Transcripts For KTVU KTVU Channel 2 News At 6 20160815 : com

Transcripts For KTVU KTVU Channel 2 News At 6 20160815

from lower lake with the latest. leigh? >> reporter: i've covered a lot of wildfires picked this is the first time i have actually felt afraid. this fire has surprised us a few times today. fast-moving, jumping locations quite often. this is downtown main street in lower lake. what you're looking at, fire on both sides of the downtown here. if you see that art deco building where the firefighters are trying to put out a fire that's behind it, these claims have been shooting up higher than the building at times, you see the dark smoke over there, then if you look over to the right, there's flames burning on the other side of the building behind this -- i don't know if you can see from this angle but there is dark smoke over there, visible flames from where i am standing. there is pink retarded all over main street right now. this is where they dropped the retardant to try to keep the fire back. no one is allowed on mainstream. -- on main street. there is fire on both sides. we got cut down on morgan's allie. we had been interviewing homeowners. we were in our live shot -- someone ran up to us saying the fire has moved to the other side of us so we had to get out of there quickly. when we came through downtown we were surprised. no idea that the fire was burning in downtown. so it had been a very intense explosive fire, talking to marin county sheriff's office out here, they are doing incident control and describe this fire as enormous. they are estimating it is larger than 2000 acres. now saying the elementary school and high school in lower lake are compromised. they wouldn't elaborate more on that but they used the word compromised to describe the situation. earlier we talked to homeowners, on morgan valley. at the time they were confident that their homes were going to be safe and now i just don't know. >> todd and carrie mays thought they were safe. >> i got goosebumps. >> reporter: within a few minutes their house was surrounded. >> there's a fire behind it, fire to the side, three houses next door to us. i wouldn't be surprised if one of those is on fire. >> reporter: they grabbed the dogs and are ready to move. up morgan valley road, neighbor mike has just hung up the phone with a neighbor on the other side of the hill. >> told him we've got fire coming into our backyard. and i've got to go. >> reporter: event with his animals yesterday. brought them back this morning when he thought the worst was over. >> this is kind of spooky the way the winds are changing. >> reporter: dangerous conditions for firefighters too. now finding themselves in the middle of the wildfire. >> basically made a run this way and got on both sides of the road, getting this in right here but it's getting down close to the structure and it's crossing over there as well. >> reporter: there were several air drops of retardant. and big machinery rolled through backyards to fight off flames close to home. >> priorities perimeter control in life right now, -- >> we've got our -- now i think we will leave. >> reporter: the maze said this was worse than waiting. driving away, not knowing if they'll ever drive up to their home again. i think i might have lost you there, guys but back out here live, we're seeing a lot of fire trucks now moving into the area. we have several fire crews moving in. talking to those homeowners, we left -- didn't see if they had left after us. the one that has the animals -- hoping he got out okay. from talking to marin county sheriff's office, doing incident control, they are using the word decimated to describe downtown in lower lake. we have several road closures as well up on highway 29. being told portions of it are also closed. and then down by the walmart, we were going to head over there to try to get a live signal to you guys but that is also being evacuated as well. a lot of closures and we're also getting word that clearlake is also being threatened. already more than 5000 people have been evacuated. if clearlake is getting evacuated, that's an additional 5000 people. looking at more than 10,000 out of their homes tonight if these evacuations go into place over at clearlake. back to you. >> i don't know if you can hear me because of the conditions but i'm going to ask you a question. we see the hose on the building and downtown lower lake, you said parts of the area have been decimated. does it look like they should. >> reporter: lost signal -- >> we have lost -- we're trying to get a sense of whether or not downtown could be safe or not. can you hear me at all? okay. lee cannot hear me but we're going to continue to follow this and have a live report from one of the spokesman on the scene in just a little bit to give us the very latest in clearlake. the area near the clayton fire has seen its share of destructive wildfires in the past year. the jerusalem fire last august burned 25,000 acres. the northeast of the town of middletown, and lake county, the deadly valley fire burned last september and october, 76,000 acres -- cal fire ranked it as the third most destructive blaze in state history. that fire that we're following right now in lake county is being fueled by hot and dry conditions. turnout to ktvu meteorologist mark tamayo with a look at the temperatures. >> temperatures warming up steadily over the past few days. yesterday we had the temperatures close to 100. pretty much the same story for today. sad to see and scary to see these images coming out lower lake today. you can see the tweets sent out earlier this afternoon with the truck on fire. take a look at the current wind patterns, modeled wind patterns, but of a westerly breeze but i will say within the fire zone, the fire is creating its own momentum, hard to pick up with the weather observations. we had a northward push into lower lake. so here's the mapping system if you can pick out, the start of the fire, closer to clayton creek road. right now that fire has been unfortunately, as you saw, moving into lower lake. there is main street closer to lower lake. there has been clearlake north of progression with this fire for today. take a look right now from the current wind observations and temperatures still pretty hot out there, latest observations surrounding the fire zone around 91 to 94 degrees. winds around three to 11 miles an hour but i will say as i mentioned, look at the live shot, the the winds easily stronger could be around 10 to 20 miles an hour base -- within the fire zone itself the fire activity. the smoke plume detected on radar just of about 10,000 feet. you could have a few of those cloud tops going to and approaching 10 to 15,000 feet. for tomorrow, there's not much relief in the heat. start out with temperatures in lower 70s. winds in the fire itself, easily right around 10 miles an hour. they could be approaching 20 miles an hour. another hot day in the forecast for monday. afternoon highs back into the upper 90s. we started to track this yesterday at about 6:00 around 80 acres. the timeline throughout the day, this afternoon at 4:00, 2000 acres. i think that size will be increasing with more updates from cal fire as we get those throughout the evening hours. crews battling the soberanes fire near big sur are making some progress. that fire is now 60% contained. the massive blaze has burned 112 square miles. some people who live nearby highway one are still not be allowed to return home. others are on standby to evacuate in case that fire changes directions again. investigators say an illegal campfire started the blaze three and half weeks ago. >> we will go back to clearlake in a few minutes to get an update. santa clara county court workers will be back to work tomorrow after eight days on the picket lines. more than 300 clerks, janitors and mediators walked off the job august 3. today the workers voted overwhelmingly to approve a new contract which does include a pay increase. the workers say operations won't go back to normal immediately because of the backlog of work that needs to be completed. oakland police are investigating a troubleshooting overnight outside of a birthday party that left two people dead. it happened in downtown oakland before 1:00 this morning. the shots rang out outside a party held at an art gallery near 15th and harrison street. so far police have not released the names of the victims or any suspect information. arguments started inside the gallery and spilled outside. that's when gunfire erupted. all victims are reportedly in their early 20s. the governor of wisconsin called in the national guard after rioting broke out last night in milwaukee. following the deadly police shooting of an armed suspect. police say at least 17 arrests were made and four officers were injured and have been treated and released. matt finn is in milwaukee with elite details. >> reporter: violence and chaos erupting in milwaukee overnight after police fatally shoot a man fleeing from a traffic stop. >> a young man lost his life yesterday afternoon. no matter what the circumstances are, his family has to be hurting. >> reporter: the suspect 23- year-old sylville smith was armed with a semiautomatic handgun and the officer involved was wearing a body camera. police say sylville appeared to be shot in the chest. >> i have not seen the video. i have however, seen the still photo extracted from that. and that still photo demonstrates without question that he had a gun in his hand. and i want our community to know that. >> reporter: within hours, crowds began engaging in clashes with police. setting a gas station on fire. torching businesses. smashing a police car and setting fire to others. >> you got people out here going crazy. we losing loved ones every day to the people sworn to protect us. >> reporter: scott walker activated -- activated the national guard. walker praising citizens who showed up sunday to clean up the north side neighborhood. >> the bottom line is there are good, decent people who live not only in milwaukee but in this specific neighborhood and it's imperative we do all we can to keep them safe. part of keeping them safe means holding respect for law enforcement and allowing them to do their job. we need to do more of that. last night doesn't do any good. >> this system has put so much on the people. right now, we come out to respect them, love them, encourage them to do better. >> reporter: the officer has been placed on desk duty pending investigation. the mayor is urging for that body camera video to be released. in milwaukee, matt finn, fox news. update on wildfire burning in clearlake and we're going to show you an incredible rescue of a woman and her dog trapped in her submerged car from those deadly floods in louisiana. also, olympic swimmer robbed at gunpoint in rio and is raising fresh concerns about crime and safety at the summer games. we want to update you now on the developing news we're following. the clayson fire that is now raging near clearlake. >> on the phone with us now is marin county sheriff spokesman lieutenant doug pittman who is near the scene. thanks for joining us. can you give us an idea of what's actually happening in the town of lower lake? we had a live picture from that scene and we see fire hoses on buildings in downtown lower lake. what's the status of that community? >> yeah. this fire has been nothing but complete devastation for this community here in lower lake. probably what you were witnessing are basic defense attacks by the firefighters, literally just pouring gallons and gallons of water on local businesses, buildings and residences throughout this community. >> lieutenant, do you have any idea how many structures have been lost? >> no. you need to know that for the past three hours, possibly longer, even i'm losing track, this has been a very aggressive devastating fire that they wave of water flowed through this community. decimating many businesses, local residences and so forth. like a wave of water, this fire has gone through the community and is still burning eastward. and we are hoping that we're not going to have to deal with a similar situation in a community of clearlake. which is right now in the path of that raging fire. >> lieutenant, to give people an idea, we're talking about two different communities, lower lake and clearlake. in the southeast corner of the lake, clearlake itself. but this is probably the heaviest populated area around the lake. there are a number of communities around clearlake. my question is with highway 29 being the main access between the lower end of the lake and the napa valley toward middletown, what does that do for your procedures because my understanding was the evacuation centers were set up in middletown but is highway 29 closed right now? >> as far as i know, highway 29 is still open. you're right, evacuated between five and 6000 people from clearlake itself. we are preparing in case there's a need to evacuate a community of clearlake, i'm sorry, i spoke to lower lake earlier -- clearlake -- that has a population of between 10 and 11,000 people which brings up a whole new dynamic for us to deal with. we have evacuated a hospital in the community of clearlake. as a precautionary measure. of course we're hoping this fire doesn't reach that far but we're not going to take any chances. this fire is not giving us any breaks. >> all right. lieutenant doug pittman, as firefighters desperately try to get a handle on the expanding clayton fire there in lake county. all right. in other news we want to go to louisiana where residence there are dealing with something else. dealing with extensive flooding that has now killed four people and left thousands homeless. storms have moved west into texas but water in louisiana expected to continue rising until tomorrow. that's left many people stuck in dangerous deep water, such as a woman pulled from a submerged car. the man who jumped in to rescue her also managed to save her little dog there. the louisiana governor declared a state of emergency last night. even the governor and his family had to evacuate the governor's mansion when water began filling the basement. u.s. olympic gold medal swimmer ryan lochte was robbed at gunpoint in rio along with three of his team is. olympic officials say lochte and the others were coming back from a party by taxi early this morning when they were stopped and held up. the robbers ordered the four swimmers on the ground and when lochte refused, one of the robbers pointed a cocked gun to his head. the thieves took only wallets and then fled. lochte won a gold in the four by 200-meter east -- freestyle relay. time to get a check of our weather in the bay area. top concern right now is fire conditions in lake county. mark tamayo joins us live from the weather center to tell us what's going on. >> what's interesting is we have the weather center around, a couple to work with, not showing strong wind. the fire is creating its own weather and momentum and that picked up today. fire moving to the north unfortunately and of course the heat, the big function as well, temperatures soaring over the past few days. at least for today, we still have hot numbers out there. especially inland out toward antioch. and fairfield and concord. towards lake county again, mid- to-upper 90s at least in the forecast, that was the plan today. looks like we do it all over again for tomorrow. to give you a better idea of what's happening here, closer to lower lake, that's of course close to the main concern right now, this fire continues to spread to the north and threaten the clearlake community. so there's the layout on the mapping system. lost one sensor a few minutes ago but right now middletown showing you 91 degrees relative humidity, very dry. also a function of spreading the fire very dry out there, single digits. as you can see there's a look at the surface winds and also the fog. this fog having no impact on the fire fight. fog basically confined to the coast. right around the bay. take a look at some of the current numbers, san francisco checking and 60 degrees. san jose 80. 90s out toward livermore and walnut creek. santa rosa 80. live camera out toward the bay bridge, transamerica pyramid, for tonight, fair skies, fog increasing. tomorrow will be a little bit cooler. help the fire crews but mid-to- upper 90s out there. first thing tomorrow morning, most areas starting on monday morning in the 50s to right around 60 degrees. starting of the day with more low clouds and fog near the coast and near the bay, this is 7:00 a.m. monday morning, clearing back to near the shoreline for the afternoon hours. all sorts of bright colors to show you here, cool temperatures coast side, warm to hot inland. 97 showing up in clearlake with the forecast high for tomorrow. vacaville 92, san rafael upper 70s. lower 90s out toward livermore and brentwood. oakland 73. san jose 82. gilroy upper 80s. san francisco downtown 67. mainly lower 60s coast side. five-day forecast will take a look at the first five days in temperatures, just slightly cooler readings for tomorrow. trend back up a little bit for tuesday and wednesday. hot temperatures inland and that does apply to lake county as well. not much relief in the forecast. >> they don't get the coastal fog. >> no fog for them. >> thanks, mark. we want to go back to clearlake and reportedly martinez who is in the community of lower lake which is being evacuated. what you can tell us when you see -- leigh, what is the latest? >> reporter: a lot of smoke, very heavy out here, very hard to breathe. we moved this is the downtown -- this is the post office behind the post office, those flames, still going very strong, behind the post office. we talked to one man out here who says he is a bar owner. he said he was told in an older building but still standing, the fire hasn't reached it yet. not so sure about the houses that were behind his bar however. but you can see the flames are still going pretty strong out here. we were seen doing fire out here, hoses going on one direction and then on the opposite direction, flames on both sides of main street. looks like they are still behind some of the structures, not exactly sure what the damage is inside some of these buildings or if these have been compromised because of the flames. but we were seeing a lot of heavy smoke on both sides. flames on both sides. very heavy firefighter presence, firefighter presence from all kinds of different departments and out here right now, told that there is some problems with the school. elementary and high school in lower lake, they are compromised. that's the only detail that we've been able to receive from marin county sheriff's office right now. they said this is an enormous fire in their estimate after being on the fire line, they estimate to well over 2000 acres, very explosive. while we were out here, hearing explosions, hearing alarms coming up, car alarms going off, the alarms in the businesses go off. so it is a very chaotic scene out here. it stretches for miles. we were down in morgan valley road. there were homeowners there trying to save their own houses. they were evacuated. also clearlake is also being threatened. at this .5000 people in lower lake -- it's getting noisy out here with overhead traffic -- we were told 5000 people have been evacuated from lower lake and there's a possibility an additional 5000 had -- might have to be evacuated. they haven't been yet but the firefighters are monitoring that situation so if that's the case, well over 10,000 people being evacuated and not in their homes tonight if that's the case. this is a very, very large fire and it is fast moving and changing directions. fire crews definitely have the work cut out for them. >> i know it's crazy and chaotic and noisy up there. i know it's difficult with these conditions up there. with all the resources that we see there on the ground, we see the aircraft in the air, looks like they are making a last ditch effort to save the community, at least the downtown part of lower lake. does it look like they are holding their own right now? >> reporter: to me at this angle, yes. to me it does appear that way. they are doing their very best, seeing tons of crews out here on the ground in the air, tackling it behind, i went around to the other side of the building and was just completely blackened but the structures did not appear to be touched. i did talk to one business owner who says he was told by a fighter that his business was saved. but then again, this fire has been moving very quickly and changing directions. so we don't want to give it an all clear just yet. >> leigh martinez there in lake county for us, you could see them actually taking the aerial drops and doing all they can to try to save those structures there. in the downtown lower lake area. but when i was reading earlier, the fire just keeps jumping, the fire line. so hopefully they can get a handle on it. we are going to continue to follow this much more on twitter as well as stay right here. oakland held its fourth annual dragon boat festival on lake merritt, the renegade dragon boat club sponsored the event. about four dozen dragon boat teams were signed up to participate. the dragon boat races are of course an ancient chinese tradition. across the bay, at&t park, giants in action today. >> they were in action. date of loss. speaking of the dragon boat races, i was just out on a boat for the first time, you see oakland from a different perspective. pretty cool. kayak, though, not dragon boat. back to the giants, one out away from their second straight series win. and then one pitch pretty much did them in. here is our cute fan of the day, he has already got himself a glove. bottom five, giants up 4-1. trevor brown, two-run single to left. that is part of a four-run fifth for the giants, they would take a 7-1 lead. but the orioles chip away, and then santiago casilla, boy, he was on to save it, didn't happen. 7-5 lead, he gives up a three- run blast right here. to jonathan schoop. sixth blown save for because he asked, wasting a pretty good effort from johnny cueto. they give up seven runs over the final three innings. giants lose 8-7. the a's, at the coliseum, sonny gray sunshade giveaway, ryon healy, that's a home run off wade leblanc. deep to left, fifth homer of the year for healy, tied up at one. mariners leading 4-1, bases loaded, one out, kyle seager smacks one to right-center off daniel colon, the ball will get to the wall. good enough to clear the bases.

Related Keywords

Middletown , California , United States , Louisiana , Jerusalem , Israel General , Israel , Brentwood , Lake County , Morgan Valley , Oakland , Texas , Napa Valley , Vacaville , Santa Clara County , China , Clayton Lake , Wisconsin , San Francisco , Marin County , Santiago , Regióetropolitana , Chile , Clearlake , Lake Merritt , Chinese , Matt Finn , Kyle Seager , Carrie Mays , Ryan Lochte , Scott Walker , Johnny Cueto , Trevor Brown , Doug Pittman , Morgan Allie , Leigh Martinez , Wade Leblanc , Heather Holmes ,

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Transcripts For KTVU KTVU Channel 2 News At 6 20160815 :

Transcripts For KTVU KTVU Channel 2 News At 6 20160815

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from lower lake with the latest. leigh? >> reporter: i've covered a lot of wildfires picked this is the first time i have actually felt afraid. this fire has surprised us a few times today. fast-moving, jumping locations quite often. this is downtown main street in lower lake. what you're looking at, fire on both sides of the downtown here. if you see that art deco building where the firefighters are trying to put out a fire that's behind it, these claims have been shooting up higher than the building at times, you see the dark smoke over there, then if you look over to the right, there's flames burning on the other side of the building behind this -- i don't know if you can see from this angle but there is dark smoke over there, visible flames from where i am standing. there is pink retarded all over main street right now. this is where they dropped the retardant to try to keep the fire back. no one is allowed on mainstream. -- on main street. there is fire on both sides. we got cut down on morgan's allie. we had been interviewing homeowners. we were in our live shot -- someone ran up to us saying the fire has moved to the other side of us so we had to get out of there quickly. when we came through downtown we were surprised. no idea that the fire was burning in downtown. so it had been a very intense explosive fire, talking to marin county sheriff's office out here, they are doing incident control and describe this fire as enormous. they are estimating it is larger than 2000 acres. now saying the elementary school and high school in lower lake are compromised. they wouldn't elaborate more on that but they used the word compromised to describe the situation. earlier we talked to homeowners, on morgan valley. at the time they were confident that their homes were going to be safe and now i just don't know. >> todd and carrie mays thought they were safe. >> i got goosebumps. >> reporter: within a few minutes their house was surrounded. >> there's a fire behind it, fire to the side, three houses next door to us. i wouldn't be surprised if one of those is on fire. >> reporter: they grabbed the dogs and are ready to move. up morgan valley road, neighbor mike has just hung up the phone with a neighbor on the other side of the hill. >> told him we've got fire coming into our backyard. and i've got to go. >> reporter: event with his animals yesterday. brought them back this morning when he thought the worst was over. >> this is kind of spooky the way the winds are changing. >> reporter: dangerous conditions for firefighters too. now finding themselves in the middle of the wildfire. >> basically made a run this way and got on both sides of the road, getting this in right here but it's getting down close to the structure and it's crossing over there as well. >> reporter: there were several air drops of retardant. and big machinery rolled through backyards to fight off flames close to home. >> priorities perimeter control in life right now, -- >> we've got our -- now i think we will leave. >> reporter: the maze said this was worse than waiting. driving away, not knowing if they'll ever drive up to their home again. i think i might have lost you there, guys but back out here live, we're seeing a lot of fire trucks now moving into the area. we have several fire crews moving in. talking to those homeowners, we left -- didn't see if they had left after us. the one that has the animals -- hoping he got out okay. from talking to marin county sheriff's office, doing incident control, they are using the word decimated to describe downtown in lower lake. we have several road closures as well up on highway 29. being told portions of it are also closed. and then down by the walmart, we were going to head over there to try to get a live signal to you guys but that is also being evacuated as well. a lot of closures and we're also getting word that clearlake is also being threatened. already more than 5000 people have been evacuated. if clearlake is getting evacuated, that's an additional 5000 people. looking at more than 10,000 out of their homes tonight if these evacuations go into place over at clearlake. back to you. >> i don't know if you can hear me because of the conditions but i'm going to ask you a question. we see the hose on the building and downtown lower lake, you said parts of the area have been decimated. does it look like they should. >> reporter: lost signal -- >> we have lost -- we're trying to get a sense of whether or not downtown could be safe or not. can you hear me at all? okay. lee cannot hear me but we're going to continue to follow this and have a live report from one of the spokesman on the scene in just a little bit to give us the very latest in clearlake. the area near the clayton fire has seen its share of destructive wildfires in the past year. the jerusalem fire last august burned 25,000 acres. the northeast of the town of middletown, and lake county, the deadly valley fire burned last september and october, 76,000 acres -- cal fire ranked it as the third most destructive blaze in state history. that fire that we're following right now in lake county is being fueled by hot and dry conditions. turnout to ktvu meteorologist mark tamayo with a look at the temperatures. >> temperatures warming up steadily over the past few days. yesterday we had the temperatures close to 100. pretty much the same story for today. sad to see and scary to see these images coming out lower lake today. you can see the tweets sent out earlier this afternoon with the truck on fire. take a look at the current wind patterns, modeled wind patterns, but of a westerly breeze but i will say within the fire zone, the fire is creating its own momentum, hard to pick up with the weather observations. we had a northward push into lower lake. so here's the mapping system if you can pick out, the start of the fire, closer to clayton creek road. right now that fire has been unfortunately, as you saw, moving into lower lake. there is main street closer to lower lake. there has been clearlake north of progression with this fire for today. take a look right now from the current wind observations and temperatures still pretty hot out there, latest observations surrounding the fire zone around 91 to 94 degrees. winds around three to 11 miles an hour but i will say as i mentioned, look at the live shot, the the winds easily stronger could be around 10 to 20 miles an hour base -- within the fire zone itself the fire activity. the smoke plume detected on radar just of about 10,000 feet. you could have a few of those cloud tops going to and approaching 10 to 15,000 feet. for tomorrow, there's not much relief in the heat. start out with temperatures in lower 70s. winds in the fire itself, easily right around 10 miles an hour. they could be approaching 20 miles an hour. another hot day in the forecast for monday. afternoon highs back into the upper 90s. we started to track this yesterday at about 6:00 around 80 acres. the timeline throughout the day, this afternoon at 4:00, 2000 acres. i think that size will be increasing with more updates from cal fire as we get those throughout the evening hours. crews battling the soberanes fire near big sur are making some progress. that fire is now 60% contained. the massive blaze has burned 112 square miles. some people who live nearby highway one are still not be allowed to return home. others are on standby to evacuate in case that fire changes directions again. investigators say an illegal campfire started the blaze three and half weeks ago. >> we will go back to clearlake in a few minutes to get an update. santa clara county court workers will be back to work tomorrow after eight days on the picket lines. more than 300 clerks, janitors and mediators walked off the job august 3. today the workers voted overwhelmingly to approve a new contract which does include a pay increase. the workers say operations won't go back to normal immediately because of the backlog of work that needs to be completed. oakland police are investigating a troubleshooting overnight outside of a birthday party that left two people dead. it happened in downtown oakland before 1:00 this morning. the shots rang out outside a party held at an art gallery near 15th and harrison street. so far police have not released the names of the victims or any suspect information. arguments started inside the gallery and spilled outside. that's when gunfire erupted. all victims are reportedly in their early 20s. the governor of wisconsin called in the national guard after rioting broke out last night in milwaukee. following the deadly police shooting of an armed suspect. police say at least 17 arrests were made and four officers were injured and have been treated and released. matt finn is in milwaukee with elite details. >> reporter: violence and chaos erupting in milwaukee overnight after police fatally shoot a man fleeing from a traffic stop. >> a young man lost his life yesterday afternoon. no matter what the circumstances are, his family has to be hurting. >> reporter: the suspect 23- year-old sylville smith was armed with a semiautomatic handgun and the officer involved was wearing a body camera. police say sylville appeared to be shot in the chest. >> i have not seen the video. i have however, seen the still photo extracted from that. and that still photo demonstrates without question that he had a gun in his hand. and i want our community to know that. >> reporter: within hours, crowds began engaging in clashes with police. setting a gas station on fire. torching businesses. smashing a police car and setting fire to others. >> you got people out here going crazy. we losing loved ones every day to the people sworn to protect us. >> reporter: scott walker activated -- activated the national guard. walker praising citizens who showed up sunday to clean up the north side neighborhood. >> the bottom line is there are good, decent people who live not only in milwaukee but in this specific neighborhood and it's imperative we do all we can to keep them safe. part of keeping them safe means holding respect for law enforcement and allowing them to do their job. we need to do more of that. last night doesn't do any good. >> this system has put so much on the people. right now, we come out to respect them, love them, encourage them to do better. >> reporter: the officer has been placed on desk duty pending investigation. the mayor is urging for that body camera video to be released. in milwaukee, matt finn, fox news. update on wildfire burning in clearlake and we're going to show you an incredible rescue of a woman and her dog trapped in her submerged car from those deadly floods in louisiana. also, olympic swimmer robbed at gunpoint in rio and is raising fresh concerns about crime and safety at the summer games. we want to update you now on the developing news we're following. the clayson fire that is now raging near clearlake. >> on the phone with us now is marin county sheriff spokesman lieutenant doug pittman who is near the scene. thanks for joining us. can you give us an idea of what's actually happening in the town of lower lake? we had a live picture from that scene and we see fire hoses on buildings in downtown lower lake. what's the status of that community? >> yeah. this fire has been nothing but complete devastation for this community here in lower lake. probably what you were witnessing are basic defense attacks by the firefighters, literally just pouring gallons and gallons of water on local businesses, buildings and residences throughout this community. >> lieutenant, do you have any idea how many structures have been lost? >> no. you need to know that for the past three hours, possibly longer, even i'm losing track, this has been a very aggressive devastating fire that they wave of water flowed through this community. decimating many businesses, local residences and so forth. like a wave of water, this fire has gone through the community and is still burning eastward. and we are hoping that we're not going to have to deal with a similar situation in a community of clearlake. which is right now in the path of that raging fire. >> lieutenant, to give people an idea, we're talking about two different communities, lower lake and clearlake. in the southeast corner of the lake, clearlake itself. but this is probably the heaviest populated area around the lake. there are a number of communities around clearlake. my question is with highway 29 being the main access between the lower end of the lake and the napa valley toward middletown, what does that do for your procedures because my understanding was the evacuation centers were set up in middletown but is highway 29 closed right now? >> as far as i know, highway 29 is still open. you're right, evacuated between five and 6000 people from clearlake itself. we are preparing in case there's a need to evacuate a community of clearlake, i'm sorry, i spoke to lower lake earlier -- clearlake -- that has a population of between 10 and 11,000 people which brings up a whole new dynamic for us to deal with. we have evacuated a hospital in the community of clearlake. as a precautionary measure. of course we're hoping this fire doesn't reach that far but we're not going to take any chances. this fire is not giving us any breaks. >> all right. lieutenant doug pittman, as firefighters desperately try to get a handle on the expanding clayton fire there in lake county. all right. in other news we want to go to louisiana where residence there are dealing with something else. dealing with extensive flooding that has now killed four people and left thousands homeless. storms have moved west into texas but water in louisiana expected to continue rising until tomorrow. that's left many people stuck in dangerous deep water, such as a woman pulled from a submerged car. the man who jumped in to rescue her also managed to save her little dog there. the louisiana governor declared a state of emergency last night. even the governor and his family had to evacuate the governor's mansion when water began filling the basement. u.s. olympic gold medal swimmer ryan lochte was robbed at gunpoint in rio along with three of his team is. olympic officials say lochte and the others were coming back from a party by taxi early this morning when they were stopped and held up. the robbers ordered the four swimmers on the ground and when lochte refused, one of the robbers pointed a cocked gun to his head. the thieves took only wallets and then fled. lochte won a gold in the four by 200-meter east -- freestyle relay. time to get a check of our weather in the bay area. top concern right now is fire conditions in lake county. mark tamayo joins us live from the weather center to tell us what's going on. >> what's interesting is we have the weather center around, a couple to work with, not showing strong wind. the fire is creating its own weather and momentum and that picked up today. fire moving to the north unfortunately and of course the heat, the big function as well, temperatures soaring over the past few days. at least for today, we still have hot numbers out there. especially inland out toward antioch. and fairfield and concord. towards lake county again, mid- to-upper 90s at least in the forecast, that was the plan today. looks like we do it all over again for tomorrow. to give you a better idea of what's happening here, closer to lower lake, that's of course close to the main concern right now, this fire continues to spread to the north and threaten the clearlake community. so there's the layout on the mapping system. lost one sensor a few minutes ago but right now middletown showing you 91 degrees relative humidity, very dry. also a function of spreading the fire very dry out there, single digits. as you can see there's a look at the surface winds and also the fog. this fog having no impact on the fire fight. fog basically confined to the coast. right around the bay. take a look at some of the current numbers, san francisco checking and 60 degrees. san jose 80. 90s out toward livermore and walnut creek. santa rosa 80. live camera out toward the bay bridge, transamerica pyramid, for tonight, fair skies, fog increasing. tomorrow will be a little bit cooler. help the fire crews but mid-to- upper 90s out there. first thing tomorrow morning, most areas starting on monday morning in the 50s to right around 60 degrees. starting of the day with more low clouds and fog near the coast and near the bay, this is 7:00 a.m. monday morning, clearing back to near the shoreline for the afternoon hours. all sorts of bright colors to show you here, cool temperatures coast side, warm to hot inland. 97 showing up in clearlake with the forecast high for tomorrow. vacaville 92, san rafael upper 70s. lower 90s out toward livermore and brentwood. oakland 73. san jose 82. gilroy upper 80s. san francisco downtown 67. mainly lower 60s coast side. five-day forecast will take a look at the first five days in temperatures, just slightly cooler readings for tomorrow. trend back up a little bit for tuesday and wednesday. hot temperatures inland and that does apply to lake county as well. not much relief in the forecast. >> they don't get the coastal fog. >> no fog for them. >> thanks, mark. we want to go back to clearlake and reportedly martinez who is in the community of lower lake which is being evacuated. what you can tell us when you see -- leigh, what is the latest? >> reporter: a lot of smoke, very heavy out here, very hard to breathe. we moved this is the downtown -- this is the post office behind the post office, those flames, still going very strong, behind the post office. we talked to one man out here who says he is a bar owner. he said he was told in an older building but still standing, the fire hasn't reached it yet. not so sure about the houses that were behind his bar however. but you can see the flames are still going pretty strong out here. we were seen doing fire out here, hoses going on one direction and then on the opposite direction, flames on both sides of main street. looks like they are still behind some of the structures, not exactly sure what the damage is inside some of these buildings or if these have been compromised because of the flames. but we were seeing a lot of heavy smoke on both sides. flames on both sides. very heavy firefighter presence, firefighter presence from all kinds of different departments and out here right now, told that there is some problems with the school. elementary and high school in lower lake, they are compromised. that's the only detail that we've been able to receive from marin county sheriff's office right now. they said this is an enormous fire in their estimate after being on the fire line, they estimate to well over 2000 acres, very explosive. while we were out here, hearing explosions, hearing alarms coming up, car alarms going off, the alarms in the businesses go off. so it is a very chaotic scene out here. it stretches for miles. we were down in morgan valley road. there were homeowners there trying to save their own houses. they were evacuated. also clearlake is also being threatened. at this .5000 people in lower lake -- it's getting noisy out here with overhead traffic -- we were told 5000 people have been evacuated from lower lake and there's a possibility an additional 5000 had -- might have to be evacuated. they haven't been yet but the firefighters are monitoring that situation so if that's the case, well over 10,000 people being evacuated and not in their homes tonight if that's the case. this is a very, very large fire and it is fast moving and changing directions. fire crews definitely have the work cut out for them. >> i know it's crazy and chaotic and noisy up there. i know it's difficult with these conditions up there. with all the resources that we see there on the ground, we see the aircraft in the air, looks like they are making a last ditch effort to save the community, at least the downtown part of lower lake. does it look like they are holding their own right now? >> reporter: to me at this angle, yes. to me it does appear that way. they are doing their very best, seeing tons of crews out here on the ground in the air, tackling it behind, i went around to the other side of the building and was just completely blackened but the structures did not appear to be touched. i did talk to one business owner who says he was told by a fighter that his business was saved. but then again, this fire has been moving very quickly and changing directions. so we don't want to give it an all clear just yet. >> leigh martinez there in lake county for us, you could see them actually taking the aerial drops and doing all they can to try to save those structures there. in the downtown lower lake area. but when i was reading earlier, the fire just keeps jumping, the fire line. so hopefully they can get a handle on it. we are going to continue to follow this much more on twitter as well as stay right here. oakland held its fourth annual dragon boat festival on lake merritt, the renegade dragon boat club sponsored the event. about four dozen dragon boat teams were signed up to participate. the dragon boat races are of course an ancient chinese tradition. across the bay, at&t park, giants in action today. >> they were in action. date of loss. speaking of the dragon boat races, i was just out on a boat for the first time, you see oakland from a different perspective. pretty cool. kayak, though, not dragon boat. back to the giants, one out away from their second straight series win. and then one pitch pretty much did them in. here is our cute fan of the day, he has already got himself a glove. bottom five, giants up 4-1. trevor brown, two-run single to left. that is part of a four-run fifth for the giants, they would take a 7-1 lead. but the orioles chip away, and then santiago casilla, boy, he was on to save it, didn't happen. 7-5 lead, he gives up a three- run blast right here. to jonathan schoop. sixth blown save for because he asked, wasting a pretty good effort from johnny cueto. they give up seven runs over the final three innings. giants lose 8-7. the a's, at the coliseum, sonny gray sunshade giveaway, ryon healy, that's a home run off wade leblanc. deep to left, fifth homer of the year for healy, tied up at one. mariners leading 4-1, bases loaded, one out, kyle seager smacks one to right-center off daniel colon, the ball will get to the wall. good enough to clear the bases.

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