Transcripts For KTIV News 4 Today 20160224 :

Transcripts For KTIV News 4 Today 20160224

> the argosy casino sailed away from sioux city more than a year ago. but, the floating casino's legal battles continue. an appeal, by the belle of sioux city, a penn national gaming subsidiary that operated the argosy, to the iowa court of appeals in december. that appeal centers on the iowa racing and gaming commission's rejection of penn's request to extend the riverboat's gaming license. the i-r-g-c awarded that license to the hard rock hotel and casino, and its non-profit partner missouri river historical development. ktiv's tommie clark has the details from that case in des moines. that, under iowa gaming law, to have a casino you must partner with a nonprofit, and must maintain the relationship or you lose your license. "their failure to maintain that relationship. their heavy-handed tactics at the very beginning and their misjudgement and misunderstanding of the gaming laws which led to this controversy and they've been scrambling ever since then to pick up the pieces," said sce or hard rock casino attorney, guy cook. both sides say the panel of judges were well-informed and they're looking forward to the decision. in des moines, iowa...tommie clark...ktiv news 4. >> the panel of judges are making their decision, and say they will have that as soon as possible. as for the argosy riverboat, it was sold to a shipyard in illinois. protesters gathered in over a dozen cities across the country yesterday to demonstrate against the f-b-i's requests for apple to break through i-phone security. while the f-b-i says they want a one-time hack, many are worried that it could create a precedent that could compromise i-phone security. apple has said they're willing to help law enforcement, but not if it means apple is set to file a formal appeal later this week to send the case to congress. five bills related to guns were discussed on the iowa house floor tuesday. they address everything from suppressors and age limits to privacy regulations... stephanie moore has the details... says suppressors reduce the sound of gun shot by 20-30 percent, direct the sound downrange away from the shooter and help protect the shooter's hearing...but those in opposition see it as a weapon. s/marti anderson/opp oses gun suppressors :52-58 "the fact that the federal government with the second amendment in place categorizes a suppressor as a class three weapon tells me that there is some added danger to its use." also debated---how old a child should be to shoot a gun-currently in iowa, children must be 14 years or older to shoot a revolver or pistol or handle ammunition. the proposed bill drops the age requirement all together but requires parent supervision. opponents say some parents are not responsible enough to regulate their children's actions...and the age requirement protect them... s/mary mascher/oppo ses bill 1:32-1:38 "while most parents would not allow their two year old to weld a revolver, we pass laws for those parents who lack the parenting skills needed to protect their own children.' (44:16-31) however, representativ e jake highfill, who is sponsoring the bill, says the decision should be the parents and says its one of the best bill to advance the 2nd iowans... s/jake highfill/repre sentative 1:57-2:00 'it returns the power back to where it full belongs back in the hands of the parents to make the decisions they are entitled to do instead of the government.' (00:12-20) >> clean up and recovery efforts are expected to begin in the parts of southern louisiana that were hit hard by strong thunderstorm s and suspected tornados last night. at least three people died when a suspected tornado hit a mobile home park in st. james parish. more than two dozen others were injured. it's believed that more than seven tornados swept through the area tuesday. last night, during the 6th "innovation market", siouxlanders pitched their business ideas at the ho- chunk centre. more than 40 submissions were made at the "think tank". the ideas ranged from a pet bakery, to specialty grocery stores. the innovation market gives entrepreneur s a chance to bring something new to sioux city. they live in. it's about building and getting the community something it doesn't already have whether that be businesses or jobs," said chris jackson, 2016 board member. those at the market could vote for their top five choices. making the cut last night, a brewery, special needs therapy business, and a veteran outreach support group. a new campground development takes its first step into becoming a reality. the sioux city parks and rec department held the first public input on a possible new campsite in sioux city. the campsite had two proposed locations: near the chautauqua ball park, or a location off of highway 12 near the railroad museum. those at last night's meeting leaned toward the railroad museum location. one frequent camper says a nice campground would attract campers from across the state. "people travel and once they get to know there is a clean park and there's an area that is a lot of fun, they'll come," said jack taylor, frequent camper. sioux city parks and rec public session in about a month. mouthwatering meals were tempting tastebuds at the siouxland center for active generations. ktiv's t.j. springer was there taste testing some of the food featured during "cruise week." he judged some of the delicous breads, appetizers, and deserts. judges sampled things like baklava, and greek olive loaf. entries were judged on their taste and presentation. after a full week of fun, members will finally "return home" from their greek cruise this friday, february 26th. your cell phone can be used for things, like taking selfies. coming up next, why one company wants you to take even more photos of forecast next! > selfies are part of every day life. but now mastercard wants to use selfies to help prevent fraud. mary moloney has the details. selfies to approve online purchases. the company says selfies and fingerprint scans are safer than typed passwords. especially since many of our passwords are easy for scammers to guess. if you want to use your pic to pay -- download the mastercard identity check app. it has you take a selfie each time you buy something online. your face or fingerprint will be scanned to prove it's you spending the money -- and not a scammer. but you won't be able to use the same picture over and over. mastercard makes you blink -- to show that you are taking that pic as you shop. the fingerprint scan is a little easier. especially if you have a new iphone with the technology already built in. but it's not just mastercard that's looking for new ways to prevent fraud. if you have an hsbc account -- you will soon be able to use your fingerprint and voice to access money. and mastercard is researching ways to use your heartbeat and scans of your eyes to authenticate purchases. this could be the future of protecting online shoppers from fraud. >> that was mary maloney reporting. coming up next on news 4 heartbreak to love and healing. how one couple is helping other siouxland families deal with the loss of a child. one year ago, today, jeremy and lisa cotter's lives changed forever. they learned that one of the twin girls lisa was carrying had died. an emergency c-section followed. and, so did the grief of their loss. ktiv's matt breen shows us how the cotters have turned that grief into an act of generosity. daughter, evelynne... "we heard her babbling away in her crib. it's her first birthday." ...and continue to grieve the loss of evelynne's twin sister, elizabeth, who was stillborn exactly one year ago. "nobody wants to go through what we went through," said lisa cotter, mother. the cotters' grief led to an act of generosity. they fundraised for a cuddle cot to donate to unitypoint health st. luke's, in sioux city. "a cuddle cot's main task is to preserve time," said suzie gosch, unitypoint health st. luke's registered nurse. "it's actually a cooling unit that lies in the bassinet. the infant is placed on top of the cooling blanket and it maintains through their "gofundme" page, the cotters raised enough to buy the cuddle cot... and donate $27-hundred dollars to the neonatal intensive care unit at st. luke's. that where evelynne spent the first month of her life after the emergency c-section. the cotters had enough money to buy the "cuddle cot" within the first month of fundraising. today. ben's in next with the forecast. and flying can be stressful, but one minneapolis airport is trying to make it easier. how they're using man's best friend to lighten the stress load. >> good amount of sunshine! another system moves in sunday which will cool us down again and provide an additional chance of a rain/snow mix before temperatures return back to normal next week. traveling... especially air travel... can be a stressful undertaking for anyone. but the airport in minneapolis is trying to lighten the stress load for fliers. bryan piatt has the story. airports animal ambassador program launched over the past year. putting man's best friend - in touch with travelers. (sot patti anderson / spirit lifter :21-30) "it's very solid research that petting, not only a dog - but warm blooded fur coated animals reduces stress and lowers blood pressure." nats "feel how soft he is." patti and ballad also volunteer at local va hospitals. but patti says their first day at the airport - completely caught her off guard. (sot patti anderson / spirit lifter :39-53) "one of our first customers stayed for about 15 minutes, sobbing crying. she had just buried somebody - immediate family member. her knees had gotten weak, she didn't think she could make it across the airport - she saw my dog. and just hugged him and sobbed and cried." travelers we talked with, today, say ballad is a breath of fresh air as they head to their gate. (sot mos no id :59-1:07) "it's relaxing to see a pet at the airport." "it was perfect timing too - i just had to say goodbye to my own pet and so it was really nice to be able to feel a little bit of love." a special interaction for travelers. also powerful for patti. (sot patti anderson / spirit lifter 1:12-1:21) "when you have the dog - there's all these smiles, and it releases endorphins. it's a gift that keeps giving and i'm really happy and excited to be part of the start of that gift." >> time for a break. but we're back in just a moment with more news and weather for you on news-4 today. first though.. here's a look at some of the events on the good morning and welcome back on february 24th. coming up... we've got the latest on the winners and losers of last night's nevada republican caucuses. the stage is now set for the super tuesday showdown on march 1st, which could turn the tide in the race for the white house. details just ahead. and as the snow melts and things start to thaw, potholes pop up on siouxland roads. you can't avoid them this time of year, but we'll follow a sioux city crew as they work to make your drive a little smoother. and later... the aches and pains.... sniffles and sneezes.... the flu can knock you down. if you're battling the illness, do you head to the doctor or try home remedies? what works and what doesn't coming up in healthbeat 4. but first ben.... throughout the afternoon ahead of our next frontal system. as it passes us by to the west, some of you out there could see a few late day showers which will eventually spread east and switch over to a light rain/snow mix during the evening and early overnight time frame. this should be out of here by tomorrow morning as cooler and windier weather move in for thursday. we'll rebound nicely again just in returning to the upper 40s friday and pushing 60 by sunshine! another system moves in sunday which will cool us down again and provide an additional chance of a rain/snow mix before temperatures return back to normal next week. >> donald trump heads into super tuesday claiming victory in three states so far. he swept the nevada caucuses last night. but they're still counting votes this morning. we still don't know who came in behind him. tracie potts is washinton with more, including a look ahead at the big prize on march first. presidential candidate) "it's gonna be an amazing two months." donald trump already looking ahead to super tuesday after his victory in nevada. people standing in line for hours... (mos) "how long have you been waiting? about two hours entrance polls show trump dominating every key voting block, scoring high with voters looking for outsiders and looking for change. (mos) "because we need change and we need trump, we really do." second place is still a toss-up this morning.... and so is super tuesday - 12 states, including texas... home of ted cruz: (sot: ted cruz/ (r) presidential candidate) "lemme tell you something you look at those super tuesday states they like their guns too." the midwest gets its first chance to vote on super tuesday. (grand rapids, michigan) marco rubio's already in michigan: (sot: marco rubio/ (r) even going to campaign to people that are fans of ohio state, everyone. is that too far? is that too much?" in michigan, polls show john kasich averaging second place, with trump still a clear leader. more than 600 delegates will be decided on super tuesday. that's half what's needed to win the nomination. i'm tracie potts in washington, now back to you. >> president obama announced yesterday that he's sending congress a plan that would bring dozens of suspected terrorists here to the u.s. the president's plan would deport any detainees eligible to be deported ana house dangerous terror suspects at prisons and military bases here in the united states. what to do with gitmo has been a hot button political issue since the aftermath of the september 11th terrorist attacks. the president argues that america is actually less safe housing detainees at gitmo ... because other terrorist groups are using that - as a recruiting tool. the house armed services committee has already announced they'll hold a hearing. nebraskans who oppose the death penalty are launching a statewide campaign. the group "retain a just nebraska" will announce the next phase of its campaign today at the capitol. proposal that would keep the death penalty legal in the state. lawmakers abolished the death penalty in may, but supporters responded with a petition that would bring the issue to the public in november for the general eleciton. transgender advocates protested at the south dakota capitol urging governor dennis daugaard to veto a bill that would require students to use bathrooms and locker rooms that match their sex at birth. governor dennis daugaard says meeting with transgender people "put a human face" on the bill that would make south dakota the first state to pass such a law. but the governor said after today's meeting that he will still have to weigh both sides of the issue before deciding whether he will sign it. daugaard previously said that he hasn't knowingly met a transgender person. woodbury county leaders have agreed to a concerted effortrto put more money y its cash reserves. last night, supervisors voted to increase cash reserves by a half-percent for board members say reserves have fallen below 20-percent, which is 2- percent below the county's policy. the board also approved an increase to the cap in the general fund at $3.62, which is up from $3.50. one board member says it compensates for the ever- growing cost of basic services like law enforcement. "our budget analyst told us 24 other counties are doing [this]," said matthew ung, a republican woodbury county supervisor. "so this is not unheard of. when you have a property poor county, when you have essential services you have to provide, we decided to increase the cap but at the same time we decreased taxes." as the budget stands, right now, urban and rural taxpayers could see their county property taxes drop. in urban areas, taxpayers will see a 4- cent drop in property taxes per $1,000 of valuation. in rural areas, taxpayers will see a 12- cent drop per $1,000 of valuluion. the budget is not yet fina when on the street. potholes can make driving a little more difficult. but sioux city crews are working to make the drive easier. ktiv's tiffany lane shows us crews are fixing the problem. a lot of that moisture comes from the above average snowfall sioux city experienced this winter. the crews start on priority streets where buses and emergency vehicles need a smooth ride. but they say the goal is to keep bumps out of the road. in sioux city, tiffany lane, ktiv news 4.>> there are about 13 crew members during the day there are about 13 crew members during the day and about six to ten at night that fix city potholes. they say one way that people can help make things easier for them is calling or emailing about pothole issues and giving them space if you see them out on the streets. supporters of the bishop heelan catholic schools are one step closer to beginning building project. phase two will include a new gym, science labs and a media center. bishop heelan recently received at $1.4 million gift from 1951 bishop heelan alum donald gill. the money will fununconstruction of p pse two, and create an endowment for college scholarships. "their tremdous committment to the people of sioux city and siouxland in general, so we are most greatful," said bishop heelan president jim tschann. the 10-milliononollar project will be adjacent to the fine arts center which was finished in august of 2014. no date has been s for the start of phase two. one nebraska principal promised his students that he would kiss a pig if they met their reading goal...and they did! norfolk catholic elementary school principal bill lafleur challenged his students to a monthly reading incentive to readers any y y during january. if the number was met or exceeded he would in turn kiss a pig. his students fulfilled their end of the bargain by reading 266 readers twice during the month. "it's just importantntor me to nnect with the kids any way i can to show them i will do whatever it takes to get them excited about their education, to get excited about reading," bill lafleur said. the principal said it was a great to get the teachers and staff involved because it helps them achieve the goals we're in the middle of flu season. up next in healthbeat 4, what treatments work and what you should avoid while you're sick. ben: and i'll have your > overhead. either way, most of our highs will be on either side of 40 degrees today as clouds increase throughout the afternoon ahead of our next frontal system. as it passes us by to the west, some of you out there could see a few late day showers which will eventually spread east and switch over to a light rain/snow mix during the evening d early overnight tiie frame. this should e out of here by tomorrow morning as cooler and windier weather move in for thursday. we'll rebound nicely again just in time for the weekend with highs returning to the upper 40s friday and pushing 60 by saturday with a good amount of sunshine! another system moves in sunday which will cool us down again and provide an additional chance of a rain/snow w x before temperatures return back to normal next week. see graphics. when it comes to battling the flu, some patients will fall back on home remedies for ways to combat it. but haley hernandez talked to an expert about what does and doesn't work in today's healthbeat 4 report. you add to the fever, you can from that or brain damage from causing your body heat t trise." laying in bebeis where it's at! from her some wives tales can come in handy! (sot dr. melanie mouzoon / managing physician for immunizations kelsey seybold clinic :36-44) "menthol and eucalyptus that open your sinuses, doesn't do anything absolutely to shorten the course, but it does alleviate some of the symptoms." about all you can do. which is why it's importrtnt to gege an anti-viral within the first 48 hours. (sot dr. melanie mouzoon / managing physician for clinic :52-59) "it will shorten the course of the flu, if you take it too late and you're already swarming with flu viruses, you're not going to have much benefit." the flu shot might not be a guarantee to avoid all of this, but you can rest assured it's also weakening the virus to make this easier to endure. (sot dr. melanie mouzoon / managing physician for immunizations kelsey seybold clinic 1:05-1:07) "it takes about 2 weeks to become effective." plus, it helps protect weakened immune systems around you, like kids under 2 and adults over 65-years-old. >> that was haley hernandez reporting. dr. mouzoon says if you start to recover from the flu, but suddenly start feeling lousy again, check back with your doctor to make sure you haven't picked up some sort of straight ahead this morning... the american girl company has released a new doll in > yesterday, stocks closed with broad losses after the price of crude oil sank more than 4 percent. the international energy agency said it does not expect oil prices to recover significantly until 2017, but it expects slower growth in global supplies. worries over growth in china and consumer confidence in the u.s. also pushed stocks lower. the dow fell 189 points to close at 16,432. the nasdaq felel69 points and the s&p lost 24 points. volvo wants to replace car keys with smartphones. with more on that story and other business news, here's ktiv's kaitlyn kinney.... thanks guys. according to the a aomaker, bluethooth- enabled smartphones can actually become digital keys .. eliminating the need for a physical key or key fob. the smartphone would be able to start the car, but also unlock the doors and trunk. and the same device would be able to handle multiple digital keys---one for every volvo car in the family. volvo says it will test the technology starting this spring in sweden, where its worldwide headquarters is based. a limited number of commercially available cars will be equipped with the new digital key technology in 2017. in honor of black history month, american girl has released a new african american doll. she is 9-year-old melody and she grew up in detroit during the 1960's s vil rights era. doll designers, historians, educators and a civil rights activist collaborated on the doll and her story. melody will go on sale this summer for $115. since american girl began 30 years ago it has sold more than 29-million dolls and 153-million books. and the war is on .. for where people should buy their hot-dogs. after weeks of promotions .. grilled hot dogs menu yesterday . now the fast food chain has a new competitor .. 7-11. the convenience store chain lalached an campaign promoting a "hot dog bill of rights," which proclaims that customers are entitled to customize their hot dogs with free chili and cheese and "the right to believe in totally made-up but totally tasty constitutional rights." the campaigigurges people to tweet using the hashtag hot-dog- democracy to "stand for life, liberty and the pursuit of hot dog choices." when we come back on this wednesday morning, we'll take a across siouxland. forecast. and a new mini series featuring tomorrow. that's up next in the hollywood minute. >> > > here's a recap of some of our top news headlines from siouxland this morning. the iowa court of appeals says it will rule as soon as possible in the case of sioux city's former argosy casino. the riverboat's owner is challenging decisions by the iowa racing and gaming commission to solicitt new ids for woodbubuy counny's gambling license and to award that license to the hard rock hotel an casino... and to deny renewal of the license to operate the argosy. both sides argued their cases before a three-judge panel of the appeals court in des moines yesterday. the woodbury county board of supervisors has voted to increase cash reserves by a for the 2017 fiscal year. reserves have fallen below 20-percent, which is 2-percent below the county's p licy. the board also approved an increase to the cap in the general fund at $3.62, which is up from $3.50. one board member says it compensates for the ever- growing cost of basic services like law enforcement. city crews are taking advantage of recent mild weather to patch potholes. it's been all hands on deck, though the city does have a crew dedicated to pothole repair year- round. last year, f fld service crews patched up more than 37-thousand potholes. so far this year, more than 3-thousand. there are about 13 crew members during the day and about six to ten at night that fix city potholes. siouxlanders pitched ideas for new businesses and products at the 6th annual "innovation market" last night. more than 40 submissions were made at the "think tank", ideas ranging from a pet bakery to specialty grocery stores. organizers say the purpose is to get something doesn't already have. making the cut last night and advancing to the next round are a brewery, special needs therapy business, and a veteran outreach support group. some people skipping this year's oscars will be more than two-thousand miles awaw... at another star-studded event. david danini has the story in the hollywood minute. also set to take part in "justice for flint." "the greatest gladiator match in the history of the world: son of krypton versus bat of gotham." time to suit up! warner brothers says advance ticket sales for "batman v superman: dawn of justice" will begin next monday, february 29th. the dark knight and the man of steel collide on the big screen march 25th. (nat-music) david bowie is gone, but his final album, "blackstar," lives on -- as an "insta-mini- series." the first of 16 episodes debuts thursday (2/25) on instagram, featuring images inspired by "blackstar" -- one more parting gift frrm the gendary artist. in hollywo, i'm david daniel. >> coming up in o third half hour... we've got a saucy way to spice up your pork sandwichs in t tay's centsable health. and metro teams from sioux city west, south sioux and dakota valley were all in action. the wolverines trying to get to state for the first time. highlights from their games good morning. thanks for joining us on this wednesday, february 24th. we've got a lot heheed your way in this half hour r news 4 today. even though it's bn gone from sioux city's riverfront for a while now... the legal battle over the argosy riverboat casino lives on. we'll head to des moines where the iowa court of appeals heard from both sides of the gaming battle. and siouxland parents turn their grief into an act of gegerosity. aftetethe death of their c cld, they wanted to help other families dealing with the same trauma with the donation of something called a cuddle cot. also we've got a tasty pork gyro sandwich recipe in today's centsable health and hightlights from several high school hoops match ups coming up in sports. but first, here's ben. overall, we'e' see another quiet and mild day of weather with a decent amount of sunshine, although areas east of sioux city will have a few more clouds overhead. either way, most of our highs will be on either side of 40 degrees today as clouds increase throughout the afternoon ahead of our next frontal system. as it passes us by to the west, some of you out there could see a few late day showers which will eventually spread east and switch over to a light rain/snow mix during the evening and early overnight time frame. this should be out of here by tomorrow morning as cooler and windier weather move in for thursday. we'll rebound nicely again just in time for the weekend with highs returning to the upper 40s friday and pushing 60 by saturday with a good amount of sunshine! another system moves in sunday which will cool us down again and provide an additional chance of a rain/snow mix before temperatures return ack to normal next week. see graahics. >> the argosy casino sailed away from sioux city more than a year ago. but, the floating casino's legal battles continue. the iowa supreme court referred an appeal, by the belle of sioux city, a penn national gaming subsidiary that operated the argosy, to the iowa court of appeals in december. that appeal centers on the iowa racing and gaming commission's rejection of penn's request to extend the riverboat's gaming the i-r-g-c awarded that license to the hard rock hotel and casino, and its non-profit rtner missouri river historical development. ktiv's tommie clark has the details on the case from des moines. scrambling ever since then to pick up the pieces," said sce or hard rock casino attorney, guy cook. both sides say the panel of judges were well-informed and they're looking forward to the decision. in des moines, iowa...tommie clark...ktiv news 4. >> the panel of judges are making their decision, and say they will have that as soon as possible. as for the argosy riverboat, it was sold to a shipyard in illinois. protesters gathered in over a dozen citi across the country yesterday to protest the f-b-i's requests for apple to break through i-phone security. while the f-b-i says they want a one-time hack, many are worried that it could create a precedent that could compromise i-phone security. apple has said they're willing to help law enforcement, but not if it means breaking it's appeal later this week to send the case to congress. five bills related to guns were discussed on the iowa house floor tuesday. they address everyththg from suppressors and age limits to privacy regulations... stephanie mre has the details... introduced the bill...he says suppressors reduce the sound of gun shot by 20-30 percent, direct the sosod downrnrge away from the shooter and help p ptect the shooter's hearing...bu those in opposition see it as a weapon. s/marti anderson/opp oses gun suppressors :52-58 "the fact that the federal government with the second amendment in place categorizes a suppressor as a class three weapon tells me that there is some added danger to its use." also debated---how old a child should be to shoot a gun-currently in iowa, children must be 14 years or r lder to shoot a revoover or pistoo or handle ammunition. the propped bill drops the agegerequirement all together but requires parent supervision. opponents say some parents are not responsible enough to regulate their children's actions...and the age requirement protect them... s/mary mascher/oppo ses bill 1:32-1:38 "while most parents would not allow their two year old to weld a revolver, we pass laws for those parents who lack the parenting skills needed to protect their own children.' (44:16-31) however, representativ e jake highfill, who is sponsoring the bill, says the decision should be the parents and says its one of the best bill to advance the 2nd amendment rights of all iowans... s/jake highfill/repre sentative 1:57-2:00 'it returns the power back to where it full belongs back in the hands of the parents to make the decisions >> clean upnd recovery efforts e expected to begin in the parts of southern louisiana that were hit hard by strong thunderstorm s and suspected tornados tuesday night. at least three people died when a suspspted tornado hit a mobile home park in st. james parish. more than two dozen others were injured. it's believed that more than seven tornados swept through the area tuesday. siouxlanders pitched their business ideas during the 6th annual "innovation market," last night. more than 40 submissions were made during the "think tank" at the ho-chunk centre. ideas ranged from a pet bakery to specialty grocery stores. the innovation market gives something new to sioux city. "it's all about the community that they live in. it's about building and getting the community something it doesn't already have whether that be businesses or jobs,","aid chris jackson, 2016 board member. those at the market could vote for their favorite ideas. making the cut last night, a brewy, special needs therapy business, and a veteran outreach support group. new campground development takes its first step into becoming a reality. the sioux city parks and rec department held the first public input on a possible new campsite in sioux city. the campsite had two proposed locations: near the chautauqua ball park, or a location off of highway 12 near the railroad museum. those at last night's meeting leaned toward the railroad museum location. one frequent camper says a nice campground would attract campers from across the state. "people travel and once they get to know there is a clean park and taylor, frequent camper. sioux city parks and rec department hopes to have another public session in about a month. mouthwatering meals were tempting tastebuds at the siouxland center for active generations. ktiv's t.j. springer was there taste testing some of the food featured during "cruise week," things like breads, appetizers, and deserts. entries were judged on their taste and presentation. the center holds cruise week every year and plans activities around the theme. this year, they took off on their imamanary cruise to greece. after a full week of fun, members will "return home" from their greek cruise this friday. heatlh, a saucy recipe to spice up your pork. and i'll have your complete > an easy way to spice up your pork sandwich. several high school teams in metro teams from sioux city west, south sioux and dakota valley were all in action. the wolverines trying to get to state for the first time. highlights from their games are on the way in sports. welcome toubway, what can i make for you? how 'bout crunching into flavor with a fritos chicken enchilada melt? pulled chicken in enchilada sauce, melty monterey cheddar, fresh veggies and fritos corn chips! hurry in today! > several high school girls basketball teams were in action last night. ktiv's brad pautsch has more in the sports fource morning wrap. the wolverines, with a school- record tying 18 wins -- trying upset the third-ranand jaguars. west camin with just four losses -- centennial had just three. first quarter, west starts out strong, madi jensen gets the pass on the inside and sinks the bucket, wolverines up three. later, west stays on the attack, rachel knutson-kobold gets the quick inbound pass and sinks the shot -- the wolverines are up by five. the wolverines fall l hind, but jensen tries to keep it close -- she makes the wide open three to pull west within 11. but ankeny centennial is too strong, tasha vipond gets her own rebound and finishes strong with the 'and one", west's state bid comes up short, 66-42. in a class 4a regional, spencer falls to second-ranked harlan, 55- 32. the tigers end their season at 14-8. the cyclones take a 20-2 record to des moines. the top-ranked south sioux city girls, opening district play against 2-22 grand island. this went pretty much as expected. augusta thramer pushing the fast break -- gives it to carissa powell to put south sioux up 22-11 after one. the cardinals keep going inside to the 6-1 junior -- powell with 2 more -- it's a 22-point lead at the half. south sioux can score from deep too -- kori fischer sets up in the corner for the 3-ball. the cards pulling away. then, off the miss, thramer hits the mid-range jumper. south sioux wins 80-47. they'll play thursday for a trip to lincoln. the 15-5 dakota valley girls, opening south dakota district panthers up by 12 at the half -- second half, senior claire johnson drives for the layin. the lead is still 12. then, anne mccabe gets good post position and scores -- but dv could not shake canton -- the lead is only 8. the dv offense looked sharp. peyton wingert drives, spins and scores -- but this wouldn't be decided until late. haaley hoffman gets the bucket and bonussdakota vallee advanceses77 to 7 7over canton. for more boys highlights and scores go i'm brad pautsch with the sports fource morning wrap. >> way. ben's got the details after the break. from ls and heartbreak to ve and healing. how one couple is helping other siouxland families deal with the loss of a child. > overall, we'll see another quiet and mild day of weather with a decent amount of sunshine, although areas east of sioux city will have a few more cloudss overheaa. either way, most of our highs will be on either side of 40 degrees today as clouds increase throughout the afternoon ahead of our next frontal system. as it passes us by to the west, some of you out there could see a few late day showers which will eventually spread east and switch over to a light rain/snow mix during the evening and early overnight time frame. this should be out of here by tomorrow morning as cooler and windier weather move in for thursday. we'll rebound nicely again just in time for the weekend with highs returning to the upper 40s friday and pushing 60 by saturday with a good amount of sunshine! another will cool us down again and provide n additional chance of a rain/snow mix before temperatures return back to normal next week. see graphics. >> one year ago, yesterday, jeremy and lisa cotter's lives changed forever. they learned that one of the twin girls lisa was carrying had died. an emergency c-section followed. and, so did the grief of their loss. ktiv's matt breen shows us how the cotters have turned that grief into an act of generosity. morning," jeremy cotter said. bittersweet because the cotters celebrated life... that of their daughter, evelynne... "we heard her babbling away in her crib. it's her first birthday." ...and continue to grieve the loss of evelynne's twin sister, elizabeth, who was stillborn exactly one year ago. "nobody wants to go through what we went through," said lisa cotter, mother. the cotters' grief led to an act of generosity. they fundraised for a cuddle cot to donate to unitypoint health st. luke's, in sioux city. "a cuddle cot's main task is to preserve time," said suzie gosch, unitypoint health st. luke's registered nurse. "it's actually a cooling unit that lies in the bassinet. the infant is placed on top of the cooling blanket and it maintains a body temperature that is much lower than normal." that slows the body's changes after death. it's something the cotters didn't have in their time of need. "in a perfect world this thing would sit unused at the hospital forever," said jeremy cotter, father. "but, we know this isn't a perfect world. hopefully, people who do have to use it can get some comfort from it." the unit is the first for st. luke's... "when a family loses a baby, to be able to have this option i think would help so many families," gosch ...and is a gift that will benefit families for years to come... all in elizabeth's name. "we're celebrating her birthday," said jeremy cotter, father. "and, this is her birthday present to the hospital and to other families. it feels good to do that." >> through their "gofundme" page, the cotters through their "gofundme" page, the cotters raised enough to buy the cuddle cot... and donate $27-hundred dollars to the neonatal intensive care unit at st. luke's. that where evelynne spent the first month of her life after the emergency c-section. the cotters had enough money to buy the "cuddle cot" within the first month of it's . time for a break. we're back with our fourth half hour of news 4 today. first though.. herers a look at some of the events on the good morning and welcome back on this wednesday, february 24th. coming up... we've got the latest on the winners and losers of last night's nevada republican caucuses. the stage is now set for the super tuesday showdown on march 1st, which could turn the tide in the race for the white house. details just ahead. and as the snow melts and things on siouxland roads. you can't avoid them this time of year, but we'll follow a sioux city crew as they work to make your drive a little smoother. and later... sibling shenanigans in space. astronaut scott kelly surprises others on the space station dressed as a gorilla... sent to him by his twin brother. that video is coming up in what's trending. but first ben.... amount of sunshine! another system moves in sunday which will cool us down again and provide an additional chance of a rain/snow mix before temperatures return back to normal next week. see graphics. >> donald trump heads into super tuesday claiming victory in three states so far. he swept the nevada caucuses last night. but they're still counting votes this morning. we still don't know who came in behind him. tracie potts is washinton with more, including a look ahead at the big prize on march first. for hours... (mos) "how long have you been waiting? about two hours entrance polls show trump dominating every key voting block, scorinin high with voters looking for outsiders and looking for change. (mos) "because we need change and we need trump, we really do." second place is still a toss-up this morning.... and so is super tuesday - 12 states, including texas... home of ted cruz: (s(s: ted cruz/ (r) presesential candidate) "lemme tell you something you look at those super tuesday states they like their guns too." the midwest gets its first chance to vote on super tuesday. (grand rapids, michigan) marco rubio's already in michigan: (sot: marcrcrubio/ (r) presidential candidada) "we are even going to campaign to people that are fans of ohio state, everyone. is that too far? is that too much?" in michigan, polls show john kasich averaging secon place, with trump still a clear leader. more than 600 delegates will be decided on super tuesday. that's half what's needed to win the nomination. i'm tracie potts in washington, now back to you. >> yesterday that he's sending congrrs a plan that would d ing dozens of suspecteterrorists here to the u.s. the president's plan would deport any detainees eligible to be deported and house dangerous terror suspects at prisons and military bases here in the united states. what to do with gitmo has been a hot button political issue since the aftermath of the september 11th terrorist attacks. the president argues that america is actuallless safe housing detainees at gitmo ... because other terrorist groups are using that - as a recruiting tool. the house armed services committee has already announced they'll hold a aring. nebraskans who oppose the death penalty are launching a statewide campaign. the group retain a just nebraska will announce the next phase of its campaign tomorrow at the capitol. they will ask voters to reject a proposal that would keep the death penalty legal in the state. lawmakers abolished the death penalty in may, but supporters responded with a petition that would bring the issue to t t public in november for the generer eleciton. at the south dakota capitol urging governor dennis daugaard to veto a bill that would require students to use bathrooms and locker rooms that match their sex at birth. governor dennis daugaard says meeting with transgender people "put a human fafa" on the bill that would make south dakota the firsrs state to pass such a law. but the governor said after today's meeting that he will still have to weigh both sides of the issue before deciding whether he will sign it. daugaard previously said that he hasn't knowingly met a transgender person. it's something you can't avoid when on the ststet. potholes can make driving a little more difficult. but sioux city crews are working to make the drive easier. ktiv's tiffany lane has the details on how sioux city street crews are fixing the problem. simons, labor supervisor for sioux city field services. "i do have a crew that's dedicated 365 days a year to potholes." and those potholes are not small in numbers. in 2015, field service crews patched up more than 37- thousand potholes. this year, they have already filled more than three-thousand of them. so how are theyixed? it begins with one crew clearing debris from m the holes. then, they will use a sealant that will hold in the asphalt that the second crew fills. "they'll put the hot mix into the pothole and do the proper compactions and leveling." su "sioux city street crews say it takes about a minute to prep and fill potholes like this one. and depending on the weather and need, they fix about 50 to 400 potholes a day." "this time of year with the moisture that is in the ground, and the amount of traffic that continues to beat up these potholesesa pothole, once we repair it, it could last anywhere from a day to a week to a month." a lot of that moisture comes from the above average snowfall sioux city experienced this winter. the crews start on priority streets where buses and emergency vehiclcl need a smooth ride. bumpmpout of the road. in sioux city, tiffany lane, ktiv news 4.>> there are about 13 crew members during the day and about six to ten at night that fix city potholes. they say one way that people can help make things easier r r them is calling or emailing about pothole issues and giving them space if you see them out on the streets. supporters of e bishop heelan catholic schools are one step closer to beginning construction on phase two of the renovations. phase two will include a new gymnasium, science labs and a media center. bishop heelan recently received at $1.4 million gift from 1951 bishop heelan alum donald gill. the money will fund construction of phase two, and create an endowment for college scholarships. his students that he would kiss a pig if they met their reading goal...and they did! norfolk catholic elementary school principal bill lafleur challenged his students to a monthly reading incentive to read d 5 total readers any day during january. if the number was met or exceeded he would in turn kiss a pig. his students fulfilled their end of the bargain by reading 266 readers twice during the month. "it's just important for me to connect with the kids any way i can to show them i iill do whatever it takes to get them excited aboututheir education, to get excited about reading," bill lafleur said. the principal said it was great to get the teachers and staff involved because it helps them achieve the goals together. astronaut scott kelly had some fun in the international space station. what was all the monkey business about? thats next in what's trending. forecast next! > mild day of weather with a decent amount of sunshine, although areas east of sioux city will have a few more clouds overheadadeither way, most of our highs will be on either sidede of 40 degrees today as clouds increase throughout the afternoon ahead of our next frontal sstem. as it passes us by to the west, some of you out there could see a few late day showers which will eventually spread east and switch over to a light rain/snow mix during the evening and early overnight time frame. this should be out of here by tomorrow morning as cooler and windier weather move in for thursday. we'll rebound nicely again just in time for the weekend with highs returning to the upper 40s friday and pushing 60 by saturday with a good amount of sunshine! another system moves in sunday which will cool us down again and provide an additional chance of a rain/snow mix before temperatures return back to normal next week. see graphics. >> going on inside the international space station. there is a gorilla going bananas. actually it's astronaut scott kelly who bursts out of a box chase british astronaut timothy the monkey suit is a gififfrom kelly's twin brother and fellow astronaut mark kelly who sent it to his brother in a care package. scott kelly is the commander of expedition 46, and has been on his mission in space since march of last year. he will return to earth next month ending hisisear in space. still to come... kendall jenner meets.... plus... a popular president gets his photo displayed at the smithsonian national portrait last night on the tonight show, jimmy fallon and kevev spacey acted out scenes written by kids. on the show tonight taraji p. henson and mike birbiglia. with jimmy fallon right here on ktiv at 10:35 after news 4. a new portrait featuring actor kevin spacey in his role as president frank underwood in "hohoe of cards" will go on displayt the smithsonian national portrait gallery. "house of cards" is a popular netflix drama dealing with the dark side of politics in washington d-c. it was the first original series produced by the streaming service and season four premiers next month. the image of spacey as president underwood will hang in the galalry through ococber. model and t-v personality kendall jenner attended the wax museum madame tussauds to see her waxwork yesterday the catwalk beauty couldn't help but smile as she stood next to her reclining doppleganger . dressed in black undergarment, a silk gown and heels, nearly y ery detail of the model's febtures were captured perfectly. kendall looked positively delighted with wednesday, february 24 sarah- actor billy zananis 50 al- news anchor paula zahn is 60 sarah- rock singer- musician george thorogood is 66 al- actor edward james olmos is 69 sarah- actor barry bostwick is 717 > provide an dditional channe of a rain/snow mix before temperatures return back to normal next week. see graphics. >> when we come back on this wednesday morning, we'll take one last look at the top headlines from across siouxland. and the dog with a special job at a michigan airport is going viral.... from siouxland this morning. the iowa court of appeals says it will rule as soon as possible in the case of sioux city's former argosy casino. the riverboat's owner is challenging decisions by the iowa a cing and gaming commission to solicite new bids award that license to the hard rock hotel and casino... and to deny renewal of the license to operate the argosy. both sides argued their cases before a three-judge panel of the appeals court in des moines yesterday. ththwoodbury county board of supervisors has voted to increase cash reserves by a half-percent for the 2017 fiscal year. reserves have fallen below 20-percent, which is 2-percent below the county's policy. the board also approved an increase to the cap in the general fund at $3.62, which is up from $3.50. one board member says it compensates for the ever- growing cost of basic services like law enforcement. city crews are taking advantage of recent mild been all hands on deck, though the city does have a crew dedicated to pothole repair year- round. last year, field service crews patched up more than 37-thousand potholes. so far this year, more than 3-thousand. there are about 13 crew members during the day and about six to ten at night that fix city potholes. new businesses and products at the 6th ananal "innovation market" last ght. more than 40 submissions were made at the "think tank", ideas ranging from a pet bakery to specialty grocery stores. organizers say the purpose is to get something into the community that it doesn't already have. making the cut last night and advancing to the next round are a brewery, , ecial needs ththapy business, and a a teran outreach support group. a miigan dog is once again taking the internet by storm. take a look at piper, the k-9 who works in wildlife control at cherry capital airport in traverse city. piper's popularity exploded in april when the news of his very unique job at the airport went viral on social media. now he's going viral all over again because of this video. piper fractured a toe while jumping out of his handler's vehicle. he's expected to get his cast good morning. three-peat. >> we're winning, winning, winning. >> donald trump cruises to victory in vada, his third straight win i ithe republican presidential race. super tuesday is a week away and he's ahead in nearly every state. does he think the nomination is his to lose? we'll talk to him live. tornado outbreak. >> it's crossing the road. look at that! >> a string of twisters across the south, entire neighborhoods wiped out. the damage stretching from louisiana to florida. at least three people killed, more than 30 others injured. there's more dangerous weather today. new cases, new fear. 14 more women potentially infected with zika by their male

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