is the biggest show on tv. coming up how much do fans really know about the teams playing in the symbol? -- super bowl? joe fonzi hits the streets to find out. the new bill be proposed to help secure more spots for you -- your kids at you see -- uc schools. the super bowl fun is just days away and anticipation of the events is going. >> how well do you know the two teams? denver broncos and the carolina panthers. ktvu's joe fonzi went to san francisco to find out. >> reporter: the super bowl city structures are taking shape. this is san francisco. that means even the most obvious conclusion sometimes are not so obvious. >> do you get a sense it's a big deal? >> just a little bit.>> it is wants any lifetime. san francisco. wow. >> this is their religion. >> they should be having the steps in santa clara. they took the football team away. they should take the traffic too . >> did you get the word the ducks anatomy suitable? >> i thought they were going to be plan. i am pretty sure it is the chicago blackhawks. >> reporter: if i told you carolina panthers and denver broncos, does that ring any bells? >> no. >> i a more into soccer. i am probably getting some booze right now. >> reporter: booze or boo's? >> the panthers. >> reporter: you guys are a good team. >> i know a couple of players. >> reporter: what players do you know? >> tom brady. that's it. [ laughter ] >> reporter: who does peyton manning play for? >> the patriots. >> reporter: tom brady? >> doesn't he play for them too? >> not much. [ laughter ] >> reporter: do you have a favorite super bowl game? >> carolyn. >> -- carolina. >> not denver again. sorry, peyton. >> carolina really just because to keep them happy. >> reporter: what will this thing mean to you? >> i mean, we are all football fans. we wish the 49ers were in it. it is a big thing for san francisco. this is great. >> reporter: super bowl city is so -- small settlement. it is but to become a boomtime. joe fonzi, ktvu , fox 2 . the cofounder of myspace tom anderson tweeted this today. can we keep tim lynn succumb if i pay for it? anderson can't afford it. he sold myspace. he may be the ottoman out and he had -- odd man out. the giants haven't re-signed him. he has been a fan favorite pieces is coming out weekly and the pitchers and catchers report the spring training figure 17. the drought is affected how most of us use in concert water. it is also prompted the water district to shame people who use too much water. now they are admitting some of those water wasters may not have done anything wrong. >> good evening i am julie haener and i am frank somerville. some customers labeled as water wasters have an victims of the speculations and errors. now the water district is acknowledging the mistake and try to get the speakers straighten out. now the newsroom with the details. >> california law requires utilities release such information is requested through the public records act. in the case of some of the accused wasters, that information was a bit flawed. >> reporter: went east bay mud released the list it was mostly based on a two-month billing cycle but due to meter reading problems some of those had only estimated bills or repealed over in 120 day period taking their really use have to what east bay m.u.d. reported. >> we apologize to those customers that did have those cycles. >> reporter: the retired women tells me she was embarrassed and dismayed and later angry because she knew she simply wasn't using that much water. also put question two random users. >> i would be upset, obviously. i really hope east bay m.u.d. steps up and admits their mistakes and publishes it as strong as the published the original list to begin with. >> i would have been very embarrassed by it. i think people in general sometimes can be hurtful and helped of these people have been harmed. >> reporter: east bay m.u.d. also says this. >> we send letters to customers whose use was close to or already subject to the excessive use ordinance so we could provide a warning to them. >> reporter: so nobody -- >> i think if it they have had deposit impact on the uses in general.>> i object and you are just dead

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