Transcripts For KTVU KTVU Fox 2 News At 4pm 20160127 : compa

Transcripts For KTVU KTVU Fox 2 News At 4pm 20160127

you can see how close the balconies and the patios are to the edge of the cliff. so close to the cliff side and they have been watching the small chunks of land crumble since the beginning of this year. now that the building has been yellow tagged. more tenants are realizing that they need to get to safer ground. >> >> dine understand why they are upset about moving. and tenants cannot stay here again. that is an order that police gave yesterday. they say that they didn't really enforce that rule. they knew it was hard for tenants to be pushed out of the home and they will give them as much leeway as they can without arresting anybody. but they want to remind folks this is not a suggestion but an order and they need to leave. keba and mike. >> kristena you can understand these people have no place to go and won't be able to afford a hotel or lodging and what help is available before remind us again. >> some of them are staying at the local church, the baptist church where they set up a red cross shelter and others at section 8 housing. that means another landlord would have to accept them to be able to move their first and they are waiting on paperwork. that's something we will talk about at five. right now it is just the red cross shelter and unless you have the means to move, these people don't have anywhere to go. all right. christina. thanks. the bay area getting ready for superbowl 50 and that includes street closures howard street between 3rd and 4th is shut down at mustdoni center and traffic being diverted rod 2nd and harrison in addition to the closures already in place on market street and the surrounding shifts nearby. the closures are for superbowl city. the outdoor venue at the embarka dareo. the area in yellow is where superbowl city is being set up. as you can see washington is detoured at washington to battery and mission streets. the street closures will continue to next week and the week following the superbowl. can get you around and visit the home page and we have more information about traffic and public transit as well as superbowl events and exhibits. on to politics the presidential hopefuls are out and they are campaigning hard across the state of iowa and scrambling to claim last minute numbers. it shows ted cruz and donald trump in a tie. >> there is rivals donald trump and ted cruz separated by 2 percentage points. donald trump taking heavy fire from his opponents as the battle for iowa rages on. >> he represented a chinese company that stolen secrets from an american inventer ted says one thing but his numbers are different. its is a bogus attack. it didn't work then and i would suggest that if other candidates are going that direction, that they are very frustrated by the dynamic on the ground. >> and when it comes to caucus goers bernie sanders appears to be closing the gap with hillary clinton. the latest poll shows clinton's 14-point lead has been slashed to just six points. with each making their final pitch in iowa before the caucuses. >> i believe that i'm the better person to be the democrat nominee and commander in cheer of the country. >> secretary clinton was second state of this country for four years and that is a lot of experience but experience is important but jump is important. republicans will have one last chance to exchange jabs before the caucus as the candidates go head-to-head this thursday night in des moines. in washington, joe weldman, fox news. and zea more from last night's democrat town forum, the candidates answered questions from the crowd and when sanders is closing in a lead. some say he is too liberal when asked what democratic socialism means to him. >> it means there is something wrong with the rich gets richer and everybody else gets poorer. it means that government should play a role in making sure that all of the kids regardless of their income can get a higher education. sanders made a point to say experience does not take the place of good judgment when is what he says he has overclinton. he attacked her record and emphasizing that she voted for the war in iraq back in 2002 and he was always against it. but clinton fired back telling young voters that she is used to these kinds of attacks. and you have to say to yourself why are they throwing all of that. i will tell you why. because i put on the front lines of change and progress since i was your age. i have been fighting to give kids and women and the people who are left out and left behind a chance to make the most out of their own lives. and while o'maley is far behind it the polls when asked about racial quality he referred to his time in baltimore as he could make a difference. i promise to improve how we police the police. we did close down open air markets and in the course of my executive service as mayor and governor. i never stopped searching for the things that work so we can do more of them to save and redeem lives and the things that don't work so we can stop doing them. and the iowa caucuses now less than a week away. with us to talk more about last night and this race for president, political analyst brian for being here. thanks. >> you are welcome. >> this was a great setting for all three and able to relax and able to shine in their personalities do you agree or did you think everybody won. >> well this analyst agrees and said this morning it was a showcase for the democrats. there was no cross-examination and so each person got to do 457 minutes of what is best about them. and it worked perfectly for democrat candidate. >> who do you like on monday. >> i think right now we would have to say that sanders is looking good. it will be a toss-up and an interesting show. i think o'malley is a side show. it will show whether clinton has the ground game but sanders is resonating with people in iowa. >> when is president obama going to endorse hillary clinton. if he does? >> but would he do that before the caucuses in the next week? >> the people that i speak with in washington says he will hold back for a while longer. and maybe he jumps out but you know what -- >> why? >> i think they want to get through iowa and get through new hampshire. that's first in november and you move on to a south carolina nevada and super tuesday. he will wait to decide what he will do next. anybody's guess, right? >> yes. >> do you believe that hillary clinton will be the nominee? >> i do. her ground game, her organization -- >> even if she loses iowa. >> yes. >> and what about o'malley, tsunami some people think he is looking ahead. >> there is speculation about that. >> what is he still doing? >> like the republicans, they can stay on the trail because the money allows them to stay on the trail and he is getting tons of exposure and some say he will end up with a cabinet post. >> speaking of republicans donald trump has topped the 40% mark for the first time in a poll at 41%. do you think that the bickering with the other candidate not named trump and cruz is ascending donald trump. >> yes. there are other things and as it is now, every time the pack starts to go after each other, donald trump keeps sliding up the scale. it is a pretty interesting phenomena. >> listening to donald trump give a press conference and in the newsroom and he has a new endorsement from arizona sheriff joe arpaio and sarah palin came out last week and is this -- is donald trump going to win the nomination. do you think he isolated flurry that path. >> i think he will not at the end of the day win the nomination. he is picking up endorsements from people you would expect. sarah palin is no surprise i don't think. >> he was 41%, how could he not win the endorsement. >> right. i don't think you will see mid stream republicans endorsing him. they will hang back. sheriff joe as they call him down there, big immigration guy or anti immigration guy. securing the border guy. of course he will go with donald trump and sara palin, i don't know if that was a guess. >> it depends on who you ask. >> when you listen to the interviews and you say whoa, donald trump when she endorsed him i was watching him behind her and doing what sarah palin does. when she is speaking in public and the smirk on his face wondering what she will say next. >> on marco rubio do you think he is still in place. >> yes. we have to see the clouds trail here quick. >> we got a debate on thursday and donald trump is not sure if she will be involved. we will have to see friday. absolutely. it is the most important thing to protect yourself on line and most people are using passwords as simple as 12345. we are asking the experts what it takes to make a password secure. slightly warmer for many areas this afternoon. even going a bit warmer tomorrow. i'll talk about how long this trend will last and when wet weather returns to the area coming up. right now in our facebook page, a second hoverboard fire in just one week in sonoma county and both happened while the hoverboards were being charged. viewers discussing whether they would be worried about the safety of the hoverboard. you can go to the facebook page and tell us what you think. a quick look outside at interstate 80 in emeryville. berkeley a slow start in both directions on this afternoon. the 4 on 2 will be right back. now official july 22nd is mario woods remembrance day in the city of san francisco. there are 11 votes. >> the resolution is adopted unanimously. the san francisco board voted to approve the proposal. honoring woods as a symbol of police reform. police say he was armed with a knife on december 2nd. the president of the police association was against this. he said it was offensive to officers that have lost their lives in the line of duty and have never had a day set aside for them. we started off with fog that burned off and turned into a spring-like day. >> it is nice out there and not too bad. >> most areas warmed up over yesterday. we will see warmer weather in the upper 60s for the south bay. that will feel quite nice for many. giving you a live look at the mix of sun and clouds outside our doors as mike mentioned we started out with patchy fog. i think it will be back tomorrow. temperatures 58 degrees santa rosa and 59 in tampa and 63 for hayward and 58 san francisco and half moon bay at 61. portions of north bay where we were portly to mostly cloudy did not warm as much of areas in the south bay. you can see from storm tracker two no rain and we have that in place as we move through not only tonight but into tomorrow. the ridge of pressure building in and the clouds spiling in over the ridge and we're looking at a warmup but we won't lose the cloud cover. take a look as we get to the afternoon and evening. the partly to mostly cloudy skies. we are into wednesday and wake up with the clouds and patchy fog and some of that fog come back once again from the central valley and work its way through highway 4 and martina and into the north bay valley and maybe locations of fog as well. wednesday afternoon partly cloudy and thursday and the clouds begin to increase and your noticing that rain is beginning to move into northern california. it take most of the day if not the only day. by friday morning we do have rain in the forecast. this will be the next chance of getting wet water to come our way. it looks like we could get a tenth of an inch on friday and the weekend could be foggy as well. partly cloudy and patchy fog and temperatures on the cool side in the 40s and tomorrow sunny sky and in the 60s. temperatures tomorrow morning 42 degrees in napa and 44 for san rafael and san francisco, you got 49, 46 and oakland shifting south to the south bay and 45 san jose and 43 degrees expected morgan hill and there will be a cool start in the inner bay upper 30s. mountain view, 61 degrees topping out in the low to mid 60s for the second part of your day and shifting back to about 60 as we get into the sunset about 5:30. there is a look at the region to the north bay. low 60s in the forecast. 65 expected for oakland and 63 in san francisco and shifting into the south bay. this is we will have the warmer numbers. 68 morgan hill and 69 for gilroy and upper of for santa cruz and continuing with the mild weather and increasing clouds by thursday night in the bay area and sierra snow as well. perfect. thank you, rosemary. it is tech tuesday and we are talking about protecting your data with the right passwords. there is an annual list of the most popular words for 2015 and they say the passwords on this list are not safe. let's take a look. 3 out of the the top five, just a sequence of newspaper beginning with 1. the second most common is the word password and kwerty the letters on the top left of the keyboard. and we have morgan explain ceo of splash data. thanks for being with us. >> thanks you. >> you looked at passwords that got leaked and were you surprised on what you found. i would think we would be more serious about the password. >> we wish they were getting better but most users are using simple passwords. understandable because we have to use passwords every day and people don realize how important a password can be. other bad passwords, monkey, dragon, baseball, football. all very simple and no capital letters or numbers or data. what does splash data recommend? >> you should have over 12 characters in your password that can make for a long and complicated password but you want something that is unusual. you want something that is unique. you what about something that is complex as your password and most importantly you want to use a different password for each application or service. that way if one service gets breached that is almost inevitable you don't have cascading risks where other services become exposed. >> a long complicated passwords and long complicated password. talk to us about password manager. how that work? do you recommend using one and which one do you recommend? >> sure. so the number one question we get is you are recommending the long complicated passwords. how do you remember them and that's where password manager comes in handy. you have to remember one password to remember the rest of your passwords. we make one call splash id. but choose one and stick wit and you will be safer online. easy for us to say. go to your splash id. >> yes, remind us morgan those of us that think having 456 is okay. the dangers of having a weak password. what is the risk here? >> the real issue is that those weak passwords can be cracked and among the first passwords that someone would guess trying to log into the account and if your data is cracked by melissa hacker those passwords tend to be easy to crack as it would take seconds for a program to unlock that. even if it were encrypted. you want a longer more complicated password that would take a hacker long to figure out. take the time and change your passwords. morgan splainceo of splash data. thank you. my pleasure. heavy equipment is reaching some areas covered in several feet of snow. that story with the 4 on 2 returns. talking politics and whether donald trump would be part of the debate and we know now donald trump is not joining the four other republican candidate. his campaign manager made the announcement saying that donald trump will not participate. fox news and facebook are hosting the debate in cleveland, ohio thursday night. and nine other candidates will take the stage and an earlier debate will be held. the east coast is still digging out from the massive snowstorm. this was a scene in queens, new york where heavy equipment was brought in to clear snow from the streets. residents in queens say some of the streets in their own neighborhood weren't plowed at all or the weekend. new york mayor bill de blasio the streets have been cleaned out. there is a travel advisory friday night. there's five snow shoveling deaths in new york since the blizzard. in the meantime in washington d.c., new snow equipment arrived today to help remove three feet of snow that fell there. we have finished two full days of plowing and removal in the crews made a good progress through the night. and they have gotten that asphalt on all major arteries and still areas we are working hard on. we have started to tackle the hardest to reach street. another storm is on the way. washington is under a snow emergency order until tomorrow evening. what a mess still there. >> it hasn't happened in more than 20 years. iran's president had a state visit with the west, the key meeting he had on this day and the impact the visit with the united states. and how much would you pay to stay on the east coast where they are digging out from the blizzard. the unusual, yes, this was air posting. we will tell you about it when the 4 on 2 returns. iran's president is in rome with a visit there in more than two decades. amy kellogg reports it forms the lifting of the sanctions of iran. >> human implications. the iranian president is in rome. the first major start on a tour designed to drum up trade and investments. recently lifted as part of the agreement and officials say deals worth 18 billion have been signed. >> iran is the most stable country in the region and has no attacking of invading any company and does not intend to interfere with any country. >> the two leaders met and they are hoping to stop the spread of the violence in the middle east. finding the nuclear cord and the implementation started a new chapter with iran and the international community. some have been critical of the nuclear deal that facilitied it but the obama administration insisting that engagement is the best way to gain threat from iran. >> iran's path to building a bomb has been closed off and the danger in the middle east has been removed. >> and there is a request that wine not be served for the upcoming events. a protocol problem that french chose to avoid. multiple deadly bombings as a government security check point in the syrian city of holmes. 20 people were killed and another 20 injured. it comes as government sources took a southern town from militant fightsers. today iraqi forces honor the mask grave of children, women and police officers. this is more evidence of the crimes committed by isis. the group uses various savage acts to kill our people. >> the poll is out with the new warning that isis will try to launch more deadly attacks this year in europe. the warnings comes threatening to kill prime minister david cameron and threatening an attack in the uk. >> restrictions on cuba. american banks can finance exports to cuba. bids had to be sent through a 3rd party country or paid in cash. there's one exception. agriculture excuse under a trade embargo. a window to enroll in covered california health insurance will close on sunday. state health officials are trying to get the word to californians that don't have health insurance. that you need to enroll or face serious text penalties. danea howard, spokesperson, thanks for being here with us. >> thank you. >> before we talk about how and where to go and remind us about the tax penalty. not an option and fit is will you be penalized. >> january 31st is the deadline. if you don't meet that you will go without health insurance for 2006 and you will be subject to penalty that starts at several hundred dollars for adults and more for each child. >> 695 for an adult. that has risen from 225. is that a higher motivation for americans to get the insurance. >> that graduated penalty has been in place since the affordable health care was passed. it has started off at $95 per adult and moved up to $300 and now it will be up at $700 per person. or 2.5% of your income, whichever is greater. also tell us about the dental coverage. >> adults regardless of whether you have a child will be able to purchase an adult dental health plan and it is being well received. you know i read a story that says when 44% holders in the kizer foundation says it was difficult to afford the premiums and that's compared to 25 people with employer based insurance. it is easier to get it but having problems paying the premiums and more difficult. >> it is easier for people to pay because there is financial help that is available. the typical household in california received more than 5000 ed, about $5200 in upfront tax credits, money that they can use to lower the monthly premium and the response has been strong. we are finding that folks don't know that this financial assistance is available to them. about half of the folks end sold in covered california are paying less than $100 a month and were you the of three less than 50. it is not cheap but what we are doing is bringing it within reach. >> walk us through the process. how can you enroll and what resource are available for those that might need help? >> enrolling is simple, go to covered c and click on the green button and put your zip code in and there will be a list of enrollers and certified insurance counselors to enroll you over the phone and meet in person or you can find a store front. we have 600 across the state of california and you can find some in your area. you can go to oakland city hall and go there on the last day on deadline day on january 31st and they will be help there to get you enrolled. thank you. >> enroll today. >> teens taking back the conversation about their bodies. we'll explain how student leaders are teaching their peers they see on tv. i will have more details about the weather coming up pitch. nice look. the 4 on 2 will be right back. >> let's check tech news. an an app showed mixed results. quarterly earnings of $3.28 per share. it reported $75.9 billion in revenue under the $76.54 analysts expected. it is the first quarterly sales decline since 2003. that could be due to the latest iphone release. industry analysts say it only opened certain upgrades. go prousers will be able to broadcast a live free from the hero cameras to parascope through a live app. it is owned by twitter and both in the bay area. there is one catch. users must be able to connect to wi-fi in order to broadcast. this weekend's blizzard on the east coast created a buzz on dating apps. there was a spark in active over the weekend particularly in new york and washington d.c. where people were staying home avoiding the dangerous conditions. cupid had a 35% spike in messaging during the snow and coffee meets bagel saw an increase on friday and another increase on saturday in washington d.c. >> all right. want to bring you up to speed on breaking news. the city you have hazelwood. the firefighters fighting a fire. you can see some trucks and a ladder truck on the scene. i did see while keba was talking some firefighters running around pulling the hose line trying to get water on the fire. there was black smoke and on the 880 interstate. and we will bring you more details as we get them. according to a number of studies compiled by the national association of anorexia and associated disorders one in three girls have been on a diet and 69% of girls in elementary schools that view magazines see it and wants to lose weight. it is not just girls but boys as well. stop this pressure a group called rebel is teaching kids to be body positive and doing so with connecting with student leaders in school. we are joined via skype lawa mchugh and katie rebel. thanks for joining me. laura i wanted to ask you about the student leaders to deliver the message. >> found by dr. laura aikman a psychologist that worked with her clients with therapy of eating disorders and what she kept finding was while there was progress being made in the therapy room, the students would go back to class and the halls of their classroom and be bombarded with messages. >> how did you get involved? was it personal for you or friends that were dealing with these issues? >> for me, when rebel started it was a group of girls that wanted me to be leader and that's how i got involved. >> how do you specifically drive change when you are sitting down with students. can you give me examples. >> we talk about mindful eating and taking us what society is doing and reversing that and rebelling against it and taking ideas that the media is giving us like your appearance is more important than your health and turning it to something else. it gives them an idea of we can all do this together because i am one of their peers. laura do you believe this peer to peer intervention is better than an adult coming in or psychologist? >> yes. research shows peer to peer education i more impactful than an adult coming in and doing a one time speaking engagement. i know that the teens are soaking in the message at a deeper level than if i were to come in and talk to them. >> what do you think? you think that this group can make its way to the bay area? >> people feed off of positivity and you see them saying i love my hair. i love my determination. you know people really feed off of that and want to be a part of it. >> i can tell you that you are determined to help students and not just in the midwest and the country and i appreciate your time. thank ugly absolutely. thank you. and you can find out more about rebel on our home page at we are here with rosemary orozco. we know we needed the rain. >> we are looking at rain coming back and we can enjoy the dry weather but we have a warming trend. all of january now that we are in the final week. these are the warmest numbers we have seen so far. temperatures on the mild side and temperatures cooler are towards sunset about 5:30. is that not a beautiful view. 56 in san francisco and 58 in oakland and 50s livermore and san jose 62 where the warmer locations will be, the south bay and i will show you those numbers in a moment. let's talk about what is going on right now. you can see we got all of the clouds that continue to spill in the bay area. right over the ridge we do have clouds to continue through wednesday and thursday and eventually those clouds will turn to rain clouds. by friday morning we could wake up with wet weather. we do have clouds tomorrow and nice temperatures. and thursday we got rain moving into northern california mainly dry and by friday morning and afternoon the rain will come in and sierra snow expected as well. i will roll you through the weekend. we have a few chances of getting wet weather in the bay area. looking mainly dry and that could change. a sierra snow that continues and snow levels will drop down to 4 and 5000 feet for saturday and sunday. if you do have travel plans hitting the slopes be prepared. you may have winter travel. sunday, another system that wants to continue with the wet weather. looking at rain friday and possibly on saturday and it looks like we have rain on sunday. here is a look at what we expect for wednesday and partly cloudy skies in the afternoon. a lot of 60s in the forecast and a little blip of level in san jose and gil roy. tomorrow morning 49 degrees in san francisco and 46 in oakland and the colder temperatures and patchy fog for the valley location like concord and antioch upper 30s and low 40s for napa and santa rosa. and fog once again tomorrow morning. tomorrow 47 degrees and getting in the lunch hour and will feel nice. 60s and partly cloudy skies and in the afternoon sun setting at 5:25 and at 6:00 cooling back to 59. here is a look at the highs. low 60s for the north bay and 63 in san francisco and 60 for oakland and the south bay, the warmer wind will be. 68 morganhill and san jose and santa cruz and partly cloudy and 68. there is a look at the extended forecast. rain moves in on friday. and sticks around for the weekend. all right. that's the opening for superbowl. >> it looks soggy. >> a look at stories we are working on at five. count down is on for the big game. >> bart is about to be put to a crucial test as tens and thousands of fans expected to ride it. and what to do about the extra big crowds. >> and what about the big decision about the decision on mario woods. a look of relief following the board of supervisors' decision. coming up more at five. sky fox, the fire in hayward although firefighters making good progress just about five minutes. we saw the flames coming out of the structure. a couple of truck on the scene. nice work and hayward fire. the 4 on will be right back. according to scientists there is three minutes left to the end of the world. the bulletin of atomic scientists gave their update on the doomsday clock. the good news is that it is still at the same time as last years. 3 minutes until midnight. >> it reflects as vulnerable the world is to nuclear weapons and climate change and other threats. when the clock was first wound in 1947, the time was 7 minutes to midnight. >> another big story a pick from a chick-fil-a. >> a dad caught this moment, right right here. >> a homeless man that came in the restaurant and the manager offered him to give him a full warm meal but he had one requirement, he wanted the man to let him pray when him. >> and the dad posted the picture and said it was a beautiful life lesson for his daughter to witness that happen. and the final story. an igloo in brooklyn. >> the most desirable get away for the apocalypse of 2016. >> we were trying to find a fine line between crazy of what people should never pay for an igloo and feasible for someone that didn't have a budget. a lot of people like that in new york. so we settled on 200. first it was at five hundred. we thought we would be happy if somebody was dunn was done -- dumb enough to pay that. >> our friends dug this igloo, boutique igloo. >> the company pulled the posting because it didn't meet occupancy standards. stay with us. you united nations meeting is scheduled for this week in geneva but unclear who will show up. >> france says the main syrian opposition group will lead and not sure whether they will attends. russia and turkey are not sure about the key group. >> how can you talk about this when you ignore the kurdish powers. it is unacceptable to let a terrorist party join it and attend talks. this all comes as europe continues to bear the brunt of those fleeting the fightings in syria. it has the european scrambling to find funding. germany creating 500,000 short-term jobs to help refugees. there will be many jobs created. and julie, not getting any better in pacifica. >> rapidly eroding coast line on top of a pacifica cliff. people packed up to go while others are refusing to leave. even after city told them to get out. ktvu fox two news at five. starts now. good evening. i'm frank summerville. >> and i'm julie haener. this is not the first time the coast line has erroded. a state of emergency has been declared in the city and people that live there cannot spend the night. the latest building is at 310 esplanade avenue and we are learning that the tenants waiting for the authority to help them find a place to live. live in pacifica with more. christina. well, julie that is right. forget about the sky high rents in the bay area. some of the tenants receive government housing assistance and before they can find a place to live they need to get paperwork from the county and find out whether or not another landlord accepts them. we did digging and a third of tenants at the esplanade on our senses 8 housing. they are moving out and they have not nailed down the next people home. in order for them to move to another apartment they understood to get paperwork from the department of housing and give it to a future landlord. one man was asking for the paperwork for more than a week when he started to receive notices from the city about the property being in danger and he got nowhere. a spokesperson says the tenants could not get the paperwork sooner because there was no eviction notice given and they still had to fulfill the terms of their lease. even if the house authority cups down here and gives me the paperwork.

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Transcripts For KTVU KTVU Fox 2 News At 4pm 20160127 :

Transcripts For KTVU KTVU Fox 2 News At 4pm 20160127

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you can see how close the balconies and the patios are to the edge of the cliff. so close to the cliff side and they have been watching the small chunks of land crumble since the beginning of this year. now that the building has been yellow tagged. more tenants are realizing that they need to get to safer ground. >> >> dine understand why they are upset about moving. and tenants cannot stay here again. that is an order that police gave yesterday. they say that they didn't really enforce that rule. they knew it was hard for tenants to be pushed out of the home and they will give them as much leeway as they can without arresting anybody. but they want to remind folks this is not a suggestion but an order and they need to leave. keba and mike. >> kristena you can understand these people have no place to go and won't be able to afford a hotel or lodging and what help is available before remind us again. >> some of them are staying at the local church, the baptist church where they set up a red cross shelter and others at section 8 housing. that means another landlord would have to accept them to be able to move their first and they are waiting on paperwork. that's something we will talk about at five. right now it is just the red cross shelter and unless you have the means to move, these people don't have anywhere to go. all right. christina. thanks. the bay area getting ready for superbowl 50 and that includes street closures howard street between 3rd and 4th is shut down at mustdoni center and traffic being diverted rod 2nd and harrison in addition to the closures already in place on market street and the surrounding shifts nearby. the closures are for superbowl city. the outdoor venue at the embarka dareo. the area in yellow is where superbowl city is being set up. as you can see washington is detoured at washington to battery and mission streets. the street closures will continue to next week and the week following the superbowl. can get you around and visit the home page and we have more information about traffic and public transit as well as superbowl events and exhibits. on to politics the presidential hopefuls are out and they are campaigning hard across the state of iowa and scrambling to claim last minute numbers. it shows ted cruz and donald trump in a tie. >> there is rivals donald trump and ted cruz separated by 2 percentage points. donald trump taking heavy fire from his opponents as the battle for iowa rages on. >> he represented a chinese company that stolen secrets from an american inventer ted says one thing but his numbers are different. its is a bogus attack. it didn't work then and i would suggest that if other candidates are going that direction, that they are very frustrated by the dynamic on the ground. >> and when it comes to caucus goers bernie sanders appears to be closing the gap with hillary clinton. the latest poll shows clinton's 14-point lead has been slashed to just six points. with each making their final pitch in iowa before the caucuses. >> i believe that i'm the better person to be the democrat nominee and commander in cheer of the country. >> secretary clinton was second state of this country for four years and that is a lot of experience but experience is important but jump is important. republicans will have one last chance to exchange jabs before the caucus as the candidates go head-to-head this thursday night in des moines. in washington, joe weldman, fox news. and zea more from last night's democrat town forum, the candidates answered questions from the crowd and when sanders is closing in a lead. some say he is too liberal when asked what democratic socialism means to him. >> it means there is something wrong with the rich gets richer and everybody else gets poorer. it means that government should play a role in making sure that all of the kids regardless of their income can get a higher education. sanders made a point to say experience does not take the place of good judgment when is what he says he has overclinton. he attacked her record and emphasizing that she voted for the war in iraq back in 2002 and he was always against it. but clinton fired back telling young voters that she is used to these kinds of attacks. and you have to say to yourself why are they throwing all of that. i will tell you why. because i put on the front lines of change and progress since i was your age. i have been fighting to give kids and women and the people who are left out and left behind a chance to make the most out of their own lives. and while o'maley is far behind it the polls when asked about racial quality he referred to his time in baltimore as he could make a difference. i promise to improve how we police the police. we did close down open air markets and in the course of my executive service as mayor and governor. i never stopped searching for the things that work so we can do more of them to save and redeem lives and the things that don't work so we can stop doing them. and the iowa caucuses now less than a week away. with us to talk more about last night and this race for president, political analyst brian for being here. thanks. >> you are welcome. >> this was a great setting for all three and able to relax and able to shine in their personalities do you agree or did you think everybody won. >> well this analyst agrees and said this morning it was a showcase for the democrats. there was no cross-examination and so each person got to do 457 minutes of what is best about them. and it worked perfectly for democrat candidate. >> who do you like on monday. >> i think right now we would have to say that sanders is looking good. it will be a toss-up and an interesting show. i think o'malley is a side show. it will show whether clinton has the ground game but sanders is resonating with people in iowa. >> when is president obama going to endorse hillary clinton. if he does? >> but would he do that before the caucuses in the next week? >> the people that i speak with in washington says he will hold back for a while longer. and maybe he jumps out but you know what -- >> why? >> i think they want to get through iowa and get through new hampshire. that's first in november and you move on to a south carolina nevada and super tuesday. he will wait to decide what he will do next. anybody's guess, right? >> yes. >> do you believe that hillary clinton will be the nominee? >> i do. her ground game, her organization -- >> even if she loses iowa. >> yes. >> and what about o'malley, tsunami some people think he is looking ahead. >> there is speculation about that. >> what is he still doing? >> like the republicans, they can stay on the trail because the money allows them to stay on the trail and he is getting tons of exposure and some say he will end up with a cabinet post. >> speaking of republicans donald trump has topped the 40% mark for the first time in a poll at 41%. do you think that the bickering with the other candidate not named trump and cruz is ascending donald trump. >> yes. there are other things and as it is now, every time the pack starts to go after each other, donald trump keeps sliding up the scale. it is a pretty interesting phenomena. >> listening to donald trump give a press conference and in the newsroom and he has a new endorsement from arizona sheriff joe arpaio and sarah palin came out last week and is this -- is donald trump going to win the nomination. do you think he isolated flurry that path. >> i think he will not at the end of the day win the nomination. he is picking up endorsements from people you would expect. sarah palin is no surprise i don't think. >> he was 41%, how could he not win the endorsement. >> right. i don't think you will see mid stream republicans endorsing him. they will hang back. sheriff joe as they call him down there, big immigration guy or anti immigration guy. securing the border guy. of course he will go with donald trump and sara palin, i don't know if that was a guess. >> it depends on who you ask. >> when you listen to the interviews and you say whoa, donald trump when she endorsed him i was watching him behind her and doing what sarah palin does. when she is speaking in public and the smirk on his face wondering what she will say next. >> on marco rubio do you think he is still in place. >> yes. we have to see the clouds trail here quick. >> we got a debate on thursday and donald trump is not sure if she will be involved. we will have to see friday. absolutely. it is the most important thing to protect yourself on line and most people are using passwords as simple as 12345. we are asking the experts what it takes to make a password secure. slightly warmer for many areas this afternoon. even going a bit warmer tomorrow. i'll talk about how long this trend will last and when wet weather returns to the area coming up. right now in our facebook page, a second hoverboard fire in just one week in sonoma county and both happened while the hoverboards were being charged. viewers discussing whether they would be worried about the safety of the hoverboard. you can go to the facebook page and tell us what you think. a quick look outside at interstate 80 in emeryville. berkeley a slow start in both directions on this afternoon. the 4 on 2 will be right back. now official july 22nd is mario woods remembrance day in the city of san francisco. there are 11 votes. >> the resolution is adopted unanimously. the san francisco board voted to approve the proposal. honoring woods as a symbol of police reform. police say he was armed with a knife on december 2nd. the president of the police association was against this. he said it was offensive to officers that have lost their lives in the line of duty and have never had a day set aside for them. we started off with fog that burned off and turned into a spring-like day. >> it is nice out there and not too bad. >> most areas warmed up over yesterday. we will see warmer weather in the upper 60s for the south bay. that will feel quite nice for many. giving you a live look at the mix of sun and clouds outside our doors as mike mentioned we started out with patchy fog. i think it will be back tomorrow. temperatures 58 degrees santa rosa and 59 in tampa and 63 for hayward and 58 san francisco and half moon bay at 61. portions of north bay where we were portly to mostly cloudy did not warm as much of areas in the south bay. you can see from storm tracker two no rain and we have that in place as we move through not only tonight but into tomorrow. the ridge of pressure building in and the clouds spiling in over the ridge and we're looking at a warmup but we won't lose the cloud cover. take a look as we get to the afternoon and evening. the partly to mostly cloudy skies. we are into wednesday and wake up with the clouds and patchy fog and some of that fog come back once again from the central valley and work its way through highway 4 and martina and into the north bay valley and maybe locations of fog as well. wednesday afternoon partly cloudy and thursday and the clouds begin to increase and your noticing that rain is beginning to move into northern california. it take most of the day if not the only day. by friday morning we do have rain in the forecast. this will be the next chance of getting wet water to come our way. it looks like we could get a tenth of an inch on friday and the weekend could be foggy as well. partly cloudy and patchy fog and temperatures on the cool side in the 40s and tomorrow sunny sky and in the 60s. temperatures tomorrow morning 42 degrees in napa and 44 for san rafael and san francisco, you got 49, 46 and oakland shifting south to the south bay and 45 san jose and 43 degrees expected morgan hill and there will be a cool start in the inner bay upper 30s. mountain view, 61 degrees topping out in the low to mid 60s for the second part of your day and shifting back to about 60 as we get into the sunset about 5:30. there is a look at the region to the north bay. low 60s in the forecast. 65 expected for oakland and 63 in san francisco and shifting into the south bay. this is we will have the warmer numbers. 68 morgan hill and 69 for gilroy and upper of for santa cruz and continuing with the mild weather and increasing clouds by thursday night in the bay area and sierra snow as well. perfect. thank you, rosemary. it is tech tuesday and we are talking about protecting your data with the right passwords. there is an annual list of the most popular words for 2015 and they say the passwords on this list are not safe. let's take a look. 3 out of the the top five, just a sequence of newspaper beginning with 1. the second most common is the word password and kwerty the letters on the top left of the keyboard. and we have morgan explain ceo of splash data. thanks for being with us. >> thanks you. >> you looked at passwords that got leaked and were you surprised on what you found. i would think we would be more serious about the password. >> we wish they were getting better but most users are using simple passwords. understandable because we have to use passwords every day and people don realize how important a password can be. other bad passwords, monkey, dragon, baseball, football. all very simple and no capital letters or numbers or data. what does splash data recommend? >> you should have over 12 characters in your password that can make for a long and complicated password but you want something that is unusual. you want something that is unique. you what about something that is complex as your password and most importantly you want to use a different password for each application or service. that way if one service gets breached that is almost inevitable you don't have cascading risks where other services become exposed. >> a long complicated passwords and long complicated password. talk to us about password manager. how that work? do you recommend using one and which one do you recommend? >> sure. so the number one question we get is you are recommending the long complicated passwords. how do you remember them and that's where password manager comes in handy. you have to remember one password to remember the rest of your passwords. we make one call splash id. but choose one and stick wit and you will be safer online. easy for us to say. go to your splash id. >> yes, remind us morgan those of us that think having 456 is okay. the dangers of having a weak password. what is the risk here? >> the real issue is that those weak passwords can be cracked and among the first passwords that someone would guess trying to log into the account and if your data is cracked by melissa hacker those passwords tend to be easy to crack as it would take seconds for a program to unlock that. even if it were encrypted. you want a longer more complicated password that would take a hacker long to figure out. take the time and change your passwords. morgan splainceo of splash data. thank you. my pleasure. heavy equipment is reaching some areas covered in several feet of snow. that story with the 4 on 2 returns. talking politics and whether donald trump would be part of the debate and we know now donald trump is not joining the four other republican candidate. his campaign manager made the announcement saying that donald trump will not participate. fox news and facebook are hosting the debate in cleveland, ohio thursday night. and nine other candidates will take the stage and an earlier debate will be held. the east coast is still digging out from the massive snowstorm. this was a scene in queens, new york where heavy equipment was brought in to clear snow from the streets. residents in queens say some of the streets in their own neighborhood weren't plowed at all or the weekend. new york mayor bill de blasio the streets have been cleaned out. there is a travel advisory friday night. there's five snow shoveling deaths in new york since the blizzard. in the meantime in washington d.c., new snow equipment arrived today to help remove three feet of snow that fell there. we have finished two full days of plowing and removal in the crews made a good progress through the night. and they have gotten that asphalt on all major arteries and still areas we are working hard on. we have started to tackle the hardest to reach street. another storm is on the way. washington is under a snow emergency order until tomorrow evening. what a mess still there. >> it hasn't happened in more than 20 years. iran's president had a state visit with the west, the key meeting he had on this day and the impact the visit with the united states. and how much would you pay to stay on the east coast where they are digging out from the blizzard. the unusual, yes, this was air posting. we will tell you about it when the 4 on 2 returns. iran's president is in rome with a visit there in more than two decades. amy kellogg reports it forms the lifting of the sanctions of iran. >> human implications. the iranian president is in rome. the first major start on a tour designed to drum up trade and investments. recently lifted as part of the agreement and officials say deals worth 18 billion have been signed. >> iran is the most stable country in the region and has no attacking of invading any company and does not intend to interfere with any country. >> the two leaders met and they are hoping to stop the spread of the violence in the middle east. finding the nuclear cord and the implementation started a new chapter with iran and the international community. some have been critical of the nuclear deal that facilitied it but the obama administration insisting that engagement is the best way to gain threat from iran. >> iran's path to building a bomb has been closed off and the danger in the middle east has been removed. >> and there is a request that wine not be served for the upcoming events. a protocol problem that french chose to avoid. multiple deadly bombings as a government security check point in the syrian city of holmes. 20 people were killed and another 20 injured. it comes as government sources took a southern town from militant fightsers. today iraqi forces honor the mask grave of children, women and police officers. this is more evidence of the crimes committed by isis. the group uses various savage acts to kill our people. >> the poll is out with the new warning that isis will try to launch more deadly attacks this year in europe. the warnings comes threatening to kill prime minister david cameron and threatening an attack in the uk. >> restrictions on cuba. american banks can finance exports to cuba. bids had to be sent through a 3rd party country or paid in cash. there's one exception. agriculture excuse under a trade embargo. a window to enroll in covered california health insurance will close on sunday. state health officials are trying to get the word to californians that don't have health insurance. that you need to enroll or face serious text penalties. danea howard, spokesperson, thanks for being here with us. >> thank you. >> before we talk about how and where to go and remind us about the tax penalty. not an option and fit is will you be penalized. >> january 31st is the deadline. if you don't meet that you will go without health insurance for 2006 and you will be subject to penalty that starts at several hundred dollars for adults and more for each child. >> 695 for an adult. that has risen from 225. is that a higher motivation for americans to get the insurance. >> that graduated penalty has been in place since the affordable health care was passed. it has started off at $95 per adult and moved up to $300 and now it will be up at $700 per person. or 2.5% of your income, whichever is greater. also tell us about the dental coverage. >> adults regardless of whether you have a child will be able to purchase an adult dental health plan and it is being well received. you know i read a story that says when 44% holders in the kizer foundation says it was difficult to afford the premiums and that's compared to 25 people with employer based insurance. it is easier to get it but having problems paying the premiums and more difficult. >> it is easier for people to pay because there is financial help that is available. the typical household in california received more than 5000 ed, about $5200 in upfront tax credits, money that they can use to lower the monthly premium and the response has been strong. we are finding that folks don't know that this financial assistance is available to them. about half of the folks end sold in covered california are paying less than $100 a month and were you the of three less than 50. it is not cheap but what we are doing is bringing it within reach. >> walk us through the process. how can you enroll and what resource are available for those that might need help? >> enrolling is simple, go to covered c and click on the green button and put your zip code in and there will be a list of enrollers and certified insurance counselors to enroll you over the phone and meet in person or you can find a store front. we have 600 across the state of california and you can find some in your area. you can go to oakland city hall and go there on the last day on deadline day on january 31st and they will be help there to get you enrolled. thank you. >> enroll today. >> teens taking back the conversation about their bodies. we'll explain how student leaders are teaching their peers they see on tv. i will have more details about the weather coming up pitch. nice look. the 4 on 2 will be right back. >> let's check tech news. an an app showed mixed results. quarterly earnings of $3.28 per share. it reported $75.9 billion in revenue under the $76.54 analysts expected. it is the first quarterly sales decline since 2003. that could be due to the latest iphone release. industry analysts say it only opened certain upgrades. go prousers will be able to broadcast a live free from the hero cameras to parascope through a live app. it is owned by twitter and both in the bay area. there is one catch. users must be able to connect to wi-fi in order to broadcast. this weekend's blizzard on the east coast created a buzz on dating apps. there was a spark in active over the weekend particularly in new york and washington d.c. where people were staying home avoiding the dangerous conditions. cupid had a 35% spike in messaging during the snow and coffee meets bagel saw an increase on friday and another increase on saturday in washington d.c. >> all right. want to bring you up to speed on breaking news. the city you have hazelwood. the firefighters fighting a fire. you can see some trucks and a ladder truck on the scene. i did see while keba was talking some firefighters running around pulling the hose line trying to get water on the fire. there was black smoke and on the 880 interstate. and we will bring you more details as we get them. according to a number of studies compiled by the national association of anorexia and associated disorders one in three girls have been on a diet and 69% of girls in elementary schools that view magazines see it and wants to lose weight. it is not just girls but boys as well. stop this pressure a group called rebel is teaching kids to be body positive and doing so with connecting with student leaders in school. we are joined via skype lawa mchugh and katie rebel. thanks for joining me. laura i wanted to ask you about the student leaders to deliver the message. >> found by dr. laura aikman a psychologist that worked with her clients with therapy of eating disorders and what she kept finding was while there was progress being made in the therapy room, the students would go back to class and the halls of their classroom and be bombarded with messages. >> how did you get involved? was it personal for you or friends that were dealing with these issues? >> for me, when rebel started it was a group of girls that wanted me to be leader and that's how i got involved. >> how do you specifically drive change when you are sitting down with students. can you give me examples. >> we talk about mindful eating and taking us what society is doing and reversing that and rebelling against it and taking ideas that the media is giving us like your appearance is more important than your health and turning it to something else. it gives them an idea of we can all do this together because i am one of their peers. laura do you believe this peer to peer intervention is better than an adult coming in or psychologist? >> yes. research shows peer to peer education i more impactful than an adult coming in and doing a one time speaking engagement. i know that the teens are soaking in the message at a deeper level than if i were to come in and talk to them. >> what do you think? you think that this group can make its way to the bay area? >> people feed off of positivity and you see them saying i love my hair. i love my determination. you know people really feed off of that and want to be a part of it. >> i can tell you that you are determined to help students and not just in the midwest and the country and i appreciate your time. thank ugly absolutely. thank you. and you can find out more about rebel on our home page at we are here with rosemary orozco. we know we needed the rain. >> we are looking at rain coming back and we can enjoy the dry weather but we have a warming trend. all of january now that we are in the final week. these are the warmest numbers we have seen so far. temperatures on the mild side and temperatures cooler are towards sunset about 5:30. is that not a beautiful view. 56 in san francisco and 58 in oakland and 50s livermore and san jose 62 where the warmer locations will be, the south bay and i will show you those numbers in a moment. let's talk about what is going on right now. you can see we got all of the clouds that continue to spill in the bay area. right over the ridge we do have clouds to continue through wednesday and thursday and eventually those clouds will turn to rain clouds. by friday morning we could wake up with wet weather. we do have clouds tomorrow and nice temperatures. and thursday we got rain moving into northern california mainly dry and by friday morning and afternoon the rain will come in and sierra snow expected as well. i will roll you through the weekend. we have a few chances of getting wet weather in the bay area. looking mainly dry and that could change. a sierra snow that continues and snow levels will drop down to 4 and 5000 feet for saturday and sunday. if you do have travel plans hitting the slopes be prepared. you may have winter travel. sunday, another system that wants to continue with the wet weather. looking at rain friday and possibly on saturday and it looks like we have rain on sunday. here is a look at what we expect for wednesday and partly cloudy skies in the afternoon. a lot of 60s in the forecast and a little blip of level in san jose and gil roy. tomorrow morning 49 degrees in san francisco and 46 in oakland and the colder temperatures and patchy fog for the valley location like concord and antioch upper 30s and low 40s for napa and santa rosa. and fog once again tomorrow morning. tomorrow 47 degrees and getting in the lunch hour and will feel nice. 60s and partly cloudy skies and in the afternoon sun setting at 5:25 and at 6:00 cooling back to 59. here is a look at the highs. low 60s for the north bay and 63 in san francisco and 60 for oakland and the south bay, the warmer wind will be. 68 morganhill and san jose and santa cruz and partly cloudy and 68. there is a look at the extended forecast. rain moves in on friday. and sticks around for the weekend. all right. that's the opening for superbowl. >> it looks soggy. >> a look at stories we are working on at five. count down is on for the big game. >> bart is about to be put to a crucial test as tens and thousands of fans expected to ride it. and what to do about the extra big crowds. >> and what about the big decision about the decision on mario woods. a look of relief following the board of supervisors' decision. coming up more at five. sky fox, the fire in hayward although firefighters making good progress just about five minutes. we saw the flames coming out of the structure. a couple of truck on the scene. nice work and hayward fire. the 4 on will be right back. according to scientists there is three minutes left to the end of the world. the bulletin of atomic scientists gave their update on the doomsday clock. the good news is that it is still at the same time as last years. 3 minutes until midnight. >> it reflects as vulnerable the world is to nuclear weapons and climate change and other threats. when the clock was first wound in 1947, the time was 7 minutes to midnight. >> another big story a pick from a chick-fil-a. >> a dad caught this moment, right right here. >> a homeless man that came in the restaurant and the manager offered him to give him a full warm meal but he had one requirement, he wanted the man to let him pray when him. >> and the dad posted the picture and said it was a beautiful life lesson for his daughter to witness that happen. and the final story. an igloo in brooklyn. >> the most desirable get away for the apocalypse of 2016. >> we were trying to find a fine line between crazy of what people should never pay for an igloo and feasible for someone that didn't have a budget. a lot of people like that in new york. so we settled on 200. first it was at five hundred. we thought we would be happy if somebody was dunn was done -- dumb enough to pay that. >> our friends dug this igloo, boutique igloo. >> the company pulled the posting because it didn't meet occupancy standards. stay with us. you united nations meeting is scheduled for this week in geneva but unclear who will show up. >> france says the main syrian opposition group will lead and not sure whether they will attends. russia and turkey are not sure about the key group. >> how can you talk about this when you ignore the kurdish powers. it is unacceptable to let a terrorist party join it and attend talks. this all comes as europe continues to bear the brunt of those fleeting the fightings in syria. it has the european scrambling to find funding. germany creating 500,000 short-term jobs to help refugees. there will be many jobs created. and julie, not getting any better in pacifica. >> rapidly eroding coast line on top of a pacifica cliff. people packed up to go while others are refusing to leave. even after city told them to get out. ktvu fox two news at five. starts now. good evening. i'm frank summerville. >> and i'm julie haener. this is not the first time the coast line has erroded. a state of emergency has been declared in the city and people that live there cannot spend the night. the latest building is at 310 esplanade avenue and we are learning that the tenants waiting for the authority to help them find a place to live. live in pacifica with more. christina. well, julie that is right. forget about the sky high rents in the bay area. some of the tenants receive government housing assistance and before they can find a place to live they need to get paperwork from the county and find out whether or not another landlord accepts them. we did digging and a third of tenants at the esplanade on our senses 8 housing. they are moving out and they have not nailed down the next people home. in order for them to move to another apartment they understood to get paperwork from the department of housing and give it to a future landlord. one man was asking for the paperwork for more than a week when he started to receive notices from the city about the property being in danger and he got nowhere. a spokesperson says the tenants could not get the paperwork sooner because there was no eviction notice given and they still had to fulfill the terms of their lease. even if the house authority cups down here and gives me the paperwork.

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