Transcripts For KTNV Good Morning Las Vegas 6AM 20161009 :

Transcripts For KTNV Good Morning Las Vegas 6AM 20161009

firemen to get the blaze under control.... and more breaking news ... out of southern california police say the man accused of shooting and killing two officers in palm springs...has been arrested. this is new video showing other palm springs officers holding at procession outside a hospital late last night.... the neighborhood where the officers were shot remained on that's bececause police say the suspect was barricading himself inside the home for nearly 12 hours. police say they were originally called out...for a domestic dispute.. a third officer was also wounded during the shooting. the condition of the wounded officer isn't clear. good morning las vegas... i'm lesley marin... the time now is ... let's get started with a check of your first alert forecast with 13 first alert ((ad-lib)) ((ad-lib)) ((ad-lib)) forecast looking just about the same for las vegas as yesterday but high temperatures are increasing slightly to the lower 90s. 88 to 93 degrees will be common throughout the valley with mainly sunny to partly sunny skies and winds between 5 and 15 mph out of the east/southeast. by columbus day, monday, a the past couple of days but rain chances still hold at less than 5% for the valley and mountains. clouds are expected o and winds pick up to a breeze between 10 and 15 mph with gusts between 20 and 25 mph. these winds will continue into tuesday and temperatures hold between the upper 80s and lower 90s. by wednesday, mid and upper 80s will be common along with a few passing clouds and milder winds. right now...the death toll is rising...from hurricane matthew made landfall in south carolina saturday morning....with winds topping heavy rain is causing major flooding problems.... for carolina coastal communities. matthew left more than 430- thousand people without power in south carolina and 100 roads in the charleston area were impassable saturday morning. hurricane matthew continues to batter the atlantic coast. and while officials are cautiously easing up on evacuation orders.... flooding remains a huge concern. scott mclean reports from allow our guardian angels to take care of our home susan freeman was among the thousands of georgians who chose to take their chances. freeman hunkered down inside her suburban savannah home -- it was a decision she would soon regret. i heard cracking and popping all night long, scary, very scary. hurricane matthew didn't make landfall in georgia, but it was close enough to bring winds strong enough to uproot trees and take down power lines. and rain that swamped homes and i would say that the damage is not as widespread, there certainly is some significant areas of damage. matthew did make landfall between charleston and myrtle beach south carolina -- but by the time it got there, it had weakened to a category 1 hurricane. still -- matthew was strong enough to make more than 100 roads impassable, knock out power to hundreds of thousands of people and leave a big mess behind. "we were able to do the best that we could to keep everybody lives are what's most important" while south carolina cleans up, north carolina is still batoning down. "i'm extremely concerned since this hurricane has been downgraded, that people will let up their guard. the storm has turned deadly in that state -- and the eastern portion has begun to see record flooding. forecasters expect matthew to move off shore early sunday. in savannah, i'm scott mclean reporting.. and in haiti...the storm left a trail of death and destruction before heading to the u- s.... the powerful storm killed more than 300 people in haiti....but reuters is reporting....the death toll could be closer to 800. the country's ambassador says the death toll is expected to rise, as emergency workers reach remote areas. the united nations says ...this is the country's worst humanitarian crisis since the 2010 earthquake. your voice -- your vote -- in the race for the white house. donald trump -- apologizing -- he brags -- about trying to have sex -- with a married woman. and is heard boasting-- about groping women. anyone who knows me knows these words don't reflect who i am. i said it, i was wrong and i apologize. trump continues -- pledging to be a better man. but -- he also takes a swipe at hillary clinton's campaign -- saying this latest controversy -- is a distraction -- from important issues. and -- some major nevada from donald traump. nevada senate candidate -- joe heck -- and congressman cresent hardy -- saying they can no longer support trump. "therefore i cannot in good conscience continue to support donald trump, nor can i vote for hillary clinton. my wife, my daughters, my mom, my sister, and all women deserve better." nevada senator dean heller says -- he agrees with heck and party...replace trump. "we have to go back to the chairman of the party and let him make some decisons." "i said i'm 100 percent against nevada's lieutenant governor ....mark hutchison...also pulling out his support ...after hearing the lewd audio. another well-known republican ...joins the list of party members... disavowing donald trump. former presidential candidate -- mitt romney -- was in las romney says -- he was quote -- "offended and dismayed" -- after he heard the 2005 tape. "i want to express on the behalf of myself and my party how much we love all of the dismayed... " former republican congress- woman -- michele bachmann.... suggests hillary clinton's campaign is behind the leak of the recording. but bachmann has no evidence to she says -- in a written statement: "the words my husband used -- are unacceptable -- and offensive to me. this does not represent the man -- that i know. i hope people will accept his apology -- as i have." the official twitter for tic-tac mints -- tweeting about the controversy. trump mentions them in the video. they say quote -- "tic tac respects all women. we find the recent statements -- and behavior completely inappropriate -- and unacceptable." this isn't distance themselves from trump. skittles -- denounced donald trump junior ... after he compared syrian refugees to the candy. and....wikileaks has released thousands of hacked e-mails -- from hillary clinton's campaign manager. they were posted online -- just hours after the obama administration -- accused russia -- of trying to alter the november election. some -- were highly sensitive discussions -- from inside the from bernie sanders. others -- were everyday exchanges -- and newsletters. the 2nd presidential debate will be tonight.... starting at 6 p-m. you can watch it right here -- on channel 13. a brawl-- breaks out at two valley restaurants! and now -- a popular fast-food chain is re-thinking its security. we want to warn you this video -- is graphic. pause for nats students say this fight starting...after friday night's football game centennial high school. a student at arbor view -- telling 13-action news -- the fight began at this raising cane's. then things got out of control... spilling out into the parking lot and into this in-n-out next door. an employee -- gets caught in the middle. someone --viciously punching and kicking the person. the manager says -- they're looking into adding security after football games. because she says the restaurant high school kids that love to come in and hang out. we love our customers and appreciate them but what happened last night was very unfortunate." police didn't arrest anyone. and officers say -- one woman went to the hospital -- with minor injuries. good morning everyone! still to come... a train derails in new york leaving dozens stranded on a saturday... a first hand account from and... a grandma says police has violated her... because of a weed plant she was growing.... and now she's demanding justice..... horner: i was proud to stand for our country. and donald trump insulting seniors and veterans. hardy wants to raise the retirement age and said seniors who rely on programs like social security are a draw on government and the disabled are a drain on society. and then there's donald trump. they're just not for us. as a marine combat veteran, i understand the sacrifices our military makes. our benefits are earned, and we rely on them. politicians like joe heck should understand that. narrator: joe heck voted to shut down the federal government, risking critical services for nevada veterans. and during that shutdown, heck continued cashing his congressional paycheck. his military record deserves respect. but back in dc, joe heck is putting politics before nevada. and that doesn't work for me. narrator: vote vets is responsible for the content blasted through florida. the storm -- tearing apart this beach-side road -- near daytona beach. matthew -- was a category-three hurricane -- as it sideswiped florida's east coast. the storm -- killed at least six people there. some communities left with up to four-feet of water. matthew is currently a category ones ((ad-lib)) forecast looking just about the same for las vegas as yesterday but high temperatures are increasing slightly to the lower 90s. 88 to 93 degrees will be common throughout the valley with mainly sunny to partly sunny skies and winds between 5 and the east/southeast. by columbus day, monday, a front from the north will begin to pass over head. it will pull slightly more moisture from the south than rain chances still hold at less than 5% for the valley and mountains. clouds are expected to build in and winds pick up to a between 20 and 25 mph. these winds will continue into these winds will continue into between the upper 80s and lower 90s. by wednesday, mid and upper 80s will be common along with a few passing clouds and milder winds. in massachusetts -- state troopers swarm an elderly and now she says they violated her 81-year-old peg holcomb says -- she uses the marijuana for medicinal purposes. she says -- it helps with her glaucoma. i am a responsible and mature citizen. this is a violation. a violation of my rights." i asked them if they had a warrant. they said they could get a warrant if i chose to escalate." state troopers say -- they have to seize marijuana plants -- when they see them -- as part of a state program. and they say -- they usually don't press criminal charges. the makers of epipen have agreed to a multi-million dollar fine. mylan -- will pay 4-hundred 65- million dollars-- to the government. the embattled pharmaceutical company -- is accused of overcharging medicaid -- for the life-saving allergy drug. under the agreement -- mylan does not admit -- any wrong doing. straight ahead... the backlash donald trump is getting after 2005 tape is in someway you're watching good morning las vegas.. we'll be right back on this facebook. 00-005 a friend of the daycare worker -- posting the video online -- so isla millan says -- her daughter is in the video. she cried -- and couldn't believe what happened. "i was disgusted, i was upset, i felt embarrassed. more just surprised also because i never thought something like this would happen to my child." police are now investigating. as for the worker accused of doing this -- her family says -- she's so upset -- she needed medical race for the white house... more fallout -- from donald trump's vulgar video. the g-o-p nominee-- making predatory comments about woman -- bordering on sexual assault. republican heavy-weights -- here in nevada -- are pulling out their support -- calling on trump -- to pull out of the race. 13-action news reporter -- marti glaser -- explains what this could mean -- for democrats. as live : as nevada's most prominent republicans say they can no longer endorse donald trump for president ... moment. font kristen orthman- senior advisor, nevada state democratic party (take sot)22851 yesterday wasn't the first time that donald trump has said something offensive , something disgusting democrats--already taking aim at donald trump. but the final straw for many republicans came after audio leaked friday night by the washington post ... exposed the republican presidential nominee graphically discussing groping women in 2005. comments - that have once vocal trump advocate- republican senate candidate .... joe heck . denouncing his support. (take sot)joe heck//republican "therefore i cannot in good conscience continue to support donald trump, nor can i vote for hillary clinton. my wife, my daughters, my mom, my sister, and all women deserve better." a move that kristen orthman says ... is nothing short of political cowardous. (take sot) to be okay with months of comments then suddenly not be okay i am comfident thart people see through that as someone who is trying to save their political governor brian sandoval issued the following statement: "this video exposed not just words, but now an established pattern which i find to be repulsive and unacceptable for a candidate for president of the united states. i cannot support him as my party's nominee." - governor brian sandoval just one month any way to get donald trump off of the ballot. 23727 the latest of trumps . marti glaser 13 action news . hillary clinton is swinging back through las vegas -- this week. she'll be in town on wednesday urging nevadans -- to get out -- and vote early. no details yet -- on the rally. we'll bring you that information -- when we get it. for more information -- on early voting -- head to our website -- ktnv dot c good morning las vegas.. still ahead this morning... we're are learning more information about the officers gunned down in california... how they are being remembered...that's ahead.... also...some developing amber alert is issued for a missing girl....and officials believe the suspects is taking the girl back to his home state.... i think my strongest asset, maybe by far, is my temperament. i'd like to punch him in the face, i'll tell you. i would bomb the [bleep] out of 'em. in the middle of 5th avenue and shoot somebody and i wouldn't lose any voters, okay? and you can tell them to go [bleep] themselves. get him out of here! get him out of here! get the hell out of here! priorities usa action is responsible the fire started around 11-30 last night...near valley view dispatchers say they received multiple 9-1-1 calls because of how big the flames were...... the fire did break through the roof and eventually....the building collapsed.... no injuries were reported... fire officials say it took about 50 firemen to get the blaze under control.... also....the suspect in the palm springs california shootings has been taken into custody.... two officers were killed yesterday afternoon....while responding to a domes dispute..... coming up...we'll hear more about the officers' service to their community..... right now...police in florida are searching for a missing four year old girl... witnesses say rebecca lewis and west hogs were spotted in georgia at a gas station near interstate- 75...... here's a closer look at their pictures.... officials issued an amber alert for rebecca lewis from polk county saturday evening. they say the girl....with blond hair and blue eyes was last for help.... ( oma mae lewis,grandmother) "we are all heartbroken. i'm sure everybody knows..we just want our baby back home so if there is anyone out there anywhere that can help us bring becky back home please bring her back home to us." deputies say hogs and lewis may be in a 2012 grey or silver nissan car deputies say hogs and lewis may be in a 2012 grey or silver nissan car that was reportedly stolen in alabama. the time now is ... let's get started with a check with dan bronis. good morning dan! ((ad-lib)) ((ad-lib)) ((ad-lib)) forecast looking just about the same for las vegas as yesterday but high temperatures are increasing slightly to the lower 90s. 88 to 93 degrees will be common throughout the valley with by columbus day, monday, a front from the north will begin to pass over head. it will pull slightly more moisture from the south than the past couple of days but rain chances still hold at less clouds are expected to build in and winds pick up to a breeze between 10 and 15 mph with gusts between 20 and 25 mph. these winds will continue into tuesday and temperatures hold between the upper 80s and lower 90s. by wednesday, mid and upper 80s will be common along with a few passing clouds and milder winds. knocked off a citibank -- yesterday morning -- near eastern and saint-rose parkway. witnesses say -- he stormed in -- pointed a gun at a bank employee -- and demanded money. he jumps over the counter -- and fires a shot into the floor -- before taking off -- with an unknown amount of cash. no one was injured. these are exclusive pictures from inside of the train that derailed in long island saturday night. that jumped the tracks in garden city, new york. the photos show passengers inside a train car that has some seats busted by the impact. some windows on the train were broken. one passenger appears to have both of her legs broken. the service on the long island railroad was partly suspended after the derailment. we are learning more information on the officers shot and killed in palm springs california... the chief there spoke earlier behalf...before the suspect was taken into custody....12 hours later.... as lauren coronado reports....the female officer had just returned to duty....from having a baby..... (chief bryan reyes, palm springs police) "i feel like i'm awake in a nightmare." a somber day for the city of palm springs after two officers were shot and killed while responding to a domestic dispute on the 2700 block of cypress avenue. the two officers killed are jose gilbert vega and lesley zerebny of the palm springs chief bryan reyes was emotional as he described the fallen officers. (chief bryan reyes, palm springs police) "officer gil vega is a 35-year veteran of the palm springs ps, a patrol officer who was not scheduled to work today. he chose to work overtime today. he was scheduled to retire in dec. already turned in paper work to giving birth to her baby daughter four months ago." the community gathered at the palm people left flowers, candles, and thoughtful messages. (mos) "no one deserves this but especially them they don't deserve this..theyre in heaven right now and i know that for sure and theyre still watching over us. our hearts go out to the families god bless them. whatever we can do please let the community know and we will all g wants to see change for law enforcement. (robert moon, mayor) "we have to do something about this. our police officers protect all of us, black, white, latino, asian, everyone and we really need to look out for our police officers and protect our police officers." tonight--reyes asks for the community's continous support during this tragic time. (chief bryan reyes, palm springs police) "my employees police, its now." the third officer who was shot is said to newsroom... lauren coronado... newschannel 3. good morning everyone! coming up... good news for zika in florida....and its thanks to high temperatures are increasing slightly to the lower 90s. 88 to 93 degrees will be common throughout the valley with mainly sunny to partly sunny the east/southeast. by columbus day, monday, a front from the north will begin to pass over head. it will pull slightly more the past couple of days but rain chances still hold at less than 5% for the valley and mountains. build in and winds pick up to a breeze between 10 and 15 mph with gusts between 20 and 25 mph. these winds will continue into between the upper 80s and lower 90s. by wednesday, mid and upper 80s will be common along with a few passing clouds ((ad-lib at desk)) here at 13 action news we want all kids in las vegas to be able to stay warm this winter so our annual coats for kids drive is underway. and once again t partner is tropical smoothie. please donate gently used or new children's coats at any tropical smoothie cafe. to find a location near you go to ktnv dot com or tropical smoothie dot com. thanks to the salvation army. as the temperatures start to get colder, they'll distribute the coats to families in need. and a big thanks to tropical smoothie cafe, a proud sponsor of action news and this community project. today...will be the last day for the 23rd-annual -- chivalry festival.... it's happening at sunset park. admission is 13-dollars for adults. kids under 5 -- get in for free. things will kick off at 10 a-m. finally -- some good news in the fight against the zika virus. hurricane matthew -- could -- at least temporarily -- slow down spread of the virus. that's because heavy rain -- washes including the ones -- carrying zika. the storm -- also -- clearing out larvae -- from breeding sites. more good news. mosuito populations -- typically drop -- around this time of year. . and....clark county school police -- gave away hundreds of car seats -- at thurman-white middle school -- in henderson. it was first-come -- first-serve. officers -- also taught parents -- how to properly install the attention -- for his appraoch to job hunting. jonathan bloom -- meets the marketing guy -- putting a sugary twist -- on the way he markets himself. [take sot]sot [duration:0:02] back home in lithuania, lukas yla was chief marketing officer at a startup. but he left and booked a trip to san francisco >] [take sot]sot good tasting donuts -49 ">[duration:0:04] next, he had some lunch... [take sot]sot [duration:0:05] and then... he designed this t- shirt. of course, he had to try three type and brand name... -38 ">[duration:0:05] but dressed as a donut delivery man, he really went the extra mile... [take sot]sot [duration:0:05] but after a few bites, lukas says... they were receptive. out of 40 deliveries... he landed ten interviews. [take sot]sot [duration:0:05] jonathan bloomsan francisco [duration:0:02] the c-e-o caught wind of it, and reached out to lukas... kristin schaeferpostmates v.p. of strategy [duration:0:05] headed off to an interview... lukas left us this wisdom... too. -41 ">[duration:0:04] in san francisco, jonathan bloom some haitians in new york are trying to help the survivors of hurricane matthew in their fatherland. a bakery in brooklyn is collecting supplies that it plans to ship over to haiti. the bakery's co-owner says he wants people to donate things like flashlights, batteries and toiletries. the hurricane has wreaked havoc in parts of haiti and killed more than 300-people. one donor says that helping the survivors is a must for him. (harry d'janite, donated to bakery): "i'm haitian and that's my people so of course i do anything to help. i had to get up out of my bed freight companies that could help ship the donations. and.. this guy is lucky to be alive after getting stuck in the grill of a car in florida. it happened saturday in clay county...which was one of the communities affected by hurricane matthew. the bald eagle was rescued and called for help. clay county sheriff's deputies and fire rescue workers turned the eagle over to the beaks wildlife bird sanctuary. (actor robert de niro) "i mean, he's so blatantly stupid he's a punk, he's a dog, he's a pig. he's a con, a bulls--t artist, a mutt who doesn't know what he's talking about." robert deniro isn't pulling any punches about what he thinks of donald trump. the actor recorde video for a get-out-the-vote initiative called "vote your future." other celebrities....includ ing samuel l. jackson.... kendall jenner and leo dicaprio....encourage d people to register to vote without taking a political position. organizers said since their campaign is non-partisan....they chose not to release deniro's interview with the other videos. you can check out all of the stories that are trending today.. just download our free 13 action news mobile app. and more. when good morning las vegas returns...they fought for our freeedom...and now they're getting a trip of a lifetime honor flight is in studio...with how you can support our local heroes. now let's head to new york for a look at what's coming up on good morning america, ((transcribe)) this week honor flights is teaming up with yellow checker jacky rosen: i'm jacky rosen, and as a computer programmer, i created apps... before they were lled "apps" and i learned there's always a smart solution. as president of my synagogue, we found a smart solution to rising energy costs... creating one of the largest solar projects in the state. in congress, i'll work with democrats and republicans to make all of nevada a leader in solar, find smart solutions... even in washington. as a marine combat veteran, i understand the sacrifices our military makes. our benefits are earned, and we rely on them. politicians like joe heck should understand that. narrator: joe heck voted to shut down the federal government, risking critical services for nevada veterans. and during that shutdown, heck continued cashing his congressional paycheck. his military record deserves respect. but back in dc, joe heck is putting politics before nevada. and that doesn't work for me. narrator: vote vets is responsible for the content chance to visit the veterans memorial in washington dc... and belinda morse with honor flights good morning to both of you. belinda tell us a little about what honor flights does and how the program works? you rely on yellow checker star to transport the veterans, how important is that partnership for your mission? you will take off oct 14th, with joe and many they can expect from this trip? joe, thank you for your years of service, wwii and korean war veteran share with us how important this trip is and what it will mean to you to see the memorial and also honor your fallen brothers and sisters? yellow checker star for making this happen for our local veterans and pulling off this amazing flight! and of course if you know a war hero that has yet to see the monuments built for their can contact honor flight... at honor flight southern nevada dot org to visit the veterans memorial in washington dc... joining me this morning is one of those heroes joseph childers and belinda belinda tell us a little about what honor flights does and how the program works? you rely on yellow checker star to transport the veterans, how important is that partnership for your mission? you will take off oct 14th, with joe and many others on board, tell us what they can joe, thank you for your years of service, wwii and korean war veteran share with us how important this trip is and what it will mean to you to see the memorial and also honor your fallen brothers and sisters? again thank you to honor flights and yellow checker star for making this happen for our local veterans and pulling off this amazing flight! and of course if you know a war can contact honor flight... at honor flight southern morning. good morning america is up next. and join us back here at 8 a-m for top stories and weather headlines. remember we're always on,ine at ktnv dot com and our mobile app. good morning, america. this morning under attack. donald trump facing a firestorm of criticism. >> and it is a terrible situation. i'm serious. it is. >> from top republicans, his vice president presidential running mate. even his own wife. and facing calls to step aside, also lampooned on tv. >> i'm deeply -- >> are you trying to say apologized. >> no, i would never do that. >> this morning trump saying he's still in the race. >> are you staying in the race? with fans gathering to support him can he overcome this scandal comes hours before his second face-off with hillary clinton? we have team coverage ahead of tonight's second presidential

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