Transcripts For KSNV News 3 Live At Twelve-Thirty 20160108 :

Transcripts For KSNV News 3 Live At Twelve-Thirty 20160108

police say a gunman walked up to his patrol car shooting rapid fire at him. here's the radio call. >> shots fired! i've been shot! >> we looked at the video. we have video. this is one of the scariest things i've ever seen. i mean, this guy tried to execute the police officer. the police officer had no idea he was coming. it's amazing he is alive. >> reporter: officer hartnett who has been on the force for fif years was hit several times in the arm. he still managed to fire his gun hitting the suspect who was caught a few blocks away. >> he is a tough guy. he is actually a philadelphia officer. >> reporter: when officer hartnett was rushed to the hospital his colleagues say he was alert. they tell us he has a broken arm and nerve damage but his spirits are good. officer hartnett's family is meeting here at the hospital. he grew up just outside philadelphia and his father for nbc news, i'm katie zachary. >> michelle: so scary. a raid in brussels has found materials used to make explosives and investigators think it is believed they were connected to the attacks in paris. belgian police say traces of explosives were found in an apartment there as well as a fingerprint of a key fugitive. the apartment was rented under a fake name by a person already in custody in connection with those attacks. authorities say this leaves them to believe the november attacks in paris which killed 130 people were planned at least partially in belgium. >> krystal: let's talk about the u.s. economy. adding 292,000 jobs in december for a third straight month. the jobless rate stands at five percent. american employers added more than two-and-a-half million jobs. 292,000 of those jobs, again, added just the last part of the month, last part of the year, i it was the second best year for job gains since 1999. americans also seeing their paychecks going up. wages grew 2.5 percent in december. so let's kind of stay on that topic and look at the big board. we've been seeing a drop throughout the week. but now down about 100 points. a couple of days ago we were looking at it down more than 300 points. kind of moving back up into positive territory. but still down by a hundred points. we've been talking about the impact of china's economy and how that's had an impact on just the economy globally. so we're still continuing to watch the big board and seeing how those numbers are doing. >> michelle: police looking for a man accused of duping people with a rental scam and the charges are very serious. obtaining money under false pretenses and also identity theft. >> krystal: how do you make sure you are not getting ripped off the next time you rent? here is marie mortera. >> reporter: the victims in this case report losing quite a bit of money. one woman says she handed over almost $2,000 to a man posing as police say he is a crook. >> this is kathy torres. she tells fat ama ram atullea she thought she found the perfect rental on line. three bedrooms and bath and $1,000 a month instead of the normal 1600. she sent a check for $1,800 to robert veto comito. a mistake she has now learned. >> he made promises and he was trusting. he had that kind of trusting personality. >> it's frustrating for everybody. the people that paid are out the money. they thought they were getting a good deal. >> reporter: realtor brian says sadly these rental scams hit too often but renters can protect themselves by cross referencing the property and watching out for deals too good to be true. unfortunately, it's too late for that victim you saw earlier. now she is out the hard earned rental money and hopes justice will be served soon. >> michelle: new at 12:30 we hear a lot about the dangers of sexual predators contacting children online. according to research kids own them the most. a survey finds a quarter of 12 to 16-year-olds said they were pressured by friends to talk about sex when they didn't want to. girls and kids with low self-esteem more likely to be sexually harass bid peers. and using parental filtering software or keeping computers out of teen's rooms according to this report did not eliminate the problem. let's throw it over to krystal with an important guest today. >> krystal: two important guests. we're talking about a very event cause and event that we want to let everybody know if b. we have so many great teachers in our community. a lot of times we really don't take the time to let them know that we appreciate what they do to help prepare that next generation of leaders. so we have two amazing up, yes, you are amazing. [ laughter ] you got to start off strong. you have two heavy hitters here. we have martin from the smith center. and, of course, rory reed from the rogers foundation. we're so pleased to have both of you here. thank you. we're talking about this big event, the heart of education awards. >> you are right, we live in a city where we probably don't take enough time to stop and thank teachers. and we saw as we walked into the studio a story about nevada ranked on the low side. here is the truth. we may be lower ranked at the moment. but we in clark county have really, really good teachers. and it's about time we stopped and said thank you to those great teachers. >> krystal: for all the work they put in. the teachers are taking on a lot more in teshls of issues they have to handle outside and inside the classroom. what are you doing rory to honor teachers. >> first a gra tour tus plug. the rogers foundation mission is in education. and i am a recovering politician. i'm used to taking credit for things i didn't even do. but, in this case, i got to give credit to my partner. this is his vision. we need to do more in this community to talk about the good things in our education system. i am a product of public schools of clark county. i can tell you about mrs. nag doll who taught me. there's a lot of theefrpz deserve credit and we're coming together to give it to them. >> krystal: i love it. let's talk about what's happening at this hart education ed kaks awards. >> the awards don't take place until later in the year. they are the big event at the end of teacher appreciation week. what's going on right now is we're asking the whole community whether you are a parent or student or an alum who had a great teacher who is still teaching in the clark county school district, anyone who knows of a great teacher in to the smith center website. there's a simple little 100 words or less little thing you can do. drop that teacher a note. say to that teach serz it can be an email if you want. you do great things and i really appreciate the way that you went above and beyond as a teacher. and that becomes their nomination. right. >> krystal: love it. >> how great is it for the teachers to get a note like that in their inbox? and they don't have -- you don't have to be a student. you can be a parent and be interested in the school. part of the community. it takes about 130ek9dseconds. at the smith center at reynolds hall we're going to shine a white hot spotlight. >> krystal: you rolled out the red carpet. >> we were inspired by a program at a kennedy center that has transformed the washington, d.c. schools. we believe we're going do the same for clark county. >> krystal: and we can. >> it starts with you. all you have to do is say thank you to a teacher. sudden they're on their way to-- >> and the nominations close at e end of this month. the time is now. >> krystal: okay. to act. we need you to respond. myron martin, rory reed thank you for work you are doing and for taking the time to recognize the people that are doing important work in our hunt xhoo. are you coming back on after the awards? >> absolutely. myron is going to come in his tuxedo. >> krystal: that's a promise. thank you gentlemen. michelle, let's send it over to you. >> michelle: a new service of lip sync battle underway. next at 1230 pk did you see this. actor channing tatum. oh boy. speaking of beyonce. boy did he hit it. there was a big surprise. we'll show you what it was coming up. and you may remember the texas tenors from america's got talent season four. we have one of the members in studio to talk about the new charitable effort and we'll we are watching yet another storm system approaching from the west. when this one will arrive and >> important message for women and men ages 50 to 85. this toll-free number now. right now, in areas like yours, people are receiving this free information kit for guaranteed acceptance life insurance with a rate lock through the colonial penn program. if you're on a fixed income or concerned about rising prices, learn about affordable whole life insurance with a lifetime rate lock that guarantees your rate can never increase for any reason. if you did not receive your information, or if you misplaced it, call this number now and we'll rush it to you. your acceptance is guaranteed, with no health questions. please stand by >> i'm alex trebek and the announcement you just heard is for a popular and affordable life insurance plan with a rate lock guarantee. that means your rate is locked in for life did you get your free information kit in the mail? if not, please call this toll-free number now. in the last month alone, thousands have calle with the rate lock guarantee through the colonial penn program, and here's why. this plan is affordable, with coverage options for just $9.95 a month. that's less than 35 cents a day. your rate is locked in and can never go up, and your acceptance is guaranteed. you cannot be turned down because of your health. see how much coverage you can get for just $9.95 a month. call now for your free information kit. >> krystal: we got to get situated. is height okay? >> michelle: president obama's decision to take executive action on gun control sparking a larger conversation on our news 3 social platforms. this is a conversation i had with my husband many times. >> krystal: that's the thing. people having it at the table, in the living room. people discussing this across the country. right now on twitter and facebook we're asking you our viewers who we really appreciate to weigh in on our national polls. did president obama exceed his constitutional powers with his or do you think he was doing what he needed to do because no action was being take by congress? tell us what you think. follow us on twitter and, of course, on facebook. let's stay on the topic of social media. >> michelle: time for trending today. the season two premier of lip sync battle. it's good. if you have never watched it, i love watching the stars do this. but channing tatum might have just taken the cake. >> krystal: killed it. [music] >> krystal: that's channing. that's his wife. jenna. i forgot her name. she was -- >> michelle: channing tatum and his wife jenna battled each this was hers to pony. >> krystal: oh boy. >> michelle: here's what she is doing. she's doing her version of magic mike. because her husband, your know, he was in the movie magic mike. she might have -- e she's got some moves. he might need to take a lesson from her. my goodness gracious. a little racy but it's an interesting show. going back and forth with lip sink battles. they were battling each other. i love to see beyonce come on to stage. >> michelle: beyonce walks on and how can you out do that. not only was he doing beh so good but then beh came out and i'm done. drop the mike. >> krystal: she is so great. and she is in super bowl 50. i'm definitely watching that half-time show. >> michelle: this is something that a lot of people were talking about. a cool, rare shock. a snowy owl captured in mid-flight. here we see bugs all the time on our traffic cam. so watch it in slow motion now. this snow owl, this is in canada. he flew right in. isn't he beautiful? so they think it's an elusive snowy owl. usually in the arctic areas. they breed this the arctic. the prompter is going so fast i couldn't keep up with that: . the owls -- >> krystal: they're beautiful. and their eyes are almost kind of haunting, you know. >> michelle: how many times have we gotten a big fat bug on our screen? >> kelly: i've had birds on the screen. i've had spiders. spieders are the worst. especially one behind me and i didn't know it was there and i turned and lost it. [ laughter ] >> krystal: we always see big fat bugs. >> kelly: no beautiful owls. we had snow though. we do have beautiful snow. we've got beautiful pictures outside. we've gotten so many fantastic viewer photos that we've been and on our web page as well. and if you get more this weekend maybe you are going to go hiking at red rock or up in mount charleston, send us your pictures. we love to see them. this is a time-lapse look from virgin valley high school. we've got snow in the mountains there as well. the clouds that have been moving their way through. we're going to continue to see a few more clouds. a little more sunshine as we head into the afternoon hours. today now temperature wise if you are heading out there, spring valley at 53 degrees. henderson 54. nellis 53. summerlin, you are coming in right at 50 degree mark. winds have been pretty light. a little bit of a gust here and there but not much of an issue. the precipitation has moved off to the east. we're seeing a few light spotty showers. some virga. especially in the higher elevations into mojave county arizona. other than that, pretty quiet. most of the activity has moved off to the east. they're getting some of the snow a round colorado which is great. we need the snow there to flow fill lake mead back up. so that's where we need to see snow falling. also watching this. rain showers off the coast of san francisco and california right now. those are going to be tracking their way eastward. as they do, we could see yet another chance for precipitation. but not today. partly cloudy skies. 51 degrees for the high today in pahrump. primm, 54. if you are waiting in line for those powerball tickets. $800 million. isn't that crazy? over ton 54 degrees for today's high. overnight tonight, boulder city dropping down to 35 degrees. indian springs. 30. not as many clouds. it's going to get colder tonight. we don't have that blanketment 54 the expected high. partly sunny skies. 36 for the overnight low tonight. again, partly cloudy with less clouds. it's going to be getting colder during the overnight. here is look at the 7-day forecast. partly sunny skies getting into tomorrow. if you areed heading up to the mountains it looks good. it will be cold. bundle up. before the next round comes in of rain and mountain snow saturday night into sunday morning. then yet another round of wet weather on thursday. >> krystal: keep those umbrellas handy. thank you, kelly, appreciate it. >> michelle: you probably remember them from america's got talent season four, the texas tenors. we do have a lot of people who are a big fan. marcus collins thank you so much for joining us today. >> thank you for having michele here with a special performance. also to talk about the biggest -- the big charity you guys do a lot of charity work. >> last knit attended the national center for exploited children and missing children. it's such a great cause and just to help bring awareness. felt good to be part of that and was so nice to be asked. >> krystal: did you a little bit of singing. >> a little bit of performing yesterday. we love vegas. beautiful anchors in las vegas. >> krystal: you have a permanent spot on this show. [ laughter ] we're just glad to have you on. obviously your talent speaks for itself. >> thanks. >> michelle: what have -- tell me first of all what it was like to win the show. >> america's got talent, we came in fourth. we felt like we won. it's clear that simon cowell is coming back this year. he was instrumental in having us sing one of the songs that we sang. he really wanted to hear us sing unchained melody so we sang that for the semi-finals. looking forward to simon's injection of energy into the show. >> michelle: i know he can be a jerk sometimes but he's part-- >> he tells it like it is. some people don't want to hear it. but, you know. >> you got to take constructive criticism. >> michelle: we want to give you plenty of time to perform so we're going let you start that. what are you singling for us? >> a little "broken road" from on our "you should dream" album. >> krystal: take it away. >> thanks. >> krystal: sure. [music] never thought i'd find true love along that broken road i got lost a time or two i couldn't see how the signs pointed straight to you for every long lost dream led me to where you are like the northern star into your loving arms this much you know is true that god blessed the broken road that led me straight to you yeah oh >> kelly: we are looking at partly sunny skies. 54 for the expected high temperature. if you are planning on heading out to the mountains tomorrow, i know a lot of people are, we're looking at partly sunny skies. 50 in the valley but 33 for the high on mount charleston. so please bundle up if you going up there. we're looking at another chance for rain and mountain snow saturday night. >> michelle: we want to introduce you to zippy. it makes me so sad because zippy was a stay -- a stray. then he was adopted. and returned four days later. >> five days later. they returned him due to him marking the house. >> michelle: that's not enough time. >> it's not. you got to be patient with a new adopted pet. we don't know their background or where they're coming from. be patient with them. give them time get akly plated to your home. if you are thinking about adopting a pet give them time to see if it works out before returning them. >> michelle: we have 30 seconds. >> reporter: he is seven years old at the animal foundation at our main campus on mojave. >> michelle: if you think zippy would make a good addition to your family -- look at that.

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Spring Valley , Nevada , United States , Canada , Texas , Philadelphia , Pennsylvania , China , California , Virgin Valley , Brussels , Bruxelles Capitale , Belgium , Washington , District Of Columbia , Boulder City , San Francisco , Indian Springs , Arizona , Lake Mead , Pahrump , Colorado , Clark County , Paris , Rhôalpes , France , Mount Charleston , Americans , America , Belgian , American , Jesse Hartnett , Marcus Collins , Myron Martin , Las Vegas , Kathy Torres , Rory Reed , Channing Tatum , Katie Zachary , Simon Cowell , Robert Hartnett ,

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Transcripts For KSNV News 3 Live At Twelve-Thirty 20160108 :

Transcripts For KSNV News 3 Live At Twelve-Thirty 20160108

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police say a gunman walked up to his patrol car shooting rapid fire at him. here's the radio call. >> shots fired! i've been shot! >> we looked at the video. we have video. this is one of the scariest things i've ever seen. i mean, this guy tried to execute the police officer. the police officer had no idea he was coming. it's amazing he is alive. >> reporter: officer hartnett who has been on the force for fif years was hit several times in the arm. he still managed to fire his gun hitting the suspect who was caught a few blocks away. >> he is a tough guy. he is actually a philadelphia officer. >> reporter: when officer hartnett was rushed to the hospital his colleagues say he was alert. they tell us he has a broken arm and nerve damage but his spirits are good. officer hartnett's family is meeting here at the hospital. he grew up just outside philadelphia and his father for nbc news, i'm katie zachary. >> michelle: so scary. a raid in brussels has found materials used to make explosives and investigators think it is believed they were connected to the attacks in paris. belgian police say traces of explosives were found in an apartment there as well as a fingerprint of a key fugitive. the apartment was rented under a fake name by a person already in custody in connection with those attacks. authorities say this leaves them to believe the november attacks in paris which killed 130 people were planned at least partially in belgium. >> krystal: let's talk about the u.s. economy. adding 292,000 jobs in december for a third straight month. the jobless rate stands at five percent. american employers added more than two-and-a-half million jobs. 292,000 of those jobs, again, added just the last part of the month, last part of the year, i it was the second best year for job gains since 1999. americans also seeing their paychecks going up. wages grew 2.5 percent in december. so let's kind of stay on that topic and look at the big board. we've been seeing a drop throughout the week. but now down about 100 points. a couple of days ago we were looking at it down more than 300 points. kind of moving back up into positive territory. but still down by a hundred points. we've been talking about the impact of china's economy and how that's had an impact on just the economy globally. so we're still continuing to watch the big board and seeing how those numbers are doing. >> michelle: police looking for a man accused of duping people with a rental scam and the charges are very serious. obtaining money under false pretenses and also identity theft. >> krystal: how do you make sure you are not getting ripped off the next time you rent? here is marie mortera. >> reporter: the victims in this case report losing quite a bit of money. one woman says she handed over almost $2,000 to a man posing as police say he is a crook. >> this is kathy torres. she tells fat ama ram atullea she thought she found the perfect rental on line. three bedrooms and bath and $1,000 a month instead of the normal 1600. she sent a check for $1,800 to robert veto comito. a mistake she has now learned. >> he made promises and he was trusting. he had that kind of trusting personality. >> it's frustrating for everybody. the people that paid are out the money. they thought they were getting a good deal. >> reporter: realtor brian says sadly these rental scams hit too often but renters can protect themselves by cross referencing the property and watching out for deals too good to be true. unfortunately, it's too late for that victim you saw earlier. now she is out the hard earned rental money and hopes justice will be served soon. >> michelle: new at 12:30 we hear a lot about the dangers of sexual predators contacting children online. according to research kids own them the most. a survey finds a quarter of 12 to 16-year-olds said they were pressured by friends to talk about sex when they didn't want to. girls and kids with low self-esteem more likely to be sexually harass bid peers. and using parental filtering software or keeping computers out of teen's rooms according to this report did not eliminate the problem. let's throw it over to krystal with an important guest today. >> krystal: two important guests. we're talking about a very event cause and event that we want to let everybody know if b. we have so many great teachers in our community. a lot of times we really don't take the time to let them know that we appreciate what they do to help prepare that next generation of leaders. so we have two amazing up, yes, you are amazing. [ laughter ] you got to start off strong. you have two heavy hitters here. we have martin from the smith center. and, of course, rory reed from the rogers foundation. we're so pleased to have both of you here. thank you. we're talking about this big event, the heart of education awards. >> you are right, we live in a city where we probably don't take enough time to stop and thank teachers. and we saw as we walked into the studio a story about nevada ranked on the low side. here is the truth. we may be lower ranked at the moment. but we in clark county have really, really good teachers. and it's about time we stopped and said thank you to those great teachers. >> krystal: for all the work they put in. the teachers are taking on a lot more in teshls of issues they have to handle outside and inside the classroom. what are you doing rory to honor teachers. >> first a gra tour tus plug. the rogers foundation mission is in education. and i am a recovering politician. i'm used to taking credit for things i didn't even do. but, in this case, i got to give credit to my partner. this is his vision. we need to do more in this community to talk about the good things in our education system. i am a product of public schools of clark county. i can tell you about mrs. nag doll who taught me. there's a lot of theefrpz deserve credit and we're coming together to give it to them. >> krystal: i love it. let's talk about what's happening at this hart education ed kaks awards. >> the awards don't take place until later in the year. they are the big event at the end of teacher appreciation week. what's going on right now is we're asking the whole community whether you are a parent or student or an alum who had a great teacher who is still teaching in the clark county school district, anyone who knows of a great teacher in to the smith center website. there's a simple little 100 words or less little thing you can do. drop that teacher a note. say to that teach serz it can be an email if you want. you do great things and i really appreciate the way that you went above and beyond as a teacher. and that becomes their nomination. right. >> krystal: love it. >> how great is it for the teachers to get a note like that in their inbox? and they don't have -- you don't have to be a student. you can be a parent and be interested in the school. part of the community. it takes about 130ek9dseconds. at the smith center at reynolds hall we're going to shine a white hot spotlight. >> krystal: you rolled out the red carpet. >> we were inspired by a program at a kennedy center that has transformed the washington, d.c. schools. we believe we're going do the same for clark county. >> krystal: and we can. >> it starts with you. all you have to do is say thank you to a teacher. sudden they're on their way to-- >> and the nominations close at e end of this month. the time is now. >> krystal: okay. to act. we need you to respond. myron martin, rory reed thank you for work you are doing and for taking the time to recognize the people that are doing important work in our hunt xhoo. are you coming back on after the awards? >> absolutely. myron is going to come in his tuxedo. >> krystal: that's a promise. thank you gentlemen. michelle, let's send it over to you. >> michelle: a new service of lip sync battle underway. next at 1230 pk did you see this. actor channing tatum. oh boy. speaking of beyonce. boy did he hit it. there was a big surprise. we'll show you what it was coming up. and you may remember the texas tenors from america's got talent season four. we have one of the members in studio to talk about the new charitable effort and we'll we are watching yet another storm system approaching from the west. when this one will arrive and >> important message for women and men ages 50 to 85. this toll-free number now. right now, in areas like yours, people are receiving this free information kit for guaranteed acceptance life insurance with a rate lock through the colonial penn program. if you're on a fixed income or concerned about rising prices, learn about affordable whole life insurance with a lifetime rate lock that guarantees your rate can never increase for any reason. if you did not receive your information, or if you misplaced it, call this number now and we'll rush it to you. your acceptance is guaranteed, with no health questions. please stand by >> i'm alex trebek and the announcement you just heard is for a popular and affordable life insurance plan with a rate lock guarantee. that means your rate is locked in for life did you get your free information kit in the mail? if not, please call this toll-free number now. in the last month alone, thousands have calle with the rate lock guarantee through the colonial penn program, and here's why. this plan is affordable, with coverage options for just $9.95 a month. that's less than 35 cents a day. your rate is locked in and can never go up, and your acceptance is guaranteed. you cannot be turned down because of your health. see how much coverage you can get for just $9.95 a month. call now for your free information kit. >> krystal: we got to get situated. is height okay? >> michelle: president obama's decision to take executive action on gun control sparking a larger conversation on our news 3 social platforms. this is a conversation i had with my husband many times. >> krystal: that's the thing. people having it at the table, in the living room. people discussing this across the country. right now on twitter and facebook we're asking you our viewers who we really appreciate to weigh in on our national polls. did president obama exceed his constitutional powers with his or do you think he was doing what he needed to do because no action was being take by congress? tell us what you think. follow us on twitter and, of course, on facebook. let's stay on the topic of social media. >> michelle: time for trending today. the season two premier of lip sync battle. it's good. if you have never watched it, i love watching the stars do this. but channing tatum might have just taken the cake. >> krystal: killed it. [music] >> krystal: that's channing. that's his wife. jenna. i forgot her name. she was -- >> michelle: channing tatum and his wife jenna battled each this was hers to pony. >> krystal: oh boy. >> michelle: here's what she is doing. she's doing her version of magic mike. because her husband, your know, he was in the movie magic mike. she might have -- e she's got some moves. he might need to take a lesson from her. my goodness gracious. a little racy but it's an interesting show. going back and forth with lip sink battles. they were battling each other. i love to see beyonce come on to stage. >> michelle: beyonce walks on and how can you out do that. not only was he doing beh so good but then beh came out and i'm done. drop the mike. >> krystal: she is so great. and she is in super bowl 50. i'm definitely watching that half-time show. >> michelle: this is something that a lot of people were talking about. a cool, rare shock. a snowy owl captured in mid-flight. here we see bugs all the time on our traffic cam. so watch it in slow motion now. this snow owl, this is in canada. he flew right in. isn't he beautiful? so they think it's an elusive snowy owl. usually in the arctic areas. they breed this the arctic. the prompter is going so fast i couldn't keep up with that: . the owls -- >> krystal: they're beautiful. and their eyes are almost kind of haunting, you know. >> michelle: how many times have we gotten a big fat bug on our screen? >> kelly: i've had birds on the screen. i've had spiders. spieders are the worst. especially one behind me and i didn't know it was there and i turned and lost it. [ laughter ] >> krystal: we always see big fat bugs. >> kelly: no beautiful owls. we had snow though. we do have beautiful snow. we've got beautiful pictures outside. we've gotten so many fantastic viewer photos that we've been and on our web page as well. and if you get more this weekend maybe you are going to go hiking at red rock or up in mount charleston, send us your pictures. we love to see them. this is a time-lapse look from virgin valley high school. we've got snow in the mountains there as well. the clouds that have been moving their way through. we're going to continue to see a few more clouds. a little more sunshine as we head into the afternoon hours. today now temperature wise if you are heading out there, spring valley at 53 degrees. henderson 54. nellis 53. summerlin, you are coming in right at 50 degree mark. winds have been pretty light. a little bit of a gust here and there but not much of an issue. the precipitation has moved off to the east. we're seeing a few light spotty showers. some virga. especially in the higher elevations into mojave county arizona. other than that, pretty quiet. most of the activity has moved off to the east. they're getting some of the snow a round colorado which is great. we need the snow there to flow fill lake mead back up. so that's where we need to see snow falling. also watching this. rain showers off the coast of san francisco and california right now. those are going to be tracking their way eastward. as they do, we could see yet another chance for precipitation. but not today. partly cloudy skies. 51 degrees for the high today in pahrump. primm, 54. if you are waiting in line for those powerball tickets. $800 million. isn't that crazy? over ton 54 degrees for today's high. overnight tonight, boulder city dropping down to 35 degrees. indian springs. 30. not as many clouds. it's going to get colder tonight. we don't have that blanketment 54 the expected high. partly sunny skies. 36 for the overnight low tonight. again, partly cloudy with less clouds. it's going to be getting colder during the overnight. here is look at the 7-day forecast. partly sunny skies getting into tomorrow. if you areed heading up to the mountains it looks good. it will be cold. bundle up. before the next round comes in of rain and mountain snow saturday night into sunday morning. then yet another round of wet weather on thursday. >> krystal: keep those umbrellas handy. thank you, kelly, appreciate it. >> michelle: you probably remember them from america's got talent season four, the texas tenors. we do have a lot of people who are a big fan. marcus collins thank you so much for joining us today. >> thank you for having michele here with a special performance. also to talk about the biggest -- the big charity you guys do a lot of charity work. >> last knit attended the national center for exploited children and missing children. it's such a great cause and just to help bring awareness. felt good to be part of that and was so nice to be asked. >> krystal: did you a little bit of singing. >> a little bit of performing yesterday. we love vegas. beautiful anchors in las vegas. >> krystal: you have a permanent spot on this show. [ laughter ] we're just glad to have you on. obviously your talent speaks for itself. >> thanks. >> michelle: what have -- tell me first of all what it was like to win the show. >> america's got talent, we came in fourth. we felt like we won. it's clear that simon cowell is coming back this year. he was instrumental in having us sing one of the songs that we sang. he really wanted to hear us sing unchained melody so we sang that for the semi-finals. looking forward to simon's injection of energy into the show. >> michelle: i know he can be a jerk sometimes but he's part-- >> he tells it like it is. some people don't want to hear it. but, you know. >> you got to take constructive criticism. >> michelle: we want to give you plenty of time to perform so we're going let you start that. what are you singling for us? >> a little "broken road" from on our "you should dream" album. >> krystal: take it away. >> thanks. >> krystal: sure. [music] never thought i'd find true love along that broken road i got lost a time or two i couldn't see how the signs pointed straight to you for every long lost dream led me to where you are like the northern star into your loving arms this much you know is true that god blessed the broken road that led me straight to you yeah oh >> kelly: we are looking at partly sunny skies. 54 for the expected high temperature. if you are planning on heading out to the mountains tomorrow, i know a lot of people are, we're looking at partly sunny skies. 50 in the valley but 33 for the high on mount charleston. so please bundle up if you going up there. we're looking at another chance for rain and mountain snow saturday night. >> michelle: we want to introduce you to zippy. it makes me so sad because zippy was a stay -- a stray. then he was adopted. and returned four days later. >> five days later. they returned him due to him marking the house. >> michelle: that's not enough time. >> it's not. you got to be patient with a new adopted pet. we don't know their background or where they're coming from. be patient with them. give them time get akly plated to your home. if you are thinking about adopting a pet give them time to see if it works out before returning them. >> michelle: we have 30 seconds. >> reporter: he is seven years old at the animal foundation at our main campus on mojave. >> michelle: if you think zippy would make a good addition to your family -- look at that.

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Spring Valley , Nevada , United States , Canada , Texas , Philadelphia , Pennsylvania , China , California , Virgin Valley , Brussels , Bruxelles Capitale , Belgium , Washington , District Of Columbia , Boulder City , San Francisco , Indian Springs , Arizona , Lake Mead , Pahrump , Colorado , Clark County , Paris , Rhôalpes , France , Mount Charleston , Americans , America , Belgian , American , Jesse Hartnett , Marcus Collins , Myron Martin , Las Vegas , Kathy Torres , Rory Reed , Channing Tatum , Katie Zachary , Simon Cowell , Robert Hartnett ,

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